- . 2nd. Remember that party soft, when .diretted by true patriotism; is a afe-gnitrd to bur liberties ; but if allowed -to ettee , the licnintls'of propriety i i .. nd friendship, it is a angerqus eril, and obnox ious to the condemnation pronounced On it by the immortal WAMINGTON, n, his farewell address to. his countrymen. 3d. If your Mow tit zen wish t o enjoy the inestimable privileges o, thinking for hiniseff; do not brand him as an eneiny to his country:but use arguments that will nut disgrace yourselves, or ex. cite the worst otissions o t ' your opponent% be honest in your condemnation o all official acts; but above all things recollect that "man is man," and the question is "who is intwe," will remind you •thet you are not infallable, ) 4th. Contend bonestlY for what you believe to be right.-and encourage every man to do the same; by 'au doing you will carryiconviction to the minds of all, that you love your cliuntry o and are sensible of the blessings she enjore, • whether it is the land of your birth, or adoption. .sth. Never appeal to I the feelings' of flueigners, who are not generally atquaMted with the spirit of our institutions, or the principles ofa free govern ment. This precedent has proved in all cases, de structive to rational liberty, subversive of good or _der, and a dangerous power in the hands of ambi• tious men. . 6th. Put•down all attempts to array foreigners against native American citizens, or the poor a gainst the rick ; their interests are identified, the prosperity of our cuuntry depends upon the friendly relationship existing between these classes of o•tr citizens; and if this fuel should be kindled, it may in process of time, spread beyond the bounds of law, or reason, and deluge out now happy land in blood. 7th. To the working classes who adhere to your party, I would say, scorn the man who would array you against your employers; for if you are drawn into their agrarian principles, yoty support a theury that would take away the reward of well doing— blast all incentives to industry; disseminate a spirit that will crush "the enterprize of our growing Re. public, and encourage hordes of banditti to steep their hands in the blood of their innocent victims, Bth. To the party I now address collectively, I would say, Keep within hail of she Truth ! "John, you have said enough for the present". Aye, aye, sir, I have done. A Bribe.—:Meer , Mc Makin and Holden, of the Saturday Courier, er two splendid engraved par lour views of Fairmount and Girard College, to al . their patrons, who pay up arrearages, and a year's advance. This we,eonsider bribing people to be ho nest, as some mothers give mint•sticka to their ba bies, to make them good children ! Sale of Stocks in London. Reading Rad/toad, V , O shares Philadelphia Loan Compa ny, £5 10, equal to We understand that our fellow citizen, Wm. Norri 4. Jr. has recently received an order from Liverpool for the manufacture o eleven locomotives for the Gloucester and Birmingham Rail Road,at a costofsBs,ooo. Seven locomotives have been otaered of the same gentleman, for Austria. . The Augsburg Gazette speaks in high terms of praise of the performance of one o Mr. Norris's locomotives, ordered of him and forwarded to Germany.— U. S. Gazette. From North Carolina.—We learn that the Resolutions, which passed the House of Commons of that state, condemning the plan of giving away thO , U. S. Lands under color of reducing the Government price for them, had also passed the Senate of that State, by a triumphant majority. Post Office De , atch.—Upwards of fifteen thousand letters w• re received by the Liver pool and Londoni packets• The, steamer Royal William ,br Pght •eight thousand and the United States ve thousand five hundred from Liverpool, a d the Wellington fifteen hundred from Lon on, besides various other arrivals. These Were - all despatched by the regular mails oft e day.—N. Y. Exp. Capt. Swainsor as we predicted, took the Royal William st eamer by the southern route, within a fe miles of Madeira, and had mild weather thegefore, the latter part of the pasitige. This is: the first winter passage by steam, and the problem is now condo. sively solved.'Bp the short passage of the St. Andrew out—bne day only more than the Great Western—{t is clear that canvass, in heavy favoring Oles, is almost equivalent to steam. Steamships cannot, from their sharp build, crowd on sail so fearlessly.—N. Yr Star . M Alt RI ED. On New Yeah. day, by the Rev. E. B. Evens, WILLIAM 110WELS to Euzaarra PRITCHARD, all of this Borough. DIED, In Philadelphia, on the 7th inst. of scarlet fever, M ATI LD • , daughter of 'William and Sarah Burwell, in the 4th year of her age. State of the Thermometer. LEFT BY :JOSEPH COATHWORTT. • . 1838: 7 o'clock 12 o'clock 3 oclock. Dec. 28 6 below 0 19 above 22 above 29 above 30 34 • 30 4 21 20 . 31 0- zero 24 : Jan. 1 1839 9 below •21 22 22 above. 32 34 34 38 5 38 6 . 35 7 31 8 39 9 L 10 10 . 34 or . •NOTICE: the collections in aid of Missicins may be expected to be made to-mors t ow.forenoon and afternoon; ving been unavoidabli omitted on Sun day' last. Q c'? UMW/ FIRE COMPANY.--A stated Meeting of the members orthe Union Fire Compa ny will be held at Stave!, on Monday Evening, January 14, at 7 o'clock:" Punctual attendance is requested, as a uniform hat and coat will be submit ted for adoption. (0. CIRCULATING LIBRARY.—Many of our friends have taken works out of the Library, endure retaining them an immoderate lime. We should feel pleased to have them returned, that the demo cratic principle of rotation may he carried out. Gcy INFORMATION WANTED of a recent subscriber to the Miners Joinual4mined 301 IN M. KULP, ,Who formerly "resided at . Middleport, in this county. His paper! was irise . qntinued by order of the Post Meador, the balance due us being $2 10 7 ,0150 of JACOB Hourz,. Who formerly resided in Shamokin township, North umboniand County. His paper was also discontin ued by order of the Post Master, Ithkre being a bal ance of $7 00 due us. IL II REVIEW OF TILE • . : KET. ~ Pottsville, ~ & a IS, 1839. i WHEAT FLOUR, by the loid vt% jeffth'BlFridip. 47, 75. 4 , WHEAT, 130 per pastel, is aeis i i ia: '-.. RYE FLOUR MI per cwt. le de and. , 1 . RUCK WHEAT FLOUR $l.OO per 'dirt in dematid i RYE, by the load 100 by the ; bushel—tea • sale RYE CROP 90 cents , per bushel ha dunked. OATS 56.,cents—ready sale. POTATOES— 80 cents per bushillindetuand CORN-90 cents per bushel in demand. CLOVER SEED-L-$9 00 per tiosheli. TIMOTUY SEED-42 50 per bushel. FLAXSED-21 45 per bushel in Ohara. WHISKEY-45 cents per gallnn. • BUTTER-20,ceuts per pound—in Kegs 17 cents*: EGGS-12 cents per dozen. LARD-11i cents per pound. TALLOW— lOcents per pound. ILAMSl2l,ltats per pound.' CORN CHOP 85 cents per bushel ihderaand. 101-CONI3 cents per pound. BEESWAX-20 cents per pound. FRATHERS-62 cents per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound MACKEREL, by the bid. No. 1.212!00 No 2, $ll SALT-2 50 per bbl.; 75 'per bushel PLASTER .is worth $8 per ton. HAY $lB per ton. FOR aide, a Gin complete , together with two ropes, each 250 feet long—in good order. Al. so a Water Wagon, and tour Dritt Gars. Apply to ;JOHN COLE, Mount Carbon. 2-30 I t Jan, 12 A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Pottsville Town Mil Company is requested on Thursday. the 31st day of January, 1839, at 2 o'. clock, P. M. at the National Hotel, at which time a state:ma - of the affairs of the company will be ex hibited, and an election Welt for nine directors to serve for one year. By order of 'the Board of Directors. JOHN T. HAZZARD, Secretary. Jan 12 2-3 t J. M. C THE unexpired lease of that very extensive Coal Wharf on the river Schuylkill.at South Wee, together with all the fixtures complste, for conduct ting a very large business. A rare opportunity is now offered, as the above' will be sold a greed bar gain. The wharfhas 400 feet of dock on each side, and will be enlarged by an addition thereto. Pos session may be had immediately, apply to r%.111- UEL S. HORNER, 207 Market atjeet. Some pudding Lots - on ground rent, adjoining the above. Proposals will be received for enlarging the said Wharf. Jan. 19 2—,3t MI • Office of the Delawrire Coal Co. -Philadelphia. Jan. 5, (839. .( • THE Directors have this day declitrtid a half yearly dividend of 6 per cent. opt of the profits of the Company, which will be roSid to the stock: holders or their legal representatives atter the 13th inst. ' ME CHAS. S. WILLIAMS, Seery. Jan. 12 2-1 t Office (if the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Ha• pen Rail Road Company. PHILAD, Jan. 2, 1839. • DIVIDEND—The Board of Managers have de clared a dividend of FIVE AND A HALF per cent, upon the capital stock out of the profits of the Company for the last half year, payable on and at: ter the 12th inst. - JNO. If. CRESSON, Treasurer. Jan. 12 2 .Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and ,Rail. Road Company. • THE Board of Managers have this day declared a dividend of four per cent. for the last six months, On the capital stock ofsaid company issued previous to December 27th, 1838, payable to the Stockholders or their legal represeitativeaPn or sf. ter the 15th inst., at the offtee of Discount and De posits iq Port Carbon. LIEBBEUS WHITNEY, Secretary and Treasurer. Jan 12 THE Etoard of Managers have this day declared a dividend of three per cent.lfor the last siz months, on the Cash Stock of said Company, pays: ble to the Stockholders or their legal representa tives, on or after the 21st inst. qt the office of A. Graham', Treasurer, corner of Ceeare and .Mahan tango streets. ANDREW MUSSEL, Pres% Jan la 2-24. Office of the Schuylkill Navigation Compd At the annual meeting of the Stockholders held this day, the following gentlemen ! Ivry duly elect ed officers for the ensuing year: Aresident—Joahna Lippigeott. ' Managers. Manuel Eyre, John Sergeant, Thomas Firth, John Bohlen, George*: Holetien," Edmund Wilcox, I.:ndzef Nicholson, Joseph T. Mather, Henry Troth. Josheph Cowrierthwitit; tlharles.H. Baker, Mordtcai D Lewis. Treasurer and Secretary—Claildiui Harper. Jan. 12 2 By virtue of the authority vested in the Adjutant General, by the nialitia laws of this Commonwealth, it is hereby directed by him, with the consent and concurrence of the Governor and Commander in- Chief of Pennsylvania, that the system of instruction in military knowledge, and regulations for the Mil itia and Volunteers of the State! of Pennsylvania, be from and after this date, that system which has been prepared and rirranged.by Brevet, Captain S. Cooper, (of the U. S. Army,) Aid.de - Camp and As. ••.. Blatant Adjutant General, and is entitled "a concise system of Instructions and Regulations for the Mili tia and the Volunteers of the Unr States," are. All o ffi cers and non-mmissio ed officers, muit ciins and privates of the Militia or Volunteers of this State, will therefore, henceforth conform, in the performance of their military duties to the regula tions for they government presc4thed in the above system, and all and every other 4iode of instruction in military tactics, not consistan with that anove referred to are hereby positivelyrohibited, for Ur i p instruction of the 'Militia and olunteers of this State. I 40 43 44 43 40 37 • 39 40 37 38 41 40 32 33 41 51 As a matter of eiolYrse, all instractionte of Volun. teen or Militia will be given in I the English lab gunge, INTERESTING CURE OF DYSPEPSIA! cured by Dr. Wm. Evans' Coleman° Tonic and Family apperient Pills.—Mr. I George Ellmirn, Broad street, below Walnut, afflicted with the for lowing distressing symptoms.— Great pressure and ! weight of the stoat/Leh; a ft er eat s g, giddiness and climes, of sight, sicker at the tomach, constant headache, impaired appetite, OE ally of breathing, languor, lassitude4reat depression of upirits, i sensation of flattering at the pit df the stomach, ir regular transient 'paint, in. different parts of the body, 'costiveness, a dislike forscriety or consecu tion, coldness and Weakness of the •extremitier, emaciation and genital ikebilit , disturbed rest, with other symptoms voSich • not essential to enumerate.e. Mr. E. had given up all hopes' trial. of all other remedies bofore ab effect, until be was advised : to Wirt. iEvans' Tonic Pills, of. WM state that they effectually rpstO ".• taking three packages. Officb, for the sale of the above North ightli streets-IV? T ' Solitby Age /tient Ml* Ell Ginn for Sale. Nottce. Coal Wharf for Sale. Pottsville Water Company. PHlLAgetruu, Jen. 7, 1839 Genieral Ord(ers. ADJUTANT GItNERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, January 1, 1839. c WILLI Adj:t. Gen. o Jan. 12 C • - •• • - u•s: 4 . Pottsville ihistitaite4 Fru prepent term common:eke° the 71 under Me Mrectioteof Mr. Charles W. Pi TERMS OF ADMISSION. There will • be four terms in a year, each slating of twelreweeks. Pupils entering at any after the commencement of* terdOltid Fruit the expiration of the first four weasel' the .will be charged for a whole term. Pupils euteting after the expiration of du four week., and before 'the expiration of f.i.wr the term will be charged fur two thirds tit 'a and pupa entering after the expiration weeks of alerm,.and before the completibst term, will be cliarged for one third of the tet For instroelton in reading, writing, ind metic, $4 Vier term. . For all or either of the aforesaid branches, addition of' English Grammer, Geography, Ma mattes, Geometry and Book-keeping, or any of them; $6 per term. For all or any of the aforesaid branches with the oddities!' of the Latin and Greek languages, or either of them,s 8 per term. THE partnership heretofore eiistini between James Everhai t and Jacob Bell, iron muter*, at Jefferson Furnace, Schuylkill colinty,Ps. was diaolved on the 7th inst. by the withdrawal of the subscriber. JACOB BULL. N. B. The business will be carried on by James Everhart, wbo is authorized to settle accounts, atc. Jen 12 JUST received and for sale by BAI 4 II.IAk Jan 5 ' - 1— TILTS ELEMENTARY DRAWIN A BOOK, by Childs, just received and for sal by B. B NAN.,: 1— MEI To Old Countrymen. PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL PACKETS. v t THESE Packets sail from Philadelt phia the 20th of every month, except p O r the First Month (.),anuary,) and (tem r.-_'- 0 -1 4 Liverpool the Bth of every month throughout the year. Shin Algonquin, Captain Albert Turley, 20th bt Fourth month. (May.) " Ship Pocahontas Captain James West, 20th of Twelfth Month (December.) Ship Monongahela, Captain Mierkin, 20th of Second Month, (February ) Ship Sugquehanna, captain John W. Mierken, 20th of - Third Month (March.) The owners have spared no expence to render these ships safe and commodious conveyagces for passengers and merchandise, and can confidently recommend them in these respects to the patronage of the public. They are towed up and down the Delaware by steam, and are thus enabled to go to sea the day they leave port. Charge for passage to Liverpool: in the Cabin. sl3s—in the Steerage, tit?.o; trom Liverpool in the Cabin £35 sterling. Apply to HENRY & ALPE Ei COPE, aJ - The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the Messrs. Cope's Line of Packets, between Liver pool and Philadelphia, and will receive the passage money from those who wish to send for their friends in the uld country. The rates of fare will be made known by applying at the otilte of the Miners' Journal. E 123 List of Letters. • REMAINING in the Post Office at 'Pottsville January Ist, 1839 Alton William Allen Joseph Armstrong Joseph Auradd Daniel Blanchard Mrs. Ana Backwell William Barnwell Mrr Beidelman John Brieck Mathias .• Bonner William Bresland Daniel Brown J•sseph Braider •Henry Bresler Peter Buckman Frederick. Britton William Borden Taman Brobst P. Burk Anthony Brenan Michael Constantine Jacob Coho J. L. Cook George Connell John Davis Ariah Elton Wm. 2 Evans .1. P. Frank John 6 Forester J. E. Fisher Elizabeth Forest C. Guntere Tobias Hannan Lawrence Herter Charles Flay Patrick Hooth Henry Hann John Harris William Harris Robert Hy ndson Robert • Huffman Mary Hollacker Mary Higgins Thomas Hilt= Charles Hann Thomas 2 Hain Absalom Halligan John Hanson Diana Howey Jacob Hort Miss Emily Jones William M. Jones Thomas Johnson John Rolopp Daniel Keefer Catharine Kirkpatrick Joseph Kimmel Joseph Kecitme John Lucas James . Leed George Lynch Elizabeth Lewis Nathan Linville Isaac Lauer George AN UNDENIABLE FACT.—He tb icource of Happiness.—Disease is e some Irregularity in the natdral or h • lth • tions.' Man produces great ends by m tip! extreedinary measures, but nature co,, her works by few and simple Means. In I of all human maladies, the relief of • . C. ereat object of medicine, the &Bee aft , is to deliver his patient trorn all that 11 debilitating, so that the constitiation na • be enabled to perfect the work of rest° • in ice would commend the administratio .f e 'calculated to fulfil the preceding Ind LI. I Behove Ne may justly fay of Dr. %V E n ebrated Camomile Tonic and Family -r nt We the many undeniiible tests of th • 'efficacy in aiding nature to subvert The office for the sale of Dr. Win vans' table Preparations, well known and lebra the ninny unprecedented and arum cures have erected in Dyspepsia, Nen. • Bilio u .LlMsomptive diseases, is at No. 19tb.. Bth bppusite Filbert street, Philadelphia. Sold by - .JOllll T. UNE • Sole Agint .fbr Sob "U Jan 12 AM PIPER. Pennsyltania. 2 as he had made public, but. to limikke trial of Dr. he Is happy to him to health by Dares tY / 11 Ost nF the beet anpnoet petrve4l ‘Fat li est we received and for sele.by„. • I ANN. SPY • apt 'number of these Pe' • I ' medicine. No. 19 WEIMI3t, ir-tf fitt '....., _ ~: Notice. Life of Christ, Walnut street wharf. or JOHN A. BROWN & t 0., No. 14 Chesnut street. B. BANNAN. 1- Lniatenseneider Adom Langton Patrick 31,1cMultrie Hugh McManus C. B. Mtnicit Mrs. Mary Mills Benjamin Mathews William Martin G. W, Moose Jacob Mathew Mary Miller George Milton Wm. G. :Valuer George Maurer John G. Mill-John Nargang Daniel Osborn Joseph Odeninau A. Probrk John Pray Richard Phillips James Nitta Aaron Rishel Soloman Raupe Oliver Rumfit William Robins Jacob Roe Thomas Riland William Rochrig Henry Rickert Richard 'Reno J. G. Roberts Mark Rothmier Charles Reed Franc Reichert 4. Kline Rees Jane Reese John Rice Henry Seitzinger Edwird Starr George Solan Michael Sheals John Sheely Wm. Soughneas Peter Shine' Adam Schott Catharine Shaffer John Simpson Thorne' A Thomas Jinkiis Tworney Mary . Thomas Owbn D. Thomas Thomas M. "Weiseiireh Fredari. John G. Whitaker Patrick Watkitei James Witscffe Jacob ' Wood Sarah W. M. A.. Mr. Williams Gwent, Williams John G. Young Richard • Yeager Lawrence . E. CHICEISTEg, P HAVE on B Bar Iron o Spiker of all XII sizes soak, and c MS, WHITAKER & CO. . .1-tf Jan 5,1: others interested in the net De Pvi, deceased. To Credi Estate VOTIC t Istratt. !iy given, that letters of Admin. r. Estate Kthe said Samuel De th of December last granted by hnylkill county to the under g in the Boiough of Orwigsburg. claims or demands' against the edent, are requested to make them without delay, and all per. equested to pay thu amount due cribers. Pui, were the Regis. signed, but All person estate of known th sons tilde , to either OE held at the Pennsylvania Hall on ceinber gist, 11338, the following cted officers of the Mill Creek and oad Company for the ensuing year. AT a Mo persona Aiioa H to wit ge Patterson, President. Managers. Harvey Holkina, Samuel Lewis, n, Samuel Sillyman, ey, Secretary and Treasurer. n. 5,1939. 1 Burd ' Auc're Cherie Lehbr Putt Ai. ion held at the Pennsylvania Hall, on 3lst December. 108, the following peram elected officers of the Schuylkill Val ley N n and Rail Road Company, for the count to wtt : Burti Patteraon, President, Managers. • bra 'lt, Aquila Dolton,. (Inner, George 11. Potts, air Nichols, John G. Hewes, Russel, Secretary and Trenaurer. Jun 5, IEI9. lundersigned hereby give notice, that ey have bought at COnstahle rale, To u hull Canal Boats: viz. John St crane.u No opa. No. 420, levied upon and si , :d as 11. e y of John Jones, Dec. 10, ie:;,.4, „„ d e ,,,- : the public against buying or N. Izine 11000 id Boats as the property of said J.,nn A. li EN M.:1it...0N & Cu. t Carbon, Dec. 29th, 1818. 6 Setting off at t ost. ' E Subscriber, with a view to close his busin ess in this place, from which he-designs to bye shortly, is now riling off his large Stock )ry Goods, Groceries Queens ware, Liquors &c., sost prices, and also a general assortment of $y made clothing. such av Pantaloons, Rounds- Vests,l o Dress Shirts le.c.&c. He, therefore tea all who are desirous of purchasing articles is line at low prides, togive him a call. J. C. KERN. r. 17, 1838. ' 52 he following are the drawn numbers of the Al .ndria, No. 8, dra;cn 'lslh:December, 1838. 57 47 43 28 27 17 38 5 36 36874 72 e sent combination 5 17 38. $l,OOO. Do. do. 3 36 38, 300. by or. r :o the country. The owner! are equested to rwaril their prizes for the CASH. The following are out bestsohemes for January, . Maryland, No. 2.—draws 9th January7s onto- Ars, 13 drawn ballots. • CAPITALS. i 15,000 DOLLARS!' i 10,000 DOLLARS! 10 of 1,000 DOLLARS ! Tickets only ss,—Shares in proportion. Richmond. No. 1, draws 12th January-75 aura ers, 12 drawn ballots. 40,000 DOLLARS! 10,010 DOLLARS 25 of 1000 DOLLARS! 25 of 500 DOLLARS: Tickets only slo—Shares in proportion. Maryland, No. 3, draws 16th January-75 num. ben, (2 drawn ballots. CAPITALS. 20.000 DOLLARS! 20 of 1,000 DOLLARS! Tickets ss—Shares in proportion. Leesburg, Va., No 1. draws 26th of January-75 numbers, 12 driwn ballots. CAPITALS. 30.000 DOLLARS! 100 of 100 DOLLARS! Tickets only 810—Shares in proportion. New Jersey, No. 4, draws 28th January-75 numbers, 13 drawn ballots. CAPITALS. 20,000 DOLLARS!, 10 of 1000 DOLLARS! Tickets only 11.5-Shares tn , proportitn. Orders for singfe tickets, Miami, or paciages of whole or shares, will be promptly answered. Er/V. B. Those who order • Tickets will always have a full ichenie sent them, if they requiro Ail orders addressed to me, thus, N.CA,NFIELD, Canrden P.O. New -rimy opposite Philadelphia, will -be promptly answer ed. 6-3 t Dec. 29 Grocery Store. .. THE subscriber having lately returned from Philadelphia, is now largely supplied, with [Groceries, Cheese, Codfthh, Wines, Liquors, &c. the L5OO Hams, s supply of Dried Beet, several bar of rela of Irish Herrings, 60 barrels of Whiskey of enc. a superior quality, snitsble for tavern keepers, a and supply of domestic. Dry Goods, an extensive shed supply of Winter Clothing, suitable for the cure region, also Booth and Bootees of various sizes the and quplities, all of which he offers for sale- at low clan, prices for cash or country produce. ~•, , and HENRY. BOYD.' • will Morris' Addition, Dec 22,1838. Si-tf Here ' • . - edy • Sttrage. • - bleb THE Subscribers having rented the wharf on ' ' mi. it Fairmount dam, rout of Willow St.. Rail . Road; P ,.. i _ 111 • joining the one occupied by A. J. Bolton &. Co. °Rig are prepared, to receive Coal, -Lumber„ &e. on. wharfage, and comtnissipn. Enquire of the sub. elle- scribers on the pternises, or at 28 South Wharves , for . . • ' BUNTING, CLARK & CO. theY- June 20 ' 47 - 1 9 and edi SOUTHERN Feathers '' • . . Virginia Dried peachd, .. Round cold . Spike Rods, . . . if •Rxiiniell• ariiite . , Band anti • Bar • Iron, - . , just nsciOnd -andlkr. We l& •• . . . = _ YooErtfnirri.l4NN. kind s . ; t /61. 21,-. 4. -- eetC 'W•;isk ey., 4 u—f kj ‘ hil4l ll - 11Asad o t.,, ° ,a,r fairl4l ,03 ,fr :,. , :..4_, , •:. , ..::;! , ,: - •i,*.. SQUARE IRON. ' EEN do. • do. • drawn to ordcr. Nails and sale at lowest city prices. Iron, punched and counter WILLIAM B. POTTS, Attirney at Law. JOSEPH HA M M ER, Merchant. I-6t Notice. ' .• :: i:.,1ci=,:,;.4;k:7:.,?:..V::-.,:;.'!.:..,' ..,..,.;;, ; ;•,:i.,-,,,,t,,,,;1.,...?;..-_,,,_:: : 111111106 , , - _ , 3, •14 - - 4 ..mir-,:,n.,..,_ ~, z ,1- .:, - - . -,....f, --4"...--# - -; , ,- 1- . f.. ..r . a . ' ': ' . 3- 4 , , 174 , - • ,!,,,..: '- - . A5 .- . -'_`: -.-..'." 2,n,1"--:,,,,,-?,....7:r..1-,..,,,k2,-(tv ~ vir?..:* ~. .• • i ,N 1 ..,.. -- - - ~, ~....,..,, ~..t 11 ' , II :.....„ .•,' t_ ~,,,.. Cale ,at i the for coog , 11\411.L ER dr. ITAUStlitYliate,,secifilmt;ttare,. Ta•TAL Fall and Visatir Wales or 9r Goods ‘ 4 #4 Sri ke* whoksak pricey for cash. „ 'C :773 , . - . ' -MOW &Oahe • ~ ~ ! 1. JEST remised and nowopeniog—a large autirp went of seasonable . • 'Dry . . toCid i s Groceries, ' . Hard . and , . • Fresh Mackerel No's. 12 k 2,'in• • w hole . half, and quarter Barrels. Salt. Plaster, qv, 4-c. . • all of hich. will be sold at Philadelphia prices. Country nkeepera and others will find it to their ,advasitage'to I before purohaaine elsewhere. 3., -_ . 'JOSEPH WHITE & SON. i.,14,,5e1l l': 2 w o t Carbon and Figured Silks, ALS9 Mouq.e;ine be Lain and painted qially receleed end for male by : MILLER di LIAGGERTY Nov 3 • New York SMoked.ltter. JUST received and. for sale by T. & J. BEATTV. Dec. 8 3 Dairy l2heese. 5000 lbs. Superior Dairy Chre•e tor wile by T. & J. BEATTY. a- Dec. g • For Sale. ' THE valuable lot Of Ground, with Coach 'Maker's /!. Shop thereon, situate on the North East corner of Nomegiao acid Coal strsets.—Apply to MILLER & HAGGERTY. Den• I Ground . .71108. 50 Bushels African and Charleston Groundnuts of good quality, just received and A,r side by JOAN S. C. MARTIN. 5•l Nov. 17 Potatoes. - 250 RBIS. received and for sale at a redu ced price for cou4h by MILLER & HAGGERTY. 49 October 27 IS3P COAL. L.A. 'i D For Sale, or to or Rented. rril AT valuable tract of Laud called the ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn. stmate on the west Norwegian Rail . Road, next -north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain ts of ered fur sale on accommodating terms; or the:Coal Mines will Se leased severally or together to Ito ap roved tenant. Apply to HENRY MOR 12 IS, 'ld & Witinat Street. Philadelphia. Irish 1134hiskey. 'DEAL Ennishowen Inch Whiskey final the celebrated (Pennybutn Do•tilleev.) received and' for sale by MILLER & HAGGE.RTY. October 0.7. 1838. 4P-9tno For Sale. Avaluable messuage, tenement and tenet of land, situate in Wayne township, Schuylkill founts, adjoining lands of John Snyder, Daniel Her. ger and others, containinz 50 acres, of which arr •.. o rteen acres wood land well timbered, and five a rr. s excellent meadow, the remainder is clear in good •e•!.s and well cultivated, the improvements are au Story Weatherboarded Dwelling House wttl • a Kitchen attached, a Barn and a Weaver Shop, and a never failing Spring with excellent water neer at hand . Possession & a good title will be giveri on the first day of April next, Terms of the Sale can be heari of by the owner JACOon the B% premises. KAERCHIFR. 80—•tf October 13 Public Notice. WE the undersigned Execs!lera of the lest will and Testament of the late - Dr. - Frederick W. Geisaehainer, deceaaed, of the City of New„york, hereby give notice to all who have any •dWhands against his Estate to present their cleirOs, and all in depted to the Estate to-make payment to Christopher Leosor, Esq., Orwigshurg, . F. W.f. ENSEN H AIN ER, Executors. JAC:O,I3 MILLER-, New York December 18, 1838; N.B. The pewee of Attorfl?y given to Henry J. Geissenhainer. Esq:'to take care of the timber Or. the Valley Furnace lands and the houses, given by the late Dr. F. W.Geissefetiner; haring expired by its am\ limitation or, the Ist. December, 1838, all persons arc cautioned against depredating men the tipber on said lands. Rents for the houses from said date, are\ to -be paid to-Christopher Loeser Esq. or into the Pank ott Furt Ctirbon. Dec ber 22, 1 t.ari. s—tf Salt of Lands. ve y Virtue of a Wrttnr Process,insued by his Ex ."' cellency, the Governor of the Common wealth Pennsylvania. and to me directed, there will he exposed to pub lic sale at the City HoteLin the city ot - Philadelphia, on Monday the 1 4th dav ofJantiory next, all the right, title, 'Merest, and claim of Sohn Nicholson; and Peter Boynton deceased, in and to the following trams of land attijudgcd to be the property' of the said JohnNieholson and Peter Bajinton, against whom nictitate has a lain—sur veyed on warrant an the following name, to wit., James M'Neal, sitistein Schuylkill county, and to be sold as the property of the said John Nichols on and Peter Boynton, The a debtklue the C.orrimon wealth, in pursuance of the severSl Acts ofAssemb ly, on that subject made and provided. r" A.M. LLOYD, agent for the Commonwealth of Peon's. 5-4 t Dec 22 AMOTHER recent . test of the unrivalled virtue Of Dr. Evans s' Pills—Ditsprpsia of ten years' standing cured,—l was afflicted with the above complaint hir ten years, which incapacitated me at intervals for the period of six years, from attending to my business. I am now restored to perfect health by the frequent use of the above medicine.- My symptoms were, a sense of oppression after eat. ing. pain at the nit of the,..iitomach. loss of appetite, giddineak palpitation of the heart, and great debsli. ky. lam willing to give any information to the af flicted respecting the benefit Preeeived from the use o Dr.tvanP Camomile and ApPerient Strpriton; Sept, I. IS3B. 1. McErsiiir. General Depot for sale of the above Medicine, No. 19 North. Eighth Street, Philadelphia:. Sold by JOHN T. WERNER. Solo Agent for Schuylkill county. - Jan 12 ittifiding Lots for Nitric, ON the upper read be een Po tt s ville and Port Carbon. Apply to the subscriber at the Greenwood COlhery, Pottsville. • Nov. 11 STRAYED sway front the Subscriber on Fuday last, a DARK REI) COW. Any person Miele any , knowledge of tl j e same; will please •give noti 107. & J. Bea tt-1, and will be bberaßy reward d by . JOSEPH!GREEN. December '4(), 1838, . • * Vresh Itialagti FrOil. IN Whole, Half, and Quarte r boxes, just te.. .nd for sale by ' T.& J. BEATT' Dec. 8 ' ' Yeast Postdeirsi..:- ' IGIOR firtz - T J. !WITTY JR: Pee. 8 i. Do' medic '114010.08k 401. 1 144t(2.10 , 40 ^lf: - • - Alii-Whiskvi Abide •••,,., • - thilfilittiiiiLViiiiiieli4 7lll • A SUPEltlqa•Oi#eiteakilirby , ..* „tie . ? „, 64,01 -Pa: I:IIntATUADZIk.C.:' - TO. SpOirtillip. I firTiST received and ABS, 'tier ! Mould Buck Skat;Perniniaionerk and Barkad. JoAks; C.• • TtN., ra— - Nov. }7 ' • I SUPertOT F4IIMY FlOgre' .•: 4 ; 'DECEIVED on consign net .41641 •all'iduct Mills, several foids superior fsujlly. for sale by • 4 ! -wm'. BAKIt . Oatober 27. 18313. • • ;•'• . 11110FPAT I S /FE .. MEDWINES ANIMATION.—When the await importes functions of hfe are anstiendelLand thetas r ho_ .- invalids. by icheritencet or imptudenee Ire Odin---I to a deplorable state of nervous debility, they sb • not even then despair. Bir it is, not in Jeannie. thn relief can bo frond.bet , them first look round, ar.d," laying aside) aitprejudicesi ask selves this questioni—"lfmt.'physicias asitnat me, is his reputed skill my only resort ri Perlispa•st that mortient the heading of this id vertisement, :11.offat's Mediciota," . catch their eye; and were they in-trutbdivested • foolish prejudices. they might, perhaps, be iti!bace.. to inquire whether Mr. IMoffat's theory land. silent of diseases, differed from that of theie j physicians. They would then learn tbatit ad a ter, and very widely,. end with most ulchappy re subs, too. If they pursued their )nquirics„ still fiirthen, th would find that all practising physicians atilt present day prescribe IyIERCURYir in soma for for shnnst every disease, and they would lean,. that mercurial medicines, thoegh they pt relief, undermine the mitistitutiob, tt,nd always les the patient in a precarious state of health A GOOD VEGETABLE - MEDICI, Eip j• the reverse of all /his. For hundreds otyeare„ fore that scourge of mankind; "lidercaryl," was s • ployed in thetealing art, Physicians aped notbia •but si,nule herbs. Dien the. bible recommends the 'skilful physician tie who preparelh his died eines from herbs. Witness elcolestiuttictus, chap S.k.MtjEL LEWIS. 59-51 Cow Lost. 4 , J, _.;+i 'Zr,'. V. 3. The skillful Physician shall lift up A head; and in sight qf the great men. he shali bs • admiration. V. 4. Far lie halls piepased his medieineput. the HEABS of the earth, and he that Is •stnie • • not abet. them. )10l F VEGETABLE t",IFE AtIEDICIN p qualities or the . most'ofild end hieneACial • tun . They arc compised - hf arlicles.the moat a petresseent, - combined with ingredients known the only mute atittclute fur fevers of every decor' non. When the disease' is produced either f c tld, obstruction,ltad air, swampy an& ganrip tiono, or putrid intasmii,°wErther malignant or e denim, or' by other calises, these meditainea'are tain In their operation or eifectS. Th ate, • i es..ett of width nut tily esper di:sense. but at the eartic . ..tirtie restore a d midges tt.e system.. Wildrs first taken into film stoma they immediately 'diffuse, themselves'' like va through every pere,,.produeing effecte et.ouce lig tofu', salutary and .permanent. When the of life begins to grow dim, the circulation lang 1 and the faculties paralyzed; these medicines I found to give a tone to the mires, ezilerate the , imal spirits, invigorate the mbody, and' re-ani the whole man. Til E LIFE MEDICINES have also been with the most happy: PUCCCSII in Nervou's and pie :c di•eases, r..m.umpticn, Asthma, Liver Olio, Ith , timatiym, (chronic and triflamato ic.,. St. &c. F.ir bill particulars, the reader is invited :to at "Mr. ff,t's offices:lV Broadway, and recei copy 01' the Grid So nun nen, published gratinie The following letters ape lately selCcted fr• very .irge number which Mr. Moffat has late) ceired from rtlierent parts of the United State Mr. M offat. —Dear Sir (—lt is with al . • pleaute that I 'venture to oiddresp you, to. you for the benefit I have received front yoar mines. My complaint was sult`rheinn, for wh have tried ell the medicines which lwere adve in the newspapers. I, however, received no from any of them. 'Stoce I.was shown. your Samarilan,,swhich induced me 'to try your "dot.. When 1 applied, to you, my legs .and were PO had that they looked like raw beef were covered with ewes; but after taking a. 24 box of your pills, the dead skin began to scab rind so continued until I was entirelyicured. now four months since I 'was cured, and I ha no return of the complaint. I have 'recomm vonr medicine to several persons, and should all afflicted with the salt rheum to try it. R fully, your obedient servant, )1. CLEOV 13th, at. between sth and Ja,soti Av Lawrence, N. '., Ma Mr. Moffat— Dear Sir : troubled tv . piles for several pars. I applied - to the mo vent Physicinns without relief. •A friend o Mr. Clarke, who had received great relief fron recommended the to use your Lite Pills. TI was suffering very severely, with thdm at th I experienced relief in 4y hours, and in a few we., not troubled with them at all arid I ha , tree from distress-ever since and' have Brea are in reormimending them to those afflict similar manner. Respectfully, JOSP.PII E. SPEAK New York April., Dr. Moffel—Slr': . Since your Life 14 ( 1 3. 1 have been introduced in this neikhborh have done wonder#. . I will merely state a fei The wife of my neighbor, Mr.Corne ins S. • was syposed toe in ii decline or the years, after taking two bottles of th Pkeni one box of the Lilo Pills, says she had he entirely restored.. Mr. Milo B. Root, iny next door neigh was laid up with infiamatory rheumatism ing two bottles cf,the'Bitters and one 25 ce the Pills, told me he was as well as he - and told a gentle Man in my store who w that as soon as.* would lake the rilli a, lust so soon he wbuld he a well man. Also, Mrs. Hcirdci, wile of. John Hard years since taken sick, and often bad fi . the use of one of her arms.. • In six weeks ing your Pills and Bitters. so far recovers has Seen on a visit to one of her neighbor As for myself I/ have been in lad lies Jeers, and thoolgft I am nut now .ie per still I am in better than I have been fo pan, which I believe to be the gammon king your Pillfdand Bitters. Thel abov statement of a. few of the many Oases came under my : nbserystion, Yon are publish th;.s lettilt, and reference can be as Posttraister a). Cluverrock,Ccdoribia • ' W ith respect I.A. VAV VALKE - ' . New York, A.pril 1 1r. W. Mofilit—Sir : I have *en of E. . It e fever and ague about three mil good deal of quinine, which did still grew weaket a n d weaker u mended to try your Ligl'ills an and after taking two boxes npd t • I agii'very Ihank.ful to inform poi large. I co n sider myselleitomkta Yonra truly. JOHN Tk, - •, ' New York Mills. Mr, Moffati.Deai Sit: I him cine in my lanuly.for some month' ed- great benefit strelm it. especiilij eat daughter. 'My daughter bad for 3 years. ginceshecommerre icine she has l entirely recant nd and hearty, If this xrillbe ol' ii you are at Itbefty:to imbltah it. I : Dr. Motat+Dear. Sir to. Pg! ,g -i 1:13- , 0 ;Gera ank ink elief edi rme and cent or. time. weeks e been pleas ; .d MI dicines d, they . zases,„ oe, who eat two Sittire health , wbd by ttk. tlos of et mug, tdlticts, d Bitten was two and kat, 'attcr tak: that she th for 27 et healt4 ten years nee of is a true hieh ha hbortfto had to me Y. BURG. 1,1838, icted with and used a godd,but as recent.. nix Bitters. ut 4ittera, hpiwthlie at • T.. N. Y. 29, 1838. your medi• hire nem ife end eld in a decline 1, g your tie& is sow WSW. u. y yetis; DOTI/ k 8th:0 - 4 an. n s k e I Jen. • g