VOL. 1. PRINTF.D AND PU BY BEND \MIN' Sli 3U-Wl3ll : , LY. Timex DO 1.1. A V. AVD Firm C 4VTS per annum, ra ,i ' le gioini-annisally In advance. I. COE paid with in the year. $t will be chargei to all those who re ,Pl ve the paper free of postage. ' v mall subscribers Si.ter annum If not paid witi6n the year, 50 cents will be added to the pace ofenbec .peon. WEEKLY; 1 Two DOLLAMI per an iinm..paytible , n advance. If not paid within tke year. s*2 50 will to. charged lverinements not exceeding twelve lines will be •harze lit fort h insertions—a4d 50 cents for one .rnertion. Larger ones in prorsrtion. sdl tvertne Items will he instrted until ordere ngleis 'he tune fir wit th thenare to be continue .s specified .and will he charted ac"tordrngly. Ye lAy ac vet-users will betharlied $1 Y per annum; n siihscri peon to the paper—with the privilege limping one advertisement not • ceeding 2 squares ' , landing during the year ; and the t isert ion of a small 'tr ~n e in each Trine r for three !MC emit ve times. All letters addressed to the edit must be post paid, otherwise no attention will he pal. to thei . n. All notices for meetings, &c nd other notices which have heretUore been ins- red gratis, will be '-h • 2.1 cents each, except Ma riages and Deaths. NEW GOODS. AMOS LEWIS, Reveal%;illy informs his friends and the pohltc ge*ruilly, t.liat he has jii-t received a general aswirltnent of Fall and Woper Goods, among which a'e Superfine Clo . tis and Satoh, Ob. ,Gm de Nap li Merinn. Esglish and French o. Lustring Gro 11 , 5A.1.4, Poult de S.I. Oro de Nap and Seocliew Silk., F.uteign and Do ..... ,iic piints. Meek Brum b.zine, Popushno. Meru no Sha wle & Hhkkfs. 7'lll bet, Silk arid Cotton Ilhdltfa. berme', Cambric, Burred M u. ! lun Robinet,,ittAhno Lawn, Book Mus lin, Swiss and India Mill E9gings, Insertinga. Q idling+ &c. liiiskin Kid, Sulk, Cotton, Woolen, Buckskin and Berlin Guives, Voliair, Silk, Lamb's wool, Woriited, Cotinn and Minoli•n Stock inv. Sulk and Cotton Velvet. Vest unki., Fluriela, Bever teen, Foulari. Genoa Cord, IVa.miogron Jean. Bro w n and flinched Muslin.. q.inen and Cotton ' ' .. D tiling., Bird Eve, Linen and Coulon lbatiers. Ap and Furnituire Cheek 4.4. 94. 10;4. 11 4, and 12 4, R triP Blankeis. Silk , Flag and Pongee Iliolkis Black I illidul Cravat. and Bium Booba zinn Stock-. Collars, A. GIIIII Kin./ It, Worsted and Colton s.u.pend.4:,. Sulk and Cotton So-ender. toulk and Cotton- tbnbrell.is, Lamb* wool Shoos, Ste &c. All of 4itircli will be sok' at the Inwest prices. ' Pottsville, Sept. 29, 1878. i 76 ripHE Register of Sthetylhill County having -a. granted lettera of adminisitat ion of the estate of George Lyons, late of Pur4Carbon, deceased, to the Soh.t•riber•, they heteby notify all ;Rl sorra indebted till he said esitril to make payment, and ail .ersons having delimit agaiitst .the aame to present them, dilly authen)trAted to the - sub / scribers fur tett foment, witilm delay. ANNANONR, HUG . K I N,4,EY, - . Both refiiiine in Port Cat hon 4 Schuylkill county Sept. 26, ISM, : --'&• In the Court of Gotnmonineas of Schuyl kill Coun4. In the n:atter of the Estate of diaries naill. Esq y s . • 4 e - ‘ W II F.l? FAS J ah n Schell. iv.signee Cli - 2 ..)• of -irl. s Fr.itl , Esq. did on the 3,1 d.iy of Aos+t, One Thousand 1. I.:iglit Hur.dred kind Thirty E'glit, P*44 ' file in the office i)f the Prothonotary of the Cone( of Common Ple+ for the Comity of Schuylkill, a statement of all ioncerns of the said Estate. NOTICE is hereby ziven v o the creditors of the said Charles Frailey, E. , and all others in. terested in ill said Estate. that the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Climmon Pleas aloe said, have appointed Monde yo he 22d day of 0c... toter. 1838, at 10 o'clock, 4. M. at the Court House in the Bormiffh of Oiwizsbure., for the hearing of the same, and for hewing cause wt y the said acconnt ought not NM be allowed, and in default thereof, the same wjll be confirmed. Witness the Honorable Citlyin Blythe, Presi. dent ot - our said Court at Orwtgaburg, the 12th tidy of,September, A. D. I R3ll. LEWIS 4IUDENRrED. - Prothomeary. 7:1 Orwig;hurr. Sept 15 Wanted twiltire. SMALL Tenement. ortthe part of a lion.e A %lltiahle for n ennal! l'Arniiy In a central bittl . atim A pply at thin atti , eet Pnttavolle. Sententher. 8 It3p, l'ase;tl Iron WOrko Ware ' house. 