II L•T&n NMI ElllloP#.t steamer Britannia at Bes4m, have twentylight days later itslwiU.only permit us tq mak: summary of her news. j The British Parliament bet, The Queen was present,! and good effect, Lords Melbourne and Parme l be raised to the peerage. Nothing later fromi . Ch Tho Turco-Egyptian queJftto Not a word said in thO (Iles Uriited Shit a, , Chafies Kean has marrieil E Large quantities of goodskir to thiS country. The' statement of the Uni e 4 ceived in Liverpool, a few frul nig sailed, and its stock fell 11 Commodore Napier is abaut hour i—the dauelatei of the f:rir American securities of all depressed. , The cotton market was firm. On the whole, the news t eidered by our business men 'fis York,, in the face df it, U. S. Ilta rose 3-4 per cent. T y. The., Harrisburg Telegia l estimated that the quantity gi mile of Monteur's Ridge at Har the manufacture of more tha t 7 iron. This may all be true fi Bard Patterson, Esq., of this well acquainted with Monteur's person in the State, and to who ple . are indebted -more than ahy Works, assured us that he yisi Iron Ore, on the Mount Laughfe .which, in the space of 15 feeti co seven feet of Ore, .in veins Iva from three inches to eighteea i which- is one foot thicker thati ti neg of all the veins in Monteiir'. extends a greater distance th'rou the whole extent of Monteurs one of at least fifty openingii ) al region. To use:'Mr. Pattersoh'il have said a great deal aboui . In gion—but you have not yet- r ti half." It is not often that et* the truth,. (Cf We are plea.kd to leak ,ti and Taylor, the lessees of the:!Vial arrived and will commence opera l d i They are practical iron then, an 1 fectly "at home" in their linci:of The Senate bill, legalixina forty days, was taken up in th:! . "1 and for the present postponed; u that. the conitnittee on banks Welt eral would prevent the on a temporary expedient. I U• S. SENATE.—The men:o3os e ect for the United States Senate, which will corve e in Washington on the 4th of March, togetlier, w th those holding over, will stand as follows : 1 • • Democrats, li 1 ' 28 Locofocos, , 1 1 22 Two vacancies remain to e r filled—one in Virgi l nia and one in Tennesee, hith will prObably be fillell by good democrats. 141 the House of Represeotaiives, the democrats will have a majority of at leastftwenty. FATTENING POLTLTR7.-An eiperi : nent has lately been tried or feeding geese with turnips cut up ve ry fine and put into a trough with water. The el feet was that six geese, weighing only 9 lbs. each when shut up, netuallii , weighed 9C . lbs. each„ after about . three weeks feeding with; this food alone. The above is from the Gentlssee Far:ner. Try it reader—and if true, senoMs a Turkey—we don't like' Geese—for the inforrnatio QuEErt—to seePhiladelphi papers helping the New York brokers to kill their OlVil banks, for the benefit of the Wall street a pirants.—Ricilmond Star. !i ri, State Government It is still quhrer to see. ou. i legislating fur the benefit of the surrounding States also. Tue COST OF Locorocoism.-4Secretary Woodbu ry has made a'report to the 1..;n4eil States Senate in which he states that the Gover4ment and the Peo ple have lost since 1330, s36s,pl,l97—caused,. as he says, by the Banks—but we' say, by fhe demon spirit of Locofocoism, which likas swept the !Allele length 'and breadthof our countrif, hurling destruction and desolation• in every quarter.- We thank the Hon. Secretary for this report at this time. It will be very appropriate as an epit4h be.inseribed over th; tomb of expiring Lo'Lof4coisrn. if any person hal any honey to invest; let him go deeply into Reading Rail Road stock at the present prices. Take our advice—you will never re gret it. If some folks, who held Lehigh stock; lied listened to our advice last year, instead of applying to us the polite , epithets of -assassin," "cut-throat," &c. &c., tli - ey would have profited considerably by f •,•• Nearly one-fourth of the lime of our Legisla ture is taken up with incorpo l ratini °Swindling Shops," commonly called, Coal Companies. There is co use in thus wasting the time of the Legislature. None but an ;dint would touch a, share of Coal Company stock now-a-days, NV r care not one fig where it is located. • Tax TAM/F.—The Richmom i l l (Va.) Whig has. broken ground-in favor of -a -protective tariff. The editor says— ,, Men's opinions ha?e - undergone in the South, and aro now undergoing,• great changes in respect to the tariff: They' contrast the present with the past; and the comparison is ih favor of protect ing their own manufactures. We believe we truly stated public opinion when we said, that Our Okla.- lions to the tariff were political, tot economicaly-r -that the true objections to it were, first, the hostility of sections to a ; and, secondly, 4its Lability to pro duce.a redundant treasury." In a very few years, the wholeiSouth will be tariff to the hub. in. A letter from Harrisburg I :tees that nothing will be 'done with the Hanks until the 4th of March Convention is over. In other w l erds, the whole bu siness community must be kept 4 4. the rack ",until a few politicians can arrange their business. All right, however. Why do the people send politicians to Harrisburg to make laws for them? If they' are too lazy towor), and cannot beisupporta in any other way, let an Asylum be pioVided. for tliem, and an appropriation made for their stipport out of the public treasury. We will guarantee that the public will be the gainers by it. j. The Philadelphia ArnericanSentinel, in allu ding to the conduct of the Banke r i n that city in re fusing to take IJ. 5. Bank antes on .deposite, very properly remarks, in substance, that if the United States Bank hits committed errors; and s'unk a por tion of her capital, still she has pore left than the united capital of all the other b+ks_in the elate-- and consequently her note! la-circulation will all be redeemer!. ' 1- „~*aMau. - .:.r, : r ~:- .. ..:, rim,`.