" lietta mechanic branch -a dependant on them. .4me: undo asaurence win be engaged, and. the his -1 g9' 'lofitio rise-and progress of out gluons! mineralmineral nese, will be given from authentic sources.— 'Th iron and lead fields of the western gates, - the o mining operations of the south; and the gat u s l it , of copper, cobalt and other metals, and all thy l di .at manufactures dependent on them , will be ern seed is she plan of publication. Steamiest ta- hletz sm ad Baropeun improvements, twill be laid before its and every effort made to render tt worthy the an= `. tion, not only of tboel directly connected gr . mining njuanatiorts, but of 'ill who feel pride in she c asement of our astiontd-- resources, and the dev — tef its treasures. The latter class it oxr. patrOns must be numerous, when it is son aitl . of what vast huportailli so the welfare-of a etraisuy are its mineral trees ullir Great iltitadti owes to r i t ineulmustabli Supply of coal, iron 'and other . • barge share of her immense national regai ns d -individual wealth; they are her protection i A arc and bar means' of aggrandisement in !peace. ' Mihail ;Mates is destined to occupy a pre- 4111rcut station es a mining country, and but few gears can elapse, before we will be independent' of all foreign fCSJIIICIA.I England has au annual iron tray) of wood a million Jams, and a coal amide, of . FT by mummy millions. Oar Calgary - t ' as id Ittli Of ream "enured a tied., of nearly one million to ' of Anthracite Coil, independent. of the Situ . iotas Coal trade, which supplies the tiouth from the! Virginia fields, and the reifies of the Ohio and litigehripps from the legion. of Pittsburg. The head wehera of the past western rivers, are rosining with ,iwirieral wealth, and their products will soon ennch 1 arly portion •of our land. Fro m all these different 'one, tier Mining Journalo will receive accurate Sits of Inniliglair o hupraventents, and chronicle tithe earliest, dabs, is enter be assist the rks gemination of such information, dra legs and wood glut will be net t whenever found , 'writhe , opening number will be embellished with a correct we, the first Anthracite Fora , now an most -nu; ful operation in the florae of Pottsville, teigiatine with a minute and careful 'ption of all 14ri a :lifferent parts—the proportion of charges for rod, c. &c. dtc.' 4 the commencement of such an undertaking as the efts now suggested, Involves in the very fact a deter- Mination to prosecute it with vigor, and untiring in dummy; and it is therefore deemed superfluous to offer sty assurances grilse intention to render it, as far as practicable, a swig' and scientific work. It is there with...gimp!e promise to use every exertion to to important r! chsaical truths, Sim the public, fri with thafellewing . _. Conditions. THE NLVINC-JOURNAL, AND REGISTER Air' Tag IRON TRADE, will be primed oroattl- I I. in octavo forat,:etth double e.lamw, an'ilead pa per : each puts* to contain 32 pages, with. pris- W corer. 1 . The terms of subscription will be Three Dollars Iper annum, parade on the reception of the filet ...---- -611ra ' •fa ideals where no/established agent is I, , , wo copies of the work will be furnished far Five .., Aare, if transmitted - free of plane. ti The first nuaibiel, will be issued about the Ist of ' Mita neat, or sooner. if a sufficient number of sub: l imn 'bets be obtained to warrant its publication. 1 ... o cyr row-maser will please set am agents in for warding the nen:Wall subscribers. , -3. AU persons holding subscription papers, will please remit the amass obtained, early in February, 11840. r I Arr Addrearlenjamin Banaan, Pothiyilie,Schuy I- Iriff Oe. Ps. . Taritr iteeting. • / 101 us Cifitena of Scbitiylkill Comity, who are in . Lfavor Of measures for a.,„Protective Tariff, 'and the jamesuiraysOwit of Do . railitio Manufactures. ammo. r ognettst to incet . at the PeijUmbrtnia Nan, in the Borough-pi ikotionl6e, on Dausnlay, Dec. 14th, .at "o'clock, Pr M. , MANY rowel/HIE • LYCED M. ' Order of Lederer. . I Leepre It, Tuesday .I)ee. 10, .00 the Ori g in eadeleurinstioacif coal." by Mr. &unmet Lama. rob Err 'CARBON -LYCEUM. PUblie Meeting Girths • Port Carbon . Lyceum will be hakk.on Friday belting the 13th; lust, at 74 ••clock, Aiectere 0 . '14(10 , 44w sad Progresso( Miusetacurreeramatbe evented from Henri °' er,.;Erip • • fhe &mai " layette& last week an our 4th page, should have beau credited to the: New t raker a valuable periodical, to Which weate t eeltly indebted for most valuablootathrtical and - • ' t lliana with -Outstare that the .WlMmesta nt .off •a hunk; is , bang tared among ont weighboii thwipburt Chl Thursday t waning , nail, the Ittli"istan Mt; / . 2 ;.