, Temper , nto `Meeting, • AT a meeting of he friends of Temperance held 'at the Universalisthureh. an Thnrsday evening, 1,18A.-Dr.April . . B. WHOM.' wais called to ii, the Chair, and R. . Palmer appointed Secretary. The Rev. Jamas ALLACIZI I delivered an eloquent Lecthre. and was follo'wed by; Mr . PALMY., who ad. & Cried the meeting for • 'holt time; when, on mo tion; Messrs. Galtager and •Eicholis were appointed a Committee-to procure the signatures of those' in the house to the pledge. After that duty was per formed. and several members, obtained to the F wit. ty, on motion, lifewirs. Fostei, Gallager. and Gul ley were 'appointed committee to draft a Constitn• thin and Bye Lima r the goVernment of this Susie. tv. and report Man djourned meeting to be held in three weeks from t is time. , On motion. Messrs. Waterhouse and Foster were appointed a Commit tee to proenre aore'', and publish the time add place of holding the next meeting. On motion, ' - io -.- - Anlatted. Irtiat-1 &proceedings of ibis meeting , it published. 1 - • _ I, it ; .B. EICHOL32. President. Le l - i ,Ar Patmer,Rejeretary. - April 3. ~ I 1 - 'or Ken ouse on Market Street,.a .d e orwegieh Street to be rented. GEO. M. CUMMING. 14-31 800 ;via A good n 4 notber on Apply to April 3, Repeal Association. - ' I in second nionifily meeting of the Pottsville, - 0 - Schuylkill Co. Repeal Association, will be held in the large room' °flit.. O'Connor's Hotel this even ing at 71 o'clock. Ali those favourable to a Repeal of the Union ex isting between Great Britain and Ireland, are invi ted to attend the meetings of the Association. • April 3, [ 14-1 Dissolution. THE partnersh ipo i heretofore existing between Samuel Fowler) William Woofer. Job Constan tine, and George;Gtrbble, was dissolved on de 29th ult. by mutual catmint.. All persons having claims against the said firni and all those indebted Are re quested to make payUrant to Samuel Fowler; who is Authorized to settle the busuneits of the late arm. SAMUEL,FOw LER, WILLIAM WOOLER, JOB CONSTANTINE, GEORGE GOBBLE. 14-31.• April 3, Ship 'ling Books. tririE best and mMit improved Shipping Bcioks for AL Coal Dealer:4lst printed and for Gala at this office: 1 TylteFounders. JAMES CONNO & SON. Tyre FOUNDERS re spectfully infciroi their old patrons and the pub lic generally, that hey continue to manufacture and supply everyi aricle useful in the Printing bu• { I fining, as well aa to tereotype all jobs that.may of. fer. They embraca this opportunity to return thanks to those Ise patronage they 'have exten sively enjoyed for a many years, and to say that they are to be found at the our ESTAISOIEZD Srasn, corner of Ann and mare streets, fully prepares to execute any order that they may be honored with ; and that th - e Type manufactured by them ,is from thiyold specimens, together with a number of addition, of a Sure4ott Cur: that he is enabled to Supply SORTS, as well as FOUNTS, et the most beautiful of his old faces, and of a greatly improved ((wilily of metsl.l'Viey are ;also engaged in get ting up, by a raw! discovered process, an eaten sive series of new and highly ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES. Arraingrmenta - are made with the manufacturers of Pies. and other Printing Materi. ids, that will enabler , them to execute orders as ex. I peditiously as any other Foutideiln the Union, and on au favorable termis. A new specitrieulis now in course of printing. N. B. Newspaper copying' the above advertire meat three times. a d forwatding one copy contai ning it. will be anti ed to their pay in Type, provi: dad a bill ef four. times the athount be made. - 1 N. April 3. [ , - I 4—St , Wilted Type. • CUT by Mechit4ry , and warranted superior to any heretofore mandfactured. George F. Nes. bitt, Tontine buildnig, cornet of Wall and ,Water greets, New Yorkrespectfully informs the Print . atilf the United S h ies, that he has now in full op. wa r den his machinefor cutting Wood Types, which being an entire new invention , is warranted to cut Types, both plain ind ornameneal, far superior to any heretofore exhibited to the public: and in proof of the assertion. informs the public that he has ob. tained Diplomas and Medals, from both the Ameri. can and Mechanic's Institutes of the City of New York, at their Fair". of 1836,1838, and 1839, as the books of the Institute will show. George F. Nesbi t would particularly invite the attention,of Prime a to the fact, that through the politeness of the p oprietore of the Liverpool and Havre line of pack ts, he has been favored'with the latest French and English specimens, that many of the new styles in t i 'nem are very handsome, and have been gut up by him : they were exhibited by him at the Mechanic's Fair in this city, now just closed. and pronounced by the Committee of Prin ters, appointed to eXamine Types and Specimens, to be superior to any Wood Types ever before exhibit ed, sad having a decided advantage over large met al Types. • George F. Nesbitt, would :also inform the Print ers of the United Mates, that he is ready to c.t Types on Wood of Inny size, from 5 lines Pica, up wards, from any of the patterns of small. or Types contained in the e+ensive specimen of Messrs, G. Bruce If Co., or from any new