The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 23, 1841, Image 4

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' tog whit a smilin` face, between
,Itlk.V is and a Hebei!
~ sotto( shop is thiil and Lord V—•
lk_ - t
who ran tbatnlii bet
~. , Wirth° fleet t,ohatrnist s
•• ' thilATO is bet ibop;
Ahd r ,tiltich they christens is diven,'
' ,listeroab wain WO pop. • ' -
Tint travietest apt in Regent-Street, '
. - Vinsma triery,thing so nice is ;
' Tint sweetest of'llavana's, at ..
very sweetest prices; • '
1, Iv utu ouffs s half a crown away,
.._. .
'• A f 'a' of his eyes, c 5 •
1.4413 thetl'ace—the s .fittm up.
An other luxuries.
l; ,here we are, reclinin' on.
_ _grandest kind of , ottoman'—
T face!—well, she's an angel, or
, 11 well allow we're .not ;
.11. - wanly visitant, drapped down •
• , rro her celestial far shop,
,• To dto the world's happiness,
Hy k pin' a' cigar shop!
'A glar heaienly set out— 1
. , en i. ''ns of sweetest sky blue; 1
-:-- Bturoundin' like an atmosphere,
,A 4 lighted by her 'eye blue; .
"gnat Options, and such carpets, and
Bglasses, and such gildin'
An l l l
that 'ere fade—it's - just the place
Toirsalki.o, and, be.kill *4 in. .
- -
It tint so much her youth, becos I.
• . fish Opt so very young;
A 'taint so much her figure, which
• Is r ther'um Liu,. pang.
Bo where's - ilif use of figure, when
A man's got a face,
A. }
oat tel you look no where obis,
-V of its witchin' grace 1
li i see•tt there, a smilin' now
-In' above the counter ;
is wery short, but as we said
at does twit -ere aniounter—
•l s send& of two•others,sa
'AI band, all rings and glitter—
!, list uns eye us jealously— i
• eye the last, uns,ditter!
s 1 131 1 , 1
- It ikes us she's a widder, there's
A •rt ul ividder grace,
A 'ind of dont you be afraid
Ex . ression in her face;
Bee' eyes a amilin on you, and
. H iviry's or; the flesh— ,
' IC vely hard to see the like,
An not do nothing rash.
W 11, Christian nations, well as Turks,
Go in for things luxurious ;
'.' An as far these I divans,' the way
_They beatsihe Turks is curious; --:
They'd have to go to Paradise
Tome a face as bright—
ru swear sweeter never help'd
Thipraphet to'fli light!'
• How much, Ma'm 1 lea an angel voice
From up, sir;, etrayin' down, air,.
As says to them dear accents, , them
Cigarcsit—hedf a crown, sir !'
Av"inly - smoke, a heav'nly voice,
, A eavynly smile and eye ;
I: e4
A they may go to heav'n again— .
A dont find heav'n too high!
. From the New York Atlas.
Heindvome Present.—Giving your hand to a lady
eti New year's day to keep for life.
Loesk Oirh.l---Yoring ladies whose corset strings
hay; iiien waY.
1 , _ •
Hard Tinies.—The situation of Greenland whales
• : _.::.
when th ey are frozen up in cakes of ice.
'Hop dreadful short the,,days are,' as the woman
said when she let her breakfast dishes stand:till she
tad read a novel.
V itilys fact, wLich should opperate as a check to
human pride, that the ugliest and most awkward of
the bin e creation have the greatest resemblance to'
man e monkey and the bear.
A lay was recently teaching a boy ' to spell. The
' boy is i lt c.o-t..n, but could not pronounce:it. In
vainhisi teacher asked him to try. At last site asked
6bn hat do you get when you go out upon; the wet
sidewalk on a rainy day, and wet your feet 1' 4 gets
a .licking. ' '
' you are determined to be p00r,,, , be a drunkard
and iota *ill aeon be ragged and' pennyless,lo your
heart'. content.
.91 bound for the kipgdom; as the sub-treasurer
said ,pni setting Mil for England. . •
No person who .binks at things as they are, can
wonder r at.the increasing numbers of unmarried wo
men' in our country :
It ie stated that France has in her navy one gun
' fez every seventy, tons of the mercantile marine.
England has one gun for every one hundred tons;
and tile United States, one for every seven hundred.
' The acting Governor of South Carolina threatens
lustily that if any protecting ?uties are laid, his state
will; nullify again, i. e. resist 'with every means
i whichthe God and naturohave placed in their hands.'
The' eirieinatti Gazette says these must be teeth and
toe.naiii, as God and nature have nothing to do with
awonli end blunder.bussee.
. They have a i lady thief' in Glasgow, who robs
gentlemen's bed rooms. Two policemen were set to
watch] but they fell asleep, and Acing their nap, shit
sobbed them both. That's nothing; we have girls
in thie country, cute , and bewitching enough, to rob
4 roil while awake. , , . s
V .Itrt ezcsllent character was engriven on the tomb.
stone pf a lady; in these few words; 4 Bhe was al.
way!, busy, and always quiet.'
