lif 3 , .. - Allikt Carlow , ~ f IN , , , l-° ailllditri . . He was left early to strugg i lode Ingle vforld.--Gteed with good na 1 , cal abilitie4 he devOted liiiiself to Wyly N ad by perseverance had won himself i nviable- F naaajLi...,,„.11,9.. !meow +Nary an-. P , faint - ,- Itith' Loubia, and from ,a; alight tiinacy his feelings towaidi her' iipened Ate affe,Cticat*Big...Whill.4%./aduifterd-hiEn - : • 'ld ,t h e pleasure •of her society; he al. 1. , wed-llotk'ili , lhope to dwell within him of Frring to her two , W. li4,h'ad• he to of /1. poor student —ritlying upon •the ncititaitkc Weep of a crowded profession ilttinvi it would be presumption, to al w a hope. Yet it was a long time be ; a he could sway from the spell 'which . er beauty and worth had thrown around iiii:' Hat Carleton was not to remain in die despondency. lie knew. that to even ntlulgo a hope of winning. the prize, he. utit,be well ,prepared for the raco. He saes to be something! . in accordance 'th'this tesolve, he ditermined to enter .13 a, larger field of action. He left his tive village, and io the office of an ecru -nt 4 twist in the city he entered upon his . "eddies. With.untiring zeal he proscout :', 'diem, bending all the powers of a strong itid tcithe task. The r esult-cannot be , ciubted.,_His course .oT discipline through, `e leas auiitted to the bar, And promised Co • - its highest ornament. , In progress he toted lua uauve place, nut as the needy dveuturer, but as the successful Competi tor for fame and distinction. His character had, lways been - esteem-. d by Mr. Weutworth, and he was one of e few who were admitted freely to the hosPiltaltity, of his louse. 'Ho was now welcomed lwith doubled ploasure for his good name preceeded hiM• F It was with no small anxiety that hea gain bent at the shrine of hie early worship. lie knew out whether a more favored wor 'ilupper had proceeded him. A slight oh: 'servation assured him that he had nothing to fear on the score of rivalship. Ho soon became a constant visitor, and as the rea der no doubt surmises a favored one. It is not our purpose to detail the pro gress of that passion which grew out of Lie intimacy—suffice it, th•it, in their case the cuurse. of true love did run smooth, the Bard of Avon to the contrary notwith stailding.—They were betrothed and in dile time they were . married. The pray ers were said and tile "twain became one." After the CQIICiUSIOn of the ceremony, Mr. Wentworth approached the happy pair With a full heart to bestow his parental blessing.' Albert stepped, forward to Meet him with a slowing face and taking his hand, said, "uotwithstanding, my dear sir, you letve,bestowed upon me a priceless gift, for *Which the devotion of a life will but poorly repay you, which L am persuad ed you will readily acknowledge"— so say ins, he platted in. the hands of M. Went worth, who was naturally astonished at his address, a 'small piece of paper. All eyes were affixed on Mr. Wentworth as ho o gianced over the paper. A. sudden-and delightful flush passel over hiaconntenane, sad seizing the handof Albert, he hastily. led -him to the wondering bride, and join iog their hands said in a tremulous voice, wbile a tear glistened in his eye,'My ehilet --4,ouisa—behold in your husband -your preserver—the "Young. Fireman F" • We will leave the reader to-imagine-the scene that ensued. The paper was Mr. Went wpftb:s order on•his banker which 'he left is till 41244 Littleton. TEIE QAPITOL AT WASHINGTON The. Washington correspondent of thd Balti more Tunscript gives the following summary of the rep Or s? renovations and improvements, ma. king without' and within the Capitol the Capitol still presents a scene of busy prep entices, and is. looking as fresh as a prafuse ex penditure of l Wbite paint can make Ii ; while its stairesees are clogged up with bongs, shovels, hemlines, grates and fenders from the various committee 'thorns, all dragged out to /testi their - last year's incrustation of rust. dirt knd tobacco spittle, removed with the putninice stone. LI& the busiest part of 'the building, is the lied of Roresentatives, which, now brought back to. its original plan, presents its "old t _lllllllO appear taco, The only difference's t at the floor has been ranted.three feet higher /lan it was former.' lyout arrangement whi tbougn assisting the bearing, wakes the all look too filled up, and lupins the Off of • the circular colonade, by connialin. I. • much of the pillars, bases, and also - the entrances look too low, like