The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 01, 1839, Image 3

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The Rev. D. Osgood.o Springfield, Maw has
lowed to the tomb 1000 of his people; baptisedi or
BOO; and . tinited over 500 couple in marriage.
Not less than 200 build ings of the lat . class, coo
iistint of *alehouses, sixes, hotels. and dwelling
houses, are now under ointract and in proves, of
'completion iu Buffalo.
Congress Men.—We hiani that Mr. Rencher, of
North Carolina, declines it re-election to Congress..
The-last Louisville pailo re inform us, that the
Hon. John Cahoon, late;ember of Congress from
Kentucky, has removed Sc.-Louis with the intent
Rion of making that city 'his permanent residence.
He Was a faithfbl represqltative.
Cumii.tirfeii Cain —A 1:o einterfeit 115, gold coin,
'd ate 18 1 35, was taken at a store in Louisville, a few
'ears since, from a female The counterfeits can be
detected from the want o 4 sound. '
The New Orleans Coutier of the 14th inst., üb4
serves :, **lt is feared that the young cotton plant in
Tennessee and the upper parts of Alabama and
'Georgia, may have been ',seriously injured by the
last apell of cold w•allier
Mitts Shireff, the vocalist, is about to become the
'wife of a distinguished l•wyer id New York. Su
says the Transcript of that city. ?.
Sudden Death.—The 14ew Berlin, Union County,
Star Ofßaturday, I Ith, saps—•tie learn that John
St Clair was found dead. on Mundav last. at the road
side,.between this place and Young's tavern. He
was once a member of this Senate of this State, and
a son of Gen. St. Clair. who shone so conkpicious in
the Revolution, and who as one of Washington's
principle advisers in time; of danger and difficulty.
Aged atio.t 00 years."
• AeLextugton, Miss. oni the 27111 ult. Geo., W.
Treece, a youth of 18 or 40, was convicted of horse
stealing, and
.senteneed to be branded on the right
iiiftrd with thd•letter T. an(ri to receive 39 lashes on
the bare back: The senhince- was iminhiliately ex
"The friettds of Lieut. dotting, of the U. S. Navy,
(on the Paoefit station) (will learn with pleasure,
that his trial by a court martial on four charges and
five specifications, preterred• - against him by Capt.
Crack, of the Lexington sloop of war, has resulted
in an 'honorable acqittal on all the charges and
specifications.' " .
.• ,
A Tragedian Turned Pr eacher.—The Louisville.
'Theatre was lately cro w ed to excess to witness
Charles B. Parsons' celebrated performance of' 0-
thole.), when the ins nagur coma forward and rimming
ed that_there could be no performance that evening
;n consequence of the eurfirising.conversion of Mr.
Persona . under Mr.. Maine's preaching. The au•
eiende was very indignar4 and quite ,a number of
the young people ran into Mr. M stiit's meeting haulm
and commenced crying 'Othello I": "Othello!" so
loud that Mr. Maffit stopped his sermon. Immedi
ately, Mr. Parson walked' into the broad aisle and
pronounced in the must emphatic manner, "Othel
lo's occupation's gone I "lid then proceeded to say
that "A change had co m e over the spirit of his
dream ; " he had "fretted his brief hour upon the
stage." of Thespis and henceforth should "perform"
in the House of Prayer an the Temple of Zion ;he
had left the "sock and buskin " for the sword of
righteousness, and that," nuitead of teghting Shak•
spear's mimic battles, ha should hereafter fight un
der the Cross of Jesus Ch i ; and finally, 'he ex
horted his old comrade:4j t remain with him ar.d
leave the Theatre to become the abode of bats. The
papers my it was Oharleyla best performance, and
that his thrilling eloquen,cei will win him twenty fold
laurels in holy orders .viien 'compared with the
vstage.— r
State ofthe Tlierwome ter.
1839 7 o'clock 112 o'clock 3 o'clock
May 24 . 56 68 . '75
~ 25
~ 73 i 82 80
26 Bl ! 78 78
27 72 73 75
28 64 73 -72
29 64 i 66 64
30 67 7O 68
will be delivered on Sabbath Morning upon the rea
tenableness of the Christiah Doctrine of the Rotor.
section.—Tent, Acts 26-8.;
In the evening from the iwords,," For we Mini all
appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that ev
ery one may receive the things done in his body,
according to that he hath lone, whether it be-good
or had."-2 Con 5-10.
lone I
Schuylkill emal Trade.
Shipments of Coal for tie week ending on Thurs
day evening last.
Shipped by 1 Boats. Tons.
Bel. Coal Co. 42 2241
Hodgson, Pinkerton & Co, 17 924
Charles Lawton, ' 16 BBB
Alilnes 4 Spencer 15, 789
Union Colleries 10 541
J. K. Olwine & Co. 10 527
Belt & Bolton,'l 10 519
George H. Potts, 10 549
8. B. Reeve & Co. i 10 5,35
8. Heiliter & Son, 9 499
A. Steinberger, 9 505
North American Coal Co 9 493
C. M. 11111 f 8 422
Bennett elt-Taylor , 8 433
Sillyman & Nice, 8 )435
Mann &. Morris 7 - 376
C. Rllet j 7 , 373
J. S. Ruckel &'Co. 7 • 366
M. Murphy, ' 7 354
John !Stanton,' 6 - 321
G. 'Jest, 6 301
William Wallace & Co. • 6 316
W & O Payne, 5 250
J. W. Solurck
5 250
Leib ar,Trego, .
