The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 22, 1838, Image 2

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I . „,..
uusligembliteratoflet.the remit be whattit may
Lady' Mary bad luirt mitred her boudoir' where
the little elegaocies of lifewere scattercdpla pro
fusion; books, -drayripgii, ,niirtors. bruhtul
eliiiieks, therceAillai r o f bright ff.. , all in
motley assembly, arid the. room perfumed with .
he - sweetest productions of Minna:. .4 alight
wsinkie tii the fair brow of Lady Malupon
g the of her early visitor, showed tp
NI keen ',glance at Stracey that his pteeence
'char annoyed'ur pdzzled her ; it, however van.
bed in ll moment, and the high `pale forehead
Mined no trace of displeaiore as she cordially
' hook bands with him. After this few common
lace observations concerning threamusement of
he preceding evening—the continued onplessant.
Weather—the miserable ballet and Iliporte's
niggardliness ; one of those distressing I pauses,
ensued, which irresistibly .rises when [one to
Itlasirous of communicating anything which is J
lop of anxiety, su.peeec, said fear. ARM a few
iiiems! and bums: accompanied with a dritermin
dusting of the right boot with his riding-whip,
micay summoned su ffi cient courage to conv
enes the attack ; his voice , shook as his , uttered
the first few words ••of his hopes, his -knowledge
of her superiority, and his utter unworthiness, of
• his inability to confer a dazzling title, or great
polies, but,' said ho—heating with his glowing,
heart-felt, unalloyed pasitun—llow madly 1
love you—madly indeed, since it makes nie forget
almost my presumption; but if, in yourleatiin
Lion, a heart that adores, the title of a sold! e s
!wife, and sufficient riches to meet the flow of
'poverty, equivalent to the high station. tau can
occupy, doubtlessly, if it please you, accept them
in me, and may the first Moment you hate cause
ire regret it, be my lii4t." Olii•shalloiv Sated '
'man, what mistakes you are constantly aornmit
lion when woman is the theme. . If S:raemy had
liert out the concluat in of his address, he would
Chive been crowned with vi :tory, bat When he
touched upon the station that might he Obtained,
if she rejected, and consequently w•lit•li Out,/ not
be if she accepted Mut, that innate Vllll4 of trail
thurnanity succeeded over the genorousl feelings
illif her nature. and after hesitating a moment •
1 polite refusal escaped-the.lips of the still dcubting
girl, yet ub framed that to a disinterested uh4e:v.
cr it would scorn fallen acceptance; bit not so
to the excited Stracey. The lasi wordstor rrjec
Mien - were scarcely eatieltisted, when liC started
frets has seat, pate and speechless walla emotion ;
it length, with considerable difficulty "Pe war
! mired, with a choked voice,' "liaavai Ot•as you.
j and may you never feel the exquistie -bailor° you:
hive created—Lady N.l try, farewell :"1- and he
I hurried from the scene of his disappointment and
wretchedness. The hall door was nit dosed,
• [
when she almost regretted the courseishe had
taken.; however, it was then too late ea retrace
Ithe step, and she thought "he wall
iband, for my refusal was anything but a decided
lime? . ,
1 '"..No.' expressed with a certain iaer,4 4
Means 'Yes,' 'vid. Pope and Slialtstparc."
A short interval after the event of the. ejection,
lALsidy Mary, in reading the Morning Pst, start.
,red at seeing a paragraph headed, "Mirriage in
I high life—ors the sixteenth instant, at his c'xcel--
. leney's the English ambassador's, in Pania, the
lion. Captain Walpole Stradey,:of tigke royal' lin so
i (-
artillery; to Antoinette, only child and sole I ur.
eat of Couut le Laneffe.. The "extraordin ry
fascinations of the bride, combined with her
groat wealth, and the proverbial elegance of the
happy bridegroom, rendered the ceremony, which
went off with mach eclat; e - i,n 7 ft interesting." The
paper dropped from the hand oithe law reader,
es she concluded the account oilier lovers union
with another; large tears rolled down the pallid
cheats, and 'she leaked so lovely weeping, that
if Stracey had then seen her, he would have
bitterly regretted the hasty step he had, taken.