, t
rare is a stove in Louisville with such ti draught
that it drew itself np the pipe, then out of the chim
ney; tind finally the house after it.
- 'A' , Fegro- fellow the other day got hiniself into
,trouble by marrying two wives. A great many white
men do the' same by marrying one. . - '
Aci4ice 10 People in Gencral.—Subscribe for a
par—Pay the printer, and 'mind year via
businass. , . . _- :
- •
~ny BLvskr Charkiton.—The Cipirleston
Mercury says Fanny appeared at Abbott's, theatre
thereon her way to Havanna. Tho editor aim.
platers that she wore her petticoats too long, which
however. was not her fault, for he says sa committee
of the. proprietors.[ fthe theatre actually bat in sal
smei convocation detertinne :the length of her
petticoilit, and limited the -amount Of-shortnessad.
*Mate lo this meridian, and.foreed poor Abbott to
stet it aceordinsiv, For which, stretching Fanny
is ceoultkid by - the editor with the prospect of her
visit - to Hiwagea. where he says she will bei alknved
to 4640p0 all her Charms. dedicate her beinties to
araia wear yen" btretlis fritter clink
THE' subscriber has just iectived in addition to, his
former supply.:* choice assortment t ' •
1 Drpgai:Modio4Mcletagok 4 , , -
talented with ennil care aid, attention as to goal:
Together:with good tipply . of . •
raja& Oil, OastDys Stuffs, Spic s. 07:: •
town; which are. • _ .
White& Red Lead Dry. ' • Green Paint;
White Lead grOundin Oil. • Black Paint. • - •
Chrome Green.' Copal. Varnish.. -
Chrome Yellow. Japan. • , •
Venetian Red. Lampbtacks
Yellow Ochre, Litharge.
Black Lead. Spirits Turpentine.
Spanish Brown, Paint Brushes,
Linseed Oil, ' Sash Tools.'
Window Glass of.assoited sizes. foam 7 by 9 to 24 by 30
Indigo. Madder. Annatto, Logwood. Redwood. Finnic
Camwood. Brazil Wood. Copperas, 'Tommie, Cochi
neal. Verdigris. ptglish Red Saucer&
Mate. Nutniegs;Cinnamon,Cloves, Pepper, Alspics
Mustard, Cyannct Pepper. &c. - • ,
- Dr. Steers Oplttletdoe, Barber's•HorsePowder.
Godfrey. Conftsl, , Heyl's Embrocaticin for
Beteman's Drops. , = Horses,
Turlington's Balsam, Liquid Opedeldoc,
Harlaem Oil. . British-Oil,
Balsam Da Maltha, Oil of Spike.
Golden Tincture, Oiloi Stone, t ,
Spring Oil.
Cologne Water, Lavender . Water, Pay Rum Bears
Oil, Lemon Cream; Bears Grease, Naples Con., mind.
Cold Cream, Lip Salve. Tooth Powder. Manairs
• Pearl, Powder, Jiyites Hair Tonic, Toilet Powder
Clothes, /intr. Flesh. Tooth, ¢ Nail Brushes.
Together with every other article in his .lme,
which he is disposed to sell at lair prices, end respect
fully solicits a share of public patronage.
Phtsicians and Storekeepers supplied with medicines
at a small advanced on city prices. -
Centre. next door to Mahanuingo St. Pottsville.
Nov. Y 8 .1840: 48-if
CO " Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded
' at all hours.
New Store.
THE Subsekibers, under the firm of Grant, Car.
roll & Co, nave opened a Store in the building
lately occupied by N. Nathans. on Centre, near Mar.
ket Street, where they have for sale a go od selection
of Dry Good 4; Groceries, Hardware and Queens.
ware, which they intend to eell at satisfactory pri
ce. for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce.
September 5;
New Goods.
Jreceived and opened a choice selection of
* 0 Fall and Winter Goods, consisting in cart, of
Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattitiets, Plain and Figured :.
Silk Velvets, black and coloured Silke,Chintsee, and
Domestic Prints, Flannels, Hosiery, &c. together
with a general assortment of Fancy & Domestic
Dry Goods which will be sold very c hea.
Muslin He Lanes.
PLAIN and Figured "Muslin De Lanes," just received
and for sale low, by • T& J. BEATTY.
October 3, , 18—
Letter and Cap Paper.
200 'gl o ms Ndo; 3 3 L io "er T u ltl e il;)
150 do do 2 do do and plain,
50 do do 1 do plain,
150 mains No. 2 cap. plain, for sale at ye
ry low prices by
Com'n Merchants, 13south Front M.
Philadelphia, August 8, • „ 32
Wetherill & Brother,
White Lead dry and Calomel,
ground in Oil, $ Red Precipt,
Red Lead, White do
Litharge. - Vitriol Mb.
Chronic Yellow, Sulp. Quinine
do Green Tart. Emetic
.do Red - Ether Mph.
