The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 13, 1838, Image 4

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    Pllaiali IlVeraitmeabil Ititharr 4 , 4 i9u id e r talia
lay this mews. 100euan - augg eheilthtpl
manta of *bath e•itirelYllePeada upon the regularity
of the urinary organs. The tease. mime takes am,
red color ffoon tbe agency of tbe liver sad the lugs '
kiefore al pa iii tato the heart, being Mass petaled.**
them and nourished by Mod coating from a clew)
stomach, tonnes freely throgglit OM seem. veneers
every parr of the system acid Waranatuttatly mounts the
banner of health an the blooming cheek. I
The following Sr. among the &streaming vanctitot.
human diseases, tik which the. Vegetable Lite POls
/newell known to be inisedde--
DYSPEPSIA. by throaghty cleansing the first end
second etiermallet, gbd„cr eating a flew of pure healthy
bile, inateiid . of the'stakti said eend iondi-Plohdimicy,
Pal A feWon el the Heart, Lois tiliftettle. Heart-him
mid ffearload. Restleseniss Aaa'ity. Lim
gtear.andYgedandiod/ which are the gamma syealaiiras
of D ys p e p si a,. l ll vanish, ma nabniqeonsequence of I
its cur e, • • .by cleansing the whole length
of the talesman with a solvent proems. void eptdoot
violence; attendee' purges leave the bowels costive
within two days. Dem Aces and Laidervt, by moues
tog the sharp acridiflutds by which these eninpaints
are occasioned, and by promoting the estincative
stemma of the mucus membrane Fevers of all kinds,
by restoring the blood to a twirler cumhuon. through
the proems of penipsration in some cases. and 'the
through solution of allintestutal obstsuc,taiitis an others ,
The LI i E PILLS have been known to cure Mien
marina permanently in three weeks, and Gold in tail
drat time, lay resuming local inflanunatien from the ,
muscles and ligamesers et the joints. Prorates of all
kinds. by and strengthenieg thy ktdoeye and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
gans.and hence have ever bee., firnnd a certain reme
dy for the worst cases of Grovel.. Also Dorms. by
daldgin.g front the turnings of thelk.WIAX the stems
matter to wthicb tbeeecreatures adliteue Asthma and
Comenriplisn. by relieving the sir a easels of the lungs
front the mucus. wbieh Preis alight colds if not remov
ed be canes .hardettotl. and predate..s these dreadful
diseases. .*turitiy. Ussery and fnursevare Noml by thy 1
perfect poritY winch these Lite Pills gore tootle bitted
and all humors; Scorbutsr Eruptions. and Bad Com
ptertmvs. by thew aitorativr diem upon the flu•ds that 1
morbid state of which occasions ail Ernerrre coin
plaints. Sallow. Cloudy, and oilier disagreeable l on
*pont The use of these Pills for a very short time. ,
will effect eh entire core of Salt rheum Erysipelas
and a staking improvement iii the Clan tress of the
1 akin Coissiarm Gehl:Lend inflaretaa, wall always be i
cor ed hy (m g dose', or by two even in the worst cases
POrs.-ris a, remedy for this Most dwarearimg and ob
situate malady. the Vegetable Life Pitts deserves a ,
distinct and ,emphatic commune' dation. It is will
known to hundred. in this coy, that the Proprietor
of these inealorahle Polls. wee himself affirmed with
thiscomptaita few upwards of thartyftveyears. and that ,
he :vied in yam every remedy prescribed within the ' I
a hole rompasdpfthe Marerra Medi**. He however. 1
at length, tried the merbine 'which hit now offers to 1
the onblic,. and he was cured in a very short tune
after his recovery had been pronounced not only
improbable, but absolutely impossible. by any human
• DIRECTIONS FOR t'Skl.-The proprietors oftbe ,
Visas sets Lir* Piaui - does not meow the base and
mercenary, practice uf t he quacks of t he day. in ad via
ing persons to take his Pills in large quantities. .Isio 1
good mcdteme din possibly be so required. There
I'llls are to be taken at bed time every night, for a
week or fortnight. accord. ng to the crhat awry of the
disease 'the usual dose is from 2to 5. according to
ihe consul et ton of the person. Very delicate persons
should begin with but two. and ir.cremte as the nature
o f thecase may resin im those more robust. or of very
(motive billet. may begin with 3. arid increase in 4. 01'1
even 5 Pills. and they will e ff ect a aufficiently happy 1
..change tea' guide the patient m their further use
These Pills sometimes occasion lick/tees and mum" I
ng. though very seldom, artless the atuniach is v. It
imil; this. however. may be consideied a farombe
.2, mp ion. no the patient will find, himself at once rit.
~ev er t, mid by perseverance will soon recover. They
visually' oilerste within 10 or It hears. and never gyre I
pain, unless the bowels are' viery touch encumbered.
rhey maybe taken by the meal delicate females an .
der any circumstances-It Is, bewever. rearm:mend. i
ecl. that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one at atm°, and thus continue to keel the bowels
open: and earn two may be taken where the patient
is very chstive. One pill in a solution of two table 1
imams full of water. may be gives to as mime :n the
followingalostee--s elk spoon full ever, two hours till
it operate,: for a child front one tit five years of age
half a ooh-and from five to ten. one pill.
TI 1 MI PI ICE \ I X BENKIPS. are so cal letithecanae
they'posseas the tomer of restoring the expinne em
hers of health, to a Mowing vigor throughout the
routimmtion. as the i'lireuis is said 10 be resmred in
lile fried the ashes Ares owndissolution The l'hce
nn Bidets are em 'rely vegetable, commuted of ro o t
found only is eeram parts of the western country
which will intailibly cure I'E'a EltS AND Atil Ce
of all kidde ; will never lad to eradicate entirely a/.
the died* of Mei mi ry Infinitely sooner than the must
powerful preparations ofbarsapurilla. and rill mini..
d ia mly cure the determination of 814)011 Tti Tit li
111 ED; never fad is the siclients ' , indent to young
females i', and will he foetid a certain remedy to all
cases al'hurrvoaa debility and weakens* oft he most WI
mired chnstituttotis As is a rented) for Chrome and
fa Rheumatism. the efficacy of the Phiener
B;tters WI i be demonstrated tie the use of a smelt
bottle. 41The 'meal dose olthose hitters is half a wine
glasa_foll, in water or wine, and this quantity may he
taken tiro or three 11111M11 a day. shout ball an honr
before sites's. sr a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted with 'edginess:et
after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable. is,
they very greatly increase 'hemline of the principal
viscera, help them to erlonsa then binctiona.arial en
able the stomach to d acharge in 0 the bowels what
ever is of Thos indigestion is easily and
sneedly removed. appetite removed, tied the mouths
of the al sorbent vessels being de msed nutrition is
facilitated. and strength of 3.dy anti energy of mind
are the Many maths For farther particulars of
TERS. apply at Mr Mrallat's office, ‘iii. 516 Brodw a y,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for efi
I cents, fio mimic or $1 per bar .1 and the airier, Mr $1
or $2 tier bottle Sl y 'siurnerous , certificates of t h e
wondetful effmary oil:Kith. may kie there inspected.
~ . , .
