The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 24, 1838, Image 3

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    Mysterious !—A very hungry gentleman lately
seated himself at • dinner table and walked into a
leg of mutton ; he has not been heard of since.
Woncierful I—There is a gentleman in Wash
ington so short sighed that no one can see him
without spectacles!
•Patent Needle Machine.—A machine has been
invented and put in operation in-Sheffield, (End
land) which draws out the wire, straightens it,
cuts it into the exact length, points it, grooves it,
drills and countersinks the eye, files di' the rough
edges, and finally drops the perfect needle into a
box at the rate of forty per minute. Fifty
chines may be attended by five peesoos, who will
thus produce one million two hundred thousand
per day.
bus (O.) Statesman of the 6th, sais—"We learn
that Wm. H. Creighton, the whig;member elect
to the. House of Representatives from the counties
of Fayette and Madison, died 14 his- residence
in Washington, a few days Billie: His death
was caused by bleeding of the lunka,a complaint
he had long been subject to. Helwaa highly es
teemed by his neighbors.
17Since.fhe above was in type,
Hoo. gentleman has dented, he is 1
a good Whig, we will take his
The Ohio folks however, must not
often to deceive us, or when he d
nest, we slient believe them
Rather Antient.—;-In the villa
!B I church built by the
tiers, in 1698, having "battled •
of more then a century." The ,
ID the chuoch, was brought tro
than a century and a half ago.
Pennsylvania.—Granville Pen
ew of the founder of our Common
at Stone Park, in the County o
England, has had permission gra
Queen, to the use of the followi
"A fess charged with three
canton of honorable augmentatv
resenting the Royal Ciown of 1
Second ;" and .!or a crest "a
with a collar, and charged with
A Po
just ret
"I think my sentence is peeuli
severe, considering the compare
.turpitude of my offence. , W hat
than to takefilieen dollars' wort
property, when I was in a very
mind ? I. do not rise howeve
change my sentence, but only to
that your official and Moral care
betore,my sentence' expires; an
reer does terminate, I hope yo
Judge Jeffrey went' before you.
to !leaven by a d—'—d . sight."
Among the foreign papers
Burgundy. one of the Parisian
rible story of jealousy arid mu
trates • the character and.qualit
of the French penny-a liners. •
that there is it word of truth i
"Considerable sensation has
Madrid by a murder committed
the Deputy, on the person of
and beautitul woman, to whorri
about two years ago at Seville:
who is extremely jealous, acre
to a masked ball given by M.
wife's brother was amongst the
and. wishing to - cure his brot
failing, Imprudently (accosted
quiry if he was still ak, jealous
all events-not of you, beau man
'There you are wrong,' said th.l
haie a very handsome wife, wi
am deeply smitten " So much
retorted M. Rodriguez. 'fry
brother. 'for your wife returns
as a proof of it, can inform y,',
violet mark under her right
words, M. Rodrigeue seized IA
the lemma violence by the h'
your life or mine! Meet in a
at my house.' lie then tore.:
quadrille which she was . daiic
saying a word to her, hurried
reaching his hotel, he keeen
with his wire still on his arm,.
hip cabinet without precurilig.
his secretary, and, taking from•
placed the muzzle close to his
shot: her through the heart. i
number of domestics, accompan•
lady's brother, who had been
cause of this frightful (vital
the room with lights. 0.1 wit
ful sight which met hie eyes. , t
•his•mask and proclaimed his n
the victim. The diselo.ure del
ed husband of.his senses,
VOID the spot in-a state of ravil
the Madrid correspondent who
but we might-perhaps more c
will nut our vise."
The instinct of animals as.n
cases approaches CO closely t
exceedin2ly dificult to drad;
them —Many animals, partic
horse, and the elephant. can
from eambltshed premised, rovi
a practised logician,' 'Sven
som..tones seems to try 'to p
rational creature. We have
stated that a favorite cat was a
ing house, where it was toms
fixed to the stairway as a 'sig .
these times the cat pampere
Ways received her share Of
toned to the ball as she hearth
clatter. One day she was ac
a chamber during dinner, and
from her confinement an hnu
hastened. to the dining 411,
Grimalkin the table was Mea
after, the bell was heard to Mu!
ly Thai moves of the house.'
we., the matter, and were m
the poor, hungry puss, cling'
and ringing away with all
will say that this cat could no
A mirnlar anecdote is rel..
French monastery, it was ti
members ot the community, ,
comming to dinner to appr.. l
ring • little bell. which was
ent spot, on hearing which
out the portion of food mote
-which tinned horizontally by
ery:' The dog watched all
was often-treated with a bon'
Frisni. But one day being
and not receiving his auto
he seized the bell in his mouth and gave it a good
shake: t portion of good wholetiome fiziod wee
instantly passed out from the pantry, which the'
sagacious quadriiped. seized and devoured with
much gusto• Delighted with his anccesai he re
peated the experiment daily. until the cook found
that some one was playing him a trick, that he
furnished more rations than there were nouths.
He complained to the Superior ; a iwateh teas pri
vately set to detect the gormandizing culerit, and
poor Edo was caught in .he act. N'gverthe
less the brotherhood were so pleased. with *the
stratagem for satisfying the demands of ;Monger,
that the cook wee ordered to allow him his pot . .
tion regularly, with the relnainder of the frame
silty. whenever he made the signal !t-Bosten
Me►e. Jour.
Oh ! yes, 'tis sweet et 'hour of eve,
When autumn winds are-stilled,
To bend our thoughts on themea.which 'breathe
Of power and works, with glog filled;
"The silver moon"—the silver moon ! atilt yes,
It speaks of purity and love,
Breeeing high hopes, nor is it lasi
An emblem of the brooding doVe.
"The glitt'rtng stars"—the glit'ring stare they tel
01 Him whose wondrous might .
The ekv in radianbe deck'd, and dell, •
And hill—scenes flatight with beat* bright
"M v home ! my home !"the spirit's rest,
When sneers the world, or friends deride—
A shrine Where meet. the !op . & sniLbesti—
Our ills to south, by frind decri'd.
w.e see that the
ead, and being
l ain word for it.
cry ...wait" too
e come in ear-
To Thee ! to Thee ! we upward :turn,
Siay of the lone and trusting heart;
Thine Altar's sheen ! oh ! may it burn
'Till light dispels the censor's art.
Nov. 24. 1838.
e of Cahokia,
'rot French set
•ith the storms
.11 that hangs
France more
, a great neph
• ealth, reaiding
ted h , rn of the
g armortal
Sehoylkill Coal Trade.
Shipments of Coal for the week, ending oh
Thursday evening last:
Shipped by Boats . . Tons
S B Reeve & Co 15 8:1
Bell 4. Bohon 10 • 556
ales, and on a
, a crowu, (ep
nig Chm les' the
eroulion gorged
tr'ee plates, and
.d Tenuity!.
Charles La wton 8
Sillvman & Nice 8
Wm Wallace& Co 6
George H Nue, . 5
itodgNon o f co 5 : ' 297
T C Williams 4 Co 3 164
Palmer & Garrigues 2 . 11:3
N . A Coal Coal Company 2 . 109
P ]lam & Cm . 2
, c 108
Stockton& Stevens 100
Hewes ik Baber 2- 7 103
Davis & Olwine .• 2 ' 117
Sundry Shippers • 27 4477
who had
lore the
...., the judge: I
rly and unjustly
jive slight Moral
ave I done more
.of another man's
i eculiar state of
, to ask you to
express a hope
may terminate
i when your ea.
will go where
q nd he didn't go
99 5,523
Per last report, 7380 ' 406,718
7479 412,241
Little Schuylkill 248 : 10920
7727 423,161
No return from Schuylkill tlaven.;,
1 eceived by the
l ayers tells a bor.
I der which illus
of the creations
t ii not probable
c it.—N. Y. Sun. I
!been excited in
.), M. Rodriguez,
"is wife. a young
be was married
M. Rodriguez,
panied hit lady
Vinaczres. His
guests incognito,
1 er-in-law of his
ii m with an in
• s ever.. •I am 11l
e,' was the reply.
mask, .for you
i whose charms I
e worse for you,
means,' said the
y affections, and
u that she has a
'ilium.' At these
e stranger with
nd, exclaiming,
1 uarter of an hour
is wife from the
fig, and, without
her home. On
ed the staircase
. dragged her into
a Itght, opened
wa loaded pistol,
ife's bosom and
At the report, a
ed by the ill-fated
The following is the amount of Coal triimpor
led on this Rail Road, for the week ending
on. Thursday evening last: • ! 1,043
per last reiport 73,801
The following is the amount (404 transported
on this Road for the week ending .ip Saturday
evening last, - - lA7fitona
Per last report, - 1/2,327
The following is the amount of Coal 'Aransourted
on this Rail Road for the week! ending on
• Thursday evoning last, i 2.934 tons
Per last It 148,637
ASPECIAL meeting of • Pulaski Lodge, No
216. will he helc: at the usual place, on Mon
day evening next, November 26, at !napes' 6 o'-
clock, P. M.