Patent Yellow do Nitric /
Sugar Lead do Acetic /
Copperas Lunar Caustic/
01, Vitriol Corn. do /,
Aq. Fortis Acet. Mo is
Muriatic Acid Sulpb. o
Epsom Salts Lac. Iphur
Tart. AcidOp' e Barnet.
Sup .Carb. Soda 4 15 , m:cies Mineral
Corms, Sub. Mere. /Ethiops do.
Refiners ofChamptior,Sal Nitre,Brimstone,Rorax.dtc.
Offer for sale the a bo / ve mentioned art icles.together with
a general assortment of Paints; Drugs and Dye Stuffs,
and every othdr / aiticle in the Chemical and Medicinal
Being mandfcturers of al the art iclesenomerated un
der the aboVe head, they pledge themselves to supply
their frjinds and the public on the most reasonable
Window and Picture Glass; from 6 8. to 4 30.
Oct 21 1837 48-
Shamokin Coal Land
ONE undivided half part of two tracts of land,
situate on Shamokin Creek, Northumberland
county, State of Pennsylvania, in the warranted
names of John Brady, and Robert Gray, containing
eight hundred and sixty-eight acres and allowances;
these lands are adjoining the flourishing town of
Shamokin, (destined to become a second Pottsville)
they abound with both the red ash and the white
ash coal; and on the lower tract iron ore, of the kid.
ney speciei.has been found in considerable quantlt
ties. The Pottsville and Danville railroads runs
nearly through the middle of both tracts, and is in
complete order from Sunbury to the centre of the
gray tract,' thus giving them the command of all
the markets on the Susquehanna, (and now that the
canal is finished to the tide water) of all the
markets mi the Chesapeake.
This property is offered for sale, to close the
estate of the late Colonel Francis Johnston. by
A. %V. JOHNSTON, Executor,'
No. 7, Clinton Square, Chesnut street,
West of Broad.
Phtladel.hia Feb. 8 6
Cloths, Cassioners, Saltinets
A LARGE assortment of Cloths, Cassimera, and
4.3 k. Sattinets of all colours and Prices. Also
Beaver Cloths. and superior Veatinga, of various
styles, just received. to which the attention of Gen
tlemen are, particularly invited.
October 10.
E. A. Hathaway & Co.,
No i3South Fr(int Street,
.(Whnrffoot of South etreet,Schuylkill)
May 23 • • 21—tf
Cloths Cloths
_YOST received by the subscribers, and for sale et
luP reduced prices for cash. - •
Superior Brown Battier Cloth,
• do Blue do do
,do ' Pilot do
'do Brown do do
Also, superiorßlue, Black. Brown. Olive, Green,
and fancy coloured Clothe, Cashmeres and Saul
Novl2B. .4&
Merin° Shawls,
Ll:lPDrii perior Merino Shawls, Purchased
from the importer et a small advance, just re
ceived and tat sale cheap. .-, •
Alse,'French and English •Mermoe 'Plain and
Figured Mouslii De Lanes, and Figured Saxony
ClotheJ &c: .-
,1 E. W. EARL.
Malabo? 21. ' —47-4 f
liilE - 14.11*rE1114 9 JoirßN
The Philaidelp , " •
OW and after-Sunday.Novenitter) I, IE 4 IO. the pas
se4ers_will start at the tollOiding hours.
From Philadelrkia at Bo'clock A. M.
i D . ! ili
Raiding, li do. P. M. ,/ -;.
'. . . FARB.
let ClissCais, IR 10-2nd 46.
Both Train care. stop for 'way
usual points.
Days of Staffing of Freight 7Vains..-
From Philadelphia nu sYednesdaYs, and
Saturdays. ' . I , . at 51
From Reading on Tuesda4s and Fridays, A. M,
at 51 A. M. 1 '
!Superintendent Tranapt.'P. & Read. R. R
October 9l;44—tf
. ,
Tetter, Ringworm and ',ItO Ointment.
Aaoppty of the above ointment just received and
for sale wholesale and retail tit the Drug Store
of the subscriber; where also may be seen certifi
cates of its efficacy, in the care bf obstinate cases
of Tetter, &c.
Also for sale, Dr. Becfwell's scelebratid
for the cure of Felons, Ulcers, Old Cots. &c.
October 24 :
Sperm Oil.
BLEACHED and unbleached Sperm Oil of au
perior quality„for sale by. I
Nov. 28, 37
=SWIM WIZ 1r1311113,
For Coida. •
THESE celebrated Lozenges were originally a
private prescription of the Hie Professor Wis.
tar. But from the great benefit attending their tote
in cases of Colds, Coughs, Asthing,lYc. have become
a standard remedy for these complaints. The sub.
scriber having a copy of the original recipe, prepares
them precisely according to For sale by the do
zen or single box, at JOHN S t MARTIN'S
Oct 24 43 Drug Store, Pottsville.
PHOENIX BITTERS —T,he'high celebrity which.
these excellent Medicines have acquired, in curing al
most every disease to which the human frame is liable,
is a matter familiar with almost every intelligent person.
