The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 30, 1841, Image 3

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itellit OrNetVils
Banhng i i Ohio.—TO , ligislature of Ohio is a.
at to establish a Statelilank; with a capital inlll
- for the growing warms Of the state.
'There are outstanding, at the present time 0756'..
00 of theimtes, of the old United States Bank most
f which arc supposed to lbe•destroyed as they have
lmost entirely ;eased to, make their appearance for
• - -' 1 • •
- "1 'The profits of the New l .110 set slits_ prison last
...Aker were,010,000: ' "'
.- • '
:' ' '''l' The reactlution instractinic. Mr. Rives to vote "to
~.. tinge the expungineiwitieh was adopted in she
er house at the.Virginialoegislature, vas nide&
, ly postponed in the Senate , the latter -body hay. ,
:.,. a majority of V an
. BureOmeenbers. [, _
omestie qaspetang.—An f,establishmerit in Dan.
, Mass., turns out atilially f 6,000 , yards of car.
up It 'consumes 8 giis. of wool and 50,000
of worsted yarn, and isitiPloys about fi fty opera
• I . r ' ' I
I .' •.1. • •
wolf, 550 Plutarch, happening to pat'his head
a hut where some shepherds wore regaling them.
yes on a leg of mutton, eiclaimed—Ah ! what a
mor youlwould have raise had you caught me
Such a banqpet 1 • 1. ' . • .
,)i. man . whn was apparent y more of wit than a
adman, but notwithstanding was confined to a
adhouse, being asked how he came there, answer
: merely a dispute Of words. I said that all men
ere mad, l and ,111 men sdid I was mad, and the
jority carried thepoititi,
,lteasonable.--Petitionii hate been 'circulated in 0.
to, praying fur the removal of the,seat of govern.
'. ent'from wasliin g ton, to C neinnati.
, 1
Good Salaries.—The sum received by • the United '
' tates,Distriet Attorney at. New York,:during the
St year, is 828,000. 07:i by khe Clerk of the court,
19,468 62.: The Illarshall of Mississippi received
7,150. A new law has been reported to make
ese and all similar offices Salary offices, at 65000
r annum.. ' 1..,
.., .1 : ...
g. .A militia Captain, receiving a note froma lady
questing "the pleasuntrif [his company," tinder.
,t o r ood it as a coinplimentlto those under his 'coin.
.i. - 'land, and marched the Whale ef, them to'the lady's
=itlitouse. • We don't believe this.Boaton Past.
;:i..-Abolition Coithention ':4-Tbe Great Western .New
Fork Anti Slavery Convention held at Le Roy on
. e lhe 6th inst ., numbered ] about EOQ. The Le Roy
/gazette says that the third party was the principle
lihne of contention, and that the political abolitionists
t' re outnumbered. ! .t., .
Thl iSingtdarVoineierenceer-There is a Washington
2 -7.4nty in New York, and anbther of the same name
:Aik:Pennsylvaisia. Each ofithese counties contained
'4111830 bet Ween 42 and 43,060 inhabitants, and each
, ".ate them in 1840 bet Ween Al and 42,000 souls.
.„ . lins, though . they are both situated in - states which
•':taie rapidly increasing in population, both exhibit
°#t-' ; decrease in the last ten years. . •
' ' 7 .;;: 2 l.o,ffice Seekers.—A eoriesPondent of the Boston
.;:Atlas, referring to' the applications to President
atirrison for office, says "the most don ovi n g of all
-alie besiegers are the ins whb received office from
'4 - ackson and Van Buren." The conversions from
l i ederalism to Democracy, in some instances, have
%ben more sudden than St. Paul's conversion from
"m y.- . Phil. Standard.
:.•. 4
..1 :1 Sam Slick utters some qiieer sayings. He has
..:iiitaore truth than poetry in many of his hits, such,
Air instance, as the followin*touching female curi.
''irty ;".blethie, 'squire. evei l stopsa woman t when.
*r curiosity is once up, especia ll y if a .ebe curl;
.f!;*s to knew something (Omit herself'. Only hold a
cret in your hand to her, nd its !lima bunch of
:::#: tnip : shell'd jump andl fri k, and frolic round like
- ' ery thing, and never give over purl& and coax.
•,S 'Airyou till she gets it." 1,
. -,t ,
::?..t feg isla tit, e Economy — T e following from tllo
. t .Y. Signet may suit oche meridians as well as
,: i
io: "It is stated tlmt the 4 lembers -of the Ohio
''.ii gisfature lately spent ten days in debating wheth.
r: they should publish 500 or 6000 civics of the
tremor's Message, and h illy decided in favor of
114 enormous
number—thereby saving the enorons
;,':.110m offirie dollars and,fifty cents the price asked
Jraii, the extra thousand copies. The expense of the
1111 0 days legislation cost the people of the State the
41te of six , thousand three hundred dollars.
.:;: , ,`, l( -4 The population of Pennsylvania, (the returns be.
' =. lag now complete) is 1,763,541 ;
being a gain - from
;-4830 of 420,308 . kour Of the. United States have
411icti above a million of inhabitants, viz : .
Population ;• . Gain from 1830.
;,',Mew York 2,432,83 5 . i
~,'N 513.704 ;'•
:; - Pennsylvania, 1,793,541 , ~ 920,308 '
'.: . ' - f Ohio, 1,515,785 [ 579,817 '
!_ . 'ilirginia, ' 1,231,444 1 '
- 20,039
q i ; , ?.. Ohio has gained more thin -any other state.' '
• , ,4.. We learn' from the Missburi Jefferamtiam th e
-::he population of that state !' is at 363,761. The in
*ease fionr„lB32 to' 1836 wet, 67,931, and from 1836.
:10 1840, 119.553.
', ormism.
PszziorgAgnia socrerar.
r 1 2:VITESDAYI EVENING._ Fet;rua y 2d,.19f1 1941. Question
, . I Ev c.,.....
discussion :—" Was Qu&
iiifier treatment towards Ma
:" aItFIIIMATIVV—Messrs. P
Neville. I
4m:rim—Messrs: C 0
Wind Palmer.
