' TERMS OF' 'PITA _ Two Dota.,taa per atlnum, pa; advance. If not paid wain the charged. -. • i AilierWerneote itirei r beeding etnerieci'r' for thrSe‘ifisertiesnrr instlitien. • , Urger ones lintrop All tarerttselnents w be it .macesthe lime for whit* tbei o p oo fied ,and wilt be charged in Yearlp . advertisers wi 1 becl Meluding ,subscription torthe pal of keeping , one advent seknen t ni standing hiring ttie year,l sod tlif Aso in-each pane r fort htte IIUCC - .All'4ertera addreseedle the ed othetwtse no attention wptl be p 11.11,nericev for meetingir.&c. hive heretofore been interred 25-centa e ch. e ecept icr Pamphlets, Check , Gar Handbills uJ every derariptur Office al the lowest g ash 4price, ENGL , • Exchange at isitiw a 9-* per cent. pr*mi .4..40t/ter, 'teethes - 44 l'ha Northern Yacht Steam shi p sailed trot* I`,. w castle for Leith, and up` to the data Of th 4 h. advises had not been beard from. There itirr y reason to fear that she has foundered at son. t , 'Cori/std.—ln conset l ite e of the increased reve nue occurring to the ome at this port, the Loss of the Treasury has ed it in a higher class, with a corresponding l!misuse of salary tot the col lector end comptroller.i Huskinton's Itionun44.—During the frost of last winter, the roar*" 141 kt erected, at Parkside„ to the memory of the law ittr. loam), was dvatroy. ed by the bank against? which it was plftced press. ing toe heavily ogaintil. A new'rooretnnent has recently been subsitiet d for Gld one, at the ex pense of the shar. lioiCifrs of the Liverpool and Man cheater It attwity Covii uy. • Gi sat Speed.—The 4hip Sir Waner Scott, John Young. mask r, be.wiging sarterl tronl hence , o4Aelwr, un I April last; arrived at Quake, there mirk on hoard a lull cargo of timber, and 'Hived again in Literpool, on the 6th day of July 14tiled again on the 17th day ofJuly, pretise ly thesame voyage*, and ',arrived here on Monday last, bus performing two vo,t ages to Quebec and back ji incredibly Short space of tittle, say in six mond? , and twelve days, including the stoppage at bath paces.. Spving Extraordtriuty.—At what they term a ma r * set, ,Hr. Gtorj.;.: fucker eaugtit urn ixtxa ordmay nuutner dl 7UU zacuus ten. Fut ?reef Cr ment,—An experiment aaa itnide at Alduthewer, I ds is: tare tire.issous heal td to deii Illt•eilL114111 , 1111 nut Its Us AA. r.,y 111C111+1.113111.:C offices. A 5m.1.1 twee-e lint Is sa b. LIA tlfleALrull II Ili, the cetvra waa ti.sed with ,t s and o ther e n s , bUstileits; and et t ssrs li., in the slices nee tsl a num.* ber of.'firvons wltu'sised be it tio.lled, near and bar, to be Flusent at the ed a.,1 ut isicendiariens. TIM 5111A11146 li.lf+JA•LI., .Jlll ue AAA 111 volumts hut the liou-s the lived part. I.lsitouChd• In odic of tees, piles,- the cesnetst hII 'off, antblic lire Tam, (the.' cm we parts oncm . ered, but on oe 1411tA:(, Vett ex,.trisise Ist succesell.l. r le ssa rd.dts v.. "I'nerelin be all vke Atlk, 'lNJere MAC t• 11/ ry lim/OrrN careltilly cut Ott IA OM C , A1111.11.1114 , it I :WI wltlt no: aI,AILE LAI tf ...tv it, lan reeeslessce sstkred to the floats by tut. rem( wu Id nc l uttieu . i/ to Ilmlt thee ravage, be that net. AAA . . It u until the rrival se" ; a .it a b... came Isstoopo - alissi„ d evsse.ls. ter sss.sle ! e sssuils:a powerful usl.teary w ceseetteig and co..fiutL.g Us flames."., Hurriaine of IVhittia —Ono o: the most Bohol stormy 1 , /t a- ,!ur,,m,n, th:g port In :\ ost-m!,er, 11 / . . , ,111, 1. II a:, )11[ 1111C might wraithe stud at It. .1. 0.111,1/11CL b) 111,V1, torrealtslo) rain r. loch 4,% flu.% Ltl )111.; did COM4rei6iti dalll4ge l 4) lIIc gr_ll.lllt/S 5t:4(40441 7( t baccu.-01, tur, 16w Nov., Lite cit . ) of Canit.l44,lldmourg Uthl r, by index oltne Bulard uiCu•tunis at colist quence aving couccdicd .auluaget ltle luggage, and under:n. 14iu. Lit tea. and fivu imuus W 1t:44.144y, w tile) %Lett: Dui WILLI CC Effects e j Rutlways,—The few remaiuttig coach. ea un the Lad bet V 1 ettll BIrIIIIIIE are actuall3 cam lug paaoLtiger. al tumr,ty ngs inside, and en eh s uut.roe ; wnn,t u; ;12 coaco es.on the rod prior to the opt.nlog to the radioed, there now oily rename tour, and a appeara unet:r. Lain that :ha ounther can cuutuwc. Marrying nue's G,qndnErther. —A man actually applttu •to tie Gualdiato , ut :he 0u0d... Co.utt a few days agctro be allowed to ohirry his gr.tiluiutii er, a Cterg yours is whom lie had app10...: to marry them Lie twos hating ritustd to unite Stratiye as li may seen', both tit.• thirties ore utoler 20 years ofrei and it Is ' , did ititt really there 1, no legal-ohitcuutt lu their mittll .ife. Tile lipid] cadt . we untgrettand,-wss the i.,m iii note son of a wohtun name: Taylor, :igr i tiii. I tiet ooig man's (Me grataltou,het't,j ❑Joie was lootn.rly Odedart: whet she was Ili year, of ;La, , she went - to live with old w. a ithirried lo r bizture SIR! was 17, add site Ins been a n iduw fur a i.iturt time. Peochvag Erb acud.nu y.—Sunie m.i..ll.knuwn .aeheis ill ills uetgauuuutwd, buys the Wert, ro umtuary, ll...making , I.way. cast to thor ew °De, witch . - übt tlieut many .C 2 1n to brit_ ear Keaton, Wedr, lLb,a ~arc, , lic.stly :10 abbits, and, Instretehing tat ruaLL, actual • trammelled well Ituuvoi wtdical pr..e....uner of . bat vicinity, u•ho wan ud iug punt at tilt lulls.— he worthy d..e.ple id Galen %%se, a ttb lilth- WV, extricabd trot'. Ills perilous. nn u.,Uun S\llll , -01.11 njury ; and IL I. Iluped toe,enpreduturs will the next me be - eronaret to tour out/ &Jet- Canada.—Trgi Lonutd Own( r announces, "up ,n goon anthill I," that 1...url Spend.r will done , ut-es gOverrnir“onerdl 01 L..nau.. 111 C uothoilty , f the Gourser, wwever, 1s questioned by Sortie Hi Aber papers. ineenduirism.---The pavers give alarming ac• counts of the .14.: t.on and 6 dibtre6s in the agr al •Itstrsets. incemnary burning:, of agricul plenty, sm 11 411 ha d rich, ...ye., are said to 11 filequeut.The immemate cause is said he mgli and MAI: to rc,ned price of bread. S. Carolina loan —The boi.qc ul Banns , Broth. erg, have taken tb... South Cay..ti.,a lout/ 000 bearing 5 per:u.ait. interest; but the price had 'not transpired. The Misseseippi Slate loan of .0250,000 as been taken by btiverni conittactors at 93—tica. ig 5 per cent. tntereA. A ;{eat alnuulll of 'ltte.lit so 111 A merican securities seas done in tne weed ending Nov. 24. LINA 111 Irish Peerage.-1 l i Moroeth it. to oc 41 own right, with a glance to hardy wo' know how to upp.'t q operation in conduct and who calculated his talents and eh :1r Lit 11 114/116111/ Cli lUat LUL U 11. to 10.4, it 10 1112 ca'nuc'. 1 'O l / 1 1. to 111,11 Il' !ate his Lorthily's (Ito-tent cu- , ' rig the af f atrs of ;ills wublly, 101 l the 0:11'.1110 t 1 Ilifilitnele of ter In the Lu‘ser Huuee. The Ballast Corp, nounce, that - thi, Government the pie their projected Herb Belfast 'Banking C“, I such further burn. bb ,idetton of the tit Bel Colonial Office —I melee that Lord No Colonutl Office, (and s . whenever he was to •au are now altered b, I ration.—t%e are etia bled to an. orperation has ri.t.eived tro:u 1, o ac 01 a loan 01 for ur improveun 1115,11,111 (11.,t the pally Lave weed to advance may be neet,sary for Inc cotil lion of the new works.' t' is stated in well informed (rmar•.by was ansionit I'm the wrtainly he would be fit tier IL) lave Ireland, hut crrcumstan• the turn of affairs in Canada. lady by the name of Hart ' order at Limer. most respectable :ted to witness the Order of Mereg.- 43ett Was adulated ~,., . _ . . . - '-',.. ‘. 1 -:' ''.: • ... - I'-':- -- '-", - 7',. , ' ,, 1-3.:0. , .. 7...:-. , '..:::;:', c'. - f , ;',:l - 1 - ,.''."+_:: : ::..-,:: -..- ••• i ;',':.••,...----- -..i:•'.''''-.. - .. 5.y.,;:..,..-.,:::::..-.3.= A-,.:-..i.;51-4...- ....-.... B CATION'II, . .7‹ . ' • ..- i ' 141 : : --:'' k • -*.'-- ...." F E _Ls,l . ' net - ai ly . semi=annoni in . .. -... 4-- r, $2 se, well be , - I - - 0, .., - - . . , .„ lyelinee.will be . .., . '. - ~.; .' ~,,,-; . ' ~ , .....) ~ , .'' . , fr . 's 0 - - 6,31.74.t.d. . . ' fall 4 3 ? MS ' t .4 .4 h. :ie.:7U 2. - 1:...; VTR; fi. ;. 5O cediefor one i - - ' ... -' ' 4 • •-, ~.".: `.- -:' tel- -. -- ~i i CI I , h - -` '• 2...17, - 1 "1 r'''"er ” rt:-.... - . ff , mr -- -4 ...1 ; , .." - 'l.ll. inile ;al . illie ,- s K05 , ..--. , AIGt --- - I, .., . ej, t, , .i r0d ' .2_ ,.... 1.224,4 . : . r.j.: - cr..... .... , ,a' .., li . . , . ..f, • • •;,,.. , ,_. ?-.-..-. . . • . • ~,ii ITIL1L; 4 'V' ' ' - 'l l idg '''''''''''t ' v• • - -4, dritilordered out, to be continued is ingly. t $l2 per annorm /ith the privilege xceeding 2 squares sertion oft' smaller iive times. r moat be post paid to them. other notices which alio. Will be charged nd Deaths. ,Bills of Latttag and neatly penned at this ork,on London 9 the iiihabitanemf 112., Tern.. ield, and not , with. during,,the Any, , the,nbeve,periehee. 4 ' . • • I *ill teach you to pfreTthe • 'els of tlui . 6rth a.tuigititg cuitliout the 'Or the hfoiuttlins, Mectle"which rillre:str!z , itgth oar H inds and %abject el! Istutin'i:tc; VOL; XV.. and for petitioning for theft abolition. I wing tit' the severity of tbe day the attendance'i wts not as numerous as was expected 4 there were, however, about twenty ',thousand petsona assemb d. The greater p alien of the landed proprietors i the sur. rounding parishes, and tbe'respective clelgy were in attendance. „ 1 ~. .- Bon Met —Among thelrribst regillsit fit:miners of the Zoological Gardens. oh a Sundrii(Ftr Puller)" when the crowd is greatest; was Lord Brcogbani. But lion nor liger, elephant laorostrich, appeared to have any charms for huh.. Ile was alw-ayt to be seen at one plane, gazing'infently on the molione of some amphibious animal 0/Iced within one df those water cages prepared for ospeaturea who deliiht in that element. A.gentlernati was at lcugth itluced lo attempt the discovery off he object of his i Lord. ships's anxieties. On hi return , he observed, "It is all quite nahrial—Losd :Brougham is w,atthing the G-eat Spal." , . SCOTLAND. Southeriand..—This-couro has siered severely !roll' toe hurricane or the )6th November. Ala% littl'..pabt lot& F'. M., the wilid blew from the N• W: 1,% jib such viulence as had irever been d U.-eased by the oldest inh.ibitant. The fi t rura market was held upon this . clay, and cons+quently a cumideraile niimber of people had Collected from the surrourrl ing parishes. When It* hhrricane burst upiin them, the dcene that enabild baffles description; In ono instant the tents were!hverthrown and shawit, ribbons, confvctions, &c...4-o'. scattered about in evs - direction ;all was constcinution, the poor pedlar) exerting theoisi Res to the iptmost to preserve thdli little stuck; cluldredcry 'maul their p irents, parontl searching for their chrldtFu. In firteeti rnrnuteq -t-turce an indiv moat was tolheimen upon the market , ground. la.peclur of Steam Buoi.—The Glasgow. Town Council mere ;0n Goverment, on Me itimorteet. eubjecr eat:g more selely and protection t0..41/0 publi4 to tlititr.livea and pru. pert,, %Mit, traVelling lu e!leure-veert ThQ, al ilie naiite time, remitted to Vie Committee to mean:l ine the law recently pasandlni America on the sub. ject - I. Sosfiension Rader,—.Tie Government engineer, Mr. It eneall, has wade a iturvey of the rdontress Ist i.igeo,oll, we oraferptandi pot 1,04eS making a teat- Tfloary rod o.sav ortha•nh, •hteu 4111 be of vista ad ,oloar.,e to ma; place. li ti .11.. , er510 .1, also, that a ti: rt-p utll Ire eunlmenceu Ntthootdelay. Anderson lad Carrersrigi—Dr. Ilnoker lia. 6.ru “1.1»11111'd I ' ) Off :•• ipr ut 11 aieria Nirtfieu in 1,1, Li. twtion , in rump of. Dr. Andrew Buchanan, r5,1,21.1t1. Dula- of Burcleuck.--.—The reports of this noble- D.ll. to the Coottner:i being uceastoßed!•l i.e. CULGI ry circuin-I4neLs, are!,ltogLuter uniounded Glotir.ote roar: r. log etey ion of !,oro Itertor of (.la-Toot Opitege, with tie aecoolipa ii,, tog ituel,e, it. now. ettgatitig the lhoug the s.odet,e. Toe l doclid.,top alitedy bp,,Aen ul u.c Vir. K.lierniout, Sir Jam llereicliel, (ir.itiuto -4 The Dal:music Prizr.+On_ Saturday last, the sple,,Lnt In.Aan sword, prl!,stnteci by the late Emil at Valhoume's t 'ompani. of Kr chera i rthe Q.teen'a Body for Scotland, was shot tor in Hope Park, and gamed by John .Stewart, w. IVAIjES. --, . ..-laerguer,,ny t yarreig - utirJa .Su.itty : —Ori th e 3111 .intove k rsdry or this deit.ty , lei mitre were a warded ; aiming other nun eruus subjects the follow. tug were brought thrward-kg the sin_cessliil Compel.. I lul a. the ridlo. rice of Welsti traditions on the Literature ut , Europe:, by 4olin Dorsey Harding ut th.u..toi's I 01141111 MS ; the mural and intetleetual et tees ploduerd oil Ilse laihilblialits of Wales by the developeilient!uf her eillier#l I ea ourceti ; Ihr the best new arratigeflient .if any W club air, harmonized for lour voices ; hi the authenticity of the berme al phabct eall.d:Coelbresiny betrdd ; History of Neath a üb e y and Al?erayon t:u:4: a poetical I..seriptton on a cheese itoo,ter: A poem ou Mettle-glut; the lIIUBIe of V% a s:s. I larpers, slug, rs and of male and female oh, lip 1114 d priz,s, among. which was one awarded to Al iss Evans rif New port,iealled the Gold Harp of Tredegar presented by Sill Charles Morgan, for the best performer on the Harp. The most interesting dommtnt on this meeting to W elilimen, residing in 4 Anierica, is that all the Competitors, nod must of the ladies present, wore the ge rune Welsh cusimtiel and the latter.' 11, gh suni• et to the rivalry of a blaze of English beauty, decidedly bore rid' the patio. The folkiwtngs song urn specimen or the geniva ci Welsh poetry. Al EsiSIRECTO rI. THE BRIDE. • Ladr—l take my harp; of gold, oit ! listen while 14rep each chord; I cannot atrike.as be or old, • But yet tily nuld 'holm may afford • •• Donn pleasure ; and wilt moo deride The lay I tuna to thee-t-sweet-Bride2 The !marl that's rais'd tempi oceans bed, • I,,,sta pht more purity than think: Arid like the dew drop!nerily spread, The smile Which,lights thy placid brow: ' Oh ! nhiy the altar ittioi t titd, • By no rash hattd.he 14'd—sweet Bride!' Virtue nes been thy 14ilitig star; . Des brighily shonetsm thy way : • • Still may thy bit pa tre d By her, etfulgent, ittelida ray : If thou st:ill.clihg to Luis, Liu guide, Thule bliss. of heay'n, tin earth—sweet Bride? "Oh! for the:ionion+ or a does l'o bear me to an isld to Jest." . Some sigh :—but en! My tinder love y m iu. 1 ,.. : an 1.10 of cul.ii; thy breast! lure, where on earth a spell:K.olde Bo lan, so lieu, iron/ elinid—rin'ett ' bride? No path in life can thotnievs be : No i rae li Where flow•tell , nevEr die: Else some bright nylplo'il.ana for thee. • _ 'that pain of root 111 . 1111.1,t til tl)e nky : YEA may thy years, dd.s,, annutus, glide, . , Unclieq-udr'd by ntifAii aresweet Bride . ? t ' May he *hose heart W . thee is giv'n, ~• Prize (gee, the souttc# of all his jly : Ne'cr may that hear; awn thee be nv'n— No friend thy tnutu blies destiny! • 4 One only hour, thy souls drvide l Fir distant, be thaifiut,ir—sweet Bride! ICE. • The adherence abbe i s reneh govern:neut_ ea an nounced, to the AS ty *lndy cutteluded between Great Britain s and Turkey. Some of the Loudon papers alleged, at the Om when he treaty was publistmcl, that the Frepo government waa very much opposed to ikandiall sorts of alarms were_l put forth - in consequence,. Auattia also,it is said, will became a party to ithe treaty ; 41111 uothiqg more is said.about the ( ,relented) threats .of Rua. sin to too k upon, it as a ' ',radial:L . 6r war,by Te& L key: .: The; fide papers ' :Oat an unr3rig 40,001) men heesbeen erdered to the Northern fresher, •=tn colleague= of Vte meet Adele of affeittbetween- I d prdlaqd,ond-Belginahit n The Paris papers` a ' iteeellti liestb of thee, Pattleof Ft*. jensee-40 0 : - naiefifieta Mel . hmiftif; 'he Boar 4 ... ,rtilOttl i t ~9t - fA . in , ,rti.,,v1 ,. : . . . . , or. ez -4iiiiiitlgo 1- - ' - - , Putsisheii*edijit fir BenjOifix , county, Pe, 11. 1 1 4 1 . 4 : 1 0 6115 ti,.. ) The Council of State was oceupied with an•int portant cause* which thri lionapsitte family are inte;eated. The .mose. te, tlftis otafen in the; rnria papers.: • On the 20th of March, D3Ol, 7.ootYrotr ofErancs werd due to the Emperoi Napoleon, for his civil list, and lour more for his 'family: The. "Anti of the...many being/ pressiig.at the. tisk Napoleon and his hmthem left the specie in the Exchequer, and took checks to dui anionnt,, which were paid out of the proceeds or the sale of the woods of the sta te.— Subsequently to the dilistrous cainpaigne of Water. leo, Louis 7f.V111 , tesued en Ordidmide, four days after his arzsvallin Paris, declarwur the checks null. end void, so that the 14000,0 remain is the treasury, and are still due to the it se of Napoleon. and his brothers. The family of eon has ihi peachechia illegal and uneoljiaututional. ha ordinance in question. The Council of State w' ave.to de cide on the merits of the . case, which w be pre sidecLuer by the Keeper of the Seals. N A new treaty - of commerce has been negotiated with Belgium. Its" spirit is that of entire recipro city, 'with a very Ovid leaning to free trade. The goods and veasets of enter nolion are to pay no more or higher duties in the ports of the other, thap are paid by the goods and vessels of the other in their own ports. The treaty was looked upon with favor in the enmmerdial circles of Paris. An extensive revolt is said to have broken out in Geurgsa, Slum, one of, the principal cities, had been sacked by the rebels" and 6UOO ltusataus MaS veered, furlong whom were two general officers.— The 'rebels Here:advancir* on lAis, when ttie last accounts were vent Rum Erzeruun to Constantino: plc. Tfic I:Anginas guvernmens, anticipating ltuuule. ban neepAtelaxl /..I,UUO men before the tusurrecuou broke uut. It appt.ura that an extensise conspiracy has been dtsc:Aered In Poland, the kaders of which had been arrested and thluw•u 1.1 h; pri.on at %Vilna. The 'Etttpt-ror had ordered that Int property of all par Lt r tatora to uteptot wlwuld tteuli llleeaa trly, /is tlaaall.3 ul IS pure, at. ale putdiphed, %hi) tia%i.: scui arrealt.tl—all bolding respectable pu.ttilLa to Rica/ v. • • *-1M =tl SAT JRDAY MOANING, 44-PPLJAAT RUSIL From the Philadelphia COIIIIIICI call II L SCIIUY LKILL „COAL '1 RADE. Q uty tit Coal attired at FAIItIioCNT LOCKS ffl,lll I lie Opt (1111 g Ui the iluvlgolluu Wia reobutt, U r , to the Lluse di UM saws. eattslgnees. No. of boats, lons awl, Litel Coal 111.19 t 1 J. W. DoW ton g 4..;1 I\'.l. bacon 300 211,737 Ui J. & W. Rogers & Co. 343 U a.lt Rue 4Um 346 I timlo Olt Norio Awerma coal Co. 21/6 15,300 Sul/.11 A, I.loUlttc.it 243 1.1.u.11 1/1 .U. Fr:Limit:l .41 13,uu1) Uu ti.lll2k 1.4011 Ji. Haines 237 13.1,1.'7 112 est. litolgAou &Co 236 12,177 04 14, in. Dexey 211 11,5uU Ou C. Pnker 206 11.000 UU R. Henderson & Co. 200 I U...d/0 OU P. E. Hamm & Co: 175 6,662 17 'l'. U W 'foams e s Co. 173 b.tiw 1 12 Wailsee. At. Co. 160 7,.,UU I.ou F. B. Nicholas 150 7,Jod 115 Itel Alter &Co. 148 7,703 13 B. 11. ...winger 145 7,50 1::Q L. S. N. R. & Coal Co. 141 7,500 15 11. Lelar, Jun. 131 7,1161 09 Lewis s Bull • 135 7,2„0n 13 Geo, C. Hule. 66 3,562 1.7 Jacob Seri ill • 127 6,407 lu Wilvaine & Carter 314 6,1100 011 %1. Patterson 74 3,9192 04 .%t. lisle 72 3,664 t.l R. Clarkson ' 64 3,500 . Suntan At Haverstack 611 3,0116 ' 09 Johnsuu & Euglewan 59 .f 2,992 19 Conrad Grove 54 2,670 11 Hobbs 4-I'innev 45 • 2,299 13 Hamilton 4 Ealing 35 1,779 11 Jos. ilincinuan & Co. 30 1,504 1/6 liunon Y Co. 30 1,130 00 $... GI arab • 30 1,536 00 W. Keen 30 1,5.17 10 Bunting, Clark 4 co. 25 1,931 .16 W. 4. J. Ford 15 765 • "13 .1- brown 8. , 433, 17 'Gaudles • • • 6 49- •lb Sundry Prisons 110 5,733 16 NeW Yolk 227- "11,577 1G Wilmington, Del.' 31 ' 699 11 liordentowir -3 145 18 Bristol • 8 :" 101 10 Cheater 1 . 49 04 Aluuta Holly . 1 55 06 Told receipv this season, 7,208 383,095 01 Shipped:tram Pottsville 7,891 431,719 .00 Left on the line.ef the , Canal. .653 48,024 00 , Tanker Cqurtshrp.—Jonalhan Bunbetter saw Pru deuce Fearstall dt meeting. .fonathais sidled.up to Prudence after meet's*, and she kind a sidled off. He went closer, and asked tier della would accept the crook Of his elbow. She resolved she could, and plumped fier arm right around hrs'o. Jonathan telt overirb, and said he liked the text : ."seek and ye shall-find," was puny good readin. Prudence hod ed that "ask and ye shall receive," was bluer: Jon athan thought be too, but this axing was a.puzzler. —A' feller was apt to gel into a snarl when he axed, and snarling warn% no fun: Prudence guessed strawberries and cream were slick. Jonathan thought they warn% so slick ailLtu's lips. "Now don't" said Pru, and she gove Jena dui n'a arm an involuntary hug. He was teeth ailed, but thought his farm wanted some female help to look aster the house. Pro. knew how to make rale good bread.— "Now don't" said -Pro. "If I should," said Jona than. "Now don't, said Pro. "111 should," said Jonathan. "Now don't," !aid Pru. "Ilftay-be you wouldn't"—anu Johaildro shock all over, son Pru. donee replied. "Ityow be coming over thin game yo.'d better tell feyther," •• That'ailist what I want," said Jonathan: and in three weeks Johitbau and : Prudence were "niy old,mao " and my * *old women.' Marriage in Lapland. —lt is !death in Lapland.to marry a maid without the con cent of her parents or friends. When a yound mail has foimect an attachment to a Young feiruile, the fashion is to appoint their ftiender to meet,, to behold the two young parties run a'race together.:. The maid is allowed,. in starting, + the third part of the race, so that it is impossible, except volun tarily, that she,sLould be overtaken. If the maid outrun-her suitor, the matter is ended ; he must •never have tier, it. being pined for the man to renew the proposal-fin i rnarikir. But if the _virgUr has an area ,ttonilii him ..tttough at, first sits4ooa hard to try the. truth of his :love, she wilt (withont Atalanta's golden balls• to' retard her slisfed,) pretend-some ; MuAlityi,e_i* MOM a !Morita. IT halt .kleo4* aloe comes to the mark.or end of:the ra ce. i Thus cone. are -compelled, Merl* Pinks* theirleowalwille; and tea te the - Milani, that' !Vikatrf ttielcatir 40. 0 3 401 a; tkapplll-41terlfetberilt o l/p1U471 16rcied-- 124cher t ‘ii - • - • cot; 1 r ~r ~ ~'.;_ .I SM=MM Saturday- Morning, Jan- 12. THE DEAD: WITNESS'' A rale if tl,e tisrica of Bluir; Ki 4 Hut CHAPTE.V. L Ruffin ! let go at:Wrote trovil touch ; Togo frien4 Aloe ui lastuoo ! Two Gentlemeo of Verona Oh let me in the a'e Light; 'Arise and let me in: Saila Swag 'Twas autumn ; as the bells chimed the hour of eight, darknpss had completely covered that part of London, which in 1511 stood in the neighborhood of Bernhard Castle. The evening chorus of the boatmen, speeding homeward on the bosom of the Thames, was growing faint and more faint. One by oneohe lights which glimmered from easements were extinguished, and the deep, broad and awful silence of night, was uninterrupted, save by a pas sing reveller or bebm4 'prepuce. At Icirgth„,a figure issued from the deep shadow of the archway of Bernhard Castle, and evidently ap peared at a kss which way to direct its steps. As the sus light fell on his person, it showed a strong and vigorous man, in the pinne.of, youth, whose round and j wial fate, gave unceasing tokens of good hu mor and sc:f-enjo) nicht. “Where can the boat loiter,' he communed to himself, lOoking up and down the Thames, ehLia was , just assuming a silver tint from the rising moon. -1 have no particular relish for this part of the city attar night fall ; they do ray the Alsatians arc any thing but hottest or - " • "Save your fair sir," interrupted a grim and muf fled personage, who snd,lenly etept uP on his rizht hand, as another apparently of the sun, stump ecru- lug, other .:de "A fair grwting; friend, tat want ye I" coolly replied the btraii-ter. v ery •th,n9; !" was eie response. ••I canto:). supply ye theu—stand aside, I would pass!" • ..We are tired of standing," said one of the ruffi ans, for such they evidently were. •Yen, in the pill , ry !" rejoine.l the other, laugh ing in despite of all sense of shame, "but if thou host not a close fist, bestow your charity," “Thoult find it clo,e thy head, with a quarter nt air ul uaot,.and th.mi ni _west not otr!” retorted the stranger, nothing daunted at the uncouth tympany he found himself engaged with. “Uortie,rsulunit quietly, and hand over your moo- ney ; we au= to rob you,” said the first desperado. "Aye, or cut Our throat !" Continued the other, drdwing, a knife or dagger, as was perceptible in the growing moonshine. "Ha! St. George! say'st thou so I take this then knave !" cried the cavalier, dealing a blow with his staff, on the sconce of the last speaker, which stag gered him! The other immediately seized his arms behind, and while they were struggling, Lis comrade revived, and advancing, with demoniac rage depicted in his lace, prepared to strike a death-blow ! At this instant, so pregnant with danger to the stranger, a new actor arrived on the scene: pausing but an in stant, to view the inequality of the contest, he rush ed boldly on the ruffians, shooting,. 43ff knaves! two on one ! that is not fair 'pren tice play ! off, off! I say !" His vigorous attack discrtimposeif the robbers, who, brave only in supenority of strength and numbers. precipitately fled, pursued 'by him. Returning in an instant, he addressed the rescued person : . "I find you in equivocal company, fair sir,. and if -you be -..igrariger. Isere, as I imagine, I'll be your guide towards home : the gentlemen of these precincts, are akin to bat and owl.