The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 11, 1840, Image 3

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- .
Cteniwsll wbu had. the power And the Will to,dos.
:Active corrupt Parlinmeni. What, next - they May ,
ilia the President maytieeasil
014 he'May.haite '''the courage to isediiif .there' fo
• dim enough, they tnity:p*s, the 'llittOine army.bili
and thus consummate the - treasonable, unio n of-the
fatskarld theaword: There as yet " balm
id il
- If the "people are true to themselves and to
':their` institutions , they will change' their rulereif
they fail in this ibigover4nent will be changed; : it
passes in effect t0...a monarcby—monel is ;power,
and with money in the bands of unscrupulous men,
( - 1114,0uumr can be effected. "There is no disguie•
ink the Msult. At this • lime, gloomy, ruined and
bankippteo, all the prosperity and enterprise of the,
country gone-at this tiMe, - the people almost in
despOix. Congresa passes the Sub-Treasury' and - by
that act puts chains upon the - fieople. •It is folly to
*lnk that it can work well—it is a"measure that
cao work Quthing hut ilt
and mates ow •
govoidauteut--it is literall
said of it; /reparation
"Oh Fe`sPk•
Two days later
. ... , , . .
'. The packet ship, Sheffield, Capt. Allen, arrived
yesterday; bringing' LoodOo papers to the 4th .ult.
end Liverpool to the sth. of two days later from
London and one day !marl from Liverpool, than we
received by the Great Wertern..
There_ is very little news-of any importanee. The
following suinmary embrdces all of any interest to
ourreaders : •
'' There was a 'savage riort at Limerick, in Ireland,
or the let of June. Thepeople came down in
mense numbers , carrying poles with loaves stuck on
them; and • down with t forestallers.' They seiz
ed a number of carts an wevna, despoiled them
of the, vegetables and oth6roprovisions which they
contained, and then bun !led 16 of them into the
river. A regiment of inf ntry 'could make no head
atainst, the rioters, and they were not dispersed un
til the artillery was brought to bear upon them.
"The report uf the death r ,of the King of Prussia is
stated by Inn London Times of June 4th, to have
; belt!' prentiture.
New successes were continually announeed as
having attended the movements ,of the Queen's
troops in Spain, and the spar was evidently drawing
to ; close.
It is stated that new Complications have sprung
Up in the eulphor question; and that the Brutal'
Governetaint had resolvedfon sending six ships of the
line to Naples. A Fretich squadron of the sane
force was also to proceed thither.
Admiral Bauchi, was to proceed to Buenos Ayres,
clothed with military and' diplomatic powers to ter.
urinate the differences with the Argentine Republic.
'By advices from Constantinople to May IS, it ap
pears that a Seraskier, pall Pasha, brother.;n-law
to the Sultan, had been dismissed for some offence
against morality, tending to bring the 'Government
in contempt 47
' Perla was visited on th'
dons thunder storm, wide
mail lett.
The administration'of
preparmg_the coffin Whic,
na thekmurtal remains of!
solid ebony, in the Shape
and halve enough to end.
Emperor his at St, Helel
not be dixturbeth The e.
Otrewed with gold bees - , as
band of ermine; at each
eagle, embroidered in gni
the imperial crown.
• Religious Notice.
THE Rev. Mi. L. F. Andrews of Piiisburg, is ex
peeled to preach in the Universalist Church; to.mor
row morning and .evening at the usual hours.
On Sunday evening- limit. by the Rev Jame Gal.
all of Pottsville.
To ,be held at Orwigsburg,in the Court
House, Tuesday July 28, 1840, at
o'clock P. M. I
The ,Democretr Republicans of
Schuylk II County,
The ‘ , Priends of Harrison & Tyler,
The opponents o Martin Van Buren
Those who'are against a State tax,
brought upon us by the imbecility of out-rulers" and
the extravagance of their schemes.
Those in favor vf a Proteetiverfre
riff, which shall foster Airterican industry, ind give
energy ttubnainess.
All in favour of listributing the pro
ceeds of the sales of public lands among the Stater,
.. A The Honesf German population of
Aunty, who feel that there should be a change in
our General Governnie.
it i
Miners, Meeha ies and Laborers,
who a i te'opposed to a reduction of wages, and the
project of levelling 'heti standard , to that of Europe
and Cuba., '
Those opposedi to a Sub- treasury,
giving bank rags to the people, and specie only to
the office holders.
Those opposed 0 a Standing'Army,
which shall concentratela power of `200.0t10 armed
men, under the guidance of one person, and he armed
with the severity of martial law.
Those opposed Ito united Loeofoco
ism and Federalism, !W hich strives to level all popu.
far inictitutions, and gi've dangerous and increased
patronage to the President.
4 1 ,1111 opposed to [Executive encroach
All friends of,
All Iwho despisl
a War worn veteran.
All who . objec;
ment of naturalited
Van Buren.
' Those -.who re:
pets" preceding the Re'
.A 11: friends of
All: who'prefe
Van Buren, &o. Ike. &c. the 'office
holden; candidates, ar requested to meet in County
convention on ,
' rritesday, - uly 28th, 1840, -
at the Court House in Oiwi g abor g .' at 1;P. H. to
take preparatory measure. fir the forma t i on of a
County Ticket,'
;liid to express their' Mcreasin g confidence in both
Williant_l3 Harrison, the statesman
',it imii soldier. ti, 1 : . r •
Sn John Tyler, the noble sett of Virgi
_4l Ma, and the measures ihey.are pledged to Carry out.