.i;srhe Ladies of. PottSvill
. ds of learning and free 1
' ttend the meetings of iki
.: ',after hi 3 held .on.Toesti)
;.1 ing, unless make shout
'wary 23d,
Pulaski Lodi
STATEEi . Meeting of t
be held at the Hall on
1841, at 7 o'clock, P. il
nuary 30,
:'t: AND
.:'". MBRACING Cheroistri,-Abstracts of Electric
..,`, ity, Galianism, Magnetism, Mechanics, Pam.
;'.• ics, Optics, and Astronotriy.
ALSO, Mechanical ExCicises in Iron, steel, Lead,
c, Copper and Tin, Soldering; with a Descri?.
ll* kif the SLIDE Rum its 4finitions add examples
strating every manner of its use, which is appli.
le to every mode of nieasarelitent, and to all Me.
nical P4IWETS. ' -
.' , L;YALSO, a variety of usefu Receipts, extending to
l';',Wry , profession and occupation in life, and embra.
g practical subjects; the major part being orig.
l and the remainder sele jtions from the , best au.
:4*cities. An addition to ' pleb Miscellanies is a
- - ;11110nable Collection of Practtcal Receipts in Dyeing
A/101s, Woollen, Cotton, and Leather, by Janes Pus.
: Alflirrox. Just received and foe sale by •
:f 4 141' , * B. BANNAN.
f - eigarmary'3 o 6 5
, ,' • ; ; i,iti ' - -
:: - 10 Time and Or
ST Printed, Time eld
~..;i most approved form, ant
.13anuary.30th, ,
'< Dissolution.
~, - - A I L
.. HE Partnership' :lately exeisttnE between Ali
::11 , chael Foley and and atrick Donahue, was
tithed by mutual consent the 20t?ofJaouary,
,•.-, 1. All persons having Claims against the said
~ , :lifun, are requested to handithem in to Michael Fo.
, 1 1jiy. forlat!lement.
PATRICT 7 - e January,3oth,
HE partnership heteilifOre existing between
Thomas Barton, Joseph Coatitrotlii, and Joseph
cer; under the firm of Hatton & Co. Coal Mi
; wasAissolved lin the 29th inst. by mutual con.
All those indebted to;ithe firm, ate , requested
ake immediate payinetit to Thomas Barton,
"all' those , having clairtio will present them, to
wbo is authorised la settle the business of the
firm. ! t
en Elizabeth justifiable
frQueen of Scots?"
tman, Lawton, Holzer
erman, Porter, Foger-
le particularly, and all
discussion, are invited
i L is Society, which will
4Y instead of Thtfterisir
4cl be given to the con.
No. 216.
p Pulaski Lodge, will
Monday evening; Feb.
er Books.
d Order' Books of the
for sale by
- , . s „ tiefr'%=!44.4.VvVe-e..4:ip*,,.
'l64o Asii** , ,,t u kT l . l •
88C 814 si t. t
ft "'
corm `T r of ,
For th e y* , 18004
Sehayl4l CouniPpin agora" ;ft!:
eionere of said &millirem the •
ofJanuary, • 1840, to the 801Xith deg of tifirsar,y,
1841, both day ' s inclunve.!
To balance remaining in , the Treasury t
as per last settlement, • $ $181595
To cash received of the Collectors of the different
Townahipa as stated below.lviz:
. Norwegian. " •
!Philip Dreher, Jr. - 1831.-9150 In full
Rosa Bull 1837...... 1
Wm. B. Half, 1838.... 350
Lewis Heilrkr, 1839.... 287
Edward Collahan, 1839.:... 500
Edward Callahan. 1840....1200 —112.488 00
Leonard Moyer, 1834.:.. 16 , 46 in fun
Jacob Heisler,' 29 50 . Some
F. Bensinger. Jr. ' ' 1837 18.586 *ton
Jacob Schock, 1838.:%. 220
Michael Gerber, 270 09 in full
Stephen Ringer, • 1841.0.... 405 —$ 1,217 81
Uniori •
Mark Bit ler;
Jacob Zimmerman. 1837.;.. 115
Peter Blank, ; 1838... 162 23 in Ala
Dade! Lindermutb. - 1839.:.. 261
Jolla Briesh; 1840.1-- 255 908 23
Jonatitaa Yarnell. 183 Q.... 70 39 ttiften
Elijah Ypranll , 1108.... 36 75
Andrew Wilatn, l - 1839.... 141 32—= 248 46
" Pinegrobe,
Michael Huber, 1836.... 75 27 in fa
Peter Filbert, 1837.:.. 308 12 same
Martin Koons, .1839.... 599 10
Jacob Schnake, 1840.,.. 906 37 1.888 86
Prederick Fieed 1837. j.. 190
Philip Boyet 1838. J.. 775 50
Abraham Birzolet 1839.... 886 70 ,
Ludwig Berger, 1840..'.. 800 2.652 20
Aaron Boughner, 1837.... 34 72 in foil
G. Neifert Lindner, 1838..'.. 143 40 some
George Fedi, 1839.. . .. 155
JacobMessersmitb, 1840..'.. 210 543 12
- Upper Mahwitango.,
Jacob Buffington 1837.. . .. 5 80 in foil
Samuel Fetherolf 1838..,.. 93 06 ' game
Peter Klock, - ..
1839.. 188 05 some
-George Hepler 1840.. 1 .. 580 866 $1
Lower Mahaniangp.
Philip Osmin 1839.... 178 62
Philip Reed 1846. 513 .711 62
MichaelSelrier fi 1838...: 149 55 •in full
Solomon LebengoOd 1839.... Ifs
Ferdinand Kreater 1840.... 480 57 785 13
Wm. C Leib. 1838.... 150
Jacob'Seiminger; 1839.... 700
Danlel 11. Leib, 1000 -;-A950 00
f - ! - Tamaqua.