--+~-~i.~:- . 'y the arrival of the on Monday last, we telligenee. Our lim iho fOliCiwing brief on the 25tliJattuary. ead her speech with; todatO'positively to, is settled. is 14)04 about the en Tree, about being shipped States Unit was re rs before the Briton- rim marrying an eastern cc of Lebanon. de, are very: much ie Britannia is eon avorable. At New k stock ralltSd, and h, states that it is .od Iron Ore in one ville, is enough for 00,000 tons of cast r what we know. orough, who is as I. edge, as any other i the Danville peo• other_ for their Iron ed an opening of i Tract last : week. stained upwards of ykng in thickness fiches of solid Ore, ie aggregate thick- Ridge. 'this vein h our region than Ridge, and is only ready made in this ex pression-4•You n Ore in this re d more than one fall so far short of Messrs. Sabbaton ley Furnace; have Itions forthwith.-- appear to h 0 per- Ibusine'ss. Idle suspension. fu r . ()use on Saturday , Lon an intiuirion preparing a gen : ecessit'y of action " I[Fon Tag Mistra's .feitrjarlo.) Mit. Bisirtertt-g r lndispogition prevents'ute this week froth making a full and complete reply to the Commissinners • and .TrcasUrees counsellor; yet'l cannotstiffer this opportunity to pass without stating to you my good fortune in my last epistle. I was fishing for small fry, , but have actually caught whale, and it I do' nut now profit by the blubber, I deserve nd such gnod.luckin future. MY - forMer cOmmunication it appears was a two. edged sword, and Was instrumental (unintention ally) in Aiming the valye of a large bellows, and thereby letting off ;blast sufficient to blow an Anthra. cite Furnace for a spell. My next may be the means of bursting , tlhe s beiler or producing a tornado, somcp ing in its tf)reatening ;course, and-totally awhile:Jog you and the Miners' Bank and probably all others. As for the Banks, they are no longer or any service, let them and tis to yourself, you have little to fear from this destroyer. You know lam friendly to the Governor, and a pardon will be at your* ser vice. ThiS idol in politics seems to be politically petrified ; as all he sees, hears, reads, whether sit. ting or standing, awake or asleep, all is viewed as having apolitical bearing. Yea, even his own slieek,:iiicJis locked upon as following him for some political object, andd judging from this mania, one might even suppose that politics runs through his d oral od,s. Preparatory to iny formal investigation of the counsellor's position, I put these queries: Does he know the amount of specie recently drawn by the Treasurer from the Philadelphia Banks? Does he know that ithe Treasurer has lately paid off claims against the County in specie, and exacted a premium for such specie payments? Jibe can not, or will not answer, these queries correctly, I shall answer them myself in my next a[Rather doubtful.] FOIL THE MISERS JOURNAL TO WHOM IT MAT CONCEIN. No. 2. C.VNALS—BOATS—BOATMEN. In Inv former number, my enumeration of obsta• cies'in the navigation of the Schu3 kill Canal, does nut satisfy many ofreir experienced Boat Captains ; and I now call upon them, to prepare me in writing, list of sucti abuses and obstructions as have come under their porica the•last season, so that on my re turn from - Nevii" York, I may be able to awaken the managers of the Schuylkill Navigation Co. to their own Mteresta. My remarks are not intended to gratify any pri vale pique against this Company, but as a physician would apply severe remedies for the removal of a lingering diSease, I wish to Follow the same plan. Our interests are identified, the Canal against the Rail Road for - ever! , but abuses and obstacles to the safe navigation of the former, will destroy us all. (Erratia) For lone r ! Kelsons in my Ist Sio. read larger-, and fbr well executed, rcad well calculated. "STEAM- BOAT AHOY!" if the Towing cunipan)* would erect some sta. hhog fur the:slieher; nod feceing of the horses be longing to the New Yorit boats, at their several de pot,(4ay Oil) Schuylkill, at Bordentow», Princeton, and Nero Thunsicick,) they would mani fest ~utne res:pcel . forti,e natural frehng nr the Boat men towaras their Horses, even it' they have none themselves. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO BORDEN:TOWN. Abuse No. I. manner of taking horses un board, which. is gerMrally rap-hazard,' is very like. Iv to cause the loss of one or more horses by break ing their legs, and My only surprise is that such a result has not already happened. That horses hate been seriously strained, is too glaring fur denial. consequence the.relhre of the latter evil fulls on 'the Boatmen; (Neu if the loss of the horses should be paid Mr by thoseiwho endanger their lives, for the saving olsome fdur or five dollars. Abuse NM '2. Bates of Towing and Toll inclu ded, is advertised to befit) cents per ton. Why then are the Boatinen conipelled to pay SI 00,per trip for the transportation of their horses ? But this abase does not end here : tf. two mules or two horses are :attached to one Boat, the price is generously increas ed to S i 011. ; What is this tor? If it is - said to be a compensation for cleaning the deck of the Steam boat, would it nut be: well to charge the Boatmen with some other peequisues, to raise the salary of Steamboat hands. Or, if justice .dernand. an extra coin pensationdor this ,e'xt ra service, (and it is but one hour's work for tten men, going and Morning -) would nat one fourth the price now charged be sudi cient ? All Who hhow any thing about this matter, know th4t one: quarter of what is now charged, is sufficient to employ lixo hands of the Steamboat one whole day; consequently it would still be three Murilis too mitch, thongli we wilt agree to that price by common etonsent. 