so, mm liar doors:, Towle defects , unsiglitip:as I - are, are forgottou, as, standing at the main entiance, the eye takes at one glance the Speak er's Clads., which, now of course placed directly opposite to-you'-Land under the ladies gallery, has just been fitted -up and dm - irate& by Burke of Nair York, in a style that fille everi visitor with admiration "fhe hangings are of erica-sae dam ask satin, ?idling from two boughs which support in the • centre a large ghat shield emblazoned with- thirteen share and enclosed in-'s massive frame carted in imitate:mg . of hyenas. The' com bined effect. el the criminal drapery, the gilt shield and' the banns flame, is in the (highest degree rich and at the same time.oot gaudy: The whole design fatale. much credit bn the taste of Mr. Burke. Ihed a glimpse-of the chair to be placed' =Or the Magnificent canopy, and found, it in be Of a corresponding lichees. Its coat wilt be about s llso. It is of mahogany and invmann vel set: 'Certainly the man doomed to 'fill that seat needs in the cushioned Use it chair is suseeptl b1e.06 ant sore Mr Burke'a stuffing will Kora satiletor4to.the Speaker. Y r iewini belies:Tr:erg chair with its -decora titiolkillia Lid •.•isinii sokidor, beta whteli,thellistal , Tfirehir.; in the British se of Lords. nti-ivilsollt-liiiiigeificant. The - •py add shietailismitywOr, will hide the fi um a larae porpon of _the Iddual gall e r above ; th e Speolier;bot This 'will not be tisu has to the gobdpets etc its they aeldnin 'sten to wria's goings-on 411'4110 y he different in figitfale*Uthe , the meinbir. no . longer •-will-titra titer itanits %Kea, the 1 creatures:: Th ey ire abda lolay s new B ssols carpel on the floorof the Ball, which is of very beautify and ,far ,ton dogli,bailmfantnbra color will umber anitinipital possess-dodo the tobacco jests. The 'Senate hill t _e it t .tgher orb' tl' .4 the all off of • ' t• 411411 - ib under oial.-.l'- i,1.. ; 6 Wikogimi ',: :,. ,ensw th , t ,_,..• u h ',:,- ,' „ 1 •iregmb ... - C ii s • 'LLAr'.> .- • ; `t: . _ . w eu .vs ahsa. y . nislied Arai works a.d soddr g of the western part. of dui Capita. . gronutia, and I Ti t they have finished the richt tflYttleillaitleWki lit-tu.Sertllssonti-with , theroOri creche &year ai . tie. The Treasury and PatOt .Clifisse are. rising ,rapidly;but the' fernier is stilt sinkittg in public estimation. 1 understand that allearaineat arida . t from Boston, formerly hair. Mg Id charger the Public Badding& hem declares it will not some ; as there will be a defieleney of light in half i; e roosts. I r , would not be sui. prises ifitwertreit, era bibeilitleoved actinium:en. 1 ' PO UILDAY MORNING DEC. 1, 1838. C liesis • Cri:rast pkata „ Gores. Bills of Lads and 4andbf/Li of tery,toseript?on. ot say 'noted at A s Olfsee Glass lo cash pnaes. •- To our Patron*. ~ We would resiirctfully request from our ;Obi acriSers • settlement of their arrearages; 'he living, in the Borough and its neighborhood 11l always find us ready at our office. and those who live it a distance,Man easily Make remittances ay enclosing a five I dollar bill; which amount will be pl•ced to thein credit. We shall esteem in attention to this notice a favor, which we will soderivor to repai by curstineedrezertifins tOp strqand atnusd. In e first wtiek of January next; we Shall c s COMi e the size Of the Journal ; and it that time nearly IMO° will be doe far , soSscriptiuns,- the receipt of which ; will materially assist in- de fraying the experices incident to the contemplated imprpvement. Ve will also ,fied it necespary tO openm new set cif hooks at the commencement of thp ensuing y•ar, and a prompt discharge Of , all subscriptions due to that -period, will greatly benefit otirselver,rand save a :great deal-of labor in trtinsferring belar.ces on old accounts. ' .._..---...----- a CORREI3PONDCIOIS. -4'B lines on inter" shall be inserted in our ne*t. , England arid Canada.