POTTSVILLE. RIMY MORN • ' Garde. Ih • tle Ladtiitt • tfelicriAtit. meaty prtitted et therlesitti chat sinus. gad Au ( . ' •To our rairol6l6 mould .respectfully reqnest *mew sub. seri • keenlernent of their arrecrageo• those itei in the Borough and iteneighbothoOd will alas find us ready at our office. and those who live t a distance , can easily make remittances by enel ing a five dollar bill. which amount will i he p to their credit. We shall esteem an alto tion to this notice a favor,. witich we will end nor to repay by continued exertions ,to in sir ar id amuse. . . 1 the Brat week of January next, we shall en sae the size of the Journal ; and at th at time ace ly t 2OOO will be due for auhscriptione. the reel •pt of which wall materially .assist in ldn• fla log the expencen incident to the contemplated int rennet We Will also find it necessary to • a new set of Books at the commencement of t a ensuing year, and a prompt discharge of all übscriptions•due to that period. will greatly benefit ourselves, and save a great • deal of labor in transferring batmen, on Old accounts. - " . , ui 1- The Conty Members. trite true issue of the present difficulties at larrishurg,1 arrishurg , resolves itself into the quest. do were the Whig or Locilloce mem. bets kgally returned to the Secretary of State? The ground of dispute now, is not who received the actual majority in the Criunty,; but who were returned in the 'winner Prescribed by law. We will state ths plain facts of the case, as there appears to ,be much misrepresentation on the sub je4t, and an attempt made to $s the odi um of the whole transaction on the Whig p.rty, when actually the grasping and hi h•handed attempt of Charles J. Inger- Ho I to secure his return to Congress, th ugh in a minority, was the• sole cause w ,ich has led our opponents to the mini m salon of treason. IPhiladelphia County has two Conres airli a ne! in one Representative district. e The fitst Congressional District elected Mr. l' ynter, (V. B.) and came into the third Congressional district, (contested by Messrs. Naylor and Ingersoll.) with 'a de., cided majority for the Van Buren County Ticket. The result in the NorQiern Lib erties and other parts of the thiri district, _glive Mr. Naylor a majority overrlar. In gi3rsoll, but did not bring up tho Ice way • list by the Whigs in the first district on their County Ticket, and there is no rea stet to doubt the fact, that if all the tally to of the different Wards had been hand over to the 'return judges,, the Van Bu r n 'County Members would all, or most of em have been elected. Mr. Ingersoll, juncture, knowing that the majori. t of the Wards of the Northern Liberttes ( hird district,) would give Mr. Naylor a t 1 Majority beyond his, .at the, Kensington find unincorporated Northern Liberty oils, resolved no what was, at the first lance, intended to be a master-stroke of olitical finesse. - - The two Van• Buren ards of the Northern Liberties were to ‘ , mislay, or make away with their tally ists—this was done, and Mr. Ingersoll I , mtnediately. advanced the hitherto un• sown doctrine, that for the dereliction of two Wards the whole of the Northern Lib• brig vote should be thrown out. On the .Mame principle, if the epection was illegally eld is oneolistritt.iniSchuylkill County, the vote of the whole County must be re lacted. Now the motives for this course of conduct will be evident by a little ex planation- The whole Whig majority in the Northern Liberties was between II Id 1200, and in the only two wards w here the Loco s had an ascendency_ there kwas a Van Buren majority of 3 or 400. Now the rejection of these two wards a• ' lone, would not alter the general result of the election, tor still the Whigs would have .1 7 or 800 majority in all the Liberties; but Ito secure Mr. Ingersoli's election to Con. jgress it . was necessary to quash the whole `Liberty vote, which would.also still secure the return of the loco county ticket, and therefore he advanced his novel proposi- Ition, and this course would ha4tesured his election, inasmuch as the other districts of the County gave a Van Buren majority. lln no other Wards but these two could i his schemes be carried into Orect,for the .1 Whig Inspectors were guarded in all the I others, and no other district gave a whig 1 majority which it was necessary to kill. The difficulty then arises on the rejection i of the two wards only, or all the wards 1 All the wards being thrown aside, give Mr. 1 ingersoll and the loco county members .1 the return; the two wards only being re jected, give it to the Whig county mein - . hers and Mr. Naylor- Pending these transactions, it became . necessary by law on Friday subsequent to • the day of election, that the return Judges should make their returns, and send them on sealed, to the Secretary of State. The Judges accordingly met, when the Loco focoe were for throwing out the whole of . the Northers Liberty vote, and the seven Whir, for rejecting only the two wards l where the talley-lists were lost. The ma tiprity therefore decided that the whole skould be excluded, and gave the certifi• 1 cafe of election to Mr:lngersoll. The VI big Judges conceiving-this to be as it. legal as it was unprecedanteuk made out., their returns entimOvith the exception of ' the two (nett riA..,;koin which there were no returns, rie 4 eent them on through Col. Watinongh, the Sheriffofthe county, to Harrisburg. Thus far the Whigs bad . acted to the letter of the law. ' The loco Judges, so much elated at the •stipposed Success of their plan; or frorirsotneother •:. cause, neglected top. , el out* returtion . Friday, according to w, bat o n the next day, satstry': Jost, made grIA theiireturo, ex cluding a l it the Northern Liberties. and handed itAt• the Sheriff, as the result or the - count( election. • j!The Sherif; refused to have tiny thing tri t du with this docu ment, as:ihe had trartimitted the one ,re turned t 1 , him according to law the pre-' vious da , and the liicofeco's return war presented], to the Howie last week, by Mr. Pray I Jr ! r Now thin ris to tire entire* which Mr. Bin. ro tiwes, t e Secretary!? -of State, has taken: me he , has . 0 loudly , vituperated for his conduct, when in reality, hd hal been guided at every sterill the strict meaning of the Ifild. Accenting to his oath of of fice, tie *as to know nd recognize no re turn but That regulari transiretted, and he thereford resisted eery attempt of Mt. Shunk and others, 0 proture the legal • returns -that they mi g ht subStitute illegal I ones. Iln this he has aeted according tai the conscientious dictates of right, and in this, weld(' not dotibthe will be upheld by 1 every gclod 'citizen. 1 That he, as a public; officer, has had no desire to allow party feeling to influence tint, is evident from his having transmitted every return of a disputed district which came legally into his hands from the return Judges. This then is the true state of the case. The loOoa lost titeir county . members througir s the attempted chicanery of Mr. Ingersoll, which overleapt itself, and re coiled on his own party: and now in their rage arid 'desperation, they would subvert all law and legislation, to attain that of which they have been robbed by him. lie it nis, who holding the political desti ny of the state in his hand, threw away the preCious pearl (if honesty, seeking to grasp at power. Ile it is, to whom we owe the deep and unilving,disgrace which nor Katie ha,s sufferrnsi; Had he it is who is the true, sole, and despised cause of an at tempted revolution, which will forever blacked the legislative annals of Pennsyl vania ! ', dill {later from Harrisburg. In addition to the intelligence-from the Capitol, which *ill be found odour first page, we contin ue to cellect such information as roaches us. On Kunday night the troops Rom Philadelphia had all arrived, and eneamkel in the Court House, Arsenal and other plaCes; no other soldiery bad arrived9nt this time bet Gen. Patterson's division. The lionse of Repreßentatives, since their ex pulsion From the Capitol, assembleet,daily at WiL BOWS Fkotel, for the purpose of adjourning from time to 3 :time, but the loco foco mob threatened to , tear down the house, if Mr.. Wilson allowed it He was consequently compelled to forbin their meetings to preserve his property. In the mean time Gov Miner had issued the followiPg Proclamation, calling upon the militia to sustain him in preserving the dignity of our Legislative Halls from the ruthless desecration of paid wretches, who Would have contaminated the blood stained tyrantspf the French Revolutiari. It is a fine and manly document, and will be read with pride by every friend of good order. PEN*SYLVANIA 4 SS. In the name and by the authori. ) ty