Of • e lConventtun. in coming to an trinsainunii 'decisien ' on there two modulates. hiteetiachieved* triumph • only tole exceeded by oar iniortal Dechdrittioa of in ' Indeprodencletnasuch as the e absolvedlbeinsame r.A. - from private medilictions lie, individital favorit. 1 / 1 43 t gave up their inlalt valiabieoMtdoes to the pub. - Ins good, and sacrificed thit - Cteristied aisocigttona 1 it - Ileum, to secure a triumph ever the train bands of oiiives, the "Goths! eldifVoiddele - who have - . 4esceratte_*r Capitol, the r i s mereenary hirelings •of \bco focensnoild 4lier epode of our country. ' Resolved. that ASthatililiPthe WhigonfSchuyt. - s hill County be tendered i n thisra public 'afiner.to • every member of that Craw iron. for their patriotic* diseharge of* diffiettlkdoly. lind that the highest tribute of admiration ili - dult to Henry Ctay. for the 1 magnanimous conduct, wrch has everebaracter; .• izeill his public career, but which never Alone more resplendent. than'tin his courakbuth before an - d"ritter that tonvenlionc,,, •! t 1 Reinived„ thit;'' - this meeting molt Cordially ap. prove \elide nomination of ler Patti, as one's)! the electoral titiket, pledged" the support - of the nominees of thi, Maroe n 'Coavention. and recant mend the State Oinventicerniarametlibles at liar. olimurg i in Weltruary next to ' CUtitione his name on .that tieleOU ' ' ; ; K , I • Retereed, that for the purpose of a more effective organization of., the Anti Van ' Burma strength or _` Meboyikill couniy / ;this meeting deems; it necessary t to forma 4 ,,_ Dogocitxrio Witici Assoctoron \ Resolve. that t' we pledge ourselves one and an't° ' ;,use every honorable exertion! In secure theltriumph I if the honest yeoman Without Healy Harrison, and the distingnisbed son of 114pirJahn Tyler. Resolved, that the Dcipocrliiic Whir. of Schoit . \ kill county, will ever huld th - einselves'in readiness. at, the call tof 'their cumMittMs, to consult on-the COMM of atteces, s. and to spread abroad information, to enable -0 z Peopleio form correct estimates of the . comparativ merits of the farmers' candidates and the_office holders canditrate [ 1 ' Resilved.Mkat we-vnll elect the 'Farmer of North Bendif we end, and we' think'. we can:if we mil/. 'Resolved. that a long , milt:a strong poll, and a • pull altogether, will pull Malkin-Yam from his seat - and place ati, honest man' in!,lt'is - etead. Resolved, Writ cheers fur Willtain•Heary Elarri , son. I 2 , „.. , ,„ 1 1. . ~.., ,_ - Resofeeu,turee Ceitettl Tor ?UM ; i We'. . ' Resolved, three times thi'ee for Henry any and WiStfield &Ott. ). L,;:‘, .' - Te,,'Corritnittee appointed:to name the o ffi cers for t he, Democriitie Whig Asso6iation for Schuylkill unty, reported the fulloWing, which were unani - ouslY adopted. I I .. . -1 }, _ t • PRESIIMI T. - ' Hon. SAMUEL [D. LEIB. CORRESPONDING. iSECRE I'ARY. A 1 ; Janet S. WaLIACIS. I 1 Vice Pr riridents. IcV ` 1 Urinal H. Mann, Pottsville., 44.4 - Morgan, Orwirbiirg. ' I lHestrry Koch; _ East Brenswiek. mime] Schnllenberger, t West Brunewick• - ?Jacob Martzi , West Peon. 'ohn [house si ' Rush. • ;Richard Adams, • tljnjon. - , ', Jacob Shock'', Jr. Schuylkill. - 'John K. Smith, Esq. • Tamaqua.. Sainuel B.ass. Port Car p in. ' 1 JOseph Wea eri Esq. • Mineristille. • . il 'John Yarnal . Barry: Adam Herp,i Upper Mahligengo. ;Joel Yunt, • - ,1 Branch. wr ‘l•Miehael Arty, Sgin. Lower Mahantango Jacob Miller, _ I •Williiims'•Vailey. f Peter Ft:hori.' Esq. Pinegroire Borough. " 'Henry Eekter. A Pinegrtwe Township. :,-.;,•'" 'John W 114faar. Wayne. ' • Charles Uerigler.!E•q. - Blenheim. • + - t.. 0 , The, reading of the resolutions being concluded, - , 1 1 • they w er e adopted by acclamation. ' 1 Resolves .l- 4Na these p roceedings be published in ti 1 t . • the democratic pipers ot.the county,of Harris burg and offhitedelphia. t The Meeting then adjourned. - ii 1 I - - Signed by, t h e pricers. . t 1 1_,..„ i Cpl/NIANG•MUNC ALMANAC; =FOR SHE; YEAR ~ t's3: 7 8 •3 , " 4: co • • L 4 1 1 p • 'D3 C r ",,t t f-ed • '' •-• - 44 , a 4, • 1 • 4 .4 41 -. 4 • - ' ini a.A.Ntr#ar,„ -- - 1 to .-. ••, 5 6 pl I:12 13 14 15 -19 20 22 26 -•27 28. 29 - - 2 al 4 5 9 101 fll 12 • 16 171i18 19 , F 25 26 - 1 2' ' j 3 4 . TIO 11 15 16[ `l7 18 .22 23i 124 25 1 • 29 - sd '4ll Arses. .$. 5 6 f, 7 12 q« 19 .26 "26 27 , 28 3 4 1 5 s 10 11 112 . 17 1.8 19 24 25 \ # 31 , 7 6 11 44 13 16 21 . 22 23 29 SO =I ,Jcrs 4 Mail , F. RIM ini Iti Airs ii; /- 16 23 BO MMlliii 13 20 27 'Ocroiisz, - 4 11 25 1 r 29 <„, , Dsisms 6 'l3 20 27 TA 1 . - itt AL It I D Oil Matt inst.,by the Rev. Evin -8.-Evins„ Mr liViu,iiit vows to :alias Axa Joinaihibliihot Mineri MEM - p ICED. I ' Wades' vine. on 14164 ,- Dec 27, !899, tbo t rhaingi ld, ° f Dm' in 11. jr g 3 IgN YI *; ds ' ogh ‘ t l isr ' Amo s -----turoin, 5 years Sod 9 months. , •-• _ . • • On the 22k1 of Sadie month, akage, son orAmos and. MOO Tarton, i iged 2 plats and 6 niacithr .' j' ~: 1111 ME 189. 2 3 - -4 .9 AO 11 16 17. 18 23 \ --14 - 25 30 31 It 7„. 8 14 15 20,21 '22 '27 28 29 5 6 7 12 - 13 14 19 20 21 2 - I \ -)27 28 2 3 4' , 9 10 II 16 17 IS 23 24 . 25 30 II 7 8 . 9 14 I . 15 'l6 21. 22 23 28 i 2 - 30 13 20 27 4 5 6 I t 12 't3 18 19 21) 25 26 27 ° ^lo 17 24 2 3 9 111 11 16, , 17 lB 23 24 25 39 31 7 14 N 20 21 2 7 : .J 3 ; 4 10.11 1.7 18 24 25 31 6- -1 „8 13 14: _- 15 - ~2 1 . '22 27\ t!,B '29 111 3 4 5 10 11 .: . 