The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 20, 1838, Image 1
VOL. 1. PRINTED AND PUBLPSHED, BY BENJAMIN II I, 'NNAN. SE 1113.-WEE Lir, TIIR.ILIC DOLLARS AND FIP rY IS.PITS per minim) payable semi-annually in advanc e If not paid with in the year, $l.-will be charged t all those who re ceive the paper free of postage.' o mail subscribers $3 per annum. If not paid withi the year. fro cents will be added to the price of subs nption. WEEKLY, , 2. • Two DOLLARS per annum. pai able semi-:mm.11111 n advance, If not paid within the year, 50 wil. be charged Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines will be _harped 31 fur three insertions—and 50 cents for one insertion. Larger ones in prop"rtion. All advertisements will be inserted until ordere out. unless the time for ‘O,ll. :h therare to he continue soectfied.and will be charged accordingly. Yearly actiertisers will he charged 812 per annum: including subscription to the paper h t he privilege of keeping oneadvertisement notes...Reding 2 squares standup , during the year. and the insertion ore small. er one in each papr iltir three successive times. All letters addressed to the editor must be post paid, otherwise no attention will he paid to them. All notices for rneetiogs, &c. RIM other notices which have heretofore been inserted gratis, will be chi zed 2.5 cents each, except Marriager‘and Deaths IJIIIROCLAMTION.—Whereas - the honorable ' CALVI74 BISTYK, EigNire, :President of the several Courts of Corn non Pleas uf the conntie of Da,iphin, Lebanon, arid SchLylkill, to P•nn s);c.inia, and justice of the several Courts, tyer and Terminer and General Fail Delivery, in said counties, and George Rauah and Dunirl Tout Esquires, judges of the courtiof Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delti.tery, or the trial of all capital and other cstfendert, in the said county of Schuylkill—by 'their or...clews to toe directed, t..strd at Orwigsh rg, the 3thlh day of Scpternher Is:itt, have ordered the Courit o, Oyer arid Ter miner and Georal b Jail D..lsvi.ry, to be holden nt Ilryiesburg, on the la , t Monday, of October next, (being Lire Nth of said ruoigtho to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby iyen, to the coroner and justice of the peace, and constables of the said county of Schuylkill, that they are by the said prr;cept commanded to hr then and there at ten o'clock in the forenoon of salt' lay., with their rolls, records, inquisntions, exainnla:lons, and all other rememberances, in do these things, which to their offices appertain lu be done, and all those that are bound by recognitances, to prosecute avinst the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jairof said county ot . Schuylkill, ate to be their and there to prosecute them as shall be jusf. PETER F. CULVIG, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, o.rwigsburg, 1838. la the matter of the Estate of Witham • Recrely. in . the Court of Commom Pleas in and for the County of Schuylkill. David & Samuel Frank of Ju ly Term A. D trading under the firm I 1t337. of D. & S. Frank. No. 136. es. J Domestic Attach- William Reevely. anent. lIVOIACE is hereby givem Whereas Andrew Russel, Robert Woodside and Martin Wea ver, iTie subscribers, have 'Peen appointed Tens. tees of the Estate of Willlnm Reevely, the defen dant atinessid, by the Court of C,rmanon Pleas in and fit the County of Schuylkill, all persons in. debted to the said W illiam Ihrevely, or holding property belonging to him, are herchy required to pay and deliver ail such :sums of money and property due and belonging to the said W i lli a m Reevely, to the said Trustees, and also al! eredt tors of the said William Rekvely, are hereby de sired to present their respettive accounts or de mends to the said Trustees. AN DR E RORER` MARTI] All residing in the Bor Septernhe 12, 1838. I I SOL% ENT DEDTO • S.—T[l E subsenbers. have applied to the Judge of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Schuylkill con . for the benefit of the several Acts of Assembly pas d for the relief of In solvent Debtors. & that the Sal Judges ha Yea ppointed Monday the 29th day ofOct. nlext. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court Iludse, in Orwigsburg, fur the hearing of us andour cmlitori • when and where they may attend if they think - proper. - PEi'ER WERTZ, WILLIAM I'll, 'Airs,. JOHN THOMINS7 • JOHN BMA K. ABRAHAM 1.' , .% - AN,* - 3011 N HEN RICKS. WILLI A5l Gt Itt; AS". GEORCE 111•11,10. EH, PE fER 011.1•‘NIP.• ROBERT Ci WK. • ' WILLIAM 5111ERS. • JOHN ARNOLD,* Sept 22 . • I 75- Emporium o Fashion. Third Door above the PenOsytronia Hall, Croft( Street, l'ottavitir. M. 1 - 1. SU \MK hrgs leave to return sincere thanks to it a friend+ and a genet. ens public. for their patrol- . ge heretofore so libet ally bestowed-on him; and (hat he sill he happy to see his patrons and- friesds, as he hopes-by un remitting exertions to glyt' iibilaraction to all. Hair cutting done in 00. lktset Parisian style. Pottsville: August 4th 1838 - 60-3 mo Paper 4- IL A NEW Assurtmenty,. New Patterns, fin. gether with choice Border sale by August 25, Bishop • Few engrav , ed. 1611 I 1 1 1- BISHOP WHITE, received and for sale by 73 cents. aug 29, Reading liakl ! IT AVE on hand boiler '' .. du. and also, all iron; also, roudd and satua finch Railroad iron of, the and countersunk, and cut use; and band ann. X 411.1 alb°, gun iron of superior are offered for sale at the KFI 11, Reading, June2s7 IS3RI ELEGANT Parlor ar "received by Pottsville, Oct. 13, 183 • • \ o r I WILL TEACH YOU TO r maci Till frOWILiS OP' THE ItalWlll Cm ner of Centre and Market . Strreta Pottseiiir rir HE subscribers respectfully announce to 2 - their friends. and the public generally, that they have taken the store formerly occupied b) Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market tareeta, where they are now provided withaehoici assortment of DrlAGoods, Groceries, Liquors, &C. which they are determined t sell at the'very low. est mires. lIAZZAHD.I STRAUCH. N. H. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. A pr I I 2-6 & Brother, AT 11IL ULD STAND No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE, •• THREE DOORS FROM Till: CORNRR Of ARCH ST PHILA DELPMA, FACTURERS . OF White Lead dry and Calomel, round in Cii. 4 Red Precipt, Red Lead White do Lit harge. Vitriol Mb Chronic Yellow, Snip. Quinine do Green Tart. Emetic do Red Ether Sulph. Patent Yellow do Nitric Sonar Lead - do Acetic Copperas Lunar Causut 01. Vitriol Corn. du Aq. Foris Acct. Morphia Muriatic Acid Sulph. do Epsom Salts Sulphur Tart Acid O,i. de Narcru. Sup Curb Soda " KerITIPS Mineral (!OrrOn. Sub. Nlerc. Et hiops do. Refiners of Champhor, Sal Nitre.Brimstione,Roras .lc. Oiler for sale the above mentioned articles. to gether with a general assortment of Paltits. Drugs and (lye miff,. and every other article iu the Chemi cal and Medicinal line. Reims of all the articles enumerated under the above hesicF, they pledge themselves to sup ply their friends and the public on the most reasona tile terms %Vindow and Picture Glass, from 6 8, to 24 30. Oct 21 1837 48- FIE A BEAUTIFtt IIEAD OF IrAIR r the grandest ornametit belonging to the human. fra ine. I low strangely the loan of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on the appear ance. of old age. which causes many to recoil at being iincovered. and sometimes even I n shun society to a void the Jests and sneers. of their acquaintance; the re maunder of their lives are consequently spent in re tirement. In short, not even the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom as does the loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant circunasiances OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA soma the hair from falling off on the first application and a few bottles restores it again. It likewise producei eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the hair from turning grey, makesAl curl. beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous corttficates of the first respectability in support of the virtue of Oldridge's Balm, are shown by the proprietors. r Bead the following: V• R USW., • WOODS! DE, W EA V ER, 7', utters. ugh of Pottm , ,ine. 72-6 t w ROBERT %VII a RTON, Esq. late Mayor of Phila delphia, has certified. as may be seen .below, to the high character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the filial C,f Collinthia discovered by J. Oldndge, and have found it Ingoly serviceable not only OS a preiren tise against the failing off oPhair. but also a 'certain re storadve. WM. TH ACH ER, senior. Methodist Minister in St. George charge, No 86 North Pit - al -tor t. JOHN P INGLES, 331 Arch street. ' JOHN D. 