'OFFICIAL - RETURNS -4PAINST TIIE AMENDM ro Adams., • leglzeny, • Antidrug, 'Bea*. • Iledfind. Berks.. Hocks; Otithsr. Cambria. 'Centre. Choker; • ;Columbia, Clearfield, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayette. Franklin, , Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, 'Lancaster,. Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzern, Lycoming, .31cKean. • Mercer, Mifflin, • Monroe, Iticuitgoinery, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, -Pike, finites, bomeraet • • Susquehanna; Tioga, Union, Venangu, warren. Washington, Wayne, WestiOgand. 11 4 ~.,.•. ;Qp' - '''' i i BSI OFFICIAL RETURNS FOR GOV ER'NOR-4838. Ritatr. Porte 3310 1535 6038 . 4505 1510 2:81 2290. 23134 3215 7101 2219 2421 4147 .• 455: 1700 . 1657 rsienties. Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Bedford, Berks. Bradford, ~Bu v s tleP ia. i. Clearfield, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, • Brie, Payette. Franklin, •G, rape, Iluntingdon Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lancaster. Lebanon, Lehigh. Luzern., Lycoming, M'ffean, Muffin, Monroe, Northampton. N.34humbaland , Perry, Pike. Putter. Somerset. ensquhauss, Tinge. Union, Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, York, Mercer, Veriango. Montgomery. Crawford, Beaver, Warren, MON TEL, Toss =nuns. • • A' Logo Four Pands.—Tus Fourvrtraz sus es M. Puce,' tea .S. Dummy &tummy.— The Furniture Mr.! Price was sold at auction, on Wednesdays undo' an assignment to - a Mr. A Amman, in the Eight Ward. Curiosity tempted a reit many persons{ particularly Ladies, to our it the Howe of the onW most prominent of the i • -men of the day ; add the Politicians took the oppoity, particularly the wicked Whigs, to wee i tbn Interior of this Great Democrat corms ' ponded with the Exterior Democracy be-was - wont as a Tammany Orator to exhibit in Tam ' many Ball. thunoti• has reported a greet deal . about the Princely style in, which was fitted up the HOLM of the Peop le toying Pet of Tammany; -any there was seldorp a greater rush to bear, as "Price,' "'Price ," "Price, was called in the old Wigwam, than to nevi w this "Price," "Price.' om iro "Pr," practiced w tbe preached. wi tunnum aspe aid of Mr, Pribe as a Leg -rmintary, not e word can be said against the ql lustre or elegance of his Interior. If there ate an y *f emme i n this country. more richly filled up than Mr. p rice % there are but very few. The -...„ fu rn i ture wall of thl most costly and splendid J 3„ kind, and oast have cost an enormous sum of - —f e y .what • Was bad, was not of the bat of the East ilium order, mach as in„„in his letter to Mr.attelie of the &igniter, described.. Indeed such . e ity to see all this, that the catalogue for three or font - shillings. .Eight is-aµ% were kept to take care of all pants. The mirrors must have curt .$2000.; The Dinner Service, with Ins could think of, even to the Fanny glasses, was as complete a. one la. The Porters with, fitted OW with Mitratt~tifEesitre.tit*E , . UdeßM. Cartains,Enimiwood rab*o*inent, -.,, vet &e. litc.,-ands ii,Eamny' canieti—arid lit so much eplendor..thativeknowatit Whatthe twin Oratitte orPrice in Tammiusy. - such as . Mi ' and Eli Moore. would 'have said with the i ' they tievii 'of iflars tizl in iliecitition. • ~. . I'he furniture generally sold my ell. Own auulding good priceabst Uncle will reap nothing of the harvest, inaimuch u 411 the . we-. ceiogires into other hands. • , .:1 . The Democracy / of Mr. Price is .or the same pattern iiii 'Some thetuiande of thelather - salt. arroga . ting 'Democrat) , of the land. bey preach Agmrianiackehoulder to shotilder with Mink and Slamin in Tammany Bali, and live aiiiin a palace t i of the Ciesare at home. They have agr eat horror of Banks , and tigieat affection for Treasu, ries. We. poor Whigs who get a liv gby hard knoblis they denounce as Ariattierati4 whereas they monopolite in themselves. all tile right and title all of 'us have to a common in ,rent for the welfare of the people: = 'ln one of Mr rice's bed rooms was a series of Scripture piece* at theisale of which there was- a great laugh, inailmnch as in religion he was • understoOd to be of the Fanny Wright echoed, as well es in morals.;; • FOR AND NTS-1838 . Aga 420 1549, 949 1612 V 786 3&53 6 • 188 3362 :16 3T9 • 6 98 7 3344 256 2 IFI 9 3 75 1 S 8 t4B 98 MR. JEFFERSON'S TEN RULES OF LIFE The following rules faeptactical 6' were given by Mr; J efferson, in a letter of Wilviee to his namesake Thomas Jefferson SmithOn 1. Never put off till urn:tor:ow What you can do today. 2. Navel trouble others for what' you can do t yoursMf. 3. Never spend - your money before you have it. 4. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. • 5. Pride costs us more than henget., thirst, and cold. 6. We never repent of having eaten toe little. 7. Nothing is troublesome that do willingly. 8. How much pniii have those lavas cost us which never happened. 9. Take things always by their smooth handle. 10. When angry, count ten betTorell you speak— if very angry, a hundred. :I 1249 10059 2573 2244 1141 1477 2 1475 1153 209 4079 3577 2144 . 1418 18429 3 none 1612 2029 412 16 • 3185 448 31 1576 99 2224 4233. . 5500 kktt new 59 1212"=4. 127821 122325 Porker's maj. 5496- ! 250146 122325 DR..FRANKLETS MORA CODE. The following lilt of moral virtOes was drawn op by Dr. Franklin, for the regulation of hie life. Temperance. Eat to talkies: drink not to eleva tion. Speak not bot what may benefit others or -youraelfl avoid trifling Silance conversation. !f: iNcler,,,, Let all your things have their places; let each thing s of your bp - einem have its (me. Resolution. Resolve to pet focln what yqu ought; perforce' without fail what you resolve. Frugality. Make no -.expenses but do good to others or 'ourself; that is waste nothin. Sincerity. Use no hurtf ul deceit ; think innocently and justly; and if' you speak, speak accordingly. Wrong • none t by , doing inju ries, or.ominng the benefits that are yo4r duty. Avoid extrernias; forbear re seating inktries. Cleanliness. Suffer no uncleanliness in the bOdy. clothilli, or habitation. Tranyulity. Bo not disturifed about trifles, o„t. at accidents common or - unavoidable. Humanity. Imitate Jesuo Christ. justice Moderation A CHRISTMAS CAROL, ' 011 SLEIGH BELL CHORUS BY JAMES S. WALLA4E. To be wog accompanied by belles, tmffalnea, end deer alum Alll--" When the southern bMcpros blow." When the jingling belle are hhard r Ana homes champ the rein, I How pleased are we In merry glee To join the sportive train." !, Then bring the merry sleigh bills, boys. And hitch the spanking team; This day we give alone to joy,; And Christmas sports supretne! Chorus—When thd.jinglibif bells, &.e When the furs and cloaks arOpread We gaily take onr seats, And the panting steed .. .. Shows lightning speed. ~ Along the snow-clad streets. The song—the laugh—the jocund glee. In sportive strains go rouriil. And earth re-echoes with thelisound • Of Christmas revelry. Chdrus--When theOingling bells, atc. Ring a ring! ring a ring! go the bells. Ha! ha! ha!---ha! ha! ha! swills the laugh. To Spohn's we yen, .. The goal is won, . . And whiskey punch we gnat . Than hip! hurrah! in spite of time, Three cheers for all that's!past, And three times three for thirty-nine. . And New. Year come at ligt,!. Chorus—When thiii4ngtipg bells, &c. %, Committee Meeting. WIDE committees appointed'{ to draft v consti. 21 - Marin' Rind bye:laws. for 'lhe governance of the new Huss Cow/Hr, are :requested to meet at. Stager's on Monday Evening. Dec. 24.. at 6 o'clock. t 6 adopt a Report pre toes _ to a general meeting of the Company on tile same evening. JAMES 'B. W ALL'ACE. Chairman. \` New Hose Conspany. AT a-meeting of the new Hose Company, held at the house of Henry Stager, on the eve ning of the 1311 inst. Hitthin H. Lewis was called to the chair, with John M. Crosland as acting Secretary: Ow motion resolved, that a committee of nine persona bq •appointed to draft a constitution and bye-laws for the use or this Company. Resolved that 411 race S. Wallace, Chanel Gillingham, Charles W. Minces, James M. Beatty, Benjamin W. Opmmings Johri J. Shoemaker, John M. Crosland, Benjamin Hay wood and Nathan Lewis. lie appointed that com mittee. Resolved, that said corn__ - three sub committees, of thole each, in thlf order befbre mentioned. Each sob committee to Report a separate constitution and 1 1Ire.lawe. to be sub. mined to the nest meeting of the company: • Resolved, that every person who has enrolled himself as a member of this tompany, be request ed to attend the nest meet " g, for the purpose of the organizatton of said C pony. •' - Resolved, that the proceed ge of this meeting be published in the Miners' Journal. ~ • Relayed; that we adjourn to mad et:this place on Monday evening Dec. 24th, at 7 o'clohk. NATHAN H. VEWHI, Chartism. ..101IN M. CROSLANINActing Sec-fele:3r. "laski *dodge. . SPECIAL meeting orPolaakl Lodge, No 4 7 1 216. will be held at thelninal place. on Mon day evening next, Decembeir 24, at halfpastS o! clock, P. M. An election for officers wipi bike place. Punctual attbndance if requested: December 22 1— ... - . --. I _._ iFar tote ralisivittnkairjraiwi jri. &Ode rue i la.marksf.pga AssiNfoiiiick. ,• , •• , MEETING of die eitizetWnflo*vilia,and t ? - its-Vicinity will be held at Miuti*r's Ito • te on Saturday evening neat, -ilia ZMinati . lat half past .1143‘11U 0 . CT0Ck4417 ideptPentati.f9i t t the relief of the sufferers' bji the late. .Iwhich occurred in Market and Adainsatreete. in said gprough,on the ttlrinati. 1 , - . !WM. REVIEW OF TUE SAARET. PoitscHie. pecan% r 1838. VVIIEAT 'FLOUR, by the load was wprtb en Fri day (P '75 • • wtigAT 1 .65 per ptuthel, Tar demand: RYE FLOURSI O O per ow t. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR $4.00 per cid in demand RYE, by the load 95 cents by the bishel—ready sale. RYE CHOP 90 cents per bushel in demand. OATS 53 cents—ready sale. POTATOES— 80 cents per bushel lademand • CORN-90. centaper bushel-in demand: CLOVER .SEED—S 9 tlOt per busheL TIMOTHY SEED-$2 50' per bushel. FLAXSEBO—SI 45 per bushel.ln dentaao. ' WHISKEY-45 cents per gallon. , BUTTER-20 cents per pound -in Kegs 117 clth' KGGS-12 cents per dozen. , • • LARO-113 cents per pound. TALLOW— lOcents per pound. HAMS centp per pound. -CORN GHOP 85 cents. per bushel ind emend. BACONI3 cents per pound. BEESWAX-20 cents per pound. , FEATIIERS= - 62 cents perpound. COMMON WOOL - 40 cents per pound MACKEREL, the bbl. No. 1: $l2OO NO $ll SALT. 2, 50 per,bbl.47s per busel PLASTER .is worth $8 per toe.' HA Y'lllB per toa. Pottsville .assemblies: THE Second Assembly will be held at 'the Mt. Carbon Hotel, cn Thursday 27th inst. Dancing recommence at 7 o'clock pracisely.— N B. The4..ediesi in Pottsville will be called for at their residence at 1 past• 6 o'clock. By Order of the Managers. r M !!. ! r FINDEN'S Tableaux, 12 p. quarto, eKgan The Diadem, a splendid annual, • Genie of Beauty, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 36 p. London Keepsake, Oriental %Douai, Forget-lie Not, -• Friendship's Offering. 4 • AM EWAN. .4 The Gift,. • Christian Keepeske, Religion), Sovenir, . Young loaners Library-6 - vols., arabesque. JUVENILE ANNUALS AND WORKS. Parley's Christmas Gilt, Do Christmas Tales; Do Untveraal History, The. Violet, for 1839, Juvenile. Keepsake, for 1839, Girl's Scrap Book for 1839, , Boy's Do Do, Youth's Annual, Girl's Own Book, Boy's Do,' American Gentleman, - American Lady, , Evenings at Home. Child's Gem,No 1 and 2, Scripture Ta les, Rolla at School, at Work, at Play, ' Howett's - Natural History, • Tales in Prose, Do in Verse, • Leader to Learning, Devotions at Home, • ' Marmaduke Multiply. • ALSO, Pleasures of friendship, Matthew Carey on Domestic Ejappinese, Mrs. Sigourney's Letters to "inane Ladles, Hemen's Poems. Bibles, Prayer Books, elegantly boned, Ace. Sm. Just received-and for sale by " . BANNAN.. Dec 29 5- Public Notice. wc the undersigned Execiatere of the last will and Testament or- the late Dr. Fred-. erick W. Geiasenhainer deceiuied, of the City of New York, hereby give notice to all who bare any demands against his Estate to present their claims, and to all indebted to the Estate to make payment to Christopher