12 17-,_ - 18, ..19 24 25 „26. -1 i- I '7C 8 14 1 15 21 , 22 29 29 . - $| 113 11 20 2 27 2 , 3 9 , 'lO .16 ' 16 23 30 1' .2 3 •71. 8 9 . ; .10 14 15 16- 17 21. 22 ;23 24 28 29 30 •31 4 5 6 -' 7 11 14 :13. .14 18 19 . 20' — 2l 25 n •,26 27- .1:f8 23 24 30 2 - 3 ,4 • 5 10 11 12 18. , 19 ^.3"24 26 26 '3O 31 ' I 7 8 . 14. 15 21 „22 28 2.8 POttoville Philomaithic Society. TEItIRSDAY Evelicrt'Avit!nyy '9, 2840. -Sub " jeet for dehaf4 hichia - more deservingzof the praise-and gratitude. of the American ot•pple— Washington or Lafayette. -IDeititte to anynenceat I o'clock P. M. - `Jan. 4 law or Tli6 , MAaKET. • zroestaize, Jaz., 4, 1832. WeIIEAT FL.' iltbytheload was Worth onFrittay $5OO : WHEAT $1 !per pushel. is RYE FLOUR 75, , percwt. in demand BUCIE%YiIEAT FLfJURSI27IIPet eltt RYE, by the load . 65 ; the *lnuttn47o'-vtllnd, Sale. RYE CHOP 15 per bashelin demand: - OATS 37} cents--ready sale. POTATOES-40 tents per bushel is demand COltN-56 cents per bushel in demand.. CLOVER SEED—SI2 00 per bushel. TIMOTHY SEED—S 2 50 per bushel: - , FL XSIMO-,-91. 45 per blithel in demand... - WHISKEY-15 cents per gallon. Anrirrt3;--20 cents per pound Kigs 20 cents EGGS-42i cents per dozen. .- LARD-14 cents per potmdi • . TA UAW— 'beings per pound. • lIA Msl3l centsper gourd. CORN CI IOP 70 to7scoriti per bushel in I emand. BACOn—I3 cents per pound. _" 'BEESWAX-4 , 0 netts per pnutrd. ATHERS-62 dents per-pound. (`OA MOAI W001.. , -.40 - cents per.pound ' ACKEREIs. by tho bbl.No 1.317 No 2. VA SALT —2 50 per bb1.;75 per bushel PIASTER .is worth $7 50 per ton. HAY 418 per ton. . -ep Miners , Journal fer 4839. SEVER AL complete files of the Miners' Journal . for 1839, for sale. bound and -unbound, at tbia 'office. . ' Jan. 4, 1- • First Ball orthe-Season. MONS. BERGER, HAS the honor to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Pottsville, that his first Exhibi. lion Bill will take place:on., Wednesday Evening, orJanuary. in the - gaioon ofthe Tenosylva aim Hall, which is expressly fitted up for the occa sion: Mr. Berger w illarranger arid call the figures. He Batters himselfurgive geneinl , -satisfaction.- ' H3' Tickets SI, wh:ch will admit one gentleman and two Ladies. tote had at the Hall.:: Jan:4 • : I—it -7- I an' Election held at the Pennsylvania Hill, A the'! Borough of Pottsville. on Monday the 30th day of 'December 1839: • lite follming sons were dilly elected officers of the SI iiMreek and Mine Hill Navigation & Rail goal Company. fur the ensntug,yeat: 'President. 'GEORGE PATTERSON. ' Managers. • Burd Patterson, Harvey Ildikine,' Charles shippen. Samuel,Lewls. • Samuel &Hyman. And'rew Russel, • •t, Secretary and Treasurer. • • ANDREW RUSSEL.: • I=3t Jan, '4' AT an Election . held at k 3 PAnnsylvanta Ilatt..in the Borough'Of Prongs*. on Monday the'3oth day of litecemtier. It3l19:; The following persons were elected otfacersuf the Schuylkill' Valley Nevi. gation and Rail fload•Coinpany for the _ensuing year: '.SURD PATTERSON. 'Manager!, Abraham-Putt. r Aquilla Etolton, George H. Pottp„ G. G. Palmer. • A. St, Clair Nichnl4, John G. limes,/ Secretary and Treatotrer. ANDREW RUSSEL. 1-31 IMI Notice. 11 1 11-16 SE who are indebted to ganiftel Lswia, .wt B ` chi! iment.diately on the Assignee, add eel the ttifine. -Jan. 4• ; I t . Genuine i. n ix• ITish and Scotch %Vhiskey. lur Lemont' and fresh Fruit; just mania at Jan. 4 1— N. NATH ANS cUE.tP, NEW' And Splendid Jlosarlsnent , of DRY GOODS; Also, Groceries and t.iirtiors, - Shomend t loth ing, Low for Cash. %Nit NOTES WiU be taken dt • • ' • .N.,NATHANS'-,Store. , " . • Cefitre Jan 4 • • stray Alorse. I• STRAY ED away (reinsubscri— ),'S her. residing in Port Carbon. ebodt j IIIII . I IIH , 1 two weeket;ago, a BROWN HORSE, about II years old.' with a sitar in his - -- forehead. intermixed with gray .hairs over bri body. and particularly in'the. tail. Any person returning - said • florae ko the subscriber; or give bitu.infortnation where het,ean get him !grin, shellfire re/tunably rewarded. JAMES PALMER. 51.31 Pcirt Carbon, Dec.2l: _office of the_ Mine Hill and "Scht - tylki/1 Haven Rail Road Company. •t . 'Philadelphia. Dec. 16, 1839: THE stockholders of this Company are (hereby notified that their, Annual Meeting will be 'held on the 13th-day of January, 1840; at:lo.. o'clock A. M. when aw election will be held for-choice of a Presidenfasid tin Mariagers, to conduct the affairs of the-Company the ensuing year. JOHN H. CR,ESSON, Secretary. ' Dec 21 51-51 Berko & Schuylkill Journal, Reading; will please :insert the shove three dines. send one paper to Mr.. 'Creaser), and vend bill CO this office. r Anthracito„. . , ~_. •. < To .Pon Masters. \ N . . ,, • ' . -- .., ~. \ 90 HE imbreriber, will be prepared after the 70th iL ,January • 1840. to fdrnish plans Sand &tits, for building;, fiirnaces to smelt .iron -with '•An 4hrneite.and:;Will attend. Orcsonally either to bnild. ineor Wiring in. 'lle-deems it unnecessary to of fer . to the growing jmportanee of this branch of the iron, bssiness, or to offer testimonials of his expert ence in both , the old•-•:Country and , America. `The sti6ess• Which has attendekhis• exertions in Potts ville will be the guarantee df his future operations Persons, Who •desire 'his eivices or .anv inforunt7 s iitillikonnected with his business, will make applies tion'by-letter to his address. ': • BENJAMIN PERRY, • Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., Pi. 52-6ino• Dec.,qB. • ...7" Schuylkill Bank Notes.- arhill Amatnt at Schusflitiii Hank Notes will ,1 4-2 k,b9 taken in7eachattge for Goods at the Store of • - N. NATHANS. • Centre Street. rottsvdlt% 5 • i)e4,28 j. - reOper, , Amith Owl's Philadelphia ~. P Aric L:., tin Blida. and Endow for -ride by 1 )4 MILLER . 8e HAGGERTY. 0. Dee 21 51-tr Notite to IDteditorti L t TA. persons indebted to the bite firm of Wormatt -4 Waveliy, aro requested io make payment to the _subscriber, the surviving partner, on or before the Ist Jaguar;, ^1640, after. which date they will be placed in the hands ofceolleetir. •CHA,RLTS WORIVIkNi at:Mains:partner of the Sim of • , • Iffcrrnsam 4 , seaway. - Pottsvillit Dec 1,1839. $l-21 , _ Mrie , EU Prepident. Ut 0} S It Vim! or 'Tap United State.s athaUkg .4ftkino* JFegister o'l4e To' be moathly_aambees of 3'2 octavo • par,ea, double ivittanuts at . POTT'SVILLE,G*III)YLKILL:COUNTYLP4I_ - ----* - Tina work, as its title im'etirts, will be devoted, to intervals of - the trid Iron trades, mdwuch ether mining operations„ as are daily becoming of more biportance in - Our country, audio this ififfusionj of general scientific insproiements. •Ttkit location of ,the seat of publie.atton, situated in'the 4ry heart or e region,where nature has been nicrst;prolific of her gifts pointsit out as the Spot, from . whence such a ;work should emanate. The importance of our Goal ILO Iroliproduzbr. and the p4eMion of the experi ments for smelting iron ore with' Anthracite coal, de mand the commencement of a. publication; which shall collect and. disseminate tn &permanent. form, all the information necessary to perfeedott iu the va rionsdiechanic branches-dependant' en,them. - Scientific:assistance will be engaged, and the his tory of the rise and progress of out natiotial-mineral busibess, will be givert from authentic sources.— The iron and lead fields of the western states,;the gold Mining operations of the „South. and the work ings Of copper, cebalt.nail other inetals,mpd all the different manufactures dependent:on them, will be embraced in the Plan of..publication. Statiattal ta bles. and European improvements, will betel& before 'its readers, and every effort made td irendertorthy the•attailtion, not only of throe dirigtly nected With mining operations, but of all who feel pride in the advancement of our national resources, .anti" the developeinent of its treasures. The latter class of expected patrons must-be numerous, when it is con-. sidered of what vast iMportance to' the:welfare of ts country are its mineral treasures, Great Hritain oleos' to her inexhaustable supply 'of coal, iron' and • 'Other metals, a large share of her immense tuitional- reven ue and . -individual wealth; they are her prottctionf m war, and her means 'of aggrandizement in peace. Our ; United States is destined" to occupy it pre eminent station as a mining country; and but fe • • years ,eau elapse; before we will bir independent of all foreiwtesoutees. ~ E ngland -has ,an annual.iron_ trade of about* ' tons, antra coal trade, et probably twenty millions. - Our country his in twenty years, acquired a trade of nearly one million, tons of Anthracite' Coal, independent of the Bitu minous &Coal • trade, which supplies the'South from the Virginia fief sandthe wallies of the Ohio and Mississippi from thelegion of Pittsburg. The head waters of the great western rivers, are teeming with mineral wealth, and their products will soon mine' every portion of our land. From all these difereq regions; the Mining journal, will receive tweet:* accounts of pro;ressive improvetueufit, and chronicle them at the earliest dates. In order to assist the dts eatination of such information,ldrawings and wood cutewill be . .used, wheneverlound_necessary, and the opening number Will be embellished-Waive correct design of the first Anthiacite.Purnace, now in most successful operation in the BorougG of Pottsville, together with a minute and careful description of all its larerett parts L-the proportion of the - charges for burden, du dtc. , - The commencement of suctran undertaking es the ono now suggestek involves in the very feet a deter miiaation to prosecute it with vigor,,and untiring in dustry; and it is therefore deemed superflucins to offer any'assurances of the intention to tender Was fin as practicable,* useful and scientific work. It is there for*, with a simple promise to use every exertion to Collate important mechanical trothi,, thatthip public are presented with the following Conditions. THE 31VGIOOkNAL, AND.REGISTER OF THE ON TAAOE, will be printed month ly, in Uctavo form, with double columns, on good pa per each nomoer to contain 32 pages, with a prin ted cover. • The terms of etibacription will be Three Dollars •F. 7 annum, payable on the - reception of" Ate first number. -In- places where no established agent is located, two . copieil of the work will be 'furnished' for :Five Dollars. if transmitted free of postage. - • The - first number, Will _be issued about the Ist of April next, or sooner,: if a sufficient number of subscribers be obtainede to , warrant its publics- /cm cry Post-masters will Pease act as agent, in for wardinzthe names of subscribers. aZ All persons holding subscription papers, will please remit the names obtained, early in February, 1840. a j ! Address Benjamin i 13antian, Pottsville, fichtql kill qtr. Po. e cry. Editors throughout he country. - who feel an interest in the est:Lb!' mit of a nation t hl work of this kind, w confer a fairor by giving this prospec tus a few insertions,and noticing - the plan in their edttorial columns: Where regular armies are not .established, any person wishing to subsribe may for ward•their names free, of postage, or leave them-with Posunaitem, who will oblige us by forwarding inch as they obtain, at early a period as sposaible. The .Philadelphia , AND • Reading Rail Road,. WILL be open for Travel ancl:General Trans. portation of Freight on Nlonday,Dee. 9th 1839 Wlh7 ER ARRANGE.IIBIIT. From Readingitt 8 A. M. and I P. M. `• Philadelphia fit 6A. M. and pP. M. Philadelphia Depot corner of Broad and Cherry streets. 