The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 10, 1838, Image 4

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    Importint to the' Sick.
CRUSE itIIFI'EFFECTs— When a sound shd set
entific remedy ofidiseisits has long been in geO ro e
cal use by this . Oldie. bestowing . blessings. mid tacit
tug pram, it/
,it Scarcely in the pewer of anepticate
doubt its rirtue*, — Vir ofentjto &ay theft. ' - ' ;
- When it has achieved an ascendant career- vitalist
fulness which' distances the competition of - m# r e
beastful pretension , and has seen-ed . a 'wasp
station-in universal favor, by intrinsic worth silo e,
its proprietor may point 'crat, the causes of sits ill ri•
ority, without incurring the suspicion ofinsidiothi.
Nam ininstituting the comparison. • • 9-
PILLS, mandfairored by Dr. Willfrm Evans, at 100
Chatham , street, do -not require his explanation ,'of
their acknowledged efficacy—forthe mostetouttint
physicians throughout the United States will freely.
If appealed -to, state the reasons which have induced
them to recommend them so extensively and warnily
as they dm And those reasons are, that thesejuldi
iota 'medicines d never injure even the most deltekte
oastiertitos, an have. in alarm every indwidal
ease for which they are prescribed, a marked. an tri
dent,* truly happy and permanent elfiracy. Ph sl
cians. - moreover. gee that they. are not offered to the
public 'spatially quack theory "Of purifying the blohd,
to the utter destruction of the stomach and bowels.
Purify the blood fromall diseased humors. they un it e
stably du'; but not. by desjioying thole viscera by
which alone the blood can'be sustained. They ire
compounded upon a theory which supposes synomfeh
to be It very essential agent'to health; and food, well
digested, to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
They do not purl"; men io ghosts. and make there
took like beim, too refined td remain long in this
worldihttethey mike, them as human as possible,lind
firm encounter the hardships, and fulfil the occtgpi.
peak of a sublunary life. They do not make a sio•
bent purgatory of this life, to. prepare melt the fa*,
in soother. They proceed ts. on thesuppolihtop that
the Mood. Muscles, nerves, orgatui, excreturta* se.
eretory gland, mucuous and tegumentary roesnifriuls,
bones and brains- of every human being requitie'to
be supplied with nourishment from as healthful aisle,
mach as can be made and kept; and upon the doctrine
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good miles,
the blood and every other part of the system will fiie ce
diaon'er. . ,
And how is it expected that they will secure health
to the stonxich and bowels?' Why by enabling theme
to digest food, soli the other to carry off what IX Mil
alter .the nutriment is extracted in connection With
the surplus of We, and the foul humors ilfthe bleed,
mucous membrahes, Ind stomach. And they aciFol:4
plish these great feats of medicine in the tnest suriple
iFthe stomach. be allured with wind, bile. or embed.
collectiomi.clesx it out, by a natural but a most in
sensible srilyeet action, and cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal. without griping, and leaving it axfive
without debility, as nature ever designed it to be.—
They do not take the skin off ihe stomach end bo'srels,
and leavis them like a piece of red velvet, as all`phy
siciana know the strong drasiic pills . do. butlt hey
take nattiest kindly, by the hand without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without undaring.
or injuring any thing. .
When this is effected, as it turnery is by the of a
Sew of the FAMILY A P PI LLS. then Come
the celebrated' C.4MOMULE or TO NIQ. PI lAA. to
strengthen a stomach and bowels which before, per
haps. weak and foul because they were weak. and
ondows them with .trengtlr toperform.their duper
ant functions. without the aid of plirsie. The C/ 1 / 2 -
MOMILE:! FL O NE/t, when its valuable principles
are cheinscalli; extracted. is acknowledged by all phy
sicians, in everiuge r to be the best vegetable tonic
"known lathe science medicine —There is nothing
k dawn in the vegetable.khioof nature to tidal it;
nothing this is at *nee so ha ages and so ingotousl ,
brealthful, mut in proof of this t • roprietor of thy
secowned'pills that are made from its_ rest particles,
might quote almost innumerable authors, ti ancient
and modern. if his own lunettes had not p it to
bens of thousand*.
The effects of these pills ire not only perceived' in
an increase of appetite and general strength. but in
• a restoration of the body to. that universal vigor in all
its functions which indicates the return to perfectly
sound health —The face, and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor. and thousands of fe
males-can testify how much they have cutuributed to
their clamfOrt, their complexion, and their strength,
When every other remedy had Droved worse than use-
Nees. In nervous diseases. of ill kinds, they n're n•w
acknowtodged to be preeminent; gradually restoring
firmness of body sod unnd, without those annoyance
and changes whicfraftar nervous reinedtes Detention
Happy would it have been for many young persons
of bulb antes who are now in the silent grave, tithe),
bad learned to ch •ck the morbid tendencies cif their
stornsch and bowels by these pure tonics and aperi
elite, without resorting to. quack remedies. the names
.f which, are concealed, and of which they knriw
nothing. That dreadful scourge coNsumpTioN,
might haws been eheckerk in. , ts commencentent and•
disappointed of its prey, att over the land. trate first
symtoms of nervous debility had been counteracted
by CAM:NILE. cheniimlly prepared; and those
bowel complaints which lead ma host of fatal male-,
dies, might have been-tits/sted by that finejalcaline
est.a.ct of rtu:barb; which. is a. leading ingredient In
the APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. Before both- of
these medicines, which are _adapted to. a nadjority of
the purposes for which a hundred others are Mineces
eerily used, fevers, apes, bilious d , sorders, heutiaches,
female debility, maid decline. indigestion. and liver
somplainh would have entirely disappeared, ,sheen
many of them have provedfatal.
