I N • I:k - I‘ . )1 IEII p,CAtiiLAPIVS 10T - 0 TllO PAitiONS OF tiltira[rawatur:StAtaraTia. - • siNWAILY -I 18-it: Iffsrl4 to the Wallin Sotto.' !=time rushes .I%r/tither, ~irc- a f has wiped—is add 'gout"! •;;;.., f4Oral,dirge, t*Wicas_of winter hi ino. 1 aisliiiig4;el r drotwitig shrub e er leafiesaltatbjj• Ali rAttritei foonts_iale - chilletl with• 'Ai if iriet ferbitleits'stiearns to flow !* the ylea 2 is gone !Its last' S a d throb i s -Artilli;hilleied from itsf!iphere is rivet* ! Earth iihow•white mantle as its shfotul oppeani,,•; '-trye; the eternal . nathitsoteum of years.: . . "ihoic"hr Mites ITlCini!oriillori season !Mary, Theilleli'ist, hoW - likein shadow is his glory ! In prt a rofstrength' he first begins..life's dream, Ere ta6t,it of sorrow o'er his course can gleam; TheliA§r path is ido4l‘,"dlvithierdant flowers, :.And gay laughing' l fly4liejoeprid hours; . Then dl's enjoyrueui brings desire of rest, T o sise4 est; morrow happyould refreshed ; jill earl . seems sups'i.iirte—everftlking. is bright, .And lifssappearsone ilatid . of golden light ! % _ . Where / malt and plea.sure point their frolic race, Gayest f heart, hehailifli the forciuost place ! Then,bg ht. kopesfluslA the check, aud'fire the eye Angie ly woman is the deity i u . Of his - l'oSainting—ed the earth is bliss, .., .. And irve-yd/earn, but added happiness. ' • 'l. But soot the scene is cliatiged.!—the thunder cloud Surcoa* ' eil with 2 mortal woe, ie- echoes loud': • . Peal fel Wiugveal, the alighted lisetier stuns, • "Till fly ri g, Cam-like, his otedthoughts he slit:Ms: Mind's da rkest Chinos reigns — oh emblem api! Wilitla ft\ din thoughts uf youthful plea'sures4 rein, When fa is as azireatu—tben 'comes-the Might ' Of diu " e l S 3, surra'w acid unhioked-tur• blighi, i• 1 The fr4t.kuicare each budding pleasure kill, -- B And sillis'iglooiliy; all is cheerless still! ' v, . c. \• NV hile uwe 'trace the, varied r ehangind`year. \ 'Some Idea huts will still the bosom cheer. 7 We line v the season past.,-iu its career, We,stilbzited find mil - country dear, )ur!hoine o Ire oat—refuge of the world, - Wherellibertt/' - ctistaildard first unfurled! -,, 1 i• . 1 • - - . f 4 jerliv_siiay tit \ weary dove fi nd piecdiul rest, ! \ ,(} t4„n q ii rio,... ? ai la a z y li t ti vo i It li i v i e he bra A i r ic k h o t i o n c ,e b f e u e g r e t i fi c ' e oppressed ! 1 tuiyed above the waves of t} ratio) :, 1 ere, F,reetiouils heart uniti's with vi ip i r'slii- A ,,d la ' 'guard the sAercd birth-right ()lithe land ;, ~ AA h ;re is hea d -the, oatli f ol liberty, ~- . -- 5j . • ) - /si , tiii.. o,diet,! Or Jiving ka '',.* .. le Creel- , . . .• - • i04c.4: titrjr_ f rest t in peace.V.ii . ' iron car Rots a .er othe .ds its ceasel9ris jar, • , I, s. , 4 ' - Where'late diligent laughs is heard the hunt :4.)f !Old thousa ,swot by the arum. _ 2`h, pl:uglis fur •• ken—swords are grasped in haste And\ &lager's Iron , is resolutely faced ! • ii , The Bussian calls ins thousands,to War's fields, ' .egyfit iligtin her lo ust myriads yiehls.! The ' fulash warn r lays his right ern] bare..l WWI ' iloats the cre4celit .proudly in theaul Circa' ia sends her lk.gions to the fi ght isi To to the terrors et the \.