'flits'-ex - era charge, and the hack toll on Boats atteending the Schut 11,10'0 - atm) arc about on a par, arld come as near the principles of shaving as 'Doctor pvutes normal Labor Bunk. We have arrived at Borden'own, and shall go on td New York next week 'sure. J. M. C. *Tins towing Company is understood to be the De l -4r Ba r . canal Co., though the operations of the two Mat tie distinct • On the 251 h inst., by Rev Joseph McCord, Mr ORLANDO (.::11A7i, of Philadelphia, to Miss hitt..D.E B. eutighler of Mr. Sainuel,litilner, Ft-q. of Miners ville, Schoylktli comity. At Orwigsbprg. on the 21st. inst., by the Rev. A. T. Gee.sehhaincr, Mr. fiEser 211AmmEs, to alis MARY RAUDF.IIC,II, both of West Brunswicit. 1• PECELOIVILLTECIC SOCIETY. TUESDAY EVENING, March 2(1, 1841, Subject for Diseti4sion—"lllave Irishmen in Mineriia the lizht (consistent with the dohs as citizens.) to aid their country In übidinitig a 'rpm/ of the Union between En 4 ,:land and Ireland. A ITIRM.ATIM-MCSSN. Neville, Fogarty', Palmer and 11(.Izer. , EGATIve ---,Messrs. Boyer, Porter. Offerrnan and Pitman. The Ladids of Pottsville particularly, and all friends of learning and free disew.sion; are invited to attend the nteetings , of this Society, which will hereafter be held on TUESDAY instead of TIUTRSDAt evenings, at the Academy• TIIONIAS D. PlTMAN,Secretary: -Maieh 2J. 9 A meeting 'wlll be. held at Mr. O'Connor'e on Tuesday, 2d of March; at 7 o'clock in the evening, for the purpos e of devising the best means of cele— brating St. Patrick's day. All who arc favorable to it areinvlted to attend. February 270, • Pulaski LOdge, No. 216. ASTATED Meeting of the Pulaski Lodge, will be held at the 110 on Monday evening, Mardi Ist. 1841. at 7:o'clock, P. M. February 27, 5-- TO LET. THE House now occupied by the sub_ 'am scriber in Morris' Addition, with a ble attached, will be let and possession Over, on the Ist of April next. The up per part of this'House is well calculated for a small family, and the lower, part would be suitable for a family keeping' boarders. Apply to 'JOHN M. CROSLAND, Jan n 4—tf ' Agent. Notice: T" partnership heretofore existing between Charles A. Whi,tney aid Jesse 7 urner, Coal Merchants, tradin g under the firm, of 'Whitney. & Turner, wasdissolved on the inst. by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the, said fi rm Pre requested to make payMent, and,all persons having claims will please present them to Jesiie Turner, who is authorried to setUe the businctsiot the late firm. , CHARLES A WHITNEY, . JESSE TURNER. Port Carbon,lFeb. 21, 94-3 t White Winter Strained Spkrni Oil. . MILLET?. NA - CdERTY have just 'receives) their Winter b tock of White Winter' Strained Sperm Otl, which t,1,10 can recommend to their !lived@ and the public tut being superior. ' Nov. 28th; . A TAX PAYER THE lIINIERO JOUIrIAL. P.Mi r lin4l.llWlS .i - ' 1 CANDY. HOREHOUND • —ouraitssi.i 13D 03LT 033013 Le•••• ' /' ` pELTIAM'S CE M CLARIFIED ATED . ES SENCE OF lIOREHOUND CANDY, is acknowl edged be the prees and medical faculty, to be a supe rior article, and no Worthless humbug, patronised and recommended by Drs JACKSON, 1 ' Dra. WOOD, " IA ITCLIELL; 1 . " PITTEO3OI. Di. PREVOST And mhost of othen.. as a most excellent compound for Cone's. Colds. Aithmu and &are NM In Broncli ifisit has no superior: For pain in the Side or Breast. Spitting of Blood, Crtio, Whooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing. Profuse ortillEcu It Expectoration,-LownesS of Spirits, and all those diseases tending to CONSUMP TION, This Candy cOntiiinS the virtues or Horehound. Liv erwort, Comfry, Slippery Elm, Boneset, Elecampane, &c. . Comprising the medical virtoes of THIRTY. POOR of the most popular Vegelahle Cough Ingredients. PELII A M'SC Ai\ DY is the only universal cure for Coughs, Colds. 4-c.. ever .discovered,. and is certain ill every case to afford iastantaneous relief. and in most cases a complete cure; In many cases where, the best medical skill has fatled . , it has afforded more than tem porary relief, as cin be proved by undeniable and unso licited testimonials recieved by the proprietor. Met hers speak delightfully of its chap wing effects on their offspring, that they were unable to obtain rest from the coughing and restlessness ()I:their children, till they procured some of PELHA M'S CANDY. Recollect to ask Or PELIIAAPS HOREHOUND CA N DY. Be careful to observe that each direction is headed with the name of Pelham, and also has the signature of Chas. N. Holbrook, wile, is the General agent for the United States. A Fupply ethe above article just recieved and for sale at the Drug & Chemical store ef the subscriber,'Cen• ire Si..Pottsville. Feb.27th lUU,OOO BOXES QF D R. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA or BLOOD sod the past year. - fe:r '4:ILL OR CURE." _el This doctrine is startling—it nevertheless is the doctrine einem incd and racticid by the numerous Quacks who mat ufveture prererations of various. kinds which have meretry for their base. lIABE THEN - - HOW you trust to such preperetions. 'Tis true, they "kill or cure," and you all then hear of the cures, but never hear ark hilkd or wounded, or those whose c.n. stannous are completely destroyed and broken down. To all those who have been um.' ' Quark medicines, . I would recommekd theuse of remedies that wi couni• bract their bad effects:Wore it is to late BE:ADVISED Th6refore, to guru rd against the evil 'effects of Quack medicines, and employ am h medicines only as you know, and hare proof of being,prepared by a regular experienced Apqhecary anl Physician. Stich is Dlt. LEIDY'S SARSAPARHAA jr !MOOD PILLS, • Which may be used at all tones., aces, aim seasons. where iii her a mild or defile parrot:re may be required or as a purifier of the 6/med and animal fin; Is, and in all Mrseases requiring 1 ulgation, cleansing and putang the systern,&e. They may be used without restraint from diet or oc eupation, from mot crate or trim erme I ti.r, I,e mg f ree jam mercury and all the minerals, and an antidote against thetr bad effects. IJITIC tons certificated from various parts of the Uni ted States have been, from time to time pt.blisbcd, it is only neemisary to inform the public where they may be had genuine. ;Sunerous certificates and recommendations from ,Physie i atm amd others accompany the directions. To satisfy the world tfiat they are no quack prepar a -6014.1 would simply obinrve, that they are the prepara. toms ()la regular Dru;gist and Physician, attested also by . Dr. P. Physick, Dr. R. E. James, `, I).N Chapman, Dr W. P. Dewees, Dr. S Jackson, ' Dr. Robert Ilare, Dr. W. E. Muter, Dr. J. Redman Corce, Dr. William Gibson, Re.v. W. 11. Delaney, C. C. Biddle, Esq.. R. Adrain, Esq , &c. &c. They are prepared ana: sold, s, holesale and retail at Dr LEIDY'S II EA LTEI EMPORIUM, No. 191 N. SECOND Street, below Vine, sign of the Golden Ea gle and Serpents. and by. W. T. EPTING , Druggist, Pottsville. February 27th, 9 S 100 !'”•S 100! 11, 1 , ',TILL BE FORFEITED BY DR. N..g. LEIDY, Inr a preparation of Sarsapa til fa equal to his • MEDICATED Ex-rizAcT OF' SARSAPARILLA. It is positively the strongest tireparAt ion of Sarsapa rilla in existence. ONE BOTTLE is equal to SIX I'! NTS of any Syrup that is made, mid is bought by nu memos persons throughout the city and country li•r making Syrup !beret, stn. and who will sell i• at the rate of seventy-fiee cents so one dollar per bottle !about Italia pint. The iiffr•acy of Sa rsa pa rin., is well hnown iri Scrnfn t c?ai, Disiares rf tt e Ji r+io, saJ the Shin and &tics, 1.1. erli if the AOSt, Thr,ge ezint,.l3ctly, as well as an Antidote to ,Mercury and the Minerals, Cnnstiintional At:rases:lnd a general l'urifier cf (lie Blood and Animal Fluids. upon Its virtues is unnecessary. Es.( ry body knows its efficacy. It is only necessary when using it, to get a good preparat.ou of it. and then there will be no dis apron:no - In to its elects, Dr. 'Ailey would ri ft rto the Mott respectable Physi critic in I h i l ts It Ira, as - 1 , , II ; s ilm,fl u .hotit the CM led Sfat es for (he charartenof his preparatinn, as well O— m) to the itionvrous certificates from pits .clans and others. that have been friftn time to time nithlishe t, now deemed water, *sari, evntlie character of has prep ra tion is firmly estohlt:theti.—Themi:lhout the So Itkeril . St ajes u Is tig - ril a/together, and throng hot t the •North takes the pr. cedence titer GAO'S, par.n iil lily among pity si - c 1.111., Who, for the benefit lAf the patients, airca: s recom mend it Dr. Leidy can boast of as many effectual cures per formed by his tnedirated Extract of sa rsa parilla, as has ever been etfeeted by 'medicine in existence. The reader is referred to the directions accompany ing each bonle, for recommendations, certificates and further particulars. Itenmert‘er one bottle. (Italia pint (is equal to six pintS fiSyrup, and is equally iileasa tit to take. T Face ONE DOLLAR per bottle...cis Prep:. red and sold wholesole and retail at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second' street below Vine. Sinn of the GOLDEN EAGLE AND SERPENTS, Philadel phia, and by. Wm. T. EPP NG Druggist, Pottsville. February 12th..9 FOR SALE. The Bartram Botanic Garden. SITUATE on the west side of the ae? ;;;;.,rsc. Schuylkill river, about half a nine below IS" 1 , th e new bridge at Gray's Ferry ; eon taming abotit twenty-four acres. Bound ed on the west by,Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, and on the east by the river Schuvlsill, on which it. hes a trees of twelve hun dred feet- The property is delightfully sitoated on the banks of the . Schnylkill, commanding a most picturesque view of its termination in: the river Delaware ; and for the purpose for which it has been used during the last century, is certainly one of the handsomest situations in the counoi. of Philadelphia. For a cemetery it Oresents superior - advantages. The grounds being already handsomely laid out and stocked with the best and largest, variety of shrub. bery and ornamental trees is the United States, will require little or no expense to convert into a place suitable for the purpose. The mansion house can, at a very trifling expense be conve:ted into a chapel. And the extremely low price at which it will be of ferred for the purpose, will bring it within the reach of any one of the numerous religious bodies in the city of Philadelphia who want a place for burial. The road being good it is easy of access at all seas• uns of the year. Thereis a good stone quarry, and excellent sand and gravel on the property. The improvements consist in a stone mansion house fronting on the river, a good barn, outbuild ings, talent's house, and extensive green houses. A large and substantial •vhbrf has been constructed on a -portion of the river front,end there a r e ma t e . rials convenient for fi lling tip Uthers. Its location for wharves frir the "Purpose Of s r hipping coal is prob. ably suierior to any other en v river': being below the Gray's Ferry Bridge, liar e vessels may load there without the risk of passi g through the nar. row chatinel of tbe Bridge. ,Th wharf already cau structed ban be rente4 to gixid advantage, and the Garden having been ro long es abtisbed as a sum. mer retreat, as well as the teli ! e river front being suitable .for wharves, it is bel aced that suf fi cient may be rented off to pay a larg proportion of the in terest on its costs. The greater , part of the pule. ase.money may re main on the mortgege on the p emises for a number of years if required. For further particulas apply to Mr. Carr, on the premiseti, or to ROBErer SMETHURST, 51 *north Sixth s i rcei, below Arch, Where a plan and - dem:4W° ufAhe premises can be resat Philiielphia, Ireb. 27, JOHN S.C. MARTIN. 9- E!!!1 Indemnity Against Loss or Damage by FIRE. .• CHARTER PERPETUAL. THE SPRING GARDEN INSURANCE COM. PANY PHILADELPHIA. • ialr AKE Insurances, either temporary cr perpetually. /VA-against. Loss Or. Daamge by FIRE, in town or country, on Houses; Barns, and Buildings uf all kinds: on Household Furniture. Merchandise. Horses. Cat tle, Agricultural, Commercial and Manufacturing Stock and Utensils of every description ; resists and thr ir Cargoes in port. as well as Mortgages and Ground Rents, upon the most favorable terms., Applications for Insurance. or any information on the subject may be made either -personalty, or by letter. at the COmpany's Office, at the Northwest corner of Sixth and Wood suer ts. • MORTON MeI%IICHAEL President. L. Kausitott.ta, Seiretary. DineCrons. Morton McMichael, Charles Stokes, Josep Wood, Archibald Wright. P. L. Laguetenne, Samuel Townsend, Elijah ailleft, Robert L Loughead. George M. Troutman, R. W Pomeroy, Charles W. Schreiner. The subscriber bas been appointed AGENT for the a bove meationed Institution and istow prepared to make Lvstatatvccs upon everydescri Futon of property at the lowest rates. BENJAAIIN BANNAN. Pottsville. Feb.27th. 1841. 9 To Caipenters. firliE undersigned wishes to employ 4 steady /1- Men, who are wed to working in Oak Timber, tcb work at Boat Building:. JOHN M. CP.OSLAND, February 27, 9 Garden seeds. .SHE subscriber is now opening his supply of -a Garden Seeds, which he will warrant to be fresh. February 27. N E W GOODS. T HE subscriber Itas Just returned from Philadel phia with an elegant supply or fashionable Blue, Black, and Invisible Green Cloths, Sattinetis, Cassimeres, • Cords, Inite Beurerteens, Elegant Gilt Buttons, latest fashion, Vestings,.4•c. All of which will be disposed of at lower rates than they can be piirchised elsewhere. The subscribe; being determined twtnerif a por tion of patronage, reFpe s etfully solicits the public to give him a call. lU'Utnted States Bank Notes will be taken at par for back dues, and in payment for Bonds, JAMES AIeALARN,EY, Feb 20, 8-3 Safety Fuse. FRESEI supply of Safety Fuse, just recicved and for sale. by. . • \ B. BANNAN. February 20th, 8— Wanted, laY a young man, thoroughly acquainted with E- 0 Bookkeeping by double or single entry, and who can produce unexceptionable refdrence. A sit. nation in some respectable Mercantile House as Clerk or Salesman, or any other business adapted to rccupy the attention of the Advertiser, employ. merit being Iris ohject. lie would have no objection to go South or West, being acquainted is rib the So Ahern Trade. A line addressed to S. J. M. and Icit at this Office, stating where an interview may be had will meet with prompt attention. .February 8-3t* Store and Tavern Stand , TO LET. r\ll.-1T excellent Tavern end Store Stand in the Valley Rail Road, about 100 yards above Port Carbon, which has been occupied es a Tavern for the last twelve years, vill be leased from ihe first of April next. For terms noply in EDWARD O'CO'VN011; Feb. 20t S-30' Pottsville Orphan's Court Sale of MINERS '• lI.L P. PROPERTY. BY ADJ JURNNIEN'I'. Pursuant an order or the Orphin's Court. r;,l'flESubscrinr•r, executor of the last Will and Teidiment of Henry Christ. lute of Mlnersville, deceased, will eapo•e by Public Voodoo iin Sat. •tirday ihe :10th day of March next. at IU o'clock A. M. at the [louse of Micha.il Mortimer, in Pottsville, All that certain moiety or one undivided Half or a certain, LOT OF (;ROUND, siteate in the Borough ntMinergvillr, No. I.& mark ed in the Plan of thesaol Borough, being BM feet in Front, on Main Street St) feet in Depth and NO t in the rear. 47.04 i y The improvement are a large Two SM. less i't ry Frame Tavern House, now occupied Fop; ....,, Fo p ,%,!,,, as such by,4'harles Taylor, with large ,:.,-....—r- - -.1.. and commodious Stabling attached. .Also a two story Frame House, now occupied as a Store and Dwelling. This properly is so well known by the public, that any remarks as to its superior location as a Business stand, is unbrcesi.ary. Also bt the sane time and place, a certain LOT OF GROUND. situate in Geo• Patterson's Addition to Minersville, bounded'hy lands of Blair McCleni gan, Esq. by the Rail road in the front, by other lands of Geo. Patterson on the South, and by the West Branch in the red?. The, improvements are a Two Story Frame Dwelling House, late the estate of said deceased.' Conditions ofSale made known at the time and place. S. SI LLYIIAN, Executor. By order or the Court. JACOB KREBS, Clerk. Fen' 2.0, y 8-4 P N. B. The Sheriff of Schuylkill County will off.2r the other half of the Store and Tavern Stand, a! the same time and place, which will enable the purcha ser to purchase the whole property. Aotice. riIHE Partnership forrherly existing between Rob. et t M. Grant, J. I. Cerro], & John W. Lawton under the firm 'of G rani, Carrol, & Co, was dissolved on the 28th December last by the decease of IL M. Grant. The outstanding affairs of the concern will be settled by the sinkiving partners, who will for the present continue tile business on their own account under the same grin. February 13th, 7-6 t United States. Bank Notes, RECEIVED at par for Goods, or in payment of Debts duo the subscribers. MILLER & HAGGERTY. 7- rebruary 13th, For Sale. I I HE undersigned Assignees of Hazzard & 4 Strauch offer at priva'te sale the whole or grea ter part of the More goods lately belonging to said firm. The stock consists of a general assortment of Hey Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Hardware, and Queens ware. The person purchasing said stock or the greater part thereof, will be entitled to 'a lease on the pres ent store stand which is the most eligible in the Bor ough of Pottsville. • The stock will be sold very low and payment made easy. AoplicatiOns to be made. . to F. HUGHES, or GEO. C. WYNKOOP. • , • Assignees. Pebrhary 13th, 7-6 t MitchelPs School Geography, irtnE best now in ,use, a fresh supply better bound, together_ with , • MITCHELL,S PRIMARY SCHOOL GE. OGRAPHY, I '.• • A new work just published, for begin ners, and which has . already been introduced in the Schools in Philadelphia.,; Also. •- VITCHELDSIGEOGRAH*AL READER, for Set:well', and Nuttiest, just received and for sate by , B. BANNO. December 5: , 49 ; MEE BRADY'S NOTE*, Dawkille, Columbia CO., Pa. rplIE subscriber respectfully informs the public 41 - ; that he has removed from the town of Catta. wja:sa to Danville, and that he has purchased in - Vit that place the large and commodious ifiakx • ssissig BRICK HOUSE, • • • • • situate an the corner of Mill and Water streets, opPosite the courthouse, which he has fit. ted up by the erection of additional Buildings and extensile stabling, for the entertainment cf travel lers anvisitors. He is cow prepared taaccomino. date all who may favor lira with a call, and he would state that nothing in his power shall he left undone to render his custoineri comfortable -Ind happy while under his care. His accommodations are ample, and lily rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is determined that his establish ment shall . sustain and keep up with the growing reputation end importance of the town in Which it is located., TABLE will be supplied with every luxury of the season. and the best and choicest variety the market ran afford. rIAR will be stored with all the best 'intake that can be furnished by uur cities, and the whole will be such as to L ive satisfaction to every toe. Well knowing that an enlightened public call al- ways judge for thent , elves, lie feels confident that they will favor him) with hie pat,ona!ze. Danville, Fcb'y. 6, Medicines. Dr. Evan's celebrated Camomile Pills. Dr. Hunt's Botanic Pill& Dr. Goode 's Female Domestic Pills. Dr. Evan's Soothing Syrup fur children Teeth ing. Also, Stvaim's Panacea eir.yermiluge by the Dozen or single Bottle for sale by February 13th, B. BANNAN. 9- Administrator's Notice. w ETTERS of administration on the estate of 41 Daniel Nunernacher, late of thu Borough of Pottsville Schuylkill county, deceased, haying been grunted to the subscriber, nll persons indebted to the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make payment to the subscriber, and all persons having claims or demand's, against the estate of the said Daniel Nunenrictier, are hereby requested to present them at the eti,co of Jacob Reed Esq. on the last 'Saturday in E bruary inst. and the first Satur day in March IleXi. SANIUEL HEFFNER. Adlniimtratr , r. 'February E 31.11, 7 6t Mechanic's Lieu. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY SS. ' vs *.t ./. Mark Mellon 1 In the Court of ki • 1 - 4. • • ii,.. I Common Pleas of `, -• '" Lis. W. Schenck, Schuylkill cotitity, ipi ...e.i >I ) . ••• reputed owner & i to tho Term of '' . i , contractor, . I March 1841. No. J 29. VOTIOE is hereby given to all claimants and .*• 11 others, interested in a certain Chute and Screen on a lot in Sehuylkill Haven, being the Southeaster ly half of the Lot, mnrked in the plan of the said town by Samuel 11. Kneas, Engineer, number four teen; bounded Soul heastwardly by Lot No. 15, South westerly by Broadway, :Northwesterly by the other half of raid Lot No. 14, and Northeastwurdly by the river Schuylkill: That a Scire Facia: , has been is sued on the Mechanic's Lien, entered in the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill County, in the above stated case, and will be returned to March Term of said Court. J. G. WOOLISON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offlee, Orwia4urg, Febrpary 6th, A. D. It4l. s Frrii E firm of Shelly & Ruch, was dissolved on u the lst inst. by mutual consent. Persons hay. ing claim., and all indebted to the late firm, arc re. quested to call on the subscriber, n ho is authorized to settle the same. February 6, JOHN RUCH informs his friends. nnd the pub lie that he cog-mulles the business at the old stand, where he would be thankful for their patronage. 