The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 17, 1839, Image 3

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    s poke with inipassioned eloquence for more than an
hour. interrupted at the close of his different topics
w the most animated cheers. At his conclusion,
hi c h was one olthe most powerful efforts of 'feel
ing and eloquence to which i ever listened, the air
was rent 'with acclamations.
The scene was. one of true grandeur. From five
0 night tbousane:FeoPle were in attendance.' More
then fourtrondred Ladies, representing the grace
and beauty of all the States in the Union, were on
the Piazza of the United States.
As Mr. Clay alighted from the carriage, and was
passing with the committee into the Hotel, a beau
tiful wreath of roses descended from some lair
nt hands
.0 the balcony upon his bro Js• This incide pro
duced another hearty acclamation.
In the d ra wilts•room , Mr. Clay was received by
Gun. Scott. after which lie vas introduced to a large
number of the citizens of Saratoga, visitors, itke.
• This evening n ball is to be given at the United
States, in honor of Mr. Clay. Y It will, it is said, be
far more brilliant than any ever known at Saratoga.
will not attempt to contrast the warm, ardent,
enthusiastic reception , spontmiionsly offered to Mr.
CLAY, wtth the cold, formal, constrained, ,Vifictitl
pageants gotrrp for Mr. Van Soren.
Mr. CLAY'S approach seemed to create a panic
among the dignatariea. Yesterday the President
and two members of the Cabinet were here. Tn day
they disappeared. Messrs. Fiti.rrit and Ponirrarrr
le't lust evening. The President with two of the
princes" departed at 11 o'rilocd, for Ballston, where
l a said he attends a Convention. Mr. CLAY occu•
pies the rooms lie vacated. An ominous succession
Every thing has gone eff charmingly. The Yeo
men of Saratoga have shows three tem.-Whigs
-worthy of the soil which their is&dri. defended.—
el left their meadows and the harvest fields to
w ecome among them the Statesman who has so long
and so eloquently asserted the rights, defended the
inteiests, and upheld the honor of the American , .
A gentleman who was at the ball on the g
of the, 9th, speaks of its :splendor as whollyevenin unser.
passed in all his acquaintance with merry makings,
and it has been extensive.
The Itladisonian, Wisconsin Inquirer of the 16th
says—'• The American Hotel in this place was
Sunday afternoon last, the scene of a horr .e. oc
currency of this kind. At about 4 o'clock, the
! ..non . of Mr. Fake, the keeper of the American
Hoick was attracted by a gurgling noise: and in
casting his eye, observed standing in the doer of a
twin a short distance front hint, a man literally
zuvered with blood, pvtutang to his throat., and beck
oning to him to approach. Startlid rind shucked,
Mt.. Fake advanced towards and followed him into
tae room, where he beheld a scene horrid and sick•
n ine in the extreme, 'Fite ,floor and bed covered
with blood ; an open razor, the imFlement of death,
lying on a chair ; and the sett-murderer, who had
..unk upon his - knees, struggling for breath, with
!us throat itut•t—the treadles completely severed
Surgical assistance was immediately called, but
nothing could, be done fcr his, as he determinedly
and hectically resisted every attempt made to dress
or even touch the wound.;
" Hui ohly desire was to see his wife, who was in
the family; and 'having; obtained a slip of paper,
wrote with a pencil—' I want to see my wife. It's
all I ask; . 'D.' -IX was deemed prover how
ever, not to grant his request, and he, after a half
se hour of intense suffering expired. • His name was
Nathaniel T. Duncombe. '
" As will be seen by the following letters which
we arc permitted
,to publish, one of which was ad
dressed to his wife an hour or two before, and the
other found on his body after his death, the cause of
this suicide was an unfortunate difficulty between
'outsell and his wife, which it appears he could not
succeed in reconciling. This difficulty arose from
brutal treatment at-,his hands ; and which compel
led her six or eight months ago, to leave the family
of Mr. Fake. The husband who resided. at Jeffer
son, carne to this place two or three daps before his
death for the purpose of reconciliation.
" Having failed in this, he came to the determi
nztton.of destroying hitirself; and waited' until his
wife and Mr.-Fake's family had gone to church,oind
then crawled in a window into her apigament, where,
after cutting his arms, which were found to be deep.
ly gutted in several places, he opened his wife's
trunk, took out her clothing, and-besmeared each
seperate article with blood, wrote the initials of his
name in glaring capitals, with blood 1 1Peri the wall,
and then cut his throat!
"buncombe formerly resided in the city of New
'Vora, where he now has a brother, and was a baker
by trade
"'l find it impossible to bring about a reconcilia
tion with my wife, and I feel that it js impossible
fur me to survive. It could have been effected, and
we, should have been happy, if it were nut for a few
who have Wier) a mistakerrview of my actions. I
forgive them. Let them reartember, 'to err is hu
man, to forgive'divine.' M have striven hard in this
new country to obtains home for my family. My
affectiens were wholy placed on my wife, notwith•
standing 'some things that have occurred to mar the
marriage. I freely forgive her, and now I am out
of the way of prosecution, Lhope she will forgive
what has gone amiss on my side, as she would not
do it when I was still living.. I used "very persua-
Uon that I was capable of, but by the interference
of-a few bulks who wished • a •
I have failed; on them tests a heavy responsibili
• • •it 'is now 'Sunday.
the 30th of Jane.'
'After writing the above, I have come to the de
termination to try once:more ; and if all fail, and
she regtin'inflexible to my request, as I find it is
hard to part with her, as well as with my life, my
doom in sealed, and I shill leave,this world, with al!
its allurements, to find that yet which death, the
pSor man's friend, has for me.
Saralee Springs.---The number id' visiters at the
Springs last week. was far greater than on any for--
mer occasion. Every Hotel overflowed, and all
" spare rooms,' in dwellings of the villagers which
could be impressed, were occupied by visitors. And
the scene is as gorgeous, as it is gay. The inter
course between the visitors is as inartificial as pos
sible. People soe.n not to have gone there—as ma
ny go abroad to make themselves disagreeable
Strangers meet and converse with frankness and
, cordiality. The cold, formal repulsive rules which
tee frequently hreese over the enjoyments of social
•intercourse, have been repudiated at Saratoga.
Distinguished men, from neerly,all the States of
the Union, are at the Springs. Among those whom
we recollect ware the Tresident of the United States,
Heory• Clay, Gen. Stiott;•the Hon. Abbot Lawrence,
.the iion.•Peleg Spraguei" the Hon. Mr. Briggs, the
Hun. Caleb Cushing and "Peter Parley," of Massa•
chusetts; Gov, Meson of Michigan, the late Gov,
Branch of North Carolina, Chief J Ostice Hornblow
er of New Jersey, Josiah Randall, Esq. of Pailadel
phia, the Hon. Mr. Meredith and. Reverdy Johnson
Hag. of Baltimore, Philip Hone, tne HOD. N. P.
Tallmadge, Chief J ustice Jones, tl udge D. B. Tall
midge, the Hon. Edward Curtis, the Hun. James
Monroe., and " Major Jae* Downing." of Nora York.
Among the Ladies of distinction, are the Countess
of Westmoreland, the Ledrof the late Gov. Clinton,
~aid the Authoress of "Letters from the old world."
in the New York .Anterican.—Albany evening Jour.
In the Borough of Pottivitle, on Monday afternoon,
the 12th inst. by Strange N. Palmer, Mr. Gamma
Gaireariat.o, to Miss Maam..4.lm Ewes, all of Potts
In the Boroactrof Potteville, on Monday Ammon,
the 12th inst. by Strange NA: Voter, Mr. Saxou
item, to Miss, Ann, daughter of Mr. George Lee.
it of Pottsville.• '
, )1) , Da
Orrthe sth mat., at the residence of her,
Mr. William frahnomock, in Cheater 4 - minty, of
consumption, in. the 53d year of her age. Mrs. Sgifilla
Antelid Ernst, IMr. John C. Ernst of this
She died with the fidkat, eonfidecce in het Re
deemer Fed the peace end composing with which
she expected the approach of death, end the desire
to depart, which she eapreased, assure her friends
her faith was Oct in raf*an the Lord.
this Borough, on Tuesday last. William aim
ley, urtaeummption, in Bath year.
The whole number of mills in Lowell, in at 0 .
present time 28. Those of the Boon Company, fel. r
in number, were the last erected ; they re 155 by 5
fret, five stories high.• A new company is now e
ting• few nr‘five additionahnills. The whole nu
her of operatives employedin the tmnls 111647, d
their wage. amount to one minion seven hand d
and forty thnnaand dollars a year. averaging a fr
tion over $2OB to etch 'iodide:hull. Besides t
the Locks and Canal Company employ . soo
and can furnish machinery complete for a mill
5000 spindles in tour months.
There are used in the mills, nearly 50,000 bales
of imago a year, also 4810 cords wood, 11.560 toils
anthracite coal, and 500,000 bushels charcoal, 65.-
289 gallons of oil, 1225 tons iron, ana 3000 , barrels
flour for strreh.
Salaykill Coal - Trade
Shipments of Coal for the weekending on Thurs
day evening last.
Shipped by
_Boats. 1 4 , .
Del. Coal Cp. ' - 30 1 . 6 9
Milnea 4- Spencer 16
Charles Lawton, ' Id 700
Bell & Bolton, < 11 560
Potts & Batman. 9 -408
S. Heilner & Son, 9 41'5
R G., Lehr, 8 411
M. Murphy, 7 • 3 5
Bennett & Taylor 7 .3118
G• Bast, •6. . • . 39,2
A Steinberger, a 6 392
S. B. lit Ave & Co. ' 6 392
Stockton •& Stevens, 6 291
Hewes Bober & Co. 6 265
Sillyman & Nice, -5 267
C. Shippen, 6 268
F. J. Pmvin -
4 908
11 Kear, 3 164
J K Olewine & Co. 3 ;61
Sundry Shippers, ,- 57 293
Per last report,
Aug. .2 F Kopp:
3 Gov 1.)
5 Darnel
7 Peach
8 A CV hii
1 o•Johanna
' . Lacv"Ja
Nan . ci
13 Wm and
14 F Kepn , -
15 Gov D '
Aug. 3 Mary P W •
13 Boats
82 per last
95 Bon ta
The foilowini is the amoun o f Coal transported
on this road for the week ending on Thursday wren
ing last
Per last Report
The followin
on this road
evening last
Per I.
The followni l
on this road ri;;
The follow in
on tins road for
ng last_
Mauch Chunk
Penn Haven
Mauch Chunk
Parryville •
Penn Haven
RYE,It th.
sale •
OATS 40 ce
BUTTER— cents pct . '. pound - und—ia Kegs 20 cents
EGGS—I2i eels per dozen.
LARD-14 eats per pound.
TALLOW— Ocenta per pound.
HA MSIBI c nue per pound. ,
CORN tioll 1 00 mate per bitshelind emend .
BACO*-13 Cents per pound._
BEESWAX 20 cent, per po und.
FEATHERS{-62 cents per pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound
MACKEREL, by the bbl. No. J. $l7 No 2, $l5
SALT-4 50 per bb1.475 per bushel
PLASTER .is worth $7 5 0 per ton.
HAY $lB per ton. . .
Vr'be id for the recovery oft BAY MARE,
that w either stolen or went. astray on the
night of the • August,.frorn Mr. R. Bill's Land.
log in Schny ill Haven. The-said Mars is a light
chesnot'brow aboatifi years-obi, to good condition.
with a bald -four wliltellegs f rinta scar on the
hind part irTi she tras been kicked. Th e abase
reward and a l reasonable chugep.will -be paid on
the delivery the IMMO to Jobs HityloissWavern in
Schuylkill Myren. Schuylkill Couniy,•by the owner.
August 17 33-30 WM. ILITZBY
liE subs4riber bee always on band, orbia won
manof .aanwe. Mark Boas, from 6} cents to III;
each, which be will fell at Pbibulelphin pekoe.—
Tbe Hooke he wilt , wartant to be equal, and in a
veal many Instances superior, in point of inatftials
and manufacture, to Awed:red from Pb ilat
or elsew iet here.
N. B. AU kis& of Beeler boo' ad to witit4iimi
shortest seUeloustat Tows* Mew-
216 11.662
I r 52
Porter 54
1 54
t 4B
kson .58
• 52
Rebecca 52
Orr i 22
0 , 59
is the amount of Coal transpoeted
, r the week ending en Thursday
4,970 Tone.
t report
ROBERT C .HILL Collector.
is the amount of coal Van sported
to Augustlo, 1839.
H. H. PQTTS, Collector
la the amount of Coal tranaPOrted
the week ending on Thursdal even
-1,162 Toni. •
Per hist
COAL TRADE=-1931 .
the week ending Angue
Boats. Tune.
114 5602
46 1364
47 1714
1465 73,43
805 26,34
458 16,33:
2728 116,08
Pottsville, Avast, IT, Isse.
R, by the load wax worth on Friday
. per demand.
$2 25 petewt. in demand.
T FLOUR/COO per ow t
load 75 by the beatoal—•ready
iiez bushel la !demand
—ready sale.
centi per bushel iademand
:ants per Nadel in demand.
3D—sl2 00 per bushel.
EED-42 50 imr bushel.
1 45 per bushel in demand
centi per gallon
Blank Books,.
O/Jir of the Mine Hill and 'Schuylkill
• Valley Rail Road Company.
PHILADELPHIA, Angustl7th,4l39.
rillHE Board of Managers have this day declared
-s- a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, upon the
Capital Stock, from the profits of the Road, for the
last half year, pay on and after the 7th init.
August 7th 33-
- . •
Office of the Schuylkill Navigation
PHILADELPHIA, August sth, 1839
THE -Board of Managers have this day declared
a dividend of TEN PER CENT, or Five dol:
len; a share, on the capital stock of the Company for
the last six months, which will be paid to the stock
halders or their legal representatives on and alter the
August sth 33 Treasurer.
Mitchel's New School Geogra
phy and Atlas.
A FURTHER supply just received and ror sale,
. 42 L wholesale and retail at Philadelphia prices, by
August. 17 33 B. BANNAN..
014 Newspapers.
S EVERAL hundred' old Nesibpapera for Bale at
this office. aug 17 . 33
The Churchman's Manual.-
AN Exposition of the Doctrines, MinisPy and
Worship of the Protestant Episixfpal Church
in the United States, by the Rev. Benjamin Dorr,
A. Rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, Sec
ond Editinn, just received and fqr sale by
August 17 • 33 ,;. B. BANNAN.
It.biusline de Lainea,„ .
AFEW pieces of the Above artic,„le just received
and for sale cheap by E. W. EARL. -
'August 17 • 33-fr.
,610 Tone
STRAYED away from the subscriber, tesiding
Lawtontown, about three weetts ago, a Red and
White Spotted COW, with two holes in her horns,
and with a Bell on, the clapper of which •is tied
with a string. Whoever will ret...rn said Cow to.
the subscriber, or give him information where be
can get her shall be reasonably rewarded.
Lawtontown, August 10, 32-3 t•
At a meeting of the Town Council, held on
Tuesday Evening, August 6th, I on, the
following Resolution was passed.—
111E3OLVED, That the Chief Burgess and High
wil'Coristable be, and they are hereby required, to
enforce the laws relating to vagrants end persons
who expose themselves in a state of intoxication in
the streets of Pottsville,--and that a copy of this
Resolution be published in allthe -newspapers in the
Borough for three weeks.
Tketract from Me Minutes,
Town Clerk.
32-3 t
1,787 -
38,043 Tone
A ugust 10,
THE Subscriber will sell a few thousand very
fine Mahn:antis trans dow growing near Orwqrs.`
burg on high:gravelly ground. where the limed be—
comes more mature thawin any Other situation. and
on that account are mortyvaltiable'for planting. Ma
ny of the trees are-now over fuur and a half feet
high, an unusually well branched; they will be mold
now on reasonable terms, to be delivered in October
or November
Aug. 10
IS HEREBY given. that in conformity with the
ovisions of the act of assembly regulating the
applications of Bank ing institutions for charters, that
Samuel Meitner, A. Steinberger, B. R. Mears, John
Provost, D. R. Bennett, Joseph Jeans, Morris G.
Refiner, R. G. Lelar, B. M. Clenachan, J. F. Tay
lor, Samuel D. Leib. and James S. Welke°, intend,
applying to the next Legislature er the Common.
wealth of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a
Banking institution to be called .Smnivuor.t. Coon
v‘v Bane or Mtsisaarna.x." to be be located in the
Borough of Minersulle, County of SchuylkilL The
capital of the said Bank to be $300,000. with the
privilege of increasing the same to-One Million dol.
lai•sie object and intention of the institution be.
ing the exercise of Banking and Discounting privi-
leges and the promotion of the Coal Trade and the
general welfare of community by a liberal and
healtl y transaction of business.
August 10,11139
-cm.N iron-wood cane, with plain b ick horn top'
and the initial. b. D. L. on a silver plate, has
been mislaid. dt is valueless, except as a memorial
of the owner, and the finder will be both thanked
and rewarded by leaving it at this office,
Aug. 10
COAL received upon Storage, or rot Shipping up.
on the usual .terms.
August 10
ACM 311.1=1.1112 , TAZI6O3II,
Old Post•Oillce, Pottsville,
Late of 119, Chesnut Street,
IN conacquence of encouragement beyond my
I. sanguine estectitimu4l would respectfully state
t o my !needs, that for our mutual bearat,l ham
undo nomell acquainted with Mimeo french eye-,
tem of4irment cutting at a heavy mew% mailer
thirteachieg &Which Iron armt: The mama fm
certairity and taste samba 4bers that /have
coat mew and 'I ans no* prepared to insure an chi.
gaol At in all Wee, a andto the endielatathegi*of
all Who 'lloorlder taste and derma in dove an Oh.
saiksol wrdepit of Garment- WHAT ttangho.
wi n "'Pe 1 4 11141 " 8- any laikr Jam - ip.
91) mindlekDdli ignielli* apron le warn& am
MOE 1. 4 0-41
, .
Stray Cow.
Borough Notice.
111orus Multicaullis.
32 -8w
A Cane 11'Maid.
Peilingiltanits Hall
P ROPRIETOR, Respectfully request:rids friends
awd-cosuuners will accept his sincere thanks
for The great encouragement he has recelved from
them wincelsectmened Vic above establishment.'
In making this request, 3. S takes tbehpportuni
ty to Inform them be has made extensive arrange
ments for tbe.Suramer Bewinesa, and will coniitant
ly be supplied with all - the delicacies -and articles
which the Philadelphia Market can afford during the
Suminei Season.
Old Noterio Wine, per bottle. 200
' , do. Pole Sherry, do. 2 00
do. Britton do. do. 200
&o. PoSt, ''do, do. 200
do. Lisbon, do. . -do. i 00
Cbonipoipie Henrsf,.Clay Wine, 2 (10
do. Napoleon, do. 2 0(1
do. . Woodcock, do. 2 00
do. Viaoria, do. 2 00
da. 't - ' Pci/metto, do. 200
Pepper's, Smith's, and Sechera X X Pale Ale on
Drought. Apartments always in readiness for
rapper parties, &c., and those who call may expect
to receive every attention.
July. 6 • ST —tf
ri-Rt E Public are hereby most respectfully inform
ed that the Mail and Express Lines of Stages,
Tonniutbetween Reading and Pottsville, have since
the first day of July, had no connection with John
Weaver and Son's Dust Line. The Proprietors of
the Mail and Express Lines, noticed with' 'regret
the curse stose pursued in a mitotic print, in re
lation to the Opposition 'Line by that proprietors of
the Dust. The Proprietors of the 114111 and Express
disapproving of such proceedings, thought it advi
sable, in order to promote their own • persona' inter
ests, to have no connection wit% ihe • Dust Line.—
They thereflire dissolved, and the public may toi•
plimily rely that such is the case.
The Mail Line between Pottsville and Reading,
to connect with the Rail Road for Philadelphia, and
the Lines of Stages running to Easton, Lancaster
and Harrisburg, will leave Mortimerls Hotel, Potts-
ville, daily at ti o'clock, and arrive in Reading in
time to dine at Weldy's (Coleman's) Hotel, and take
the Cars for Philadelphia, •
Returning, will leave S. Peter's Office, White
Swan Hotel, 108 Race street, Philadelphia, at 5 o'.
clock, A. M. daily, and after the arrival of the Cara
leave Weldy's (Coleman's) Hotel, Reading, dine 'at
D. Walker's Hotel, Port Clint." ane arrive in Potts
ville at an early hour in the afternoon.
Will leave Mortimer's Hotel, Pottsville, ddily al 1
o'clock, and arrive in.fticading at an early h.ur in
the evening.
Returning, will leave J. Peter's Office,' White
Swan, 108 Race Street, Philadelphia, daily at 3 o'-
clock, P. M., and arrive inTottsville the following
day. in time 4o dine.
Fare through in Car No. 1, Mail Line, $4,50
" " ih Car No. 2, " •• 4,00
Fare in the Express Line, Car No. 1, - •§1 0 C
• • " Car No, 2, ' 4,50
For - Seats apply at Mortimer's Hotel, Pottsville,
Weldy's (Coleman's) end Herr'iii Hotels, Reading,
and J. Peter's Office, 105 Race Street, 4nd•Sapder
son's Merchants' Ilotei„.N. Fourth Street, Miriade!.
Potteniille, August 3, 1839
JUST receiver, alarge assortment of Fresh Green
. and Black Teas, in Chests , Chests &frkixes, for
family use, fur sale,- Wbolesale.and Retail by
June 15
For' Blasting under- water, a fresh supply just re
ceived and for sale at Ibis office. May. 11.
STRAYED away from the subset i
ber, on the canal in this Borough, on
Tuesday Evening last, a LITTLE
mh o , BLACK MARE, between 8 and 9
years old, with a lump on each hoof
on her fore feet. Whoever will return said Mare
to the subscriber, or give him information, or leave
information at this office, where he can get her a.
gain,ihall be reasonably rewarded.
August' 3 31-3t*
YEHE subscriber has just received, and will con
stantly keep on hand at his Book Store, Centre
Street, Pottsville, an elegant supply of Catholic Books,
mom/ which are
Quarto Family Bibles—with Plates, N
Octavo do. do. do.
Key of Paradise, elegantly bound and gilt,
do. common do. do.
True Piety, elegaralybound and gilt,
do. •tommon do. do.
'Christian's Guide, elegantly bound and gilt,
do. common do. do.
`bade Mecum,
Daily Exercises,
Pocket and School Testaments,
Poor Man's Catechism,
.Bmall Catechism,
Prince Hohenlohe's Prayer Book, elegantly
bound and gih,
Think Well On't, or reflections on the
truth of the Christian Religion,
Geraldine, a Tale of Conscience.
All of which will be sold at Philadelphia prices.
Er Books not on hand will be obtained to order.
August 3 31— B. BANNAN.
Mitchell's New School Geogra
phy and,Atias
rrflE latest and best Gedgraphy extant, ins - • .
-a limited and for wale, wholesale and retail at Phil
adelphtaphia prices, by B. BANNAN.
July 13
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Robert Adams and Franklin Bensamen, trading
under the firm of Adams & Bensaman. Flour and
Feed Dealers, was dissolved on the 27th ult., by
mutual consent. MI persons indebted to tbo said
firm are requested to make payment as early as pos
sible, and all those having claims will present them
to. Robgrt Adams for settlement, who will continue
dictum - Anima at the old stand.
32-6 mo
August 3
A 'Tale of Conscience.
ctgriERALDINE, a Tale of Consciimce," is a
work of great interest, directed to remove
prejudice, and present the light of troth. It is .re.
commended especially to those who are engaged in
the moat important inquiry.; 'which is the Church
of Christ ? "—Bishop Senna,
Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
August 3 31—
O MOULD R111'1",
aoek awl lilitek Arefken
POTFSYJLLE 1 0 .11 f:
BINFECTS:ILLY the that be
"um' has co bend a general amortment of Brien
Aright Deg Mocha, 7riatty-fsar littaveltekir, Pat
ent leer, Englitifsar ranee, end ',ladies Winches.
Jewelry ofall descriptivue, .11.isical Boxes. Breast
Pica, and Earflap, Oaf Guard Chains and Keys,—
Silver Table Space. Gentledien's and Ladies fra
cas, Thimbles, Clasps kir tnoney parses, &c., ail of
whillit will be sold cheap Be' cash.
N. B. Clocks and Watches array description
Tana B.
tetairetkat the
OM slotted natio.
. 23—tf
rr i r7rV i r . l l M ( 7l l.. l
AT . *** pritO Of 15' deiga pee , fir vat
' ft: NATHAN& LI
Fresh Teas.
Stray Horse.
Catholic Books.
*tra'y ft*.
STRAYED from the subscribe 4 on Friday. 25th
oh, a, brindle CA t: f3 W, about years old, short
tail, Nantesl belt with brass buckle on the strap.
Whoever will return her or give iofirrrnition where
she may be found, will be satiably rewarded.
August 3 - 31-10
C. Irl.,r,teL /14•1/1
RESPECTFELLY inform. his friends and the
public generally, that he is ?repared to perform
all operations in the above line ; such as Plugging,
Cleabing, Extracting, &c. with neatness,
and on the - most approved principles.
Porcelain Teeth inserted agreeable to the wishes
of applicants--Terms moderate.
N. B. Ladies and othertowill be attended to at
their respective dwellings, or at Mrs. Moores• op
posite the old Post-offrce, where Mr. W. will remain
about a fortnight.
July -27
rill-1E Subscribers beretorore engszed in the
Foundry Business, under the firm of Winter
'leen g- Brown, dissolved their connexion by inutual
consent, on thelßih May, 1839. Unsettled buiiriesi
will be auend to by Mr. Winton:teen at Port Car- 1
Port Carbon, July 26, 1.39
A NEW supply of Ready Made Clothing has just
been received from New York, and is now sell
ing at the old Post-office at 20 per cent cheaper than
it uan be had hy buying the goods and having it
-Ina rip facia reel here.
The Subscribe ill continue to receive through.
out the year, Clothing made of the beat materials
by the brat workmen, and in the bah possible
manner, which will invariably be sold at New York
retail prices. IL LIPPINCOTT, Pottsville.
July 27, 30.-
A boy of good address, who. ic respectably con
nected, and who can come well recommended is
wanted to assist in the Store. gone other need ap
ply. •
PROPOSALS will be received for.extioguishing
the Are in the Jugular Vein—Broad mountain,
Schuylkill Haven, July 27 -
for a L'easeror Purchase of
P FAL 111.17.91111.11 LL,
Pottsville, P;i.
TIIR Subscriber gives notice; that be
will receive Proposals for the purchase
1 of this desireable Hotel, so well known
' _ = I
— :
to the travelling community, or he will'
receive bide for leasing it unfurnished, from the Ist.
April, 1840, for a term of yelirs.
Nu property in the State can be made more profit-
Able under judicious superintenslanen than this.—
Its location in the coal region and the tide of visit
ors always pouring in, will continue to render 5t a
place of resort esiong as.the great coal and iron op
erations shall possess interest.
Besides this, in about 18 months, the•completion
of the Reading Rail Road will bring the Borough,
within. a few hours ride ofTbiladelpfita, and travel
ling will consequently increase, with these eatgcded
The Proposals either :or purchase or lease, must
be directed to the subscriber before the Ist March,
1890, and unexceptionable references given as to
standing and capabilities for the proper conduct of
such an Establishment.
Pottsville, Pa
July 20th, 1829. es -
rhp U. S. Gazette, Pennsylvanian: and New
York Star will publish the above once a week un
til Christmas next, and direct their bills ,to Cot.
Shoemaker, Pennsylvania hall, Pottsville, Pa
Just Received.
GREEEN Blond Thvel
Veils, -
French Tambord Collars,
Do. Worked Hkfs.,
Linnen Cambric - do.,
Sap.' White Kid Gloves;
Fancy Baskets.
Cloth and Hair Brushes,
Flesh and Tooth' Drueft,
Fancy Soaps,
Extracts, Cologne, Perfumes, 4.c.,
Just received and for sale by
July 20 29—tf N. N,ATH ANS.
- -
Davret. Safety Lamps,
AliF the best cor.struction, and moat approved hod
'kr also makes new poses to old lamps, and other
repairs done at the subscriber's Clock and Watch
Maker Shop. in Centre street, Pottsville.
Norwegian Street, Borough of .Pottsville,
nr: with the adjoining half lot of ground, lately
Oh a occup 4 ed by-Strange N. Pobiter,Alig. The
house is well heih, with gooditecumtnoda
ions for a fenaily residence.
For terms, which will be, reasonable,amily to
May Nth 211--tf G.. W. FARQVILAR.
or to A. UNDMtH!LL,
14 Pine Street, 'New York,
MaylB 26-3 t Trustees.
1111111". Stockholders °Pike Minera' Bank of Potts
villa, in the County ofSebuylkil hereby give
notice that they will apply to the Legislature of
Pennsylvania at their next Session tor a -renewal
of arter of said Sank, and en increase of its
pits) from two hundred thousand dollars, to fire
hundred thousand dollars, created for the stmciftc
object of facilitating the CoalVrittle and other com
mercial business of the surrounding neighbourhood,
by the general operationsof a.Bank of Thsedurn and
criculanon. CHARLES LOESER, Cashier.
-ilune )9 26-6 mo
LETTERS of administration/ of the goods and
ehattles which were of Ja es Jones , deceased,
of Pottsville, intikeeper,having been granted to the
subscriber, all parsons having aims against the es
tate of said vleeeased are requested 'to present them
without delay, and all persons indebted to the same
to make payment to the subscriber:
Administrator; residing at thevorner of Norweg
an and Rail Road Street, Pottsville.
July 10,
Challenge Blacking).
jS perhaps the most deservedly popular article in the:
United States, ft preserves the leather, gives aaidend
id polish, with half the usual labor,-and will polish a
larger given quantity offender than any other Blacking
in discount:7. For safe at all thb respectable stores in
this Borolounithronghout the Union. WARRANT
ranted to improve with age;—and may be found at Mr.
Dile'. Ikons, Pottsville.
May M
Bate Hay,
T H ENIN K ,Th. ho erected a Eby Ptan at Frick.
*Smite canal. near lawyeecerille, where he
in to on hand a criaetutiop*Wf Premed
Had Strew. which he will sell aniesuonalde terms
"Orders for Hay andetraw thrudifekreceived and wrier:
I,y attended to Reference Mf.nem_ V. Arra '
Pumas. • 'JAMB F CR.
June - - I'a a 33 3
e Naiads
THlS,GliebrAted em u Pal
sad Irisitale Civiktige Bl nkiss. toy lbs
Dworle kin=Also.B(asoa'slkipariT
# ll4 ffiW ids wArral* . lfilmOtl" -.10 7`
Oißetsile St WO%
t" GILL'
THE 01
once II MO '611110.-2
Reading Rail Remd,
Via. Reading, Pottsville, Port Corbin;
Cooper's, Shamokin, Suabnry,
Northumberland, and
- Cattawissii..
Tugoiucil BY DAY-LiGIiT.XII
TLIE Subscribers having made arrangement, form this rolite* clintreetion with the Daily
Line of Poll, 8/menet, Finney, 4. Co. on ita arrive}
in Pottsville from Philadelphia, for the purpose of
transporting passengers from Philadelphia to the
lusquehanna, through the 811AilOICIN COAL Fixt.nit:
have started a 'Fri:Weekly Line of Stages, to leave
flottaville on - •
immediately on the arrival oh the Philadelphia Op-.
position Line, at 3 o'clock, and proceed to COOP,
ER,S, where two lines will branch off, one going to
SHAMOKIN, where it will arrive lit 8 o'clock, and
passengers Mier sleeping there, will arrive at Price%
Hotel, in Smestorv, and Lee's Rotel, at Noavutnainta
'LAND, early next morning, in time to 'alai the Pack
et Boats.
The'olher route from Cooper's, will
Brady's Hotel, at CATVAIVISSA, where l it will.arrive
likewise sit 8 o'clock, in tune to takerthe Coach to
Bloomstrurk, Berwick, and Towanda.
RETURNING, passengers will leave NoaTuust-
SKRLAND at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the Depot
of the POTTSVILLE and Denvirax RAIL ROAD at SUR; -
bury at half past 9, proceed to Surnorin for dinner,
and arrive the same evening at Perimiivn.t.e.
From Csrrsvrisse Returning, passengers wd
hiaye-at 9 A. M„ dine efOospers., and reach Pons.
rug to inters. et the next • morviing's OppoSition
Coach:to 'Philadelphia.
From Phrlad'a. thro' to Northumberland, $6,00
" de. -do troCattewissa, . 6,00 1 0.,
"" Pottsville to Spohne, (Broad Mt.) ; 50
S 4 do to'Cooper's, . 75
-do to Shamokin, • ; 1,50
" do to Subbury,via. Pottsville.
& Danville R R 2,2 5
" do to Northumberland, 2,50
" • to . Cattamissa, - 1,75
JACOB 'KRAM 'BCC°. Shamokin.
'JOSEPH & - Co. Pottsville..
JOSEPH PAXTON & Co. Cattatoissa. ---
Fur seats in Philadelphia, apply • at Sandtition's
Hotel, 4th St, Mount Vernon House, 2d-5t...., - Coo l
green Hall, 3dSt.',Voited States Hotertindllarshall
liouse,•Chesnut Street. •
Er A daily line will shorfly - be established on the
above route.
Pottsville, June 9,9"-
- •
Pleasure Waaloinh,
4 . „4afit Finnic Pleasure 'Waggon and Harneit
for sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY.
July 20
no Goods. leo , .
ILLER & HAGGERTY - have on hand a ful,
assortment of Dry Goods,. - Groceries, Wines,
and Liquors, to which they invite the attention 14 F -
their Friends end the Public, who may be desiroun
of buying cheap goods for cash,
may 4
THE subscriber begs leave t6 inform the inhabi-,
tanta is and the surroendinecountry %
that as on hand, intends . keeping a large
an well selected quantit of Marble Monuments.
for graves- , --and would invite those wishing to pur
chase to give him a call, as he assures them that he.
will sell as cheap as they caribe procured any where.
in the State, and as - well engraved.; which will be
done in either English or Gorman, Scotch, Irish, of
Welsblanguage or 'the dialect.
June 15
shows 4..escia
RESPECTFULLY In f arms 'lns filen& Ara .the
public gencrilty, that lust veeeellting It
his Dry 'Good, and, Aniline' , Storeos 'Esw 100ra
bore the Teirii Mil, a largeoand 'general mod,
mentlif Staple and TancY Dry Goods, Bonne* Leg.
born and Palm Laatliata, &c. dcc. dtc.
april p 7
• .
tuniiikket Luniber
ALL oit hand
.conitantle. and hi& cut lei .
order. Apply to T. S. RIDGWAY. Jr.
Marcb 9. - 10-tf
' Part Wine
FOR - •
MILLER & HAGGEFT. have received one
Pipe of llerrii co s. Superior Port
(pure Juice of the Grape.). to tirhich. they unrite the
attention of Physicians and Invalids:
June 15
EMIJOHNS-5. a 2. 18 - I.2,GallomMear
tiolina fol. sale by N. NATHANIL
guns 22 2.5-4 f
A LAZE assortment ot t Pagar.ap Letter molt Mote;
4 T. - Papon fropcsl,6o to 86 pet ream. ruled plait;
Among the supply is somiauperior English Viottipi
Post just received Wholesale and 'beta by
May 01. - 20- • B. BANNAI6. ,
Stateii Nov 114.
Price 25 Cads per vOume.
mToLS. iS avail 14'ettliis eheaplSrertijast reeskr-.
ed. -Also the work complete from the maim**
I—fer sale by • B. BA 114 . 110 4
. Jul. 6 ,
Mark giboulders, and Ma-4 prime lot for.
by • A. A GPLE.
Jane 1 ll5l-4
• Lemon yrdp.
It BR Subscriber has commenced the nsenutne,: .;
lure of LeMon BTportkid Oftenaor.*ll,.
u , the dozen at sine -Walt die. - itA
J ON a C. .111ARTIA
June 2:1-
Titbeillbr Bea - is
T seltllmbefj.,-.4 I PMlifektik4o Y PM" . 7
the Tether ordeed*theSesiptieie Compturr„
at tho.utualpricet, , diattetiog the 211.00-elkeiesCW
the-co wry. ' , 'r J. M. IDIKSLAND..., •
:done 1.5', . • - : St 4,;:.
• ~
Joey ,wind' - o' . ra Ilaimpv,;,
HOSTretistes.d' alirlitie lot ofJersey In ..„, ~-.,..
spike" Mitch, /he. •r d Or. lealsAy 4 4,,, , ,-„?...
Jhee 22 25.. 7 tf . N-114 1 1,THANIK ,
-' • 'l4lllPsknitlA ~1
A VREB ' l l2 . ll ***ll4 i rge etttl*;
1 -11w 1 = C''
- • . 0 6111-
- ' 144- 1 4 : 141
' • . BANNAMV- 4
: .144,18
E 23