Punctual attendance is requested:
November- 24 • . 1—
the involuntary
lethe, rushed into
.swine the dread
he brother tare ofi
•ar relationship to
.raved the wretch
he was homed
j • manners, which
_ .
Ev Jim Tue atAnitKr.
Pottgville, Nocernbir 17.
WiIKAT FLOU R. by the load was worth on Frt.
ay W $d
iIEAT 1 65 per pushel. in- demand.
RYE FLOUR 2:0 per cwt, tn demand.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 3!25 per cwt an demand
RYE, by the load 95 cent* by the bushel—ready
we quote, fours,
,aritably hope, he
RYE CHOP 90 cents peribushel in demand.
13 %TS 53 cents—ready sale.
POTATOES— 75 cents per bushel in demand
COR N-91.1 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER SEED-89 oo per bushel.
TIMOTHY SEED—SL.SO per bushel.
FL A XSEEPA-21 45 per bindle' in demand.
WIfISK EY-45 cents per (gallon. •
BU rrER-20 cents per pound—in Kegs 17 cents
EUOS-12 cents per dozen.'
LA 811-11)y cents per pouhd.
TALLOW— lOcents-per pound.
11A MS 13i cents per pound.
CORN CHOP 85 cents per bushelindemand.
BACON- 13 cents per polled.
BEESWAX-20 cents pet pound..
FEATHERS-62 cents pet pound. •
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per Ound
MACKEREL, by the bbl. No I, $l2 00 NW 2, $ll
SALT-2 50 per bb1.;15 !per bushel
PLAS'PER .is worth 7 50!per ton.•
HAY $lB per ton.
i i* called, in Pima
l reamnn, that it i•
the line I:*tween
larly the dog, the
draw •n inference
the acuteness of
the domestic cat,
ove that she is a
somewhere seen it
mqte of a board
to ring the bell af.
for dinner. At
and indulged, al
things, and has.
he tintinnabulary
idently abut up in
on being released
or two after, she
but alas for poor
ed away. Shortly
loudly & repeated
listened to ~ ee what
ch surprieed to find
g to the bell rope,
her might Who
draw an inference ?
e d of a, dog. In a
stomary for puss
ho were taidy in
h the pantry and,
'laced in a conveni.
e cook would punt
ed in .a little box,
means Ll' machine
: ese operations, and
I, from one of the
ary share of few',
Lotslns stingy kill Haven
• • THE ft obsoribsr wishes to dispose of
• 111 II 'Lots No. 166 and 157,.0n Columbia
g I
.treet, each containing 60 feet in
.rout by 140 f t deep . Ono of. the
lota It liar Dwelling Hous e and
and Statlevrected on
wit, and a sell of good ter at tg door. For
further..particularsgpply on the rentiaea. or to
i ti
Schuylkill Haven, Nov. 04, 1 . 838. 1--3 t
Stray ,
E to the Buti's 06d a feW days sinee,
' I L I a mail
_Red Cow. 'ltte owner is requested
to.-eome forward, prove , pyoperty, ipay charges.
and take her away, otherwise she. Will be sold al
cording to law. As I ISAAC RICH.
Nov. 24. 1-31.11
, ,
TO -- •
NATHAN CL!EAVE.R.4,:ullector
H. H. POTTS, Collector
RORFRT C 1111.1.:Coilretor
Tot al
Pulaski Lodge.
Pir BARGAI SI-co _ *
, t WILL •be sold by public vendne, on
n i , - - Friday • the 17th day of December
B . - next, at the house of Ash T. John. in
Roaring Creek township, Colum '
coar4 , a certain tract offend lying on the - mi •
die Roistring creek, now occupied by the said •
Ash 'p'. John, containing about one'hundred and
sixtyliscres, of which about 50 acres - ate cleared, •
a large quantity of good meadow, the land is
pretty well timbered. on which is 3' dwelling
hourifS, a good frame Barn, a Saw Mill, Bark
Millnd Tannery. . .
AICo—At the same time and place, 'another
Fari4 adjoining the above described tract, situ
ate in Shamokin township, Northumberland
connis, containing'tibout 113 acres and allow.
anceli and about forty acres of which is cleared,
and Mader a good state of euluvation, on Which
la e4ballent timber.
All o—At the swine time-and place, a certain
hit of - ground,•sttaate in Shamokin township, eon
tain4ig 16 acres and 62 perches of land, part of
whieb is cleared, on which are erected a log
lieu. The said properly lies within a mile of
the :ottsville ai.d Sunbury Reit Rood.
A n •
o—On Saturday the Bth day of December,
at Public Sale, nt Reuben Johns, in Roaring
creek township, the farm whereon the said Reu
ben ohn now resides, lying on the big Roaring
cree , about half a mile above Miller's, now
Ruii Patternon's Iron Worker, and within three
mil eft of the Cate wipe Rail Road, containing a
bouo 35 acres and allowances, about 80 acres
under cultivation, on which in good meadow and
abm'itionce of first rate meadow ground, and the
whole is well timbered with White Pine and
• ' • White Oak, on which is erected
US, 3 dwelling houses, a barn and out
sco It houses, well calculated for mills, and
" '_ machinery, a good orchard is on said
tar*. All of the above property will be sold on
reatiOnable terms, as late the estate of Abia John,
deciiined. Titles indisputable, sale to commence
at 1.2 o'clock on said, days, and terms made
knoWn by ELIDA JOHN,
S B. AMUEL JOHN. Executors.
146 v.
1-2 t
83 Reward.
i - THE above Reward will be paid
~.-any who wi return
Jacob Van person
Bogh, an Indented up
, 1 N..... prentice to the Boat Building
Los n 0 , ,,, lathe, subseribeil
Said boy is now in the vicinity
-...!!-,............. 21 of Lehighton, where his parents
noW reside ; I hereby caution Ilia public against
trusting tom on my ac,o a ; and give notice that
I Will prn-ecote any ,person or persons that bar
boi hies without my consent.
*lov. 24 I
Wanted Immediately.
ASOBER. decent min with a family, capable
, of managing a large farm, may hear of a
gond actuation by making application at the Mt
nail' Journal. Several houses and lots on the
Canal in the neighborhood of the Tunnel are to
let; well calculated for boatmen or laburcra—ap.
ply PS abeve.
Nov. 23
subscribers, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of the county of Schuylkill. to appor
tidti the assets in the hand. of Geo Hill, the Ad
mittistrator of the estate nt John Miller, late of
West Penn township, in the county-of Schuylkill.
dieeased, to and among the creditors of said de
craned will meet for that purpose, at the 'house of
M'achael,Graeff.sinpkeeper. in, the Borough of
Oiwigsburg, on Saturday the 15th day of; De.
ciiiiber next. at 10 o'clock A. M , when all those
Interested may attend.
JACOB BROOM, Auditors.
Nov 24
AN Election for Nine Directors of the Potts
/IL vale Town Hall Co. will be held on 'Wed
oeeday the second cay of December next, by the
stockholders of said company, at the National
Hotel, in Pot...mine, between the hours of 2 and 4
o'clock P. M. Dv order of the Board;
Nov. 24
WHEREAS, it is highly important In the
citizens of this commonwealth to know
the value of its agricultural production*, its min
erals, its manufactures and commerce, and the
Humber of persons engaged in. anufactures and
Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre
sentativesot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in 9eneral Assembly met, That the Secretary of
the Commor.wealtb be, and he is hereby directed,
to send Immediately to the Assessor of every
Ward. township and district within this Common.
iyealthi printed lists of queries on the subjects of
agricultural, manufactures and commerce; that
the Assessorrs be, and they are hereby directed.
10 obtain such information whilst taking the re
turns for the annual assessments, as will enable
Them to answer such queries, io such manner as
to exhibit statistics of agriculture, manufactures
and commerce fur one year, in their respective
tvards, townships and district , , and make returns
thereof to the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
pn or before the first day of February, Anno Do
mini, onithousand eight hundred and thirty-nine;
land the treasurers of the respective counties are
hereby directed, to pay the Assessors one dollar,
Out of the County Treasury, for every day en.
gaged in making out the said returns; that the
Secretary of the Commonwealth, shall require
;from the 'lnspectors appointed under-the toupee
:iron taws of this State, the value and kind of arti
'ai inspected for exportation or home consump-
Aion, respectively.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Common
wealth be, and he is hereby required, to report to
,the Legislature, on or before the hrst Monday
On March, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and
;thirty nine, a compilation of statistical tables, so
las to exhibit as nearly as possible the annual pro
Mont of the agricultural. Manufacturing and corm
fmercial wealth of the Slats
- Artacirmi—The sixteenth day of April. 1838.
! See pamphlet laws of the session 011837-8, pages
f 6JO, 631.
The assessors 'of the several .Boroughs and
Township" in the county of Schuylkill, are here
by required to attend at the Commissioner's office,
in the Borough of Orarigsburg, on Monday the
26th day of November instant, to receive their
instructiOns to perform the duties required of
them by , the foregoing resolutions.
• Commissimers.
Commissioner's Office,
Orwipburg, Nov. 17,1838 t
Notice to Assessors.
••.: I't EST DEBTORS.— 1 - subscriber*"
have applied to the Judgee of the ourt rtif Com
mon Pleas of Selerylkill county for tbr sa beneat lasi'
levers.' Acts of Asembly passed for t h e relief of In
solvent Debtors, & that the said Judge" appointed
Monday the 31st day of Dee. neat, at Ifke'clech in the
forenoon, at the Court House, in Orwidaburg. for the
bearing of us indoor creditors, when and where they
may attend if they think Proper. .
BBANN AN has jos% received a supplyof Ger
• man. English, and Comic Almanacs, which
he will sell be the Dozen or Single at Philadel
phia prices.
Nov. 24 1—
Tooth Wash.
CHLORINE Tooth Wash, .
Kreosota, Do.
Carbonic Dentrifice, Du.
Rose Tooth Paste,
Jest received and for sale by H. BANNAN.
Nov- 24 1—
ROSE Water,
Cologne Do. s". 4?"
Lavender Do.
Florida Do.
Indian Oil,
Indian Dye,
Rear's 011.
Milk of Roses,
Freckle Wash, •
Rowland's Macassor
('old Cream,
Rose Lip Salve,
Nursery Powder,
Pearl Powder,
Otto of Rose Soap,
Oxygen Soap, &c. &.
Together with a variety of all kinds of Perfil
mery, lust received and for sale-by
Nov .24
gaLF:NN'S Saponacious Compound, the best
IL" article in use for shaving, a fresh supply
just received and for sale by B. HANNAN.
Nov 24 . 1—
New Books.
' IL The Wife Hunter,
Evenings with Prince Cambeceres,
The Hussar, by the author of the Sithahero,
Land Sharks and Sea Gulls,
The Stranger in China,
Pelayo, by the author of Guy Rivers,
Peter Pilgrim, by the author of Calaw.
Harry Austin,
Together with a variety of other book., just re
ceived and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Nov. 24 1—
Selling oil at t • ost.
'VIM Subscriber. with a view to close his bu•
'mesa in this place, from Which. he eeni g ni
to remove shortly,' is now selling off his large
Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
Liquors &e.„ at cost prices, and also a general
assortment 01 ready made clothing. Auch as Pan
taloons, Rth.ndithouts, Vests, Drees Shirts
&c. He therefore invites all who are desirous of
purchasing articles in his line at low prices, to
_ive.him a call. 3 0. KERN'.
N. B. all persons knowing themseliesindebted
I n the h.c r t!w r will please call end settle by
I.i.Jsiluary next, and those baying claim•. will
pre%ent them for payment. . J.C. KERN.
Nov. 17, 183 g. 52
Mending Lots for Sale,
ON the upper road between Pottsville and Port
Carbon. Apply to the subscriber at the
Greenwood Colliery, Pottsville.
Nov. 17
TO the stockholders of the Pottsville
Xoton. Hall Co.
ATHIRD installment of Two Dollars and fifty
cents on each share of stock. is required to be
paid to the subscriber on or before the 24th day
of November inst. By order of the Board.
JOHN T. H AZZARD Treasurer.
2—Pottsville Nov. 17, 1838. s—
Dental Surgery.
OBSERVE that Dr. Moore, Surgeon Dentist of
Lar.caster, designs paying Ai visit to Potts
vine in the course of the coming week, and for a
short time shall tender his professional services
to the citizens of this Borough.
Dr. M. has obtained the best of certificates as
to ability and skill to dental operations.
Niov. 17, 1838
To Sportsmen.
4UST received and for sale, Superior Rifle
'IP Powder, Mould Buck Shot, Percussion Caps,
Shot, and Bar lead. JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
Nov. 17 52
Lar berry Creek Rail Road Company.
a" E Stockholders of thts company are noti
fled, that an Election will be held on Mon
day the 3d. day of December next, at the house
of Peter Filbert, in the Town of Pincgrove,
Schuylkill county, for One President, Eight Man.
agers, One Treasurer, One Secretary, to conduct
the business of the Company for the year next
54-3 t
Pinegrove, Nov. 17. 1838
Ground Masts.
50 Bushels African and Charleston ',Ground.
nuts of good quality, just received and for sale
by B. C. MARTIN.
India Rubber Over Shoes.
riIHE subscrioers have ins!.. received and offer
for sale, a large apartment of Gentlemen's
and Lady's India Rubber Over Shoes of • roperi.
or quality. . S.& J. FOSTER.
A PERSON whose knosiledge of the coal
.A - • trade renders him competent to miniiige an
of its ' , eyeful branches, wishes an simnel+ or a
situation as assistant in said business. Satisfac.
tory refference shall be given to any on requiring
his services, who will make pinovni his address
and wishes, by addressing.A. M. W. through the
Post Office. • 1 -
Pottsville, Nov. 17 • I 52—tf
The Laws of Etiquette,
OR abort rules and reflections for conducting
• 1
Etiquette for padies,
with hats on the preservatimi„ Lpprovernent and
display of Perna!, Beauty. • !Nit received mid
for sale by "13. HANNAN.
Ilet, 17
' &I
52 -t I
. •
Afiiinery ir Dress A/faking.
4 •Y= begs leave to inform the Ladies of Pones
vine and its vicinity that they have just returned
from the cities of Now York and Philadelphia,
with the latest and most fashionable Patterns,
brought by the late irrivals—and intend to
carry on the Millinery dz. Dress Making Bost
neu ih all its branches.
Mrs. M. t Morns thanks to the Ladies of Pottsville
fer their generous patronage heretofore, and re
spectfully solicits a continuance of their favors to
the new..firm, which they will endeavor to merit
by their assiduous-efforts to oblige and Oral&
firesidence, currier of Centre and Union streets,
nearly opposite the Post Office.
Nov. 3 . 50-3 t
At Private Sale.
THE Subscriber contemplates leaving Potts
vile in a short time, and wishes to dispose
of all her Household Furniture. Consisting in
part of Mahogany Dinning Tables,
...P.Orre do.,
Hair seat Sofas with pillows, Piano Foi e, and
Stool, one doz. Rush seat Chairs light color, 40
yds. Ingrain Carpeting,light do., Stair du' with
rods, Vanitian Blinds, Astral Lamps, Gilt frame
Looking Glasses, Beds, and Bedsteads, Watt
Stands, together with a general assortment of
Kitchen furniture, including one Kis erbock
Stove, with all the apparatus complete &a.
Morris's Addition.
Nov. 3
Mount Carbon Rail Road Company.
• MEETING of the Stockholders of the
Li Mount Carbon Rail Road Company, and an
Election for President. Eight Manager; one
Secretary, and Treasurer, will be held on Mon•
day the 3d. day of December next. at 4 o'clock,
P. AL at the office of the Company; No. 117 South
3d, street,-in.the city or Philadelphia.
JAMES C. DONNELL, Secretary.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1838. 52-3 t
Backgammon Boards
VERY cheap, and Chess Boards, just re
ceived and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Nov. 10 ,' SI
The:Young Lady's Frieind.
P3Mrs. John FarrnriJuat receivod and for
isle by , B. BAN NAN.
Nov.1(1. • • 51
• •
Adjourned Court of Appeal.