Leoser' i Esti: at Ot wiga burg. F. W. GgissENHAINR, t Executors. • JACOB MILLER. New York December 18, 1838. Tbo power of Attorney given to:Henry Geissenhainer, Esq. to take bare of the Umber ore the Valley Furnace lands. and,lthe houses. given by the late Dr. F. W. Geissehainer, having expired by its own limitation Oe the lst. Deceni. ber 1838, Jill permute are Mintioned against depredating upon the timber. onj said lands, Rents for the houses from said date,!are to be paid to Christopher Leone Esq; or into the Bank at Port Carbon. December 22,1638.. BYirtue of a Writ or Pnittewt, issued by his BY Excellency, the Governor of the Common. wealth of Pennsylvania, and st 4 me directed, there will be exposed to public sale lit the City Hotel, in the city of Philadelphia, -ow Monday the 14th day of January next, all the rkght, title, Intermit, and claim of John Nicholson,and Peter pivot= deceased, in and to the SilloWing usets of land adjudged to be the property+ of the said John Nicholson and Pe•er Daynunti against whom the state has • ;lens ed 012 warrant in the following name, to wit., ernes M'Neal, situate in Schuylkill county, land to bed as the property of the scald John Nicholson Ind Peter Baynton, for a debt doe the ICommonstkalt4 in pursuance of, the several Act al of Asseadily, on that subject made and provided. WM..I A. LLOYD, spot for the Commoninealth of Penn's. S-4t inittee be divided into o . ffide of the Mine Hill' and Schuylkill Haven Rail Road Cornaany. • • Philadelphia. Dec 17th. 1838. rguilE annual meeting ot otoeltholder• in this -company. will be 'held fI their office in the Hall of the Franklin institute. on tits 14th day-of JartuarylB39. at 10 o'clock A ld. after which an election will be bald for choice of a President and tab ltsnagers, to. conduct the Wain of said Company for armyear. Jl4O. ff. PRESSON..Sec'y, - • 1 "-- Doc-22 • ' THE sub hours 001 W Uplift. • dA the TRAYED , sitay from the Subscriber on Frt• and sipper day lest,* DARK REDCOW. Any person a. Persons *Wig baring any knowledge of ihe num will please may inquire at this. 0 1 giye notice to T. Br. J. Beatty, and will be fiber. Lnotberville. Honig° ally rewarded by I JOSEPH GREEN.; Deeember 20.1838. 4—lt - Dow • :~: t ~'. for 1839. Sale of /lauds. .Dee 22 i VETROA, , • - " 4. IN 77 NMI tat 4 •Prime . Vasiti.N. , .0 , • trikiila ss socKL"--iiiale . . VlELltlittlti4utitter tlesderiirittan 4rest 0 - 0 kind. is the moat - iv and - important subject that ea be —' ted Ad '4lre'ittin" d; and that 'every'. Forum Id fre i ly - imitable ;the. rights and.privileges •OrYtteitiing for Oteniselnei whit is truth.; the following Worts-wrs QS Ted . . The disteussiastetwehn R e a r ES ELY, (Pxe byterion,) and Rev. Witolien, (Universalist,) cm the -Wiiii t int qu ' ', "is 1 the doctrine of endless punishment taught inithe ;Bible 7" "or dies .the /Able teach the doc One of the fi nal Holiness and Happiness of all imarthindr The Dammam betwecr. Rev M P urger . (Matto &lQ and T Warm:mai, (MuSereatio4 - wbeth" ortthWdoctruie of endless misery is revealed in the scriptures'? 1 • Bationass "enquiry into thelacriptoral import of the words, Snzoz, Han mai TARTAIII I .III. and Gianni& all translated Het in the common EWlillll version." • 'Halloo's sermons on les 50-4, Ist. These 5 —2l, 2d Car. .5-10,2 Sam. 15-6, Rom. 6.- I and 2t Gen, 3-4, 2 Peter, 3-18. Gals. 3 27 and 28 2 Cor, 5 14 and 15, abw in Pamphlet form, the sinagairtat the Holy Ghost. Mitt. 12231 and 32, the Penalty offho, Rom. 6-21 4 death-and judge. mcnt.f a Flab. 9 Wand 2 , jostles and mercy, Pea, 62-12. Universalist , lief,: Remarks on the Doctrine tot Uoiverea ' Salvation, (by John M. Crosland',) and Streetiltr's H/mns. • The above Books and Pamphlet* can be bad 'ot Samuel Hartz, Morris & Brothers, or; .1 . Al. Crosland. :-Detr22 -5- . . HE subscriher.baving , ely returned from • JR. Uriely inippfied, with Groceries, Cheese, Codfish, irVines.T.Aaracwo, & c . 