pattern that can be suggested. rr George F. Nesbitt is desirous that Printers. and those becoming Agents,:should be acquainted wtiti the fact, that his prices are much reduced from those heretofore charged by other manufactures: that he allows his Agents thirty per cent. commis sten; that his termb are six Months or ten per cent discount for cash. Agents are want d fot the following cities, viz: Charles Lin, Albany, Detroit, Rochester, and Buff& 10. - 113 , Priaten of lkjewspapels, who will publish the above for sis timei, within three months from this date, and will send,. me a" copy of their paper, shall be entitled to $3 in Types: and should the Types not prove superior to any ever before manufactured, they can be returned, and the money will be paid in place of them. GEORGE F. NESBITT, corner of Wall and Water Tontine Building streets. N. April 3 Tide Water Catial. Commis skin •Uouse. CD. HUNKS 4. CO. FLOUR AND GENER: •AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3 Spear's Wharf, B ltimure—Offer their services to Merchants and o f 'era, trading in this market._ for tbe sale of SUSQUEHANNA PRODUCE, or PUR. CHASE OF MERCHANDISE.' Some years experience together with their very favorable location,l justifies them in believing they will be able to give general setiafaction. Refer to Orodorif & Co. , • Clark]& rKeilogg. Kirkland & Chase,, Baltimore. Keynelde & Mosher; JJ Drakely de Fenton; P. A. & Small, York, Pa. Sterrett ft Potter. , .1.46 J. Milliken, ' A. B. Dimaree, Newport, Pa. 1 - JOna. Heger & Sob, Hagerstown:Md. 14-61' or SEVERAL Caro and convenient rooms in the Lary store building at thb corner of Market and Centre - au, suitable for a private family or any one desirous of keeping boarders/ For terms apply to GEORGE W. SLATER. April r. 4 14— Botu;tl t 1 ers *anted.. • `. or OUR 60 nteel toaiders can be accointoo. I dated with glimi ;boarding and lodgings at a. :able ratei. Amity to _, . BYRON or WIL L PHILLIPS. 01 3 I - . Pottsvil l le, '•• 14 7 4 ,• , licl 1 f 1_•'1 PROSPECTUS P Kahan* tyggionittrii Maginfiff. - ! : ' . • - • friflE eabseribers have made irrangements to ii pnbiieh a Afacianniiemt. Tat; tient& tans. AND 1411:CIALLY Ttti TOON= VOITIoN of re, under the . above ;title. The -design in the work is toile -:good : to aid in the formation ofeheracter; to Ptah -lish good principles: to cintivite right feelings t to furnish innocent. amusement: to promote correct habits of thought and sentiment. Nor is- he-plan confined to these limits: it is- the purpose of the Editor to Make the work,useful in storing the mind with knowledge: in-teaching the roles of behayine, and in, pointing out the highways 'and by•waya to success in life. In such a design. the religious and moral 'duties will not be' overlooked, To carry out the plan, it its deemed essential that the work should be interesting—thet it should be e favorite with thane for whine benefit it is designed. Accordingly. it will embrace a great variety dn . ,- ies—se History, Geography, Geology, Naturil tory, Travels, Biography. &e. It will be enlivened with Tales, Sketches. Adventures, Incident,. Nar ratives. Anecdotes, Fables, and Allegories—nor will Poetry or Music be forgotten. Every available means of rendering the work useful. lively, and en. tertsining will he resorted to,- and, numerous em bellishments and illustrations will, be inserted. UM As a specimen of the 'Wirt will be offered to the public in the first ember' it is - needless to say more then ample arrangements!are model° bring nut the work with punctuality. and in the best mechanical style. The editorial charge of ,it is to be commit. ted to the Author of Peter Parley'. Tales. whose reputation is a sufficient pledge to the public that the present undertaking will be conducted in a :manner to claim a share Of patronage. especially at -the hands 'of parents, teacher; guardians, and all who feel interested in the young. One number of the work will appear on the first day of each month, containing al pages royal San: the price to subscribers being One dollar and fifty cents, payable in advance. April, 1841. BRADBURY &. SODEN: B. BANNAN, is Agent for this work, who will receive supseriptions, and deliver the work to Potts. free of postage. I'ON BOARDING SCHOOL. .11EIE Simmer Term, in this llnstjtation, will -IL commence the 3d of Fifth month, and end the Ist of Tenth month, following. The price of Boarding and Tuition is e 75 a term. payable as follows: TWenty.five dollars orlon commencement. Do! . let of Eighth month. Do. at end of term, or, when paid to advance upon entrance, Seventy dollars. For draWing, painting, or the French language, Fire dollar. a term will be charged. The School is composed of Female., only. For adMission. of new scholars, apply at the school, or by letter. to EMMOR }UMBER, Superintendent. Kimberton, April 3 14-31 WILL be opended on Monday morning next, a splendid aesortmect of Spring and Sommer Goode. which have been purchased principally foe Cash and Will be sold very cheap by E. W. EARL. Sign of the Golden' Ball. April 3., 14— . ri 1 HE subscriber hereby gives notice to the pub •lic not to take a note given by the subscriber in December last for ea 75, to James Upton. Said note is said to be lost—and has been paid by the subscriber, for which he has a receipt in full. JAMES McALARNEY. April 31 14-31 SALE OF • Fancy and useful Articles.. rrHE Ladies ot St. James Church. Schuylkill A- Haven, intend holding a sale in the Borough of Schuylkill' Haven, on Easter Monday and Tuesday. April 12, find 13, commencing on Easter Monday at 10 o'clock, A. M. Products of the sale to be devo. ted tothe Completion ot the Church. Schnylkill.Haven, April 3, N. B. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the sale Will be held the first fair day ensuing. rip H E well furnished Hotel at Mount IMO AL Carbon, near the Borough of Potts ass I I vile, and at thejunction of the Mount - Carbon and Philadelphia & Reading Rail Roads, 'which for some years was occupied by. the late Mrs. Ralston. The establishment contains 44 rooms, including bar. parlours, dining nod bed rooms, beside Kitchen, bath, wash and pastry•hoo-' was, and extensive stables and carriage horses. There is also an excellent vegetable garden, togeth. er with d -large ornamental garden end pleasure grounds. The above establishment is believed to be as complete, as conveniently arranged and as de. enable hi location, both on account of beauty of scenery and salubrity of climate, as any In the coun ty ;sind it has always commanded a full share ut the patronage of travellers, and persons visiting. wnether from motives of pleasure or .business, the interesting!sgion in which it is situated. • The above Hotel will be leased to a good tenant on reasonable terms. Apply to • U. SIMLA HEIL at Mt. Carbon. dr to JOHN WHITE, No. 117 South Sd Street, Philadelphia. April J. 14-tf ALSO TO LET. Two three-story Dwelling Houses and Stores adjoining. lINHE partnership heretofore existing between ••• Pott,' Shames & Co., stago Proprieters, was die. solved by mutual consent on the 20th of March. All persons indebted to said firm, and' all those haw. in claims will present them to Lewis Audenried, who is duly authorized to settle the business of the late firm. POTT, SHOENER & Ca. April 3,14-9 t PulaSki Lodge, No. 216. A STATED Meeting of the Pulaski Lodge, will be held at the Hall on Monday, evening. April sth, 1841, at 7 o'clock P. M. April 3 14 1111 TO EMIGRANTS. Tliesuhscriber has now made ar. ranements to bring passengers direct ,A). from Londonderry to Philadelphia in • ' good vessels sailing from that port twice every ,iuouth—and also, from .Liverpool to Philadel• phis at the Itimest rates. Philadelphia current funds will be taken at par, for passage money—but for money to be transmitted, the usual premium must be paid.. Prompt attention paid to all orders receiv. ed—andlhe money refunded on presentation of the certificates, if the individual. whose passage have been paid, do not come out. Passage from Londonderry to Philadelphia $O4 " • from LiverpUol to do $2O Children under 12 years of age, half price. BANNAN. March 27 13— Whaif to Let. /THAT large and convenient Wharfon the River Schuylkill. at South id. 100 feet front, by about 800 feetin dipth, with double dock. brick . counting hinute. scale -house, dot. and every convenience for a large business. Possession will be given itnmew diatly. Apply at - ' MOUNT' VERNON HOUSE. - ' North Second street, near Arch. Phila :Mardi 27 , 13-3 t reed Apple r s and Peaches, , OR sale at the store • ; GEC). W. SLATER. Deceinber,l2„ st. vip4t k silt. ' ASUPERIOR iniekr for preserving Pork. For ado by Ed 11 4 A. HENDERSO;II. Janntry 9. ' I— , New Goods. Notice. TO LET• Dissolution. THE MINEMO . . Stitii - COnietitiori of Bgainess Me& . COUNTY MEETING. . A MEETING of the ettixene of Schnylkifiliniit i i Ala• tr. eitbont regard to party. will be held 11 lbh Pennsylvania Nall. in the ttoroogb. of Yottsvi iliii 'Saturday the .t of April. at 4 o'clock IN e Ilit the purple of appointing a delegation of Botliiiiii Men, to represent, iii, toasty in tbe State ConVeti. lion to be held it IfilfrillbUry t on the 2Sth Of May next. for the pisrpose of promoting the AtiliftitOtt. RAI, Masa' AtteIIAISICAL. and 11114tW interests of ennaylvanie. mid setting forth the ague unconn with With:lar politician.. MANY CITIZENS. r. Much 27 / IS-4. Notiee. /111dE partnership existing betwitteLthe sublets I bets, under the . firm of arti COMM!! do Pa vtil be diasolved afler the 31st dal itt Minh; tad. The concerns of the firm will be - settled by Jos. F. Carroll; who will be dulyouthunted for that per:. pose. John W. Lawton willeontlnue the brain** at the old stand. inatpit P. CARROLL. JOHN W. LAWTON. 13-4 March 27 To the Stockholders in the Company for meting a Bridge over the North east branch of the ricer Susquehanna, between thellmon of Cattawissa and the mouth of Fishing Creek Notice, IS hereby given, that a meeting of said Stockhol. dere will be held at the house of David Clark, in the township of Cattawissa, on Monday the 3d day of May next, between the hours of one and uix o'clock, P. M., for the por e of electing one Presi dent, six Managers, one Triasurer and one Secrets ty for the ensuing year. EZRA S. HAYHURST, See'y. 13-6t' March 27 ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURES. C 7 3[ 7 1.1 , , b) zleti THE subscriber respectfully aAnounces to the citizens of Pottsville. and the inhabitants of Schuylkill county generally. that ho has at great pains procured an excellent supply of materials. and superior workmen, which enables him to msnufac., tore to order at the shortest notice, all kind/sof Ve. hides, in a style superior to any ever manufactured to this vicinity before. such as Coaches. Barouches, Dearborns, Truck Waggons, Carryalls, &c. At his establishment et the corner of Coal and Nor wegian streets, immediately opposite Pomroy'a trun Works, in the Borough of Pottsville. Ile has connected with his establishment a BLACKSMITH SHOP, With competent and experienced workmen, which will enable him to furnish his Vehicles at much chew. per rates than they have heretofore been furnished. All kinds of repairing done at the shortest notice —end all those in want of Vehicles after the middle of April. may find something to suit their taste by examining his stock an hand. In conelosioe the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the public for their past patronage, end respectfully solicits an increase in future, which, by turning out good work s at tote Wes, be will endeav or to merit. March 27, Clover Seed. Vb BUSHELS Clover Seed from Rochester N. York, and grown on Jersey Shore, perfectly clean, to be had at the Mill of the Subscriber, Potts ville. ALSO. a sopply of well cared PORK. and fresh ground FLOUR. WILLIAM A UDENR lED. March 97 13-31 •N. B Alen, for Bala 100 Bushels Winter Radio& ea. a lot of Potatoes, A good More Stand to Let IN PORT CARBON. A convenient Store room with shelves • •• and counters end a gond cellar, situated is , right opposite Mr. Simpson's Hotel, be tog the most public situation in the place. Possession may be given at any time. For further particulars apply to H. SHISLER. Port Carbon. March 27 13-31.* • Clover and Timothy Seed. 2a BUSHELS prime Timothy seed, and 5 `-r Bushels of Clover seed for sale by SAMUEL HARTZ. March 13, ) 11— Lard!! Lard!!! 14 TUBS Lard, received on Consignment, Ind forsale cheap, by the TO) nr gnantitv. SAMUEL HARTZ. March 13, 11— Removal. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has removed to the Store former ly occupied by Hazzard & &ranch. He has also purchased from their Assignees at extremely low rates, a portion of their most desirable goods, which in addition to his former stuck. enables him to ex. hibit an assortment suffitiently extensive to suit the wants of any who would wish to purchase. He would invite all to call, as he can sell goods at even less than they are worth, which no doubt will be an inducement, especially in these hard times. GEO. W. SLATER. We re h 20, Public Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern. that to consequence of the following certificate of stock in the name cf Isaac H. Moodie. deceased, having been stolen or lost, application will be made for a new certificate in lieu thereof : No. 84, of the Pottsville Water Company. dated for I share. WILLIAM NICE. , THOMAS C. POLLOCK, Anministratore of I. H. Moodie, deceased Much 21. 12-3 FRESH GOODS! BUST opened a large and splendid supplyorseasue IP ably Goods. comprising a general assortmentof DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, HARDWARE. FISH, PLASTER, 'CHEESE, SALT, 4-c. All of which will be sold cheap for cash or ex change for country prodam it Lb . . :Store of JOSEPH WHITE & SON. dloont•Carbon, Nov 23 47—tt Plain & Figured DeLanes. A NEW supply of those beautiful and fashions 411 L ble goods. just received and for sale by T. & J. BEATTY. December 5. ' 49 Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration with the Will annexed. onthe estate of Plan ket F.Glentsvortb, late of the city of Trenton, in the State of New Jer sey deetased,having been granted to the su b scriber, all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are hereby requested tn tnake payment WIN, sub- Scriber, and all persons having claims or demands against !bewails of the said Plunket P.Glentworlik, are hereby requested to Make known the same to the subscriber without delay. ROBERT WOODSID4 • Administrator. Marche 10— Crackers. itcsa water, Saw, Soda a n d. Braii Madam F for oak by E.; Q. is A. iIENDIIIIIIONs ;unary E' • - 1— Mari Ito received and for sale by the suliscriber.the netilloirhlll seeds. Warranted to be fresh : ' rlyttniip Beet, • Extra early Peas. /akkod do Ea r ly Frame do test` Sugar do New York Dwarf Pea. early.fiernCittot, 10 inch prolsflo do :gayly Cutumbar , Early Charlton do „„„tigmlf,, Vjek li nif to ' Moe Imperial do atm in 'do Laige blerrowfat do Wash Leek,.. • - Dwarf Pdarrowfat do Eitilhiti curled Wrath. Early Valentine Beans rwrlifiabbage .do China Red Eye do ib terki t tititttr &a d d do. A We= 1: a t -_,,, d o o 'Whim Kidney 'do wit BIM • Windsor.longpod do Chita lithe Carolina do 'llblot. -:diii Large Lima do 1 0011 1 0 1 01110 • 'Early York Cabbage WWI *I , ';,_ .1- -titge York do LltigiVell !!dia l°Atm Bogie Loaf do Cola Peat ' - Flat Dutch do SogarlParhairi 'Curled Savory do Potty Salmon %Met ' ' Drumhead do Early long white do Red Pickling do Putty east - do Eaily Cauliflower Red Tnrolp do Late 'do White do do Broccoli - .Dinh& white winter do Coiled Kale. or Borecole :Savoy Spinnege Egg Plant. Long Omen Squash Tomatoes. ,„let Bush do Bell Pepper - 1. mon do Sweet do r•tra Ladies Finger do D.raris Early White Flat Dutch a hobarbe Turnips Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, PHILLIP HOFFA. 13-3 mo btritNAL. MittDZIN SEEDS. Salina ' Red Top Turnips Curled Ending • 6^ Nasturtium Somme:Savory Sweet Marjoram Saga Lavender Thyme Anice Rosemary Miffnonetto Early Sugar Corn Onion Setts Flower Seeds, &c. &c. kr All kinds of Grass, Garden and Flower Seeds, procured to order at the shortest notice. B. BANNAN. March-27, 13 For Sale, Cheap for Cash. RAIL Road Cars. Drift Cars. Wheelbarrows Skreens. Picks. Shovels, and other Mining Tool and Imptetnents. Apply to ANDREW RUSSEL. March 6, 11:W=if Strained Sperm Oil. BLEAL HED Winter Strained Sperm Oil, of a very superior quality, warranted not to congeal or invoke. For sale by - E. Q. & A. HENDERSON. January 2, 1— NE STORE. 11111 E subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has opened a store in Centre Street, 3 doors below T. & J. Beaty's Store, corner of Nor weitian and Centre Streets, where he offers for sale a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c. All persons desirous of purehasing Goods Cheap for Cash, are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves. EDWARD HUGHES. November. 21. —4tf New York Type Foundry and Printers , iliVarehouse, 46 Gold Street. WO the Editors, or Newspapers, Printers and Pob. Where t—JOHN T. WHITE, (successor to White & Hagar.) would inform the Printers of North America, that he has constantly on hand as greats variety *scan tin. found in the country, of all the various kinds of Types. from Diamond to 24 line Pica, plain_ and ornamental; together with a very large assortment of Flowers and - Ornaments. Specimens of many new and beautiful ariielee have been procured from England, France and Ger. many. and an experienced Cutter is constanly em ployed in getting them up exclusively fur this (bun. dry, end thus additions are being almost daily made to the already extensive and unrivalled assortment possessed by this establishment. A lar ge vat iety of Ornaments, calculated for the Southmerican end Mexican Markets, and Span ish. French and Portuguese Accents, furnished to order. JOHN T. WHITE iv agent for the sale of the Smith and Washington Presses and the ?mall card Press, which he will furnish at the manufacturer's prices. Also, Chases, Cases, Brass Rules, Composing Stinks, Ink, and every article required in a printing office. All of which can be furnished at short notice, of as good quality and on as reasonable terms as at any other establishment. OLD TYPE taken in exchange for new, at nine cents per pound. JOHN T. WHITE, 45 Gold et .New York. 07 Proprietors of Newspapers printed within any part of the United States'or the Canada?, who will publiob the above adveitmement three times prior to the Ist of June, 1841. anti 1 ik?ard a copy contain ing the same, will be entitled to their pny in any cast at this foundry, provided they purchase three times thasmount or their bill. ' March 13, 11-3 t SW_ IM'S PANACEA, For the cure of Scrofula, or' King's evil. Syphilis. and the hog of painful. disagreeable, and hitherto incurable affections reselling therefrom, Rheumatism, Ulcerous Sores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin General Ikbiltiy, 4.c. and all Diseases arising from Impurity of Blood. /148 IS Medicine is particularly recommended at A. this season of the,year, as an alterative and a purifier of the blood. It gives a tone and vigor to debilitated constituticins, which invalids are uncon scious of until they have experienced its effects. It is also recommended in Diseases where the lunge and breast are supposed to be affected, and also where the constitution is broken down by the use of Mercury or Quinine ; THIS MEDICINE has the singular fortune a just tribute to its great merit,of being reccommend. ed by the most celebrated Practitioners of Medicine in the United States and Europe ;• whereas rot one of the spurious mixtures, made in imitation of it. has the least support from .the Medical Family. This fact offers an argument so plain and conclusive, that It needs only to he mentioned to enforce conviction. Swaim's Panacea is recommended to all those loyal. ids for whom Physicians prescribe Sarsaparilla Syr ups. Extracts, &c. Prepared at Swaim's Labaratory. Philadelphia. Sold by 8. Bannon, Agent for Schuylkill Coun ty:and John S. C. Martin, Druggist, Centre Street Pottsville. September 12, 37—tf Assignee's Notices WILLIAM LYMAN, of the county of Schnyl. kill, did on the 9th day of March, 1841, exe cute end deliver to the subscriber, an assign,nent of all his estate, real and personal, fur the benefit of such of his creditors in the order therein named, who shall execute sod deliver to him a release of their respective claims in ninety days from the date thereof. Notice is hereby given that the said assignment may be seen at the office of the subscriber. in the Borough of Pottsville. Schuylkill couutv and where the release is left to be signed. WILLIAM F. DEAN, Assignee. Nardi 20. 12-11 t Time and Order nooks. :11IIST Printed, Time 'and Order Books of the most . approved form, and for sale by B. BANNAN. January 30th, 3 • Muslin De Lanes. puts and Figinedurdoolin De Lanes." ostreeewed n ind Connie low, by T & J. BEATPY. pond , , Siirety Fuse. AFRESU apply of Safety ram just recieved and for sab by. - • a. VANNAN. %emu? sum, 8.7 FRUIT TREES. **;;;-:,-..- NAIL :_••,:e - N•3- • _ •. . - ' BOTANIC GARDEN, N AR PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber has for sale at his Garden and Nursery, Eingsessing. near Philadelphia. a large assortment of Fruit Trees of suitable sites for transplanting, embracing every variety of. A pples- Pears. Cherries. Plums. ;Apricots, Pestles. Netta rine,. Almcms, Quinces. &I ulberries,Gra pes, Rhaitp. berries, Gooseberries and' Currants. together with a large assortment of Green House Plants, Ornamen tal Trees, Flowering shrubs. Evergreens. Vines, and Creepers, Honeysuckles, Hose; Carnations and Pinks, Herbaceous Perennial Flowering Plants. and a large assortment of Esculent Vegetable Seeds, which comprises as great an assortment as any oth er Garden in the United States. ROBERT CARL Proprietor MT B. BANNAN, who has been appointed A; Est for the Proprietor, will receive and execote or. el for all kinds of Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, dte. at the shortest notice. Er Catalogues can be examined at this office. March 20th 12—'°t DR. WINSLOW•S lialsim of HOrebound. An unparalleled remedy for common Cold, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronch itis, and all, diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading to Consumption; cbmposed of the con eentrated virtues of Horehound, &nese', Blood Root, Liverwort and severe/ other vegetable sub- stances. Prepared only by J. it. WINSLOW, Rochester, N. Y. THE innocence and universally admitted pectoral vir tues, of the Herbs from which the BALSAM OF HOARHOUND is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessary to observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so hap pily combined with several other vegetable substances. as to render most speedy. mild and certain remedy, now is use for the complaints above mentioned. For Chi/drerwthis Balsam is of inestimable value. It is a speedy remedy for the IVhoapieg Cough and Croup and affords certain relief in Bowel Comatnre. Choler.; Teething. 4.c. It is pleasant to the taste. and may be safely given to ale tenderest infant and should be kept at all times in every family. as it is much better for the complaints incident to children than Paregoric. Godfrey's Cordial.or the Cordials so commonly used, as hundreds in this City have testified. It is now about five years since this medicine was ex. tensively introduced in this City,and section of the cowl. try: since which time it has constantly increased in pub. lic favour. and it is at the present time the most popular Cough Medicine. in most of the Northern and Western States. More than 7 1 00 Th o usand Five nundred Bot tles have been retailed annually, at the subscribers noun. ter.for the last two years, and although fiVe other Drug gists in the City, are constantly supplied with the article. his sales are daily increasing. For the sttisfaction of those interested in Certificates. the following are added, although the common practice of collecting a long 'string of vouchers,' has not been considered the best way •to make its virtues known. We say 'ask' inquire,' ask those who have used it. ask Physicians who prescribe it, ask the Agents who sell it try , it yourself, and then judge as ye find Read the fultoteing.=l hereby iertify that early in the spring of 1838, I contracted a severe COLD. which set tled upon my lungs.and threatened a hasty Consumption. I used several prescriptions, but otitaining little or no re lief; I was much alarmed. Happening to be At Roches ter, I was advised by my friend. Mr Winslow. to try a bottle of his flaisaat of HOREHOUND: f did an, and to my surprise obtained relief at once—and by the use of that single bottle was perfectly restored to health. To those afflicted with Colds or Coughs, at this inclement season, I say 'go and do likewise.' LEANDER CHIPMAN. Ingratitude is the basest crime in man.—We are not a mong that class of Editots who fora few dollars will, fat the expense of truth and honesty) 'crack up' an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither are we willing to re• main silent, eller having tested the utility of an improve ment pr discoveri in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unite!l with a Soar throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottler of Wisstow's Himsom or HORE HOUND and so sudden was the cure. that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those viho are afflicted may try it upon our recommendation —Lewiston Telegraph Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by CLVISENS & PARVIN, end WM. T. EPTING, Pottsville, Pa and by the Druggists in the country gen erally. October 4 43 To the directors of Common Schools, in Schuylkill county Germs/Jen :—The following statement is made n accordance with the school law, passed in 1839. 1 am yours, respectfully. FRS. R. SKUNK. Supt. Corn. Schaal& HARRISBORGI, Feb. 23. 1841. The amount of tax every district must levy to entitle itself to its share of State apprepriation, is a sum equal to at least sixty cents for every taxable inhabitant in the district, according to the last tri ennial enumeration made in the spring of L 839. A list of (stables in each district is hereto appen— ded. Districts that have already accepted the Common School system, and received their share of appro priation for former years, will on levying the prop er smodnt of tax. be entitled under existing laws to receive for, the school year 1842, wh:ch commences on the first Monday of next June, one dollar for ev ery taxable. Districts which have not received any part of the appropriation of former years, but which accept the system for the first time, at the annual election in March nett, and levy the proper amount of tax, will under existing laws receive 84 40 finr every taxable in the district in 1839, acoording to the annexed hat. These sums, by a resolution passes!, April 13th 1840. will remain in the State Treasury for :he use of non accepting districts. until the first of Novem ber, 1841 and no longer. Nuthber of taxable inhabitants in the several Woo districts of the county. according to the enumer ationtrof 1835 and 1839. 1836. • 1839. Barry. 94 106 - Brunswig tp. E. " 139 Brunswig.Schl. eht. E. " 79 Branch, " 135 ' Brunswig. W. 275 278 Mahantango, L. 243 247 Mahantango, U. 245 237 Manheim, 471 372 Norwegian. 840 896 Orwigsburg. .. 180 172 1 Pinegrove, tp. 18.5 237 Pinegrove. Sch. dist. - 71 55 Strongeburg and North i 46 52 Pinegrove, Sch. diet. ( Pottsville, 731 846 Rush, 84 96 • Schuylkill, 176 334 Schuylkill; listen. .. 183 ' Tamaqua, 155 161 Union, 122 223 ea. Wayne . 254 285 West Penn. 286 249 The above is published agreeable to the 10 Sec 'ion of the School law pissed June 13th 1836. EDWARD CONNOR, GEO. REITZINIGER. GEORGE BOYER. Commissibnirs. ; .1. A. DOWNING. Clerk. Mareh 13.1841 RAIL ROAD IRON. Ato crigl i e "!e c azortment of Rail Road Iron from swig RAIL It OA D TIRES from 33in. to 56 in. eater nal diameter.turned & tin tiirned. RAIL ROAD AXLES. 30,3 in.diameterßailßoad Axles. manufactured from the patent EY Cable Iron. RAIL ROAD FELT. for placing between the Iron Chair and dope block of edge Railways. INDIA RUBBER ROPE - manufactured from New Zealand Flaz saturat ed with India Rubber. and intended for Incline Planes J ustrecented a completeaa sortment ofChains,from in. to I j in. proired & mane oaten:map from le best ca ble Iron. BOAT AND RAIL ROADiPIKESi of difersuit sizes, keptcon aally on band tied forst& by A.LdtiB. BALM& &CO. No.f. Routh Front at. ffeeedshis, Jager, le. tigAirld. BRADIrS NO riativillei Coliunbia,C4,l Pa. • TAB sabseribet reipectftaly, informs the public that be has rninoved trout the town of s t i tts. whoa .to Danville, slid that, he has piths is that Oats the large and contenod ii ii fl BRICK. 110UE. , 1 • situate on the cornet of Mill and eta , streets, opposite the courthouse; which ihe b fit ted up by the erection of additional Buildin and ettensive stabling, for the entertainment of rel. lers and - visitors.. He is now prepared tat accoismo. date all who may ken, bun with • a call. and be would state that nothing in his .t power s tall be left ondoike to render his eustoment comfo able Ind happy while under his care. His aceortimoditione are ample, end hie rooms fumished in modern style and the proprietor is determined that hire establhth. meet shall sustain and keep op with the keeling reputation and importance of the town in Which it is located. HIS TABLE will be aupplieB with every Inzory of the season.and the belt and choicest variety tb• market can afford. • HIS BAR will %motored with ill the best article* that can be furnished by our titres, aba thh !boil will be such as to give satisfaction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightebed public will al ways judge for themselves, he teeis confid t that they will favor him with his patronage. SAMUEL A. BRA Y. Danville;Febiy. 6, Groceries, Oil, Ale ) Pc., F . OR SALE. /VIM subscriber will sell at the lowest rats 0* m• cash or coal; the following articles : 200 Barrels superior Many Ate. . 20 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 do Laguira Coffee; 300 Gallons Sugar ihrtfte MolasseS. 500 do New Orleans do 6 Barrels Currants, 20 Barrels Sugar, 800 Gallons Sperm an d , Common Oil. 50 Boxes Digby Herring, 50 Reams Straw Paper, 20 Boxes Raisins, and 23 Casks Cheese. The above articles are of • superior tjuallot, and well worthy the attention of merchants and others. They will be sold at Philadelphia prices, freight ad., ded. Apply to Clemens & Partin, or the . subecrl. ber. JAMES DOWNEt 6-3 mo• Febrtiaiy, 6 Theological II orksfor Sale. AN EXPOSITION AND DEFENCE OF UNIVERSALISM, By the Rev. I. D. Williamson of Baltimore. embrt clog the Unity of God as held by Universalists,— the Attonertient—Death of Christ—Punishment and duration of Punishment—Forgiveness of Sins.= Judgement—Nature ofSa Wation—Repent ence..