'FARES—Ist Class Can $2 50-2nd Class The - 6 o'clock Train fronahiladelphia wid atop for Breakfast at Norristown.; The 8 and 2 o'clock Trains stop for way pitmen , gars. Reeding. Dec. 14tb,1839. ° ititreltiVAL. • Hiram- Parker, Tailor, fIAS remoired his establishment four doors! a. hove the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Ex.. ange hotel. Centre street. flu also•tunhnues t. keep a choice selection of the most faaltionable road Cloths, Cassirceres. and Vestings•of 'various colours and qualities, - togedrer with 'an elegant , as: sortment of ready made Clothing.. suckas Overcoats; Frock and Dress Coals; Roundsbneds,Pantakions, and'Vests ciao isea end patterns. ell of which he is determined to sell at the lowest rates: • - Dec 21 - • St—if .; A. Lost.' 1. URING the past week; in Markel street. - a . black lace veil plat lust by a lady. •Il the finder will-leave Ant this (Ace. the thanks of the owner. and any required reward will be bestowed.' Dee 11 • • - • al-. :c Assignee's Notice. - zaY virtue of an assignment Made by Lamar Ray ALP& the 2nd day of Deeeineer.l 839. to the sub. scribers. for the benefit of his - creditors end otber pus poses mentloned*themin.and 'phial' may be seen by applyiig to either ofus.: Mace it tberebrgiven that all persons indebbid to thti said Lamas Bay. shall mike immediate payment.end'all persona bar. int-414ms against him will present them in an an- ihentieatedrforinf to the subscribers.' , . BERRY SHELLY. WILLIAM T. EPTING,' 4419-61- ;• Avail/um* - , - - TUE MILINERS? J SASIVEL - LEWIS;4I h. e Couretyl..'of &.I doted the 13th of DeCeatl and transfettteil all . hit pe girl* for the bee& of t itore •tberein uteutketed, wit th:eels' mouths from ti menu a tilemarof;all; the The assigns:est and Mei to the subscriber la said Dec 21 . , . ,•, . ,' , _ace..:. . , ,' rfot , ~ 4",...E0RGE M. Totten, fate of Pert Carbon. Schaff ; kill county. nod Casper Frederick' Uhlhorn. of, Philadelpiaorading under the _Grins of Totten & tlhihbrus. in'Scbuylkill :l' nit. eneltnt Uhltuirri Ift: , Cu, in 'Philadelphia. ha w by assignmetitilditted:to 23d day ofjibiember. 18 9: assigned to the sub.,Cri.: , bent, ell theiy - Estate and Effects , in trust for th,i r . Creditors, (after certain - fereoces therrirestated4 iirtio alga within ; thirty ! aye "Rom the '2th:day of Docember inst.. the date, tte hiitt. maid tissigrotie i will be'recorded in, tlie , ,ce a . m. Recorder 1 1 Deeds.ofSchuylltili Ca ty; execrate a full ne v a , - of all tlsiros against the said Oftign(1:01 or either (it thews. tfitiassigr.nwei od reiease Will he.eabibi tcd by the subscriber, is Charles Lawtotre.OMee, on the Noriackititi Rail i oad. JOSZPIrk AIIROLL. Assignee, . • 40_41:. Due. 7, . ' Valuable' cal Estate ' - '. . . . Two Prim IrOli t iLtili. -.-: • . . . Two three story ItricleHeitisei and eg ' iiii Lots'en it tn ia street. ,Pottsville, loccu. I - pied , as, tend Post Office. :f t 1 , - - - Dtiellingsousamistreet occupied•by Mesirs Shm et and Patker.l - ' 1 . I A House and Lot of G and on Market and Ad stns street, occupied by Vcn: Claim. 1 i i--, - A House and Lot of (around On Rail Road,stretet. , ~ 'occupied by Levi Csk ' also, two othertutsi of Ground on same street. , '-.l' . I. A House and Let of p ound on Norwegistreet, occupied by . Amothy '' l os—also. another ton the same street, adjoining rotor Runlet Hatpt.! A tract or coat Land, haste in Branch township, Schuylkill . county. cont sning about. 450 icres— well,improved for opera lacy. • 1 I i - For furthcr. p iticulars inquire of ' ' ' MARTIN WEAVER. Pottsville; Dec SI -18.9. 1 : 1 5 l-%i f 1 • _-- Procl,mationi. , 1 , •WHEREAS the Hmailable John Bank‘ifiresi • Vv . cleat Judge of tle Third Judicial District, l of Pennsylvania , hap ap nintcd Monday the Seven.' teenth day f Febloary. 18• Mas the time for; Wilding a Spo :n ial Court of Co on Pleas in . SeltuylkilV i ii county, ter the trial oft e following satutes, namely: —Anthony F. Miller vii John. Setiglaolin Bannon. i 'Frederick Lauderbrun et. at, N0.95:0f March Term. 1839, Franklin Miler v . James oundati and odiers;l N0;27. of March Term 1839. and Jacob Reber, vs .1 Jacob Dreibelbis and aniel Dreibelbis, No: 67 of March Terin, 4 lB:29. Pn li e notice isi therefore here 1 by given that a Special, urt of Conimon' Pleat', WM E l be holden at the Court house in Orwigaburg io and for Schuylkill county. on Monday the seventeenth, day of February. 1849: 1 ten u'elocki,in foreariiin for the trial of the. said Can es. •- - . f . ' ! - 'VEI"R F. LUDWIG. Sheriff. - Sheriff's Office. Orwigsq burg. Dec i 13, 1839. 8 5O - - BAARtgAIN. ' 'For "Stil or :to Relit, • ACRES Coal Land, with ..Waggons, Seim:tea •75 Sctecne, Landing, &c,, all • itycomplets order for - working, baiting '3 good. 