of the Commonwealth of Penn. Rylvanie. ti. By Joseph Ringer, - • Governor of the and Com monsvealth. A PROPLANIOLTiON. W 0 ER EAS, a lawless infuriated amid mob from the counties , f Philadelphia, Lancaster, Ad ams tin , other pl cue, assembled at the Real of I.:overt:went, w . the avowed object of disturb. mg, lute , . mg and over awing the Legislature; , ofthis h.: ~ i . wealth, and of presenting its : preper or rition, end the peaceable and free dischirge of its duties. AOH WHEREAS: The Raid mob have al ready:on this day, entered the Senate Chamber, and in an outrageoha and violent manner, by claotriring, shouting and threatening violence and death to some of the members of that body. and other officers °Ph° Government ; and finally by roChing within the bar of the Senate Chamber, in ddfianee of every effort to restrain them, compelled the Senate to suspend busmen. Alin WHEREAS: They still remain here in' force, encouraged q a person who is an officer of th General Government, from Philadelphia. and l u e setting the law • at epee defiance, and rend ring it unsafe'. for the Legislative bodies to assemble in the Capitol : THEREFORE, This is to call upon the civil autterity to exert themsebrei to restore order, to the utmost of their power, and upon the militia force' of the Commonwealth, to hold themselves in inetant readiness to-repair to the seat of Gov. irmlient ; and opob all good citizens to aid in curbing this lawless mob, and in reinstating the supremacy of the lea. Given under myl band, and the Great Seal of She State, at Harriaburg,thie fourth day of %December, in' the yeae'of our Lord, one 'thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, land of the Commonwealth the sixty third. By the Governor : THO. H. BURROWO3, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The Governor also opened a correspondence with the President( of the. United Stater, reques. deli the' use of the.; powers under his control to support the snpreittacy of the laws and the Con. stitetion. In furtherance of this wish, we are pleased to state that Commodore Elliot was pre4nptly despetched with orders to take charge of the U. S. troop e at Carlisle. teither had thiC civil adthority been entirely ina?tive. The conduct of Judge t3Jythe has re ceitred the warmest conlyeendaticaelvm all: he adiicessed the mob and informed thes4the dllrl. glum nature of jheir.iiroceedints, and his deter mination as far a possible to maintain the dignity of the laws. SeelSral greats were consequently made, Charles . Misench, Pray , and Savage , aripmg others, slid the traitors actuated toihail. aifiCahein, appreliiiisive ofarrest, left precipitately foi' Philadelphia.' but re 'Neared again at the Cspital on Sendai as Coldeei if the Pennsylve ilia Militia, with; he troops'under Gen. Patterson. w• TIMMINERS7 JO Heeras 44 . 0 I kliged" Gen. Alesioderi of Carlisle, hit ProaspUy orda: ed out h ads* Companies of proceeded . b , ear gesaally la* !ell CapitoL a a A large number of the Chime of Harrisburg. likewise joined trigetheX for porpoise Cr defence, loft), aPPoioteSt Dr•"E. W. Roberts their commas. de4 and he will doliis duty firmly:awl faithfully. about a hundred citheens of the Clinital have published &manifesto in which they *spurn the asiartions of Sheriff Ccichratt, of Datiphin, whit hem denied that there were any ground for appire• 'w' heroical of ilelenCe un the part of the mob. Mr McCoy. a least re/inedible citizen of the Mwtt, a 1 has published a card in which he states that when r i s i the crowd was collecting in the market plans, he di m caked the sheriff what they were going to do; hai "to organise and concentrate their forces to ad, um and that by sun rise Means Stems would k A s ne more." Still the Sheriff thinks there is no g m mob The Chief Bores and Cockle% have fi, r been very remiss in their exertion's. and no doubt wi a successfut attempt will be made to remove the 13t , seat of government 7 Many respectable cilium p a have asserted, that they beard Cochran the Sheriff ma urge on the mob .by declaration, that there maid as be no peace until Stevens, Penrose and Berenice yo were bung. The Hangman 'is sneaking oabout me for soma jobs He likewise has quartered in' the Jail of the County *bunt fifty of the bullies from Philadelphia and .elsewhere; if he - hrould I Re turn the key on them, he might in part retitisee his character. co Adam Diller, of Lancaster County, is t eeognized of as the rebel Commander. Capt. Thompson of ei York Co. arrived at the Capital on Monday, and el on reporting his command of volunteers to the el Commander, was surprised to learn that be had .of not been called out. 4:5n examination the orJeri to was found to gave emanated from Haim., and Calit. T. indivintly ordered his men home tc One evening of last week CoL M. G. Ego, of B Cornbarland, was shotat in one of the most public ti streetp, having been mistaken for Mr. Penrose; * le still the locos say there is no danger ! ' Since the appearance of the military, the mob ti are held in check. The general orders of the ti Commanding officer are very commendable, poi. n ther officers or soldier being permitted to enter ti the Capitol, or its . inelosures. t County Monkey Address.—We refer our res. dere with . gratification to the following address. It is jest such a document u we should have . ex pected, and the m wt 4stidious, can only comment oo it in terms of praise. Calming investigation, but at the same time determined to concede no iota of their rights; throwing themselves on'their country for security, and on the intelligenas.o the state fur approval of their coarse. No one can read it without admiring the firmness, can• dor, and hightoned purity of its aentimeMs. To the People of Pennsyl vania. Fetcow Crrizzars:—Because of the v4n7 great misrepresentation which has' been median rel.. tion to the contested election in the County of Philadelphia, the undersigned, duly elected and returned members of the State Legislature from _ the said county, deem it a duty which they owe o to themselves and their fellow citizens to disabuse the public ear in relation to this sublict, and to. assert in the most phblic manner the.. rights, of which, et the wills it was slitampted to deprive them by freed, and ,at, the Held of Government, by force. Deliberate and extensive frauds were devised and practised by our opponents in certain parts of the County of Philadelphia at the recent election, the knowledge of which determined us to present ourselves and our CROSS to your ahem bled Representatives—that in conformity to the law of the State we or our opponents should be declared /the legal represeltatives froollie County of Philadelphia. We court investigation and inquiry into thil subject by tbe only compe tent tribunal. eConimittee of the House ; and no threats of violence eau compel our submission to any other power, selfconstituteal by previous arrangement or accidentally assembled at the seat of Government for intimidation or violence. We owe this not to ourselves, but to our constit uents, whose interests at all hazards we will endeavor faithfully to protect ; and are now, as we ever have been, ready to abide the unbia ssed decision of a committee of the House appointed to investigate this *object ; and, if necessary, to return to our constituents and submit ourselves and our conduct to their judgment. Regularly returned members from the county of Philadel phia, we have been regarded by our opponents as usurpers of their rights, and the public infoim. ed that, without the shadow of authority, we are claiming seats to Which we are tie entitled. This we are prepared to show is utterly false; and if permitted. unawed by threats and firm, We confidently believe that we can prove to the entire satisfaction of cur fellow-eitizens, that we have been elected to the seats we now bold by a majority of legal Yaw over our opponents. SAML. F. REED, JESSE F. SMITH, W. J. CRANK, WM. LOYD, MICHAEL DAY, ADAM WOELPPER, H. IL MEARS. W. F. MGM. Harrisburg. Dot. 8, 1838. Tar Ginotatz. GOvramerer AID TEL TIMMICO. If any thing can add to the detestation with which every honest man most regard the general course of the offal as Nan Buren organ at Wash. ington. the vile ! piloted Globe , it is the un blushing mendaci which characterises Its arti cles. We are ' to soil our columns with the epithets which its character demands, and feel that we 'offer degradation by even noticing its misrepresentations. But' a sense of justice to those who may be led astray by its deceptive course, tempts tie to disprove another of its Wee. houds. Read the following and compare it 'with the facts.. • • "It is characteristic of Aimee and his MIS CREANT agents. that the proclamation be pots forth should contain a PAI.PABLE FALSHOOD on thefacs of itt No officer of the Government has had the slightest agency in the commotion at Rarrisborg.". c Mr. lacCahese--a Philadelphia Colonel—and so was the renciimed Col Pluck, and a worthier, man—is the person alluded to.' Now it Is notori ous to all. who are in• the least acquainted at Philadelphia, that Mr. McCahen is a letter Wrier, StNAL. 4elphia, and has been for Mtn* year's' wait engaged in the discharge of the &tiles that station.. since the election. The Globe vy endeavor to hedge .the questises-by saying -Asr is not a goirematent officer, but that he riZ 1 . • • is eviilant ; as much so as any • the Poet office Department, and takes e oath as the others engaged in that How then can ffieutrificiar think to blind . • - . t It is like all hs asintkins either du . ignorant or wilfully Atles—neither idlers . nor changes our opinion of its an. slid of baapAi* Clowdy.—We wontd i ll Mr. Cochran, the loco foco Marled ear .. to start immediately Gs Bethlehem, to , , y gifted person. Doctor Green, who infallible remedy for Deafness. He is , ly a had case, but the Doctor will curs-him. ..all the noise, bustle, rioting and treason at *, pitol, he poor soul; has heard no occasion . ••• to act , in his official capacity ! He did , himself say that before morning "Mr. would be no More"--he did not hear the -, i See Camel, or any of the other traitors -ir appeals. to biome Quick, Mr. Sheriff, despatch and hasten to Doctor Green, or ill have no hearirg to know that you will - i our deserts, and be removes from o ffi ce. i-, - , •r Fstlkrton of Franklin.—This eman, who is attached to thb Whig , but who has been doubtful as to the e of policy pursued by the Secretary • Commonwealth, has, on the recent nation of Mr. Burrnwes, declaredev doubt on the subject removed to his , • iatisfaction. A resolution had been 1 111 —ed in the Senate requiring the Secre. to lay before them all the documents returns in relation to the recent Sena -1• I Elections; in answer to which Mr. . ,as stated that he had no further re- 1 r a in his possession, but communicated e papers relative to the Governor's e ct on. The acts of Assembly, by which - ,as been regulated, so clearly points out e course to be pursued, that the refuta of o triumphant, and all have declared e • Ave!, perfectly, aatisfied! And will e people of Pennsylvania lose the serv -- of such a man, who rising aixive the 1 71 to ms of party, can soar clear ly d proud , . rough contending factions wth honor o , imself, and justice to his ountry 1— o' bid it gratitude! forbid it justice ! ire Apparatus.—We call attention to proceedings at a public meeting, in wh ch will be found the propositions of the Borough Council, in co-operation with our citikens, to procure additional fire apparat- us,, and also to the advertisement of the council, asking subscriptions to a loan to ffected with a view to these objects. ery one will hare it in their power to ist this loan, the shares having been low enough to suit all pockets, and on mint of such vital • importance we have fear of lukewarmaess. rnion Canal Conoention.—We have o , versed with one of the delegates, who just returned from HarriWurg, who tea that this convention was numerously at ended, and that great spirit and energy pervaded its proceedings. Judge Blythe presided ; its minutes will soon be given to the public in pamphlet form, until then we can only say, the cause is in good hands, and if persevereance can insure sucess, the wishes o our community will bei, complied with. COLONIZATION THOILAZ Bowxis, agent of the PNNNItYL. 4wLA Cow:Hu:non &curry, will de i er a Lecture, ut the Methodist Episco -1 Church of this place, on Tuesday eve , tilg (18th inst.) at 7 o'clock, oinks subject APTICAN COLONIZATION. The citizens of Pottsville are invited to . tend. Leg Treasury. 11. -`l\ Distribution of the Revenue. Time was, when those who met, asked What pews from Washington r- but ow the question is " what new subtreas. tter has run away 'I" When Tobias Wa t t. ins, poor fellow ! was a • defaulter, the query was " bow many hundreds has the e °Tegument lost ?" now it is " bow many Allan. has be embezzled ?V Peculation a now on a grand scale, as witness the °Hewing list : Samuel' ,Swartwout, Collector of New York, $1,600,000 illiam M.. Price 11. S. attornerat New York, 1,450,000 .1. Gratiot, Engineer Department Thus we go I The President may be magician, bat be is little of a financier. Did or did -not the Treasury Department before their explosion . ' 'fay., why not let t air mas ters, the people, know the jee y the public money was in 1 Anotker Sub Treasury "BiIL"—A .camp by the name of Bill Keeler, former ly criaitrnaster at Printer's Retreat, Swift. arletd county, (fidiana ) has been tried and found guilty of robbing the mail, at the late term of the United States Court, in that place, and'sentenced to ten -years4m prisonmeat in the penitentiary. MoraingEtsrA . • • Whig piper under oda title, has just euteredi • • month of exis tence at Philadelphia. lappearance and con. .tents are equally ream:MIEN and it will doubtless prove a valuable adjunct told, good came Whose 'course if onward. The 'Morning Star has our best wishes for its sticcessquid if the Editor will render it worthy of t'ts Philadelphia , pram, he will place it on a parity with any • paper in,. the• world. There is hot one pp pion of its editors and editorials ; they are alike distinguished for candour, truth, inteffigeneci and a total 'absence of that unblushing sophistry Which would gild with false brightness the acts of 'gni prince of darkness himselfolfire only belonge4td "the arty." Mr. Bausman, may your "Morning" ever bare . its "own bright particular "Star'i to cheer you, sad may your "Star never kn i ewl Mourning. Canada.—Nothing• of interest has transpired here : the Court Martial. hale commenced oper ' Ultimo, and as shall socal teeth the fate of the mi►auided invaders. Evening ,School.—We refer oar readers to the advertisement of Mr. C. Vir.Teal. Who proposes opening an evening school in our Borough. If this young gentleman has the tithe of the talent of any of his family, Ne every way qualified for the Mork he has undert4ken.i A Veritable Bill.—Tbe 11 S. Gazette in ilia. Monte the fires in our Bo ugh last week, sais one destroyed a new untmear4d. house, owned and occupied by Ur. Delerg We bare not time to .refer to our file, but did, we or did we not, take this bull by, the , bores? . litroaYstrr MovEstrivr.-It will be seen by the list of passengers who departed in the Liverpool this morning for England,, that Virmumit M. PRICE, Esq. ticked, States District Attorney for the Southern District of' New York, is of the number. His business was probably urgent, as he has embarked on short notice. The collector Of this port, who spent last evening with him; had no intimation of his intention, and was not-aware of it until after the. Liverpool tad departed, Con jecture is already busy epon the circumstance. Our own opinion however, decidedly 'is, that the sisal of Mr. Price to' Europe is connected with the affairs of his friend Mr. Swartwout. In the above article, Cell. Stone, with his usual charity, has placed the most lenient constructions, on a very suspicious neodement : we hope ire have our share of that itudity of mercy, which is twice blessed," but we nrgue quite widely from the Commercial. To ;isy the least, it was very injudicious, in Mr. Pricd, to throw up his impor. tent situation without previous notice. Sines the great fire in N. Y. thd extended bonds of its Merchants. have heen in his bands, subject to collection ; y have been collected, and the business is of So complicated a nature, that deprived of his assistande, all must resolve itself into confusion. That 'he should leave without adjusting his Recounts is decidedly wrong; and . although we have heretofore entertained a very. high opinion of the gentleman's character, stilt we are constrained to say, that the obloquy of the deed can never be . calmed. From the ey. Whig we extract the farming, which Mr. Barr states was-derived (roman eye witness. The U. S. flag was flying at the peak of the Liverpool, and directly. under it, a blue signal with a white ball upon it.. When all was ready,' all the hauliers except ode, were let go. The signal next dropped to the deck, and three minutes after a carriage drove to _gm wharf, from which Mr. Price and his son. ot out and went on board. It is said that the Attorney has taken eat $250.: 000 in gold alone. The whole affair looks very like another squally illustration of the glorious policy of the soh -treasury scheme. Axether Reported Defalcation.--Col. Gratiot ce the Engineer Corps at Washington, is a reported defaulter in the beggarly sum, comparatively speaking, of 150,000. FM name has been struck from the army list, and his goods and cbattles sold to supply the needful for the operations of government. The Cincinnati Republican, heretofore an Administration and Conservative paper, has hoisted the ilagof Gen. HARRISON, as " this people's candidate for the nest Pres. idency." • " Public Meeting. At an adjoined Meeting of the citizens to take into consideration proper measures for protect. mg the property of our itorough from fire, held at the Pennsylvania Mall on Monday Evening Dec. 10, Martin Weever, Esq.wiuf called to the chair, and Jeastera Wallace appointed Secretary. The committee - appointed by resolution of the last meeting reported that they had conferred with the Borough . Council on the subject requir• ad, and the following was given as their proposi tion to assist the citizens in their exertions. The Council have agreed to-negotiate a loan of $l5OO, divided into 'hares of ten dollars each. bearing interest it the rate of six periAan til f. r per annum, And reimburiable at any time at the first of January. A. IX 1843. The proceeds of said loan to be "plalgad as follows. let Ti pro cure .1000 feet 'or beim Asid }bur branch ipso ; 2d To procure 3 fire hooks. 6 ladders and jaxem 3d If paid loan shoal& be filled. to procure al good but plain Hydranhoni But if said loan - should not be all taketi; the !proceeds to be laid out to - procure said ladders, hooks and area, and so much of the hose and branch pipes. as the proceeds will meet; and an y that may, remain:: be appropriated in the Council such way as it may judge will bait aid in - extinguishing ...... And that the said hose end pipes be placed eder the ease of thetas. rinapany now about foaming; and the said. books, !ladders and axes toe put under thicare of a honliand ladder comps now r p also about forming.. iyhenever said companies are d u ly organised. to ba held and-used by them un til otherwise ordered{ by the Council. : • Essoined, That otis citizens- be earnestly re quested to procure at least one leathern bucket, usually called afuA bucket for each Imam. to be used for the par*e of extinguishing fire On ly. and to keep the seine in some convenig part of the house, ready At all times for seri and that a Committee of three be appointedWl obtain the names of mirth is ire w il ling to procare the same. end have them Obtained. . ,Subesuently Measri. C. Shippen, Jami Beet. 4 and E. 0. Parry. Seers appointed the Coin. mitts.. .• Resolved, That these proceeding be liblialied in the Miners' Jouritat and the Emporia . - The meetingadjourned. • MA RTIN ; WEAVER, ClititA i ; u n. JAMES Si WALLiACE. &cretin*. 1 . 50,000 Sotto kiU .Talley P4eigid4" ‘R‘fig 6 0aPang% 'I HT Sior t hhelderii t tt i a this, Sok Navigation- *tar Road. hereby notified. that the annual election for President Ind eit•M person for Secretary and trees= on the lasi'llloniFLy in pet:ember, inst.,) at 2 o'clock P. MI, at the Hall. is the *rough of Pottsville. 7 Dec 8 R i Mill Creek and Ai ' Hifi and Rail d Conti riritEstOckholdgr:or e Mill C a- Hill Navigation and ail Rim - hereby notified, that the'Snonal rr election for President and; six Mir person for Secretary and Treaeurs the last Monday .of ,December, 1 inst.) at 12 ~ o'clock, M, faiths Pot in the Boroogb orPottinille. - LESSEM 1 fieeretarY s Doe. 8 , 3-3 PROCLAMATION.—Wherea I CALVIN .BETTY!, Esquire, P 1 several Courtis, of Compton Pleas of Dauphin, Lebanon, and 'Sett, Sylvania, and justice of the 'eve and Terminer and Generil Jail • 01 counties, and George 4aush an .Esquires, judges of the court of miner and Gemeralluil Delivery, all capital and Other offenders, in of Schuylkill—by .their, precepts tested at Orwigsborg, the 30th d 1838,,have ordered the Court ofl miner and Goyim! Jail Delivery, ,Orvigebtirg,.on thelast Monday, .1 (being the 31 ; pt of said mouth,) . 1 week: Notice li-therefore hereby, five and justice of the peace, and e. said county of Schuylkill, that said precept counranded to, t . ten o'clock the, foranodn of sa'. rolls, records, inquisitions., exam, other remomiteranees, to do ihmie, their offices appertain to be do.' that are bo und by -rectignizan ap.inst the prisoners that !are e' in the Jail of said county ..of Sch then and there to prosecute the - PETER F. I, Sheriffs Office Orwigsburg; December, _8 1838. PROCLAMATION. 7 -Noti that a Court of Common PI causes at issue, in and for the will be held at Orwigaburg, in the Monday the24th day of December n the forenoon. - Therefore all persons baying anti persons whose duty it shall be to a ! will take notice and govern i the IPETgR F. L Sheriff' s Office, Ottoigstiorgl Dec. 8,1836. '11:7 Purnducts attendance u and Witnesses ponsnoned to attend Oz:r BAILG A I WILL be sold by Monday the 17th • 1 II II next, at the house • 11 Roaribg Creek to • coanty, a certain tract ofland I dle Roaring creek, now peen Ash T.John, containing about sixty acres, of which about 50 a large quantity of good me • pretty well 'timbered,, on whi houses* geod frame - Barn, a Mill andTanneo. Also—At the same, time a,l Farm adjoining the above dm ate in Shamokin Aciirnship, county, containing about 113 'ance, and about key 'acres of and under a good stalls of eul is excellent timber. Also—At the same; time an lot of ground, situate in Shama taming Meares and eI perches of which is cleared, on which are en house. The said property lie with . t the Pottsville and Sunbury R 1 Road, Also—On Saturday the Stiff a y of December, at Public Sale, at Reuben bps, . n Roaring • Creek township, the firm whe n • the said Reu ben John now resides; lying cr the big Roaring. l id creek, about half a mile a ve Biftlees t now Burd Patterson's . Iron Works and sitithin three miles of the Catawissa Rail R , containing a bout 135 acres and'allowan , about 80 acres under cultivation, on Mhic.h is good meadow and abundance of first rate mee'clo grog d, and the whole is well timbered with; WhittPine and • • White. Oak, on. twhich ii erected ..,. n .; 3 dwelling hou ,a ba and out ii - i . houses, well calc ated t r mills, and. - a • machinery, a good orcha dis out said farm. A ofthe aboVe props y will be sold on reasonable terms, - as late the tate of Abia John, deceased. Titles tudisputabl Mile tio commence 1 at. 12 o'clock on said day and dims made by ELIDA JOH , I SAMUEL JO N0v.24, 18353. • . Pti WILE sobaeribers.l appoin . Court of the county of Lion the assets in th&hands o ministrator of the estate of 3.. West Penn township; in the deceased. to and among the • ceased will meet for that pu Maid. Graaf, innkeeper. • Orwigsburg. on .Sat urday I/2 camber next, at 10 ti'cklek Interested may attend. . ' • CHARL MO, P. j ' MCOBB j Nov 24 , Lots 13chuy • FOR Sd I . THE subscriber sties Lois' No. 166 an 157, 4 : 1 I : 1 street, each , s o u 'flirt - front by 140 feet deep. 1.• bar a 3 fling House a.d t, and a well of good water at tb Anther Pettletaere - apply eel the P . .OBE Schuylkill Hi Nov. ' 1 Initiotaft ' , of ' , TOE. tops . ip, Imre • fore • din:lli= Of C • r pid Dora. dissolyed: bp' mut . 1 cons •,, t. A deblnd lathe lee 4ttn. •will please ofroxi or Ix gpari, Eig, and settle all-Ita*g demand pgainatl i the sa so present thcin to tm for settlem al Attendance is , nired. ', r 4 , • • I 81"11°S. [ PottirTilk e Oct.' 116.1 ' Dn. I , • , . o I' allej ITO Id an d one ' held !, Irani. O. elan . a win I I 838. ( Palma Na • I. I. Cam • eating willt, will szog 1111 no y are ' d an d one hold' 31st urable coffin I. Penn •fOyer. ? I in said 1 Year • Ter trial of y count recto% '.J.tember. nd Ter ',ldea at ,ber next uo one the 'den ut th Coe r: livery y Da , er for• th e eal to me ~fDe con to th !natabl= ion and a ant r i day, atioil tad coroner of the by the there at tth their and all hick to all Those , rosecutg shall be e to be be just. heriff. .r th y ikill as ah IG, '76- in h • for t ty of .unty at 1 eby . yea e trial of 011111:114 on o'cleckin 51=1 inCgly.ourt. rd *Shwa tie Jurors MEI! i oblio y of !f Ash I oship., mg o icd by lone h ores 'Ann, on camber . John, In Columbia the mid the'said .drtal and • cleared, e land le I. dwelling ill, Berk EMI another 11,. ph.- r *v bed North acres bleb atton ct, alto 'Oberland d albw ,cleare?, on which P :1, in 1s to a certain ship, con • d, part of 1 1 ted a log ,n a mile of Executor. 1-2 t by bbylk Geo. • bn M r.onty iedit • e Orphatee to appor. the Ad- Her, late of fSehoylkill. of said do. the tones of Borough 'of 1 day of Do. all those the 15th 814 MAN, • ' T, Auditors. 1--rBt OBA OOM SE3 • dispose of • Columbia 60 feet in One of the le erected on For Anises, or to JONES. . I--3t • . ship. luting mode is this day persons in. -to call at the he same; and el firm will aI ;M. Punatu- RTER, ' DORN AI,I