But be it diediactly uAderstood that these medirines
ere tidt offered instead - dd . these natural organs of the
body which other medicines dispense with, he a very
summary manner. They are founded upon medical'
knowledge. and. not quackery, and do not take all the
lied particles out of the human blood under 'the pre
tence of purifying it. In proof of which dltfli-enee of
effect. let the faces and forms of patients bear testi
mony. They eonsutute a useful, effectual, and gene
tally applicable class of medicines the every family,
10 being both, toots sea aperient. and of the- best
Preparations known, no person or family ahoold be
without them, 'lihey wholesale and
retail ofthe proprietor, Dr. WM EVA NS. New York,
and of his agents in town- and country. w . Ol direc
donator use,—They are tepidly supereedm • all other
remedies advertised in the public prints, bese they
1 40
ire found to belong to a very superior ells, If popula r
medicine. A singletrial usuatly,pleees them high in pri
mate estimation. asthey are known to boils public
preference, and in the opittion of physicians.
Dr. WM. EVANS' OFFICE. No. l4' Nowt!
EIGHT ST. PHILADELPHIA. where hie mediein e
may be had. Dr. Wm EVansl Office,lo6, Chatham
street. New York, where the Doctor may.bermosalted
as usual. ;
AYinieneiting Cate.—Mt. William SalmotieGreen at
abet.. Third at., Philadelphia, afflicted far several
years wtth.thelbllowing distressing sympuliut t Sick
ness at the stomach, headache, dimmest, ttalpitations
of the beam. unpaired - appetite, sometime; acid and
patrecsent eructations, toldnets and weak est of the
extrentitiM: c mama on end' generti I debit,' disturbed
rest, wsense of pressu re . and'. weight at t stomach .
sect .ettinx, nightmare. great mental destindency,
nevers-flytng ppm* lathe chest, back and aides, costive
ness, a dislike fo reneger', or co n vermi ion, i n tofu ntaty
sighing an i weeping languor and latitude upon the
least exercise.
hlr. Salmon had applied to.the most etni ent-physi
flans. who 'considered it beyond Ike pow him to health ;• however, a his a i of tnedi
cute torestore lio
ions had reduced him to a very deplurabl condition,
and having been recommended by a relthlte °Phis to
make trial of Ds. Wpt EVANS' Med,ci ' -he wi th ,
dafteulty rePairetr 3 o4he race and prneu a package ,
to which. he says , be istindated fcis his _ toration to
life, health and friends. He is rkow enj ing all the
blessings of perfect - health. .Petsons etitons of
farther inflaimatton, will besatitfutd with every parfi
gluier °Chet Mtonithing case at Dr. Vm. Lana' Ilfsiirt
*al Offices, 100 Chatham at,. New York; aindha..Phil
adelphia. NO. 19 NORTH EIGHTH St. • .
Sold by. . JOHN T. WERIIER.
+' Sole Age.ntfur Sebuyikil 'County,
' Pottsville, Pies. 25 • 1 - 1,-t1
Potatoes. ...
og„chestscseeeivei• ant , for sale sr a re
41 • 11 - 5 "1" duced parel far. Dash, by
Grober 47,1838..
• • ,HE • DACIIE
SiCK l 1t .NEKVI)US. -
Kr-The :extraordinary repitation that Dr , • a
remedy far thaw distressmg canspbust is - - day
gainiag cerutinlra matter of tau nishmeht
That so-much mating shoal*, se esisted,for ages
ist bout any 4;scovaiy o effectual preventive. or
cure trimly a sub" ofmuch regret, but Di. S. now
assures the a that such a remedy bee ham to
ventedm will coniince the most credulous. The
priniciples upon which it acts are simple and plain.—
It NU 'advance fact that this complaint, whether
I calledlich Headache, or .Nmitous He ad ache, arises
' primartly from the itomach—tWse who think they ,
havethe Norio:ma De.ada ir latt may rest assured.
thy; own, the mattock is the first cause, that the
system-hiss become vitiated or debtbated. thretighthe
sto.nach ' and that only through the same channel
must thi; et - pace-a restoration of the natural and
healthy mnions of the system. This object. Dr.
Spiabn's 'remedy is eminently calculated to ottani
The truth .of the poiition cannot be cootzeverted, and
the sooner sufferers. ''- - besdar.har . become con
vinced of it, the socnieK - iriff their sufferings end in
ratmtscia to Mialth. Dr. Spohn pledg2sllmiepreffse
eional reputation on this fact. The rem may be
had of apothecariee,
Wholesale and Retail by Comwock & Co No. 2
Fletcher St. New Nark, aad iietail by
[ • WM. T. EPTING.
Potts4ille, JOY 2t.1838. 56-Iy
Itaiidware , ..Store.
THE subscribers would respectfully announce
to the public, that he has added to his formes
stock, pun and-ifordware, consisting in part or
American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band
fron,Round Iron; assorted sizes; Cast, Crawly.