5 268
L Chapman, 5 272
Charles Potts & Co. 4 203
Totten & Uhlhorrik, t 4 214
R. G Lelar, 3 ' 153
J. C. Ci/COCiUS, f 3 166
F. J. Parvrn, j 3 156
.11 Rickart. • 3 • 164
Alfred A. Gile 3 155
Stockton & Stevens, ' 3 . 162
N Nathans, • 2 106
.1 &trill,• 2, 106
R. Kear, 2 108
Sundry Shippers, 21 1116
Per last report,
May 21 Cleopatra 54
22 54•
45 J. C. Dreher '. 56
Tout. Diek. and Harry 52.,
29 Swan of Milian,: 54
30 F. Kepner , _ 54
May 22 Elizabeth 46
29 Vulcan ' •
8 Beata . 430
32 Per last Report llBO
. .
31 Boats • ' , Total 1610
The following is the anemia of Coal transported
thi►-+°ad fyinn April 29th' to May inclusive.
12.629 Tone
4dnaits : tratoes .
. perions indebted to the, estate Or ifielteel
Chttstisi6, to orEchuyikill Haven, debased,
are ;.ake . prompt payment to this Sute
scriber, and ill haying claims afaiost it will pre-.
sent them, is ly as posaibt4 that they may be
proved and siittlorl. • HENRY SAILOR,
Atbust:iteratsr CUM tenallteßto
Schttylbillinalen, June 1. - 22-1.3t0
Dist4ohi' t on ofrartnersbip.
W E, the 3:uo ersigaed, having by mutual con
sent oil vied 'partnership, all persona in
debted to saipaTties are,pquested to pay the same
to Edmund Mt!, 'who is hereby authoriand to re
ceive the wipe alnd Settle the acounts ofisaid firm.
htalCnge Blacking.
THIS Celebr tkd A rtieJe— MeWon's IL:equalled
and /nifititcibie Challenge Blacking; by. the
[hoar, Dozen or Sin Ele Boa. A hso NI magi's Superi
or Black . 144iiing Ink, warranted to improve by
age, in Boult, by the Greta or Retail, tor rale by
June 1 2—tf A. A.
Received direct front
I Richmond,
A CHOICH assortment ofirirginis Flacon (Smith.
field cortil) consisting of Hams, Shoulders and
Flitches, whit . * are offered for sale by
June 1 W.-lt opposite the Town IL
I Tobacco.
A VERY linperior article of Caver:6k j
e Roll and Tine Twist Tribacia", by the keg or
retail.—Also ihme Ott for Stpuking,Spaniah, Half
Spanish and Caminito. A. A. GILE.
June 1 1 . 2-tf
"i Notice. I'
P ERsoNs ivy ho have claims against the state
of the Rea. -Arthur Wainwright, decal . ere
requested to fijrnish their occulting to the ' so eri.
her for settlemant, and persona who are indebted to
said estate to Make payment without delay„
June 1 t ' 22-31 WM. H AGG ERTY.
Davro Safety Lamps,
611 F the beat jur.struction, and most apmnwlind;
al'o makes new lotuses to old lamps, and ther
repairs 11.1013 'ft, the subscriber's Clock and % 'atch
Maker' Shop, 14 Centre street, Pottsville.
Stray Cow.
, I
C A NIE to Lite Subscriber's place at the)
AmericanNill, three weeks ago,. RED
with a White *ace, about 9 or 10 years old.
owner is requeilled to come forward, prove pro'
pay charges alit take her away otherwise Oil
be wild. JAMES BRENN
June 1
i ( 1
2 - t
Libel of Divnice from In the Court Common of
Bonds of btatnniotty. S Pleas of Sebuylkillicounty.
fl ames Richards.
TAKE Notithat your wife Elizabeth Richards has
flied her I in the Court. of Com Mon Pleas of
Schuylkill con !in which she prays to be divorced'
f rom the Bondsi:4 Matrimony entered into Irk i you,
the Court of said County have ordered that you and
appear at a Co
. it of Common Pleas, to be held n and
for said CountOtprwigsburg, cm Monday the , d day.
of July neat. toT e nnewer the libel of your wife if id.
it ; PETER t. LUDWIG,Iifi riff.
Sheriff'sOtt i Orwigs• t.3-4t•
burg. Jane. 1,1 . i .
! I
The Lange Capitals for 0
ALEXANIRIA No. 4, draws 15th ./un
numbers -rind 14 drawn ballots. .
1 Grand P4ze of 75,000 DOLLARS!
': • 25,000 "
1 15,000 6.
10,000 "
6 1 / 2 001 1 ""
i 5,000 u
11 - 4,000 ..
- - 20 of if- - 2,000
20 oil- '. I,ooo' "
-Lowest Ptse
i --- 20 .
Tickets and o;lo—Shares in proportion.,
The above really a splendid scheme. Me
to send the ciipitils by order to the country
in your order. , more or you will be too late.
The echemits for the balance of the mint
not arrived, but ne-doubt we shall have
Wo4nesdayCapital oft - 20,000 and Tieke
and on each t ardy
Capitals of 030,000, T
1110. When rdem arrive too late for t
ordered, Tick ts. will be sent in the next
timers may t : assured strict attention Io
hove will be o s vied,
F u ll schemim W ill be sent to those whol
them. t
N. B. it; Weis addressed to N. Caltfie
den P. O..Ne .ferny. will be promptly a
tin to of Alexander No. 3, dl
May, 18391 , - • -
f e
15 45 6514 S 51 37 55 78 26 8 14 3
Combinsitiori 1 8 14 36-01,000 lent
country. fi 1 !
' tDrewe nout t bei? Of Marylond No. 12.,1 W
May ; a
- 46 861 0144, 6 (16 27 63 10 70
Recollect to ; d4ntiet is ibeliefor the Ce to
N. B. Adventurers may rest inured t
11 3 or 010 ottletaT sent lithe schemes are
Vaned, Tickstiw 11 be-sent in the very.
inns 1 1
310 16,557
1223 71,1101
The fol Ori n.
on this to td to'
ing last
in theinnotiet ofCoil tie . parte
" week ending nay!) . y ohm
i t olia , „
,}l-tikiCH RAlig 110
The ful+in ' is the amount Of Coal,ittatisported
on this roiled . ~ r the week. ending 0111 Thursday
evening lait - " . 6, . , 1 4 2 18 .1 . 0411.
- :
Per la t report. 25
' ;Toi l • au,* 1 _
. 1 ROBERT C. IHLL C+llector. •
pit!E R ROAD
on tilt* roa4 for
ing tart
r the amount of Coal
lie week ending on Thitsda:
2,212, Tot
10,0571 '
GEORGE liA op:smt,
1117 1 , Yor TuEAuk •
• Pottsville, Junit 1, 1839:
WIIEAT I t If •R, by the load was win& oriFrktay
00. t• •
puskel. is demand. ,
RYE 11 F $2621 per demand.
BUCKWHLKA' FLOUR $4.00 per cwt tit demand
RYE, by, the 'odd 105 by the bashel-L ready
ale 3
RYE CHOP 1 cents per buslielto deussind.
OATS 65 hen ready sale.
POTATO KS— - .621 cents per bUsbelindeniand
CORN—l'oo c sits r bushel in deSciand.
'CLOVER 4321 12 00 per bushel.
TIMOTHIIt SED °2 50 per bushel. . °
FL AX..sEEe 145 per'busbel in demand.
WHISKE' • cents per gallon.
BUTTE -20 eats perpotuid —in Kegs. 20 cents .
EGGS-1 1 c
,ti per dozen.
LARD-1 taper pound.
TALLOW= 11, ents per pound. •
HAMS 13f ce per pourd.
CORN-CHtiP 00 ceuti.per bushel led binned.
BACON— 3 is per pound.
BEES'WAK—°.I cents per pound.
FF.Artigg - .2 cents per pound.
CONIMONI WI UL-40 cents per pound -
MACKEREL. 1 the bbl. No. 1;$17 No 2; 1 515
SALT-2 00 p' r bb1.;75 per bushel
PI.AS'FER .ts orth 0 0 . 5 0. Per ton.
HAY slB•Aer on. • •
.• .
Coacqsienais, Are I.
jaik.779T•f - ikAISIW
1111rAYE f Share 2 Pipes Part Wise o seeable
4 "Lartieht. which that' offer mothwit e Price;
baeWalso - an aascrtinetik tarEnglsib itoOtfott Cloths
and Caskiments. which being bought Of the Mann
kctitrer (direet.) and Minsegaemip ant Piked wi th
two or three intermediate profits, will bwaold at as
low wprtee as inferior goofs are german' , offered
at. -
Jana 1 2151....5t
• .Garden * •
LONG Pickling Cucumber,
Turnip Seed,
Marrowfat Pens, •
• Bush Beam, for sole by •
June 1 • t.l B. BANNAN
IMAM& Shoulders, an Flitch •••.4 . prime :Int fur
wale by A. A GILE.
June 1 • • • "
• 22—if
School' quills,
A T YS cams per 106 , just received and for sale by
Metallic Memorandum Book
HARWOOD'S Improved Paten* Menmrandum Bo
with Mettllle pen, just received tea fir. sale by •
June 1 B. BAN NAN. •
♦'alentia Note_ Paper,
T 6} cents per sheet. Pm received and for sale by
4111 June 1 B. BAININA N.
Cross-Strained Saddles.
