The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 02, 1839, Image 2
BM ,;,.,., . POTTSVILLE. g T ern tug, Feb. 2. . korrisviLLE LYCEUM. 4 Order of Lecturer!, Lecture 2nd. Tue.sday February 12. 4 , o4ifeat," • by the'Rest Arthur Wainwright. Lecture 3d, Tuesday February 26. "Ali:n * lnd scope of Modern Geology." by Samuel Lewis, Esq. Lecture 4th, Tuesday March 12. "Athilas and -its Mythology," by James S. Wallace. ' Lecturh sth. Tuesday March 26. lbxcnplogy," by Pact. James S. Carpenter. - Ledture fi.h. Tu.3..1.1y, April 9. ";History gf Eng-• land," by Edward owes 1 A 4 the room of the Institute will hold 4 largrr number than was at first unticip tte.l, the hoard of Dire tors have deciJe to issue a limited number o additional ti , :dteta, which any be obtained by apply- James S. Wallace, S ecre t ary . .inT Bald of Trail:.—We have received the §eventh Annual Report of tee Board of Trade to the4Coal Mining Association, wlitch we will endeavoT to lay .before one readers in the next Journal. Opr Navigation.—We are pleasel to stake that from all accounts received. da nage sustatoed. on the tchnylklil Navigat Lon . has n•ot been of o f i nature to dtlay the Coal llustae,s in the 'Spring. EAU re pair] can be completed by the regular opening! of our operations, and the Company will doubtless Use eve ry effort to place the canal id , order, to pinvgat loisa'nf c c. We have 'receive.' a atatiatical account of th-- tDatholic population in and Anverici: which from its' length, we defer until next week. P'ttsgille and i';ull,l,lphia Rid .Rdiadi4.--We wish, to speak a word in thria, in favor of our Potts villOieclianies. We su.;ge,..t to the Directors of this towi, the p di-y of havin.2 their rail rush - tars built iti„oUr Bdroudr,li. Our s:rps are la-,ze enough._ and their owners enterpriziti4 ciidu,fd to furnish the tarecibr four thiluaand cars that will he. wannid, and we Will warrant their qu.alhy einal to those inanu- Ddituirel anywhere. The prin. iplil tolls on the rad I will be'pdici iu our Bdruul,h, and we therforci'think iwrts its urclua:ci ti e,>in the work. ; which f`l lir daily experieue , . enable 4 tits u to . accounpodaw to the business of the region, Inure ecuieniaically tlianc4hcrs. Arsiwer to A '4 4Tait.—ln our hist we game an Anairaru for tius Treasurers— , To whAinu do you bend; when yo u bow to your devil." Aiswtn—To Levi Woodl;ury. ttinEr, the &rew townsman*, Col. Croa lao 1, ihron oppos0 , 1; we khls to “puttlia /wren s to pirty," L ut asuro. any r t who wish to 'pit the .10re t 4, .11160 pr,l^ll , all ~ p ' rttiin. tliat he ready try asaisi the-n. For furtiirr see hi; iLlv.r- trynnient ! fWeeihe , .—Tae 1a..4 - vveek has please, the nican, fastideSus in ;he weatiler line—the Cher mom ter has been every Cam; Irani A bi itZard: atb the b4rouacter wet, dry, hig, cell, clear and stormy STORM AN I JELUPE Ori the night uf Fn lay 13th tilt, a rain cammenc ulpre,...e..lented to its severity, and the ground he liatirely frozen, mi. tinp..irvious to tratdr. th streams in our vicinity ewellvd to a - Mugu. caLiiiri4 much 1-3tru•-ti, , :i t 8:e. - Dr Tong wharf ..t Schuylkill Ffl,oca, nw viu-IJ4i other were much injured. 'I htid.; over the .Selni‘ lkdd h Ain; to I'l.l grove. was tinieh darna..Tivl. At 2iiielo.:k un Saturday, the rain inovidnitially t wed. an I a severe allow en sued, which, nutwithstais.hug the quantity of rain, to thc4 dopth of several nicidis. This and the frozen state of. toe weretthe means of stivang tin rul 2 —had tlr rain continua mud) longer, the Acqueduct ..pp ,v:t M irris'i A idnion, woulirdoubt lcss bell carried awati. ye Riau oe are pleased to state, have es.capioil without - Material Mit;ry, ' I To whA, valitiy down to Cu' city. has hcen the seed.. of I unprecedented iti our country frnn a buridar 'fhc Licidete at Mai did Creek. is sivept etpliatik Port ( 'it:o,bl arid ri a toe Tunnel Lae Hltler c 1 o t-iia•l. at: I the r aio:l_ t.., ri , et rendered al . i.op by 111 11 htt..lq • I:4at :33 ran•lJ Were a.vrvt a,v,ty aid 0rA. , !1 brAz.z. 11.4 d J ^ JF tti 1 , • rwtiplet.k, tum out, and the 13:12..1:e totali) dcatr,iyel. The ••bfg A.l ,w Lev,16 . 15 ha about otte th:rd hreaq ...I a-% Froila ;Ito la.l ai re xve 0.1. at tne ern s'im-c of the S-!'au ‘) .fail!. .t. ::1::14 from tur Mar krA st:ect 13riflue. for roe a' nl.l a t Naval is a siyrie of wrrx.k aml num sl r)p, tirfl sch , • lying ai).11r.... -1;1 i retsr! ?V' ..1 , 1 k p ofi t.-o• b:trurti have r k:t he- tp: .yr e au 1 de?.,,tel ~z.,.).;,. from - iwi t the,- • csiivtir J. Inuit therofore be • 1.r.)1.41 up, Tie frustot t.!tc ttii , t p.r . :41)..4 e v er 1,1 Li3p.c l auyiki.l. No vOhar,i.,.. i.-P or.• seen, .119 4 e fittit .vater vr.c. T Fiiiiting t e4lle,i. apo . 0 . '. l p , rive; the f rit t a ar r vlrr3 v. 101 N.L . Sr an: 'a, to am c,'c•u. 1 1 ,1 ,11^ 4) the ra; ,~rh• ~ ,•a;.i•, 1:ii...i.,!A a - il .1:5".4 trhz:h injured. ,t . ..: 'o 1v . .. tali.cto 0. roe lyi.litA t.) vtew• the 134idge at 1 (";,,,‘;', 1.....!rr... Al•out t s , :.'",u,1.1rt...1 (cot o 1, t Uve Vfl 1" I . I 11.A ., 1 ,0 ••11 CA7SINI 171, , ,ty, App non y the I A./it I.: 41 of the :.-. Ise is; ul njured, Tv%ci spans PI r , 1 .30. sl.l 1!.., 1',, , t I:, it..f tie p'ers. ;' , • .)`,,itat.it_. ~f. t t• - • i'l At ' ti.,. .k D. lnl , fi b,,,,, V,r, =I ,• •,, 1•1! .1 :4 tl, - , a2 , ,t t•p H I cel.;r at 1.1 u» 1,4) 1,3 tij Minacjrik: the imoks of 04e river toutrii;•-fl, a•ei 0;0 ter an I Pr,ftirt.t. I' a >Or u ,- afaal3tiaZ Ai it sv,•ta .L 1,1; IN 11l tile rc • I. h.p! ati.:y the dwelhirgi of.iaa pia: fa.u.hes with thin". rohterits; L 4 I ; are happy t., ann•ntnee, Only the coal overationu at this plgc, , h c inet hut 4„.ith tri t4c 717 in 2V VI of 14t. week was Artadful' at Nen , York.,—the l o wer s t r ea and wharves all iriunilate 1. Mr... 1. F. Rand° ph was 101 , 41 the fall of an awnipg beam. We ft•ari.hat. eitoigivo •'_gasters have happened to thi shippin4 on th , mit, as the storm, came ifrom the S. E. rr The -Slate • 'Freispury.,--The Rump Bonito rove f ly, pursed a bill to lure irli each ine,mber frith the abates 4 the convention — only .fifik dollars each . i to, .J. 9 futaishe , l by the Key Stone tricunvirat,e. Wbo pays fat them, it the Treasury is empty, . •rding. to•theltifivetory of the Treasuret 1 , .a . , _ _ -- -- - F , a Ball.-4-Our young are talking of - ` a' fancy . neweekOßelfireg it n ',le on bawl. "Ai , -ho ee,ttr.,:eie itok, .'rkwaiiiii !,,7Perb I to Ai--P 1 7 ?i" - I'l : :-'"--: ''',. he "f. B. p• we should g o in the retcend cheredee. hert any one IL pair ,; hoeua to lend us I , , ~C areifor Fqdrus.—A plaster made of lsofisastp and the etrongestttne that can be p4scurat"-4x cieng phper.. H We reeo !amend the above receijn: to the 'Mention of Corgriss. to 4e ingraftad in the bill a mast de faulter& ! The fiat article can be obtained . from the Preeident himself in all its purity, and the latter Mr. Speaker t'olklais on hand for the use of 14s white washing eouainittees. - • All the D ffrr nce ! —The State Treasurei• refused to pay the order pf Gov. litner to defray the-el-pen of the militaty called out by him, but the loco House - Imi willirs busy the bullies-who kicked up all the not at the rate of a dollar and a half per day. "Oh consistencyi thou art a jewel !" c-1. 15,000 copies of Gay. Potter's Inaugural ad dress went voted by the Ifouse and only 130 of Gov. R.itner's recial message. The former contained empty prqmises, .0* latter public business of impor tance. “The feniten4ary of Oiio last year yielded $ 26 ;- 000 prufitiv over its expenses.” This is: . quite an encouragement tdcrime. We shall soon: havesimlications for charters on .a peni tentiary plan dimwit by the way, the Governor will veto thetni as tlig object can be effected by private enterprise; Anti Tamperaisce.—The Legislature of Kentucky have advihed thin drunkenness he a rrahonable ground of hlivorcii. How the whiskey will be pun 'is:led by ever • in who has a shrew for a wife ! Titusi Ldf 0711CI44.—This production of Shak spearh has beer peen adapted to stage representation. Garrick °tiered 4150 unsuccessfully. We learn that it has been utidertaken by Mr.• Bannister, and a version alit: tned, in which all the original language of the bard has been retained. This will: be a triumedi for ,tihe Maierican dramatist, and we 4bould he;teaseu ttihear of our natai.e Tragedian under taking the character. T et , Ciaiunry. r.—D. P. Brown. E 4 has moved for a new ltrial in this cause, and' assigned fourteen reasons why it should he granted. t. A mammoth cheese wengiung 7001 5 5. * l, Ol WAS presented two years ago h' Colonel Meathent, of Nov York, to the President of the United States 'las been given to the the: Benevolent Society o Washui, , ,ct.Jci,cay.r h would have been well to have retained it as a mit to catch the suh-treaattry's "rats and mice." lay 1.114, a fire wait placed near the mouth of Mr. L. C. Dougherti's cqiil drift, to prevent the cold from pent.tratunr tle works. The fire cauaht the prop- ;Pi mt.:, which was sisiedily extinguished, and twe men oassed into the mine to ascertain if injury had lone igHorid Where the tire MIA placed. The gase ms vapours Orom it. had been collected to such an •Ntent. - in the works, that they were both suit anted, before any assistar4ee could be rendered them. The iractice of htiring grates neat the mouth of drifts a common one,,and great rare should be taken, eiat a free ril-eulaiion of air be kept up, to prajent that arcumulition of thOSC lIJN,iOUS gases, emanating from burninga.oal.: )f i a I i 1 t Read the citmet from th spedrh of Mr. Wise. Aufisi Death—During th,e severe storm of 'Sun Tile coloh, 1.3 ',Ent! L. Stone, Esq., a few weeks ago, ;renounced all right, title, and in terest in arid to hell military prefix of Colonel, and now - we find him the represer.tative of G en . Bog:tr ios' statf in it military ouncention of Albany. We are sorry to sat arid the gentleman is not a sound nut —he is rotten )n the krrnet. D• morred ! e ytA r !—Richard Rush, a the 4,1 ,t e h t , J l tfre , letaltstn,is to he the loco-foe° can lidartic. IS. :•.;eitator ! NVe'll bet a fitrthing rush light, he no better driltocrat than the preseut in um',ent, Mr. Buchanan ! qiet74.l - ieloria.;—The English papers have been inz to raise a gtiry pri.ju lirial to' the ehardetit4 of /ph, 'Nei; soy a van tig wan was t"ounti in•paled in her toOil rhantfr•r: ti& a very black wwk on the afrtir, hut ivy, Fila."l‘er yet, %%hen the in- ctittlert.timq out t- t'tt , a nti,lity,:ous riiimn sweep! one mill nyt b^ tootud with thy hke,of late , %fly, am . fOr • 17, ]rr r., it_ rfi !it, ajd . ~]ready at New ork.--their probe. ,trid widpel4 airready, and-we • vitcet scion to hr the result of their o:peratiuna. Mr. M.iltleerb,rg; F. S. Envoy to the Court of \ pre 4,4iten ered:nnuilb t., the Enltiorer on wai n/ust fd‘ornbly ret ClNtd. • Oipe , .-4V% r do not see any thin; of the Market: Wily is he not doing his duty ! tows are made t , kep arid r»t to break. From rnery yti..wvr we hear the thunder of indig. 14:1!m r up*itrveni and Las fellow consre- Litor:: .q..ou.t the nights of the people of Pennsyl ' ~-,1 L i . tltunder !Aka) has nit reached our quarter. If: r. tAtevens was (I conspirator igatnitt the rtzhts ‘ , l the p..opie. why tuts not Ids namq placed on Gen. Oilier's Lst of serelliants at arms ! His is the ottily lidt! d td Jett thatrwc ran hear of! T 4.—‘r :njTIII.IM has been the T.1:1 t f rtt> pr-. 0 offered by %tcsr. ,I , en. his cntitted ..Uncas, or the S 210 %% II be pubhothxl to h>-day's Jur I.ty (•ourter.. :We shall expert %unit-thing tine author , oiou trxest, Burton and 1.4- a.i .." 31 ne. —lt 45, - ,hains to, been re‘eleetett. 1. Z•venaor in aijoint vote of, the two houses of the .11.iti,e. 1,4.7,t1.,t4re. ;r„ 13riti:,11 fleet of thirteen s•el 011 - Ceti ploc coninianded by Douglas., 1 , 1,1 h. Mr :.'a4li. , iugl/aru, the Briush nair.ister_ as A ;ex .M.. &Lief Ott I—This gentleman has had Nis , ktpper3oppe , 4)y s . ecimmittee of the 'Senate, icho haN, .kparted ih favor of Mr. Btook e's claim to the aeat. ? , He held big own for seven weeks, when he knew he Was thee by accident; but he been hon orable enough to haire allowed Mr. Brooke to take hi. seat at first, the Etunip House could not hese been rebor ,, ecl, aind the state would have hcen saved all the t odium of that r i trans:talon. GosrePorter was krenaded by the colored Band, laid Friday theft, f,r the frienrl4 we suppose atanis(d 114 the p4cor African in Ins . Penn. - '.ll.le.grvirph. If any or them wish to ti)e "white gemnian,'! the Governor ealOiaelit Olean .w to white wash, and no ihnilit"they t4ke benefit of his advice. Banking Larca....*: ing Law, amds legial4i orroarifint,Api; of M. Fraley's 'Bank iiroseediagsl be foam& THE MUIR 4 Ii:Ss it) URN Ai. Gettyabtag Rail Road -04 ?Wire wishes 41 Ow vilrkvtt the:CoMtburg ;s4timai4t4 to be banoloned, : fliona .-yespattai• 8 0*-lO—ot !Otter for:the otatovifwo can only foitkrY t;tortnrecoo Falsehowi7—A loco paper prodlahns trinmphantlytthat Daniel Webster could only obtain 200 majoritj , for Senator in the great state of Itias sachusefts, where a recent Whig Dovernor was elec. ted by upwards of 1. - 0,000. Wail the blockhead who wrote the editorial aware, that it was not a popular vote, but a legislative one, or does he want to keep "light" from the subject I al. The Reading Preen, copies our article on the amount of coal sold on the line of Canal, between Pottsville and Philadelphia, without crediting it. Thank you for nothing this time, hut don't do so Caroline Augusta Chase, and 735 other ladies in Lynn, have petitioned the legislature for the privi lege of marrying black husbands.—/30ston Post Grant their petition for mercy's sake—the crime will cairy its own punishment. The black gemmen will say to the ladies--“mislike me not for my com plexion—the burnished livery of' Day and Mar tin An equivocal charatitr.—The Petersburg (Vs.) Intelligencer says, that the Petersburg and Roanoke rail road has "made more money and killed more peopk" than any in the U. S. Friend Splines should procure an agency for a Life Insurance :Co. .there, he would make a fortune. New York Sendie.—There is a loco majority of four in this body, that oppose every bill, however useful, which does not tally with their party meas ures. This renders %Tatory nearly all the acts of the lower House : but next year will complete the purification commenced by the victory of this. Loco Feara.—The New Era is awfully alarmed because an investigating committee on defalcations is in N. Y . Cannot some of our editorial, friends tell Mr. Theron Rudd, one of the attaches to the Era, that his old defalcation of $BO,OOO, when Clerk of the Southern District of N. does not come within the sphere of its present duties I It will quiet the poor fellows trepidation for a little while. Odd Fellates.—Therotherhood at Pruviclence R. recently gave a splendid supper. at which his Excellency Gov. Sprague was an linked guest. Slale Treasurer:Damel Sturgeon hag been re elected by a note of 68 to 55 in joint ballot. Cong-ress..—Since the appointment of the investi gating committee, nothing important has been done, although many private bills have passed to a third read ing. Philcuielphia Loan Co.—We are pleased to learn that the Cornmiuee it,pcmilited by the senate, to en quire into the affairs of this company, have made a report exonerating the institution from the charge of being connected with the Lumberman's Bank, and from the charge of having violated its charter, hy' is suing Certificates of Lout. Merrick has been re-elected S. Senator; the vote stood 4A for Merrick, 2 scat tering, and 33 blanks. Thus it will be seen, the Whigs have retained their ascendency in this state -in spite of lamentations." Will some of the Philadelphia papers publish the annual expenditures of the General Government from IA2O, to - the present time? We cannot lay our hands on the necessari papers. National eirilitic.v.—Conirnandor Page of the L.7.ti. airier) of war Natchc, and Prince de Joinville of the French ship of war Creole, exchanged : salutes, &c., on the occasion of their inti,ering at Ha- MEM . The County Members.—The disturbances it the commencement of the session, prevented the Whig county members from contesting the seats usurped by the mob, within the first five days. as respiire4 by law. ilesohitions- have bCen repeatedly offrred fur the passage_of a special law, to allow the seats to' be contested, but thry have,always been voted down by a pally vote. Does this not show conclusively, that they arc fearful of thy truth ? Hu! fax Itiutirk.—The c ircumstances connected with the election in Halifax, and the conduct of S'LrAw, the constable, all will remember: Last week' he was tried on an indictment for refuong to do his !morn duty, & Yiulating,the law, which was.brought nt No%einber Term, and found Guilty. The 14•Ings have brim accused of riot and mob in this alar, and yet a Jury of our country hare punisliied n comaabli for not acting with Lhem in the election. -Truth must prevail!•' Lpnk mil fir ra.rt.t.---.‘ special message from Gov. Porter, recorru'en Is the Itgislaturc to allow turn to borrow money to carry on the public works,when the appropriations are exhausted.--iluzza for re trenchment e 71fr 11 , ir Appareni. , .-Mr. John Van auren was at Dublin at the lastadvices. Lord Durham toast ed ••President Van Buren," and Master John toast ed Lord Lbtrham.—Thus while Martin is rnn4-d at home, he is torrxtrd abroad. We pink bell be. dnae brown before Iring Uni,mthie. titer h t it .p. :111.1 Tammany iialL—The loco temple in_Ncrc York wants the :date t.) pr, ill: ri f siaired severely in .the late gale. Two chimmes not at the% arctic bccin, there a u,oh, tut and part of its roof were displaced. Poor old Tarn- I was found nere:sq,w7, to employ .Ire:o7/fire sergi..2 many! props, supporters, clumnies, all gotiv_r! Its lat arms ti re-t:[ th^ unlit.i I .re calkci - ntit (;;)%. hearth-stone will soon be deserted, and it will stand. I Railer! the polita.-al de falcalioti Fairfield might say-- ,, A pyramid oidespair on a teltus, the loco all !Aided hlin as as desert of locofuemsmr honest• mint—Aldotly over the her of liner hor.ored Brous noire— 11,, a •comt &ale Trrasurti a ,,--It seemed to bother the le;isla tare how this officer. should be elected. Brou it, the 1.,r0 foe° from Philadelphia eminty, , moved an amendment on the subject, striking out the words -lu-cording to 'the (Thnstituti ? n," and inserting as heretofore. - 'These democrats, as they call theiM arises, are rtraite legislators. L ur ,..beri san ', Bank.—The People's Monitor gives the proceedings of a large meeting held at Warren, on the affairs of this Institution. It was the opinion of that body, that time only was wanted to recruit the affairs .of the Bunk—that the persons who are trying to forfeit its charter, are the very ones who have produced the present euibarrassments, by not . repaying, their loans, and tlmt its continuance is ne ced,sary to the business of the vicinity. Nay has been intimated that as the names of the inventors be frequently given to their words, we need a new nomenclature.. Thus we may speak of macadamising roads, Bentoniug the citrren cl, Priming jour neighbor's goods, tiwartwouting the Treasury; Great-westerning from justice ; Sturgeon ing the State-Funs and Cuabmia.niaing the previous question! . We warts new edition of Webster's dictionary ! , Mr. Legget, d 1 New York, lateiy one of the , edi tors of the New York Evening Post, , has beCn op pointed, it' is said, Chief Clerk of the - Navy Depart ment.' We knolir Mr. Legget to be an honest man, al 3 , ththigh a violeit rlitical abolition*, or else Isre edififkbinli W o ood mit‘Ouo of a l sub4etourei • l .• 1 _ • MMME SE The- .41—Bills of indictment have been E mu ' by i,•'"Ge; ad . lnquest of Dauphin Co. against CHAAHS PIAY, JOHN J. M'CAHEN, JOHN W, RYAN, IOHN (Jack) SAVAGE, JOSEPH HALL, AARON F. COX, GEO. W. BARTON, JOHN SNYDER, MARTIN DUNLAP, JAS. BLACK, GEN. ADAM DILLER, for riot and conspirer* against the commonwealth, at the meet ing of the Legislature. These men will be tried and found guilty, but nev er irons:shed ! The same mob power which placed two of therein the seats of the Legislature, which be long to others, the same E.recutive power Which has given office to another, and the same legislative pow er which has tried to compensate the others, will never permit such an event. Bullies can again rule the Capitol, a party Governor can pardon, and a party Legislative enact laws to guard and protect them. Mind our ptedidtion—if convicted, they will not be punished ! , . Florida—A convention has been held in this ter ritory, for the purpose of conning a constituttion pre paratory to admission as a state. The s4ive ques tion has of cceirse been a particular one, and under all circumstances, as from her proximity to slave holding states, she must be compelled for the, present to do the same, the resolutions have been very hber al. , A committee has recommended that the legisla-• ture be prohibited by the constitution from passing any laws for the emancipation of the slaves. They are to have the power of 'prohibiting the introduction of slaves as merchandise, or criminals from other States; but not to prohibit any emigrant from bring ing in his own slaves. Fur all offences of higher grade than petit larcency,slaves s hall have trial •by Jury. Free negroes and mulattoes are to be excluded Iron] the State. Derenry,—Mr. Pray-, announeed the success of Mr. Miller's election from the - clerVa stand during - a session of the House of 12epreseiltat et 4 -•-• the locos made the Ball resound with shouts. This Pray is under arrest as one of the rioters ! .I)..marrrf:Jx bi no, al i• .—T 1100,111 g of the committer In 12.,:izrt-id by ballot ru Ott ul :stvart wow' s alc-abon. may b e considervdas one of the mo,t dan4en!ti , tort.n,ilion.: th it I , l,•rali,n( tcu tur( in ...k rid is it thvre t oti are, IN !al ,I..i.4ontatir nose, our piercitt4-1.)i., 1111.1 pt . llCtralltig ChM ! '— A dangerous innovation, t, it ! you will rind it so. lays the ale to the root of corruption—all the, hran cites Will be cut txtr, and the dead hint, c.rplitt , (/ wdes& 'lt is danr.eroili to nonr but the corrupt. and thoy - fcel it so, Mr. K, InPrniathal, Want, d.—'l'h, Petersburg intelh geneer Tuaking enquiries outs-halt of the friends ot the late John Llishop, outs ehildaim.Nlary and Asa. They or their heirs base something, lucky in store by making proper application. The New Appnintmeni.,.—Jud'ae . Bunisule hits decided that the persons appointed by Gov. Porter under the new Constitution, are. entitled to their seats. Judges Lewis and Blythe, have coincided in this ()pillion. Canal Cora mis.. , loners.—Jumes Clark of Indiana. Bell of Chestor, and the Hon. E. B. Hu!de•c. hate been appointed Canal Conlinissmmrs. Our readers will see that the rejected Senator from (•tester, has been rewarded for Ins recent disapponnmel.t. Mr. Swartwout was dining with his, friends in London In zreat style, at theltst inIN lees. We suppose Mr. Price has joined twin by this time, mi d over their port. thy talk ~f olden tiff - n. 6 in the. port of N. V. and their parting Mainly to a st is, tStrb-truasuries and sub-treas.urers, We - need MUat ride, when fin , devil spurs. ' _I N. B. It is said that Stephen, Price, the dratnarit brother of the ~g reat rcsigued;' is about to icvlvethe Beggar's opera—the i t tirts I Madre:tilt :Ind the i-us tice to be performed by the two worthy lett4rcasonTs, and the managers has - sent over - Mr 2tal supernu meraries, for the ,horusses . , particularly that of -Let us taketO the. road Mr. Woodbury has contracted to furnish them, as likewile, to paint new scenery for the piece—Late reports. give rlalenee that he is eminently qualified for both 7 -m.osc verrons'. if justice is dont: all patties. l awn , N,apital.—Wr ire pleased to notke, that a vigorouS rliort, is being made to. call the at tention of the Legislature to the erection of a state Hospital. for the relief of.-thi , insane pa Ir. Theob, 'Sect is to hi effected', ott the in.,st appraveci Frernai system, winch is triat.,f -Hier d nt to all inmates if fizin ' .• ~:I•iNit..l 0,31 - A - ills!, all,l tr% 04 . •'. l'ie rn.0.1 1/IterV.l , , Irad tne p .;,.; t il • i. p tir s u t „I, Thr flovv'rs of Sprine, shalt bloom again, dais} hie h.e.c lee() Literrupt,.l 1.% the nns- Anil the ! Ammer utN return, torn] Beien einti,lS adorn. the '!.iov of morn, Our .s (~14 t'le.a.ze in t:lis kind of lint the car heart wikl:learn, e has e there are tvF:o I It, tint !Tight freshness . ) . )ass'd or the prl , ,ltt or -1,1111.111 hen, fits. but an ac, .knil Autumn hour (.111,11. on. • noneo' I.his the•ent. I No - revurning spring. reno%al - o frig, blne 01: 11y ,; the fal o r a , tru p res .. Of the earl ulow that s Sion 111 1: ,-. 11 ,14 wed he ourleuri4.l.lture without nil Co:-.t ne Aiall soon 11.,‘ e an n. stituti , •n, err' way worthy our st.,t, :11.1 its than- 1 table charaitzr, :V,P.114.; '4—The I,,ea• fn't tr cd dt our ettyats. that tn. re waa n tnoh at ita that ull nnderh and .Itnet. Fnuhn4 that e c"rrect. and we give WhN Mr. Mon blius r oro.ortetl •m• of 11., 0 ,1- hounds—ready to butehi.r.'-wr are 1.. t lo&; to tie.. terimne, but 1:07 , - his r for proof that -all the accounts of -perfect quiet" trumped ! , y the Keystone party, arc false to the rots: It' F aits ye% 111{11i , N6 at hand--noblood spilled as yet—the (spied is ni possession of itic Van Buren party, and a mob of blood-hounds. of about 500. • They drove us nut this day. Govern ment is as much as dissolved. This day the Atsetird was surrounded by them, but could not :get posses sion as yet—we have about fifty, men in for safe keeping. The Gosernors house Las been guarded List night and tins nigh: agaiii—Stevens, Burrows, Penrose and Cunningham. viould have been nue gwrized had they been at_the Capitol. and all this orrarrount of the Philadelphians. ilarrisburg ap pears not to assist us. I shall soon be at home if spared—nothing, but confusion, like .a bee-hive if they'loose the'queen; shouting, rejoicing in the cap itol by 100 of them,-ready to butcher. . , I got watched so that I could hardly write these lines. Western Suombeats.—The St. Louis Bulletin of the 11th inst. states that the Mississippi rivet 'is clear of ice, and 041 the steamboats have commenc ed running. The nett account* will be althea kort!ting their Wants! 