'mom M D. 163 Race st JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce id- HUGH Mo'URDY. 243 South id st. JOHN GARD. Jr 123 Arch at. The aged, and those who persist in 'wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will ceriainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three of the abovesign ere are more than 50 xears of age, and the others not less than :M. [From the Mayor] CommoNwKALTII PENNSYISANI e t City of Philadelphia' I. ROBERT W H A RTON, Mayor of said- city of hereby certify that I am well acquaint ed with Messrs. P Inebs. John S. Furey. and Hugh McCurdy. whose-names arc signed to the abovererti ficate, that they are gentlemen of character and re spectability. and as much full credit should be given to the said certificate. ngangs. .nsising of a variety o °note and Entries, to ;just received and for B. BANNAN. 66 In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my Mind. and caused the seal of the city to be affixed, this [L. S] sixth day of December. ROBERT WHARTON. Mayor. Caution.—None genuine without a splendid steel engraved wrapper of Falls of 'Viagra. with agents names eke. Wholesale and retail by Commock and Co. 2 Flett.h. er Street New Vilik,and retailed by W. T. EPTING. 57-1 y =ll • i ngth prints of the. late - 'table for frames, just the subscriber. Price 1 B. BANNAN• Musical lnstrti . nients. 'AMIE subscriber has init received and offers fur sale 4 keyed German Flutes, plain, Octave Flutes, ' Cher ionets, • Flageolets, Viohns, Fifes, Violin Bridges, Pins, St rings and Bow-batr. Oar innet Reeds, = • - [lows—extra finish. •• • • .• He re..pcseffully invites the -call and examine his stock. Iron Works, Iron...hem of various the digerent sizes har I e iron from i up to 3 emus sizes, punched the angles - ready fir izes nails and spikes— , uality. All of which lowest ert.:_priec.. r . I VIIITAKES EMI Entry Carpetting, just •NATIIANS & 80- . CALL AT THE, New Establishment, Pottsville, July 25. 1838. . . JOHN S. C. MARTIN may 5, IB3e. . . . f _______ 7 _. ~,z,..-,0,,, - -,...: ' 4 ".7,.. k ;.k it . - '',- ,s it ri t.- , , - . . e • . 4 .....,z.. ! . . b. . i I • • ', ' ' 9 OTWFILL 'GENERAL: ADVERTISER . RON THZ CAVZILNS OF FUIF 2114UIFF/0115.NETAL5 1tt7615 WILLOITZ STLIIMGII3 TO OUR (115111,1/21115150141CHT ALL MATUZZ TO.OOll USZ AND PLZA5012111.10 . 11143011. . L . -..--r POTTSVILLE, PA. New - , - Gcliods. • I , WE have jugt receiveilorid are now brain a large ah general assortment of fresh and sewsnriable gouda—whieh will he sold arse:, reduced prices for cash. - JOSEPE, • W, 1 - 11 TE it, SON Mount Car.. , Adroit 11,1838. " ; , 62 • :MRS. A. C. WYNIiOoVS Bearding and DarSehoot for Yet*. Ladies Centre St. 3d dnor above No rtoegiirn, St. PorrsvlLLE. e• HE course:4 lost' uction under the sopetin tendence of erolipcirnt teoche w4lembro i ce Oithogropriv, Rending, Ay.rilink, Ptrithmette. Grammar, Geogroully, Nap Drawing " History, Gompo..itime. Astronomy , Elrawirrir & Poinline KIM and Ornarnf-t4al Needle Work, &.c. le. The Seminary will open no the 20th inst. Term.. mode known-on Angli.l 11, 1838. c()()Kist: s . rov 'MITI E imbscriber would r . cegitetfulli ttri anno' ee to the polilic,that lie has coi4pleled arrangements for procurhig castings, and that he has now on hand wo hig auptirluf COQKIXG—STO 4S, 4 which he a ill be happy to dispose of ai The lowest prices Mr cash. tic could wish peraorts to call and 'examine for theinselires, as these 1E49,61 pp. i.e. , . advantages ,which 'belong to nione others het tofore manaliktured. He would also infi)rm his friends qiathe eon times to NcuN u general assortment of Storrs,Tinwftty. „ Copper•trare, I,- Pipe, 4.c. ittc• MI of which will he disprwed''of cheap-tor cash GEORGE H. STIitHTER. Pottsville, - Sept. 22,1838. 1.74-6ino t..... ..... Fe. r Z .-. C7 61 -I V/ so va C ■-4 .GA I) I . . NAIL AND IKON %vomits, „ LI AVE on hand ."-BOILER IRON, SHEET do. ROUND 4 SQUARE IRON,; COAL SCREEN do. • R IIL ROAD do. Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails and spikes of all sizes, for sale at the lowest City prices. KEIMS:WHITAKER 4 CO. Reading., May 22,1808. ! 40-Gino zs 0 a z Q 0 vi . ago rri co 0 . co I . 0 ..... 4 -4 1114n/et; AYOUNG man to :aitend in the( Store, one who .peaks Getman would be priefered.—Al tio a Boy 12 414 year,. n( are. Apply to JOSEPH WHITq & SON. Mount Carbon'. Sept. 15, - 72- RAIL. ROAD IRO' For Sale. %IRE New Castle and French Ton Rail Road -a- Company, will , dispose of • par* of the Iron taken from 'the flat car track. The bars are in good condition, 21 by §. A sample May be seen at the Company's office, Chesnut ittreet wharf, Philadclphi .' N. DAVIDSON, •i Agent. Philadelphia,, 1838. i 72-2 mo 1 - 9000 BEST Cucumber Pickles, just received and for Isola at the Pennsylvania Hall Refectory by JOHN SILVER. 76-- Pottsville, Oct. fi, IK3B A NGELL'S Series of School ceived and for sale by B. I?ANN AN. 7S-- Septembihr 26, 1838. RAILWAY IRON—AND IRON s R COAL SCREENS. 2,1 by 6-8 inches Railway Flat Bari Iron. 2by do do do doi do Sy I do Suitable for Screening Coal. All the Iron has countersunk holes, and is cu at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends. Splictn Plates and Spikes to suit the above., A. & G. RALSTON & Co. No. 4 South Front Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Match 15,1836. • 21—tf BOOK-BINDEIIY• ii-m • BANNAN has commenced 4 Book Bind. • cry in connection with his ,Book Store, where all kinds of Books will be itmand at the shortest notice at low rates. Blank Books dik. of every description made to order it the lowest rates—and the trade supplied wholUsale at Phila delphia prices. April llt 27 Stoves! Stovesi. CALL and examine for yourselves, - the under. signed would respectfully inform his friends and the, public in general, that he has constantly on hand a general asiortment of tet latest and Wood most approved, kinds of Coal and Stoves, that art, to be ',lad in the place, together:with a large quaniity rirStove Pipe, Sbeetirlim ware % Cop. per and Tin ware, as good acd'aii4 cheap as can be bought any where , else, ET All kinds of w02....M7 - IMIII e done to or. der at the shortest noti B 1 RON PIIILI S. Pettiville, Sept. 29,'(838. I • 76 eifferitea arC. ate.' 'WRENCH and English Merinos,( L. Plain Vicimina, Figured Mousseline de Laine—ltogether with a grind assortment of - fall prints, reOeived 'atul.fin axle by • 31,1LL1.11 & HAIGG.EILTY. Penniße, Sept. 26, 1838. : ! 75 TIM PA Y MO RN ING OCTOBER ,20• 1838. 4. . • - Public . Notice. - • . • As aPPain4that because Mr.. Crane obtained no patent rot scrieltit.g trun'Ore With An. Outwit° Coil in this Couptryilneny suppose that they are now at liberty to pt.the method et an<ing Iron ore with Antic cite by the use of wi . a heated air blast; ahhough I gave notice last guar that 1 bad it patent lir .pmeltihr iron Ore with Anthracite Coal..both by i the oie of it cold atmospheric sad a heated air itlast,ll itieutd now inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan-, dory, 11111€1, I received a letterfreom the Ceintnis ' smiler of Pitenta at %V,ashington; stating.: "sir, upon nsaminang:thavaae of AT. Crane's amities titiw kir at patent fit smelting Ilrou by means of Anttiratite i l have viewed his faint as interfering with your : patent of pee, 183 , and hive given notice to his : attorney of Ott 'decision." Ever y . attempt to smelt Iron ore witl anthracite by the use of a heated iir blaat, is tin • nfringement-upon my patent, 'against which . I icaution and' warn all men; as I shall prosecute every one mil inging upon my fights', according tel law. And I fur: titer agar to dispose of patent f•iihtn fbr ttie erect tag of Turnacett according tq my patent, upon Very moderate terms. ' FR EDEffICK W. GEISSENEIAINERS New York. May 18, 1838. ,' .. . 