.1,.., , .. _ Let the meeting be +f such a kind as to show the
~,' d:pane l that " the people have taken the Matter Ito
4- : , their hand'," antEthat they are, detcratined,lo 44
i..... the r own voting and-their own fighting."" - 9, 1 '! .-I I
• ; 1," ';: 2
By order of the Co ty Cimtral Com mitt ee: 1.,
4,,k i J u ne 20. 1840. L
t.' ,1 1 •
`it fetters irichstiy , and en
subservient to the
• [what has been,Arequently
Odweerz: the Okrernment
fro& England,
el 2d of June by a tremen
h still continued when the
c pompes Yunebrest is now
is to receive at St. Hele-,
apoleon. It lie to be of
I,f the ancient sarcophagi.
se the coffins in which the
a, so that his aihee may
I funeral pall is in velvet,
t d bordered with a broad
L eo t rner is to. be placed an
fic, and surmounted with
Civil and Religious
the slanders agains
to the disfranehige
. keno. who wilt not vote for
P lh
ember the " stamp
order and reform.
Harrison and Tyler
SCE. •
I . .
, •
_ r arta - 931 a-- .. an At_
• -
_ •1•
Coal Tiade.
fEltdpoupiti of Coal tattle week ending on ThFo
dfOr ever4ni
Shipped by
Delawate l Coal Co.
George H.otts,- 16 870
Milan &, Spencer, -13 - 715
Bennett 0 l3 - 699
Wdo G Payne, . 11 588
Millerdt lieggeity, 10 541
S Nana &Son, .8 - 486
Sillyman & Nice, - . • 428
Potts & Bsistuto, 9 487
T. d. Williams ,
Bell &
Charles Eller, 1 . ~ ,', :8 . , , 827
John Stanton. ' ) -'6 - . 303 t
Charles Lativton, 5 - 283
S. B. Reeve dr. Co. , .a 275
'Stockton dry Stevens, ' 5 , 273
James Downey, 5 273
R'. Kear, - il • 5 269
linion Collieries, ' 8 264
J Pinkerton; Agent, ' 4 212
I. K. Olvvine, - 4 , 210
Sundry Shippers • , 34 . 1748
211 11,749
Per but Report 127,149
June 26 Dove. • 52 00
is Young Lion, 67 00
27 Juliana, 64 00
a : Mary Ellen, 54 00
u , lane. 54 00
29' Fame, 50 00
July IW. Farmer, 1 . 55,00
Ann Thompson, 54 00
" 2 Cinderella. 54 00
3' Windscirlurztace 31 00
4.10 Boats 515 Tons.
4 Tunny, 54 00
• 6. Lady Jackson, . 55 00
7 Lark & Linuett, 55 00
Manyuuk Trader 54 00
8 Susan. 25 00
—;-5. Boats, 243
15 - 758
56 a pr. last. 316,2
j 71 Boats. Total 3920
• T. & B. CARTER.
.7 Boats 378
21 u pr. last. 1104
—2B --1482
1 • .lAB. TAGGART:
4 Boats ' 220
11 u per last, 496 •
—l§ , —Bl6
Total Tons, 6218
The amount , of Coal transported on this road, up
to Thursday evening last, is 2,197 tons
• Per last report • 25,932
Total 28.129
NATHAN OLE AVER.. Collector.
Tue following ,fo the amount of coal tmnspottal
On this road up to J
une 20, 1825 Tons.
Per last report, 17,991
The following is the amount of Coal transported
on this road up to Thursday evening•last,
' 4,908 ..tons
• Per last report 51,891
' Total 56,600
ROBERT C. HILL, Collector.
The following is the amount of Coat transported
on this road oil to Wednesday evening last,
1,491 Tons.
Per last retort. . 12,911
Cleared at Honesdale for Handout, week ending
June 20th.
195 Canal Boats containing Coal, s,mo
Total amount of .Coal cleared since
20th day of April last, ' . 45,060
J. B. WALTON, Collector.
Gib We ere again k without any return of shipments
from the Lehigh region, The quantity, however,,
shipped to June 25th, by all the companies in that:.
region, is 72,035 tons. Up to July 4, 1839, the
quantity was 79.383 tons.
tt 11611, OE TIRE At Aat et
Pottsville, Awe 27.1840.
WITE4T 'twined was worth on Friday
$4 75
WHEAT 90 per demand.
RYE FLOUR I '25 percwt.indernand
RYE, by the load 48 by the bushel—ready
RYE CHOP 50 per bushelin demand.
OATS 33 cents—ready sale. •
POTA roms—so cents per bushel indemand
CORN.r4S cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER SEED-1112 00 per bushel. -
TIMOTHY SEED—SII 50 per bushel.
FLAXSEED=-$145 per bushel in demand. -
WHISK EY-22 cents per gallon.
BUTTER—IO cents per pound—ln Revell cents
EGGS--13 cents per dozen.
LARD-12 evens per pound.
TA LLOW-8' cents per pound.
HAMS 10 cents per potted.
CORN CHOP, 45 tosOcents per bushelindemand
BACON--9 cents'per bound.'
BEESWAX-20 cents per pound. .
FEATHERS-42 cents per pound—
COMMON WOOL-•-• 40 cents per pound
' ACKF.REL.bythe bbl. No '1 $l7 •No 2. $l5
S 4L'N-2.450 per bi1.;75 per bushel.
