Terms or,' iibtiastiim. Two DOLLA ELS per 3 Iltill 111,,aya1.1 e se on-annual in a dvance. If sot paid within the year, $2 50 will be charged. I Advertisement.* not exceeding twelve lines Will be c h arg ed $1 for three inserons-.—and 50 centafor one nsertion. Larger ones ii , proportion. . . All advertisements will ba.i peened until ordered out. o des* the time for which they ate to be continued is spe cified,and will be charged accordingly. Yearly advertisers will be cbtlyed $J$ per annum including subscnption to (hepaper —with the privilege of keeping one advertiseMent not exceeding t squares standing during the year,and the insertion of a smaller -one in each paper for three successive time.. MI letters addressealto . the editor mamba post paid iiri otherwise no attention wi 1 be paid to them. All notices for meetings rlkm. and other notices which have heretofore been in rted gratis. will be charged Yscentitevelkeseept M ages and Deaths: Beautiful Head of Hair. IS the grandest ornament belonging to the human frame. How strangely the loss of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on the appearance of old agit which causes many to recoil at being uncov ered, anitsometimes even to shun society to avoid the j e meandsnee,xs, of their adquaintance; the remainder of their lives are consequently spent in retirement. In short, not even the loss of property fills the generous 'hinking youth with that heavy sinking gloortias does The loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant eir cumstinces OLDRI DOE'S HALM OF COLUMBIA stopsthe hairfrom falling off-on the first applieation, and feast bottle* restores it. again. It likewise prOduces eyebrows and whiskers; pre% eats the ban from turning grey, makes it curl !Anat.:N:ly and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates at Ili. fiat respectability in support ofthe virtue of Oldridge's Balm, are shown by the pro prietors. D 7" Read the following- ROBERT WII A Esq. late Alavor orPhiladel phis, has certified. as inn be seen beloW, to the high charaLter of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do heruby certify that we haveusedthe 'Balm of Columbia dinovierod.by J. Oldridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only as a preventive a 'gullet the falling olfof 11.34. but also a certain restorative WM THPiirliEß, senior. Methodist Minister in St (;enrge charge, Nn 86 North leifth-street. JOHN P INIGLES, 331 Arch street. JOHN 1). TElom %S. M U. 163 Race at. JOHN S. 11.1RIA, 101 spruce rd. HUGH Mc ',L 213 S. ,utn 7d et: JOHN G Ala), Jr. 123 Arch st. The aged, and those who persist in weanng tvigs, may not always expenenee its r"storative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the pub lic, when it is known that Three of the above signers are more than 50 years of agq. and the others not less than 80. From tbc. Mayor.] COMAI.PSWKALTH 01 , PESNSYLVANIA r (71y of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT WH A RTOIN Mayo r of slid city of Phil adelphuLdo hereby eer , ifyitha ?lam well argnainted with Messrs J P tuglie, John S. Furey. and Hugh McCurdy whose names are nieltrkt !o the above certificate, that they, are:gentlemen of character and respectabdity, and as much full credit should he given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the. seal of the city to be affixeed this L. SJ sixth day of December. dc. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. rantion.—None genuine A -about a splendid steel en graved wrapper ofFallabf Nagra, with agents names iSsr- Wholesale and retail by Comstock and Co. 2 Fletcher Street New Yoi k and retailed by. Pottrville, July . 25. 1838. BTEIPT GOODS. AmoS LEWIS, Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just re ceived a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, among which are Superfine Cloths end ISattinetta, Gro de Nap-Me. rino, Eaglish and French do. Lustring Gro-de Swiss, Paull de Soi, GM de Nap and &niche* Silks, Foreign and Domesuci prints, Black BuMbesine, Popalino, Menno Sheltie & lihkkfa. TI4, Silk rind Cotton Ilhdkfa: Jaitionet, Cambric, Mus lin, Bobinet, Bishop Learn, Book Muslin, Silks and India Mull Edgings, inserting', Qoilii ge &.c. Hoskin Kid, Silk, Cotton, Woolen, Bucktikin and Berlin Gloves, Mohair, silk, Lambs wool, (Worsted, Cotton and Woolen Stockings Silk and Cotton Velvet, Vesting', Beverteen, Fustian, Genao Cord, Washington Jean„•Brown and Bleached Mus lim, Linen and Cotton Drillings, Bird Eye, Linen and Cotton Diapers, Apron and Furniture Check 8-4, 9.4, 10.4, 114, end 12.4, Roma Blankets, Silk Flag and Pongee litikts. Black Italian Cravats, Satin and Bombazine Stocks, Collars, pms, Gum Elastic, Worsted and Cotton Suspenders, Silk and Cotton Suspender, Silk Az Cotton Umbrellas, Lambs wool Shirts,' &c. Sui. All of which will be sold a the lowest prices. Pottsville, Sept. 29, 1838 PAILKIaIEA & CO fhliercers!" Tailors INFORM their friends and the public in general, that they :lave remoyed to their former stand in Centre Street, (opposite to Miller & Haggerty's Strue,) where they hav on hand, a.general assort ment of superfine Broad Cloths and Caissimeres of the most fashionable