Ftil 71 1,1/ k. PILLS AND PI IfEN / g BITTERS. I la smue obstinate' and &mein-wed easesni chrome
'rhea, edmn
i es have long been know.. and sppre end eiflammatory Bbemnat sm. 1,1111.1. Complaints. I
mat e d, fur thetr extraordinary aid meoedtate µowe. a Fever and Ague. IlYtilmea•a• Palsy. hi"' ' l 7." l l 9 fre"
of rratoring ' , erred health, to ~ersons suffering under the use of mercial, gutione, and other diserisre of loaf
nearly ever) kind of :unease, tow loch the hatpin Staadftig. it May he net moary to i.,ke both the Late
frame is liable. 1 Pills and the Phreola Buters. in the dose belore roe
In many hammed, of certificate) instances, they commended. 1
have ere reissued sufferers fr i m i ire very verge nt an t 6i„ 8 -There Pills and the Bitters, will gol the
untimely grave. after alt the deceptive n nurnms of mernaryont of the system infinitely [dater than the beet
the day had utterly failethand to many thousands they joenatrations ofatarsaparitia. and a certain remedy for
have perm. tinily secured that militant e Joyment of the rnekstre.of ale blood to the head, or all terdent Mad
health. without which life smell . is but a partial bless a c ses,O c d urrigee .,y, / ,,-Ait pe r sons% bin are errata-
Mt( So great. in. ed. has their efficacy invariably posed to anoplery,palsy, dic., should never be without
and infallibly proved. that it' has appeared scarcely the Life Pills or the Bitten , . for one dose in time will
less than miraculous Maltese who were unacquainted save life. They equalise the circulation of the' Mood,
ges VSPEINLI .rand II 111 ' 0 1 ;110.'4DM AC'S:W.'''. with the beautiful phitairophteal pruselple. upon- draw all eremite fmni the head, preantralton. and
.11-1 I ale/coot; at.e.. -Mr. alialliam Salm•m.Green st whteh they are tennuotnided. and looms which they thriow off every 'triennia by the pores of the skin. i
above Third at . Philadelphia, afflicted for several consequently act. It was to their in littfem and sense For eileli7 ALLKR•iit HAGGEIerV,
y e Ira ,a h th•• ("allowing disttmising rytnptons • Suck- b lO . letto" iq purifying the springs and Manacle of , ' Agents for the Prompter.
11..33 It Ott. 41,1 111Ch.leelti4Chg• JlZZlllead• PaipaatlollB lire 'id en ming them with renewed toile and. rigor. PnliKvile- 2¢ l , . 4b-lv
~ 1 ?h e h i e i rt iiii nun& aripente, sometimes acid and t h a t they were Indebted for their name, which was.
..."7141 4 1)N & sirig, R i b sToi t E.'
1 ...,,......,.•,.,=., 1 ,..,,,. c.. 41,..... and weakness of the bestowed &tan them at tha spontaneous request of ,
i all eigiO 1,1 I, Mot.un awl _leneral &Milli., disturbed I several utdonguals whose hats they hadtobviomily -
fe o i ea, , ,, +• of tr ot . • ire and weight at th e stotnyeh I saved. 1 r irilliig +rube& ibera have constantly on hand ' a
afters ~, , 4 night,. ire , 4 , e .g . ~,,p1 d ~,,,,d,,,y. The proprietor, rejoice in the opportunity Wended a l Rill aseorttneat or loon, comprising . Round
ac ,,,,, e „4,„,, .a , .ii s theche . d. b a ,, k , u a gni ,,, u „„„„ e _ by the universal demure of ihe daily press for plan. and Square Iron from .3-16th up, to 6 inches di
neas, a d silk, far a icietal..or con vereatinn, i n voluntary mg his VKGETA ELLE LIFE PI I.LS within the smeller; Bait lidn la-toh by No. 4, W. G. op to
a „thing en
_I wer,,iiiig_lau,a u r said lasttude upon the t s now reage„sed,cesch prevety intitmdual in the corn- I 6 1rt.:14 1%104 beikr s ilmisand sheet iron of best
- moiety. ILlehlae the how if pernicious quaikeriesh i
le“datteieee a ••=a ' 'and id etTlatv, suitable fur lifting car ibachettor
Sir: Baldireettiet tifediealm the io n s t em oui„ t t o h y 0 _ which boas tof "vegetattlii 'ingredient.. the We Mlle i ~,,,
Emit* etleacetendered it hoyund the primer of meth- are purely kind aoLert Year. raft, ir, and eantkiii net• I Tri eat firfOl.„.„ - Ateel4 itAgeikilbi ie . lirt
tine to ~,t • h - r e• Joi a t o o tio h ; h„,,,,,,,,, is i ns Ai m _ 1 Om hiercurri•Anunkony. Arsenic. nor soy other andli by ii a az/river* abed peepertif
, irceive
on , h t d r ed. te rvi'irtai In 6 tee, deplorthle Minn, t mineral in any , farm what4ret- they are entirety , agders 40 taipoigAntlinglid•artin upon 1 11 1 6 1 litelal
andettavara hem rentfivamided by q ref rove of bus to
com,meed ore:tracts from ran and powerfid killing.. l advanogeorm terms in, lailevmatatteti p3 aliio rail
titlkit trial or Dr. 'Yin.' Icy A•Ns' ‘le4 cm.- he with the virtu!" n), whs lt, though long knowaito Amaral road' eir trWee l6 7 .( ' li•' 7• k .'
''.. ": t ,
t io ut a ty s p itstre d mains office and procured a package, : Indian thbes. and recertify to some sanistent phartria- fob"
r.. ulliatietramentneStidel c elinter iitieg eita% and
which. I ts ~,y s, h e is i ndebted for his restoration m i ceittical rhetnitilayarealtagrlb'rn kitinvil 10 iti l ' lulu'. she 'r tersd.• gj ree al Eat Intivi r ter &eel*
ife. he filth and friends. Ile is now enjoying all the ' mot pretenders tit medical a..ience; an& were never 1.. /,... i, , . - Y. ,
acid g 7 • , tcr ,
i "et an IMO miring *tee round --• top toe
bleuilites of eerfect health. Persons desirous of i before adnithistered in sip - haepai ef fi escatme a chm la.„ i . - . .
„- ,
e: umagoinal steel lot drilla.
Fhttip‘r inf nitttlon. iv ill he "'Unified ersth rem,' part,' Inwitinnt .