Shcar.,German and English Blister and A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouse•link amps. Smith's Bellows,
Cast. 'Steel hand, - choping and _Broad uses, resat,
and spikes, togethes with a general assartrnen
of Iron Mongery,aU of which will be sold at re.
duced Pr ices, by JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22 3'2
Miller & Haggerty, •
Dry Goods,Geocery,Wine 4. Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortimet's Hotel.)
T HEIR connexion with a house in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hand a very ellen
ive assortment at goods. athielt they will sell at
shila4elphia prices. Store and Tavern keepers
Pd private families, could do well to call and
itAl .4 'or thetnee/vint.
aptil k 9 31
' • Nathans & Co.
FFER for sale a! thetrwbolcsale and retail nub
ly Grocery Store, Ceptre. l doors below biotite!
street,n prune 31544 , 11/IC4 I 01 Groceriss,cc!runst
ir e , of
Java, Rin., Laguira. Coffee
St. Domingo and browned
N. Orleans, St. Croix, brown and./
white ila vanna,loacand lump
New Orleans, Weett
India and sugar house S ' ° 45591
Imperial. Gun Powder. Young
firma, Pnuctiong.Oranga Yec- Teat
co, Souchong and Bohea
Bakers, Chuses.Spanish, Schmitz t ctriveolate
& Linggs; and sweet spiced
Prepared Cocoa, Cocoa shells
Reading. Claim, Harvey.
John Bulls, Lobster. Anchovy. Sauces
. Canton soy Bad Currie J
Gherkin, Tomato. pepper.
Miserl,Onion, Mangoe, 1
Lemon and French
Olives. capres, Anchovies
Cayenne pepper. a lla ince and Ginger
- Cloves. Mace; Nutmegs atuicassta
Rice, flour of rice, starch
Curiants. Pies. Raisins. Prunes
• Sweet and bitter almonds. citron
Olive Olt wine bitters, lemoirsy , rup
" Preset Sed ginger. cheese, codb:sh -
• - mackerel, attimon
White and colored wax. sperm t C andle
Moulded and chin allow
Palni, variegated brqwn and yellow soap
" Old Madeira, old port. claret
Brown and - pale slier ry.champaigne 1 Wines
• Old hock, Lisbon. dry ra tlaga> in wood
Sweet ratline. muscatel' & bottle
Malri , ey, marseilles & Sicily Made'.
Siitch. lrish. mmimignltela & com whiskej
A anisette. a nntseed & peppermint cordials
_Cognac. champagne. Spanish ¢ com brandy
Holland. & com. Gie.l 1. k Rum
• Jamaica spirits
Extra sup. span. inferior de
Fla If Spanish and common cigars
Cut & plain and moulded glass t
Jwta and crockery
• general assottnient of Ory Goods. &c. &e. all of
which they' are disposed to sell on the most reasona
ble terms. Rends of Families acid Taiwan Keepers
are particularly invited to call.
hfiegetable Litt Pills and Phe-
nix Bitters.
fry"' A covintAs.r.,-Ait nations. ram the remo
test-ages, have huidships. but Columbus only found
out the way to America Before the time of the
great Spanish navigator, people were only enabled to
paddle about the shores. Just so with tbc Life Med
icines It is but two short yea.. since I first ven
tured upon an unknown ocean, and I have discoveied
the precious object I was in. search of—HEALTH.
14-getable medicines were indeed known when I coin.
menet; my search. but their use Wolff not.. By the
use of them. I have not only passed from the dejected
invalid, to the hale hearty and active tmisi of [mimess,
but. comparative!! speaking, 1 have renewed my
youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own expe
rience, advute....with my Leßow citizens Does the
reader want prooftitat tin VkiGETARLF. LIFE MED.
WINES are suitable to his own case? I have nn fit-
et toyoffice,s4fi Broadway. hundreds of letteta. from
sonic of the roost respectable citizen, of this m i tie•
dye landisoluntarily .offere.l in testimony of tbe vir
Persons whose constitutions Have been c early M
ined by the "all infallible" mineral prenorauon. of
be day. will bear me witness, that the Life Medi
eines, and 'such only. are the true cause to nermanepr
( f ood health. JOHN MOFFAT.
These medicines have long been know), and appre
Meted. fon their extraordimiry and immediate powers
of restoring perfect health ; to persons suffering under
nearbpevery:kind of inseam, to which the human
frame is liable.
In many hundreds of Certificated insdinces, they
have eve rescued sufferers from the very verge al an
untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of
the derived utterly fader:lli/nate Inanrthoneaaxla they
have pernourently screened that uniformeujo3rment of
,health, without whaoh lifer itself is but a partial Mess.
nag. So- great.. inard., biertheir efficacy bayonet)).
arol-infellibly proved. that it has epPeared scarcely
less than miraculous to tbore ,iiio were nuscqnsianted
with the. beautiful 0401)0071ra) principles upon'
which they-.are compounded.snd upon which 'they
emisequently act.. It wale to their maternal and lime
'hie, action to purifying the wirings a nit' cltannely df
life a id enduing - theln 7 with renewed tone and vigor.
'chat they were indebted - Ihr theirname. which was
bestowed noon them pti.he spontaneous request of
iseverainditiduals whdite jinn they bad obviously.
