The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 01, 1839, Image 4

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    aF ait Naas socrasav
DD . : 6.11 We.
Na respleddid ray*,
W ,siseas day.,
alGocl is lave. " •
Thrr glorious
That shine
lftpelruig ni
The moon beams with' go* bees,
'rho ; ; Mit doth rove ;
AO sr; it stt; its course perste-I
Proclaim; ‘Droil is Love."
lealmy hreete Dist glides,
0 Ow Dove s
rgreatfel Wart arise,
Mat .44 is Love,"
*the zephy -
Makes every
And own
. - and *died for all,"
! did move,
. • a wormwood, I, the gall,
that 101 l is love."
i ereatikes wide domain,
of natureyrove, •
...: joins Tn iI g , strain,
I 'at "God is Love,"
Jesus that -
vif nom
Drank deep
To prove
Tlte wor
The sacred
Cheap 0 ,Book, 4- Stationary Store,
Mi.. 43, r.. Front street, Philadelphia.
6 t .UtiNE • 111. HOLLOW BUSH base on hand,
and' offe for sale at reduced- prices, a general
assortment o Paper, School Books, and Stationary,
Writing, ,Printing. anti Wrapping Paper by
the quantity t mill prices, Blue and White Bonnet .
Boards, Bla ;Books at reduced prices...
Ledgers, S. ornate, Day Books, Blotters, In"iee.,
Cash, Bill, ' words, Memorandum and tteceipt
Books by • quantity, Family Bibles in great
'witty from $? to .20.
Wtutin! . Paper.
Super Royal,
Medii m,
Dem 3%,
Folio Post,
meet, emhrm
wants, whiel
N. B. Casi
oe Salt!' or La Rent,
It %, AAA Coal Land, with
. Waggons, Schutes,
• •• ger ee tiding, &c., all ru complete order
for work in , hating 3 good Veina open, situated
near Mid 'rt r aod kriowq us the Lew la 15 bull
.Tract. Fur terms apply to
.1 ,
.. HIES M. BEAT TY, Pother:lb!,
i i
• 'or ACOB PETERS, Philadelphia.
i Assignees of Jacob Bull & Co.
• March 21 • - - 12—tf
terchents will find a general. assort
log a variety or articles suited to their
Jar cash or 'approved credo latir be
oat reissonable terms.
!yen for ragspr taken in exchange.
1. - ; - Dec. 1, lti4B.
Leaden 'Pipes,
WRRAtITED npt to burst limn the presnreof
the ater. Also Winter', and Summer and
Winter Hydrants, Stop Cocks &e., of the very beet
kind just received and for yule by
april 13,
~. . Grocery Store. •
T ,
IIE subscriber having lately returned froni
Philadelphia, is now largely supplied, with
Groceries, Cheese, Codfish, Wines, Liquors, Stc..
1500 Ham a supply of Dried Beet, several bar
els of.lris Herrings, 60 barrels of Whiskey Of
a seperior ality, suitable for tavern - keepers, a
supply of domestic Dry Goods, an extensile
supply of Winter Clothing, suitable for the
region, al Boots and Bootees of various Sizes
and qualiti all of which he,offers 6w Sale •at low
prices for or country ptoduce.
.ddition, Dec 22, 1838. - 5-if ~
Miss I
-•••• may 41
Leslie's Complete Cookery
supply just received and for sale by
OR sal, the undivided half of a tract of Land Coal Land.
as the "Little Claueser Trart," simile
immediate West of and contignotoi to the town of
Llewellen, twining eighty one lICVIMI . twenty-16
perches. 'his land lies within two hundred yarda
of the Wes West Branch rail road, and a vein of
coal, sup to be the "Spohn" or "Lewis," is o
petted alou the range of its Northern boundary. to
Vert of the tract is well timbered, the other portion
is °incept' le of high improvments as a Farm, 14v.
tog thereola suitable House, Barn, &c. For forth
er particurs, apply to the undersigned.
. i THOM 4S J. BAIRD .
april 13 . --,lstt
X. T Hal
olesale and Retail
RIES, Teas, and Liquors, of the first
aim a spleudid aasorterte# of Dry
at all times be had on the most reasons-
I t N. NATHANS, Centre eet,9 doors.
Goode, ea
ble terms .1
below Ma
■pril 131
aril 13
=tin de Lain& Dresses.
ceiued an extensive assortment, at the
of 31} to 37a per yard. by ,
*ls—tf N. NATHANS.
Tr o a,
bscriber lies just received
iecea of Superfine Cloth,
meg of Fashionable Pantaloon Stuffs,
ga r Summer Cloth,
English, and American Idnens. and Cot.
p, which he will .ell Wholesale and Re
all advance on cost.
ton Drilli
tail at a
ost splendid assortment of Parlor snd
Carpeting, received ty
15—tf N. NATHA.NS.
sprit I
nd Fashionable Prin.s just reeeived at
Sheeting'', Iri.k Linen, Bleached end
eked Table Cloth, Napkins, Bird Eye
ankh' Diapers, Crash, Be.
IS—tf E. W. EARL.
Dtapeni. j
april 1 ,
1 1 481110 A
Tailoring: •
übscriber respectfully inform* hip friends
; hepublic generally, that he has reineri , ed
Amara into MAHANTANGO stu EFT,
corner of Centre, where 1w will elution:le
work in the best and most fasheOnable
hopes by attention to continue to reciese
of public patronage. He will always
and, a autall - but good assortment of sum:
her articles which maybe acci•mahla
riIHE •
-IL and
his estab
next to
to eseen
his poet'.
keep en
into and
his pat
T uE
with A
of the '
iron .Mnnufiticturers.