1i0.17 South (Third Sure. E. coiner Mien PHI LADELrHIA. Morris, Tasken A alorks, IRON Founders, and Malnufautrirera of Goal • Grates, Furnaces, littclittik Boners, Bith Boil. era,- Ferpet;.al Ovens, &c.l Welded Wrought Iron Tubes, for St-am, Gait. Hot Water, &e. • DavyNtiafeti , Lamps of the best Con?truction. Patterns for the Foundry rneeived, and castings delivered at the Wareliotise,iThird & Walnul St, Philadelphia. Septemberp6. 1838. 75—tf -• For—Sape, • _ A °atonable Tract ff Coat Land, LYING and being in th township of Norws wegian, on theWela B anon near the West Branch Rail Road, about no r milei from Schtlyt kill Haven —there it *Ole r more Coal Verne passing l through this „sod. For information 'p ry to , ACOB REED, at Pottsville:, r. 11OFF.WAN, at Reading. March 2,4 34 Flooring,- CAROLINA worked rd, tongued and groov I} and I inches of difre-e constantly on hand, and fi purchasers, upon appticati JAME Planing Machine Wh or MILLER • .prii 2.5 31--tf COFFEE 50 Kags•stro 30 do. Green , Le MILLE ' Rept 1,15138 MINX. it • AND Pottsviwk4.sl4o4 - i 4 ../ - iiiviiititimg • . .. . - , . . . . . , I WILL TEACH YOU' SilF.b. NNA74I. ENGLAND. Ezeha . nge at New York, on London 9 a 9* per cent. premium. . - Mr. Win. Snake of the firm of Hart & Co. N. Y. was found drowned in the Thames, with marks of violence on hiq per. ,cor), supposed to have been Mered. A trea'ty of cominerte has been negoti ated between. Great Britain and Turkey. Gen, Hyde (.1 the Royal Artillery, died suddenly at Woolwich on the 13‘h Sep tember. There was a 'idlest meeting in London on the 17th uIL it way' a complete rail- Singular discovery at Lincoln.—On Saturday . night, Mr. Gresham, opposite the W bite liar*, Lincoln, commenced em • urging his cell•ir as he supposed, by pen etrating the stone work which closed up an ofd arch that formed one side of 'the place. The cellar itieff is a great maim+ ty, being al twenty feet deep in the earth, and having many g . gs and {mimed arches r probably forming part tit some ecclesiastical edifice. The old arch ali••ve aruded to,'waii Baths buried in the floor of tots drlbtr - ; and Mr. G. supposed that, by breaking down this stone work which closed it up, be should open scrite collateral archway. - When a few stones were taken down, a very different 'Wog to that whin had been expected was disclosed; of Ottraordniary extent and ra refii I workmanship. It paves from the arched cellar of Mr. Gre-rli tin, in a direc t on lowniA the ancient Ronii.or Southport. It is live net lii , rli, fit it feet in %Nish, form ed ideicelledit niasonry:With :ressedstotms carefully worked: It is covered rn flat. a it li hugs slabs ..1,.t..ne, add -eems tar to • w e d ex-eitt,..d to be a sewer. There.are apertures o n ly fi•urmen inches square. go mg off at : right angles. horizontal I the main passage ; and these lateral shaft.. ap pear to . extend .a considerable dor anee ue• der the street-rand houses. The mail, tms sage is now clear to the e lent of fifty Mei; ,7 and Mr. Gresham, in th true s p irit of research, determined to go as far as it con Unties, which, to all appearance, may he a quarter of a tittle or more. Cook.cture t at work to explain what Might have been the purpo-e of dm , di iii way ; some stippo•o• it to he a Homan secret pass tge,' a hereby to get beyond the walls. Others think it to be a suluerralteriter comminiteatirm he. twee., a dj went religion: establi-limetit P. - A fra..ment of an eattben vessel was 14411.0 among: the rubbish.'arid 'F. . brines end teeth, but not in sufficient amount to lead to'the idea that these were vaults for the I leposite of the dead. . the Naiiggifion to America . -A meeting of the Great Western steamship company was held , at Bristol, on ViledneaditY, by adjournment, for the purpose of era r gor otherwise the ream Int ions passed at the last meeting, which went to the creation of new shares and the ester awn 0 1 the capital of the company to £1.000,000. The chairman explained, that, in consequence of the objection portion of the proprietors to the aditosaion oT new shareholder*, until the year 1819, the / directors had determined to abide by the deed of settlement, and only, at present, to fill tin the capital to the amonnt stated in the deed. The debtor and creditor accounts bribe company were then read, from which it appeared, that the prospects of the company were so excellent that after setting down the first voyage to the coat of the ship the actual profit on the two others has hero sufficient to admit of a very hadaorrie dead, which would be declared aecordtng to the deed of pettlethent on the 6th of Septeriitscr. It was also mated; that 97 berths for her next voy. age were already t•ken, and that the keel of an. other ateemer to be called the City of New York would he laid down in the course of a few days, all the preparations being already in progress. .All the world has beard of Wall's End coal; but all the world does not know what this.deseg. nation It means simply thts. At the end of the Great Roman Wall—about three mules below Newcastle, to the East—some fortunate proprieture, not many yeitri ago, found a miner kable fine veto of coal; which bore down an cOrn peititon, and which seemed as inexhaustible in quantity as nnriialled in quality'. Demands of great extent came from all quarters—and 1 learn. ed while at Gateshead, that it was only now ex hausted; but another vein, in a contiguous quarter, promised to be equally excellent and abundant.— [Dr. Dtbdin's Northern Tour The queen, on the recommend'atioit of the ec. classical commissioners, by an order in council, has confirmed the appropriation of certain reven ues of the see of Durham to the augmentation of certain benefices within. that diocese. EMI Copper Ore.—The • Liverpool company, who have hero working the Wirton Crag copper miner. near Lancaster, for the last few VCDIT, have within the last month discovered a Idle 'bunch of eiceedinily.fiefi grey and green copper ore. Next Thursday they expect to have their first steam-engine at work.—Liverpool Journal. Last week; the largest lore:motive engine ever made in Leeds, was tried on the Leeds and Selby Railway, previous to its being sent to the Parts arid Versailles 'Railway, in Franca. With only oneearriage and the tender, this engine travelled at the rate of sixty miles an hour, and at the rate of top ity miler per hour, with 140 ions, both on the eel part of. the line. In cointetruence of .01116 improvemect 4n the fire-box, this engine. seem• to do its work with ease, as during the ilia! it produced more steam than was required.• and with the 6re•door kept opeo.—Dortelater Ga zette. oards. ,ring boards, plough• d ready fur laying, I, t qtiahly andSes, r sale in lola suit .• by letter.to_ M. PATIIEN, rf, N. L. Phtl.. Co. RAW.; ERTY. Pottavilit. The friktfids of education. especially those who are friendly to theeclucation of the working dal es , will rejoice to hear that a siboolozniddr:ted on the principles of the Whisk and Foreign School Society, is abaft to be established in Beverly: Rio Coffco. airs do. for sale by HAW ERTY. E W I M M ! 0. POTTSVILLE, PA. WEDNESDAVMORNING OCTOBER 11. 1838: At the LtierPonl Assties, on the 13th. ,John Corbel Perle was found guilty of emliredzling a considerable sum of money belonging 0 the Bank of Manchester, in which establishment he had been cashier for some years. The judge, in passing - sentence, expressed his regret, that I per .ou so well educated, sod of such respectable con nexinhi, should hs.xe heen convicted of serious en offence. He could make no, 'distinction be tween persons of the prisoner's rank in life and those of humbler station, and ordered him to be transported for seven years.—Bristol Poper. The revenue of the Liverpool Post Office now exceeds £lOO,OOO a year; when the present Post. master was appointed it was no more than £I I; 000;—such is. the ,importance and increase of commerce in that port: • It is calculated, that the great Western at eaten .hip. netted by her last voyage, which occiupied 39 days, the sum, after deducting the expense QI their keep, of £6,000 for passengers alone. Liverpool IRELAND. The MO Carman.—The carmen perform their contracts pith sin golar fidelity and care. We have it on the evitfetice of several of the principal dealers to Duolen that it rarely happen that they sustain any loss through these car men; and twat, from long experience ol their hon— esty, and the punctuality with which they de liver the goods entrusted to them, the merchants and tradesmen of towns are in the habit of con fiding to them with perfect 'cinfidence, and with out any security, , very valuable articles. The robbery of cars is very uncommon. Even In passing through disturbed districts, they have ,st 'Join been interrupted or molested.—(From the Second Report of the Irish Railway rouiretission crc.) With feelices of regret we announce the demise of John David La Touehe, F.-q. a highly teepee- alile and moat excellent genrlernan, after.it.pro racted illness, at has Neat, M srley. Mr. 1.41 l'orithe was the head of the banking firm so ma ny years considered the leading establishment in this kingdom. In his commercial transactions he was littera% high minded and considerate; as a private individual he was a monifinient enntrt hutnt the 11.11; as a father, friend, and citizm, he war nff.