--.-liightbirdS.---,you understand l" . do, and return a thousand thanks for your friendly help and offer, but a boat awaits my signal at yonder stairs. By what name shall ,i hereafter know my champion'!" • of am called Piers Portescne, an't pleaµ• you, 'prentice o Master George Elliot here hard by." ' , Ha! St. George ! thou take,a a late hour young man ; thy hack*will feel thy' master's strap at sun rise, and though I cannot. save thee from the lash, vet within this ..purm, thou wilt find a balsam to heal thy wounds—tale it, 'tis better thine than the cut. throats, who tiouhl have wrested it from me, whether it was my pleasure or not. Spend the gold as thou Wilt, but lose not the, purse; should evil ever befal thee, or thou !lasi need of a friend at court, and thou inay'st surely risßire, since a butcher's son, they say, is chief in onr King's C0111161.K, on such emergency, send this purse to Henry Willoughbye, of the royal household, and I , will endeavor to repay thee for my life preserved., And now farewell! the moon has bravely risen, and I see my boat approaching. Re medibei, I am thy debtor, until I ransom my purse ; till then, peace be with ye !" Thus saying: - he turned towards the landing place,' as a barge, with a Fatty colored silken tilt moored eking side, and stepping into .he stern, he gave or ders to embark. Piers watcher.] him, until the reced ing bark was hardly identified from the wated, and then, as le paced towanla home, communed with himself do Yee probability of passing the night., with- out hoof above kith! Arriving at the door of Alas- ter Elliot's Louse, he knocked with that hesitating, dubious, sneaking rap which always distinguishes the !men: of late hours, and which most of our male readers understand better than we can describe ! No ,answer came--another knock, a little bolder, aha*ed the same fate* "Once more, bef up my mind to find lokings in the rite.for the night," mutter ed "Piers, and he was about to repeat it, when an upper window opened, and the long silken hairs of an old man, were seen, almost coveting his face, es candle in„b , nd,it was protruded from the cesement. "Who ,knocks 1" . • aN'is only I, Mast er!" "Go to the devil, push !" . "P°°(*.otoOFFY fo.t :09 !Prentice to =Owl with, M - oil 1 • ; "014/Y: or sot, itftoy 1 . 11 , 1 4°4 49t1. under 1 M FPPC , 11 0. 14 6 t 477, 1 t e k,#.0,1 . .7044 r' N 44 the 04.1 PlaPt :4 ° l-013* . i _ .-11 ; 4104K: • °I , tP .- 11 R 1 ,4 1 ?P„ . W. 84 -,Pt - Pl,,ta,:,*e#4 :: • ,—,.. ~, 1-''.!; , '--' .L. - ' , MigNlVl.ftlf, -- . . . „., kx , 44 4/ e. 44 - ----4 :lint-ar - ': siqpii in. AC.? eilan MI!SM! POTTSVILLE• -cs - S*l) =II goilistiVi• • iii , ' - Al' 4 i.•;- .. .. 1.44 - .1;',..;'4 -t, , 1.,.. ''. - -•,..,.. , A • ../A • , t..:1.4 WMI4. ,--•-"I. - "=-4. - 410 -.15 , 1,, t t..,,,. , ~..4,•im.,-E,::-ec0..4-r, 4 ..tti: sik bis'endeavoni„ hebeinin loa Mine I 'Re waa hcrS ever interrupted infhja Imin:debts Iliflings f Ary the measured tramp otthe City! nig U..giW.d. approach. ing, and'unavilling obtain! lodgings, et 'the public expense, , huwever much he stood in need,lheriturin irdisappoaite direction, smiler the old archway of the As the body of troops cruised the square, in front. of Elhoes house, a boat was sceikapproaching time an 'opposite quarter of. the 4ver, and soon teaching the shore, landed a cavalier, He was cloaked, with an evident intention of cowrie.' ent w for Wires care fully melded around his face. - W tupt he' arrived under the merchant's window; rom whence • Piers had been just repute:A, he took:a rapid, but perfect survey of-the premixes, and then almost unconscious ly, thus gave his, thoughts vent in wools; "Should fortune smile on my scheme, I am a free man again I sarromuled s .ors every side by dunning creditors, my Only refu ge f rom . a prison,•is thislnirse proud citizen's wealth, with the hand of his daugh ter. W hat though be has refused her, this niekt Shall place her in my power by force, and then his pardon soon r:oi be obtained. Hint ! seine:one stirs '... propitious stars! 'tis she, herself!" Aa he spoke, he sprang into the shadow of the house, and the window above again opened, while a voice, which fell like music on . the moon beams, whispered, uHist ! Piers'l my father has retired 'to rest again-'--nay, fear not to show thyself, I see thee beneath the doorledge--wait but till I descend, end thou shalt be ailinitust." As the casement closed, the muffled cavalier step ! ped exultingly Eurth,_ almost shouting, • «Ah ha! she's nine ! the 'bird flies to the springs ! now creditors, debts and duns faTewelt!' The 'clank of chains was heard, the door of the merchant's house slowly opened, and his daughter appeared with a lighted cresset in her hand.: She advanced over the threshold and whispered, - Where art thou Piers I—ah there you are, thou hidest thy face, art not ashamed of thy pranks I nay, uncover thy guilty face," and playtully pulling the cloak as she spoke, from his features, she started, ex claiming .-Ilubert Monit,haw !" . Rushing towards the door, she was , intercepted by the cavalier, who grasping her by the arm firmly, though respectfully, while the tight oftriumph gleam ed from his eye, spoke thus; ~ B e not alarmed, fair lady, I will use thee with all gentloneks, but you must follow me, Lhave watched this auspicious moment for Months ; if persuasion will not now avail my suit,- force must be my next arguthent ! I claim thee, Jane Elliot, for my wife!" “You have already had my answer," replied the trembling girl; ••never will I excel:ant to wed a re veiling gallant,,altliough he be of the proud house of Monitshaw !" • •Then thus I seize thee as my pride l° said the cavalier, as he attempted to force her toanirds the lout; but scarce had ho advanced a step, ere a poW erful blow felled him to the earth. "Robber !" cried Tiers, for leis was the band that dealt the retribution, "think not thus easily to com pass thy dastard ends !* the maittins of our queter, are not without protectqns from the night thief!" Hubert slowly arose, and with grim rage depicted on ever feature muttered, "You struck me I" “I did," "You confess !" "If it needs confession to substantiate it, re peat it, to make all sure!" "Your life shall pay folOthis! you have insulted me—lOok to yourself Piers `Fortescue r As he spoke, he drew his. cloak around him, retreated to the boat, and left the shore. Relieved from his presence,.the young couple en tered the house. Piers betook himself to his cot, but scarcely had Jane entered her apartment, ere the furious merchant rushed in, foaming with rage, and • shouting, "Why girl, diti'st thou disobey me, and admit yon night brawler! answer me !--I have marked thy growing lave for him, banialt- it ! a lowly 'Fen ** whom I hive raised to what he is, shall never wed daughter of mine!" "Nay father; say not thus," replied the weeping -girl, "above all the world, I love, ana still must love him!" "Barest thou confess thy passion thea truly a wrong site's malison. rest upon thy head thus, thus, I curse thee !" uNo ! no ! rm!Aitther, for pity's sake !. for the remembrance of my dear ,mother, rmal your fear. ful words !" "Swear then to forget him !"• utiay father, ask it not—l cannot:" lost girl ! .tuy curses . cluag to thee !" cried the father, and throwing'otT her extended anus, he rushed from the room, as oho fell senseless on the floor. wonder's fool murder done ! Avaunt and quit my sight, Thy bones are marrssstesa! It was the netrevening - after these events, • Piers Fortescue and jam Elliot, were to rinew their vows of love, upon the spot where they were wont to hold their seem meetings. It was a mini., chapel, and before the tomb of some holy tempter, whose effigy was carved upon the walls. While Piers was wai ting Jane' rival, a sadden step broke updn . stillness of the scena, and the next moment, Hubeit Monkshaw stood before him. .There is no time for prarley; Piers FOrtescue," said he, "I am not thy fair; seeing thou host won the girl : I alma to warn you„that'Elliot has discover- ell thy meeting place--) our life is beset; see ! even now, the grim father is upon you)." • As Monkshaie spas:, the, merchant rushed into the chapel, with swop I drawn, Md. stood before Piers, unable for a moment to speak from ,passion; Hubert glided liehinii the toady unialiserypd, ..Robbei I seducer !" cried . the Eater,. kfien 'at length, he could command hirriow f oa rl i. w and ,4e. fend thyself—yew bfe Or mine 1" . . • - He lunqd furimitilini:PiTtotto calmly Perk 1, the blown ititliis shkO ,. .Iy a pj fk iitli er9l , l . '.:, • iiII PION I iTT,I 3x i *Z-- •':- t- • - '', - ugEkt*A4iik.fi). ? litze*ii,i iAtda ' iii,. si;i a th . thmi * . 9 i. tti ~.z . .4 „ . ,,,,,, ... rie i k , - , .4 - :k sarftl ta 4 ,..4 l t oc i r pr-:-7: :: . .„...: ; - .. - 4 , - . ..__l_o' 4 A. ...OAi let- 9vvrar. - liLrt4 UsAtCattir sn=" ilii'll: ig- pica q oriver v i c.i.a , - )4icrlt . -1, 14c11 . :1111: A'i. ' 1 , ,..k , , Z 4 741'77:47—Ing:;—toei .- 11164tii 47 ,nit:A:IIWCIF-4. ,1 .-. * '--, i. t 1 - i'k * '-' 'f• , ,':',... .40 ..z..„..,44.). i,..,—..m. OEM 1, ~ ~. ~ ir''.i. ;•• PRAPTEU 11. '~~~; ~:~~~: _ Itiolaksh4 °' l thlt.b° 6 4 'coal U, while sewsclr4! — P.4‘. "Oh Piers," Bud 4111lig, a;4_4vey , .. —,. tic, teams, ”Iluoia Firts*d* for t,.its!c. er's auger !' NVl!4aileat i 014 ki.e;s At tl!l pale' thine eye 0 i i ' 9 , 1 TA1 651/ N i t te . 1541 /1 "M- ulder r. / 4 04 ..? 1 , l i aw : li tti n-1 'Archer guards were. seer! *4olo', , "Ciuttrds'.seiae on PlANclinae#4 of - 1 1 9 ' •• NI usdpi ) e ) r !,PicW quin duet stot mean terer of whom? 1 !Oared sl92e. , , , "Year father 1" o ila -- lifUnk4sUkr . - re . " ieloak. 1. - - - .'l,rinkp ra.,WOrtid cifitirn !oh bat' "The unliafpiarranirtiZtai, body , am.l.- - wi,l 4 14,44.'"ti11-ii,,sf -, ..;, imminustil ' :efistr ~ '' `:. ',:- 1 1 4 $ +M a the Maurder it man A ' Aiiiiis:ltie : inerdniii • him by birriihreed43tiatildriaatili7 secure youF'prisorOr' .• Few words will itMcelt6.'ettlairttlto - Moilksbaw:e .. Fir; wis dragicd: • ..I I loaded. with clow...v.sedlhelaY4lPPo • wss to be tried fog hialife., ;; • On the i tnomingi (If that day, u,ftlyzi eta the, sun -mere gionunly_peging through of his dungeon, in-ninli4g°' cheina :n¢ anti the portal unheneilt ~ .71 3 ?Prit9PeOtio, were coming to lmei-itim to his trial and hie bed of stroe topeet t4Cm,, To 44, bert.Monkshaerst44 twforeliina:, 'You here ?" saidPiete r , 4 cxpe*fiet again, till in the coqt, where lho,wwilt, victim." bring thee gCod tidings hlord r' ; ~ :Viurderer! hence-! away ! tinin n eamet der that I hate thy very 'face i" mai the youth, tubing with aversiiin from him. • , uAr.d woulda't than hatethy itiend--w,1194 . not thus, I am thy; friend!. The ctIIALIA i otlfctire are open to thee, Ply pfison, dootaate . ,u4aptdok! m ward, bribea-4e this purse and fly I am sutamoned ta,#itmrga tt7t!l . .mit tity,r4;-,:41. save myself, I must coridenm.thea„—Ely thenkoo4lifs and tilsatynre left thee!" - ~ N ever! I will tnee24:3 1 11: 1 4 inaccelfc! ). .9' 7 4444 fly, when guiltu ;m:d4. ervakit."-,,id. "Then fool hany,,b!ax., : :.tkan art t .194,!.#01.M5* shaww passionatelyi as.he; left-the 10 9 . 31 4,- scetn..B, ut his eye, the ealmnpss dettirminatip. Theft mitt ing had not been h au4y4y . : qt the lapin** Ole off of escape had ,efu.4.d, a tayrr:t panel i n the will was Oten.-94 , 14:1'd a person stood • withily the apartment. As-thu door closed i on klnklcaliew, he Approached Pi4ra who- stood %it in 'a and touching b;is,atouldei exclaknedo . 4 • "So, Sir 'Prentice, thOtt not4ty, when liberty is offeted there 1 ..Bt. Nicholas !Au; lilasim Willariitldryort. , . ,•• Yes it is, and Y haTel sisraiheardihy converse with yon brawler IVlonitshavd.. Mak I the bell summcati thee to trial ! co* clieer ' 1 214 —thou bast, in me ; death has; not amaMese wit close in tholaniii as it did me, when thy Vliinclijr ern preserred iimst Hope for the best; put thy Mast on high, and renietn ber, • that heaven !hirer" left the goocloiefencelese I rata not be seenl4aruivell 1, at .thy wonsp::need.:l will 'be near thee c r'r .1:1 . • • Thus saying, the cavalier left the prison the secret door; es he-had Catered, at the rement. the guard hprietfi:wz - f,iiread'th prisdner . to' Mit' tPtaii With all‘lie lion`iblfratburterianciesotitutkiiiiliin'„ - he was conveyed . tio OM f ggnuidlialjef VteltrainitiK than the seat of .Tustree. The Fine - fry echlenceWisi that of the Captain a , the Guard whc`atinited Milk He deposed to We canfusion of the Mischati,itiaridie exclamation of Jeni,,el?iers, a minder& !" 'Otherl were brought fo*esra,: ;who testified thin the deensg. ed merchant, ha'told the 'prisoner, that to' ii - Wel should Marry hikajtughter, while lip' temittairft r i him to refuse. F , *Piers Fortcsclee," said the - JtaigC, 4-vionktgelif A. thy youth every! ativantrete the lava aircraft: Aid - crime looks black Mei Mare, 11i'y We larigeMi .- 1; thread . ; what l iteit Rider say -to 'dirprate: tbai:ntt•' deuce!" . ~. 1 -1.- - lock' • s ..Nothing !" nieustifunr ex 44 01 t4 4 .•' :.1 1 01cRellii.. "but tbet I aminnocent!" sr f lato. .Bet one more witness retneins t " ee 4414 the_ Judge; lei.Hubeit*lonksha* be call, ea '! . ~„-4 , 4 , 0 - The wretched witness asccn&d the. .F,. dratted . , to those who pie evidence; h*fxre . 4 2 6*ric his dress disarranged,. and a casual . • fi; x 1 11.; misting his appearance, With thc 9.tm, ut sad', .". 1: , pression of Pima, might have many re need .trees ; , positions, before:the-10.4J- . 91 1 4,..,44,t0, the Judge to state *litiOwledge of thrltsb.. r ert began, in a voice mirsafft inartimilete . pitttiiin z ... Er; ti .-My Lord , this is - harrowing to tie tokifnf • tt ! , ship , but I owe it to myself aeajusti j on. ai l. ., night in question, wandering ' neer the '' ed iip.. ci, I heard the noise of strife—enterhig,ll-found Um, pnsonerottui hitrageOttt - tierigagediaMmtalstiiii.' I strove to pacifyi*Vatihnlingiwand hicrieilta: alarm the guardif halpingMitreienl . . mfearful .a it Returning, my aritairty tintstrirttt , pe-i'resti * k. arrived 'too hiteM•save, Mitt.tniuktsnalwarthe pris*t oner strike theenerchant-M the hiterter-..• •r • *Hubert Moranshavr," saidWrii, it ' miter . ' . , Ofhdl& illocbea. mended trilineshmilli4tbrenkL i tzltel i 'of the apartirieg “liftilp thine haiarte imprecate its' %-',, t ee en thy liii(l,Vl forewent ! prdy i t*ea'iiiixacie 4 is hl that theme Or the-iiiiii_tmiihni May rise to ch & ft tilthlt6tie* rch; i4 it, di thou artkitieiil" - • ''- f..:', Piers gliired? arms Mir; gie :iyell' i mut folllolll-kiLt4ftysifed :larttArri Wee ti!eli ere # - P e ifill,,,,jail ii:ustAll -my 4.3340,1ivrii! - Rekuriailm .. , s.elklker. be net - ei4 . ?ilgeqq lll ° l4l bY-rq- 611 04 :44# 1 :thee-lef ever.l"qf ivlg .:4:0144:1 1 -0`f"'r !I APttot* ... - )0 6 e.1 1 . 51 .''..-.. , ... .; •...„24k, "I : i "-P 4.1"' . 1 - ,' ' , 41,r,i - okt4in , cts: lifirat4A - ' , Attiiliipt!Of*,..,". ) I -utata;iiriCes :731i6 - `8!,..,i01 1 ,1 V 0 4. 1 - - u t 2ti ; - •!l'4llfitanlilit'VAl4l,,tf4 t• le , , con. ' io! ) . • „ •fi 4 3 ° 0 dart IE9 I - I _ G 4 4 r xilow. even sop mess bf nt MT of I 'AI . ImErg _ 1 44, 1 'ale] ! fr o I - 143 prise Hu- Vt•-. • . seethes I ihie sidles fat ati 2 heaset~ ' end 12:51 Ell ~ r far ice: 1 r• OM PVL !0 - , 77 1 • •,..t:?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers