The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 01, 1838, Image 3

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!Ernie different Rail
Please send in their final re
Schuylkill Co
Shipped for the, week,
Per last report .
Liltile Schuylkill
Nov 16 Alfred White
23 Fame ' • ,
19 Aan Griscont
22 Matchless
H. Harrison
Maiden Oreak Trader
23 Whale
27 Enterprize'
Sarah Ann
10 Boats
248 per last
On the • 23d inst. by' the Rev. Joseph MeCool,
Me. GSCIRCIL belt, to Miss S A NNA AK
On the. 29tb hut. by the s me, Mr. Arrro
MADDISON, to Mile HARJU= I ICK, •ail-of Pot
vale. , .
On Monday last, Mr. JOHN
pectable citizen of West Br'
Schuylkill county, in his 69th i
In this Borough„ y.pster l daYi l
in the 39th year of his age.
His Eden& and acquaintan
bers ot the Schuylkill Lodge
attend his' funeral from his t
gian West. in this'Borough t.
at 3 o'clock. P. M •
WHEAT FLOUR, by the low
'ay 4• 5.25 *
WHEAT 1 65 per pusbel,le.
RYE FLOUR 2 5.0 per cwt.
RYE, by the load 95 cents t
sale. - •
• RYE CHOP 90 cents per bushel in demand.
OATS 53 , cents—ready sale.
POTATOES— 75 cents r bushel is demand
CORN-90 cent ' s per bushe n demand.
CLOVER SEED—S 9 00 pe bushel.
TIMOTHY SEED—S 2 50 r bushel.
FLAXSEED—SI 45 per b us el in demand.
.WHISKEY- 45 cents per lon.
BUTTER-20 cents per p ots d —in Kegs 17 cents
EGGSI2 cents per dozen. -
LARD—IIi cents per pound
TALLOW— .10cents per pod .
HAMS In cents per poupd.l
CORN CHOP 85 cents per
BACON-13 cents per poems
BEESWAX-40 cents per 11
FEATHERS-62 cents per $
COMMON WOOL-40 .cent
MACKEREL, by the bbl. No
SALT-2 50 , per bb1..;75 pi
PLASTER .is worth 7 50 p
HAY $lB per ton
AN active boy, between
who can read, write, an
immediately as amapprenti
sineel at this office. Ndne n
can come well recordmenl
The following are the dr.;
large Alexandria Class A, IT
ember, 1838. -
.73 42 6 61 71 3 36.;
As we predicted, we has
by order, several of the capi.
A Quarter of
half of
And two Who!
The- fortunate owners are
prizes in, and haie them cat
The folkrwing are our, ir
next month, December :
Virginia Weßsburg,, No. , draws Bth Detern
ber.-75 cumbers, 12 draw trallots,
3 4100 DOLLARS
1 .000 DOLLARS!
50 of 000 DOLLARS
Tickets Only 1110—Share In proportion.
New Jersey, No. 17, dra s 10th Dec:.limber 7 -
75 numbers, 12 drawn ball t.s..
25 of 1 ,000 DOLLARS!
- Tickets 'only ss—Shares in proportion.
Maryland, No. 20,—draws 12th December—
1 of 20,000 DOLLARS!
1 oflo,ooo DOLLARS!
10 of 11,000 DOLLARS:
Tickets only ss,—Shares 'in proportion. •
_Alexandria, No. 8, draws 15th December-75
numbers, 14 drawn ballots 4
.40,000 DOLLARS!
5,000 DOLLARS!.
1 of 110,000 DOLLARS!
10 or 1000 DOLLARS !
Tickets only slo—Sbare in proportion.
Maryland. N 0.21, draij a 19th December-75
numbers, 12 drawn billnun
• 20,000 DOLLARS!
20 of 1,000 DOLLARS !
Tickets Ss—Shares in proportion.
Norfolk, Virginia, No. 7, draws 22d. Decem
ber-75 numbers, 13 drawn ballots.
10,000 DOLLARS!
0,000 DOLLARS!
1000 DOLLARS !
in proportion.
26th December-75
tickets only,slo—=Sba
Maryland, No. 22. draw
numbers. 13 drawn ballot*
Tickets ss—Shares in
- Monongalit, Virginia,
tainber7B numbers, 12
100 of
, 115
Tickets only slo—Sha
Orders for single ticks
of whole or shares. will
113 IC B. Those who or
here a full scheme said
All orders addressed to
PhiUdelphia, will Le pro
N: C. Juul.the plcal . , orq
selling Alto Or 41,14 Capitikl
I ~.. • L .,.
