The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 05, 1839, Image 1

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DOLLARS per annum, payable lean
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',avertisentents not exceeding *ill/Alois wil
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' ~.
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,' •ss the time-for wh,ch theyare to be contin ~1
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sur ly advertisers will be charged 812 per'
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lint during the year. and the insertion of a sm
_,.. :übich park-, for three successive times. . I
.0".. -
Vletters addressed to the editor must be post . 1
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r pamphlets, .Checks, Card., Bill:Let Lath'
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tt a 1 the lowest cash prices. • ,
1";) the Patrons of the Miners' Jour
January 1 1839-
The Lover of Time,
TutaTi EIGHT, farewell ! farewell l
•ris 'sad to part, and yet 'tis well !
since thy very'earliest youth, •
'l've loved thee fondly, and with truth!
• rve watched thy progress day by day,
Ind often sought thy flight to stay ; •
Yet all in vain ! with matchless art,
"You lured, Yet trifled with my heart;
And now, just like a sad coquette,
Yeih r liave me coldly, in a pet ! .
' lust type of,love ! in youth's warm gush,
Thy raptures o'er our senses rush,
But when old age has thrown his dart,
• Thy icy chillness thrills the heart !
When youth's spring-flush was ony bio •
You . breathed me many a fervent vow ;
You gaily chased life's laughing hours,
And wreathed for me a crown of flowers;
You twined the woodbine with the rose, •
To deck the bower of my repose ;
Ahl when their perfume fended my hair
I little dreamed a thorn was there !
Thy Buthmer came! and ripened, charms,
. Filled my rapt sotil with new alarms ;
Alack the day! how oft in June,
With none for witness but the moon, -
Unless a straggling star or two,
:To Watch our pranks playedTeek-a boo,
I've-gazed upon that placid brow,
• So changed by storms and coldness now,
.' And thou has brought thy feast of fruits,
Attended by the night-bird's hues,
Whose thrilling carol filled my heart,
With joys I hoped would never part ! •
• tut ah ! those notes, those fruits and flow ,
Hate faded like life's sunset hours ;
Have flitted o'er the magic scene •
And left—the shadow of a dream !
Thy Autuinn came'. in varied hue
Dressed with the spanglets of the dew,
lii thousand smiles thy form was deck'd,
• To gild the canker of neglect ; •
And Bacchus lent his coronal,
To hide the chillness of thy fall ;
Thy every former gift hail fled—
The birds were hush'd, the roses dead !
Mid glared from thine averted eye,
. The frosts of infidelity !
• The very veins of earth were bound,
'ln icy fetters to the groand
Next Winter rush'd l its stormy howl
vented 'neath snow-dad cowl ;
Bowed floWn by years, thou sought'st arNo
eye to weep—no hand to save !
And-those who clung to thee fur life
" As seamen 'mid the tempest s strife,
And hoped thy smile of gladness, sure
Would be -their wayworn cynosure,
. And thought that time's eternal wing, I
Would waft thee to a second spring, I
Found hope, and peace, and comfort wr.
On the cold rocks. of time's neglect ;
Felt joy, and love, and conquest o'er
AU stranded on life's flinty shore!
Capriclbus year! thou can't not claim
One tear to 'mourn so frail a namO!
Thou cariet not show a single vow, !
Which is of force to hold me now ; •
No iingle . pang, within can stir
A memory of the things that were ; -
I love thee not ! I heed thee not !
From off my heart thy name I'll blot !
I'll drowh al.rmer love of thee,
In Chriqmas cheer and revelry !
Then bring the bowl ! come fill it high,C
Well drink to time, Which ne'cr shall 4e!
And in the jot-mid pledge of wine,
Well greet thy coming THIRTY-NINE !I
No more in hope andjoy elate,
We quaff to thee old TH I RTY-EIGHT,
But fill the bowl again with wine, 4 .
We'll flirt a-bit with THIIITT-NINE
From the December Knickerbock.r.
Ha! ha! ha! the blast rings o'er us, 1 •:,
Brothers ! brothers !—we are one :i
Bright the wine-cup beams before us,l,
And our d 4 toils is done,
And the wintry blasts are yelling;
But we'll merry be within,
Though the winds without be sivelli4,
r . And the storm makes savage din.
Ha! ha! hal—the gale is knocking ..i
Anc #
At. good old oaken door! ' 1
oushold pines are rocking, I
used to rock of yore ;
Bro rs ' brothers !—blasts are flyi
O'er, the modnt ankthrough the d
Tempest on the hills are singing,
But yule-log crackles well !
Ha! ha! ha.—away with sadness
Is it not a thing unholy, * i
To transform the hour ofgladneis i
Into one of melancholy?
. 114 ' I
Storms may come upoit the ratirrow, .
But they'll pass as they came on,
Whether we consent to sorrow,
Or make merry, till they're gone.
Bark! the blasts their steeds are MOl
On the hill-tops white and. bleak:
. And the Storm his host is counting,
' Where the mountain forests creak
NoW his cohorts are retreating,
• Listen I—they have well nigh pa
With the noble music berittng,
And their white flags on the blast
From the Philadelphia Herald and Seal
ti, deck out he Church, the beautiful
In joy, and laurel, and. ga:
' ‘ tAr the bridegroom has-Immo
The Long promised King'
Vinda, Winds, while ye're i
And the ice-begirt tyrant,
'Ann the smiles of the bridal
Per the Bride% heart is maim
I ftma, storms, that hese i rus r .
,' Ray , li never Ontlen iinj
PithirbeaMitof ablation
And flrotoothe sad " hew`
_.ide) Wl*li :thy e‘ti4o
Paltiewheaf fr om the tame
the4i4e our liedeemeel
' : 1 4 43 41kt0
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Exchange at. New fork,on London '9
0 Illper cent. premium.'
G ra ce Darling,Oar readers will iecollict a erl
of this name assisting or rescuing 9 perscitis froni
watery grave, at the risk of her own and fathek
It e, from the wreck of `(he steamboat Forfirshlie.
She has, in cosequence, become a great:favourite,
Silver cups and medals have been presented her. ind
five pound notes hav€ been sent to her, requesting a
lock of her hair in reitn . n. .A fine brig launchedat
Perth, was named after her.
New Cottle,—Within the last year, two 'joint
stock shiping companies have been instituted, and
three more have rrecently been formed.
Middlesbro' on Tees.—This flourishing sea Ort
town has 120 houses now building, two new chapels
and a school house to acclitodate 450 sehOlara.
Manchester. —The cottokfactory fat New gills
belonging to Mr. John Sheldon has been destroyed
by fire.
- Peat.—The following remarks on the anti is
powers of peat, and its faculty of preserving ' th
vegetable arid animal Substances we estract m
Cliambers's Journal. In June 1747, the body , a
female was discovered in the Isle of Asholm in
Linconshire. Her feet were tarnished with an ue
sandals, and it is supposed she was an ancient Brit
on. Her nails, hair, and akin, are described as :av
'ing shown-scarcely any symptoms of decay.' In
Ireland a human body was dug up, and was com
pletely clothed with garments made of hair. 'Flie
clothing of the inhabitants was manufactured horn
'this material before the introductior. of wooC; but
many ages have elapsed since this took place, so
thit the body must have lain an inintedse time, yet
it was perfectly fresh and unimpatied. Ainingsi
l it
the number of cases of this description which 'ight
be brought forward, is-the following :—ln th time
of Henry the Eighth 0512.) when the Scotch rmy,
commanded- by Oliver Sinclair, was routed, ' un
fortunate troop of horse, driven by their fears,
ed into this morass (the Solway Maas), whiih in
stantly closed upon them. The tale was traditional.
but it is authenticated—a man and horse, irlcom
plete armour, having been lately founelphy.peit-dig
gere in the place where a was always suppoid the
affair hdd,Jiappened. The skeleton of. each was
very well preserved, and the different partiof the
armour easily distinguished. Besides thehutipin
body. there have been found ou peat bogs, lines of
the stag, ox, horse, sheep, and other anima that
feed on herbs; and, in Ireland and the Isle Man,
skeletons of the gigantic elk. • , .
Harrow.—An extensive fire occurred her in Oc
tober, which destroyed the greater part of *build
ings as the celebrated Harrow School, and l iVerions
other property to the amount of more than .t 10,000.
Great Feat —Mr. Thomas Hopper of Bid4ndew,
ran half a mile in eight seconds under two 4ifnutea.
116 speed was more than 23 feat and a.hil ' f each
secocyl, for the distance of half a mile : flits;, is the
greatest feat on record, and produced deiji um for
the terrific exertions made. It was aca4limhed
on a descent having • fall of two ket , in nniyards.
A mile in five minutes and one hundred wards 'in
ten seconds has been heretofbre consideredfitxt-rate
Monument to Mozart.—The widow of the emi
nent composer, now wife.of a Danish Cotinarller of
State, seems to think more of the main chilli*, than
her former husband's fame. The sincere.a4rnirers
of the Immortal Austriaco.Balian Maestrol4ve cot ;
lected an ample fund of 53,000 fiances, Wilich is
with the committee of Salabourg, his nati9 town,
reparatory to being appropriated to a suitibe mon
ument. But Madam writes that her advie is
mount— and Fhe,must be a siotsetvatory
of music, aid Wolfgang-A medeus.3l,ozart.aap of the
deceased, must be its fiat violin. Mealwl t aile the
money it at interest. •
I t o
. ,
NI. O'Coalt:4l . 4- 7 -This gentian:la has ' odified
gksplan of his Precursor Societies. ', ad f claim
-5905 a dditional' i mrtibere for I littd , a' now
claims only ha Otte prorortioq. ti t 5,4 ahem,
arAq so ultra as t c u dalitutt • lam • pripo alba lib
opposed tik iepoil. - •,'
M / P ir › t i. , i ,• •
iit igteaot...—Sir Tames Andersos'a.atfato-ea largo.
ed andAtooplioin Battelaot to, hoed at The
Oita Ofls ottlail i o !mai.'" '
Irish ,4nrittlateatarViaeonot, on . „Alp ,
beFt,alltlited Iliuterlast 4 ofs. - ikte .., Or Pg.
gApmctin ibl.r.x.r . of is 'di! 04,i.j1 . .0 7 Sh'ti
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Le Sueur.—This celebrated composer to dead.and
a requiem has been performed over his remains m
the old church of St. Rock.