mbar d'h o s emtiiiithosy core at Or, Wm 'Evans' Mode- • Plieir first rarer dinri Is no loosen from atheenatved ~ • o 'SIORR IS & JO , NES. , s
C altuffees.loo trarithamst . Naw York; and ui Phil-i-/ 11)414 "niarit s if bowels. the minims impurities and 6. %. etirtier-Varket and: i buy lk ill Seven th Sij
adol,iie a. No. kg ito.lit nil .LIEN rii St. - I routines coustardly setting around them ; acrd-tare e P il l i. j felphia, Jena 2 1,116 3 - 41-6mn
.-e ~a b y JO, INi ,T. wkR VER . move the hylefS o rt yppi mua t E ' nd it cCA the Con. — '" -- -1
s,i b k z ,, nt r, r so m.irt oic,„,, y, vithit.ons ot th; sinali ntevonri ( litter admines ClOiis and C -
ass ien
1 . iii ,,,p,.N,,3,2: lLtt nal, rti s oilieletteMate.andleaveaneirdgee‘liK Siiestaber haslin f/ore • u rge-
------ 1—
enema tetanal, as to enables. habitual. entgivandrie. I ill genet-SI asionftMenf taf Blite7 Igla k, Riviera
~,,t h ,al I letdown Of evilsou atidde,n- diarrhoa. Withab
LltllliVt s CilteLICH II It'rEtil
„. „ it ttoont dungers. This fact i s vidl htionei „to all . A l oe . , -81,, e i t. Rh. % ds s bi en d
Green. Invitiohle Greett?dgib and mi Chtthie-s
0100 ft Pills.- . ,
mist Mumma
, 01 A .,t: 1 , . p . , t . , reg , t) emlintatstardwho extuatee Ihe human bowels , . _
i lli k r . .o H. a 0p t3 ,,, g.t.” rtee Teti not! „er • t h e . shef , ~. id ): nvi i w pm t iA Drer i iceg ro w ...„ ll ~ 1 Which will be sold very tOheaps ' /' ' 4 e
t or
be , t iflnt l i NI./ A Yil '''' 1 fi i n e teia aixiiiiii iheghiihk 'inaWertiiiiriittheywe 64 ' eli a at: ' l l , ' i• 2 e'l Awattnet, 4 Ai:7z. s ,
P,t,,,11., v ..,, 111, 1,-3 , - " ' CI- I'l ' lll liei riod effiii tof the VIIMPATII:F'nfIi, "Ilikhhatitir t itift, 14; IRV; '"''='a '-'" 1 ' 5 4"' '
I.ll,llpertariti f to vile -Bich.
1#104.4:01.10,, . . •
q n W 'VANS''
C.4AND IiFFEC.P.—W.hen a sound and aci
entis r e remedy of dateases Las tong been 'aline
rah use tordsoittalafiesbestowtng blessings and recant ,
trrg ortute, It la scarcely each! power 01 OCe..e.SCSTa to
t.t.t tht Itairlrtues. or of envy to deorthetia.
aVhirtt tt has achteved an ascendant career of one
whfOth dishiness the erovelffitfilillf mer
tm ,o,thl ... iireCertelorr. and has sect' - ell a. elansptcunus
stazfol'ttt universal favor, Icy totrinsic worth Alone,
.11S aroortetor ;It ty onivnt our the :antra of ay sr,peri.
rat iy, with on. inesrrtn4 V.1314.1C1V11 of ink aitoUe-
Deis. t n toting tite itenn,uri:son. •
tans, 41,%).1 and OA t!LY
nautufactured by [Sr. IVacherst Evans. at lOU,
t:h i titta..n.attreet. do sod require his ezolanarton,
thew oltat,wletigeti et& icy —for Ihe most emtqtast
phync ; ialsethroli4liout - the !gutted States will freely.
Li. state the reasons which have induced
their to eee,r, d n I I ham so, esttoisively.and w!trtnly
as they rioi An e those resisons are. that thoulndi
ca, to ra • I at 10• d ~even e.en the Moat del tr. Are
C tea In s, 114, 40 dive; in atm tat entry ennivitinal
ore f o r waich they are ,ortertlSeti, a marked. 411 4 CY1
.. ,, t• trial) h.ipdy ai I ,1er.111.0 , 111 elf'. atty Phy
puny.acover. see :hal t h•.y are iott or•red to the
MI ilicA . .to Ins) oy intro VIII the trhiod,
o E Itt • hi or ilt.• sloas ich,4•Ki bOW ,4 s.
P tnfvl heblood 1) ,, u 411 diseased lausnors. they untie
; hat not by domr.syiog Most viscera by
wn."Ch al tort the tnou.l can tie sustained. They are
ca.tijo .ipon a lae try wlt CII stsl.l elews a sitillts Irh
to he a very easeo•ial Jadlt to health: and food. well
tlaz4ated: w ho a vela Otto friend to Hitsh nail blonde , —
Tn.!y do not purl 'y men to trh vans. and mike them
loon tooe leo iy,a til I re 1,1,d to realm' long in this
w trl I; bat tn, , y ot Ow then is ha inan as pn•s'ble, and
fit to onto niter iae uiol•ta•ni. anti llithl the oCCUpil
t.toalt Of is -sonloonry •.1.) not mane a vie•
lent pent ., )) :11 this itl(e, to prepare- loco the fader
for ,oh •r. ~r.o.oori it on the oi ton tiln
theublontd. utast-Ira, nerves. "Mans. cloretor) anti to,
cretory stand. otaeu tun aaii a eat iten .try town iratles,
b a t tha aid ,11 . s . vsssss 1111,11111 rt•quae to
tr , w as a I . l . ,.lll ' healthful a stn
math as C 110,.! in lilt' 1.,d ; add spoil thr doetrtne
to h unless the volt tilt 4,1 b..vvets are in got al wder,
theblood and every other part of the system will he in
And haw is it ealected that the.", seenre health
to are swat icki and Dun t,ist Ily eataislook the ours
to ti,gent 1..1, !ache other in carry nor wtiat is lell To .Rent.
after tit- aoir..o , nt v s•xtr foeil is crieeinin with c r.i.E. co.o and !Ain-lines •helnnyinkr
the surplun tin Lute:and the fonl n, as oft blooo,
to thr Pottsville Rail Road Cans.
01 ,IC t h. 1 /011 hey •icr•iim•
picnic sh u n s . T rek,' f el t ' , of . ik e,s k ,• kik e lit ii n .-n on n ' unity, at \Liu ill Carbon. Ttie same twing in
,v n thin. Th. l' l• k-ry leitioect well cukololed Tor lite ehippinq nt
tut', tnl wos o tale. or run ed : vont. The reitiit Mail he TertrA with or v. athout
os r ,1 by a nrnaral hut a in is/ in- twenty Coat Car a. It in Erwai order,- the
r.ot.tle it lt.Lorti; a td canwiese: she wit-Die k re ,. warn h nnAn and wharf,
in -it , ty os.ossl. woo tat Yrikiier.. And leans{ it as free
E,qutre of THO'S Sit >RP..
V. I h j n.t sh , t,rl , li tit he
T A•iy ik o I slo• 1:1,0 51 11551,),5 5 h a,d hh.sehs, Superintendent.
mud ',iv. sti- pietz•• •asl is. all phy-
se•laos rolill 4f15,14: yucca d ll . 1.1 1 151. /1) , )
tarn n shirr k ndiv by site hnel ve , iho n ratistunz her
r ,•very 1h.114. without t me:n.l4
or tilt irintz 111 c llrung
Vls hen to 4 is Pi * . 411 , 4. 11 II nnunl y sa by the nae of 3
ft.* of he r I.LLV .IA11.: al' heti coine
the rele'oAted • : ‘‘l i Tit \IC PI f.L.S. to
h i - k - 1 .onrush sad bowels wive h Yfore. per
I; , .11/ !Pe , ) 'ti-y w,re wpak, sad
e n d ,nrn sit on Won .4 retts , ,t vo pert . ..rill their linnor
ta ,-; the aid 01 ph . , sic The s' 1-
.15 I,K. VI, 5 1..11 when int va1 , 14 . 4e ;rut•.;;lr.,
are tilem cal •• extracted. mt is k , t;tv , rie iger,l by all phy
s.,4 in V•k•ri, 42 55 , 1.1 he ih,l Utt,st
k k ~ r`tr• tro. ri 4,01,14 — There vs n•aft, , y ,
k in rye t,,-et able tinture In equal ii,
notinti_t - 5 5 II e.N and s.. 1,42.5rip.,015
ta • lotillli. 4 44 .11 pit's'.fsic a tic ,. pr.yr.rtor of tic)
ror. I ',at arc rn t tofrq n pureta particles.