4 4 ,' • • Presidential Term. —The Washingtrin corree._ pondentloUNiehlistay, "aye, that Mr...Tallnsadge of the gen te has introduced 4 joint resqution for the AmentiMent 'Of the Conetitrition, proilding . thet the ePresident shall be elected for one term of four years, and shad be ineligible thereafter ; that the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer, and the Post Mas ter General, be elected by Congress, for such term and in seeh manner as shag be prescribed, by law; and that' do member of Confirms shall be appointed to any °f lies in the government of the United States until the expiraticin r of two years after lie shall have ceased to he a Member of-Congress." These views, if adopted, will tend most materially to check the growth of corruption, and bring the country back to the healthy state it enjoyed previous to 1828. • Mr. Ittinifee, one of the persons engaged in the recent duel at Natchei, has since tiled of the wound received The Plaindealer.—This' paper is to be revived by %Valiant Lereet E-9 , loco fbco to the bone. Job was a very patient manr, but he never was an editor. Fortunately eor his trial of patience, printing was undiecovored. in his days. Dor. fi, 1;,438. 9 0 . ,- I, , rk at nvy!it:- • • JNO.. moNTELIss." =123 NEW PAPER nv.NEw Yoatc.—lt is stated that a new paper is to he commenced to New York cite, to advocate the election of Sir. Calhoun to the Pre. stdencv. The editor is said to be a rent:eman who formerly conducted a paper at Columbia, South Car olina. ==! Mr. Bnrron—l am pleas4tu find, that attention has been called to the necessities of Pert Carbon In relation to a supply of water for thellitti' . ftation. The shippers here, during thelast sa;ason. were compelled in many instances to carry thoir boats tutu th e stream before completimt a had. acid wheel -the bal ance hi on planks. riis was a'cause frw L dila% , that the Captains were urns ilium to take in I Palling without being paid for the di h is %sem compelled to Jo in several instanees.• The iris iga- do n .Cornpany mint sec the iti.ttre of ph, inz. all then - en.tooicr. on an equal foot nn.'r; and c th, refore 11C)P . . )Ir. Edit:)r, 0.13( LIU Vo in Irt 'ln tans to halt wake such siegge•ttons a, :n:ty keep tot to at , re tnernl,r.tio e of the COlllitarl\ C.111 , t• 111..111 I. turn their attention to the wants and nece—ittl, of. tlie dealers of Port Carbon. A COAL :••• lIIP PER. ON AN INFANT'S GRAVE I= saved c•hthi for IN It t IA Alit] I, Thine antic' sltnnber on thy maker's breast, Who, irem his seriph train would take, The pureit cherub he path e'er caressed ! • Rest on. siveet child ! a mother's" heart Now beats in hop' iiinifon with thine, For e'en a hem 'it more rapture ran 'impart When kindred spirits kneel hcfore its shrine. Reston, sweet child thou wort a gem Too pure to grace thislowly. earth, God took thee for his diadem. • Its hrightikt , . pearl of Uiatchless worth Hest on. >w t 'child! for tho . M morn. :hetlew ust. bide before the beamiiC hvht of heir% en, It re-assume:4 buely h u g• When in the'rainbow's arch tt - *.hi.ves at te'e'n.' Re,4 ‘,ll, sweet hrteht • NVe.A.,- the burAth•v . hoti,ls ut rlay, Like• a w.veet. flower that rhuts ni4lat To 1)100111 more fair at break of day. FOR THE MINER S ' iIOI:R'NAL. .To Oh! nerr wore---Oh ! ne‘e:r mon. on mu' The fre6h/iess of the !wart wilt fall like dew •. Oh ! Aar is life to one like me! A weary pilgrimage below !'• Uh ! glorious and beautiful Are the early flowers of Spung. • And rich and rare, the perfunies are, That the summer breezes b;ing, And gorgeous are the tinter.' clouds That adorn the sity:af noon— littit like sleeper's dream, or metetir't gleam, They-enrapture, arta are gstue'd And most bright. and beautiful, _.• Are the dreams of early life 'With treasures ope, the tiymn 'tope, Points to seerbeS-m:itivbeaut`y rife; • And dazzling, forms of earthly bliss the btioyant spirit throng. And-the y•mng heart l / 4 <itnz,.to these fading EhMgs, 'With their voice of mirth and sung -Then what is left to us, below. ~ ..11.0 to breaA the .lowliwanl tine T.. our late, ill patlyitce t.aie, • Ahnighty . s lNill C.L'itll% to live. .111,1 thin lArt,l.l , e.yond the tomb. \l - hem eternal drvks, their fro,iu!eSi-aItrUSC Ind fiEroCr, 1 . 4 . ' 1141M:11 1, 1 4 OW IM'lt Sll Conservative* ' news (,f Thirty ; and a word of Adrixe t his Frirtid.s.i.—rovintud. To ye,7 centS , Then, voursylve. It , ninerql, ‘Vht:zs, v," hat abo are „as a, II k., n anugrr your 001. o n, nte by the nalne(:.i Bankliten, Arit,eraev," Le. &c. milt{ reennirnetid the creatur part ..1 tny lormlyr Fun.rnin, b, !I, erne that -sew are nn better ef,;:1 1 t ou ..111 , 11t to be r . its the hatTrnan said to 'he when the latter so,,trongly prote.ted his . Innocency.' A. I have partly followed the friendly advice so conspicuously presented to my consideration, di the pr, fare attached to my fortm r article, I •ha , l be brief in my present remarks. because, there is ap pended fives my, trihile tr,iting, a .