• worth $7 50 per ton. "
11AV SIR Per ton
1 11 •• - #
First 'Tniop Schuylkill County Cavalry
WILL meet .firr, Parade and Target fi ring on
Wendireaday, the- 22d .inat. at the hotel. Oh
Thebeef,MiOimer, at 10 o'clock A. 31, with. 12
mode of Ball Cartridge. -
• '' l By command. - • •-• •
..CourtAppeal for the firat,Troop of Schaylkill
County Cavalry. will be held at the hotel of Michael
Mortimer. on Wednesday the 22nd inst, between
the hours 013 and S o'clock, P. St. - -
An 'Election will be held et the house of Michael
Mortimer, in the county of Scuhylkiil, onthe 22nd
day of Icily A. D. 1840; by the menhirs- compoaini,
the Troop of Schuylkill County Cavalri, for the
purpose of electing otleers ot said CoMpany to wit
one first Lieut., one 2nd "One, Cornet
By Miler of
0 0. _ BAUM% • HEMET; auk .t
:Jult4l,llo. • I •i• -
. Tons.
21' 16.61
- -TJ -
•-AL - GOP spa hand 14 , 11 °.. 41r ; 1 , 141 * 1411 !!" ° -
• •-•- T= 4l AtAgA f ilr.
JOT nib,• • 20.4 t.
• •
Mill Ook and Mini Hill Nanigation and •
Road Conipany. -;. -
.111 HE Managers have this day declared a divi:
dead of 3 per cent. for the teat *is months, on
the Capital Stock of 'the said Company. - payable to
the Stock/milder* or their lagatrepresentatives an - or
after the 20th inst, at the offree of the Treasurer:
, . Secty & Trea's.
July it 28—
The, U. S. Gazette insert 3 times and-charge this
ofric°- -
• -
;Pottsville Water Company.
T H F Board of Managers have this day declared
a dividend ,of three pet cent, for the last vs
months on the Capital Stock of said Company, pay.
able to the Stockholders or - their legal represents.
elves on after the 20th inst. at the office of k Gra
ben). Treasurer. ' - .
And the Stockholders of said Company-are here.
by notified that a geueral Meeting will be held at
the hoosa of Michael Mortimer. on Monday, the27th
lost. on business of importance.
July 11 28—
P'Eatirsi FL PJA7.9I HALL.
This elegant and commodious establish
use meat will be open for the reception of
uavellers from this date. It has been
completely refitted. and supplied with
Furniture entirely new; the' Bedding 4c, is of the
first quality, and particular attention has been deo°•
ted to every arrangement that can contribute to corn.
tort and convenience..
The Wines, and Liquors have *men selected in the
most careful and' liberal manner. wt'auint regard to
expense or labor ' and will embrace the most favorite
brand and stock'.
The Proprietor, solicits therefore, the support of
his friends and the travelling community in general.
Should they think proper to visit his house, he hopes
by asaidious attention to their wants, to establish for
it such" a character, as may ensure a return of their
Pottsville. Pa. June 22, 1840.
N.:B. The Refectory in the Basement story. is
conducted under the superintendence of Mr. John
Theological I.lVorks for Sale.
By. the Rev. I. D. Williamson of Baltimore, embra
cing the Unity of God as held by Universalista,—
the Attonement — Death ofChrist—Punishment and
duration of Punishment—Forgiveness of Sins—.
Judgemont—N ature of Sa Iva tion —Repenteoce—Res.
surrection end Destruction of death. This work is
intended to - disabuse the public mind. in regard to
the - many misrepresentations en industrionsly cir.
ciliated against this body of Christians. Price 50
UNIVERSALISM." by the Rev. Thomas Whitte.
more of Rosie!), a work designed to lead enquirers
to the truth of that doctrine by Bible testimony ; and
believers to the practice of its benevolent principles.
The following matter is contained in this work :
Who are Universalista?
What do Universatista believe?
What evidences do Universelists adduce from
the Scriptures in support of their belief in the even
tual holiness and happiness of all mankind?
Passages from the Old and New Testament, ex.
plained, which are adduced to disprove their semi.
Popular objectiona to Universalism explained ; and
the evidences of revealed Religion presented. Price
I dollar.
For sale at the Stores of Samuel Harts and J. S.
Morris & Brothels.
July 4th. 27
Yeager's & Albright's
01. Celebrated Botanic Health.;• Lift Prreirver. 41)
rIWIS Medicine known for many years as Yea.
gee's medicine has never been offered to the
public for sale until of late. the propi s ietors have been
prevailed upon to offer it for -the benefit of those
-who are laboring under any or the diseases here
enumerated.-viz: "Cancers, Ulcers of the throat
and body, Liver complaint, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Rheumatic affections in the head
and body, Colds of I6ng standing attended with se
vere pain - upon the breast, Cossustrrion in many
eases, where the patient had been abandoned by the
Physician, and pronounced an incurable case, this
medicine hashed the most wonderful cam "
' The proprietors are well aware of the numerous
medicines that are already offered to the public for
the cure of Borne of the above diseases, many of
which have not the slightest effret of performing at
any time a cure—but the numerous testimonials
which have of late been given to them, by some of
the moat respectable citizens, shows that there can
no longer be any doubt as regards the medicine
Which they now offer, and would say to those afflic
ted—give it a trial—adhere to its directions, and we
will warrant a permanent cure.
Certificates of some p 1 the rdost remarkable cures
can be seen by calling upon any of the Agents. Di.
rectiona for using the medicine will be found to ac.
,company each bottle.
W. T. Epting and. J. F. C. Martin. Druggists,
Pottsville, Pa. Miller, Shifilly and Smith, Hamburg,
Berke Co. Pa., Moyer & Bushong, Reamstown, Lan
caster Co.-Pa, George Pfieager. Myerstown, Leba
non Co. Pa.. Jacob Albright. Lancaster, Pa, Sam
uel Ritter, P: M. Reading, Pa.