,Luckily fur his happiness he did , not, nor did he
again behold her, until hot rooms and time had 1
4 ointly faded the blooming beauty which ex
kited • mum in every fibre. Many a L heart is
caught in the rebound ; sash was the.efase with
him. Hastening to Perky, to ,revel in its festive,
acetes, ha order to forget his •misery, his fine
figure and gentlemanly manner atti acted obt,er.
yation (rpm the belles of the gayest city in the
world; among them, was the rich heireasAnto
matte, who soon became interesting in his eyes,
as he was in -hers. Mechanically she took up
the newspaper again, and again perused it ! 6.011!
fool, tool, that I have been," to grasp acthe shade
and lose the material! Oh : that I could again
be to him what I was ! but,'t and the distressed
. girl buratinto a passionate flood of tears, prevent
tog all futhir utterance , . . .
“Vie change, and others change—while.recullee
Would fain renew what it can but recall "
Hyde Park was crowded one brantifhl snm
mer's afternoon; the magnificent conies ges dash
ed along with their fashionable and distinguished
occupants, hundreds of mounted ladies and gen
tlemen cantering their horses over the gitien turf,
and innumerable pedestrians promenading the
hanks of thecd . ernentine, forming a group worthy
of err artist's period; when a couple of rather too
ppaarrtiealarly well dressed young men entei ed,- on
high-apirited, rearing horses; showing off, eel
dently to their greatest - satisfactlon. "1 say.
C,hatlea, that ra a most superb carriage now
coming in ; by Jove; what action . those horses
have said one.
you admire the 'turn out' so much, I have
an idea you will be in eastastes when you
~p ar.
naive the enchanting creature occupying it,",
said the other'. As the carriage passed, a look of
extreme disappointment spread over the features
of the one anticipating to. see a beauty. "By
Jove," he exclaimed, "what a dowdy who is she!"
ol t ady Mary Makewell, a whist-pfaying . old
trilby, replied the other. have heard my
mother say she was a belle in her - time, but I
positively cannot see the faintest trace - of even
passing endurance."
"Is she married ?"
"No, and never was, I believe; but if you ad
mire the dear old creature, I dare say. you can
have her." -
The two seemed to relish much the , facetious
ness of the suggestion, fur their laugh was loud
end continued.
''Oa Drr..—The latest rumor is that some of the
'New York speculator* have clubbed together
the 'intention of purchasing the estate of the
- itrmy Theatre, and erecting another theatre, ih
which will be performed i new melodrama of
intense interest, entitled the "Sub Treasury."
`pleura Swariwout, Price. Boyd and a host of Sub.
rreasury defaulters, are engaged or the' season.
and it is expected the piece will have a treinen.
iletts run. The finale will be most ierr.fic —rep
team:aloe ' the conflagration •of the build
ings of the vArio is de lartiozn's at Washing
ton, setae fireby one of Vaq Boron's ernissar in's, in
order to prevent the development of the enormous
frauds perpetrated under the present aduustra.
lion. nth° piece rues hilt' as well as 40111 e of ite
prinelpalsupporters have Mine, he success Will
bei imparalWed.—Deston Adds.
Felix Ornady, kisc.--Tbe - present Attorney
General of the United:Stotts. when a boy, lest
pone brothers in succession' by the totpahavrk of
the Indians,' end sari his widowed mother pion
*red of her ishoje property, in a single night,
drove aflisierieeAnd etas, to poverty. and ecriinpel
led tolittair .with her bandit. to support sa,d, edo•
aide Idinself, her last and tavitrite 804.
I ,
. •
Irur,Vfici at Metopes:
- • . To our • Patrons.
We Wimld respect ly request from our enbr'
scrihersth settlement f their arrearages; those
liviWg i'lthe BoreOgh nd'its neighborhood will I
idivitys ndns ready. our office. and those who
livdat a. istance, can ly inakerciontances by
enclosfn a five
. doll''r .bill, which amount will
be Oa to their ' ere it. We shall esteem an
attelpti to this Doti , a favor, which we will
endeavoi to repay . by : tinued exertions to in
.meettilid amuse.
11t the first week 4 January next, we shall
enlargeithe size of thdllournal ; and at that tune
incaily Is2ooo will be Inc for. subscriptions, the
, c.-Pipt... ;Ler which w l materially assist in' de
frit ing4ke expencea incident to the contemplated
improvernent. We wll also findit necessary to
open a flew set of Boolis at the commencement
of the ensuing year, aid a prompt discharge of'
all aubserintions due t.,i that period, will greatly
b • . fit earschliv, and olive a great deal of labor
'. traniferring baler. '`s on old accounts.
, I I
0 urstlags.-The dist number of the Jour ,
nal', will complet ling fourteenth volume,
during' teu years o iwhich the present pro
prietor-has coniluted it. The 15th voL
commence cdmence on qhe first Saturday of
January, the sth, 4 that a volume may re
entld the events of an Unbroken year. It
w.ll;iid yresented to Wu u patrons us an en'arg
ed fmr;pi and new cress, and other ex.
e,tions will. he Made to render it worthy
Jae continued loth lenre of our friends.
