11 - • BANNAN has commenced a Book ;•Binitety Rn connection with his Book ISters t raheie a moil s of Botag iffiL be boiled : et{ the shotteet• tiksPir • r ; I -Ipank Boobs . • * 644 iisertptscui the& to order - at the *treat rates --Ntatibeiracte supplied: wholesale al:Pliiladaphia rise?Apcfl{ Ckeo . Paper, Book, Statibattry Store , No. 23, N. 'Front atreet, Philadelphia. IIaRIJKKEtR & HOLLOW/SU - Si* nave on hand, °!ri,!..-and• offer for sale at reduced prises, a general amortinent of Paper, School Books, and Stationary, ,itYriting, Letter, Pripung.. boo Wreptnerg Pa ear by 111ffluantity at null 'armee, Blue any! *bite Bonnet • Boardsallank Books at rtquced tutees. .Ledgers, Journals, D.co Hooke, Batters,lnvoice, Cash„ , 11111, Record*, Mempranduen and Receipt 'Books by the .nuautity; , Family Steles in groat variety from' St to 820.' Milting Paper. .Soper !:• 4issy $l3, • • thledium. lawny, . Folio Tod, *Cap. • • 'Quarto Post. `Country Merchants will flisd a general aadort— insok: embracing a variety pf articled suited to their wants, which for cash or approved ctedit will be sulatin Ile most reasonable termq. N. H. tag) given fur rae. or taken in exehanEe. Philadelphia, Dee. 1, 1838, 2-6rno PORT CeiRROX ' • Saviug 11 , 7Und Society., • yruE Port Caroon Saving Fund Society, is now 4 s open every dity from 9 to 3, o'clock at the of. tie of Discount and Deposit, for the purpose of re. ceiviog deposits to any amount, nst exceeding WO, from any one person, upon which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every S 3 and upwards, bet uo interest will be allowed on any fractional parts df lltS. The whi.le or any part May be drawn out. Kin givii.g notice, from two weeks to iieir months, at the eittce on Mondays. Tile hu , tucs of the Society cohducted by the tbllowinq of leers and man gers, :trail the firm 4onclay in .IrLy neat. President—AQUlLA BOLTON.! ' . Managers. Joseph Carroll uyl u jyrnuol J. Potts Edward Ilughea E. S. %Verne • Jacob Bull Jesse Turner L: Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d ofthe Charter. "No emolument what lioever shall be received by the .e.resident or Man agers for their services, nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the 'lnstitution. oat 8 4ritf Miller WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry Goods, Grocery, Wine 4- Lignor Store (Next Jour to Alortinter's Hotel.) 1.f3 EfR connexton with a liou.:e tq Philoddpilia enablei them to I:.•ep a very c‘t, o sive as•iortoicnt of g pet-, what th,v will at Philldolpit pri..!e:. 'rayon keepers privAls woild do well to Cdil and lodge for them:elves. april 19 • VIIE . .'•• in I SL•Weil , tlSiOll C..11' re ! !! .beef, -a full assor Ltileitt of Good,. ~uttably, fur the coal Fe. ,giot va-: Barr Iron nt a.rsorled sites, l . 43 vid and Hoop do do r Nall: and pi . “. llods do do 'Steel, Itoond .Cr_ '..4,0 ire du du r . Naas and S,olics do d i . • COI &P.M. /8 do do s. Hardware, a general ; assortment., i All of which ha is sci:rog; at, red i ccd price., Jun 13 2 • J CLAY'D )N . i i view Goods. A general asl4-trn,rt of fre.h and seasonable .rm Goods, just ree,eir, d—e ,, era'arbg in pert ul ' Dry Goods, Groceries, ' Hardware, Queensvi•are, Maclierel, Plaster, &c. itc. • which will be sold low for cnsn. The highest price paichn cash for all k ind. of count rc nrodoce JOSEPH WRITE & SON. Mdunt Carbon, Di c :2 Wetherill & Brother, Al' 71IL OLD STAND No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE. Maas DOORS. FROM THE Con NFR 0.7 ARCH ST PIIII.A.DELPIIIA, • MAN ET P ACT U It E ILS OF` It. Win 0 Lead dry and ? , , •Cajoinel, ground in Gil, i i lied fire pt, I. Red. Lead. ) Wilco du LitharFe. - Vitriol Alb Chronic Yellow, ' Suip.l3,..iune do 1 Green Tail. 1'.11.41c do Red Eiher . t . iul ph. t Patent Yellow do N,iric Sugar Lead do Aoot.c t Copperas Luna r..t...a,mtic Gl. Vitriol Cm°. du Aq. Fortis Art... Morphia Muriatic Acid Suipb. du Epsom Salts 1.J.• -.11 bur 1 . Tart Abid 00, ilr \ ire ,t, Sup Carb. Soda I. ~ ,n.•, . M ~., .J.l Cofros, Sub. Mere. I: I. .. s ~,, Refinens ofCriun dr,...' 4 ... \ . .•. ;=.., •.. "Ir., P.orax. A - r. Offer for ,ile aid 1',,,%(!tn :1' , .a. - ,1 ,i ..1, ~ .z, %per w .11 a . general assortni. , n; ~: i'.. .. P , - ~! ~,., ~ .,„ri, ; abd every other drt.cle .I/ the ' ill all .4. 1:.1 . I ;edii,,o,i; I lice. Being wino Co-toret, of all 'hr. oolel-.. , 111r0f0-a:rd nn- I der the above ;110 - .1.0 . 