ni z kt qv 1 e 5: suit intilorq !nob anneal
and 11 I.• I. it s nice practice 13 1 11 moved it to
to k • of t'l k
•f o II- 1••••• not only ;rro , ..eisedia
an ote'rtireto 'all Petite and .zdnerhil stren:th, in
it rest.' hoe tdy to ilttt iiitiverial vigor in all
11•1",., I. Si. a 1.1.1. c 'Ora 'he r;••iirtt to perfectly
•iind fie flee, Red zeneral complexion
xp •ik I,o.lmeg In (.41.: r.., or. of
y i i• .n iiey laayr. to
tfie•r e2irtrolot, ilie.r rn n 1 c maa. Ili) 113 , 4 r 33re1g 3 11
rr•n d. 'l3 I rrov e4 vrorzelhal use
-1.•••-v•iirs rf Ars 1 . k ad, hu•V 31 3 n .33.
a. K3C3W1. 3 3; .l 'is •C a • ' n .••n•,:illy re-t0r . ..2
fir n ....t I AZ. , 11.4 I. A" 1• 4 11 nuoy4twe
aayl caa• Jv.l a•-.•r• reit v•laas net/ ett nee onion
if, • e peen for meta ynnng perASMII
„r;, h i • • ..11V, ih.• grave. tithe)
h f i•••••n •if h •rtt the nortnit tenrlearies of
‘3 , 3lteh a el -Is by ihi•-i• ~ a re 1 , 111,r3 and 3; vi
e Its. w 1113 II reS•ort 1A ; ! , 10 ti.t.tek retneatett. :he n o e•
o whieh are tttoncii aled. Ind of wh,eh they know •
rvithang• rtava .lnsad:ul armorge t / .S. 11PTIO
bsve main a het ked .n tic contineneenien: and
411 over the' land, if she first'
svavirins d irrv.,ii. dr'Al,t) h4ll been vounieractod
by ChM I %If f,P.' .re a red; and those
h owe) n era whi"h lead to a hint of fail malty
aloiti, aught hate been orsiatod by that 'fine alealme
ert,raet herb; which as a learlom angreJaeast in
the a't•la(l \ \I lIN PI I, I,.`t ftfore both ail
tneie an dictum, wharh are admired - to a Olaloortty - o:
wa om . aoses for wham] .a Imaored others rr t 1.110171.1-
Ir . v Iftsryl,ery ars agues. halmos disorders. Ite.idr.liea.
fern tie deb,lity, mile dee): ate. iniiiiresf.on 'anal lavei
w hale eltirely diaa t ire.irsal, wit re
co lay of ph-in h ive trtyveti
If it he it ill /10.efttItt yrl th it the s e me A ttebse.
gre gort etieeeti entneari of fit •n . e n aiural neennts of ih.•
hotly which •ebtar ir- I. • ne. •I.soroise orob„ to a very
airrernsry in Inner. Ift• ro.nnied ti ion oamt,e a t
knowledle..and f1•,3 ke v, od dal not take all the.
• tall oat of •la • hai n in hl oid ender the ore
te•iee ofattinea max ,t. In ••ramf of wlrehrlitferenre of
effect, let the ra , ea to I I.trnt% of roomas hear 'Matt-
Mohy They e•lnaytttme a ove•fol, etremattl. and gene
rally strallealite class (mg!. for eSers family
nod heist: leph to or: and adertent. and of the hest
pre7itritl kOwerl. lib or ly ahon.d he
„ in t,r. phvaoled who miste ant)
retail of ahe ,aratprmtor, Dr 'WII EV \ \lS.'Neyar York.
a to , -„r tn. in mom and criamtry. with d•roe
p,ms for ore —r‘lear ire nptdhr sitnereed-n2 alt other
remeciww radvertmod in the inatilie tyrants, beam.* they
h im-r m ioil to ueloam to a very orrevlor ri ass 4,...pu1ar
sia4le Prat oalialty places them Mali in pre
shin earn-anon, a.. they are kn•Yern to be to public
prei e renee, and in rhenpnr.on of phyinclane.
WM. KV A NiS.' 4)1.1.1(:}I. Nix. 19 Nowt'
mtc; ler sT. Pllll,, A I/F.1.1'1111, where has medicine
they be•had. Or. Writ Kvsms! (lffice. 'ix) Chat ham
gleeel. - ftt ere York, where the Ilactor may be consulted
as usual.
• N. - liratlithroi X vo..
iriFFEll env saie • Atetr . wholesale and real !'am
' t 4..tkinceo biere;tientre. 3 doors' below Mattel
..street, a prune anadrulionterfreib OnoeelieLeentost
iug of
- ia4a Rio , fA lt 6h. ' tenfree • "
Painusigu mod tornmsmal
N. Orleans. Sl.Lolailk buymP andt Bogies
whimAlmvannaJoaf and ludip
New Orleaus,West / Mediums
India and #tagdr house,
/toper:al, Gun Peender;Young
Hylton. PonetdingOrange Pen. Tens
cu. Sodchung and Bake.
Bakers. Chasen.Spainah, Schantz t Immolate
& Lantgge, sat sweet spiced
.Prepaned4:ocos. Cocoa stela
Reading, earme. Harney.
Joke Balls, Whaler, Anchovi Sauces
Canton sitiy and Currie
Gherkin, Toinato, pepper.
Mizad,Oninn; tHangue, ..Packies •
Lemon and French
Obees.capres. Anchovies -
Cayenne pepper. allattooe and Ginger
.:Cloves.'Xace. Nutmegs end vow,.
Bice. dour of rice, starch
Cur; ants. Figs, Rustic. Frnrree
Sweet and bitter almonds, citron
Olive Oil. wine bitters, lemon syrup
Preserved etver.eireese. codfish
Hemni: mackerel. sermon
WM/eland °Owed was. sperm t caodie
. Movid ea and dant tallow
Palm. varleitated brown and yellow soap
Old Madeira, old ps,rll, claret ,
Brown and tale nhe, Wines
Old hoe.k. Lisbon . dry ta ilaga in wood
Sweet malaga. us...caret & bottle
. a Al .l emur, marse.lles A. Sicily Made. J nnountganele At c‘on whiskey
Ann ism te. pn ;seed di peppermint cordials
Cognac, e loinapacae. Stiarusti 4 , cum brandy
11011.kild dc. i T ion. Gls. N. L _Rum
Jam.iira floras
t:ttra sup. dna n. infentor de
Unit' Span oM and common cirars
C A I Re plain And moulded glAl w
and crockery
ceneral entotrtnient of Pry Goods. &c Are. ail of
which they are clottooted to well on the roust reanone
hie term*. fiends of Fan:lilies and Tavern Keepers
are parttenlarly savnett rn eat).-
Mint Cathor.,ly 25
'sail E ~iih-erriair has inns on linnd al hi- Stn.
and `;tri , elionse on l'entre awl Rail Ro
'streets, s full assortment ui Goods, suitable for tb
-,.. 7 •
COM! 6 14 "
II rr Iron n 1 eAsorted si.Tra,
. .
and and Chump do do
'Simi , . itti rotte Rods do do .' '
St.,-l. If ronni AL. :mare do do
N 4.1. and Spikes do do
CoA Shovels do do
II ,rdware, a zeneral a...nriment.
An n 1 whinh Vu- i. sellme at redured prievq.