- l''i • Cireasial land of b-dvery ' and love • / * t' , The raging lion 'and tl e brooding, , Thy datighters b j eami 'g liketheliouris Wight, _ 1 .. _Thy_miinutaiii w'all‘org, demigods in fight— ' Lend •3'flrite hearts and- dark gazelle-like eyes, Earth il ries in thy tilJod-bougtit victorie! Lard iif 4 1 the breatliinii hriiies, where Beauty lives , And 4ve, her priest-th'e soft responses giii, 'II Larid 4f the mighty lii.4ns.'who dared to * e -An ho(tor , ed Defile in bye gone centuries ! 't. 44,0ve nnci tight on!" and win an after name, ' - More l liorious than thy nighty founder's fame! 1 4 1 while . . • t is thus o tbe lands aIT steepq to gore,' The viictrof peace blessl t es Our native shorai - .. ' , Nt far§ign foe molests --00-powr alarms,' I , . And d. Ery n4ll's trumpet ./4/4 calls ~ to arms ! " The Y, hum of initiistry is heard' • Throughout the lend, guarded by “Jove `Pawn bird,' Let allitheit join to save 'lthe heritage ° BolProildly handed ilowefram 'age to age, • , ' Protecithe i lionars of fairVreedom's dome ' 1 And Nun , 5.6 'traitors, only found—at !towel - " .• 11 i , PatroPatronsan )k/ d friendi !_thisli d• scagon of the year; , . Is one ii,r fa' i mplimenniii#Thristanas`chcer ; sr. Your_newel-Ny wishes you an ample store •-' • Of 'Witt; for this. and anan 'I/ lustr,urns more. l May tte Ongle be marri&l. arid quickly I,trust ' May lliieliiiirried be nappy—as happy they:Must ; _ i Mays- chile of kindred tilini joyous inerease,„ ..,. .. And.Yar idler year be en l ifeled with peace, i , May , liuglqir, 'and -pleasur s. and - friendship divine r i 'Atten2,theli erigtore of Eighteen - thirty nine, • May pothie' bit plenty —limy living be cheater R 'And tile far el''s neat croplpreve wealth to tIM reaper • *ii- il ~ .I. - In - fine---may each blessin ois Ali carrier's' humsne • - ISIXIT.x .011 t Ltd E.ll EX I _ 0 1 Pennsyipania ' • r Et Er Eviction It% • - - • T It) II N L VER ' • vagorßiki OR, Respictfullv regiri•ts his friendsi • 21 - and puitonfers willpceent his iinrerel thanks' for thi . greae enOuragelinnt he has receivad' from thenikinde he ttu above estuhliAtinaiii. In &along, I - Ms rt-cidese, J. S. takes The opkiortani-1 f ly Winforlh them he hail ; made extensive arrange meritS;for Alie.Winier , 4l6.iness, and will consrant.i befoxypplied "with all ihe delicacies and L artielest which he Philadelphia lftrket can afford during thel Wiritbr Selason: terrapins. froni'7s Pied Oyttete, - ,50 to, 14 per d•17..1 seolliped, ) : .56 ' ' Chaffing Dish,. 37 i 8 1 j, B I 314, , , le• ' sletard 25 I ifi)nison Ste9ts :50'; ' S.aidince • •, 11 , 1 S ES. 'OldiMad.ria Wine. toile. • , r 2vo io.f..POO.Artry,f do. i -2 02 . ~trown 'do.. • 2;00 I f,o; Port, ; • • '? - Li 5641 71 do.'" - . do.. 00 ; - • Plinmpoig,ae •ileatfy - Clay•lVi e;:'" •t 2 110 '4.410. Napoleon.•• do. -2 Otl Wo4lc#k, • ' do. -2 , • . Vittoria, t do. • 2on Palmetto do. - 2 WI - • , - ttLondoi Drown Galilee 75 P, O • Plxit'a.s 2 nitlest, ; and &chat% :X X Pole A'e on Apartinenta alwipi in; readiness for -upper pdtes, &e., and those " who call tray ` expect 5. 