ITALIAN SERENADE. Oh ! touch the chords lightly, For sweetly she slumbers. And round her playa brightly A vision of wonders. For bet ureausa ore parer Than the dew drop of even, And angels now lure her To the blue of their heaven. The wind's gentle breathing Disturbs not her repose, Whilst the wild flowers waving With the dewy gcmm'd rosw, Their sweets am disuJing, • ' And the soft summer air With fragrance is filling, And waves over het there. • Sleep OR, then, nay bright one, For 'solve thee is beaming • The eve-star whose beauty Shall gild thy young dreameng— . Then torah the chords lightly, . For sweetly she slumbers, - And round her plays i rightly A vision o woad , a. The celebrated substitute for C-11.0.11E11, ropnetors of this article. liavinig devoted near ly seven years. and etipeilifed a large amount of money, in expertmenting upon tlie vat ions species of', the T o mete,(solanum Lyroper,,e , un ) hate at' last sue telfded in obtaining front that veetable a principle wifficit. as a metlisine possesses all the benefit ail prop ernes of calonirl, and yet of produeing the del et ertous effeets ,onierunrs remit:ill - from the use ,if I hat drug. This principle he•ia , iiie is a mild and efficient cathartic, and, as e-sin,,,mtided. a SO acts as a 1...1 , d. - urrdie, and draphorfic- Ste Mi. , tains at. ompa Li) tug he medicine ) Ps part I , • Ida (1 , 11. a Its action upon the ss stein er ii' 4imerad no part escaping its Influence ~t is; u r ,nr. !low se , rrt ries and 411Tc:for orS. its veal 'tower 1 4 .-- pato, elan , ' manifested; trim) this ii a: II It, lit t ir a lltiee effect upon the bdiory Org, nos. ant to Ire p. 10.11 1 , 1 .1, a dapted to the Ire:proem of a tied other dm. eases where a rerpettly "r r i,l , 1 , , a of the ht •r and portal rink pre, 111; lie., the reat ~Lireess has atteride.. its atl.lllllottral on ;IL /jeer .11. et and diseases of t h.e rott,r, at ilt ..t•neraliy. Be ing diffusible in its op, nom a bitet.tees a free Cal - sill' bun in die vessels on the surface of the body, act our panted by a auntie tratton It does not eo;ltist. like drastic pu'r s ges; sail its :triton is more um versal. and it ma,' be td -ten re waled tita merely with safely. but with great heaelit ; ibis hecoint•s tistsitensahly tie canary ii, cases staid, in 1., in them Intense ietiyorary Ity ,ir II, sel dom, if good, and tend to thiare the stamina of be e011:011U. kin,... The proprietors do ii it t universahry r th'it t 4 will cure all di.eases; nor. rn its introduei ion in• to a famtly, .houid the pa quo alee dismissed{ 'no, they would advise ail to hue a tain.k ph)sic;:in, and the Inure exprrtenoll arid a. 4Vl4.%jii the Mgt. r they (la claim, however, th it a r.•sort to this friedlidne may in a great man) GBl.llll es stare the expense and trouble of calling the aid ot such ;Ai) so tan. it tieing ca. liable or producing the erlect itcs.ii e. E n the primary stages of a majority a Inc . ..lent to this count ry In many long standirig, or chronic d spares. such an ill conditioned liirer.a. awl the various diseases of the skin. it ma) he taken by persons of lUWlle , n fudge went w rill out med ka I adtice. l'ersans ado.Ped lu cmv it n crud_ Not *illy are families advised to ado,. t it as a family ' medicine, but tioisc who are labouring under diseasis this ratimel ha, railed to remuu• . thine tt 11. i has c seen and felt the deleterious effort, of as well as those who esteem calomel to Le the twat of all t watirines: and those too, who have tried cry iiroin the ',mord cure all nostrums purporting ni hs ye emanated from great foreign colleges or societies, down to humble quack tned.cine of Dr. A. B. t'. to Z arc• invited to try this simple Anu•rian article It is not the 1111cm:ion of the proprietors to sustain this rnistfc:ne bt cerhficates and puffing. hot by way nr 1111 ro(ilict 1 , 41 in ihnse ;laces where .. it has rod been knnu•n. it is deemed proper to tilpiw MISS( is said of it vi hi re n has been known the past year The following tsiitorial art and vsiraeas, irom let sera by ph) SICILIIIS, and others are gist lu'r that purpose The - follow ing is an edliori .1 from tile Cincinnatr Tel egra ph, ed 11,111) Puree I•ltslertef-of 7'nnuilo, a suhghtoilf lor f'alerrurl - -The injurious and (ref : luridly deoroctis e con.pc i liestcOe that have often resulted to the Ininein Paine from tile ne cessoy of having recourse to it drug of so powerful. and re the same time. of su dcie:CrlllUS a nature. as calomel indoce u to Wel , llll , 111 ,1 .71r111011• 1 . 11.1•11101 a safe. and what is confidently statim to be, in most eases. an effei t , usl substitute (or it, whit h. n (hie it 1.1/S.Seakl4lS. Limit all, at least a great portion of iis good qui.d, les, is Ire,. from Its most objectionable noes Evi rt diserivery in the vir tues of the vegeta ale kiiimlom must (\lre us infancy, and its period of arolia tom e .ire 1111 hind to think this will Bland the test of serutiny, and he a most desirable I arquiiiition to the world, .111 purt.t iilarly to the ElVOille of this country. We hate heard it highly spoken of. and we bele- ve the restilrof every nit maigallon of its usefulness, let made. has The.prom mums of the Com cound Extract of Tomnto make no secret of its comdosition, but reveal it to every mcdidid man V 1 ho desires ht know IL" The es extrsete., from a h-tter to one of the 4.ropructssr., ty tt,r 11‘ , 11 I Burnett, formerly sn.syer ot ihsien) Dit Mit cs Dear Sir.