The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 02, 1839, Image 1

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Terms of *paebifation.
Two DOLLARS penannem, payeide semi-annual in'
a d va nce,' If not paid 'within the year, $2 50 will be
charged. II E
Adsertisementtknot exceeding twelvetnesirill be
Charged $4 for tr*• insertions—and 50 tentsfor one
assertion. Larg6r ones iniperportidin.
All a dvertiseinents will be inserted until Ordered oat
unless the Limit for whiclithey are io be cohtinued ih
pecifted,and will be charged accordingly.
Girt!, advertisers wil I the charged $l2 per minum
nc i u d t ng subscription to the paper—with theprivilege
of keeping oneadverosembnt not exceeding 2lnuares
standing during the year. 34.1 the insertion pf a smaller
one in each papr r for ihre e auccossiyetimte.
All letters addressed to he editor most be poet paid
otherwiie no attention will be paid to them.
Alltiotices for meetings.Atc. and other notices which'
are heretofore been tuseirted gratis, will be charged
hSqggisexcliSexcept Marriages and Deaths.
2 - -
i gr t k T aal) Gheckir,iCards.Bilis of Lad ing an d
ilamadla of every description, neatly printed at Ala
o,fi , at the ',meal cash plires
E J Aange atNew York, on Lonct"n B 3 to
bi- per cent. premium.
utoria's Marriage.—The following appeared to
a leacOng article in the Lbndun Sun on Wednesday
Jan. 23:
"The country will learn with delight that the
most interesting part in the spotith from the throne
to hoth houses of parliament, and the country at
large, will be the announcement of her ~'iltijest)'s i•
tended marriage, The litippy object ol Q•teen Vic
toritt'Fi choice 14 Prince Albert, s,nt of Ihr rrL.l . ow!:
Du! or Saxe Coinn.z. and :r
Prince klbrr is handzome, and '2'2 ye tr+
ire. He has resided : . or some oi this country
'AI a Vt>it•lu his royal rekiives.
,'Flow soon the haply event is to take place we
ate not pre,nued to say ; but our readers inay-de
pehd upon the authenticity of out information."
The Morning Chronicle of Thursday says:—
'We Are authorised to giv the must poultice coutra
diction- to the Lbuve annuunrealeirt."
ht answer tuLlus c,nlra datum ilie Sun observe,"
"The Chronicle denim, on authority, the state
ment we made respecting the marriage of her Ma
jesty. We beg katte t. Inrurito our contemporuty,
that we place more reliance on the authelicitv of
our information than on hi,. contradiction. 'recir
nreally, pernaps, the chronicle may not be in error.
rate event may not be unnduneed tu the rpeeen Iron
the throne. but may be cam in 'mica t r d to parliament
by a neperate and di•ttnet mea,..,gc; bu subet.rn
tially our Information, :and tim the amboritatice
duplal of the Cut nun hilt be tourd correct. \Ve
wait with claim confidence for nine to confirm the
truth or statement."
- • •
The Address in the Loids —We tznderi : tand that
ihr Addrcsii w the: Luri: , be frlfAlti ny Elrt
ui Lovelace, arid reci i.e I.y Vt. rn,•::.-1 h.... 4 .arl
of Lovt.lave a. i n.l. iiy Lind King, and %t as uuc
Lir the curonai/. n (ii!e
Detak of Poi.ite Lorrqi —l;Atilizence has been
!Tel fv. , 0,1 at •ol (it fof
Prince Lk:Al:flan 1.1.!2„, 4iet a _hurt
LlOl l / 4 .: Prlslee we, iur lnf,ily ye ~rs urc uini,srador
at too Brati-.11 COWL al." 11 1:,111, rut' it 1113-,1.1,
Will was lfinfllii:ll/ , llt d
Dr:Ph of ,Ludy bill..oupe.—Lily
Lct or Lod gone raw U. 1 ..1,1
dicu at urr 1.011. t 111 1://iii/Oill.111. Ilcr 1:11./1,-1111,
wad pro ionsly In ear Dual n dth ; and in
eonverii.iition with nine 1.r..1.1.• In her draw iz
room after rimier, n
leer chair and expire..l. a, ill 'iwr
.54th Or 35111 year. • I•, u. be r dteerie In
supposed ia be an air tin.
Death of the Mae of INrkrolhorn.-- decease
id this iiiiiii.lll/11, luu.. pialt .11 J.unr pry
ai 1 he:.,i.i.ii
rcLIC.LL Li L nid by drl
arrived at Ilse house ut . thu Nl(irgoo,. oft
1 3 / 4 , II Mull, ii. 117e,y0u...,
Ida Marque:tin (now Duke Of 1(.11.2.,ou::. uu , Is,: •.,
at SLOW.' :Ur pr Mr to Ith. ‘l.ll,lUOil
of his noble tuther's
By the death ofthe Duke of Buckingham, the
Lord-Lieutenancy of Buektlighamsittre, .111,1 a at
for 'the county, are vacated; ttichard,
Marquess of Chandoi, being new Duke ono Mar
quc el . Buck and Ca Indo,, Earl Temple,
Earl 'l",, uv i e ul aot and Vt,ittont and 1).11-011
C. 11311,1111 al E at, in the rage 01 the United King.
duet, and F Nug:.rit in lrt "rad.
Lord Canterbury, %VILb 64.Ti0u,1y ill at Paris, at
the lust a &Inc:es.
Cup( .11arryal, the tvelrAnnixn author of the na
val novels, ha• aceept,.l cHt counui.,tt of the $r.41,1
an navy, vlcc Ca r t. rc,1,41,c13.
A commercial crt s is noppused to threaten the
monied interest.
Apprehenelone ore dearth in Frar.ce are fearful
ly prevalent.