1500 Hams, a supply of Dried Beet, several ber. tele of Irish Herrings, 60 barrels of Whiskey of a superior quality. suitable for tavern keepers, a supply .of domestic Dry Goods, en extensive supply of Winter Clothing, sui table for the region, also " Boots and Bootees of various sizes and qualities, all of which heoffere for sale at low prices for tusk or country produce. HENRY BOYD. Morris' Addition, Dec 22. 183 P. 5-tf BY a young man Who writes a good haod,:and a well acquainted with accoorta, a situation as clerk agent in some bosinews in this place. Hest ofiefficrences given Address A. P. office of this paper. "' December 22, 183.8. $— liisterboel; Stove. EXTRA size, with Fist res, for sale. Apply at this office. Dec 2:2 5 • Domestic Liquors. 40 Bbls. 40 Bbli. Brandy, 40 We, Whiskey, for sole N.iNATIIANS & Co Premium Flannels. , A SUPERIOR article Sr Rile by N:INATHANS & Co. Dec 22 5 Scotch "ilitskey. OLD Scotch Whiskey, t emote and • Loaf Su gar,for sale by N,INATEIANS & Co. THE partnership . heretlfore existing between -Geo. Arinstrong, Gee. Robertson. & John Robertson,Coal miners, at ti ring under the firm of 4rmstrong & Co. was cr ionised on Tuesday the 11th inst. by Mutual consent. All persons having, ,zi, claims against'said firm, re requested to present them for settlement—an all those indebted are requested to make immed ate payment. GEOR E ARMSTRONG, GEM?, 'E ROBERTSON. JOHN ROBERTSON. ' _ 4-3t' Dec. 15 1838 MIRE- partnership exalting between William Learch. and' John G'Whilison, was dissolv ed by mutual consent on the 10th of the .present month. All persona indebted, toi said firm. are requesed to make immediate payment th Wm. Lerch and all having claims, are requested to present them tp him for settlement, •who is authorized to settle all the accounts of the late firm. N. B. The business will be continued as here tofore by William Learch, in the Store opposite Mortimer's Tevetn, formerly occupied by I. H, ,ILN hbadie, Centre Street. - W LLIAM LERCH, JO G. WOI.LISON. 4-3• Dec 1.5 IN pursnahee of an Council of the BOroQg day of December, A. 1). niece to orthorize a kw the extinguishing of hereby given that the n for receiving strbscripti• day the 17th of Dooom. nia Hall in said Boroa ten 'A. M. and three P. during '(be same boors $l5OO shall have been s loan will be divided i each, bearing interest a per annum, and not red of January, A. D. 184.5. scribed for to bo paid ing, for which scrip wi the subscribers, and stock will hereafter President of the Coun the Town Clerk, on lb • JAM GEO . SAM 'B. T Dee. 1.4 °lice aftke Sckuy Philadelphia) NOTICE --The As holders will , be he on Monday. thelth A. AL when an eked( dent. twelve Managers Dee. 15 1838. Want Cd. Dissoh4tion. Dissolution. Jft,tice l Public loreinance passed by the of Pottsville, onfthe 12th 11838, entitled "an or di.. i to procure apparatus for ; ev," Public Notice is q ribers will open a book .ns to said loan on Mon. r hut. at the Peonsylva. , between the hours of M. and daily thereafter until the whole amount , bseribed for. The said o shares of ten dollars the rate of six per cent, . triable until the first day Thb whole amount sub. . at the time of aukumrib. r be immediately events .r which certificates of issued, signed by the I' and countersigned by • surrender of the scrip. GILLINGHAM, 'GEC. WYNKOOP, II EL LEWIS„ AYLOR: Navintion Coin December 10tb, 1838. / oalMeeting of the Stock at the Commutes Maw wiry next, at 11 eclockt i will take place for Fri:M- Th:allure/ and Secretary. ODIDS 11AR PER. . reamer and Secretary. • • 4—., e. 'Sale. iber offers at privnte sikle formerly. known as the dull:phi& tun with . the lot Dances - thereunto attack miirmation on the-subject es, or to tho-subecriber at err county. , ABEL FITZWATER.. Beet Sasso:melt bia; Pa., sod will be delivered it Ptiiledelpldi esry- in (be Spring. Apply caA uL to m s .roat . Wanted 6 Bat bizildeia, to whom =watt eat! , ploytneat mod liberal ' w ages will , be gives' ring the Tins of -April text. -A pplfae above., I Northumberland, Nov. 10 1838. 51:;-.