Saddle, Brien,. and Trunk Manufacturer:
ESPECTFULL - Y tenders his sincere thanks to his
BM Customers and the Public in general for the • very
liberal encouragement he has received from them. He
now informs them that he has an improvement in the
construction 'of Saddles. for which he has a patent
right. and recommends them to the Public ail:ming far
superior in durability. ease, and comfort to the rider
than any other yet invented, and he recommends his
Steel Spring Croas•Strained Saddle to the notice of the
public. with tonfidence. He therefore respectrUily in
cites the Public to call at his lamp next, door to MT.
Harm', 'Store .nearly orposite the Exchange Hotel,
Centre street, Pottsville, and examine for themselves.
He alsokeleps constantly on baud a general assort-'
m ent of all kinds of work. such as. Saddles, Bridles, Put
t Fly.Nete, 'Coach; Gig, and Waron Harness. Trunks,
enahices. Tiavelling Bags, Gig and Hiding Whips. dm-
Vvery description of work in his line will•be made to
Eder, on theshortest notice, with neatness, durability,
and on tenures low as it can be done elsewhere.•
May 25 • . 21-tf
Fit 4 e Fire!!!
• .
'Mr A DE .equal to . any !bat can be procured re
/Viand ascheap. by RICHARD D. WIDENER,
May 2l-
Potter6lll6 Iron Works. •
~. • ,
3 OR' 4 first rate Steam Engine Finishe-s—to whom
'T./constant employthent and R ood wages will be gtven..
May 25 . 21.4 t - BENJAMIN F. POMROF.
May' 24 - 2T-tf
Casimerei and ,
LA RGE and well selected assortment of all col
.4lllours and ', just recetved and for sale at the
Cheap Cash Sto re . SA hl UEL HARTZ.
May 25 21,tf
400 Bushels Femmes,
50 Barrels Superior family flour in Store, and for
sale wholmale by SAAIU HA RTZ.
- May 25 - 21—if
CONSTANTLY for sale. Shingles. Boards. and Lie
ber ()farina' kinds by SAMUEL HARTZ,:
May 25 21-if •
• LL persons indebted to the subscribers will please
I'l call and settle their accounts by the first of June,
IS after that date all unsettled accounts will be placed
in the hands or a Magistrate for collectiiin.
Mount Carbon, May 25
AT a Meeting of the Landholders and Coal Opera
tory on the,..Sehuylltill Valley Rail Road, held at the
house of Mr. J. T. Simpson, in Port Carbon, May 18th,
it was on motion
Revolted, That the Secretary be direetcd to publish
in the Miners' Journal the intention of this Meeting
apply at the present session ; of the lAtgii/atons for 'a
Charter for a Rail Road from Pottsville or its vicinity
to Tuscarora. G. M. TOTTEN,Seereutry. .
May 2.5 21-
plioPosAus will be received on the 13th and
14th ultimo, at the office of the Rhiladelphia and
Reading Rail Road C9mpany in Philadelphia. for the
Roadway Formant.' and .Mason 'of about an miles and
a half of the Philadelphia and Reading Raitßoad be
-weep the Falls of Schuylkill and the termination of the
Rail Road on the Delaware River. On this 'portion of
the Rail Rudd a comprised a tunnel under the horns.
town Rail Road, ands very plain jabot walling and em
bankment at. the Company's Landings on the Delaware.
Plans and specifications of the work to be let, well be an
readiness for cabin lion on and . after thelOth proximo, at
the Rising Sun Them on the Get mantown Read, and
all further information in relation to the work which may
bedewed will be given on application at thesamephace
to Charles T. Stewart, Assistant Engineer.
Philad'a.. May 18th, 25-4 t Chief Engineer.
N. EL Contractors not personally known to the En—
gineer will be expected .to hand in with their proposals
certificates as to character and competency.
JUST received in addition to thertirMei stock a new
UP and general assortment ot Seasonable Goods, con
sisting of
Dr Grads of all kinds.
Groceries of superior qualify,
arid Glass Ware,
Boots end Shoes,
Looking Glasses,'
Ready. Rade Qin/king, 4e.
As I intend hereafter confining my elf as Muck as
possibly to • Cask Batintar. I respectfully invite all
persons wishi4 to.purchase goods Cheviot Cad to
call and examine my assortment for themselves.
Arley 23 $ -21—ff
A - . .
LARGE Ind general assortment titpd Sea-
simiahle Goods just received and no welli an
she sabacibers, which will be sold low for Ca
Cash only. JOSEPH Wan% & SON.
Mount Carbon: Mal 25 . 214
M ~
TIE subscriber thankful kr the pstroaage received,
informs the Public that he bas just received rind
opened at hie Cheap Store in Market street. ar arched
supply of Spring Goods, to which be would invite their
attention. EDMUND VC. EARL •
May 25 21—d
!, has
: 4 me
LAMA eassinieres. Figured Satisi Vestings. Marseilles dc... Hoskin Gkives, White and Mixed Hose, Pun
& W. EARL.
geit io n sy dif 2s a,
• tlif
LEACHED std Dubleibeheir Domestic Muslin,
Cheeks, Ckinties.llinghams,Hosiery, &e.
