The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, November 10, 1838, Image 1
VOL. 11. PRINTED AND PUBLI* BY BENJAMIN B. WEIZILIBT, . . Two-Dot.t.sitin per annum, pays a advphce. If not paid within the, se charged - Advertisements not exceeding tw tive lines will be :harged $I for three insertions—ant. 50 cents for one asertion. Larger ones in proportion. I All advertisements will be inserted until ordere ,iii. Unless the time for whi th they eto be continue a specified.and will be charged acc rdingly. yearly aiwertisers will be charg 812 per annum; including subseription to the paper— with thetirivilege 1t keeping one advertisement not exceeding 2 squares nanding during the year, and the insertion of a small er one in each pane t fOr three successive times. All letters addressed to the editorptust be post paid, otherwise no attention will be paidito them. All notices for meetings, &c. sitad other notices which have heretofore been inser gratis. will d be charged 25 cents each. except Mar r ages and Deaths. ENG Exchange at New Yor 9 a. 91 per cent. premium: incorporation of Manchester. We may now congratulate oar readers on the favourable decis ion of this long-pending qucs ion. The privy council, at a meeting on Toes , y last, resolved to recommend the granting a chi.vter of incorpora. lion to Manchester, and the res of the townships included in the parliamentary .rough, with the exception (as we understand) }af Newton, ilra[3. ford, and ilarpurley, which, We presume, are o mitted" on the ground that tffey aro too much detached from the town to reni their inclusion in the municipal borough eithe necessary or per. le haps desirable. The charter thus recommei mittce of 'privy council was, on confirmed by the queen In coi fully and finally determined forthwith prepared.—[Aug. l A Fact for the Physiologis bc i named Richard Solomon, of at Sheffield, and at his reques a post maim ex smination was made of his y, when his liver was found to weigh the enum,Mvus weight of :42 -1-2 14'. Deceased had till 4-year or so beton hits death, been addicted to liquor, but had be come a tee-totaller. -' Mr. Feel , surgeon, who at tended him, stated 4to be opinion, that his fiver had attained its greate, from his havieg been used to stimulants, and all at once abstain ing from them. He was alCernish man, and when in health very robusil. The avintons of his 'disorder were shortnessi of breath, and the usual - concomitants o: livit efunplaints. 'He had been ill a long time. ' Such was the confidence o 1 the monied people in the safety of the London and Birmingliani Railway company, .that when the other day the direct,re wanted to raise a stir of half a-million, it was obtained without the s lightest difficulty in a lew days. It was, in tact, tendered to the cam , party. Bishop Auckland and if'eardale Railway,— The cutting for the line of the Bishop Auckland arid weardale Ratlwathas !commenced, and is going on very rapidly in the neighbourhood of Bishop Auckland. Dcincaster Races.—The note of preperation for the craning Races has already sounded. The cup prize Is an extremely elegant piece of work- , 1 nianship. The celebrated Irish horse, Harka way,, which, *ve see by the Yorkmanshire, has been purchased by Lord George Bentinck, fur the sum of £5,000, will be opposed by the stout. est English horses; and a contest, will ensue, which, in point of speed, will rival the trial when Lottery carried off the Lundonerry 'cum—a trial, which, at'the time, was deeimed of such a charac ter that he like would never be again witnessed. There Is every- reason to warrant the assertion, that the meeting will be one of great splendour. —[Doncaster Gar.] • - We understand that Mt. C. Ogle's challenge to' ride from Doncaster winning chair hi, New castle-opon.Tyue, immemetely slier the terrnina. lion of the ensuing St. Leger in eight hours, for .C:200 a-side, upon back hdrses, has been accept. ed, and that £M) a side has been deposited with Mr. Radford.—[Tyne Mere] The colossal atatue of Earl Grey, by E. H. Bai. ley, It. A., intended to be placed on the. pillar now nearly finished on the top of Grey-street, ar rived in Newcastle on Monday morning, per the Halcoyn, London trader, and was removed by two wagons from the quay to the site of the mon ument, it is expected to be raised in a few days. The height of the pillar from' the ground is 121 feet, and the state including the plinth, is 14 feet; when placed in its proper position the Main height will be 135 feet. .1 fhorge Osba/deston, Esq.—This gentleman, so celebrated some years ego as a fox-hunter, and as master of the quarridon establishment, in par. twirler, has announced his intention of retiring from the turf at the rinse of the present season.- [Maidstone Journal.] 1 Lichfield.—irhe . mag4ificient statue of Dr. Johnson..lately erected iu the market place of his • native city, was opened $o public view on Tues. day last. It stands opposite to the house in which the great lexicographer Was born ; on the 18th of September, '1109: The tatue is of white York. shire stone, nineteen.fee high, and the doctor is represented sitting to n 'easy' chair, in deep thought, with a huge p ip of books surrounding him. A cloak is Wesel thrown over his shout den. The pedestal rep esents three•eras in his life, ebastlyd in MI eve This statue is the ' munificient ; I. V. A . the ev. Chancellor Lew. It was execu ......41 near, nd reflects the highest credit upon' the iberah of the reverend donor and the talents of the ar ist. . . rp T g A vein of rich copp• ore has been discovered upon the property of • . O'Connel, at Caherace vine. On the mines o Berehaven and Castle.. town, Kerry, there are ; I I Men employed. The present amount • f the population'of 'lre land is estimated, by to ing the census of 1834, as a basis, and assumin the rate of increase to lie the same that eats • in the interval between 1821 and 1843, or one. nd a third per. cent. per. annum ;computing on this principle,. the report 6.•ttiroates the actual pop . lation at this moment to bei8,523,750. 'The present population, of Eng land, Scotland, and -W • les, similarly estimated, - would amount to 18,226 25;--"whence it appears (says the Railway Corn issioners) that the popu lation of Ireland is at t is time within 600,000 of tieing equal to one-thir• of the population of the Unwed Kingdom," . I WILL TLACH YOU forizacz SH Last week, to cdtisequence of some ore being. discovered on Madafodda, the _estate ot . Mr. Sanford Palma*, the parish of Aughaticon, barony of Aally brill, a scientific gentleman, and one of the medical profession, repaired thither -for the purpose of examination. After trying specimens in various ways, they were both of opinion that it was a mixture of gold and silver, with a trifling pqri i tion of copper. We have visi ted the nestly-discovered source of treasure. The vein from which the ore is extracted is iiinder a stratum of marl,; with a moist boggy surface, but the ground atiniits of a fall of 21 feet fur the water. —Nenagh (.guardian. E ED, !NPIAN. le semi-annuall year, e 2 50 will Currents of thei Ocean.—A bottle • was found, an the• 2A inst., it lran3ore, near Danfanaghy, county ElonegaL'hiter traversing the Atlantic from the banks ofiNewtoundland, which contain. ed the folloWing nbtel—"On board the ship Her cules, Thos. Wartb, of Chetteris, Cambridgeshire, and Jas. Hatterpen, of Lidgston. Cambridge shire, England, from London for New York, are oh the banks of Newfoundland. We ,haste 198 passengers on boO'rd—they are all well. If this paper be found rm any shore, by publishing it will oblige. May 24, 1837." Thus. aftera voy, age of 466 days, ltcrossed the Atlantic in safety, and, although it to to be hoped, that the friends of two individuals mentioned above have received tidings of them through some other channel, yet, this brittle voyage is not without its use, as it shows, that the prevailing current of the western ocean runs in a northeasterly direction.—London deny Sentinel. AN on London The Farl of Munster will, it is said, succeed Sir Cohn Cambiill as Lieut.-Governor of Nova Scotia, and that the latter will proceed to Canada, as Commander of the Forces, in consequence of the resignation Cif Sir John Colborne.—Liaverie Chroniefe, Wm. Reid, !!'sti. of Ballytnoyer, is 'the owner of a pony which;-has now attained to the age of 38 years. It is Capable of travelling 40 miles a day with ease. It has been used by several gen. tleman (now sdianced in life) as their first pony. Roger Hari, Em. of .Narrowater was taught to ride on it.— Alettly3v Telegraph. ' . ded by the com the following day ncil: so that it is pon, and will be ,—A woli-comber, real Horton, died, We understand that for - seine time pas; a number of workmen have been employed in ci- Idamns of beautiful sculpture, and a!fflo several in I AND. BOVIRLB 011 THE ZIA= AND BRING GOT FROM THZ CAVERN/ OF, THR mow' • S OTLAND. cavorting a part of the long-buried ruins of the once magnificent and still venerable Abbey of Dundrennan; i 0 the parish of Rerwick, a few miles south-east of Rirkeudbright.. Some ape- scriptions, have been discovered, which are high ly interesting to antiquarnins. This far-famed pile is the finest in the south of Scotland, and part of it is in a state of hilerable preservation; and to conteniplate the magnificent yet'dilipida. ted walls awakens a train of mournfully.plessing associations, While it forcibly proves the instabil• ay of human grandeur. It was here that the hapless Mary Noon after the battle of Langtride, 'tarried for one might while on her way to the ir.• hospitable shores of her treadherous friend Eliz. abith,—Etuniteies flerald. • Mr. Rewiring!' Canvass for the representation of Forfar has Come; to a melancholy close. The unfortunate genyleman was attacked with a mat violent inearity while in his progress, and. was brought to the Lunatic Asylum at 114asgow Davis' Strays Whale Fisheries..---The Princess Charlotte, Captain Deuchais, arrived in the Tay nn Tuesday from Davis' Straits. She left the ice on the Ist oflAttgust ; but accounts have been received by other vessels to the Bth. The fishing his been niore successiul this season than for many years past ; and none of the vessels had suffered trom the ice. .The Princess Charlotte has 23 fish, or about 170 tons old measure—one of the fairest cargoes ever brought to the port, and computed-to be worth about £lO,OOO. A number of other vessels are well. fished ;and and those whose success was but indifferent would have a, character of improving it, the sea son not being, very far advanced. We are happy to learn that a sobscrip'ion has been commenced at Dundee for the purposeof rewarding Nir. Darling and Miss Darling fur the heroic - and htimane Manner in which they pro ceeded, in the midst.of the storm, to the rescue of the passengers and crew of the Forfarabire, left on the wreck. A dwarf cow was exhibited at the Strathbogie Cattle Show, as a curiosity. This animal is only thirteen inches in height, though four years old. She has ir beantiful pair of horns; and acceding. ly quiet. - Dr. Bowring at Ki/mernock:—On Wednesday. 'the people' of Kilmernock presented their late Representative with their magnificent testimoni al—a colossal Silver Cup. The learned Doctor was received in the forenoon, by a procession of the inhabitants, on foot, and in vehicles, wbo con chicted hirnto the 'Cattle Market, where he ad dressed an immense concourse from all the coun- try round. WALES. Hops.--Ibe bup yards in Herefordshire are in a wretched , condition, being a Corn - plate failure. Railroad)—the ClJester and Birkenhead Rail. way is progressing rapidly. Iron ,7 rride.The proprietors of the Pentwyn .and Golyncii Iron Works have united their offer. ations. Copper.--A mine of copper in Oswestry, late ly discovered, is likely to turn very lucrative, Unioii.—A branch of this Binning. ham Society has been established it Newiton, in Montgomeryshire, and upwards of SOO members haye already joined. THE LEEK. The Cheltemham Cambrian Concert Commit tee have offered a meat ferthe best Welsh air a daf/ted to the following stanzas on the Leek: Up with die Leek ! 'tis the emblem of honor, The symbol which Cambria in victory bore, When the `bands of the Saxon were rushing upon her, And Cadvvallon - sibod . fitm as a rock on the shore. Up with the Leek ! 'liras a record of glory,• Ere roses or shamrocks were -famous in song; 'Twee the light of the bard, and spirit of story, The darli ng of 'freedom, the pride of each tongue Up with the Leek, sod the lip that would scorn it Had better scorn 4;le4h on the edge of the grave, For hermit' and Statesmen, and ministers have word- it— • ; The daughters of beauty. Hitt sone of the brave. Up with the Leek! while lei Woof leif shines o'er Of . Whilst nature rejoice's' to welcome its birth • , We will Cherish it still, as our sires did before us ,As an emblem, the pinudest andoobleet on earth. AND PQTTSVILLE POTTSVILLE, PA. SAW' AGMS or THE Ms.lll • 'George Washington was born' 17324 e I President in 1789; installed the same year age of 57, served eight yearn, and retired tare lite at the age of 65. John Adams was born In 1735; elected. in 62 years of age when installed;served 4 yea tired in 1801, at the age of 66. Thomas