-cull, with the words "rondease! condense? condense!" faintly iipresowd . upon the organ of Cventuality. I shall begin, my comparing the tr. to , or the present day, to two areal steam engines i l Democracy!' The party addressed in toy latt; po4se.sing ton great a quantity of fuel the last twelve rrars, have put on solintich 51011111, that they haye, fairly outstripped their principles, (the latter tieing on the low pressure, principle;) and the grfirters'llay ' g put their loot on the safety valve of public opin n, a terrible explosion must be the consecitemte,• Mess their engine has the• rood fortune to get out of fuel. The. Inantity of the latter is decreasing, and though some part of what is left is very com bustible, and may be subject to such a catastrophe; yet the danger is not as'great as formerly. But gentlemencthey are "not alone in their progressive' propensities t" (as one runaway 60 .treasurer said to another!) for you are' crowding on +team, and making use of 511 the combustible Materials you can lay yout hands on to overtake them. Some Of your/ officers have recently pot their foot on the safety valve above Mentioned ; regaraless of the constitu; lion, though you seem 'very solfciteus for her wel. fisre. The additional rinantity of fuel that heslte- Come tributary to your 'engine, from the fErreite of ; [dew York, will I fear, cause put an more • in than the - arcieles•of confCderation t frill Some of yob have confessed. 'Oat yo pursue a wrong course, bean *tether, you hold it their own coin ;" for wrongs, cover rattly to Yecoinmends it to had. I would merely tie pose that thOse of yo ing for economy, Cr • of purse and sword, •i those prtncipies as yo, ly in power' . That there is hono of true republican pr deny ; but thit runny ale ara'ansious to cry litteal opponents, wit 'I the causes of their e' and 1 am well satisfi, done in roguery by their better diseplin material or motive, on In the fate disgrace appears to be a diver! aggressors ; but I can ; pursuedequal c ha thrlea tsJlnge course, le ' rascality, I am otsm mirablv. I therefore both parties coneer eh unto is of ant enter the lists of making a provision ho' terminate, na did the kee's blacksnake., by !laving . thus . flant mended by side hints, pushed hi.s lodgbT uow quit.) a little more att I shall proceed to offer t•wry, wo•hingi,vot, at that the advice ()tiered equally applies to !nil consider your attetrpil an tne•late election Oro; Jst. ou know a ci state, {rho wilt art In . i..roioris, and tnl ,, r Us which nc are ,-orrown nant,7 and l I it 11,,r E. (leaven. as n hcacon o of put I : 4;rt 4Tilr 119 2„ 4 1, the kt , car, fit l In cnu tint' yx, a 7•1:, and tot ("ArrV a rty I s t nd, into the tins 3d• I n ' 2 O r nnrociti., 017i,el ton7l•.,Apte Frxrds. li yob vlish 1 It 3 nil', that vim 113'e nath 4th. I)erMuncr no 11 try, who boo , indcklic. dtctah:s 114 )lell !Ittll4'll, knolhit dae that . ynu or ,our menvur as y 4141 with rile . 10 till: (milieu! arinelpleS, in your coed pi:. colleagues. 511:. Let it be vent e der, study ,tlict itocreat, woli her u care -of lion, who vouc boon of civil and religlo i to an equality with the "Condense.!' Condens done. ' The following punka the Speech ht the Hon. House of Representative faleations. ••First came the expo ion of the pet. banks.—tune come, the explosioas, one after another, in, quick sue. cession, of the sub treast rers who wereoar are to be, sobstittited for banks, an I I will show you that they prove 411 I ever charged to be true." - • "I said that in Decent er, 1836, when Gen Jack. son .gave his curtificat that all was well, honest and fair, this very leg-i 'usury, Swartwout, at Nevi 'ark, wks ill default 3' 6.71 d dollars. Well, sir, now it appears' that, in • velve nionif;s after, he was in default to the tune 4'25,705 06. Previous is •my attempt' at investigaiion, he had been stealing public money" at the rife of 56,000 dollars per an num. Alter the cat wa*belletl, he stole in one year $080.2.36 63, and in qui. it.ext three months $208,. 180 3'. Yee,, sir, otter; the President had •iiven hint a ccrUheate of honesty, and you sir, and the House, and the,Commtitee, and the Executive, had shielded him from all sclutiny, he stole in one year the sum of 8660,'.136 6.5, and in the next three months at the rale of more than 800,000 dollars per annum—his slefalcanou averaging, throughout his offiCiat career, the sum of more than 170,000 dol lars per annum, for seven years—and this, tao, we 1 are told, without the least suspicion! 'A Jew may believe it—hut I 'don't,!' , , . l - "tr; I said the other day that I did not rejoice in these pnblic looses and calamities, though I confess- ed 1 did feel a thrill of triumph at having gained a ; victory for the truth. The pet hank system and the `.., soh-treasurers have exploded, as I said they would, .'. and expoSed their hidden enormities, concealed un- til they could be concealed no longer; but I do not rejoice at it. I made mei no booth to sit and watch COI - the destruction of cbrrupt Nineveh. But, air, there is one poor human being on this earth—alone now in the world—wrecLed in reputationr—blasted --slighted by men not half as worthy as he` is— ' whose soul at scenes 114 these, does rejoice, must io exult. Who and where Os he t Si:, if you will go down Pennsykandi AOntre to the corner of four ;%; and-a-half street, beneath 11 rs. Peyton's boarding s— house tou will find a Lrey heacier. man, stricken in years: ini name is Tobias Watkins! That ,man,- !lir isirrbreing money of public otTicers, funds in their ,1 hands, not converting funds in his own hands to his own use, wag impri•ioned on the 14th of Aageist, 13 1, and tried oat three itedintmcnts, on all which. -L i ho' was convicted and fined, on one of the sum ot .f '750 'dollars. on another 390 dollars, end on the third 1 3000 dollars. He was ; sentenced to he imprisoned l'''' three months on each ind , etment, in all nine months; ..,. i.pritholigh imprisoned in A Ogint, 18:29, he was not , released 'until Alareb, hi-1:1 Net in jail three years ; and six snow!). for a real or fidtiliiiiis defalcation of $3,1410 . ! Where are now the defaulters of this re- I: rut udroini•trat-ion ' Ith_ere to Swurtwout. after erribezzleing public anut; - ey for eight yearsiin sums. ~.iiii. till lie bad taken and caret, d away -.a million and a quarter' Win re is Price? Where is Gra. pot r ll,ivr l , ,ne..inec their carriage wheel. proud; ly Itirled iiielol, topic (lento!' Ole fashionable streets .. and uvenimsof.yo ,r Metropolis of court and of lash- . .;;j iota ! No inar 7 fiale at their heels—no district attars- 1 neys prosccuittig ag:iin.t do m triple indictments; they run away, or walla,l away, unforbidden, and male tu•li.rider them ! • V.' here is Roy I 7 that lane otlic -r defaulter, warn appealed to 'Me misfortunes of sperrtlotign,' to elect him to the Semite of his Stale, 0.: 11 itibi,,llPpl ' The , e are all inriocent and antic-'' Route wc , ai , ing de taulteTs ! These are full hand 'ed public- plumb rer., is t pl-nderers, and go .1111. • 1 a !opt •titi..ttee.' Sir, so was Tobias; Watkins tia 7 . '• Co; innate. Ile was horn and bred a gentleman , -- d .zr:ed lir the toot! glare ut this metropolis of `spler.did ma.erx., and shabby splendor,' (as it was rito , . with .goal force, troth and beauty, described btlihrit iintquallen orator 1 Ft'irginia, John Randolph —of liberal utirrd+ and habits tio, had lavished soni c I three: ilion , a rid. improvidently, thinking it! his heart, 1 tha't he sltionld be able to replace that si,m, and more ; and •make all strait :' and lie was imnrisoned for his improdenee tor nearly four years, and made to Elea r'a telon'abrand ! Alt ! air, but he was a kentif.' raga ..lie belonged In aril the decency, to thd silk snicking gentry—he was not one of-your Loco FLI. ' co.delaidters—he irILS' not unfn•tunate to the a niArdolniiitions—he was not lon full-handed to be • not by the rude hands'ot the tipstaff—he was not a defatelti-r, ot the great democracy, and, poor , , fellow. He surTeret for being • a getztleman. By the by, sir, that word reminds me of that fact that it was during, or not until the pint summer, your par. . ty.first discovered that your President war a gentle man! • The discovery was made - first, I thiak, by Grannie Ritchie} That venerable gentlemen took' me to task for finding some gentlemen. in Peters burg, end as nisei off, it seemed, boasted that Presi dent Van Boren too was actually a 4rentlernan! Very strange ! that a made President, the succeesar . of' the liurnoraions' in - 1837, they did not find out 10 -be a gentleman until the summer of 1838 .r. • They must surely have beenitrying to make firm out $ ; Whig. Fur misol, 1 always knew be was, in the ordinary.sense: a gentle:man ; and it was Mortifying to ore to nee that the Enquirer, by- itreplieationlat least; had supposed until lately,. that the President ' of the United States could be other than a gentle-- ;,- man—judging I mean' from. its boast of the anddep discovery; bat my colleague: there, (Mr. Droonf-- . goolc) will not, -however, recognize Mr. Ritchie at ANONYMOUS Ise. your opponents do so; 0? 1 good policy to "pay them 4 ,etting that the adage, “t i i, wright," hos as much troth I v pour ,consideration, as 00 , , r, that I see no reason Mp. who arc continually einem?. 'closet or opinion, or separa?? o , Tould not be as apt to co t " 1r opponents, if you were rite. 'irable exceptions to this want hciples, I should be sorry I t of tbe party now addressed, 'overt all the acts of their* .out regard to4he,ir meritatov tion, is a disgraceful ffCt, that if you have been oot sur opponents, it is only by and not Iront any want at your part. " - ui scenes at Harrisburg, there ity of opinion as to the rest .nly say, that if ei:her party outdo their tipponents, or t o I soli. or Thaddeus , Steiens, itt„ 'ion that they succeeded ad. Ido trot hesitate to adjudge • i n tli at •a. confusion, i r; uon,l worthy, v and o •orior, in mortal combat; veAer, thaat the conflict shall frishman's . rats, or thetta .ating each other up. rd both partici, arid recom. ( a ,,, the landlord did, when ha stairs, as a formal notice to ntion to their safety yalsa s , a little advice 1 think neces.,. he same time to remember, o your opponents in my last, cane, espectally when we to agitate a party question, r Council. Mpetent pilot for our ship of •pentlent of all party consid— rife through the perils with rum up his - "broad pen oudly in the pure 'modal of safety to the C.,somerios andidßt4-s of tour opponents, tr opoo•ttron to their public ~proscriptive fire-brand of m It their retkilies. It , prinriples, let it be your dings of . your op. do so, it is uNdes for me io s yet strayed from the right n as an cnern) to his cons. rice enough to follow the •en tf they lead him to at. nx likely to lie wrong In opponents.' If you, agree r, yore have overlooked first L .lnnation of Alontelius and Hi and aim to preserve or : of our: coUntry only, and ! I .. ,iliness. imtu the guardiaii isaled us the inestimable 's liberty, nod elevated Ili L but nations of the earth. —aye, aye, Sir, I Lave 1. M.SC.- remarks ere take from A. Wit , E., delivered in the on the subject of the De.