'Veins open, situated near Aliddlepurt, and known as the Lewis 4 Dull Tract. - Fur terds apple to JAMES M. BEATTY. Peltsv;,lte, . •tir JACOB PETERS,' Philadelphia. Assignees of Jacob A. Co. • March . ltd .1f 'Caution. grIIE &Ascribes gives notice that the 75. acres of Coal Land near Middleport, advertised for sale hy James M. Beatty and Jacob peter% Assignees or Jacob Bull & Co.. are' not the. property 61 the'. said. Jacob Bull & Co. nor ul the said Assignees, but, that the title to the moiety of the land ii vested in ate subscribes.end in the representatives of Henry E.Neleigh. deceased. and Alt any title 'derived from said assignees will be coetested at law by the sub. scriber. ROBERT B. NELIGH. Dec 11th I EstOe.of John Fox, deceased, late of Nor''- toegian Town hip. . Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran. ted'hy the Register ofSchuylkill Cottony. to the. sibscribere on the Estate of John EFoz. deceased, late of Norwegian Townshipi Schuylkill Count, ; therefore all. persons who know theniselves indebted to said estate, are-hereby requested, to make tonne diate payment to the 'subscriber, , resiAing in the Borough of . Mineriville. And those having any claims against the estate of eaiditdeecased. will piease to present them, - duly authenticated, without delay, fur settlement, , I • • ' •J Al :idfflS 'FDIC Admit, iso rata?. inersville, Decj4. 50 6t 1.0 Ihdi Sideleat;in.fino ordertsqll be low for cub to close ales. Apply to Dec: 21 51— 5114E1L & HAGGERTY. • • :1 subscri6ers. 'Agents of George Chine. sq.,ii 0 - are Prepared to grant Licenses for th'e .Manu4 facture orbon with Anthracite Coal, niidert.ho, Pat n 4 ent granted to Mr: Crane by the United Buttes 'foe smelting iron with the above ;het ( in addition id which Mr. Crane holds an assignment 'of tio.muctl. of the Patert granted to tins late 'Drj, Geitien T . haincr as pettaina balmaking•lrou wit ntbracitie l C0a1.% 11 The charge will be 23 cents pat ten'enia Iron thus maniOfactured. It has'*n..coiiipletelv successful both in Vliatea; and at Pottaville, one Furnace at. the 'letter place (Mi. Lyman s) yielding an average .prod is of 40 Tuns per week of ez,ellent hoe. _ All periwins are cautioned - against ihrringing on either of the above Patents. Any application of Hot Blast in the smel ting of Iron Ore with Anthra . cite' Coal without a License. will be an inflingemen. and will be treated accordingly.: to & O. RALSTON & ; No. 4,, South Front street.. Philadelphia. 50-13nui -Philedelplri3. Dcc 50-tf . . . . Colli e ' yto be Let. 1 . 1 b . , c II rill n E subiieriber • • ill receive .proposalit for rent. , jog the MiddlePoit Colliery. lately ocXupieif by' John G. Cireovins. I The veins are ready for, %MI ing.gsngways hawrig beeddriven—.breasts,operiXd and "hoaxes aria' fixthreserected. with every facilly, for immediately eon m menceing an extensive hueri,. The , tesiee• Will h; ve en oPpottunity 'also to lease . or -purchase the-.ai l road wdggons, drift ears, end mining implements now on ,the premises. ind an& dent for a large business. I 1 ' . Oet 3 40-41 ' . G. W. FARQVuAIi ~ 1 . -, • . A .- • - Valuable Tavern stand , ' Felt sALE. - ,' l , -- 1- i , :THE stibseriber wishing to !etire from 77 the bustness. will sell at Nicks male, iftthe Weill known flotel.Centre Eloose. in - Clinton, Schuylkill- - Comity. Pa. The douse is nearly new and well finished with ale hles arid other necessary out huildiuse,w,gnod gar. den. it pomp of good water within slew) kit cif i :the kitchen door—all in good repair. -and conieniently , arranged for business. It is on the Centre Torn. pike. twenty miles! north of Reading, guul ; .firtdio South of rottsvilt r e t itwing trios centrally Mutated be twee those flan • tog toeing, renders it one of tho best stands for wtairern on the route. Tone - Sally lines of Stage* paseitere. all stOppiegiantitining ttt this house.— ..1 _frail Clinton is a Depot fur coal, Ambit tbe qui mines. Iron, Limber. Arc. which OW &milk make tkiaiteatioe valuable. '• - DAVID 34,1851 V Iv . , d URN.&L.' 0111131 act: • 1. , eAntaish bytk#l,,, by issivi . intitt• - 41. D. 1039. asingdit socal imPert.il • 0 the ! sib. , aiErcluseli of his trr',:il:: pravidtd they ezeciitb. r , : didrof thc:.said• assign claims ipias! him.. - murheseete.byepialyitie 6 gb• 11.!-Cel% Assignee 4 '- 5 '- • • ! '4l-4 = 79th. 1833. -, 'llllollblii - Life ! • Ile 'Mild --- rhebilit B litre: ~. ~._ . . _g_ *viekasiciiit;4,woold W! l etr W Atel'ead!:.puttllter ahem:Micron - s 'Wei litters published recently hi this ; paper end itt the Samaritan Madre to the bilge/ fled befiecr:.tialer• , "ecta.Of the ailministmtioa of i }. ; '- - , ..-'-• NIIIIFFAT'S LIFE P/LLS'AN4I I IIOENIX BITTERS ,I . , 'Amite who - htve penned tbeil4tteta *bore referred ..e wilLobserve that- uranneeteit, case they attest. he act,that no inconvenience °fist tort attends the • gof theses medictues,;itrordittarg eases, tont that be patient: without feeliug.theirptration jilt quiver ly tell in; a: strpger Ind bettmlstate of health than , *experienced viduittibeinallheted with dimmer' in kilt:ides o acute suffering, great relief is obtain-. in .1 rear, houv, and a ,cure is gencrally.,effetted in wo or three days • , L 1 - - -..%. la cases of I , EVElrof every descriiition. and all bil. 'cots affections. it is unnecessary , forme to say aught,as I believe the LIFE MEDICINES , are: tow universally drained to be the most speedy iind effectual cure 'a nt in alt diseases of that class, i .; - 1 The LIFE hIEEICINES are also e mast excellent rebel In affections of the:Liiter a 0 BoWels, as MA :x•etr. proved inltundeeds of casts .w tient patients bate come forward and verrnested that their sezreriemse in taking them might be published for the benefit of other's. in their operation an such cases. thdy 'atm* the time of tie Steeriach.lstrengt hen the - digest vc organs; and invit orate the general functions ofthe iivhole body. and thus become to both ISFICIi (for they are perfectly ,adapted to each) an invaluable taeabsofprove:kting disease and re „storing health. f „ •i• •., 1,: -. • lain a ffectionsofthelead. whether accompanied w4tb. pain and giddiness, hr mar ed by- the grevious calamity of impaired mental. ,ene ^ ' f.alpitatiataroftke heart. flatulence, londiffappet , strength. and the multt ptied symptomeof disordered i digestion, THE LIFE 11IEDICINES will befourid to parses. the moat talatary efficacy, :. ' ' Constitutions relaxed,. aviik. - ,or dersay ed. in men or women, are and er, the immediateinfiuence of the LIFE MEDICINES. Old coughs; aztherns, and consumptive habits arejsoon relieved and speedily caned -, Poverty of blood, slid emaciated laid* will' ere lung meet the bap. Mest Oangeobechill watery fluid willbecome rich and haliamie, aud the limbs be covered with flesh. firm and healthy., Nervous disorders of every kind, and from whatever. cause striping, fly before the effects of the LIFE MEDI ,CI NES. and all that train ofaintings, anxieties, and tre- mours which so - dreadfully Sheet the weak. thetiedentary and thedelicate,avill in *a shinOithe be succeeded by cheerfulness • and every presage of health. For weakness 'deficiency of naiural Strength, and re legation of the vessels, by too ': frequent indulgence of the passiond;this is a safe, Certim,anuliovalnable reme dy. • . 1 : . ' - Those who have long resided in hot elitnates, an,sl are languid and relaxed in their vishnle aystem„"is• ay take the. LIFE' hIEDICINES latish the happiest effects; and per sons removing to the'Soinhern ,States or Vest Indies cannot store a more important articleita' health and life The following Cares are among the most recent cures effected, and gratefully acknowledge.) by the \ persons i benefitted: Case of Jacob C. Hunt. New :W,indtor. Orange County • N..y.—A dreadful tumor destroyed nearly the whole of his rice, nose and jaw. Ex*ienceillguick relief from the use of thO Life Medicines, and in less than three, months was entirely cured. {Case repined. with a wood 1 engraving to anew pamphlet, now in tiress_r Case of Thomas Purcell. senior. 84 years cifage—.was alit cted 18 ynarewitk swellin.p in hig;legti-r ivastntire: I ly cured by taking 42 pills in aweeks.. , ' Case ofJoan Daulton, Aberdeen, Ohio-Lrhpumatiam -five years—is entirely cured—has uso the LW.; MI ) • I: INES for Worms in children-and found them a Sorer eigtf remedy. .'.J -: - Case of Lewis AUS!itl—peeod'ear,e'ek 'headache - always relieved by a small dose—near nearly free front it. Case of Ardoi Ames—cured of a most invatesate; and ohs:Male dyspepsia, and general debility. Case or Adah Adams, Win •sor, Ohio—rheumatism. ,• vel, liver affections. and general nervous debility. bad bee• co - Anvil—was miserLfromfher bed by taking one box of pills and a bottle of bitters—a Most estraordinagy, cure—she is now a very healthy and robust woman—, attested bi her husband Shubel Adamk. • ,- tease of Mrs; Badger, wife of Joseph Banger—nearly similar to the above, result the - same. Case of Susan Goodanint, a young ernmarried womall —subject to ill health forseveial years—a 'small course orshe Life Medicines entirely named her-is now hale and healthy. ; ,_ - Cake of Miss Tfiomas. daughter : or Eli .Theinao— cough and, symptoms of consumptiein--eured in four weeks. Her sinter cured of a severe attack of Mflama tory rheumatism in erne week!,, , •• • Case of - S. Colvin-Cased °fa 'severe attack of scarlet fe - er in a few days by the Lite Medicines. , k . , . se or ItirrietTwogositi; Salim". N. Y'.- teas in - 'a v . w state of health a year and a half-did hot expect •to r res. Miss T.is now able tovalk about and is rapidly recover sig.both health and strength. ••• . Case at Benjamin J. Tucker-severe case of fever and ages-cured in a very short spaCe of time. Directions followed strictly.; • Case of Amos Davie -Afreetutn of the Liver; ales try . = ing doctor's remedies in vain fora load time, was-cured by the Life Medicine.. without trouble Extraordinary case of Lyman Pratt, who was afflicted • ,with Phthisic lltt yea re-effected a perfect cure 12'24 hours .y the use of the Life Medie•ner ; • . Thousands of persons afflicted inlike Manner. have, by a judicimur use of MOITA'II"S :LIFE MU.: and YIICENIX BITTERS. been restored to all the enjoy meals or all the comforts of life. The Bitters are pleas ant to the taste and smell:gently astringe the fibres of the stomach. and kite that proper tensity which a goad , digestion requires. As nothing can be better adapted to helfi)and nourish the constitution, to there is . nothing' mons i generally acknowledged to be peculiarly . effica- Mous - in rll inward wastings.