by the Grand Jury cif Dauphin County. relative to ~ , SIIERFPF'S SALES. - the conduct of his bFother'a Attorney General. v . . He has permitted the sameiAttorney General to ' ipt Y virtue of sundry writs of Vendilioni Etpones .; denounce publicly int. Court, the Grand Jury of Dail. m • -• ' and Leoari Amos, issued out of the Court of phin County., as " Eighteen unprincipled calumnia. Common Pleas of Schuylkill county, and. to me di nars andsanotal pea-Peers!" . reeled, will - tie °aimed Lciaalwat public Auction, He refused to permit the Attorney General's name On .11 da the v/ 1 day of October, to be used to.five HIS of indictment for libels pre. ° 4 - - Y i -- . at the public house of John Snyder, Esq. at Fried ferred against t 01. Packer, Barret, and Parke, - )adi "Keystone;' die . offi. ensburg, at 9 o'clock; A. M. All those certain tract s . of the "iron Gray," a nd of unimprcived land, situate:in Wayne township, eel organs of his brdther. Sch.liylkill county' emitaming 54 acres 26 rdhes He has quashed Inc same billy of indictment, af. . and allowances , bounded by lands of Michae l Web: Web: to they had been found by the grand jury. ber, JohnEnarich,and others. Also one other tract Fie has quashed the finding ot Inc grand jury on of unimproved land situate in the township of Pine tile bills of indictment sent up by Jon. Snevily a grove, in said county, containing 4 acres 87 perch. Porter &lam, of " ignoramus, and that J no. Snevily es, sounded by lands of John Leffer and Martin pay the costs." .. . Kuhns-rabid-others. Also the undivided halt-of one He has arrested the judgment on the verdict oft he other tract ot unimproved land, situate in the tow n. 1 i y against Straw, ahe Loco Foto constable of Hal. ship of Pinegrove, Cenral aforesaid, cartaining 8 -i'fir-x, Who had been ,convinierl before Ji.dge Blythe acres 1 11l ;trochee, bounded by lands of Daniel Stall, in January last, for an illegal and wilful viulatton of Henry Gemble and others, late the estate of Bee ja the election law last fall. ~ He has sentenced - Freeborn, Atherton,' and Flow nun Ira' dciri • . Cis to pal the costs of prosecution, amounting to Onofonday.the-illh day of October Moir Three finnilred D.,ll,ird, b a r a li en - g oi ng to in neat, 'at the ,nithic house of Henri" Seger, Esq. triTee the same Straw to hold the election in Halt. in the Borough of Pottsville, at 2 o'clock I'. M.. Allthai certain tract of land, situate in Schuylkill lax township, according to law. He censured the 14nti-Vaii Koren Commissioners township. Schur (kill county, beginning at a post, of Dauphin Gouniyjor doing their duty in selecting thence by other lands ofJmieph Lyon, Empire, noi th a jury, because the Jurors of Dauphin, county, as 10 degrees, west '24 perches and 4 feet to a post, drawn fromtthe whi , el by the Loco Fora Sheriff. tiMnee ;south 79 degrees 15 minutes, west 3.44 perch. cmitaina more Anti-Van Buren men than Loco Fo- e, 10 a p , e-t, thence sown :21 east 26 & one 16th •ierch. es to a post, thence mean 66 E 7 perches and 4i :eel 1,, a :eisl, the , ,,ce north E ll O, cast 2/4 perches to the Place of heg.ning, containing five acre, and 45 perelins more or less, being part of a tract orthree hundred and torrty.six and three Munh acres and allowances. who'll the Commonwealth granted to (.;eiirgt. Reber, Esquire by pdicrit dated 13th Janu ary, 17.46, arid Heein ded at Orwig•noirg in Di.. d Book numher 9, page '2117, toirether with the here - di temente and appurtenances, late the estate of Joseph cos. fie ha. liet,aside 'the Pele.ction of jurors made in Decent ber':lnst, for the CC.lptity of hoard saf coirivissminers find Sheriff, which board was csoally divided iii tr rhUcs, faccam,e it is suspec ted that the put. Wheel.cmithalts more Anti-Van 11 , 11,11 men tbitn . Porrter men, rind this too, nntw'itlt standinq u was proved before him that one of the L ori , F o r, declared '• it was t he .best selection of jury that had ever been made in Diyuph- • m County." We might go on to enumerate other doingsof thi.Jodge, but those already set forth, are we trust sln.dfielent for the purpose of opening the eves or the freemen rrl Danpl•in county, to the sttual ion they are plaeud in by the per«unt adtnuust•ntron Mille laws in thYir founty. Well wily they rar lairned, it snrh thinguslielnleratud now, whit may limy riot expert wheressahr4 lodge becomes firmly fisudeffm his seat, should the. Serate approve of and sanction nis ap— pmotnu•nt.—Narnshurg Journal. Seh”ykill .Coal Trade. :-•lopinents of Coal for the vreck tonling on Tunis, t driv evening Shipped by I) .Coal Co. 7fliiiles O f Splicer •. S Poll , ii.1:1,111 G•orGi H. 1 3 ,,tt,, !MI & S. B. li,eve eft Co, st.wktoci & steveoft, 13.,w Et & T. ) lot I.: 13 t. Sto:tilierger, C 13.ther & Co W. Wallace & Co. sill% wan dr. Nice, P• J. Purr in & Co IZ h .1 K. inewine . & Co. I. i'hapufan, NI Murphy, 11,,,,1gi0n. Pinkerton & Co Sunlry Shippers, Ixs report, MOUNT .U , IRBON - RAIL ItOID The followinv is the amount of Coal transported on this road for iihe week ending on Thursday even mg. last Per last' Report 61.2.81 NAIMAN CLEAVER BS WEST BRANCH RAIL. ROAD. The following is the amount of Coal transported on thus road ter the week ending on Thursday evening last Per Lay( report 4413,351 ROBERT (' !I'LL Cullerior Mil LKILIL V A I.i.lirqtAl Lno.l D. The following is the amount. of coal transported on this road up to Sept. 14th. 1t:19 41,138 ,11. IT. POT Con,tor _ 'NHL CREEK BAIL ROAD -The following is the amount of Coal transported an this road for the week ending on Thursday even- Ong las:. Per last report 34,919 i;I 7 ,ORGE !JADES l'Y Collector IRE LEHIGH CO.l L 'FRADE-1,49 For the wet.k ending Srp:. sth Boni.. Trins. • 131 6135 21 756 Nl,itielt Chunk Parry vine Pent Haven TOTAL SUIPMENTS Mat4ch ('hunk l'omn Haven It EV 1Y,14 I . IIE MARK IT Pottsville, September, 21, 1839. FLOUR, by the load was worth on Friday $t 00 WHEAT 1 35 .ter pushel, in demand. RYE FLOUR $2 25 per cwt. in ileinand„ '.:K N V i 11-: i'l,Ol"R $4.00 per cwt EYE, hy the load 73 by the bushel—reads r.,/e RYE (1101' G 5 to '0 perhushelin demand. \ 40 riints —resrly sale. I' , )1' Pr )E>-40 cents per bushel to demand 'OR N-1 00 rents per bushel in demand!' . 01AVER SEED—SI2 00 per bushel. ' sEED —s2 50 per bushel. El. \ XSl.:ED'—$l 4.5 per bushel in demand. WI 1 , K.1- . .Y —lb cents per gallon. - • Br I'ER-20 rents per pound—in Keg. 20 rents Ei. l iS-12 rents per (toren-. l.\lt:)-14 cents.per pound. \ Weenie per pound. H \ \IS 13; rents per potted: r'' \ 1 Ills' 100 cents per bushel mien:mod. \ \,— I 3.cents per pound. • RE EsW A X ='r--20 coats per pound. P:E t I'l l Ells— ,2 cents per pound. ( . :(1 \I 40 \i WO Ul.-40 cents per pound ACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1,517 .No 2, $1.5 K \ L'l'--2 50 per bbl.;7A per bushel PLAS . CER worth $7 50 per ton. II Ay soi per lon. . T - , inrifligill, Silk, and Fur Hats. e res. . Also do. Canals and Rail Roads throughout the Uni. I.rsT received , and fur wile at the manulactorcr's tcd Steles, all .d which- will be sold et Philadelphia 9.. rice, by B. LI PPI NCCYPT. • prices. B. IBANNAN. ri 7 33-!f Old Poo Office, Pouov.lle. 4.. Sept 21 38 IMIM certain lot nr piece of gronr.d, aline'e on the southwesterly side of Centre Street. ..ii Morris' Addition to the Bisrough of l'oitsville, to tire comity of Schuylkill; b.-cunning at the di-tance of 3211 feet sontliwesierly, from the line of Market, thence smithwardly along Centre street 911 fret 2 Inches to a 211 stet wide street, thence along said 20 :eel wide sued north 7U de grecs, 12 minutes., west 138 feet 5 inches to a line of lot number 26, thence eastwo tilly along she said line In toe place of beginning, together is sth the 'lsm esti lamesits and appirrienalirem, consisting of a three story stone I)V1 , 1•11111Z . Moose, containing four tene ments, late the Estate of Joseph Lya.. At the same time and place, all that. eel' la in I rost of larld, situate 111 N.rrivectass town-hip, A .ii the county of Seim% lk ill, bounded by lands of Sills maul and W., at and the estate of John Marman, deceased, land of Ruch and the New York Compa. ny and others, containing four hundred ail 8 iws lye acres more or less, late the Estate of Ge.,,,Er Rood. N - • .91 the same time and place, all (hat certain tract of krill, situate in Barry township, Selorkstkili c ,, Ufli v. bounded by land+ of the heirs of Jstise 'arnall., vacant land, and land of .IBeirael Bine and others, ce,ntaiiiing one hundred and titty two acres forte sewn torch, a and allowaisLe, late the Estate of A, aham Eystrr. At the same time and place, all that undivided sunset,' or halt part ot all that certain lot or out, of ground, situate on the southeasterly side of Market strect, Pnit arid Pattersisls' Addition to the Borough of Pottsville, mark, d in the plan of said Addition %atilt nuinb..r.sixty eight, containing ie front on said Market street 60 feet, and in depth 244 feet 6 inches, boundednorOseasterly by a 20 feet wide alley, southeasterly by another '2O feet wide alley, sosithwesterly by lot number 70, and northwesterly by said Market street, lake the Estate u: John F. liollerma'n. At Ilz.e same time and place, all that .., z / certain messuage, tenement or tract of 1 :'...rand, situate lthe greater part in their rill ':.- township, in. , l-lie county of Schuylkill. .11juiniog lands of Th ))))) as Cadwelfader on i•ns west, Etenja to tit Count be on the south. David F. Gordon on the east, and B ird Patterson on the north, contarling in the Nhole tract 375 acres more or less, about 90. acres of which inure or less hes . in Columbia county and will be excluded feint) levy and sale underthcse proceedings, 285 acres be they more or less in the township aforesaid is levied up on. l'h la tract of land is eonsidered of great value as ("teal Land, lying at the junetioai of Cattawissa and su..bury road, near the Mahanoy Creek, on the ('mitre Turnpike road, upon which is erected a dou tile Iwo story flame and log Howie, occupied as a Tavern, and known as Green's Inn ; a large frame Stable, Sheds, a Fountain at the door, it frame build ing erected on it Store, a frame ()Netting Hons.., with ot in r out.building,—late the Estate of Fisica+ tine Brubst, deceased. at the Same time and place, the- one undivided one ioxth of all that certain messuage, ten. ement and tract of Coal Lard, situate in the town ship or Niowegian, in the county of Schuylkill, bounded by lands of rate John White, William San. '' grim aria Jaco' Ridgeway..limds late ofJohn Young. of Francis B. Nichols, George" Ebert, Thomas S. Ridgeway and Catharine Boyer and others, contain• rig one hundred arid ninety three acres and seventy five perches of land more or less, being the same tract of land which John (Brennen by Deed dared the 15th day of December. 1829; and Recorded in Schuylkill county in Deed Book number 8. page 70, conveyed to Levi Ellsnakeritorther, with the he redttainents and aripartenane 's. " Also the undivid ed one-sixth part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Manheim township, in nerd Coun ty, bounds d by tire Schnylkail Canal, lot late of Hen ry White and others, inntaining rine acre and 140 oerplieti strict meaaore, being the same lot of ground %Arch the President Managers and Company of the Schuylkill Navigation Company by Indenture bear: ing date the sth day of January 1830, and Recorded in Schuylkill county in Deed Book number 8, page 265. granted and ersifirmed unto the said Li vi Elie maker, together with ibe right aad privilege of tast ing, a supply of water from the said canal for the basin now "lade on said lots, and of free egress and ri gr, so to arid from said canal, subject nevertheless to the payment of the yearly rert charge of one hundred and sixty-two dollar., together with the. hereditaments and appurtenances,—late the Estate of Align/dux I'. Willis and Mary Elt.zebeth.hi,. wilt.. Selz, d and tal,en into execui ion and to be sold by PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Orwigsburg, 4 " Si-pito:diet 21, 183'J. •••• PM B oats 4! I 163 176 1503 lEEE 245 5388 2.49,121 :3112.- - ESE 2110 Tom. '60,172 5,6fi3 Tons 107,6811 2.39 4'6,544 Tons 1.660 Toils 33,259 • :Mechanic's Lein. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, SS. • David • rime, 1 In the Court 01-Corn st'i..f- • c vs 1 moo Pleas to Oc•i e) ,t../` Robert Puttiin, ' toner. 1 `39,' s. O. 131. . t:; ( ): Job Constaintne, 1 .., I • t Richard Kean & 1 • Cl 12icharn Phillips, J ua,l , 0 ricE is hereby given to all eleimants ni nth err interested in two remain lots of Ground, Sit. , in the 134 rough of Minereville. in said County. •numberid in the general pun of said Borouz,b, with number 17 and 19, containing in width about 6 4 feet and in de,olh 100 feet, on which is erected a three story Brark Building on a stone basement; riled the Odd Fellows' Flail, situate in Seeond street in said Borough. Said Boodle eg rimtetris in width 40 feel and in depth 30 feet, and (hot a st - tre (arias has Lien issued upon a Nleclianic's lien, en tered in the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill count v in the Bare case and will be returned to Oc tober 'Fenn oisaid Court. Pt FEU F. LUDWitt; Shcriff. Sheriff's Office, Orwigsburg, - 1 September :21,1839. { 11313 CM 99,34 , 1 955 31.316 710• 25,115 3715 155,760 .it the same lime and place, all that Pocket Maps. IiS,T received it flesh supply of Pticket.Maps fur " among which are 'Pro (ipaide throag4,out the United St ahpii, • Maps ul Pennsylvania, do. Ohio, , do. Indiana, do. I do. Michigan, do. Mnisouri, do. Wisconsin, do. !Ar k ansas, .• • do. I . ..JUlRtand, Alabama and lfississippi; Morns Multicatilis. T HE Subscriber offers for In a few thoo.anti in GeOue Mary ItLrbicaulis trees from 'Layers & of Supertor Growth. Cif 'REFS LAWRIE. Kernartlle, near Hamburg, Barks County. September 21. 18:3. . 38-4 t .Anthracite Coal and Iron Ore. A great Chance fur Gorntohits to go into the Iron Trade. rrtHE Subscribers haring mere than they wish JR. to hold will.sell a part of their valuable tract of Coal Land, situat.:hl at Tamaqua, in Schuylkill man ly, on the Ea t Branch-of theSchisylaill,'direttly in connection with the Rail Road leading tu Port CJrn ton, un the Canal where it also joins the Philadel phia, Reading and Pottsville Rail Road ; which is now in progress, and when completed, will firm n • continued line thel entire distance In Sand tract contains numerous veins of superiof Red Ash Coal and "iron Ore, likewielinie Stone within a mile, which can be-got on reasoneile terms. The Ore is M t n good gnnhty ; and the smelling nub Au' . thracite being no Inuit r a piobiein —The Subscri bers will either sell a cart of void tract or join as partner,s in the said business.' Peyarins interested are invited to ace for thernse:ves, when the Crest advantages of'the laxly,- cue 'cannot fail to cfmvinee that the advantag.s of the above deserrhrit snuation C4IIIIQI equli ed elsevehere.—F , r tithes part:en - - Jars curium. ut Joint Franklin, at Tamaqua. Charis Gunny or James ‘Vrt.M; at %Vilininginn, Dela'arare. CHARLES C NBY. JAMES 'X EB B. Sept. 2' 1',1141. GOOD*. UST ree,ived and opening at the 'Subscriber's tl Slore in Market Ntrrel, a choice select:on of Fall and Winter C:uods, con>t•'iny' Casstuxeros SatttneL Ginntze oad Domestic Prints & Fizurecl Sdk Velvels. French 13oinbaztrie, Rain & Figured Satins, Victoria Shawls. Merino Shawls. Blifck Lace Vela. Black anti blue black Silk. Fancy Silk &c.. All of %Inch w.II nesithi veri clien , for cash. Sept 21 3S-tf ' F. W. EARL. F",!`"Cli and Needle Worked Collars, Wnrksid a R.,flit , ,Cnurijffi , Ildkr., Sit - 4N d SWIS4 HI ink and Wkite 'Raw Srlk 11n.e, Superior Kid Gluves,Alarseilles SktriA, &c., Sept. 11. 35-4 D ' MASX Tab e Linen, dn. Napkins, Colo..ri d . Cotton Table COVU I) ,tic Mu:dins, Tic It inv.; and Ctiecks, black Italian Cravats, Yarn dun peildera, Ilusktn Gioves, &mks, BW , OIIIIS and Coils rs, Styt :21 • lis-tf - E. W. EARL. Virantua,S'attin ai.d Gangee Cap Ribbons, toqctii %Itil a guneral aNsitiiinent of Silks, and Fancy Glands, which will be sold exceedingly rhea; by the i•ut,ii•iifier arid will he thank iul in all whit will layor hlin with a cull. E. W. E %RC.. Sept 21 ellflE subscrib re, who have been appointed by the Qrphao's ( - oda of Schu . ,!;:ill county, to audit, examine, .tdi tst and rev lily the second ac count nt Jacob rail,' and I.Lino I FL01 , 1,"Ad1111111 . 4 , 8- VW/. Of the Estate Fan at , it,ed hereby :rive nottte, that tl.vy wilt meet for that purpose at the house•ot Join. Stortter.,jtutr. Innkeeper in the B tough of Orwig,burz, on M today the 14th day ot October next, at 1.1111., o'cio, a to the afternoon, whnn and w here all such as arc ion rested in the settle ment of the Estate of the said Jacob Faust, deceased, may attend tt they Wolk ploper. CH ARLES %% rmAN, CIiARLES \ !LEY, JAMES H. GRA EFT. 36-31 \ 1 ME jrl 4, ME to the premises of the subscriber aliont `L-• three weeks Since wan short horns—yellow . and while color, and a white spot in her forehead. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges and take his property JAMES P. CONNOR Primrose Collieries near M nersv Ile Sept. 1.4. • To Iron Manufaxturerg. fill{ E Subscriber having obtained the assignment horn Mr. tieerge Crane lot a number 01 Fur. daces. and holding al.‘o the patent 01 the late Dr. Oeusenha titer fnr the same, to smelt him Ore with art rh-tactic Coal, and roan: tog the exclu.ive right of said patent to maculacture Malliable trim and Steel, es p.cpal ed to grant licLuscs fur the Manulac lure of, Iron. Ap,..lications to be made to . Wil/ism F. Dean, Esq. at Pottsville. 14 PROCLAuATION. p • UIISUANT to an aci of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 15th Gay of febroary, 1799, L, Peter F. Ludwig, High Sheriff of the county of Sc luylkill, do hereby give this public notice to the electors or the county of Schuylkill aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said county U4l the second Tuesday an October nest, which ,wifl be the Bth i!ay bf the sa!id month, tot the purpose of offering by ballik One Person To represent tis..huyisill County in the house Of Itepre4eytatives of this stdte One Ferranti For COmmissioner of Sentiylitin county One Person For Director of we _Poor and House of Employ ment of Schuylkill county. One Person For Prothonotaiii , and Clerk ot, Oyer and Termin er and Quarter Se.itions.ol the Court. . One Person Fur Register and Recorder, and Clerk of the. Or. Court. -One Person for Auditor of Se uylkul county. Three Persons ' "Fur Tiostre4 - 5 ut tneUre tgaburg Academy. Two to nerve 3 )ea7,s, and one to aupitly a va nancy ibr one year. And that the Electors of the County of Schuylkill aforesaid, are to assemble for the purpose of chops log by ballot the offic,rs aforesaid tin the second Tuesday of October next, at the several districts and places composed of the several boroughs, town ships and districts, tio wit = The electors of the borough of Orwigtburg will hold their election at the tuurt lionise, in the bo rough.of ()mtg.:burg. . . The electors of West Brunswick township will hold their election at the Court Blouse in the borough of Orwig•hutg. The electors of East Brunswick township will I hold their election at the house ot.ttenry Lutz, the town of Vllieansburg. • tie electors of Pineg rove lawnship. a tll hold their election at the Ito ise of the late John Barr, now W in_ 'loch, hf edit: township. The electors of Wayne:township will hold their election at the house of Leonard Shull, iniikeeprr, to the town of friedensburg. - The electors of Upper Mahantango township will hold their eiretaiin at the house 01 Samuel Movet, in said township. • 1 he electors of Barry tow,nship shall hold their general electionat the house of ',sac Dengler. The electors of Li cr !Ma !mina riga township, in Sehoylaill county, residing within the following described bounds, which forms a new eletrion dis trict, called “Williani'S Valley," to : 13egining at the Datipliinand Schuylkill county line, includ hig the Tavern House on tin' Broad 31oontain, now