Our present yearly advertisers, and th.,se
who Wish to beconi, e sn, at a charge - ot
,i,1.2. per annual, o.• $7 for 6 m moths, includ.
irmg the paper, will pease send in their
fsvorsdurin f nevi lveek, as our'paper must
beenti ely reset. Tlhose who have standing
yearly advertisern6sts will find this a most
rotors ble opportunity of a:tering them if
'necessary. .;
The Gentlemenrwho have sunset-jibed to
the formation of th+ Pottsville Lyceum, are
requested to meet tin Wednesday Evening,
Dec.R, a 7 u . .31.41t , at the Pennsylvania
common Scho4s.—At the request of
the director.* of oft Common Schools, we
attended on Tuesday last an examination
of that branch ofPthe. female department
superintended by Miss Porttr. We were
higt4 glatified 4ith the general plan of
instruction, and tl'e evident proficiency of
mai4of the pupil, The exercises of the
-day rifiected equal credit on the applica
tion 4f the scholar i; and the persevering in
dustit of the instTctress. To those -gen
dent who take an interest in their duties
as Pt:rectors, our ; citizens owe a debt of
graOule, and we can only regret that
soine!*of them havl3 norgiven the subject
of geheral educatibn, that serious attention
it deilerves.
O r inity Chuni—The interior of this
Chuif i ch has been elost tastefully and neatly .
refitted, and now!presents proofs of public
liberlility of which the congregation, may.
,j f atly proud.;. 'That part of .the ar
ran mews whit ti came mote exclusively
undel the care °tithe ladies, reflectstreat
credit on their skill and correct taste.
, ..
Rhil Road #rturris. —The following
list 4oinpi ises the exactAtiantities of Coal
carried to the different landings by the
Touriprincipal collateral Rail Roads to our
CoatExportationi. The returns show that
allliave done a good bkisiuess, and they
are Well worthy the atteatton of ospitalists,
as being a safeabd piofitable investment.
WWest Branch„ ' - 154•,916 tons.
I Mount ' Curliod, 82,508 '
lley. 75,'736
Mill Creek Rill Road, '&3,487 .
04.• Resides this ainbunt, there wore
received 'at the 'landings by privam coo
veyences 62,0:3 ions.
on our first page a letter from Mr. Biddle
to *r. Adams. ) , It has been elicited, by
theij various icOsations against the. Bank
of ehgaging in mercahttle operations. It
probes that witheut the interference of bis
finOcial abilitiei, the great mass of cotton
of tWo-seasons, Would have been ruinously
seer : Aced - in the English markets, and mil.
tiotO of dollars lint by our merchants and
phoiters. -The:operations of the bank
haili been of great advantage to the coup.
tryoand the stathnent of Mr. Biddle must
cortiince even tl e . most sceptical, that but
tor him the paniC of 1837-would - have been
:wife ruinous in 'its eflects, than we have
noW reason to know it has been.
, Mr. U/ny._—About six weeks _ago, the
Kistone told ili that Mr. - Clay was a
dooined man, ticause at the last session,
hetaid he was to favor of 4 National Blank
WO Mr Gallatin, or Mr. Biddle at its
hedli. According to .our conteniporftry,
htrave was a l ready dug, and he was to
ha" b .en iiihnined on the 13th of last
m:tioh, "withinsig . tt of the marble palace
of the Amerittm Ctesars." Now W.
Chiy is yet. a!ive and. well, phy,fliFblly_,,,aild
ically, and ' ithering with hie sarcasm
Vitae who still here to the ruinous plans
of the general, - r rather the General's ad.
ministration.Pr.ti Mr. Keystone you are .
a &Ise prophet I Excuse the question, bin
who Are the Aciterican Ctesars I we think
the sub,-.treasurers, fur. they are the most
ltn''tintate seizers the world ever knew.
r Our thank, are due to rho Hon, E. B,
litibley and Cb4rles Frailey Eq. for ducts•
merits. . • • ,
it I ~ f~te9u "0ta.~"3
t 4,
h prices-. •
"" . FiW.Perktits7-The' ° V..iimrnittee
-pelotp.l the . tiitiseef. to ohteio fire
heeketir bare pracaied a specimen Oar.
which gen be seea'at the store otMesers.
T_. & J 1 Beatty.
Sekesartiii Vases
. Greli.—We are
pleased to learn that . the Schuylkill Bevan
Greys will 014 a 44it bar Borough
the fitinef.lanuary;, - .'we can ,promise,theut
a heart reeeptiortand.a New Near's Wel
cenie, Cloth frouilier Volunteer Companies
and theeitucens generally,
Noih's Prociamation.—The ti-devont
Major of the Pennsylvania Militia has is-
sued the following Proclamation. The
gallant gentleman must be careful not to
receive his orders from AdamDiller---for
we have too great respect for the patriarch
Noah to have hire connected with the rail
of Adam. Attention the whole .! eyes
"Hark? ye rascals and rebels•
sembled at Harrisburg—if you dOil`t forth
-With return to your homes, if you have
a y, I shall take command of my old regi
me t,sahe bloody 64th, aria march upon
you without delay. Take warning. You
know my manner of doing business: just,
but summary : hang first and try afte,r.
Gov. RITNER has issued a procla
mation, announcing that the amendments
to the Constitution have bean adopted.
No Disturbance !—The Locos say
t tio mob at Harrisburg ! their ors•
'He siienkb howevir of "high treason"—
' outrage" and —lawless violence" in every
page.. HOW are we to reconcile these
Quick Work —Not a month ago, the
theatre at Mobile was entirely destroyed
by 6m: it hal since been re-built, an& the
old company are performing therein ! The
two manageis, Ludlow and Smith, were
formerly a navy officer and an,editor.
Philadelphia Loan Conipany.—This
company has declared a dividend of five
per cent for the last six months, a pretty
fair,svidence of good standing and pros
peronS business.
General Harrison.—The first person
rentoved from office, under. the proscrip
tive reform of Andrew Jackson, was Gen•
eral _Hamilton. Immediately after the
organiz Ilion of the first Jackson Cabinet,
the notniciation of free Tom Moore,' as
minister to Colombia, was sent to the sen
ate, in place of Wm. U, Harrison, removed.
Is this prophetic that the first victim of
misrule, is to be the agent to overdrew
the iniquiteus a cabal which has upheltl it
Who are the Riotors I—the locos,
with their accustomed modesty, are endea
voring to shift the odium of the riots at
Ilarrisburg on the shoulders of the Whig
party. If the locos are really innocent,
why is it that Judge Blytille, a member of
Oleic Own party, has issued his bench,war
rants only, Against the adherents el .Gert.
Portal. 1 Can the Keystope answer 1
A Hint.,—The • Treasury Departmeifi
are eXceediagly active w saving the na
tion from loss. Alter eight or ten years
of blindness, they have suddenly opened
their K eyes, and are now at work with both
hand'. The securities of Mr. t.-7wartivout,
esins. Birdsall and Quackentisns of New
York, are suffering from their vigilance,
as the Marshall is selling their property
already. , Have Mr. firs •accounts even
been properly audited ? and tire , , they sure
at head quarters that only delinquent?
If report speak true; same others who
are now .most rictiVe, will have to go
throtigh the mill this winter.; therefore
&net be too savagely virtuous in your ex•
pressed indignation, or you may furnish
risterOrout precedents.
A!lltuvement in Politico ..lessrs But
ler and Sturdevant of Luzerne, and•Mon
teltua of Union, were on Monday last
sworn into the loco foco Branch of the
Rump Parliament. The two former gen
tlemen had previously been sworn in intoi
the iegular Cunningham house, find Mn
Butler assisted in its organization. Of,
course a thousand rumors have reached
us, but we shall give no reasons 'till we
heat' those ofthe gentlemen themselves.
Loco Misrepresentation.—The Key.,
stone Had other party printsare asserting)
that; the Secretary of State kept hack the
returns from Montgomery, Venango, War-1
ren,!Crawford and Beaver. The facts area
that] the Secretary received no returns;
fron these counties, and so stated in a let-i
ter which accompanied the official, papens',
befOre the Senate. But these returns
wer4 sent to the Speaker of the . Senate *
andi by .him laid before that body at . the
semis time and' place with the other re
turns ! '
Wilt' LI, the mob leader at Harrisbutl, ha
testified before a cOmMittee, that he resign
ed nis situation in the Pust Office Po , th
very day- the returit-judges met, to mak .
hiniselfa competent return clerk ! that h. i
did tot withdraw his bonds, end.his si , .1
continued -to do the dutienand receive th
emoluments of the offiee ! Thas 1 whip
pink ,, the devil round a stump withi j a Iran i
gee eel- • i
Oen Lircautc--Npah anticitiateo"charf
coat sheiches" io abunagnee'frem of con i
teMplated Lyceum. By the same title he
may anticipate that our Glee tiesciciation
wilt be famous in "Old King Cotsl"
rixruirAst- ornatytirA , ' - •
t r 12404 - 4StAii
day this lima limit intirthettoannatiakoi:
DiOcioni Philiastplkia and Pain:
sylvanite. Banks • They had-better WNW
.otallnistiona sot.. Unsay aping them
-I.eives. •
Canada-The western portion of Up.
p 4 Canada is 'in cominotion ? „ The insitr.
gents. have taken possession:sof Foollal.
den with 175 prisoners, after crossing the
river St. Clair. Many 'houses . tvere burn.
ell and a most sanguinary battle terrninat.•
cld in favor of the invaders.
Gen. Vari &butts, the Poltsh leader,ol
the forces at Prescott has been hung—hard
but just. The other trials - are progressing.
Ti.zos.—From the New Orleans Ceti
sier we learn that the inhabitants of San
Antonio balm been threatened with an at
'tack by the Comanche Indians. In con
sequence of-this, requisi•ions have been
made throughout the Country by Gen.
Rusk, and every arrangement made to re
pel them. The tribe numbers 10.000
fighting men but are so short of provisions
that they cannot concentrate in any - great
The Lorette indict - Mi.—We were pre
sent at Quebec, at the time when the
death of William the Fourth was announc
ed and the recognition of Queen Victoria
took place. The Sunday succeeding we
visited Lorene, well known is the princi
pal village of the Canadian Hurons. The
Council Chief, whose name has escaped
our recollection, a venerable man in ap
pearance, although wanting that dignity
of mien which generally characterizes the
Indian, had visited England, on a visit to
George the Fourth after his accession to
the throne. He cherished his recollection,
secondary only to that of Edmund Kean,
the tragedian, who, it wilLhe remembered
was made a chief of that tribe. The old
chief was sufficiently reconciled to the do
minion of the Admiral King, hilt could not
join the general congratulations in favor of
Victoria, having all the antipathy of his
nation against being governed by a wo
man. This circumstance was recalled to
recollection by the following •circumstance
related in ono of our exchange papers.
'The Indians seem to have very little
respect for the "divinity which doth hedge
eibout a"—Queen. - In a talk which some
Illritish officers lately had with them for
want of "Great Father," they Were Ali•
led to tell them of their Great Mother" at
very mentionve of which name they con
emptuously cried "umph—squaw !" '
Jackson's opiskon of Van Buren.—We
quote the following from the Delaware
State Journal:
"A letter from Washington to a gentle
6tan in Laticanster
. details a conversation
Meld with Gen. Jackson at the hermitage,
and among other remarks the General Zb
perved, That if Mr. - Van Buren should
lose New York, he had better not again
meet Congress, but return to Kinderhook.
lie added, that Van Buren did not possess
the confidence or respect of the leading
men of his party—that the sphere of action
;vi as quite too extensive, and involved diffi
tilties that he was unequal to—that he
r could manage a county, a district, but not
;a great country. tie- said that Mr. Van
;Boren could not, of himself, have ascended
the Presidential chair, and consequently,
that he cannot be re-elected. as he (the
General) should never again interfere with
the affairs of government.' "
The loco members for the Senate and House of
Representatives undoubtedly received a majority of
votes in all the wards and districts in the County of
ltheadelphiat---but Tory Ingersol did not receive utma
jority of votes for 'Congress over Charles Naylor in
the-Third Congressional District. TorOngersol and
that tool of the (;eneral Government. and traitor, file-
Cohen, attempted to commit a fraud upon the people
by- procuring persons to swear that the tally-papers
were lost in one of the Van B tren wards in the North•
ern Liberties, and the election held illegal in the other,
consequently the votes polled in these two wards
could not be received. On this ground the locos
threw out the votes in the whole seven words, and
gave the return to Tory IngersoL The whits very
foolishly believed that the locos swore to-the truth,
and threw out the votes iii the two wards only where
the locos proved the election was held illegaLand re
ceived the votes in all the other wards and districts.
This gave the Whig Senators and Representatives in
the County a majority, and Charles Naylor an increas
ed Majority. and they were returned by the' Whig
judges according to law. The locos finding that their
villainy] had recoiled onthemselves, in their rage dol
ected a mob at Harrisburg to carry by force, what
theit rascality at home had deprived them&
Fire in' Beata—The office of the Daily
Star and several other buildings in this city
have been destroyed. Loss near 830,000. .
Strange.--A patient objected to taking In
emetic, because it would nol stay on his stomach.
A Rpssian Ceranation.—"lt was no imposing
ceremony, the Emperor having his father's
assassins at his side,. his grandfather's assassins
before him, and his own assassins behind him."
Mulberry Trees,—The planters of N. Caroli-.
pa have caught the mulberry fever. • '
Mehincholy.—The dwelling of Mr. Robert Ro.
gets, of Springfield, Otsego co. N. Y. was de
stroyed - by fire on the . 28th nit., and himself and
:wife pistished in the.fiamen.:
Attentton.—A Buffalo editor proposes to get,
up dancing parties there, for the purpose of
disciplining the militia.
Escaped.—Gen. Birge, stomach-ache nob).
riety, and Alm celebrated Johnson, have escaped
from the Mazahalt.cif N.Y.
Beckwith's Meeting House in dai.
1 tine, Me., has tact 'partially burned :
Oviscieecle.—ok pickpocket cpatoml.k.y..letter a
pocket book- to Dz. Dalton, of Orleana.—Had
, aim" numerin it 1.
• , w~:3-
liiiprlidriiireThick biota'
4!loolo=bieliste4ci,ts:.* l aoerried
iiiselfrokr.=.lllr:Osceri7so; who is lecturing
`at giinatinfinciPKit.: ll iitheoltp tier =airtime
frairant,that ttidaesr Were it-fials, is
changed into rose wattif • •
- Chority.—Ai St. Miry% Churelh(Phil.) $BOO
were recently collected ter 'Si. Joseph's Orphan
Asylum.: . • .
French 'lndemaity.—The arrears of 'interest
on-the first four instalinenta, are 'ready to be
paid at the Bank of Ameritia,
Jamaica paper states that an
abolition ball was given by
. the blacks at Bpanish
Town, a aggro named Waterloo Bill being grand
master ofth'e Ceremonies.
Mm York—Street beggars-4bundlings, and
fights, are all in vogue. - •
Dastsges. , -• -Pdr,Saltonstall has recovered from
Mr. Stokes 117,130, as a verdict' in case of dams
agisc.for injury ieceived by his wife in a stage
coach, caused by a drunken druier.
Aladdin's Palace.— A than left New Orleans
a few years ago, owning nothing bat a lot in
some obscure corner. On ins recent return he
'unexpected ly found the property worth upwards
of $200,000.
A Stew.—The New Yotk Whig says:
Beavers, foxes, wild turkeys, and girls. are
scarce in some parts of Ohio; and rather difficult
to catch. It is 'said that the latter make a- glo;
rious stew. We differ from friend Burr, but
acknowledge the latter arc apt to put us In I
Re-capture.—Billiohnison has beeu re-captured
by Capt. Vaughan of U. 8.. Navy.
• Gen. Von Rensalkar.—An attack of a wanton
character has been made in Albanyr on this
gentleman, of so dangerous a nature, that his
life wag despared of. Two of the assailants have
been arrested.
Aecidentir. Yeager, engineer on the Co
lumbia Rail Road, was recently killed by the'
train running of the track.
Another Complaint.—The Pennsylvania Tele:
graph complains that its papers do not arrive
regularly at their destination. Turn Van Barer',
and they will go regularly enough.
Important Resiination.—The Globe says that
the mob leader, McCahen, resigned his place in
the Post office, pro tens, in order to go to !Jerrie.
burg as a private citizen.
Fatal Affray.—Richard H. Hays of Nashville,
was killed -in a street encounter. with William
Polk, brother of the Hon. J. K. Polk, having bein
shot by a pistol loaded with buck shot.
South Carolina.—Patrick Noble, Esq. c has
been elected Governor of this State by • a vote of
96 to 58 over Mr. Elmore. Thom'as Smith
elected Limit, Governor.
Hentut ly —IL' S. Letcher, Esq., Whig, was
elected Speaker of the House of Representatives
by an U11111:11M0118 vote.
Strange Triza.—At Mobile, a poor feeble old
man, nearly 100 years of age, was lately tried for
the murder otitis grand son, and convicted on
the sole evidence of his own daughter, the moth
er firth° victim. •
Exteution.4tAusUn Squires has been hung.
at Rochester, N.Y., for the murder of his wife.
Bos,ton.-M.i. Elliot, Whig; has been elected
Mayor of the old' Bay Town. .
Fall of Malt Liquor.—Two vats in Vassar's
large brewery at Pokeepine, containing 400 bbls.
of ale, fell through two stories into the cellar.
Capt. Nicholson.—This officer of our navy,
died at Baltimore last week, in his 48th• year, a
victim to apoplexy.
Sold Out.—The city of Rockies, in Arkansas;
was lately sold out by the Sheriff.
" Ottrkenteck.—The Slate Agricultural Socie
ty has awarded a gold thimble to Mr& 1?r: Leas;
el for her husband mewing io the beat suit of
Charcoal.—Du not sleep in close rooms, with
charcoal fires, at this or any other season' of the
Try it--Tlie Baltimore Patriot complains
that Mr. Garland, the netts clerk of the House, is
too slow motioned. The Daily Whig recom.
mends making bun a sith_treasnrer to increase
his speed
Striped Pig.---The New Yorkers are turning
their attention to a Beene° law. for the sale of
liquor. Better let the evil regulate
Truth.—lt is very disagreeable to Os - to `3.3
constrained to' utter such unpleasant truths.—
It is extremely disagree-able to you to be con
strained to niter truths ofany sort.—F,
Helen Jewett s —RObert Furlong, who proved
Robinson'e alibi, on the murder trial of Helen
Jewett, drowned himself from on board the Ship
Wexford, in a fit pf delirium tremens, while on
the passage ,to Porto Cabello.
Listen dear Antos !—The citizens of N. Or
leans are going to correspond with you on the
irregularity of the mails.
Sacred Music.—An oratorio lately glien
New York bad the assistance of upwards of
one thousand performers.
Wanted.. 7 Bricks . at rcosacola for new ford.
ficationa—Can't rangy "you with the article
here; won't - Atone coal do , ?
U. & Regineerio.--Cid. , Tottes tam been order
ad to \Wellington, to take. the place of Gen
Gratiot ire,,the Engineer Department.
indiand—•T L Evans, Eli., has been. elected
Speiker of the House in this state. All the
candidates were 'Wings.
Awful Fiss.l4earfy whole of the iillage
of Williaoraburg (14.) has been 4estroYed by
Tesaa,;A direct tale; between -.Tel* and
Europe bus been commenced.
Skirj l .#,Pai•
J.W. 'offal ti!!
51) their. 0 ) 4 1 ,!,4Ti•- •
delphia 'the emu
of their inetititiMito 1.4311
un, on tigli • r.'
illiiitery:4•General Goodwin'
alph4 frmo Harris*
Gre;gra.*"' —Nhonvention to
tution han beevidoPted by • II
tat has *wise poised to red
raernherri lathe - f,egiatatuen.
U. & ent.-11. F.
.ney General halt 'been appointee
for the S'onthein District, of
of Mr. Price, iiiwqratulated.
, Mr. Carpenter offered aR»
Senate ptikee' d. to nominate a c
the phico or Mr. 'McKean in t
and that, a commttteebe appoi
House of the same. At the .
Vote stood ayes H, nays 18..
- The resolution offered some
PearaceN that a aominittee of 6
take into consideration the I
eighth SenatOrtal District, ,Mr
moved to amend, by striking
word Resolved, and Inserts wo
mittee under the act of 1791.
by a vote of 17 to' -
-A v motion of Mr. Fraley to
amendment by striking out th.
Ryer and'Frow, the sitting
ting those of Messrs.' Bell an. ,
le to 12, • ••
.The Committee on Mr. Pea
investigating the Ilontingd.l
Messrs.! Pearson, I.3aretlay,
and Hayes ; the life latter ge
'ed as being on 110_ commit'
contested seat of Mr. Hanna.
ter and Myers, appointed. i I
vote on tbe•Governor's electio.
After the presentation of a
tension of the Lebanon Bank
points the Solebory Rail R.:
resolution as to the Recognitt •
the Legislature came up..
postponement, hoping that th
their own difficiihter. Mr. V
to see the question disposed
thought the adoption of his re
to conciliation, but if after the
raised, the Se nate would still.
her power, they would be co.
•to their constituents, and tell
ernnierit was dissolved-and r -
nal elements, and that they ..
a new government:
After many amendments
discussion, the resolution* •
.3f 22 to 7, modified ill the fo
Restilvee, That it committ
quire into and repertaho fact
be constitutionally ascertame
two bcidies chaining to be 1,1
sentativek; in ettier that th
before it such 'evidence as m •
mine whether 'any body is n
with which the Senate can •
Rouse of Representatives : •
mittee have power to send fo
. The committee are 111.•
Ewing, Rogers, -Irving,
asked and was excused from
mittee4 when after Messrs :
Hays,l who bad been succes
the vacancy bad declined se
bury was appointed. •
'Mr. Rogers bought fo
resolution, his. withdrawn a.
ley's resolution, the purport
Senate had no power to iriq
ual qualifications of membe
This was carried by .a vote
'The resolution of Mr. Ha
legality of the committee on .
as the names , of two Senato
put m i lk ballot box, was m
• Fri_ y Dec
• „.
The Resolution on the lity 91
tee appointed on Mr. Manna a elm
in order: - The dissolution o the c
-c.ppos,,d by Mr. Brawn and r. B
much! argument -. ‘ was agai post
morrciw. •
Mri Pearson; reported th t Mr.
ty over Mr. }row, in the tutting
was 2t34 votes, and the inajo ity fo
17 votes, and moved that assns.'
2ay be sworn us the sitting embe d
I M. Bell called up The lute
i t
himselfetroso - days since, for the 4,
a committee to ascertain ail • reo
number of votes polled-for °semi
against the amendments . The i
adopted nem. MM. The co °Atte
Bell, Sterrett, dad Barclay. 1
Mn Myers. made a m
Huntingdon election, which
Committees were appoioe
seats kif Melsaric. Wagner
also of Messrs. Bell 'Sebes
committees in the ease of th
Mieler, Fullerton, Clad,.
and . W il limits:` in the la'
Str m, Case. Miller, (Cis
and Fullerton.
No business was done, t
tees not being - ready to re.
bins catik hint !!-: Wo rear;
Resekve Chronicle, that A.
PoatiMaster at Hart's Grov'
ono of the noiaiestand •
Star*, ban runaway with. , I
his possession.:, He lit iure
ably made for Tetal.' Qut I
is a FiPitaLtOug - fir 04E7!
transferring Ito-
• Joint !
who, will eijoy'pleps
ii - ttfieis. is a tnonlite
."girefgritrf. is !hits g
btiadtion, • in the iipSchit.
tii .
sidt . -** 13 ,.it..r.agf. 31 ! in.. 4
i .iiiiiiii Wit end . b 1 , ,"
pi i Its ireateetTtestAiii.
:ilittlashoo4detractiiiis; .
,44410ithiii, -:9.r j.,stice.
astmit'SSith:4leso add ran
04itti4 1 0.(i°0- 01. 00t,
isisisigy '
I glut
et*. o A
amber of
w To
' i AMIN
, piaci
! ,
Wednesday -
' 1838.
that the
to aupply
dittat •
!t 3
tad io
.nii ;
form the
mliog the
cm by Mr.
pointed to
•e be a
oat •
Itle Ore
I This a
from. the
!- Chester,
! after the
og a orn4
e adopted
of Mows."
and ►nser•
was loM
I ,
; Mean
lotion . for
tion, were
were °nein
- tigate thy
re. Carpen•
lace. The
•en counted:
Dec.' ) 3.
n'e R
n. El -
to in
.d Me
and a
of o
. Bell
Y mig
:f, and
for en es
-11 to incor-
Ir. Fraley's
Branch of
demoted its
t reconcile
as anzions
r. Fraley
would teed
tie had been
to go home
at the goy—
, to Ha esigi
ed to form
L. (etc
est for
• ,and much
. by a Note
worde.- - •
.inted to ali
as they can
ation to the
a of Repro
may have
a it to deter
ing sessions
'cats as the
such a com
a and papers
raley (CityT
Mr. Rogers
on j.tia cols
r, Myers and
anted to Oh
Mr. Kings.
I Berlin
• leg.
ti itir. rfa-
I was that ►ho
the individ.
other Hocise.
'ard a.
f whit.
• e id
.L2Bof th
na , q
de th,
teal:toning the
on, inasmuch
at: were not
first order to=
14, 183&
the commit'.
nita, came up
minim:to arms
I, and after .
~,ed till to-
Boll's inajori
.on District,
Mr. Maclay
itcll and Mac-
.n offered by
ppointrnent of
.rt the whole
, and for and
—.lotion was
• are Messrs.
Dee. 17
sport on the
don the tale.
the contested
•enaon, and
%looks. The
were Maori.
teohm; Haye
; tt. Williptge
was 1;i
ilr f and
ay Dee,lp,
cent aaaiMit
e d
fro ,
L aiest t
the p
tong '
anti . .--,Psteti
the Wedere
he Van Berea
bats county:
..focus its the
Alit ritone) , In
fia*g preh
aptthlke. It is
venue" or our
Curious =piktry
iolencp *tier&
itily teeth out
'sad -- a pattial
'ortt,•it- fills •
sitionAtut ha-
6 file
e r