The proprietors rejoice in the opportunity atForded
by ;be universal diffusion of the daily preis. for phic,
mg his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the
heensiedgeiland reach of every indlvidoal iri thweinu
moony.. Bnlike the Bost atomicities quaakeries:
which ben* of vegatablo ingredient., the, Life Nis
'are purely 'end 001.1tLY vantrrsairt. suffocate* nei
ther Mercury, Antimony, Anemic. nor any other.
minerali in.; any farm whatever. They are entirely
composed ofeatracu From rare and powerfol
the Times of wkidt, though long. known to almond
1 - t
-Satan . = receoUitiitaitine'euititent Amnia.
ce aiwalt*therunknowa tti the igno
• • prettiiiiers to istedibil eciestcaud were never
before adasixiistereclin scr happo efficacious a coo
Their first operation is to looses from the comsat
the stomach sad bowels, the Tartans impurities and
crudities eminently setting around them; end to re.
move the hardene d faces whictreollect iii the cos ,
volutions of the small iintcalines- Oilier inedicines
only partially cleanse these.and leave such collected
meanie behind, as to produce habitual costiveness.
with all its train otesile.or sodden diarrheas, witting
imminent dangers. This Cent is .inell , known to alt
regular anatomists. who ezamide she human bowels
saes deride awl hence the prejudice of these well in•
ginned men against the igthelt-tmedicines of the age.
The 'emend effect of the vgaETABLE LIFE
PILLS i• to cleanse the kidneys and the bledeer, and
by this mcans.the liver ant the lungs , the healthful
action of which entirely depends .upon the regularity
of the urinary.orgens. The Wood which take s its
red colorTrom the -agency of the liver and the lungs
before it passes into the Haan, being thus purified by
diem and sausishet by food coming from a clean
stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews
every pan of theieystetn.and triumphantly mounts th e
baneerof health in the blooming cheek.
Tie following are among the distressing variety ol
hntiii diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills
are hill known to be infallible--.
DYSPEPSIA, by throughly cleansing the first and
second stomachs, and creating a How of pore healthy
bile. instead of the stale and acrid kind ;—Flatuierecy,
Palpitation alas Heart, Lass_ of Appetite. Heart-bure
and Haat ”iWte. Rettleartiess, H, ..k. mper, Anxiety, Lan.
guor.arulAlelaneholy which are the genera I symptoms
of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of
its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole leergth
of the,intestines with a solvent process, and without
yiolegee ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within. two days. Dnarhmaand Cholera, by remove.
mg the sharp acrid fluids by which these-complaints
are occasioned, and by promoting the lubrenuive
secretion of the MUentmembiane. .Fetersof a/thirds.
by restoring the blood lea regular circulation, throcsh
the process of perspiration in some cans, and the
through soktsion of all intestinal obstructions in others.
The LIFE PILLS have been known te' cure Rheas ,
vitalism permanently in three weeks, and Gem in hial
that time, by removing local)htlausention from the
muscles and ligaments of the loins.' . Dropsies of all
kinds. by freeing and strengthening . the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these on
ganinand hence have ever been found a certain reale:
sly for the wont eases of Gravel. Also tiVens. b ,
dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy
Matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
Consemptien, by relieving the air vessels of the lamer
from the mucus, which even slight coldi &not removi
ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful
diseases.. Hering. El-errand inveterate Sons, by the
perfect parity which these Life Pills give to the Mood
and all humors;.ficorbutic Eruptions. and Bad Cana
ptest ono. by their alterative effect upon the flu4s that
morbid state of which occasions all Eruptive east;
ploirds Soltsw:Cloudy, and .ocher disagreeable Coe.
pierions The use of these Pills for a very short time!.
will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum, Err: .
and a striking improvement in the Cirernen of
akin Common Colds. and Influenza , will always
cured by one dose. or by two even in the worst cased.
Min.—as a remedy for this most distressing and o
sonata malady. the Vegetable Life Pills deserves
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to hundreds in this City, that the Propnetor
of these tasalualile Pills, was himself afflicted with
this complaint for upwards of thirty fiveyears, anthill
he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the Materia Medic:. Ile however,
at length, tried the merhine which he now offers
the public, and he was cured in a very short ti
after his recovery bed been pronounced not on y
noprobable, bet absolutely impossible, by any he a
DIRECTIONS FOR I.'SE.—Th r e proprietors oft e
VEGETABLE Lire PILLS dues not follow the base ad
mercenary practice of the quacks ol ithe day, is adv is.
ing persons to take his Ms in large quantities. o
end medicine can possibly be se required. The
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night. for a
week or fortnight. according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The esuai dose is from 2to 5. according to
the constitution of the person. Very delicate perverts
should begin with but two, and increase as the nature
of the case may require:those mere robust. or of very
costive habit. may begin with 3, and increase to 4,10 r
evert 5 Pills,.stiii they will effect a sufficiently hapyiy
change to guide the patient in then further uee.