colors, with an elegant:assort ment of Summer Clothe, Satin, Silk, Vilencia, Marseilles and Velvet Vesungs, Linen, Cotton and Chintz Shirts, Salta, Silk and Bombazeen Stocks, Linen and Chintz Battens and Collars, also Linen and Chintz Bosoms without Collars, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Beaver and Hoskin Gloves, Linen and Cot ton Hose and Halfilloice, Fancy Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and (=Urn-Elastic Suspenders. They also haw on hand an elegant stock of Gentlemen's and Bo?s wearing apparel, such as Frock and Drew Coats, Rounclabputs, Vests and Pataloons, made after the latest fkehitin and the best work rnauship, which they intend to. soli at reasonable prices. • P. S. W_Anted two of.. three good Journeymen Tailors, to whom conntant work will be given throughout the season. Pottsville, Beet. 15, Id 3 __, HEADACHE, . SICK"'Oti NERVOUS. The estraordMary , reputation that Dr. Spohn'a remedy for this ilistiessing complaint 18 every day gaining k certainly a matter of mticir astonishment That so much suffering theuid have existed for igen without any discovery °fan effeetua I preventive, or cuse is truly a subject of mitcitiregrei, but Dr. S. now anuses the public that such a remedy has been' invented as will convince the most credulous. The principles upon which it acts are simple ancrplain.— It man admitted fact that this complaint, whethercaltmi sick Headache ' or Nervous I leadache, arises, prima rtly front the stomach— those who think they have the Nervous I teadache may rest assured thimble organ, the stomach. is the first cause that thesystem has' tierinic vitiated or deliberated, through the stomach. and. that only through the same ahaiunSmusicie they papal restoration of the natural and •healthy funcuons the s)titem. This object. DriSpohn's remedy is momently case, to Guam —The truth of thisposmon cannot be c,i;ntroverted, andthe sooner suf ferers with the lieadsch;l become convioced brit, the sooner. Will their aafferin rnd In restoration to health. • IN. Spohn pledge( •iir , fessional reputation on this (act_ Tbelotnedy fly he had-of 'apothecaries. • Wholesale and R rail h v ic oun trick& Co. No.2l7etche err& New York. i Ice L i , WM T. EPTING. Potts% Ale, July 2 : r 564 y Ncotel AUDSPlAteb`tVldeke .11 ` . Ad. Pule try Port Clinton Foundry . FOR ,SA LE. WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry v pleasantly situated at Port Clinton, Schuylkill county, on very reasonable terms. Thin Foundry is at the commencement of the Lade Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road,' now' milting, and will in a abort time be one of the best situations in the country to do a large busloess For terms, &c. apply to PARKE & TIERS, Iron Founders, Philadelphia. • or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. THE prorietor of the Pennsylvania Hall Refectory, returns thanks to his friends Iliad the public in gener al. for the patronage he haitheretofere received.asd from the efforts he has made and will continue to make, to gratify all in his tine of business, he,hopeo to merits con tinuance of your patronage, JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr. Robert Harmer. of the "Cornucopia" No. 44. North Third street, Philadelphia. for a supply of all the delica cies which the Philadelphia market can afford dining the Winter season. WINES. C, Old Madeira Wine, per bottle, 2 00 Old Pale Sherry Wine, do 2 00 Old Shawn do do ' 200 Oki Port do de : 200 Old Lisbon do do .. 100 Champaign, (Palmetto,) do .. 200 do Napoleon, do 2 00 do Woodcock, i'.9 2 00 do Victoria, • do 2 00 ,Pepper's,Sanith's & Sechers XX Pale Ale. Apartments are always in readiness for Slipper Parties, & and those who call may expect to receive every atten non. _ Pottsville, Oet. 17, 1838. 81-tf W. T. EPrING. 57-ly j 76- • iliSitoj. Lei, tad Loaf Sugar N. NA:TRANS/kr CO A will teach you to pierce the bowels or** gawitleid Wag otatteet the Owens QC do Minstabtadliak inisiveierawth se earthed* and Wawa all Nature to ewer use pleasetw—es.aoameos. voL. A CARD. pT;ll . 73w , Trrli JOHN SILVER, Bill of Fare. Roast Beer,' Corned do Terrapins, Venison, Sardines,' Fried Oysters, Ohs& Dub, Roasted, Stewed, t Cloths Cassimeres atu? Sattinetts A LARGE and splendid assortment of Ckithh,Cas• simeres and Sattinetts, of all colors and prices, jest received and will be sold 10 per cent cheaper than the same quality can be bought elsewhere. SAMUEL HARTZ. 49 October 27, 1838 Resumption of Business. NEW DRUG STORE. E Subscriber returns his grateibl acknowl edgemeets to the citizens of Pottsville and others,t who stepped forward to his assistance alter the loss of his property by fire in December last, and would also kcquaint them and the public gen erally, that he Hhs again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occdpied by Charles W. Clemens i in Centro Btseiet, ih elas.bortrogh of Pottsville, where nib airways be had a general as• sortment of Drugs,ediejis* Res, • Paints, Glass, ' Dye Shark, And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very low end accomniedating terms. N. B. Cr Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the stagiest notice. WM. T. iPTING. Pottsville, May Xo, lBsB New Fall & Winter Goods. JUST reiiiiived and now opening at the Cheap Cub Store, a large and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold untumally cheap for cash, or exchanged Ear country produce— consisting of Dry Goods of every description, Groceries of all kinds, Queens Glass Ware, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses, Bard Ware, • Otter, Fur and Hair Seal Caps, Riady made Clothing Vaakinds, Filth, dt.c 4c. SAMUEL HARTZ. October 27, 1838. 49 COAL LAND For Sale, or to be Rented THAT valuable tract of Land called the "Clio. ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spobn, situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, next north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain is of ered for sale on accommodating terms; or the Coal Mines will be leased severally or together to an ap roved tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS, 9d & Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • • autition. THE 'undersigned , cautions the public spinet purchasing or leuing the tract of land called Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail road, from Elizabeth Spoho, or Henry Morris for. her, as he the undersigned claims title thereto, and will institute a suit against any person attempting LO take the possession thereof. JOHN POTT. 32 Manhiirn, April 48,1838 Pascal Iron Works prare house. No. 77 Bents Third Street, S. B. men Weise • . aii/OrriS l Taker enerkßx IRON PoOders, and Manufacturers of Coal Grates, Furnaces, Kitchen }taupe, Bath . Boil. era, Perpetual Ovens, Ste. Welded Wrought iton Tubes, for Sham, Gas, fiat Water, &c. Day's Safety lamps of the best Construe:664i. .Fatterus for the Foundry received, and castings delivered at the Warehouse, Third la Walnut St. Philadelphia. Septeii be r 26, 1838. • .75—tf Flooring Boards. irtAltfiLt&A • workeid flooring boards, ploughed, Vv tongued'and grooved ready for laying, i I*and 4 inches of:different finality and prices constantly on headland for saleip lots to suit purchaseri, upon appeication by letter to JAMES M. PATTEN, Plauitrg Machine Wharf; N. L. Phiht. Co. • • '6r MILLER & HAGGERTY, • - april 21, 31—tf ' _ • ;fo r „Attu .zig• :Vtie" = AIN , the, upper toad bet 'ton. Ppttaville null i , 4 1 . Carlxie„ Apply to the eubseiiber at dreepwciod • 0 'SAMUEL LEWIS: - 'Nov. 1T ' • ; W-51 ME AND PO Published Weekly by lllesjsuoin Beam, Petbnviiik, 41elintylkill County, Pennsylilutia. NANOTACTIIIIXD WUXI' IN TUN UNIT= erencs, tr Numerous recommendatory certificates might be given, but the following, which briefly explains the properties of the Fuse, is deemed sufficient. The Fuse, supersedes the Priming.needle, Pri•• ming, and Match. AVINQ seen the_Patemt Safety Fused Blast- Aua ing, tested' to oar ainstaction, we cheerfully certify that we are convinced it saves mach time and labor—edits to the force of the blast—msores certainty, and renders blasting perfectly eds.—Be sides, it is, we think, cheaper than the common straw fuse. For dry blasting It is a great improvement; but for blasting in wet ground, it is nevaluable.-- Messrs. F. Hitchins & Co., contractors cm the Erie canal. certify that they have been engaged in the Cornish mines, England, where the Fuse is exclu sively used, and thrt it has never, to their knowl edge, caused a miscarriage. They confirm oar a bore expressed opinion of its value. We make. no doubt .that it will soon be'in universal Joie. DAVID . HAMILTON, - Superintendent repairs, Erie Canal. W. J. MoALPINE, Assistant Engineer, Erie Canal enlargement. J. HOUGHTON, Engineer Cohost' Company. COMES, N. Y. Dec. 1837. The Fuse is sold at the very low pries of ONE CENT PEE. FOOT. N. B. The common Fuse answers for wet blast ing, but for blasting under water, or where a mis. earriate wciald be of serious consequence, "Warm Fuse" should be used, made Asseially for such places. Price, two cents per foot, corresponding with4he increased cost of making. For Sale by , B. 13ANNAlki, Sole Agent for Schuylkill County. Pottsville, Oct. 17, 18313. per dos. 50 do 1 do 3I d 037 do • 1 . 31 CI FFER for sale at their wholesale and retail Family -wl-F Grocery Store, Centre. 3 doors below Market street, a prime assortment of fresh Grloceriet Consisting of Java. Rio, Lagnira, St. Domiego and browned Coffee N. Orleans, St. Croix. brown and oupte white Havanna ,loafand lump f New Orleans, West Molasses India and sugar house Imperial, Gun Powder, Young Hymn, Pouctiong,Orasge Pec-1 Teas co, Soudhong and Robes • - Bikers ' Chases'SPamah' Schmitz Chocolate j & Ling', and sweet spiced Prepared Cocoa, Cocoa shells Reading, Carice, Harvey, John Bulls, Lobster. Anchovy, Sauces Canton soy and Carrie Gherkin, 'T'omato. pepper, Mixed, Onion, Mangue, }Pickles Lemon and French Olives, caprea, Anchovies Cayenne pepper, allspice and Ginger Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs and cassia Rice, flour of rice, starch Cun ants, Figs, Raisins, Prone, Sweet and bitter almonds, citron - Olive Oil. wine bittern:, lemon syrup Preserved ginger, cheese, codfish Herring. mackerel, salmon White and colored wax, sperm Candle Moulded and dipt tallow Palm, variegated brown and yel ow soap Old Madeira, old port. claret 1 Brown and pale sherry , champaipe I Wines Old hock. Liabon,dry mina in wood Sweet malaga. muscatel I & bonle Malmsey, marseilles & Sicily Made!. j Scotch.lrish, monotiga bele & com whiskey A n ante:a. anuureed &peppermint eamiiimi . _ Coptic. champagne. Spinel' ¢ com brandy HoUaad & coat. Gin. N. 14 Ram Jamaica spirits Extra sup. span, inferior do Half Spanish and common cigars Cut &plain and monkled glass China and crockery Ware a general monument of Dry Goods. acc. &e. all of which they an disposed to sell est the most reanonable terms. Heads of Families and Tavern Keepers are particular. ly -invited to call. No Ficriori.