May 25 E. W. EARL
LAI RE ' S White and alackfrelk Roan. Green Ganged
Veila, Candoic RAU., Worked RAkom, Fancy
Mesa Hdka. &c. E. W. EARL.
OWSemineriliumba.Boacima, 'Colima Embroidered
jam :emend and for balecineap.
Mal 25-tf E. W. EARL.
30 Mids. Oceived sad for sale b r -
May 9.5. - 91--U
f, k w%it *
To Contractors tbr
500 Basile& W
sad los tol&sersuile 'Natio" - reeebeila ! lli 1;i 1 i be
mat 25, 1 MILLER. & UAW'
grass Jackets.
100 - Sea 'Grain neeedibouta, for see el' the km
Price of $175 etch, for Ceek hY
May 25, 'MILLER & fIAGGE . RTY.
AFRESH atiparof three7pointed fermi' Pinak'ollder
SPrint• do, eitn floe pointed db.. Gillow do.—
Abo Wien' Boubir Steel Peiva.just received and for
tale by B. BAAINAN.
May IS
'r an eketoo held at the house of Winn= Mor
timer, on Vonday the 13th inst , the following
named Persons ere elected managers of the Potts
ville Water Roy %r the mauling year,—vis
iiliano Mortimer,
Wised Wallysore,
Ades M Beatty,
C. Brest,
hoffirit W. Clemens,
eityareafec P. Penney,
ropy Shelly,
aoob Seittireger;
askew Russel. •
, .
And atst ting - ofthe Boird of Managers on
Tuesday eve g, the 21st. inst., Andrew Rowel
was re elect Elrelident, and Alexander : oraltatn
Treasurer, fin he ensuing year.
May 24, • • • 21—
. .
..711011 rEIM OX 110 . 175 E.
• No. 95; Noith Second Street,
TEE Subscriber acquaints the public. that
-helms tiken the Large and Commodious
IP Hoe!, to be known u the Mount Vernon
Hose- . .
En is prepared to give unpin accommoda
tions of the ben kind, to single zentlemen or families;
turellets, or immanent residents. The rooms of this
Establishment tsc numerous. well ventilated. and suita
bly futnisbed. 'anions_ are also at command: The E
stablishment is applied with Bithing Rooms, end all sp.
Smblest ft., that caugive Mustn't-nee to those
who patronize t.'
The Larder lid Cellar will be 'supplied with the buit.
and attentive savants will aura s be at the call of •Isst
ors. Charges Imitiernte. (HARLbS WEISS, -
Formerly of the IVAite &nu.
Philndelphii May 18th. 1839. 20-4 w
TINE Subscribers 'are prepared to furnish 'SASH
WEIGHT" of various sizes, according to order, at
the shortest name. Orders are respectfully solicited,
and will be prisoptly auetuled to
May 18
THE Partnerhip in the Brewing business at Reading
and Pottavle, hitherto conducted by George and
Frederick Lane, was dissolved by mutual consent on the
lit day of Mayinstanthe unsettled accounts anaing
fro.. the Pottstile Brewery, will be settled with George
Lauer, and thole ariautg from the Reading Brewery.
with Frede-rickLauer. The Brewing business will be
nued at chill speed ee
y° places.peneely and respec
tivel on thairindividual account , and every attention
wil ' give:tie:gender satisfaction in their line of bust
n to the pit* and their friends in general.
ijEORGE , LAUEFt, Pottsville.
~. I'REDERICK L %UFA, Reading.
- May. 18 20-3 t
Novregian Street, Borough of Pottsville,
• • wit4be adjoining halflot of ground. Lately
oorired by Strang( N. Palmer, Esq. The
holm Is well built, with good ea:commode
tioosTor a farniPresidoncla
For rectos, with will be reasonable, apply to
Maj 18th 20—tf G. W. FARQUHAR.
14 Pine Street, New York:
Noice to Creditors,
the na*r the ,EMote of Wet. Rmneke• •
NOTICE. isitrsby given to the Creditor. of the said
Wm. Reevrey to appear on Saturday, the eighth
day of June neat at the Imam of Henry Stager: Innlihep•
er ,in the Borovjh of 'Pottsville,' to discover and make
proof of their demo& before the Subecribeit, agreeably
to an Act of Aseutbly in each .caim madeand provid
May 18 4O-31. Trustees.
BRIDGEWATER TREATISES., complete in 7 vol
umes.—dmip.jwii received end for side by
May,lB • B. HANNAN.
- from 10 opts in $1,25 per sheet, just received and
for rale br R. BANNAPI.
May 10 • '2B
- stray Horse. •
TRAYED liras from the ,titsicrilber, .yesterday
^- 7 morning, BAY HORSE. wi*.ll. a switch tail
—has the two I4nd sh o es off, and buih hind • leer
white. Whoosh will take up said horse, aoi re
turn him to Japes Laing, Pori Carbon, or give the
subscriber intenation where he can get him again,
shall 'be seasoribry rewarded.
May 18,. 2G-31*
For Blast'leg oder water'. • fresh impels jest re
carved 'Cid for eit this office. May IL
Hants, ShooMery it - Bacon.