Jefferson was born in 1749; e in 1860; installed in 1801, at the age of 58 served 8 years: retired. from office in 1809 age of 66 years. James Madison was born, in 1751; ele 1808, installed in 1809, at 58 years of age; 8 years; retired in 1817, when he was 66 old. James Monroe was born in 1758; eleci 1816, installed the next year, when be a years of age; served 8 years; retired from in 1826 at the age of 66 years. John Quincy Adarria was born in 1775, I in 1824; installed the folloWing year, at t of 60 veers; served 4' years; retired in 1829. then 64 years of age. Andrew Jackson was born in 1767; elected in 1828, went into office in 1829; at the age of 62; served 13'vears, retired in 1837, at the age of 70 years. Martin Van Buren was born in 1782; jelected in 1836, installed in 1837, at the age of 55 years. It will be seen by the foregoing that four of our presidents were sixty.six years or age when they retired from public life, one sixty-five one seventy, and one (John Q Adams) sixty-four when he left the presidential chair, but he Is still in public business. The following are the ages of three other distin guished iiidividuals, who are spoken of ski candi. dates for the eialted station of Presidebt of the U. States; viz, • William Henry Harrison. was born in 1773, Henry Clay in 1776,-and Daniel Webster in 1782. Mr. Van Horeb is the youngest - President we have ever had, and should be serve the second term, hewill then retire to private life, younger than any of his predecessors: But should Gener al Harrison be elected in 1840, he vioulti go into power at an age more advanced than atiy before hint. Mr. Clay is now in his 61st yeari and Mr. Webster in his 56th. Messrs. Webber and Young, two ofd the sec onds in the fatal duel at Wimbledon. between Captain Elliot and Mr: Mirfiu, have leen tried and found guilty of murder. The • 'udge, in passing sentence of death, told the prhioners that their lives Would be spared, but that they would have to undergo a long term of,imprison ment. The verdict produced not little constern ation among the young fashionables of London. SAM WELLERISM The following, in common parlance, "Weßer imu;' we transcribe from "Barry Atuitin," one of the beat of the, late novels. They are put in the mouth of a Lonclort Bow•street police man, a veryguaint and amusing character. A , small matter of business, as the hangman said to the culprit when he fitted the higher. Things will out somedmes, as the terrier said to the pickpocket. " Don't be long about it, as the bride said to the parson. I see no fun in this here, as the prig said when he stood in the pillory,. Now it's ■ll dotvn hill work, as Mr. Saddler said when he tell out of the balloon. I'm bkny'd if I'm as fond of you as you ITO of Me, as the cake said to the school boy. • Know me better like me more, as the toxl said to the turkey. All liv,ing creatures has gut feeling, as the lob ster said to the cock when she was a biting him. Not long about'lhat, as the snail said to the garden roller when he crushed him. Glad to see you, as the spider said to the fly, whim) catched him, I should rather think not, as the goose said whch the fox asked ham to supper. Times is changed, as Lord Ferrets said when they hanged him. A creature of infinit merit, as the playamor said of his harlequin: All as'nt gold that glitters, as the chap thought when he passed the bad guinea. Why not, as the judge paid when the murderer asked him if he was to be dissected. I seed no fun in touchin him, as the skinned cat said of the porcupine. All this cozies of ploy, its the child said when his brother poked his eye out with the needle: Your life dont seem all a round of pleasure, as the rind seller's esti said to the horse in the cider mill. • • Posrscairr.—By yesterday evening's northern mail, we learn from the Argue of the 9th inst. that during the past week the Geausunts. in Co.. lumbus, have kept,the town in great.excitc ment: Armedimen paraded the streets, and were stationed at corners with double barrel guns. bowie knives, &c. and every day au general fight was anticipated. The gamblers put law and public defiance. The militia were called out, to aid the civil authority in presert , ing peace.—Snn. - • Pew men in Congrees can bring. an argument da point sooner than Dr. Duncan...—pennsylva. nia Examiner Few can sooner bring a gallon of whiskey to a pia—Louisville Journal. Among all nations, and throughout all grades of society, eggs have been a favorite food. But in all our cities and particularly in winter, they are held at such pricer that few families can afford to will them' at all ; incl• even those who are in easy circumstances, consider them too ex pensive for common fOod. There is no veld of this. Every family or nearly every family, can with-very little trouble. have eggs in plenty dunug the whole year ; and of all the animals domesticated for ithe we of man, the common dunghill fowl'is capable of yielding the greatest possible profit to theowner'. In the month of November, I Pot apart eleven mi hens and cock, gave them' a sm 'll chamber in n wood.honse, defended from .6 rips, and with -an opening to the south. Their ' , water and limp were placed on shelies tone nient for them, with nests and chalk nestsPegips in plenty.— These hens continued IP lay eggs through the winter. From these eleven hers I • received an average of six eggs daily during the whiter ; and whenever any one of them were disposed to set, j viz. as soon as she began to clupk, she wanes? 1101(7311 1 fAX. ENI*AL ADVIEUTI I SEA . , • .• • a • • • 11.11112TALa WHSQE WlLLoGlVT.liimaarrnio OUR niacin imb 11J7,11JVCT ALL PATIIST. TO 0011 !MI AND- PLGASUILIt.-rplt-JOHN3OI I , • • 3% 4 I • DAY MORNING NOVEMBER cted t the . pri- 11796; re- ccted ears: t the ed id erved yearp d in e■ 58 office tented e age being JACKSON,(Miss.) Oct. 13. EGGS AND POULTRY • eritea from the other, by a grate petition, and her apartment darkened ; thesei clocketi were we:11 attended and welll fed; they could see and partly associate through their grates with the other fowls; and as abodes arty One of these prie• onus * began to sing, ohs *14., liberated, and would very soon'lay eggs. It a pleasant re creation. to feed and tend a bev i of laying hens; they" may be tamed so ea to follow the enildren and will lay in a box. . Egg obeli' contain lime, end in wintqr,' , when the •earth is bound with frost ;or collared . with snow, if lirye is out provided rot them, they will not lali, or, if they do, the , eggs must ofnecessity be without rtiells. Old rubbish 'lime, from chips- ney.s and-old buildings,:ispieper,Ar.d onif needs to be.hrolien for them. They Will often attempt to swallow pieces of Itara plaiftGas 'large an !kat. nuts. . • . • • • . . I have often beard it said that Wheat •Is 'the' beat grain fur them, but 1 doubtlitt they win sing over Indian with more animation than over any other grain. The singing hen will certainly lay 'eggs, if she finds aft things agreeable to her; but the hen is much a prude, as watdhful as a weasel, and as feetidiosts as a hypocrite; she must, she will have secrecy and mystery about, her nest; all eyes but her own must be averted; fol low hetur watch her, & she will forsake:her neat, and atop laying; she is beat pleased wit!: a box covered at the top, with a backside aperture for light, and a aide door by which she can escape unseen. A farmer may keep an hundred fowls th his barn, may suffer them to trample upon and de stroy hie mows 6f wheat and other grains, and still haie fewer eggs than the-cottager who keeps a single dozen, who provides secret nests, chalk eggs, pounded brick, plenty of pounded lime, plenty of Indian corn, water and gravel for them; and who takes care that his hens are not dis turfieff shoat their nests. Three chalk eggs in a nest are better than a single nest egg, and large eggs •pleases them; I have •ottert ssiiled to see them fondle round and lay into a nest of geese eggs. Pullets will commence laying earlier in life where nests and eggs are plenty, and where others are chuckling around them. A dozen dunghill fowls, shut up elw.4 from • others means of 06101'11in, food, will require soniethiag more than a quart of Indian corn a day; I think fifteen bushels a year a fair prom ion for them. But more or less, let them always have enough by them; and tiller they haveite came habituated to find enough, at all times a plenty in their little Manger, they take but few kernels atfa time, except jugt before retiring to roost, when they will take nearly a spoon full In tneir crops; but just so sure as their provision comes to them scanted or irregtilarly, so sorely they will seven up a whole crop full at a time, and will strip laving. A single dozen fowls, properly attended, will furnish a family with more than 2,000 eggs in a year, and 100 full grown chickens ler fall and winter stores. The expense of feeding the doz. en fowls will not a.nount to eighteen bindle's of Indian core. They may be kept in cities as well as in the country, and will do as well shut up the year round as to run at large; and a grat ed room well lighted, 10 feet by 5, partitioned from any stable or other oat-house, is sufficient for the dozen fowls, with their rousting places, nests and feeding troughs. At the proper season, mt in the spring of the year, five or six hens will hatch at the , arne time, and the fifty or sixty chickens given to one hen. Two hens will take care of 100 (thickens well enough, until they begin to glinib their little'stick roosts: they should then be generated from the hens entirely! I have often kept the chickens in my garden; they keep the May bugs and other insects away from vices, &c. In cases of confining fowls in summer, ir should be remembered that a ground room should be chosen: . or it will do just as Well . to get into their pep, boxes of dried sand or kilndried, well pulverized earth, for them to wallow in, in warm west her. ORIGINAL TALE. roe THE Human' JoueNAL. Alexis rlntotl: A SKETCH OF REVOLUTIONIZED POLAND. sv Jilnve S. W st.tAts When leagued oppressioh polled to northern wars, Her whisker'd candour§ and her fierce hussars; Waved her dread stardard te the breeze of morn, Peal'd her loud drum; and twang'd her trumpe horn ; Tumultuous horror brooded o'er her van Presaging wrath to Poland—and to man Then shook the hills with thunder riven, Then rushed the steed to battle driven, And louder than the bolts of heaven Far llash•d•the red artillery dompbeli. Morn was. breaking over WO ( rSaW ; was the dawning of t hat day ever memor. able in the annals of fated Poland, the 25th February 1831. Already had the shrill reveille sounded to arms;; the still yet watchful night was passed; and many e patriot's head arose from its nilkiw, which was ere evefall .to be lowly laid on the grim battle field; many en orison was breathed, invoking blessings on the holy cause of liberty, and many a high and no- ble vow inscribed on the bright altar of their country"s hopes. The dreams of' : peace and love were' broltercari by a magic spell; the lover started from his couch, and the whispered vow of faith was drown ed in the martial summons' of the bugle; the father dashed aside a tear, as the loud rolling of the drum called him, from the fancied caresses orhis wife and children; the patriot rushed forth, to realise the dreamy visions of his country's freedom, but found a tyrant host of countless myri- ads opposed ! Swept sleep! how like an angel's whis per can't thou spread thine influence o'er the mind ! how calm, how pure thy pen cilling!! all that is bright and beautiful, is pictpped by thy touch! thou pourest thy balm into the mourner's heart; excited with ecstacy the youthful hopes,,ind wreathest the patriot's brow with the fidl flush of Victory! Thou comsat in rainbow hues, gorgeous and bright, decked with the sun• 0. 1838. • - beam's:46l3Bd ray, but borct : mid tears and showers! Like hope thou showest a fairy future to the mind, but storms and clouds and tempests are between, GI shut out ,alt its fleeting loieliness ! Tne-day had broken on one fond pair in Warsaw, and found them watchers: love's vigih3 never steep. TO lover's eyes, night hath peculiar charms: there is a. beauty in the moonlit sky, which breathes peace--it is so soft, so tender, it steals, the hurt away, and lulls all thoughts of : earth ! the swimming eye gazes all tear. fulryl and the chaste orb is love's ban im.- age—novi. obscured by clouds, which , when they pass. are tinged with mellow light imparted by its lustre; and thus bte's, trials past, are-rendered sweeter, lathier, by as unchasing glow of constancy. ' Pilluwed u?or. a fond and loving bosom, Ulrica saw the morn steal on their secret conference; with the first trumpet's blast, Alexis started from a reverie, in which both lovers bad been wrapped. "Hark [Utica! tis the summons, muff away." "Nay, not yet Alexis, let me-gaze once more into thy face—let me once more hear from thy lips those vows which have made me so blest." . "Nay, trembler, do not fear ! evening will see my return triumphant—the. Polish Eagle perched upon the victoes plume, and once again our country free! fear ntit I say, let us but drive the despot Russian hum our walls, and we will have those hallowed rights performed, which will give me a hu,band's claim to protect thee." "Dearest," sobbed the weeping girl, "I I feel that I am selfish in not freely giving thee to thy country ! heaven knows, were it for myself alone, how freely would I sacrifice my life for her; but thou Alexis, are more dear to me than lab or country; thou art the God of my young heart's idolatry, and parted from thee, all is daik and cheerlesi !" "Nil love, let tr's hope; be not distrust fill, fur Providence will protect the patriot battling in his country's cause, and love will turn the bullet harmless by : the thodg,ht of thee Ul rice will nerve my arm, and heavily shall it fall on tyrant heads ! Come cheer thee love—hark ! azain the' bugle summons me ! I must away ! this dalliance unmans me—unloose thy . graftp beloved one—there—thus gently let Ole disengage myself! faAwell, Ulrica, I will return more worthy of thee, or leave my corpse upon the battle field !" Imprinting a long, long kiss upon her brow, which was as pure and bloodless as mountain snow, he tore himself from her arms, and rushed 'from the apartment.— With strained eyes and beatins heart, the fair girl watched his recerftg steps; and as he entered a long corridor which separated him From her view, she exclaim ed, "Gone r gone ! the beacon liAt to guide my bark of hope removea w hat " then is left me 7 to weep ! to weep! eh no," con tinued she with fervor as she fell upon her knees, "rather let me pray that heaven may guide and guard him ! Oh thou, who in the battle's heat, can rush unarmed be- tween opposing ranks, protect the patriot, warring for his country—interposeithine arm of might to be the shield of him, who struggles to be free ! and if it is thy *will_ that he should fall, hut no---no—no f it cannot be, thou wilt not suffer it—guard, protect and cheer him! Oh holy mother, and Thou that hest felt the pangs and pains of death, intercede for him at thy father's throne !" She rose and ripproached the casement; Alexis was mounting his gallant steed, which was impatiently cliampi i pg thd bit, as his high-mettled blood was roused by the sounds of war. She waves her 'ker chief to him; he returned the salute ;with his lance, and dashing . the rowels' in his horse, galloped away, to allay in the excitement of the tattle's preparation the thoughts of that sad parting. He soon joined h's troop, and was received with a shout of welcome by his brave comiarleis, and in the duties of his command,.all feel ings of - minor influence were soon. merged. By the cold grey light of the rnoining, the gallant ShriXvnecki reviewed his par tan band, art inged 'their lines of attack and defence, tind spoke words of ardent encouragement and hope. Peal after peal followed in protracted shouts of denirmi nation, as he exorted them to remember the stake they had at issue in the approach. ing,,,oncounter : "Shall we . my Country :,men," continued he, as the ire of iiiitriot. kindled additional lustre in his dark eye, "Shall we, permit the Russian des pot to sack our town and desecra our hearths 1 Shall we dread the overwhelm ing force he,brings against us, to awpius to subjection? Shall we forget the vcirs of ignominious wrong, our nobles exiled, and our peasants bound in contumelious chains! shall w - At forget the cause hallo Wed by Kosciusko's blood; and aecept conditions from a power built on the mouldering corpses otoland'a boat and 'braVest ? Never ! compatriots, we will conquer or die ! When once we draw the s*prd or conch the lance; let us swear to stri!te for our country's cause while life rernaineent : • - make the gates - of Warsaw a sieCondtitne.-:- ' • hallowed ,Thartri ,pflae Yes Nile& and-, Countrymen, I the proud Diebsitch;r_giet dreaded "crosser of the Balkin,"..shalt-: , find upon the -plains of Grokow a montre merit to tell the world, that libeyty IS . tint ' . yet fled the sphere, or the fires of pit'tiot.- . ism yet extina e uished ! Now friende . pre-,,, , , pare! and let but two thoughts enter your_ firm bosoms, the first is due to heaven,•the, ' . next to Poland ! We stand between, our foe and those we are sworn to g4ttrallY_ every tie I remember theh that•if we-fail; ~ * we' forge new • chains for those we 'love; and turn their prayers to curses! :LW • but one sacred impulse animate eaeh heart; .. and be the word of battle, "Our, cenntry free, or glorious death !", "Our country free or glorious death l'' l: was the - response from the ast-enibled r. , . r'" thousands ! Women and children - on the,' walls, Who overlooked the scene, caught, up the burden of the shout, and mingled' -- - with the prayers whtch rose tosheavenon... that eventful morn; the rallying words of - -"victory of death." . • And now the din of war commenced: . . a -tremendous charge was made by . :the ~ . right wing of the Russians, levelled a-. , gainst the Polish left. Like the rush of . ' - . the mighty hurricane, lashing the furious . waves to madness, came that shock!' The Poles received the deadly galling fire, and' . though more than quadrupled by the foe, both in numbers and weight at 'metal, - stood like the earth rooted rock ! the va- . • por of human blood arose to heaven--dark; sanguinary and fierce was the encounter ;, the demoniac workings of revenge and' 'hatred nerved each heart ! mercy shriek ing fled appalled! the sword tinseled with i the maddening draught of blood, would -. gleam on high, ere it pierced a fallen foe- man's heart, but not a ray .of mercy bless -0 the scene! the uplifted spear descended . on the defenceless head, but the voice df. compassion was drowned in the hellish, fiend-like laugh of the conqueror! Foot, to foot, and hand to hand, they battled from day-break till near mid-day! batteries', were concentrated on particular spots, and, as the roar of near four hundred pieces ,of artillery mingled with the triumphant • shout or dying groan, it seemed- as "Ate • hot from hell" was loused to action! no rivers ran with blood—their streams were bridged by the dead and expiring, and bat talia marched over their comrades corpses' : , to the renewed attack! Once and once only was the firm line of Polish patriots seen to waver; it was when the Russian Generals made a concentrated' effort ag ainst its centre, covejed bye mur derous discharge of grape shot. , Like' the convulsions of a pent-up earthquake,• the mighty mass wavered and reeled, and . in an instant more, the fate of Poland 'had then been decided, had not a young officer' of lancers, rushed before them and both' by word and action cheered them to re; newed exertion. . "Stir not, move not friends! in God's',. name, move not !" shouted Alexii,' for he I it was with noble devotedness had thiewn himself before his countrymen. ‘/One re ceeding srerr, and you entail upon our, name and - race an heritage of ignomity ! stand and be free !we are not slaves nor , cowerds ! are we not grit with swords,, have we not yet remaining strength, and' hate we not these Russians. Look at the' tall rock cradled oaks of our native land, rearing their proud heads to the blast mid fire and carnage! they shake their.fren stcv-kissing tops in shame and mockery at - , to.! -On ! on! 1 say ! cry blood and ha:_ voc—let each sword eat a hundred lives, and glut like hungry cannibals on human, gore! strike one more bldw for Poland!' liberty or chains! empire or exile! tecto-' ry or death !" • , With a loud .shout the renewed attack' was made, and the mighty mass of the Russian army was appalled by the - ingr=* tus. It •soon however recovered'i Trend' in few moments the valley oftliciao Vistula,' • was covered with their swaimin ranks:: as they debouched , from the Forest ea._ ders where the reserve under the Grand' . Duke Constantine had been placed. 41e was their policy if possible to break the 'centre of the Polish lute :: nine timesilieip. . fore did they renew their attack, and pipe' times were they . repulsed I In vain"did* the Russian "Balkin crosser" . devise Ow; modes of advance : in vain. Was.the eon.: • lery brought like cavalry, within thirty' yards of their lines; in vain did they bel t - low forth their murderous thunder—each' - foot of the assailed and deyo ted Poles We* upon their native soil, eich. heart-• Was thinking of its guarded fireside, each Xrm• was striking for liberty I; - The nobly brave, and 'chivalric Sc ci. "zynecki was • unhorsed ; and like mo# of the other Generals was fighting on foet et the head of their troops; but - their efferte; were apparently useless,; as. as regard" , ed the termination of. the - contest. ski one line of the Russian advitaco-would be mowed down by their obstinate resistence, others would fill theii placea,-• with an alicrity which seemed intetnfinable. ' He then determined on a -retrograde -move ment, for the purpose of drawiog.theltis. =ZEE CI ME a ~,,.. MI - - ME _r.•; .. . , s '~,'~,t, N©..51.:~~.,"