--This extraordinary chemiCal com petition, the result of science and the Invention of a Wane ed medical mu, he introductmeof which to the public was invested wih the solemnity of a death bed bequest, has since gained a reputation apparel leled, fully sustaining the correctness of the lament ed Dr. Gridley's last confession, that" he dared not die without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowledge on this subject," and he therefore be. queatbed to hisfriend attendant Solomon Hays, the secret orhis discovery. It its now used in the principal hospitals, and he private practice in our country, first and most certainly firi the , tures of Hie Piles , and also to ex. tentively and effectually as to baffle credulity, un less where its effects are witnessed. Externally in the following complaints. For Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorption at once. AU Swellinge.—Reducing them inn few hours. Rharrinatism.—Acute or Chronic, giving quick Sore Throat.—Bycanners, ulcers. or colds. Croup, and Whooping Congh.—Externally, and over the cheat. An &vines, Sprains' and Burns, eared in a fear hours'. 4 Sores and Ukers.—Whetherfresh ollong standing and fever sores. Its 0' ons upon adults:and children in redu cing rheum do swellings, & loosening coughs ind por tightness the chest by relaxation of the'parts; has been surprising beyond conception.—The common remark of those svho have used it in the Piles, is "It sets like a charm.". THE PILES.—The price $1 te 'refunded to any person 'who will use a bottle of Hay's Liniment for the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being cured; ,Theseavethe positive orders torero prsprie. tar to the Agents; and out of many thousands sold, not one haw been pneuccerafuL We might insert eetti6eatee to any leng th, /mt. prefbe bag those *bo Ma the aticao,.ehonf emhibil the ortginallo•tonrchitiere. CAUTION.—None can be genuine *Moot' a' splendid' eogyeaved,ert &riper, on which is my name, and 41 19 4 / 1 4. 4 .4 AVMs.- - ?.. , E7. 1 ;0/014. s II4I t eeeerand retail hittiMp'rCiCretlY. Pieieher iiiroet,''fileir-Yoillitnit trrij . ttalPb* EPTINGin , Genet at' Poturrilei ta.. • SATURDkY MORNING D IFEBRIMIET 1).1839. Patent Safety ,Jk)iwel • inFts IaIITtUSCI ras 011•2411 bi BLASTINI3, Bede itt *ko Oeco TO souk! ocmgcr-: BACOI4, BICEFORp, EALES & CO SIMSBURY, HARTFORD, EX/MIL N. Nathan@ & co. NO CURE NO PAY. .PR/CE $l. HAY'S LINIMENT. =IS ENGL,IND. lEatkange Nei York, ox Loral* 9ei 9 /per txnhremilta. iitisltrof Gmiett —.lt haw beeedetermitked apse to Greta a ennite statue in • Aberdeen totb memory alit° late Dnke of Gordon. Bernick Assecierisei.—lt being at length decided that the next general assembly of .the British elation is to take place in this town in August next, a preliminary meeting was held at the public office on Wednesday week, the High Bailiff in the chair, at which it was determined that the nobility, gen• try, and some of the principal inhabitants of the town and neighborhood should be invited to unit/ in forming a council, for the purpose of making sueh arrangements as may be considered desirable. The meeting was attended by R. „T. Murchison, one of the general secretarie, alum association.—Bir mingkees Gazette. Berruelitaki.--The sale of Count Borowlashi's furniture and book, took place on Thursday, when many of the articles brought high prices, parttcu. lafly those Which had reference to his per son. Hie eerie, umbrella, &e, became subjects at competition. We ate glad to learn that the University Museum succeeded in securing some of thews chan:teristie marks of this interesting individual, who will long be remembered by the inhabitants of Durham for his amiable and accomplished manners, as well as for the minuteness of his sire; his age, too, is not one of the least wonderful minutes of his history, having reached nearly a century of yeare,—Der ham ddeertiser. The New and Shields Stem Packet Com pany's bon .Vessel Dahlia.—Thin large and splen did new vessel left London on Friday, and, notwitli standing the foggy weather, arrived here safely yea terday (Monday) afternoon. She has two very fine twelve horse power engines, and her cabins are very hoodsom* fitted up. This is the find iron steamer which has appeared in this part of the kingdom, and will doubtless excite considerable interest. She will do credit to the steam navigation of the 'Fyne. The Dahlia is, weonderstand, to commence rt.nning on the station bstween Newcastle and Shields ou Wednesday. IRELAND. Clondniity District, is annexed to the tendon U nion under the Poor Lawn Act. Kinsale and Dun tnanway are In form district onions in the county Cork. The Render' union is to include 22 patishev. O'Connell.