•ctinnute, ititliful, and honourable. Tire GraMl Canal. running tyros. the country from Dublin to Limerick, is 7J I 2 miles in length. Since •IFt22. the lulls have increased I r 24 COO to £40.800. The Dahlin Drogheda Rail-road Company eeii culate on a profit of S 7 Is. 3d. per cent. w i ; the Government Rail road Commiainn sai" beat line will realize only 3 1.2 iwr cent profit.% Death of the Rro Maurice J%elan —lt became our painful duty this day to record the 'death of one of t 4 moat eiemplary men we have ever ,known in this county, the Rev Maurice Nolan. P. P. of Ilryle, who expired on the even ing of 23d Aug. alter a lingering illness, which he bore with Clirmian fortitude and rear nation.—[Rov common .lu.mrnal 1 The drafts onw . nri their way. to Cork, to em• hark for Cans,* are not composed of young mil diem, but or veterans, or men or some year's stan ding, who can be relied upon by their officers, better tnan inexperienced levies. Li the droll for ►lfe 77th:which marched thts'inorning, there a re 13 in irried men.—[lrish paper.) SCOTLAND: the Wandering Pp l'his celebrated omit vidual has again n•ued Glasgow, and was on Stturdav lastvertortning at Lauriesten. Gorbals, Arc. Whatever may truely Ste his object, he col lects abundance of money, and is quite gentle. manly in his eipenilititre. On an old woman, in apparently poor circumstances, presenting high with a "howbee," he told her that he thought she stood more in need or .noney than he.did, and presented her with half-a-sovereign, to the great admiration of a large crowd. It seems he is lodged at one of our moat respectable inns. Imm which he dates a letter on the 2d of this month, signed -Graham Sitter'," addressed in the Super iniendent 01 Police, mentioning that he had ob tained permission from the Imrd Provost to per hum for a few days in- theistreets. and requesting the captain , to inform hie men nt the fact. In an address "to the British piddle." the piper says, that during a tour in the United States of Amer Ica he gave £2.3.58 124 3d to charitable instill' toms; and he also inserts a long eatalogu of soma which he says he paid away from his earn. ings to cliff -rent charities in this country.—Glue gum Chronicle. • The gentry and the inhabitants of the county of Selkirk have determined on erecting a testi monist of their respect iod admiration for the memory of Sir Walter Scott. and the town Coun cil of Selkirk. hive unanimously granted a site at the Market Cross. The Duke of Buccleuch , with his usonl liberality and patriotic spirit. has come forward to head the subscription with • coin 0f.%) guineas. The venerable Bishop Jolly. the father of the Scottish episcopal church died a few days ago. He was reading at the time an interesting work called Learn to Die, which lie war very analow to finish. He continued reaJing till • leta,hour i when he dismissed his servant._ In the mean tug he wad not !wily dead, but seauslly laid out for burial, by listaielf. Hi hid HiSied 40 pyea with hit own mind and drawn • napkin over bis lace, and folded Ins arms, over his breast in the form of a cross, to show the faith in which he died. The Cork and Passage Railway Company have reduced their debt from £7,000, to £4,6110. The Directors have .E 2.000 in bank, but are una ble to proceed, because of the many defaulters on the share list. Mr. Vitriolic, and Hr, Pierci Ma litn.y have threatened lasi proceedi ngs against the Crimpany..-Lim. Citron. :- Fleets produced ea the Sala by their popu lar Suggs.—Ne min who has lived among the peasantry of Scotland will deny the effects produ ced on them by their popular songs. During the expedition to Buenos Ayres; a Highland soldier: while a prisoner in the bands of the Spaniards, having formed an attachment to a woman of ;he country, and charmed with the easy life which the tropical fertility of the soil enable the Inhabi tants, to lead, had resolved to remain and settle in South A'merica. When he imparted this -revolu tion to his Comrade. the latter did not emu with him; hut leading Dim to his tent e d. placed him to his side, and sung him "Lochaber no more." The spell was on him. The tears came into his eyes, and wrapping his plaid around him. be mormured.mLoehaber plain ging twok-=Nar—The songs of his ehildhcmd were ringlbg sit his eas, and be len that guid of ease and plenty. for the naked rocks and sterile sal 15!==!=I lays of eade4seh, where St the close of • life of toil and haMship, be might lay hie head In his mother's grave WALES. The harvest has generally commenced in the neighbourbwid of Osafestry. Berley is an abund ant crop. Wheat is in general from nine to four teen days later than usual. . ~,Great Western Railway.—At, the half yearly meeting of the shareholders of this undertaking, lir. Dater, the secretary read the report of the Di rectors,which stated, that dots the opening of the line between Paddington and Maidenhead,- trom the 4th of June to the 12th of August, a period of ten weeks, the receipts bid amounted to £1.5, 974 3s At Doigehy fair on the 10th oft a furious pop ular ballad was sung a bout the streets, against the New Poor En w System. especially the Wnrk house. in winch Sir. R. W. Vaughan, of Nannau, was lauded alining the leading champions of Con. serval's° and workhousa notoriety. The Bero• net, in passing through the fair, stopped his car rmge, and foil a while listened to the voice of the charmer. New Light in the Bristol Channel.—The Trio. ity House have established a 'Floating Revolving Light on the Welsh Cal it, of very great brillian cy, to denote the spot of shifting sand before the entrance of Penarth. The light is very distinct from either that on the 19at Holm*, or the one at the mouth of Newport river. Menai Bridge.—We have been assured ot the truth ot the following singular anecdote of Tel ford,the great architect of the bridge whose monu ment, it has 'been well said, ••hangs over the Me nai Straits "• A small cottage had been fitted up for his (Telford's) use, and on the day on which the hopes and expectations of his lite where to be realized or blighter+, when the first chain was to he fixed connecting the IA shores together— when thousands had assembled to wi+r.es,. the scene, and, as the time approacire.l, were watch ing in breathless silence, TA , ;,,d. II Millie to hest it any longer, and utterly incapable, from ages Lion, to give any orders, retired do the little rot Cage. and there, with the bands down, awaited the result. At the appointed hour, slowly but securely the Immense ch tin rose from the raft, ' and the Molt was fixed. A loud arid long-mout tied buzzes from the tnollittide told the event to the happy Tel:ord; nn his knees returning thanks to God far the fulfilment, thus tax, of the grand heme of his life. . k • A very singular circumstance lately took place kilOaverfordwesL. A horse emplovin in the col. liery stjohnstrin, belonging to Messrs. Mary. church and Owen, Haverlordweol, wa• a month ago missing, and no trace of him could be discov ered. Last week, however, as some boys were cutting some furze at the brink of an old coal pot, ‘botit.,l2 feet deep, they discovered a lost animal at the bottom. Assistance being immediately preured the poor horse was released from the crifinement which -he had suffered for three weeks without food or water, and annoyed 'by flies, which had eaten holes into his flesh, and, owing to careful treatment, he Luis now nearly recovered bi• former condition. Thirst seemed to he the princtial suffering endured by the horse. as immediately on hi. release he rushed to hi. al& watering place, and was with the greatest ty firmed from it. Hunger had compelle d endeavour to eat some dry roots which di gat the bottom of the pit, bat proving too hard to masticate. they were found stuck fast in his mouth.—(;Welshman ] ThnSheopshire and Staffordshire ironmaatere, at their quarterly meeting last week, have agreed to make nnatierarion from the last quailed, quo tations. With respe c t to the prospects ofthe iron trade, we treve pleasure In meting that they wear 8 vet y healthy appearance. Large orders for rails .have also arrived from America, subject to the contingency mfr raring money upon the security of ore in the States.