—The relative sit4itiop of the soother and her unruly chit)] is ridiculous in the extreme. Never in. the annals of 19gislation have we seen any thing So stupidly absurd as the course 'of the. Bs itish Cabinet, which has now left Camila without any law, and in validates every act of Sir John Colborn, smile the. resignation of Lord Durham ! The late actroCkparliament conferring extra- 1 ordinary.powe'rs on the latter is remiss in an it-Oporto:it a,•ction : there is not the least provisicul made for a successor, in case pi hiri resignation or death.. That body must therefore be aSsembled to act on this enter• gency, and the Whig Cabinet hold their power''on so', precarious a tenure, they will scarcely dare to do this, as it will ex pose their oversight to the jeers of the op posite faction ? Besides it is well known the appointment of Lord Durham was made to get rid of him as a dangerous op 4ent at home. From the spirit of the British press,; we should judge troublmwas brewing. L'rd Glonleg,•Colonial. Secre taiy has resigned and no successor yet ap. planted.. Lord Spencer and the Duke of Richmond halm both refuied hie port folio. The Marquis i of Normandy is the reported successor ta Lord Durham, in Canada. The mr ifParlise; 'No 4th inet. will pri tuestions. 1 Geri Buffalo - ,oreagn ;man, and being initiated into the sets and mysteries of i the Van! Buren and' Marcy tactics, ,tholight he could browbeat and lead the 'native Germrns, as has been done in atb ' quarters, 'to vote the loco fuco ticket. • he honest Yeomanry however would nut stand any interference, and generally voted the Whig Seward tit-fret. Pending the election, the Loco Postmaster become so exasperated that he said, "any German who Would vote ,the Seward ticket, be would Horsewhip.": Upon, which Mr. Jonas Yost, formerly of our County, published a Card, sating l that he for one German, had voted fhi Seward, and advised the Loco, to be -4 inthe horsewhipping upon him, and.after that was over, he could bring bins fifty More, on the same terins! It is needless t say that the P . M. was among the mis ling, but weihope Mr. Yost did not forget On send him a piece of trie barbecued bear at the Whip Jubilee. Steam Skfp Liverpool.,-This a bout which do much anxiety had been ex. pressed, hag arrived safe at New York.— The cause of her detention was as antici- Pated, having Wen &impelled fo put back, after prog ressing nearly 1000 miles; on (icctutet o her generating steam faster' than it could be worked nit Tbis indite ad the CapWu to fear he might be left without fuel! should de prosecute his coy- Alter refitting at Cork, she again Started and tad a very successlul passage to New York, thus relieving the anxiety of all who had friends on board. 1 The Weather.—Clear cold weather fur pia lust weak has-seated our streams;.and this day the frrstof winter's reign, is attend *with ally the pomp and regalia of.his ,onightiness Xing Frost.. We have now putbing moire to dci-than keep corsairs pomfortabkOhrough Abe winter, and Make arrarty,euteata fui the next summer's busi• 1 Poss. , I a I . State 4.gislatuie. —Next week our State Logiigat ore Meets, and the ifterest ;launched to 1.15 primary proceedings, is of stio ordinary, nature.: k is now , pretty. ter: stain that the recent Qabernatoriateletlioii ivrill be rho - ply investigated,lind !the 1 !several air - ties perpetrated - c.gitintit litie [ freedom bf ur franchise brought - to tt. !This invest g ation, Together Withlhe •t. itlemerit of veral disputed .diatiietiqiiill ;give rise is ;a feelinotinipajleice . tilitcli il we shalt-,allay V lying otir''readera in' l'earlyend full accou ntOrthetitrficedidiAod. ME= -T. -' '''''- - SVI,LI aster at .'IEM .NlrAlt-Sf ‘ ,„0 13 30 , 1 „ brother colt; co well recotrune • to ouriit*oll tet 41413.110 M...- . hose who are troubled with tago7a coat igaiitt;' 4 0 - raging tooth," will do well to give• the'Doctora call, and Bee if he can get :to the toot;. • 43 pds Congress .—Nest „—Ne Monday Coe& as ilemillieif niapy of .the distant embers have already-arrived - at Waeli* ton. . Capture of Bill Johnson. A letter from Ogsdenburg toGov. Marcy, announces the apprehension of this notorious character. He is in prison whine he should have been long ago. The reason why. A Philadelphia - paper complains of not recoiling this N• Y. Ex. presi regularly; may, be it run's- an express Mai/ on its °sis hook; that,accounts fur it., • Litpturn Register: 7 We recently noticed the objects of this publicatiiiii, and the benefit, which would result to our r e g ion from a.stiectifte report ortjte - We have tuiw'ortly apace to state, that a sub scniition paper is open at our ofice, where we thrill feel most happy to register as . many names as we can. •We Invite the attention of all who have interest, either operativ9 . or•scientific our county, to the specimen number. President's Proclamation.—The Pre sident of the U. S: has leaned his procla mation to enforce neutrality on. our north ern frontier, aid calls upon the intelligence of our community to uphold his wishes.