07' Price • l ,per bottle.
July 4.
Buck Mountain - Coal Company.
WILL be received at the office of the Back
Mountain Coal Company in Philadelphia, ter
the mining and delivering of coal in boats, at their
landing at Lockport on the Lehigh, until the 15th
day of August next. Their names will be put in
working order by the operation of by phonis—the vain
to be worked is about ten feet thick, free from slates
and the dip about one foot in five. Thwilistance by
their rail road to the canal is about four miles. Rail
road and drift cars are finnished by the Company.
The mine roust be worked in twenty feet breasts,
leaving pillars of the same site.
The company are making arrangements which,
after this year, will enable them to mine coal to Oe
extent of fro,» thirty to fifty thousand tone per an.
num, and it will therefore be an object to any one
fully competent to make application, with malefic.
tory references. • •
• Such as may wish to contract. will no doubt ex.
amine the mines previmisly. Address
!President of the Buck 'Mountain Peal Company,
July 4th, 27-6 t •
Farm . for Sale.
' THE enbscriber offers for; sale the Farm
us on which he formerly resided,known
• - Situated on the - river Schuylkill in Man.
helm township Schuylkill County, six miles below
Pottsville and one mile below Schuylkill Haven. It
contains about 375 'acres, 150 of which are cleared
and in a good state of cultivation;
the balance in
young timber. - The Schuylkill Caniii end Reading
Rail Road both pass tbrinigh the property: There:
is about 70 sores of meadow land and.* good spring
house with a never failing spring, which would make
it a desires. le property fora Dairy Farm. The kn..
pavements are two good: log houses, weatherboard.
ed, and a log
_barn 35 by 70 feet The terms; will
. ;
be made very easy., Propeny in the city of Phila.
delphia or in the Bormigh of Pottsville will betaken
in payment; for farther inforniation apply to the sub
scriber in Mahantango street, Pottsville, - !
'46,1810; - ' •
a.tirailtalpfroiri the premises tit the'eaheardes
'Msir'./otik/30.14 - ,e`WhiteCOW.- n spotted 'witb 'red
in spotiof varkbarikeiothe is a beim; bodied COW
j a m parmem.brelkons est his teem Wolin d . c.t.
she is WI or twelve_ yoursid..• Aticpterson berm
takemop the iattfe. or can tire intermitter.' of her ,
to the subieriber4 the. North-American Mille near
Port Carbon, Schoyikill Co. will be. Mendip re.
made& .• ' • • '
28-3 i
-7 To nail *Load Contractoiii;
Pll/3POSALE will be reeeivaditt the office of the
.Engineer of the Harrisburg. Portsmouth, Motint.
joy' cad Lancaster Rail . Way Company, Harrisburg,
nem vas. 15th TILT OF JULY inst. for laying twebst
miles of newtrack of the said Campany's Rail-way,
conimeneing sear Hountjoy, anttextending towards
Portsmouth. Tee track will be laid with an iron
edge rail, on mu sills and cross ties.
, • . -
The' proposal ,;will include -all- the necessary
trenching for th _sills sod ties, when-not in rock=
as we ll as all necessary mechanise/ work, and the
putting in and dressing off the rood-way.
. Specifications [ and plans may be seen at ,the , En.
gineer's office Harrisburg. and at the Company'a of
fiac, South math ;Street, Philadelphia. .
PROPOSALS will also be received at the same
time and place, !Or widening and milting the embank
ments, and for clearing out the cuts on this portion
of the rail-way. : ,
• G. M. TOTTEN, Engineer.
Harrrisborg, nly 4, 1840. 27-3 t
WIDROCI.AM AtTION.--.Wheress the Henor a ble
JaMas M. l'otveri. Esquire, President of the
several Courts o Common Pleas of the mitotic* - of
Dauphin. Lebanon, and Schuylkill, in PeontiylVania.
and justice ofthe several 'amine efOyer and Termin
er, and General Jail Delivery. in the said counties.
and Forums N-Pausa, and Ursa, Veins. Es
qires judges ofithe Court of' Oyer and Terminer
anj amieral Jail Delivery, for the trial of all Capi•
taf and other offenders, in the said county of SOHO
kill—by -their preeepts to me directed, tested at ;Or
wigaburg the 30thAlay of March. 1840. have ordered
a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery. to be! holden at Orwigaburg. on the last
Monday of July inext, !being the 27th afield month)
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner.
the Justices of the peace, sod Constables of the said
county of SelmSllllll. that they are by the said' pre.
cents commanded to be then and there at 10 (o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, with their rolls, records.
inquisitions, exeminations., and ell other reinem.
brances. to do those things, which to their offices ap.
pertain to be dope. and all those who are bound by
recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners
that are, or theit shall be in the jail of said County
of Schuylkill, -ere to be then and there to prosecute
them as shall being!.
Sheriff's t Office, Orw law /
burg, July 4 1 , 1840. •
N. B. The Witnesses end Jurors who are sum.
mooed to We said Court, ate requested to serve
punctually. Itease of none attendance, the law in
such cases made and provided will be enforced.—
This notice is published by torticular orders of the
Court. those concerned will therefore govern them.
selves accordingly. •
Hams! Hanlon
A LOT,of ;One Walkup and New York City
is cured Hams. for sale cheap by
E. Q. it A. HENDERSON. ,
July 4, 27-31
Teas. .
sR &SU Green and Black Teas of superior qua!
itiea. 6:ir sale by
July 4. 21-:-31
Summer Prints.
A SPLENDIII assortment of Prints, jest reesivl
ed and vOll be sold cheaper ,than ever for
oashrAst • k. Q. & A. HENDERSON.
Jatyyl; 27-3 t
Sheriff's Sales.
BODY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Espana, and
111-2/zrari Facia*. issued out of the court of - Common
Pleas of Schuylkill County. and to me directed. will be
exposed to sale at Public Auction, on Monday the 13th
day of July, 1840. et the house of Witham G. Johnsonl
innkeeper in the borough of Pottsville, in FichuYikii,
County. at 10 o'clock A. M.
AU that' certain two story brick dwelling
hoise, with a two story backbuilding attach.
ed. and a lot of ground. situate on the north
is a m: easterly side of Mahantango meet. 11l the
22 2 borough of Pottsville, Sehuylkill county.
containing in breadth on said street. 30 feet.
in depth x4 , 1,i feet to Norwegian street, bounded east
wardly by lot late of Samuel Brooki,deceased; north
wardly by Norwegian street aforesaid, eastwardly by let
late of E. dz. F. Hublev,and southwardly by Mahantango
street aforesaid being the westerly half of lot No. 9, in
Pon & Patterson's addition to Pottsville. with the appur
tenances consiating of a frame stable, a frame carriage
hmise.&c. Aldo. all that certain lot of ground, situate
on the northerly side , of Mahantango street. in the be.
rough of Pottsville aforesaid. containing in breadth on
said street. 60 feet, end extending in depth 2441 feet to
Norwegian street. bounded eastward!) , by the lot No 9,
northwardly by Norwegian street, westwardly by Cres
son's lot, and senthwarrily by Mahantango street, being
lot No. 11, in Putt and Patterson's addition to Pottsville.
with the appurtenances Also, all that certain lot, situ
ate on the south easterly corner of Norwegian and Third
streets,in the borough of Pottsville,containing in breadth
on Norwegian street 60 feet, and, indepth on Third, 100
feet, 'bounded westwardly bysaid Third street, north
wardly by said Plorwegion street, eastwardly by lot of
Joseph Shelly,: end southwardly by the Presbyterian
church lot, of Which this was formerly a part, with the
appurtenances. Alf°, all those two certain two story
frame dwelling i houses and lot of ground. situate in the
township of, and cOunty aforesaid, on the
road leading from Pottsville to Llewellyn, where the
same is crossed by the Minehill and Schuylkill Haven rail
road, containing to breadth on said rail road 170 feet.
and in depth along said rail road 218 feet.and in breadth
on the back part of Said lot 14 feet. bounded north
wardly by raid Llewellyn road. southwardly by the said
rail road, and south and east by land of James Cresson
& Brothers, with the appurtenances, consisting of a
frame stable, fe. Also, all that certain tract of coal
land situate mlNerwegianJownship, county aforesaid,
bounded Viand of Charles Lawton,Seittinger a t Weth.
mill. Abraham you. Robert M. Dermot and others, con
taining 78 acres, ,125 terchea, with the appurtenances,
consisting of two -log houses &c. This tract contains
several valuable veins of coal, from which but little has
as yet been taken Also. all that certain tract of coal
land situate in the borough of Pottsville, county afore
said. bounded by land of. Willing & Co., Robert M. Der
mot, and by the river Schuylkill and others, containing
29 acres, and 94 rimehea—this tract has about 300 feet
of landing wharfed up ready for use, and also several,
veins of coal running through it. The buildings are a
frame mansion house with a frame back bnildingattsched.
a frame barn and other out buildings—also one store,
two leg and two frame tenant houses. with other appor
ten2nees. Alsd, all that certain tract of woodland situate
i&Manheim township. Schuylkill County. bounded by
land late ofJacpb Seigfreid, Daniel Strout and Ferdinatd
Kistler. deceased, and by the river Schuylkill. containing
Meats 134fches with the appurtenances, , This tract
lies immedia on the Schuylkill Navigation, and has
the Reading railroad passing through It. Also., all the
undivided one twelfth part, the whole into 12 equal parts
to be patted add divided. of, and hn . all that certain_ tract
of cliti land. situate in Schuylkill township, county afore.
'aid, bounded by land of Robert and Lawrence Lewis,
Mary Pattersoi, Seircinger & Wetherill. Valley Furnace
Company, Dr.Olentworth. Ed ward B. Hubley and ot hers,
containing in the whole. 316 acresl3o perches tfi ith the
adisenancest this tract has five veins of coal passing
h it,triveral of which have been opened and put
inorder for working with rail read, With the appirtenan.
ces—late the eletaia of Samuel Lewis.
Ai the same tints' and Place, all that cer•
. • win stone and 'lame niessnage, or tenement.
*riot of ground, situate on the westerly side
Fro] oft Centre street, in the bonnigh Potts
iktlit vine; Schuylkill county, and being . part of
- - the lot marked in the plan of Pottsville, No.
85, containing' in front on Centre street 20 few, and in
dept 120.1beit4 a Illfeet wide alley. bounded nortk east
erly by the other part of the said lot No. 85. northwest
ward', by said 30Ieet wide alley. and' south eastwardly
.by said Centre iStreet; being the, same promises which
°tribal) W. Lambert; of the city of Philadelphia, and
Ellen his wife; by Indenture dated the 9th day of May,
A D. 1e39. planted and conveyed to Joseph A. Clay.
together with the testeditattuens and appunemanetwi.late
the enamor Josiph A. Clay. pg. • _
Also, at the:same time and plate. oil the
'redivided half the wholeinto two aril partirto be
parted and div ided of and id all that certam lot of ground'
situate in Morris'addition PV_Pottwille, bounded in (Font
by Cove Sweet, on the teat bt notetetreet. nottlovartily
'by lot No. 341. Dow or late Parks Stiner.-atid swab
way by lot i tio:29, now or law Silas iloo0;
apt gm 30, contaisms in widtk4Sfter;and 196
feet With the appurtenances. can of" vie atom
stone threlltcirs•-latti - tl44,tette of,Jolus Ebs. dam
AP:4o4o4am doe and Plicei al 'ghat
contain Teeitragatteemeat artdsXofgrund.
sbate nt;•the iinro o r Llerillytt in the
[l-- 7 f] • courtly comsbungin width 50
9 Rot, audio; deptb 150 feet; sod =irked in
the general orbit of said:coin No. 11;
bounded hatheattuth by Willies street, onthe north by
a 20 feet Wide 'll6'. on the int by tot ofJacoraharman.
on the west by Willing, Shaer and Bruning, with the
ePPunennneer• - consisting of :a two, atory double frame
dwellinthotise and kitchen thereto ittached.and a frame
stable--late the estate ofJors*Recrefer.
Abooat the/wane-6m and place,• all that
. , - wino 81%1 fitueWdwellicg house 16 feet in
- • front. a 26 feet in depth, sitimes in the bo
rough, of Pottsville. county aforesaid, on lot
jot - No. 5i in Wood's additional. plan of said bo
rough; and lot of ground, tweezing at the
south ,eastwardly corner of the said building on said let
No. s.therice by Norwegian street north 54 degrees. east
23 feet 2ioches tea post, therice; by the ether pan of the
:said Isit No. 5, north 36 wee, I'3o feet to Market street.
diem* by the same south 54 west 23 feet. 2 inches - to a
post, thence by the supposed' line to lot No. 4, south 36
east 190 feet to the place of beginning, bounded South
easterly by, said Norwegian street. north eastwa'dly by
the other pan of said lot. nortbwestwhrdly by Market
street. and southwestwardly by lot No; 4. with the appur
tenances—late the estate of
Also, at the same time and place, all the
estate. right. title, interest, property, claim
aniki demand whatsoever of him ,the said
Her, . Henry M. Western. of. its and to all those
ga I • certain messliages tenements, furnace. raw
- • mills, and contiguous tracts or pieces of land
situate, lying and being in Schuylkill township, county
aforesaid, bounded by lands of George Glentworth. Isaac
Middleton.lsaac Runyon. John Zit ne. John Myn Charles
Shoemaker. Peter Ludwig. Jacob Botha, Caspar - Singer,
Ransh and • Huntzingsr and . otheni, containing in the
whole 7686 acres 29 perches more or less, together with
the hereditamenorand apptutenancerlate the emu) of
Henry M. Western.
Also; at the same time and place, all- that
nndivided one setrenth pan, - the whole into
seven equal parts to be parted _ and divided,
• of a nd ' in all that certain lot of round, sou
ate in the borchigh of Minersville,Schnylkill
- county bounded eastwardly by Carbon street
230 feet. north by, 'Front street 73/1 fcet. westwardly 230
feet to Giant street. thence southwardly along said Grant
street 731 feet to the beginnii.g. with the appurtenances. ,
consisting of a two story frame dwelling house and a
blacksmith shop; and a stable—late the estate of Henry
Brunner. „, ;
Also, at the same time and place, all that
certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of
Pottsville,Schuylk 11county, bounded by the river Schuyl
kill, in front by the centre turnpike, in the rear by lot No.
8, belonging now or lately to Abraham Pott. northwest
wardly by lot No. 1, belonging to the New York and
Schuylkill Company to the south east , containing in front
on the river Sc huylkill, 618 feet 9 inches, and extending
in depth to said Centre turnpike road, being the said pre
mises which Jacob: Seazinger by deed dated the 4th day
or June, 1837, conveyed to George McGregor, together
with the hereditatnents and appurtenances-late the estate
of George iffeGreger.
Midi, at the same time and place, all that
one full equal undivided one fourth part. the whole into
four equal parts to be parted and divided, of and it all
those blI tracts of land situate in Manheim, Wayne. Nom
wegian and Pinegrove townships,Schuylkill County, viz:
4 No. 7, warrantee Peter Filbert. containing 438 acres
149 perches, bounded by land, of James Sillyman, C.
Witman, Joseph Hiester and others. .
No. 8. warrantee John Kidd, containing 5313 acres 119
perches, bounded by lands of Joseph Holster, Abraham
Brown; Abraham Witman, Elisabeth Eckert and others.
N o. 9 warmntee John Spylier, bounded by lands of Abra.
ham Brown, Philip Miller anti other; containing 431
acres 119 perches. r
No. 10: Warrantee JohrtOttomontaining 438 acre. 119
hes, bounded by land of Philip Miller, Charles Evans
John Schell and others.
o 11. Warrantee John Spayd, Esq. containing 4 3 8
acres 119 porches, bounded by land of Charles Evans,
Esq Conrad reger, Esq. C. Barrenatein and others.
No. 12. Warrantee William Coleman, containing 438
acres 119 perches, bounded by lands of Conrad Feger,
Esq. B. Pott, John Mannon, deceased,' Rebecca Brown
and others, with the appurtenances—late the estate of
Abraham Co/lins
Also, at the same time agd place, all that
certain mossuage t tenement and tract of land
situate in Manheim township, in Schuylkill
c Is; county. bounded by land of Philip Drum
s' g Keller, Samuel Rickert an{others, contain
- ing--17 acres, more or less with the appurte
nances, consisting of a one story log dwelling housp
Also, therundivided one fourth part,the whole into four
equal pans to be parted and divnied, of and in all that
certain tract of land, situate in Lower Mahantango
township, county aforesaid, bound Al by lands of John
Huber, Michael Seltzer, Francis Spastzer, Philip Zits.-
merman - and others, containing 552 acres n I perches
strict measure, with the appunenances, consisting of a
twostory log dwelling horse occupied as a tavern, a log
stable and sheds.
Also, the one full, equal and nudivided one fourth part,
the whole into four equal punt to be parted and divided.
of and in all that certain tract of coal land situate in
Branch township, in Schuylkill county. bounded by land
of late Thomas Heed. John Brock* Co. James Dundas
aim others, containing 114 acres more or less , with the
appurtenances, consisting of two one story log dwelling
houses, 4 veins of coal open fit for taking, out coal -
Also, all that certain undivided one half of a certaip
lot of ground. the whole into two equal parts to tri'
parted and divided, of and in all that certain lot of
ground situate in Branch township, county aforesaid,
bounded nnrthwardly by Sunbury street, south and east
wardly by land late of Titus Bennett and others, being
lot marked in the plan of filinereville with No. 1. con
taining in front on said Sunbury street 100 feet. and in
the rear 120 feet, and in depth 80 feet with the appurte
nances, consisting of two two story frame dwelling
housesoone of them occupied as a store and the other
as a tavern. sheds and a frame stable. and other out
buildings—late the estate of Richard Rickert.
On Tuesday the 14th day of July, at the
house of Michael &lied, Inkeeper in the borough
of Orwigsburg, in Schuylkill county, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., all that certain part of 850 Acres of land
more or less, to wit, 250 Acres more or less, *hue
ted In Barry township, in Schuylkill county; bound
ed by lands of John Hughes, vacant land and land
of Biddle and McKnight; John Ditzler and others;
late the estate of John Snyder:
Also, alike same time and place, all that
certain undivided moiety or halt part the whole info
two equal parts to be parted and divided, km., in ell
that certain tract of land situate in Manheirn town
ship in Schuylkill county, bounded by land of Sim
nel Rickert, Widow Delbert, Phillip Drumheller and
othentcontaining 75 Acres, more or less, with the
apporteliances; late the the estate of Richard
Also. at the same time and place, all that
messaage tenement and tract of land situated in
West Pend township in Schuylkill apanty, bounded
by lands of David Dpubenspeck, John Miller, John
Sacks... Michael Gaffing and .others, containing 24
Acres more or less, with the appertenancea consist
ir.g of a one story log dwelling house and a frame
stable; late the estate of John Foohs.
Seized and taken into mention, and to be sold by
Sheriff's Office Orwiga.
burg, Jane 27, 1840., 1 26
fIME to the premises of the subscriber, residing
IL/ at Primrose Hill, about a mile west of Miners•
vine, about the 11th of July, a YELLOW MULY
COW, with a small copper bell tied round her neck.
The owner of the cow is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and take her away,
otherwise she will be sold according to law.
July 4,1840.
New York SmOked Beef.
iljnyeceived an additional supply °tibia atipe
41, tier article. For sale by
Dec 7 49—tf ; T. & J BEATTY.,
JUST rece►red and tor, sale by
Jane Be. 15—
Har m Arc. &c.
H _ 7 , 4
AMEtthonldere, sod Sides. in- excellent order,
and in innis, and , for sale-by . ' -
Junito. • • • • • 25-1
Salmon & Shad,
;PICKLED Salmon, Steil Shad N. 1 itak
, Tel, for tale by ' •
Jute QT 26".
17 - ery,superiero 41 - Port Ines.
• •
pus 'Grape juice IP4lll_, -old Royal Company
Pon.% di , Port Winn , direct from Oprto. for
sate tit . . , MILLER & li&GGOrit.
hoe VI "- 264
' - ..,'''* 7 7.'-'-',.::: . fr . .'''''''. - 4 - .. -
... . . .. ...
Stray Cow.
Chess Men,
T. the Eltdoraiof Sehuyileitt
[ urgent iulicitation of Duodena, friends
myself as • sandidatia for the':
October I i Shoild flea
at t heenanmg e eel on.
Agnate as. ro recall" it majority of your film sift
.ges. 1 shall pledge myself to an impartial, faille
and honest ezenotion of my official duties.,
; Your obedient servant.
1 P74*
McKeineburg, June 6
Sheri Mikity': b.. 4'
Ts-the free and. Ind/Pendent .E'leetel
• f Schuylkill ea
• At the urgent soheitation of m e n of
friends and acquaintances, have et length'
induced to offer myself as a ca rid idate.fin the office
at the nest October Erection; and most risme I
solicit your auffragea.y I feel grateful for the Ii
encouragement which 1 received when a' condi
forthe same office-in 11334, and should .I at this tj
be so fortunate es to receive a majority of,yout v
I will endeavor 'to fulfil the duties of the office wi
fidelity. impartiality. and according to lap.
Your obedient Srvant.
May 23 ' -
To the Free and Independent Medan,
Schuylkill County.
At the urgent sOlicl
of a number of my friends I have been induced
offee myself • candidate fur the office o 1
At the ensuing election, and pledge myself,lfelec
to perform the duties of the said office to the hes"
my abilities:
Yonr friend and fellow•citigeu.
9 •tll
Feb 29
f .
, .
