The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 17, 1838, Image 3
POTTSVIL SATURDAY MORNING NO; Small Pos.—Several cases of m all have recently occurred in and about ber Borough. We would earnestly impress on paredta the necessity of having their children vaccinated, and even adults might have it renewed, wiihout inconvent. ence to their business, andvertaiely with increas ed safety.. Town Hall.—This b•iilding is irapialy progres sing: the cot stone for the extrior have orris , ' ed from Valley Forge, add -al few data open weather will dCvelope the crest ;front which we think will do great credit to Heiden Smith, Esq. the architect. We hope if all gota-right to dance in the.fiall on Washington's birt night. Delaware Electioa.—The Re urns from .*.less Castle County are received, which give a decrea. sed majority for the loco focos. !Kent and Sussex are yet to be heard from, which in 1936 gave 63l majority for the whig canoidati; and the result this year will not vary materially. The Mormons.—A batik ha. been fought be tween the Mormons and their pireecutors in Ray County, Missouri, in "kith len f the 'latter Were killed. If they have been ras44bey have been goaded to it by a serke of • p+ocations which entitle CIECS mined- by a coJ shaft. Seterbl buildings have sunk?' Not so. Major, if you please; we are all above water yet, plenty * of buildings going up, but none sinking; we are not yet among the "things that Were." We are Tet the " Diamond of Democracy," in the Zshara 41coco - foco Schuyl kill, and are intently listening lto the whiz than. der of New York, as county i{ ft e r County Ecver. berate; itt triumphs; thereforc i be not 'o inhuman as to inhumatr us afier that faithion. New York Election —The !following was the. vole in New York City at the rec. nt e 4. ction. It will he seen that C. C. C. of the Cof Ways and Means was the lowest oil his ticket. They begin to "know" their men in that place. O'Connel.—The "great agitator" has addressed . CONGRESS. another 'radical and inasmotatory letter to his i Loco Fuer,. I constituents; h 1 will soon become the "nolikst - 20559 Canibreleng, 19178 ` , /,<_a of them all." The Tory press in England 20434 Moore / 9851) ar e of opinion, that while the canvas which hare 20517 M c ileac 19234 20429 •Varitn 19187 heretofore given popularity In Mr. o*Connel arc GOY ER NOF. gaining ground; he himself is falling behind : he Seward. 20 . 201 Marey, 19357 ham become hie radically radii al even for the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. most radical, and we may soon expect to rar.k Bradish, 19206 Traly, 19548. him among. the "meteors which have flashed. Look out for Fires !—We advise the inhabi- I and are gone I's ' tants of. Washington to look dot Tor fires. The Whigs will have a majority inithe next Congress, prl eit o p aislp a w .. Committees of f Investigation will •- that accidental fires may be found necessary to purl. fy the departments,- Vir.tuas iloff.nua ECM Grinnell Mon-roe Progreso of Infidefily.—ln fro co isany Hall, the head quarters of New York oco focoism, the novel eight was recently presented of work men engaged on the Sabbath paiiting the sashes of the large room where, Camoreleng, Fanny Wright, and• the chosen huldi their orgies. So 'much for the twelve and 441f:cent lectures • NATIONAL CON q:sTioN We extract the following prom the National Gazette of Wednesaaylast. I The Anti•Maannic Cooventon adjourned over from yesterday WI this nun . ins, owi:.g to the absence of some delegates, wlien it Whg organitied and proceeded to husir.ess. The following States were. represented. Pennsyliania, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Rhode 'island.' and Massa chusetts. Harmer Denneyd of Pennsylvania, wis chosen President of the Forwertion; Henry Cotheal, of New Ytrk, Ebeneger Clourh, of Was. - Sachtissits, Rufus Reath, oflOhin, and Edward S. Williams, of Rhote Vice Presidents; and John Williamson, of Pennsylvania, and J. A. Simpson, of NeW Jersey. Sipereiaries. On motion of Thaddens Stevens, William Hen ry Harrison of Ohio, was un.inimously nominat ed a candidate for the next President of the United States, and Defile! Webster, of Massa. chusetts, unanimously nominated a candidate for 'Vice President. tcr The Philadelphians ati revelling in all the del.glits of a Fair at the Marionic Hall. Our co. teipporaries inform us that the fair attend the fair in great numbers, and that there is a pretty fair exhibition of articles. " Blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and smiling faces." +ere particularly at tracted by a 'Wardrobe Bedstead and compound ,Spring Matirass, invented iby Cherrington. of Boston, so trays our our brattier of the Herald and Sentinel. " Dreamy tbouOits, and prospective blisses!" Cheap at Half Price.—Fanny Wright, Esq . told all the New York loco the reason of their defeat last Sunday night for * law each. • L oaves an d Fishea,Gcteernor Mercy, the great defeated, breeches andiall, , is in the city of New York, to get another ofrice: It is rumored that he will be appointed Collector, in place of Jesse lloyt,. because Jesse hats had an injunction laid on his sub treasury receipts in bank, by h,ta creditors. The deposites living been made in ins . private name, instead 41 the United Stales ; thcbape is entertained that Uncle Sam will have 49 fcrk out the balances. ". 41 s kittle Orookeil.—The4eading Press thinks that " New York has gnt a gittle crooked as far as the election returns are !wird from." She has so-s-she has flown off the Van Buren track in a tangent, and the " sober second thou ght cif the people will keep her there ill spite . of "laments. ,ttmos here or elsewhere." . Rhode Isla ad•—'rhe assert bly of this state base elected Nathan F. Dixon a Seustur to the U. S. Congress from the 10th Mai eh next in place of the lion, Asher Robbins: Orotaeus.—Tren share, of 'ammaoy Hall stock are advertised, for sale at err York, cheep for cash or obis plasters; Any ins top, rld. of it, vs .appose• • , - • `Peeper desert•voltr frg.—A oud .Milner man who resides in our Borough, acing lost some money on the recent Pennsyl . is • election, re— solved to make it up on New Y • rk: On he went • 'to the great commercial Ernpo .4 um, secured his bets, and came back in high gl .. ! He had not been sujooliedi as to bet on Be ard, this lima he was right; be had bet on Ma . . Last Friday week being in Reedicg, he wa a I I mused from his dreams of bliss, by the firin of one hundred gone for the Wit* Victory.' You should not have deserted yout flag ! adh to. principles, and the "sober second thong ts" of the people will set all right. MI .. 11, 1838 "Fanny was younger once, 11 And prettier of course " What a grortous thing is . t ic! and what a comfortable logician Fanny4riglit IEII. must to ttl The New Era:" her no 'organ, though which she blows the trumpet tore& her Bahama together, contains such a deloglftful„ comfortable, consoling, and happy prociamaitiim that the locos will be bringini out their gunalto celebrate a vic tory in New York Only "lister to dear Fanny." listen to the "bright Venus ol 'Democracy."—She has set all right : TO TIIE PEOPLE.. Let me. as an old, and I think, somewhat tried friend, address s word—not ICI triumphant fac tion, nor to disco matted partleii, but to viiust—ever firm And unaubdued People! )n this country, as elsewhere, factions may often lir' ph and parr ties suc•mmb; but nuns the i'vapit are never van quished. 'they are not so at this hour; nor are they, whose trust is in the People and in the Peo pte only, cast down or dismayed. Let the people of this city see to turn the pres ent catastrophe tQ account,aml they may receive Iron. it a 'whitely lesson. That lesson I purpose to interpret, according to my mews of it, on to. morrow, Surnlay evening, and hereby invite all honest friends of American independence,nation. al union, human liberty and popolar sovi-reigntv. t o meet me in Concert [fall at the usual hour ( advertisement';) when I shall take for my sut.p at=_ _ MEI under ('fi•aled in open day and routed on false eround, not broon. 1 eOple ! stand foot, and do not go to sleep FRANcgs wßiGtrr DARUSMOST. Virginia Coal.—We learn from the Richmond Whig that a new location of scmi•bitumittous Coal has been, relely discovered in Botetourt County Virginia, so go.. Iron works. It is prim...need to be equalteCoke to the works near which it has been found. The mineral lies 140 feet below the surface, and from developments appears to be abundant. Tnua day after day its the wealth of our country discov. ering itself, and its surface and interior are alike rich in all which can cood..ce to Itappiness and independence. Glorious Minority. --In Pike county, the vote on the new Constitution stolid ,588 for, and 3 against the amendments.— Wonder if the three ►were squires or some such! Laconic Correspondroce.4A mothei in Ma Me wrote to her on in Miasiasiiipi "Dear son, come home, a tolling stone gathers no moss. Your affectionata mother till Aeath." To which the son replie s dias follows;' "Dear mother, i wont 4 tome here, a aetting hen never gets fat. Your dutiful and obedient son." Bishop of the Western Dio.less of New York ri —At the primary Conventi ' at the Western Di Deese of New r York, held t Geneva, the Rev William H Delancey, D. .. Rector of St. Pe ter's Church, ehtiedelphia, was unanimously c lee Led 4.4ishop. 1 . . II hfficalt to Plea se"—A gentleman who bad . just been. shaved by a barber, asked for a towel to wipe his face with, and iion being pterented, with one, inquired of - the master of the shop, if he e it had not occulter. 'No.' r 'Med the barber, •11 my custontera have lased at for three weeks, and no one ever found feel with it before.—Bas. ; tan Post. . . Gractfut complinsent i—The N. Y. Mirror says, that tiWjii-torer of music, who has heard the beautiful channtfrom Handers oratorio of Thei. (Aura, commencing . 4 1se4els. ever bright and fur," as executed by Madame Caradohi Allan* will admit (fiat the graceful compliment con tained in the following I , ell-torncti stanza is neither unmerited nor extravagant. The worth: were sent anonymously to us through the iinal office. We 'publish them, with the suggestion that they are. too good to he wholly origins!: TO *MADAME CA 1141410111 ALLAN, 1, en hearing her sing, "Angels ever bright and fair, Take, oh take vito your rare r Whenyou invoke the angels' care In strains so riquiskte and ram, - 1 tremble lest you should be heard, • And they should take you at your word:: Eery funll.—An ir,fiT old gentleman wait found by a rogue, mcianin sadly at something lost" "What's the instterisir 7" said the foliose; —"Oh sir, a Tinian justtole my good laced hat from my hild oind rut away with."—"Wby ii don't you rup after him Z' asked the rogue.— "Bless your heart, sir, I mint run at all—l caii hardly waik."—"The dense yen can't," said thk rogue, "and he awls your hal ?"—" Yee, he diii sir "—"Arid yeti cant run'/" Not 1.- • "Nor catch him ? ••••—"Nia."—"Then here goes for your wig?" 4 end seetudiogly pcilliug eif that .thatch for thS ( an she in now. Jialleck. MISCELLA NIL% lU=LahLal.UaUo aiLl_M! bead, the fellow Went -off Oke s shot, and the othentleniart was lefts. bad as a coots. THu DIOLARATION. 'My charmer! I . would. die for thee • , If thou woold'st only live tor me! 'Ah ! do !` replied the dark eyed elf, trete, liked to die myself.'' Money is Power, says Vin Boren, "so bend me over the Sob Treasury 7 -and ask no q tea dons." • • • An fans Hacc.—The following notice lately mtipeared in a shop window of a tailor .at Cork. — . ! •••Wanted two apprentices who will be treated as one of the family. Absence of mind —A gentleman while out shooting in Tenneassee, put the wadding in his pocket, and rammed himself down his rifle in— stead. Hiving, however, fortunately left ho cap on, he was instantly shot to the top of a pine tree, alto tho society of a raccoon, who explained to him his mistake. Misfortu eof Genius —Fret Germ Bauscir„ the poet, flee confidential partner and agent of Jottillacoh Alma, receives a salary of six thou— sind dollars per annum. **Aaron. is said to dis trust every body out HALL.tcs.." So obverves the New York entrespondent of the Boston Traveller. Carton's Botanical Fact—The aapsyloti of Sir IL Deity that no P prices of plant will vegetate downwards, has been lately contradicted by as eminent florin% in London, who placed the bulb of a warcin-us Ina large glans vs .° filled with wattr. The nartuans in now on the point of raining into flower duwnwards, a large pod of bloom and sea- Ural leaven being atready Shocking Rod —A friend nercrth that the hums have been licked lip in New York without matey! N. Y. Conservatives.—Jonxt %CLAM( Emi, was ble (lithe New York members of Congress, who voted against the puh-trey-ury last session of Peren. w hoat 'hut time dared to oppose that mas ter piece of Viii Buren tactic., all the rest hare been Swathed and whipped hark into the ranks tint Mr Clark. The Locnit of Clienango County s t ruc k with pit.US horror at the enormity of his crime, w.old net re tronsieate him, whercup,n the whip,' took him up for their Candidate, and he has been re-eleeted by an cverwhelming ma jprity. We take great pleasure in giving place to the following beautiful stanzas fermi a fair New Yor k correspondent. There is a veto of fervent piety and elegant purity about her writingm, =which will soon place her by the side nt our Sr gourney and Serigwit.k. By the way, why dote the inure of our fair contributreas from Pin Carbon slumber ? the chords a her lyre should not rust. her productions were extensively copied through out the Union. Shall we net bear from her a. MO VOR TOR lIIINERVr venting Musings. 'Tie eve, sich eve, the silver moon Is beaming o'er the earth; The glitrring stars hatlthe glad boor That Fives their glory birth; The winds are huah'd upon the hill, Yon sitream in silence glows ; All natiire lies in quiet deep— A beilotiful repose 3 Monsentic or deep, delicious calm,) With sacred musings fraught., Thou biingeat to my soul, ■ dream' Of sad, sweet mem'ries wrought ; Oh ! liodng hearts around me beat, • Fondieves are on me'bent, . And diStant scene and sonny hoard • . 4Lre With the vision blent! n ) My ho e: my home! in this lime hour Bow, right thou seem'st to me! If! fro, the gay and grddy work, Its btjesth of flattery, Its hollilw friendship's, heartless joys, Its mockery of mirth, I turn In those familiar haunts, And that dear household path ! Lov'd firms are there, end loving hearta Dream of the absent one, .Sack lqok is fondly dwelt upon And •ach remertier'd tour. My geld° mother, thy calm face, . Thy pale and pensive brow, Thy tedder gaze and quiet snide, Are hemming on me new! - - Oh , . wfiat in this cold world of °ore Is title a mother's love; It glover-0 pure and sacred flame All efirthly lights above: Ingratitude and cold neglect' • ' Maylstrive its warmth to:chill— ! ' But deep, nricbang'4l, unselfish love,' r Willfewell in Chit heart still! . My nfther! I cm ne'er repay • Thy etimitehlessi tenderness: And yet, for this I 'know, I feel Thoit wilt not love me level. And, tip* moat happy conaciouancita, Within my heart *hall be, The dtiepeftlount of gratitude That swelits.tny God, to thee! Nov. - IS• rcak T6s mums' acroartat.. 1. O. F. Let grttitude in acts of goodness flow; . Our hire to God, is love to wan below; Ik this our joy to calm the troubled breast. Suppot the weak, and succour the distrcied— Directrthe wanderer L-dry the widow's tear— Thernithan guard—the sinking spirits cheer; Though small our power to act, though meao • tier skill; God sat the heirrt,-fle judges by the • O. T. ELECTION FRAUDS; It willihe a duty ofthe next Legislature from. which writhing can admire it. to investigoi tbs. late ele i rofin for Governor. The people , ibelieve 1r D.. tr to have been . fraudulently elected, and desiign in inquiry.- without which they can- not cc aoir.fied. Fur our Awn mt. rite believe. thai if a rair investigates° could be had. he could not hold his seat We are therefore anxious for • searching inquiry. We want to see where an increase In thrae years daintily sixty thoopand voles caine from. 33,,a want to know how votes could be given when no men were present to give them. 14 - .t these things be looked min; and then it i o after a fir inquiry. Wane can be had , it appear. that Por i has - been honestly elected. we shall bow wi ' resignation if not with at:terrains*, to the will tlf the people.—Pe. fateltigelmr. Portrait of tie Lees Fees P by! Mester /' —The Editor attic Globe has rewrite portrait of a party now to Lae country. It e i lk, * scartan intimate acquaintance with the hit adult, and a deep knowledge of the snidest be is Por traying.' Every body willrecovittetbe **turas; and the artist is, therefore spared the ;trouble of writing under it—"Tkia is toe. iFeceistso' Here's the . picture "It makes obloquy and calumny stappiy the place of argument and fact. NO longer able to. carry its men and measures by means which have show at least of fairness, it practises and avows a system of uhblushing fraud. It* conduct lately is calculated to arouse the fearsofevery man Who feels attached to our rite institutiuns. It no long er confines itsclfto the ordinary meansand weap ons of political warfare. It attacks, the very guarantees and bulwarks of freedom. It vitiates. the contents of the ballet box it iii!ers the elec— tion returns; it expunges with . 1 a stroke of the pen, and almost entire delegation or • state. If such things can be prabtised with impunity, the days of American liberty are nutnbered." Prophecy about being Realised.—Whet it was proposed in the Senate last sesaion, tp print 30, 000 copies of Mr. Wright's rep* on Mr. Clay's resolutions, Mr. Talimsdge objPcted to printing o large a number as a needleSs expense ; •and referred to a similar number of the reports of the select committee of the Senate on the Post Office. that were presented some years beihre„ which his collesgte% Mr. Wright. said. Were used in his part of the State for madding tckannpu fired in txlebtating liekrein victories. Mr. Tullnindge predicted that these reports of his entlearee would be approneiete4 In ii-simtlar purpose in "ceiehretirisr Whig victories next fall." Present appearance indicate whet way prophecy, is about to become history.-11hiciisontion. DIED. At Jhilaielphia, on Friday ihe 9th instant, in the 28 - ih vear of his age. Mr. aILIVILR C. BOIMT t• u) of VitkpLurg, Mi.a. i t .rn.i rly of P o rt Carbo n. ~ieLaivll:il! Col! rade. Si.ipmeu:• of Coal for the eVeet, ending on Thoraiday evening hut: I , 'Shipped by Bar& Tons Bell dr Boliiin i I - 583 S B Reeve 46 CO to 586 G. Ilinit i 9 468 Cbarles Lorton A 460 8 Beirner ';l3 451 Stockton& Stevens 8 402 Stlivman & Nroe 372 T Wollinnut k Co !7 397 Mllees & Spencer D.ivh. & Olwioe . ;6 331 J Serriil t 6 320 Win Wallace & Co ;6 333 Sirinberg.r ~6 308 Michael Murphy :6 326 J C Girsovio• 4 219 C%l Elill i 4 226 N Naihans 1 4 220 J slenton ' / 4 210 Gears,. H Potts, ' 4 436 c _Filet - :3 I6M , o oro mt . : 3 , li6 flimigaen aj- -.... P Ham , - '. '2 146 Ilewo 4 Baker 3 16l ;rotten & Morn . 3 165 L Chapman - 3 166 Bonne: & Taylor • - 3 ' 159 :4 . Pnita & Co. ' 2 194 F J Parven : 2 76 N A Coal Co • Ricktrit &Co 2 ft (; Lelar ". 2 W Bearbyahell S' Brooke Palmer & Garrigoes L C Dougherty !. 2 Sundry Shippers 1139 Per last report, 7(94 730 Little Schuylkill EITTLEStaIIYLKILLCR VAL TRA DE• 7 Niagara Jos Thomas 8 Mouatainaer 14 J. C. Dreher Sam. Bradfued 3d Tolls mare Alfred White Stamina 14 Mary P Orr 9 Bold. 3 a 9 per tart report 248 Bent .1101 - .. r t:AittiON ItA►L The fullowtog. as the anunint of Coal tran.por ted on thir Rail Road, ga l the week ending en Thursday firm t firming last: 1 1.01 per last report ......) 1 , 2 4 5 . 36 Totalk -'; —;-- 73,801 NATHAN CLEAYER. Collector. • senrYLK 1 LL VALLEY RA IL R9A D. The following as the amount o' Coal transported on !hie Road for the week coding on Siturday wreninf Nit, 1 tikt9torns Per hut report, 1 703 S WEST liekt.i.Ncu Alum 80A0. The following is the amount s(f Coal transported so this Rail Itemd fir the week ending on. Thursday evenly/ hat. 3 4.080 toot Ref lasttßepori ' 144.357- • I 144637 ROBERT C. BILL, Collector. UM k • 1 -- MILL CREEK ROAD 4 t The foUnwiag is the amount .r Coal; trayisperled on this road for the week entllog *Wpmlaeeday evening last. lAI6 tons A Per last Report. 48,907 • --- Tot 504:23 . . CEO. HA D4STYjCollitetor, • Agoodrisoppmest of end Gawp. Bleriaos for sale? at reduced prices 41q11A9GERTY. i 4.0- Now. & =I Pottsoilie, Rocember 17. IEB. „ WHEAT FLOUR. by Ostend was nroith on Fri • day 63 25- WHEAT.I 65 per fituthell in demand. RYE FLOUR 2to per it. in demand., . BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 315 per Met in demand • RYE, bb the load 95 cents by the tonlateready sale • .• RYE CHOP 90 cents , per bushel in dtlinand. OATS 53 cents—ready safe. POTATOES—. 75 cents per bushel is demand CORN-90 cents per belbel in demand. CLOVER SEED-. 119 00 persbushel. TIMOTHY SEED-12 50 per bushel. FLAXSEEO-11 45 per bushel in demand. WHISKEY-15 cents per gallon. BUTTER-20 cents per pound—in Kegs 1 4 cents EGGS—I 2 cents per dozen. LARD-114 cents per pound. TALLOW— 10cents per pound. • 11A hIS 137 cents per pourd. CORN CROP 85 cents per bushel inlemsnd. BACON-13 cents per pound. BEESWAX-20 cents per. pound. FEATHERS-62 cent* per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound MACKEREL by the bld. No 1. $l2OO No 2.111 SALT-2 50 per 'bbl.;7s per bushel PLATER .is worth 7 50 per too. IllAr $lB per ton. E*-..!~i MMI 7 ' 393 10.204 3945,514 406.718 1099 Q 41'x,639 7628 M SOLD I 420 10,490 1 1.0.920 • 72,327 A. El. PclTTS,,Collector REVIEW OF TUE lIARKET. Aetna' off at Cost. Sub-erther. with a view to close his ho. rune-s in this pl. ce. tenni which he eeeiciis In shortly, in now sellin g - nil his 1 ,rge Stack of Dry (I std.. Groceri.M, Qnrensweee, Liquors & at cost pricy*. and films • General assortment 01 made made clot-Woe, smelt as Pan taloons. Rn. rohilonts. Vests. Dyers Skirts . &c hoc. Ile-therefore inek!es nil who "re desirous of putelissyng articles in'his low it low priers. to Rive bum a nail. J t.. KERN.. N. B •11 wranns harming thernaelves indebted in the sn'e•criber. will please esti and spode by 1,1.3 to and these hoeing risirit• - present them 'thr payment. J.C. KERN. Nov. 17, 1838. Building Lots for Sole, ON the upper road between Pottavilli and Port Carbon. Apply to the pubacriber at the Greenwood Colliery, Puttaville. SANIUEr. Nov. 17 5-3—St Notice TO the stockholders of the Pottsville Town flail Co. TII IR D installment of Two Dollars end fitly 1- " cents oh each share of stock. is required tube paid to the subscriber on or before the 24th day of November inst. By n•dcr of the Guard. JOHN T. HAZZARD Treasurer. Pottsville Nov. 17, 1838. 52 Dental Surgery; OBSERVE that Dr. Moore, Surgeon Dentist of Lancaster, destgris psytog a visit to Potts stile in the emirs*. nf the coming'week, and for a short time shall 'tender his prot6sional services to the citizens of this Borough. Dr. M.. has obtained the best of certificates as to shslitv and skill to dental operations. 'Nov 19, ink . 'l'o Npor(amen. •. UST receivedand for pale. ~Suie"or Rife " Powder. Mould Hock Shot }em tiontionl Shot. and Bar lead. JOHN Lorberry erre.* Rail Road: Company.. •IL'lt E .Stockholders 'of this company, are sant fled, that an. El. ciimi ite held on Mon. day the 3d. day of 'December neat, at the house of Peter Filbert, iu the Town of ,Ptuegrove. 'Schuylkill county, foir : One Presedent, Eight Man seers, 'Otie Treasurer, One Secretary. to conduct the hussuess of the Conspinr for the yea• neat ensuing. JOHN S rR t 111'1711.ER, Pinegtoie, Nov. 17;18M Mount Carbon Roil Road Company. AMEETING of the Stockholders 'of the Mount Carbon Rail Road Company, and an Electron.- for President, Eight Managers. one Secretary, and Tfeasorc:r, will be held on Man .d.iy the 3d. da v of December next. it 4 o'clock. P. M. at the office (lithe Company, No. n 7 South . 3d, street, in the city or Philadelphia. • JA M E C. DONNELL, Secretary. Philadelphia, Nov. 17. 1838. 52•31.. /India Rubber - Over Shoes. 111 E subscrinervltaye just received and offer for vale, a largo assortment of Gentlemen's and Lady's India Rubber Over Shoes of a superi or quality. S.& J. FOSTER. Notice. APERSON whose knowlidge or the coal trade renders him competent to manage any arils several branches, Wishes an agency or a situation as assistant in said business. Satisfircs! tory .reference shall •be rilfc . ll le any on siring fits services,' who will maeknown his address and wishes; by a=ddressing A. M. W. through the f'ust Office. Pottsville, Nov. 17 The Laws or Etiquette, OR short rules end reflections fur co nd ucting Society. Al-o, Etiquette for Ladies, with Innis on the prtgeryation, i,nprovement and display of Female Beauty.' Just nrestwqi and for Rale hv Nov. 17 Ground !Nuts. 50 Bushel. Mrtcan and 111 at le+ton Gmtmd huts of good quality, just wevived and fur malts JOllk S. c. mARTrii. 52-' • by Nov. 17 Gewanau irpoks: THE subscriber has far anleXertuan such as Bibles. Testaments, Lutheran Hymn,Boolia,' Union Hymn Books. • Psalters. Lutbesse Catechisms, Befisainerf A 1 . 3 c Rooks. &c.&c. Which he will sell by the *wen or single et Philadelphia prices., p. BANNAN: Now. 17. Sb (ray E QTRAYEP (row embreriber three weeks since, .a small white and Ted cow, a ithnot horny, with a brown voice . one eye—had a bell nn. Whoever will return. pant animal shall be ittivrally rewarded by JOSEPH BURNHAM. Lawtontown. 'Vow. 17 • Paivre. 1 50' REA MBA Past:Foolscap, and Folio Post Paper. ruled tusii.coinaiwa, among which is Post paper, front 'V to., nee team. rut received and 63T saie b 1 ; A BA.NyAffr. Cobb's Stile,* Illooki. --, -- - toil, RANNAN lie=reciiittiftefritalli•Mte 41 ply of Cobb's Beeks:soltirte , -. Pnwtoelti. . - Spelling.Rooki. Readers No's. 1. 2, aid Ili -= • „,.... / • - , •t - . A. 3 7 -' , , ,,, t , Expositors, r ..-e, .Arithmaties No's. 1. sad $, and 2 Nenk-A0 • , etericao Readers....• Olibb's Wilke» Dictiroiary.-14 t &c....i.....-Ay.4. Which wilt be' supplied wholesale.* RetrieW. rates to Stole Keeper.. . . is Nov. 17 -. - • • .1.2•—:, BiinktonNs TITS bast Text Book for Mechsaits s fresh supply just received arid fnr ova b 7 . B. BANNAN. . Nov. 1151 • Letter - Writers. . C LASSiCAL Letter Writer. , Universal Do. . Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN: Nov. 17 . 32 Clark Is Commentary /IN the New Testament, onq Ira 'Ptke •2.75. " 1 -. 1 ! just tinetved and Am palety B. BANNe4A. • • Fatitily Bibles, lonom 91.7.1. tip 'n eitl, tFigerlici• with atiS*4 11 . gam rp..otiment of Pocket Bibles. just to. (circa and for .sale by B. $ A R&M -Nov. 17 ' ' ?VRE atilwettive has jm4 received' a *CAW • - simply nr Playing Cards; among which ire eferant Frenels.Catda far Ladies...find Ivory par. faced Plaid back cards, and for sale wht i• aini Wert N0v.17 Miners' Bank of Pottsville, in the melt . of Schuylkill: AN election for thirteen Directors of the shoes. institution, to serve the enaning year% will be held at the Ranking Hotwe, between the hours of 10 )'clock, A. M. and 3 P. M. on Monday 1,14. 19th of November nest. CHARLES LOESER; , 'Cashier. A general meeting of the Stock,holders wilrbe held at the Banking House, on Tuesday the . 6111 of November next. October 20, 1838, Brick tHrick • 120,000 at the k. mod litrlio6,kh t e o a r r le rc. cheap va boo. Apply to Nova Superior Family Flour. ECEIV F.Dr on entiAzeisnent, from the Atom.. -11111 ' duct 111111., @trend loads superior famllx flour, for sole by Octpher 27. IF3R Potatoes and Cabbage t.... • ;sajurup 154111spb. Prime Potatnex, 7(100 Heads of Cabnage. Just rrtrived and for .ale in lots to soil• porehanera at the Lower Siorehotor, by ' JAMES DOWNEY. Now. tO Mimes Bunk of Pottsriel le. November 6th. 1838. THE Directors have thii day declared a dile, idend of three pre cent. payable nfter the 161tt CHARLES LEOSER. Nov. 10 . 51 I= Secretitry -52-3t The Workaafeharles Lanib, JUST received and for sale by Hi BANNA/4 Nov. 10 • - St . New Fall & Winter pikAis t JUST received and now opening at the Cheap, Cash Store, a large and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be sold on., usually eheau for e-sh, or exchanged for country produce—consisting of Dry Goods of every descripttsn t Groceries of all kinds, ' • • Queens Glass We, Roots and Shoe s Looking. Glasses, Hard Ware. • Otter, Fur and Flair Seat {Caps, • Ready made Clothing of all kinds, Fish,• Salt, dr...e .. &omit, HARTZ. 49. October 27, 1818 I 11=1 " Let them guess then I" said 1. , "They will think you -have. been bing the mail," said she, "Of commit murder. Whet is it you, have, .4lon bring oil yourself such terrible term ICES 52-tf are I ave ile ay • ds I iful "I drank three cups of etiong,g t . said I, with a blush. "And it serves you' perfectly rig said my wife with a look Of ippguati. B. HANNAN. and Juvenile worlaw k. irst Aad F: to the shahle of the awenber. at - ` ll 4- Chapman's Viols. near Coal Castle, about two months art. a Red wed White Spared Cairo middling old. The °west is requested -.IIU Cull* forward, prove property. pay charges and tat* I her away. otherwise she wil be sold according h ' law. Nov. 3 Strgy Cott'... CAME to the premises of the wblEribet ma lJ Wednesday the 24th of October Black and White spotted cow. with a calrairi;ut 1 week. old. TIM owner is requested to come forward. pea property, pay charges , sod take'issi minty. otherwise she will - beLie . cording to law. H -HARMAN..' Minersville Nov. 3 „Silk Shirtsit Drawierti” • AN elegant article for thaw wheade Oat lib. I, , flannel, a perfect preventative orrhentnause4. jus t renewed and 1 - pr sale cheap b, B. T. TAYLOR. October 20, 1838 Plain and Figllliitt St11191 . : 1 : - : • ' A . LSO Montieiine Dp Lain snit ..paint , Malty, repaired end for oar by •-i • :. MILLER 411 b VAGGERTir. i ! frit a • • „1...4°! I - i r^ MEE ECM Ca rds. ID. L ?ANNAN. . 54 e2-i. cbtlbßrh. At t he i. Kiln, d H. PARK E.R, Pottsville. 50— SAMUEL HARTZ.. WILLIAM PAYNE., So=3t! II