• il v tet*Ohnintnapatrat i theiv ' Academy ; Wilt de. 1 Address in the- Kalmar HallOf Mai I Bur ough. on the intortatturof - istatlishing am-Appeeti; I • - n#7: Wits $ gee era MteadtMite of every t t lemfof s ueatietar In this age, When the gtarid o bje c t of ry etbleavor„ is timMoularim every*rettekof f du4poo, Irani taarifi a s.ao azaatilal io*t4bislhe path at itt4i 6 tiablii° ll aPtat *0.03 4 P - s iteaahve armed, I . to -MO W humble iiienthei'af - - Mnp`teinnity;—mild I • 111 5**Ia-ltatalatotllli; -14: ttutt that dal 'Phut I - teem lometankaiii in to end' that 1.011•14016 _._-~' iiiiiaiiMil Z;ME • • i 14 •1 1 4: 4111 1 iscu ati i iii ivis t inl i*takwi r tn 4 bi Saasidthr •Fi.,÷A7 7 I steeths g ., at too we thistlifect Par 14.•4 risikiMatisfe itk;ctifit ' Mtv,ey.tsit mostider 'of this 1011141Oe*Abbfi L oii• . mtingibi sit at; we are confident, sod every auditor irillegree MA I us, that the Loutursailitrared* dlr. Jokes 00 'hi 094 4 0 17 (4 4 0 1, ./41 .1 °N 11111011, of tba dust. 6011 11 4 1 4*Woyeever read.ht-oir Boron*. tura* , rePhir,auti frit from streetilefm tbeity. 4t, emir' mended itself:toots Tee m% it ICCI, IM is Pub4ofen-' gkoniutmtlfOoklit.timettiss of ideas. itjoiMeted elftigia* iio lopia.in order. ---? • The.. meetings tier,* idoeiety, are bald ism Tbons!ay eituing Poilisaacuo. and ma chi mps who foal &posed to bear an in 4/4'140 iN escellaut.himure owillmimtified Maikikton and,Cameron.—.ln *bother colamis, win be felled * 4 OO. 10:eesteivereedY iseratiel* count of the rencontni between theme itelividpaie at binsautir. if no other ca tie of fiat:City exiiitiayie: tweed P t hed, 'except the raputhicattee of the eau-. dement. headed vthintion,r wecannot conceive hew Mr. Ciunerws could have fitted the shwatellie own, 'animate flat, with the cofiticiatispese of innocence. A pin mini; o viciiald sull4 eitch things to 'paw by ttieuraalbeldle Wind * " and would exclaim, alet the galled*. wipp,:enitveithera are'unwrnng."— But there . is eiripinnly • einnetbiag +wrong, sad we haveheig even eiti own neighborhoota; many complai • ? ;hat contratta,foruheabibu47 of INAI. forth. Cojanftlia rill roadeipeelitivey arkarterly treated, and that the contra hie have been led inasiy WrU u• the Wisp rues after the high contracting power on the part of the State. It will bee difficult matter, we imagine, for the aanaapartiea •tio make a contract format year, iutbievegie.hvnleas different arrangement. le gauged into, and mere prolispulude Intadifteled t, Maple The Vent , ,uiet.—Tbie gentleman paid our Borough a aisitithis week., and gratified • dirge 6 is audiences on Tuesday and Wednetally swings, when,l4 was soddenly called away as, by a domestic calamity, which presented 2 a contempla ted exhibition of rridry and this evening. Mr. Ma ni,' veptribognial powers are of the highest ootits , and herd bie programme are the von irrwermatto ; • tion °fruit and humor. . We F ro pleased to Morn that he intends do .4iny our, Borough another, emit immediately after tilt. Holidays. One thing we would caution our friends against : Mr. Nishols Ms first rate Dentist, and when he gives hts exhibitions of ventriloquist°, hem , - titsaudience laugh so, much. that they 'Shiite . ..mi teeth loose, and am then competed so call on him to set them quietl This procedure we cosiider wrung, and therefore we warn all not to rh.ke tin:UV/loth, but their sides, when they laugh at him. 03.. We certainly are lucky in the way of editori al presents ! From the early spring itrarberry. to the winter cabbage; from a crab apple Marewtown pippin, we are equally thankful for sinattir large fa vors* received. But this last week. we have been 'presented - by a feessl• Mend , with a specimen of oweetnese—long drawn one," • which nv all its: precursors in our favorable re. garde. This "link of sausages" full two yards long, just about our standard height, was received in perfect keeping, and seenked to have been redound on the obilendlard'irldin, that every one mold eat Lis own length in sausages! The Concert. on Wednesday evening last,wu not well attended, owing most probably so the for mer postponement. . Messrs. Braunfels and Berger, beweeer, assisted by our Reading acQuenstancm Roland and ficitzman, endeavored to amuse their audience. Several of the oursterted pieces were well played. in one however,. andante and . alkgro were trerrOily mixed, but they tried k again, awl the ser.- ond time, they kept better time. Mons. Berger's style of dancing is more vigorous than graceful; hie manner' hemmer as Ckllllllll, without any of the spin ning jenny pirouettes, entrechstr, or kicks/tom of the French &Chord. 'Braunfels plays a geed viekin as regards exec:oWD, bat be is careless in producing his tones; be should correct a berstutent,of,effect, which is especially evident in staccato passages. On the whole, the COMM and Denting Seine we* off very well, aad oar only regret, we presume in com mon with the musicians, was, that more were not 'resent to be padded. e have some remarks to make upon the titian cite iron in ale by Mr. Lyman, at . Ponaritle. but must petatpeue them ; meantime, we may Bey &at we here seen 'pectinous of caseiptofrem the pigs, dime at the foundry of Mows. Savery & 06, idd it 'that, of Messrs. Morris, ail of this city. which Were aWilet as thin and as perfect as if they were made from ill ver-or lead. The works are now no longer an Ca petian/it, and, ina few years, Pennsylvania will feel the toesefits slake ',pile:lab:it of her cod to her are. —U. & °apart" ; le. _ In additLin to the above cheating intelligence, we have received Own • fnend, a llt. Savoy's axiom:lca, that he nese, had worked ken better - adapted far cas tings. Plates, ornaments and other articles have been made, ail of which present a perfectly fair, au bfwbered sarface, and are desoribed as wise • - Philaddphia and Reading We learn that the Post US* Departsner.t, has 'refused-to ac cept the offers of the Railroad to cart' the umil, betweeuihese places. mid that the, conceal** beau Made to transport it by the turnpike. We ewet this arrangement. inasmuch as it will throw us at' least 24 hours behind the Dewy, and _derail us of, the morning Philadelphia papers On the day of their . ' publication. The mad is to be delitsered•in Reeling id. given hoar; to accomplish ithich. it wilt be ceosary for the coaches to ease the city, before the publication of the asimoil4 parrs. and consequent -Iy. Reading. and theyshde ineermediste romp, as well as Schuylkill. Northumberland. Poinmbilrind all thothisquebenna Counties. and indeed northern Pennsylvania generally, will be depreied of all city canauMuitmliou t el fir 14 tegatla pap ers , f or Doe en tire day. Weekteseely hope Anai remeily rn may be'if of to this mei the importance of i.tyrect and . speedy ; inter-outneuinication,• between ,the east legion and Philadelphia, ineuireeistt larger interest, that k te n •PPmifirt° :IStualhe iiPoll"tatiiia' 11' Of #'0 11111 " - z 'est oho* be attended le Waskingnni;,' ine4wthialy. it it he tine, that there is not nice shim crien : ttXlo' to •;1200 ligerntlelettwetu-Ofil.ce Depart: . 1. VONPril• U,ch ibe-I?ifetit ,-than that: sunk for thibalineee onitiOty ett Ilitt.Teerlltat 1 004 1 4 ins ir i .#* * A**l4;;-• 1:119.--444:Ader, , = , :` MMIP • ---- ogee nosey pirrerthig to bra,' WthainelPaMilikirceisk ISM +IT ~ a Y1'.;.~ .?- lIMVII Iw4mm r 5 F:f . - , 04 , 711: INERTO4IOIITRNAtmo _ • - -- 21 4 1 4 -14 0 1 higieiret 6 0:1*P i l ic- . 10 41 44 ! ji;4041 .4 .** 61 :0 11 , 8014 . 11. 7 /00006 *. bee hints dilietdialeispiwg up a M siescionit to CO* :10 4164 •; 40404114 Akio 64- "Uie pow er bo&"hot higilin7inkhweleitte*imi,asanall•iiidble:4 l tedosr . Stat+hicesbitimAk- *gra hlA,' US: been squally nssiaeerfit Weani o plessed tolearn, that Mr. Patrick ReiliN,'Whn it perfecting s plan which-mtistiemody eU the Ovibilterstofcsa . hilinittMiaelt AMA epips,chen etftierht . tti. fan wlisalorkielt ie Art a imk, f fnatoritid, and ad jacent tq the sah pa*. Thiel bat •byperfectly tight; etcept Witelitiecelisrketaltattotindle the bee or , chlar:ciaciziii*. • • When' therefore steam is genera 4re.ieelotions wheel!, be moda -1 tied 6,4 amid' image. sod inaMeed to 3000 evolutions leper- misinte.i , This *ill crests a. mansard blast to keep the Are contimeally brigt.tand- bee, said an un- Ann* particles op thsmooke pipe by its immi x and keep dee grate clear,; Mimi/Waxy Engliiiltai been 'adopted ore tie Pottiville ant ilanedle :Asa& by MAW -- Ku* Eprl4 who, in conneirtiin with' thato.c m aist# of the.improvement.—. • The originstorAisellikewisisedtered Several *mosso. , rives oakthrtrrehmtbil'iload4std•is enpgoid te*pt it to thane on tike Philidelphii and Reading lola Another Weariless ofAhis improvement mention, which Is, that the constant cold draft around; and In As ash',pan: keeps the gate elwaSe cod, midpraratts ft from lianting eat, whieft•from the imateom keit ginehned;Billetetritere - proved 4 treat dra• ,adapt* of anthracite as • feel for such piti - We shall take pleasure la , again reverting to this hoprwreinatt. and is use mesa time mamma it to the attention of all engi. niters; who can obtain morepartimdis s informetbm od application its Starred the proprietors. • ' =SI f ry- We regret to-learn, ihat -the Directors of the Beading Rail Bead, , ha•e suspended the works be tween the Borough end Peri Clinton. This, in present hard times, ha. been the most disesterus Giant yet occurring to our We tail antici- , soite‘that at the closing .0f our mining operations • for the season, many of our labourers might have found winter emplgusent, of the Company's works. But the untoward necessity of closing them for the present, has thrown hundredsout of work, sod -whet they are , to do for support, we are. at a loss to di- This is !nether mull of the ruinous 'stem of our Genital