0 ioltK.eivo eve. .ttentle.n. 1 • 16 ' - -Ate 4, Pottsville . • - ; 4+ ~ MAR*, V_MANUFACTORY •, ,- ,:: -04 iiihSciibei beginiave'to infirm. th'inhati. ~,,. t ~,, It a nurofttna Aler t and the surrn:lnding country; , - ,th vhe Itas on hsnd, andintends *ceiling &large ~- - s,'lnitPwell actinic quantity of ..Marble Monunients ".. ' lor itraves.—and *Quid invite .those wishing toper ! I.'`,oafe-higive hietfaxiiii, es he f's ssuressthern ;that he - I : l wiltiell as Cheap as they caribe , procured any (-- ..... _ in; tbe.State. and as; ‘ivii, engraved ; whieh. will be ' antu, in eitiier'4'aglish.ni pertnan,Scufeb,:fitsh, or Welsh Ist: soap lattbeilitileeN . ' ';ri - , ; ' ISAAC TAYLOR,'Ir."' - . hike IA; '-: . : ; ~. 24 4 Er ' exu-nd without scope, lilouthropical horT i OALE. AT VirP New••EitablisboiLletity: • Coiner of ,Cenfre cud :Market .Sireets SHE -subscribers respectfully anriounee the), '.friends 'slid the public generilty, that they bare taken ilii.store formerly - , riecupied 'by:Jacob Bull & CO, 'Colter tif Centremid Market streets, whersthey are now proyideil With a choice assert, irient'of - Dry G005i,,04. Groceries; 1• Liquors, &e. . 1 which they are . dtternined taxa!! at the ver,y HAZZARD & N. B. - All kinds of Country PrOduca• taken at the highest market prices. • oprit I 1 D r - ~J ayn 7 s Ex p ect o rant . ;1 ILVEconsident a dutyto call public attention. to , • 7 T. • this adiniaable . preparation for Pulmonary Die eases--especially Coughs,,Volent,Consumptitm, Spittin, Sic r od 4,sthays,Briqtehiar Affections. %Yhrxr z ting dugh, tte. It mused and very highly approved by persona of , the first respectability„but we feel confident in saying that a trial of its efficacy will belts hest recommeudte. Dr. JonathateGloing. President of Granville :College. Qhio,(late of Nem , York) in a letter to Dr. Jayne, dated etv York, - December. 1836. says—" He was laboring ndcr neevere cold, cough 'and hoarsness. and that his ifficulty or breaihing was so great that he felt himself n- imminent danger of Mimed tato suffocation , but was erfectly cured by using this Expectorant ." . Mrs. Dellis. (Salem: New Jersey, Was cured of•Asilima; Of tWenty eats standing. by using two bottles •ot this medicine / Inc Ward, also of Salem, was cured ofihe samecorn .Plaint by . one bottle. A young F.,cly, also of Salem._ rho was betieVed by. her friends to be far gone with con: Onmption was perfectly restored by three bottles-• Dr. ?laTilton. ofSt. James. South , Carolfna,l was greatly . affected „by a cough„ hoarsnesi, and soreness of .the lungs,- an d on using a bithle of -this medicine found per :anent relief. • . - .. , Mr, Nicholas llatris. sea., iihe of the Deacons of the first Bluttst . Church; in pietadelphsi has been perfectly !ciii,cl by it—after having,stiffered for SIXTY 1 EARS With Co' ughs,' Asthma. and= ,pitting of p00d,....whi1..