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and 'miry
• ng. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
foul; this, however. may be considered a favoratie
sympiom. as the patient will find himself at once 'tit.
tiered, and by perseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are verynoeh encumbered.
they may be taken by the most delicate females nn.
der any circumstances.—Lt is, however, recommend
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but One at a time, and thus continue to keep the boWels
open: and eien two may be taken where the patient
-is very costive. One pill in a solution of two t4bie
spoons full of water, may be given-to an infant in the
%hewing doses—atm spoon full every two home till
it operates;Yor a child from one to flee years of age,
half a pill—and from five to inn. one pill. l
. TII F. PHCEN I X BITTERS, are so enned,bee4ese
tht7 possess the power of restoring the expire:lg 'em
bers of health. to a glowing vigor Orme Mut- the
constitution. as the Phienis is said to he restored to
life from the ashes of in own dissolution The Phice
nit. Bitters are entirely vegetable. composed of foot
round' only in certain parts of the western country
which will infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entire)' all
the. effects of Mercury . infinitely sooner than the Most
powerfhl preparations of Sarnparills. and 'will same.
dimly curs the determination of BLOOD TO THE
11A El); never fail in the sickness incident to ypune
females; and will be found a certain remedy in all
cases of nervous debility ant? weakness of im
paired constitution*. As is a remedy for Chronieand
Dylan:afore Rheumatism. the efficacy of the PhWnis
Bitters will be demonstrated by the use of a single
bottle. The usual dose ofthese hitters is Italia tome
glare full; in water or wine, and this quantity may be
taken two or three times a day, stout half an'hour
before meals, or a less quantity may be taken i al)
times. TO those who are af fl icted with inch •on
"after meals, these Bitters will prove insane e. as
they very ereaily increase theaction of the pri civil
i n,
14seera, help them to rerform their functions.' d en.
• ble the stomach, to discharge into the bowelshat
ever ie offensive. Thus indigestion is eared and
speedly removed; appetite restored, and theTullis
of the attorbent teasels being cleansed. nutri on is
facilitated, and strength of iody and energy o mind
are the happy results For farther partictil4re of
TERS, apple at Mr. Mbffat's office, No. 546 Br era
• New York, where the Pills can be obtained or 25
cents, 50 cents, or $1 per boy; and the Bitters or $1
or $2 per bottle. 'Cr' Numerous certificates f the
1 .
wonderful efficacy of both, may be there inspec ed.
In some obstinate and complicated cases of c tunic .and' inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Cam ints.
Fever and Ague, Dyseeesus, Palsy- Pries. I— njeryfrom.
the use of mercury, quinine, and'other diseases of hug
(landing, it may be necessary to take both th Life'
. Pills and the Plumed Bitters, in the dose beffire re
commended. i
.. .
. .. . ..
N. B —Throe Pills and dm Bitters, will t the
mercury out of the system infinitely luster than t beat
preparations ofSarsaparilla, and a certain rem y for
the the ildocurto the /read. or off If i • di.
aches,tic _ - az, &c.—All persons who are redis •
posed to o ptday. &r.., shouldmover be itboot
the Life if sor the Bitters. for o w l° dose in ti will
save life. They equalise the circa aeon of tbel.blood.
draw all pressure from the he . preaProlliin, and
throw off every impuritibi the pores of the , girt.
For ask liy , anu,ER & IRAGGEITO.
Agents for the Propeetor.
' emomille. 26. 40 tly
- For Sale. i T i
nt" {grew Castle and French Town Rail Rout
Company, wilt dispose of a part of the 'goal
taken from the fat ear track.( Thai hire in
good condit i on; 2} by f A sample may seen
at the CoMpany's otrme,, Cheannt street( wharf
•Phibulelphia.. I I • I
Philadelphia. Sept,.ls, 1838. 72,2rn0
APITAL AnimalsEn BY LAW, $2511 000.
AIKE both limit4and perpetual Insurances
on Brick, Stone di Frame Buildings, Stores.
otebt,filiirs. Barns. Stablea, Mamba:tidal:a, Film
re and Prdperty orevery dencription,againit loan
t dansage by FIRE.
Tho Delaware County iniurance company wit..
;also angora against loan on allitinds of marine risks
land apinstithe damage or loss upon the transports.
lion ofgooda.wares. and mencudise by water, or by
rail way, upon terms as favourable as any other is
. For, any further information on the subject of in
auranCe, either adaimit Fire, marine or inland risks.
Aprdy to HENRY G. ROBINSON. Akent.'
15 • $l-tf • Sch,nylkill Haven.
At Orwigiburg.
Fire insurance Company. •
ixtth limited and perpetual Insamsmea on
J.V.lL:Brick4.Sione or Frame Buildinga.Storrs,llotels
Mil Barns. Stables, Merchandise. Furniture,and.
Pro rty of every driscription,agaiast loss or damage
by 111 E.
The subscriber has been appointed A over for the
aboie mentioned Institution sad is now prepared to
'mike InavAsness apon ererydeseription of property
is the lowest rates. BENJ A 511 N BANISIAN.
' Pottsville, Feb. 27.1836. 15
The Philadelphia Fire
• AND •
Tio - AK Et both limited and perpetual Insurances on
1. 7 11 Brick., Stone et Finnan Bundings.Stores, Hotels,
Mille, Bona. Stables, Merchandise, Furniture, and
Proeerty of ciery desctiptlon,agatust loss or darnage
by Ir
The indnieriber has been 'appoinied AGENT for the
aboVe mentioned tostltution and is now prepared to
make INstfa,6tessi upon every description ofproperty
tip lowest rates. BENJAMIN BA N NAN. •
PisttsvlSe, Feb 251817 15—
New Goods.
'WIVE have just received, and 'are now opening
irOr a large and general assortment of fresh
and seasonable goods—which will be sold at very
reduced prices for cash.
Monnt Carbon., August 11, 1838. • 62-
844 - aim's Panacea.
A El the intemperance and luxury of the age are
2111- hastening the ravages of scor bu tic complaint'
and renditring the blood more impure; and as thou
sands have destroyed their constitationsby neglecting
to apply the proper remediesi--re such, Swaires Pan
acea must be. and has been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means of restoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit vs-
House symptoms, as eruptions. ulcerations. debility.
lots ofappetite and dejection, all arising from impure
blood, and if not properly attended to, produce the
greatest injury to the constitutution, and may be im
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable resto
rative of the system, thereby Invigorating the constitu
' tine. a ndenabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season." tt is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all tbote
diseasexwhich originate in vitiated blood, diseased
,liver, depraved appetite.or predispositon realfections
.of the longs. &c. No one, however. isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves oft he truth of what
Is here stated. •
'Chin medicine is now used with success in all parts
o a f the world, and is gaining great repotation in Eng.
A fresh supply of the Medicine inert received and
for sale by B. BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who can 'apply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish• to• sell again, arrhiladelphis. prices
May 14 26
Saving Fund giociely.
T E Port Cartoon Saving Fund Society, is
now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at
the Office of Discount and Deposit, for the pur
pose of receiving deposits to any amount nut ex.
reeding IWO, from any one person, upon which
an intdrest of 4 per cent will be paid on-every $5
And upwards,but no interest will be allowed on
any fractional parts of $5. The whole or any
pact may he drawn eat on giving notice, from-two
weeks to four months, at the office on Mondays.
The busines of the Society will be conducted by
the foliowingWficere and managers,unti/ the first
Monday in May twit.
President—AQUlLA BOLTON.
Joseph Carroll Samuel T. Potts
Edward Hughes E. S. Warne
Jacob Bull-- Jesse Turner
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d of the Charter. -.No emolument
whatinever shall be received by the President
'or Managers for their services, nor shall any
Manager become_ a borrower from the ttititu
;lion. oct 3 46tf
- Wetherill & Brother,
AT 7111. OLD STAND ,
Tulin Dooms TROD' THE COSTIMP. or Anon Sr
White Lead dry and / Calomel,
ground - in Oitt Red Precipt,
Red Lead. White do
Liiharge, Vitriol Alb
Chronic Yellow, Sulp. Quinine
do - Green. „ Tart. Emetic
dot Red' Ether Solph.
Patent_ Yellow - do Nitric
[ Sugar Lead do Acetic
Copper'', Lunar Caustic
01. Vitribl Com. do ,
:,%q. r torris Anet.‘Morpbia
Mu tic Acid Sulph. do
I 2peem Salts Lac. Sulphur
Mirti. Acid - Opi, de Narcot. -
SuptCarb. Soda Rennes Mineral
CorilosvSob. Merm Ethiops do.
Reimers ofChamptior, Sal Nitre , Brimstorte,Rorna,
ate..,. , Offer for sale the above mentioned articles, to.
gather with a general assortment of Paints, Drugs
Anstaiye Stuffs. arid every other article in the Chemi
leel nu& Medicinal him.
Being mannfacturem of all the articlesenumerated
ander the above head. they pledge tbemseltwe to sup.
. ly their friends and the public on the most reasona
Window and(Pleture Glass, from 6 8, to 24 30.
1 Oct 11,1 1837 48,,
• ,
Upwards.. of ?00 'Dotes itt:Dr .
Leidy's SastaParilla or Blood Pills
. sol Plirlad Iphra alone..
Who does sot knot/idol virtues, efficacy and etuditabie
properties of the Sarsapaitlla7
• 1V V} man„iroman, and child that can read, can
-Ma answer the 'abase, as every newspaper through
out the United Suttee coqtains accounts of the ewer.
sal ales* of Saisamtrills, m purifying the blood oat
removing from the Mama system ad corrupt humors.
Ask any respectable .plitsician the question, Whet
is e mast efficaciousper(fer re the Blood? his answer
will be, SaaAsTimuLLA.
Suffice it to sty then, if all physicians recommend
it somniversally. Oat beta:ievi dence can seekers el its
twastrabk propertied '
Da, Litter - has discovered a method whereby the
virtue of the Sarsaparilla is obtained in a highly con
centrated form, and in such manner as to make pills
therefrom, without. destroyeng is the least itsVficrity.
This cannot be done by any other person, the pro ,
cam is knowdenly to Dr. Leidy, and is a discovery of
his otin. .
, These Pills are offered to the miblic by the name of
compounded principally of Sarsaparilla and with.
which is combined ingredients (friendly to the consti
'alien) rendering them more effectual, being gently
laxative in their effects, thus carrying off corrupt hu
mors from the system very gradually, and without pro;
ducing debility or any inconvenience. Taken in suf.
ficient quantity, however, they will purge freely, and
may he erciployed or given to the meat delicate, and
even to infants, being a safe . and histy efficacious pur
gative, requiring no restraint from diet, or deviation
from regular habits orfrom occupation of any kind.