They became known by their frmul—their good works
have testified for them—they did not thrive by the faith
of the credulous
In cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia. Biliousand Liver
Affections, Asthma, Piles, Settled Pains, Rheumatism,
Fevers and Agues, Obstinate Headaches. Impure State
of the Fluids, Unhealthy Appe'iran63 of the Skin,Ner
vous Debility, the Sickness incident to Fereales in Deli
cate Health. every kind of Weakness of the Digestive
Organs, aril in all general Derangements of Health, these
Medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy
remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most ex
hausted constitutions. A single trial will place the /
Life Pills and Phenix Bitters beyond the reach of com
petition, in the estimation of -very patient.
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,at WM. B.
MOFFAT'S Medical Office, 3':5 Broadway. Nei , York.
.N. B. None are genuine unless they have the fac
simile of John bloffat's•signature.
Vl' The Life Pills are ' old in boxes- 7 Price, 25 cents,
50 cents, and 81 each, according to/ the size; and the
Phisnix Bitters in bottles, at $1 or $2 each, with fulldi
a ections.
esting little pamphlet.entit)e4l" Moffat's Medical Man
ual,deaigned as a Domestic Guide to Health—contain
ing accurate information concerning the mast preva
lent disease,and thernost approved remedies-7by WM.
B. MOFFAT." Apply to the Agents. • -
Agents.— Thy Life medicines may also be had of the
principal druggists in every town throughout the United
States andrhe Canadas. Ask for Moffats Life Pills and
Phcenix Bitters; and bo sure that a fac simile of John'
MoffaVti signature is upon the label of each bottle of
bitters and box of pills.
/These valuable Medicines are for sale by Messrs.
MILLER & HAGGERTY. Pottsville.
September 6th, 1840. 39.7tf.
Resumption of Business.
rrHE Subscriber returns his gratefeacknowl.
21 - edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and
others, who stepped forward to his assistance after
the loss of his property by fire in December last,
and would also acquaint them and the public gen
erally, •that he has again commenced the Drug
Businessin the house formerly occupied by Charles
W. Clemens, in Centre Street, in the borough of
Pottsville, where may always be had a general as
sortment of
Drugs, I Mediciars,
Paints, PillB l,
Glass, I Dye btall4,
And every other article in the abode line, which he
is disposed to sell on very low and accommodating
N. B. ID Physicians prescriptions carefully pu ,
up at the shortest notice.
Pottsville, Mas 30,1838
To be Let.
THE Valley Furnace, -grime 'tine ago arranged
for smelting Iron Ore with Anthracite Coal,
with an excellent and powerful) Steam Engine at
tached to It. The futnace is situate four miles from
Port Carbon, up the Schuylkill Valley Rail Road,
on the Valley Furnace land
These lands crossing the whole of the Schuylkill
Coal range, contain all the different coal veins or
strata of coal of that celebrated Coal region, a num
ber of which have been opened, and some of them
are now worked. There is also plenty of Iron Ore
upon the land, some of the Veins of which have been
opened; the favorable location and facilities already
created inspire the hope of making Iron at the very
cheapest rate. I
To a good tenant the conditions wonld be made
easy. For terms apply to • '
Pottsville July 18
Lumber!! Lumber:l! ,
Shingles, Lap and Joint.
Plastering Lath and ! other Lumber,
constantly for sale by
October 'lO,
Willi& &minilei Piano In;
!structer o
_TUST received sod for sate by •
11 -v L -1 B. BANNAN,
Mao Burrow's Piano Primer.
Oetober 17,
Fetlitivals & East&
A fresh supyly)itst eceived and foriallAbANA
JUST opened a large and splendid supplyof season
ably Goods. comprising a general assortment of
CHEESE, SAO, 4tc. 4c.,
Allot which wilt be sold chiap:for cash or ex.
change for country produce. t? 'Store or
Mount Carbon, N 23 47—tt
As'EFINED WHALE 014-3000 gaup: reSned
Whale Oil,jusi received 81:14 for sale tiy,
Calp.MeTchinte, 13 =lb Front
Philadelphia, Aiwa, 6, 1
; , , , DR.AAriNszolorgir ~'
.:,- lialsaittofilloN)hiound.. ,--
-An latparallekdremedy"raomfamt Cog-onagla,
Asthoa,'A t itiseizza- , . topkg ricrtrA ifiwnek:
-f ilia; . - and ill illii'aiii if 'the Briliii,e,kirid'4liii; i '
leading let Coiisuraptiori; 'tamps Me , osn
elm:rated iiilties - of Horehound. 1 1 04tsit• *kid
i'' - bre .
' lloot;! Lietrekiet and setjtml other regcla sub
alonies' . Prepared only by I. M.. Viliton 0 IV,
' lloodeste.r, N. Y. 1 ; . ..,
THE innocence and aniveriudly adm tied tibctoral sir.
I toes. of the Herbs from i which , th re ia BALSAM OF
HOARHODND is made, a too generally Ittiown id *-
quire recOmmendation ;it is therefore only necessary to
observe that this Medicine contains theriviibte of 4beir
Medicinal properties, highlylconcentrated,'and so hap•
pily.combined with severalrither vegitSible substances,
as tar render most speedy, mild and certain iretnedy, now
iit use,,for the complaints shine menticined, , 1 - " . '
For Children. this Balsam lilt of inestimable value. If .
is li speedy remedy for the Iyhooping Cipigh and Croopt
and .afronds. certain relief in Bowel Complaints. Cholir..
Teething, 4e. It is "pleasant , to the t.ste.'and may be
sefelygiven to the tenderest infant and shoUld be kept at
all times in every family. al it is mach better for the
complaints incident to children than Paregoric, Godfrey's
Cordial.or the Cordials so commonly used, as hundreds
in thin City have testified, 1 1". -
medicine is now about five years since this eeicine Was ex
terisively introdriced in this City,and section of the corm
try. since which time it has constantly increased in pub
tic favour, and it is at the present time' the most popular
Cough Medicine , in most of d the Northern' and. estern
States. More than 71.0 i Thousand Free Hundred Bot
tles have been refilled annually, at theidiscribere coun•
ter,for the last two years, and althea; five Either Drug
gistsl in the City, are constantly suppli d with the article,
hie sales are daily increasing. - '
For the sitisfaction of those interes t ed in Certificates.
thd following are added; although the daimon practice
of collecting a long 'string Of vouchers, has not been
considered the best way to make, its' virtues known.
We say !ask"inquire,' ask those who have used it. ask
Physicians who prescribe it, ask the Agents who sell it
try it yourieY, and then judge as ye field_, .
Read the following.-1 hereby certi , y that early in the i
spring of 1838, I contracted 4 severe( COLD, which set
upon my lungs,and threatened aliatity Consumption.
I Used several prescriptions," but obtaiping little or no re
li6f; I was mach alarmed. IHappening to be at Rochee•
ter, 1 was advised by my friend. Mr I Winslow, to try a
bottle of his BALSAM OF HOREHOUND t',l did so. and to
my surprise obtained relief' fit once-i-and by the use of
that single bottle was perfe tly resto red to health. To
those a ffl icted with Colds o Coughs al this inclement
season, I say 'go and do likewise.' I •
Ingratitude is the basest ekrne in marl.—We are not a
mong that class of Editorstha fora feiv dollars will. (at
the expense of truth and ho esty) 'crack up' an 'article
and bnag it into rapid sale; neither are we willing to re
main silent, after having tested the utility elan improve
ment or discovery in science or art Oar readers will
recollect we told them we were uti well with .a soar
throat and violent cold some few w Its ago Well, we
purchased two battles of Wtristow's llstsora or Hong
tteusto and so sudden was! the cure. that we forgot we
ever bad a cold. Throw who are afilicted; may try it
upon our recomaiendation.7-Lewiston / Vegrapli.
Price 50 cents per bottle., . 1 ,
For sale by CLEMENS & PARITIN,:aiIiI t rrALT:EFTING, ,
Pottsville, Pa and by the Drunistit in , e country gen
October 24 1
/ ! . '
89 00: '
assenger at the
5W.1111:1 4 ,5 PANACEA,
For the cure of. Sarifuki, or King's !evil. Syphilis, and
the host of painful, disagreeable, and hitherto incurable
affections coating therefrom, Rheumatism, Ulcerous
Sores, White Swellings, Diseases of the Licerand Skin
GeneralDebiltiy, 4c and all Diseases arising from
Impdrity of Blood. ;.
INHIS Medicine is particularly ' recommended at
this season of the year, as an alterative and a
ptirifier of the' blood. It gives a tone and vigor to
debilitated constitutions, which invalids are uncon
scious of until they have e xperienced its effects.
It is also recommended in Diseases,where the lungs
and breast are supposed to be affected, and also
where the constitution is broken down by the use of
Mercury or Quinine ;
THIS MEDICINE has the singular fortune a
just tribute to. its great merit, of being reccommend.
ed by the most celebrated Practitioneri t of Medicine
in the United States and Europe ;• whereas Lot one
of the spurious mixtures, made in imitation of it, has
the least support from the Medical Faculty. This
fact offers an argument sn plain and conclusive, that
it needs only to be mentioned to enforce conviction.
Swaim's Panacea is recommended to-all those inval.
ids for whom Physicians Iprescribe Sarsaparilla Syr
ups. Extracts, &c.
Prepared at 'Swaim's Labaralory. Philadelphia.
Sold by B. Bannon, Agent for Sclioylkill Coon
ty, and John S. C. Martin, DruggiPentre Stree
September 12, 27—tf
Pills i• Pills!
%Ili E safest, the best, mast efficaciou s end truly vege
= table Pills in existence are
A component On of which is Sarsaparilla. and known
tube the most effectual and t borough purifier of the blood
and animal fluids ever discovered. ' Asa gentle or ac
tive purgative,' hey areeivally efheaciousr-whilst taking
them no change of diet or restraint from occupation is
necessary. They may be taken at al 'times and under all
cireumstanees—they will tot reduc'e or weaken the sys
tem by their effect as most purgatives do—much com
ment upon their virtues is unnecessary—their reputation
is well established. numerous proofs of their efficacy
having been published at different times. Suffice it to
Tay that in addition to their efficacy in diseases of the
stomach, liver. intestines;&e., they are the only pills in
existence that cleanse and pPrify the blood and animal
Juids.removing all noxious and diseased humors there
som, and thereby removing all eruptions from the skin—
dry and watery pimples from the face, neck and body,
fetter, rash. or breaking out of the skin. and all cutane
eious affections whatever
They are prepared from; vegetable extracts. (warrant
ed free from murcury andl the minerals) and by a regu
lar physician. attested by Drs. Physic, Homer, Gibson.
Jackson, James. Dew ees., Hare. Coxe dm. besides nu
merous other physicians throughout the United States,
who daily employ them in their practice. administering
them to their patients in Preference to ill other purga
tives, and in preference to: all other preparations of Sar
rtparilla. in consequence of their possessing the com
bined effects of correcting the diseased humors of the
blood and fluids..and by (heir purgative properties, re
moving or carrying off thg same front the system. with
out producing the slightestinconvenienee, or iequiring
a zr Celebrated Botanic .thalth 4 i Life" Preserver..CD
MIMS Medicine known for many years as Yea.
ger's medicine has, never been ,offered to" the
public for sale until °flute, the *proprietors have been
prevailed open to offer it for the benefit of those
who are laboring under any of, the diseases here
enumerated, viz : "Cancers, Ulcers of the throat
Wd body, Liver complaint , Spittkig of Blood,
hooping Cough, Rheumatic affections in the head
and body, Colds of long standing attended with se.
vpre pain upon the breast. Cositomezios in many
eases. where the patient: had beer abandoned by the
Physician, and pronounPed an, incurable case, this
medicine hail had }the, moat wonderful effect. " •
The proprietors are well aware of the , numerous
medicines that are already offered to the public for
the core of some of the above 1 diseases, many of
which have not the slightest effect' of performing at
any time a , cure—but !the numerous testimonials
which have of late beee given te r iddle, by some of
the most respeetable citizens, shows that there can
no longer be any doutit as regards the medicine
which they roar offer, and Wl:addle," to those afilic.
ted—give it a trial—adhere to its directions, and we
will warranta permanent cure. ' -
Certificates :of some °Ohs mus Markable cores
can be seen bycalling upon any of the'Agents.
rectione for using the medicine Will :be found to ac.
company each bottle. .
W. T. Epting and Y r. F. C. Martin, Druggists,
Pottsville, Shiefily and Smith, Hamburg,
Becks Co. PM4 Moyer &Bushong, Reatnstown, Lan.
caster Co. Pa. Georget i fleager4dyeistown, Leba.
non Co : Pa.. Jacob . Alb `ght, Lanaaqer; Pa., Sam.
eel Ritter, P.M. Reading;' Pa.
• 11:? Price 81 per bottle.
July 4.
.. y c
laqUESFlWater, So
' lll ' . to; 'side by Li
J 11111.1 3 , 2,
Numerous testimonials. certificates and recommenda
tions of those Pills, from Physicians and others,accom
pany the directions with each hex. Dr. N. B. Leidy's
signature accompanies the, genuinelon two sides of each
box on a yellOw label.
Price Tioentpficecentscs Box•
For saly by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
Also for sale by J. F. Taylor &Co., Minersvilicv
Buell Kinsley, Port Carbon
May 11
Yeager's & Albright's
r, Soda
Insurance Company.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances,
on Brick, Stone -or Frame Buildings. Stores,
Hotels, Mills, Barns, Stables, Merchandise, Furniture
and Property ofevery description ,against lossor dam
age by FIRE.
The Delaware County Insurance company will also
insure against loss on all kinds of marine risks and a.
gainst the damage or loss upon the transportation of
goods, wares, and mercandise by water, or by rail way.
upon terms as favourable as any other institution.
For any further information on the subject ofinsur
ance, either against Fire marine or inland risks.
Apply to HENRY G. ROBINSON. Agent.
July 15 34-1 f At Schuylkill Haven.
At Orwigsburg.
THESE Pills are composed of Herbs, which ex.
ert a specific action upon .the heart, give an
impulse or strength to the aterial system ; the blood
to quickened and equalized in its circulation through
all the vessels, whether the skin, the parts situated
anternally, or the extremities; and as all the secre—
tions of the body are drawn from the blood, there is
a consequent' increase of every secretion, and a
quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or
eiscbar g in g vessels. Any morbid action which may
have taken place is corrected, all obstructions are
removed, the blood is purified, and the body resumes
a healthy state.