Goverument —another ramtficitises of the experiment system, which by throwing an out monetary world into conamilitti. has prevented our internal improvements from progressing. Localise° leaders have urged the labouring classes to 48161 for their partiatumf—siorve promised them glorious .times,'if ifartin ran Bums or David R. Porter should be elected, and what have been the results Starvation 46 :taxing many in the face Is—their fami lies ate in mai 4186 d—their &Ikea without the necessaries, much leas the comforts of life, and all they have is, loco loco promises ! Let thous deluded • men, now go to their tempters and betrayers. sad ask atm lor employmirata j d•sithernstkose hew times they were pecou!sed, aid wine they ere turn ed ersearelliosed, orwith a scornful laugh--eseh as we may ituagine.the foul Bend to have 148 ed Aar the fBllpriour first:parents was achieved, imitheas =- turn to their homes cSf misery and ask darpurelves -8 does not onr country want a clang. , of rules—are not our political taikatasters grinding us to dust— she% we longer permit the treacherous do:civets . to raise the war cry of the poor agonise the rich, the employed against the employer l " • " Whirrs 44 if Parick ileary.—A revised edkisn ((this/excellent work, has keen issued by Messrs. Thoaas, einqperrlurxrile 4 Co., of Philadelphia, in such ferns as to reader it reliable fora school class. book. • Bitch litoductioris as this, are calculated to do infinite good, whim Used by reading classes im Academies they glee tone to the losing mind, ha lms it walk osesect knowledge of our constitutioual prosisimis. and 11l it with ardent aspirate* sad am bitious hopes of noble rivalry. They make our youth acquainted with the prominent traits of character, in. those whom they are taught to honor. and oar every incentive to kiwis theca to fellow la their crease. We should like to•aee it adopted in our schools. 13 3. Ile State Treasure, baa issued a circular to the different Soaks, that Lase declarei dividends, since be suceaeles of epaida.payineats, in which be objects to receiving the state tax on amount of the divide's*. on two grounds. The first iti the banks.bave no authority by law to declare a divi dend during the suspension of specie payments, and wood, the disideads declared in May will be re quired is spear: • 7b. state is about to do a /bale at the Bub-treasu e7 it appeani, ou 611 01/a 1401111. . Q:7. Have siva honesty or patriotism endpgb left among us, to Gad one voice 4111 the next Legislature raised in favor '4sjinipesebing Vasa R. Porter; for mal-prscuee. in his gubernatorial duties 1 Or with impunity to outrage the comma decencies of life, by giving the bibid seal of the Cate to endorse a palpable, aletortous, and unblushing falsehood ! Are the wonffl-be-ttirles of the thiSolution, th e r o d eo - a who opposed the administration of Jefferson, •,the inniets of Van Berea, to rade the Key Nerve State 1 • Redaction of Pootage.—We am delighted at the manifestation of publicapproval on the mooted soh kerb( reduced Wee pansy. The treble example which the English Government has set as, deserves, and wilt assuredly receive attention. It is no long er problemeticel, that a Ascreass of pries ea, loners, will °amnion a din:rase enemata to theihmem. now," but it is evident that the ratio of correspond. 'once Will prove in proportion_ to the ecooomy of its facilities. , We do not beltive our Government can 'epaulets be emanated in reducing to the English priosoif one penny sterling on every letter law than • tell ounar, as oar extend, Naas of mail roots mo urn be supported at. such • sate,,, but we do think that fiee - cader might Am Made the greatest postage on any Waste tater. • bapreieed with the importance :of this . arrangettient, to' oar social end banditaitiebai oolio, vet cheinfrdli will laden our eikto fa the:4e the ramp throe* the mat Con . and therefore give publicity to the propose d of Petition,._ Let every 000 Intended, ionis e a anal** fd• lowing, iiiidfolaimaii ouni goduros of poseilde, , rind We hie no doubt of ..,_ ' successful neeptaia; Tip' batiste tad' House of fkionrietitatives la - 1 - irpqr paitionirs*km ;alit it woodu a veer We's& to the Peciple. of the United thaws. 'lode; isoset, 'peliii *imam, o redeeeto ,Post. Tbej theietine reit thatit-atey be tadoned so 1 1 4 - I.3idast- postage 4 'm -11 1 ek'hit/I'2W nit eseept fve emu; math* the policy of suclisiiing - Pr ugh* 19! iewsPapere cad regsfi** ll4 tat"' cligiacrat*d „ . . . Beal init/eel, ones the lisitetate,.ef iltiaamen: osiemps, smith. tival erGeorge IV. thilpthte• papeeowi'leitorte aTtlettekuid heeesiloppeet.' eirbiertighlA 4 e a einbogewß` ' ' Wes,: «; a: Mai* &Teti hirra - di vaddetigl4o lll4 .121 thaltoiXesket:- • - - INS iESEIEB EZSP MMMOMIE%== 1. 4 11. " 111 1 1 74 4-;."0.4 1 r!