Subscribers, as Agents for Mr. George
.e 71 .01 Wales, having obtained a patent in
41 StabesTor his process in smelting Iron
recite' Coal, mad holding an Assignment
tent obtained by theism Res. F. W. Geis
, are 'prepared to grant licenses forl, the
of Iron according to Mr. Crane's Min
A. & G. RALSTON, &
No. 4,South Front St. Philadelphia.
Iphia,'April l4-3ma
ding Steam Works.
.ndersign e d are now prepared to ntantifae.
to ordet Stettin Raging& to any size; and
operation in any part of the state. Alio
hot Tinted &am. Locomairit ,
ad Can, and . all the work of a genital
shop. 3. MAY JONES
T ilEl
cold or j
if t. 15211 " .*Au - it i , - , - ,.1",,ti..•:-,i
1 4' •
t, t . . ' t. 11 .,•?'-**__ .s.f.V.fliit;P:. •
I . i . 51 A 111 AA l ar IiSUAAIL •41•AANDS, •
' i '•
f F . /MOWN Ali•tne •
i -
~: ,C,
4 ±.,
' 4
Git.ANX-41* • S i l 1
VIII , : Subscriber iiiitjt4Appea :by. Lonn of "Jerks
!T cOustyour Amiistre 01,... Valentino Nina. w ile,
Isle -llaf'Brika Melly. &veered 7 *Mee/ "for Itt
f uetAc vE N DUE, OR Friday the 7th dayoUtine nut,
'at 10,01 clock A. M., At Pottsville, Schuylkill county,
Troißyll'a/liglY 31 the rennelliania Hail. now occupied
:tw , iipcjih Llioithanktigi*Atillowing .
1, - §VALITAI3Ir. 'EStik-TE:,: . .
NO 1- Containing .100 acres ainfillownitimte is
, sl.4in4ownship, Nhirdiumberlaid.okinntioirsuning
lima! 0 late DoridroGradon, Hiighi/eihre'Elquires
'aed h ars: - It being the most Weston' ,Tinctcif tht;
41 G iiA TILANDV astlivided between the - tenants in
do ni TOD pUrsuance.of a Writ of Piiititiotioand num
! , mid Partition No. 12, lying tin the bead
• tem ' f himokin Creek.
N . Y. Containing4oo acres sod allobrance,sitnale in
the lbvin,ship and county aforesani. adjoining Thomas
Cailivallader, Esq., Fr ed erick Johnson.• Robert Grey.
and salient. It being one oldie Tracts of the 'GRANT
LApi I::fS,''' as divided between the tentintsin common. 1
in pliminume r of the said Writ of Partition, and number
in the. Inquest "of said Partition No. 9. lying on the
Heald Waters of the Shamokin and Matianoy Creeks.
Ne.:3 Containing aboat 1763 acres and allowance,
situate in the township and county afbrsaid, adjoining.
lands •of Thomas Cadwallader, Esmiire. F.G, Stees.
1 Boyd & Co., William Sheed.George Celdrain.. and oth
ers] It being also one of the Tracts of tbe "GRANT
LANDS," as divided between the tenants in Common.
in innimance of the said Writ of Partition, and numbered
in tbeinquest of said Partition! No. '7. lying on the wa
ters of Shamokin Creek. in Locust Valley, and OR the
Matiapny Mountain. This Tract affords the advantage
of Wilier Power, to almost any , extent for Cris t and Saw
milts `and Iron Works of any description.
Nii. 4. Containing about 13b3 acres and allowance, situs
atedn..the township and county aforsaid, and part thereof
in the counties of Schuylkill bad Columbia ; adjoining
;of Thomas Cadwallader, late David F. Gordon,
'Esquire, Archibald hi'Call, and Patterson and Benjamin
'Cobnibes. It being likewise one of the Tracts of the
"GRANT LANDS," as divided between the tenants in
'Contain!, in pursuance of said W tin of Partition, and
! numbered in the Inqubst of said Partition No. 5, lying on
1 the e aters of Locust Creek and Big Run, empt'rag in
the Nlahanoy Creek, affording good water er or !-
rod Works of any desenption, with the old unbu. road
running thro igh it, in Locust Valley, and the Ma oy
. Meuntain.
Printing Paper
. Super Royal,
100 bas:rir Safetp , Lamps,
abe best;.ecniigtractics. and MOSS approved kind
r just received - tail for sale'•by B BANNAN.
Orders for any amber 4f theta Lamps wi/i be
applied at the Shortest ncitlele..
3 .
Jan /
1 . •
No. 5. Containing nlaiut 375 acres and allowance, sit
nate partly in Schuylleill and partly in Columbia county,
adjointng l'horfias Cadwallader, Rind Patterson & Co.,
David F.tiorclun eon- Benjamin Coombe, Esquires. It
being likewise one of the Town. of the•GR ill T LANDS
ati.dtvided between the tenants in Common, in parsu
ariee of the said Writ of partition, and numbered in the
Inhuest of said Partition No. 3. lying on the waters of
the Big Slabaniey Creek, an t the Centre Turnpike runs
through the same, anti having on it a
le N . the Brobst, or Green's Tavern
—_ and now occupiod by William Cooper.
Throughout these five Tracts of Land, the Pottsville
arid Danville Rail Road runs,dividlng h Tract at near
ly equatibeitances from the extreme lines; each Tract is
known to abound in coal of the very best quality, and I
rein ore, and can be mined with great advantage.—and
having on an inexhaustible supply of the very best
her ofnearly every variety.
No. 6. Containing about 500 aera, situate in the town
ship of Shamokin. Northuinoerland county. adjoining,
Ivids of the late Judge Bradford:-.A. WCall, Lightfoot
• kSrare, and the Assylum Company, well known as the
"Pfeil Tract."—Through ibis Tract the Centre Turn
.'R • . pike passes, and there is condonable Dwel.
- , 'ling and Out Houses, with a good
. I
I- -:
_—_ The Shamokin Creek runs through this
1.4,1, til, upon which is erected a Saw-mill. with water
petiset quite sufficient for a Grist 51111 and Iron Works
ofkll kinds. It abounds in Stone Coal. Iron ore, and its
Vibe Oak anti Pine Timber is not equdlled by ally Land
idlpat county. The-rail road before named, passes edit
equver.or very near thts Land. .. •
whe abote described property will be sold together
or a
„i f
vid. d, as desctibed, or will be divided so as to suit
p , chasers.
• ti is confidently beheved that there is no land in the
' "al Region" superior if equal to those now o ff ered
to pale, for Coal. Iron ore. Timber and Farming Uses,
rlis in which capitalists could engage with more cer
ta profitable returns for their investments. They ad
. . and are not less valuable than lamb that have al
dy been told at from $6O to $l2O the acre, in small
ts. •
In addition to the Danville and Pottsville rail road'
whtich affords an outlet for the product of theselands;
either to Pottsville anti thence to Philadelphia. or to
tlsg Susquehanna, near Sunbury, and thence to Bahl
mtbre. there has been provision made by Legislative en
aqui:sent fur the improvement of the Mahanoy Creek,
leptling from the Susquehanna up tothese Lands ;and,
a iteprovements nrogrescrio doubt can be entertained
this sueam will be locked—forming a slack-water
'Navigation to the very. mouth of the Coal Drift'.
4very information will be given about the Title—
is believed to be,begond dispute.
et The Terms will - bemadeaccommodating to purchas
ego. EOM.: k: FOX.
Ambroee In/chime Brohst.
17-6 t
3 9 tpni 27
/VIE Subscribers respectfully annouice to the
• public that they have taken the well known,
stand in Centre street, next door above the National
lintel, lately oc:cuptud by Mr, Joseph C. Kei n, where
ditty intend to-keep a large.and general aaaorttneot
Dry Goods,
Vrocirica, 4.c. 4.c.
•P Which they will sell on aa accommodating terms
ri any other Store in the Borough. .
la:r Their elegant 'assortment of Spring Goods
vpIII Se opened in a short time.
i aprd 6
q.. New Spring Goods.
44) piecins new and splendid Prima j received
4 , 11 d roi•ga;ct by T. & J. EATTY.
~ 1 March 2,
Ground Oruts.
SO. Bushel!' African and Cha demon Groundnuts o
tOod quality; just tedeived and for sale by
Novl7 - 52.
• eza Goods. .
UST received and now opening—tr large assort
ment of seasonable
;I . Dry Goods—Groceries, •
Hard and Queensware,
ll' Fresh Mackerel No's. 1 . 2 43, in
whole, half, and quarter Barrels.
Salt, Plaster, dtc, 44-c.
ittl• or which will be sold at Philadelphi a prices.
Country Storekeepers and others will find it to their
ii.dvantage to call. before porehasine elsewhere,
f i ttfifount Carbon, Dec. 1 2
Boats for Salc. •
good Canal Boots for pale low; for teems apply to
. 171 Alarch 2
For Sale.
HE valuable lot of - Ground. with Coach Malice..
Shop thereon, situate on the North East corner
1f Noriergian and Coal streets. .Apply to
. Popular .Mtdicine,
kAk ND Family Adviser, a new and eferllent
wurk, by R. Coates, M. D just reeeiverinntl i fta.
"rale by
4 1. Febuary, B. HANNAN.
, 23.
Welsh Books.
atollseriber Ems-tawny' nn hand ind for Kale
- cheap, Welsh Bibles, Testaments and Prirners
i October 20, th,2—
---, -
For Sale.
LUC. Schuylkill Canal Boats, nearly news will be
rsold low. Apply to ANDREW-RUSSEL,
kliihantango Street.
Feb 9 - :
•- IPOR/rL ,
Saving_ WO!:
ruE Patrixim ; Santig otstriSocie.tyortiew
opeppyervial treni.9,lo:43zrerdobk atimy 01
See at'Diagoont and DepOsit; fer the purposavitie. !
eel* rg derails twang yamount pot exceeding $560;
from any ere pepaotiviliPWW4Wilicifirwerest of t
Per cent Will be Paid on erer.Y, ll 4:hh a qr ra li d t.4!l l.
ho Native will be :Bewail o n a ny [
of sb".., wiw;la 'Waal pa . WAY he iliWw n out
on givmg natice,liorritwoiree to three months at
the oftice on Mondays. The biomes et the Society
will be Minder-W.4 the followieggethowa sod man
agers, until the Sim Miindarin May heat.
President--AQUILA BOLTON.,
_ _
Joseph Carroll "Saninel-J. Potts
Edward Hughes E. $. Warns '
Jacob Hell. Jaw Turnet
L. Whitney, Secretary and Trewprer.
Article 34 of the Charter. -110 emolument what
soever shall be received by the Pretd4tit or Man
agers for their services, nor shall ' !Manager
become a borrower from the ; Institutko.
oct 3 y 46tf
The celebrated sap lattice for
fit'.ll.LO . MEL. .;
THE proprietors of this etude, having de* ted near
ly seven years , ; and upended a large mount of
money, in experimenting upon the varioutOrpecies of
the Tomato, ;Solanum Lycopercicumj have t last sue
ceeded in obtaining from that vegetable principle l
which as a medicine all th e ben mai prop
erties of miaow/And et incapable of producing title del
etenous effects sometimes resulting from ithiuse ofthat
drug. This principle (hepatitis) is a• mild did efficient
cathartic, and, as compounded, acts at a tonicdi
tCreeill, and dvaphortic. ;See directions acompanying
the medicine)
Its particular action and use.
ha action upon the system is very gen I. no put
escaping its influence; 'vie. however, upon e secrete
ries and escretories, that its great ;cower is rticuLariv
manifested ; from this it will be seen to haq a three.
effect upon the Mary organs, and to be paricularly as
dapted to the treatment of bilious fevers and other dis
eases where a torpidity or ccrajestion of thqiiv-r and
portal circle prevail; hence the great success that has
attended its adminustrataon in Liver affections,dyspdpsi
and diseases of the stomach and bowels getter:lly. Be
ing diffusible in its operation. it produces a fre circular
tion in the vessels on the surface of the bed', accom
panied by a gentle perspiration. It does int exhaust,
rdo drastic purges; still its action is morquniversal,
and it may 'be often repeated. not merely 'Ph safety.
but with great benefit ; this becomes indispinsably no
'eessary in cases of long standing, for in thin intense
semis:vary impressions made by strong nielic.ned sel
dom, if ever, do good, and, tend to injure theftanuna of
1 the constitution.
its chums
. .
The proprietors do nut claim for it . 'yi. e.
that it will cure all diseases; nor, on its int uction in
to a family, . should the p hysician be di ; no,
they'would advise all to have a family ph ician. and
i fie more experienced and scientifit the be : they de
claim, however, that a timely resort 'toth medicine
may in a great many instances save the C.ense and
trouble of calling the aid of such physician, being ca
l:table of producing the effect desireto in , primary
stages of a majority of diseases incident tot • country.
In many king standing. or chronic dames • ,•ruch its Al
conditioned ulcers, and the vanous diseas. , f the skin,
limey be taken by persons of common judg n ant with
out medical advice.
' Not only arefamiLies advised to ado., tit a a family
medicine. but those who are labouring n• er disease
that calomel has failed to remove ; those w . have seen
and felt the deleterious effects o 1 as welt a those Mhe
esteemadontel to Le the beat of all medicine and those
too, who 'have tried ...every thing." (from e boarded
mar all nostrums purporting to have emitated from
great foreign colleges or goodies. down to hatable quack
med.clue of Dr. A. B. C. to Z) all are inviteito try this
simple American article It is not the infection of the
proprietors to sustain this medicine by certfeetes and
puffing. but by way of introduction in those i p cea where
't has not heel known, it is deemed pro rto show
what is said of it where it has been known t past year.
The following editorial articles and extract from let•
ten by physicians, and others are given for dat purpose
The following is an editorial from the Cietnnati Tel.
egraph, edited by Bishop Forcell:
-Lrfract of Tomato, a subs( &at for Calcuri." —The
injurious and freqiiiently destructive conseqences that
have often resulted to the human frame (ran the ne.
cessity of having recourse to a drug of so poserful, and
at the same time. of so deleterious a nature ps crdornet.
induce a to welcome the annourcementofti safe, and
what is confidently oaten to be, in most caw:Lan effect.
ual substitute for it, which. while it possesses, if not all,
at least a great portion of its good qualities, free from
its most objectionable ones. Every discover in the vir
tues of the vegetaile kingdom must have its ilfancy, and
its period of probation We arc inclined t. think this
will stand the test of scrutiny, and be a Mott desirable
ac q uisition to the 'Arid, and particularly .tothe people
of this country. We have beard it highly►poken of.
and we believe the result of. every hivestikation of to
usefulness, yet made, has been favorable.,
The . prong ietors of the CnonpountEatracA - Tomato
make no secret of its Composition. bet revat it to. every
medsiatman who desires to know it." • t
- The following is - extracted from ailetter g one of the
proprietors tytite lion I. Burnett, fhtmety mayor of
the city of Canunnattii=
- Cincinnatti, Januan&tk, lB3B.
• Da. .
• Dior Sir. I have n•lid yon Compound
Katri.ct of Toronto diking the past airmmerind fall, and
have no heasit.ition in believing it has save, me several
medical bale. Four of my family duruig that penod
were iedisposed,and eihibited the usual sylnproms of a
bilious attack They were in every -instill* relieved
by the use of your Tomato pills i considg tbdm a val
(sable medicine. They are perfectly siafe,liid I believe
as efficacious as calomel in correcting a bijous habit.-
1 have used them myself with great bend&
' lawac)3eicrarr•
The following is fman Robert Punchon, tsq., who has
made i,be science of medicine his particulfr study.
eincrrinaai, &briar; Ist. 1898•
DR Illit.m• . .
Da Sir,—lt is with much pleasure lint I bear tes
tummy to the efficacy of the Ttanato pill s D efections of
the Liver: from its operas ion which I have messed in
my own case. I am ready to conclude that ou have dis
covered the long looked for a suhatitute
fur calomel tachoesees of the liver. Ainept. sir, my
grateful acknowledgments. Your obediett servant.
' RosicalifuNClloll.
The foliowing is extracted from a letterif a hoghly. re•
spectable phylocian to frieuds of his in Citeintintu, who
had solicited his op.nion as to the Times °this medicine:
Latorencediergh, January 26th. O.
Mt 61.11.1 , Paws dr. Co.
. _
Gentlemen.— • • " 1 have used the guide (hides'
convound Eztractoi Tomato) sotnewualitat.etianr.clY in
prescrietion for some months past, in !tiny of the, al
most numberless manifestation, of hepatic derangement
particularly in infantile cases, and aldnugh t ciooot
,tray, that it is •in sta. cases s subsutute i for nainential
medicines, yet time striking analogy in its therapu4c..ef
rcia is such as to recommend it favor-My to my mind
as an adjemost in must instances to the eihibmon of cal
omel and where an immediate or mieedynhernantreef
fem is not may supersedels use alined'.
er. le several instances in which enentitarthy or pre
rdice against mercurial remedies' ea.stgl, L hare pre
scribed it with very good effect.
I am, gentlemen, respectfully yours. .te
The following, is ■ voluntary statemear made by a
highly resixievalee and seieuti6.3 PhysiMai.anti ePPety
ed to th....leff.-rsonville Courier," last wpter
dhl LI:S" KIPPRACT OF TOMATO—A so turrtruTe
run CALOMEL.—Having made a trial of the above ant.
ele, I feel wai ranted in recommending it at a useful med
icine. The pills octanes' all the purgative and anti-bit
zoos properties of calomel, without any "if its injurious
;ten.-encies. -Persons who are addicted to habitual tor.
por oftbe liver. Ind consequent accumulations of-bile,
and who have been compelled to have regime° to the
different preparations of mercury for relief, will find
Miles' Pills. a safe and convenient substitute. -
Numerous other Testimonials from Physicians and
others in its Amor can be estunintd at this office.
The subscriber Vas been a tasAterl Sole . Agent for the
sale of this Medicine SehuflkiltMont,. who will
'famish it Wholesale to all thoettwho nisj wish to par._
baseto sell again ' B UANNAN.
Also for imle by William T. Epting, Pisttssille,isenb'
fluntsingar,Jr, - o_r_twipburg : B,Strriet ArTaylorihgincea.
vile. and Both ffiimde7. Port Carbon.o...l H"amik
Bown;Tansaqua. - .
b1arch9..1839. 10:-Is
itogßav o is Fa
1110„ „ii:,,
-Iv . 1 % ~4 , ,....,.. ...,..,-3,„..,...,,x ~
a l
Persons advised to give it'a
.i . ....-84.NN,. 7 4 ., 7 +. co mmenced 19. k wn447
.-,, o ,iiiuin-wlihis : AC Store o 1
airkiiids-Or;ll4owpi . kili - otiii,. - jit.. the,:
notleiathiar - tateit. '-' r . " ' '
•," - blaiik, nooks, Ace, - • --- .
of =B4 descriPtion made to order St the lowest rates
—and the trade supplied Asholiciale at Philadelphia
. .
april it • . , . 27
IkailUMEt &
'Mercers ir rOlors,
INFORM their friends and the Public in general,
that they Save,reintived to their former !stand in
Centre Street, Opposite to Millar & Haggerty'.
Store,) where they have on hand, a general assort
ment of superfine • Broad .Clotheand Cassimerea of
the most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort.
meet of SuMmer Cloths, Satin, Silk, Valencia.
Marseilles and Velvet Vestir 7s, Linen, Cotton and
China Shirt=, Setir , Beenbazeen Stocks,.
Linen and Chintz Bosoms and Cellars. also Linen
and Chintz, Bosoms Without Collars, Silk, Cotton,
Thread, Beaver and Hoskin Gloves, Linen dird Cot.
ton Hose and Half Hose, Fancy Linen and -Silk
Handkerchiefs and Gum-Elastic Suspenders. They
also have on hand' an elegant Stock of Gentlemen's
and Boy'. wearing apparel, such as Frock and .
Dress Coats, Roundabouts, Vests and Patalcione,
made eller the latest fashion and the best work
manship, which they intend to sell at reasonable
• •
P. S. Wanted two or three good Journeymen
Tailors, to whom constant work will be given
throughout the season. '
Pottsville;,lB3E l . - I ' ' 72—* '
rift H E subscriber has now on hand at his Store
s. and Storehouse ontentre and Rail Road streets,
a full assortment of Goods suitable, for the•
pion viz:
Barr Iron of assorted sizes,
Band and Hoop do do
. Nails and `pike Rods do 410
Steel, Round dz. Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shovels do do
Hardware, a general assaortment.
All of which he is selling at reduced prices,
Jan 13 2 3 CLYTON
Public Notice.
THE undersigned, has giyen a enema! and limited
power of Attorney to Mr. William F. Dean, of
Pottsville, to- act in reference to the Valley Furnace
lands in Schuylkill county. Any person wishing to
transact business relating to that property will be
shewn the authority by applying to him. '
April 6
Lumber ! Lumber ! !
ALL kinds on hand constantly and bilis cut to
order. Apply to'. T. S. teIDGWAY, Jr.
March 9 10-tf.
For Sale, or to be Rented.
1r HAT valuable tract of Laud called the "Clio
m• ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth
situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, next
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain is of
ered for sale on accommodating terms; or the Coal
Mines will be leased severally or together to an ap_
roved tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS,
& Walint Street, Philadelphia..
THE undersigned cautions the Public against
purchasing .or leasing the tract of land called
Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail road,
from Elizabeth Spohn, or Henry Morris for her,
as he the undersigned claims Aide thereto, and
will institute a suit against any person attempting
to take the possession. thereof.
Man hei , April 28, 1838.
Knowledge for the People,
OR, the plain Why and Because fot every thing
just received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Feb. 23 8
Port Clinton Foundry
;;TILL be sold at private sale, the Foindry
pleasantly lituated at Port Clinton,Sckuylk dl
county, on very reasonable terms. This Foundry
is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill
and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, and
will in a short one of the Seat .situations
in the country to do a large business For terms,
&c. apply to PARKE & TIERS,
Iron Founaers, Phtladelphii.
Port Clinton.
. . 6-63 t
•New EstablishMent,
Corner of 'Centre end ,filarket Streets Pottsville.
rallHE pubacribera respectfully announce to their
111 - friends and - the- public genet ally* that they
'have taken the attire formerly occupied by Jacob
Bull & Co. , corner, of Centre and Market streets,
where they are now provided with a choice ansoft
ment of . :
Dry_ :Goads,.
. • Liquors,
which they are detelinined uniell at the very lowest
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at
the highest market prices. . • •
April 1 • 264-
New Goods.
general . assortment .of fresh and seasonable
ra. Goode, just received—consisting in part of
Dry Goods,
Salt, Plaster, &c. &c.
which will be sold low for cash. The highest price
paid in cash foi all kinds ofeountiy produce.
Mount Carbon,
Resumption of Business.
'FETE Subsetiber returns his gratefnl acknowl
edgentents to the citizens of Pottsville and
others, who stepped forward to his assistance after
the loss of his property_by fire in December last,
and would also acquaint them and the public gen
erally. that he has again 'commenced the Drug
Business in. he house - formerly occupied by Charles
Clenriteis, in Centre Street,. in the borough of
Pottsville, where May always be had a general as.
aortmcnt of
Drugs, Medicines,
,Paints, Oils,
Glass, Dye Singh,
And every other article in the above - line. which he
is disposed to sell on very low and itt. - oommodating
N. B. JJ Physicians Fireseriptigns carefully put
op at the ehotteet notice.
Pausallle, May 30. 1838
& Hardware Store.
T HE subscribers would respectfully announce
to the public, that he has added to his forme'
stock, • lion ands klardware, consisting to part or
American and Eriglish Bar Iran. Hoops and Band
Iron, Hound .Iron, assorted sizes. Cast, Crawly,
Shear, German and English Blister and A. M Steel
Nines, Mouse-hole Surds. Smith's Bellows,' Cast
Steel hand, °hoping and Broad tans, nails and
.piles, together with a risen& iinortmen of Iron
Monger y, all of which will -be sal& at- redneed
Oars. tit. JOHN CLAYTON. '
April 22 32
•••••• 4 • - •
• ; ,
• - - ` 4, .•
PiPe ' 4, ll o , Thra-44 . - : 4 44 iterfirA" ,
• anOrrit'
IRON FOooders„ send Manufacturers of Coal
Grattes;Fiskitaces. Kitchen kitties. Bath Boil
ers, Perpetual Oita, ifir4. Welded Wrought Iron
Tubes; for PoitnXiti.lElot
Davy% Safety, tamps
of the belt CoOttjtetion.
Patterns for the roundry received, and casting*
delivered at the Warehouse, Third & Walnut St.
Philadelphia. _
September 26,1838. 75—If
Insurance Conipany.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurance)
on Brick,Stone or Frame Buildings. &ores,
Hotels. Mills, Barns, Stabler, Merchandise. Furniture
and Property of every description, against loasor dlm
age by FIRE.
-* The Delaware County Insurance company wall also
inshre against loss on all kinds of marine risks and a.
gainst the damage or lon upon the transportation of
goods, wares. and mercandise by water, or by rail way.
upon termias favourable as any other institution.
For aay further information on the subject of insur
ance. either against Fire, marine or inland risks.
Apply to . HF.N RY Gy Rosolsora. Agent
July 15 34-tf • . Schaylkin Haven.
A t Orwigsburg.
The l'hiladelphia Fire
MARE both limited and perpetual. Insurances on
Brick, Stone or Frame Building'. Stores, Hotels,
Mills, Barna, gm bles, - Mernbandize, Furniture, and Prop
erty of every description, against loss or damage by
The subscriber has been appoidied AGENT for the a
bove mentions limitation and is now prepared to make
INsumtcas upon every descriptton of property at -the
lowest rates. BENJAMIN BA NNAN.
Pottsville, Feb 25.1837 15-
Fire Insurance Company.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
Brick. Stone or Fsame Budding,. Stores, Hotels
Mills, Baros.Etables, Merchandize.Furnoure, and. Prop
erty of every description. against loss or damage by
'rite subscriber has been appointed AGENT for the a
bove mentioned Institution and is now prepared to make
INSURANCES apon mon description of property at the
lowest rates. BF NJAML BANNAN •
Pottsville. Feb. 27,1838. 15
THE prorictor of the Penasyivania Hall Refectory
returns thanks to his friends and the public in gener
al, for the patronage he has heretofore received„aud from
the efforts he has made and will continue to make, to
gratify all in his Its business, be hopes to merit a con
unuance of your nage.
JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr.
Robert Harmer. of the .C.ilroucookr," No.' 44, North
Third street, Philadelphia. for a supply of all the delica
mes which the Philadelphia market can afford during
the Winter season.
Bill 'of Fare.
Roast Beef,
Corned do
Terrapins .
Venison, 't
Fried Oysters, per dos. 50
Chatin Diah, do . - • 311
Roasted, • do 31
Seoloped, do. 37i
Stewed, do i ' 31
Old Madeira Wine.
Old Pale Sherrj
Old Brown do
Old Port do
Old Lisbon " do
Champaign', fPalmetto„) do 2 00
do Napoleon, • d.. 200
do Woodcock, do 2 00
do Victoria, do 2 00
Pepper's, Smith's & Sechers XX Pale Me.
Apartments are a lwaja in readiness for Supper Parties,
&c and those who call may expect to receive ever,' atten
Pottsville. Oct. 17, 1838. 81—tf
A complete assortment of Rail Road Iron from 24X8 to 184 inch.
RAIL ROA D i TIRES, from 33 in. to 56 in. erten
tial diameter, turned & on.
RAIL ROAD AXLES. 30, 3 in. diameter Rail Road
Azle*. manufactured . from
the patent EV Cable Iron.
RAIL ROAD PELT, for placing between the
, Iron Chair and stone block
of edge Railways.
INDIA RUBBER ROPE, manufactured from
New 7,caland Flax saturat
ed with India Rubber, and
intended for incline, Planes.
CHAINS. Just received a complete as
sortment of Chains; from
in, to 11 in. proved & man.
ble Iron. •
• of different sixes, kept con
stagily on hand and for sale by
A. & G. RALSTON, & CO.
No- 4, South Fro nl Stied
Philadelphia, Jannary'l&
Wetherill & Brother,
TIMM Dootts nor Tax Comma or Altos Sr
White Lead dry and/ Calomel, .
ground in Oil, S Red Precipt,
Red Lead, White do
Litlmrge, , Vitriol Mb
Chrome Yellow, • &IP. Ruinine
do Greeti Tart. Ihmetie
do Red Ether Sulph.
Patent Yellow do Nitric
Sugar Lead do Acetic
Copperas Lunar Caustic
ch. Vitriol Corm do •
Aq. Funk Adet. Morphia
&lunatic Acid Salph. do
Epsom Salts Lac. Sulphur
Tart Acid OpL de Narcot.
Sop Carb. Soda Kennet Mineral
Corms, Spb. Mere. Ethicps
Refiners ofChampeor3Sal Nitre,Rrimstone, Rona. &e.
Offer for sale the above lmentioned articles.together with
i f
a general assortment Paiiiia; Drugs and dye Stuffs.
and every other article in the Chemical arid Medicinal
Being manufacturers of all the artielesenamerated en
'der the dame heed• they pledge themselves to supply
their friends and the public on the most.reasonable
terms. . .
' Window and Pickuw Glass, from 6 8, to 24 30.
• - Oct 21 1 - K ' ' 48-
Rodgerls ten Kniivs. •
•N Nietirot assortment of Rodger's Superior Pea
&wes t just received and for Silk by •
• ' _ B. BAN AN. .
may j I • l9--:
... toil e t a y insi — ry - alien
. , ~' - --,
~ .
i A ' :Ai. AND 1.14104 1 00
'.. 1 - : 1 - 1 2 , 1:- •, f-'' .:*Ztyitkila•
i ,_14161E picket, im - il from . - Philadel:
- 1 17,.. Ty-.llli ihi. - .21821 43.reiery . ;Morith; exc e pt
: -v.. the - Fiesi MOAB'. (Jannifiy.,) and '
P Y r e
Liverpool 11;' - Bth . "T e - (I,
~ • . - e.. ,o .. very., mon th
th "g i .l ti t? TT"' ' Captain Albert i.ur
S t, ip . " mum,
of siiirtli•inciith 1M4.) , '
Shin' POenhOnten Captain inmelrwelt, 20th of
Twelfth Montk (December.)
Ship Monongahela, Captain Mierkin, 20th. of
Second Month, (Pebruary ),
Ship Somloebenne. •flPtnin John W. ,Mierken;
20th 'of Third Month (March.) y
The ow ors have spared no, expence torendet
the4a &hi safe,and commodious conveyances foe
pasienge and merchandise , and can confide n tly .
repc'manse d them in these respects to the patronage
of tbe Po lie. -
They a - towed up and down the Delaware by
steam. an are' this enabled to go to sea- the day
they leas port.
, Char for passage to Liverpool. in the Cabin,
Cl3s—in the Steerage, $ 2O; from Liverpool-in the
abin £ &sterling. Apply to
- - Walnut street 'wharf. or
_JOHN A.BROWN & (0.,
. No-14 Chesnut insect.
subscriber has been appointed Agent for
, Cope's Line of Packets, between Liver
hiladelphia, and will receive the petite
m those who wish to send for their friend&
1 country.
es of fare will be made known by applying
ice of the Miners' Journal.
the Waal
pool and E
money ft%
in the oli
The rat
at the 04
sisting of
after the
the expir
will be c.
four wee
the term
and pupi
weeks of
term, wil
For in:
oleic- 4 $4
For all
addition !I'
them, $6
For al
either of
Jan. lf
per bottle, 2 (J
• do. 200
do 200
do • 200
do 100
°tattered from the bestca
. l'
Jan 5
ottsvitle Insntute.
present term. commenced on the 7th init.
t the direction of Mr. Charles W. Pitman.
!will be four terms in a year, each coo-
Itwelrewee,ka. Pupils ehtering at anyoime
mmencement uf a term, and previous to
tiun of the first four weeks of the term,
urged for a' whole term.
titer ing ,after'the expiration of the first
s„, and before the expiration of 8 weeks of
t . ill be charged fur two thirds ut a term—
s entering -after the expiration of 8
term, and before the completion of thi
be charged for one third or the term:
troche:it in reading, writing, and arith.
per term.
or either of the aforesaid branches, with
df English,Grammer. Geography. Mathe.
'.ornetry -and Souk-keeping, or any of
Iper term.
or any of the aforesaid branches with the
lof the Latin 'and Greek languages, or
heno,s 8 per term.
on hand,. .
SHEET do. •
.n of any Size drawn to order. Nails and
all sizes, for sale at lowest city prices.
•- . Rail Road Iron, punched and ,Counkr I
11 cut to angles. • •
Bar I
Spikes ol
AU 81
GlUssary of Architecture.
AGLOSSARY of the Terms used in the Gree
cloth-Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture,
'radon Edition, exemplified by four hun
dred cu Alio .•
Or the exchant's and Mechanic's complete Guide
to the Ir n Trade, with practical' remarks and use
ful °bee vations, including a new and cemprehen
sive set Of Tables, arranged in an approved way and
order, avid containing the weights. of more than
1000 bodies• and substances of Iron, to which are
annexed' tbe nearest 'proportioned number of feet,
which hi e q ual to a ton in weight of each of the dif
ferent bodice and sizes, arranged and compiled from
the best; English authorities, Just, received and for
sale by . - B. HANNAN.
Match 2 • .9
.Skipping and Time Books.
subscrihei has prepared a printed' form for
-R. Shipping Books, fur Colliers and Agents for
shipping ccial, to which' he invites the attention of
the trade. Also folio and foolscap Time Books.
ruled lot one month, or two weeks, which are also
offered to the .trade cheap ? B. BANNAN.
March 30 13—
. ' Lumber! Lumber!!
12000 feet a inch Seasoned- White Pine Boards
15000 do. a inch Poplar Boards, •
20000 Joint Shingles 18 and 20 inch, "
Cherry Boards,
Plank and Scantling,
Shingling and Plastering. Lath, for sale by
February 2
Stone Ware, •
/IRE subscribers , respectfully announce to th e
-a inhabitants of Pottsville, and its vicinity, that
they are always prepared to verve their' an the se.
lection , of a large and complete assortment of Stone
Ware, of all kinds and varieties. They likewise
keep Constantly' on hand, a supply of Fire Brick,
warranted In: all cupola purposes, which they offer
at wholesale and retail at low prices, and on accent.
modeling terms. W ELLS & RICHADS.
Reading, March 9th.i 1839. 141-1 y
Franklin Rolling. Rill,
On the Little Schuylkill Rail Road, near AfiKeans
burg, Schuylkill county.
T HE subscribers respectfully announce to the
public that the Rolling Mill is now in the lull
de of successful operation, and are prepated to
furnish Iron of a superior quality, of all the sizes
n ordinary use. Also; Rail Road Iron, of every
kind, at the shortest notice. 'Address,
Port Clinton, Schuylkill Co.
Pottsville, Feb. 9, 1839.
Iron, Arc.
TSubscribers are now receiving of late arri.
v Is from Englanda huge assortment of Cable
Iron f most approved qualities, for car axes, 24
43, 4. 34, 34, 34, 4, 44, and 5 inehes rounteut to
length of 64 feet. They have alio constantly on
hand ill full assortment of Spring Steel, Cast and
Sheer peel, English and American Blaster Steel,—
Smalli Round,and Square Iron, and Rail Road hot).
(wit s hispikes to dt) tor drills lisi and l•
orner of Market and Schuylkill 7th.atreet.
16-2. tut.
it 20.
Field Seeds. • • '
• 1
l itE. Subscribers offer tor sale, Wholesale and
awl. Garden Seeds of their own raitteg. war
- .freSh and of the beat quality :.
mpor led Prenctrbuiar Beet s •
angle. Wartzel . ) , •
splendid variety of. ;Flower 'Seeds,. Garden
,Of every destriptiun.. Also Fruit and Orua
'Trees, Shrtt*ry. &c. Flower Roota of evs
scriptitio: Garden Seeda put up in papers by
nndred or dozen tor country Stole Keepers. '
!ardor; punctually attend to. •
D. 4 E. MALTA Y, Seedarnee.
No. h. 4Sonth sth St. Philadelphia.
idelplua, March ifi i - • 11-Sate
men "
ep d
the h
elegantaisomm,Mao Getman 3drer Pencil
eghalMaar. at 371 eackjutt mooed
j• ealnbY Et- BANNAN.
3 , • . 20