. . Ali OItbiNAAIVIF
_ - 1
Providing for a Market in th e Boroutk of NU*-
'Sille. I
VIRE it ordained and enacted by tltp , Inhabit-
AA' dents of the Borough df Potts4illo,ln OHIO•
cii.Assemblild, and it is. hereby , erdeflted and e
nacted by the authority of the sitmolaW follows,
viz: pp
Section li—Public Markets may 14 held in the
Borough of Pottsville, daily ( Sundays excepted.)
in Centre street, between Mabantang street end
the North Line of the Public Burial " und, and
the space between the said points hi ereby de
clared to Wthe Market Place, until lbe Council
by- ordinance shall otherwise rtireet.l The Mar
ket hours shall begin at day-light and elid at sunset.
Section I.l.—The following shall lbe stations
for Horses, Wagons, and Vehicleai. on which
Poeple lroin the country, may eappse: for sale
the produce of their farms and gardens, viz:
The east side of Centro street, and tie west side
of Centre street, between the points thentioned in
the first section of this 'ordinance. The,. Wagons
and Vehicles to be placed lengthwise, close to
the curbs, in. such a mariner es notito obstruct
the travelling on the; said street, Without en
croaching on the footways,land not neirrer than six
feet to the crossing of any street ois cartway.—
But nothing herein contained shall "prevent carts
wagons, or teams, employed in the transporta
tion of merchandize, or provisions, ftrms. remain
ing within the space aforsaid, for thl purposes of
loading and unloading.
SECTION 11L—No butler, fruit, vegetables or
provisions of any kind shall be soli) or exposed
for sale in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, or pub
lie highways of the Borough, duping' market
hours, (except within the market tplace) under
the penalty .of Two Dollars for the first offence,
and Five Dollars fur each repetition 0f the offence
But nothing herein contpined shell prevent indi
viduals from serving their reguliir customers
with butter, fruit, vegetables, or proyibions of any
kind, in any part of the Borough.
Sec-that IV---,No person shall tidy -iany
fruit, vegetables, or article of pruvlsioo or any
kind, within the Market place, or In any of the
streets, lanes, alleys, or public higf?,ways of the
Borough between Day-light and.Trelve o'clock,
noon of each Market day, for the purpose, or
with the intent of re.selling the garde, or any part
thereof, under the Penalty of Five Dollars for the
first offenee, and Fifty Dollars for ciach and every
repetition of the offence.
Section V.—lf any person shalt sell, or bring
to the Market limits for -sale, any hatter, - lard,
fruit, vegetables, or other provisions, in lumps,
vessels, or parcels, as for' Teeter weight and
measure than the true weigh and blearier° there
of, or shall employ any devise for h impositlon or
fraud in the sales of any provision4he same shall
be forfeited in the following manor : The but
ter, one third to the use of the clerk of the Mar
ket, and two thirds to the directdrs of the Poor
and of the house of employment er,the County for
Schuylkill, for the use of the Poor of the county of
Schuylkill, and the . fruit, vegetables, and other
, articles of provision shall be forfeited to the cot
potation of the Borough of Pottsville. •
Section - Vl.-11 any person shall sell, or expose
for - irate within the Market limits, any blown,
stale, imperfect, or unwholesome Povision of any
kind, the'same shall be forfeited, nd the offend.
l o
er shall incur a penalty of Five idlers for the
first offencej, and Twenty Dollars '' . ocir each repe
tition of the offence.
Section Vll.—The Council alit& appoint a
competent person as clerk of theiMarket, whose !
duty it shall be tp cause the proyisions of this
ordinance to be enforced.
Secrion V lll.—This ordinanceaball go into et,
- feet from and after the Fret Monday- of January ii
A. D. 1839. - Y
Passed into an ordinance at the Borough of
Pottsville the Twenty Seventh day of November,
A. 1). eighteen hundred and thirty eight.
Attest, President °Oho Council.