‘ . Asa ayi...Thwephinai - orilare irq fit 0 111- limWilaik ' die: 4. :fai*i_fili 4 S4 .iberttrieiltini OthiAimniteatibMiiateVeliiit‘ to tbit s aiii 'itieie.--AvieepPthwliaimi in Otis *141647844n4re a **" kW —l 4iei" 4 . 4 '4 " 1 T,,ubk a bo u t ' Resa*.— ecioirrits of - the *e. Glerkial "'sit itenentleer. 'Of &gay,' mime to iey rent any longer. m the gro u nini that they ham dons stsloirwlidblgh, -.. They ' Minter about two theneenii I iii tte-wary:ir timeliest, aid ,sioota,,iirimpa aa . rit'ieigita to right the law. - The .44 Mitii into. :won kW out to king them imolai*. • . hersionkrnewe.---Tha htesomusees hays laid is eve Enusipieora. lamina of dollars! " . Another krire,_Thriip,-414. glamptil L stogy of Cattitirisio.• Nius 'lllOof A1=4'1141014 19 .licandi,ald4ll.o..ws*Aiiiiiu 0 3.:The.aniount, avotroudo tmi the Dori ,Pittitrtille' RAP adeeto4Paiiitiep to riiiveti t;it- gittoirfaiitfra waif, Aberti:eee—Tbe 0140.. s...lsrtriei 6+7 to bbtotify the. Whig and Athelitiotkparties,iw )lair4 metnlseui . 1111111 *editors air reed Judge Mor ! ,, tou'l•Vito lb= seeable ferjliberentor) letter to Ed* gstk,"On the welt* 41.01x,11 . Woo Uthis potsthesmittlisi*Prest, liedeafiree &Lintels Reia 04.110:e-cii* whom or bow far" Nagiesaaa ara . " , The Harrisburg Koyabrie speaks of 4beleentel of UM Franklin bratitnts, es onelif the Meet mina ble pariarte 4 ate nowebotihned. • .Whicliiplainly shows that haws*. 4iratic the Keystone clay be in politiai opinionjtirt;nt.good judge of what is valuable. as of intsrest4o the scien tific and mechanical portion of oar conunonipy. We are Blighted it this ears opportnalts of ceinci ding with our brothers. ' fkohnolg Stnathwith, oSs..af the °Wet and nose distinguished citizens of the stscWof New York, died suddenly iii Albany, from ofthe heart. Before we were born. he was Ring a prominent place in this pubescouniation, as abler of the homy Region, " and azertiWg a coogireoss epos in shop:4l6ml woad. Of late „years he 11441 struggled swam' iUdortene, which &rimed hio of fanner wealth, bat was elewys-noted sae Renames friend his segnahatiroe ant to the MMUS rase at large. liissaemory iriU be flithfully cherished, and his does siiicerely regretted by all who knew hue, spol *Soy who have .flea felt the inineeee of his chWties, will and they bees teen degairod of true friend. Prayers tursuiered.--atitaisy the 25th ult. was kept as a day of hisailiation, Laing and prayer, on account pf dna& and other nihuattes at Chaster ton, 8. C. At night, copious shoran Mashed the earth, es Via answer to the prayers. 0 3- The Pres Went bu recosirisedl/tontas Lynch Hamilton u Conga! of Tana, for the pout of Charles ton, telnuth Carolina. Also, Cavalier. D. Rocce Marntsaelli, Consul General of the too &aka, to :reside at Maw York. 001.3.1. Brant Ku resigned kis commission as Deputy Quartermaster General Gish° army. Gen. McCullough, the loCicsudaiste. has been elected in Mr. Potter's Congressional Dairies, by a very 'reduced majority. Hadsite . Whip of Hunting don tamed out, they coati kris elected Geo. hole. Mektookoily The:dried decidenf.—The Baden: Transcript of Friday last, says: that during the per formance of the last mese of Pintrroost i the Tremont, while Mr. Kean, Mr. Selzadas. (the PromiKr4 awn Mr. Joseph Simpson, jwho has been long attached to the Theatre as captain of supernumeraries,) were standing near the prompter's desk, one of the coun ter weights by which the sleepers curtain is cage& ed, fell to the door from a height of get, and straying Mr. S. ea the head, killed hill The weight was 80 pounds, His skull Om awfully fractuted—tbe biped spouted blab in torrents. The catastrophe was ,announced to the audience with oriehadossese, although-Rader strongly esated feel ings, by Mr. Gilled, the 'stage manager, who request ed to know tho.pleasere of the audience, whether the performance should pivoted. The house was dente to crowded, bet the sympathy el the audience was mortised by se limed whispered No. Rising in on macs, they quietly and silently departed, and deers were dosed before nine (idea. The Governor's Prue/rasaVers.—The meet wick ed-end infamous actlar the preset* mate Adintniatra don, has bean David L ?mbar's unblushing reek killlnalle in giving Tory Ingersoll his certificate of election to Congress over Mr. Naylor. Mauch con duct does not open the eyes of the well disposed of his Party. we ire not capable t.f estimating the re pugnance which honesty should entertain towards dishonesty. It I. a desperate fabtelfuge of a party an the of diseelutton—it a drowsing wretch at a skaw. if Porter had any asses 01 shame, he would for ever bide his head ,aftetillow ing himself to lie thus nose4et/ by &Won.. who hive cashed him as its snippet. and who now are piling the strings to make him wo-k their the to- Part the tunnel on the Redeem Rail Road near New York. fell through last Week.: Hos. J. P. Henfenrai. Tezian Ambassador to France, who returned to 1.,%i0 country in the British Queen, wee arregist at New York • for debt. The liter denounces tie set on just grounds anal- ma nge. lie has hen dinetutrpd. - Terryrerausiktoaret—Ye o wboosehsw, tbs spir itials, bassi& to the vinous. tremble when Ye learn that riot wine& a.hi in this menu,- are • amailey of, 111111111104111?" tcoaebe., 16111°4.418*/*°% bum jail" sad other paterisis aot to be ‘intestiairl. ..Sidi I limit/is Omer of a glass of wlait with 1.", • News f—Tbe loeotoeaNuy that Morton . is 4004 Governer of IN Swissehnsetat They muse It ive been faagliss usu. -luipoppte, toiathosit au*. Gintenxir; ,Lienienent• Vrayinoak Seas* *attn • base, iiiweoliazial ;It are apt WhiOrand will se °oath* •• • • • . Prry. Quick Wark.. T .An eogiookai the *at Wosuentr Itaikook6o, atigtaod, lateti oculettook to cuirass Wilts 4ocairotittit at the tstO of italinue -4-494 ode ilee= bow* ka Which be 41 4 eeeeiNded• Tbi - brti`" of Mr ,•:rearni; **elm ? tow IN nest 1 1 1saauss, biers!4 Irc4 witeb, with its_ roil& itiiitit:4 lit ski otoittiOlg bi 3144. horses sod 14fiaiir , ,ealifi -- *.fe - "toirri . --Yhe t as-641We re' Canc.Cebu.* are by are YOB bricaa shili ASIA knit ankh tO4 1 ,": 11, W 1;41 0 611 • 11 8 #016 Wad, tsith• 11 4. oPelk_, "b1 144 -alsi 6l ;:ii° ll) . 01,.tavi: • 6111 - 7Tiriti amor'm ii=aZai2A 4110C ter ilklaret at*lstn " tO ;illwriskyi " '' Illiiiii.W '''ir - t 7; T"'Z' : 1 1, -*•.: :4 -':'' .`Tfitilikassinaraiits oniiiiithaPock -this sisiii• **do litialkosd rifi ooB 4.4 ll .i.are gindiralOiirrag — Wwiril Vibiliilis tainersneei 7 hive& asitsewrwarwearwirenpisseand dosing the Iwo heed of Wiffrigglad, beeliadtrAliwadh - it . sedly , upoa • them. Witloat2tbisiritat oPibat oildwrin whom White Wedl:reeired hirkii; his in*w s ria rut .'alimas' summit, Aiwa &mime be is to bewren, 'and whose voice. hie der rejr4avi t s note s is beard faintest; when it 'Weirs 'Aghast; and Seel that when Andrei) Jackson ll'E° to hilitoliN WKS 'lmo wh"flii° dii . an l P!'", ryed his couch arentil bins; andiiss down to dries* the evil:l4l'6li hen n'sriii iiimt'4ibe *. . ' a siatila:ll6l iskr,44-iaia*li*a. well iir law TeiFiid fiiiirri r e iiftliWeida: - Delawai iiiiiiiidolaiitanal.oo(armaT bat &dyad, a- seatiamm4,diviiked - a.khis. and aludt: frk-r !sip of liectioni. Can. have rbkeiithhi idi their ti*ldete' s in the town Oke tirlit,t.lotrieltr-vdies.....-!-• • . . u RePohatieifit at N. Orleans, of tbeeiPtersetAkeektef!gelerre* 47 . the Team tniopacindeiOwtloo.• Ikea : 1. • ',XL43. wasidna-iFie Wt rots :,way from Sq A PE 1 4 1111 !" 9 -Ft# 6 0 1. 14 44* 4 . 1 .7. 'down= a4.11-whitainan,'ndiariehinditbataniagnan.lioniebeak, was beapilkit. - , lla died in a Oar- Idisdetatioi 'apidit;ll6ol4 of ithe deig -Alcy one, arrived id •Philidelphis t 'leportithat)the Mime ties Army tlllll4ll two Whir metr..h r of the 41:14, of Montevideo. The French hat lasdeilaorce. to, flow* thicity. The Custom House was chiesd, sad all liminess amended. ,t ' 4 Frotecieve Twit '• , tinuedursidenoes oldie favorable spirit in which . reconsideration of this te p imponarit - isiitgerils iiiiiiid . ere da il rnieeting our eyes. In the western:part . our coins . @Galatia' are sow limning, the mean set wig am pledged to the use of Shafting end . ma • of domes tic •menuhicture . And loa in I Usile4ll3*, a mussing was hehi e ss wig • among others, the Gil ied lowing resolutions were mike .: Resolved, That'in .the op' on of this meeting aw l ,present euil ,ienesseil conditio as s nation, is Mainly owing te our Argil and ex vagant unpictstiou of foreign wiles& WE part want the last Our .coadirst ed. am and the which R eik g, esisini (Womb el wi and and,. Ratan, is proven by monetary weirs at the present time. our factorieer are stopped and. our mechanics idle, while our country is filled. to overflowing with tor , whin goals, fur which thorn ii not macaw specie La the wonky to Resolved, Thic the 'Amleas - of this. cowry re• quires theimposing_of a judicicions tariff, and a.law requiring cosh duties." This is the right ipirit ; let the people show their opinions on the malbject, and their repreeeetaileakerill take measures to carry-them throegb. it lithe arty way to relieve our country tram present emberrase• ments, and give a new imp olds to our ' coUluterer,": The. people are begiauing to !Sad mot the impaktic letepotakek in the desuirction of alltlational Bonk, .and the reduction odder Ter* w new the ti 4 'of rabfie opinion is rapidly tn+g inls the revive!, of the formes,, ind the remodelling cif the other. ; • ireßs - Grimed', has been"eleced U. B. Rotator from Tennessee, in place et lion. E. U. Foster, m arled- . Tke ery in l i the Whig paper. ham Meiu to Georgia, is smicafa" for New York and Michi gan--That ilo,r,iavelkfi.—Penn. Re er. We We them right and left too Who: hu come of Valiant, kleueolossetts,lthOds bleed. Con necticut, New Jersey, flt-laware, Maryland Virginia; North Camline, Georgia] TOnessee, Kentucky, Illi nois, Indistio N and Ohio, everY one of *kick will give an electoral site igainse Mania Yen Boren, sad in hut of the *mines of the . National Conven tion! The Sea Cuptain, s new &mu 117 Beirut, wu published entire is the hit umber of Musts. 89- jennies 1 Qrs'airwits 'zee& paper; the Nei Wcoda, e' week after its receipt in is Cuintry. Mr. Co/hit, who has laded to lingland,.with his /Oran Gallery offaintingsl&e; has prairies& to re turn them 1, dale country. Pnar' Espy is about , tis publish kis "Law of Ekonus. Bentsiee fiat, WI at tie - • of Congress was. waded with shinplaster* and fired at the small note, at. the thiatrier et Coltunbia.i • Nonni' Winos for the Presides:v.—An abolition meeting, mina whets, in some . l ate. N. York in.be /ism Ipssassaia,tl Jamea.l). Bitney tilNew Toik, sea risneisJ.,lennoins of Oentuodvanin t for Pensi dent, and Vine Pissident of doss ,Vnitod Btaies, frrhey will doubiless ea ca s . ,Nolautiusoa's .frkzaki and 1,101 - Pi . • , ctlits iannfactatiagcity 604,0*(.1 : 0;;"iiii*Of the, irepeen theiiirli elePie3ele* kV the &Mem . er the f rattelarires: and the The' proi~erity • Great West ine 1 1 . 111 1 1 !"lborif**nd Iww intennittnt'fiw, threw thatleertias of country_cio its owe nisoutios., Then ark lasiagg . g was 'Lagoa' ta horse Trodictions, aril Pittsbaniit soon became a great "B"l4rta._ bolts of &ore the invader fniin Neilitly. kelriber supplied ,Prir, and rilothink to oat molls sad folPtd_ lrell4 V-44 iinetamtdoid Belli/mut ^itme wise ions of the-Tariff 'Trete truln i al : iriali, when twill-, d uttered , en *Sri for &Qin% o+ country riith foiJ OP Prldlast when*le•SYrhis grei for Ow porpois brvarriag oot Own homers it4d roonflutitati thee Ibis prooponty deafened, sae we tintrehir feriiintat4 i t. Ea pin:intents " ott6if einploinieri" t. blf-=.4 Ids* lariat -eaeh '' Aldo: aril limr- Anteriea' -14assits. - Give tis this, andsgain the emote from the wale* 'weikailflOd.o# l l l 4", th e * i n :141 1 4 il c d!liii•W. WOO )", n~3. ~ :.; .'t' _ ,P• *p ew 4,0 hit ei ia MERE j ta i rset h w Dinio irthicr 411 4 4 9 4 0 .11 ,4 in cu. they alldkilan '44lo44***Y: P i #M* ,l- 1 111 t e j i- ianirl itti• :1 1 4:4 16 7*t *lila vel" togq imy.. apkaatetestelilliat Wtkany Davy TheAteu Pitatt-Offuef u ready ftir oidgetioni 4iyisir l di - Xliete—Thip difficulty between M. Stouluyid Keimedy, oftioirtli Ciiiolisa; - which 14 , i na 1•14,,,404 1.. t4-‘ ,. - 4, !Au een'amicably , an . d hob. iiiiiitradjist:asingitokk., • • . . the el: York G a : %It ; alEtamt. Wani..ol' the firm prim e . irrig Ora Mr. Ward ore; but R14.6)4 " • flite Serided - Ceen. , —The President his decided dint AnOarreteed her cargo ofelswee, ere to be riert hands-of the Ehrtinsh Minister. ie i l enforetity with the:treatibetereen this country eel' .4 4161 • • dieteress.:—We give 'eritheet toneneet :the pro. •ClN7iiiiiilPll7ltrelk io ststithet column. ,As yet be dq51411144 41as been t pd, but perfect iced bi tureis keagikated. sterisieyeipreceedinga trcralle erne Outracter ai *Ades* a no neater a ailegekte ent . tifilte4ispetca New Jeraey'retenbele. Yioilsrl 2 :l Bl wa.Cashiar of the Western Buk •elrectilaylvitnia, aitempiedsuicide en Monday No WiWeitisist •Ily a geutieuise io Thivi!-strect, ish e ihatitie wras faint and ti*y• and eon. ' -eftwead-bim to the house of Dr. 4 . arisb. upokislohi. when it was foul d that-received : ' thead. 1 41 ter =inquiring it wen , gate Mr. that morning taken, apair - of pistohr and grin,* Camdnn. where be eel: 'tired: the WOO,' Cud sift - iint e : But the wound Oct r proting falai, he bad s ret d to a state of ex. • - haustotion of meld aid body. tin remarks try the cause were-incoherent and unsatisfactory; cm, was it a , with accuracy, what had iridium!' the act:• Nathittg his been discovered wrong is his Hoak acaciatit„al4 at rho laiit advice& Mr. tract, though not dtad; Uras Nit* very pr caries. state. . IFolllTair. attn•sits' J.IIII3iSAL. i ? 2,14 . 111 . 1MH think-that - Miss merit imp s ,. ' i man on the mintinnf . PeOple of our Borough, thst we are sodded Mg Is the Act• 44 Anne bly. to,electkour Alder' nor Justices of the Peace, at the 'ensuing Mar ch' tinn. 4 This has been.my impononion,' butopon en examination of the law, I em inclined to else opinion Oise•it. is quite • dolubtful -ii•Ostisapimiblei- orsonling to the reading °feud Ines, • And , ifeedlh. to save tronbriv and dissatisfac- ' `tier her liter, it seems to ute theist , meeting shoull be called Ood ttukfeet asoertainegl; whether the pea- - ple.wp . nt lisp or nor. Of it shall be ascertained that _they want four, I thick - it would he well td prepare a - Petition in time, that the Legislature on convening may gibes a tew or emend the Act already passed, -so-as to potthe enatter4beyomi,dispille. labor till* rithia 1 We concur opinion with OUT eor•apet ent, end al two Justices are eilileihly inadopnts SF& the Wilma of our Borough, we trust that pm' such action, suggested may: 'speedily be bike's. Twenty-sixth Congress. • The Senate convened. Mt. King. President, pi teas. in the chair. The credential, of Mr. 'News, of Obio,,Mr. White of Indiana, and Mr. Betts et Connecticut, basing been duly 'presented and "reed, they were severally tioalieed Jaid took their mate.— • There wore •present—Frcurt„ Maine, Rugg/es aid Williams—N. ii.. Hubbard sad Pierce—Mass., N.' 40,r.4,,t; Bett•--N. Y.. Wright,. 11. J. Southard and Buchanar—Del, -Clayton—Va,Ronne—N. C.. Brown—S Cat boon—Geo ninpken —Ky.. Clay a ad , Critte nden— Tenn.. WhiteaOhio, Allen and Tappan—la, Smith avid White.—Mirrs., Walker—lS. Robinson and Young—Ala.. and King—Mu.. Benton And Linn-Minhivin s Norren. . The' — ineiatinniitnittee et* On the Plesident, was am:tinted to sit in conjunction with the Hews, end cioti the President that tier were prepared to receive Cornitanicitietia. • Kr- Bruton. then . gaire notice that he would on- us• monnwintriidsce a bill for,the summary recovery and collection of small nail. in* tie District of Co. tonSitt.' . • . Senate then stijourited. • .!!OUSE OF REPAMENTA TIM ' The members' convened at IS o'clock, when Mr. Garland the clerk of • the House, who"by its roles holds ogee until another election is made. coinmer.e. 17‘ h 0 reading the list of the members elect oft • Mouse of the 26th etmgiess... All the elected au ben from the New England States and New ork, answered' to•their names except Mr. Herripsbell, a Whig from the 28th District of the Jotter state, who hi - detained it home ley a domestic casoalty. and ay. et* seat wale filled but his, and the vacant one from Mr. &hurdle Massachusetts District: When . the desk arrived at the N,ew Jersey mem. hers, he read ate name ofJoeeph F. Randolph. the Undisputed Whig Candidate, and then itated, tint there were five of the seats.-belonging to Repmsea !fifivits from that !teta which were contested, and , ' not feeling it to bIE his duty tp decide the question ofa,right to them. he would. If such a course should be lIPProvO ll by the [oose. pea over thrr rentainieg rimes until the other &stet should have been gees through :with ;After which he would selneit sec* etdence as was in his possession tee4ing the rtghts of the several claimant" to seats Rom that State. Mr. Maxwell, of New Jersey; one of the retained objeclai to the atom, of passingpeer the . Stile of New JeMey hireling - Me roil. He demand ed that the evidences.of the tines in seals from New - Jersey * which Were in - poem:Min, of the Clerk:. ethweld be teed ;tied if on fliw "-Was to be found in . the enri ificates of electiem of limn! t and consignee,: that thpy.shooldrhe admetted to equal rights sub. •Other membeis. none of whom wouldisafte higher Instalments no this floor. • '' ; The Cleric du-rearm 'read ifin - i ffained's mei& nate finis Gaff. PenhMitott With the state mal et * teettiii* and Wen decade& thaelMhed in his band( ; other Certificates ia . precisely the lame f o rm in ; m ime °quint Ayeiikg. J. P. treenail, •Ttoe. Jones York. and : Gismlei C. Sint . At thiii-afirgS fiftbMproceedings. ; en extended do ; bete commenced. yehiek was coetniu, d until night, fill.MbittOthe Homo edimitned by! taminifioni 'seat: • I . ~ Aiiklattnalay-anorairiglifilt.rarengontrei took plus .between - I. W. Editor of the Examiner 46 Herald,i and limn Corimamo, Superintendent of, - Motion -power on ihi Philadelphia- and -Colombia lan Emit From the brat information we maid obtairi.;:it alppeimr_that•the Tanta are au follows t , #liatillloNdoek Jo the forenoon ; Mr—Middleiaa 8 vire:lien. Hiabley7a Hotel on bovines*. was 0 - a ltek- hi :111 Cameron. who - seized bid by 14... he-taitOsiiiinded an explanation of an mtt. appearing iha the Examiner of the precedingiTh#‘„_ lay. tkreatenin* at Ma mime-time to beat ,iiinolin• - Jima it-wail satisfactory"every-.mietioular. lif3. , dkitattlimplini4 ,, tloiii 4t be-would-Allik for an explain. ")511:0:41W,nnolier Mid in a proper plain; MI .: world give, him all the laUnfittikaa tibia COlikr reason Ng tie required. . Skitinrainlomen in as ad-- - louilwrinn; heeling did riniimijairi interfered. old - AVA Ceitioron:tir let lliliddietianlo, wide!' be 0. - Asid i e Mx • Middle* than a/alined the proton's [ !or r Wani ' COlomia:.Esit - ; he timing forward ~ 1 "14;;1iiri.9164-r*.thif ratleman. cam. bus to - inioAloictiiiiioniOrgas="4o tot reknit bin M. tittW'll , 4 'tiir lies an afraid oared 0 sid Caimans -replial f Ilt.kil >. a per esit -11111iitisini g 6 Aietlin presontetkit pp add Ms r. 1004 Alt; IWO reef : Mil WOE MG FIRST SESSION. Nkorm7, Dncsaus, 2, 1839, IN SENATE, BkRIOVA RENCONTRO I A VOTER.