Johri ilotniiig 1 . 838. 150
David Hunter 1839.... 96 28
John N. Spnice 1640.... 110 -- , 35628
. .
West Brunswig.
, • •
wm.,J. Mayer, 1818.... 529 19 •in full
'llirn. Wagner,. 1839.... 440
VVoi Matt. 1840.... 838 -- 14/07 19
! Joseph Pertig 1838 ... 264 74
Adam Brown 1839.4.6 316 06 in full
Peter Kutz 1840.... 900 1,480 80
Weal Penn.
Samuel Zimmerman 1839.... 367
Jacob Manta 1840• •• • 691
1839.... 50
• 1610.....1050 1,100 00
East Brunawig,
George Banker; 1839... 586
Henry Sassemen 1840.... 471
Cash received for maes On Unseated lands 3588 04
Do for redeemed do 1650 64
Do - for Unseated Lands sold at
Treasurer's sale. in 1840, taxes and costs $ 1743 02
Cash received of Charles Yoder for a watch 4
Do 'br Lewis Stone for rent 48 62
Do ofJohh Madison for rent 32 50
Do of Daniel Boyer for liMe 12
Do of Henry Ege for sand 50
Do - John Brother for lime; L . 25
Do - Patrick Carrigan for coat i,. - 14 28
Do r Jacob Snyder for oil ' 256
Do .1 ! Edward Conner for oil and paint 183
Do ; Jacob Hundinzer fotedld board* 250
,Do '. Jacob Read kir sundry fines 12 68
Do -P. F. Ludwig, Esq, Sheriff,
fines and verdicts collected by him, 144 58
Do George Rahn, Esq. Proth'y.
for verdicts collected by him 12 00
Do ,—George Halm, Esq. Proth'y.
money remaining m his hands from last 59 15
year's settlement, with interest,
Joel Yount
Samuel Kaulrmatt
1841,Jan. 7—To balance remaining in .
the hands of Edward Huntzinger , Jr. 10,489 . 68
By cash paid on orders drawn by the Commissioners,
as follows, viz:
Granii Petit and Traverse Jurors and /
Road Jurors, and Bridge Viewers,
Coroner and Juriirs on Inquisition,
Assessors wages,
Premium and Justices' fees for
20 volumes of Election Laws of Pa.
Interest on moneys loaned.
Three Bonds, & interest, paid in full.
Constables making quarterly returns
and mileage, .
John. Hughes, for building a Bridge
over the Swami's,
Jacob Faust, on account of building
bridge over the West Branch,
Auditors for settling accounts of 1839
Teaching Poor children,
Screw press for Prolhonotary's office,
Convicts in Eastern penitentiary,
Commissioners 4. surveyor to divide
Lower Mahantango township.
Sheriff Woolison, conveying convicts
Sheriffs costs and damages in a suit,
Directors of the Poor and House of
Employment, •
Prosecuting Attorney'sjees,
Charles Yoder ; attendance to Court
- House Clock,
Wm. B. Potts, Treasurer of Orwige
burg Academy, '
in •
Costs behalfof Commonwealth
Judges and officers of elections.
Supervisor's- Road Tax on Unseated
Lands, . •
Costs on' Quo Warranto in the cue
of Leib, vs. Vora%
Printing and.stationarv.
*Stationary for public offices.,
L Audenned. prolhonotery's fees,
Wm. Prailey, for stoves,pipe, &c. 'for /
public offices, 5
Making Ballot-IiOEU,
Carpenters' work it painting public of- /
ices, S.
Taxes refunded, . .
George Deiben, for apptehrilifling d
Horse thief and Conveying him to
Or wigsburg jail.
Frederick Hesser. for 47 days attend
ance as Counlirier.
Franklin. Theber, for painting sigis
for public. offices,
Postage for the use of the cririntj
Repairing blindsifoi public cffiecs.
Isaac Thompson, for making Coffin,
Making Index for proth'y's. docket.
Work arid Materials for building arri
proof vault for Commissioners office $
Fuel for public offices.
Materials and -work done to county
- Prison, .;$
Smith worlifo r prisoners, •
Books, stub:Mary and sundry mai
chandize fot public office der 'purity :
prison. ':' • • !
Jacob Krebs, for recording Agit - id&
and documents remaining'm the
' Recorder's ,ciffice for years Oast,
John Hannan, counsel for 1839,
Christian Landerturin s Commisitioner's
clerk for 1810, , •• '
. A. J. lAudeibrue, eitia clerk,
- 1,058 00
- 1,057 00
$31,252 83
$2093 10
197 25
307 81
276 55
1529 98
91 69-
22 50
48 42
526 22
67 37
58 15
' 50
331 15
791 38
17 50
368 45
67 75
10 14/
41 04
6 66
1 94
1 75
2E42 MI
117 -
6 93
311. 76
Jacobilitaininiforjetientlit'itiendiegi: . ...
1 11 1 10 80348 1 01454' , - , --- ~ . .5 ~: '-: p . 73 :,
'Peter Yeager; foil, nein& ettenetiiie;` r .?'-' 4 , -;, ;i
Poblicbuild * Ale. - . • ' '' • - S .:-..'; 13=1 41 , ,•
• - 610._Seitsinmeozniwitges ,` - 117 50-
gthilnlConnet: , - ,do ' ' - . '2OOl
Doe 'lll4dyltr. . '• ,ele • .-- ' ' ' —lt 50
' S. littensergeVir.• ereutetre Wary 1101
Paid- troUtirer for trains 227 tract.
• of UnerettellUndo. including the •
Prothont Felnt tor acknowl-T • '., 741 11_
edging -41e4eele.sfff which nost the
county is eredited. , •
M.Seltter for 20 tons e4lr,eir jail. —". ' 2O
Paid Sheriff Jobe G. Woolisith for i , ,
• boardingnrisoneri ut ..._. • , 4 19.35 .
cetirte kiiiiin.iirothonoWifcei. Si; 153 524
Y. F. Lodwig.rtheriffs and Jailor* feei 781 3sl
8J't41 1 4... ArimaiPiP/Abittse•klitdo 'art
' 4 al ? °D n 4 r in g er s Jr. Ireasu mr• S 13489 68 '-
' •-• , I• ' - ' slta - 133
. 1 1
, ,”" .