ErCaution.—Be particular in purchasing to see
that the label of this Medicine contains a notice of
its entry according to Act of Congress. And be
likewise particular in obtaining them at 100 Chat
ham street, New York, or from the
Feb B. BANNAN, Pottsville
SWAIM'S Panacea,
Leidy's Blood Pills,
" Medicated Sarsaparilla,
Tonic & Anti-Dyspeptic Cor
Do. Vegetable Febrile Elixir,
Dr.Beehtel's Pulmonary Preservative
Dr. Nile's Extract of Tomato Pills,
Indian Specific,
Fire King's Remedy for the Tooth
For sale by the subscriber. For
further particulars see advertise
ments in another part of the paper.
Jan 2
Moffat's Life Pills, and Pim
nix Bitters.
lIIIHE perfectly safe, unerring, and successful treat
," ment of almost every species of disease by the use
of MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES, is no longer a
matter of doubt, as a reference to the experience of
many thousand patients will satisfactorily prove. Dur
ing the present month alone nearly one hundred cases
have come to the knowledge of Mr. Moffat, where the
patient has, to all appearance. effected a permanent
core by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life Me
dicines—some eight or ten of these had been consider
ed beyond all hope by their medical attendants. Such
happy results area source of great pleasure to Mr. M.
and inspire him with new confidence to recommend
,the use of his medicines to his fellow-citizens.
preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their ope
ration. and at the same time thorough—acting rapidly
upon the secretions of the system—carrying off all acri
monious humors, and assimilating with and purifying
the blond. For this reason. .n aggravated cases of
Dyspepsia, the Life Medicines will give relief in a shot
ter space of time than any other prescription. In fever
and-Ague, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Fevers of every
description, Sick Headache, Heart-hurn. Dizziness in
the head, Pales in the Chest, Flatußncy, impaired ap
petite. and in every disease'arising from an impurity of
the blood, or a disordered state of the stomach, the use
of these Medicines has always proved to be beyond
doubt, greatly superior to any other mode of treat
All that Mr:Mnffat asks of his patients is to be parti
cular in taking them strictly according to the directions.
his not by a newspaper notice; or by any thing that he
hi - 4.self may say in their favor. that he hopes- to gain
credit. It is alone by the results of a fair trial. Is the
reader an invalid. and does he wish to know whether the
Life Medicines will suit his own case? If so, let-him
call or senckto Mr. Moffat's agent in this place. and pro
cure a copy of the medical Manual, designed as a Do
mestic Guide to Health, published gratuitously. He will
there find enumerated very many extraordinary cases of
cure; and perhaps some exactly similar to his own..
Moffat's Medical Office in New York. 375 Broadway.
This Medicine can also he obtained of
Agents for Schuylkill County.
Pottsville, September 26,1340. 39—tf
Houses to Rent,
From the first day 'of April next.
eui' TAVERN House and premises, corner of
Coal and Jackson Streets, in the most central
siness part of the town. Two small Dwelling
Houses and lots in Coal street, one small Dwelling
House with large out lot in Jackson street, one Shop
lir Office with other apartments in Jackson street,
i)ne Store and Dwelling house in Lawton's Addition,
Vith counters and shelving complete—corner of
arket and Second street, a first rate business
Also, to rent and immediate possession given, Two
three story Dwelling houses in Swift & Patterson's.
Pddifion, in Spruce street, a fine prospect from these
ouses—one dwelling house and prejnises in Second
treer, Lawton's Addition.
Two Town lots in Jackson street and one ditto
In Coal street 'in Port Carbon proper. Apply .to
General agent, Scrivener, Accountant and Collec.
or in Port Carbon.
November 28.
Port Clinton Foundry
FOR SALE. . ' • '
uix be sold at private sale, the Fo u ndry
pleasantly situated at Port Clijnon;Schuylk
county, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry
is at thoi commencement of the Little Schuylkill
and Susquehan na Rail Road, now making, 'and
will in' a short" time be one of the best situations
in the country to do a large business Fro' tame
&c. apply to ‘ PARKE& TIERS,
Iron Founders, Philadelphia.'
Port Clinton
T . .
!lodger's celebrated Pen.
• - knives. •
A HUSH supply of Rodgcr'e Pen-knives, a.
ea. mong which are his ,celebrated Treasury and
Navy Knife, manufitztured for the D.S. Government.
Just received and fur,sale by
1 ,
and Bran anusilieni
Deceaba 5,
irameal iron I Warkii Ware-
- house. • •
Ab. 77 &nth Third Street; S. .11 . eiltnier "fir . eks
Tosker erfiloiria l
fouud ' ers' and 'Manufacturers of Coal
a• Grates, Purilibes. Kitchen Ranges,:Batb Boil
ere: Perpetual Cretin, &e. Welded Wroughil*
Tubes. for Steam; Gas; Hot Water, den.
Safety Lamps,
' of the beet Construction.
Patterns for the Foundry received, and castings
delivered at the Warehouie, Third & Walnut 13t.'
Philadelphia. :
September 26.1838. 754 f "
Davrs Sarett-Lainps,..