'inset •es to !Ni, 5 . their friends and the I r, i.e ou WE!! Window ind Picture c.;;Jsa, from G 8, to 21 30 Oct 21 1837 NEW MON & Hardware • store. Trig subscribers would reqrwr.: , olly announce to the public, that he lids added to his karma stock, Iron and Hurl Lowe, eue.istitig in part or American and Bar iron. Hover and Band Iron, Round Iron, 101.1 F lett mass; Cast, Crawly, Shear, German and Enz!ish Minter and A. M Steel Vices, Mouse-hole ativ , ls. Smith's 8ei.04,5, Cast .Bteel hand, choping and Broad axes, nails and spikes, together 'with a general assoriineh of Iron Mongol'', all ',of which will be mlild at reduced prices, by JiJIIS CLAYTON. April 32 Public .Vor ice P pursuance of an nretnattre ple.sed by the rorn of the Bornugh Pot; -ville.,eert the 1311 del) eef December, A. f. 1834, entitled ••an ett , elnee to :ortherive a luau to procure erpul retiree for the ett.n. visiting of Ares," l'oulte netey give n thst . thasubscriber•i will open a ter, ,k I,r ne Ineiseripticwo to said luart een 11ou , t,y the 17 11 eel ;December iniit„.it the -to fißeraugh, beriseeerthe h.i.ir. o. nen t %I. ne.d thre e P. M. And daily thrre.itler i:ltt tp • the va toe lim a 's .ontil the whole moonlit 81:ino Ott hi knitted fin.. Tire said loan wil: be rule ith.d into Abases of ten dollar,s carp, he .reng in'ere-4 at 11.0 :lifts Or six per coot, per tit linen, and wet reds; hie moil the find day of Jemuiry, A I). i $l5. The 'whole amount subscribed lorio he paid in at the time of subscribing, for which scrip wiltbe immedi itely given by tbalkubscribtra„. and for which'cnrt i. finales of stock will bersafler be issued. signed .by the President of the Council and enumernigued by'lhe Towiipleek, on the surrender of the 'scrip. JAMES •GILLISGFIA3I, GEORGE C. WYSICOOP., . SA4II.IEL, B. T TAY,Loli* • • 7* 1 41—i 11E undpriiign.d cautions the poltlle against 7.1 parehatood or th tract of land c Ihll Clinton Tract, iaa *hv Ea,t - ,N,,rwegiati rail .rood., from Eiresbe•li or Henry lilurr:a for her, as he undroi t iried mit .therem; and will instoota a I.UlSngwinat any person attempting to taste the poserisiee'fliertmf: JOHN POTT. itseheiin, Atil 28,1838. 32 ' . llllrtish Books. TFIE eobeeri; . •4ea always on bind end for sale . etieap. We re:Niemen% andYsiatere. ;•_ • - - sau (:14 4 111'14 US .11 :0":. Dr. dopj ;i 4. ~ L . j e 1 -. laparilla or Blod Pal sold: alone." I.f-. . „..I'FI yha. ''-, Who notitnow the virtues, efficacy sod rifeilarafie . prqpiertiu o the Sstssoixtrala t LIVER pan, woman. and child that tnin -reatt, - n 1 '4 0 , 4, :anew* (hie above, as every inisrapaper thine le' out the Uni ed States contains accounts of the - obits, &scary of rsaparilla, in posy:sing amble:4oli r erg from hull= system tul corrupt liuniere. Ask any ectable physician the question, 'What is I the most of purifier qj the Bloat? Ineitnswer will be, SARSAPARILLA. L I Suffice it to sty then, if an physicians recontimend it I universally, 'diet better evidence am we hate eifitsunxila clie propert.es? Da. Latoi has discovered a method whereby the vir tue of the .. rsaystrilla is obtained in a highly concen trated forma ad in such tninner as to make pule there from, warm destroymg is the least its efficacy. This cannot be done by any other person, the process is known only to 1)r Leidy. and is a discoverytif his own. These h. are offered to the public by thd name of 4 , i Pli. LEIDY SS S.kIISA PA RILLA. OR BLOOD PILLS, compounded principally of Sarsaparilla and with which is combinedlingredients (friendly to the constitution)ren daring rirel more effectual. being gently laxative ih their e ff ects thus carrying off corrupt humors from thej syltem very [gradually. a lid withont proiliicaag deS.lity cii any inconvenience Taken in sufficient quantity. howev. er. they willfpurge freely. and mat be ens doyed or given to the most! delicate. even to iiitanti, hem a safe and truly eyicaciOus purgative. revarine its restraint from diet or deetationyroni regular habits or frost crelipvition ,if Stsy kind. These pills have been pre - eminently successful and from , he ire d ivenient form. 1111/.11. sooner or later, ta,,e the place .1111 the different i ri•parationa of Sarsaparffia, much 45 SYllipti. 1 /Pt:W:11011S. i: XI 'acts. 3.. c which ere core taitped in "ii,u4h-s, I iohlt to he !woken and are in, conveni ent for tab/ or &WIZ carried ..fined. These punt, have. dur ng Inc past two years, been am ply tested. Piewspaper advertising being so very ex .neusive. aintile tesiiiiiim.als from :numerous physicuins and others aCco tipa y the airecte ns. ' They are #.lrheillirl t ri rum' iiinded in Rheumatic tiffect.t.tis, liry and watery pimples General 1)e141 ty, I , and 0 1151111 es of the Intl` eiCiftiolS sOres of the' and hotiy. .111roitt. iiiitie and body. ! Scaly erm t:ons. and blot nisnares of ylie Lver, 0 dies of the ski", 'Skin and LS , nies, ! T,..,,,. rt,n, , w,.r,„ s . - Pain over t h e tilor] orate :• , !...rot-d a , I , r ) iapelas, heart, roast, ands to- LW, 1 . 1., lie it ??nine, noel'. 1 . '1.111.11 1/ r.l 211 S. Liter Pain of I Ite sides. along, compla u!s, watert.r..sli, the hack and s t one, ! , :nor eriirtations, and acid- Inward ittVerf . , EMI! 131 - 1•11 t h.' ities of the stomach', a bail lastenn thi month. Glaudirlar affections. as Flatulency. Want of rippe-. ; s‘%idl.ng and hardening me cos, viniose, era in ;-, of ;be g a rais of the neck of the stomach, and ti- in the , gro,us, under the mgr.:a:on. • - arms. and ai t in4 the I' Fut re. ihr hrf• ,1 . ,c. a id the whnie tra'n of disea , e, rt.i.iiini. ta-oin I iirmr.tv of the blood as il . no C , .11` PI I 1., .1 n,., ~tie, modie nil by the use IA Oa Hs.. Qum:nu. An.. me. 20.e-ciiry or other Miner: vs. alsb 1. nisi CtilloliClen in hie, .".yilillllll, Liles, Venereal. &xi 4c -. 411 p • - t in titti 4 ' 27-, Printing Taper Royal, Super Royal. Ln penal, • Medium, Dewy, Pr -e Fen ts a Rex. Prepared only and 5.,.d 11 11,.1.- , ale and Retail at Dr. Leidy's 211 d bt. in:JUW 1 ILIC, 1\43 191. 1,a% e , •, , u,JJ or cold, helV3Tr of LAlthr l r L . I•Clitl.llCe4 C. 11.1. .2.eavr .1 221 on 'perce,,td..,l) I hr... the littniall vy.o t/1t !1.1116$ mg llland cud •-• NVOIZI - rr ' l N Z : f; 1 / 1 1 ,.. 1r! , r1 Str•ACI •.1 V. •;1 lc PX^er , ed the d I I) •• It , ile• .7 I • h 111,-, 2 , 212 , C •11. r 1..: , T..c .r, , ",,I ) r ,t . ./, 7 /.; ( 1 I,' ••: • / I.t t.f 11 4 :.11!1..t• • :14 1;170C:ell (I I II past ;Is Att , i )1t 1 . • I ' l a 11. n lln I.l“Lr .111).1 1,1 Vl . lllCti 4.1• . .t( I. 1,, lu In .11111.•d{•'.1.1(111..11 'os to 5.1.; •.• W... II •I 11•1 , 111..11 11, INIT (JO ht. ,1 ...41.4/ 1.0 rc!,.• d Irwn h :.; .•.: • • ~1 •• .. • ' • pi og•i••., ris. t.i 111 ivall %.b It I r I. 4 nr4, 4 .dta tl I %IS, 1 :4 44 11,IIII IS. • . 4 44 :S 4 4 ;1 1444:4 , 11.4.4(e 0 4 . IS r to, ) Isar. in% allt , a re_tdar and not r. g d .is 11.1. _ Unit h.q., no noij..l, w • 1 ,, , r rI . 4 • t y. thr.•ll_'4,l 'h . , , ILl.'o„td , l d •d• it or' lie lire..st Na,s, 111 arr Vii 0 "1 the grt.:l,t urre.l , ll ay pn. m.i*Lcrty k,..,,,,'. m ;,..,:, of .1, 0..., e toed ''lnc hut newFitspet .oit t fl.a.lf_ , •I:.1 I of. f.N t•ilS “`..... •r) 5.1f.5-factory factory eve i•+tf Wll I.f• , 1 ,, ,; (I 11. :I I IN et!. 4:...: f,oflll trial. as wi•li iis caiiiiiiiias ref • lftlfifl , flll.ll44l ,i= 3C'omplf. - u,_ the .Iq, f I fn... I donna S, 'I tt)ff 111 ',MA) bollies w,fr b,:tl 'll riniadeloq t aloneoe die p.,si Wll3 1 . -, a cnlow ; tr.: proolot :t etetit ~ e 2„ot .0 lane a quantity would rie%er have been sol . 'lnc' above utedlco,,es are preearcd and sold only ut DR. LEI DV'S II EA uni E 11 PORI f• M, Serund below Vine St. Pit E 1 1()N IA It rtiNTs • A :VD • i/Pon TA \7' I:17'0 I:V : 1770V 1r) Dr.1t.i.1.11 :1 011 e.er see 116: 11):+peldic MlLand learniho sotretare's! Nntiree it to say he is a pale, thin and ehao ly r•lnert. Ida UP ap.- patently han".-Ine Id a tideao; h.• no4erable and un happy. he.l 11.'1111.1/111Vt II e• • r e. Ate you ui lti, to n tai it 11•,;to l ey, F...urerue'alod4 11 . , 112 .111 • 111'e 1,. 0ee19,..jj avant n l a. ; e-an. 41 tiler r.l nP .d s e e'lf 111 .11: or foul hre 1 laie o n or a "•• :c-- d 'Ha 'rd. - eve. :Mere:ll'T. I le.ohts he. ' 1 14..1.41 lo nor once lair re ddrid , •• Sr 11 Y.. 11 a'e rrl, h trounleo o.th any of the f"re=" 1 "1 "YMU"'fts. Le-fore aortae o•enne of the Dyspeptic, an [.aeme•re,nilyd to rrnlvdj .the conse goelicenAtnntrifiatery doeure Oa. LEit)ll.s Tu \ 1) ANTI-DlrspErnc COW)! \ A nr•vr4 rt un T ar rryrirf'i for st.FI'NLA oil N1)1 ;/, Ifj And the whole, tram of-1:1,. l'rom cis -enrws I,Tsc.r..s•ton t a Il ,$(1 I utr,t.ites. The above rp.sl cow h w Irr ulb d 3r.• In. rl no•rvory or other in.nerpl re.. Ira:. it is c..0l .c•ly o' vehrtable, %cf% t. IFlste!it 0,1 • 1 ..! ti 1.1 'WIZ 411(1 oh!. ri•v: tit 3. • y \ ••1.....11.1 ~rne..o •••1'.1./..1. 41, ~/.•11l /I I • .. 1.1(11. int., .. II l• tlI / 1111111•1, . .1 . • II 1 ., I 111% NI. , i.a I, A 1 . ,,rA 4 - z. I I .. I'. croups; eac b.l - e. • P D ' b~~:,lc iar ref so V.: .• !t. .\ I; I.:1 1.• , Trn. Q Prnrtr lw'aw VI,. r —,rd EZE 1• S the Pit. ••n, •• e aa.l .1 '1_,..1 re I ~• 0., •Pl.l C lit, I • • aid r •,1 I,g ,r • ...p •tl .1 , • •,1 SI • S h.ne,l , •:tr•lyv t i,e(r , aeng. , ly the prop r (o'll4 4 - 111 , , Ch, "Si a int's inns! • e and has neon, 'bore thin iiontily : bl - a+ a ert ani l etfeet ial moans it. rester nY t! em to e . lett health and vigor. Few I. in Les t• Who 1 - 11 ini: front scor butte .yw loins. as e !talons, ukerah , nis. deon i).loin oi nip( :ihr and tla:ee. loin. all arnsin.lit nen inipiore Wine! :,,„: if attended in. v 7 rpdurte the greaten! :Jury to the . - ensti tutation. +lad to:is be iniparled to one r tinz.— Sisurni • s l ' a hictia is ..11 IV I 4p,..