J in 13 2 ' '2 .1 1.1.1v-I'olv
Encourage How nufaxlurea
Confectionary ill it it fa c tory.
suuscrther respectfully announces to tbe
public that hr chturmeneett the Manolae
tote of Confection:lry iit all ita varnuia brtincheN.
at tii Sture in Centre 4treet, trendy opposite the
Pottsville douse, where Confectioners and nth
or. can alway. be supplied wholesale and retail.
At the lowed Phtlaatelpttia- each pares.
cu u ntry tl..renanta are reypectrully solicited
.o call and examine hia atoek tottore put-chalk*
Vegetable Lire Pills and Pbe-
nil Biller*.
03- coy nations. frr_ro the remo
test a c tee. have hadahipa. butt °limbo& only found
the way to .Yrnerica K. foie the lime ol the
grew i slosh itay.gator, people wet e only enabled to
addle about ttie sh..res. Jaw a. with the late filed
elms It in but twit abort yea , a a uce I first nen
'cared upon au unknown ocean.and I bane dtecove ed
the o recoopilrobject I wan In seareh uf---1111:A LTI4.,
Vegetable med.eitres were indeed It WIWI% when I corn.
m..ue,...1 my search. but their use was no,. By She
*MP or them.) have not "ray passed fiorn the dejected
invalid:le the hale hearty Nilo alive man of bu-iness,
au. comparatively *peaking, l -
have r newed my
youth. I riot t hits, with 111, own etoe
nence. advise with my iellow citizens Doe a the
reader w ot prorift.iat tin Vt.. KtAliLlt: LIFE. M
WI 'V 1... F. Are f.llllAbi.• it/ 11113 nut n C4rel Ito sit .1 , 1/ file
it my .111. titroutway. 'hirtidreda of letters, from
ante 'film moat re 4 utetal.l..cstrtel.. *triton my na
tive laud. volutyardy off: re in ieatimeny of the vir
Persona who..prom:tine ions nave been ewarly re
ined k.y the •all infallible" mineral pre dtratino of
the day. wit! qear me M 110.1.4, that the Life Medi
lines, and aged only. a re the true C13'41010 permanent
zood health JOIIN MOFFAT.
eforrry • :ow%
Saving, Fond ,diet v. .
TTh E Port ( ;artion Suing Fund; Societyis
now open every day from 0 to it
the Office of Discount and Deposit, fur t h e put..
pone - of receiving dePacitrtO any stnOiriti Vied as
centring 65110, from any one ?erten, bpon which
an imiesentof 4 per cent will be paid on every $5
and upwards,bwt no interesit will be allowed on
any fractional parts of $5. The iiktae or any
part may be drawn outon gsvivg notice, Iron' me
week. to fonr month. ' at the office on Mondays.
The betimes of the S o c iety wilt be conducted by
the forlowhigk.fficers and managers, until the Emit
Monday in May next.
Presidant—A4ll.! ILA BOLTON,.
Samuel J. Potts
Jneenh Cereal!
L Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Artiele 36.0 f the Charter. "No emolument
whatsoever shall be received by else President
or Managers for their services. nor shall any
Manager become a borrower from the instita.
tiou.oct 3 46tf
,„....--......' For the prevention 4 COT.
/..- 13 4 ~, of Cough a, Crfld s. Asthms.
x " . ' .., CI roosomptioo ft . Siiiiiihp of
... ' r's* , i t Blood. d Drat.*
I V' th•
..,„ VZ. .; p i?
II ed gl by 1:1) .C,L A i. l% lb. ,P O rr .A
••• ' - "-"-
_.,. PREEN AN, of the City
ef Le 1,4 , 141 , 4 Of .
DLRE( T 1 ON ,
Aecumpauying 'each honk olthe Specifick,
pointing out in a coneprelmns manner, all the
symptoms in the different stages of three diatrea
sing diseases--also particular *directions reepect
ting diet and regimen, and Irrw patients are to
conduct through every stage until health is re.
stored—for vain and toeless would be the pm
scriptions' of the ablest physicians. accompanied
with the moat powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions arc not faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed that the depositions al
2137 persons have been taken before proper au
thorities in the cit 3 of Lancaster, till completely
eared in the most desperate cases of consump
tion, SIOTITC of which are detailed in the bills ac
cm - Tallying each bottle.
".• A supply of the above Specifieli has been
received and ia for sale at this office.
"March 12 -18
Swain's Panacea.
A s the intionperatiee and luxury of the age are
tit. hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood morn impure. and as thou
sands have destroyed their constitutions by neglecimg•
to apply the proper remedime—to such. Swaim's Pan
area must be. and has been. more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means arrestor ng them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families area MA:
iy exempt from scorbutic a &coons. which exhibit va.
nous iltnisoins. as rroptouts, ulcerations. debility.
lore of appetite toed dejection. all among from impure
blood. and if not properly attended .to. produce the
;:reittest oijory to the constitutor - ion.' and may be tin
lArted lo Miele ofrapnog Swion's Panacea is recnm
. mended at Ibis season of the rear, as a salable rarn
earls.' of the 'Flamm. thereby onvierirating the citatory•
tom. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting Mania. and cornects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated, blood diseased
liver. depraved appetite.or predispitaiton to affections
of the lungs, &c. No one. however, unadvised to use
it without convincing themselves ofthe troth of what
is here ottifed.
Teta rondacine Warm need e jib anemia in all porta
of tfie world, and is gaming great reputation in Eag
A fresh supply of the Medicine jnet received and
for sa le by B BANNAN.
' Sole Anent for Fehtrylkili county.
Whn can eupply the shove medicine whidesale to
them wh...wtsh in sell again, at Philadelphia pnces
Mar 14 - 26-
cu A tor Eit PI.RPETJIA I.
AK both- limited and yievrietnal Insurances
al on Brick. Stone or Franie' thtildines,Stores,
Hotels. Mills, Barns, Stables, Merchandise. Form ,
hive and Prinperiv ot every description.against loss
or iliimageitisEME.
The Delaware County Im,ittenee ramparts wt . '
also innate against loss on all kind* altbaritaa risks
and agmnat the dilitage or loss upon the transports•
tine of gnixi. wares. and merr.. by water. or by.
ra.l way, upon terms as lavourati u any other in.
For any further information on the subject ofin
moaner. either noting' Fire, marine - or inland risks.
Apply to H KY G. ROBI \ SON .At ent.
July L. 34-tf 1t Sehulltilf Haven.
or WILLIAM lk Pt TS.
At Orangeburg.
Fire.ltritnrance Company.,,,
K both lunited and •erltetual Insurance. tin
1.‘21 Beek, Sione6r Frame Htiliditiga.BloreNnotela
MIN. - aims, Stabtea, Merchandise. Furnmireand,
Property iif ever); descry, ton.aga mat less or damage
The subacriberatas been amain ted'Avmer for vlx
above mentionar Insiitaties and is now prepared t 6
wake I ,rantANct :apon every dearrirtion tit proms*
'l;ll63lo6es' rate% BENJ4;!iII.N .: BANNA. N.
kinlovine. Feb-27. 1836. , f
• • .