"VD E. Field Qfficers of the 30th Regiment.
2d Brigat'e, Put Division, P. M. will hold. an
AdjdUrned Court of Appeal and Exoneration for
is3a, 'at the house of ,Michael Graaff, in the.
borough of. Orwiesburg, Sthovlkill county, on
Saturday the 241b.dati of November, inst. be
tween the hour. of I anii.s o'clock, F. M. • -
lErCollectors . and otheriv concertiilLw ill govern
themselves accordingly, for all who disregard this
LAST notice will be dealt with acoordibg to law.
By order of
JER EM All Sll APP ELL; ,Brig.
2d Brigade, 6ti Div. P. M
Brtgade,lospector's Office,
Windsor, Nov. 2, 1938.
Nov. 10
ill be Sold at
AT the house-of HENRY STAG the ,
Borough of Pottsville, on Saturday the 24th'
day - sf November inet.t the. following Tram:4
lately belonging to - William Revely, and taken
by virtue of a domestic attachment, mi. One Hi'
ble, a lot of Yarn. Blankets, Muslin, C.hth, Shav
ing Apparatus. Tape, Chain, coats, Vists,".Pan
taloons,- Sham Is, . Handkerchiefs, Table Cloths.
Merino, Cow - lids. Bed-Ticks and other 'bed
ding, Rime,/ and Forks, Women's wearing Ap.
parel, a lot of Books, and sundry.other article!
ton tedious too enumerate. Sale to commence at
.2 o'clock P. Ilt;— ; Terms Cash:
7 rFstees.
Pottsville, No•. I
Pit licle. • •
to an order of .the Orphan'.. a. Court of Schuylkill county, on Saturday the
First day December; 1838. at Two o'clock in the
afternoon. George Hill, Administrator of the e
state of Diesel Habestine, late of East Bruns'
wick township, deceased, will expose to sale by
Public Vendue on the premises, a certain Mee.
silage, tenement, and tract of land, situete
East Brunswick township, county."
containing Two hundred acres more or less'
bounded by the lands of Jacob Kleckner, John
Kleckner, Jones Kleckner,. and others, with the
appurtenances, consisting of a house barn, &c.
I.ate the estate of,said deceased.
By Order of the Court, Or.
wigtitirg. Nos. 2,11438, ( George HUI Adm'r.
Nov. 10 51
For Sale,
A valuable Tract of Coal Land,
LYING and being in the township of Norwee
wegian, on the West Branch near the West
Branch Rail !toed, about tour miles trom Schuyl,
kill Haven—there is Atm or more Coal Veins
passing through this .and. For information ap
at Pottsville,
at Reading.
March 25 k
Cobb's School Books. •
V) BANN AN has just received a fresh sup
•AAP ply of Cobb's School Books. such as
Spelling. Books.
Readers No's. 1,2, awl 5, .
Expositori ?
Arithrnatics No's. 1 . and 2, and Nerth
meric,an Readers.
Cobb'. Walkers Dictionary, &o. /kti.
Which will be supplied wholesale at very low
rates to Stpre Reapers.
Noi. 17 52-
Bruntonta Mechanics.
TUE beat Test Book for Mechanics extant—
tisa Eke& dandy Jost teeeird and
BAN sale by
B. NAN. •
Letter " 7-
CLASSICAL Leiner Writer; . •
Oaken! , Do
Just received and for 14111:1 B. BAINNAIC,
NOV. 17 ' 5,2
.„ .
150 REAMS. .Past,Foolscap, an 4 relict - Nei
Paper. ruled and common, among Ithtch,iiitMe4
paper. from $2 to $5 per ream, jest received ;la
for sale by • B. B 4 NN AN. —•
.•, . •
Family Bibles , -
L - NROid 81,75, up to $B, to g ether I: a th atrali"
-0: g ent assortment of Pooket,sib , just ma;
ceived end for sale by B. B NNAN.
Nov. 17
. -• 1 42.1.-
rifillE subscriber ha's just ree!tiTed -a friM4
• 11 . supply of • Flaying Cards, among trbich u
elegant French Cards for Ladies, and holgians_ 3
faced Plaid back cards, and for aids eltnlesnlik
and retail B. BA.V.AIC,
Brick Brick!! •
120,000 L o t ti,zk n i ca or 11 t
I: o le rt Cl a a 4
boo. Apply to
Superior Fainilyi F our. .
RECEIV ED on consignment, from the Ague;
duct Mills, several loads superior . falai
flour, for sale by
Potatoes and Cabbages..
3500 Bushels Prime Potatoes, 7000 Headal
Cabbage, Jost received and for male M lots to mut
purchasers at the Lower Siorehoume, by
51-60 •
The Works oftharles Lamb;
JUST received and for sole by B. BANNA.N.
Nov. 10 31
At the, Kilo, m
il.. PARKER, Pottsville:.
October 27, 1838
Nov. 10
Merinos. . .
Agood' assortment of French. English. and
German Merino• for sale at reduced
Nov. 3
New Fall & Winter :Gooda: r
J UST 'received and now opening at the Chem,
Csish Store; a large and general assortment
of Fell and. Winter Goods, which - will be sold on:
usually cheap for Bash, or exchanged for. enuntri,
produce—consisting of. ..
Diy Goodi of every descriptfosi
Groceries of all kinds, . .
Queens Glass Ware, . •,•
. .
Roots and Shoes, . '
-looking Glasses, ~
Hard - Ware, . •
-Otter, Fur and Hair: Seal Capiic '7- , .
Ready made Clothing of ail kinds; ,
Fish, Salt, !Stc .4-c. - . ~.
October 2?, 1838
Silk Shirts & Drawers . .
Aiv elegant article'tor those whifi do not likij
flannel, a perfect preventative Of rhenniatietn;
us received and for sale .
October WY. 183 Rt
Plain and Figured Silks, .
A ISOMousseline' Da Lein and paintea A
Cbally, received end for sais by•
German !rook*.
. .. .
THE sUbsoriber has for sale,Garman Beekll.4 .
.sulk as
- . .
• -.Bibles, . .
Testaments,• • , ,
Lutheran Hymn Books; ... •
Union Hymn Books, -
Psalters, . • - •
Lutheran Catechismi,
'• . Reformed Dm .___ • . ..
• ABC Rooks. &O. &e: ...... ..-, ,
Which he will sell bj•lbe dozen er single all
Philadelphia prices. • B. BANNAN. .
Nos. 17. „ 62
Stray (OW: •
STRAYED from the subscriber three jli ea k •
since, • small white and red cow,. withnit
horns, with a brown spot on one eye—had a bell
on. Whoever will return said animal shall bf
liberally rewarded JOSErIi..IIIIRMIAM.
Lewtordown, Vov. 17 521--3 do
I'or Sale,,or to be Rented. ..
.CHAT valuable tract. ofLand called the *tile.;
ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohei
situate on the weetNorwegtan Rail. Road, next
north uf, and adjoining the Peach Mountain ,
offered for pale on accommodating terms;:or
C oa l Mine. will be leased severally ; or toviditt
to an approved tenant. Apply to
341 & Wahmt Street, Philadelphia:
Cheap" Books.' . '. -
'ZION Quixotte 4 vole .8.1,
. 0 -"' Scottish-Chiefs 3 Ho. 7504
Children of the Abbey, 3 Do: 75
Thaddeus of 7 1 1arsaw„ 2 Do. 10
Hen . Sebastian, ' 2 Do. 3O
00le on .Lying, - 25 •
• Life of Franklin, 95
Pilsfritn's Progress, - 25
Lille •Rookb, • • 2%
Bungan's Holy War, • • 03 4
Milton's Paradise Lest. - $5
- I
'Thompson's Seasons,
Bum's Works, 1 vols. '4' . '•-•-* - •50 '
• Junius, , 2 so*:
~,,,•:;;•- 50 -
Together' with a. satiety. of otheriery 4obesp;
books, just remised and For sale b i j, B. BANNAN
Nov. 10 50' .
Circulating Library.
RICHARD Hurdle, or the 'Avenger A, Blaodi
2 sob..
Women of the World, 2 vole.
Merchant's Daughter, 2 vole:
Sam Slick. 2rl eeries,f
Clement Falconer, 2 iota.. •
ols - captivity =OM' • -.
vienne,-by Mrs.
.2111 roll.
S •
- '
FeZ ,
Cifelititin&/I#l . o* - '- Pal;
oat of the bpaary emir mei
ed according. ',