occupied by William Hall, thence along the Pine grove thwriship line to where it intersects the Lower Mahaidatiget township line, leading in a oireetion to Gratztown, and thence along` the ridee of the Mountain to the Dauplun and Schuylkill county line to the place of beginning, shall hereafter hold their election at the house of Jacob lleberling, Jr. now or late in the occupancy of Samuel Kimmel., The electors of the remaining pall orLower. Ma hentango township will hold-their general election at the house-of Philip Osman, in said township. The electors of West Penn township will hold their election at the house now occupied by Moritz ,Forreider, in said township. , - The electors of Union inwdship' will hold their general election at the bailee of Jacob Eisenhower, in Said township. EMI Til * MINERS' .jIOII3IIIITAL. Monsehrie De lAines E. W. EARI CAP RIBBON 6. Notice. Stray Cow. F. W. GEISSENUAINER. 37-tf The .0-eiorA of RuAh tow oxhip JOv ill bold their gen eral tleei ion et:the !move of john Brans, innkeeper, in "raid torrr..hip. 11,'J [list part o' Norwegian township, in the coon ty o! Sow) lxilh I. tog west' on the t..Aow•ing line, to w r : flvvittog- at the point of intersection of.tltu Wept Rranehef the rover F4Chuvlkill and Ilenh'aim township—them, up the east side or the West Branch of the Schuelkiti to its intersecinin with Barry town , diap, 0144 he a seperete election district, and the electors thereof shall hold .their general e , lection, at the house of Joseph Mills. in the Borough Ilinersvdle, in said township. The el-cturs of Schuylkill township, residing east or a point from the township Hoc of It anhelnl, in a straight line with the OW Forge including the time to the hove now oectspied .by Jacob Wornurer including the same, and cnntinuing , Item thence in a straight 10 the hush township line, shell hold their et nzril election at the. house of Frederick Ben-tiger, Jr to li;t1 to:lWith/tip of Serit!, (kill, in An4,l Coilnt v. Thy cria'ifibri ewer.. residing in titown:•hipF'nf Nor wetrtan an. within the littlowang de. bo,nds, an.ilt hereafter be a reiterate elec tion e int r viz : iliwilotolg' . or. the line betWrrAl the towns',lpa of Norwegian and :11 , ttthe.m, 'from thence a Ntraight litre to the house now ot7eu i tied John P, ntitati,tnetudirtg the aa•ne— horn t lAener the Norwegian chttrett —and f tht,tce to lac farm of F. H N thr satne—antt front iltertee a stratilbt loot to the hoe bettrevst toe townirtopr of N or. er tun and Harry and fin fl fhrure the town-lop tows 01 Barry nor Ruth eattlward to a boot th, nee in a rtra., lit line' :o the Ulu Forge tx el itiotl It a., we, th urr to the bowie. now omi t ,i t , Wonitocr, ea• lit,'r•ty the slllllO, I ItelirC ;n1 H sir alcl.; .e to the orb, gnu.•g. rxeocling rite h.oko of I\ to 4. Castle., and ltiat I he . quabfi A vlectr re,.iding 'within the before•desephed beundN hold their 1,10 . ,i10n at the Port I ._:areun (louse, in the 10'411 0f 6,41 'lire qtr ttrfit..l electors reridinc nn the ea..t snip Id Worw t•gian. street in the Born eh rtt - Pottsville, in eludirirt that portion or the•dfiecturs in lien. hen town-fly, who have heretofore yutrd in the hallot box or said 11..tronch. shall lo , rn a severate e lentton and continue to hold their erections at (In turl•itc hou-e trt Ilenry agt•r, and that al! the ltc , ors residing on the west site Nor N strelq, 111 11.4rf.1101 •inchtd• ing that portion or NoriceE,lll whd have here•ulttre cud in said Burtriret, -tut!: form a nn: her to iterate election do•triet, and bu:d aft elect tionsda t•te Puttavi.le To.t it Huh. • 'lto eit runs in the Istrutreti or Taillar i is will litdd their citetion at the seltnol hdu....; in FaLd rOtJ.7II That' the I te , tont of that part of Throheerto !risen .hip Ivuig tateutherort of the ileilitta Inge line t—ento lllCltelllg al the towt,itid line of Wsay Ile and \lan heir too it 'hip nn thr Summer fliPt, :In Pet. along the Rom act Hill and 0, ong..hurg toad, to the hunt of Widow Sneicker, and tine lion,: of John De wait,