J u4,l! receive: 100 Hbas. gams, Shoulders and
Hscun, tor a e in lots to suit purchasers by
ovouryr do McEWEN,
146 NOrth Fourth Street,
may 'II 19-6 t Philiatelphic.
A .
"N Election for officers of the Centre Turnpike
Company, ' ding from Reading to Sunbury,
will beheld on onday, the 3d. of Jane next, at the
house of Elise Weitzel, in the Borpogh of Sun
bury. 'The el s n to open at tgid o'clock, P. M.
and close at .5, b .11. A general meeting of the
Stockholders wil be held at the above mentioned
place at 12 o'ciodt—wben the books of the.conipa•
uy. will be snimitted for. inspection.
' • -
DUN M. BOYD, Secretary.
Noribumbejllad, may if. • • , 19-4 t
Ate; lash
WINE Subscribe. begs leave to inform his friends
and the Pubic in general, that be has opened
a,New Cash Storeinthe TOwn of Llewellyn, Schuy,l
kill murnlY , eoria4ing of .
:Dry apcl4,-
'Grocirj4, •
. •
Hardware: .
Gkoisaaf paeenawar'e,
' Cedar Farr, 4 - c. etc.,
Which he intends to sell for -cash as low as in
any other place C the County. Ceentry produce
will be taken et Market prices.
Lle‘ellytt, May IL. , 19--tf.
To Coittractors
rlls . 4.butments and :Piers 'of Six or right
Bridges on tha Lioe of the Philadelphia and
'Reading Rail Read. Ibare Readlog v ire yet to be
eustroded for; will 'be let privately. to suits.
ablo'Contractors. if immediate application be made.
Planalid elevations of tbe work. will be shewn at
the En lanais Olive. el Reading, a" proposals
, y the oriensidlled• • • _.(` •
may 11 • 19-2 t • Acting /Regimen.
• eltior Woods.
Ml 4
wh LEIL i & HAGGERTY have on s hand a full
t Goods." Groceries, Wince
and Eiguere s to whim they- incite the attention et
ticir4sodsand the PAW, who may be desivesia
of cheap goods till cub.
• 18-Ltr
. •
Sash Weights.
Ceti Ire Turnpike.
rumwsuotp4 AND
OF XIAII(Ar etttatEs,'-
vits Reading and sirorihit aims
TUE subscribers, having acceded to the - earomiit
onlienatione of the travelling community on this
mute, respectfully onnnunce to the public that they
have ,commenced running a
Between Philadelphia and Potiscille.
For the accommodation of the 'public, The Coaches
ore entirely new, balk at Troy, large and roomy,
ard superior to any now running -4n Pannsylvania•
experienced 'and seciwnmodating drivers are en
gaged, * and every attention paid to
,the comfort and
convenience of travellers on the route, by the Pfopne
tors and their Agents.
Da No raring will be permitted on any consider,,
;ion echirterM —nor the nabs of tare be changed
•if oth:t Linea should think proper, to reduce their
.'rates, or even run for nothing—it 'being the whole
and sale tutu of the Proprietors to treesuettsodale the
public at • reasonable role of Fare—they !bereft:ire
confidently fook to the public to sustain them in the
The Lista wlll leave their office, in the old Post'
Office, at Pottsville every morning at 7 o'clock, A. M.
and Leave San s dersons (hotel at 41 o'clock, every
morning, and at 20 o'clock every afternoon. By tee.
afternoon Line, passengers arrive at Reading the
same day,.atid leave Reading- next morning at 10 o'.
clock,and arrive in Pottsville at 31 °clock, P. M, -
at the fullteneng •
Trod Pottsville to Reading,
From Reading to Philad'a, Nn. I Cars,
Do. ' Do. No. 2 Care,
Pottsville to Port Clinton 73
Do. to hamburg ' 100
From Philadelphia to Pottsville, No. 1 Cars, 5' 00
Du Do. Do. No. 2 Van., 45k
2J Omnibuses are ecgapea to carry passengers
to and from the depot in Philadelphia and across' the
Bridge at Norristown, free of additional charges, si
the above rates of fare.
Par Beata, in Pottsville, apply at their Office, ie
tha old Post Office.
In Philadelphia, at Sandertton's Merohant'a Ho
el, North 4th Street, and Finney`a! Hotel,in
ST All Baggage at the risk of the owners.
the Proprietors would merely state for the inGo•
illation. of the public, that this Line has no conned
Lion whatever with existing
,Lines, nor will it ham*
any connection—but will Amid or tall on - its own
merits. P()TT, SHOENER, FINNEY & CO.
March 23,
r 1111 E Undersigned haring cunt pteted a quarter oil
a mile of Lateral Red Road, intereeeting the
Wolf Creek Rail Road, about a quarter of a mile
north "of Minersville, is now prepared to enter int/a contract soh any gentleman, wishing to purelfaaa euperior Red Ash Coal from the }Centime Veitt; . l
from one thousand tons or upwards, at the Afints,l
or Schuylkill Haven, aa may best arm the par_
chaser. JOHN PLATT;
may 11 19—tf
[oiee old Wines & 114quon,
MILLER & Haggerty have on hand
4T -RSupericor old Madeira Wines in Wood 4 Haab
do_ . do. Pale and Brown Sherry do. do.
do. do. Grope Juice Port Wine,
do. do. Royal Company do. dot., .
do. . do. Cognac Brandy of theleficrivittp
Choice Brands, Word tt Co., Contsiett Pint, etrolt
&sperior old Holland Gin, Henry Lehr dit4l
J. Bohlen' importers.
Pico Madeira, Sicily Madrint, L. P. Tenerife.
'Old Pale Lisbon, Dry amt . Sweet Nava Wines,
ke- may II 19—tf
• The LaYma . mOs Legacy.
oNHE.• Slave of-no sett, the Partisan of go patty,
a bigot of no. creed, a zealot of no dogma. the
Servant of no man, sieve the man Christ Jesus; and
wedded to no faith, save the faith of Christ crew as
air, 1 entered on the 'discussion of the subjects be.
The above work is from the pen.of Henry Fitz.
formerly Editor of the Gospel Herald, New York.
It is written in a clear, forcible, and argumentative
style ; is neatly bound in one volume, and is worthy,
the perusal of all sects and Denoininatkino, who feel
the last desire to obey the injunction of the Apostle:
"Prove all..things, hold fast that which is gocid !"
Specimen numbers esu be seen by applfing to
Samuel Hartz, J. S. Morris & Brothers, Wm. T.
Epting, 3. M. Crosland, or at this office, Who are
authorized to receive subscriptions
may 4
Fire Place Screen& .
A FEWelegant Tine Place Bernina just received
and for sale by • B. BAN:CAN.
may 4 18--
A GENER AL • • •timent or Fresh and Season.
able Goode, just eceived and now opened for
sale, eonantung of
-Dry :Goode, •
Glass and Queens's - ore,
11l ackerel and Ltry Fisk,
Plaster, &c. de. •
Whith will be sold unusually lOw for 'cash hr in ex.
change for country produce. The citizen* of the
Borough, and pubhck generally are respectfully in
vited to call and crithine forithemselves.
A. A. GILA..
may 4 1S -tf
Silk ! Silk ! 1'
CLARK on the Mulberry Tree and SO Worm,
• new and exi-ellent wprk.
Cubb's Silk Manual—and '
• Baynes American Fruit Garden Cixnpaninn,
en a new and excellent wrirk,
• iatit received anci for sale by
mar* • 18— , 'B. BANNAN.
Xi °wain de Lain.
1111101.I8LIII de Lsios, chay, Taffetas Brocha
&t., for sale-by AMOS LEWIS.
aprit - 27 .
Paper liangincs,
Tli E Sabacriber • has jest opened hie ele
gant Spring Platens of Paper lot... Roan& ant
Halls, which he inviter the Public to call and enm
ity'. He pledges himself to sell at Philadelphia
prices.• . B: HANNAN.
. .
Ms, 4 ' • ' 18--
A LARGE emortemet of Roolemp Letter-end Rota
Pttperaflroto 8 1 * to 88 per ram. Med - Ma plahs.
Among thew pply_to 'some warier F.aglish; Victoria
Post. %nieethie Mid ReauTby • ,
- 11.12,7 18 218• BARRAN.
. . 0
Cain' lioa‘ Lumber . '" arid
gritititti tem, pecood, 'hand
• atuatiOciiti''AQitit ZOO sti*VlThibilfi.
three. feel of eC idtisgi ill 'is* it tort
UtirthtptopettrOrititutiel De jPiii. de.
' .101112? t
spnl 19..
• I
:E , PEtrrFuL.
&boa. gennal
Dry dead an d .
meat.the '118 , 4 1 c . r
meat Of.g.toktiti
horn and Nos
sprit 2t ii
- .
sale 0%1 .•4 •
kpril 27 '
§gUPEI2FiNg Gb
BSc h.r sale lby,
:•pril 27
pt)Pl4;kB6B . :
april 27 •
lOUSLI(7 , T.ife LA
ITI Dteas Ildnfa, for
april 21
EtiGkasa split Si
ble, Firirenee B
land, Swiss, Italian, a
melt., for valet very eh.
• april 27
New Ch
WtiOti&ALE an'
v v Tea, Od Liqu.
ranlo.hill Stteet, next
april V, 4
r o il HE subsiOlbers hat
'nnd are
store, puperior cbth, Vi
Pindountle Pant
Inn; Clothe, I wens an
apti: 27,
GENERAL assort:
ble Printa (tow
may 4 18.4 f 11
Frontirnac, I
and Sperm Candies,jusj
may 4 18-tr HU
2 SO
liiitcl(EßAL Ivo. I
Card, Minns' Brod
HHams,aMi Should;
may 4 n r
IFVHE Sabatkhers ha
Ja• sortmenA:.of Cutle
and Cblont% elm an a=:l
wbich' they of m cheap
may 4 18-if . HUI
valuable and
B okitunswick
ly; consoling 4f about 5;
dart of which is arable,
neighbourhood. on • whil
-Stone, and Iron Ore, of
ita. been 'mind, and u
large quantity. The i.
iih the necessary out
j Mansion Ho.