-b no remedy before could relieve. - • - . c ... The Rev. C. C. r. cr,4 l . writes as follows: 1 NEII YORIC,Jttne 15, 1 839 . - Tr) 111.. JAYNE —Deal' Sir I have made use of your Expectorant, personally aintrin tr• family, for the last six years wit h great;benefit. Indeed.' may consider my hie .prolonged by the use of this valuable .medicine, unit% the Messing of God. for several years. '1 may say almost as touch 111 Ilrlcasc'of my wife, and, also of the lit*. Mr. 'raison. of the Island of Janiaica. For all cases orcoug 4 o' inflammation of the chest, lungs, and thrOht,du must unhtsitattaigly recommend this as the beat meateine I have ever tried. My earnest wish is that others afflicted as 1 have been. may exrewnee the 'same relief, wh.ch 1 aui -persuaded they wit. by using, your Eripectorant. C. C. P. ClltisliY. The following certificate is from a practising, PIIY 7 S.ICIAN and a much reskuted C.:Jerky:nun ofthe Metle ddist soc.et y. datal. MOdrbt TOVO, August '2, 1838. Dr. Jayne—Dear Sir:) have been using your Exi.ec mono estrasively to my practice for the last three. months and bier all quacks, of Colds. Coughs. iiitintia' 7 Bien of the Lungs. Consumption. Asthma, Pnins and %Vcaliness of the Breast, it is decidedly the best Medi cine I have ever, tried, . Very respect Ilikly,yours. • 4 R. W. W I 1.1,1 111 Triis Esrs . .erit Rim. never fails to Cure Asikald or fe l:m.6'a cough. Price SI. Prepared only by Ur. U Jayne. No. obit Ziti street. Philadelphia, and in ty he had oft:. W.Oakley 7 ;lleatimg. C. Leis.enroti. Mauch Chunk, L) .Walks-, Port Clinton. T I.:piing and Clemens & Parvin, where may al:m he had Jai:Nies:l4NA risk.: PILLS, ,Limptisi. TIME Bet sin. and TONIC Vf.A.MIEUGE. - Oct 12. 1839 • - Ortvigtvarg Academy. .• flirt E Ti:Usters of tido Institution, respectfully in. °L forme their neighbours and the public gen . eal lv that the Academy is now open for theleeepiion Of Pupils froth all parts of the country. Its situation is one of the most healthful and. pleasant in the state—there is nutlittig witkin its vicinity to draw Youth from the path of Alorality,,—.every thing is calculated to en' ide Kupi4 liontaltrnad. The principal iaiitructor is Mr. P. B. CARTER, late of Dickinson College, and they feel assured that hr ma'y' be 'able to . give general Satisfaction to those who may be,disixiied pimtroniae the Institution.— Iniconsi gnome of receiving the state annuity, the pries of Tuition has boon Lintel) ledoctd, and nu pares have been spared in providing every timing which may add to the comfort and advancement. f th§ scholar. The course of study and the plan of instruction, are the same with those of the older Academies of our state:; but studies linniediatelY connected with the business oflite, and the interetnire of _society, will comititutela prominent department. Application for antinii•kiitu may be-inade to either of the sphscribers, Trustees of the Institution. JOEIN DR Ell ER, Fft EDER RIK REED, HENRY YOU rE, Tkr ILIAAM GARRET, ISAAC PAIN M. IIicEEL, JOIIN WOOLISON. Oratigsburg, Oct, 5 : 40—if baTies 9 ‘eomOri-. orNIRFT Lessons in Geometry. with pi aetical ap. 1. 4 • • plications in Xlensuthtion,and Artificer's %Vork and , Mechanics. by Cha'rles Davies, just rvecived and 'for sale by B. trANNAN. 43 - net „9.6 e Lintn do. Napkins. Colo rrd Cotton l'able Civerti, 40rouraiic Muslim.. 