Mortler of the Earl of Norbury —Not the sli:tht
est clue et to ;1 tr .11.61. ,tio•lv to I. a 1 to tll
- oftlre morderer?,t the 11;:ir1
nolvrabb:audiug %cry large_nAtat 1 II:. uuu,
4100 per annual,: ofrercti t,r the attainment of that
IVvecka of Use Pennsylvania all Ow
vehsets which were si rnu lid 111 1 1 / 1 .: B„.1:1• va.e
been gut off; mute ur tens ainntv,u, nou, of the :!trio:
which were wrec ou : the buu e e .thd on 11,
(Theshire chore arc hack to he gut off, to ' Made
seaworthy azadt. . The St . ,. Andrew, .s will
PetirtvvivuntH, will, it 1. , (..tired, UI , ,VC
Wrecks; trie WO..(it: and Ih^ brieliton
have lona Hlnce
. c . ,, ne 11e I:eve lot heard
in wt:at htatc 111 , V - ict.,roi I. --
Grow , the Thtrd's Sol by the fdar Quakeress
It has tern well autio•ol!, 111.1111 hr suit a'L„
have tonciu•d at the Cad , ' ott I t half rc
t unit from Indus, that tie a l l zt fit It .4:1 t. V.. :I
known in that colonV as I .eor 2 t I{,x, E
near the tiuvaa, in the d4rict
is a graphic description of that bi , autitil river, , 1 / I , li
appears in the pre.i.ent nunilx•r oPthe Cash d Nerru - r
Jourtwl, giving an interestlinz at count o f the don t ,
ci;c• anti tie tamtly of the iiisAt: descendant of r,y
111 LAND.
Meant Corr•av —Sir Jpnu .Itirlerseo's steam
cirri age, th' fir,! tip• ',Ar lot the
carriage and Wavrir lo w ,rl , .
ruarlii, wad tried last ‘t, ,at 11,111111 k, 111 In land,
and wad curn,iletely darer—dui. I /in ii .ieirt•d.woL - ht
or coke ?cr hour prudliCeS 751/1./ Call I/1 !qt . :till
iwor inin,ite, driving the engine' at a apt.., d or 1:2 m 13
MO. , p, r hour, st the crest ail pie penny per mite.
.1 Doe/. -11r. I:Vunnur ri tie, an inwanee whet , •
tire parties in - an affair uritilitronr" had ai.laall% a.
greed to jilt t!ii• muzi!ed of their prstnl , (..o inveter
ate Were OW% I I'n inch oillej l ei nitatithel “arid ytt,
would Von Irvin vi. it raid'ti.• "ono 01 - thorn r,r in
rd." • • a • Just ;is ore ',.rued Wa9 shoe! to
Eire the signsl, the uoicr r,a "Jack
luok hither." J ar„ I•P'l4 111 , hi 411, 1111.1 Ju.l
time, for the p.F , - ../r1 I .lrutigil 1.1 , left etrek,
dying him little hurt, wulie-lits spponent was ttilled .
lArei Planket, The win of Lor d Chatwel:or Plunk.
et will, ti the ministry hulo, he raised tu the next
vacant bishupriek.
Dabbri.—There is a very 'eurioui oo d it afloat that
the City Treasnrcr and Town tied, of Dublin are,
on the disbolution of the !.:ori , orution, to receive
.£20,0110 each. as compenr.ation.
Sisters of Ales ey.—Three yount Ladies, the Miss.
es ltndgerr iau, Potter „ i.d r Farr, 11, %a ere re.
ca ntly received into the (hoer of ihe Sisters of
Mercy in tnia rity. ;anxi, Cy to witness the
to - cumin' was very intena..,las may be Joilzed) . rual
the c - rowd, or rt . .3i)t r.tibk 11r:..4)t0+ who 1t l're s en to
1101/lit,ll the C.,llle:lt Ini it uu chide boor. The
Riglit Rev. Dr. 1:V4111 111 1 / 1 .1 i.uuliv o. , ,leinn and
digniriee manner, acti_d as itelibr a ate, and u boot.the
middle of the ceremony, a tnost approbate and ai
fectink niscouri.e was prcaehed by the Rev. 31r.
Marone, and it the effect Produced upon 1118 audi
ence be a er,terion ofits met ifs, seldom was a preach.
er more happy. - From the many benefits dctivable
to the community from the. Order of the Sipters of
Mercy, 10 avond,r that the citizens of Limerick
'Mould teem to tn-el an anxiety in its well being and
esialaita b men t:.
trFive Roman Catholics are returned by the
-Judges.forSheriffslbrough Ireland.
%Went Sio rni. — Dertractfon of Ardklass L2rht
louse, 4.c.—On Tuesday, Nov. 27, the wind at ionth
clot had blown a perfect hOrricane during the en
_ • .
. ,
ez,N.,,Lva.. .
lire day. tind'hearing . 111:40 the harbour of Ardgiass'
wnh itterne violence, When about the hour of two
ei•eloqi in the day, the new lighthooseat the extrem.
ity of kite pier, was turnid i?ser uport its base, and
full itr one compact tuasit of masonry . , and in a few
in inutps Ingre. was limit* into the sea as a block of
wood jallhoug'i consisting of Mar hundred tons or
h e c.o2 bound together by iron cramps, render.
J az 'it A' farm. is one solid rock ; but iq this instance,
the fi t i v the element, mocked the skill of man.
Le ii.—Our r..'ailtr , ill i_ -4 rn with much Mills
lurt, 11,12 Lords tt Lier treasury
have %/it as< it to dirrot Cbhitt arid
11 alkjr, !iirth.eitlio ! roN•ed to Lei Cs.; rezard
ing th¢ p ice ed linprovtirn..ot of thtfliarboor ;and
'we hope that the report of two enginer, - !`
of auciii aokiivv.ledged ybtitty and experience will
put an;end to. all e,..iws find dillicultte , on the sub.
ject, ill the nitd,,t of will rifortned persous.