— This course is correct,.end we are much pleased with the tone of the paper. We trust it willtave a salutaty effect in those counties of New York, where the popula tion have been so reckless is to embark in an affair, which. every - dictate of policy and .good faith should torwarn them against. Public Difaulters.—W hen ,poor. Tobias Watkins-became a public defaulter, the steam process was in its infancy, and -Lis experimental trip of a few thousands exci ted general contempt and execration. But now the grand system isso beautifully im proved, and the power So increased from thousands, to. millions, that poor. 'Mr. Watkins is. forgotten in the host of aristo cratic defaulters who have succeeded him. Even the honor of paternity is taken from hint, as'completely as A merigo Vespucci robbed Columbus of the honor of associa ting his name with our country. "Oh in gratitude!"—the quotation.it3 musty I - Poland.-4lt- fated country ! the pea that chronicles , thy fait., narrates but deeds of violence and tyranny, and the heart that feels not for thy abject fall must be desti tute of every impulse of humanity Of the many remorseless acts of her detest ed tyrants, who misname themselves the "protecting powers," the last accounts fur nish the incidents of the most ihorrid tragedy. A respectable student of Cra cow, known only to 'be beloved and res pected, was Vilely passing the streets at night, when a Russian spy was assailed by assassins. Hearing his cries of murder and-help, the student became alarmed and escaped with precipitation from • the spot. There was a time when the voice of dis tress would have brought a helpmate in every Pole who heard it, but alas ! oppres sion and tyranny have had their effects : "it is not chains alone , that make the slave !" The student was suspected, 'in consequence of his confused flight, and ar rested.. Many respectable persons testifi ed to his correct and literary life, but in vain ! lie was tied .. up and scourged .with sticks: after recieving' eighty blows, he was observed_to tie s corne faint,-and being iberated from his bonds, it weal discovered that his mental anclAkidily 'sufferings had] produced - heinia. He shortly after died„, the victim of cruelty, - protesting his inno- , mice to the very last I What a - picture; is here offered : how must every honest} bosom turn with, loathing from its contam-1 rotation ! Who can . divine the agony ofi that young student "beaten with many; stripea t ” the buminethoughts, the suffer-!' logs Of conscious innocence ! Woe to OW oppressor ; the time will come when they shall find "that mar. bath yet a soul, and! dare be free!" Who that reads the over-i bearing cruelties of these despots, their, system of espionage and murder-spotted' , fiendishness, will sot exclaim in the lan-i guage of Campbell! ' "Oh ! righteous heaven ! ern freedom found a grave. Why slept the sword, omnipotent to save ! Where was thine arm, 0 vengeance ! where thy! rod, That smote the foes ofZion and of Gbd Tbat crusted prond Admen, warn his iron car Was yoked in wrath„ and thundered from afar ri Where was the storm that slumbered, till the host Off blood staio'd Pharaoh left their treniblingi coast ; i• Then bade the deep In wild commotion flow. Aod bear'd an ocean on their march below ?" Mississippi.—Judge Trotter has resigned hie seat iwthe United States Senate, a hap aictates we presume by oe-sum:ewe of the whigs in rerun. elections, and tha general orpression, of .diveatia• fantiori against the Sub Treasury bill, which the Judge has supported.. The Governor has the a pointmentora *accuser .ku. his uneepire./ ter Ritittlie 4th .March next. An anti sub memo fltilwitOlbitaigy will be selected. To show ho 1/iW•eulain is prostrated bare, tie would 'reticle that 41 counties gives mijority of 1587 votes tljo ',big candidate for State Treasuirer. Tru tb • improve owthoold long we may sing : AkAllSeristatasien tic"siecond thbeghtesober V:41.09110 leiwardw—fall• as the:leaves do! • .. • . • That die iu October I" qtritiat.' A''''''" —*lobos ditiellielifitigrthoughts 'l l ,' 64 1 rfiriii #eid4* ll 4o: oo= Cale" 16 ' 1 ' iii.p ea bit r he b r y p .t ri h eit e il iat r e ad i v eco iser v ,, n : s w f e ro et m wa l ;t a b in e , t 'mien& Qoire r r eptifii- with- inizch auto. . icitn, "to be married, Sir." . It „would. t tithe belligerent parties there are. com -1 g o t h o 4 tm t I m he e i t r hi i n li g a o pou f th i e bi sti lit m y e or le re C c hn onc iO i n i. , I atiori,, oz comproinisa. Din Carlos. has l a, piloted his niece . the Infanta Doane arta Tertisa - de. Braganza of Bourgou,. , he the daughter of the King and neon of Portugal, and if we fluty judge f om her pstrsin .. r i l je titlei is the. heiress of tIA joint crowns of both Poilifgal ' and in. The race of Braganza obtained . • `. .1012 of the former crown in the year 1 ;40. after the expulsion - of the. Spaniard's ho had •posaesirei themselves' of the country in-1560.:wheri tbe Mate line of the royal family of Porttigar.became extinct, , . atto sfie is the _present representative of that family. The Bourbons became-pos. 4seed a the Spanish crown in 1700 in the Oman of ihe fluke. of 4njol), grandspn of Louie XI - V, and a daughter of Philip-IV. ilft Spain. They have retained it with Flight interruption untirtite'recookrevolu tlonary difficulties, tilkd now it won'. -.t - ile the historian tell who has possessi If it. Thus we see the lnfanta of Portu gal has a claim to both kingdoms; how far tier marriage with rfon carloieivill operate 4wards placing - his. povier on a permanent tiara's is,:yet doubtful, bait we, are inclined ' o think the contending flictions, will grasp tit the first hopes ora 'reconciliation. The ntestine war has been so long and an fierce ! v waged, that the fate of the kilkinny ate will 4411 linth.parties ir it 'he longer nritinued. Let :its, then.- hope that. The nuptial torch of Carlos may light the . *air tocenciliatiof and peace, and that the fair Fields of Spahi, no longer deluged in blond, May forsake the sword for the sickle; and Smiling- peace again .be heard "tinkling on the shepherd's bell, }►nd singing with the reapers.", •' The Meronona. , -,-Driden mast have been tin the spiritof prophecy as regards the 'Mormon isterbances when'he said war-was "Never endhig, still beginning, - . Fighting still; and still destroying." Ve cannot take up a paper. iv ithoutread ng atom.- lion in flaming letters of , all the different founts from pearl to pici—"tite MORMON.. WAR ZNDED be the omorinom wAtt arNewan!" and yet we can . hot find out any beginning or ending to it. It 6 a perfect -Hydra : lop off a bead in one‘Coudty, and another "brings up somewhere else. The Last latest news informs us that`Gem Atchinson ed 3000 men. against them, a negotiationw es en-. tired into and the .Morrnatila surrendered. 'On e day after this was settled, a most humane or !der came from Gan. Boggs directing their eater imination : Gerd. Atchinson disgusted with such 41t command resigned immediately. After he left *county, a large number of the Mormons. were ; murdered in cold blood, their hatcher, inoirdang their rifles through the crevices of their !huts and deliberately shooting thein. The whole !cause of difficulty appear" to be, the Mormons `.have rich lands and their neighbors want it much for justice. rianksgioing Day.—Last Th I 'was cel ebrated by several of the Philadelphia Congrega tions as a day of thanksgiving. We know not why it is, that this holy and time honored obser vance of the Eastern States has never been intro duced among us. Whoever-has been. a visitant On This bolyday, in the New England state 4, cart. not but be impressed with the delightful effect it has on all daises of rociety. A generaliceisa. shin of business, the • congregation of ft lends, the meeting of relatives, the interchange of social ties, all tend to open the fountains of the heart, to call into play its best feelings, to harmonize the thoughts, and lead them to the contemplation of that Power whose benignity has spread bles sings around. If the view of a hanii, grateful, and joyous people can give pleasure to Rim, who is the source of that happiness and joy, the in gense which rises from the household altar on a, thanksgiving day, must be more acceptable than the gorgeous pomp of the Temple, or the more worldly offerings of a public . service. Why then cannot our state adopt this most felicitous prac tice ? A community like ours, founded by a sect, than whom none-are more constant in relig ious observances, shOuld not 'bci thg last to adopt it. Let us then hope that ouroEzeentive may break through the trammels of custom, and propose the subijet. It will nice: with no oppo . sition, but on the contrary, be Ailed with delight by all, as the harbinger of "peace on earth. and I _ good will towards ran." . Marketi.—We refer our citizens with much as. tisfaction to a Borough Ordinance, to be found in our advertising columns, establishing a market place, and regulating sales. This has lorig been wanted, and an intelligent Clerk most be appoint ed who will enforce the law to the very letter. The good effects of the OrdinraCit will soon be ..manifisit, and we think our Couheils will do right to keep, on the path of reform soi well commenced. A good Sign.—Our friend, Sheriff Ludwig.(we always like to be , good friendsiwith. the SheriP has only one sale advertisedlorlthis term. Such has not been the cue before, since we have been resalents of the County; and, considering the gen. erat•cry of bard times; is a pretty fair...evidence that the people of this county ate getting along pretty !snugly. Coal Trade..-This week closes the Coal ship manta for the season - , or rather the ice closes the navigtition. The supply from thin region, as com pared with last year, will tall short from 90 to .95,000; tons, and from all the regiitte aboiit 140 or 150„000 tons. In a week or two ‘ttiwill furnish our **Wets with some stitistica ou the Vold :Trade;which will prove interesting. - iiMMiaiii• =ZME 1 . "%mist r..M gitisji Tilt*, and Mac -kantie, at4eirifeiltltg "sympa thy" meeting at Watbingirm, which was a axe. plete failure. We notice this to arplaud the con duct of the Executive, who made ?special request to the clerks in the ' several liepartments, not to countenance theasseinblage by their .attendance. There is no doubt, that every IttemPen‘this, kind made during. the approaching Session .of .don grass 'will be regarded With the . ohnost. scratiny by the British Minister; eh& It - behooves Our, of ficers residing at the' Seat of Government: not from Ifearif any supeprision,' but from tr sense of prOpricty, tohe guarded in their Intercourse 'with the 'political agitators .of .Canafia... The' 'nigher -country and her . • eoloniea have entered. the ring, and stfippet,fEr the fight ; the -bounda ries of our northern frontier, and the immutable 'laws regulating" the .mtetconise .of nations,' are the ropes to keep off spectators; we have full pi ivilege to hurra forn s ilextbrous htt, or a scien tific stop, but no interfelkpce. We must be 'pes kier spectators, and though we' mayhave oer favorite, .till v4e must assist neither by word, look or action. . Fire at'MineTsuille.—Last Sunday the - house occupied by Mr. 8. G Dobbin. at Minereville, was destroy.edby fire. It origins ti:d from shay.ings ha ving beep carelessly left under the foundation of the house when built : a 'coal .-from a stove droP .ing on them through a small cieviae.sooirrapt 1 in flames. The iierlions of thy inhabitants ar reefed their progress before. communicating to adjacent buildings: We understand the prciper ty was not jr We can offer no better ad. vice _to those whowoUld. feel the loos 'of property by - fire, than•to insure inimedielely. Ifowis the mania for aceiderits r an A d every Onc . should guard, against, them if possible.. NOtiocrearls.—We hire been shown an Ors ter...Shell, Which now lies at our Office for the insiectionnt the enrrni,,w limb contains aonamil-- / S i laty'groupc of native• pearls, so me - two dozen in, number.. @sepal of-these are ne he size of a pea . or ciiihot,' and iiOubtles if -subjected to the skill of the lapidary, ivou rival those bt the Orient in beauty. The Oyster was opened by that pearl of eatereri, John Silver; and Speak ing of him'isve will kill two birds with one stone, and not only praise his oyster sheik. but also the quality,pf the Oystersibemrlves. The Londoners and Parisiana- may boist, of their Dolly', Very,: Fraticati llde and Hitcheenr, their deliatii Mut:- tim Chops, delicious Ixttes, piquant pine—apple flitter', Burgundy,.Maresehino and 'flockireimer, bat, we question it the whole host of hosts and Palate ticklers, can produce any thing ,equal to the fine Venison Stalks as served by friend Joe. Tne noble deer front our moutildins seldom escape •hint; he has an eye as sharp after them, ai his old friend " the CommesiOre" had after the enemies of our flag. Silver is the right meta/ for a host : he will cook, your steaks, or mix your whiskey punch, Scollop yOur oysters or grill you a devil, with any 'Sir Bonifacnin the country, and he that di3n't believe it-need only ." cut and come again." We - therefore recommend Sliver's oyster shells to the inspection of the curious in conchulogy, and the rent of his larder, to. the curious ingood condiments and beverages. So much for intellec tuals ! ' Look out for.coiinOrfeitc—W e learn that there area large numbei ot counterfeit $5 bills in cir culation in this neighborhood, purporting to be issued by the Bank of Pennsylvania. The bill before us is very:badly executed, except the sig. nature of Mr. Norris—is made payable tet%-. W. Warder, and dated Philadelphia, April 2d, 1836. The Tiapeida light. and would be easily detected by a 'persorilaccustomell to handling netex. The Far West —lf every thing grows at areen Bay in the pr4portion of their vegetables, it must be a prolihe spot. A potatue was grown there,' weaseling two feet" beven and a half inches in circumference, aniita.equash that weighea eighty three pounds. Moreover 130 bushels o^ potatoes were raised in a lot SO feet by 120, and 50 bushels of them were dog on a wager in four hours and twelve minutes .! Verily ihey do things magoifi cently at Green Bay.. Wonder how tali - the em - igrants. grow Canada.--The Lower Province is quiet; in the upper Provilace a landing hai been made at Prea. cots, near Ogdensburg, where the whole body of invaders have been entoff or made prim:triers, thus ending we feel inclined to think, all demon strations of war for the present. Most of the sufferers are young Americana from the frontier, whO have dearly paid the penalty of their folly and rashness: • Philadelphia Loon Comparti.—By the follow. leg from the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, we perceive that tie stock of this Company has a fine standing among English capitalists: In addition to the list of price.. of American stockii as received by the Great Western, and quoted by us yesterday, we have had the pleasure LID see an extract from one of the largest capital. ists in London, stating as evidence of the stand. Mg of the well. established and well condoned Philadelphia Loan Company, that 300 shares of the stock .had been sold at .V 5 10 sterling, or nearly 317—a good remittance—and a good sign. We are glad to see these indications of success and good management: This Company hue af forded a great many fiteilities for the Coal the pa nos during thu t season, and by its pnoctuali. ty engendered-a la ge share of public confidence. We trust that they y goon and prosper. Caustic Pins., saw a few days agog great ly improved modis °Trifling op caustic, it bong unsorted into a eiliallfical piece of wood, precise:. ly like a common crayon; An ivory cap was a - opted to one cud: tor the porpras of protecting the point..-1-1V Y Whig. Wonder if theaulitor Wasn't been' trying.pne of them, while writini his eketion,artfeles.? some of them "bit mighty. hard." Frie,odi Burr atieka like on nature t o G 0 .4. Marcy!" pants. is :t troy that he inteilds , tir import veleta fee the text elhetior! • • to repair the old brea th es? NIEBI .Whig Jttbike fl i t •Auffelo. 1 .abont thaw times I t o be in B. ; 1 z i does tho,Btillitlf ' do. . See of fate" at their I e Jubilee ; etioegfrititffeai'i . arms a homd,watilitrig,loilging and ~ map his life time ti - • I Oz roeisied . whole, 1, Black bear' d o . 1 2 "Whole Hogs." ". . ....,..„30-10.11114i,pigo. ... ' . ^ 100 doVutkeyo;. , '... 200 do i chiclientr. , • ~ 20 d0,•60.....5e.• 30 Roprithr Rdef,'l -. • 120 Romp! do 2o' • . 30 Boiledtliamit. • ' I 00; Beef Tongtica. 100 patind4 mongers. 2000 •Goaven of Bread. . , 40 barre n . Beer: • 30- do. Cider. Butte4Ctese• &.e in Quere-Whit ia.: e proporti . 1 &c." for one "b' •• bear," or Mauch Chunk.j r -Oue..bsot has our congratultitions do ret oor thanks-for the', tettpPetwe sheet. ErThe New-Yorker is on hebdomedals in thh world. .1, is eclipsing all coltemptita • - Never was prrie more . Chronicle. , We concn~.+nal e above, an , 4 t l e • pat it Is the coy s; periodi, at this office:—Hat: & giro' Ditto to ali thrcq say we elf the news of New York, yi•! judicions extracts,ilet them • New Yorker. Mt. Greek'', a , are its editors. I • - I "Valves for . Canal ;, , • .- 7 - ', e giv in . iertien to the I following co , uoictition with great pleasure, is it aon l, subject of great importance, Air. Cr land's i ob jectiona to•the Simplot. vave a pear to be judicious, but tot; ttavi yet ad ant op. t r i portunity of sailing his col e vat e, we can not speak of itti qualittes.i W shall take the earliest opportunity hwev rof inspec ting his modeloind givin ast ementaif it to our friends. , Now tha the' xperinSents have fairly commenced , e hap no doubt • the great desideratum wi Ihe btained. roe raz sortllMß' 1711314. 1 • Mr. Barman—l 'observed s tatement in; your paper of the 2404 relathee to i lye being placed in the bow and ',tern of our Boats, + order! to let • out the water While the tis on the weigh i luck. Any person having a k owlengo of lie wa ter courses in thel bottom ti bers dt a boat, must know that it would require o e hou ' at least to let 4 inches of water pass thro gh th m; this being the ease, and the valves introduce d by Mr, Silly. madbeing very ;expensive, (abou $25 the pair when put in the boat,) their Succes is extremely doubtful. Now,' as the object of r. Sillyinan i m and myself is the same, the 'inter tof ilreCtiet Trade and' he OMB° aklarge, I leave to state that I have inverited a Cone Valv five oflwhich are to be placed in each bout, and connected 10. they nbe open gether in rech a; manner that. or j ut shut by waves or a fulcrum Pr leve in theicabin, and this by 'the simple ForPCCIS f moving the hand forward ta open, 'and. ' backclan* them. i lo The expense of _Ave will bnahout e ual to the two' of Mr. Sillyman's, and. should five till be insuffi cient, ten or twenty can be - inwirted for about $2 50 each' over and above the at five, The Cone Valves will be prepared,and,can be ;exam , fined at Mr. Potnrora foundry diaing the com• ing week, wheneeir utility , ran 14 seen arid --- M. C con sidered. • ' ' p.( 11sID. Potter The General ingnifie( nominal Mich for Coniresa in !Michigan, 4s elecd by a; major ity of about on hvigred,l and the Van - 4 Buren men have a amatl majority to-theliate Maternal Leee.--In the villa of Pairegi, whether it wait that the pratautio had not been taken, or that the disease was f a particular malignant natnre, one after anr, first the young and thew the old, o ~a wh e family drop ped off. A weinan tv'io . , ived o the opposite D ike side of the, way,; the wife e a labo4er, and mother of two little boyis; felt hers f attacked by_ fever in the night , _ in th is.rawitain it grottly Unframed: and i n . the evening' fatal t inor a peered. This was during the absence : f her ihusband, Who went ti t work at ja distance, and oily tetutned on Saturday nights, bringi g halo the' scanty means of subsistence /Or thelamily for the week. Terrified by. tli example ci the in ighboring fain. ly, moved by the fondest love for her Children, nd determined not to co nionicate tha - i disease o thein, she formed the b role etiolation of feav *ng her home, and going e whto dim; Lock • ng them into . a room, a d sa 'tieing io. their fety even the act and so 'COM rttif a parting , mbrace, (Oahe ran, dow staff carrying with, er the sheets find coverle that he mitt leave , o means of coUtagion. he the abut he door ith a ,sigh, aid went_ 'a ay.; but the,'i biggest • caring the doer ithtit, ttoLb s windew, and eeing bar running in, at ma ner„- cried out Good hire; mo el; in a v ice so ender that she nvoluntarjlj at pped. - . 4 Giood bye, m, repea cd the ounger child , tretching his little hand o tof tI wind w ; and. swats the poor affiliate , moth comptilloi • time to endtire the- dre Mel rigid. etween 'he ,yearninge Which call d he back,. ad the . ity and solicitude , whi • ; orge her bit: At ength tlielattcr cowrie '• ;and a - id the flood of •itra and the fitiewelht of h chi t ren„ who.knew of the fatal- Cause and mpart of these, tills eacheri.the house of-those Ito . w s to: bUty her. -The-receMenended het ha •• • d d children to hem, arid in two Gaya, eh.. vas more Sorely - nothlog Can,emt 'theb. tt Cif • moth -1 r, Uow pe t t i betipiti w • ex. ternio of a poor 'No na° ow . heat g her patio .', jui94 elate the story I Abrxi4un'is 4 i ifferinghi son 1 ,ae is a sacri , eel ' - "Atil q, • "Quid - : riaint never have re . uired such a' acrifice of moth r. . . . , , = •c : -• $ 50' RI • i NvliEltEAs Shia'. f r .•, rori,c.", Ilion Ike atrtO(l'hia, ire'and a prOaitortraor : ua1,..4a h, any cause, - 1;411 - give the ,i, person- who w" aelivor th thesobscriher Po:Sear or., l l lll iiii3 ' Ol - I W 4 $l - .Fic I _ward tcho s lat wilat:1 1 . 1 0) . A it _li,ifit t , v -r 4 •,4•.. , • ,: "a'r , ";:.-• :, "-,, . I We I I° ' e i ds ear. • 1 endin ! lbs ! do propo or" EEC er of I . le , health Bud , cc o his vs:lttable I bf t e Very best 1 maw respects it 7 ' iirs; eritecii—Baltimore wil further ,sity 1 whi h we-receive . ... ny o e wants all , of iiierature;;and I subsciribers - to the I I Pa it - flenjtOin pa 11th child hai I abov , said us on retnr AA Gould t tip might wing 'loin retdio# is d (*llve as for a aidglo MI Lion. • tier chese ole hop 7" ihe Courier both &sonic dido te an aitoty from overtib#, /818, ithout money, R her ;wiihout rewarti to any lijah rields to wyl4illl county, half elf the re , to hialdistrese , 43oLimo. R-30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers