The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 24, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 12.
. • ' 1117.11331 CL
. Two DoLLkei4 per annum, pa ble semi-annual
in advance. It not paid within e year,ll2 50 will
be charged
Advertisements not exceeding t elve lines will be
:: harged $1 for three insertions—a d5O centsfor one
insertion. Larger ones in proper inn.
All advertisements will be ins rted until ordere'
out: unless the time for whi th the are to be continue
is specified . and will be charged a ordingly.
Yearly acvertisers will be cha rge d $l2 per annuli':
including subscriptionto the paper with the privilege
of keeping one advertisement not exceeding 2 squares
titan ling during the year, and the insertion ofa small.
er one in each ntrio r. for three successive times.
All letters addressed to the ethic r moat he post paid,
- otherwise no attention will be paid to them.
AU notice. for meetings, &eland ' other notices
which hive heretoPire been inserted gratis. will he
chimed .15 ennts etch. except Marriages and Deaths
MrJ O'Connell has addressed a letter to the
"People of Ireland." The Ittlignage is ,bold in
- the extreme, so much so that +e question wheth•
' er it will not do more injuryl than good. The
ints of his address are thud described in its
• Derrynane Abbey, 17th Sept., 1838.
Ileratitary bondsmen, know y o u not,
Who would be free, themselics must strike the
blow 7
Fellow Countrymen—The j time for action is
come—the:period of acquiesettnce is past.• There
are. indeed, none to Nuccour a , or to secureour
rights. Perhaps there neve were. But at all
events the time is come whpri we must either
bow in base subirlision to domination,
or rouse 'ourselves into salutttry exertion. Agi
tation fa our sole meant of truccess—peaceable,
legal, emmtitattoual agitatio%
The points to which our chimand for-legislative
relief should for the preset be confined, are
F:rat—An equal reform oft our municipal cor
yoratiqns with that existing in England.
SecOnd—An equal extension of the parliament
ary franchise with that existing in England.
Third —An equal degree lof religious liberty
with that existing in Englland—so that the I
rish nation it large shall nollonger be compelled
to support the church of a sluall minority of the
Irish people.
Fourth—A due and adequate proportion for
Ireland of the reyresentatiori in the united par.
After discussing the pro'
with the English radicals,
place their cause in the h
ministers, the policy of hot
he proet.e. dir to give hie own
in, two distinct parts.
First part—The organize 1
sufficiently nntnerous to spe
al/ Ireland.
Secondly—The practice,
Which such sentiments shah
acted open as to ensure sue
The organization shout
brace every body desirous
Ireland." •
He than proposes that 1..14
in every town, city and coM
to ministers, and says that,
chieved, it is only by then
and wisest of his t requessts
shall be public—no secret
Model of the Battle of Waterloo.—Lieutenant
Siburn, the assistant 'MiMiry Secretary of Ire
bind, has arrived in Lon n, with his already
celebrated model of the battle of Waterloo, which
he is now occupied in fixin i t up in the great room
of th e Egyptian Hall. 1 a few days hence,
when this arrangement shill have been coMplet
ed, the public will bmgratired with a view of this
extraordintry works he model has been many
years in preparation, The survey of the ground
has been made under the! direction of Govern
rnent, every kind of authintic information has
been collected—the !tumbler and position of the
troops have been correctly obtained—and the
whole field has been modelled in the most inas
terly and correct mermen. The combatants on
either side are shown, not by mere lines denoting
troop, but by seperate po l gores, exhibitrng the
troops it. their various trona, and actions, and
clad in their different cosiume. Th. model rep
resents, the Field of Wirt rloo end thmsurround•
ing country, extending out two miles and a
quarter in either directi n. it is reduced to a
surface of about four nu n red and twenty square
feet, and contains upward* of 190,000 figures.
As a topographical niodel, it has the highent pre
tensions, and is by far the most beautiful we have
ever seen. It is constructed upon a scale of tone
feet to the mile. Eve!:y. house, every tree, and
even the slightest undulaltions of the ground, to
gether with the very crops then covering its fur
tace, have been attended \irt ; but the arrangement
of the troops is truly wonderful.— •
Lord Far nhasts.—W ill deep regret we an ,
nonce the decease, on .lhe 20th inst. in the 71st
year of his ege, of the Right Hon. John Barry
Maxwell, Lord Farnham, one of tks Representa.
Live Peers of Ireland, anCol. of the Cavan Mah
tia. His Lordship is an ceeded in his estate and
title by his brother. th Rev. Henry Maxwell,
Rector of Templemich el, county of Longford, E
and father of Henry Ma well, P' q. M. P. for the
county .ot. Cavan. g
Inn Ships.—Scarcelyj has the wonder created
in the worta, by the ippearance of the Great
.Western and the British Queen, begun to sub.
Bias, when we are calledlopan to admire, the rap
id strides' of enterprise. 3 hy the notice -of an iron
steam ship, the first of p line of steamers to ply
between England an Calcutta, to be called the
"Queen of the East," of 2,618 tons and 600-horse
power. This .magnificent •vessel is designed by
Mr. W. D. Holmes. cog neer-to the Bengal Steam
Committee, for a communication between Eng
land and India,
Switzerland.—The e#pnlsion of Louis Bona.
parte from Switzerland, is the
v he r i e f topic ti
of d. ,
muse in the Paris 4ournals. He had not at
o , in common,—
- Jof
the latest date quitted Switze7lanit, in consequence
it Is alleged, of the different. Powbrs having refu
,,will' to grant him paasports. The latest Paris
dates, however, say thisdifficulty had been
moved, mean-time, lar bodies' of French troops,
bad approached 'the S i n frontier and the coos.
islander-in chief, 'Gen. liz, had issued • prod.-
tit!" to his army, -from the language of which it
might be supposed, tha the campaign was, imme
diately about }o he a We think otwith
standing there is littl doubt no • serious conse
quence will amnia. I .
-- ._° , 3az *lNEittsi*-30v*2fAxi,
. . .
. .
.... .
. • ; . 1
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. . .
. , .
NN A.pi.
Spain, stil
Mrs. Fry.-l-This much celebrated !Bay h 0
be,eton Scot_lliad for Abe lest cour,Or five weykS,
engaged in visiting the prisons of the principal
tuwns in itie)colmtry, lied in endeavouring to eit
tabliati ladies' visiting commliteee-for reforming
the state oftie Orisons, and improving the mor
als and habi of the prisoner& •
More Ships.—Two iron steamers, destin
ed to play rki -the River Nile, Fgypt, are at
present building by Scott and Sinclair, eligineeia,
Greenock. The models of thAie steamers are bf
the most approved descnptions.—Glesgow Chrop
Steam Pakkets.—The London Globe states th!st
the Brush government has decided on establish
ing a line of steam packets beiWeen England ail('
S. and thin the cohtract will be
thrown ',peg for public competitidn.
Twenty-embt Jewish converts have been
in a few yee4rs past baptised at Liverpool, whale
also there ti a regular Hebrew service with th e
Hebrew Liturgy of the church of England. ,
Great Western Railwas,—Thq receipts on the
'line from tile London terminus : to Maidenhehd
(only abouti26 miles) have in the 88 days, frlin
June to thejend of August, amounted to neatly
E 21,000.
Coal.—Ai Coal Company has been established
at York, It* capital of which is fixed at .£lo,ood,
to be raised by 5000 shares of.Ci3 each.
Des-pack—The Vivid steamiihip, under the
command o f Captain Agars*, arrived in Hull on
Friday inclining at 25 minutea past 6 o'clodk,
having:maile the voyage front•Londun in the
apace of 24 hours. -
Durham; County Coal Company.—The fourth
helf-yearly• general meeting of the shareholdOra
• in this company was held in Darlington, on the
28th Allff.; when a satisfactory *port was /dad,
and a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent per In
num was declared. leaving a surplus of undivilled
pram' amtitinting to £3064 13c. 7d. The thahks
of the medting were unaiitmously presented, to
the directdrs for this gratifying result of their la.
Extense Lost—The damage done at he
preolises 4f Messrs. Macictosh end Co., in Man
chester, by the late fire, will not v excced £I:II,IiLM,
of which £5.000, covered by insurance.
Filet and alone made, and throwed himself in
to the imminent, deadly brew* N. P. 4101.
madge made the srst assault On that formidable,
despotic, daring, sacviligions band, in the Sedate
How-e. We were dvesent. We remember ,his
deadly peleitess, his choked utterance, hisiim
movably i fixed determined countenance ;We
remembef the audahla but birthed remark; of
Calhoun, when 411 eyes were fixed in silent
doubt. '4l. is the pent up struggling fire ofiVe
au*ius," paid /se, "it will burst upon us presently.'
—We remember the bold,. defying astonishrlient
of the glint 'Benton, and the quailing, cringing,
shrinking of the. `meaner beasts," when it,,did
burst. Andlong shall we remember the torfrent
of patriotic eloquence; poured otd• when the 'op•
pressed titterance found vent.-:—We remember at
the close, the whispering's of the little groups of
the banded despots. "What do you think of it."
"We hare lost Tall inadge."—"O no, Mr. (Wan
Buren will bring him back."—"But did you not
mark the dead fixedness of his eye on our great
champiob during his whole speech 7 Did yon
not mark determined war in that eye? OZ Mr.
Van Buten and Mr. Wright will put him straight
again. '
From. that day to this, the patriot spiral: has
never faltered. In the Senate, and in the closet,
in mottoit or quiescent, the fixed, determined i our.
pose of his mind has never for p moment faltered.
—"T will save my country. I will save tha re
. Or I will perish. And most religiBusly
has he kept hie word.—Nrw lork Times.
.riety of a junction
nd of continuing to
nds of the.. present
which he disputes;
plan 'which consists
on of an assoetation
k the sentiutints o
arrangements by
be so expressed and
be such as to em
. obtain "Justice in
Precursor Societies
ty; present petitions
if success can be ac•
• means. The best
ie that all meetings
Magnetic Telegraph.—The following is 'Xi ex.
tract of a letter from a gentleman in Patis to
H. L. Plsworth, Esq., of the patent office,t,pub.
Imbed in the National Intellfgencer. Ametican
genius, our readers will see with pride, and
pleasure, is again presenting itself to the sciiintit
m men 'of Europe in a way Which commands at
tention :and elicits praise :
PARIS. Sept. 12, 1838.
I urn sure you Will be glad to learn that ottr A•
inerican friend, Professor Morse, of the;New
York City University, is producing a veractreat
sensation 'tinting the learned men of this king
dom, Ily his Magnetic Telegraph. He alilonit
ted. it, to the examination of the Acadernv of
Sciences of the Royal Institute of France at,
sitting' on Monday last. Its novelty, tutkuty,
simplicity. and power, were highly commeinded.
M. Arago, the learned and eminent principal
in the iastronontical observatory i 4.f the F . :tench
Ea-merriment. has manifested a,very lively giatifi
cation'in regard to it. He addressed the abade.
my ih regard lu ciur countryman's inventiars. in
terms +most creditable to Mr. Morse. It itt on
dertooild- that a report of the exhibition Will be
submitted by M. Aragn in the forthcontinglimin•
her of tthe published proceedings of the institute.
Other projects 'or the establishment of a!mag
netic (elegraph have been broached laere,iespe
many from Professor Stemhill. of MuMch. ; It is
said, however, to be very manifest that oui Yan
kee P;rottssor is ahead of them all; in at the
essential requisites of such an inventioo, and
that lie is in the way to bear off_ the palm, In
simplicity of design, cheapness of'constritction,
and efficiency, Prof. Morse's Telegraph };tran
scend all yet made known.
. .
o:rotinuee in the seine distracted
Tbb following beautiful extract is taken!' from
i.Wil 'n Conworth," in the last number ill the
Knickerbocker Magazine :- 1
or e land of Penal is the only soil
t 3
not nerchased ty the blood of the native*. A
feeling of peace came over me as I thought of
this, and called to mind the scene where he is
repreitentee as treating with the Indians, the de-
sign is magnificent. il
”Iliow firm most have been the principles of
that Man! What a religion that must tre,*hich
fortifies a man to go without armor or shield into
the Midst of a savage tribei, relying upon Ole -ef.
fickcy of his purity-of purpose:, and the dignity of
his .aliments to protect flim :. How mijch is
such t
on3ism beyond the daring of the werrior !
The time is motel, the othnz is pnysical coinage.
Is there in all history a chiracter that apciach.
es neerer the character of Christ than his 1; His
weopqns are meekness and love—be wenCabout
doing good—he endured adversity with pieience,
and would have suffered mertyrdorn for hi faith.
His Principles of peatee,,erei getting to be 00 Prie
wide? of the whole civilized world- Thulimuch
he eras in advance of the age. As I t04,,.r.h the
soil of PYNN, I determined to seek out a blame in
some community of Friends." • -j:
As peach trees greatly exhaust the soil. it is
probably the cause, in some measure of the fail.
ore of crops. Cultivators would do well occasion
ally, to S•emove the exhausted soil from . around
the roots of the ,trees,loupplyiag its place with
good earth. Coal dust from the blacksmiths torgo,
and maid ashes, are a valuable omulsher of the
peach tree. It is also said they are an antidote
against worms which preys upon the peach
at the surface of the soll, : and causes such a la-
nentaide destruction of tSein
Thepeach, also, at proper times, needs more
pruning than any other tree, to keep it in luxuri
ant growth.
It has been ted, as the result of an incident
tal experimencthat squash sown in the fall will
survive the frosts of svinier and spring, and wil
mature m earlier than ■nv which can be
sown in the spring. It is worth a more satisfac
tory experiment. The earliest Ballads, we know
are grown in this way.. ,
Young trees should not be planted where the
decaying old roots are, as they are the receptacle
of nurnei nue worms, which seek their food in the
roots of the young trees, and open the sap vessel,
so that the 'sap instead of nourishing the tree,
flows, to waste in the earth; and .causes the loss
of the tree
Deep digging is essential to the growth of
young trees, in order that the rain water may
ter under the roots, which otherwise would be
rotted by stagnant water remaining around them.
From the Farmers' Cabinet. .
Vegetable mould or earth when brought into
Late Of solution furnishes food for plants, and
enters into their composition and structure; *Ma
rurntsti food for other plants and rinimala, and
hecome animalized by the process of digestion ;
consequently animals are manufactured out of
vegetables by a process of which we are ignorant;
and when animals die and are decomposed by the
agency of heat, moisture 'and air, they are redo
ced again to the elements which conititute the
food of plants, and so proceed,on the same round
again of producing a new generation of plants
and inimals; and this rotary system has been in
operation from the creation of the world to the
present time, and so will continue until time is
no more; the quantity of matter always remain
ing the same, though its forms and combinations
are constantly undergoing a change.
From the Farmers' Cabinet.:
The effect of lime on orchards an 4 on grounds
in which fruit trees are planted, is stated to be
very - beneficial ; it improves their health and
promotes their growth, and it ia,said to improve
the quality of the fruit. The food orpasture of
the tvees is Increased in quantity, and improved
in quality by the application, end it is doubtless
an important agent in destroying the pubs and
Wornlt which are so destructive to fruit trees by
the wounds which they inflict, as well on ,the
tender fibres of th'e roots, as on the branchesind
trunk. -
The good effects of lime on apple and peach
trees is preeeptible in a short time, and it be•
lieved equal benefit will be derived from its ap.
plicatiun, by all other kinds of fruit trees. '
Let us try it without delay. fot it is universally
known that good fruit is never produced by an
unhealthy tree.
From the Farmers' Cabinet
PROM - rut sAms swig
Having heard that the pure bred Dorcetshiie
ewes wonld infallibly bring lambs twice in the
same year, I purchased, for the purpose of ma
king the experiment, seven ewes on the 2d De.
cemlier, 1825. They were all in lamb, and by
the 28th of that _month had yeaned nine lambs
The first of the ewes lambed the second time
on the 2d day of July, 1826, the remaining six
by the 26th of that month ; they brought seven
lambs. By the 14th of March, 1826, five of
these ewes had lambed- 'the third time,
the remaining two on the 29th day of April,
and produced, at the third lam ping twelv,
healthy lambs. Thus these seven ewes, in 17
months from the time of their purchase, brought
and 28 lambs, which were all reared in health.
and were sold, the first lambs for a guinea and a
half each, and the third were sold with the ewes
as couples. Besides the 28 lambs, I had a fleece
of wool from each of the ewes at midsummer.
To the (fiends of the Salk Cullum-1i having
been determined at a meeting of the, friends of
the cause, held at Philadelphia on the 25th ultimo,
in which the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
and Delaware i'vere represented, that it was im.
portant for the furtherance of the intereata of tha
Silk Culture, that a National Convention be held
at the city of Baltimore, on the second Tuesday,
the Ilth day of December nest; it is therefore
respectfully suggested that the. Silk growers, and
those trtendly to the introduction of this brunch
of industry into stir country, take prompt meas
• urea to appoint delegates to represent the several
sections of oar Union in said convention. The
approaching meeting of Congress will afford the
ditiiens of distant stales an opportunity of being
represented to that body theirby representatives
in Congress, and it is therefore subniitted to the
consideration of those filet-Ay to the cause in
those states, to avail themselea• of the opportuni
ty which will be - thets afforded of being so repre
• The spirit which now animates the American
people, in favor of this enterprise, seems peculiuly
to call for a measure of this kind, IN it is obvious
that a body of practical men, coming together
om the remote parts of our country, will be able
by their united counsels to lay before our country
men a vast body of important facts and Images.
Mons, and thou enable them to proceed onward
in their holy work with intelligence and zeal.
Aa the time allowed for the meeting of -this
CAmver.tion is short, it is earnestly requested of
the friends of the measure, to go to work imme.
iliately and make appointments of delegates, and
it is of great moment that every section of the
country should be fully represented.
We have tieatises on the rights of man, of
women and on almost every .right which attach
es to the several social relations ; yet we have
Seen nothing on the rights of infanat,• a class
more needing and more di:Serving protect,ion than
Soy other. The power held over them to SO oft.
en and so onfeelirgly abused, that W 4 give from
a foreign Journal, the following instance of its
criminal exercise,in hope that it may operate u
a caution and defer the infliction of punishment
which may, by the most distaot possibility, in
volve consequences that no regrets cab repair,
not atonement expiate. -
"The Conycnt de St. Clair, at bombes hmeaui
has lately been the theatre of • catastrophe
which has plunged a htgly respectable, family
into the deepest grief by the . loss of a beloved
child, and created a deep Sympathy among the
inhabitants of that part of the country—as much,
indeed, from the melancholy nature of the cir
cumlitance itself as, from the unexampled man
ner in which it took place. Monsieur and Mad
ame B— bad placed this'll' only child, 11 beauti
ful girl of ten years of age, ib the abate men
tioned convent, conducted by Urauline onus, du
I ring itereral years,' and enjoying a high repute
lion as an establishment for iqunule eduriaton.
"The unfortunate child, Lputse B—. it ap•
pears. had incurreo the punishment of the cachoi,
or prison—the usual Diode tir correcii:in stippled
in French schoo;‘, and wive in consequence shut
up in the place used for that purpose. It was
observed that the moment the door was, closed
upon the child her screams were heightened to-a
•, but no particular importance
was attached to the circumstaoce, and she wig
left in the cachot, situated at the•hottom of the
garden, and at such a distance front the house
that her cries were mendable to the initiates.
About an hour after the child had been shut up,
a violent knocking was heard at the outer gate
of the convent, which beifig opened, a labouring
man who happened to be conducting a cart a
long the road, Which passes near the preuintes,
presented himself, and to mauthorativekune de
mended .whom they were murdering in the con
vent T . adding that he had' distinctly heard the
sighs and groans of a dying person proceeding
from the-premises at the bosom of the garden
and insisted on knowing the cause. The nuns
uninednitely explained to the man the fact of the
child's imprisunment and asisured him that his
imagination had attached more importance to
the matter then was • necessary. The man • net
•erthelesu insisted upon seeing the child, and the
none were ultimately compelled by his positive
and determined air to accede to his request, and
they had_no sooner arrived at the spot where the
child was confined than the convulsive sobs and
faint sighs which struck their ears excited rip:
prehension. of her safety.