'l'ick. and (71ip'elLs, Rkelt Cravat , , Yarn StIA pendem I losicia t ;ioves; Rrisorns and Collars, Sept .11 14 -if E. W. EARL. EKEYCif and - Neeri!e Worked Collars, Worked nalles, Caiihrit.• tldkfr, Striiviii.Stviss , MuOt [Rick and White Kt w IllogoiSuperioi Ktd Gloves, llarseilhls &c.,.% c 3R-1 • . E. IV. EAR!. ~71:sp or WI 4 O9NSIN alid Land I. , .;:tirveys • a very 1.14ti1l -Ma fir persons 'desirous al settling in the al,ave mentioned StaieFrp.. received and far sale by i B. ;BANNAti. I/cf . -19 • . • . 41 - - 1 . Alen - Goods.- . - B,* LARGE - oytti eeneiar ocsortoo;n1 of F:"; F::511 %It EAtPNABLE 'GOODS juiit' received nod now opening, by ' J 91.:1 1 11. WIIITk: & :40N ' Mimot•Carfin.oo..s; 40-tf . 1 • • • • • - Grocer l r Store. _ • . item - sobsg'subsc ribe rhaving lately returned trend 21 ' libiladerprii?„ rs 114 larEely supplied, , with Oinceries, Cheese, Cor16:11, Wines, Liquors, &c. I.soo7larns;u supply of Dried fleet, several bar els of Irish lieriengs, 60 hatrels of Whiskey'of a . s*riur quality. suitable for . tiivern bows. a .supply_ of domestic Dry Opods, an exiensive twipply of Winter „,f.'rothing, s uitable fur. the reginri;:also Boots a id .flootees of various sizes 4titilitiegi all. of which beelines for sale at, row prices. 63r.c.aeili or. ciniiiirY 'produce. , • , - • HENRY BOYD. 31.:Orriss Addition, Dec:22:1831. . ,Altirhite SPernio*-- . lI.LER &.11AGGERTY.Apre rereivrd !licit 4-vm Winter supply of White winter. ftrained and Sperol Chle,,te which they invite' the attention of housekeeper& - Nov 1.6 . • Nei( - York . sraoked - goer:. = - U,ST received adAttiniiiikappOly 0106 opt , - rior article. i Fur. eby - - Deol 41.4 f • i & . „ • - Alteap G rocery - Afore., • , • 4. • Coinei of Cenire cind Callowhia Sired .f HE subscriber:, hair jusireceitied a oc'w stipplj , ot. ailltindiiif Groceries,. such ats:l-Va. Coffee, Siollausee,,Liird; 'Obeeldere, end ti ,etspetror usticlo .of -11aots, elsoltnney Syrup and'Steem •hlo• Mucliefel, Bhad s Silt , Ac , allof which is of fercd 'dhce per . iliallever ficr co ! h., by iII3,3I'ZINGEIt SetitEßS, 5, •:, 1" 1 : • •• 34,tf - . NOW Cheap Cash it,:tore. . . . IiaI:NTZIUMER4i KuElko, H.01./11,1_,E and Retail pry good.-.'Grocery v Tea, and 4iquor Store, corner of Centre and Cillent , hol Sl..refit, neat door to tbe.Exe4 - artge' Hotel tiprit 2? ;' • • 17-if , . . NEW / 71 - f VE just redeised-i a -New :and tie -lin: ittilf,WinieriGnodr;,,eonsistin4o - road, Reaves. Vilot..titid i ,patialo Clottia;.Cossi, ‘ 7. .‘eieres. and-Satftets.•:. - - :tr". • • Blerinaes, French :Chintzes. Calicoes., - !Muslin -de Lanes.Shallair.dte.:, • • Hrocha. Merinne% :Ind Woollen thaWla .1 : .Brack, Satin; axid :Bo,mbNups Stocks: • .; • -Blankets. ;Tick in. 'Canton Flannels' 8r 04 • Muslim% Country Flannels. Hosiery arid,Olove‘Looking I;lintses. 'tiro item. &c. . With ""a general `assortment of Hardware. :Queer!' ana Cedar Ware,,,l,Nailsand Spikes. - Wrough,t 'add Horsehoe Nails ; - Anvils and -Vicea American. English, Blintar, Cast.,Shear, atteiGer. 'All ut which :will be diseased of at the . • lowest erkies.--Caltand ‘ Sce. - Nov 23 26- . l'Ort 'Clinton rinindry -; . , FOR SAGE. IrQUILL - be sold at - Private. sale. the FoLndry v pleasantly, situated at Port ClintomSch Ik I county. - bu 'very reasonable terms; This Fournliy is'-at' the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susauclianna Rail 'Road.- now making, and will iu a short time be one of iho- befit situations iw,the eminlry do a large business 'For terms &c.-apply Sr.. TIERS. 1 . - • - Iren rounders, Philadelphia.. '- - or ISAC SIYERS. • P6rt Clintntt. . . E-63t. FA L 1 p (*DS '., :LUST received arid opening_ at the Suhicriber's Suite •in; Ma r ket. street, a choice_ selection of Fall and IVinter Goodi, Coll49iSling I Cassimeres, 111nuseline De I,ai.nes. • Sattinet. . ehintze and Domestic Prints. Plain Sz. Figured Silk VehMis, French 13ombazine, - P ain &Figured Sattins, Victoria Shawls. Merino Shawls, Black I..ace Black and blue black Silk, FanCy Silk Mkt's., All of which will be sold very cheap for cash. ' Sept 21 33-tf P. %V EARL. • fells!'' • • . pm: safest, the best, most efficacious anp truly vege. -table Pills in existance are DR. LEIDY'S MOOD PILLI..S,. A component part of which isSarsaparilla. and known to be the niost effectual and thoniugli purifier oldie blood anti animal fluids ever discovered. As a"grentle or ac tive purgatiye,theiy areequally effica - cittns— whilst taking them no change of diet or restiann from oetaipatiun is necessary. hey may be taken at all titlies and under r all circumstances—they_will not reduce or weaken the sys: , tem by their effect as most purgatives do—inuch coin anent upon their virtues is unnecessary—their repetition is well established. neinernes proids of. their efficacy .been pit'dished af:dlfferent times. l. , effice it to ray ti7at in addition to their efficacy in diseases of the stomach, lists. - intestines.Ne, they are the only pills in existence that cleanse and purify the Hood and animal Joids.'remoying all noxious and diseased hunters there, soin.aad thereby reinoviita all eriipii ins from the skin— dry and w atery pimples from the face. neck and boay', totter, rash. or breaking out of the skin, and all tutione , '• cious affeetions wtr..teser - , They nre prepared from vegetable extracts. (warrant ed-free from mercury and the mineral:4 and by.a regu lar phystetan. - attested by Dry. Physic, !Tomer. Gibson. Jackson, James. Dewees, llare,Cose, Les:des nu-, inerous. other physicians throughout the United Statc3, who daily employ them in then practice. administering them to their patients in preference avail other purga tive*, and tu preference to all other preparations of sat.. saparilla, in consequence, of their possessing the com bined eirecur of cortat,ing the diseased Inflators of the blood an&fluitis. rind by their purgative properties, moving or - carrying elf the same from the,systetn. with out producing the slightest inconvenience, 9r requiring ,restrictioni.&c. EINII . , . Numerous testimonials. certipeittes and recominenda tions of those Pi. 113, from physicians and others, accum •pany the•directioni with each bo. 'Dr..N. B. Leidy's signanire accompanies the gendine on two sides of each box on a vellowiabel. : • - • • . . •• . Price Twenty-five cents a Box. . . . • For saly by ', . .. B. 11A.NNAN: Sole Agent for Schuylkill County. Also for sale by J F. Taylor di Co., .111inersville,— Hugh liinsley, Port .Carbon. ' Nay k I .-. 19-tf, ~ NEW IRON' aillardwarp T , nE subscribers, would'r , ti.pectfully announce to the public, that he has added to his cornice toch,,s Iron and Ilaatcare, consisting in part or American and English Bar iron, hoops and Rand Iron, Round Iron, assailed sizes; Cast. Crawly. ,Shear„ German and English BlisteteskitA. M Steel &ices, "Mouse hole anvils. Smith's Wallows; Cast Steel .hand, choping and. Broad axes, nails and spikes, together with a general wisortmen of Iron Mongery, all of which will lie stilt . ) at reduced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON'. anril tiCe 7 iniption of Busigness. 8TEt4,X:1033.170 STC.IIE. , 'pug Subset ibcz .returns his grateful acknowl edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and nthers, whin, stepped forward to his assistance after the loss of his- property by fire in December last, and. would also acquaint:them , and the public gen. orally, that. , he has . again commenced the Drug Busitiesi in the house - formerly occupied 141 charley W. Clcmtns, in Centre Street, an the butifugh o Pottsville, where may always be had a general as sortment of ' Drug's, Taints, . Dye Slug's, And every other article in the above Tine, whi4iltc_ is disposed to sell oa very letv and acconimodaffirg terms. N. B. [Er Physicians prescriptions earefu4itut op at the shortest not c. • WM. T. EPTIri- Pottsville. May 30,1839, a I a Dl .' 4 , 4 _ • NAIL AND IRON WORKS, • • nrAvE on hand, RIC 110 IL ER IRON, . 8116E'ldid. . • ROUND SQIIARE IRON, COALSCREEN r du. • RAIL ROAD ' do. Flat Iron of anyurze s drarn,to order. Nails and Spikes - doll sizes, for 'tale ,atlowest city iskiges, All sizes flail Road 'lino, Ouitelsed arid counter sunk, and cut to angles. • . 6 1. I i. KEI 3.15, WHITAKER di. E(9. lan 5. 1839 PORT Ccialsay*4; .......„ _ - - ,-----' Savin- Fund 'Toelci v. F 9$ Port'Carann Saving Fund Society. is . 114 - • la - open every clay from:) to 3: o'clock at the - 91. fiee:ot Discount and, Deposit, fur the purPose ofqe: ceiving deposits to any amount : nit exceeding $4OO, from any one person, upon which an iniereat' of 4 'per cent will be paid on every $5 and,uparards, hitt no:interest ,will• _lie ;allowed on any fractitinal parts of" 05. - The W1)06 or any part may be draWo out on giVicg notite, from two weeks to three months! at the•otEce on 3looday - . The hastoos of the Society will, be c onducted by le following officeri . and man agers;until ihe first onday in llaYiest. : -„ • President!.—AQUlL4 1141.1 . :.i. . 1 . • : • ~ Alandiets. .. , - ' i . Jociepb Carroll f • Sainuc J. Potts -i •-. ei tyard Hughes ,- ' • '.lP!.' S.:. aroio _ i. -- JaeOb:Dull .;.• •:' • 21-. Jesse: W Torpor: ,: l; ` .-% t L . - - : L. Whitocy; - .SBCretary, and Treasurer.: f-••,', Arttelo3d - Ofthe.Chattcr.. `!No emplumeM what. soever - aliall':,be'reFeived by"llielPresident or Man. 'tigers for ;their safviees, - tier • shalt ' troy •_Aliknagcr becomea horrotver Ittith theinatitution. , i • --:-.-• _ . : , 4G-tf ' '- • iVeur Fall Goods:: - • tfaT-fecetved. 6n . elegatititssa_tinCittof Fall and Winter goods, connoting of ' • I Aterittoi,:lltotioline de Laing,' . Broad de "' Shawl.; Cas• eimeres a i Veqinge,' Carpeting, , (te•:ite _ c" All of which will be sold Cheap lor.colat.tiy • .0ct.40-0 • NA'I'IIADiS. E -ffilliEßS 9 JOURNAL. MSS . : ; •` , We heirgt :414;11frolker 3 :i -)..-,, 65, ,-, , A .,,N r :o i zt fr isi p ri tZt .tra,,thgvir S E 17 s1 D ia4r..icr; `Ttittz Dooms *moat 'rugcons. -1,. -- ..' ,' PlitisAl) r.. 1,11 11 M. A. 1 ,41 LT IPAVIrU lt. F. WOOLei'd l dry iiia r catomeii i Vomit' in Oil,r $ 'I Red Preei 'Red Lead, ';_, - White Ida i,, 'Litt:ale. , vi tr i o l , A 1 `Chrome Yellow, - Snip: Qui ni ne I-do I Green - - • Tart.-Etu tie do I Red - . - -Etbet Sul h. ratet4 - Yellow do Nit ic • Sugar lead ' , -- - do' Acetic ' Copper ut , ' ' „ Lunar. Caustic - Or. Vitriol , . , Cora. do : e ~. Aq. Ferris I ' '. 'I Acct.: Morphia. 'MuriaticfAcid ' Sulph. dO . Eliscorit Salts , "Lac.Stilph ur - Tart. 'Acid . , Opi. de Narcot. Soda Sup t •Car . B ermes ilineryll Corms. b. Mere. Ethiops i do. , ii ... Reline ofChtinu or,Sal Nitre,l3 imitone; Bora x. 21:c Offer for sale the ah ye mentioned aticlei.te g etherAvii a general avortme t of .aunts. Dings and Dye Stun and ever) , other' article iu the Che ical and; Medicinal iiiie. , i' : Ilaing, in i nu fettirers . of all th e 3 rti les ego merated on der the above head, they pledge' theniselvei to supply their friends and t m public on the most Seasonable - term!: I - ..,, Window nod Pie are Glass. fro GB, to li4 30. • 00 21 1837 • _. .I • 4E4 .47-if . TEE FI . DFIL:IWATIF Insurance - 41)ani CArITAL AUTIIOI2ISED ny citAirrhit pEitisi• NOCAKE lila 'limited and pe 011 on Brick. Slone or Frame ,Ilctelis, Ilira;s, Stahle's, and !innerly e.Yery dObeription,' age by Filth:. •./fillitiNE Ay) INLAND . The; Delaware quality Insuranc coinpany will also insure ag,-iiittsf loss on all lands of marine risks and a gain damage t'ir loss upon tI e transportation -of goods, warcsi and inerealAse, by ci ter. or by ra:l way. itptiiiiierimi as lay( arable as any imstitetion. Foie any larther ni . nrinat:on on he aulijk:utit insur !anCe, either ii.ja MO Fire. marine r inland7risks. ;Apply to la C. RI) iNSON:A. - ent: jui7.l4,- • 34.—j( . ' Doyen. or WILLI: M ki P,OT TS. 1 . Al, Orwigsburg. i 1i11: erty T bovei INsti r r sow, 9nt t.Ol /43 tti me res! 4o =I 111 IP] AtA " 'brit • i ire in. E AKE'brttli li • Brick, Stone I..Barns,Stabl& >revery des' lir:rare 'lollilPany. red and oerne ual Insurances on rrarue Buildings. Stores. Hotels s, Aleretia ndizedFurneure.and. Pron. rintion, against' loss . or daMage by I. as been appointed AGENT for the a titrition and is OwMepareil to make vmy deseriptioh .11 Vlreliertv at the 13EiS114,N1IN li t ll4N %IV. 15 ROAD. Turneht of r4:;il t dad Iron from 2.1,3 ca ie.sub'scriber i meutiohtdin E RANcns apgn' o.6l , raies. itt.sville. Feb.! 27.1836. RAI complete ass , to IXI inch. .1 L ROA D TIRES from 3 in. to 5G in...exter - nal d meter, turned St un tt Intake Y!