• loss of appetite. indges taii, depression °revisits, trembling or shaking of the hands and limbs, obstinate cone's, siiortnese - of breath, or consumptive habits. ' The Life Medicines prissess wonderful elii caey in all nervous disorders, fi ts, headache, weaknesk heaviness and lowtiess of 'spirits, dimness riff sight. contused thoughts, 'wandering of mind. vapoUst ed melancholy. and all kinds of hysteriecomvlaintsOr graduallY remov f ed by their use. In sickness of the tit mach. flatulcncies aar obstructioniAhey are safe 'and ; eiwerfuL• an•i as s 'purifier of the blood, they hive noti their equal in the • world : • ' • ~ . These valuable Medicines are focimle by Messrs.. • - • ,MILLER & - HAGGERTY. Pottsville. '- ' Dec 21st. len- ' ~,- , 11l -If .11%illiam Evans , BOOTH/NO s_iy_RUP, To Volans and Nurses • ' • THE passage of the teeth through ' the gums produces troublesome rII dangerous symptonia. It is known by mothers that there is a great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell; die se• eretion of thn saliva isincre.ased, the child is seised wits frequent and sudden fita of cryingr'iwatehing. starting In .its sleep, and spasms in peeullar parts; the child shritke with extreme violence, and thiusta its fingers into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not speedily alleviated. spasmodic consuls/7511rd venially au pervents and soon cause the dissolution of theinfant. If mothers' who have their little babes aglieted with these distress- • ing symptoms, would Apply the Celebrated 'American Soothing - Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants • when thonght past recovery. from,being suddenly attack ed with that fatal malady convulsions. ~,t , - This infallible remedy has; preserved hundred_ when thought' r evere from ,convidsions.- As igen sk the Syrup istebbed on tbe gums. the child will recmier- Toil preparition to so innocent, co efficacious. and so pleasant. that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with tt. 'When infants are fit the'agirsit four months, though there is no appeiran e of teeth. 'one. bottle of the Syrup should be used on he gums to open the pores Parents should never be wit Quit tIM Syrup in the nursery where thew, are young- chiliiren r for if a child wakes in the ideht with the pain in the curds. the 'Syrup immedi ately gives ease. by opening_ Itherpores and healing the. gunist thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Ste. BEWARE: Or C9I:NTERFEITS. .. In'4:74zuredet4le - particula 1 in parchasing to see that theiabel ofa Medicine . comities a notice of its entry awarding to Ad of Congiest And be likewise portic.o. lar in obtaining them at Itloolathirm street, New-York, or from the, - _ _ - ---- Al_ l gr 1740 t REIIIOVA Lo—DR: EVANS'bsis removed bisOFFICE in Pliladelphia forthe sale ofhia - Casostut and Aryl:rues? Pals. and ; EvaN's Sourtritco ~SvvVr. Tor Children . Teething': to n. 3 SOUTH . SEVENTH. CORNER OF MARKET STREET. where all buslricsa• connected with the sale of his Medicines. will in future be transacted and 'Where he above medicines may el. 'ways be ad Gramme. '. • WM. EVANS. M. D. 0:--The Titiecipal office is, at No: . ICO.Ohatbsto eyed: Naw York.wbere.commtinimitioits 14 gle regnesteif tolsemade ireeti : • k • -11trBEWARE OF CtIBITItrFLITS...ce. Dee. 141839 ; 56. . To Iron - ff la ufaCturers. THE SiibOrtiber hitiing . obtained rde &plague:mot from itlr. George . - CMott for a number of Fur. naeer and bolditig•Sti g :4he intent of the late Dr. Gedannheiner liethe Meek Iron, Qre with Aiihrteite Coati-11nd re hang the ezelesioe right ot mud patient ,to.inarMlOrturo Veinal:de iron and 'Steil, ii preparea In grant litTgew for the tanufoe.. tuti of bon. :„..Ikimlicitiotet 10 he made fa' wtilieto F. Factott tottsvilte, - W. GttigENHAINER. • W. Jim 4' - .1 , . ME EM =MU __~ MEM FOR CHILDREN.; . , REGULAR AGENT. RANN AN. Pottsville. /"-! 11/IEI ME 1 - c f o r AFA i llitr Oland.; in tadittsmeditle emir, lava:, POtaville. containing 29 . -.11cre5 . ..18 Aegis. which iii cleared . Mid :in a gond stitikef enhive ', • .atB 1, i ialusble trart of•land in .I.strersiur 4' Delltaidgew•Y•Yiqkilleat;'cOntiinlottools Thist rtelfilleavilY Tilitbrltt lltith Whllle.rtg Chetty; End the *trills 'excellent:fin figiiaidtie : poets. - ' ' :'- ' • '-t- • .``, -- 41'::-* W ` • ''',* . The ,arren and Ridgesm Z)rts idisAragsti i s '1 long paid laud. The County 0 - pfaitnt tontilinsubont: - Eighteen,Thonsand Inhabitants and is fist luirtins.' ' ing. The mitisenber - proFrates disidtballsiginict. - I,_ into fire equal parte of two hundred ind:Ciulienli• , each, so as to come within the atesuisiof rudoimiretti• men of limited capital to settle so' a tmalt,by t 'lli :-• ishing, and fast impruring , county. ; •: -I For terms; or further infivinatine.enrdnelir , . ' ' . WM'. fIAGGERVG ,s- • . • • Eznentoraf 4. Waisted" thollagatt • Pottsville. Noir2 ` ', •:; • • : . ,7,,. 4,444 r- - . 4011' of the - ,11 MEREAS letters:of Wdnilnlitti gooda and'clnittles.whick: wen of Mr. Witte ham Weittinglain.-11,te 'of. Schuylkill'. teltfeshilta/ Schuylkill County, deceased, havi,lseisn — grahltel by the. Register of Schuylkill endear to the Subscriber; All persons indebted to the seld'i• l Will/osti Wisttalt. ham, deceased, are r,Cquested to Take Komi. and those having claim. against , the estate of skid ceased.o pescottheirt` tor settle ent. ells PALMER. 49ae10 ~ Administrator. • Dee. 7 FRESH GOopair: 11 UST opened a large and eplortd .popply of ass weonahly Geode. comp/tying a *cord assertmoat dr . Ittir - GROCER IEO, • . :1;10VORS, . , • HA RD WA PISII, PLASTER,' . • ,GHEESE, SA LTs,i 4 tl'*: tte.t • All of which will be wild cheap for aid' br.74/11, change for country prodare. at •the Store of ' .