—The popularity of Mr. O'Connell has certainty ,not declined at Derry, a sum amount ing to nearly £5O, was collected on the spot; and tt is calculateti that the total amount of the contribu lion:will nearly reach £lOO. At the same time a Precursor Society was formed ; the whole plucced ings basing been conducted under, the auspices of the Right Rev. Dr. John M'Looghlin. "Newry —The Newry Examiner Mates that ay warcht of £lOO hap been canceled for the O'Connell tribute in Newry. Bwriretion.—The abir Beebinfkaroshire, 1,400 tons, is arrived at Spithoad, to embark emigrants far South Australia; 10 waggons from Sussex, ar rived with a superior description or husbandman, who take passage in her. Letters Patent have passed the great seal, appoint. lag Lord Chancellor Plunket, the Archbishop of Dublin, and Sir Ed. Blakeny, Lords Justices of Ire land. Bastal.--Lately an attempt wag made to murder Mr. Gouldatim, of Clondra, county of Longford, by two manta, who entered the room and fired at him while sitting at table. The ball struck his hand, which be had raised to his head, and lodged in the wall. Lord Gesford.—A most interesting meeting was held last week at Market-hill, on the occasion of the Earle Godard's annual farmer's dinner. Colonel Clou, oflhniudianagher, Mr. Blacker, agent 6f the Geefurd astute', Mr. Molooy, of Kilts/non. Mr. Jamison, Manger of* Waste Lands Company's Rotates lb Miter, and a great number of agricultu rists and farmers attended. Amongst the guests wee Jobs Van Boras, sesa of the President of the U nited Sudan Mr. Joist Veit Banns, (von of the American Pres ident) arrived in Belfast on Wednesday, from Gos ford Castle, the seat of Earl Goaford. Mr. Van flu ran proceeded to Crawfordstown, the seat of Shar man Crawford, Esq. He is a young man of anns. sinning mannem and prepossessing appearance. A New Iron Steamer, was launched at Belfast this week, for the Meter Steam Navigation Company, to tow canal boats in Lough Neagb. lea —lt theroultans. of tea succeeds in British India, we shall have it acid in Ireland, at 2s. per lb SCOTLAND. Grace Dadeig.—The Queen has been graciously pleased to present the handsome um of 250 to the fund now raising for the reward of the Darlings and the North Scinderland boatmen far their humane and heroic conduct on the occasion of the loss of the Forfarehire steamer oe the Ferri Islands.— Again I—At a late meeting it Lloyd's, £2O wu voted to Miss Mimi Darling, for her heroic cour age in having aided in the restate of nine of the crew of the Forfershire steamer. British Tees. —ln reference to a paragraph which we recently quoted from the Morning Chronicle, respelmir,g the tea found in Upper Assam, 'a prov ince of British India conquered from the Burmese,' the Greenock Advertiser says :—By direction of Sir John Hobbutute, a sample of the tea has been sent to the Provost, and yesterday a trial of its quality was made in Messrs. Macfie, Lindsay & Co.'s premises, in presence of the Provost, Bailie Muir, the Chairman of the Greenock Chamber of Com_ mercer the collector and Surveyor of Customs, and and several gentlemen of the town. As the process of testing will be now to some of our readers, we may merlon that four other samples of tea were produced, and a portion equal tel the weight of a sixpence of each was infused in seperate pots for five minutes. At the close, the comparative strength and flavor of the liquid' from each was tried, when the India tea was found to be equal to a good strong congou, with a mixture of ettwety pekoe. When the circumstances under which it wee-gathered are taken two account, it moat be considered a very fa vourable speciinen of tea, and not da doubt can be entertained that, 'with proper cultivation and care, the Amansese teas will erelong form a staple article of East India trade, and in time come into success ful competition with those of the Celestial Empire. Ter-Thialism—Castle Douglas.—This institu tion has succeeded fat beyond the expectations of its most ardent well-wishers, and there are now up. wards of two hundred and .64 members. The weekly ilieetinge and Well attendee/ and conducted in the mose-decoroos manner. Any who feel disposed are at liberty to eddroia the assemblage, and as yet there has been, no deficiency in this mewl- Not withstanding tite'maby dim:adman, attendant on, • 'Bret attempts at public epeaking. many edtcelleid addresses have be delivered with.'eveti mark of ileceptaice. 'TbtiPerolcibiu offetti, nf drniiienness, and the betkiiislty lb? Mifiltalintexertibut against the common assenyi - swam °Minty/ espies ; tad however essential thew may-be-et present, a wider cogs bf itistztictieillautillbstretion wilt. an doubt imou.4mUktutA assAfibisiailpsoko-Thus employed the evenings pais* elf very pleasantly, tlfikimilllptiort ortmoorramemurs, ano ye*. tom um slip : filiali ,dutch -levee! inefiteldife•bi llSt the bone. try. • 1 .‘r,rvei •• 1 C. 4 , • - ,1 •••• I \ „I • !. a •••• '• I IL Intofreenev.—The Reverend Ebenezer Morris, -Vtcar.of Llanolly in Carouirtherishimsumnxined John James, one of his parishonerit, beforwthetecle mastic"' Court of the Buthue of 84 aisle's for non attendance at church—Janice being a Dissenter, and a worshiper of God in a conventicle.. Ha Was admonished by the Biehirp for his "irreligion," . and ordcied to pay the casts of thit snits agaitud it. the shape of • bill from Parson Morris's proctor, of £7. He refused or neglected to pay the. bill and was arrested ane sent to Carmarthen gaol, leavivig a pick wife and a family of chile en • to teke care of themselves. Mere of it!—Another Welshmen has been inner canted in Carmarthen giol for costs M a suit a against him fir oon.attendance at church, and not providing sacramental wine. end the informer is the self same Rev. Ebeneze: Morris Who figures in this capacity in case of Mr. John James. Cysiceig3,ddien.—On Manday,.the 3d inst. the General\Meeting of the Bersinsea Cymreigyddion Society was held at the Bush Ind, in that towtr Wm. Esq., of Aberpergwo, presided, in an opening speech of great ability advocated such in stitutions. The Rev. D. Rhys Stephen delivered a speech explantory of the character and objects of Cymreigyddion societies. Llandover.—Some con (us ion was caused at Lland over, on Friday afternoon, the ,23rd alt., by the dis covery that this newly erected kennel of Sir Benja mai Hall, Bart.• was on fire. Almost instantaneoux- Iy i several individuals were on the spot, rendering all the assistanee in their power, and the engine used for general purposes, was quickly put ie play, under the management of Mr. Win. Lewis, iron monger, of Ahetgavenny. We regret to say that the efforts used wore unavailing, the interior of the building being entirely destroyed; in a abort time. Fortunately none of the yulustile tugs belonging to the worthy baronet were injured. The cause of the centlagratien is supposed to have originated in the over heating of a 'tom. •' The rumor of its being the intentiod to call out the malitia arose out of the circuMstanees of some new regulations in contemplation respecting that body. It is the intention to increase the staff, and to have a sergeant, a corporal, and a drummer to every thirty men, to drill them, and render them fit for duty, as occasions may require. It is rumoured that a third of the militia is hkelt to be called ont in the spring of next year for one Month, to be exer cised, a third the year following, And the remaining third in the spring of the succeeding year.— s ) It is reported that two additional regiments a i•e to be immediately dispatched to Canada. The 27in and 69th regiments have aim received orders to move 'from the West Indies to Canada.—There• is likewise a report current at the clubs that Ist Roy als, 7th fusileers, and 25th regiments aro to receive orders to reinforce our military strength in North America. The 42d Highlanders, at present in Dub fin, it is said have received orders to be in readiness for embarkation to Canada. It is said that a cnn. siderable artillery force has received a similar noti ficatton.— No MOB STORT—OUT OF THOM OWN MOUTHS BHA Lt. Trip ES CONDIMICLO.—MO4 of our readers are ap prised of the diode, which the Loco toms have made, and are still making to create the impression- that there was no mob in flarriaburg, at the meeting of the Legislature. This they du in the face of the fact, that in consequence of the inapracticab4ity of the regular mecUng of the Legislature, in the stato cap. rtot, that party declared tare State goverment at an end, appointed a committee of safety, and establish.' ed a provisisna/ government. This they alleged at the time, was done because a mob had possession of the government, but which they have since denied. That our readers and the mildic. generally may have acme idea of what the Loco Foco party itself. thought of the lawless praisedings, at the opening of the Legislature, before it discovered it to be bad policy to own the fact, we will lay before them the following Were, which- were written at the time, by Loco Foco members of both House and _Senate. They can judge from them,whOther the Legisla ture was, or was not mobbed. They can also judge of these, tforts made since, by the Loco Focus to con ceal the truth, or create the impression that there was no mob. The graphic descriptions of these let ters, will throw mach light on this matter, and all should theiefore, road them. Mr. Flenniain, a leading Van Buren member of the House, from Fayette county, wrote the folio,* log letters to his intimate friends, on the 4th, / stla and 7th of December : "Ha rrisburb, sth, bee: "My Dear S—t:—We are doubtless here in the midst of a fearful revolution. The Worn of liar. risburg is crowded with the most excited population beyond all control. They yesterday drove out the Senate. The • Governor has, it is, , yaid, issued his proclamation for five thousand /ro ilitia. It will bring 15,000, before night this day. I fear that blood will flow freely in this devoted place, (extract relating to his family excluded ) 1 have labored until I can scarcely steed to prevent that state of things, but all in vein. I feat the days of Steiena, Burrowes and PCIIIIIIOO are numbered. In great baste. , Yours truly Copy of ktter of same to the same. Harrisburg, sth Dec. My Dear actual dgbting has yet taken place at Harrisburg, but how long it will re• main so, God only knows. The people have entire possession of the capilol. The Senate cannot meet and the seceding branch or rather the fractional [or factional] branch of the House are not permitted to meet. We meet this morning-at ten o'clock, and transacted some business and adjourned until to. morrow, but whether we will again be permitted to meet, is extremely doubtful. The mi this under the Governor's requisition are now on their march to this placeond are expected to be here to night some, and early in the teeming others. The moment an armed force reaches here, *ere will be collision and bloodshed. Oh !. deplor able condition of tour beloved Commonwealth. I have this afternoon made my best efforts wittva amimit• tee of the opposnien to preserve the peace and or der of my native state. I feel low broke off from every point o f hope. I have (as ar as I can see) nothing to !lot to, but the most fearful scenes to be enacted here. What a dreadful state of things we have reached, and all thin on account ot the prmrerse_obatimody of the Secretary ot the Commonwealth in withholding the majority returns, in his potwesaum front the county Philadelphia. trom both branches of the Le gislature. Had ie produced both returns no,dia. malty would bee - if occurred. I can write no more it present. ' Yours truly, To Extract of several lettere from the same to another person. , Harrisburg, Dec, 4: "Leiper cane here on Sututay 'at the'head 0100 men linen Philadelphia county; SOO more are Amer ed from Adams and Franklin." - ~• • "tit, is narrated the imposition "ill bring , inmen '" ."11opkimi tints eondtleted'to the'ebeir by bed itho s , * would be bathe ennaingham headlong from •the east he tq..„--if be had sefuelut to 7 101 4 . 1 4 ferethe . rielrung c rith the, molt tremendous s b o uti, of v i a's- r . ~ .• 1 1 .1.. r. 9 *elf TV. ~,,, p , Ml frir a. enusyltania legielettirearill neitiltneeti wthsAuttl the Mso-ofa revoluten' ,A , ..1 - v v ' .. .- Oat , 04 , 4.4 t . II try ......s - lii-firhi j iari i i I t ia..'4,: : -"We arp te the midst of il regletien, wine AIM , It pio. 6. WALES. From the. Harrisburg Chronicle - "IL 15 are apprehensions that beige tomorrow eight, the hlcod.of our fellow raisone will flow ita tho cepnc.:, and to the strata-of liatitor "The trieriber atiotifitheinetvesr • • one of death." a. - 1 tear the daysal" fiattntah gaatiß*lod Ste ven 9 are umber:. -Thu people haveposselistonoff.thittßait lotion." . Extract from soother, fetter of TO or Bth, ; the • gams niitiir `says 'lt is rumoured that Mere ire ettbed tr/ the other side of die "e thireiefeetertlibrsidebillilkailr. in f 8 beere.2o.ooo &emeriti *Wilmot& bore to oppose them. lam prepared Mu peace or in wai to damp duty to my constituent.; • • iron sus imeneik-zoviums. Mr. Enrren.—The fidhewing catiosi atatbtloci information would be new to many of Aber readers,. and probably interesting_ tathem alb It ielbonfit late Dublin paper. -Eceleatt Domini. lace perfeeti, per inborn totani os wine fvorngo—ramoil MOS in nnivorsam terrain copia uhertats rztenda—prafluautes taffies pees tame CYPKIAN PE UNIT- ECCI.I3. According to some very curious titatistica, which have been drawn up by a writer in Franee. tpathcr hefty -is the dnminiaat relief" and posseamobo absolute vaajority M the nd etti:etsia:Asia wbith . , Enackea—Franco., tostalgal..Bekinna r pat**. Austria, Ecclesiastical tates„ Naples,- Selma * tuscany, rarint. Medena, Lucca, San Marino, Mo naco, Andorra, Baden. Li . chtenitein; the two Hobe& zoilens, the 'Grandkachy of Hone, and Ciacow (the Istitr is, alas ! Gig likely to•lole its indepeud.. race.) MagniCa.—Empire of Brazil, Mexico, Gaudio . ..lalst Columbie,laew Grenada... Lower Peru, Behvia,Chilii Rio de la Plata, Uragnay, dictatorial° of. Paraguay and Hayti. . .. . Total it Europe, 22; America, ;2-34. In the following kingdoms and pinvisines, Ohl& aro annexed to the other states, Catholicity alsepos seises the absolute majority :—lreland, the Lombar do, Venetian kingdom, Bohernia, Fitingary, Drama . - tin, Poland Proper Westphalia, Silesia, Lithuania. Galitchi, Moravia, Louisiana, Mariland,'Ohio, Mie. anuri, Florida, and Kentucky. Total. without com prising the Catholic cantons of Switzerland, 1.7. Catholicity also possesses an absolute nairjerity ha the following colonial possessions:—French Oka,. iee- Guyana. Martinique, Gandaloirpe, .Marie.Gral ande, lee Snintes, St, Martin, Pondicherry, Chande toner, Mahi, Yemen, Retied, Algiers, Senegal. ' fleurbOn, and St. Marie. Spanish , 00lemies--Onba. Portorico, and the adjacent small - islands, arolliflade- • go of the Canaries, presidencies in the empirit of Moiuceo, archipelago of the Philippines and Mari an/4 Portuguese colonies—Badjapour, Generate. Marrs, archipelago of Timor, groups of Madeira . and Cape Peril, Mozambique, Angola, St. Thomas. and Du Prince. English calm:dee—Canada and the American