ijoyrsv I LIE. SATURDAY RIORNING NOV. PcrarWeVe, Meas. Cards, ftifh!of and Handball+ of eves, dereripuon, nediq prottrd Vas oirsee alike towsx tierk mitt*. , . . We would respectfully request rutin carom& scritiers a settlement of their arrearages; those living in the Borough and its neigh lairhood. will always find as ready at our office, sort thosciwho live at a distance, can easily make remittances by enclosing a five dollar bill, which amount will be placed to their credit. We shall esteem an attention to this notice a favor,y which wo will endeavor to repay by continued exertions to in. :struit and amuse. • * In the first week of January nest, we Shall enlarge the 'size of the Journal ; 'soden that4itire nearly 11000 will be .doe for anSscriptionsi the reeeio or which will materially as'sist'ing de fraying the expences incident to the contemplated improvement. We will al4o find it nOttessaSy to open a new set of Becks at the .comineocenient of the ensuing year, sod a prompt discharge of all subscriptions due to that period, will greatly benefit ourselvetyand save a greet deal of labor in transferring balar.ces on old accounts. Pottsville• and Reading Rag Road A section "of this work, immediately blow Mount Carbon, has been commenced we learn, to secure the charter for continuing the Road to Pottsville. We hope soon to see the whole route in active operation; and ale pleased to hear that the heavy sections below Port Clioton, have also been commenced. ,Coal.—From that Inspector's returns at the Baltimore City Registifea office, it ap pears that 10,165 tons'iif anthracite coal have passed on 1116 Chesapeake and Dela ware canal to thao place, from the 17th March to the Ist' September of this year. Fra ,, cis' Life .Boat.—This invention bids fair to be a noble assistant in the great work of humani.y. The Secretary of the Navy has ordered all the Revenue cutters to be supplied with them. The safety of this invention consists of - strong copper; cylinders filled.with hydrogen gas: secured between double bottoms to the boat, and so arranged that ifholes be made by striking-against rocks or stranding, the cylinders alone will support as many per- sons as can attach themselves to the life ropes, which are fastened in profusion a. bout it. No ship or steamboat should be without them, as they will prove the means of saving many valuable lives, Steam boar Explosion. —The flues of the steam-boat Gov. Shelby' collapsed near the mouth of the Arktinsas, and scalded twenty pa sengers; most of them mortally. This is the first accident which has happened since, the inspecting law went into operation, and we stuterely trust it may be the last. All hail Shinplasters .'—The . hrokers of Philadelphia are advertising to pur chase Southwark Shitinla,ters at a did couut ! Good for loco foco Southwark. Chiticary.—The young Earl of Egling• town has declared his intention of Wilding a grand and solemn Tournament next spring, at his castle in Ayrshire, Scotland. This nobleman is said to be sk.lled 'in ev ery martial accomplishment el' both an• cient and modern days, and if he does at tempt anything of the kind, nothina" that good *taste or wealth ca n add, will be wanting. How such a scene would carry ,us back.lo the days of glorious strife and chivalric feeling ! The spacious list, with gilded balconies, banners and pennons floating in the breers ; the blazoned pride of Britain unfurled aviin tb the : shrill sound of trumpets ; the motildering ar ciieves lung hung in the "diuOy splendor" of ancestral halls, i.o v buiniihed fOr the encounter; the neighing charger, and the mailed itinghts;. , the warriors and the maiden's - phi-me ; the queen of love alio beauty bestowing on the victor kiligibttite conqueor's wreath ;Abe shout of triumph and the gorgeous pageant of the lita ; all there would stir the blood 'of age, and quicken that of youth. Much has been 'written against the in stitutions of Chivalry, and Cevantes gave its death blow in Dun Quixotie, but we question whether the high tone 0r noble sentirnent,,which it gave birth to, was not of more advantage than the'rornaetic vis e ions into which some were led by ito But at all events, it served in a. great measure to dispel the mists of ig norance and rredu • lily, and the songs o'..the Troubadours revived a long forgotten art of poetry, and rescued the world fi om-the feudal bondage under which it was laboring. Thahwhich was a matter of business in. oldenitimes, - may now be converted into an innocent pastime, and we hope again to chronicle "high deeds of chivalric and -tales of ladle hive The Ate s mican B'ocknde.-- It is rove cu. morod that the Emmet' expedition l'whirh has been fitting otaVfilt the ostensible pur pose of invading Mexicas to lak@ected against the : island of Cuba. Stseho4 you rse on the part - of France would ammpit to a declaration of war against, not only th.s ammtry but England. Perh aps the power has some suspicion or this kind, for we perceive an announcement in tbe Lon don Herald,„which has escaped thit com ment of our press, that all the deafts to She Windward and Leeward Islands, as also to Jamaica have been ordermito em. bark as 80011 6.4 prat ible., The sup,tositinti was that these add.tions were prospective towards Clinarla, but the pro onquity of England 7 Prince may have ftirsished her sane-italkoinotton. we aria yet ignorant of. The blotlade of Vera Orez may be only .a rose to consolidate a force eta'. view in the West Indies to take an unop• posed posses-inn. :Bray. —This country has been the arena of more ehanges, both political and moral, than bas' fallen to the lot of any other rifition. LOoking back throng - 1i the dim vita of byegone ages, we see the kingdom founded by Romulus overthrown, the proud arquin expelled, and the . first Italian reputihe built on the rules of the regal state, with consuls for its pillars, then pillow the. dictating', including 1:1e immortal Cincinnatus, whose regime was broken up by the the deleterious effect of the agr.irian law, to oppose which the young patricians broke the ballot boxes ana scattered the votes, (a comment on more modern times!) These were suc ceeded by the Decem\ irs, whose foul enor mities occasioned the martyrdom of honest old Simms Deritatus, and the immolation of. Rome's second Lucretia, the indortunate Virginia. Then appears the long train of Tribiries, Dueinvirs and Emperor's un lit the subversion of the Roman rule; then the (loth and Vandal incursions;, the tem poral and spiritual dominion of the Pope-- the entire dismemberinent of the various provinces and their ripportionmenting, the nati-ns of Europe, the meteor course of Napoleon over its land, and the Austri an triumphs on itsdevoted plains !(. Among the most important possessions of mode n Italy, are the Lembo rdo- Veneti an provinces of Austria, which have lately received a King by the Coronation of the Emperor Ferdinand. Since its. subjuga thin after the fall of the French Imperial power, many daring spirits have striven to re-kindle the spark of liberty, but in vain; and its brives. dz be,t have for veers been he tenants of dungeons, to which they were consigned by that policy which had so lupg governed Italy. They hoped t prevent by intimidation, the spread gill beral principles; but a milder era' has now arisen, and the new Emperor has gained for himself an mulling fame by the gen eral amnesty whiA he has granted. It is visionary to think that Italy can again be free, and is unfortunate sons began to think so. Count Gonfulunieri for fifteen years has been in captivity; exciting the admiration of all by his noble resignation; his life has been spent for the imaginary good of his country, and he is now to be restored to It. The gallant Zucchi too will lei Lie his prison at Gratz; -Demeester, Belgh.joco, and the noble marquis Palle• vicini return from .Exile. The act has, been a princely one, worthy of him who. wears the crown of Constantine, and he . will effect more by miAness; than years of rigor and tyranny have been able to secure; he will command not only. the duty, but the love and gratitude of his sub. eta. Sweden.—Bennadotte does not 6nd his imperial chair a seat of roses. Since Nap( leon exalted bun to the throrie of Sweden, he has retained its possession; but discontent, which has heretufote been secret, is now breaking into revolt and in. sorrection. Although by the interference of Russia, a temporary quiet has been re. girded, still fro m . the appearances the days of the Bernadntte dynasty are until* bored. Sweden, Norway and Denmark are singly weak, but a report is rife, that plots are on foot to unite the three and form a new Empire; if this be true, the land of the great "Lion of the North" may again hold a prominent place among the nations of Europe. Russici.—The autocrat is in no very enviable situation, his giant schemes of ambition tiave . over•reached themselves, `atid he has now raised the jealousy of the most `powerful nations.• Eng• land and Rtli iu have ion,' eyed each other with mutual feelings of distrust, and it' tequire but little to set them ity the cars. If the bitter dared, she would ' declare war instanter, but policy 'cautions irquiescence. .Persia and. Cir cassia,• the Engli