-6t Nowa Carboii Rail Road Company. AT an MO:lion for officers orthe Mount Car bon Rail Road Company, held on the 3rd o December. in the city of Philadelphia, dm follow ing persons were duty elected: Preaident—J. H. WHITE. Managers. William Duncan, — "Joanna Emten, George W. Edwards, John White, . Robert B. Davidson, W. C. Patersnn, John Pearson, • Chas. S. Williams. Secretary and Treasurer—James C. Donnell, Dec. 15 1858. INSOLV ENT DEBTORS.—TILE isubscribeks have applied to the Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Schuylkill county, for the benefit of the several Acts of Assembly 'passcd for the relief of In-, solvent Debtors, & thit the said fudges have appointed Monday the 91st day of Dec. next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at 'the Court House, in Orwigshurg. for the hearing of us andour creditors. when and where thy', may • ttend if they think proper. ,GEORGE ROTH.. PETER STERNER LEVI RENNET' DANIEL MACE.. ILLIA AI ADCOCK,* • LLI A M PHILLIPS.* • HN NI`DONAI;D,* GFXRICtE MODE.* T. C. HULNIE.• - . J %MKS CROOKSHANKS.• JOHN M'AVIN N EY,* JOHN ZIMMF.RNIA N. WILLIAM PHILIPS. of Norwegian. ABRAHAM LEVA N , WILLIAM BRITTON,* MICHAEL 'fAVLIN, WILLIAM PHILIPS, of Wayne. • • RAIN FEILDS,* tROCLAMATION.—Whereas the honurable CALVIN BLYTTE, Esquire, President of the several Courts of Common Piehe of the counties of Daaphin, Lebanon, and Scht,ylkill,' to Penn sylvania, and justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in said counties, and George Roush 'and Daniel Yost' Esquires, judges of the court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county . of Schuylkill—by their precepts to me directed, tested at Orwigsburg, the 30th day of September 1838, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and Gerwal Jail Delivery, to be holden at Orvigaburg, on the last Monday, of Decinber next (being the 31st of saictruouth,) to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby liven, to the coroner pod justice of. the peace. and constables of the Waid county of Schuylkill, that they aro by the said precept commanded to be then and there at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their coils, records, inquisitions, examinations. and all other rememberances, to do these things, which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are, bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall bo in the Jail of said county of Schuylkill, are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall be just. PETFR F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. \- Sheriff a Office, Orwigsburg, December, 8 1838. • • IaIROCLABLITION.—Notice is hereby given that a Court of Common Pleas. for the trial of causes. at Mime, in and for the county of Schuylkill. will be held at Orivigsburg, in the county aforsaid, on Monday the24th day of December nent,lit. 10 o'clockin the forenoon. TherefOre all persons having suits pending, and all persons whose duty it shall be to appear at said Court, will take notice and govern themselves aecordingly. • PETER F. LUDWIG, SheriE Sherif oOffice. Ortoig' sburg, 2, De0..8,1838. A 3 Psauxualattendance is deottutoted of the Jurors and Witnesses summoned to attend this Court. Schuylkill Valley Navigation and Rail Road Company. .. • arlHE..Stockholders of the Selruylkill Valley I- Navigation and Rail Road Company are hereby notified; that the annual meeting and an election for President and siv. Managers; and one person for Secretary and Treasurer, will be held on the last Monday in Deciniber,'lß3B, (the 31st inst.,) at 2 o'clock. P. M., at the Pennsylvania Ball, in the Borough of Pottsville W . ANDRE RUSSEL. Secretary and Treasurer. 3-3 t Dec 8 • Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and 'Rail Road Col4any. riptiEStocktrolder. of the Mill Creek and Mine 1 Hill Navigation and Rail Road Company are hereby notified. that the annual meeting and , an election tor President and six Managers, and one person for Secretary and Treasurer, will be held the last Monday of December, 1838,' (the 3lpt inst.) at 12 o'clock, M, at the Pennsylvania Hall, in the Borollt of Pottsville. LEBBEUS WIUTNJiY, Dec. El 3-3 . Secretary and Treasurer Dissolution of Partner: hip.. THE copartnership heretofore existing under tho firm of Carter 'and Doran, is this day dissolved by mutditl consent. All • persons an. debted to the late firm, wilt please to call at the office of IL Spayd. Esq., and settle the same.tind all having demands against the said firm wiltal. so present them to him for settlement. Nato - al attendance id required. W. CARTER, ' THOS. DORNAN. Pottsville, Oct. 11th 1838. Dec. L 83 Reward. THE above Reward will be paid -t to any person who will rdturn, Jacob Van Bog!). an Indented ay" pradiaa to the Boat Building huskies% kkthe subscriber. : Said bokis now in the vicf pity l a Lehighton, where his parents now reside I height eautton.the public against trusting hinranty adman; and give °alai that I will plateoWhiluty . Orson °e rrant& that tat bar Ida Whini°l.V consent. JOHN SI:CROSLAND.: •AT. • - 1 • N0i. 24 Fig 11 . 144 MP% 1161.1 11 t . t - K Whole. fu1'...11:47.7:A37,414.' Dee. n t 3 . '4*" •Testst,tro. wae* -8 1 - Ipioß • BEATTy. •-• I . W ''''''''.7l4*4-',"t-7-4144114/Ce?,--,,---ti..A./.5.;•,fr.„ ,- ~ . 1 8 BERKO li!Ois,'lliit 7 thst.ibltortine,nanta• '.ll • . Exehntora;"• Aiiiribilitritoni.:ltaitjA;lstesisibinh.• ,i -- 'R hava:SledAtileit•itc4hOnlltt.the idlEctit'AFlClßiit. - .: 4 itter.jillizbiiiiitgCticlotx, ina..that,lll. ; s l 3.. l, -. Conatat will'. be :present:4lole Di - pliairii .ticitirt, is lie.helit it Orielgaborm - in• and-Far siiill . iiitatitY.oft .! Illonditt.-ths,2llth 'day' or Decemberi 'IEIMV.II* 1 confircts4iini: :ir - --. •`• : -.- - fs :1i.*..1t.ii_,..:,% , :•'.t. 1, .1 •I. The,ttmo of Elisabeth D.p.at„ . ' - ';16.1f..i..,:;;.••• -I matrix 01 -4 he It- Will- and'T "" i•iit.-Wil; - *, t , I ham A. Pittersiiiti hite•Of -.the Bozoti kat ftit*';i : '" I 1 Ville, ilee.M. ' : ,- ' .Yeli,7.ttAh?";g,;- ..' .'; i • S. Thin itecoont of Stephen Moirmalr L iblfidliilk ,'-: ;- 1 1 'trator of . the, Estate of .Peter Hoffentut..l4lo:... --: _il 'Nest-Penn tetarnahip. deed. - - :'--it• - •l_4'e-1.• •• .: 3.:Ths account of-giudw:g Reed. eutilliiii;4ii ' • 1 Mitgdalena Miller, or Mind Child o jackii - umit. ler. !etc.:4' Wayne township, deed. ••,.: - -. '- . :it.:.:. • , -' 4. The account of Michael Web iw:Mliiniit • .I trator of the Estate of Daniel Ste er,;•litte; of Wayne township. de'c'd.• I . .:.1 , :• .7".:fie •'. 5 The account- of Jacob 'Heffner, :Pliiiitiielfi • . L' tor of the estate ofDanicl Sterner, laz'oft..V4nit . township, dociissed. ,ii ' ii-.1:4- • ''., J.ACOB HAMMER, Retits ter. Dec. 1 • - . AN ORDIVi s A.lllO , ..‘ .. Providing for a Maiket in Me Damsel Of Petal , • Mlle.• . i' '' ipaE it ordained and enacted• by !he -Inhabit - - ‘. j ll -. 1 davits of the - Borough of Pottsvie, iaDookr: . I cil Asparibled. and it is hereby ordained and 'II- nacted by. the authority of the sate as fidloti.r. .: viz: • - Seaman I.—Public Market's may be helilin the 60 Borough of Pottsville, daily (Suede ii-excepted,). • • in Centre street. between Mahan _street and • the North Line of the Publid Buriid Grann4and '. the-apace between the said point s, a hereby, de= ~ Glared to be the Market Place, anti th e. Council , by ordinance shall otherwieri three •. Thelitar-' 'het hours shall begin at day-light and end it sunset. .- • SECTION 11.—'l'ei's following shall be s stationa for Horses; Wagons, and Vehicles, OD • which • • Poeple from the country-, may expose for Silo ' the produce of their farnia•and gardeni; list The cast aide of Centre street, imp the,4est side , . of Centre street . , between the points mentioned in the first section of this ordinance- 1,71r' Wagons l'and Vehicles to be placed lengthwise, close i tto the curbs, in such a manner as.nbt to-,obstruct , - .? the travelling on the said street'. witherit'ena , croaching on the fuotways.trind. not nearer thanaix feet to the crossing of any s treet ' r cartyray.--. I Bet nothing heroin contained sha I preyentstarte : wagons, 'or teams, employeil in. pie transporta - - 4 Ilion of merchandise, or proviSiOns from remain; . log within the space wforsaid; ler he puipcmir4 of I loading and Unloading. r &cries' 111.—No hatter, fruit' vegetables or provisions of any kind shall be Id .I:m:exposed for sale in any of the streets, lane i allexel,or,pob' lie highways of the ilorough, luring - market boars, (except within the market _place), Oder the penalty of Two Dollars for the Arst,,offences and Five Dollars for each repetition Of * *offence But nothing herein conmined shill Kneen m - %urinals from serving their regular -Viistoilient , rovith butter, fruit,,vegetables, sr pkovisiens of any _ kinokin any part of the Borough' ? ••• I SECTION IV --,No perion ahallibuy any buttel• ' fruit, vegetables, or article of priivision of shy kind,' within the Market place, or in any of - the streets, lanes, alleys, or public highways of the Borough between Day-light enrilTwelveetedocks ' noon of each Market day, for the porpoise,' or. with the intent of re-selling the Hanle. or shy part, ithereof, under the Penalty of Fide Delhui for the first offence, and Fifty -Dollars fM• each - and every ' repetition of the offence. • • ' l Section V.—lf any person shall sell, or bring • to the Market limits for sale, soy buttir, tarots fruit; vegetables, or other previsions, in lamps.' 'vessels, or parcels, as for "a greater Weight and measure than the true weight and measerwtberel f ' of, or shall employ , any devise forcinipeiillon of ' , fraud in the sale* of any provisicln, the setae shall .be forfeited in the following mariner: The hat, ter, one third to the use of the clerck of the Mar:, ket,‘and two 'birds to the direettira of the Peat • and of the house of employmentOftheCOnnty for Schuylkill, for the use of the Poet ofthelimutity of , Schuylkill, and the fruit. vegetables, and , other prudes of provision shall be forfeited to.the cera aeration of the Borough of Potthville. ' , , Sarvion Vl.—lf any person shall sell, or expose for sale within the Market 'Midis: any- OIDIRD; -Mille, imperfect, or unwholesome provision of any' kind, the same shall be forfeited, and the offend:. er shall incur a penalty of Bilks Dollars for • the first offence, and Twenty Dollars, for-each 'repe tition of the offence. . Smarten VI L—Tim Council shall-appoint rt competent person as Clerk of the Market, whose duty it shall be to cause the provisions of thili, ordinance to be enforced. i Sermon V lll.—This ordinance shall zo into eft feet from and after the Fret Monday . of January A.D. 1839. 1 • Passed into an ordinance tit the Bonaugh of Pottsville the Twenty, Seventh t elay .of Novembers A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty eight. • JAMES GIII.LINGUAIIt . Attest. President of the c.....i.a., - EDWARD OWEN PARRY, .- , *`•••• Town Clerk. ' ' Pottsville. Dee. 1, 1838. ' 76- • Notice. /REM subseribeni, Audimti,**Ointed by' 41rti a.. orphan's Court of 'fichaylkill county, us distribute the Assets in the hands of Jacob Mm nig, the Administrator of the juditiraf.Tolia - Mor gan deceased, to and among the Creditors of said deceased. will meet tor ,that pa, rpostiwis Monday, the 17th day of December ne*t. at house of Michael Grad'', Innkeeper. i Lital:tortulgb Orwigabiiig; at 10 o'clock in ii fiiaiMeon. when .and where these creditors - lernstioriniy at. tend. 3011 N It. . CHARLES' 4n. THAN. JAMESI-H:.:"OI4IEFf. Midterm. . 41 2-3 t . , Lumber A LL kiridaa"-also •Apply; sE •m• T.S. Ridgway's office, lama,. 4oUr, us• Clemens' drug store. 1- - Dec 1 Dec. 1 Potatoes a 3500 Bushels Prune .7000Maid4 - ffe Cabbage, Just received and lota*lltsit purchasers at the Low,er StOrthoure.'bi - JAMES"POWiEt. Noy. ill ‘ , Supetiot ram Firloisto• 1 -21ECEIVED on consignnles_j, from the,Affals. , lUlrduct . Mills. several loilldirlllikiiiirgfilthlilt flour, for:sale by ' simuets - amat ' October '27. 149. GrounA.viurimpk - - 50 Bohai, African aniliphillekton , Vrtound. nuts of toad quality, just • teceliii) it - rcii -114er by ' • "Of 41 43.04 11 AIITTN. Nov. IT • • TO'Spo . , , efl. 1 -%,,,.,,.- T rewired .and-iiir.'eatiw:BacietW z Powder,Mould Sock - -Abot;Plianialitr ..._...,, r ot.inid Bar Sead... ',put': 0..-40/3tmentic-.4A ., ''''--. NM -k U 7.i1l '1 0 =MI , ic• 1 QM EMi _ ~ 49- ....r. , 1r ' ~- ~i I IE .~ ~~ co ~5 ~~~, 0