These pills have been pre eminently successful and
-from their convenient form, meat. sooner or later, take
the place of all the different preparations of Sarsapa
rine. such as Syrups. Decbctions, Extracts. &c. tchiek
are contained in bottles, liable to be broken, and are in,
convenient for taking or being carried aborit.
These pills have, during the past two years, been
amply tested. Newspaper advertising being so very
expansive, ample testimonials from numerous phys-a- '
clans and others accompany the directions.
They are particUlarly recommended in
Rheumatic affections, Dry and watery pimples
General Debility, and pustules of the face
Ulcerous sores of th and body,
throat, nose and body. Scaly eruptions. and blot- ,
Diseases of the Liver, chits of the skin,
Skin and Bones, - Tenet-, Ringworms,
Pain over the region of th Scrofula. ErlalPeloo,
heart, breast, and ' sto Jaundice, Heartburn,
mach, ' Stomach Coughs, Liver
Pain of the sides. adore templaists, waterbrash,
the back and spine, Sour eructations, and acid-
Invrard fevers, foul breath. Wes of the stomach,
a bad taste babe mouth, Glandular affection's. as
Flatulency. want of app swelling and hardening
me, costiveness, emotes of the glands of the neck,
of the Stomach, and in- in the groint, under the
aigestiou. . • arms, and along. the
spine, the breast, &c.
and the whole train of diseases resulting from lava•
rity of the blood, as constitutional diseases pro
duced by the use of Batts, Quinine, Arsenic, Mercury
or other Minerals, also in intErendencies in life,S,,,pha
lis, Lon, Yeneieal, dia. 4c.
Priee 25 Cents a Box.
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr--
Leidy a Health Emporium, 2nd at. below Vine,. No
RFADER. if you have a cough or cold, beware of
their consequences. Colds generally progress
impereeptibly,„and insinuate. themselves throughout
the human system, finally zdtding upon the lungs and
ending in consumption.
HOW often is.youth cut doWn When least expected
by the consumption, and followed to their graves by
parents who are in-a measure the cause of their prem
ature death. in neglecting to remedy colds when exist
ing in childhood, looking upon them as trilling aree
tiOnlio and : not attracting their notice until the destroyer
has commenced its work and made sure °fits victim.
This is not a fanciful representation, for daily numer
ous instances occur which prove the fact.
In manhood coldsterminate in the same way, but do
not progress sotapidly as in youth; they should how
ever, in both youth and manhood be early attended to,
and not regarded as trifling affections, fur it is a delu
sive idea that has no doubt Shortened the byes of thou
• (Price tO Cents per bottle.)
Is an invaluable preparation, discovered ,by a regular
and celebrated German physician, who has employed
it upwards of fifty years in hie own practice in Ger
many, throughout which country it bas been during
that time most extesittivelSt and successfully employed
in Couiths, Colds. Influences, CararrhafAisthmas .Sfit
ting of Blood, Whooping Coughs, POI of the Breast
and Sides, all affections of the Breast and Longs, and
arrest of approaching consumption. ir
Much may be said in praise of the above medicine,
but newspaper advertising being too expensive, every
satisfactory evidence !ill be found in all its effects
upon rush, as well as numerous recommendatipts ac
compan,ing the direetions. Syvrards of 7800 bottles
were told m Philadelpliia alone during the past win-.
Ler.a convincing proofof its efficacy, or so large a quan
thy would never have been sold. The above medi
cines are prepared and sold only at
Second below Vine at.
REA DELL did you ever see a confirmed Dyspeptic
and learn his sufferings! If not, suffice it to say
he is a pale. thin and ghastly looking object, his life
apparently hanging by a thread; be .s miserable and
unhappy, his sufferings indeseribable.
Are you much troubled with Flatulency. Costiveness,
Sour eructations arising from your stomach. Occasional
wan, of appetite, Waterbrash, a bad taste in your
mouth, or foul.breath, pain or a heaviness at your sto
mach. Sickness aflerealing, Headache, Disgust to your
once favorite dishes, &c. If you are much troubled
with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring before you
the picture of the Dyspeptl - C, and having , resolved-to
remedy the consequences. itureediately procure
A never failing and efficacious remedy for
And the whole train of affections resulting from
eases of the Liver, Stomach. and fetes - tides.
The above medicine is warranted free from mercu
ry or other Mineral preparationr,• it is composed en-.
vilely of vegotabEes, safe and easy to take, being very
pleasant to the mite. It may be safely administered to
young and old, requiring but moderate restrictions in
diet only.
Numerous testimonials have been from time to time
published; its reputation is so well k.nownjurther com
ment upon its virtues is unnecessary, suffice it to say,
Cher recommendations accompany the directions a--
round each. bottle. -
117 Price One Dollar per bottre.
Sold is Philadelphia at
• Dr-,51.8- Leidy*llealth Emporiturt.Second below
Vine:St.. - --and by BAN NAN , Pottsville. •
May 5 34-1.
21 by 5448 inches Railway Flat Bur Iron.
2 by i • do . do do do do
11 Sr 1 4 do Spitable for Screening Coal.
All the hew has couotv.rsunk hole a; andut etj
at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends : . Splittn.
Plates and Spikes to snit the above.
, A. & • ON & Cr
No. 4 South F Pabadelphia.•
, Philadelphia. • 1 . :4. .
Bishop .White,.:, - '
A ,
FeW engraved. full knelt prints , prints . . of the late
BISHOP WHITE , suitable for frames.,lnst
received' and for sale by the subscriber. Price
75 cents. • B. BAItINAN. •
sag. 22..1838. • • 65,
roirfcClistoili. ***dry
told& bewail at private saki, the Fund
v pleasantlY ifttuttedatTortlillintoeiScrhny
kill county, on very 'rossOnatiln t'sins.;: This
Fanner, is at the conunencemettfof the Little
Schuylkill`and Susqueban'J a go Road, now
ambit*, and will in a ihur 'time Isr one of ibe
best situations in the count's, to dot • largebusi.
etas For terms, appli o
• lron Fowl 'err, Philadelphii.
Piitrt Clinton.
S.4git •
*en . Eltabli
Coroir of eilltr:4 era:l Mad
HE solauscriberi respe
-'their friends and the F
they have taken the store I
Iscok Ettdl& - Co., corner GI
streets, where theyare nDI
aviortinent of
Dry Goof
lfitiqoars, •
which they ate determined
est prices. ' 'HAZZAI
kind of COW]
the highist .markei prices.
April 1 " •
. - New Ge
4 , pinta assortment of
Goods, just received— ,
Dry 6001
Salt, I'la
which will be sold low fc
price paid nrcash for all ki/
Mount Carbon.. Dec 2
THE subscribers have I
full assortment of lil
and Square Iron froth . 3-1
ameter; flat lion 3-16th
6 in.-by 11 in.; bniler,.flui
and2d quality, suitable
schwas; hill road iron Pi
and 21 by U . , They are
orders to import Rail Rol
advantageous terms in la
road car axles.
A rall assortment of St
shear gear—American a
Germin and, spring, ste
octagonal steel for drills.
S. W. miller Market. a
Philadelphia, June:2
Ithe grandest oinam
A. frame. How stran
countenance and prema
ance ofold age, which c
uncoveredi, and sometim
void thelests and sneers ;
mainder of their lives a
tirenient. • In 141011. not
the, generous thinking y
gloom as'Boes the kras o
unpleasant Mr
applivation at
likewise prods
the hair firer
and frees it fr
first rospecial
Balm; arersto
tat beletnging to the human
ly the loss of it changes tha
urely,fringe on the A p pea r-•
:uses ninny to recoil at being
even t .° shun society to a
i f their acquaintancC the re
e cons uently spent in re
ven th loss of property fills
uth wit that heavy sinking
' hie hair. To avert all these
ng off on the first
tea it again. It
!kers ; prevents
:url beautifully ;
rttficntei of the
to ofOldridges
The under
the Balm of
have found
live against'
The aged,
may not al we
it wilkenan
public; when
COI are more
Philadelphia, do
ed with:Meatra.
McCurdy.. w
ficata, that - t
epee.tability. .
to the said certifii
Lit • 'witness whereo
and caused thel
S.) sixth day of
engraved wrapper of
names anz
lees, oft
Amine ithimit ta 'splendid steel
Falls •f Matra, with agents
Wholesile and re
,enScr . net New Ymk
• by Comstock and Co. '2 Fier( b.
mfittailed by -
W. T. EPTI IS G i !/
05.4 r. and 'trier
lligned would
public in
on band a general
moat approved ki
arc to be h
largequentity of
,perand TM ware
be bought any w
0? Ad kinds o
tier Al the stones%
ii to
, t S ves ! !
line f yourselves, the under.
einem Ily inform his frtettds
anent!, hat he hos constantly
vestal ent of the latest sod
,ols of al and INVod Stovea,
in the lace, together with A
ove Pi , Sheetiron ware, CO'
is g Aid as cheap as can,
re else •
work D his line done too.
, Is3B. 76
Potttiville, Sept
r 1 11 .
Strets Pot raciaa
tfull,V announce to.
oldie eneraily. Mat
°rimer i v occupied by
Cent i F and Marker
rovid Awitba dunce
I t ) 1 -
s . 1
Hien at the !Cry low.
i ° D 3cfITItAUcH.
I.ry , Produce taken at
. twist
I. nd.neksonable
Ong in partoi
I r '
ter;" &40; &c,
i r cub' The highest
de of . untry produce,
1 WHI, E act EON.
cowrie tly on' hand a
.n, comprising 'Round'
&WOO to 6 inches di
.y No.} Rr• G. up to
and diet irorr Of best
or lini g car bodies or
by i by I, 2 by i ;
Iw pr pared to receive
d Iro epo rt the nrobst
Irge quantities; also rail
el,eonprising cast and
d English blister Steel
I, and round Iron and'
Sc Imy ' k
H Seventh St.
' Z`... e....,
r.—. r...
c t
C l.. rel
0 ••••1
A., P.
;11 " . 714
~....".. ""C
e.. •
• Mayor of Phela
n below•, to the
at we have ()Fed
Oldridge. and
Iy 28 a preven
lso a certain re-
. 163 Race 61.
7e at .
wearing %AT,
re qualities, }0)
ditillition of the
he above sign
the others not
if said city of.
nkaell acknaint
'Way, and Hugh
n database cern
baluster and re
-honld be given
hereunto set trig hand.
ecifftp be affixed ant