— I hhve used your Compound EXtMet of • I'nm Ito dorm_ the h• out le, teliler anal tall, and have no hesttation in be! ins i 11.2 it me see •ral Medical hills. Four of in, t'imiiy durum that period were indisposed,and'eshiluted the usual synytorna of a bilious attack Tl.ey were in e% cry imilance re Leted by the use of your T,nrudo pills I •ori4itier them a vat wide medicine. They are perfect!) safe. and I liel.ere as efficacious an calomel ICI Or I , CI tog a bilious I have used them mysell with givai benefit . • IS tAi: BiAINF.TT Th e f o ll ow ing in Rom floberi riinehon, raw; who has made the science of toetl, or his p irtieniar stuffy Inclunatii, February, Ist. 1838. Da M I. KS Dep." Sir.—lt iswnh muck\pleaaure Chit I bear tes. iinsoky to the efficacy id the Tomato pills In a trect.ntig,of the lferrF from its oro-ra.i,;n which I hate wunesecif ti. my own case. I ant relily to eon.•luue that yon have dis covered the long lovikett fir aesulerguto . a aed,utitute for calom4l in du...a., oldie liver. Accept. sir. grateful' acknowledgments. Your ca.-die:it servant. ItoaKnr PLSCHON. Ttie fohowing to extracted from a letter of a highlytre spedtahle physician to friends of his in,Cincinnatil, tahty bed solicited his opiloon nit to the virtues tot this medicine Latorenceburgh. January 214 A, lbsd. MEssits.rkirK A, f." ' ..Gienilentrn.— • • • I ht,e used he a ( 4 ).L.onLioutid k..stracl of Tomajo • xlensirely in preacrilitton for some months twit, iv many of the al most numberless 111.11111 . 5$1:111..11, 1,1t.e, , a. le .:eratigemcnt particularly In infantile rases, and I Latino' say: that It is in 51.1. rases a subst,iiite for taAfirt areal medicines, yet the strik, tu a 1541;125 Jil ,15 t hernyulic ef fects le such as to re, .111111 - lid it fivorahly tS in, tn,ml as an adjunant in moss intit.itietis to the exhibn ion of c.lh isinel, and where an immediate or speedy alternative 0-- 1 - ct is not indtrpensible,it..may.supersellette use altogetl,- et lu several instances In whorl, an ntlnti'lly or pre judtee against mercurial remedies ex toe& 1 have pi, - fierkbed it with very good effect. I em, gentlemen, respectfull) yours. A:c'" 1 11. Raw. , xit, D The following, is a voluntary statement made by a highly respectable and smentdi, Phy,eirtan. and appe,at, edin the "Jeff. rsonville Conner." lasi w•uter . _ . MILES' .EX l'R %CT 01.' TONI ro-- St , MITITVTIF: IV/ CALOMEL.--liaving ,mad a trial of theaboyearit cle,l feel wai ranted in recommending v. as'a useful died tcine. The pills possess all the purgative's anti-bil ious properties of calomel, without any of its niurious tenuenetes. Persons who are addicted to habitual tor por of the liver, acd consequent adiMmulations of bile, and who have heed compelled to have-resourse to the different preparatums of mercury' for relief, will fled Miles' Pills:a safe and convenient substitute. NAT'L Fl KLID,M. D. Numerous other Testimonials from Physicians and others in its favor can he examined at this office The subscriber has been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of thili•ltiodicine in Schuylkill county, who pur furnish it wholmle to all those who may wish to, chase to sell again B BANNAN liLao for sale by !iltiam T. Epting, Pottsville, Jacob titzuager, Jr , Orw totr igsburg. Bennet & Taylor, Miners. v le, an I Hugh Kiasley, Port Carbon.ani Hunter & Brown, Tamaqua. PATENT SPRING STEEL Cross -Strained Saddle*. RICHARD D. S 'ROEMER, ESPECTFI: LLY tenders his sincere thanks to his I RIB Customers and the Public in general for the very liberal encouragement he has received from them. He now informs them that he has an nnprovement in the c onstruction 'of Saddles, for which he has a patent right. and recommends them to . the Fuld lc' as being far superior in durability. case, and comfort to the rider than any other yet invented, and he recommends his Steel Sprin g Crops-Strained Saddle to the notice of the public, with confidence. Ile therefore respectfully in ' , nee the Public to call at his shop next door to Mr, Hana's Store ,nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel, Centre street, Pottsville, and examine for themselves. He also keeps constant lyv on hand a general assort ment of all kinds of work, such as. Saddles, Bndles. Pat ent Fly Nets. Coach, Gig, and Wagon Harness, Trunks, Valices, Tiavelling Bags, Gig and Riding Whips. &c. Every description of work in his line will be made to order, on the shortest notice, with neatness. durability. and on terms as low as it can be done elsewhere. May 25 21-tf ENCOL RAGE HOME MANUFACTURES BUCKETS AND' HOSE, vDE equal to any that.ean he ;smeared I' iSPAI here and as cheap. by RICILARD U SIIOENER, Nlay 21— • 111 NTZINGER & KREBS, I.IOI.ESALE and R . e ta i l Dry g oad. Grocery Tea, and I,• q unr Storc, corner 411 Centre and Cann,. bill Street, next door' to the Exchange Hotel Pottorelle. april 27 17-1 f PIIII.A.DELTIIIA, Saturday, Nov. NI I l' -, 37, Frio DR. WM. EN'NS.—Dear Sir : It is with 1 pleasure I take this opportunity of returning you inv sincere thanks fur the benefit of your in valuable medicine, •the raiment:le Fibs. (laving bac-ri affiecied fur several ye ars as ith dispepsta, my vry be tag became almoso, bath:mine to me. • 1 sof ty ed severe pains in the •ide, Win. afflicted with 'll'o the World. I. iting spells, ere at debility, want of appetite, ina F you wish to make u , ..e of Sarsaparilla. he advised to .baltly to rest at night, frequemt sifkitess, and in short .m. try DR ILEIDY's mEincATED ExTRAcT OF all the sump tp . 