37-4 y: , ' ' . . Catalog": '. - ' .... TtiE l undersi v *tUesiition* the public ageing . purchastng or leasing thertraerof land catltd Clinton Tract, on the kast Norwegrain rail•road from Elizabeth gpisho; o r Henry Morris for her as be:tile under Signed claim! title thereto ; and i will institute Csuit-zesinst ny person attempt. ing to lake the . pusseaSitio II enf: JOHN PQTT. ' —, . , 31 a r 34antleim, %pril 28.183R._ Ihereby given that the 'following- named Execurora and Administrators, have filed their atermtnts in the Ojilce of the ,Register kill county, and that the aaittaaccouta wilt be pre .ent t, the Orphans.' Court of Schuylkill couhly; ao be held ai orartgab rg; in 'and for said County, on Monday the 22d day of October...lBlB, for con firmation. 1. The Account.of Philip &mom Adminia trator of the Estate of Coni-ad. Danboro late of 31anheim Tdiwriship. deceased. 2. The ACcennt of A hratrtim Rartolet Admin iptratdr of the Estate of Dorothy Bartolet late-ol Manheim _Township, deceased. 3, The Second Account ,of George Kimmel Executor of the lastl Will" and Testainunt of Genre Kimmel late of ar!uuswick Township deceased. - - 4 - The Account of .Ahrshein Aihrisht Admin istrator the Estate of Heniel Albright late of West' Brunswick Townshin,,deresi.ed. JACOB HAMMER, Resister. 76—te Orwiel,burg. Sept. QS. 11338 NO CURT NO PAY. PRICE 81. No Ficrion.—This extraordinary ebemica composition, the result of science and the iniren don of a celebrated medical'man, the introduction of which to the public was invested with the so lemnily of a death bed bequest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled, lolly sustaining the cor rectness of the. lamented Dr. Gridley's last con• fession, that .• be dared not die without vying to posterity the benefit of his knowledge on this sob. jest,'' and he therefore lieleathed to his friend attendant Solomon Hays, t e secret of him discove- ry. It is now used in the principal hospitals, and et T he private practice in r country, first and most certainly for the cur of the Pi/ea, and also so extensively and cffectua ly Wto baffle creduli ty, unless where its effects ire witnessed. Exter nally in the following complaints. ' Fur Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp tion at once. •—just, re. All Swellings —Recicitig them in a few hours. Rheirmatism.—Acute or Chronic, giving quick ease. Sore Throat.—By cancers, ulcers, or colds. rottp, and Whooping Cough.—Externally, and . over the chest. All - Bruises, Sprains and Burns, cured in a few hours. Sal es and Ulcers.—W hethkr fresh or long stand ing and fever sores. Its operations upon ,adults itnd children in re ducing rheumatic swelling's, & loosening coughs and tightness of the chest by relaxation of the parts, has been surprising- beyond conception.— The common remark of those Who have used it in the Piles, is 'qt. lima like a charm." THE PILE..—The price *I is refunded to any person who will nse a bottle of Hay's Liniment for the Piles, and, return the empty bottle without being cured. These are the positive orders of the proprietor to the Agents; and out of ninny thou sands sold, not one has been unsuccessful. We might insert any length, but prefer that those who sell 'the article, should ex hibit the original to,putchasers. CAUTION.—NoIe can be genuine,without • splendid engraved mapper, on which is my name, and also that of the Agents. SOLOMON HAYS. Sold wholesale sod retail by COMSTOCK & Ea., Sole Agenta..q Fletcher street, New-York, and retail by W. T. EPTING, Centre st. Potts ville, Ps. Miller Z Haggerty, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Goids,Grocer 7,Wine liquorStoee T HEIR connexion with:a house in Philadelphia , enables them to keep on hand a very exten sive aiiortment of goods, which they will Philadelphia prices. " Stare and Tavern keepers and private families, would do well to call and judge' for themselves. aprit 19 • 3t A otic • • 'NE:W IRON. • Hardware : store.. • TM: subacribere would rospeelfully. announce • to the 'public. 'hal he has added to his formes. stock, Iron and Hardware, consisting: to part or American and English. Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron,Round Iron, assorivi sizes; Cast. Ciaarly. Shear. German pi e j..h /lister and Steel- Vicep,A4oure-holi. Smith's Bellows, Cast Steel hand. choPingiand Road area, nails gnd spikes together' widen general isportmen o Iron. Monkery, all of which will' be ;Mid at re, duced prices,-by - JOIIN; CLAYTON. April 2 . 