The door was immediately opened, when a
specimen of indescribable horror presented itself
The unhappy child was lying on the ; ground in
-it state of the most agonising convulsions, and a
cat employed in tearing away the flesh from her
neck and face. Every effort was bad recourse
to in order to save the life of the child, but such
was the nature of the wounds inflicted on the
neck and face of the unhappy sufferer; that she
expired three days alter the even:, in a state o!
the most horitti delirium. , It is supposed that
the cat, which happened to be shut Up with the
child, becone in the first instance frightened by
ta screams, and subsequently infuriated.
Observe that slow solemn tread, when the
young bride takes her wedded one by the arm,
and with doWn cast eyes and a heavy heart turns
her face from .sweei home" and all its associa
tions; which have for years been growing ace
brightening entwining a° closely wound the pur
est and tenderest Mellor of the heart. How re
luctant that step as she moves towards the car
riage ; how eloquent those tears whichensh un
bidden from the fountainl
She has just bid ached to home! She him giv
en the parting hand—the parting vies! With
deep and struggling eiriot'on she has pronounced
the farewell and oh, how fond and yet mourn-.
ful a spell the' word breathes; and perhaps 'tis
the last farewell to father, mother, brother, ■od
Childhood ,and youth, the sweet morning of
e, with its ••charms of eartieat birds, and ear.
heat associations, have now passed. ' Now coin=
menees a raw a momentous period of existence.
Of this . she is aware. She reads in living char
acters—uncertarnty, assuming that where all
were happiness—where home, sweet home, was
m all unto her. But these ties, these associations,
these enjoyments, she hes yielded one by ore,
and now she has broken them all 'maunder. She
has turned her face from:them all, and witness
how she clingato the arm of him tor whom all
these joys have been exchanged.
See how she moves on,the world is before her,
and a history to be written wbcne pages are to be
filled up with life's loifeliest peneilings, or per
haps, with incidents ot affecting intetest ; of start
hog, fearful recutd ! Who can throw aside the
veil of •three score years and ten" for 'her, and
record the happy and sunbright incidents that
shall arise in succession, to make joyous and full
the Op of life ; that shall throw around these em
bellishments of the mind and the heart that whicn
Browns the doniestic circle with 'beauty and love
liners; that which sty.etenssocial intercourse, and
softens, improves, and elevates the condition of
society T Or who with a firm and: unwavering
band, can register the hoArs and days of affie
tionatelind silent weepipg--V midnight watch
ing! who can pen the blighted hypes—the in
stances of unrequited love—the blackness and
sorrow of the mind, when neglected and forgot
ten, am it were by him, who was dearer to her than
life—when all around was drear and desolate,
when the garnered stores are wasted, and the
fl.cheriag blaze of the hearth wanes and goes out!
and leaves her in solitude, in silence,: and in tears.
But her affections wane not, 'loather not, and
die not.
The brilliant skies nay shed down all her glad
dening beauties! unlace array herself in gay
flowers ; and friends, kind friends may greet
with laughing countenances and kind hearts; but
it avails naught. , One kind look—one soft and
affectionate accent, the unequivocal' evidence of
remaining love—one •smile like that which wooed
and Ron that heart, would enkindle brighter,
and deeper, and lovelier,emotions at its fountain.
than earth with all its splendor, beauty and gay
Ok, young man ever he to thy young bride that
which thou seemest now to be ; disappoint her
not. What has she not given-up for thee What
sweet ties that bound heart to heart and hand to
hand. and life to lifey his she not broken •off for
thee? Prove thy self wiwthy ot all she has sacri
ficed. Let it ever be her pleasure, as now, to cling
with confiding joy and love to.thiarm. Let at
he her stay, her support,. and it 4411 be well re.
paid. Her's it an enduring, an Undying love !
, Prosperity will strengthen it--idversity will
brighten and.lntrigorate it, and giver it additional
lustre and loveliness,: Should the band ofdisease
fall .upon thee, glen Wilt thou behold woman's
devotion, for thou wilt. never witness her spirit
wee faint and drooping at thy couch! Whets
thy own are failing sbe will clang to thee like a
sweet wine, and difrusip around the pillow sweet
influences and attractiOns that touch the master.
springs and nobler passions of thy,nature—that
shall give new impulse to life ! Her kind voice
will be like Mollie to the-falling heart—like oil to
thy wounds. 'Yes she will raise thee, restore
thee, and make happy, if any thing less than an
-sel's arrii:ein do it! _
Froth the New York Mirror.
BY 'THEW:JOBE 8. FAY.-Founded "on fact.
I would have.given worlds to recall the
action.—l bad nu excuse. It was a deed
done with my eyes open. The beggar
who steals to save his wife and children
from starving, has the symiiuthy of the,
judge who condemns him—and the homi•
cide, whose crime is committed in a gust
of passion, may find consolation in tepen
lance- arid in the conciousnees of the utfir•
mity of human nature. Men sin from ig
norance; from temptation; from want o
experienc. I hsd perpetiatod this deliber
atily, with my eyes open to the copse.
quences. I knew the were of
was dutng.-I'kere was no adequate temp
tation fur it. 1 could only expluin it on
the grounds Of innate depravity. • 1, who
profOssed a acorn of wrung—who was ac
eustomed to self-examination and sell-dia
cipline— who knew what guilt was—Who
felt, while 1 did it, that I was laying' up a
store of repentance—l had yielded, and I
regarded myself with contempt and It or-
Nothing could be more pleasing than
the scene in which this incident took place-.
It was at a ball, amid moisic, dancing and
pretty women. , Ail the elements of hap
piness seemed to lie around- Was I hap
py 1 No.• Remorse filled my bosom. I
felt that I had recorded in the book of fate
a deed not to be erased —from which was
to spring shame and suffering.
the ghost of "buried Denmark"
....",onfined to lest in fires,
Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature
Are burnt and purged away."'
Night game. Night ! At this mysteri
ous period, the guilty have a foretaste of
their punishment. In summer I should
havelone out and walked till morning.-L-
Bdt it wits 'a cheerless November night,
I went to. bed. In a little while a sort of
oblivion descended upon me, faintly light
ed with images of the gay scene where I
had spent the evening, and where I had
unfortunately laid this sin uoon my soul.
My imagination retained a dim sense of
music and dancing, and careless voices,
and flashing light, till their repeated and
repeated \ impressions pained me; and over
the whole mysteriously and darkly, like a
cloud, or an impending danger, lay the
definite conviction and shame of that act
—a sane of remorse, appreheosion, guilt
and and folly, from which I strove to recoil
and hide myself in sleep or even death.—
And in those vague movements, weltering
bee ween the real and the unreal, grotesque
beings, whose shapes were drawn in light
upon the black air, darted around, acid
made faces at me, and held a sort of devil
ish revel over my torments, as I lay pow
erless on my back. Such visitations might
come to a dead man in his coffin. And a
power seemed whispering—" This is to
commit a sin." "1 did not think Of it."
And for a moment, this seemed a triumph
to me, and I shouted the fact sturdily in
the faces of the finds, and I called the
good angels to help me, a poor, misused
mortal, set upon in this fashion by a par
cel of infernal devils. But a voice, after
a pause, answered as if with a silent smile
—You know what you did—you gratified
your wish—you agreed to pay the price—
you scorned consequences—you have no
excuse—you are bought and sold—you are
ours !" And I answered—"lt is true !"
and strove to hide myself. I would have
crawled into my cave ; and all the while
the d.incing went on, and the music play
' ed one continual tune—and gay crowds
moving and bowing around, and beautiful
female faces, with radiant smiles and care
less words, came and went in throngs and
mastics, with a floating change and a mock
ing contrast. Then 1 ' fell abruptly off a
precipice—started and awoke. .
I groaned aloud. The chamber was
lighted by the faint beams of a night lamp,
casting grotetique and giant shadows upon
the wait and ceiling. There wad sow
thing unearthly about them. 1 had not
thought that chairs and tables—those
homely and familiar objects--could look
strange and impressive. There was a bar
lying hung black across the - room— = a mas
sive semi-circle, broken by an angle of the
comic, appeared like, a segmint of Saturn's
belt—and a rugged profile, that frowned
like tbe spectre of some giant, held forth
a threatening arm and:impressed me with
a solemn sense of the monstrous and pre.
And soon; amid these huge shadow's
and that deathly silence, broken only by a
sound from some warping panel, or, per
haps, , a wall settling more firmly on its
foundation, secret tokens-of time * .Unheard
by di" sleepi millions around,) the fatal
act which had arited my past availing',
aPPeaTed bef ore e. like ,a ghost with a
haunted power.. All the darkest aspects
of life presented themselves, as' turned on
my patois end strove to sleep.. -All that .1
had ever done wrong_or unkind, or doubt.
ful, sat around my bed lilts c company.
devils, each event converted into'* fient,'
and at the head of this agreetipe twice f 111
deed of yesteiday, amocking, beartle*dtt ,
mon, and - then came the dancing and the
tune %a m. • . .
At lehgth the awful ordeal Walkiratied
by agleam of comfort. Something Which
resolved itself at last into a soothing
. and
most gentle spirit, seemed tmisieal in, a&
observed among. Om set , of chattering
devils, and whispered in my eat:
Patience, mortal, and receive thisbour
as a lesion. You shall not sink beneath
your burden, Ent must hear it a little t longt
er. When the cock crows your periecti-
tors will dispense. 'Take care you do nbt
put yourself in their power again— Tlie
earth i 4 inhabited by two .races—nian,3ia
traveller on hie way to -, heaven, but so t
beset by the other race, the devil!. Theis
is but one method of escaping thesp'gentla.
men, who .10w crowd your chamber 'lia:
hilariously. It is by following the wa t is
of right and wisdom.. They have eom - '
ratively,a'o power over the Charmed podia,
but it is the condition of your existence, -
that when you err, you are exposed to
their mischievous malice. Weed,. each
error creates its own tormenter. 'Ea h
man, according to his deeds, is boner d
with a retinue of these disagreeable co .
1 1
panions, who acquire more power the m re
They za'm They retire from around pu
&ring the day, to watch the effect of now
temptations, as an angler keeps hillniplf
concealed to catch the fish; even, wlipa
hooked, gives him -the line in order; to •
plunge the barb yet di eper into hiwitictern.
In crowds, in moments of passisia, snd
times of pleasure, they leave their pike
apparently free ; but in solitude, illative,
and during the night, they assume.their
• dominion; and wo to him who beceiett
entirely their slave. .As for you,yuu 11100 .
committed an action for which you must
bear the penalty. - Yield with patietsce
and be wiser to-morrow."' ' I-
1 felt like
The lace of my instructress was nearer
Wine as she spoke, she kissed t = my fere
lead. Then came the dancing aiitil the
thne, and the crowds and the demons, end
and in the pressure I was nearly auffoct4ed.
Struggling, attempting in -vain to call:0114
I was at the point of dissolution, wheni in
frightful convulsions, I once more awdkee
At that instant the cock in the neighbor
ing barnyard gave a sudden, loud, andtre
ultant crow, and I distinctly heard he
slapping of the fellow's wings. It Was
followed by the cheerful cry of a, milkniane
A faint silvery light fell upon tke%lved
ihrotegh the openings in the shutters nd •
curtains. The night lamp burned to lo v er
and more dim. Saturn's belt was SCII ce
ly visible opposite the pitcher-handl . ?
The huge bar had lost its 'sharp outli ne.
but retained enough to identify it .vrtth.the
poker, and the frowning giant had dimly
ed into theoutline of an old robe de apes.
ber, carelessly flung over the back of e
chair. Blessed human Shapes all, lifter
the unearthly images - of night. I- turned
over with a sen se of safety, of beink a
niong- my fellow creatures, and on 1 the
earth again, of having expiated my crime,
and of having now life before me, tot try..
anew the path of virtue and Wisdom, and
so-I fell into a quiet sleep. .
" But •what was the crime'!" deld m ed .
my wife when I had read her this e y..
" The reader will know it," said I.
t• Not at all!" said she. "I assureiyoti."
I have not the slightest idea -of it."
. i ,
" Let them guess then !" said I.
"They will think you have been ob
bing the mail," said she, "or committing
murder. What is it you have dead to
bring on yourself such terrible torreedts?"
"I drank three cups-of street,' tita I"
said I, with a blush.
"And it serves you perfectly 4
said my wife with a look of indignant
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NO. 1.-
g t