2 . 12, 7 01 that distressing disease. I had SARS IPA RILLA —lt is posrovely the strongest pre pa,ation in extsie . aee. one bottle nl it ( v•ltch costs. but tried several ,w7i . ul physicians, but with no success, dollar) bein equal to one gallon of :syrup. as it is my iinheeiltty of mind and body gradually incren.- oneg• usu ally prepared• in the shops. and equal to two bottle; ed, st ;II I strictly -abstained. from using any of the . ae o, other extract. Dr Leidy begs leave to state this nostrums and .certaln remedies' with which our , eie e nniself predares it, and can consequently vouch for new spa pei a daily altound, arid for as well . I eller. ' its strength. Numerous Physicians throughout the U tain,el a hot r o r and c o ntempt, At length through ; Jet ted Stairs. give it the preference over all other prepa cam, ,' entreaty of my friends, and especlieffp my games of Sarsattarilla, both from the fact of cs superior wili•.•l u ith great relliCiaree consented VI Iry your - strength re r insequently efficacious when tont Intel; and celebrated 1 ills. The effect was wortdertul, and as 1 from the circumstance 01 its being prepared tee a regular and - -Physician, A ite.tru h. Dr, Physic, tontshed even my Stoat. sanguine froends. I had I" i ‘ 2l ntlilielaci'l.rYJnckson, I.lurne . , Gitsson, Deuces, Jainee, used loci, but a short time betties I rapidly recover- (2 ,1,.,.". ,k, . cd, and I now enjoy eye tient health, to which I It es useless here to name the numerous affections have been a .t ranger for morn luau fun years. I , wherein Sarsaparilla is considered the sole specific cinind sufficiewly l'artfan my heartfelt gratttude toSutrice'it to say, it is recoininermed by all Physicians nom for the advaula ye 1 derived frttni N our m i eat I, 't hrteughout the world .in deseascs cd the S . Rli kin.Oes Lay and I earnestly and c Their:Mini/Ay recoil- , ter &c. and part•cularly all diseases produced by mot.. . all surf, ring wide r strolls: complaints t 3 use ' roles of the brood and anunal duals. As a purifier of is at all times and particadariy in the N•ring to it t! MU ll 11, I: PILLS. Ale holigh uith som ' e I i h n e drall) invaluable. In warm climates, threes bout the diffidence. I cheerfully de sire that you publish this , Summer Season, no person should neglect using it deco icedittiony. if you see proper, and reniatn, sonally. Numerous certificates and m(0,1110,1,1 Itlons Yours, &r. W I ITLA M N"ott , T. TA L . from l'hysietans, and others accompany the darecemns. P. s.—lf any person desires te; see flit, I shall be ! For sale by B BOeN4N, happy to give my residence. W. 13. T. ' Sole agent fur Schuylliiil county. I'he Medical Office is No. 19 North Eighth I May 19—ti ly limit—wherre the aftlected can be speedily cured, : .1 ear Goods. anil depart rejencing. I Sold by JOIIN T. W EBNER, lII,LEB & II AGG ERT„Y have on hand a.ful Sole agent for Schuylkill county. i 3 / 1 - assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines 2—tf I and Liquors, to which they Invite the attention In 1 their Friends and the Public, who may be desirous of buying, cheap goods 'tor caste. may 4 ( jnrnuratn.Ju n ry rah . I SIR. Saddle, Bridle. and Trunk Manufacturer, Fire I Fire :•' Firt ! U etv Cheap Cash Store. l'l 11 t•N, lie rkd 4 UNDEN I ALE FACT.— Health is the I'S source of liappinese.—Disease is the effect o sonic irregularity in the natural or healthy forte tione. Man produces grearende by multiplied and extraordinary measures, but nature aecomplielled her works by few and simple Inc ns. In the Lure of all human maladies, the relief of irritation is the great object of medicine, the offlre of the physician, is to 1.1,..,0et his patient from all that is noxious and debilitating, St) lleut the constitution or nature will hr enabled to perfect the work of restoration. Hete s we would commend the admini.trntron of a remede calculated to Mini the preceding indication, which I believe Ne nine . 111-11 V sn V oh I hi. Wm. Evan.' eel eloated Cmitrionle lonic nod Ferrule Aperient Pills Set: the many tioriLlitable tests , it their astonishing r. Oka , y in aidiiig mimic to subv4 rt nieruse. The .411 i, lor the sole nit . Dr. Wm Evans' Vege Wile Prep, rdiwns, welt known. and colt Mated tor ihemiativ mrmrecc.lented and astonish ci t ies ytt e x nine ,ih n d hit I)) syepsla, Nervous, Brhooa and c o n. t i o li o i c e d t No. I Ilth. north 1.5t1i attest, opposite Filb, r'. street, Phtlarielp:oa.. Sold by IDIIN T. \VERNER, Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. 2—tf BEE Pills! rills! DIE safes', the best, most efficacious anp truly vege table rills in exivianee are DR. LEIDY'S IiDCXM.) PILLES, A TlOnient part of %shish is Sarsaparilla, and known to b r the mist effect da I and thoromili purifier of the blood and animal Mods ever discovered. As a gentle or ac tive pan;iiiive,t hey are eipla It) riflCAClons - — an bast taking. them no Ctrnnle 411 diet or restraint from occupation Ia necessary. They may Iw• taken at all times and under all emelt Instances—t hey will not reduce or weaken the sys tt•m by their effect as most purcallyes no—inuch Corn. mem upon their virtues is onneressary— their reputation is well estahiishe d , momrn , ns enrols of their efficacy fissile! lacen nn'AINIIVIi ai d tinrent Mlles. Suffice it to r:n taut in ntitirlOn In iheir etfieary in disease, of the' sion tit eti, het r. Inteyl r.. they ire the only pulls in rUslenCo that chemise mid purify the I lood anal anginal lords. renviving all teizious sad diseased humors there son. :and thi refr.,:fl , l all eratit'ains from the skin dry and watery pininiles from the lace, neck and hotly, teeter, rash. or breaking out of the skin, and all (-tunne -1 CIOUA ilffeCrlOnn w• hate, er . They are prepared from vegetable extricts. (warrant• ml free from mercury and the minerals) and by a regu lar 'physician, attesied by Drs. Nhtsic, Horner. Gibson. Jackson, James. Dewrea, Hare, Cole, Sc testate nu merous other if h)sicians throughout the United States, who daily employ th'em in their prantice. administering them to their patients in preference to all other purga tives, and in preference to all other preparations of Sar saparilla, in consequence of thf•ir possessing the corn timed etli•rts of correcting the diseased humors of the blood and nun's, and by their piirgatiye properties, re moving or carrying off the same from the system. with out prodneing the slightest inconvenience, or rewriting restrietioris.o..c. Numerous tesiimonials. certtficate-0 end recommenda tions of those Pills. from oksicians and others, accom pany the directions with ? , ach box' Dr N. IL Letdy's seenature accompanies the genuae6 - on two sides of each be;x on a 1, ellow Price Mr:ay-five rents a Bar For saly by B BOINAN. Sok Acent for Sr Ituyikiil County. Also for sale Iry .1 F'. TA. for &Cu , Kinsley, Port Canon M..y 11. Eli IT I MO \ IfY PIiESKIIVA -111.5 'AVE, for co.iis,.asi limas. matte:mi.., ea archs. whooping cough apitting ol blood. shortness of breath, pain of the breast. the breast a nd moss, and :uteri a; I•rna c rnn.nmpnnr. Is raft at taming the feint rnnn throughout the United Slates. that possesses thro‘Onfut o.rinaity • w lime it is the only Medicine renli ence is placed for the above of ffictions, ha ing been their em s ployt d lor fifty years past by physicians and others welt unexampled success Certifticates Imam Physicians 4tcl others accompany the . Mre,tinns, many buying, been publishbel heretofore inlva riousnfiecuparCrs The composition of the above medicine is entire vege. t a bl e an d balsamic. easy and pleasant to take, and may. Ire-used by oT and paying iv it6out any restraint l'roln die t n or necut ao . It ts,warratityti free hum mercury, and tin 111111f.a.116, s and preparesllfy a regular Druggist aid Phi fo.nan, attested nonicroos l'hyvcia no. among • whom are—Dra I'hvsic, cliatiman.lobson, Horner, De , weer, Jame,., foie, (;ilsani, Price filly cents re r bade, For Sato try 11.RANNAN, ..Sole Agent for Schuylkill County., 19-1 f EMU Franklin Rolling Mill, On the Little'Srhuylkill Rail Road, near AleKeans burg, Schuylkill county. eiliHE subscribers respectflilly announce to the a public that the Rolling Mill is now in the full tide of successful operation, and:are furnish Iron old superior quality, of all the sizes n -ordinary use. A Ise - , R a Roo d • Iron, of every kind, at the shortest notice. Address, • SAMUEL RARTOLETTE do CO. Tort Clinton, Schuylkill Co. Pottsville, .Feb. 9, las. 6-.1y5 THE MINER'4 JOURNAL Grocery Store. THE subscriber having lately returned from Philadelphia. is now largely supplied, with Groceries, Cheese, Codfish, Wines, Liquors, &c. 1500 Hams, a suitply.. ,of. Dried Beef, several . bar els of Irish Herrings, 60 barrels of Whiskey of a superior quality, suitable for tavern keepers, a supply of domestic Dry . Goods, an extensive supply of Winter Ciothing x suitable for the region, also Roots and linntr‘s of various sizes and qualities, all of which he offers for sale at low prices for cash or country produce. HENRY 801'D. Morris' Addition, Dec 22, 1838. 5-tf New Goods. Ageneral assortment of fresh and seasonable Goode, just received—consisting in patio! Dry Goods, . Groceries, Hardware. Queensware, Mackerel. Salt, !Plaster, &c. &c. which will be sold low for cash. The highest price paid in cash lot all holds of country produce JOSEPH WHITE & SON. Moor t Carhi•n, l'ascal Iron Works Ware house. 77 ..„ South Third Street, S. E. cot net Walcu Morris, Tastier alorris, IRON Founder., 'and Manufacturer. of Coal Grotea, Furnaces, Kitchen Boners-, Bath Boil ers, Perpetual Ovens, &c. Welded Wrought Iron Tubas; for Stt..arn, Gas, hot Water, &c: Datys 41afety Lamps of the best Construction. Patterns fur the Foundry received, and castings delivered at the Warehouse, Third & Walnut St. Philadel ph •a September 26, I e3B. 75—tf NEW IRON & Hardware Store. 191011 E subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that he has added to his tinnier stock, Iron and Hardware, con•isting in part or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron,f gound Iron, assorted sixes; Cast, Crawly, SheakVerinan and English Blister and A. M Steel Vices, Moose.holc anvils. Stnith's Bellows, Cast Steel hand, (-hoping and Broad axes, nails and spikes, together with a gymeral assort men of Iron Apngery, all of which will he sold at reduced prices, by Jou:: L.LAYToN. april 22 32 Stone ,Ware, AND FIRE BRICK. riNLIE sobseribers, respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Pottsville, arid i's vicinity, that they arc always prepared to..erve them in the se lection of a large and complete assortment of Stone Ware, of all kinds arid varieties. They likewise keep constantly on handja supply oT Fire Brick, warranted th: all cupola purposes, which they offer at wholesale and retail at low prices, and on aecom nmdating terms. WELLS & RICHARDS. • eliding, 'Marc+ 9th. 11439. 10—ly Port Carbon StEAM FOUNDRY. TOBI 1S 11. Wintersteen and John Brown, re spectfully informs their friends and the public that they have entered into copartnership under the firm of Ti intersiern 4- Brown, And that they have opened a Foundry, Flllcksmith and Fitting up Shop, in Port ( - arbor, where they are prepared In receive ull orders for Axles, ( — a., lugs, Screens, and everykind of Iron Work connect ed with the different branches of the Coal Trade, and which they prnmiseio execute with fidelity and punctuality. TOBIAS 11. WINTEIRSTEEN, JOHN BROWN Fort Carbon, april 13 Philadelphia X Reading RAIL ROAD. SUMMER AIWA N1:E3111 1 iT. TO' COMMENCE APRIL 1, 1/139. HOURS OF STARTING. FRPM Read , nr. at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. lirom Norristown, at 7 A. M. and 5 P. M Three :tours are arranged to connect with the Rail Rmid , bet wecrt Norristown and Philadelphia, the hours of front the latter place, being 5 A. M. and 31'. 111 Between Res(ling and Norri-town, First nits; Cara,s7-3 r•rennrlt'laPS,ill 50. The nn•rning 'rrnin from Philadelphia, will stop for Breakfast at Potistoivn, )tart 30 BM CALL AT THE New .Establishinent, t'orn , , of Centre and Market Sheets Pints-rifle. 11 1 11 E subscribers respectfully announce to thci - friends and the public generally, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by Jacob Bull& corner of Centre end Market streets, where they are now provided with a choice assort meat of -. Dry Goods, . • • Groceries,. 1 . Liquors, &c. • which they are determined t well at the very lo west prier*. H AZZARD & STRAUCII. N. R, All kinds of Country Produce taken at r the highest market prices. itpril 1 , 2r.— 7H E sobscriber has now on hand at hia Store A and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Road streets, a full a'asortment of Goods suitable, for the coal re• gion viz : Barr iron of aaadrted sizes, Band and Hoop do do Nail,. and `pike Rods do do • Stec' Round & Square do du Mile and Spikes do do Coal Shovels do do. Hardware, a general . asasoft men t.: All of which he.ia selling al reduked prices. Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON. 18-tf laffi FARES. EMS PORT CGIRROJr Saving Fund Society. rritiE Port Carlton Saving Fund Society, is now 21 - open every day from 9 .to 3 o'clock at the Of fice of Discount and Deposit, for the purpose of re ceiving deposits to any amount nut exceeding $5OO, from any one person; upon which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 and upwards, but no interest will be allowed on any fractional parts of $5. The whole or any part May be drawn out oQ givir.g notice, from two weeks to three months at the office on Mondays. The busmen at the SOciety will be conducted by the following officers and man agers, until the first Monday in May nest. President—AQUlLA BOLTON . Ma nager s . Joseph-Carroll Samuel J. Potts • Edward Hughes; E. S. Warne Jacob Bull Jesse Turner L Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d of the Cbarter. "No emolument what soever shall be received by the President or Man agers for their services, nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the institution. oct 3 Choice old Wines and Liquors. MILLER & IlagEerty have on hand Superior old Madeira Wines in Wood i Bottle, do. do. Pule and Brown Shelly do. do. do, do. Grape Juice from Wine, do. do. Royal Company du do , • do. do Cognac Brandy of thafollowing Choice Brands, Otturd 4- Co , Commett, Piner, and Petlrootisin. Superior old Holland Gib:Henry Lelar and B. 4.J Bohlen Importers. Pico Madeira, Sicily Madeira, L. P. Tenerife Old Pale Lisbon, Dry and Sweet Malaga Wines, I ;AT. "cc. may 11 19—if Xeu, Cash Store. ' ; rl l lllE . Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends -a• and the Public in general, that he has opened a New Cash Store in the Town of Llewellyn, Schuyl kill county, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, . Hardw • are, Glass and Queensware, • Cedar Ware, Jrc. ‘Vhich he intends to sell for cash as low as it any other place i i the County. Country produce will ba takdnatNlarket prices. JACOB •KAERCH ER. Llewellwn, May 11. 19-tf THE DELA WA RC COUNT Y Insurance Company. CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW. $250000 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ilkir ARE both limited and perpetual Insurances on Brick. Stone or Frans , Buildings. Stores. Hotel \lt{ls. Barns. Stables. Nlerthandize. Vulturine and Property dnevery description, against losioitclain age by FiliE. MARLA E A \D I.\ LA ND INSURANCE. The Delaware County Insurance compact will also insure against loss on all kinds of mantle risks and a. ga.nst the damage or loss upon the transportation of goods wares, and mereandise by by rail way, upon terms as tavourable as any other instoutiOn. For any further inforrnatnon on the- sialiject of insur• ance. either against Fire. marine or inland risks. Apply to I I PNRY 1,. AOKI :\SON . A u - ent. July 15 34-tf 4t Sehutlkill Haven. or WILLIAM A POTTS. A t Orwigsburg. SPRING GARDEN Fire Insurance Company. I‘l AKE both limited and ,erpetual Insurances on /TA Brick,. Stone or Frame litoltlings, Store.. I I,,leis NI Ills. Karns. Stables, Merehamlize,Formeure. and. Prop erty of ever) description, against loss or damage by PI BE. • • The subscriber has been appointed AGENT for the a. boxe metitioncd Institution and is now prepared to make I NSt'ftA NCKH upon ever) description of property et the lowest rates. • BENJAMIN BANNAN. Pottsville. Veb.27. 1836. 15 RAIL Itp A D I RON. Acomplete assortment of Rail Road Iron from 21X,1 to IXI inch. RAIL ROAD TIRES from 33 in. to 56 in: exter nal diameter, turned eg. un turned. RAIL ROAD ARLES. 3u. 3 in. diameter Rail Road Axle, manufactured from • the patent EV Cable Iron. itAIL ROAD FELT, for placing hitween the Iron Chair and titone block of edge Railways. NDI A • RUBBER ROPE. manufactured front New - Zealand Flax saturat ed wllll India Rubber, and intended for hotline- Planes Just received .i complete as sortment of Chaius, from in. to I j in proved et: man ufactured from the best ca ble Iron. SHIP BOAT AND RAIL ROAD SPIKES, of different sizes, kept con stantly on hand and for sale by A. At R A LSTON (JO. No. 4, South Front Street. -3,1 v. CHAINS Phtladelphia, January 18. Wetherill & Mother, AT 'Ha OLD STAND, No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE, TURFS. DOORS FROM THE CORNER or ARCH ST PMLADELPIIIA • MANUFACTURERS OF White Lend dry and t Calomel. vounaivn Gil, S Red Preeipt. Red Lead. White do Labarge. Vitriol Alb Chronic Yellow, Sulp. Quinine do Green 'Fart. Emetic do Red Ether Sulph. Patent Yellow do Nitric Sugar Lead do Acetic Copperas Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol Com. du Aq. Fortis Acet. Morphia Alurtatic Aridlioh. do Epsom Salts Lac. :••••nlphiir Tart Acid - Opt. de Narcot. Sup Carb Soda bermes Mineral Corms. Sub. Merc. Ethioes do. Refiners ofehainarmr.Sal N ire. Brimstone, Biwa: Arc. Offer for sale the above mentioned articles. together with a general assortment of Paints. Drugs and Dve SMffs, and every other article in the Chemical and Medicinal line. Being manufacturers of aI the art ic les enumerated tin der theabovn be id. they pledge themselves to supply their friends and the public nu the mbit reasonable terms. Window and Picture Glass. from 6 8. to 24 30. Or t 21 1637 48— Glossary of Architecture. AGLOSSARY of the Terms used in the (:re man, Itedinn and G , Chic Arehaectufe second London Edition, exemplified by four bun dred cuts. Also .CATECHISM OF IRON, Or the Mercliiiht's and Mechanic's complete Guide to the Iron Trade, with practical remarks and use ful observations, including a . new and comprehen sive set of Tahlea, arranged in an approved, way and. order, and cOntaining the weights of more than.. 1600-bodies and substances of Iron, to which are annexed the nearest proportioned num4er of feet, which is'equal td a too in weight of each of the dif ferent bodies and sizes, arranged dnd compiled from the best English authorities, Jost received and for wale by B. BA RNApi. Itiaroh 2_ 9 Resumption of Business NEW Mitre STORE. THE .Subscriber returns his grateful acknowl edgements to the .citizens sf Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to'his assistance after the loss of his property by fire in December lost, and would also acquaint their) and the public gen erally, .tbat he. has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied buy Charles W. Clemkns, in Centre Street, in the borough of Pottsville, whero may always be had a general as. sortment.of Dru Medicines, Paints, gs Oils, Glass, Dye Stunts, And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low and accommodating terms. N. B. CET Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. Pottsville, May 30,1838. To Old Countrymen. PIIILADELPF II A ANI9 Lli ERPOOL PACKET. • THESE Packets sail .froin Philade'. • z 441,- phia the 20th of every month, except Altili i iV th Itts e First Month (Jammu.) and frain --. ' Liverpool the th of every month throughout the year. . Ship Algonquin, Captain Albert TUrley, 20th at Foorth month (May.) Ship Pocahontas Captain James West, 20th of ' Twelfth Month (December.) . Shin Monongahela, Captain Mierkin, 20th of , Second Month, (February ) • Ship Susquehanna, captain John W. Mierken,- 20th of Third Month (March) JR, The owners have spared no expence to render ' these ships safe and commodious ennveyaoces for j passengers and merchandise, and can confidently j recommend them in these respects to the patronage of the public. They are J towed up and doWn the Delaware by ...tenni, and are thus. Ctiablcd to go to sea the day they leave port. Charge for passage to Liverpool, in the Cabin, ' 81:13—iii the Steerage, S2Ol tram Liverpool in the j Cabin £35 sterling. Apply to j . HENRY & ALFRED COPE, IWalnut street w herr, or JOHN A.BROWN & t. 0., I N0.14 Chesnut street. I.i - rile-subscriber has been appointed Agent for the Mesars.Cope's Linerof Packets, between Liver pool and Philadelphia, and will receive the passage money from those who N*6ll to send fur their friends 1 in the old country. The rates °fibre will be made known by applying at the office of the Miners' Journal , B. BANNAN. i Jan 5 IIIYSP LP- lA, DYSPEPSIAI ls there anycure for that distressing disease is the r from the echo from thousands. Read the many, eertifi catea of cures performed by Dr. Wmrens' Cam.. smite Tonic and Family Aperie' t Pill, The following certificate must certainly convince every person of the great efficacy of this invaluable rued- Seine. Dr. Wm. EVANS—Dear can never be I grateful enough for the cure I have received by the use of your inv.iluable medicine (CAMOMILE Plid,S.) 1 was for five years very seriously troubled with Dysensia, which caused a nervous sensation throughout my system— , o much, that I sometimes shook as if I had been afflicted with pal. sy ; during all this time 1 took many medicines, but none wocrld cure me.' At last lily physician gave me up ; but fortunately one day as I was speaking to a friend un the subject, lie told me that Dr. Wm. Evan's Camomile Pills were the only med 1; trine that would cure me ; of which I porches,. it ..}eme., and the result is that 1 am now copying per. rem. health. Any person wishing to see me can call a' my house, No. 36. North Front street, 'Philadel phia. HENk Y L. CA M Observe—The General Office for the sale of this Med;eine is at No. 19, North Eight street, Philadel ohm where certificates of thousands may he seen Sol by JOHN. T. WERNER, Sole agent lot Schuylkill county. I—tf . . CQA L LAND For Sale, or to .be Rented 1"IIAT valuable tract of Land Palled the "Clin ton Trtict," belonging to Elizabeth Spolin, situate on the west Norwegian Rutl Road, next north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain is of ered for sale on accommodating term!; or the Coal Mines will `re leased severally or together to an ap roved tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS, 3d & Wa' - tut Street, Ph t iladelphia. -•— Caution; 91111 E undersigned cautions the public trgainst purchasing or leasing the trart of land called Clinton Tract, on• the East Norwegian rail road, from Eliiabeth Spohn, nr Henry Morris for her, as he the undersigned clainis title thereto, .and will institute a snit against any person attempting to take the possession thereof. • JOHN POTT. Manheitn, april 28, 1838. • 32 PARKER 8C CO. ;Piercers if' Tailors, INFORM their friends and the public in general • that they !lave removed to their - former stand in Centre Street, (opposite to Miller & Ilaggerty's Store,) where they have on hand, a general assort. ' pent of superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeies of the moat fashionable colors, with an elegant assort ment of Summer Cloths, Satin, Silk, Valencia, Marseilles and Velvet Vestir7s, Linen, Cotton a Cl•ma Satir S'ns .d Bombazeen Stock's; Linen and .Chintz Bosoms and C o llars, a l so Li nen and Chintz Bosoms without Collars, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Beaver and Hoskin Gloves, Linen and Cra ton Hose and Half Hose, Fancy Linen and Silk Handkerchief• and Gum Elastic Suspenders. They • also have on hand an elegant e.toek of Gentlemen's and Bov's wearing apparel, such as Frock and Dress Coats, Rotindabouts, Vests . and Yutaka - ins, made after the latest fashion and the best work manship, whichtthey intend to sell at reasonable prices. P. S. Wanted two or three g'ood Journeymen Tailors, to whom constant work will be given throughout the season. Pottsville, Sept. 15, 1834 . . 7'2— .1 etv * oods. JUST received and now opening—a large assort inept of seasonable Dry Goods—Groceries, Hard area Queensware, Fresh Mackerel No's. 12.4. 3, in whole, half, and quarter Barrels. • Salt, Plaster, eke, ,a c. all or which will be sold at Philadelphia pricev. Country Storekeepers and others will find at to their advantage to call before piirehas:ne elsewhere. JOSEPH WHITE &SON.. Mount Carbon, Dee. 1 2'— Pottsville Institute. THE present term commenced on the 7th inst ender the direction-of Mr. Charles W. Pitman TERMS' OF ADMISSION. t "there will be four terms in a year, each con. sist lug of twelreueeks. rt. 11.118 entering at any lime after the •ccitnmenecinent of a term, and previous tri the expiratian df the first four weeks of the term, wilt be charged for a whole term. Pupils catering alter the expiration of the first four weeks, and before the expiration of 8 weeks of the term will be charged for. two thirds of a term— and pupils entering after the expiration of 8 weeks pr a terui, and before the completion Cr the term, will be charged for one third or the term , Fur instruction in reading, writing, and:arith metic, $1 per term. For all or either oldie aforesaid branches, with addition or Enghsli Grammer.) Geography, Mathe ' matins, Geometry. and Bouk-keeping, or any of them, $6 per term. . • For all or any of the arciresaid blanches with the addition of lire Latin and Greek languages, or eitber crithern,s 8 per term. Jan. 12. • BOOK-BINDEItt• BA.NNAN has commenced a Book Bindery IluP4 in connection with his Book Store, where all kinds of fkiOks will to bound at the-shortest notice at law rates. • -Blank Books, • of e'very description made to order at the lowest rates ,--sod the trade suiiplied wholesale at Philadelphia prices. april 11 27 R • NAIL AND IRON WORKS, HAVE on hand, • ROMER IRON, SHEET •ilo: ROUND sc. SQUARE IRON, COAL SCREEN do. RAIL ROAD do. Bar Iron ef any size order.. Neat and Spikes of all sizes, for sale at loweid city prices. • All sizes Rail Road Iron, punched and counter sunk, and cut to angles. .• KEI MS, WHITAKER & CO. Jan 5, 1839 1— . WM. T. EPTING Knowledge for the People,. O R the plain ','Why and Because," a fresh Supply just received and fur sale. by., B. _BANNAN. august 24 . • 33 - Blank Books. • T HE subscriber ,has always on hand, of his tiwn manufacture, Blank Books, from 64 cents to $l5 can't, which he will sell at Philadelphia prices.— The Books he will warrant to c'quat, and to a great many- instances superior, in point of materials' , and manufacture, to any pi omirea Prom Philadelphia or elsewhere.. B. BANN AN.. 9. • august 17 • 33 • N.. B. All kinds of Books bound to order at the shortest notice, and at the lowest rates. • Old Newspapers. , Q,RTERAL hundred old Newspapers for sals a office: aug 17 • • 33 GERALDINE; - A MYle of Conscience. ' igarIERALD a!Trile of Cunscience,?' is a "u"' worli . of krent intere-t, directed to remove prejudice, and piescnt the light of truth. It is re. coinimmded especially to those who are engaged In the most important ; "which is the Church of Christ ? "—Bishop KenricL, Just received and fur sale by eugust 3 PIRO POSA LS for a Lease or Purchase of P IE01:1'S .14 i '. 1.111 . L, Pottsville, Pa.. TILE Subscriber gives notice, that 'he will receive Proposals tor the purchase H I : 5, • of. this desireable Hotel, so welt linov.n to the travelling community, or lie vi ill rem ive bids ti,r leasing it unfurnished ; from the ht. April, IE4O, for a term of years. Nn prryerty in the State can be made more profit able under judicious superintendance than this It 3 location nn the coal region-and the tide of visit ors always pouring in, will continue to render it place of resort as lung as the great coal and Iron op erations shall possess interest. Besides this, in about 18 months, the cemplction of the Beading Hail Road will bring t Borough, within a few bouts ride it Philadelplita, and travel ling will consequently increase, vvith.these caterded facilities.' The' Proposals either :or purchase or lease, must be directed-I°lllc subscriber berme the - .llEirch, and unexceptionable referpres given as to Standing and capatulities fur -the proper conduct of such an Establishment. - - GEORGESHOEMAKER, Pottsville, Pa July 20!h, 1F429. 29 - The U. S. Gazette, Pennsylvanian, and New York Star will publish the above once a week un til Christmas next. and direct their Mils in Cul. Shoemaker, Pennsylvania Hall, Poittaidle, Pa WATER ,FUSE, For Blasting under water, a frpti aupply dust re eived and for toile at this orrice. ,thy 11. Catholic Books. THE Pubseriber has just received, and a con. lk stonily keep on hand at his Book Store, Cent.e . Street, Pottsville, an elegant supply of Catholic ltuok,a, among which are Quarto Fainily•Bibles— with Plates, Octavo do. do. do. • Hey of Paradise,-elegantly bound and gilt, • . do. common do. True Piety, elegantly bound and gilt, .'do. common do. .do. Christian's Guidc,.elegantly bound and gilt, do. common. do. • do. Vade Mecum, Daily. Exercises, Pocket and School Testaments, Poor Man's Catechism, Small Calechism, Prince Hohenlohe's -Yrayer Book, 'elegantly bound and gilt, Think Well Olet, or reflections on the great truth of he ehristian Geraldine, a Tale of Conscience, -` All of which will he sold at Philadelphia prices. 1:' Books not on hand will be obtained to order. august 3 31= • B. ,BANIIAN.. DEMIJOHNS 3-5, 3,2, 18 - 1.2, Galion Dern ijohns for sale by N. NATHANS "June 2'2 • 25tf1 I HENRY . LELAR,. Jr. c0.4-t, AND COM 31 ISSIO N MERCHANT, • PH I LA DELPiI grOA uponT, re upon Storage, br foi . sliipi)ing. up . on the , p•ual ltrrtl ‘ . aug,t4t • STEEL PENS. AF R F.:Sti,supplz of three painted Perrjtan Peng,tottir Spring. dn.. Extra fine. omitted do.. Ginots Also Ladies' Steel Pros. just, rerter'ved rt ,, d or sale by Met, 18 CONRAD nurr, . Clock and .Raker, • parrsvlLLE PA. RAILESPErTI-I'LLY.inforins• the Public, that h. has on hand n Ereneral assortment of Bras EiEht Hoy Clocks, 7 torniy-lout Hour CI, rks, fat en, Lever. Engles/ jam. ounce and Ladies Watches Jewelry (Wall descriptions, Musical Boxes. Bri.ast and Esrings, Gilt Guard Chains and li y..— silver l'ahle Spoors, Gcntlemen's and Ladies Pen pas, Thimble's, Claims Tor rminey purses, &c.. all ef , which will be sold cheap fin. cash. N. B._ Clocks and Watches of every description repaired at the shortest notice. ' - June 8; 1839. - 9.3-tf EW • ANEW supply of Ready Made Clothing haliptid been received from New York, and is new sell. ing at the old Post-office at 20 per cent cheaper than it can be had hy\bilying the goods and having a mnilufaeihrt.d here. • The Subacriner will continue to receive throuell• out the year, Clothing made -of the bat materials by the bust workmen,-and in the beat manner, iyhteh will invariably he sold at Ne 4 York retail prices. B. LI P P 'NCO FT, pous"lie. - July 27, 3U- - A . buy of gaud address, who is respectably of( nemed, ond• who elan- come well recommended is wattled-to assist in the Store. Noiie other need ap ply- " • • Blacking. Ti 11.3 'Celebrated Artielo—Aascin'e L'requa/ied • and • inimitabie Challenge , tilarking: by the Grone, nozon,or Sinee Mason's Supple or Mack Wiling Ink. warranted to improve by age, in 'Rcittfes, by the Groes or Retail. tor "ale by June 1 22—ti A. A: 1114. B. BANNAN. 31- 3 - 2-6 t BANNA'N