1 I ao,” . ~.1 1 ". . .7, 1 :.
. STATEMENT . , , •
Of the Bala.` dile. Cy the differeht Colkidint,
1• as foffinEi, viz; - • •1 I
. . 1 Fnion. c ,
Mark Biller l 18:;1 3 68 55 .11
J. Zimmerman • 1837 7585
D. Linderrnoth 1839 159 71 '
John Briesh 1840 261 97 'd64 09 1
1 1 Manlteitn. -1
rederick Freed 1837 174 75
. ,
hilip Boyer 1138 152 05 ,
Attrnbhln Bartolet 1839 915 10
Ludwig Beger 1840 18.59 08-r 3090 04
~ Patin:ilk. j
Wm. C. Lett 1838. 162 42
Jacob Beillioget 1839 602 77
Daniel . H. Leib 1810 652 46 1417 65
. ,
Joseph Fertig Welifie.
18.* 2!4 20
Peter Kula , 1840 391 . 93 606 13
Elijah l Yarbell 183 8 344 12
A. H. WilsOn. 1839 305 52
Wm. Stevenson 1840 547 04-= 1198 88
East Bro. newig. .
George Bankes. 1839 97 73
Henry Sasseman 1840 498 98— 596 69
Welt Brunithic*.
Wm. W ague: 1839 156 611
Wm. Mats 1840 439 10—L 595 70
Martin 1839 153 02
Jacob Schnoke , 1840. 470 76= 623 78
Wm. B. Hull • 1838 472 4.5
Edward Collaban 1839 732 65
Edward Collation 1840 1252 12— 2458 22
Jacob Shock 1838 110 01
Stephen Ringer 1840 493 51— 603 5/
West Penn.
S. tinynerman 183.9 174 16
Jacob Mantz 1890 • 236 78— 410 94
David Hunter 1836 63 09
/Au N. Speice 1840 80 30— 143 47
S. Lebengood 1831 121 97 •
Joel Volint 1839 1473 313
Samuel Kauffman 1840 1109 98— 2583 28
Lower Manantano.
Philip Daman 1839 753 15
Philip Reed, 1840 605 41— 1358 56
George Faust 1839 188 P 4
J. Messeremith, 1840 238 72 427 56
Upper Mahaniongo.
George Heppler 1840 249 83
Daniel Christian 1834 291 89
Danipl Christian 1835 "795 51-- 1081 40
Oj Out•standtng Debts due the County, ae
follows, viz:
Bonds against Abraham and John'
Pon to secure the balance of Ross
2,260 00
Bull's duplicate for 1837, of Nor.
, wegian township,
Jiidgment against Heilner and Se.
ligman, being a balance of L. 825 00
Heilner's duplicate of Norwegian
township for 1835
Balance remaining against sundry
,Collectors unsettled, ' 1269 087 j
Jacob Zeigenfuss, balance on for.
felted recognizance, 5 70
Notes against persons for costs, &c. 2932 04
Benjamin Pott; Esq. late a Commis.l
sioner of Schuylkill County, for I
money drawn on order No. 264 135 00
in the year 1839, more than he
Was entitled tb receive.
ht the Ronorabli the Judges of tAe Clan of Com
mon Pleas of Sehughill County:
We, the subscribers, Auditors the comity of
Schuylkill, respeCtfully do report—that they have
audited and adjusted the , accounts of the Commis
sioners and Treasurer of the county, and submit
the foregoing statement as the result of t 1 it exam
inations, from which it appeirs that there is a bil
ance due the county, remaining to the hands of J.
Huntzinger, Jr. Treasuref, amounting to the sum
of Ten thousand four hundred and eighty•nine dol
lars and sixty eight cents.• Witness our hands this
7tb day of January, A. D. 1841.
January 23, 4--
Bear Valley Coal Company.
NOTICE is hcreby given that an Election , will
be held on Saturday the 27th day of February,
1841, at the house of Matthew Wilson, in the bo
rough u Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennellva.
nia, to clititiSe flout the gtockholtreie of the Bear
Valley Cdil Company, seven . Directors to manage
the businces bf,the Company for, one year.
of the Bear Volley Coal
Jan 23, 4-6 t ° Company
llnion Rail Roiad and Mining
NOTICE is hereby given, that tin Eleption wdll
be held on Saturday the27th day of Febinary,
1841, at the house of Matthew Wilson, in the bo.
rough of Harrisburg. Dauphin .Cdunty. Pennsylva.
ilia, to choose frpm the Stockholders of the Union
Rail Road and Mining Modipiiriy, seven Directors
to Menage the Widnes, btthe said Company for
one year.
JAMES itACOCK, President
df the Union Rail Road and
Jan. 23. 4 Mining Company.
For Sile or to . Rent.
/1111 E subitantial Two Story Stone HODSE in
m• Morris' Addition to Pottsville. now occupied
by the subscriber, is For Sale on reasonable terms.
It will be Let to a good , tenant if not sold before
the 10th‘of February nextor may be rented jointly
by two small Families from the let of April next.
Jan 23 4—tf - 1 • Agent.
illoots and Shoes.
Ladies trine Buskins.
do Leather. do. ,
do French, riti4
do Grecian.
do Slipperi
do • Boots. Mai** and,Legiiiint;
Gentlemenfd Watili Picot
do - Ootraedi • '
" di, Shoes; onitisti acid fins:"
6ildtenfs Shoo of
4W qy size and
jolt received from New y ork. and far *ale very
lo ,; • - & IBEATTY.
Na. ; ,
, •Sift
* Thritimistiot
$ 18,235 51
117,356 8.21
. 625,602 33L
Iilho" , Couitc of Common ,' e of
- : Schuylkill Vounty ; of March 'T hi t
: - ."11.84t. s' :.• " ':',-. _-: : - i . 2 - , .
George Kimmel and Christiana hitt ante; in
_right of his wife, vibe was one of the davit. -
teriefJecob Faust, late ,of . Brunsarig teem-.
'ship, deceased.. `
.1. '• I
.' : , • .; . ..
~. ISlit.' ' : i . i •
Daniel Faust, laceh Faust, Aisrahern Fetid. i
Maria Delbert. law Maria Faust, 'Abraham I i
igijand Susanne his wife.. Andrew Kimmel I z
and Esther his wife. ',John Wumer and Gatti. I ri '
;filaa lui Urife., Joseph' Heisler and Hannah] t 4.
1 1 4 wife, late Hannah - Fidler, John' .Keiser i l'
and Lydia his wife. late Lydia Fidler, Peter a .
Herring and 'Elizabeth his wife. latiEliza.a. '
cbeth Fidler. Nathan Heisler .and Leah his 6 FI
wife late
• Leah Fidler, John Barr end. Abbe -"'
hie wife, late Abbe Fidler. Israel Fidler.l tii
Daniel Fidler. Magdalena Fidler; Rachael I ..
Fidler, John Fidler, Jacob Zimmerman anda
Hannah his wile, law I
Hannah Heim, Dan.
lel Shiwker and Elizabeth his wife, late Elie. I
e,bOth Heim; Sarah Heim, Rebecca Beim,Es-
the'. Heidi. Jacob Heim, Catharibe ileim. &I
glikabotii hum widow of Jacob Faust, de.
ceased. J
. ,Tha parties above named are hereby notified that
pormiaot to a Wkit De Partitioni Facienda, Waned
out, of di Court of Comirion Pleas of the county of
Schnylkilliind to me direete'd, I will hold an In—
Luisition on Hie several *ibises, to wit :—One
imestone Quarry, situate in the township uf. West
BrunsVirg, in ibe condly of Schuylkill, bounded by
lands ofiacoli Shairad in, hasp!) Alliii&ht and Sam.
et liimmal; containing ping, four, perches and a
half 5 2tort meainie. Also all , that Grist and Saw
ten aciek a Land; situate in the township
aforesaid, bounded all atound by
mill anda e n st d sroswie
of A:uiel Faust. {I lima pertain Itits
township of West Brini'mg arciiis4igi Ixtuned by
, li t n en d ement and Tract of Land, situate in the
,lbrahain qer. J oseph
lands of Daniel Faust,
Rickert and others,
eighty.two acres and one' hundre,. 4
conta i n i n : Two Efundied and
and forty•eight
perehes strict measure, with the ap; ° u! tena ne e dt
to divide anti set out to each of the cla."nenth ana
parties in the above stated suit in severalty
the parts
and; put parts to which they are respectively otitled
on Monday, the Bth day of March next, at 9 o'clelk ,
A: M. when and where you may attend if you
think Over. , - I
Sheriff's Office. Orwigsturg, t Sheriff,
January 16,1840. S 4-6
In the Court a Common Pleas of
Schuylkill County of March Term,
John George and David Greenawalt,
Sebastian Miller, Peter Filbert, John Strimp
ler, John W. Patten, the Union Canal Com
pany a Penr.eylvanin, and Elizabeth Dren
kle, the widow of Daniel Drenkle, deceas
ed: ,Amos Bitterly and his. wife, late Maria
Drenkle, Henry S. Drenkle, Elizabeth S.
Drenkle, Catharine S. Drenkle, Caroline
Drenkle and Sarah Drenkle. being minor
children of Daniel Drenkle, deceased, the
said Amos Esterly being their Guardian; .
and Jacob Wey:nan and Margaret his wife, I t i
late widow of Daniel D, B. Keim; Susan D. l c '
R. Kt im, Daniel D. B. Kei n, Catharine D -
R. Keim, being 'minor children of Dimid 4
D. B. Keim. deceased; and Mathias Richards I
being their Guardian. and Benneville Keim,
Assignee of the said Daniel D. B Keim, de. r:z:
ceased. The Heirs and Legal Representa
tives of Christian Ley, dee'd, to wit: John a,
Ley, Christian Ley, William Stroh and
Elizabeth his wife, and Henry Zimmerman 14
and Mary his wife. Augustine Holmes and 1:
Sarah his wife, William Ley. The children
of Michael Kutzmiller who was intermarried
With one of the daughters of Christian Ley,
dee'd, now also deceased, to wilt—Jacob
Kutzmillet; Daniel Kinzmiller, Sarah' Katz. •
miller, John Kutzmiller, Isaac Kutzmiller.
The Heirs of Smith, who was also
married to one of the daughters of Christian
Ley, dee'd, otiw also deeeitaed, to wilt Gco.
Smith, John Smith, Mary' Stnith, Eliiabeth
Smith, Rebecca Smith and Sarah Smith, and
John Moyer and Sarah hie wife, Who was
timwidow of the said Christian Ley, dec'd.j
The parties above named are hereby notified that
pursuant to a Wilt De Partitions aelehda, issued
out of the Court of Common Peas of the colintv bt
Schuylkill and to me directed, will hold an inqui
sition on the premises, situate in Pintgrove town
ship, Schuylkill county,- bounded by lands now or
late of Baltzer Kautz, Jacob Hoover and others, be
ing on the Union Canal, at the town of Pinegrove,
and known by the name of "Forge Property," con
taining about One Hundred and Thirty-ftgar acres,
with the appurtenances—to divide. and set out to
each of the claimants and parties in the above stated
suit in severalty the parts or purports to which they
ate respectfully entitled, on Saturday the 13th day
of March neat, at 10 o'clock, A. M.—when and
where you may attend if you think proper,..
Sheriff's Office, Orwigsburg, Sheriff.
January 18th, A. D. 1841. ( 4-8
1111. S. Gazette, Philadelphia, insert daily 6-weeks,
anti Journal, Reading, and Courier, Lebanon, 6
weeks each, mark price at bottom, and send Sills to
thili office for settlement.
Stray Cows
STRAYED away on Tuesday last, from the sub
scriber, residing on the Mill Creek, a LIGHT
RED COW, with four white feet, a long tail, almost
half white, and has a piece cut off her left ear:—
Whoever will return said Cow to the owner, or give
him information where he can get her agaiwaliall
be reasonably rewarded;
itifilkt TEMPLE.
Jan 23
For Sale.
THE undersigned, wishing to decline the bits',
ness of making Castings in a Cupula FurnriEe.
offers for sale his
situated in the flourishing town of Shamokin, in the
Shamokin Coal Region, on the line (albs Dentine
and Pottsville Rail Road, in Northumberland wan
ly, Pa. . .
Z he impfoVements are a large
Casting House •
with an excellent
and other fixtures necessary to do a reatioriatity ez•
tensive business with a
&c. &c. belonging to the establishment.
The Casting House stands a short distance from
the machine shop of the Danville and Pottsville
Rail Road Company, and now makes
_all the .cast.
ings for the said Company. There are two loam°,
lives. with the necessary number of cars, running
on this road. The business next season will doubt.
less be very extensive.
Two Anthracite Furnaces, a n
the largest eema
now building on the line of th e road, about one fourth
of a mile above the property.'
Pig Metal
Coal and Pik Metal
can be purchased as reasonable, (and perhaps more
4.) than at any other place in Pennsylvania,--and
the metal for foundry purposes being made of the
cidebrated , •
iS not surpassed by any to the State.. Altogether.
is a most desirable situation for businesi; having
an outlet t 1 rall.mad and canal to:the cities on the
sea bgard, , litld BMWs to all the ;Pensylvania
Of one. two. and three years will be , given to the pnr.
Amen. For particulars see Mr. Ziba Bird. aid
7 i "trego, Esq. in the town of Shamokin.
JOHN C. BOYD.; , ,
Jamey 8 . 1841 , 3-3 near Danype. Pa.
, Gen. Harriso
H ;
A!,A Pamphlet of 48 pages, entitled the mail sertil
ees.of - Gen. Harrison, President 4=4 On a
oepb.jost - receired and for side` by- .• -
• -• --
December 46,E , 4 my„g,47,
f ~-~ ~5
orberry reek rdmpany•
I°. dividend Oak. pet coat on this - Capital stook
or treis minima - 3i; iniyatdo - 161bngkinekholdevv,0!
theiilegalrefteaantattaoi on tit. ittei the ISth day
of fobtuary next, at:A& Ailicti - of Witham
Tteaidttir; at Pine' l rnik,setkirokitt county:
latotiaryl3. _ .4-41
Penuina indebted to John Siltuir. Of the Penn
syivania Hall RefeetorY, are hereby requested
to call at the Office of J. C. Neville, in Centre street,
between the hours of 9 and 2 o'clock P. NU and settle
their steounts before the first day of February neit,
otherwise they will be placed in the bands of a jus
tice forltollection.
JanUary 16
cline° .iitihe Mine Pill and Sehuyl. -
kill Haven Railroad Co;
. Philadiii,lanuary :11, 1841.
AL Tan electiois for oflicers,held this day the fol.
lowing amnia 'stockholders were duly chosen
to serve the ensuing year and until others be ap.
__. .
President—JAMESbl3l , ll34l3. ' •
Managers. .
Benjamin Kugler, Bears! Paul 'Bock.
Wm. Ricbardson, Adam Everly.
Samuel Mason, Jr, Jahn, Liaezey,
Edward Lowlier, John H. Cresson.
Thomaa RiditervaiP..
JNO H. GRESS' ON, Sec'y.
, Janoary,l6th.
SIXTH Edition, just Elul:dished sod for sale by
January 16, ....
~ B : BANNAN 3 .
1111121 L it be rented at Public sale on Saturday the
V, 13th day of Februarys at one o'clock P. M.
'that well noted Tavern stand at Tuscarora, belong.
lug to the . estate of ,George Reber, Esq., deceased,
haw occupied by John Fetheroif, (where the said
safe Shall be held.) There is attached to said premi.
sea . froiii six to seven ,agree eicellent meadow, sum
'tent ground tor ,gardening: Ate.. with stabling for
thi r ,v Horsed And morctit bps been kept as a Pub.
ti e Hose fur ripivards.Of forty years, by the name
of Reber .°
Tavern. ;file House is well repaired for
t h e com f ort of traveller's, tvith good running water
before the door:-
'ALSO, will be disposed or ,
at the same time and
of the said on a lease of
st well known farm (ptirchas.
et Pir o c by
William ,Halter, simmer)
1 miles from Tuscarora containing between 2
and 300 acres in good cor.ditiort.out Houses,,Elarns
Sic, with a good orchard in full bearing. containin?
upwards of 900 Apple Trees; all grilled fruit. As
this property is immediately on ti. e edge of the Coal
region, it is unnecessary to makean,v co m ments as
to the sale of its produce. Conditions Will be ~lade
known on the day of sale. hp
Executors of said Estate.
January 16, 1841
Pectoral Mixture,
wOR the core °troughs, Colds, Influenza, Phthis
mu ic. Spitting , of Blood, pain and weakness of
tfie Brea,e, and Lungs, arid all pulmonary affections.
Price, 25 cents per bottle.
A4sUpply of the above medicine just received and
for sale at the Drug Store of: ,
November 28,
VOTTCE is hereby given that the subscribers in.
-km tend dissolving partnership on the first of Feb.
ruary,lB4l. They therefore request all those in.
debted to the firm, to call and settle their accuaitte
on or before that date.
January 16,
Pottsville Institute.
THE Winter Term of this Institution will corn
mance on the first Monday in January, and close
on the 27th of March. January 2, 1—
, White Winter Strained
Sperm Oil.
MILLER & HAGGERTY have just received
their Wihtor stock of White Winter Strained
Sperm Oil, which they can recommend to their
fiends and the piihlic as being superior.