- Schuylkill County, •e
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to t
Sheriff of Schuylkill county, Gi4eting.
IF George Kimmel end Christine his wife, in
of his wife who was one of the daughters of Jo
Faust, late of West Brunswig township, decee
make you secure of prosecuting their claim, the,
command you that you suninion by good °mil. ,
till summons, Daniel Faest, Jacob Faust, Abrah.
Faust, Mariir - Deibert, late Maria Frieat, Atwell
Hoy end Susannah. his wife, Andrew Kimmel ci
Esther his wife, John Wummer and Catharine
wife, Joseph Heisler and Hannah his' wife,Hannah Fidler, John eiser and Lydkaide w
late Lydia Fidler, Peter' Herring and Elizabeth
wife, late Elizabeth Fidler, Nathan Heisler and
eh -hie wife, late Leah Fidler, John Barr and A
his wife, late Abbe Fidler, Israel Fidler,,Daniel
ler, Magc:aleni Fidler, Reel 'Fidler, John Fid
Jacob - Zimmerman and Hannah his wife, late II;
nah . Heim, Peoiel,Slieuher and Elizabeth his w
late Elizabeth Heim, Sarah Heim, Rebecca Ile I
Esther Helm, Jacob Heim, Catharine; Heim,
Elizabeth Faust, widow of Jacob Faust, dices
late of your county, so that they be and appear
fore our Judges at Orwigeburg, at dur Cone I
Common Pleas there to ,be held 'on Monday
preceeding the lost Monday of July next, to a
wherefore, whereas; they the said Plaintiff end
aforesaid Defendants, together and undivided,
hold the following land and tenements, to wit
a Lime Stone Quarry situate in. the toimehiptif • '
Branswig, in said County, bounded bylands of
cob Sehrad din, Joseph Albright and Samuel Mtn
containing ninety4our sad a half perches, et
measure. 2d. All that Grist Mill" and
and ten acres ef.l4pd, situate in the said Tow
of West Brunswig, bounded all round by'
tan& of the said Daniel Faust. 3d. All that
messuage, tenement, and tract of land, situate i
ioninahm aforesaid, bounded by lands of D. ,
Faust, Abraham Moyer and Joseph Rickert. :
others, .containin7 two hundred and eighty•tw
errs and one hundred and lorty.eight perches, al
measure: The paid defendants partition of the
described premises between them to he made
cording to the laws and customs of this pom
wealth in such case made and provided, do gal.!
and the same to he done, do not permit4very no
ly and against the.ssme law and customs (a -
said,) &c. Aud have you there the names of t
summoners and this writ.
Witness the Honorable James M. Fritter. Div
President of our said Court at Orwigsbnrg. the
day of June, in the veer of our Lord One thew
Light hundred and ihrty.
Sherif:Ps Office, Orwige..
burg, June 6, 1640.
Pickles, Sauces, A te.
JUST received a prime set of
Mixed Pickles.
Pepper do. 1 in tend it
Mangoc do. lon Dart,
Gerkin do.
Onion do.
Pickled Lobsters.
Olives, Capers, Anchovies.
Mustard, Cayenne Peppers,
Currie Powder:Ketchup.
Brandied Fruit, Lemon Syrup,
Olive Oil, &c. r &c:
Far sale cheap by
May 23
PLAIN and figured Parasols Psi received, and
for sak by E. W. EARL
June 26 , ' 27-e.
vOTICE is hereby given that a Cdint 'of .
mor. Pleas, for the trial of causes et ism
and tot the County of Schitylkillovill be held id
wigeburg, in the elionty aforesaid, on Manda 3
20th day of July next, at 10 o'clock in9the
Therefore all persons having suits flooding ' ,
all persons whose duty it shall be to appear at
Court, will take notice and govern themselyr
Sherifre Office Orwige4
burg, June'27, 1840., t 2 t
INSOLVENT DEBTORS.—The sainieribera have-
J R applied to the , Judges of the Court of Co.. mon
Pleas of Schuylkill county, for the letnefi( a the
several Acts of Assembly. passed. for, theyeliif of
Insolvent Debtors, and that the said 1 Judges: eve
appointed Monday the 27th day.:; of I .ltily_ne t, at '
le o'clock in the thereon* at the Court libut e ln
Orwigsborg, for the hearing of us and'our area e.,
when and where they may attendifthey , ink.
proper. • ' 1 -• • : i ; :- . :., •-• '
• . DAVID FRANK.e. •- - 2 1 ' -c•- . J.
•-• LARREOHT BERGERI ; r'.'• - i "
. • PETERVEII3;• '
L it ria. - 1
- THOMAS 13 JONES,. :., t ' •• .
ANUFACTURED f i .m the Fel4t.
F Leib it Ship,*'
served Ginger, PPfirsi
'freak Olives. for ; sale by I ints N
&Il& A. HEI4D N.
; I : 0743 t •
July 4,
. , s
Public, Sale: J, - -- [ - •
WILL be Plat Salmi On' the
. pr4mises ,
on the lltifday of July;in Ibit'rear jar:the
Pennsylvania Hall, all *I. undivided,:bilt iateiest
of the livery Stab* belonging to.tb'e ',stet Filtiatn
Shively. dummied, and I known MI ihe prOpetly. of
Wiirman di Shively. 13.141tounntneace: at 10 niekock.
in he Cannon::
.- - I.- ,': 1 .. .f,a,.;•. , . , , , ..,
-,.IDAVItt 11 NYE '
:ruse 20 ' 1 . 21. - .4t Admisid wt. i
1 . : . - i i - -:.0.:.%;
I ro
, ti
aid '