Town Clerki •
Pottsville, Dec. 1,1838: I 2-St
I . 10,920
E 5
•TZ, n very rel
. naw ig township,
ear'of age..
es, and the mem
are requested to
-idence in Normre
,, arrow afternoon,
r 1, 1838:
wax ',Nth oa Fri-
an demand.
per cwt in demand
y the bushel—read?
ushel ind errand
per pound
. ,112001 No 2.i
r bushel
-r ton.
le ages of Is-or 16,
'spell well, is wanted
to the Printing Be
ed apply unless they
I• a numbers of the
. awn the 17th Nov
1 67 60 65 9
sent to the country
le, such as
of $5OO.
regimens:l to send the
lendid ethemes for
ropor tion.
o. 7, draws 29th De
rawn ballots.
LS. .
5,294 DOLLARS!
f 300 DOLLARS!
in proportion.
shares, or packages
promptly answered.
r Thkets wilt olways
esu,,if they require it.
e, thus • .
den P. 0., Opposite
a Mort time stem of
f :50,60°.
Dr. M. Moore, Surgeo4Dextist.
aESPECTFULLY announceki o the citizens
of Pottsville and the public gerally, that he
has taken an office at the Nation - pi Hotel, where
he will remain for a short time and attend to all
branches in hiti profession, such es filing, cleans,
ing, plugging, andinserting artificial teeth, froni
a single tooth to a r set. Ills prices are mod.
erste; those wishing li . servicealwill do well till
tall carly.L—Ladies will wliiteil upon' at theik
dweltirlgii if requested. .. t
N. R. As to ability.and s 'II in dental operai.
Lions, the following certyficates 'ii testify ; ".
!kstate for the intorrnation concerned,
that I had an opportunit y of anon; the nrofe:'
sional acquirements of Dr. M. Motire a. a Dental
Surgeon—and have no Ilesitatiumin sayi • they,
are such as to entitle him to the ionfidesice .f all
1 who may .have occasion ter hie Services. ots
knowledge of the Anatomy, Phyeiulogy, and il .
eases of the Pails concerned in hik operations are
Lancaster, Augndt 28th, 1838. g -,
1 have, witnessed some of -(4 Dental opera.
Lions performed by Dr, Moore 14 this place, and
in its vicinity, and take pleasure in stating that
he displayed much skill and . .-gaSe genera) Italia
faction. I have no hesitation thifielore in relotti
mending him as well acquainted with Dental
Surgery and deserving of endou*gement. I .
JNO. W. ,GI. 4 pNLINGER.!.
',Lebanon, Oct. 12. 1838.
Dec. 1 • . 2—tf
THE subscribers, Auditors, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Schuylkill county, to
distribute the Assets in the han.4s of Jacob
nig, the Administrator of the es* to of Joba Mor
gan deceased. to and among thiPereditors of slid
deceased, will meet for that ,purpose on Mondey
the 17th day of December next; at the house bf
Michael Grace, Innkeeper in ;tthe Borough ;i:of
Orwigsbutg, at 10 o'clock id the forenoon, when
and where those creditors inierested may it.
tend. . JOHN .P. HOBART,
Dec. i
.riumber for Sale.
ALL kinds--sasn bills cut trr`prdor. Apply , it
4-2 k T. S. Ridgissy's o ffi ce, oar door to 4r.
Gismos' drug store. ' t
Dec 1 2—tt
. .
ape of the Little Seitza nd -
St r
gnehanrih Coinpany, 1 i
Pnn.ammrAlA, Nov. 13, 15134
'VHS annual, meeting of; thii Stockholderawf,
thin Company will be hnlq: agreeably to the
charter, at their Office, No: Ip tt t i h sth drib',
on MONDAY, the 3d day Of her nezt,:lat
5 o'clock P. M.. for the elention of a PresidMit.
Manages, and a Secretary ;and Treastirennf
mid Company, for the eneuineyeet.
THOMAS HAAS, Secretarp;
Dec: 1
t • . ei •
virtue of 'a. 'Writ of r aditioni Espana,
4 ", tasnediout of the Court of Common Pleas 9f.
= nytkill county, and directed to me,
On Wednesday the ' 19th day .of
otember yt, at 5 o'cleak e. M. alike boom
;Samuel effner, Innkeeper in West Finn
tinsmship, unix of Schuylkill, all that certain
' Messnage Tenement and tract of
ass I land Attlee in West Penn township
county of Schoylkhl, bounded by the
lands of Samuel K. Kepner. Daniel
Lnusley, Gideon Oswalt, and Christian Miller. ,
Gild others,' containing sixty acres, more or less.
with the appurtenances consisting of a two story
h &arching house, distillery house. and a log
stable. Lite the estate of Daniel Etrpbst
i Seized and taken in execution and to be sold by
PETER F. UMW ID, Sheriff.
, !*Dec. 1 1838 2-3 t
Cheap Paper, Book, 4' st ati6n a ry Store,
•' No. 23, N. Front street Philadelphia.
LL hand, and offer Cpr Pals at reduced prices, a
general assortment of Paper. School Books, and
Stationary, Writing, Letter, Printing. line Wrap
ping Paper by the quantity at mill prices, Blue
and White Bobnii. Boards, Blank Books at
reduced prices.
• Ledgers, Journals, Day &Mks, Blotters,
Invoice, Cash, Biliallecords, Memorandum and
Receipt Books by - The quantity, Family Bibles
in great variety_ from 102 to $2O.
Writing Paper. . Printing_ Paper.
Super. Royal, Royal,
Royal, Soper Royal,
i Mediu
Demym, Medium,
Folio Post, ' Dewy,
: Cap,
Quartu Post .
Country Merchants waited a general assort—
ment, i•mbracing a variety of articles inked to
their wants, which for cash or' approved credit
will be sold on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. Cash given fur tags or taken in exchange
Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1838. 2-6nio.
IS HEREBY given, that the following named
..mExecutors, Administrators, ;and Guardians
have filed their account in the office of the Reg.
aster of Schuylkill county, and that the said a&
counts will be presented to the Orphan's court, to
be held at Orwigaburg, in and for intni county on
Monday the 24th day of December, 1.838 1 for
1. The account of Elizabeth 1). Patterson, Ex
:ecutriz of the last Will and Testament of Wil
liam A. Patterson, late of the Borough of Potts
ville, dec'd. . .
2. The account of Stephen Hoffman, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Peter Hoffman, late of
West Peon township, dec'd.
3. The acconnt of Ludwig Reed, Goardian of
Magdalena Miller, or Minor-Child of Jacob Mil
ler, late of Wayne township, dee'd.
4. The account of Michael Webber, Admmis
trator of the Estate of Daniel Sterner, late of .
Wayne township, dec'd.
Dissolution of Partnership.
/1111 E copartnership heretefini existing under
the firm of Carter and Doran, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in
debted to the late firm, will please to call at the
office of B. Spayd, Esq., and acute the same, and
all having demands against the said firm will ad
so present them to him for settlement. Pubctu
al attendance is required.
Pottsville, Oct. 11th 1838.
Dec. 1
TrUST received 'and now opening—a large
"-assortment of seasonable
Dry Goods—Groceries,
Hard and Queensware,
_ Fresh Mackerel No's. 12 4. 3, in
wkale, half, and quarter Barrels.
Salt, Plaster, itc.
all of which will be sold at Philadelphia' prices.
Country Stwekeepers and others will find It to
their advantage to call before purchasing else
Mount Carbon, Den. I
Virginia Dried Peaches,
Round and -Spike Rods,
Round, Square sand and Bar Iron,
just received and for sale by
• Dec, I, 1838. 2
- hips # Cases,
• ANUFACTURED by S. Foster,
'Ma, may be had wholesale of retail,. at
Phil* .. his prices, at the store of
8. & J. FOSTER,
S. - .Leather. •
S&J. FROST *N ave just received from N.
York,-Phtladelp • 'a, acid Baltimore, a large
supply of fi ret rate Spa. hdi Sole I.either, which
they will sell cheap for
Dec. t 2—
For Sale.
PST valuable lot of Ground," wi Coach Ma
ker's Shop thereon. situate on the. North
East cOrner of Norwegian and Coal treets.—
Apply to MILLER & HAGGE • Y.
Der 1 ,
• U Reward.
i - •
THE above Rewaid will be paid
.. iN, to any person who will return
- -' ' 'Jacob Van Bogh. an Indented ap
prentice to the Boat Building
basinewi. to the. sibsetiberi
Said boy is now in the vicinity
• - - of Lehighton. where his minints
now inside; I hereby caution the public against
trusting him on my account; and give notice that
I w ill prosecute any pawn dr persons that har
bor him without my consent.
I . I 1-
CAMB to the Bull's Read a few days sines,
s small. Red Cow. Tie owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and hikeher away otherwise she will besold,ae
cordiug to law. ISAAC BICH.
Nev. 24
j k - •
Mew Goods.
Dec. 1
Nov. 24
Stray Cow.
111 BANE 4%14 hu just received a supplyof Gel.-
"'" man. English. and Cgmic Almanacs. which
he will sell by the Dozen or Single a 4 Philadel.
phis„ prices.
Nov. 94 .
... • • - . ~
:- 4nr.II4I:IGAIN '4o ~
. WILT,. 'be sold by it° ,*e Janda - ken
RitFfiday the 17th day of -Ilecainbei
next, at the.hpase of eh T. 141 - ii, in
Rotring Creel tow .r p, Columbia
coanty, a catjain tract ofland lym • on the mid
dle Roaring - creek, col °neap -, by 'the said
Ash T. John, Containing about . , hundred and
sixty acres, of wbqh at 50 a • - are cleared,
a large quiniity of gaud meado 6. the land is
pretty well, timbered; on which is 3 dwelling
houses, • geod frame Bart, a , r. - Mill, Bark
Mill and Tannery. • '
Also—At abe same time and ace, another
Farm adjoining the above descri d "track vita
ate in •Sbamokic township. rthumberland
county,: containing about 113, a res and allow
since, and about forty acres °risk ch is cleared,
and under a good state 91 aultiv : ion, on which
is excellent timber.
Also—At the same time and lace, a certain
lot of ground, situate in Shamoki township, con.
raining 16 acres and 62 perches .f land, part of
which is cleared, on which • erected a log
house. The said property lies than a male of
the Pottsville and Sunbury Rail ; oad.
Alto—On Saturday the Bth da • of December,
at Public' Sale, at Reuben Johan., in Roaring
creek township, the farm whereo the said Rea
ben John now resides , lying on a big Roaring
creek, about half a mile above Ruler's, how
Burd Patterson's Iron Works, a d within three
miles of the Catawissa Rail Ron , containing a
135 acres and allowances, about 80 acres
under cultivation, on which is g meadow and '
abundance of first rata meadow round, and the
whole is well timbered with % b ite Pine and
White Oik, on w ich is erected
3 dwelling holiness,y barn and out
Ca ea a houses, well calculat d tor mills, and
a 1 _ machinery, a good o .•rd is on said
farm. All of the above property ill be sold on
reasonable terms, as late the -e of Abia John,
deceased. Titles indisputable, - le to commence
at 12 o'clock on said days, a d terms made
known by ELIDA JOHN, i
SAMUEL JOll . ( Executors.
k N0v.24, 1838. 1-2 t
Lots in Schuyl
THE subscriber wi bee to dispose`of
• • Lots No. 166 and s 7, on Columbia
1 ; ; street, each contai ing 60 feet in
front by 140 feet d ep. One of the
lota has a Dwelling House and table erected on
it, and a well Of good water st the door. For
further particulars apply on thb promises, or to
Schuylkill Haven, Nov. 24, ss S. 1-3 t
Wanted Immediately.. •
A SOBER, decent man with a family, capable
i n
of managing a large far , may hear of a
good situation by making app 'cation at the Mi
ners' Journal. Several housei and lots on the
Canal in the neighborhood of Tunnel are to
let, well calculated for boatm or laborers—ap
ply as above.
Nov. 23
THE subscribers , appointed by the Orphan's
Court of the bounty of Schuylkill. to appor•
Lion the asset. in the hands of Geo. Hill, the Ad
ministrator of the estate of Jo in Miller, late of
West Penn township, in the county of:Schuylkill.
deceased, to and among the ceeditore of said do.
ceased will meet for that purpeire,nt the -hoots: rot
Michael Graeff, innkeeper, in, the Borough of
Orwigsburg, un Saturday the 1.5111 day of Do.
comber next, at 10 o'clock A.M., when all those
interested may attend.
JACOB BROOM. Audition.
1-3 t
Nov 246
Notic • ,
• • •
AN .Election 'for Nine Du. 'fora of the Potts
-valle Town Rill Co. wil be hdld on .Wed--
nesdriy the second day. of ber nexf, by
stockholders ofeutid eompan st the - Nalicibal
Hotel, in Pottsville, between the hours of f slid 4'
o'clock F. M. ' By order of the Board.
Nov. 24 . 1—
have atiphed to the Jut*, 'dill* Court of Com
mon Pleas of Schuylkill county. or the - benefit of the
several Acts k of Assembly passy
rs r the relief of In
solvent Debtors , Az that the said ges have appointed
Monday the Slat day of Dec. n at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, at the Cnurt House. Orwigshing. for the
hearing of as endow Creditors. when and where they
may attend if they think proper. -
T. a Hu 4 b4E. , "
- .
Seuf arta Cost.
lIPHE Subscriber, with a view to Close his bu.
• a- mess in this place, from which he designs
to remove shortly, is now !ening off his large
Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware;
Liquors &c., at cost prices,, and also a general
assortment of ready made clothing. such as.Pan
ealoons, Roundabouts, Vest, , Dress Shirts &c.
&c. Be therefore invites all who are desirous of
purchasing articles in his line at low prices,-to
give him a call. J. C. KERN.
N. B. all persons knowing themselves indebted
to the su , 3scriber, will please call and settle by
Let. January next, and those having claims will
present them for payment. i.e. KERN.
Nov. 17, 1838. • 52
But/ding - : for Sale,
r ti the upper rind 6etwa o Pottswilli 'and Port
Carbon. Apply to Wee subscriber at the
wood Colliery, Pottsville.
paid to 4
of Novato
Il'l H 1
on on.
day tht the h
of Peter stinegro
Nattyliu..- .. sty, an a Eight Mao
tiger.. One Treasurer, One BctiretarY. to conduct
the - bum:am of the corn ny for the year next
Pinegrove, Nov. 17,1834. 52---41
) Raven
and fifty
fired to be
Roth day
"'_.' - -
Don 4 411,
(613 SERVE that Dr linore. Dentist of
Nx—Larmaster. dteigns a "14 to
Tine in the course, Of the coining week. and for a
abort time shall tender his professional services
to 1/m ethane ofOis Borbagh.
Dr. M. 'has obtained the best• of certificates as
to ability and skill m dental operations.
Noy. 17.1898. • 52—tf
spoitsmen. -
_TEIST received and for sale. Superior Ride
Powder. Mould Buck Shot, Percussion Cap,.
Shot, and Bar lead. - JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
Nov. 17 t: 52
Groused JVuts.
54:11 Bushels African and oharlesion Ground.
nuts of good • quility, just teceived and for sale
by • • JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
Nos. 17
/culla Rubber- Over skoes.
ipHE subscrioers have just received-and offer
for sale, a large assortment of Gentlemen's
and Lady's Judie Rubber Over Shoeis of a eoperi.
or quality. - S. dr, J. FOSTER.
AP"111. whose knowledge of the coal
trade renders him competent to manage any
of its several branches, !wishes an agency or a
situation as assistant in said business. Satisfac-
tory refference shall be given to any on reviring
his services, whO will make known his address
and wishes, by addressing A. M. W. through the
Post Office.
Pottsville, Noy. 17
The Laws or Etiquette,
OR short rules and reflections for condu c ting
SociCty.. Also, _
Etirette for. Ladieit,
with hmta on the preservation, i.nprovement and
display of Fernsle Beauty. Just received and
for sale•bv B. BANNAN.
Nov. 17 • 5.11
Letter Writers.
CLASSICAL Letter Writer,
Universal ' Do.
Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Nov. it 59
Family Bibles, . •
,FROM $1.75, up to $B, together with an de.
gaol assottment of Pocket Bibles, just M.
ceived and for sale by B. BANNA.N..
Nov. 17
T IIE subscriber has just received a fresh
supply of Playing Cards, among which are
elegant French Cards for Ladies, and Ivory sur
faced Plaid back cards, and for saki 'wholesale
aud eta ill B. HANNAN.
7 .52
Brick Brick !,
120,0 0 n good Brick for Bele cheap
• "F at the kiln, near Port der:
bon. Apply to
Nov .3
Superior Family Flour.
AIitECEIVgD on consignment, from the Ague
duet Mills, several loads superior family
flour, for sale by
October 27, 1838
Potatoes and Cabbages.
3500 Bushels Prime Potatoes, 7000 Heads of
Cabbage;Just•receised and for sale in hits to suit
purchasers at„ . .the Lower Storehouse, by
Nov. 10
Merinos. •
Agood assortment of French, English, and
Gertrisn Merinos for sale it reduced. prices
Nov. 3
bills Skirts & Drawers.
AN u elegan article for those who do not like
tla anal, a perfect preventative of rheumausm,
jus t reamed and for sale Ctiesp by . •
October - 80.183
• -
• Plain and Figtired Silks,
At;SO Mousseline De Lain and painted
.r 2. Chilly. received . and for sale by • •
New 3.
Stray Cow.
SsincTRAYED 'from the subscriber three weeks
a email white and red cow, *Moot
horns, with a: brown spat on one 'eye—had a bell
on. Whoever • will return said animal shal(be
likmallirewarded by JOSEPH BURNHAM.
Lawtontown Nov. 17 52.-30 1 •
-Backgammon Boards
viCRY cheep, arid Chess Boards, jest re.
seised andrfor - sale by B. "ANNAN.
Nov. 10 51
The Finns . Lady's Friend.
11,1 Y Mrs, John Ferrer, Jost received and for
sale by B. BANNA.N.
Nov. 10 51
Brunton'. Mechanics.
?VIE beat Teat Book for Mechanics extant
-m• fresh supply just received and for sale by
Nov. 17
CILENZ4I3. Empalme.ion 'Compound, Lbe best;
‘ 7ll article - 1i use for - stirring. a (rash supply;
just received and for sale by BA THAN.
Nov 24 ; ti, I—. 1
Tooth Waiih.' s
gri 111.0RI#E Tooth Womb, - i - . .
‘-' Knulanta. Do.
Caitainic DentriGne, Do.
RosiToolh Pasta;
Tast-received and for :ale by B. BANNAN.
Nov. 24 . :. 1-,
wit* IBooks.
MIRE Middy. • i
AL The Bunter,
Evening's, with Pri - 'llareliocW' res. .
The Boner, by tbi. ibor or the Stitialtsn4
Land Shirks and GOB.;
The Stranger in,Gle a, . r 4, -
Mayo, by !hien ro f Guy Rivers -
Teter Pilgrim, by th a uthor of Ca - liver. • .:I I I
Anstio, • ' -
ier with a varie t y of other books, jost - rewl
hod for sale by B . BARRAN. r,
• ii
Nov. t
,:i ~~
-13 4 4.
1068.8a1e. t decked lime boats,. basket*
Ja: , Best Besso w n i eB timber. now - I Yinit at Ws** .
bia. Pa.. sod will be delivered at Philadelphiik
early in the Spring. Apply to
Wanteil 6 Boatbeildert, to whom a/M*oft
ployment and liberal wages will be girii ! auk .
the first of April next. Apply manse.-
.:Nerthumberland. Nov. 10 1838.
. Mount Caibon Rail Road egatalt ; :, •
A. MEETIND of the Stockholders lot
4-26, Mount Carbon Rail Road Company,iliCri
Election for President. Eight Mirsiaget .
Secretary, and Treasurer, will be held ,
day the 3d. day of December .440"eloCh.
P. M. at the office ofthe C o mpany, 40. 117 *rail
-,341, street, in the city of Philadelphia. s , •
'JAMES C. DON NELL, SecretiirP:" .
Philadelphia, Nor. 17.-1838... • •
. At the Kiln, or
H. PARKER, Pottsville.
• 49-
Public Saie.
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphan's' ,
Court of Schuylkill county, on Saturday dux,
rust day December, LB3B, et Twoo'ckick trt,lltits[
afternoon, Geo. go Hill, Administrator of thsy .;..
state of Daniel tlabcettne, late of East thlitirt .
wick township, deceased, wilt expose to sale:br:j
Public Vendue on the premises, a .certain
suage, tenement, and tract of land, attests tr.
East Brunswick township, Schuylkill- county
containing Two hundred acres more or leve e
bounded by the lands of Jacob KleCkner.' John
Kleckner, Jones Kleckner, and others, witit'thil:
appurtenances, consisting of a bowie born,
bite the estate of said deceased. .
By Order of the Court, or \ vq;
wigburg, Nos. 2,1838, George Rill Admit.
Nov. 10
. ..
For Sale, - .•
. •
. .
A ticauabi t e Traclof Coal. 400; :
L ,.