2 32 • Sugars. • 10 MIDS. Nita lieu, •5. a. 'St-Croix,. .29 Fib . 50 Bore. -Brown- Soap, . 50 do Yellow IFIA.OORTY. Pottsville, Sept. .26, I Mit4a 75: ".PARSER & CO. &Mercers X Tailors, Zi FOR 111 their friendv and the public in gen eral, that' they :ittve removed to their harmer stated in Ceotte Street.lpppomile to Miller & Hag• kterey'll Store,) where they have on hand, a gen- era! assortment ol . stiticrfine Broad Cloths - and Casaimerea of the moat faehionahle ciiktra, with an elegant' as s ortment of Simmer Cloths, Satin, Silk, Valencia, Marseilles and Velvet Veatings, Linen; Colinn and Chintz Shirts, Satin, Silk and Bennhateert Stocks, Lunen and elliniz Bosoms and Coll)trs, also Linen and Chinti Bosoms without Collanr, Silk, Cotton, Thread, Beaver and Hoskin Gloves, Linen and alarm Bose anitlialf Hose, Linen and Silk Handkerchief . ..and Guni Elastic Suspenders. l'hey also have on hand, an elegant stick of.Gentlemen's and Boy's Aesring aptvirel. such ick and Dress Coats, Rounds. bouts, Vests and Pat aloons, made after the latest fashion and the9liest woriminship, which they m• tend to sell at reasonaftle . prices. P. S: Wanted two or three good Journeymen Tailors, in whom constant work will be given throuphout the season.. Pottsville, Sept. IS, 'B3B. .• 711— HEADACHE, SICK lilt N EILV.OUS. {KT The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn's remedy for this distressing COM viLlibt is every day gaining i4.certamlyy a miner of much astonishment That so much suffering should have existed (or ages without any d•scovery of an effectual preventive, or cure is truly a subject of much regret. but Dr. S. now a.sures the public that such a remedy has been in veined as will convince the most credulous. The pnnci plea upon which it acts are simple 'anti plain.— It is an .admitten fact that this complaint, whether Called sick Headache, or Nervous lleadache, arises primarily from the stomach—those who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ. the stomach. is the Ott Muse, that the system has become vitiated or debiliated. through the stomach, and that only through the same channel most they expect -a restoration of the natural and healthy function, of the system. This object. Dr. Spohu'a remedy is eminently calculated to attain The truth of th wposition cannot be controverted, and the sooner sufferers with the headache become con vinced of it, the sooner will their sufferings end in restoration to health. Dr. Spohn pledges his profse sitinal reputation on this fact. The remedy may be hail of apothecaries. Wholesale sod Retail by Com•tock & Co No. 2 Fletcher St. New York. and Retail by _ _ Pottsville. July 21. 1838. Blankets. inn PAIR of Blankets of various quality's -.!L"-F`L.'" and prices, putt opened and tor sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY. Pottsville, Sept. 26, 1838. 75 Read the Following. Interesting and Astonishing Facts. MORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary efficacy of Dar WM. EVAN'S celebrated Camomile and Aperient Antibilrous Pills in al leviating afflicted mankind. To James Dickson, 36, Cornball, Boston, Agent for the- sale of Dr. Wm. Evans's Camomile Pills. Lowr,tx., Nov. 15,1636. Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi cial reaulis of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the public in behalf of DR. Wild. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. I have been afflicted fur the last ten yenta with distress in the head and chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for three or four nights in succession, but have never found relief by any of my friends" prescriptions, until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some, which' I did, and . ittatned two bvixes and bottles, which resulted in almost completely retoring me to . health, although 1, have not yet entirely finished them. Should you consider ibis any benefit to yourself, or the public, you have my cheerful per. mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully, THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist NTERESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Wm. I Boomer Cainomile Torrit and Family April' eat Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets,Philidelplirs, affect ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by which he was not able to write h.s name—his symptoms were, eruscalion, daily spasmodic pains in the head, kiss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, otter ina- bility of engaging in anything that demanded vigor Or courage, sickness and weakness cx teme debility, disturbed rest, a sense, of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, great mental despondency,. severe flying pains to the chest beck and side, costiveness, a dislike for. society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect. until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans 's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him pf the above dimities:prig disease, 111:rPersons who doubt the above cure, are most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per• son, at the north-went- corner of Shippen and George. , streets. • BENJAMIN BOWN. Philadelphia Octobei. 26, LIV ER 'COMP LA I NT , 4119 YEARS STAND- Mrs. Hannah Brbwite, wife of Joseph &Dame, N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict-, ed for the Tait ten years with the Liver complaint. Completely' restored to health throdgh the treat ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the-bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigasttic region, great depression of spin s, iangurwereitio their:4l4k* of extreme debility, disturbed sleep,linarelinite Bow of the mensei pain in 'the riglitSiiii4 could not lie nit hei leftiside Without auiggraiiiitifon of the pain, urine. high colored, with'ether toihi iudicaiing great -derangettieht tp the feats tions:Of the liver. jI ' • Mrti. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, bar received but little relief trent their medicine; till Mr. Browne procured Softie of-br.: Van. Evana's invilushle prepaiations,ivhiebref. fee-teeny relieved her .of the , above distressing symptoms, with ethers, which it is rh , t estSeittial to intimate. 1 JOSEPH 'BIZOWHEI. City end County of New YUrk, as. Joseph Browne,X Williainaburg r ictrietiland, belne duly sworn,ldid depose and 814' Hilt the . facie as•iliet forth ill the within statetnent, to *hid* he has subscribed flue flame, are justiand true. - . I , JOSEPH BROWNE, , • : ...• Hus Send Cif the said Hantuih-Browne.• Sworn before mo 1.1ii5,,4,~11i day, of January, 1837: " . ~..,PETER; PINKNEY, Coin; of deeds. 1 - NTEnEsTiNq, (:AsE . of Telliaoular Con, -1. sumpion.—Alr« John Rest el applied on the le( day of Sepienibt4 at the office ZOO Chatham street, laboring under the following symptom:::— A slight spitting if . blood, diiitressing . .4 tended with an exectoral ion of. pdrutent matter; 1 night sweats, Er erat 'Emeciailon, 'difficulty ,ot breathing °meter ion, with a wet t lain ked hectic flush on the chee . On examination, the• chest was found to sourid well every where except un der the left clavicle, aim to the arm pit of the 'same side. • i Treatment — . Directed to take the. restorative CaMonole Pals, iwith the expectomtling com pound. at the same, time an injunctiOn, to call in lour days; when tbe night sweats hail ceased, fbe, expectoration slightly eiminished, light-'fit . o coughing still remainOT in the morning.' dered as usual to eontinue the medicine, end to Call in the eimrsetnf a week-when his health, continued rapidly increasing, without the least 'cough. Called at! the office on the 4th of this month, quite coliveleseent returning his sincere thanks for the ben'efit he had Obtained. • "The above patent chiefly used milk regimen, dorm g hia tivatfoOt. ASTHMA, THREE YEARS STANDING 4: Mr. Robert tinroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with, the abOve distressing malady. Symptoms—great languor. flatulene.y, disturbed rest, nervous head: ache, difficulty oro breathing. tightness and stric ,, re across - the breast, dizziness, nervous irrits. Rey and restlessness, could not lie in a hori ) ate' position, sirtliont the sensation of impend ing suffocation, palpitation ul the heartolistres ing cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, thou - siness, great debility a - nd deficit ney .of the nerv eus energy. M. R. Monroe . gave up every thought of recovery and dire despair Diann the countenance of very person interested in his xi estence or happ iness, till by accident he noticed in a public pa pc r rine cures effected by Dr. Wm. Evans's medminei.. tp his complaint. which indu ced him to purchsse a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely 'removing every symptom 01 his disease. pe wishes to sag his motive of: this declaration is, that those alluded with' the WM. T. EPTING. 56-Iy ILII3 12233 go; apt , same or any symploms similar to those from which he is happily restored. may likewise.receire the same inestiulable benefit.. ) LIV ..R CQPIPLA NT SIX YEARS SVAAID SG. . MRS. SARAII BRE HISER 4 wife or Mr Amos Brenltiser, corner of Sewand street and Germantown Sped, Philadelphia, affected for the last six veara With the-Liver 4.'..c' otoplaint, wee eampleiely mato ' d to health by ,Dr. WM. E. VANS'S Camom le Tonic end k'amtly-Aperient Pitlii. Her eym tome were habit4l costiveneaa, exerucisting paip in the stomach., depression of .pints, languor, ;extreme debility, disturbed sleep great pain iu her side, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of pain, dizeness in the head, dimno4B of sight, with other symptoms . indicating great lerangement in the finctions of the Liver. Mrs' Brenhiser has made trial of vs rious medicines bow before the public, but re ceived no relief lentil she was advised to make trial of Dr Evana's Pills, of which she happy to state that they! effectually relieved her .of the above distressing symptoms, with others, 'which are not essential to intimate. Mr. Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mis — Brenhiser, had ibftn two years E aflicied with a distressed state Piles and Costivenese, of which he was effectually cured. PARALYTIC RHEUM-ATM!". A perfect cure Vetted by the treatnieni of Di', /William Evans., Mr. John Gitivon,. of N. 4tb street, Williams burg, afflicted with the above complaint for three years and nine )rnonths, during which time he, had to use crutehea., His chief symptoine were excruciating pain in all his joints, but especially" in the hips, shotilder. knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the; pains towards night; and fertile most part all tunes from external heat, in obvi ous thickening &the fermis and liganidirts, with a Complete loss cif inusculai power.„ Per the ben efit of those of in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains have entirely used, and that his joints , have completely recotered their natural tone, _arid heF feels . able to res me bis .ordinary business. ' ASTIIIIIA I * 5 YEARS STANDING. ' M r Charles Dobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. - Y. afflicted for Eve years with immoral habitual Asthma, appliec at the office 100 Chatham "direct on the VI of Ootober, laboring undei the famw- . ing symptom.. i A sense of tigfitnesi -across th e . chest", with the greatest difgculty Of breathing._ distressing cough, generally endingirttlrcopione expectoration iorviscid phlegni, disturbed 'rest, the face turbid i c i , i s l of a livid hue —not her in a horizontal ition without the sensation of immediate suffocation, languor, iltosvaint se, and dizziness in the head, and loss of tippetitit.. 11 54.. appr d io the most eminent physielatie' i f In this city, li wtse used several odic* remedies.' without 'Alain' g any permanent benefitykor hiO'rionds pets tided him to plactibirnself War, . D. William ins' treatment. He is now re ' lieved 'of , hie cbmplaint, and called et •the office I yesterday, avowing that he had not words to ex zpress his gratitild. for, he .beriegt hilkatt rectiv - • ed. October 2 , 1837. :, i z We do hereb anbaerite oursigniltaris to OW truth ofthe a ,Ye CUTE! , that thOolitement Is : in every reepeet rte. 13Itilll fiItENHIBER, 1 J OHN STEIF, &ker. No. 17 north Eighth well. Ebileda. Philadelp ia, Oct. 21st. 1837 1 .- " ' " • Dr. W3I.AICS'S Medtebilpgll%•fer the ~,v. see able ex" (lent Medicine;'..isttl94iortir Eighth atreet,Philatfelphra. L.,. - I--,= -l '. 4 . .. , +. Sold by ; J T:llltlllkiEW. , Sole Agent for S6tiytitilf County% MEER .~. ~,W;~~.