(IF the best ; construction, and most approved kind
‘-r also makes new genus to old lamps, and othei
epairs done at the subscriber's Clock and Watch
Maker Shop, in Centre street, Pottsville. • .
• •
NEW - d r °OWL' 1 '
_TM received and now opening a 'large and
" general assortment afresh and seasonable ttoOds.
which will be sold cheap for Cash, or in.excbange
for country preclude.
Mt. Carbon,. Oct. 3lst, 1840: 44az
Hoirk of Pleasures. . t.
Pleasures of Hope, '
Pleasures of Memory. and
Pleasures of itnagtnatton,
ust received and for sale by " •
Foe Sale.
To Iron Manuf4ettirers:
THE Subseciber having obtained the assignment
from Mr. Oeorge Crane for a number of Fur.
naces, and holding' also the'patent of the lite Dr.
Geisenhainer for the same. to' smelt Iron Ore with
Anthracite Coil, and retaining the exclusive right
of said pattent to , manufacture Malliable Iron and
Steel, is prepared to grant licenses for the Manufac.
tore of Iron. Applications to be made to William F.
Dean, Esq., at Pottsville.
Jan. 4 1
Theological 11 orks for Sale.
By the Rev. I: D. Williamson► of Baltimore, embra
cing the Unity of God as held by Universalists,—
the Attonement—Death ofChrist—Punishment and
duration of Punishment.. Forgiveness of Bins—
Judgement—Nature ofSalvation—lepentence.—Res
surrectton and Destruction of death. This work is
intended to disabuse the public mind,-in regard to
the many misrepresentations so industriously cir
culated against this body of Christians. Price 50
Also for Sale,
UNIVERSALISM." by the Rev. Thomas Whitte.
more of Boston, a work designed to lead enquirers
to the truth of that doctrine by Bible testimony; and
believers to the practice (NM benevolent principlee i
The• following matter is contained in this work.:
Who are Universalists?
What do Universalism believe?
What evidences do Universalism adduce from
the Scriptures in support of their belief in the even.
tual holiness and happiness ut all mankind 7
Passages from the Old and. New Testament, ex.
plained, which are adduced to disprove their &intl.
Popular objections to Universalism explained ; and
the evidences of revealed Religion presented. Price
1 dollar.
For sale at the Stores of Samuel Hartz and J. S.
Morris & Brothers.
July 4th, 27
Mitchell's School Geography.
'together best now in use.a fresh supply better bound.
-w - 'together with
A new wort', just publiihed, for beginners, and
which has already been introduced in the Schools
in Philadelphia. Also,
for Schools and fathilies, just :eceived and for 'sale
December 5, 49-;-
THE snbscribere would inform their friends end
the public that they have estabbshed them
selves in business, in the Store formerly occupied
by Messrs. &W. Pollock, adjoining Messrs.
Clemens & Parvins Drug Store, where they offer
for sale a general asaortment of
Dry Goods,
Glassware and.
All of which they are disposed to sell on the triplet
reasonable terms for cash, as they intend to, do f an
exclusive mall business.,,- The public are invited to
call and examine their Goods and prices before par. ,
chasing elsew here.
E. Q. & A. HENDERSO - N.
May 16 . - 20— •
Ne* Cheap Cash Store:
THE subscriber has just opened in Centie.atreet,
a lew doors above Norwegian street, en entire
new and elegant assortment of Goode, coacieting or
Dry Gonda, I Queensware,
Groceries; I liardwarq, &c.
All of which were purchosed at such prices u will
enable him to offer them at an unusually low price.
His design is to sell cheap for cash. He can assure
the pubtte that a call will be sufficient prodf to can
firm the aiaertion, that he will not be exceeded by
any in cheapness.
All are respectfully invited to call - and exam
ine the assortment and prices, being confident his
words will noi Buffer from such a course.
October 31.
A TWO, Story brick dwellling Amuse and lot
41 ■• in Schuylkill Haven, now occupied by Samuel
Trout and othere,Sione Coal would be taken in pitY.
ment. For terms apply to the subscriber( OrvAp•
burg or Henry Deninger,
Orwigaburg Jan. 9.
Harrison Medals,
AND Badges, just received and foi sale by
December 5.
Children's Shoes.
,1 LARGE assortment of Philadelphia manatee
411' tared Children's Shoes, for sale by
October 10,
Muslin' de Lanes.
pieces. choice pattered gent Murtha
de Lame, for eale_very low by'
COWS School Books.
January 2,
("IODIC& series of Sebral Booki—A Deal iopply
‘- 1 at Philadelphia prices, by the dozen or singles
always for tile by B. BANNA N.
December 5, •
Chair' "Stair
HE Buinioribei baa ennetatitly on band a sop.
'II' riot assortment Chair Stuff, which he
will dispel. of at ea low rates as can be Obtaineo at.
any other eetabliabinent.
Foot of the" Broad 4onataia.Littlnllithile
°kale: 3, . 0.41'
For Sale.