The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 27, 1839, Image 1

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    . 7
Two Dozzarte pet annum. payablyamentisinnual is
advance. U • not teid ;be 15G' WM ire
chugs& . -•-.
rgr ?van del i 01-.. l ot . indet will Ile alit!.
ed 25 cents egret, _ _
Advertisements no Ist ea Ong ' h i p b. c ,
_li nes in t k w
charged $1 Ibribree 5O cents for ode
Insertion. Larger onerrin'proportion.
All advertimiedis red kitrinsertild until ordered out
unless the time for which . 10krars to be continued is
ripecj oed, and will intilwilled = tha t .2
Yearly advertisers 4111- be tged Iper anm
including subscription to the paper—witlflthe pritikge
of keeping one. adverfme, Brent not exceeding 2 naves
wending daring the y*r, and the insertion stroder
One in each paper forViree successive time,
All tenets addressed to the editor mast be post pall
otberWise no attention will be paid to them.
All notices for mqeengs, arc. and other notices whic.b
have heretofore b -stt inserted gratis. will be charged
25 cents each, except Mariages and Deaths_
p.phieu. Chicks. Card', Bills of Lading and
Handbills o f every description. neatly printed at this
Office at tke lowest cash prices
THIS Journal was materially enlarged and otherwise
unproved at the enmtnencetnent of the year, and will
now rank with any paper tp the state, out or Philadelphia•
Its pages will be devoted to a
Genekal Chronicle of the Coal Business; :1
Improvements in the Manufactory of Iron;
The progress of the Arts and Sciencns;
A Summary of Eurimenn Intelligence;,
The Current News of he Day.
nd in addition, each Dumber will be furnished, unless
3 press of local niaiteraboald exclude it, with
Thereby making it equal'ltems to many publications
whose subscription pries double it in amount.
To those interested ip the Coal or Iron business, as
well as the general reader, its. pages will. it is hoped,
afford valuable informatton and amusement, and. no
puns shall be spared to render it. worthy the patronage
of all classes of the community.
In the first week in January, 1840, the Miners' Jour
nal will again be enlarged by the addition of another
column to each page, which will make it the largest pa
per published in the State, out of Philadelphia, provided
each subscriber will, In the mean time, procure na an
additional one. Those who do not, will be charg
ed $2 50 per annum after the etlirgement takes place.
The Coal Region will then have a epresentative abroad
that will add credit to the enterprise and liberality of ita
citizen& B. B%NNAN.
Reading,Steam Works.
THE ondersigned.are now prepared to manofac
tore to order Steam Engine," to any size, and
set into operation in any part ofethe state. Also,
cold or hot riveted Betters, Locomotive Boilers.,
Rail Road Cars, and all the work of a general
.nachine shop. J. MAY JONES & Co.
eljkll 5. I tf—
To Let.
THE Danville and Pottsville- Rail Road
- a - Com pany'. offer to rent or one year their
II Coal &hates and Landings, also the
Dwelling( - House and Store House at
Mo t Carbon, ell of which are in good order. „En
gel of THO'S SHARP, Superintendent
.bury, Feb. 1838. 7—tf
Welsh Books..
E subscriber his al , slitas on band and forsale
heap, Welsh Bibles, Testaments and-Prirners.
. bcr 20
New Spring Goode. :; -
pinnies new nni:Csplendid Prints, jail receiyed
tar sale by T. & J. BEATTY.
arch 2,
Beata for Sale. •
Canal Boats . for sale low; fo( tetrns apply to
Far Sale.
lIE valuable lot of Ground, with Coach Maker's
Shop thereon, situate cio the North East corner
orwegian and Coat streets.—Apply to
Deo• 1
i t • Davy's Safety Lamps, -. '
:IF the best comtruction, and most approved kfkll
vjust received and for sale by B. BANN Ali.
Orders for any number of these Lamps will be
applied at the shortest notice. n-:.
- _.,:.:... •
Jan 5
Ground ;ruts.
I Bushels African and Charleston Grounriltits of
good quality, just 'received and for sale by - :.? .
✓Ye Goods.
JUST received and bow opening—a large- arSiort
ment of seasonable'.
• Dry Goods—Groceries,
Hard and Queensware,
Fresh Mackerel No's. 1 2 it 3, in
whole, halt, and quarter Barrels.
Salt, Plaster,4-c, 4-c.
all of which will be sold at Philadelphia prices.
Country Sto , ekeepera and others will find it Co their
advantage to call befin".v. purchasing . elsewhere.
Mount Carbon, Deft; 1. 2.
ot ice.
A "persons indebted to the estate, of Sermu
Ifetirerill, deceased, late of Lower Providetice
Muntgomeiy county, are hereby request.
ed to make immediate payment to the subscriber,
and all persons having claims or demands against
yard deceased, arc heretic requested to torwaird
them. NI ARTH A wErif &RILL, Executrix.
Mal Grove Farm, Mongomery Co.
11 -8w
Murch 16
Piano Instructor.
1 %.1 El N E'S New: and Improved Method. of lo•
''-ilustruction for the Piano, just received and for
sale by • B. BNINNAN.
Feb. 23
Field heeds.
1 1111.11 E Subscribers ear for sale, Wholesale end
ii Retail, Garden Seeds of their own raising, war
mated fresh and of the best quality :
Imported French i begar Beet
Mangle Weitzel
A splendid variety:, of Flower Seeds, Garden
Tools, of every description. Also Fruit and Orna
mental Trees, Shrtibbery, &c. Flower Roots of eve
ry description, GardeniSecds pot op in papers by
the hundred or dozen for country Stine Jieepers.
All article punctaalCy attend to.
O. ey E. MAUP Y, Seedsmen,
No. 5, South sth St. Pluladdphia.
Philadelphia, March 16, -3mo
SWAIM'S Panacea,
Do. Vermiftige,
Leidy's Blood gills, ~
Do. ' Medicated Sarsaparilla
Do. Tonic k Anti-Dyspep4 Cor
Do. Vgegetable Febrile E 'r,
Dr. Bechtel's PtdMOßary Pres vatjve
Dr. Mile's Extract. of Tama Pills,
Indian Specific. i
Fire Kin's Remedy for thiTooth
Ache, 2,
For sale by the subscribei For
further particulars seeruse
meets in anotirej part of the r.
B. BA N ' .
-11 1 w
- k
.1 tux 21
a' •
Exchange talYele York, on London 8 to
84 per. cent premium.
The petition of the Newcastle charists,,According
to a London paper, baa been taken to town by a de
viate, with 35,000 signatures attached; that is, a
bout 20,000 signatures over and above the whole a
dult male population of the brio !! ••The 115 maids
of St. Andrews," and other fair and unfair allies,
must have been pressed into the service.
Mrs. Trolkrpe is 41olit to enter the lists with Boz
in a monthly publication, to be called "Michael
Arrostrpng, the Factors. puy." Attiens3iim. The
announcement has given rise to a goo 0 deal of spec
ulations as ,to how this celebrated 'authoress will
treat so interesting a subject. We' laave bard that
it is her iiitention to lead the whole power of her
vigorous pen to the emancipation of our white ne.
roes. .
Princely Doadrion.-- . -The Rev. Dr. Warneforithas
given .E4OOO to the RadelitTleniatic Asylum at Ox
ford, 4,000 to the Cork.striel Eye Institution at
Gloucel and .V 2,000 to the Society gat the Prop.
agation of the Gospel in _Foreign parts.
The results of the iabours of the Committee ap.
pointed to inquire into the merits of East India
Steum Navigation, by the waf of itlexandri4have
been published, and it in with considerable satiithic
tion we announce to our readers that the.Chairreto
and Committee haviireported in favor of Rrielol aii a
port of Departure. Five steamers. are recommend
ed to be built, three for the European side, and 04
for the East ledie. . . . Y tk".
. Mercantits .. I .Sloppage,...The iitensive works of
Messrs Brown and Powell, calico prirtlerioStochpost
will finally dloie this day *tut:day - 4)
ouence will . e the 'throisFir%ont or employment
bout 1,000 hinds, and for. present withdrawing!
(rum circulation upwards a - L . 1 4 0W pet' week, which'
the firm has - long . paid in :wage& -r 4 1 .1
/res t s . name: Fall et Shakespeare's - Clif4- , -4
s tre. l tij
mentions fall of chalt - toolt-place recentl y- at fa,. ; ,
cipg o(the .ppek forming the entrance of thtiisesc;
tunnel 'through SliakespeareacClifTl and, had Deli
some warning been given by particles falling, no
less tininseventyiiightmerkßust have been crushed
to atoms, ao lofty was its Atch, and hirming as ".t
did a mass . of several tons. ~11y,,Jhis fall however,
the geologisbihave a treat, ,ast.h*vderebrin of an im„
mense animal,hairbeen laid biro, ito it lure:petted'
that the remaining parts of , the skeleton will 'be
fbund on the lerourial or the.Eillin intibtsti. The
works cf this undertaking are pOiresslng rapidly.
The east totinii :is cut thraTighAi intended line;
end the dhafts - are being stitamet.,4 to the surface'
Orthe mount!, to ivoid accident to the workmen be:
low—in short, the whole, of thlrinui . horn Dover to ,
Folkettesi is one scene ei hustle and; energl....t . 4ts7
A Man ofizotrie .Ifivlll ante,Tke , Jo ll I'7; AA
.4 .
Ciousicement of ii-ifiViiiagd,appan in --- in .;' ,
per :—"On Ilidwiltribe 19ti ins l , " . tit P- .AK
Trinity, Cli.filit,ll. fidr• RobetkVVillertooairSi. , ^
layer, surgetriiswyer; vi3ntrilooit st,tind cooly
r o singer, temporarily employed tird e-"rhill.cattrii
way" at the Caister union house,' u Arta, lotilitii!
daughter ergs. Samuel W, r atersi. o of thrfret and :
IE4IO hotel ;, Istie. A .'* y , ' 4 1.-.,,-
. ii' .43... .
canadianativieriers.—Frout the tionilovi GS' ' id : '
w'Vlearn.4,ll# naettiS and destin,ibs of%ess risen 4'.;
Eighteen vidtthsin are to be Atinspot . _ li
colony, and thetherfttio Biwyeleatetod bona I
ary 11 on L.4e Orttknici, . :., szi. =..on--- , ~/
: • niiirioltiftbet4) ti&arpSsira Suovicy.,
liz le, fnlin•Cies , illiamg. AR Suwon
Tirrill4iiihri&riere Gutttitlis,,lsr*lit.Wehrito t n,l
John Sprigo, 11.46ert• Stith, Riley. Miiiit n illiv
art, Henry lterreliSo4l, • nal, Alvin )!AuVweet.,
~ enly
tat mmot ir 4 Eli ~, vk - Iter W in, hatitutey
Sheldon, Jauteit Pert Ferry,. and ':Morin.."
Of The five. David' McDmigal, ffsiorge Yutnatoi
idney Sarbei; Wm. Bartlett, S. P.„4oofrinh,
P'.' FourVeit'are yet remaining in 1444 id.Loadott k i
who are W . l* kept a svhdehiggOlgetioinweitt*-
atetk...-Thi:terut of their t , illiWtionjvill*pentiOni
the ,
continuancea of thrrtoo ,on I . l "4oly e t t i
- . - ..
Attend** in Canada : In , 4. 4 411 ., ,*. ln.
nfonaiilliarch 21, Mr.-0 11: • .; . rt .
Honoratile,`Gentle a - .: • 5r,....
Colonial Detiiiiirrieni ltr ' its/ `t• • :
repeat the
quesuon he luta as - i3,:.,441 ' es , .', t, whether ,
the capital i': 1 ,. .; -- - •a : 'ere abont.:en
owes. ' Climii.i. % : 4-;04: i.- ~„.....4. ... 4 ' 4 :::
• Mi. Le........'itt a ie- - ,l6rhailipiiiteinfcirta the
House that - - ' . (iritr . i.iiti '. tioxiiik, .'bee ;.' received"
from Sit A.C.4lifirfig., and .Sir •e -. -.:'.......' 111--
idat i g
which thcaktridlantee t t a t .:I‘r 4 r:7l: 41.
."1. ;44' 0 , 0 , Z,
imagine any furtkislecitld iezt)isistiotta. - '' . 1' , , ,- . c. i .,,,,,,,,,
... ... ~. ..
cessary. lit"... ..: , .r. , ..,. ,
Stearn cone - Ws* Africa 'lre/melt .i ! . ve
entered into „ii - cdrdiectjof icillra'vejii" the .-, by
large and poixeribl oteiliq,etsaeiti ,bp s.
Halifax, and. thence , Cranch . -' d - .:: . ton,
and in the summer ' ue , . me t ii--is•in
terests, not only, e h ktiiiiiciutt i Cifirnieraig.
t e
A l.
but also in the red ' es, will be fled. to;
t 0,.;
learn that, inateitVof nthly. coMmudicitinfAs
formerly, steankgs‘ w ill be despittcheit on the Ist at it,
15th of each month. Jfhe enterutiiing contractirs
has engaged with thAikble and actin c builderst
Meiiiirs. Wood, atFiliesGlaskrow, tiii,b ' hreeshiq
011,000 tons each, lii which Rase
_tipier. / Esqt.
is to place engines at 400 horse po :, .
....i-17" , -.
ok. :
::- .. .;.'..f:1) . :
.. - ;-ill,."; - ' , .11.1:.:
:- - . , i:.!.-.. , "3 .:1.•-.7-;,11,: ,
.. . .
~ .f.'; li-, • i "... .
. • C%•,F
-_- -..-..1 - -- , Pik' r- .. ~ .., • :4 tsr-4. - 14.:4 -. ~. ,;,...1:74 , ' , ...... , , 5ri'...4..k
,-,... - f
. .
- . ...
~.,; , .: 1 4" . yam .
. . -
. .
I : vvilinsatthyou to Ones the bow*. orthe Earth andWitgitd!frdni iiitititieral of ilia Monatains. Metals whilit .hi give ainongth tcteer aside anbjecrill Staten:n*l*P use and pleavarn:—,ba-Jonnstle..
The Monists. O'Flanagen,cuphmare of Chief &Ps
ron Wonlfe, are appointed to siteiaLit is in the'Co.
of Exchequer—the senior to be huilegdship's . feg:
letter —t`ie junior to the 'office of crilitlifnort .£7olr -
a-year. •
. . .
• The mercantile body of Cork hive,
'Nabitration society" to prevent !Wien
moicial affairs. - • ;
SeNal parishes m the county otcor v'
alined t% emnribute to the O'Cone t ru ,
account ch the former tribute is ren ou
is insinuatel„ .
Run on the banks in Cork:.—Some , ii tphnclpFlid_
persons, said bo Ise speculatomiin grain'having cir
culated reports leg - tic:tons to thiceredikxif the Nation
al Rank- to Cork, a -at for gold wasr.niunsenced on
that institution last wiles. The panic Slightly ef
fected the other Banks. -The objector this acenda.
loos stratagem is obviously to- rediie'the pricikor
agricultural produce-4h) , which die poor fanners
will be the heaviest losers. re
The New. Seel for dielanticiivhichliasjust reeeir
ed the approval of the Queen is Council,- hits on, one
n o
+Qa'het Otiose.
in sad Justice,
it or the Queen
i-Gederal ;in sickish"
case it is more than likely that Servant Curry
would - hate the Solicitor-Generalship;
Mr. Ball bag been appointed one of-the Judges of
the Common Pleas, and Mr. Brady (the rotator So
licitor-General) la now the Attorney.Generki in Mr.
Ball's place. Mr i Pigot to the IleW I Soticita6Geoer.
al ; and is expected to be the member for Clowns!,
recant by the eletration of Mr. Ball 'to the Bench.—
Mr. Patrick Matthias Murphy has appointed
Attornity-Gndand the Cape of Gbod Hope.
'Weekly by Benjamin' ilanninOrottsiUle, Schnilkiit County, Pennsylvania,
Lord CAW Commissioner drlera.---,This distin
guished Judge and excellent man died at Edinburg
on Saturday week. We naderatand he was it the
88th year of his age, having been born in 1751,
the -same year of the birth of the late Lord Chan
cellor Eldon, with Whom he had lived in great in
timaefiluring their long professional career.
Singuiar Cirennudasee.—A few days ago, a gen.
tleman called at one of the oldest banking establish
ments in Glasgow, and left a parcel directed to Mr.
—, a wall known and respectable banker in
that city. On the parcel being banded to the bank
er, he instantly ceased his clerks to endeavor to find
the person who left it, bat no trace could be got of
him. It appears from the letter iceonipanying the
parcel (which inclosed a largeamount oftsank notes)
that the writer was more than 20 years of age, em
ployed in a niercantilo house in Glasgow, and was
occasionally sett to draw money from the bank.--
One clay he had sent for a large sum, and, by a aiiti
take of-the teller, £l5O more than the sum drawn
for was given. This- £l5O the Writer of the letter
kept to himself, and forthwitheormneoced bumpers
It would seem from .what - he sive; that•he has been
most successful, being now, to ewe his own:words,
uindepenclentatof th)l world." In. cokalpslob, fie
1 awe. that he derives great pleatumt in rctdrning the
satin he had taken thOloan of, with pairiphandrinter
est..,, The affaia_bas given .rise tttmuch sen*jk in'
:town, from its • being varmint:l.ost the party has •
alliUnet u uded in Glfsgow, iindli has heitrin hab.
cy with the respected_ banker whb has,
bli*lgliftlinate as to get this wlncifalk , ' , ;
', t' "`
. ' o l o Otesir DowneeP:of•Rom b ,
e under
S. . 4 ''' , ' basti.left the awn .£,,threeper cents,--
t - -..atincial'diviclenda to be applied towerch creitino
or repairing Episcopal Chapels', and assisting in the
education of young men for the Church. ' - '.
IDitAre#H.4lllo4's Pirneilli e on..;-ThelateDuke slic-i
tkiitled hi ""f eir in 1814, and from that. period' to
' D - ...... ' :>.1'.1 wh!, he finished his pladtaticin,lie 1
re.:... - .:; .. 4.--> •:,,i i 0 imittrlAtacres iif waste land'
wi i ‘ liclatfite k ... ' '-`. ciald,v4.l* , of his cestlei 6600
R Scots Wcfes of inoturatnlllierhich was only. worth,{
' e rbitigifront._944lB„.„ Yely... ‘ as - pasture. This
land he planted :. ,
inhcrticith ly-Cliared -M per acre
bYithindingiCialfter paying'alt theexpenseadf thiiii.,
.w.*.esandol;...the original-outlayof,eleving, Mit
railvd the Value ofthc.:Und under the trees, ass.
„tare, to a great priers. The trees- are still - Afro**.
and before will be of auffie:cntlige Lobe clown--
they will have been thinned out of 400 t41 1 t4 .„, '.
ore. .In the -conrieMa liars •.t , .-.10. I ''..,
planting.. theic.thielt4vilL .4.114 b x; - ' .',lllr. - : :
least, siloaditt4a
, . ' :,;,: . . ~ sth) 471
and 9iis at theloW'telto4C' l' . -" *.. ' '' not,' I,y _ •
a'prolit of '41,000 -,./ 11 . . a t. ' - 1 . ..."''' - 11 :04 ill
Xt6oo 00t leli . ' -- ; .1 f 4- , Y 'Pe - 's . ~1 ' . .
-'? 4- 0k :
". ' h'. . . _ - •.- ' 4 ‘ S •• •( . 4 .6: ' I*4 -' ‘' •,. It
' Ii..!'••• ...--...-:-..1
0 1 0 of the 0
lilllontititify 'h....,
tatilr e af4, - OT-sist ,
ITitioOpeniiis inn
in tali?' moiteriti,
loiltad by ti{ poor
- *pit Melon Ceding
C 46111. katilifsciuti4 , at
the 23d 4iit., toliwarde4 to i
%logo{ cif Iliiou4„-and,,by to
V 111144 4..M. ' I
Llionelly Rditilitiy.—iliii
bwiclies to 42 - miltvai the
wfroletland taa bean purchased,
let-Air .C 200,000 ; the whole land. birteek
45d, and tbe.eontraettt 1ey0r;t13.5,765, aboi
milorieowintg6l - 0.51,0c-extandlNl line 6 I
{her, tO Alaa.ilo, it thkeeibpan w 0...;
intend "t#4l2flit it lie only eatini ' 3attat-441,...
ilsit4the tevlulcubr i a" l'll i ttr i t i l'
'04011.._ aftiolrotnitescegla%to a
. "iiiiiiatcl
. ..4i..,.T oath Bolt .?W - ant iialotl.
....via . iii. / 6. is cop - s'itify
* tra
4aidie -:-' **will he illattoe4otttri to:aliti*
dot. i•r' • peed to divideldeper Ow.: 1 , ,,;
I- • „, .., foll o wing
•r' ' " VAlRipterw ,-- the al, l-'
t9t , r4 o a. letter fliliii - Dr. Hatay, Bialop of p _ _ , .
a'ileacenditatolthe illustrious house of lfortlii
la id. and' the tri4d oi. Pr > Ssmiiet flohoson, da
"%tad Alsodid; 111-I:—Allfhave a great-veneraiion
. . . . •
.- f. I .11 ..• .1 - t. island, an/ hatre'alt
'f,i . i . ."L" ", ' ghat desire to tee winie•of the most ear.
.. i. ,`: iglifai productions in it. Leonid new.
erilmit ..taitya gratificetio - hof this desire, for to their
*erne liadt•l4iltenonost of your countrymen, in.
stead oilolo'ilostmirtatirir ancient and truly venera
ble T i p tongtitt.finta . tinit contempt which is on
)y t
„,„ aft nt *ranee, rather encourage, it by
endavouring to eenefriqs2teti: I ;lever hap
keged to meet with one na e l4orWales who could
Viva me 'arty satisfactory a ntaf the literary pro.
-c4t2tinne of his On country.. or eieernoi to havabe
stowed shy atte 'on on -its laniftutge and antiquities.
L Not so the they are every wherarecommend
',mg thz„arit yof their own country to public no-
I ince, vi . g its fluttery , and setting off its poet
'ry, add, of or constant attention' to their great
nationaPconcerin haye prevailed so far as to have the
broken jargon they...speak to,be considered ales ~-":.
most proper bitiguageof o! . • . I poetry, 'bar
Mott pane ladiesalrettfri"- sta,: z' airs, and .ipli
the Sena te „Melly , lilt , '` l .leilktts to the Soctiiisti rtt-V
lion is ittwaysit •,, - itp, ?imager r .. t. Far
lrom blatairis*Tt . ti . a ntmia ta.the - ,-,::,.., ,1, i n k
„I t
,&tonch r &or t r ppd am aril ..f". '. chili
tWi %re united whom in theraiioti.:. Inuits
otoff fbr matty e agalhetweiltiewtivaiti'ceit to titi r e
rost inWii•ltatei endallty, bave e not p ti . the
pq,et' to thrpecultatities of their*ro 4: , r.-
Stab preilldices aineingesome le fisiti: .-, ,
wed werEj not for Itie aupitur- -„ ••t ..
Welsh gentlemen m of occasion :., .* ~ ng
oteuse 4l
*its oldie, contained • • eirlia
t ,
~. . N I, , .5.. - ,*:,•''. •-.
y ;4_,,: . tt 44., rave. ,
• , '-:* P Ax:;.- ATHERD(b.
-r. , l', - •'‘`",! , --. •
'tirh.-..i0;,,ei ro
.. - t ,• ..,• _ :; ,.. lip on . the bunny"-aide
ofjiillocli It , •••.; •,„; - .1• - f r• , • of snow bents, are
p e
very s . i ,and en. ri scentleaa ? and-the - ben
ty which is imputed to diem, is 4iefly m .63it11-
treat, with dieters:446n .idutseldiress which they
, .,..
The deatbe:of ri fningl - erhonagr'spared a fault
'of my character, nor : foinid: a eirtut_vrbicfighazdal
'not pielat, had cast' a aloe& over'myrieirldfiiek,
no previous pa privation had. produce,. *1 relarrif
bow sceptiaPandAteart smitten —OttikleALVro ',..‘
..,•!the broken he alwayir bellereelAWW / :.1
his grave, while the clergyman touch #= ~ lin l'
* •
on his virtues, and Irks anth.rillundde'.•••••• . • ~,
that be would 'prim f = rom the 46rbir iii anrimmortaV
pmcwi r
ity df happiness ;
.and - suggested the-.P
Scripture, and argued with Jogical ' .
- _ '
texts and analogies, that my friend sbould : to
the dead. Despondency is not mory - the •
malr oni
the parent of dirbelief , - - grief deep - tut set
—end the lasturalliritimilvd nem lose that
confidence in iMantisee, incliaing their POtie
ulsr wish, which . they yielded to th when ';
benefit of lathers are alone pro riek it tittle Wu
lag is danigefma • inauck mania; suffered
it° outAijiii-
W. Pi - Air/Ler,
the centre part
be checked:
Or Lord Chief
the course of e
nocciaal hint—
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menial argument upon the probability of an event
which we so much desired, to displace the simple
faith which 'would have produced comparative happi
ness. Those who have contended with, and at I,
length yielded to this despondency, alone know its
painful operation.
Occupied with thoughts 'resulting from such an
unpleasant train of mind, I followed into a burying
ground, in the suburbs of the city, a small train of
persons, not more than a dozen, who had coma to
bury one of their acquaintance. The clergyman in
Attendance, wai leading a little buy by the hand, whir
seemed to be the only relative of the•. deceased in
the slender gronpe. I gathered with tam round
the grave, and when the plain coffin was lowered
down, the child bruit forth in uncontrollable grief.
The little fellow had no one left to whom he could
look for affection, or who wild address him in tones
of parental kindness. The last of his kinsfolk was
In the grave—arid he was alone.
*When the clamorous grief of the child had a little
subsided, the clegman addressed us with the cus
tomary exhorts to accept . the monition, and be
prepared : and tumid); to the child, be added :
is not 4o remain in this grave forever : as true as
the gr l / 4 which is now chilled with the frost of the
'season; slag to greetings' and life in a few
;months, e. shalNyour mother Come up from
that grave to another lifs to a life of happiness, , I
hope. TheldMnds4tas shovelled lathe earth upon
die coffin, and SSW one toolttle William, the child;
by the hand , f' from the lowly tene- .
,asent df his mother. t
Late in the ensuing springilliess in the neigh-t
bo?hood of the Jame biliirfg-Ound; and seeing the
gate Open, I walked among the ipsiea for some time,
'reading etre names Of the dead, 44 - Wondering whet
strange disease could snatch oteso many younger
than myself—when - recollecting that I was near the
grave of the poor widow, buried the previous autumn, see what lustilleen dond to preserve the
memory4,f onirso utterly destitute of earthly friends.
o mpeurprise, I,TO'und the most desirable .of 011
brit Mother's - sepuichre —little William
• . • .near the head of the now sunken grave,
~•;Itnently tiro some -green shoots that hod
rkuith the warmth of spring, -from the soil
t. s'• bpi mother s coffin.
I:. tt 6 t4eyapPrisach, and would have
Age. pfit-was lovi s kiliefore foould itiduce him
itt. dirt` ig win =his Confidence,
Old hiliAbit .l l was present when they bu
-41-,,afteterrithd had marked his tears at the
ments afterwards. .
uVery well ! secure the guns with single heating':
only, and have the deck clear for action !" was the
next order.
"Action, captain 1 9 exclamed the earl, who had
witnessed these preperations with interest.
"It is bead to be prepared, if that dark Cloud roll
ing towards us should chance to conceal 'a foe in its
bosom. A dark cloud, as: well as a dark w eye, some
ti'n'hiara dangers, my lord."
"You may be doing right, Kenaid, but heaven de
fend us from other dangers than the elements threat
en us with." . .
These several brders were exe rted; and the
yacht lay rocking, with scarcely any progressive mo
tion, oh the sluggish surges, which all at once began
to heave and swell, es if lifted by itotoe vast and mys
terious power beneath. She was nearly divested of
liar canvass yet still• beautiful in her nakedness,
showing to advantage,the graceful symmetry of her
tapering spare, and the exquisite shape of •her
hulL —Like a bird seated on'the water, she yielded
to every undulation of the heaving billows with a
r,, ~ ' . • grace that seemed the instinct of life.
The stillest that now reigned,zo a a profound anti
awful.. ...., ,
uListipiy lard," said the captain, after the lapse
of a few moments, during which all eyes were turn
ed to Watch to storm cloud walking the skies in its
puw'er,jind flinging-its broad shadow on the sea.
. • The.eari bent ins ear more acutely, turd beard a
..... p iAtaintig found, like winds howling in caverns
, - der'sea. Gradually it drew - louder, and at the
raip time the dark cloud cast itself across the sky
ti t e
ititiods the'zenith, its edge streaming in advance,
like .hair blown out by the wind. In-a fete seconds
he moon was darkened, the stars became suddenly
- Cliquish's!, and an impenetrable gloom fell like a
1 over the deep. Not a breath yet moved the air.
deeper and more awful grew the moan of the.
, es it swept down the Sea. -Lander and. loud
sme, and now was distir',Ftly heard the roar
'gitt ie Wavet4 tossed by the shrieking winds;
men, sky and sea, which seemed to meet
each the hind, glared.ri line of white foam,
to their imiginations the glittering and
ig teeth of the mad tempest. The earthid his
rithitilds cloak, and uttered a prayer for the
ofthe - souli-Ott board ; the captain stood upon
, with his Viellipori the Coming storm, proles
ly cool aint oallect6d. %,-...
we steady_seanten go theaid of the helmsman,"
not to come up heft,. Whakshall I de—'b eanniit stii, lid, im.s ; esltt low voice, • ughe will bear noth
without her. ” ' 4. • • .- - 1.1 . :-,,,'"'. • t N , flo• .1:- ; `.we must make fuLElonian luny of her.
u You shall goiolier," sakli, iatie lan- '.dg" . -# 1. . - • " -.4 1 : 16 t7°P;il halyards:'
guage of the . Scripture —u7You atigic t'o..,i t er,,ot . -.. . .re .>:Ctikre.'; reified
,the lieutenant; in the
- - . .. •
she shall n ot collie sgainAcueu. ''"-'•'.: .' - ~ i , .' bb l , ' ' . 7 '' - • . - • -
.„,....,.. . ..
Let-me thee, ' se-id Willrelni• let Inc go -, - '''/A" 1 .4 t:
tars, ttt* I may rise with mammy. " ' ,-....„-:' • The.N.• •v., i ir down by the run, and . in a me
„,#kilitawt,-” said I, p o t til ti ng : down - ei e t oth e 'i p t inent'a time furled by the active keamen.
~.t h' . ''' .....' - 1 through di r .. Ari" - Thu 'u ' seed w `•eLet go. thigit and spanker," he now . shouted,
-:.' ":...-• - -1, , .: would ncttililve co ,,if -it had not •an eheMetie•.„Vb e• . .
- .
;1 - '' . .T . :; .: :,.;, 1 t ao 4'' do must w m it im . 7 y u ; . M. . rated t i me, . .' Wyg„ltt. Wes now under 'bare poles, and lett to
:it , 1'. 4 .;; , ' ,, r end eomsth. " ., • -• • 'themercy °Me - flu:ileum. The roar of the coin
'. - ti Then I Audi inviter I '• - •:.;;`:''' Mg tempest was: now deafening, and the vessel be
. ,i. I-surely hope so." * - ..::• -. 4..
::.',. gen to pitch wildly,.yeethere .Istis - ntHseneible sgi
“ I will wait then, ” said the child, u.lni r ri• ..,-` .',,.. , (361 of -, • '... • - - ' : z t,-- ,, - - , '.....
I should iii hetacda:-...iihought I should; pi,
.• . ' :.3,; -Ever,' marl th a t hinlaelt on his feeklai t
- A "°"-. --:.- 4 . , . eck 1 " cried the eantain'sudden - -in a loul to
lord, you wilgie Fifer her w.. Qin- decks will,
.„.AniLlie did. In asiontlAAVilliain eeeSetrio - werM•• - s ' N S
,i'ind 4tAy' . : opettedAis mothe'r . I S ' -era
. .-Y . .d.pAsithis• ' be swept elealf,aa.,..„. to d."- 4-1• - • •
~.„.., '--":"
hula --grin oil 1 1 t ,,;,,, 4 , c i s .:*„ . -.. rid
..:„.• ;,-,. .1- k 4 4 . ) . 1vi1l rm.. .....yott . l,' Kenard." . : ' - :-, 2. -
expressed:in dying. fiettei.teachers'!''':r 2 : i hard! -...- 4 4. 11 d I - "ri-ll r f Mattl , 3- 1 YO,i;unere , "' , ad. Gram,
instructed bi n , to t h e way 4iiireit his in0t .;:4 111 ,, 1 V- --' ' &nip &podding , a . , ; the - like a spiririinhei
: owy night robe ,- .. ing Ii
,e i garrrient of pale
young as the little sufferer eras, he lisd . l-.:1111
a n to w n avid b opear d ."''' i ne ,,, a b ort oft _l ifel ‘ n , light f in the surrounding blackneatandZ , gloom ;ul
srefrofitlesa and vain. • 'A i itimilanigayriter by f bier s ide; she added•with
~ , . .
...,.. . ~
. 'Sit im 2ielljohad struck, lit was near midnight,
i taking a long id scrutinising stt'tveY of.
the tie Massed the deck" towards the lad,
. and said with impatient diskprantment, •
Lye are OtEguititt*trry losd. Wher4,04711 be
an hipithe9. fiefter 4 4 41 1,, 4 1.„ t 44
air-topialjeis _
aloft.— • • - •
ar4e-aind is 1444. I iteileirei" Fti 1 ,41 5 --SWT
. .4t, is; - . 31 healen," e*%-leiremt . the ~.:keetni*,
nivnekpbeadvner do erepidiel" :Heave iiielO?'
• "She loge full fapi,inat• pinkest,. itot. aired
aji - elPtayti.wal," - reptiodr r7the,
. ,
.We beveastroe
yo l tviiterd -theadnister say, that my moth
-3: out. of thirgrave, " said little
4 '5X - it`iot 1 '"„ tatted he, in k•-•totte of '
• '. *---,
. , .
rmly , believe it, n.saiti I. 4. , :
it, 'said •the cfiild betieve"lt T —l
knew ih-t know h.
you knoisii, tiiidaak r : .
- said, gust,astinaskii4e,ptexwould
'be fi4141. - - blowfko o, ' 5°
&MOO* I r,anielgi 44n vh dii,ii al
4410citilisiard on tlisPOive. • pe
- *l a
ilia it ‘ iir Oland long akio ;
el* diii4or fl were, and to *y
~..i ngking thronigh
4 ,4 1 cl b_, 2 .i : * !1"IIP again • "
Wig VOWViaylid: on tr foiiiiiros:
felin4 4 -113f$ di)iini ilia,k4i
:-.11, -, ,!`::t
- ,;:_.** , .•*i: -
plitucats with out neighbour, my. Toni ; yeA 1 have
done my hem to keep out of his way,"
"But if we have no wind, he muat be in the same
t.lle will hall, it Srst,and bring it along with him.
There wars wind bag lunging over• the sun that
will soon be piping a merry note. There flaps the
fore-topsail against the mast ! The wind is leav
ing us. She•does not now move two knots through
the 'water," he• added, glancing Over hex side.—
..We shall have it dead calm in ten minutes. Take
in the lower stun' sails, tiovvel, and stand by to hand
all the light canvass! we shall have it soon ! Pre
paration is half the victory, my lord," he added, turn
ing to the earl with a formal bow.
"What mean these preparatiOns! enquired • the
earl t .-for I profess to be a bettertandemtur than sea
• iiikiittit laquires no unskilled hand to sail the
'hip of state,-my lord, of which I hear, you are an
able officer," said the captain,- in a complimentury
manner. ~This southwest wind, which has held
so fair, is dying away, to maks room for &tight. blow
hereaway from —the -nurthWest,•irbith I have berm
watching conspicuously. There heaves a cloud now ,
towards the zenith ; you can scarcely dlacera its out
line for the haze, my lord ; but you-Will find no stars
in that direction, and the tonzon 1411 thick and
'The wind has quite gone," said the earl, talent
his palm to cited the air.
sit is now time to make ready to welcome its suc
cesaCr. Tina up all hands, Howel. Take in every
stitch of light sail."
In a fess moments the.yacht was stripped to her
topsail, spanker and jib.
"Put a single reef in the topsail, Mr. Howe'," or
dere4 the captain, as he saw that the dark cloud rose
rapidly in the northwest
'lt is done, sir," reported the officer a few mo
anfuaa her entreaty :or 02b-
Th;nr was no tune to
ductlei to the'eabin-,--t... fie tempest beast upon -tberk
net If a dotal, sweilmerWith wind aripin, and bro
„ken over the vat . sel. 'lnstantly all who werbinitt s ea
feet were pro,fate. iial i Anilslll% ' g
the rigging, anomp •:t s,aus. -ii n a, st littn.
tering that appalleiffiVery; ma on .:1” 'with: j the
resent. sense of dange.W-it awep , - :,'"ii : :, m Iti t h
, 4fA r4s "c fu l 9 - ' 2 4tatte down. by iill- ';‘. f : :: : ' : '• - ve&t: ,
(mien& a &tily:iiliti2s4.on her,C , '''' *bliji, - tvilhe
thelmailivuges teaped bier her bigrtiti k e ,and $l,l-
41 04d- C °4l " ll 7Yok en, r decks.Tked o Tfie"
. al , , --41 40 1i41 b ' Oi l— "- - halit. from the
instal; aea, and'av , : te i c li 'was ..rii , 'iir seen -17
'O-*ErtierniVill g iar t -, fittk" ' ' ' gorgthn hist
Lst...,anciAtmhing tt 4 .2 , f4 l . witxuoinear te,the
" Il ir m r‘ ri gg ib .g. 111 40, Ye 154 c"rtreti siihe crisis di"
Inandel, Ant his iris awdiligtt be heard, and his
presettobatatezaml4klWsteablut tireless at /I momeni
like this. Tha:vesiel - waa drtrtn in thb van of the
tratiatt ,.. with inconeeivrair vadock- ;Weft , '
lift !lei hull, and '
tho south en&
NO. 17.
~~ ~.u,._
•tfikir.#o44 '',':,','_ . l4;'.;,l.isi.
..,‘.1.-41! - sitiOicoi
tothiii7 , ' • tiadoeoio
C t rsVietigiAllif'
thithijen :.‘. t - -'' . i ..'-
A ' l --
bV"Mailt: i • 7 .iitint,ilie 4.4 .l6
etill Iii 4 1:: ‘ l4 - 4iii4 , #,: ' `
Peist'" lo '!: '..-. ~.' .elti bey..
'occurred M- . . - I*.
.f:iliWiio,- ,
- ...HIV tli * ,'.:: ` bid r4ioNfoute4,
1 ..4
Hie ;Oil ‘ereerl-teluirpZeetr .
11 - ncraiii ..ii i i4-',„44 6 i : 7t.
that &ad : 'ti t —4- 1::A41 1 i1,4" -
dieird no vriiivitial
, ...... ...
voice. re. - i.- -74 -7., .
&Ay. -1 4 zif*:x, 5 t
.At the - . :,.;e4iere- 'l - 11!Miiillaskota...
tempest, : . = . l 4o.Wl.eik - '':
-4 e` 2 *
. swept the, ptoi:ttlei . Othr ' - , -- 4tik
mare into ~ •setOrtif the - -:.lnege t iriOrcii
in the dui. ''''astirti..'llie Oat glen
win:, on ..!' . voting. iris feet..and swan
bl clasping ehemunisgritr,:w"iltn life -
...She yet-stand.sit 1 1 -'-be.erielainnal, .4
such a hleat`will pitch it nail lirrenmet tha
I 'led' Illy xiltrilkarl'Athich of yon' Will .
ple offathenis From , the topgallantliqyards,
`aloftinui ferhithat stiek j i" - , ; - ;.:x
1 "A light la will Awif best. .Tis spur .
mimed where ibis; for Wit E.dt , ors•beard it will
ia hole through ourderia.,hig; enbughlwlet the
.Be quick; lads r: —1 . .
.4 will do it `sir," said a young 64464
1 into thoweatlier . -rigfing with* enit of
1 his arm. - .
, . - .. •
.. I hat's you my•bid. iron shall er
for this l'" ' 1- ' • ....
'i ••"'' '
. With the eyes of the whole crew tipen•
intrepid young stpunanistended itlurrilogin! g,
with ditficeltyi, as the - Ayind•preMied hi ra :se
iI F
against the sidle- that le could '' '', e
one rattlititut another,. After i pail
ed the top. Jefere. breaking f . hie. lit..
a couple or oaken stalefs,..he mating Lionialtiin
topmast rigging„ and ascending. to wiprre-the, , :i
was splintered ; ammieneetlyith fireattioeltiesso
the storm bowled terrifically Abolit brat: to with
rope about • both it Mad- the - piecei or.
tore from the'topi - At...ervery *kat of tlw
wounded - spar would'lngie ;fide, land threat
carry .him with it Welke sem . put tot)
those haste ; wbocould plainly !tie dim by.
light shed from the pkaapereseenp - waves, '
eil to Imo as cool es if engagediu an or'
op en ordinary .occasion. Attar
turns about-the - 1440i aqua rope was .
skilfully fastened the ends; and then, by a .
scalded lake en arrow to the deck. .. ~.„
.. What ladis thee? "itsked the captain, svha.
silently watched.his tabor. . .
.. The fisher's-Jed,- ',',' replied-one.• .i • ' ,
" Gallantly done; my dud, " Isaid l i'llie eapti
••This night has Outdo thy . fortune or the yo
men," =i
" I believe there lee vessel in ;right, sir ! "
..What is that you say! Come aft, fur i
wind will- let nobody speak" any Piing but -its
howl." . „
.. / dischvered aloft' what
_eppmred to be a v. eel
te vrindwrd, scudding under bard - poles" wipe ted
• Ha, say youl Sen•Wir sire 'like .to have ....n
-party in the gale." i
As he ettempted-to ascend to the weethar-sid . tei •
look' for the strangera fresh ghat of the tern , ... ,
burst upon the vessel and threw her upon her-. • e l ' -
end, the sea breaking over her:bulwarks from at , . • id
stern with the force and volume Of ii cataract. - '
. My niece, my niece ! " cried', thefEsrl of H lti-I,
mont, suddenly ; save her,—oh, God t she hat , '-, :'1
The fintt .shock of the•tempest, had thrown .e.'
nobleman And Grais to the deck; but-he had .41 4
trived, to shelter her in his cloak; under the lee. ef•
the coinpriniemway, during its : continuance, Aid
ease the apprehension attendant nn'the danger el
was in, the had suffered comparatively little. ee •
attention had been- diawn in the Meanwhile, to
bold ..nterprise oldie ioung sailoi r She had we 11 1
ed his ascent and the progress of ihis perilous d ty
with trenilding.and with prayer 1 and when he. si
cended on the deck she released • her hold 'uponpi,
uncle, and clasped her hands together in grant ad
for his preservution. It was at this 'moment he
vessel was thrown upon tier beam'! end, Sr hen caught
up by a Wave, she was borne far'from the reach el .
the. earl, whose cries: now drew T -all eyes towatdl
him. . f . .
• .
.:X yniece ! Grace ! Where is lie' " . he cried, hi
tones of despair
. Here; uncle ! " she faintly answered - from lid
Guided by her, voice, they discerned her at seL l
' distance from the vessel, her body immeased in the
.water..clinging by ous hand to a stay which lay 10 , 4
el with i% Every heave of the sea lifted het new ly
out of water, to let her descend far..teneath its s 1
face. Yet she held firmly to the•stay with that 4.
nacity which is taught by the loite of life. •
The Earl no sooner beheld her 'Man he was a t
to jump oveileSard• tu her rescue, when Mark,. It
e rope fastened round his waist ran alolig the le el
bulwarks.' and arrested him before ha could take ] a
• leap. '
t Stay, my lord ! Hold 'firmly by the. end of t , fa
rope, and I will save her or perish in the attempt.' •
As he spoke he cast himself into the sea; a ii
partly by the aid of the stay, he had nearly reack.:
tier, when a wave lifted her high on its crest, a el
' forced her to release her'groSp.
‘. Save me, Mark! r she cried, and sunk in t •
! hollow it lefto and almost wain reach of bis inn..
He dove and brought her to the surface scarce ~ a
she had gime beneath it. • She instantly clasped
arms firmly mind, him with in duct of self-preser#..
!lore ; • cheek lying againat s, and her rich irs
sea blip 3 ,.
i .. She " • draw us ore board, "hi Sinau ~
Intfietine e' ayes with orre'arM, and the other s -
Pri'ilizo her
07 ''.ftrh '4.°'' ' 1 * .... e ty the caution and sailors, t •
net triorrieljt drew his half-drowned niece from t a!
sea, dripping like a ?lad, while the captain' did tii
rainy otfa4 fer the brave youth. - •
_••Talii :epaulets, by the rood? ' ll he exclaimed.
~ " Twee el r:insly dal Dick Kinard alit4lped a lady ,iofit•
Lvotir;mettic.7llo, tare, men ! We mu . * now look'
rya the craft.-Aay.nthe ship first and think of 00-
tselves aftetrit l 4„ - is my maxim, my lord. Bear a
hand with an ate I . Cut away the Masts I"
-1.. i' , Ceist. .1 - thOtie guns .oitvboard ;..tesid she m y
I right. v.itrZi, " said - Mark,; shaking-the It
_ -
pray frOM hfii locks. . .
' a'?We earl but try it; my boy. Overboard with t e
FaiihWith tilg men; set to work and pitched
I.:iiiarbo:ini girp.s,,lnto i\.h., sea, and after cutting
1 the fore' 4 main yartli, and giving every' jv );
1 w la eight tn.. . * :'Necather side, the yacht righted wi a
• tremendousloll to windwanl, and a lurch that , -
' c4ery'marMat upon thelleck.
; " There she is•onAter legs agaln - ," cr i e d' t h e
Cain exalitaglY- " T4 O stahn rams to have 51
I its roughast.rev. and we, will ride it oat yet.
are lesea topgallankail and a brace of yari
104 but int houN's Calm -will make all -'
Again. Ilia tlii; poor fellows -washed
thete is n . 41 getting back: . They am
1 - )
° ...
'" r