Siamese Twins out done !—M. Gentrsiy It. Hil
aire, orie of the silvans of the Paris I'llll4* has
been to Bambooillet, tore the Live Tejon / united
together at the beck, inverse to the Siamese; primal
pie of Getninicity.
Notre Dame.—The bas-relief grweiarotmd the
choir of Notre Dame, and which were cmicred up
by murtar, have been exposed fresh tivieW in all
their !Colors and 'forms entire, de carved in the 14th
Bronze Cate. —Tile splendid bronze ' ate east fo r .
the church of Madeleine; the gem of chutches in
architecture, exiles great admiration id Parts.
Count de gisocitilersi—Joseph Eloniparti's arri
val in this country is announced in tw/lacogic lines
(*room the New York Whig, and the dit,e giten—au
doubt to be put oil the archieteo of tbd Point.
NS raked Clgusei, l
returned to Af4ca,s.Y takes
a large number of artisans with
Kaolin. of a kind resembling' Cornish clity, has
been discovered in Drome in,France• It is ilot gen.
evilly known that the fine porcelain of thislsy en.
stiles the English to beat down thelfievrei porcir l4
lain and all the belfry ddties. Plaleli of ;the En.'
glish sellifoi a shilling , apiece—thotirgffilrevres at
twelve shillings: g
Pabligited4W OOkii by MIROOIin poUsviiley
of Visceont Dont!anoint; Richard Rezteir
bert, Rag., has been' appointed Tieeßeetenant ;for
the county of Meath.
Dr. Chalmers hap now complstcted-hia Church
extension tour through thellouth West .1113cothind.
In the course of it he has addressed 10 preshyte.
ries, comprising ITO of the clergy of the Church of
Scotland, and not fewer than from 15,000 to 20,000
people.--. Scottish GuarrOso. •
Temintouin Wednesday the 3d :Oct.. the
the Duke of Richmond gaie his annual dinner, to a
numerous party of his tenants, On his:extensive es
tates iktbis district. In the Intension certain: atb
letic games took place, and prizes were assigned to
the most successful of the competitors, One sover
eign was awarded to Charles Stuart, who threw. e
hammer of 23 lb. weight the distance of fifty-two
feet. A foot race followed. Premiums were aWard
ed for the best turnips, for home made tartans. and
' for long and faithful service. Upwards of beaky*.
dred dined in the evening, the Duke cf Richmond
in the their.
Woes Statue, by air Francis Chantrey, is now
placed in the bulging erected:for it in UniocAtreet,
Greenock. It is what is technically called an
eight-filet figure, and the posture is exactly I/lea:nee
as that of Watt's statue in George Square, Glasgow.
The figure is of statuary marble, and weighs op
wards of two tons; and the pedestal, which is of
Sicilian marble, weighs about three tone On the
front of the pedestal is the following inscription from
the pen of Lord Jeffrey :—" The inhabitants of
Greenock have erected this statue of James Watt
not to extend a fame already identified with the mi
racles of steam, but to testify the pride and reverence
with which he is releciabered in the place of his na
tivity, and their deep Dense of the great benefits his
genius has conferred on mankind. Born six Jana,
ary, aincexxrvt. Died at Heatiurield, in Stafford
*lire., August xxi, MOCCCIII."
A Seizure —A Scolchmen, lately lecturing on
total abstinence in Auchiermuchty, exhibited 'a
small atilt in operation, fur demonstrating the per.
militia qualities of malt and liquors. Next morn
ing his still wog seized by a supervisor and excise
officer, and conveyed to the excise-office.
illaric.—Mr. 41. B. Richards, Kings Scholar in
the Royal Academy of Music, eldest son of Mr.
Richards, organist of Carmarthen, has been elected
a member of the "Royal Society of British Musi
cians," and nominated an Honorary Member of the
CyaireigyddionSoetely in Chellinham.
Cora.--4 raltiabte mine of fine sea-coal has been
disdnvered at ■ place called Glen Crossack t in the
Isle of Man, which is now being worked 4 - the Isle
of Man Company, with a prospect of a rich•harvest,
A Specimen of Welch :Liter/tyre. The Welclipci 7
etical triads are pan of a species of literature with
which the reader may not be acquainted. as Welch
is not lamed in this country irither as a living ur a
dead language. The following specimen coctaini
many valuable observations expressed with singular
brevity I.—
The three fountains of genius are—the gift of
God, hutnan exertion, and the efentn of life. •
The three first questions of genius—an e7e•to nee
nature, a heart to feel it, and a.reaolution that (fares
to follow it.
The three thi'age indispensable to gecista—under
standing, meditation and perseverance.
The three things that enable genivarigor, dis.
cretion, acd knowledge.
The three tokens of genial —extraordinary un
derstanding, extraordinary Conduct; and extraordin
ary exertions.
The three things that improve genine—proper
exertion, frequent exertions, and successful czar.
The three things that support gentus—prospitity,
social qualifications, and applause. •
The three qualifications of poetry—endowment. of
genius, judgment from capeitence, and felicity of
The three pillars Of learning—seeing much, offer.:
ing much, and writing much. '
Cardiff.—The marquess of Bute has presenter!
the Rev. William Lister (his Lordship's . dbrriestid
Champlain), to the Vicarage of Reath, vacant by the
resignation of the Rev. Calvert Richard Jones,
M. A.- •
Kidurelly.—The Lord Bishop of SL David's has
been pleased to appoint the Rev. Ebenezer Monis
Vicar of Llanelly, to be Run) Dean for the pestle
ry of Kid welly, in his Lordship's Diocese. •
Pembeeke.—The living of Custletnartin, in the
gift of Earl Casrdor, is become vaiiint by theresig
nation of the Rev. Davit Jones, after an incurnben.
cy of twenty-five :cars.
..CollTge COnumeneefillent.,
It was the second day of the commence
ment. The theatre of the University was
crowded with the beauty and fashion ! of Dub
lin. The stage was appropriately.decorated
with wreaths and coronets of basr belly,
and with provost officers; and fa yof the
University in their free college dresses, end
the young graduates in gowns, presented a t
most interesting spectacle. To the graduates
this day was a tnumphant entree into life
from the oils of a laborious literary cam.
paign, aslFinspirited by the smiling faces of
thrift. friends, t llloyoung debitartts acquitted
themselves in a manner highly cre itable to
themselves and the professor!, and o ng and
loud Weis the plaudits that rang row the
tt, bor and gallery. The rdiaa theses
had'ell 'been delivered, but, before he final
cdffert l oB-9. l :th, Oeili - o * - thi.fre re iiiid to
beileCided asopteit fur ~ , it .1 ldeii 1, 4
feired'billiaTiitieraiti- , A. ,e CO All ors.
.. i l h
were there, and' frbrtiltitei r.k ro peditbio
productions Skims ..whohaid dale ed.tOrtt. •
patios for, therpriari tbo upOototi+ ofribe •
touiitory ; were raised to tbelighestiPiteh± , ' , ' ,
' The otosittiftilkOrdlistraixisid*Alny
* . ', - •q.,. - — 1 • '
diediiiray ia tighrechoea and• all
Their) 10 an ititarval of a few m
brambles'. auipenae - , and every ey
rested to l the group of students.
one arose. He was tall and hand
hie countetist ce and bea•ing in.
once intelligence and confidence i
ties. His prekence was greeted
cheers, and the smiles that were i
ei by many of the spectators, prov
was not only known to many,
with them. He spoke, and his a
pronunciation discovered his Engl
His el-quence was strong and fore
acterised alike by dignity and tb
powerful utterance. His attitude
and commandingv. , his gestures a
Every eye was riveted upoh him
young Engthibman co:included ami
ading acclamations of the delights
When 'he had liken his seat t .
murmur of applause that pervaded
bly. The professors looked on e
faces, uttered a few sentences a
There was something very sign'
ominous of good to the speaker in
nation of the head. The music of t
tra trgaiu roae and died away, and
ed the same stillness as before.
est was eager to see who would
the literal , arena. A young
He was the pride of Dublin, his
and the reiterated cheering that
attested his popularity. Hii vo
and sonorous—his periods turns '
the power and elegance of rheto'
and in his gestures, energetic, tho
revealed through the folds of
gown the manly proportions
that would have appeared with
under the /ova rata of Cicero hi
eloquence was ofthat irresistible
like a torrent,• bears every thin
Each eye brightened—each face
figuroceeded, rising at every
height and brilliancy like the
rocket, till his oratory collecting
eel into a mighty efE)rt, broke
elusion, with the loud detono
grand buret of brightness. Th
electrical. Applause like thund
ed his triumph as he sat. down,
'kerchief and scarf wave 4 a reco
friends. His victory was to be
feature* of the audience—and
and gracious nods of the provos
There was yet another speaks to be heard
-hut the interest had in a gr at measure
subsided: no one could be expec ed to equal
the late brilliant display of to nt, tmd the
4 ,,,
many friends of the young lris an, secure
in their success, were tither evolving in
their minds 'the glowing sentences of their
favorite, than thinking of the rival who was
to succeed hiin. The music had ceased and
there was a pause—i long and anxious pause,
for delay created anxiety. Moments passed
The people sat en their couches as so many
statues. Still no one arose. The professors
looked-upon the band of students. The eyes
of thireasemblage as or one man .followed
their glance, to single out from thOgroup
the last competitor.
Afer an interval, a motion was noticed a
triong the students, and a young man was
seen rising. lie was pale and thin, one of
those emaciated devotees who offer up die
oil of life at the shrine of science, and his
dark, glossy hair gave a most sombre end
death-like foie to his bloodless countenance.
He wore not the collegiate gown, but yes
habited in.a dress of dark gray, seemingly of
course texture, and much were. He rose
under evident embarrassment, and was not
received with the same plaudits that encour
aded his predecessors; lor there was some
thing 4b novel and unexpected inlii: appear
ance and - dress,'. that the spectators were .
struck with astonishMent. He at length
.raised his brow to the gazing multitude; end
a flush diffused itself over his features es he
essayed tq epeak. 'His voice at first was tow
and tremulous, and seemed to strugg'e in his
breast for utterance, but soon swelled out in
41 fullness and sweetness of sound that rivalled
the melody of the fine-toned organ. The ,
commencement of his oration was beiutiful:
but it was 'the inanionated beauty of a statue.'
The nice end delicate management of the
member's, were there, the harmony, the pro
portion, but life was wanting; that spirit
which gives effect to the whole mass, and
without pinch it is nothing. its gestures
wire also stiff and constreined—more like
the involuntary motions of iy oulomatort,
then the light movements of animated exis
tence. The true Promethe l fire came 7
down at length from a heaven, a d all around
felt the bpell of his influence . , His gestures
logy the y impulse—the embodied
essence of the grand seatiments that be ut
tered. ~
• Ilia elluence yee a not of that kind which '
boas* 'of pre-eminence in any one species
•of excellence; it embraced in il harmonious
whore all that is rarest and best of the differ
ent kinds happily blended into one, like the
mingled colossi that form' the light of day;
and as his subject was one which afforded .
scope for the display of the !versatility of '
tale* he charmed his ,sudien e at one time
witlighe sweetaess or his dicti n, again ale
vatett.them with the tinblime awed them
with litre grand end terriblli. tea sported them
with the beautiful crestione o fancy, or a
mazed them with the opulen of his figures 1
and boldness ot his imagery. There were
no plaudits as -he came to t e periods
pausesof his miff", nor clap iog of binds,
no miming of scarfs—the bed was passive,
motionless; while the active ';. ' i , 4; in skits ,
intet t lity; - 'elatight Army tie . fence', every
brea li that was uttered. A , sluing
. - ponfi.' .l
deli** Ifunroticieded; the's . . it Of bitead.
dregs-fOßthed itself into firs-. : r ioir.inirhis
atiiifOitifid"i':intioettia4ira , hri i ghiMiss r -;
4seklilltk tie - Mitt fkiiiisfir4 diallipeilta,
iheliniiiiia'Cif - 'lli'lliglitlff iii4nedlutilis
' l l .I C'elktijAiiiiolidliiiOrii " ' iii it
• -
• -
_ ~. ~ ..
; •
subject iB Naito to 0 . 41111111 sodylearins.+DsJoitlikim
way still.
manta or ,
was di•
, -
be supposed that s the soot of the Speaker bad
burst itibarriethand atantiduag around the
form it bad animated.. The interest or hit
°alien was EMI only animated-rit
wan in
creased—every succeeding clauserivited the
attention more, and the profewora•Mul andi
tortgat with brows upraised iis . wonder end
astonishment, andtlips parted in lineation
the moat painful and intense; '
After he had held the milli of the asiem
bly in a 'trance for nearly two hours, be
drew to a close in all the tramMendant power
of his unrivalled eloquence—rushed from the
stage and burst into tears. Intense interest
had suspended their breathing—a loud
lutioo fdlowed cbaclusten—there bras a
deathlike stidnegar-the peeple sat motionless
spellbound 'with admiration, and silently
looking into each_othgr's fices. A moment
passed, and spplatuaToliowed like the fall of
an avalanche, which was redoubled again,
and again, till the very theatre seemed com
ing down beneath the thunder of their:-plau
t length
pe; and
cited at
his aldli
ith loud
that he
:mat and
eh origin.
lb* char
. gh!, and
!was aabla
and the
the deaf
re was a
be assent
'eh others
ant and
The provost sr(*) and 'with his hand re•
pressed the noise = a few word s be
tween the professera — the y.ciu
man and Irishman gave each a hand to the
last speaket, an' lert, him upon the stagri
while the secretary rose from his seat, and
read from a pa?er which •he held in hie hand,
" To Arrruux Baowx," a young American,
sometime a sizet of Trinity College, Dublin.
the provost and profetwors award the gold
medal for superior excellence in Elocution.
As the young American stood supported
by his two competitord, the provost put a
chaplet of evergreeds.upon his bead and ate
'ached to the breast of his"coat the massy
medal which be had so nobly won. There
was something very interesting in seeing this
representative of one country bowed by the
representatives of two others. The people
knew not which to admire most, the talents
of the young sizer, the generosity of bis two
rivals, or the candor of the judges who a
warded the premium, and dip
plause testified thei4satisfaction.
that ladl
e orchPs.
ere reign
he inter
est enter
an amen.
alive city,
.oed him
was fa
with al
ical art
i , h chaste
is flowing
his limbs
self. His
lad. which,
before it.
beamed, as
period, in
his for
rth in coo-
effect was
i i t proclaim
td many a
I • r
!titian from
read in the
the smiles
and proles-
They know not love, who need but woo to wed,
But they who failr would wed, yet dare not woo,
That's to be sound in love—to feel it
From the heart's deep centre to the finger's aids
Drums and fifes—an unwonted sound, were heard
pealing their discordant melodies along the streets
of the usually staid and sober Borough of Haivisburg.
Plumes were nodding, muskets gleaming, and swords
clanking upon the. pavement, and - a casbal observer •
might have questioned whether the young Earl Of
Eglington had not transported his proposed tourha
ment from "Apld Reekie" to. the legislative itib
urbs of Pennsylvania : •
As usual a crowd of afternoon loungers were
sembled shout the portico of 'Wilson's Hotel, 'dis
cussing with various energy and ,gesticulation the
momentous questions of. the county members and
the Siam) houses. Here was one, impel/limit*
revolution, another arguing for quiet 'and de
liberation ; there a noisy' partisan was retailing
the political tercets-he had received from his. leader,
or perhaps arguing: wordily. on a question, in the '
principles of wb4ch 4t he was as skilled, as wit are in
the arts and mysteries of Mehemet Ali'ii divan. On
one side of thlporch . ttond a gentleman, itho •• .
apparently - enPving that peculiir state of mind at-'
tendant on an i - dterolinnei lounge. His fine open
expression of countenance (leaned that care had no
.empire o'er his theitights; and the bland stile upon -
his lip, evinced That wit and htithor held revel there.
His attention was arrested 'by the appearance al
young gentleman some ten or twelve years his juni
or, whom he flew to greet, as he stepped' upon the
pOitico, at the same tinie joyfully exclaiwing.
"Ah ! my apostolic friend aul , vrercome back!
delighted to see you, fresh from your first visit to
-Philadelphia ; I should have been convulsed to have
Been you there, gaping upon its thousand sights on
your primary initiation to our metropolis."
was indeed surprised and pleased, and the - nerves
I have brought, involves the probable fate of °toper:.
ty in the Legislature for "
! burn the party and the Legislature Ilia
present noise and bustle Ulm. me during its sittings, ,
and now I am on. Wilson's porch, I stand on my re,
served rights, and will not hear it mentioned ! Cut
it Paul, cut it, as err money princes do a. broken
merchant,-and treat it as cavalierly as'they wbuld a
protested bill of Exchange ! No; no, if you hale any
news to give, let it be that which involves the fate
'of Chesnut Street and its world of fashion, my boy!
bear up and fly high in that sphere, and damme! if
you don't thcl love better than legislation any day. I
want to know how the theatres, and' the balls geton
—how Celeste draws at the Chesnut, and Forrest
at the Walnut I how the divine Alignaui was liked,
and whether you were not fascinated with the
monies of Amile I—Can't you answer any of my
questions Paul 1 " • •
Why' Brief, I might, but 'I have no assurance
"No Paul," interrupted the gant4cine l jegildator,
whim we will introduce to our readers as Benjamin
Briefi Esq., member nom PluladelPhiatity, "no feud;
Y6ur fault, boa ;imam assurance. 'How the,
deuce, pray, did Jon get, into the legislature without ,
assurance I should as scion think -p1 seeing you
secretary of state nnderan adrinistrition you had
opposed, or an ambassador to the &primer:cry residing
near the North Pole t• By the
. by, Joe Erammurr i
ed to thelandsmne HellOCkS yet i. ino!AO's'.
strampr--expecteri it then-WA
how do you like Ifauri4urg tiers hire.a.Teau4id,
; confession; yon blow rulto tutor 10A.4thinArli.
and legislation too tell me how,you-jikort*opiA,
,issentblAruml It. the life fhlte—only extra cam-
:0 0 4i 4 " 1 -10,BP.# . 1 00 3 4
* 14 400.; - .7410*!
*ent bring pp there evley
7 i .00 4 #! * ai*, elsOf
ff 2
Love and Legislation:
A peel) at the Timea in Haviebisrg
Br isras S. WALLACI.
Is there no exorcist
Beguiles the truer office of mine eyes?
Is% real, that I see
. No, My good Lord -
'Tie but the shadow of a.wife you see,
The name, and not duilihing. Shaksperat.
4.-: --, A.
4- *Orketio***, l9o : l l,l l -•,_,:.- . ~j
:.-, .Au.4,40 1 00 - initatT*Ribmikorklovitiliw;:iii. , -7V
' - teio - 44** — .Pbotolgilq. c..20.41ii:. fl.f , --v' . , zi'.
-4,. . , t - , 4 , 01
t ti, :',
- ,1 1 1 ( ; 131 *.,.. , 6, I hite 7
~ i. .. 1 # 1 0gl i ':: :‘.:.'
-,•-, ..,::,
.I Ilitioild if t r itolend , 44thoii; A;;lff:4bsn
hihiiii s ai,ini#'e . anhait 14 nin:105 1 1 1 i; kl -1 1:
i t
tenet in favor of our new Banlt,7 :' ::::::''•,, j.,;•;.;* . ...1:' , ...1 • • :,%,
'toitaitin4' l tite r Itszdti 'aiiiat 44 itille,-**0 ,, .. - . -
7 44 i iaviiiiii4 iniAliklei:iia.kwille l ;.r,_''' , ...'
anY,4o4l4icitt iftex th at 1 t- Con* Yq*- - W4SAY'.i '
..tai„,-,34,,,..iii. going
u commeiiftilica '
rdhiiiti - Ait i 14 ,11 b 2 ii Niribik : *I: - ,7„. - ::, ' -
ds . fii.) . **i*,. I'4 414 Tru!":-. o 4 th elirs4o.; .
pgifia..;l4.i - eraPiric . ..i.g. : -. 4:1_41, :s.voit . ,
aiaeliziicsi4 , 4liii::l44* - lakki*, •
"*tiiii , -'4.*, 44,*iiii*Ilea4e4::: -
Pvitkaiti with him; sPieiiiiiiiiiii4ll**: ' .
line 4 tY , -indePewl4elz foodgin.A.,; - *:?1, - p40 1 1----
ronisaf foofr.i e iictioq - o'tt - t.i.-.141pr0t00.- - A7,.
fri.l4 . ceihelpeople ataii ci licii*A4 - #,
f - .. '
uri' : ! regular nninireitionsit'n4iief,
imprisonment for Debt! old coo.oititia***,,
constitution -. -big lotus, and 0 61 44, 4eihinht*,_ '•
_. ••
s!! I' ventful O hour arrivea-go artr 44: - „ ‘ poilrm,.4
bi ld k i o wl i L- uluetge! - Oix,dukt , -
:ma . 7 !ear id - iumv. tm
dfikrisi t-1 eliaMeitiiii:
—come out Mucifnisful:-get your ,pißeti:,!#,•:s.
uP and fly high -- diliN WS 11 7 bni•T i. 1
- Jlres, balmy dealibi . - , 1 - 0 - , - ,4[:-.. -. .,
4Patd Hdrtan, &het interrupt ety. :. •ittp::::. ,
'collie th g, wrikum-4it'attieboas**
. - :*t.',
- iißti. Cd v ii caorganizei iii i e 10 _ 1 0!: :` . ~- . - 11-':
WS year double fun, °wag! ,
t ,
rier some tiiiniscreep out of :. ',
-• tirmioo44! , '
make speeches- r pharp retort -Chyanne - P314#11114, ~t...
attic silt -wit for tile gallerice- 11 1 1 01, ...10.1 , ; •:f147
something or nothing; ill one to a Str*lko,el4: 4
ted to`tait:-house adjouw- home . to illitOiti., , , ,
dOlkladeint • ' - crlick chalValgq — eat i , ,_ j __A iiii i* - 4--, ,
c0...1 go to .00. forty—ova ''..-..,-Tn 't.,
with gente7bid lima 6 4 1 47 - hc e n is tg ; ei ll i t e frlt
whioho9 linnoh -- eYes nditi - gnPi.l ) e l , l n, lir, ,
4e next Piwddene, and my deer, Mniii:44-e* •;....
up at ten the neat owning ! that's legisitainiii _ „., ;-11¢?•,,
boy ! 4
• • M- •'•••:‘1 . , ..;L!'
4AUpon my word„r ; ain,4;,-,.,! ,
. 4 , :, , , ..
O.WeB, moil bay (101 Men iii4C7o4ll;ll " . *' .
strections in legbdation, . ' 'OIL ,
,i „ . , Th.,
... , ,4
in love-come in ; but slop flgOito nih Yeti.. , LllM .:4 ,: ' •
k rul
appears to the bested vmop 6, Tra it.,
~ro4.: fl aili. -1 '
Wood or the shiest durst s-iko, *p one -' pi, 1 ..
ear-no tains! oh &Muni eiagi i l ia /of hekl, l . 11 . 0*. ;
blyman. Maio is , to thc;pout viiilttl44 . i„_lgOW,
FtenCh Cookery, curial%V : ot t,,.h.„
caper sauce &klieg of bin 4ystere„to S,
_. . ,
turkey, or anchmies +a:Stant ipato ;,
Ifyou don't like music, you don't like "i':- . .
el danced the bolero or gallcpade&iftilkii;ffiiPiti I
What a tisk I've utideind9re in imaralgi'o,o4. , „,,.
tint ra titinir* OX as / used id daY 4t4#40 11 _ ~..,:k :
so belt up, ti sly high'! I'll learn you Al rq . !,;? - , ~
For !mayo:N adi Btief!" intenni* ,
..,41.4100 - p i
as his merc.uiiid friend was beginninii On-. 0 14/ 1 0 1 9" . ~ .. : _f
"dont make yourself the gaze Of evogOfidi
*eat you.* doing.' . _ -, K , ''i' : ° :
'Maki for what ?,' pffinie! !- lap retleo#L.nlee-_*4
table-cover reflect; era* when t1iC,`,44 . ,.. J 1010 . 1 , 4,
wine is steaming offs so leave it fOrftAtini,.sr . ::llVl *
ikon, while ita* thslinriptut Question*,#ttAr' .
Furmnent to the reading roof, carried', rierlri_ tit ,
atlons, and laugh ! laugh my f oy, no nssiaMlityhAi
Or at whom, Bp you only laugh I "
.. ,;.,,,
Thus rattling away; Prlet Put hi.. 4047 1 _ .
Horton's and strolled bib; the hottselopesieg . „ . .iFF7,,; -
Ingle passage who received a word irrielOiCtn4B.
ginner. , AAdjoutisel again, quad** . - 11:13fil!:
you, Hopkins 1 147. BO your most, Lidisplistuf hlt t it;
your houses, es Merl al° soya" .
.. .." • • : ,
Artad at the readiiigroom, Brieidniw)iiiW,_ . ,
over his face from &Julia to chin, and sentiiilliho
elf said,
..Now Paul lout tesit*tolni ltr.ho4o • alitirVii ,
4.2 4 ,;A':1 4 :•; - ''' •
... • . e11:>...10.-, ,-
“Well then," replied Horton 0 tur.tcrednel„ WO', _
Ls abort,l will briefly till you tat loanteprt4Sdeird
ears in love.. • . • J, ~..1, 1 f•;lst,
"With whom . priii" ' '.,_ , .±.•-, ~,
..„ : 6 a•.•
"Don't interrupt nee: end I w il l 4ristitigq* - sif .. .•
if you was a ghostly confensOr. Anorr silr.jht .
.dy bit once, did Volt , Who lh ht 401,-#:,,.,...
sato•sitting room of this Hond a On tni 009t f 7,7.,:i.::;i
tetchy from Pldladeliihis, 1 ..
'aca!lend, I „... 4 -4X-:
apartment, and there saw the ' co ma'
.. „.,..
~. ,
..the world; the glance *as ha t *lot. 'l
- sufficient to seal: fate
. «1 , "‘r-rt-igi ,
uzmi ign
in love Y i ptd,..qt Ditty offinli tight , het frith lO4it.
NO. 1.
' "Did you not itieek tolert,
allo, fear or beahfulainiiaidiaid*,
and yob lotto* l haver-yet to takeOtat: Om is
lobe A from you, Mtn:come : •
Ales is simile enough; write a[a
declaring' Yourself, Yeut, your htler
and your perfect parts.ahall you wag ?qui
Othello slays*, or something like 11, 6 - •
aI have written a few linepaready 1 441.. ta: lk" •
ted to submieto you. "
aThaerr:right myfnend, ;y ..r
through ; Yen shall BY high in leeer: lo . *4 l ,
a billet dour thus—appsanuss is eve .
lees kik it the contents; unsPhi•44:itti4*, '
take, first ippressics, .
for a beginner, but it winds fir% I'll 1 1 14 1 "..
you, none of your bread and hutterlsp, -
effusions, but a manly append. Bo litirnints
short time, and -you see thkrztstAt
hopes, serni, him toe." ' •
Horton left the rain. In searchToflh4Aistri
love messenger, and as the door 4:nak*4"l'„l.,
Brief thus seliloquized. , • •
"So faf good, brit Paul shan't ;oak a *
, aelL 11l see at lady in person,and iramike
handsome,.t don't care if barter into a -Bitist,„*Ras
less flirtation myself, just to keep Paidfaira.* •
chief ;-.-Ise Is young and insupetierultn - ll'shalJG
signately do Wt . a Mat favor by s lll #4_
Yes„ I *llll sacrifice , myself to saws it li,:tnend, so PH ,
just retouch his letter,. vrcreare an intaivieW, and unit
to chance for the ever 5 7 .-oh tis Icier pei love, thak -
rules us all ccuispietrlif,',....
Thus singings he went up staha to hit!-*PM*PL
to indite the letter:. . .
In the mean time the lady who Tie the object of
all this preparation, was "in her toa* 61 -bearing •
Briefs voice, as he passed her doer;4l to her, ,
"Surely Jenny,ahat limy hilmpFrYfoa,,llo";*
faithless creature! love its the bitttleSifb#!*tind
ten to 01 /0 316 ". 61 .10. 1 /4 44. *k#7l e " •
'ming Philadelphia ,. wai aasll.
sent sin** but win, 1 an'
deity when away from m e, mil **a-,
inclin e d gain" 1414 fibs alai
_hut *Ar:
ern i r*Mee ed - At!' lead i iad **l-00,
eanoteg.iPt a•tirretfOlkilaft -11 .:WadkMS1 •
NOS"' retain: ; Hark I I heatlii lining
Seinigq out andCebrisrisl
.. f 3A