YING and being in tile township of Norviii 7 -
wegian, on the West Branch near the West-
Branch Rail Road, about tour miles trpostirimA.,, '
kW Haven—there iv me .or more Coal Verne , ,
passing through this .aud. For information op
1p to 'JACOB REM , • .
at Pottastile t ,
at Beadiagi.7l
March 23 34
New Fall. & Winter • Giiodni
JUST received and now opening it the Cheap
Cath Store. a largo and general lutarisnent.' 4 ,
of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold no:
usually cheap for cust4 or exchanged for Minato:
piuduce—amsisting of
Dry Goods of every description,' ,
Groceries of all kids,
Queens Glass Ware, •
Boots and Bh - Ces,
Looking Glasses, ,
Hard Ware, c
Otter, Fur and Hair Seal Caps, :
Ready made Clothing of La
Fish, •Sait; 454. c .4-c.
4St• • „
October 27, 1838.
For Sale or to be Rented.' • •21
THAT valuable tract of Land called, the' hre 1
ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spoke; I
situate on the westNorwegtan Rail Road., ; ]
north of, and adjoining the Peach; Mountain
offered for sale on accommodating. -.terms; bir
,the r
Coal Mines will be leased severally ot-tsgOhlw
to an approved tenant. Apply tzt• • . j
Qd & %Veinal Street, Philadel jb I _
Coal Land for Salk '
!VILE suhscriber oilers for sale sr ralriableirsist ;
ofeoal Land, situate on the Broad Motitaaht,
in Schuylkill county, 416 actin more or kos.---
The Mammoth, Juggler and' Pine KOOtAreirlli
hate heir]_ proved on this tract, There. are rkbot
settiml other celebrated teine on tbs same, and is
well timbered. The terms accomodatin and - tbso4
title indisputable. for further paliieo l ari Lai r f
quire of • •
. • Pc.anyll aL. Hall, Pothitißin
Oct.* 1839. 4E-41
To' Old Countryasessi
Agency for Lint of Packets fro". Licer-*
pool to -Pki/addpkia:
SUBSCR !HER • has been - Nopointird - A. :
gent for the Messrs. Cope% Line bf
pool Packets, between. LiverpoOl
and will receive the pasiagc Money: horn those t ,
who wishtmsend for their:frier:ids thi - old!
country. and' also, will procure Bills for those .
sons wbo May velar to transmit money to 16Art
trivids abroad. . . •
The Packets bel gin s to this •Line ire - fitted '
-up iti.a superior ones. and are'rajpimanded bit
persons who pay great attention M - the'
and ecmvenfen of passengers — arid Eve*
great aatisface n to passengers generally. :,"
grants who i end residing in. this reigii' s 'Vt.
find it to th r advantage ;tothe ft
in this Line, end land at PhiladelphigtlWik, •
by so doing, save the tare and errpemeffroorMat
York to Pluladelphia,.Which ifirfing:Pr..rve Aar
lire for each individual. - •
The rates , of fare will bewa r e& knOriqiiiritipig . .4
ing at the plfioe of the Miners'
June 20 ' ' B. BANNAX - I
•, •
German Itooin6* w==
THE sibsoilber has for sal?, Gartitiiii' EitiVa"
Lutheran .'
n Hymn seoke,
Union Chain
Luihenin Catechism's ' ''.
Reformed .
AB C • r
VI( bat he will s ell . the down o4 wag% - al
Philadelphia piece. • • B. BAZINr.,I
Nlov. 17. • :Ali.
COWS . SCIIOOI BOOkiii . r .7— ''''
to "'BARRAN bitsjust rneeived.are*appl
;+a•plir of Cobb's School:Books. itieti iiiiT.
Spelling Books.
Readers - ICM, I' l 4, - 'WV: 2 4 ti, '..,....1. -.,
Sequels,. - --- • t
- ' •
Expositors, •• - :. • --, ts re. . 1,,
• • Arithmetics No's. 1 aid katoLNotth 4--
merinan Readers, a ° . . 4 ,•4 *
Cobb's Walkirs Dictiouary, die: i11t.e..:_...A•
Illillgeb - irdl. be supplidd wholesale; aktinikh ..-
~ ,
•• to Store Keepers. - . ' ,-- ' ..._.
Nov: 17' . -1•,,,,„„,
RLEIS Chirk.Q., C. "