— Merty r Guardian. Cordons TytrodtAritlCAL ERROR —1 he celebra ted printer. Henri Ettlene,. son of Robert, (both known in the learned world by the name Stepha. we. once engaged in the printing of a splenued quarto Missal. The great' number , o! subscribers seemed likely to make a mple compen sation forthe heavy expense required by the on ilertakinz Atter the sheets had been corrected with the Utmost care. the work was printed off, splendidly bound, and delivered to the subscribers. It would he impossible to describe the astonish ment of the learned printer, when one copy after another was returned to him, till all were sent back au enquired the reason of this extraordi nary circumstance, and was informed that in one place the compositor had put kale perre okra sa ealiattr, (here the priest will take off his breeches.) mstead ofeatette,(small black cap,) and the errors escaped the correctors of the press.. In vain did the poor printer offer to make a can. eel; the subscribers who . were almost all celestes tics, posit;vely refused to take the work on any terms. This umortunate affair is said to have been the first chief cause of the derarigensent which •fir rwards ceased Henri Ettienne to be confined in the Lunatic Hospital at _Lyons, where he died ie 169.. There is a copy of the Missal with thisiunlucky error, in the royal library at Paris. Nets Points in the Theory of Vision—At the eighth meeting at the British Association for the advancement of Science, a oimmunication was made by Sir Davin Baxwma. "On some Pre. paralionit ot the Eve" by William C. Wallace, an Oculiiit ot New . le ork. A. no paper accent. ponied these pn.parstions, Sir David Brewster explained to •the meeting their general nature, and their importance in the este bltshmenk of some increasing points in the theory of Vision. We extract from the London Atkeniittni . na abstract his remarks: ter.! Wallace. he stated. considers that he has I •. vered the apparatus by which the eye is ad justed to different distances. ,This adjustment is. he conceives effected in two ways-in eye. which hatre spherical LIIICICS it is produced by a firkiform, or hook shaped muscle attached only to one side of the kns, which by its construction brings the crystalline lens nearer the'retioa, In thia ease, it is odious that the lens will have a slight mo. tion of rotation, end that the din .peter, which was in thee Xis of vision previous to the contraction ot the titpriste, will be' moved coot of that axis after the allusiment s ..sakt i ; at Afferent dititances o; %Ili train Ibit•-r p. ifferent: dialieters ..! i be pliMed in, the a xisot vision. As the diiiiiikerte.:ofi to ere ell equal and similar. Mr. lifsee Considered that vision- would be equally ,perfeit akmg the different diameters of the WI, brosight hy rotation into the axis of vision. , I Sit David &wider. however. remitted that be bad never found among his numerous ex. 1 kbamamt.i4ds , =M.," MM .. • .:. _ amlnatiens of the knees of &thee any . wb s are. perfectly spheriesli as they were all r Witte or prolate - 'winds, so .that along the• nt diameters of the solid lens theiviso..srould not be similarly performed. But, independent or this circumstance, be stated that in every solid leas there irascibly one ifino, orate axis of the optical figure, or series of pesitive and stylise luminous sector., which ire seen by the analysis of polar ized .4Jong every other,diameter the opti cs! action of the lens is not symmetrical. When the lens is not a sphere, but lenticular. as in the human eye or in the eyes of mostAnadropeds, Mr. Wallace °insiders that the apparatus fur ad justment is the tilimry, processes. to. which. this office had been previously ascribed, though not on the same scientific grounds as those discovered by Mr. Wallace. One of the most important resole of Mr. Wal lace's dissections is the discovery of fibres in the retina. These fibres may be rendered distinctly visible. They diverge from the ham of the optic nerve, and surround the foremen ovals soemmer mg at the extremity of the eye. Sir. John Her. achell bad slopped inch fibres to ,be requisite in the explanation 3f his theory of his...vision, and it is therefore doubly interesting to find that they have Wen actually discovered. Sir David Bre-a wer concluded his observatiodit by expressing • hope that anatomist" in this country would turn their attention w this subject; and that with this view he would place the preperations of Mr. Wallace in the exhibition Rooms at Newcastle during the week." . Union of the Mississippi and the Ikea.—We have taken occasion to advert several times to the Canal which ii to connect the Fox and Wis. cousin rivers, it or near fort Winnebago. To the commerce of the Lakes, and to Buffalo in par ticular, the prompt completion of that work is of great importance. It will he the means or divert. ing a great share of the valuable Upper Missisaip pi trade, from - pis present long, ciecuitonsand ex. pensive route down the river to N. Orleans, and thence rotind„by sea to an eastern inarket. In this city, and thence by tfrie Erie Canal to New York —a route ihst is'etunperniiyely direct, cheap and safe. ,It in nnc of the thousand yrnrks of internal iin,iroyeinent now to .progress, all, of Which tend to Like Fele, as a continue centre, and which, when completed, will, he the channel of an im mense trade, and the source of alm.ist boundless wealth. A correspon of the Cleveland Herald and Gazette. apes of the Fox If ver Canal, says: -The contract is for its cnniplet on by October, 1839; cost about $lO,OOO. Its length will be • hi de more than a mile. One lock with a lift of 'even fret is only required. • "Water flows across the portage from the Wis. cousin so much, I learn, gain render the work inconvenient at present, tine or two boats have this year passed across into the Wiscnostn. - "When the canal is finished, and some contem plated improvements are made in the navigation of the Fox ricer, it is probable that lead fitin the mining country will be brought through this Channel for the supply of the country adjacent to the lake.. I saw here recently • considerable quantity of lead and shot for your place, from Helena on the Wriconsin."—Bulfalo Patriot. Ignorance of the French Peasantry. The low er order of people in the Departments of France, as you recede from the capital, are said to increase to ignorance and consequently in degradation. A review of a treatise on "rivilizaiiun of the rural district," published in the Paris Journal des De bats, gives a deplorable account of the ignorant condiiion of the French peasantry, and particu larly of the physical degredation of ;he women, whose condition is pitiable in the extreme, and but little better than that of the women of India. It Inliv justifies the advice of Mr. Rives to Lafay• ette, that the French nation was not fitted for a republican government, and fully explains the se Bret oftlie power with which the Parisian popu lace have airways controlled the destinies of France.—Boaran Times. The liforisionites.—The St. Louis Re-, publican of September 16th has this ex• tract of a leiter from a respectable gentle. man of Lexington, in the neighborhood of the Mormon settlement. Missouri : " Great eicitement prevails on the orb. er side of the river against the Mormons— they are all up in arms, and have, we un derstand this morning, had some fighting, uhich resulted in the killing of a few on both sides; The' citizens of Ray county sent a Wagoii lorid of arms and ammonition to the citizens of Daviess, for the purpose of defending theinselVel. On their way out they were captured by I party of Mut. mons and taken to Far West. A corn. tnittee has this morning arrived from the other aide; asking for men to assist them in the protection of their property." There was a report circulating along the ftlissouri river that the Mormonites had•fort fled their loan, named Far %Vest, and were . determined to hold out. . They were stated to be about one th ousand strung arid well supplied with arms and ammunition. The ammonites, it is said, are to be reinforced by a band of emigrants ottheir own sect from Canticle. The Boonville Emigrant of September lath, Bays • " We have just conversed with General Wilson, of Howard ~county, who states that on last Saitirdiy he saw a letter dated on the 11th intit: from a committee of gen tlemen...in Pettiesa county to the people of flower:l county; calling on them to raise a force and come to their assistance, and help them iii expelling the Mornisons.from their county. That the citizens of Daviess had removed their fitmilies, iltr. were making preparations for warlike operaiion ; that the Mormons were in a state of open re bellion againvt the 'awe, and war between ►hem' and - the citizen's was frievitable • that 'he people of Davieps had come to th e ' fix ed determination of commencing the at tack on &Untidy- Lea & Blanchard, successors of Carey Codo has just published a work, entitled Harry Austin; or arrimiliteirin the British Army.' M L MI Edit. n e glint OR WOOING AAn ILIDDIND.. • . 5,. ; A maiden sat in him desolateitambei the roe' s4hat had dteked hatgey,ruink, .t i the assembly were fa ing, and lay watt; . around-and beneatli her, feet—the jets vete cast carelessly upon the table, bid the pia dress was !rid aside—despair 'rot written, upon her lotty brow, and tbeWaglir Lary tear that trickted..lpir palitthaelr.bee spoke the presence of deep and featful sorrow. . Why nas tt ? What had disturbed dui wonted illmness aid peace of that young "creature.? lit was not disei I. she had never felt pain of en afflicted body; It was not loss ,of flionds, death had not entered the circle °fillet. acquaintance 3 iud she was still,. surrounded by doating pa t rents and smiling friends. ,' It was not- piny ertf—she had never experiehced the sting of want. What then could it be ? It wait the effect of that, deep and dangeronispast siou inherent in thebusom or every indite* nal ; much more dangerous when "round• springing up in the bosom of a fair girl of eighteen. And was it unieeuitted ? Nq one could have thought it. It would have been avowed that the heart of Edith Tati, necliff was a prise riot to be refused I No one could have hxiked upon her brilliant features, softened by benevolence and huf • - mtlity—her light arid graceful form--and have heard her utter the emotions and sen. timents of her heard, and not feel that ups, on her, affection. might be bestowed in al( it 4 depth and fullness: And she was.loved, Multitudes of say Suitors flocked around her, but theirs was the admiration of flea, viiiiun of selfi4ll, hearts.. -Some there, was, who really felt all ithe affection that they . manifested, but shethem all alike—st with cold indifference. Iler's was not it heart to be won oliy honeyed worda' and studied adulations—it must be the stillp hut deep and holy foodne4i ore reithfik heart.• - I There was but rine heiniupon whom • dish Taunt cliffcould look and feel that hie love wits worth 'popseitsing k ap4 fqe ehe 4 knew it her whole heart was gone: Aut • ' she felt that her fdelings were not recipro cated, it'd that ihr individual upon whore she had- hestowyd her affections viewed her with indifference, hr gazed upon her as hit did upon the deviitees of fashion by Whim . he was surrounded. This was the esti* of her appearance, and emotion when we first saw her in her chamber. • , She moved—h was the first time for moments. Sheleaned her brol up., on her small, white hand, and gave v4ht to' her sorrows. "I cannot for my life, divine the canal, of Manly's , conduct. Whenever 1 Mite . ; the room, however gay he may - have been, q cltard seems to steal over his brow; anti he sits down in !some corner, gloomy emit discontented. Is it my presence that ef fects him thus ? , What is there so terri ble in mell.at causes such' a revulsion 0( manner ? And abydo I lova hirn ?, Do I love him ? Yeti, I feel it t and I feel, too„' that it is reciprocated. This is too fool. _ ish—too silly for a woman. It utigtreltivst done years ego,ltrut now, it is wroiii..74. Yet I cannot resist it. It comes upon me with the blast of the whirlwind and I can. not withstand itsapproaCh': I feel it with. in me, tearing in,y frame pieces, and bury. ing-my heart beneath its ruit'w.*. 10td:litt . does not love me ; if he- did, my present feelings would be right,-but now they ate wrong. I feel• that they are so;'-atid ; must conquer them, though it rind' my ' heart asunder." ', With a look or conscious dignity,,Edit t arose and brushing haCk the curls that ha Gillen over her face, uttered proudly be mournfully—'•l will conquer them:: .: It was night. The wind bowled mourn.: fully amid the tall trees that waved aboisi • the church-yard; and made melancholly music to the number sleeping There,benealli:-:i in that '/onely place, at the . still' hour f millnigh4 walked Horace ' Manly.' He was a lover Of God. and was accustom. ed to converse With death. fie wilt sif indigent student; but of promising tale it and a noble exalted mind. He Was a libet v , withal, and was out at this time to drink . in inspiration (rpm the things around bink But his heart was not at rest. There WO' something that' oppressed him, - and'. her' seemed gloomy .i' One wank) tulajßapitia:' ed that he was sinticipwiing a *midi! We But it was not Igo. He was reyoliing ,iii! his own mind likubject that had been fid a long time hie meditation by day, , and' that haunted hial;dreams by night. Hillis thinking of ,104, and as poets and loverli are apt to do, he thought audiblf., ~ "It is so—l rim entangled. The itie , S4' is too strong to, be broken. I ant to use &vulgar expraition, in love! .M2l' with' whom 1 ' -Not you Caroline Tyacy ; . nor with you, Amelia Talinadge • f i p iras i tes ,• ye butterflies of fashion. or with' ' Harriet Tuwnsind, eh ugh yoq desire it so much. Ye j i will fdo liii me. _Who,: ))474 .1 is it then, that X's ys such a sceptre over my heart ? d a slight whisper, trees.* Wing from,- hi, lips breathed tiiiiWittie. 9f e p,it 6 , Edith -" [ . Ma r *by' - zsball flonger iblik.orraill , f - ‘, ' Bil =PM 1111511 KM erm NO. 111...
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