• • . JOSEPH WHITE & SOL• , ,Mount eeyhon. Nov 0 1.- , I, ,47—te OPPOSITION LINE OF.-D.4:14V . . soeicitations of the trevilling ommtinily on this , route, mai ectiuily announce to tile. public •that thy ' • have cornintneed running It, , ' • ~...... DAILY LINE OF' OAtliF. -- ' 4 t . • ' Between 'Pliiladelpha a d Poitivillt,„ For th elm:m=o46on of the public. TheCoitibe are entirely rips , . bailt at Trrly, large and roturry a: l ts- Nor to any now running in Penosylvileht,. EX( ced and accommodating drisets arc col _ gagto, and cveryattentum pa te the•tamfort. - anit . convenience oftruvellers on tip) ute, by' the e Proiirist , tore and their Agents. i _. .. • Er Aro atinvoill be permiltedon any ecutsidera• _ lion rehateerr--corei ill the rates of fare be changed if othar Lines should think 'proper 10 reduce,lheir ales, or even run for nothing—it being_diel. whole arid sole aun of the Proprietorri to acsommodais Vie . public 'at a reasonable rase of fare T-they. therefore . confidently look to the public td sustain them in the• • undertaking. ' I , '4 .fll The tine will leave L ille 4 ce, in the old ' • Piro Otlice, at Pottsville every mornlng at 7 t.'elock, A.M , and Leave Sandersons Hotel at 4i - &chick, esti& morning, and at .9.a o'clock every afternoon. By the. afternoon ,Line, passeagers chive •it Reading the came day, and leave Reading ilea: morning at 10 . 4 clock, and arrive in Pottsville lot 34 oclucit, P. 711.' at the following 1 i. ~ • 4 RATES OF PRE r - - From Pottsvil le to Reading, ' • '119'90•., From Reading to Philad'a, No. 1 Clliff. , ' 300 4 ' Dn. I Do. : 4 .40. 2 Caro, . _ 511 . 55.'' Pottsville to" Port Clinton • - • - 70. - Do. to, Hamburg ej .. I_oo From Ph il adelphia to Pottsville, No.' lifarr. s'oo' Do. j 1 'Do. ' Do. - Zit,. 2.("arti.. .4 5a 1.7 Omnibtises are engsgea to carry pasiengere to and from the depot in Philadelphia ardarross she, t Bridge at Nor iistewn, file of addAtictial charges. the•alxive rates of f.tre. ' - . • ' • For se¢ts: in. Pottsville, ripply at their Ofrale: la 'the old Post Ottlee. 'w`' '• -' • , In Pinladelollia, at Sanderson's , Merchant's ITa t. I, North 4th `,St., Mount Vernon lionse,Sd St., Congress-, Hall, ad St., United Staten "Wel, and Marshall Hoose,Chesuut Street. - In Reading, at Finney's Hotel. QT An Baggage at the risk of the owners. • The Proprietors would'aerely •state for the juror. noitt. t n of the pufilic, that this Linoliesto loners. lion whatever with esistiog Lines, nor will it hay. sny'l:inaction but will stand ,or hill on its ow ti erite FOTT, SUMNER, FINNEY &'CO. _ .Propri. ton. • •, . Meech 2:4, 'CAP- 111BUONS. Nynn+ll7..SaVin ant GanfeeCap. Ribbon!, got er with:* general assortment ot'Silka.• Laco end Fancy G(o.10, which' will hi .so:d exceedingly chirp by the 6u6crther 'and crill)le thankfol'io all who ail ray,r him with weal!. E. W. EARL. - Soot 21 • • • - ••A II ANDENIALE FAlT—Heallii is, the amerce of Happiness.--thseatie, is the effect of ome irregularity in the.natural nipihralthy fate 'ions. Atian_prodtices great ends hy, mtiltiplied "rid extraordinary measures, but nature ticectriplitlhetly hef works.by few and stiriple , metns. :In the'Clif; of all human, maladies, the relief of itiritation is ilia greit object of medicine, the office of the phyaician." is to deliver, hie patient. frorn . all that is noilotts debilitating, so that'-the 'tionstit.tian or nature wiD 'be enabehl perfOct the work.of restoration. . - Here we wkleild•comtnend theadministration`of a reiriedy'. calculated to tul6l 'the priceding indication, which behave se may justly say_ot Dr. Evani' : cel. ebrated.Catnomile Tonic end Family Aticr s icet Pills. See the tinny undeniable testa pf their- astoniiihing efficacy in aidirit nature to stibiert disease: ' • The ofnCe for the sate of,Dr:'Wm. EvaneVege table Vreperations, well known lonsiiiielettruted - for - tbis'many unprecedented and astontsh*co . t hey have effected in 'Pyspepsiai lgervatts.. Mlioustind Consumptive disteadea c ts at WO. 19th, nihtbilWatieet, opposite Filbert street, ' : . Sold by . . ' -JOIIN WR`riEft; - Sole Agent for:SebuylkilEtannity. I—,tf Jan ill BECHTEL'S PULMONARY %.PIIESERVA' to..TIVE. for coughs. colds, asthnum—iniltaintas. arch's. r-hooping cough., spitting of blood. shortness of breath. pain of thebreast, all affections ofthetireaseraud Inugs.and arrest of atiprOaching consumptiotr,tiOnit. ;IA igi in mg the reputation throughout the Unit& ettatesahat A it, possesses throughout Germany. „where it itilialmly : medicine in which confc'ence is placed for thelliamite if fectione, having been there employed for tiftylaatios by physicians and others with utioiampleu_*akes • Certificates from Physicians and others accompany ea directions. Many have gibent publialtd heretofore it rs .. tiomintooToPeng - . The composiitiOt cifilit *tice inedicitelt twice • table ktitt ba 03 In ICo 0 1 4 And' Otaliut to oto Mid May, by !Maid young.nrithomaty restraircefromingt:4 • or meat anon. Virrerited:free - front ini.t.mt7s,:oler' the minerals. Anti prepared by stairadimAkcergiSt PtryOnian,l,Attested' ,nuiticyo4 , l'hyrechns. whon3 arez-Drit. Physic. ChelsMwe'likißif.'lfosOor Of' ' wees t Jarries; Con. Gibson: •.• -Prra.ffly centayier -• • "Fertilely) by' - • 2..1 , r ;53 : V: _ I =MEM Notice. U kl II NM A; , I