;tT , . a large Swit
- • Apple Orcha'
River and' R
it premises.. If the
Rift the first dily of Jon '
ed at Public Sale on th
lemma on the premises.
In? acres of Wood
miles from the above is I
april 47 17-6 t
iltooml Best genii
inikbeire ma in g at the
tins Will .be reedy io
11141 i Kiln will contain or Front bricks!
MetFand with sand pr
Alec Tile bricki suitabl.i
Also Truck Brick,. for
pipes to the gutters., ac ".!
N. B. Bricks made a
&quite of Georue Fish.,
Spill 27,
NO .ICE 1 . •
To Manufaerure sof Loetitootive Eit , .
gines, Passenger- and Freight Cars:.;,
raIHE: State of initial 'ls engaged in a system of
- 11 - Public Works, em mMng a large -ettent of
Reil-Rnads, and - the and df Cimirelationerti.4, ,
Public Works, ititrulte with the eiecutida of these.
improvements, desirous that the State should derive
every possible ;advents from them, sur well by Our. -
promotion of manufactri ea to the extenturtheir pat. ! .
ronage within her limi ,as the accommodation of :.
trade, have requested undersigned Commission.
er of the District in wh oh Alton is sifriaterfoo ad
vertise and , invite pro Is of terms frooi competent
individuals to carry on MANUFACTURING - ES: :,
TABLISHAIENTS fo such_ articles as they re.. '
•quire, on which they - ill put in ope.-atien meth me
establishment st Alton, [hi-point deemed most snit. -
able by the Board: to such a purpose within the'
State, both on acconnt *its advantage" forinaritt.:
factoring purposes it eneral, and the convenient&
for Mau Motion! throe bout' their- worts. flail. in
found in great &bootie cc immediately l aboot Alton
and Iron can be had aft less 'expense of Immure:4n
tirm than at the manufacturing places on the Ohior
i i mi
river, from Tmmessee, the principle source of their
supply, of the best qu ity of this material, ad then
rich minerals of Moto ri will soon furnish this ar.
tide with still greeter cility.
Allen, with the Co ing advantage', and her
convenient position fo trade to a large portion ofr
'his State, sad for the! vahey of the Upper Missisz
- 'lth
sipm ir
, is beco , • r
meat of n.-
to 'boil&
boat col
where tin
cd, to av
way ilia
tory of
tires, at
to be au'
to all pall
nia akar
them tr
IS bert
latent k.
.441.40 - odstat,,
_jib the ii
nest, *Moab halm*
requaed tooileat
svn in . r,
t d
1§415 rea ( Voora a.
iikIWILePPII4; work'
1 300 1 1 1...tteamis i .144-
dileskery. ••
V. of iAoyesefard SSWIS: way col;
' tr*
is,:,Tilittuge, Samar". Cloth
,iakipluF, s' •
i N ta r b B;
A ft m tlei s,c t e fil wanti, ?
,w. Double OA Donatv- .
, id. Oriental. Mit;
'Cantinas ogle kinds °Mink •
pby AM -LEWIS..
p Cash Stome.
1 ER & KREBS 1 . .
1, R,
od bary.-Ood. Optkqeryi
Store, coini.eofqtAl.te end
; o cir to the Exagnie; 1/o!ifi
• e just returned _ r
ow opening of their cheap
tong Oron Caosinters„ Satin:
loon Stuff, Veltingit, Sum
lent aliens? and Faishiond
atlerna) just receive -4i by
' roof Pala. Brandy, Holland'
Id Port, and Lisbon Mineai
received and' for sale by
& KRETS. •
and 2,
ra, for gale by
jost received a general as
Hardware, Paints, O,la'
rtment of Nails and Spikes,
for cash.
eal Estate
&EL E. • '
riber offers fot sale that •
!well known property . called
Forge," *koala in East
ownship, Schuylkill mien.
acres of land, the greeter -
.nd some of the best to the
there is plenty of Lune'
n . excellent quality,, which
! and no doubt there is
rprosements are a' Forge
tiildings, a'Sew Mill, a fine ,
Ise, five Dwelling Ileuses, 7
!. • Barn, and ' -s. •Tiirftingr
d. The Lin%
11 Road both psis through'
;ye {report - I,ls not
next, it willthen tie offer_
day, at 2 o'clock to the af-
d, situate fkostr2 to
offered tor sale. • -
of common enn d Brick
• • sidle; ,Sgreir BE .yerit.
few wocke'fOr '‘deliterre
, proportionate *wailer of`
ede by •experienced work.
•cored from
for Hearilts or Pavernenbi
• eking leaders froni'house'
• tiayetnente.
d delivered to order in any
at the yard. or -
VEY, Centre' ittreet
• 11—
AgAke; Adiniehdrit at
an. 4