•.' Theis sladelphiakfirc. :.,
,_. ,
ntLazinu NAvicATunv
. ,ii • • 4 =
CH.kft*Eß PERPETUAL, , ,
ARE both (limited and perpetual Inanraneos on
Mill Brick. Smile or Frame Bkildinp.Stormt..llollllri
Mai, Barna. Si ales. Mercharidive4Fusaidaire,, iipd
Idsopeey of evertdescription. againatißskotAaßowt
bilfILF.. r ' ' t' s
The aubdcriber.bas been aPpoinied ACIIrIV,4 or the
kbalre mentioned:institution and iiiMiiiv - iiikparid 1.1
make lamuskiscsai upon every description ofyifoyMis
'vibe lowest masii. BENJAMIN BA KNAlik.
' Pottsville. Feb4.s 1837' . . . . 144.4 ,li,
~ , R•torage. „ ‘•
11,111 F. Subeeribers having tenied the wharf on
Viiirmotint dlta. font oriViilnw ct. Rad Road;
jo~6ih the one eineapied be A.. Jr Roliined&ll.7o.
aje — PrePorea 10 , •reeer1e Coal. Lumber, he on
erisarfeke. and dniriaii , okion. Enquire of fithlub.
Ercribers on the them hies. nr vow.
.....1:401TING. CLARK & CO.
80. 47-1 y
. . triti4 tAVI,.IO, Itr7: P "
9 011 '..
Sarsaparillar Blood'
Are the moat Orchid' purtper tfthe B i ood
aid Aiditai .Fbilds c lkiit —have- ever
been cliscoefred. r
The following are some only of the
- -
L4TE 411.ftliS : ,- ..-
Ejected end horrid -feksiQdrtrittrike ping Wilitr
BIiONT4MS, 'So. Piamitimita.
Louisa Simpsomaned of violent pain in her bead
and aides. with much goldiessur to which. shei was
subject three years. - , - -'
John Stocker , rekeved fro m habitual iostivtness
sod want car appetite, w aft offensive breath as h bad
taste. ---
. • , i 3
Joseph Marlow, cored ofainsilterated leg anti arm.
• Israel Jones, cured of a breaking out all nit iris
while body.
Sarah Junes, cured, of-pain in her breast& anttsidea
much headache antriscitotillifter eating: - '
William ailowlitay, cured of a Rheum:dis se l l I
swelling of his legs and feet, having been u nable to
1 wallrtany drstance for ii,tz months Lust.
Michael J. Hoslons.:.eured:pf, iweittiw„tututr hie
arms end on Mr neck, wish-oonsideralale br - king
out on has body. • t
Elizabeth t ranmer, cured of swelled breasts pant
lin her side: constant thegust to iln 11., and'euuth, snek
seas ei her au:mach. ' •
[ Jeffery Cline. cured of rheumatic pins and travelled
imam. •
Samoan C. Howard, mined of it triter and Ikash, •
breaking out over his body, with some nunnink,sorea
and nice, e.
Iter A Canby. cured of tie a ff ection of bin: throat
soreness and ch.entuorkwhicki egernrusly *044 4 bls
speech. .. ' i
The following area:law only of the large nolinferof
cores effected m Berke Itlosin.un cry, tschuylllill, I ,e
-tegh. Lancaster, and Northamptuksounnee4 Maine
the past three months: f
Jonas Green. E... 4 , cured of a scorbutic affection.
ulcerated leg. swelled joints and rheirtmiltc' pains
Adam C. CaritymMrs,zured_iit siolcut
. p . aiti in his
sides. much coativenees; bad appetite aid a shortness ,
of breath • i'
ItattietsSnyder. cured of a difficulty in bee thing.
habitual costiveness and violent plena il, het Doti
Michael inneNliithra daughters and ;banded tit ri,
cured of a breaking out of dry and sonienened watery
pimples over their whole, bathe, attrundett with great
itching. frequent unpleasant ft-clings in their beads.
sickness at thesturnech. and pains over the bran. se,
Thuiffamily was 'Atli ted for vears;and tees*: found
relief Isom say medical treatment. or fern ally mode=
cities, until using Ur Leitly's Blood Pals and a wash
directed by In. benly. - I
Sarah Mrinunift. eared of violent pains in Iscr back
and toms. rheninati-m, swelled joints, A c.
Andrew Green, ctiredrd griping isins. leas of al -
pet Ile, duellist lot food. and habitual minim-its
Adam ft. Gnts.cured of scaly eruptions a break
ing out. Busyness and pain through his bones
Dinah( row ley, cured of ringworms and per.
.lionry C. Ho, ney, Esti cured of inwar levers,
oirenms of his mouth, throat and iiose:glandipar sw el'
lines. A e. i .
George Layman. cured of a mereoruo affettion and
violent rheumatic pains o "his head and none*.
Jonathan Stroud Isom: Coitnin and John 4. Thom
ium, cured of various affections ur the heartteos IN e
nese. soli eructations, kess at the , stom,a h,rt-c.
Sarah Jenkins, A Viol aii. Tracy- Jesikins, lci.rt d of
affections of the skin, breaking out, pains in. tliiiiiimba.
Sc. .
,Nurnermrs other instances might he published. hut
to swell the list wo id unnecessarily increar the ex
pense of publishing them.
It most be plainly seen from the fore oing. that the
Blood Pills are an excellent corrective for a char, rderen
stomach. the cause of diseases to which the human
.system is liable. together with the impurity gibe bled.
which exists in all diseases. and in conjundtion o itli
a disordered stomach, very rapidly prostratvia the hu
man body.
These pills do not purge ac powerfullya4 do most
pills of the 'resent day. (which per/dn. - v. as hatich a#l,-
chivr as did ever-mercury. or the minerals, by *taken rip
the sysrem,destroying the tone and vigor
_ofithe body:
and rendering it 3 prey to constant and iiniCienial dis
ease, dii.ireesen and bodily suffering, Ind arei avid
mild - and gentle in their operation. and may finomisine
the nahrrof diachareezL i fficientiy to carry J impart
tics as they are core by their use. nut Irene!. ring
necessary any restraint 'from ifecuroqinn ni business.
change of living or diet, or even a liabiht)' of takint
' cold from' lbeir pee. . ;1.
The iiroress for eitracting the virtue of the Farsapri
rills without nestioylng its effieacv i ts knorn only to
the proprietor.
era red only and sold wholemilasnd retail, at Dr.
Leidy a Health Empotium, 2nd Si befow ['Vine. No.
191.—Aim Sold by B. BA \tAl , ..
June. 9 44 P ttsville.
• ' the rciffner v : •
DR Lff.lDi'll i
31EDICATF:D NA IthAPAIR 1.1.4:1,A.•
BEING a concentrated. fluid extract of *sat nrilla
combined with, tither vegetable extracts, which rers
dens tt as a medicine ofgreat utility in thefiture of all
diseamea arising from hot urines of the jllooltl..irom tin
pnidenoyo in tile. and constitutional diseaSes formed
or produced by the -injudicious use of metleury, arse
ntc,bark. or quinine. Ia abort, it is an invaluable rem
' edy for all.
~,i, - ,
Rhertstic Affection.'Vemeral --DetrilitY. ticernue'
Sores- white SwelOpli Diseettlee of Liver and
akin, Ulcerated - SoCe Throat. rfeentrif tti Nose. Ca
ries.. or diseases of the' Roma; Serrifialn, of Kina'e E.
viliEltympelas. or St. ilnithon's Fire. and all unplea
sant and dangerous alibi trona outisequeniito-hyphllus,
Luna Venereal, tte dc.
So effectani has this medicine been in the cure of,
varniosdowas a lair which it is terommeMirfl. that it
is far supercedingall other preparations di tiarsaparif._
la, Prunes!: Ac.
It is now enipl eyed by numerous phlitiiciane. and
has been introancedby then into mane ttospitals, an=
firmiries &c throughout the United Slat a.
hiss preoaratton of greater strength t onseguently,
of greater e ffi cacy) than soy other extra t now, made,
is also -much cheaper, being but one dolllr i er botile„,
w high
~ is suffictent to make one gallon of 'Syrup of
Sarttamtrilia. and "is bought by different if futgists lot
that purpoae. 1 .
NumeriauFeertilidates have been reset ed-and pub2 l
hatted f r om but in eonseq enee- of the
great ettpense attending news,-aper r üblimono.eftheg o .
l a
. the most incredulous can be convinced the supertoe
efficacy of Dr Lett Medicated Sn p aella, 17
~,,ifip ,
.at D r . Le i dy a thadth Etriporit I, .Na' 101
north Second street. I.elow Vine. sign iir thi Golden'
.1 )
Eagle pod Serpents." re where certi fi cates nd referenceti
canter given to hundreds of instances o the moil , re‘ ,
enatkable cures 'ever performed by ant ed wise- I
&thine( 7 B. BAIN A A INt, Pottsville. A
ki.: , 44 i
June 9
New Goods.
4,_gerteral assortment of fresh" a.
•rx "IC;ixals, Mrteseeive.i—eoneistin l
7 11 hT,1 600 ,d!ri
t Orciri.acie,.' ,
- AlitrititAte, l , .
• ' Miielitinr,tire'; i
_,Jlllackeriel t _......_.- • ' ';.
• *, - tialliillinkleir, , c. &c.
volitettlvottigy4ottri in W fa , ensh. ttheitsvieso
piieerPeartrataeltforialt Rinds firn!ryinropocel
•.. . 0, 1 .1 , . "r•lnsePtliwnyr- *5016.;1
4anoviste4rokui;.rtee V - • : 2' . ..
• -%. viDAII/111 : i4‘71417"E.i 11. . I
1 . 1
Itt-tiveD -a opirndidisserloinly, - ,01 =7ll l Pd ts Stittinier Goode, .40J - istairritl
, 4 , , „„ 4 , 4r . . ".... , 7 4 , , , ,.-..- •.,. .•...; ,-....._.
..,.., :
e;••_60.• - • ~ ... ~..„,
Qatenwel are, tj, &c.. :
; 1- ...,, i•e.
''V 141 - quer
whielPl am Okpotedklio sr!! thea'per Ihririd eer
offeredln thiehnerkenor rash. °vita Fleeting.
or coltrotry prOduce. ire highest *market .. rice..
6 J.. C. KERN.
Upwards l ot*. 10,000 Boxe? of Dr
rifles Sasoaparilla or illitod Pipp
sold irahiladelphia alone.l
W :Ao.,spcianguaAr v ailxusl. IfficaCgaralral w a*
praperhes oftie - s4l4apilletki r „
C . /VERY meet woman , and child that On read.can
.i - Li.i . attswer, t , hi vii ttlwrtte-, as every newspa librough
out thuilettatdi tatileimattiVitimFOttota t he UnIVAV
sal effacitcy EiT ... rsaparilla, m purifying . r e blood, wl
temotingfrom the human ;yarn, ail ear • Avatars. •
y vflakany respectable physician the nue min. nit&
4 a Atom tricive:ay.sp.ri4nr,9t..the .19b,id. his ani,w,4l
will - he, Sittieseslittd..s. ' ' . ..,.s..
Suffice u. to sly thrta,iT all physicians irceonitarla
it in universally. trlrat hetet cride 71Ce ran It e More 10 ilfil . -
,iptaltroble poperettO . i
, . ti
-- DR .i.xli.4 , lliii. diseciVere‘ a method whereby the'
virtue ut the Sat - amanita in obtain, til is 1: highly cons
rentr..ted form, and in sorb manor ifia to make Hi,
theVellirm.mithour destroying in ihr /eaas tifeaes.
cannel; can he r ardie= ID surother - p ~
et on II e ptt. •
eras is known only to Dr Leidy. at it discovely taf i ,
his - own.
These Pahl areptrertd male public b. the nantr i nf t' ' '-'
. - ' i .1)41: . I.t:. 11) 1 'S ', .
SARAAPAREILA, UR 1511,0 CD *Lila - , ,
.totopotroded tinticii 411 y of i'a sal:inns
~ard 'with
-vi Melt is combined inextdrents (I it idlyito tlo/ i tit tu
tuballY rendering quip make eIA soak, l call gt oily
laxative in their effects iturs a il , ) Pr ti., , t r.e1 41. .i 1 litl-
Mots from the cyan 174 it ry It milt, ily. al p 1641.4 tat ( „ 17.
lutingde:nlity pr any, IPC:4!PV7 - PI Pt c, ri s%. t. .6 .0 t
lament quanUly gnivewer. they tll .1 up:r Jr. , . l). and
ma) le PM 11 ) , (1"f 1•I plat'll to 'lc TII4 iu (el olio aid
even ton Lents. being et - safe and It, ,ly q 0. t 0,.. I Fr ,
^gaiii-e rerpinne nn rev 'cow fret dirt 47 delta/ ON
ifrosh maul . hat itanrfavor tritio;,,,. t.) any /...iiiii. -
Tbeve 4 Ilit.tyl{e 11, n I re lin ir oily :ill 4 4C1 , 7 11.1 artt
, 1 from !heir coiivi Diem 11,1 131; II tat' M , f , Prt , 4 Or /PICT. 1101 t
,/the - place of all the ditierent I roi aratippe of `owls' P._
F. 1 ,0 4 1. such se , byrnps
,hvenetion -Er rams. /1 c shun '
are e t adairirt in bottles.ile In trogen...ood are ilk'. ,
romentrntfor Wing or I,g'rct lied stool. ~,
. These pill. hatrAutiq the os . alai years. I era
iamrly tested, . .1\ ewsitarei. ads rifting ' It trip sa.velw
I ?xi ensive anitile inatimotita Is team numerous phyrus
' mans dad others acconr; a y the dirocitons. . ea
They ane particularly rtcomt ended in ~.....
Rlietanatruidtreetions, lilDizy and ninety , mtnpreits i
;General Debility, , at pulpits ul one flume e
' I:kerma 801 , F - 6, of the PI , 1044,
1 ' thcoat , nese and hotly. &-cal erm tines and bit* *.
•Dissitres pi the Liver;
1 -ci vat the sion,, . , .
, Slain and lloni ti...
Pain ovt r the tilleall o lihe ,S,r .11118. t 4 yittlos, "
' heart. briast, aid sto—Jaut do ii.. heartburn. •.....
Mach. -. ...: , • p,...5s - •: , ch lt • °taw. lite" .
vain - 61 thh sidr i tt along ; c no laiiitn:. vont ritual,
the hack and Spine. : , 01, en Imre res et acid
Inward levers. loal breath. 1 It b' of the stomach, *-
a bad taste it the mouth, Cla I 4 Plar alit coons, as
Flandencv. want of am (1 a ellieg and hardening
e. coit ortincss, eranai s 0 . 0
c gtoods of 1 he neck,
of the stomach, arid in -I f .ti the groins. vette , the
mgestion.. { - a Ulf, at 11 al. In. .1%,f „..,..
1- '7071e. I tle 117 - 411.1. Ac.
aid the whole train of Macke( t at Milt re lit 121 ILI Ill
ray of the blind, an 4117.4) 4" trAlll 114114 , P111 411.41 , 1 , p i ,4 -
rincrd by the rue to Ilarks.Qattitne. Arstt ic. - Itlorr try
or other Ma era is alai, in s in lye. Fy i lit
' ls. Lees, 1 tineren 1. d. c. de. '
Price VA t•ents a ' llitt.
Prorated only and sold Vt hitter ale ,and Retail. at D . r .
.v r itly ' s health Empurtum, - .2nd at. below Vine, No.
[9l _ .
Cosi sun!
nFADER. if you base a c
Atheir consequences. - C.
imperceptibly. and irr.t uale
If* hamar' 5)5ttg,494.4.1. fe,.t,
endiug cons.ittit •
A IN 0 - RD TO
ofien is youth ent tin.
11 the 001 , f•tnnplion. and toll
Brews 'who are in a measure'
lure death. to ncr I•eting iu t
nig to childhood" loeknif ui
atti not attracting their
hantotornenceti its Ism/. at
. _ . .
This is not n fatiethil ref leaf 'Mien. I * / r Aim') Ilotof F.-
on, 1,".1.814e1 O tiff Or arlmti I i N . , the Met •
In man him d etude nitrilltial .in the Fame tO tly. hat do
nut progreas so ral telt) as in tioulh: lilt) ail' oei ii *-
ever. in both )oath and mai Rued i.e call) atir Trek 10.
alai not regarded OF tr.H4lte tlintellOrS ler it is a .641 its
tie Idea that has no dotal 'lint 'cued the liN cs al don
flu. HI( in I ills
- ,
(Price :".9 Cents her t utile.)
lean invaluable preparation. Idiseoverld I) a trftl'aT
and celebrated German phy aleian.- who has • and le. fal •
-4,444141441.113)tp'5 . 2 . 011, tnillt liact .1 I' lt , (.4 t
,ma ii,"." rhino gho - : nee
a.", car - ta* ..
that time mit , 4nit " de ' Aft d aniffitifally , Iwili t rd
in Com ha. Colds. In uertars(Catarahs. A,i I n OS' :s! .;-
idle; ill Blood. IA 110004 Cotith.s ! Pain of it e lite Bo
and Sidi% aD affection' , of the Btittibt at d 1...10:&S, at d
OM it proptil tae ping cons) leopilOrir . . ' ' ' •
M 7401.1111 be said in praise of the above incilie ! na
but er advertisina L wing le r, err filS'Ve, every
satisfactory cadence will he found in all its eifft - li
Upon trio). as well awtiumeraus rely namendni,,,,,,, ~..
compan,ina the ditedoona , Uraitirds ul ' MO t Ottir'
were edit in Philodeli Ma a lone daring4e past win
ter. aVtinvinchng proof of ita ffieney.ot so Lstge a tillOn
my would never have let told.. The, ahu, e meth
etnil/4a;tt, prepared and eel ori ly "10
d !",- DR. .14SAVY'S 111.4 k I..Tii
f 't! , ecu.p,d Leluw Irate st.
AND I 11.1'ORTA .111: „FA I ORM A TWA'.
11011 - E - AIYER,d , cI rut erl . see a cj.s him:if D ) 6 ( ej or
.1111..amd,tearn his !latent-4: ? irript to .ay
he Ora pale thin and g - laroy, longing (Nev. his hie .
apparently hanging, by a. iit'or,all; ;b e up nye* rate and
unhappy Ati
le auffengirl serif . nd. sif. I le
Are you twirl troublre op 41E1141402(1i Cont,i. E., ~
s.ur erucy,aliona ario , pgjrcm p-urpriv.o , ( f ( ar , ' 0 31
Araitt or am mite. Nate. TAfh..ti )14 laf CC it p,III
mouth. or feu! breath. rain or a hinvineee a r y our PIO
masch.Sielot as attyreat 111 . It eacriute. rpis st toyear
once fitioli e.dieh... a c.' fl are nu eh tII Vi lo d
wiffrny: lin
or itie ergoing 0-2nrenitok briep 1.-elorr ten
the ntetere or the Dysreplie.. antribartna -rt.:Ohre' to
remedy theretroireq immediately rot ere
DR. LEIDT'S 9'ollll l '' 'AD' ISTI-ux.srErnc
... *, t GQ D4Li
. ...ttever. failing star t aterr)lllt Ti n PAN for
'' DYN , t FPNIA OA' POW I ..• 7161% .
And the 'a bale tram of oftectiott reaullintr I TVm dv
_ easea of-ifie Liner. titotnat b aid latentint P.•
‘ta'beAtkOle medicine oil warralimd trerifteatiatkc ‘
ny or ottar..,mineraJ, F rei aragtonsA,o is ecntl,osed ~.
1144.) ttf egetablei.aaCe 041 S easy to skid. it Tr
fileatidoitdthelaste t, li May by _ tetylantihirtered to
yugnipan4:o3..ruquirtng Itur,na etate IVAIiCtIOnIi 111
diet oit;y ;
: o ltitiineroutfteathnonialhaie4iOrrittn'titnite time
publuitted;siretutatt ,, nist So weObnaownpfunber iota
ruertiwn its vietnee ia. uneset cy.lfitee it in "Y.
TT HAP 'MIMI , F4I ISM r InarrAS re. rim
iheijlecitinyuen IA, yllteT;4llcetions a
nritnerifi'hOuNt ,. . "- ' 1... 4 1' ' •
r4 l :r‘ P t la e itilidigitPeo ) .oAkt .
otd in P itr Ittuaytt i' . •
'-"Do Pititilkillyt , tireiiiiir rank, vim: Pecihnd below
tine kii4 iniotbrtt. : 4 116.B,i1INviv AA, PonPvine
- anAll!.? ke,, I 4, 4 ,„ 1 ; f , — ,l 1
~, • 34-1
in knoio
..,... , , , O i rii i i i i. 4- .
.; . - eltilitoifi t rotindiy
5 , Je t ," -.40, I• r . ,
pi VI ;
1., 4 0 11-36 e.. " ; 61 d el i i;
I : vu Af t -111' ' • the Foordry,",
plerrerrotiyisitoirted at Ir t lfetinf on. Sohn rI.
kin' tatin I
ty, on vrl.. rtptot. , attle term-. 11,10
Foundry n et the titionten intnt o t 1 br , 1 olle
StViiiirtkitrttusgiwiletrini iteit - Roati. PO 4.
09441. , kuntt•fekiftin treotto4Aiine, - be one of ine
kiLlissitrlll9irtlln, 011 Cpll6l tO,O E. ; larr bum. .
lies', 7 r or teethe &Q,, app to
't , ;11 . .12.E, ~, t, ~,,,, , , te , Kik Tiros.
, . .
/111, Fe u- iit,'Ptiolerridohia.
1 iir A , k,C • 1
.V 1 Y F. R s,
)1. , • ..,
_I - ort t.. It o ion •
• . 2.t C v.. 71 1-- ~,,, •-, : fr....0r •
ugh or. cold, hew - are or
ds generally trek:m.:l
ittirmt.etvet , throt.oii.ur
de, )tre lungs and
11t 11N7S.
ti even kaet espreisd.
AR id to their Fraser ty
he cause or the it prim.
tner)« , lds when xist.
Hi .. .him BE ritfug.sfic
mve until Or ( 4 1 PllO
. 1 et
rt %II %Arlan •