117 . 11111 f, subscriber will sell at the lowest rate for I L cash or coal, the fullms Ina articles : :200 Barre's superior Albany Ale, t2O Bags Rio Coffee, 10 do Laguira C'off'ee, 3uo Gallons Sugar Honse Molasses. 500 do New Orleans • do 6 Barrels Currants, 20 Barrels Sugar, • 500 Gallons Sperm and Common Oil, 50 Bores gby Herring, 50 Reams Straw Paper, 20 Boxes Raisins, and -Casks Cheese. The a boe articles ere of a superior quality, and %veil wnrihv the atten Con of merchants and others. They will be sold at Philadelphia prices, freialtrad ded. Apply to Clemens & Parvin, or the subscri ber. February-, 6 Administrator's Notice. .ETTERS of administration on the estate of m-Al Robert B.llllford, late of the town of Port Car bon, Schuylkill cntinty., deceased, having been gran ted to the Subscriber, all perror.s indebted to the es. tale of the said deceased, are requested to make payment to the subscriber, and all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said Robert Bamford, are hereby requested ti make known the sanic to him without. delay. ARTPUR NIcGONAGLE, Administrator. February, 6.. 6-6 WORKING. MAN'S INFORMANT; vfiI.BRACING Chemistry, Abstracts of Electric ity, Galvanism, Magnetism, Mechanics, Pocu. matics, Optics. and AstronOmy. ALSO, Mechanical Exercises in Iron, F teel, Lead, Zinc, Copper and Tin, Soldering, with a Descrip tion of the SLIDE MULE, its definitions add examples illustrating every manner of its use, which is uppli. cable to every mode of measurement, and to all Me chanical Powers. ALSO, a variety of useful Receipts, extending to every profession'and occupation in file, and embra cing practical subjects; the major part being orig inal and the remainder selections Erwin the best au thorities. ln.addition to which Miscellanies is a valuable Collection of Practical Receipts in Dyeing Silk, Woollen, Cotton, and Leather, by JAMES Pus ric:ios. Just received and for sale by January 30, Administrator's Notice. ,ETTERS of Administration .on •the estate of - 0 - ,1 Robert Montgomery Grant. late of the Borough o f Pottsville, (Merchant), deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, all persons -indebted to the estate of the said deceased, ate. hereby requested to make payment toiho sub . scriber, and all persons having claims, or demands against the estate of the said Robert M Grant, are hereby requested to make known the same to him without delay. R. WOODSIDE, Administrator. February 6, • t • Piano .Forte:!. rvIIE @Ascribes hag just received Rom Europe 11 - , 20 Piano niters of the very', best quality, with metaliC plates, which guaran tees. lie will dis pose of thesis at a very reascinable price. Second. handed Pianos ho will take in exchange fur new ones. • C. L LIEITEMAN. iiteadink.reb. eth. SAMUEL A. BRADY. 7- Dissolution• Groceries, Oil, Ale, &c., F 0 It SA L JAMES DOW N EY. 6-3m,or THE ARTISTS AND MECHANICS' REPOSITORY, 111:1 Cheap Ready "lade Winter Clothing. . Pk - ICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE adVerusers have on hand and,will sell very cheap for cash. • Super double wiled English Beaver Cloth Over. coats full trimed • :- $lB to 20 Double milled Frock Coats, made in the best style from $l6 to'lB Heavy English Pilot Cloth Over Coati, 12 I°l6 du do Frock do 10 to 14 do Harrington Cloth Over Coati, 7to 8 Blue Black and fancy colored Dress Coats. 10 to 14 S do do do Extra superfine west of Etig nLad Cloth Dress Coats, $l4 to Is upertine Blue Black and fancy colored Castellani's) Pants, • $7 to Superfine do do Buckskin Caesium sto 6 do Satinet Punts, 4 to 5 Heavy lined Satinet Pan's, 21 to 3 First quality Satinet Roundabouts. 4 to 41 db . do Cloth .do 6to 71 do do Fistian hunting Coats 61 Fine Kentucky Jean Coats, 51 Heavy Genoa Silk Velvet Vesta, 5 to 6 Superfine English Mk. Blue Blk. fancy cut Sill Velvet Vests, 846 to 51 Fine English boiled Satin Vests. 3 to 4 Heavy double backed Woolen Velvet Vests 31 t 2411 Superfine Blue and Blk. Cmviinere do 3to 31 Fine double Breast Sart met Vest, 2 to 21 Valentia anti 'Woolen Velvet do 16 to 2 A general assortment of superfine Lambswool Shirts and Drawer., fine Linnen and Muslin Shirts &c „Cotton and Canton flannel under Shirts and Pre wers, heavy Marino Shirts 4.c. lloisery„ heavy Germantown Woollen Ho•e and half hose, fine bite Cotton and heavy Lambs wool hose. superfine full trimed Satin and Bombazine Stocks, extra French Merino and hair cord Scharf and Scharf Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirt Bosoms, Collars &c. &c. Also, a large and hand'aoine assortment of super fine West of England Cloths and Ca'simeres, arid small quantity of well selected French Cloths, a morgst which are a variety of Diamond Beaver `'laths for Over Coati , of different shades and finish.. Also heavy Loniestre Diamond Bear Cloths. Those ho pay Cash may buy bargains of LIPP! Noorr & TAYLOR. ' Woollen Dealers and Tailors, corner or Centre and Mahantango Streets, November 2S, B. BANNAN Mechanic's Lieu. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, SS. ' Mark Mellon, 1 In tSe court of ...,1 4 , ';: , 4} ~ 173 Common Plead of y4ri l , ;:', John Christian, Schuylkill Coup. i. It ,r owner and Con. fty, to the Term of '4 :13 tractor. March, 1941 No. J 28. 111tkT OTICP. is hereby given to all claimants to, and L others interested in u T,,,, o Story I3rick dwelling noose, situate in the tuivn of Schuylkill Haven, fronting on Front Street, nearly opposite Thomas 31annon's Tavern that a Scire Facias has been is. sued en the Mechanic's Lien, entered in the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill count v, in the above stated Cafe., and wall be returned to March Term of said court. J. G. WOOLISON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Or iesburg, February Gth. A. D. 1841. SW.A.I 31'S VER 311 FUG' E. , The most usrftil Family Medicine ever of Jcr•ed to the Public. Tins well known Anti-Dysenteric and Worm Med " ictrie has proved successfully these twelve year's past, and is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it, to be far superior to any other medicine ever etnployed in the diseases for which it is recommended It is perfectly sale. and no child will refuse to take it. Vorms being especially opt to [wrest persons of tared digestive organs' and emaciated constitutiOns. ranch mischief is often done by the ordinary worm med.. eines, which generally consists of the strongest purga— Ives, calomel, that destroyer of the constitution. bitters, pink - root, spirits of turpentine, worrusceo oil &c. Articles al thus kind may destroy worms, but they de— bilitate the stomach, and Oen materially injure the general health, without removing the cause. Swaim', Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of removing the Mend health, without removing the cause. Swaim'. Verntiluge has the peculiar advantage of removing the cause of the worms, by giving vigour and healthy action to the stomach, bowels and orgavis of digestion, thereby relieving• measles, mom", hooping cough, &c. This medieme,by invigorating the internal functiontistrenght* ening the organs of d•gestion, and removing the primary cause which creates _Morbid secretions, will relieve Bowel Complaints, Dysentery, Despepsia, and t h e whale train of biliary affections, Sick Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Vaal Breath, Bleeding Piles, eve. It 1.4 ad antidote in the early stage of Fever and cholera Alorbits. JoiiN Ructi, 6 - , As moral Family Medicine l it stands unrivaled, as ths a a pplicable to most of thelitscases to which children are tutycct. Swarm's Vermirugeiwill be fotmd of some utday to persons auto occistonally indulge in the con— vivality of the table ; a dose taken before dihner will anticipate the eflbcts of aridity of the stomach, not 1111.. frequuntly produced oy wine. In the neglect of this how evt r. a dose in the morning or the following morning will, in most instances, restore the tone of the Stom— ach. • Families resident in the country, and insolated in a measure from medical advice, travellers journeying to the Co. west, or bound to distant ports, seminaries and ail public insti.utions and charitable associations will Grid this remedy. coratantly at hand. of great utility. Prepared at SWAIM'S LABORATORY Philadelphia. And for sale by B. BANNAN. Agent for Schuylkill Connty. 44—If . October 31. Tsubiber hat liana received a 1 reah and ill m general as.ortment of" . FALL 4- WINTER GOODS, • • consisting in part of Broad Brown and pilot Cloths medium and fine qualities, low priced; Cassimere Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Canton Flannels Checks, English and French Merino, Vestings, Hosiery, Calicoes, Shawls, Umbrellas, Stocks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslim., Ticking, Ace. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES Viz: Sogar,Coffee, Molasses, Black, Green end Im perial Teas, Spices, Soap, Candles, Chocolate, Rats ins, Sperm and Whale Oil, Loaf Sugar, Rice Cheese, &c . For those who wish to 4opthem es of the opportunity to purchase at Ire bin rates, a visit would besuffieient. The advantageous terms on which they were purchased, will enable him to dispose of them as reasocable as can be purchased in a similar establishment in this section of country. All who may be disposed to honor him with a visit, will find sufficient proof of the accuracy of the above statement and will no, doubt be readily suited in quantity, quality and price. G EO. W. SLATER. 50— December 12, BTEI I I7 STORE, rIHE subscribers would inform their friends and. the public that they hove established them selves in business, in the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. T. & %V. Pollock, adjoining Menne Clemens & Parvins Drug Store, where they offer for sale a - general assortment of fi Dry Goods, Groceries, k Teas. Wines, !Liquors, Queenswaire, • Glassware and. • „. AU of which , they are disposed to sell on the most reasonable tetras for.cash, as they intend to do Ito exclusive cash business. The , public are invitedito call and ,examine their Goods and prices before par. chasing elsewhere. E. Q.,43,t - 43.. HENDERSON. May 36 20-- • B. BANNAN. 5- tnion nail. goad and Mining Company. • itUOTIOE is-hereby given. That an Eleetion wilt iN be held-on Saturday the 27th day of February; 1841, et the house of Matthew Wilson, in the bo. rough of Harrisburg. Datiphio'County. Pennaylva• nie, to choose from the Stockholders of the LlMors Rail Road and Mining Company, seven Directors to mane& the business of ttie said Company foi one year. JAMES PEACOCK. greslast4s , tit a of . t4e Union Rail goad old F . a • 6 Mining Company. NEW GOODS. Y-? 48- 6-41