„„0r the year. Asa r restnrvirt nt ;vs!. in, in. vi;:.oriatirii; the and It to bear o ho tiehildathq elre.iffif iti.e , •ninmer season. It .1.1 cnn.ey. ed by the gud oorre - ts their tendency to all those'disiases which ori2inate m viiimed Wood d .eased bier.do-pr4v.d a r , petite..,r FiredigfAiton to at% feenons of 'tie n how", er. is ad, d to use a ‘2otlinotleon4 iic.ng tbo,,inelsea 01 the truth of whin .1 here statN • Tins inettrniiii is now need v.itliveccev.s in all parts of the wo-k1 an I g untie; great reputiitain in oI the Medicine ju,t received anc, ter sale ti 7 - B. IIN s iNAN. Sole Agent for SrhnTlkiil county. Whocanlninpq the above medic-Inc wholesale to them W•ith w sell ag tin. at Ph.l.4de ;Otia pr. es Alai. 14 t ESE - q;) II MEC Vra ti EOM ,~.:~ !MEI TUE DELAWA Ei Insarrance Voir' CAPITAL A tztnolusEto: CHARTER MAKE both limited and pt on Brtel, Stone or Frame Hotels, Mills, Darns. Srables. Met .and Prooetty °revery deserlptioni age by FIRE. • 111ARINE AND INLAWD Tke Delaware County Insurance insure against loss on all kinds of t gainsrthe damage or loss upon the goods. wares. and meremadise by W. 21 upon tetras as favourable as any ail Far any farther information on tiro mice, either against Fire. ruaruko or Apply to HENRY C. ROBE? July 15 34—tf -1( or WILLIAM - The lehiladelphia AND• 11,11 J AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. CAPITAL ArTfrOMSF:I) BY L CILkIITER PEItPETU AgAKE thole limited and rernetual - M. Bro-I,.:'tont• or I f.lll/e //I/ lung . Alerenatid.ze.l'urtim ere) /// cni ry ucacri tun, 116411, t Inbs I . lir.r.ber Ilea been a ppoin int' Ad: !e.% niviwod,... In,taution and of now prei Clrer) deacrrcilioi tif hfe 11.)WPIT rriwt, Pottsville Feb '25 1837 5P111.11.11. Fire Itisitrance Co-ask T~A Kr. bot Ino , ted and , er...e.tlal InFi Sw•te or Fra !;.. ddc:s. Stn. Ith4s. Ha d .Ftnnottre. el - 04 e , ,er) loss or riilE. Ilae h t.. l I a:•; ho (..0 av,. .r. I N•l-RAN, elt . :3 ‘ , C,, I low\ .sr r LE.\J.l);l.\ I.\ Pintsvii)e. F(1,.27. ASLI PI, 10 , }1 ,\N TUT T: • .4.46.4 $i SarFirapari.iiid Ire the lift! .later 1..al hurt:. • t i di .sew., rtd. `1 1.1,1 L./. • Li I. y. J.:11 Cu el! brf' 4:vt.b i•t Lc.l.t I. • •I•;n: !I 1 , 11, fl 111 l• X kit, i• ch Iv! J. Koskitis. curet orrl,r 11,91 and •on In, neck, With elltiSkierd on .hlll4 Ota,ll 14.z.11,(11Crantner. carol e.l If t! ! , re Is In. i a ., he. s a ,i•,, ~ .gacant d,: dust 1.. Jit1)....0L., her st oti.ach J,itr,r ) l ',ale. cured of rit istn atlc pains abd . sic S unson I:. 110 ard, r:irod of i irtre- an.: rash two Out over his bud), %%11n botoe runnatg sores and cersi A c a nt 's . t ured of an att.'etion of hts throat rebel.; and uleeratJun. which previously alieutd specEtt. The rollowing ore some only of the !a-_e windier ' rurenetreted nt Bi•rhs hour. 11. I,on LanCasl4 r. and Nortlihinplon counties : dirroig the pa ilariot months: Joni: Ili-eon En!. cored nfa senrbulir @@!r uctated 1.‘2. itiVenroctits for ex•r.icta.., , , Lie gill UV Of r I a lA - pi/out oesztoying ito efficao4:„ to lo,own Oil the- proprietor. P t-. fired only and so!d whrtlerialc and retail. at Dr I.ei dy's Ilmltli El v ortutn, tZuct St below V.isic, N o 191.-1 Alro So:d by • B. 13 k\ A 1:1, • Juba 9 - 44 • l'ottsvllle. Wonderful Cures. Have been perforated in this ceiy, and throughout the country. • MEDTC &TED SA.MrI.P.I 7: 11..L.1. REIN/ ..1 corteentratt'd 11'14 . .. - .tt t t! 51,.., ar I freem bated with other veaet.hle evract r. .1 hich r, ;viers it as a meth. iiie 0! great Itt , .l's ‘ll , be cow 0. .011,,10 , 04 i a r.totfg from tna IF 1. , sulfite Ll t,t/ti. ,n,rl, 1,,, ~f.. ~ ., •c, ~ . , . a. I,:e ,„:0111 eoodt no 'wild I Cliatz,es Fein rd or ,r1•1 I ~0.41 by the inj, tbei.on. yse of mr.rt ors. :tr , et.w. bark, ttr 4..1."11U. In .port t it s n iviiu ihle ri ate ') for al!. II koala ie A ffeevni. C:ed er al Debi i .il , [ler roils SO' es, 0 hit. - Swerti• ye littelS , a of the I. 41 r 1., ii ni:of, I I ~grater to . I . lllllKil. tLeers 01 ' no N .Ne,( %mem, or d.s- P. 111.11 Ofllle Bones; Scrotutu'or blitye'i. r..rib I . .r)air-laesc or St. - lial lion:'. Vi re, and - all • unplesmat and dangerona affections cooseorni to Syphilis. Lima Venereal..&e. ik m So officinal has this medicine bOeu in the cure bf va rious thsteaars for which it i4ttir oturoended: that it is far mipereetling alio* er preparations ofticirarpaqilla Rana cern St e 1 , . I t is i,ridr emPi l Ythi, - bY , noluaToairAYgreiani; apt has be en tet treed by th en into many lospitals, infump ries. deetthroughout the United State/. . .- ' •-' - - ' ' - Itivirftematiottpf grerattrq, grit (cnosepnently - of Igreatereileash tban-41401Mr ,rialtanSaliiig made, also lnulo.h Oilll Vi ti ra a i t e ddlA., Ret I r. B #l/0 1 jost iisteut#W , , e' ~telroPurZigelbs la d 5.....1 14 Jr: • ----, •„,_, .. ' V. .—, _ . 0.•P4- ' . .- 4 .1 • J _.~. EMMEI EMU= MEI I: F.l, i'B, =Nal ,• vrd „rat . ,i.. ME= I tll ,:uireeN,ur.i. 111 • , ,t• 1, , : tp t I, It .1 IJ, ,ti.{' ; la 41, h. nian kt :.•r t. • • r!, ly 171,0 ij .. .'. • ;-• hr. e , M==ilTE .^~' u ~ _iP:; ;-'~ 4': _ ifs i Ea IMMSMI 11`AL. Skit* 14lisei 7 1* ai* dtrplaces cuutundir utter. mArnmymucur lowris THE UNITED rum, sx BACON, .111CKFORD, VALES & SIIINSERY, lI&IXTFOREN CONN. 111 'be Numerous' recommendatory certificates might givembin the-folhnving, which "briefly/axphtitni the properties of the Fuse, is deemed 'sufficient. The Fuse supersedes the Prionntrieedle, ming; and blotch. • ' • AVING seen the -Patent Safety Fuseot Bliuit u-ing, tested to our satisfaction, -we cliarfully certify. that - we are convinced it saves much time and labor-..iadds to the .flirce of the blasteasures certainty, and renders bbisting perfectly sale.--Be. sides, it is,.wethinti,clitiaper than the common - etre w fuse: , For dry blasting it is a great improvement; bot fist...blasting in wet ground,•it is miraluable.— Messrs. F. H itchins & Co., contractors on the Erie cane', certify that they have been engaged in the Cornish - mines, Eilitand,a+,......ere the Fuse is exclu sively used, and th.•t it has never, to their know:. edge, caused a miscarriage. They confirm our a hove expressed opinion of It value. We make no doubt that n. will soon be in universal use. ICC/ reit. also a of ay U tVID HAMILTON, Superintendent repairs, Frac Canal. W. J. McALPINE, Assistant Engineer, Erie ('anal enlargement. J. HOUGHTON, Eii i neer Canoes Company. Conoxs— N. Y. Dee. 1637. The is mild at the very low price of ONE CENT PER POlrr. N. B. 'llie. common Fuse answers for wet blast ing. hut for blasting under water, or where a mis carriage would be of serious consequence, "WATtli FU.E" should be used, made specially for places. Price, too CCII'I4 per fot, correspundiug with the inereasid cost ufinalting. ay 11. I3ANNAN. For Sale Sole Agent fir Scliuylkitl County. Pottsville. Qrt. 17, IC3B. 81— 10. :Mums 4c Co. O FFER for oak at tar wholesale and retail Family Grocery S . Rpre, (.7r e. 3 doors below Market street, a pnnte ass. , ,winier.t o .h Groceries, conaistuirof Java. Rio, Lag. St. D ttttt Ingo an rowned Coffee N. ()avant.. St. t, , brw on and white Ilavanaa. .ai.ind lam, I S ag are New Orleans, V , . t Molasses • India and ~.a2ar onic Imperial, t 'on I' toiler, 17,•iing I 1y0,,n. l'o re ho,, • t Ira wje l'ec-I.Tea I ..) CO, 50C1..!:• , 4 ..,: ....i,./ze,i • B O 1: akern, Cil,t, •,ion:rh.Schm:tz i & /..1./L . _•.•4liti SV.1•••1 S IN'd Chocolate Prei•:“1111:001:4 Clot• Oil shells • itVatili•a. I arse . , I i, r y,..,, John 11.i.n., koksi..r. Ilichory. leautres Cairo., ro, r :it; I 'arrie J . Glierl,i,. i.,ingio. 1 e : pl . (' 1 A1,,-d,l, V. ,on, %1.4i....tie, PlCidei [REID m and rie,:l-1, J 0..,,. c i, • ... {in horie.; Rice, - I:int (11.‘v c),*. .10 •.1,...1n,rntp /t Ile rr Vt c 'fed M..1/I‘ll el ! (LI ‘ S/ . 1 , 1 , 1311.W11 :1,1 • 0;1 10 , :" ,, , , el . l Int Prj :.S:. 0 11 . 1. I. A I !I/ Wll.Skry A •Ie• . : I :11 I Col' lals :,_" • I Coat Oraudy MI di V, •,11 I. Ifum '111 , '"; , .r do I l..:1 c e,zars %%"lire \ LSO ,~ d i rll Issoriniew ~1 l,r, (,(vi s de dr altof which ' .",01 tu on Ie e 1..? reason:l6le 'terms. les auu Lee;.. is are iaa,culae ', EKE (:AL 'F 11L New Establis vent, rr of Cenire and Alai krt ri4l4,,,Pottztvine. I E suh.‘ ribers resis.etfally annouridet.) their mends and the public generally, that thcy taken the store formerly oreunied by Jacob Co., corner of Centre and Market streets, they are now provided with. a choice assort of Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, &c. they are dttertiimun '.ell at the very lowes II AZZ STR MTH. B. An kind 4 of Country Produce taken a !lest market prices. a I ~"_ _~-- I' t, iiiM MUM )' • ' C Z77,7_ N) PAY. 11N-Y . S LI tiI.;IENT. MEEMEZI 1;.. ItsAlllllolllll ZIBEIE lit• a.i .1 d 11 ,, ,a .S., 41.1 •' .4 ;tn. • ll 1 1 1 .1 , 1111/ •'l% .111 , ' • I • r•• •• hilleht 1,•411, s' 4.:11 . •, •a,'• he iri rio'. 1:4.111 'to f,t II: lie', lit of his on thti. ..:.41 .r Iherelore be. till er Suldinun tlatia nnit, ry. =EI ow used to the prine l pll hospitals, and be practice in our country. first and most for tlw ewe., ni tip — Piles, and also so ex Ind or, bi lly as to I. c , c , :tility, un u. list-free 8 wi. • Erie: :rally in virtg complsn't'. rarsy.—e ieating extraordinary absorption l Cr? la tt•tli ME the .1 FQ at on, 34inza.—RedJcier. them in a fro , hours. a‘m.—Acutai or Chronic, giving quick h •frt.—Bye:meet., n'o r 3. or colcia.a, u hoopiug Cuugh. —Ex ter malt -and All Wu ease. Sore Co over th All ; hours. Sorts and rev( leo . ring rilet le 1 II( SI?: s, Sprains and Rivas...cured in a few incers.—Whe the r fresh ur lung standing es. up . un adiii , s7snd c'•ildren in redo .o ,w,lline4, S: 1 43-4 ping iseughs and in chest hi rein th.• r!P ; .4 c n• eevi —The enminfill -C win hove usAt it in Oa Pars, is been eur F 'etotark of 'l , wt- Ilk THE 1 . tersott whit the Pile., cured. Tin tor to the not one-has price 91 in reruncled to apy II OM' 11 bottle liny's Lieiment for return the empty hOttle Without being are the piv.ilivf. orrlnis of the proprie. t;-and out of inatii thousands sold, n unnucc,-.4 In I. we might prefer, th at the original CAPTIO, aplandid eng 60 also ikat sort certificate , ' to; any length, but a who sell the Article, shoold exhibit purchasers. Note can be genuine without a • mi. cm atpm-of hie& la my . .. name, tate4genle. ' ' • • 'SOLOMON HAYS ZmfimiiII.4 , COMSTOCK & CO; iseteiht , e - tote*Toilt; end ti- EPTlNO:TAtiePitOriittittlif S : o4t WAtentei' u by W. r ;a a. _ 11. in.l Ginger and ciAssiia is I 'ri.nrs ME==l ti • far, ~I. ”.l!), t !gne %V ales wood 1 A. bottle \ladr,. I . t• a Ii miral r•nrn UMW o. • Jr a! • "AI; 4 c.17`1,..r.,"'1. 7..** •Surgeost M6st. . PLIA-7, l lknnottucas - toilbq citizens:Or ''Pottsvilhf Vtl;47lhOumie generally, that fro'hiri taken •ort ottOti 'National; Hpiel, where-:he will remain for a short time .and attend to all. branches in his profession, such Qs filing, cleinsingii pluggidg. and Inserting artificial teeth, from a Sib; gle tooth to a full set. ' His taices are moderate; those•Wiriblitglits:serviials will d 6 Welltici call early, Ladies will ber'ssalted' upon ae l their dwellings if requested. • N. B. Aa fit ability and •I in denim-opera,' lions, the following certificates ill testify : 'Nitta - for-the information o ,4 O hose concern, that 1 bad an opportunity of showing the firotett; atonal acquirements of Dr. M. Moore ay' ,Defittil Surgeon—and have 'nes hesitatien in saying they are such a$ to entitle him to the confidence of. who may - Wave occasion 'for his services. 8.4 knowledge of the Anatoirly, Pliyainlogy; and dia.. eases of the pat concerted in his operations are ample. . FRANCIS S. BURROWS: Lancaster, Augiist 28th, 18381 ' • • • . I have witnessed some of rho - Dena] oPeraliono performed by Dr. Moore in this place, and in ire vicinity, and take pleasure in stating that be disc. played Much skill. and gave general sat isfaction.— . 1 have no hebitation therefore in iecoinmerviingliiM as well , acquainted with Dental Surgery and deser, ing of encomagement. " iNO. W. GLONLINGER 'Lqbation, 001,12, 1838. Der.' I PaMcal Iron Works Ware- house. South Third Street, S. E. corner IVairat PHILADELPHIA. Morris, Tasker I RON Founders, upd :Manufacturers of Coal Grates, Furnaces, l Kitchen Ranges, Bath Boil. erg; Perpetual Gee:1%16:4. Welded Wrought Iron Tubes, fur Sttrani, Gal; Hot Woe% &c. Ith!v y Sin fe y of the brit Construction. Patterns for the Fithndry reeetved,and castings &livered at the Warehouse, Third & Walnut St. Philadelphia. September 26,1838.; 75—tf Pottst4.l4,e, institute. ap HE undersigned, Trustess of the Pottsville In. ••• stitute, have the pleasure of announcing to the ,public Unit they have engaged Mr. Charles W. Pit. man, a graduate of U,akwsun College, as a Teacher in the said lhalitute, Which was opened fur the re. ception of pupils on the thh inst. The trusties be. lieve Mr. Pitman to be well cpialitied for the ats charge of . the duties which will devolve upoli to asinuch as they have received the strongest les. iiinriblads and assurances trout the Presideot of the said Cole in favor of his t , kili, and.capileity_ The tenons tit: tuition will be indite known by apph cattuu Waite trustees or it e tearht r. BENJA MIN W. CUMMING, SAMUEL 13. t•ISIIEf;, • • JUIIN C. OFFER AIAN. The following Genih•m, n have bccu chosen man agens for the ensuing year. _ JOSEPH G..SHIPPEN, CHARLES LA 1A TON, SA3I LEL LEW Is, WIi,LINM F. D 1-: CHANLLS SHIPP EN, PottgPvillr, Oci. 13, IS:iS. New Fall & inie r. Goods. JUST received and - now oit nin Th g at. e ('he ap Cavh Store, a large and gi a ,, urtmeryt or Fal and Winter Gouda, winch %% ill he mild an Un•lally cheap for c sit , orexcbanged Int country pludtice col.sisting of Dry Goods of every description, Graceri, s of all kinds, Querns Glass Ware, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses, Hord Ware. Otter,.Fur and flair Seal Caps, Ready made Clothing if all kinds, Fish, Sait , &c Coctaer 27, 1838 Resumption of Business. NEW' DREG. STORE. T HE Subscriber returns his grateful acknowl edgenienes to, the citizens of Poitsvillu and others, wh., stepped forward to Ins'assistance after' the loss of his property by fire to December last, and wpuld also acquaint them and the public gen erally, that he has' again commenced the .Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W.. Clemens, in Centre Street, 'in toe boroilf.;11 of Pottsville, where may. always be had a general as sortment of ®rugs, liedicineS 3 Oils , Glass, . Dye And every other article in the alcove hoe, win , h he is disposed to sell on very low and accommodating terms. NA. Er Physicians prescriptions carefully put up at the shortest notice. Pottpville, Ma y 30, IPIB CA.R.D. WINTER ARItANGEMENT JOIEN !ALILVER, II , HE *Timor of the Pennsylvania Hall Refectory, returns thanks to his friends and the politic in centr al, for the patrons e he !las heretofore received and from Ile efforts he has made and wia continue to make, to grant', all in his line of bananas; he hope.; to me. , aeon tuelancii of your liatronare \ SILVER has made arranzenien:s with Mi. r( ir.iter, of the 'minuet, fta\" No 44. 'North l'NUt street, Philadelphia. ; . or a MI iply of all the delica.- cies vi-hteh the s -Mlifstiel i thia market can afford during tint•‘V inter season- Bill of Fare. Boast Beef, Corned do Fried 03 sterp, ehniin Dtsh, Roasted, Seoloped, Stewed, WINES Old Madeira Wine. per bottle, Old-Pate Sherry Wine, do Old Brown do do Old Port do do Old Lisbon do do Chun paigne. (Palmetto,) do do Napoleon, do do ' Woodcock, do do " Victo no., " do Pepper's, Smith's & Sechsi's XX Pale Me. Apartments are always in readiness for Supper Parties, dic,and those who call max expect to receive every anon, tion. Ottsville, Oct. 17, 1838 Cloths Cassimeres and Sattiartts A LARGE and splendid assortakent ofdotha.Ca's simerea and Statrinetkinf all cetera.-and pricea, jizat received and will be anld 10 rev cent cheaper than the came quality can be bottmht ekewhere. SPENHJEL HARTZ. October 27,1838: ~ Port Clinton Foundry FOR SA-14E. -.. , WIT.I. be sold at private sale, the Foundry ptrisantlysitunted at Putt ClintoO,Sc:huvlliili . minty, on v_ers reasonable ierins:• This Found& is at the cbdini 3 Ot4tinent ' of the-Little Seikyiltill and' iiittiqiiehatitteXiiil 'Road,..host ' , oinking, and. .will iiiiiihoitlfienitlia.•aste nfritid'bent - situationd in the i nottnt4p3 do a large -bittitiest ',. For ternis 1 4 &d.aPplylo ''' r'" PA lit'it'Tl , EßSi•4; l ? ~ ~„, , Lon P ' eivriPhilittleliiiiii' , ; ': • m•'"' , •?••ft - ' ' • I , i •o 4 t.' MAC 31tE1141qt ,q 71'..i:4i -Ai I r r lf - `'g "WI i - "r 'St'Port.Clilitoii , s ' lyi.,-, r j" ~-..:- "-: . ,1, -1- ...'7,-_ , •, . ~ 416 16 0i5a ii 2,-: ~- 3 .-.....- , '' -7, 4 • hty• • .s_ j' a, dr,.. . - I.'-',.••• .... - ...z. , --,:0pc , 4;=.,• -, ..---- . v s , , t ' #i -4, .1 Beautiful' Head of Hair. Is the grandest ornament belonging to the human frame. flow strangely -the loss of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on the appearance °told age. which i-auses many to teeml at being uncov ered, and sometimes even' to shun 'society to avoid the jemand sneers, of their acquaintance: the remainder or theii Its - enure consequently spent an retirement. • I n short, not . esen the loss of property tills the genbrous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom an doss the loss of hts• hair. To 'a vett' all these unpleasant. cir cumstances OLDRI IMES I3A LAI Of coLvmala stops the hair from ;alhtg off on the first applisatirnyand a few hottles restores •it again. It likewise prOducee eyebrows and whiskers: prevents the hat, f ro rw r i bm i nv grey, makes at curl biautitut iy. and trees ttfrotn. scar?. Numerous certilica 14, tA the first respectability in ;option oldie vutue olUldrid4e's lsalm, are shown lay the pro.. 111111 prietorb ROBERT NV 11 1 tr . plea, has cerlified, clarac ter "f the folio% underiagsieddo Bairn or Cillurnlaa di found it imily service gainst thhhuiLng 01101 1 Methodist hi t 0 The aged, and lho may not niors, rx qtr. tvdl ce . rabilly : 14 lie, when 11 ,s 19nwq more than 50 yews 0: so. Commosl‘ l T, ROBEWEWI I A N adelplita.oc, hEreby cvr Mesas. J. P whosebaturs , arc they are geltileglPfl 0 29 much full cre.:ll 411 , , In withe4's whet eul •, al:(1 [IL. S-Lsixthtuy I,i De ( Caution.—None vor graved wrapper (./ fF a 44c. Who!esale and reias Street New Ye, k cud r nrr A MOS LEV.' IS. I .." 31 .- and '11n• pub kr. eeived a general a. Goods, a rook.g whtch Sofa:rink, (lo't's a rink), F..s,rli,!. and Saris,,, PiUitt de 14,1:: I Fol eign and Dunie• Populino,• Ila rino ssl and Colton 11 , s lark. finhinet, roAtm l , India At o Ee ;: ni Hoskin Kid, Sihi, Berlin-Giove,,Niohar Cotton and Wnoli.ri Velvet, Ve:.l Fla Cord, Washingli.n .1 lin», Linen and Cot and Cotton Drancrs 84, 94, 104, 114. Flag and Pongee 11l Satin and Runk tuiztin Elastic. Worsted and Cotton Supender. Si wool • Shirts, &c. &c the lowest prices.. . Pottsville, Sept. 2. , IE3B. PAR 3111, al. CO. A' Tailors, • SAMUEL HARTZ. 49 I NFORM.. their frii rids arid the public in general, that tin y :Jaye re inwed to thin. iiduicr stand in Centre Street, (t,irp,,sne to :Miller ti ilaggerty's store,) where t h ey Have un hand, a general assort. merit of superfine ti-ntrit Cloths and Cassimerea of the most fashionable colors, with an elegadt assort. ment of - Sutrantir Clothe. - §ritm, Silk,, Valencia, .Marseilles and Velvet Vcstings, Linen, Cutaon and Chintz• Shirts, Sattn,, Silk and Bonlbazeen Stocks, Linen and &maims and Collars, also Linen and Chintz .Bosoms , without Collars, Cotton, Thread, Beaver and Iloskin Wove, Linen and Cot, ton nose, arid flail how, Fahey Linen and Sill[ tintiiikerchief , and Gorii-Eliortie Suspenders. They also have on hand eirgant stn, k of bientlernen's and lloy's wearing apparel, as Frock and Dress Coats, lion!' 'abotits,Vests nod' Patalnons, made after the t , the. best work . maxi hip, which th 2, intend to sell at reasonable prices. til tw Kdrlollllk. 1 twa:, 'DI. I WM. T. EPTI NG lEl' 4 or iCK. ratraorti. Mined - • ' th,s ii hi glitiiitig is ;certnn.. ) ro much super' wit but any d:sc.,ver is truly a sub,ect new the public that such will convince the nue which it act's are min,' ,that this coin,.tailir, 'Nervous che. ti those who flui( they rest assured thattlos that thesystein his thipogh the stomach Chaniteltnus:cte t hey healthy fimmthes of:. remedy is eminently tltspositton cannot fermis With the heat! sooner will their still Dr. Spohn pledges h fact - The remertyr per doz. do II OS 49- • Ir I 1 1 ig. Boards. - • . C4noLiNX' %; . fit ea ilpeiin i lioaidg. pidagh;dt• longiied'atid ..ved ready for lay ink. Ila And i la liehetiof o:iffeient quality acid prices cunitantly: on hand, and For add in lots to Suit purchasing, upoo ipplkviti9c!_by.lgt9r , to: , 4 . - ist <" .., , ,y,.. ~..- <, • ... 441,31:8A CM., PATTAN... , - `• . :';'"lliiiiiiiiiioiitini IV.iiitt.i . .l. - . Philp. co, , :.'l_ l. - .. : - ! • g.-7::-.v?"'i -1411,VER & nipOuRTY „ T_Akitil'ltit ii -t 6 - y '- •• ''' -'. Ntiaiiitt. ' 4. 4 ' . :7, ',, `-. !•• i • • a • !ad the fhlowing: Y.,)‘. Esq. late .Nlayor of Philadel 1,,a) he teen Lelow, to the high cint -gentlf wen. tesebyckrhfv that we hare usedthe overed by J. Chtbidge, and hate Lie nut I.llly as a pruventive ul Ir. but also a certain restotahve. 'HACHER. senior, ster in St.-George charge, • . . No Eiti North Fifth-Street. INGLES. 331 Arch gtri , et. '1"110M MD. It3Raqy it. 1-1.1,11.:1". WI Spruce at. Ft , i 41)Y. 24:1 Som.:. id et. 11W Jr. 123 Arch en. • JOHN P JOHN O. JOHN S. HIT.H JOHN c, !e pernidt t. vc, re.'orott t,— •P tile , the 011 i RZ Ikv Alayor 1.111 0• PEN Nth' LVANIA. (•i, III:1 .\ n i.,yo. nrsa,d city of-Phil , y th.,l I sill II ell negnainted w!th .11 !'wee. aid McCurdy ,1 rert tleatr , , that rha at tr.r ntiti eel:l6l4f v. and Id g ven to the said certificate. ha, e hereunto set my hand, c co, to be atfiseed this miler. %y e. i' WHARTON, Mayo* •IT,e• ittout t.plemi:d steel en. s of .N;agrn, woh agents names 'y ('or.lstoch .I'l Co. '2 Fletcher ta Aril by Potts; ii le. fuir 25 eipectilil!)lnforras hia friends tAut he hs t jitst re mr.inunt of Fun and Winter art. Gro de Nac4.316. 'rt i,(11 du. ,Uro•de Nail al.ii S,ne.tiew is print, Black Bombazine, !Abet, Silk ac.me!, Cambric, Burred Mue. Swiss and' . lt,rvin g a, QUiliings &c. !uiton, NS nole - n„Fineli a b i i n an d 5 5.1 i..., Litinbs wool ; Worsted, :gni-king s Silk and Colton )t!a, IlLverteen, Fkistran;Genao an. Brim n and-Blenched 311.11. on Dir4liiirs, Bird 1.1)e, Linen Apron and Forniiiire Cheek and 12 4, Uwe Blankets, Silk cidids. RI 6 „ S . um k 1 al Cravats, I; Sinn s, C, ila rs, linsuirss, Gum. Croton Su ' , enders. Silk and ,'lt ..S.Cnii •Unrellii; Lambe 1 All of which will- be sold at allerces or three good Journeymen llistunt uork •will 'be given ME i3ACltit - • wry -- reputation 14at Dr. Spoher C:+4111:4 Curl, ifll6l tl.. , emeryday ro,.[:(-r• ma.): 7 . l, :ton.atitilent. rg ts4=ted. for ages a.th rCrentive, or WM ch re:Jet. but iICB, how assures a remedy Las been inVenred at t credulous. 'fbe principles upon e non pi:mi.—lt jean adruittiu fact vireth,leal.er Ile...a:ad - le, or ses pr ter rily lj otn the atomach— ve the ,ervi.nii llt acja. Its may _an tht.stom.cit. is the tit si cause bec , uue vothred or deliberated. and that nut!) , through the Baum pa res;orah4 , :: ot".the natural and, r e sysleth.,• TJit. olkiec t. .Spohu's l ltieulited tit ntrhh. , - , . The truth' of Contravened. autltbe-sourter Nur tette become, c.o. vo c• d of it. the rtngs end in re•toratium to health. PEO reit! [Dna i PP,Ullatioo on this my be 1,01 of of,calocaries. il by (.lustockAt Co. o. 2Fletch- Retail by WM. T. EPTING.' 18511 Whoreade and Re , er York, an July 21 RAILWAY IRO -AND IRON FOR COAL SC R EEAS, Railway Flat Bar - Iron. • do do do do Suitable rig Screening Coal. countersunk:boles. and is cot ees'at Plates. he 444. . RALSTON & Co. No 4- , So h Front Street; Philadelphia. ,Ach t31:,16,„ . • . 21rti 24 by 5-8 inch 2byl do I do All the •Iton has an angle al* de•g and Spikes to suit II eft, Ft, Zo+ ;ma y V. 14, 31111, 5 "4 o ta 1 7 1 `°=sre, •sr FM 2 re. n wearing wigs, e Eitedmes, yet it rliv••.n bribe pub . - , ove Ngnere are ,ere not less than- %V. T.. EPtING. 57-1, 76-