islands, which bad belonged. to Cath olic powers, Malta, Fernando Po, ; Mauritius:, .and Ceylon in the, conqnered parts. Tette, exclusive of same archipelagos omitted,.3B. " Catbolicy possesses a rarities meisrity (that is, it counts more than any other communion taken in diridually) in Switzerland., Holland, Wurtembuqr. ire most of the small atateb of the Germanic Confed eration, in all the provinces of Prussia, where Pro. teitantism rules, except Brandenburg; in Eiternin Saxony, in western lianoVer, in the Russian Pelle mesa which border on ancient Poland, to the in*th end eaall in Turkish Borate, in the principalities tif t Servia and W..iachia ; in the counties of Landaater. York, Pitch rd, and Northumberland, in England; in nearly all the provinces of the United States r of A merica, in Cie.English Antilles, and in the pease* , • ion of Great Britain in Occaniea, especial!. *here the Irish abound. We shall see farther on the.nurnber of Oetholies in the countries I have named, as well as in Others where they ore in an alnolute or relative minority. I shell first recount the sovereigns, or heads who possess Catholicity. They are 35 in number}—tarp" Emperors of Austria and Brazil; seven kings Of France, Naples, Sardinia,Havaria, Saxony, G Wes and'the Pop( ; two queens of Spain an d P togal. i pe (quere of Pelgium ;) seven grand dukes, or in ti-* dent mince., of Tuscany, Modena, Loom, hf e Lichtenstein, the two Hotienzalleres ; one rand dudes.. of Parma; three char& of email , Eel pall republics, Cracow, San M.arinp, and Andorra owe dictator of Paraguay ; twee° presidents elf rep blicti r of Mexico, Guatemala , Columbia, NeW -G inid° Venezuela. Equator, Lower Peru, Bolivia, Chi Etta ennii Ayres, Uruguay, and Hati. in this cosikisba ten a great number of princes are entitled, whe r by virtue of the federal act oflBls, possess many right* and privileges, which partly leave them in theut an. dent position as princes, such as branches Of diet family of Hohenloe , S ala, " Stellborg, tire~ We must al have numbered the kings 4 whose people ere not Cede amply compensated for Deli a Catholic, and by thelose of many states and kingdom' they have preserved tir i Church—such as , Lombardy, Hungary, Bohemia, Poland, siashcal States of the Rhin( ed, and Ireland. It ie also . amunin, or chief of' the Seri Catholic; the president of thi so most generally a Catholic Austria, Now for nurobera:—Fran, ly, comprising the kingdom 72,300,000 Catholics. Ireland, 5,800,000 Catho li have added another million ty. If his calculations for reasonable, he is rather unfit England, 1,600 000 CIA& Catholics t -Holland, 925,000 3,450,000 Catholics; Germar elusive of the Austrian ar 6,400,000 Catholics, the gr. part -_ long to Bavaria, Weirtetaberg, mad Baden. Switzerland, 975.000 Catholics. • , Prussia, 5,900,000 Catholics (considerably Owe than a third of. all the subjecta of their iota tit king, nick-named Frederloi the Just, _ Austrts, 21,000,000, excluidirs of • Northern, Itely,_before ondided. Russia and:Poland 10,500,000 Catholics., Turkey in Europa, with Sent* Moldavia Wallachia, 1,500,000 Catholics Greece and the lonian:. lolanda, 180,000 Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, 100,000, Total of Catholics in Enrepe-Owc : MID TIITIITI-ONli MILLTOWN, BZVilf EIMPLED TT THOUSAND• The number of Christiana in America i posed to be about 40,000,000. C i f these 4. 000, on a miff - it moderate ciampnhition ire ed to be Catholic. The empire 'or Bretsil a thirtjam republics formed , from the wreck Fr i e.o ; Spanish, and Portuguesc colonies, ela w aly Catholic, and, their nouns Is 26,11 is true that some fOreigniin and slaves be deducted from this t but then we haven' 1,000,400 of Catholics at ebbe and . Porto 1,400;040 in the United States; Canada,Nte lead, &c.; French America, .240,000. Thus, in Europe and America, , there hundred and sixti millions of people profuse* 'Catjtidic faith. ' A fba ,having surveyed this grand and ltni ltrray of the children .3f the true church, ti tribts, et lingua:et iii•pute, let me 'suppose cur au.ddeoly transported .toshe Crooke& Built the Assembly Howe or your Court of Green and that he them- beheld one of our beggarly corporator', without two ideas itr his heat/ haps two pounds in his - pocket s impiously ew on what he believeass he thgropel °Ghia these coundess myriads ofChg istutne r who their hope of salvation in "the' Mediator of . oleo, Christ Jesus,7 and in his grait An' ~ that these are danutahldidolators/indthaf 1 ' z i ,o fees damnable doctrmes,ivhat w QM be his' —what his sense of horror* diagtraff—ur Atinolionis of pity, mingled ith r indigner , contempt.? • ~... . •f" , ' When -wilt a nation Tha t , c;a'fli H er s el f and-wbose ancinntliniArti ibeiniiiiit Owe* adhere—When' Wth they travertheseq i hnt Ostfirfnitethe statea.book4 . . r 5,.., ~.., 4.,...t. ~..4, ~ , „t.,..".41.4,4,- ~ olifti oo t ... 'mg_ • i t r, v _rr - 3 • l° 9A/ LZ oilitraFrt4 9 .- - , . co eta is ibittittp.fiehasta taloa** . • = 4 5 1 1 14 .01%.,semz: • *tug g tAei • Fwd L. wine Dir o si • • •ti litee lemr I I ili a ,• 11 . 11 f d udl frii. E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers