sea DM MI EMI II El • From ;the N. Vriitaltict• - ' VERSES ANWTIIIINGti. --- ;.• Were getting•qaite poetical. . .t. . 4 , ~... We people - Of the porters, - - - fapecially welrumpergs , . Are cutting', some quepr capons ' One of es see' a to be in love. ' -- s• And writes to dear ? Rise Dash-- All sorteof ft end tender things, s in - ' And some" t • hinge rather rash. I - - -, • He kinder sorter loves the girl I • And then bp sorter don't. t • And seems tu , sometimen think he will, ' And thennelede he won't: rik -A carious sor ef way he's in, ; - '•Especially nf late; i • Anddosint arik her for her love M i • . r " deprFdate her hate." The thine yiung men in love will do Ara, vcry .41ton pussies: Onigets quite melancholy, and Another 4 'Swam 'guzzles, i . And come i I poetive.a 01 1 1 Whether p - e like orlutrip it. ,And put thsii most beWitching strains In onr taioLpenny Trumpet. I'd like to 14 the pretty she. Would set, y heart a bumping. 0 t • And keep curious lump of flesh Against fp liver thumping. Ilking irwa my-appetite , 4n d auc minims Making, And settin ll my !wizard parts A shiver n and slitiking. I say that !ould like to see Fated creature, all perfeepon 'be,. rm and feature. , a myateg, • ninth greatest wonder:7 .me mops that girl er by thunderl. That pett 1 For she mu: Angel in f A.:mervel , The word And when g I'll ',Aro SCRAPS FRb The editor of t fi kt near approach o 101 and avows his dig aspirations are too and the heels 41 when he cruel t i lions of the Inca ti Coirting zicii.a slick gal— La ! ain't yen! wish I was [ THE RICHMOND STAR. Mobile Register, flurried by the r dear Fa t s NY, cameo out plainly, o to see tier 'flirt her heels.' His modest,* rather more than half, he the least of his gratification gazo upon the graceful exhibi- IF AN—lltee. !, No. 3,—;-Ah ± Soule, you are -igho ! hamed Jimathan bbin—Sciyke. 1 ; 1 What for—hey i Coa,. may b y pretty little nee o darned if I abou (1' Otis!--- h; ou'd tie nae round that are nice, .3 oum H and I should like to be, e comes Mother—run. is too much bustle here' 'Thomas—ti !Where Pa ?. !I mean there IL' too muctA noise—you must stop azom ainoise a child.' 1 Golly gracio biggest noise yo, l' then sister Sally does wear the ver ea w—Pa.' Whig word id nibbled the pipiOn Ann: In-sin4s. Adam address to Eve when she Right.—Theme of a western merchant, who, like other wortNieri, has •bursted up,' in business, is Von Dem Brok " -! A colored brit as attached to the door of a gen tleman's house in hiladelphia with the words 'take care of .your baby ' pinned to its clothes. Rather awkward ; that. . Married, on tke 2d ult., in Payette, Wisconsin Ter ritory, Mr...losePh eem to Miss Susan Moat. This is another llustration of thefitness of things. 1 Mr. !teem , got foal in his eye, and _Miss Mont got a'Beem in het . eye. Mr. Beena couldn't pluck the Moat opt of is,leye--MiAs Moat eouldn't take the Beem out of hp- eye.—Here was a difilculty—the case was urgent ,something must be done—Mr. Beem felt bad, Mi t Moat felt bad, and a t last, like wise folks, 114 ailed in : the parson, who ex pounded the vviiol ,matter iri o in - Miner at once the most conclusive!anl satisfactory. ;Co it Matrimony. Married.—oh li'riday eyeninaiMarch 19, by the Rev. D. C. Oakieyf, Mr. Job.. Habberston, to Esther E., daughter of iCipt. Charles Peck, of Broooklyn. 0 Job ! nurinamesake, rather thought I , Wedlock's delight a hnbble ; ; But may Kasen grant §ou have not got I • : Into a prli of trouble !-, - - " • On the 21st mgt. by the Rev. F. F. Cornell, Mr. Win. Banks to Mss Nancy Daily. -' . Such Ban ks 8s these we can't abuse, _.. _ For an' ,oe smooth acid gaily t• ' And wit , While this one .paysits dues ` To Mistre c oney Daky. ! D 110 SWORE. THE subscriar as just received in addition to his former supply, n choice assortment of Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, tke. selects" I with grey care and, attention as to quality. Together with rity, end supnly nr Paints. 01/, !lass, DyeSto ff s,Spices, 4-e, . among which ir _ are . White & Red 1.,e d Dry. Green Paint, White Lead grou din Oil, Black Paint. . • Chrome Green. ' , Copal Varnish, . •,. . . Chrome Yellchir. - japan. ' Venetian Red[ _ !Lampblack, . Yellow Ochrett :Lit barge, Black Lead. ii , :Spirits Turpentine, Smash Brown. Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil.ll Sash Tools, tVindow Glass or zissorred sires from 7 by 9.t0 29 by 3fb DYE STUFFS. . . Indigo,'Msdder. r nri atm. Linwood. Redwood. Filmic Camwond. Camwond. 'Bray I I, nod. Copperas. Tumeric, Cochi neal, Verdigris, ..nglish Red Saucers. SPICES. • Mace. Nutmegi,Cinnamon,Cloves, Pepper, Alspice Mustard, Cyanne pepper. &c. P. 4 TE T MEDICINES. (sa. • Dr. Steers Opode doe. Barber's Horse Powder, : Calliope 'Cordial, Hell's EmbroCation for flsieman's Map. Horses. , Turlington'y Sal am, Livid Onedeldoc, • Hartaem Oil. 1 • British Oil, / Balsam De Mali a, Oil ofSpike. Golden•Tinettire, , Oil of Stone, ' Spring Oil. - ! , z PERFUMEnv. Cologne Wat h r, l Lsvendee,Water. Pay Rum Bears Oil. Lemon Creaml . Bears Grease. Nafes Con , ound. Cold Cream , Li& ..ilve. Tooth Powder, Manass • Oil, Pearl Powder - . Jaynes Hair Tdnic, Toilet Powder Clothes. Ilatni:Flesh. Tooth. 4- .Nail Brushes. Together with every other Article in his line. ' which he is disposed to sell at lair prices, and respect fully solicits a shark; of publih ipatronage. Physscians and Storekeepers supplied with medicines ata small advanced on city prices. JOHN S. C. MARTIN Centro: near door to Mahantang,o St : Pottsville. Nov.B. 1640. 1 . t , - 48-tf Ittr Physician!'" .rescriptiops carefully compounded at all'hours. . . . , ' T.' 4P. . BEATIET. , i HAVE just ie l eived from New York. „ MO Ills spp irior Smoked Beef, • 1000 do , o new Hams, 1000 do ~.1 9 Shoulders, 4000 do o Dairy .Cheese, . 10 Bls. [lo Small Pork. 10 do do No.l, Mackie!, (late Fares) '5 do ' i • do Pickled Herring, 1000 lbs. Codfish. AU of which they Ora 00 as good terms as can . ' 0 - " i t ' • ' .j 1 J received Fend now opening a large and":: -; genetatassorilent of fresh and seasonable gnodi, which will be so! cheap for Cash, or in ;exchange for country produ . _ --. . JOSEPHWHITE & SON.. ti 11 • tivbcin, Oc .MA lea.' ' . 44 I . I ===== The 'Philadelphia - r . ', 1 Reading Rail , Road. t 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT.,-I ON and,after Senday.NOvember 1,1840, the,p;as. Bangers will start ati the tollowing hours. j From Philadelyhia at Bio'clock A. M. i Da 1 : Readmg, Ili do •P.M. ( t Y' : - ' FAATE•• - "Ist Class Cars, ef?. 50r—Qiid do., $2 00. ~,foth I Train cars stop for way Passenger at , the dual pa' inte.. * '; 1 , . • Days of Starting of Freight Trains. From Philadelphia on Wednesdays and , ,Saturdays. • at M. From Reading on Tuesdays alad Fridays, A. M. ... at 51 A.M. ' .1 ! G. A. NICOLLS. , Suoerintendant Transpt. P. & Read. IL R • October 31, 44—tf , . DR. B E LiW E LLIS i Tetter, Ringworm {rind itch Ointment; Asupply of the above ointrrient just received and for i sale wholesale and retail at the Drug Stere of the itobscriber: Where also may bd seen certifi cates of its efficacy, in the cure of obstinate canes , f of Tetter, &c. AMIN S. C. MARTINI 1 Also for sale, Pr. Bedirrlt's celebrated • GREEN OINTNI ENT, i fot the cure of Felons, Elders, Old Cuts, &e. October 24 134--. , 1111EFINED WHALE 01L.2000 galls. raged Whale Oil, just rune lyed and for sale by. E. A. HATHAWAY & Co. I Com. Merehrs,l3 south Front Philadelphia, August , 32—i . Oreen and !Black T i ns JUST received and for b eal y T. & J. BEATTY '; Nov. 28, 48-H Boots amid Shoes. Ladies Fine Buskins; • do Leather, dn. do French. Ties, l do Grecian,' do. do Slippers, do Boots, Morrocc l o and Leather. Gentlemen's yinier Proof Boots, do Coarsed do do Shoes, Ouse and fine. Children's Shoes of cvery size and quality, just received from New 'York, and for sale v ry low by T. & J. BEATTY Nov. 28, 1 , WISTAR'S LOZENGES. , For Colds. 'l$F ESE celebrated Lozenges were originally a rtvate prescription of the late Professor Wjis tar. !But from the great benefit attending their a.e in caSes of Colds, Coughs, Asthma, IS -e. have become a standard remedy for these comilaints. The sub. scriber having a copy of the original recipe, prepates them precisely acebrdinz to it. For saie by the Go zen or single box, at JOHN S C MARTIN'S _ Oct 24 43 Drug Store. Pottsville: Itentoval. PATENT SPRING STEEL. Cross-Strained Saddles, &c. RICILIRD D. SHOEXER, Saddle, Bridle, and Trynk Manufacturer RESPECTFULLY tenders his sincere thanks to his customers and the public in general, for the very liberal encouragement which he has received from them, lie now informs that he has an im prevenient in the construction of 'daddies, for which he has a patent right, and recommends them to the public as being far superior in durability, ease, and comfort to the rider than any other yet invented, and lie recommends his Steel Spring Cross Strained Saddle to the notice of the public, with Confidence. lie therefore respectfully invites the public to call at his shop nearly opptisite Mortimer's lintel, and di. redly opposite W. T. Epting's Drug Store, Centre Street,-Pottsville, and examine for themselves. lie also keeps constantly on hand a general as. sortment of all kinds of work, such as Saddles, Bridles, Patent Fly nets, coach, Gig, and Waggon Harness, Thinks, Va!wets. Travelling Bags, Gig and Riding Whips, .&. Every description of work in his line will be made to order; on the shortest r.otice, with neatness, durability, and on terms as low as can be done elsewhere. An excellent orsomment or Silver and Brass Mounting, Riding and Gig Whips. &c. &c. which ha will sell very ,chaap, wholesale and retail. December 12, Gloves! Gloves!! 31 - UST r& red a superior article of Ladies fins 11 - 5 ' kin Gloves. - E.'()...A. HENDERSON. January 2, SWAIM'S VERMIFUGE The most useful Family Medicine ever i!l' . jered to the Public. THIS well known Anti-Dysenteric and Worm Med icine has proved suereSsfulty these twelve years past, and is universally acknowledged by all who inive tried it, to be far superior to am - othrr mtchcinc el,er employed in the diseases for which it is rceaminen4d h o ts perfectly safe, arid no child will refuse to take itd iVorms being especially apt to infest persons of debil itated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often done ny t the ordinary wormmed- Mines, which,generally consists of the strongest cap tives, calomel, that destroyerof the constitution, bitters, pink root, spirits of turpenti c, wormseee oil &c. &c. Articles of this kind may de . ; ray worms, but they e , bllitate the stomach, and ten materially injure tike ~ general health. Without rem ving the cause. Swainish's Vermifu II ge has the peculiar ' vantage of removing ihe general health, without Tema :log the cause. Swaies Ve.rmifuge has the peculiar advantage of removing the cause of the worms, by giving. vigour and.healthy imam to the stomach. bowels andoirons of digestion, theopy relieving measles, croup, !looping cough. &c.' Tb's medicit e,by invigorating the internal functions strenght ening the organs of digestion, and removing the primary cause which creates .morldi secretions, will relieve Bowel Complaints: Cholic, Dysentery, 121;spepsia. and the, Whale train of biliary affections, Sick Headache. Acidity of the Stomach, l'oul Breath, Bleeding Piles, &c. Ilt is an antidofein the,'early stage of Fever and Cholera Morbus.. r AS ge ieral Family Medicine, it stands unrivaled, tha aapplicable to most of the diseases to which children are subject. Swaim's Vermiruge will be foui.d ofsorne utility to persons who occasionally indulge in the con vivality of the table ; a dose taken before dinner will anticipatelhe effects of acidity of the stomach; not (in frequently 'produced by wine. In the neglect of Biis however, a dose lathe morning or the following morning will, inmost instances, restore the tone of the Stem nCh. 'Fainilieiresident in the country, and insolated in! a measure from medical advice, travellers journeying to the fir west, or bound to distant ports, seminaries - and all .pbblic institutions and charitable associations will find this remedy. constantly at hand.of great utility. ". Prepared at SWA LAI'S LA PORATORY Philadelphia. And for, sale by , ; B. BANNAN. Agent for Schuylkill Connty.) ,October, 31. .. 44 —t i. . „1 • ,•;To Iron - Manufacturers. 1. ; ) TfIE Sbbsetiber having obtained the assignme t , from Mr. George Crone for a . number of :F 'i. nacee, and lirilding also the patent of the late r. Geisobainer for the same. to smelt Iron Ore tro b Anthracite coal, and, retaining the exclusive rig t of said. patient to manufacture t7alliable Iron .a d Steel, is prepared to grant licenses for the Manufac ture Of Irma. Applications to ho made to Wilfiam,.Fs DeaM Esq., at Pottsville. . I ' F. W. GEISSENHAINER.i 'Jan'. 4 , : . 1 I .....L _L___4—. ' : . ! ;. ; H . 1,...,...Ge0 Vi?'.-,Olaier, fIAS Jost received a', fresh lot of, No. IA and 3 Pdackrel, in whole and Barrels, and will be sold it a Small advance on the cost., , De;xnatior 12, For Sate. - PIM/ 314111. ZV I ' .BORNIIQUN p . .CANDY. I ....14101N-47. AND 'OWE GEHiltIrE.: 'PELHAM'S CELEBRATED CLARIFIED ES SENCE OF HOREHOUND CANDY, is ackmwil-i edged by the press and medical faculty, to be a gape. rior, article,! and no Worthless humbug. - patronlied and recommended by I Drs JicKsout. VICHELL, Dr. Pasvo s sr. And a host of others. as a most excellent compound for ;Coughs, Colds, Atthnia and Illars.tess. In Broach iti s,it has to superior. For pain in the Side or &Cast, Spitting of Blood.Cronp. Whooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing. Pmfuse of Difficult Expectoration. Lowness of Spirits, and all thosidiseases tending to COIVSUMPii TION. This Candy contalris the virtues of Horehound. Liv• erWort. Comfry. Slippery Elm, Boneset, Elecampane, Comprising the medical virtues of Tottivr FOUR 7of the most pop ular - Veigetable Cough Ingredients. FEU, AM'S CAN DY is the only universal cure fOr Coughs. Colds. .¢c. ever discovered, and is certain in every case to afford instantaneous relief. and in most cases a complete cure, In many cases-where the host 'medical skill has failed. it has afforded more thio tem porary reket, as can be proved by undeniable and iihso liciteu testimonials recieved by the proprietor: ' Mothers sneak delightfully of its chat ming effects on their offspring, that they were unable to °bubo resi.,frOm the coughing and restlessness of their children, till they procured some of PELHAM'S CANDY. Recollect to ask for PELHAM'S HOREHOUND CANDY. - Be careful to observe that each direction is headed with the name of Pelhatn, and also has the signature of Chas. N. Holbrook, who is the General agent for the United States. A supply firth° above article just recieved and for sale'at the Drug & Chemical store of the subscriber, Can. tre St. Pottsville II Feb. 27th, , tinned States Bank Notes, DECEIVED at par for Goods, or in payment of Debts due the subscribers. MILLER & HAGGERTY. 7 Febraary 13th, White Winter Strained Sperm Oil. MILLER & HAGGERTY have just received their Winter stock of White Winter Strained Sperm Oil, which they can recommend to their fi iends and the public as being superior. Nov. 28th, 48— Resumption of Business. NEW DRUG STORE. THE Subset iber returns his gratefnl ackoowl edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to his assistance after the loss of his property by_ fire in• December last, and would also acquaint them and the public gen erally,• that he has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles %V. Clemens, in Centre Street, in the borough of Pottsville, where may always be had a general as sortment of Drugs, I Medicines, Paints, . 1 Pills, Glass, I Dye Snail's, And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low and accommodating terms. N. B. IC7 Physicians prescriptionb carefully put up at the shortest notice. WM. T. BPTING. Pottsville, Ma 30,1838 Merino Shawls, LUPIN'S superior Merino Shawls, purchased froiri the importer at a small advance, just re calved and for sale cheap. Also, French and English Merinoe .Plain and Figured :Mouslin De Lanes, and Figured Saxony Cloths, &c. ;Nnnember 21. • BREWSTER'S Pectoral 'Mixture, Li OR the cure ufl:oughs, Colos, Influenza, Phthis II ic, Spitting of Blood, pain and ..,weakness of the Breast, and Lungs. and all pulmonary affections Price, 25 cents per bottle. A supply of the above medicine just received and for sale at the Drug Store of JOHN S. C. MARTIN. November 28,48 lit ST received and opened a eboite selection of " Fall and Winter Goods, cm:skiing in nart, of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattmets, Frain and Figured Silk Velvets, black and coloured Silks,Chintses, and Domestic Prints. Flannels, Hosiery, &c. together with a general assortment of Fancy & Domestic Dry Goods which will be sold very cheap. September Chir 50- fir HE Subscriber has c3nstantly on hand a supe rior'St assortment of Chair Siotr, which he will dispose of at as low rates as can be obtained at any other, establishment. PETER SEITZINGER. Foot of the Broad Mountbin, Little Mahenod October 3, 40—tf Old Established !Passage Office, CORNER OF PINE AND sOUTII STREETS, NEW YORK. THE subscribers having completed vpilt v , their arrangement for the year 1841, for 6Vtit the purpose' of bringing out steerage ' passengers, beg leave to inform their friends acid the palm in general, that a first class vessel will be despatched from Liverpool to New York, on .the Ist, sth, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th, of each Month throughopt the year. Passengers on their arrival at Liverpool from •the out ports, will be furnished with lodgings and a convenient place to cook in during the time they may be detained there by head winds or stormy weather—free of any expense to themselves—ton sp. olication at the company's office to Air. P. W. ' BYRNES, No 36 Waterloo Road. who will, it con. nection with his numerous agents throughout Eng. land and Ireland, afford every assistance to those who may be engaged to come out by this company's ships. Passengers will be found in provisions for the paskige for $lO extra, or 826 for passage, provisions and hospital money. As usual in all cases, cirhere the persons decline coming, the money will be refunded to those from whom it may have been remsved, on their returning the passage certificate. GLOVER & 1 1 ,111 UR R AY, Corner of Pine and South ets. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the above line, and is ready to recieve the passage twiney tor those who wish tot end for their friends, and will also attend to transmitting money to Europe. For particulars apply at the Miners' Journal Office. B.BANNAN. —Jan. 2d.l— PEA A S Ilf, Wald MILL. POTTSVILLE,SCIIUY L K I L L CO. PA. • This elegant and commodious establish sasiii4 meat will be open for the reception o .81111 '-:.- travellers from this date. It hbs been completely refitted, and supplied with Furniture entirely new• ' the Bedding .4e, is of the first quality, and particular attention has been devo. ted to every arrangement that can contribute to corn. fort and convenience.' o The %Vines and Liquors have Seen selected in the must careful and liberal manner, %mime!. regarci to expense or labor, and will embrace the most'favorite brand and stock. The Proprieicir solicits therefore, the support of his friends and the travelling comindoity,in general. Should they think pioper to visit his iiimse. he hopes by {mail:lions attention to their.want4to establish for it such a character; as may ensure a return of their favors. _ FREDERICK.D!ESTIMAUVILLE, Ptopriettr: , . Rottivill6, Pa. lane 22,1840.. • --tf '15.,11. The Refectory is the Basement story. is minded under Me sepertntetidaice of Mr. John Silver. _ ' • TREE 14INE1Fiti JOURNAL. Drs. WooD, " Pea-raison. JOHN S.C.MARTIN. 9- E. W. EARL. 47-tf lew Goods. E. W. EARL Indemnity Against Loss or Damage by FIRE. 'EFIA WEER PEP PETITA THE SPRING GARDEN INSURANCE COM• PANY OF PHILADELPHIA, KF. Insurances, either temporary cr perpetually /TX against Loss or Damage by FIRE, an town o country, on Houses. Barns, and of all kinds on Household Furniture. Merchandise. Horses. Cat— tle, Agricultural, Commercial and Manufacturing Stock and Utensils of every description ; Vs.sst Ls and th , it Cargoeain port. as well as Mortgages and Ground Rents, open the most favorable terms. Appli6tions for Insurance. or any information on the subject may be made either personally, or by toter at the Companv's Office, at the Northwest corner of Sixth and Wood at/vie. MORTON McMICHAEL 'President. L. K RUM MIAMI, Secretary. • , DIRECTORS. Morton McMichael, Charles Stokes. Josep Wood, , Archibald Wright. P. L, Laguerehne, Samuel Townsend. 'lijah Robert L. Lbughead. George M. Ttoutman, R. %V Pomeroy, Charles W. Schr!Mer. Thesabseriber has been appuini«l AGENT forthe bovemeutionc tz Institution and is now prepared to make iNSURANCESUpnn every descriptint• nI properti at the lowest rates. RENJAAIIN BANK IN. Pottsville. 184 I. 9 . THE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Company. CAPITAL - AUTHORISED BY LAW, $950 000. CHARTER IP'Elt PiETE AL. Tim AKE both limited and •perpetual Insurances /via on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores, ootels.Mills,,Barns, Stables, hierchandlze,.Furrinttre and Property 01 every den ription ,against Mato! dam age by FIR E. MARINE AND INLAND INS umt NCE. The Delaware County Insurance company will also ineuretagainst loss on all kinds of marine.risks and a gainst the damage or hiss upon the transportation of goods. wares, and mereandise by water, or by rail way, ,upon tenth; as favourable as any other institution. For any 4 further information on the subject of insur ance, either against Fire marine or inland risks. Apply to HENRY G. IZOBI SOI\ A.-ent. jay 15 34-tf •4i Schuylkill Buren Or WILLIAM B POTTS, A t Orwigsburg $100!$100: WILL BE FORFTITER BY DR. N. B. LEIDY, for a preparation al Sarsaparilla renal to his MEDI: ATKI) ExTimur Ol SARSAPARILLA. It is poSitt.vely the strongest preparation of Sarsapa rilla in existence. ONE BorrLE is (qua] to SIX PINTS of ally Syrup that is made and is bought by nu memos persons throughout, the city and country Pl. making Syrup thrreit im. and who will sell 1. at the rate of seVenty.fivecents to one dolla r per bottle ;about hall'a pint. The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well known in Scrofir /a or Kitties Lill. Fry , tpelas DiScases of tl e Liver. Af frrliur of (he ,kin and 81710 , , t ' l era of the ' Nose. Throat and flu dy, as well as an Anitdde to Mercury and the Minerals. Constitutional Diseases and ageneral Purifier of the Bleed and Animal Fluid 4. Comment upon its virtues is Mal( cc.F,ary. Every body knows its !efficacy. It is only neeesiJary when using it, to get a "good preparation of It, and then there will he no dis• appointment in its effects. Pr. Leidy would refer to the molt res*ciable Physi cirtine in I hilar rh hia. as %urn as throughout the Uni ird States for the charader of hisprrynratiwt. as well al so to the numerous certificates from physicians and others. that hate been from time to time published. note deemed onnemssere as the character of los prep ra int is firmly eslahlisked.—Throughout the So 'them : States it is used aliGg ether. and throughout the North takes ,the eedenee or yr all others, par.icularly among physi ieians. who, for the benefit of the patients, ahra!„ recom rnend it Dr. Leidy can boast of as many effectual cures per formed by his medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla, as has ever been fleeted by ;.-ty medicine in exi§tence, The reader is referred to the directions accompany+ ing each bottle. Mr recommendations, certificates and further particulars. Remmerber one borne. (half a pint) is equal to fix pints erf Syrup, and is equally I leasant to take. frf I'nce ONE DOLLA R per bottle.4o Prep: red and sold wholesole and retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Enteoritim, Second street below Vine Sign of the GOLDEN EAGLE AND SERPENTS, Philadel ' phis, and by. Wm. T. EPTING. Druggist, Pottsville. Febtuary 72th. 9 l' 100,000 BOXES OF „11l FIR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA or BLOOD PILLS tin'd the past year irir "KILL OR CURE " _Ca This doctrine is startling—it neve, tfuleqs is the doctrine snit rained and practiced by the numerous Quacks who mat ufacture preperations of various 'kinds which have mercury for their base 11E11 ARE THEN Bow you trust to such pret,erat ions. 'Tie true, they -kill or one," and von all then hear of The cores, but never hear of the illrd or wounded, or those chose on slit utio-s are completely destroyed and broken down. To all those who have been using Quark mu themes, I would recommend the use of remedies.that wt ll coun teract their bad effects before it is to late. BE ADVISED Therefore, to gorard against the evil effects of Quack medicines, and employ swh medicines only as you know, and hate print( of being prepared by a reguhr experienced Apothc:cary an 4 Physician. Such is DR. LEI DTS SARSAPARIL A or BLOOD PILLS, Which may be used at all times. ages. anu seasons. where either a mild or aehre purgative may he required or as a purifier of the blood and animal Air IS. and in all di,eases requiring ihrgation, cleansing and purifying the system, &e. &c. They may be used without restraint from diet or cm , II cupation, from mo?erate or iemrerate living, being free from mercury and all the minerals, and an antidote against their bad effects. Numerous certificates from Yarious parts of the Uniy ' tee States hate been. from time to lime pt.blishcd, it is only necessary to inform the public where they mcy be had genii ne. Numerous certificates and recommendatiOns from Phvsici a es led otbeis aceompacy ihe directions. To satisfy the world that they are no quack prepara tion.l would simply observe, that they are the prepara. hong of a regular Druggist and Physician, attested also by -Dr-P..Physick, Dr. R. E. James, D N Chapman, Dr W. P. Dewees, Dr. ' Jackson, Dr. Robert Hare, 11 ‘ Dr. %V. E. Dr. J Redman Corce, Dr. William Gibson, Rev. W. H. Delaney, C. C. Riddle. Esq., R. Adrain, Esq , &c. &c. 'Phev are prepared and sold. m holesa le and retail at Dr LEIDY'S IIEA LTIf EMPORIUM. No. 191 N. SECOND Street. below Vine, sign of the Golden Ed. gle and Serpents. and by. W. 'l'. EPPING, Druggist, Pottsville.. February 27th, NEW STORE. iIFIE subscribers wchld inform their friends and the public that they have established them selves in business, in the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. T. & :W. Pollock, adjoining Messrs. Clemens & Parvins Drug Store, where they offer for sale a general assortment of Dry Goods, GOoceries, " Teas. • Wines, Liquors, Queensware, Glassware and. Hardware, • All of which they are disposed to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash, as-they intend to do an exclusive cash business. The public are invited to call and examine their Goods and prices before put.. chasing elsewhere. . E. Q. &'A. HENDERSON. May 16 20-- Emairett% Speech.. SPEECH of Robert Emmet, before Lord Norbury and COLORED PRINTS of the Rev, Tbeobold Matthew, the apostle of Temperance; just received told for sale by B. BANNAN. Dec. 26. - -- i Wetherill 41;.11rother, ' . -,=- • AT-Tfii OLD STAND' - ';Ni 65 NORTH - FRONT STREET, , .., 1 THREZDOOREI FROM EBB CORNER or Akeli Sr 1 . PHILADELPHIA • • ,- - I' MANUFACTURERS OF Viirbite Lead dry and / Calomel, • I ground in Oil, S. Red Precipt, Red Lead. White do Litharge. Vitriol Alb. ~. Chronic Yellow, Suip. Quinine do Green . ' Tart. Emetic Ido Red , • Ether Sulph. Patent Yellow do Nitric Sugar Lead do Acetic Copperas ' Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol Corn. do Aq. Fortis Acet. Morphia Muriatic Acid Suit& do Epsoui Salts Lac. sulphur Tart Acid Opi. de, Narcot. Sup Carb. Soda Kermea Mineral Corros. Sub. Merc. Ethiops do. Refiners ofthamphor,Sal Nitre,Brimstone.FloraxAc. Oftrir for sale the above mentioned a rticles.together with a general assortment of Paints. Drugs and Dye Stuffs, and every other article in the Chemical and Medicinal line. Being manufcturers of all thearticlesennmerated un der the above head, they pledge themselves to supply their friends and the public on the most reasonable terms. Window and Picture Glass, from 6 8, to 4 30. Oct 1 1837 48— Cheap Ready Made Winter Clothing. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE advertisers have on hand and will sell very cheap for cash. Super double milled English Beaver Cloth Over coats full (rimed 818 10,20 Double milled Frock Coats, made in the best style from $l6 to 18 Heavy English Pildt Cloth Over Coats, 12 to 16 do do 1 Frock do 10 to 11 do Harrington Cloth Over Coats, 7to t 5 Blue Black and fancy colored Dress Coats. 1(1 to 14 S do do do Extra superfine west oc Eng. nlad Cloth Dress Coats. 5114-to 18 uperfine Blue Black and fancy colored Cassiinera Pants, $7 to 8 Superfine do do Buckskin Cassimer stO 6 do Satinet Punts, 4 to 5 Heavy lined Satinet ParV.s,2a to 3 First quality Satinet Roundabouts, 4 to 4a do do. Cloth do 6to 7a do do F.lstian hunting Coats 6a Fine Kentucky Jean Coats. 5a Heavy Geroe Silk Velvet Vests, 5 to 6 Superfine English Blk. Blue Blk. fancy cot Silk Velvet Vests, 84} to 5a Fine English boiled Satin Vests, 3 to 4 Heavy double backed %Vorder; Velvet Vests 3a II 4a Superfine Blur and Blk. Cassitnere do 3to 3a Fine double Breast Sail mei Vest, 2 to 2a Valentin an. Woolen Velvet do 14 to '2 A general assortment of superfine Lambs wool Shirts and Drawers, fine Linnen and Muslin Shirts &c, Cotton and Canton flannel under Shirts arid Drawers, heavy Marino Shirts ike. Hoisery, heavy Germantowri Moollen f)o•e arid half hose, fine e hite Cotton and heavy Lambs wool hose, superfine full tamed Satin and Bombazine Stocks, extra French Merino and hair cord Seharfs and Scharf Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirt Bosoms, Collars & e. &e. Also, a large and handsome assortment of super. fine West of England Cloths and Ca• simeres, and a small quantity of well selected French Cloths, a. mongol which are a variety of Diamond Beaver Cloths for Over Coats of different shades and finish Also heavy Lomestte Diamond Bear Cloths. Those who pay Cash may tiny bargains of LIPPINCOTT & TAYLOR. Woollen Dealers and Tailors, corner of ;Centre and llabaniango Streets November 28, Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE. WILL be sold at private sale, the Foin'dry pleasantly situated at Port Clinton,Sehuv lk ill county, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the best situations in the country to do a large business For terms &c. apply to PARKE & TIERS, Iron Founders, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton F-63 Willig% Juvenile Piano In structer, J UST received and fur sale by B. BANNAN. Alen Burrow's Piano Primer October 17. FOR SALE The Bart ra in Botanic Garden. SITUATE on the west side of the •.s. Schuylkill river, about hallo mile be-low ""i= the new bridge at Gray's Ferry ; con laming about t wenty.four acres. Bound eu uu iiie west by Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, and on the east by the river Schuylkill, on which it has a front of twel.e hun dred feet The property is delightfully situated on the banks of the Schuylkill, commanding a most picturesque aiew of its termination in the river Delaware ; and for the purpose for which it has been. used during the last century, is certainly one of the handsomest situations in the county of Philadelphia. For a cemetery it presents superior advantages. The grounds being already handsomely laid out and stocked with the best and largest variety of shrub bery and ornamental trees is the United States, will require little or ho expense to convert into a place suitable for the purpose. The ritansion house can. at a very trifling expense be convened into a chapel. And the extreniely low price at which it will be of tarred for the purpose, will bring it within the reach of any one of the numerous religious bodies in the city of Philadelphia who want a place for burial The road being good it is easy of access at all seas. one of the year. There is a good stone quarry, and excellent sand and gravel on the property. The improvements consist in a stone mansion house:fronting on the river, a good•barn, logs, tenant's house, and extensive green houses. A large and substantial wharf has been constructed on a portion of the river lion!, and there are mate rials convenient for filling tip others. Its location for wharves for the purpose of shipping coal is prob. ably superior to any other on the ricer : being below the Gray's Ferry Bridge, large vessels niay load there without the risk of passing through the nar row channel of the Bridge. The wharf already con structed can be rented to good advantage, and the Garden having been ID long established as a sum mer retreat, as well as the whole river front being suitable for wharves, it is believed that sufficient may be rented off to pay a large.proportion of the in terest on its costs.' The greater part of the pot chase money may re main on• the mortgage on the premises for a number of years if required. For further particular apply to Mr. Carr, on the premises, or to ROBERT SMETHURST, 51 north Sixth street, below Arch, Where a plan and description of the premises can be seen. Philadelphia, Feb. 27, Letter and Cap Paper. 200 REAMSN doo . 33 Letter 56d ruled, 150 do do 2do do and plain, 50 do do 1 do plain, -ALSO-- 150 reams No. 2 cap. plain, for sale at ye ry low prices by • , - E. A. HATHAWAY & Co. Corn'n Merchants, 13south Frost Philadelphia, August 8. 32 , E. A. Hathaway & Co., COMMISSION AND COAL MERCHANTS No &3 South root Street, ' - Philadelphia. (Whaeffoot of South' treet,Schuyikill) May 23 21—tf CONSUMPTION CAN RE CHEL De. WISTAR'S • ; Ralsa'm of If ittl-ChOrry t THE CELEHII_ATED lIEMEDT Fort l Diseases of the Lungs. IUMEROS remedies have heen offered and puffed into notice for DISEASES OF THE LUNGS some of which has undoubtedly been found very unfit but of all that have hitherto been knctwn. ,ir must be universally acknowledged there is none that has ever preived as successful as the " BALSAIkI OF %imp CHERRY " Such indeed are the astonishing remora?. tive anc: healing properties of this BALSAM. that even. in the worst forms,of CONSUMPTION. when the pa tient has suffered t he most distressing caugh.lviolent pain in the chest, diPculty or breathing, night smelts bleeding of the lungs. 4 , c aid when the most esteemed remedies of our rharmacopias had failed to affordanll relief and when Botanic. Homeepathie. and numerous ( other rem edies, had peen used for many months id vain, this invaluable remedy .has checked every syMptoni, and been productive of the most astonishing relief.. In the early stages of the disease, proceeding from neglected- C(11.118. termed Catarrahl Consumption. it has; been used 'with undeviating success, and in many instrhces. when this disease seemed to have marked its victim for - art early grave, the use of this medicine has arrested every symptom, and restored the lungs to a matelot - perfect health In that form of CONSUMPTION/so m,evalent a mongst delicate females, commonly termed debil ity or 'going into a decline.' a complaint with which thousands are lingering, it has also been used with sur prising success, and not silly posi.esaes the power of checking the progress 'of his alarming disease. but at the same time strentthens 3110 invigorates the wholt system more effectually than any remedy we have ever possessed SLIVER COMPLAINT—in diseases 14 the Liter. parte - Warty whin attended with a rough, indigestion or wander ng pains in the side, it has also piny. tl very efficacious, and cured many cases of this kind after the most powerful it medies find railed. IkT ASTIIM A —ln this complaint it altiO• been used in numerous instances with the most singular success. It opens the chest, rendering the breathing perfectly free, arrests the cough, and will seldom fin to give per manent relief, BRONCHITIS.—As a remetly in all Bronichial affections of the tin oat, attended with a hoarseness, cough or roar in the throat, it will also he found a trt ry effeCtual remedy. and will mostly afford immediate relief if used at the commencement of the attack. • 1- COUGHS AND COLDS—In comtnon coughs and colds, that prevail so extensively throughput me winter, it will be found much more effectual than any remedy in use and when colds settle upon the .lungs. causing an inflamation with pains in the breast. difficult or shortness of breathing, (Ste the use of thiS Balsam will suppress such symptoms immediately. and int the same time prevent the lungs from becoming mire seriously diseased rEf crzcut , AND WOOOPINC; COUGH.—in these complaints, so common to young children, this Balsam will be fourd much ~stiperior in the Paregoric .Elizer Syrup of Squills, and the various CDUGII IllirrullES in common use. as it is entirely free from any thing the least injurious, and mar at all mica he given to children with perfect safety, and with the certainty of iiiaffording them speedy relief. ID" NS A FAMILY MEDICINE fil l many other complaints, this Balsam will also be.founel particularly usefnl Besides having proved tin invalua le remedy in all Pulmonary affections. i exerts a pi we fill influence over many diseases depending on a degraded condition of the system, and those who have suffered from the Indiscriminate nse of Mercury. or other deleterious drugs, that are often compounded in different quack nos-. •runis. will find it a remedy of great value, possessing the power of strengthening and invigorating the whole system more effectatil than any other medicine we pos sess. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS—As this medicine has already acquired great celebrity, aere may prob ably be some attempts to imitate it. and Ideceive the public with n spurious miztuie, to prevent which I would wish all purchasers to observe the following marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottleslof two sizes each, .having the words WISI'AR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, Pill LADA ,blown in the glass. and a lairl on the front with the signature of HENRY %VISTA% M. D. without which none are genuine.. Prepared for the Proprietor by WILLIAMS & Co. Chemists, No 21. Commerce Street Philni and sold by the most respectable Druggists and other appointed Agents in all the principal towns throughout the Untied States. EMI Li'The Genuine Vedieine told by 1 JOHN S. r MA! TIN, . Sole Agent for Pottsville . Price sl'per Bottle De.C.5, 1840. 49-- Pascal Iron Works Ware house. No. 77 South Third Street. S. E. corner Wahas PHILADELPHIA. *Morris, Tasker Morris, "'RON Founders, and Manufacturers of Coal Grates, Furnaces, Kitchen Rancesi Bath Boil ers, Perpetual Ovens, &c. Welded Wrought Iron Tubes, for Steam, Gas, Not Water, IME Davv'M safety Lamils of the best Construction: Patterns for the Foundry received, ond castings delivered at the Warehouse, Third & Walnut St. Philod..lphia. September 26,1838. Davy , s Safely Lamps, griF the best construction, and most approved Plod "( also makes new gooses to old lamps, and other epairs done at the subscriber's Clock and Watch Maker Shop, in Centre street, Pottsville.] June 1 29—tf JOSEPH COATSWORTH. Shamokin Coal Land FOR SALE . I iNE undivided half part cif two tracts of land, ‘-, situate on Shamokin Creek, Northumberland county, Stole of Pennsylvania, in the warranted names of John Brody. and Robert Dr4y„eontaining eight hundred and sixty•eight acres and hUowancee; ii these lands are adjoining the flourishi 1 g town of Shamokin, (destined to become a seton Pottsville) they abound with both the red ash an the white ash coal; and on the lower tract iron ore, of the kid. ney species. has been found in considerable quanti. ties. The Pottsville end Danville railroads rune nearly through the middle of both tiactS, and is in complete order from, Sunbury to the icintre of the gray tract, thus giving them the command of all tt4e markets on the Susquehanna, (and npw that the canal is finished to the tide water) of all the markets on the Chesapeake. This property is offered for sale, to estate of the late Colonel Francis Johnsir A. W. JOHNSTON, Ex: No. 7, Clinton Square, Chennu WOst Philadelphia Feb. 8 Lumbtir Yard. 5000 FEET first quality Cherry Boar from 4 Inch to 21 inch. 10,000 feet inch to inch Weather Boards Al.m, White and Yellow Pine inch Boaro. 70,000 Joint and Lap Shingles. Scantling. Shing. ling, and Plasterkg Lath constantly fOi . sale. SAMUEL HARTZ. 51zireh 13, Medicines. • _ Dr. Evan's celebrated Camomile Pat, Dr. Hunt's Botanic Pills. Dr.Goode's Female Domestte Pills. Dr. Evan's Soothing Syrup , for children Teeth ing. Also. Swaim's Panacea & Vermiloge by the Dozen or single Bottle for sale by. B. BANNAN: 7-- 9--6 t February 13th, prim 6rm of Shelly & Ruch, was d issolved on I the In inst. by mutual consent. 1r Persons hay. ing claims. and all the late firm, are re.: quested to call on the subscriber. who id authorized to settle the same. ' February 6, JOHN I RUCH. ~ , I a— . , JOHN RUCH informs his friends, and the pub. lie that he continues the businesi at the old stand, where he would be thankful for their patronage. ELEGANT French ' re.Frrle hayayS. , ' ' close the n, by • ea tor, street, • O 1 Broad. Dissolution. II II OM 8 & Planks