—R es. correction and Destruction of death. This work it intended to disabuse the Public mind. in regard to the many misrepresentations so mdustrioual7 Culeted against this body of Christians. Pries SO cent•. moo for Sale, " TILE PLAIN GUIDE TO UNIVERSALISM. " by the Rev. Thomas Whitt*. more of Roston, a work designed to lead enquirers to the truth of that doctrine by Bible testimony ; and believers to the practice of its benevolent principle., The following matter is contained in this work s Wini are Universalist.? What do Unitersalists believe? What evidences do Universalist! addhce trod the Scriptures in support of theiL belief in the tualholincss and happiness of ilmanllind Passages from the Old and Nevi 'testament, ex. plained, which are adduced to disprove their semi ements. - Popular objections to Universalism explained ; anti the evidences of revealed Religion presented. ' Price 1 dollar. For sale at the Stores of Samuel tints and S.S: Morris & Brahma. July 4th. Holl'aVs Life Pills, and Pila). nit Bitters. fiIHE perfectly safe, unerring, and siaccessfill treat , ment of almost every species of disease by the ow of MOFFAT'S LIFE M EDICINES. is no longer a matter of doubt, as a reference to the exper lanes of many thousand patients Will satisflictorily prove. Dor ing the present month alone. nearly one hundred cues have crime to the knoWledge of Mr. Moffat, where thg patient has, to all appearance. effected a permaneat cure by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life Me. dicines—some eight or ten of these had been consider ea beyond all hope by their medical attendants., &eft happy results area source of great pleasure to Mr. M. and inspire him with new confidence to recowmend the use of his medicines to his felfow-cititetut. . The LIFE M F.DICI NES are s purely VEGE'PABLR preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their ope ration. and at the same time thorough.-acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system—carrying off all Red• moninus humors, and assimilating with and ptirifyint the blond. For this reason. in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia. the Life Medicines will give relief in a shot ter space of time than any other prescription. In fever and-Ague, Inflammatoty Itheutnatism. Fevers of every description, Sick Headache. Heart-burn. Dizziness in the head. Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, iinpaited up• petite. and in every disease arising fiats an impurity or the blood, or a disordered state of the Biotech, Hie use of these Medicines has always proved to be beyond doubt, greatly superior to any other mode of treat.. menr. All that Mr.-Moffat asks of his patients is to his pawl. cuter in taking them strictly according to the directions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thingha t he hi:L.self may say in their favor, that he hopes o gahl credit. his alone by the rethink of a fair trial. , _ls the reader an invalid, arid does he iv iab to kilo* Whether the Life Medicines will suit, his own case? If sop let-him call or send to Mr. Moffies agent in this place, and pro. cure a copy of the medical Manual. designed mi a Do mestic: Guide to Health, published gratuitously. He will there find enumerated very many extraordinary eases of care; and perhaps some exactly similar to his OWIY. Moffat's Medical Office in New York, 375 Broadway. This Medicine can also be obtained. of 1 MILLER 4 HAGGERTYi ' Agents for Schuylkill County.. Pottsville, Septetnber 26, 1340. , 39-4 f 1111OFFAT'S VEGPT,, ABLE - LIFE PILLS AND AYR. PHOENIX BITTERS —The high celebrity labia these excellent Medicines have acquired, in Mitt/ at moat every disease to which thelummi frame is habit. is a matter familiar with almost every intelligent on. They became knewn by their fruns—their *mks have testified for them—they did not thrive thefaith of the credulous In cases of Costiveness, Drrpepsia. Bilioeand Wee Affections, Asthma, Piles, bellied Pains, R heumatism, FeVers and Agoes, Obstinate Headaches,lmilere Snit* of the Fluids, Unhealthy Appearance of the Skin.Ner von Debility. the Sickness incident to Females in Deli cate Health. every kind of Weakness of the Digestive Organs, mil in all general Derangements of Health, these Medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most esi Notated constitutions. A single trial will place the Lite Pills and Phenix Bitters beyond the reach of cont.; petition, in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, at WM. B. MOFFAT'S Medical Office,37s Broadway, New York. N. B. None are genuine unless they have the fan simile of John Moffat's sjgnature. 'The Life Pills are sold in boxes—Price. 23 cents, 50 cents, and 51 each, according to the size; and the Phenix Bitters in bottles, at 51 or. 82 each, with full di.- evions. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION - -An inter* eating little pamphlet.entalee Moffat's bletl . tl , Man.. ual,designed as a Domestic Guide to Health Main ing accurate Information concerning the most preva-; lent disease,and the most approved remedies—by WM. lI:MOFFAT." Apply to the Agents. Agents.—The Life medicines may also be had of the principal druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Cahalan.' Ask for Moffatt Life Pale and Phenix. Sitters; and be sure thit a fac Simile' of . John. Moffat's signature is Upon the label of each bottle of bitters and box of pills. These valuable Medicines are for sale by Messii. MILLER & HAGGERTY. Pottsville. September 6th, 1640. 11-41 BOOK-BINDERY • - n BANNAN hasoommenceda Rook Bindef. "°-in connection With his Book Bterbsos all kinds of Books will tis boom d at tits shorted sobs at rates CI