Nov. 28,
Geo: W. Slater,
HAS just received a fresh lot of No. 1, 2 and 3
Nackrel, in whole and A Barrels, and will be
sold at a small advance on the cost
December 12,
GRANT, Carroll, &Co., have added to their new
and Cheap Stock of Merehaudize, which they
oiler to the citizens of Pottsville, and the public gen
erally, at much lees pfices than have ever been sold
in the region for Cash, to wit:
Super" - Blue. Black. Brown Green Qlive Broad
Cloths, Casimeies, and Sattinets.
Alss sdperior Muslin De Lanes, French and-Eng
lish Meririties, French and domestic prints, frOm 61
to 33 centk per yard. Yellow, White. Red, Green
and Blue Woollen and Canton Flannels.
1 1 11 yards Unbleached Muslin,
' do ' Bleached' do.
Locks, Latches, Butte and Screws,
Sprigs and Jacks, for Miner's shoes,
Long and short handliid Coal Shovels,
Cast-Steel point Sand. ; do'.
Coal Riddles from 1, j, B. ,11.1 inches,
Wire Sives, No. 2,3, 4, 6. 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16,
Cast Steel pr. Bar, or by the pour.d,
American do. ts "
NAILS. • •
20 Kegs 3i, 4,5, inch Cut Spikes,
20 do. 3d, did, Bd, Bd, 10d, 12d,20d,30d, 40d Nails.
300 Ms. Bacon, consisting of Hams, Shoulders and
Mackerel No * . 1, fresh,—lrisb and Pickled Salmon
200 lbs. Bologna' Sausage..
Sugar at all rates; Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee;
Raisins, Currants; DiKd and Moulded Candles;
Rice, Barley. Young Hyson:Hyson and Soushong
Teas fresh, and selected expressly for family asii. •
20091b5. superior New and Old Cheese:
101 " Sap Sago do.
10 Boxessupermr Havanna BiegSis;
10 do do Piinclpett 80:
1000 Half Spanish
d 6;
1000 Common,' t• Mar " - yland.
400 glls. Winter Strained Oil, Dark and black,
200 " Resned, do:
200 " Whale do. per Bbl. or Gallon.
We hive had se rainy Complaints from our case
Comers,. who haike purchased Oil elsewhere, that we
have been very paiticutar in our selection. Call and
give our oil atrial. we know it is O.E. S. "011
-Blear Sperm."
Dec 19,1840.
4= received, a large and splendid assortment
U r of new Fall and Winter Goode,
Dry Goods of eery descriigion. -
Groceries' of all kinds.: . -
Glass 4 Queeinivare 41ke; -
- Fur Clothaiul Hair, Seal Caps,
'Mackerel, Salt 4c.
All persona Wishing tolmiehase Geode cheap for
ash. aro respeftfally invited to call and examine
for theiiiiiidro,
Pardon's Digest.
Public Notice.
3-3 t
"Ott Mist and Seed'
0 0 D Fla
' •Mizi--
arr Ica=nr=i==
, 1 _
~ ~, ... _.,.. ..;
VIII ,Clll ~ n , t
To' 1
2 "., 11. i
- Da. mnsTAR'S- ‘,!
Balsam of triiiheheiryi
TUt cu.sanAdrak nraurs . rosin-
Diseasesi"of the. Luigi,'
VUMEROS remedies tia;e arse Offered tied Puffed I
~into notice . for DISEASES- ' O>; THE LUNGS
dense, iif which has undonbteillybeen, found ve* useful.
but of all that have hitherto beed known. it must
universally acknowledged there' is nemeithat ha l 'ever
proved as suocessful aa the 'BALSAM OF. WILD
CHERRY " Such indeed are the astonishirtg'nistors-
tive and healing properties - of this BALSAM, that eves
in the worst formszifCONSUMPTIQN. Ythe ,
tient has suffered the moat distressingcsugh,,Wdenr,.., pawl
in the chest, difficulty of locatkingought,stOggs, eterdiet , •
el the lungs, 4 - c and when the most esteemed retedies '
of our PhirmacOpias had failed to afford any relief. and
when 'Botanic. Homcepathic. and cementite other rears
edies, had beep used for many months, in' vain. this'
invaluable remedy has checked kt;th......ry - ti,vmptim, and ,
been productive of the most astepiehing tcilef in the '
early stages of the disease s proceeding flops neglected '-
colds, termed Cdfarnifil Unsuifp: lion. it has , been used
with undeviating anceeisAnd an manyinststiees, Whirs
this disease seemed to have marked Its ivictan for Ilk
early grave.the use of thia medicine , has arrested ;every
symptom, and restored the rungs to a state of perfect
. In that form of CONSUMPTION. so prevalent art.
mungst delicate young females, commonly termed &bd.'.
ley or 'going into a decline a complaint with *hick!
thousands are lingering, it has also been..uited with Intr,.,.
prising, success, and not enly possesses the power ot
checking. the progress of thie alarminedisease, but''
at the same lime strengtheni and invigorates the, Whole/
system more effectually than ally remedy we har ever
LIVER COMPLAINT—Ie diseases et the kiwi'
paruchlarly when attended with 8 aatghsiedigestitta pr
wandering pains in the eide,,,.it ,has alsopro ved.verz ,
efficaciohs, aria cured many cases of this kind after the
most powerfidretnedies hsd failed. •
V*" ASTIIIVA,—In this. complaint it also beep osomt.-
in nAmerous instances with the nrast r eing,tilar success.
It opens the chest. rebdering the breathing Perfectly '
free, arrests the cough, and faiCto give!per
manent relief.
BRONCHITIS.—As a remedy in all Bronichlal' •
affections of the throat, attended with a hcarrettetts, cottgi
or eoar in the throat, it will also be &Ind a tray effectual .•
remedy, and w il l mostly afford immediate relief if ;wail
at the commencement of the attack.. • , '
.COUGHS AND COLDS—In common einiglel" •
and colds, that prevail so extensively throughout Ins
winter, it will be found much more effectual than any
_remedy in use, and when colds settle upon the lungs, ''
causing an milamation with pains is the breast. diffibulty
or shortness of breathing, &c. the use of this Balsam will
suppress such symptoms immediately, and at the sums
tune prevent the lungs from becoming more serieuily'
Complaints, so common to young children,. this Balsam
vbill be found much superior to the Paregoric Eliter \-
Syrup of s..qttills,rind the various COUGH MIXTURES
in cot:1119n ace. As it is entirely,free from any dikngtbu .•
least injurious,and may at all times be given to children
with 'perfect s afety, and with the certainty ofittiatTO , tlitt '
g l en speedy, relief.