.Eeoiornsi of lieut.—A plan of we ming a house,
from t ie Lack of the kitchen grate, has been adopt
rd by t.kir Chad's Mrnicath, of tAnsehorri, near
tkunitiks. A cavt-iron back, an incli.t,iicic, is fixed
to the rate, and uoother s i plate of blon.:t.irco) placed
at a dit.lattee of one Ur ltwo Inches from It.e cost Inott
hack, Jun.'s a -pot les Of stkwe, winch serves to war'
toe ankh r•vouLt Aory 4 . 1 house; aid, by Mean,
u. air pa.laing bit a. n the two iron
plates, current of toutoi air, by weans of a ptue
Irmo /he but ch.:ober its t/
et the iron plates, ci
care: to the floor above. .file air is healed
to o . y 14,4 sii.lple and economie..l
suelhu4l.. I wan 1a outiw.•ed u !be p‘ussal,:e
Or r . 00411 la 1011,1 time niill44. T,he piac,og ut
a tlwi!pl.,:e of au n t hclood the Ire of a cot
tag,. adds MU, h 0 0 /11 C o rt t y the inhaie.,
I.txds IAI I euttdgcs souula,o.o,r,t of two «soos, with
ame :id 1,11 hbllllnc grate 01 timer
so that Litt_ file grate re.:ul he
iollll di les hi , had. the I, ~11C
ill tne‘c noSch.l, hi the, olo..!,1 noin of the
alit w le iii
Au ;:u 1-i; aoo duulo IIUI K llal is ft
V, tai Uy ill I
ll riTf r il,elAl - ; % , I'd a ip. Gran,2emouili.—Tne
S• a N,0,.,41:t441 ( , •11a. 1111'71,hr,, ( . ..11;.61-
1 1,;: 1 :.'11 arrteed at: Lcatt
10:11 I ,t.t,elllO, `panNtil 1.141: Nore au
I Lill-1 . 1.1y o'Lloce,
ol A. M., r“.1...1.;!,1).8f, de7 4 C , It•L:
.iris I:a2 Gut.:l , 1,11 r.eanl; on tier tk,tio
oi,;•t, flyin , z; 311,
it,. II! in • , 1„::141. II bklfir I.ilir,cl4:t . . It, ~ )Iltle•
lilAVy U4r ,a1,d1,11,411 'lieu, %.ttit haul
:ouwets. to get a bout %ct,, rI to wiurvaitl,
~" cam , : r 40,1 SJoil to let:ward,
,oll(';:,.l,ita S;tarp lo4ocdialely datyatelted
iemt N.CA, uodert•tarj,e Of Il: st,tolld Wh
et six to, ti; lout.O 14-r 10 be Ihd brig e.ll.lUpe.
;6112,-111,5,d, au 1...bp.,d0 0 td bt the crea ; but
.A • 1i 11 •• n- A 11. 1-'h yeAl the crew ,nay
r'in. W•n a wr, Ch b,:ore the lair
.in 2' no Frit] ty SAAR
' 1 Al , •A 1 ,t • A 1 S!11. to at Ihe Nlllp LL.11S111a1 , ;
.1 A, •• • .•• A ,b.. it, All the /RH l'UtVel
;1 1, ' , : All 1.1,5•171411.11 . 1'Ing•A
Editibel , 7,—At a meetlng of the Directors of the
Chain er of Conmerce On if te Ist. instant, a ro,
mai wh o carried by a majority of 16 to 3, appoint
ing a prev .1? ~ late:metal to the I.o; n.
04 the il'reas:ury, and a 1,4:1i0 , 1 ni to be
ierure 1.) the ( 'number, pray_
t.: ;oil I.IA N.
Lanll,—A potAie ditt.r vc a. gi‘en 1.1 'Air. G I
I P. L
N. I,‘ fir • col, au. ill- at Iolo,i. it, 0•1
" i (in -(14. , •IN , :21 . 1t•i, t Oil -,:io•tier at 11.1111,1 On on
fridayi. Inc 2 , u ul:. Frye cowl , inieaw, ra nnost r
,.i., diiil :nr f, ling niusc ei.1.11,...a.,,,1e ; and wild,.
lira ( ‘l,O •t +, ;:n.l , .ort. e•,.., ~,11) iinnr in ttleN.,
a., r, ,I_, .00, -1 0 „II 11;' . .nd% in h.rins of 111.)51 un
pi .11100 couricuiri Ai In. tt dcarre for practical and
prozrts.o.c rourin wand -.led 11.6 , 11 t ELS strongly us
tI, r
I H --.. t o t ...o• .
ii Arclyp.i —.A e 111E11%13 Th , ,tritta Williams,
0i I cLI t Glebe Alerthltr Tydril, on'
.rtttb l i
Ole from ,•:n• Ili; ntiplarren twines,
wr cO4 it is coy 11g-tit his pipe at a Indje
u..t to an inclined plane of that work, and
.c hr rt Iv was cr. , -111.2., jtif , t at the bottom, the ear-
Haat:, .vt,ien always begitts us way up the plane
a isudden jet k, Arndt him down, aq shock
-1J: to up about twenty yards,
I, ill marls 'lead and atinsiaff at the same time, and
ruz:i body most dkeadtilly.
iliConau nye lie steam engines or Corn?
:1i 5.:,• .I,irtiaLes in Wdes ar e bt,,ted
catt.,t,ii. tlinuand tons of pod daily, in
. .
di-ioz: L.lld iii.molvitiiitlg copper. Mr. Davies
t ; ill, rt iralco: itcs ;hat ihi.(iiowi - r would be t-Tial to
lie 1 , 11141t2' of tI er ili , en filllldred ' pyramid& it the
sli.• 1.1 ilii• largu,l 01 liJ,eseyi. E id.
L•Lriahfy.—Tits or St. Asaph hap with
tie aedift:iincd di , irihati.d clothing in 300
the town and neighbourhood ; and
bib 1,01 . 41411 p has übo helkicd a auri.,etipiloo hat to
A al'll Soup to which he has given
liar suril
I,lo4.rancr.—Extraft €(1 - a letter from Carmar•
t:i, e, Ili., i , /ll , er t', /6: 1 0; - 4..j hasten to inform you
that i nil eh rtLal prose nufok of Lk rielly is nothing
ilarintna b, the l'Xial . :l-1441 Of pllithe opinion. At
right u'Flocs, i'..11. of Mil day Llanon churchwar
den war, cai-t into one or the 0064e120s ofour coun
ty gaiill--Thurc are nbw ;two clisuentglii in priuon
lot flii! littlAillig C'tUted -7- I lilt Lianuri t warden re
!t: -t ,t 41, .n,,,..1•• :In. wine,,i, S.C. tor the.. sarr: t ott.nt,
, I,,ct, 4,,, ti,,• ::, - ,puticl of the ,n.ot in ilie Eee(e.l.,,.
tienl , ', 4, ,, , flog, tip r volt it, an...Woltz holt ell
iron' th# efreircil : . The eolitu are Lunt £4O. Where
I. tot. irirrNi - iitim, to end ?t,"
Aberiowoii.—A mr.tiing oldie conimiqmons M
tic ll.rrii.i,ir lur i .t: .4,4 ,t iu.ift Wier l 3 St We t sit 1,, r
the puriiu-c to t o .-11. rin g: ihs, r.tibiret.uf ritiocia
wiz u i an i) -C N ILI./ U: ii." , i.e..uri,l on the t/uGs "C
Un• hart., ir, uloeit I, it 'tie, nt Act of Parliament
lite ronpii:,mimie are timOoicered to laCirrow.
A l'irt 3 itnis Ilve.-1.4. Ames, gamekeeper of Mr.
lloac, otterhill, in the ckunty of Pembroke, kill
ed a liatc which had MA one ear; to the place.
where tilc kg ear hla , uld have been, there was only
to ue tell a small lump, , soidething like shot under
the skin',
PAR isq ./...N. 6 23.—RE4IGN4TION OP THE CASINET.-
The second Cabinet formed by Count Mole is die.
salved; lior does it uppearipossible that any ream.
structiok of the ministry cab include thst Statesmen,
ts!t.i ha 4 fallen under a dokertained and successful
eciliti.crii against him of slit parties of the Chamber,
c-ac yid the purely ininisterilll one. Yet it was not
aga i w . t (;',, , stilt Molt+ that tit4i coalition was directed:
it arose iroin the inore.andt more evident feet, that
lie liiiid t was Mrming on the Chamber ! party per.
socially attached to himbelr' and following his‘bid.
ding. 'jibe crime oft .
.. ' M,ola and his Cabinet
was, ths4they lent th:e iel etit this; - and that in
foreign aild domestic isill_
'.. the King was not only
absolute banister, but that #e was laying the foun
dation Oa permanent rnajoiity, which 'would have
annulled icarliamentary iciflgence and representative
governm4nt altogether. 'rile way Which this plan
wee developed end acted oniiiiras fully porceivable to
those only who had beep ili - office; and who were
acquainuld with the maenidery orate (averment.
They sae the danger, oat merely to themselves, bat
to the country rind to the di, ne. •.:
ma o
• ; o
French; Natty.--A E pp Y oftho, iv:Mbar of rap
: f - o ' 1 1
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. .
. 4 I
.. x , i.
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‘., ';‘, •
t:::' --, I 7 _;' -, :; - . 1 ''zIn.!!` - ' - ' 1?. : t -Zi:: 1 ,-‘::: . g•ffIlt ,: : - ''' ,1 7 - _..3;"f.'-.. 7 '!"--:-.•: , ,- --- .,.--„t --,--.- -:'. - ,‘-e - t --. 1 , I,_ - -).- 7, .- -; --t--..y.---,:-....±., ."-, -„,-.. , :,,,,,.,-..„ 4 . , , , ,.,
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1 ) rinut, to detikdecatiiKtura 4 ft 111 theliechwqfd.
( r . •
-I. • - - - ...j.4 , -...- eanwrisS 1 eanom.Y. 1 - Ati#Pcailvbatil tailreatil
1 4 - 110 note ' l .---
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_, etoy to k fall t7ltat. obje ctia tp.
'. ''' --- 1, lp; ; ;; ; ; * ' . :-, • A.---P. ---14 '.
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~..,•.. :s.gas ''' .. ..,•-....e.siftl, • :1211 r ° k ....... I '''4. ' . .'•
.- .'' ''
~ - 1`• dim of4kialpitions and • bantniley- -
..,.' . •L' , .-!- • ' Sir, we are tokihy.M.r. Seereouy thiteeseerofthe
. ,
.., mostienefideet appropdationiare torte extestad.r
ill The States weiejiid -Wetted that they wouictie
li r tlltSFAilit —, mire the fourth - itltatpneut ofyour distFibittukt act.
'. . . - -an ort; by the bye, for Ithich I - nevet listed, but
. . i ,
would now exechte to the lettir. V,VtliT Becaule
. ,
4 . ,
—”. :
the towels of the Eanb' ind bl ' ' from the Caverns et the Mountaliti, Metals Which
I 'frail t each youto pierce t
Published Weekly by llessjanfin Batman, Po Schnylkill *minty, Pennsyliaida.
VQL. XV;i'
• Uti . •
eels actually comprising the French Navy is given
by the Memorial Burdelais, and we are inclined to ;
look upon it as correct. There ate actually moat'
261 ceesels of was of all kande ,viz.-24 ships of the
line, 37 frigates, 22 corvettes, 8 corvettesavisos, 49.
brigs, 74 small vessels, schooners, cutters, gun-boats,
; 15 transimit corveteil, 24 transports, and 29
steamers. There are 27 ships of the line, and 26
frigates building, without reckoning smaller vessels.
Three vessels are careering at different ports; and
nine steamers aro iii, course of construction.--
" What do you a,.k fur these eggs ?"
" Wat, dese erei—deve is four bits a dozer.—
dey're treole egg.." -
` Four • bit. a dozen ! Why, I never heard of
such a price in all my borne days. They aiut worth
mut, than a erlit a PieCe.r
" a pl..Ca, Fri wacy ! cent a piece! you're
: 'Spose you wa+ an old hen, would you lay eggs
tor a cent a piece ! Dat you would'ut.—/V. 0. Pic
oyu r2l.
The nomad Catl.ol ins are about to build a mag
nificent church. in Man:heater, that wilt bear corn.
porison with Aome of the oldett and finest specimens
of Gothic architecture in the kingdom. The site is
fixed upon, and tt is expected the building will be next spring. Mr.l'ogin, the ccle
hrutio t' it holm urchvect. his fin:shed all the draw
ings. The cost will be little short of .c3o,utle.
A plan IS said to be In agitation to establish tram
roads by the bide of turnpike-roads, capable of coin
peilug, tier all oreitiary purposes, with rail roads,
and u. un infinitely smaller expense as well as ri.k.
The pill) is said at this time to be In operation at
I.l,iieliy. in Wales. The cost it is said, would be
1:1,359 per rn:le. Thus tra inroads might have been
Birinia , liatii for £146,000, while the rail
mid co-it ..En.ouli 000.
1V 12 I 1 FUN T.ll. Jul
Mfrs. John
A Rthii.l:.l, rf a PC,2lrring
is not 11101 . 11140 jealous ? Shakespear
t•Shrewshury," said my friend John Smith to me,
-lc really a delizhtful plane: on a tine mortijngs k
the °flirt;i., covered with fishing craft: their .
I•ti I. whit, oath fortn apli•asing contrast Lithe bright
Flu: of the ky, and to the waves, green and spark
ac emeralds, which lau.,th around the tiny . ..barks.
I ascure you tit, one of the pleasantest things in the
will,' to stand on the chore, and watch the nianicu
verin4 ol too auUladre fleet, and still pleasanter to
take a little boat, with you fishing tackle on board,
and row into the midst of them. 'fig true, they
till laugh at our awkwardness, but then you
kmw,v, •rs long us a hearty laugh is raised, it matters
110 t at whose eXps•nse !"
I was wrfectly charmed and astonished at. my
friend John t3auta's eloquence (by the way, he had
appimded Junior to the end of his patronymic, by
,yuy of thAunctlon, from oat or two cousins of the
calm name) for he was naturally taciturn, but the
poor fellow was half out of his wits at the thoughts
of matrunony, into which blissful state, he bad been
'cnt.e•red about three weeks, and he was truly attach
ed to his wile—t-us strongly perhaps as to the use of
ill 50 dr t 'ologue. and Otto arose.. I was tlieret4re
to behevi, that :Shrewsbury possessed some
p I power to that-which the angel exercise d over
Lialaa,u . ma:dupe—l told hun so and ad led—
-We must curtainly take my cousin, Mrs. Smith,
and co to this place to afford another subject for the
larazhter of its amphibious inhabitants."
The next day, you might have ••seen us on our
vs• mdi g way"-every thing was prepared for the jaunt;
wind, weatner, tide a-td steam, all were favour.ble,
and we arrived, without any bursting of boilers, or
collapsing, of dues, in due time at our place of desti
"Deuce take all steam boats 1 . - grumbled my friend
John Smith, Jr. as he stepped on t••rra firma. •the
clutterin gof the Wheels, and the whizzing of the steam,
.8 positively worse than being shut up in a room with
a azen French.mulliners !"
nded from the object of this direful tirade,
and wy v isac, Smita's trunk, and Mrs. Smith's nine-
Lehi ban boxes, were conveyed to the hotel, so well
known in he annals of watering excursions. It was
crowati sual, at this season 'of . the year, with
strangers ;--ou one face was recognised as an ac
quaintance, cithdr by my friend or my self, and that
was du pleasant-, good humored, and really handsome
phiz ofJerry Watson who as the world goes, was as
clever a fellow, al need be met with, and like my friend
smith, was very susceptible of the rendre penchant,
so much so, that he never could settle which of his
numerous favou'4ites, should be the future Mrs. Witt-
He greeted Ws conlially, and was introduced in
form to the blooming bride, whose cheek he grace..
fully kissed, as he saluted her with wishes for health
and connubial happiness. •
Poor Smith! ~ never shall I forget the expression
of his countenance as that kiss came "twanging off !"
—he advanced ft step indignantly, but recollecting
himself. and swallowmg his vexation, drew back, and
taking front his pocket a newly invented Eolina,
turned towards a window and commenced breath
ing an air on Iris hula pet ()f l an instrument.
I will pass over any description of the festivities,
we entered into during our stay. Never did I see
nature's grandeur and man's insignificance so fully
ds veloiird. as in the scenery circumjacent this place
—its pirtraiture will not be attempted, as L have to
'relate mere facts.
\Vc bit been at Shrewsbury four days, in a con
tilltlcti 14 nes of enjoyment, when one warm Friday
afternoon. a. I was passim; from my own chamber,
by the door of that belonging to my friend, I was
very nearly knocked down by the sudden bolting of
that personage from his room. He bad a letter un
opened in his hand—his eves were wild with fury,
and he looked the very impersonation of despair !
"Whet in the name of merey"-1. exclaimed, but
he cut short my' speech, and turning round on me,
threw both his hands on my.shoulders, and looked
me full in the fade :--at length he broke out—
“Who I" er4ll I, while a floating vision of my
friend, in a straight jacket, flitted, before my eyes.
'PoWould you—could you, believe it Jim?--she is
false !"
Who!" I it-4rated in surprise.
Who—why Mrs. Smith, the specious hussy—the
false, abendonetl—"
“Explain yourself” interrupted I, "there Surely is
some mistake." ,
uMistake ! no, no—there is no mistake—itis for
such easy nose-led fools and dupes as you that faith
less wivesfte nu4e--fool that I was for getting mar
This was too 'much for me, ' and I accordingly
gave My mirth vent in uncontrolled laughter.
“Well, up% m woad," cried smith , his, is pret
ty *cut trulyni wife deceives and dishonors me,
and my frofinsed , :end laughs at it,'”as a jolts r
aDecei'res aid nors you," said X, is mart at
will give streort i to ow Scads end abject all-Nattoe to ourlin and islessarti—paackansort.
I recovered hay breath, "how, in the name of won
der "
`Here! here! here! --look here—proof enough
for' tin' buts tame—Oh Jim, don't you remem.
ber Pnries - tln Othello, I can feel now, as he looks
when he says,
„, Oh cursed ineariage ! That we may call these
delicate creatures OWN and not their appetites”—
Smith grinned a grin, and gnashed his teeth in a
manner, thst would have done honor to the trust
lug Moor himself, or any of his representatives I
I took the letter whiea be • handed me, with a
spleadid• flourish, as he articulated the last
wOrd "appetites-"
I.. What is. this !" said I, on is sealed•"
•F es it is sealed—but—but, it is addressed to my—
my—wife l" Smith answered hesitatingly and color
ing still more deeply dont-passion had already caus
ed hint to.
"And haw am I—how are you to know the con
writs !" said 1.
"Some Eitality--some unlucky chance tempted me
to look into it—l peeped—l saw—l was convinced !"
This "veni, vidi, vici" sort of termination was
about to set m'y risibles again in operation, when
Smith snatched the unfortunate billet from my
hand, and bfeaking the seal, said, as be returned it,
"There ! look yourself, and be convinces., !"
I stared with astonishment at him, and then with
a determination to unravel the mystnry, nest my eye
over its contents. They were indeed of a tenor to
awaken suspicions : part ran thus--ucAn you still
deny my request ? why, after have been buried
three ages shall I call them ?—from the world—"
• '.Hear that,"interrupted Smith, "the libertine dog,
calls three weeks of my hooey moon, ages ! Honey
moon! egad Jim. marriage may have honey enough
about it, but a man is a great fool who sticks his
head into a bee hive, to look after its sweets !"
I proceeded with the letter--..why do you still re
fuse to join the gay circle, which. yot adorned be
fore cruel fate united you to a monster, 'every way
unworthy of you.—"
‘4..)-o—oh !" roared Smith, as he stamped with
vexation "ye gods ! must I endure all this !—but
who is he—the signature-Lthl' signature—the sign 3-
ture—who is the raqvit 7" and breathless he again
tore the nag from my hand.
“What! he—lour devoted admirer, J. Watson'—
ah, I see it all-,:tind 4 . it possi.,le 1 but four days Ke
y:minted, and to gain tab'e of her heart, than I have
done in as many years! ef:'the plausible smooth
tongued villain !—by heavens I it was magicwitch
craft—he kissed her at their very first introduction.
—Oh ! I see it all !Jim. octet. marrv-rnever—nav
er—as you would pr , honest name, and
a hat is !wm r. . never marry—
rather • , -
-Pooh' p i ..7t ~y ou are
foolish--; :• • ,• . t to your
I ~aid . r. ni;6 , tueh in
Chit ~ ..•ry II ICIT 't .o'. i I Up iLI) 17.1://d to
8111Iiibe likll t', MI I. Ilk ,rtrii,rc.
-Joke !--y ea Ind. eu i t : - laughed at by my
fliend. quizzed by thy acquaintance, and despised by
all - ujoke to every one but me !—lf Esther ever
speaks to me again. I shall be tempted to—"
At that moment her voice was heard from the bot
tom of the stairs,
••In one moment, Mr. Watson, allow me only to
get my shawl."
he came tripping up' to the second story, hut see
ing her hdsband asked with great solicitude,
-Ah, John, deur, how is your head ! better, I
“Serer worse," growled Smith.
ulinleral ! then I will remain at home, I will step
down, and tell Mr. Watson."
The name brought a convulsive twinge into the
frame of . ...;with, as he chmikingly asked,
"Where are you going I"
"I was going to the beach, with Mr. Watson, and
some of the ladies, but I will remain; I could nut en
joy myself, knowing you were sick."
-Is this hypocricy, ur innocence V thought 1, as
Smith exclaimed,
"The devil fly away with Mr. Watson ! so—you
and some of the ladies are going with him to the
beach, are you I—pray, madam, how many ladies
has he in his retinue? he seems tote the grand bash=
acv of these regions !"
"My dear John—"
uDon't dear me, Jezebel ! this comes of your mor
ning, after-noon, and evening strolls along the beach,
and he told me, it was unfashionable for gentlemen
to escort their wives !—Esther, how have you de
ceived !"
"Deceived'." exclaimed Idrs..smith, drooping at
the accutiation, and• a hectic mounting to her cheek,
which resembled a single drop of blood, on a snow
curl—"deceived you !"
"Yes, deceived me, madam !--don't think I would
accuse without proof—l am no jealous Othello. to
prejudge from "trifles, light as air." Here, madam,
look at this, and then pray to sink through the earth,
pray that the floor may open, and snatch such a
wretch from the eves of an offended husband."
"Sir," proudly answered Mrs. Smith, and never
did Catherine, at the court of Henry, look more no
ble than my cousin at that moment, "you and I hare
both been deceived, and such language, it does not
befit me to hear, or you to utter farewell ! Cous
in James I demand your protection ; I will retiirn to
the city this evening."
"Me—me—yes--cousin Esther, certainly," sum
mered I, not knowing but my the would be in jeop
ardy from his rage.
"Certainly," bitterly 'exclaimed Smith, "claim his
protectio—he would have defended you."
"I thaik him," was Esther Smith's only reply, as
she entered her room, but the proud look was quench
ed by a tear, as she glanced with kindness on me.
Her husband and mystlf both followed : all were
seated, and not a ward wail spoken for nearly half
an hour. At length a slight tap was heard at the
door, and a low voice said— „4 •
"Mrs. Smith, my . deto madam, don't delay a m 0 .7.
meat—l am happy":
"Whit's au 1" roared Smith. •
What, is it you Smith 1 bit then come in
without ceremony," said Jerry Watson, as he open
ed the door and entersd, wiaby )'bur wife told me you
had a headache, and I low as I could for
fear of disturbing you—l am reall e y4 to see you
are better—l want yob all to com lown stairs,and
1-but what'sthe matter!' the dumps—what in the
tisane of Hymen is the difficuhy deaf Ire you 1 oh!
how loving for If honermcsin ! Smith, what's the
matter I iltikut4i6 l—my dear MIS.
r rt from the heaitclf ihi; husband toy
his BP* but pride ImPt 4 Nail bill *III is fiiinlY
art ihetocklaw c6ild itt*i dafk.
I -
>`, ="
"Come, come ! "141 Jerry gaily,.!‘tliere is dis
cord in your trio, let's see if a qui f ittatio' cannot pro
duce harmony. Will you itllowone to • intnxlute a
friend! and then I wish to state iny bus%esit.''
"Can lie intend to introduce a eritiud,la challenge
him, because he feels that he has aftmated'iiiiWife's
affections I—strange logic r thought t,
aGertaittlySir," replied Smith to Jerry's hist quits
-That assent is like a iceberg, fresh from the
sh o r e . o f Greenland—its frigidity sends an -agreea
ble clultthrou;h my veins this afternoon, and so 'I
fly to introduce my friend."
Off went the mercurial Watson, and his closing
the door was again the signal for silence. As I look
ed at the elongated phis of my friend Smith, and
the trembling, pale lips of My really pretty , cousin,
I came td a full remlut.ion, that marriage was a tick
lish adventure to embark in.
417' thought I, “a v.-omen of talents and acilkm
plishments like Esther, can b. 9 led away by the fat
tery of every insect that flutter,' in her train-, what
will be his fate, who in the lo:tery of marriage,
should chance to draw a real blank "
But ei few minutes elapsed, before Jerry Watson
returned, leading into the room a lady, whose appear
ance had pleased my fancy at the public- dining ta
ble. He handed her gracefully in, and after survey
ing our groupe, said,
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, AIONV me to .. tut:n:l(l,x° fo
your favorable regard, a lady you has just cmsented
to become Mrs. Watson, to-murivni, but who may
nuw churn cousinstrip with you. Mrs. Smith, take
to your heart your lovely namesake, my lively wid
ow, Mrs. John Smith!"
The whole truth shot through my heart like light
ning; I jumped up and elasped s Jerry's hand and the
widow's at the same time.
••(iud blots you both," said 1.
My good friend Mr. John smith Jr. said not a
word, but went up to his wife, whispered in her ear,
and then led her to her new acquaintance. I. mark
ed a sly prestrure‘of their hands--m lighting up •et
the eye---a sort of matrimonial free masonry binwei:n,
them.— a returning smile on my cousin's hp, that
indicated more than could words, a heart felt repen
tance and forgiveness.
Well," cried Jerry, o I thought the qUintette
would produce harmony ! the foolish servant gave a
foolish letter of mine to the wrong person—some
one has been foolish enough to get 7 —hern ! and my
dear Mrs. Smith, you may communicate to my char
ming wife elect, all the foolish things, that were in
the awful letter 1",
We all laughed, and even the widow, who had
unwittingly, give my poor friend, Each an awful bite
from the green-eyed monster, joined in without know
ing why t.
I myself was never so happy in my life—bet once,
and that was, when two years afterwards,'l myself
was married ! All my anti-nuptializint resolves
were routed by another widow, and I console myself
with the reflection, that if time ever linaves to me,
that I have made a bad selection, sheis a, veiysituril
woman, and therefore cannot prove much.of an an
noyance !
It is customary throughout the cok districts of
Northumberland and Durham, when a new stratum
of coal has been obtained, to celebrate the event by
a public rejoicing among the inhabitants of the neigh
borhood. These rejoicings are of.,:vtirious kinds,
such as the firing of cannon, or a public sproceaston ;
but the following which took place on the Bth of
February, 1829, at Gosfurth Colliery, distant,thout
two miles from New-castle-upon-Tyne, istexhaps
worthy of being particularly mentioned. •
On the Saturday previous to the circurtance I
am about to relate, the miners employed in tanking
a pit at Geoforth reached the coal. , Two-years stud
a half had been spent in sinking this pit, the shaft
of which nag cut through 160 fathoms of solid rock
and therefore the event was considered as 0118 of
great importance in the surrounding viciniq. A
mong other rejoicings which 'took place on this oc
casion was a ball, which w3s held in the mine, at the
depth of Omit 1100 feet below the sutface. The
ball-room is stated to be in the form of an I.; its
width 15 feet, base 22 feet, and perpendicular 45
feet. Thu company to the number of 230, of whom
about 100 were ladies, began to assemble at the
mouth of the mine at half-past nine o'clock ik
and continued to descend the pit until one o'clock P.
M. Immediately on their arrival at the bottom of
the pit, each individual proceeded to the face of the
drifts, and hewed a piece of coal as a.reinemberance
of this perlious expedition, and then returned to take
part in the festivities of the ball-room. An excellent
band, composed entirely of miners, was in attendance.
As soon as a sufficient number of guests were assem
bled, dancing commenced, and was continued with
out intermission' till about three o'clock P. M., when
they began to ascend the pit, which all of them ac
complished in perfect safety, highly gratified with the
iribterranean amusements in which they had parta
The colhery at %which this novel entertainment
took place is now one of the most extensive in Dior
thumberiand.—Penny Mogazine.
The following from Mr. Wise's speech on the ap
pointment of the investigating committee will be
read with interest, ar displaying the loco beauties of
the administration of the pubhc funds:
Here, sir, you may judge of the truth and jtrstice of
this officer's reports. He reports kisses by receivers
and collectors at &Mit $900,000 to 1,200,000 only,
when we know that the defalcations ofBwartwout a.
lone exceeded the largest sum !sir, the banks are to be
blamed whether they lost or embezzled the Public
moneys of not; but the only sin of Sub-'heasurers
is in being caught ! They may steal at pleasure,
but they are especially to beware ofeKeetion
I have nothing to say now, as to the public liter
als or public crBdit
.They are subjects above these
times. No, I learn whirl is to be the effect
here—here only—bylittening to the :ministration's
shout of thole old, worn out, humbug watchwords
"Eatormkr Retrenchment I Reform !"
the Pnwidecii and Secretary have permitted Still the
public-money to be stolen ;- after they have tffirrnala
' ted and encouraged the Government and the people
to the airiest extravagance; after raising expefodi
tures to forty ;talons, gad coating another 014 3
debt, (torn peoesnty Pigialltrecommell,
tience and pelf denial. aMeeming econitOsy I econo
!—that 4* Y'rilt
atiria and , be alqratea arl•
fidnciaipkoktt'n;C,,'Thafitin i tag
• j i - , •
.. • ;
you, by your own voluntary , legislation.
expect the feaulnitia which ,the l aot.airott
promotion of then' systems otinteingl imi
and , education; and they,turre been •
on,tbe frail ief pout aoticat here.. NOW,
their hopes must - be disappointed, their
moral and physind improveinent , en -
ordinary appropriations here to like ob
NO: 9-.
stopped, and why I • Because the otNcehof.
squgunlered and run' off with the public '
And, air, the system of light-houses is t
• troyed, in conformity with the policy and
this 7l
administration--toptit out the lights, ' 1
of commerce are to be'put out or Winded
the extravagance. and profligacy and halide
holders! Sir, during the pact disastrous
on the Atlantie coast, are shores of my die
been literally strewn with vcre . agifrom tit
deep. A few days before) left home, 1501,
lar's worth at least, of dry goods was dash
sand beacheeefl'iarthlinpton connty,V .,
the wreck of a single brig. For years
endeavoring to have alight.honae put near:
spot where the vessel bilged upon the bar. '
cargo of cotton, and .several other •
ashore, tb remind us daily of the improyeme,
vary on our coast to protect life and pro
star of the ocean is needed on almost every,
airy, as much. as the north star in the teed
sky ; but they are to be dimmed, and never
light to the set-beaten. mariner, because 6vr
and Price and Gratiot, did omne &as, li ,
ried off the 'Means of buying the lamps !
This is not all. The widows and orphans
Revolutionary heroes arid patriots are to be d
of their bread earned by pairiotic toil. All p
are to be stopped for the sake of parasites an.
ilerers. The people are to be denied all th.
inga and boons of their GOvernment--andlor
To pamperyourPrmtorian bands, your login:
the means of good living and' display, :to
Swiss corps who 'Ong for their portion of the s'
to furnish your renegade democrats with mil
sport th,:r fraternity of defaulters in the "pie.
Europe—to your Boyds , witti prindp,
the public detiri'zis and mints of public mo
bribe and buy up Cloughof the. mercenary
in the larid, to renziiitir you the power VtiL i
have ignominioutly olartirted, which you ha
errantly abused Ad the' pk,Aes which you ha
lessly filled and shamefully diatimiored ! I
This is but an' epitome of tho history of yo
rages upon the morals, the law, and liberty ¢ i
glorious country, which you are degrading
battlne of a money pototr, which you pro .
abhor—ma country which you are ruining by i
soltite.Exteatire, which yOu do profess to wu
If the Fathers of the country -could now
their tombs and cheer this their Temple—m
should he called of all nations the house • of"
ty—what would, they Bay 1--....-What was
the money-changers in the lerusa
"But ye have made it a den of thieves r
what think you would your chief priests and
say, even, to them 1 What they have eaid t
"By what authority doest thou these things I
sir, I cannot say of your priests and scribes
said in Holy Writ of the Jewish—, ,, They fee I
people !". No sir, your arrogance has
fear, all bounds of caution. If the people
soon make you fear them, you will be past th
edy of reform by their power.
Why not . make your economy fall iipern
ants of your "trained bands"—your office-ho
Go for a reduction of salaries ; in that I will
you Sir, the other when the . Gkibe pub l
the debate in the eiatetorn
echoed by your party" ; ft con t ained juxtaposition, advertisement of poor G '
furniture. Here it is ; the Globe you know; ..
eral Jackson says, never lice! Here it
~E xtensive sale of Rich andfuShianablertirnt
• Will be sold on Wednesday, the fith of $
bar Instant, commencing at half past 10 o'el:
M. at the residence of General Gnttiot, F,
street, it fair, if not the next day thereafter, his
did furniture, consisting of very superior Baxw
penal Carpets, elegant Grecian Mahogany f.;
Sofa and Ottamon,''covered with crimson silk
large French Mantel'iner Mirrors, rich
Danii , syelegant Consul Table, with Emetal
ble top, Centre Table with marble top, fin
()bickering Piano, Stool and Music Stand, wi
rions other articles of Drawing room Furniture
handsonoLl3erlin Iron Grates.—Also very sui
lied-room ?brriiture, consisting of elegant Drl
Bureaus, with .fine Mirrors and marble tope.
cluse.:d Washstands . with marble tops, Mats
Beatlsteads, fine - Aar Mattresses, Feather,
and Pailaissea, Imperial three.* Carpets, Mali,
Wardrcbes, &t.—The whole of the above fUr,
was made to order in the very best style ; a larg
has teen in use but a short time, and was /114
Philadelphia. ,
e , •
"Also, the very elegant Table furniture, con
of a large dinner service of Plated Ware, two
Dinner Porcelain, one very rich Desert servi .
Set to match The whole, inifeilited from Path! ? iii
and gold Tea Set, together with a quantity' 01
Cut Glass.
"A large essotunent of Kitchen Furniture. S
&e. with furniture for servants.?
4A small stock of choice Wines and Lig . ui
Maderia, various kinds in bottled, very -old
Brandy in bottles, choice Whiskey,--.Ruaux
Rye,' Bottfes and Demije'kinsogrc- &c. &c.
••Ternts of sale :" i4l sums of and uncle
cash.; over $5O, and not exceeding $2OO, a
sixty days; over $2OO a credit of ninety day
proved endorsed negotiable notes will be Yeti
The house will be open for the examination •
F urniture. &c. on Moinday 24th instant •
to 2 O'clock. •
How many poor ..unwashed and uncombed'
then in your moth and in mine , sir,woul.
costly furniture"; '=a splendid defaulter Ow,
How many sons el unworthy "sires would it
' , elevate in virtue above the price of a Price!
the substande of the people; their education
commerce; their systems of improvement; their
of honor and gratitude,. are all tube seerifice4
appetites of corrupt partisan hatpies!
the consequences of your and glotiditni, :
ulate ..economy, retrenchment,, and rofono ,!,'
‘flir, in these iapink tunes oT . , palm," ale, k .
service a representiti, can ?caller is,ta i save Mt
lie monty. I have faithfully cadaftto dias
thi?:iluty ; to savAiiii ptddigriiiiey frem wi*
lets I eend to Fetid* the prii*sind virtue o
the people and theiriser!pn# fro g m t h e t g in Pta#
a.siderulid Governateld an: da' ricked ad ..
If I have done ruitlibiltat*Ohi•ilAit.
my fault. Thoiskizik:beiti:4- h4ii*il
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