ID' AS A. vArktuoy MEDICINE_ for teeny other
complaints', (his Baisam will also be found particularly;
usefnl Besides having proved an invaluable remedy :
all Pulmonary a fections, exerts a pt.werrul influents
overmany diseases demending on a depraved condition • -
of the system,
' and those who have suffered from' th e
indiscriminate use of llferem, or other deleteriodi
dregs, that are often compounded in different quack eery ;
:rums, will find it -aremedy of great value, prtssessing
the po‘yer of strengthening and iuyigomting the whets.
system more effectual than any other medicine we pot-,:
hoe already acquired great celebrity; there niayprobe
ably be some attempts to imitate it, and deceive the'
public with'it spurious mixture, to prevent which (would ••• '
wish all purchasers' to Observe the following marks of
the genuine RalsOnt. It is pat up in bottles,oftwo liras
each, having the wordV WISTAR'S BALSAM; OR , .
WILD CHERRY, PHILADA , blown in theglass, - and
a label go ,the front with the .signaturp of HENRY •
WIST'A R. Nl. D. without whieknonq are genaine. l
Prepared for the Proprietor by, WILLIAMS &tee.,
Chemists, NO 22, Commerce Street, •Phila. and. geld by •
the most respectable Druggiiiti and other appointed-
Agents in all the principal towns throughout the United
States. .
IlYThe Genuine Medicinecold by • , .-•
Sole Agent for Pottsville. Price par Rod*, ,
Dec.s, 1840. 49 •
3-3 t
Chetiii Beady jflade, Winteir
Clothinga is
THE advertisers haie on liana and will sell *try
cheap for cash. • ;
Super doable milled English Beaver Cloth Oyer ' _
• ,
coats full 'rimed tli 26
Double milled Frock Ccati, Made in the beat etylip
from , $l6 to 18
Heavy English Pilot Cloth Over Coate, •10 told
do do _Frock do 10 to 1$:
do Harrington Cloth Over Coats, 7to 8
Blue Black and fancy colored Dress Coats. 10 tb 14
do do do Extra superfine west of Ent; :'
$l4 to
land Cloth Dress Coats, ,
Superfine Blue Black and fancy colored Costumers
Pants, 07.10
Superfine do do Buckskin Castsimer 5. to 6
do Satinet Pants, 4t05;
Heavy lined gatinet Pants, Stito 3
First quality Satinet Roundabout/as' . tto 4$
do do cloth do 'tole
do do Postian hunting Coats,
Fine Eentuclily n Coats,• 511
, .
Heavy Genoe Silk Velvet Vests,
Superfine English 131 k. Blue Blk. fancy,Cuttilk
Velvet Vests, t 4 ton
Fine English boiled Satin Vests, 3; to 4, '
Illeavy double backed Woolen Velvet irestil 3$ to 4$
Superfine Blu and Blk. Cassimere do 3to3n,
Fine double Breast Satinet Vest, 2 to 2$
Valentin ana WOolen Velvet do lllto
A general assortment of superfine tiimbe.woot .
Shirts and Drat:Oen', fine 'Armen and Muslin Shirts • ;
&c.,' Cotton and • Canton flannel under,Shirtiri and
Prawera, heavy Marino Shirts 4c. Holsery, heavy. ,
Germantown Woollen Hose and . halt dose,' fine
white Cotton and, beavy'Lambs,wool ham,superfine' •
fall trimed Satin and &imbuing, Stocks, extra:
French Merino and bait cord &harts:mid Scharf
Stocks. Gloves; Suspenders, Shirt Bt3soms,
&c. &c. .;- .
a large and handsome nosortinent of 'Open,
fine West of England Cloths and Crsimeres, end
small quantity, of well selected. French Cloths;st.
mongst whirl are a 'variety, of Diamond Beater ,
Cloths for Over Coats of different shades and finish.
Also heavy domestic Diamond Beer Cloths. Theis*
who pay Cash may boy bargairis of . ,
Woollen Dealeris and. .. Tailore, Coiner at. Gentle
and, Mahantango Streets. , ' •
Noiember 28, •
PERSONS wishing CO Cake iessOns:, i; idaacing •—
are respectfully infortad that , thellastAtiarter
will commence on the 18th of JanuarY, (Waltzing
and Gallopading, included.] For term~ and partiet..a
glare applyat the Pennsylvania, .;=..
January 9. 24;tc
Green itufl Black 'teas
JUST teethed and tar Bate-by : - •
T. 6c J. ISA
• TTIr.
Nov. 28._ • -
• tar Sale, -•
VERY low, Q anal' tracts of lend dn Taihbhne, -
Run, the one about. .4 and the other from 5 13.:
6 tulles from. Pottsville. the one containing 80 and
the other ,100 acres. Wits Oak. Whiidt add yelida,l
Pine;„and Spruce Timbcr—they would be sold chit.
er..togsther. or separate. A public road . il,now be:
ing made through the land to , Pot I erni e For term,
enquire of Henry Roush or Toloph gallon, Or.
ogsbarg. • ,
If the above land is not cold before the fired day
' o f February nest, it wilt offered at Public
sale at the House of Nlichiel,Mortimer. in Pottsville.
Orwiisburir. Nov. tg,: - fah.
Farm to be -Let.
d. bele?: feral etely occupied bj reeietVik
Becitteirt", ails. the 'OM Bolre Bead;: on the! .
Mieirstras littlektere
ply to - . rARQUAA2:I,tr; .
&lobe, 10, • , - 10-r'