The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 13, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1
4051.14 HA.NNAN.
$33 3frip•Will 338.43 t, '
Tit' tit boit.L.alUi ,
Firri , 'Cairns - per annum,
parse advance. trot paid with
in the year.lll4wiill be . hargwi to all those who re!..
criveihs paper free of poostage 'Po mail subscnbers
$1 aer . annum. If not paid within the year , cents
will toe-added to the price orsubscription.
Two' DOLLARS; per 'throat. payable semi-annuall
in advance. if not paid within the year. E 2.
be charged
kdveitisements not exceeding twelve lines will be
:ha rged 31 for three insbninns--end 50 cents for one
insertion. La rgo r ones n iropiartion .
kir i Ivertise items will be Inserted until ordere
t..iitless the tone r it Wit th they are to beecintinue
secified And will be charged trocondiegly.
iris at:itemisers Will be charged $l2 per annum;
cibacrii.t ion th t he paper —wtt h the privilege
of irtelini, one advertisement not exceeding 2 squares
standing during the rev. and the insertion ofasma ll.
er inc 'in each (kir three successive times.
111 letters addressed-to the editor must he post paid.
otherwise no auen'timi will be paid to them.
111 nottces for indetings. &c and miler notices
which have heretofore been inserted gratis. will he
h irged 215 cents encl. except Niarriages and Deaths.
111 , i'l 11
AMOS LEWIS. Respectfully informs hi.
friends and the public generally, that he bee
just receivd a general assortment of Full and
Winter (kiddy among which are
Soperfine 'Peiths and Sattinetts, Grade Nap.
Merinn, Emglish and French do. Lostring Gro
de Swiss, Poole de Soi, Gro de Nap and Senchew
Silks, Foreign .nd Domestic print.. Black Bum"
bazliwo Pop&Jinn. Merino Shawle & Hhkkfs.Thi ,
bet, Silk and Cotton 11hdkfa. Jajmet, Cambric
i \
Barred M d slim Bribinet, Bishop Lawn, Book MU...
lin, Sw . ri d India Mull Edgings, liisertings,
Q ollings & Hoskin Kid, Silk, Cotton, Woolen,
Bunkss in and Berlin Gloves, Mohair, Silk, Lambs
wool, Worsted, 'Cotton and . Woolen Stockings
Silk and Cotton Velvet, Vest trigs, Flanels, Bever
teen, Fustian, f=enna Cord, Washington Jean.
BroWn and Blached Muslin", Linen and Cotton
Millings, Bird Eve, Linen and Cotton Diapers,
Abron and Furniture Check 8-4. 9.4, 10 4, II 4,
and 12 4, Rnse Blankets. Silk Flag and 'Pongee
Ilhdkfs. Black Lalisn Cravats, Satin and Bombs.
vine Stocks. ('nUars, Bosoms, Gum Elastic.
Worsted and Cotton Suspenders, Silk and Cotton
Suspender, Silk mid Conon Umbrellas, Lamb*.
wool Shirts, &c &c: All of which will be sold
at the lowest prices.
Pottsville, Sept. 29, 11338: 76
_——4 - .
riTh E Register of Schuylkill County having
m- granted letters ofadintiostration of the estate
of Ceurge Lyons, late or Port Carbon, dmensed,
to the SUbscribers, they hereby notify all per.
sons indebted to the Datil Wale to make payment.
and all 'Anions having claims against the same
tepee-ent them, duly• authenticated to the 'Bub.
scubers for settlement, nit hoot delay.
Roth residing in Pori Cat bon, Schuylkill county.
:4-pt 26, 1838. 75-6i*
In the Court of Common Plea; of Schuvl
kill Comity.
in the matter of the Estate of Charles Fr aney. &sr
H ER EAS 'John Scholl, assignee
.) of Charles Frailey, Esq. did on the
43k 3d day of August, One Thousand
11 , ir Eight Hundred and Thirty Eghi,
. • file in the offiCe of the ProMonotary
of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of
Schuylkill, a statement of all concerns 9f the said
NOTICE is hereby given to the creditots of
the said Charles Frailey, Erl and a l l others in
wrested in the said Estate, that the Hor.orable
the Judges of the Cour; of Common Pleas afore.
said, have appointed Monday the 22d day of Oc
tober; 1838. at IR o'clock, A. M. at- the Court
House in the Borough of Orwgsburg, for the
hearing of the same, and for chewing cause wLy
the said account ought not to be allowed, and
in default thereof, the same will be confirmed.
Witness the Honorable Calvin Blythe, Presi
dent of our said Cowl at Orwigsburg, the 12th
day of September, A.' D. 1838.
Orwigshiirg, Sept. IS. • 72
Wanted to Hire.
AA SMALL Venenient. or the part of a Howie
;tunable fotaa P mall family in a central situ
atinn Apply at this offiire.
Pisitawille.4.eptember. 8 1838. 70-tf
Pascal Iron Works Ware-
No: 77 South Third Strret. S E. aline: Waitu
orris, Taker .411 orris,
IRON Founders, and Manufactumrs of We
Grates, Forpaces, Kitchen Hattie., Bath 801 l
erg, Perpetual Oven", &c. Welled Wrough
Iron Tubes, fo Stt•mm„ Gas. Hot Water, &c.
Davy's:Safety Lamps
of the best Construction.
Patterns for the Pdaddry received, and casting.
delivered at the Warehouse, Thud & Walnut St.
Septa - int:Hp 26,1838.
For gale,
A valnuableTract of Coal Land,: '
LYING and being in the township of Norwe.
' , Anglian, on the West Branch near the riAlest
Brolich Rail Road. about ,onr miles trotn.lacimyl
kill Haven—there ir me or more Coal Veins
pealing through this .and. For information ap.
ly to JAMB REED,
at Pottsville.
.jr Mr. HoFFM AN,
at Reading.
Flooring : Boards.
! EA A ROLIN A • worked &Wing boards, plough.
ed, tougued'and grooved readv'for laying, 1,
1-1 and I inches of diffe-eot quality and prices,
constantly on hand, and for 'sale In knit to suit
purchasers, upon application by !filer tp
Planing - Machine Wharf,!N: L. Phila. Co.
april 25 31-tf Pottsville.
COFFEE 50 Raga strong Rio Coffee.
30 dig. Green Limuirs do. for sale by
• - • , MILLER 4. liiAGGERTY.
fikiept 1,1838. .
. .
' ... .
- -
-. ..C.1. 4 , it. . s 11C 4 1... , ' •
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i, t " )It - .It
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. l AND ? POTriIirI.III6B CENBRAtiAinr i la 'rd .., 'flit .... 1 ) ::1 k PO' his 5'..1:.1.• tl -)...; e.I -1,- , !.... ---;
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YOU TO r ism= rut iowtLe Or rat rArim , txo Mail arillasi v*14'41610 diirritilicitner - Atha; smug wince irtiLan „ Noxii,ro:otra swum Aim iiiiitiok ALL NAT* so oils CU klgiSiAolar-^"Da'-fogrmer4. l -' '"' • 1 :: '''''"•-' ' - S . :
. - ~- 4,, 4--.1 i• 3 3 •• 1 • •.,.• ~..,_
f - —4-------_ .=,
r I t;„•;.7 7l — --,
• • •
.i• . • t . I T. . 1 . f T I'S
T- . 4110 1 .11 SV I tiI.TVI " P
A • s kirtrlt• bA IV OR ()MOWER" 13 . 1 ,. X . 0.,4151P.0.
NEB~ to '. ON
41v , Illordware store.
THE sabeivibers' would respectfully announce
to the public, that he hair added to his former
stock, Iron end Hardware, consiming in part or
American ap mglish 'Bar Iron, Hoops and Band
Iron, Round ru n, assorted puce; rieN,erawly.
Shear, Girm . o and English Blister and' X. M.
Steel Vices, Moue°. holt ensile. Smith's Bellows.
cost Steel hand, ehoping and Broad aces, nails
and spikes, together with a general armoured'
• , 1 Iron Mongery, all of which will he sold at 0
dcroefi prices, by JOILN CLAYTON.
April 22 , :42
• NG ELL'S Series 'eit Stboet Hooks-4usa
ceived 'and for sale by
. .
September 26. 1838.
WE have just received, and are now opening
a large an general assortment of fresh
and seasonable goods—vatchatidl be sqld,at vet)'
reduced prices for cash.
'Monet Carbon. August 11.1838. 62—•
To Miners and Colliers.
WROtitiflT Iron Tubes with Screws and
Sockets. Crum I of an inch, to 2,1 inches
internal, diameter StiiiablC for Pampa for sale by.
3d Wrid Walnut St Phila.
Sept. 12 .1838. •71-41
nits. A. C. WYNKOOVS
Boa/din g , and Day-School for Young Ladies•
Centre St. 3d door /More Norwegian St.'
THE coarse of ineheetine uncle" the veperin
tendenee of competent teachers, W ill embrace
oithograpny. Reading, Writing. Arithmetic.
Grammar, Geography, Map Drawing. History,
Composition. Philosophy, Astronomy, DrasOng St
Painting., Music, Plain and Ornamental Needle
Work. &c. St.e. The Seminary . will open rrt. the
20th inst. • Terms made known oa application.
Pottsville, August 11,1838. 62-3 mo
yr H E spb.crtber would reapectfully announce
1 to the public that lie haw completed hi.
arrangcnaenta fur procuringcaatinga. and that he
luta now on hand tam ■tact of hip pmperiur
which he will be happy to diiipnae °fat the lowest
prices for each. lie would wish persons to call
and examine for themselves; as these StOves pos.
vest. advantages which belong to none others
hetinforc ma 11.3 ctnred.
He would alsoinform his friends that he con
tinurs to keep a general assortment of
Stoves, -Tinware.
Copper-ware, Pipe, kr. itc•
All of which wilt be disposed of cheap tnr cash
Pottsville, Sept. 22, 1838. 74-6 mo
10 HilDS..Pooto Rico,
5 do St.Croit,
20 ribla. do. do.
50 Bones Brown Soap,
50 do Yellow do—for sale by
POttaville, Sept 26. Inati.
HA VE on foano
SHEET Ain. • "
'Eta ROAD do.
Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails
and spikes of all size., for sale at the lowest Ctty
prices. K EI MS, WHITAK ER .!Ir CO.
Reading. May 22, 1838. 40-6tno
• • ll lotted,
AYOUNG man to atu nd in the Store, one
who qpeeke Go man would be prefered.—Al
rm."' Boy 12 to 14 aeon■ ne ate . A pp ly to
Mount Carbon. Sept. 15. 72-
For Sale.
WINE New Castle and French Town Rail Road
• Company, will ditpose of a part of the Iron
taken from the flat air track. The bare are in
good condition, 21 by IF A sample may be seen
at the Company's office, Chesnut street wharf,
Philadelphia. Sept. IS, 1838. a 7Z-2mO
111iller.k. liaggerty,
Dry Goods,Grotery,Wine 4. Liquor Store
(Next r door to Mortimer's Hotel.)
'II I HEIR ecinheiion with storm in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hind . a very-eaten
.ive assortment of goods, which they trillsell. at
Philadelphia Prices. Store and Tavern keepers
and private rdmilies; would do well to call and
judge for themselves.
april 19 • 31
12,00 0 BEST Chictunber Picklei; join
received and for sale at the
Pennsylvania Hall Refectory by
Pottsville, Oct. 6, 1838.1
New Goods.
New' !Patent
inetetrtue_oi a writ of Verohaunt
"'seed Ott of the court a' Conignoo fleas-of
Schdylkill Coiinty, aid toide directed; OM! be
expoued to public Sale
On" Monday the 15th day of Octo
ber next, xi the how of John snirr, Esq. in
the Friedensbort. at 3 o'clock P. M.—
All thil certain messing% tenement and tact od
land, /Amite in Wayne township, county of
Schuylkill, hounded by lends of Jima, Saucer,
• John Limgel, Bernhards 'land, and
•• •
Land of Henry Fahr slid others, con
les a taming 230 ii,cnm s .mnre or 1ee..., poi ,
_ _ :he a ppurtemanceii, consisting of a sour
.tory tog uovellang house, swilzer barn, and one
story'tog dwelling . house and' staiblelate the es
tete of 'Benjoniin &sato/. '
On ~llnn(tay the 1911; of Oct. next at
he linage riffieter Filbert ,innkeeper in the boteregli
of Pine rove, et 10 ceelock. A. M. All
. that cer
taco lot ot ground • situate in the liar;
• ough at I•ioegrove, bowided as' MI
lows, to Wit; on the west fronting, on
fulpehocken street 60 feet, on the
north engine lot 180 feet,. on the east a :20 feet
alley 60 feet, and on the south lot of Isaac Har
vey IRO feet, with the appurtenances,'amaisting
of a one story log dwelling house with a 'frame
kitchen thereto attached, and a frame stable—late
the estate of Jacob !tracer.
Jit the same lime and place, all
that-one equal undivided eighth part, the whole
to be into eight parts, parted and divided or all
that certain tract or oarcel of coil land, situate in
Pinegrove township; county aforesaid, adjoining
on the east, land of William Graeff, on the north
and west the Swatara Coal Company, and on the
wroth the Swatara river containing 112 acres and
108 perchee, With the appurtenances-lot° the
emete of Heniy W. Ca M& •
at the same time and place, all
• • that certain lot or piece of ground,
saessituate in the borough of Pinegraye,
roes county aforesaid, bounded "by the
tie_ a Rail Road on lb east, by Orwigshurg
road on tire Smith, by Tulpelincken road on the
west, and a fifteen Feet alley on .the nor t h, con
taining one acre inure or lest with the appurte
nances, consistang of a large two story derailing
hOuse and
.kitchen„ spring house, office, and a
frame stable; the 'louse is now •oecomeil as a
tavern—late the estate of geary W. Conrad, Esb
if- At the same time and,-al
that certain undivided halt ore ei.r
tain lot ofxydund„ situate. in the bu
1 -' li . • . L. rouge of Pinegrove, Conn.
ty„ bounded by Tulpehocken street
on the nest„ ,, by a .public street on the north, by
an alley on the east.. by latter of Eldiktge..k
on the south, wititi the appurtenances, ("unitising
of e till° story frame dwelling house an& t.ttetien;
and frame stable. Alen, unmet of land, hilualr
In Pinegtove emintv aforesaid. botraid
Id by lands of Jacob Zerhe, Frederick Muth and
miters. containit.g one 'hundred acres mord or
lefty, with the appurtenant-Ate, contirsting of a two .
story log dwelling house and log barn—late the
estate of John Haber.
On Tuesday the 16th of October
next, at the house of Wm. Mortimer, in the hot
omit) of Pottsville, at 10 o'clock A. M. !All that •
certain lot of grimed, 'Situate on a forty feet arid,
street in the borough of Pottsville, county of
Schuylkill, hounded and described as follows, to
wit; beginning at a corner of said 40 feet a ide
street and Seitztnger's alley. thence along said
alley south 611 degrees, weal 198 feet to a corner;
thence south 30 degrees east 61tteet to a enrner;
thence north 60 degrees, east 198 feet to the avid
forty feel tome street; thr nee along said street
north 30 degrees, west 60 feet to the place of be t
gicning. containing a lot of ground 60 met in t
tront and 198 feet in depth, and being half the
lot which is' marked and numbered in the gener.
al plan of the said borough of Potts
••• ville with No. 92, with the appurte.
teas minces, consisting of two three Mori
le •
frame dwelling houses, together with .
beds, barn and. other buildings—late the estate
of Nathaniel J. Mills.
.It the same time and place, all
• that certain moiety or undivided half
part, portion or interest of; and to
MI all that certain niessuage. tenemen
SO •
and lot of ground, situate on the
nroth-westerly side of Market Street in the borough •
of Pottsville, marked in Pott & Patterson's addi.
tion to Pottsville, with the No. 15, bounded on the
southwesterly side by lot of groperty of Daniel
Levy, and beginning at the south corner at a
stone, thence rorth 60 degrees, east 52 feet to a
stone; thence north 30 degrees west 1911 feet to a
pest; thence south 60 degrees west 50 feet; thence
smith 30 'degrees, east 132 feet to a oust; thence
wrath 60 degrees weal 2 feet to a p 0.0; thence
south 30 .f green east 59 feet to the place of be
t rtnning.romAinine - in front on Market street 52
(het. 111 the rear 50 feet, and in t depth 190 fret,
sr.t la the appurtenances, consisting of a Iwo story
partivrick and partly stone dwelling house, and
a two story stone kitchen therein attached; also,
11 one st•iry fra•ne dwelling house with a trame
ttitehen thereto attached—late the estate of Dan
id Christian.
All seized, paten in execution, and-to_be_sold by
PF. rEit F. LUDWIG, Sheriff*.
Sheriff". Office, Or wigs
burg, Sept. *2. 1838. (
Public Notice.
A s
it appears, that because M r. Crane obtained
no patent for amellitg Iron Ore with An ,
threcite Coal in this country. many tiuppose that
they are now at liberty to adopt the mrthod et
smelting Iroisi ore with Anthracite by the use of
it heated air blast; although I'-gave notice last
year that 1 had a patent for smelting Iron Ore
With Anthracite Coal. both by the use of -a cold
atmospheric and a healed air blast, 1 woutd now
inform the pnblic again, that on the 14tichf:Jiirk
uary: 1838. I received a leiter froin the Commis
sinner of Patents at Washington. stating: "Sir,
upon examinwg the case of Mr. Crane's-applica
tion for a patent for Smelting' Iron by' means of
Anthracite, 1 have viewer.' his claim as interfering
with yout patent of Dec, 1833, end have given
'nottce to his attorney of this decision." • Every
attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the
useof a heated air blest, is an intringernent upon
my patent. against • which I caution lad warn
all men; as! shall prosecute every one whinging
upon my rights, aecotdini to law. And I fur
ther offer to dispose of patent rights-foram erect
ingot furnaces, according to - my '
.patent, open
very moderate terms.
New Yeti', *fay 16,1838. 37—ly
. . .N ..! I r
. . .
Li "uti•ii•
iludotsigited pious), the public again.
``L purchasing or leastogith_e traetof land I:1%A
Clinton Tract, on the test 'road
from Elirraberfillipolitt, or tliory Morris for het
as he the unibirrivried "elation' title thereto, and
will inetnuie e run attains! any Orson attempt
tog to take the possessioe thereof.
JOON Acrrr.
nril QP083.2. .32
To. Coal Dealers.
Sulslesttwra having taken the large and
commishiros wharf on Callowhill street (or
corner of Cal)uwhill 'and William streets(' on
the Sehoylkill.oeer Fair Mount, Philadelphia; are
prepared to rdrAve any 'Mrs ntity drool, Lem*
&c. on whartSge or storage, on th 4 open wharror
and :r cover, ;n the most teseonabip terms - Every
attention pal to coal consigned u;em.
Refereneesr—Mr. Ge.*ge Bast, huylkill Ea
yen; Mr. Philip H. tr., PothUrille.
Ph i lade Iph ia.J u!if LI. 1838. 53-3mca,
i; • •
NOTICE b u hereby given , that Abe Subscriber
•opointo by the Consi of Qornition Pleas of
Scbuylkill (._ , ,nty,. to dlstribute the asset's or
proceeds, ari ing
i i
from ttie Sheritrs Sales of the
.red estate u George Rahn. will at
.reuirid for that
purpose at is office lathe poroagh of Orwigs
baig.on Alio ,
!day the Lsth tiny of Ustober next.
` Orwigsbn g, Sept. 9.9, 56-3
.711 orrice.
IS hereby given that .the following named
Esedutorp and qrlininistrarorv, have riled Mar
accounts in Oki-Office of the 'Regiaier of
eounty,, and that the said aceouts wilt be pre
sentl, the 11:l4phanti'Court or- Schuylkill county,
to be held art Orwigab.wg, in and for said county,
on Alenilay lhe 22c1 dJ of Outobei.lB , 3B, for ton.
. ,
1. The Alccount of Philip Bausiim Admini*
trator of lite - E•oate of courad butistim late of
11artheim Towte.hip, deceased...
2. The Account of Atuatiamlartolet Admin
istrator of 4t!e. Estate of Itmithy. ttartolet late of
Nlanheim , . ownshipoieres.est. !
: 3. The 'Second Account of Berne Kimmel
Executor .rd'. the ',Eat Will anal Testament of
Gem•ge. K4notel fate mf Bruns' tick Township,
dreeitiWd. ' ,
4. The „ ccnunt of Abraham Albright Admix .
istrator of
i l l
be Estate of Dame! Albright late of
West 'Btu . wick Township, decent. e.
Register. •-
Ortvig.htirg. Sept. 99. 1938
No Ficrion.—Thig extraordinary (+emir%
eompositmn, the result of ',ciente and the raven
lon of a deli brated medical mall the introdnetion
of which to the public was 'misted with the so
lemnity of a death bed bequest, has since gained a
reputation unparalleled, hilly sttstatning the cor
teethes. of the lamented Dr. Gfridley b is latlt con
Tegginn, that •• he dared not die without gibing to
.posterny the benefit uf his knotalemps on. this sub
ject,"andl he therefore bermeat ' d to his friend k
attendanti Solomon flays, the ite rut of his. discuve
It is now used in the principal hospitals, and
the private practice in otir emintry, first and
most certainly for the cores of the Piles, and also
so extensively and eff , ctually as to baffle creduli
ty. unless where its effects are Witnessed. Exter
nally in the following complaints.
For Eropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp•
ion at once.
All Saul/lags — , Reilocing them in a few hones.
rieneurnatum.—Acute or Chip me, giving quick
Sore Throat.—Rv cancer.,leers, or colds.
Croup, and Whooping A
Cong .—Externally, and
over the chest.
All Bruises, Sprains and !Burns, cured in a
few boors.
Sores and Veers —Whether fresh or long stand
ing arid lever sores. i
its operations upon adults and children in re,
;lacing rheumatic: KWtrilltefl, 4i.. loosening coughs
and tightness of the chest by relaxation of the
parts, hits been surprising beyond eausEption.—
The common remark of thase who half used it
in thrill/es. acts like charm."
THE PILES.—The price d is refunded to any
person , wk., will use a buttle 'of Hay's Linispent
for the ,Piles, and return the empty bottle' without
being mired. These are the positive orders of the
proprietor to the Agents; and out of many thou
sands aold,.net one ban been unsuccessful,
We might insert certificates to any length, but
prefer that those who sell the article, should ex
hibit the original to purchasers.
OkUTION.--Nciae can be genuine without .
splendid , engraved.irrapper4 on which is my
name, arid also that of 4ii e Agents.
Sold, Wholesale and retail by COMSTOCK dr,
CO.,SOIe Agents; 2 Fletcher' street, New-York,
and , retail by W. T. EPTI ', Centre it. Patti
rillef•Fa. ' • . •Ix
Residing bail & Ira Works,
' • AVE on hand boiler Iron, sheet of various
I sites do. and also, all this different lazes bar
iron; also; round and square this
from 4 up to 3
inch Railroad iron of the va4ions sizes, punched
and countersunk, and cut to the angles ready for
use; and band iron. All aiz nails and spikes—
also, qun iron of superior qu lily. All of !which
are otrcred for male at the 10 est city prices.
Reading,June 25. 1638. ' . 58-tt,
VETHERS of superior i:ciality received aid
,fOr saie by
Sept 1,
imuutirst •
INFO)IIM ate! 'the public in gen
A' Wild, 'that thef':uhro `'minuted to their termer
stand in Centre Street. (rimiusite to Miller & Hag
getty 'a Store.,) where they have on. hand, a gen."
era! ausiortondit of superfine 'Broad Cloths and
essaiineres of the meth fashionable 4:nitwit, with
an elegant ar.ortment of Sommer Clothe, Satin,
Silk, Valencia, allereseillea and Velvet Vesting',
Linen„Uotion and Chintz Shirts, Satin, Silk and .
Boinbazeen Stook., Linen and ''hints Bosoms and,
Cams, •bio LAMM add cliniz Bosoina without
Galata, Silk, Cotton, Thread', Beaver and Hoskin
Glove*. Linen and Cotton Huse and Half Hobe,
kr army Linen and Salk.. Handlterehiefli and Gem-
Gleam Scumendere hey also have on band an
elegant stock of Gentlemen's and, Buy's tweeting
apparel. such al Frock and Drew Coats, Rounds.
helots. Vests and . Pataloone, made after the latest
fashion and the beat wormanship,, which they In
tend total at r Jiiionable prices.
P. S. Wanted two or three good Journeymen
Tailors, to whom eontdaint - stork will be given
thmughout the season.
Pottsville, Sept. 15, 18.38.
D The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn'a
remedy for this distressing complaint is every day
gaining iv certainky a matter of , mochestonishuieut
That so much su ering should love meted for ages
wi bout any trecowery of an effectual preventiVe, or
pure is truly a subject of much regret, hot Dr. S. now
a-mitres the public that such a remedy has been In
vented as will convince the boost credulous. The
principles upon which it acts are sib nk Ina plain.—
It is ad admitted fact that this Complaint, whedier
called sick Headache. or ,Nervous Headache, arises
primarily front the stomach—those wtio think they,
havithe Nervous Headache may rest assured that
the organ. the stomach. is the Brit tease. that the
system has become vinated or debthated. through the
stomach, and that only through the saint• channel
must they expect a - restoration of the natural sed
healthy functions of the system. This object. Dr.
Spohies remedy is enutiently calculated to attain
Tate truth ol 'dim position cannot be controverted, and
the sooner sufferers with the headache become con
voiced of it, the sooner will their sufferings end m
restoratton to health. Dr. Sp ohn pledges his praise
mortal reputation on t hie fact. - The remedy &ay be
had of apaih.caries
Viholet.sle and Hated by Comstock & CO- No: 2
Fletcher St. New York, and Retail by
Pottsville. July 21. 1838.
yrHIE Stilisertheis respectfully annotinees t
the Citizens of this Borough and Region, and
their friends in generalonat they are prepared to
manufacture tq ender, and will constantly keep
on hand, at the corner of Coal and Norwegian
Streets, in the Borough of Pottsville. 'CAR—
(1' the very best materials, and at the lowest rate..
All work entrusted to their care, they Will war
rant to he manufactured equal to any in lie
county or el.ewh , re, both in point of realm s
and. durability. They hope tnat the public before
port-hosing elsewhere, will call, examine and
judge for therm.elves.
Atl kinds of Vehicles repaired at ihe shortest
notice, andon the most accommodating terms. e
Pottsville, August 25. . 66-3 mo
-inos OA
FRENCH and English :Hermes,
Plain Viciorina,
.i►lrrissos at. se.
Figured Motatappline de Leine—together with
a good assorttneut of fall pants, received and for
sale by
Pottsville, Sept 26. Itt:lS 75
Read the Following.
Interesting and Astonishing Farts.
,STORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary
4 - 7 -m- efficacy of DR. W 51. VAN'S celebrated
Camomile and Aperient Antibilious Pills in al:
leviating afflicted mankind.
To James Dickemn, 36, Cornhill, Boaron, Agent
for the Cale of Drl, Wm. Evan's Camomile Pills.
Lowacz - , Nov. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Knowing by experience tnat every
reference that the afflieted receive of the beneft.
eia I results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine
to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S
CAMOMILE PILLS. have been afflicted for
the last ten years with distress in the head and
chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four: nights in succession, but have never
found relief by any of my friends' prescriptions,
until my wife Paw the advertise:tents in the paper.
when she persuaded me to send for some, which
I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, which
resulted in almost completely retoring me to
health, although I have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this any benefit to
yourself, or the public, yoo have my cheerful per
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully,
THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
g NTtRESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Wm.
Evarm's Camomile Tonic and Family Speii
eat l ills —.Mr. BENJA.M IN BOWN, corner of
Sal worn and Georges streets, Philadelphia. affect
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by
which he was not able to write h.. name—his
sym ptoma vrere, erases lion, daily spasmodic pains
in the head, loss of appetite. palpitation of the
teart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter. ins.
bully of engaging in any thing that demanded'
vigor or Cuitrage, sickness and weakness el
teme debility, disturbed rest,a sense of pressure
and weight at the stomach after eating, great
mental-despondency, severe flying pains in the
I chest back and sine, costiveness, a dislike for
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of various .medicines now before the public: but
to no effect. until, observing in a public paper
some cure. performed by Dr. William Evans's
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he
was induced to give them a trial, of which he is
at any time happy to state that they effectually
cored him of the above distressing disease.
07,ersons who doubt the above cute, are most
respectfully directed. to the above mentioned per
son, at the north-west corner of' Shippen and
Georges streets. BENJAMIN BOWS.
Philadelphia October 26,1837:
Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph - Browne.
N. fuh street near Second. Williamsburg, affiict
for thetas% ten nears with the Liver complaint
eimpletely restored to health through the treat
went of Ur. Win. Puma. 13yrnOtoms—Habitual
constipation of the howdy. total loss of **the.
excruciating pain of the spigsattic region, great
Ofkitieine - debhkyrdsitiftficarbiaip t,
flow of the men - iris...pale le the 44 sid . al..cooltl •
not lie On her hell irde *thin:it
of the pain. twine high eeloreci, with - other
.toms iridicatimy greet ferangemeeltiAlte.fehe;
tione of the lirdr. -1; --•••••-
Mrs. fireireie was'attheded •bythreelif.theAlret '
physicians, but receivt4 but little inelinfirem,thpie
luedice•e,tili Mr. tiros/lie procured lieneriatbr:
Win. Evokes iivianaine prepariticiis.Wefiels. ,
fectually 'Veliered her Of the abo4e
symptoms, with °dwell which it ie ial 4 t4hieeltd.•
intimate. • • 'JOSEPH DROWN
Ciili l d ai l i County of Ne York. se. , 44, •
atom.being duty atom . did poem andkey .‘thifixAd*
facts as set •foith In the (within yteternetlkte
he has suribed hisname are iuslinilltue
JOit.Pll BROW* ,•
Husband nf t. 14, Said . tiaimil(BieWee-
Swortiliefore me this lth diy of ,Jiiiniiiji.Atop:
INTERt*iiiNG C'ASE .of ThrisiquirrY:Unt:
a sumptiun..=Mr. &lb Roe el app`liciatti thikjat
day of September at ilthe offic e 100 , 'Chatintin , .
street. Shoring ender the followthg apriptennewi
j- A slight spitting of b*od, distressimenugh t _e#i
tended. with an ektieeTeration 'pi purulenttifittey,,
night aireafir, general' emaciation,' s iiitititted•
breathing on etertion.twith swell
gush on the cheek. nOn'tosantination, , the'. died.
was (bond to sound will every whettie4cept:elis,
der the left. clavic.le, inci in the. h arth
same side. •
• • _ •
—Directed to take the reitoialliiiii`
Camomile Pills, with the expectorating
pound - ,. at the same time an injunction, inieiaiti
dr days, when the night sweats had,oemwd.She '
Expectoration slightlytiminished, alp liglitlll
coughinestill remain lig in the' nierning:
dered is usual to con thin thernealthitie. and /d
call in the bourse -Siiiv.heietiii •
continued rapidly increasing, without, dig leset .
cough.' Called at thei office on the 49i,,ef.4_,(11
month, quite cenvalesceet returning Wilke*
thanks for the benefit I'fie heti obtained: ;;',`”•••, •
Tfie above patient 'iiiefly need milk regientiss ••
durmg his treatment. .
• 11—
A WIWI A 4 TO IltEt Y E Aitil
Mr. Robert Munn . Schaylkilt, aiflioteiriiiitfi
the shove diets sling'
initatady. Symptiii . reaf
languor. Asko y, dshirbed rest, nervoia,bsedf.
ache, difficulty Of breathing, tightness ADAarief
Lure across th brea, dizziners, nervous irrita r
bility an rbs Wit**, bibld tint liiiin :a d WO:
iontal positio
withciht the senaation of iiiitiand=
mg sieffocatieip. palpitation of she heart,:diatrest.
Mg cough, cost iveneli, pain of the stomach, drim;
sines". great debilityi l ind deficiency of the nett
, us energy. Mr. q. Mi nroe gave uti.'everi
thought of recovery lind dire drpaiir 'eat 'on.**
countenance of every person interested in hfit
existence or happinelio, till by accident be notiffeil
in a. public•paper so e cures effected by Dr. Way
F•VIIIIR'W , medicine, i . his complaint, w e
, ccd him to Ottlrchiliikr
~ pat-knee of the PHU; ialhicji
resoltyd in comp'etely removing every,symptiwit
in his rit.esite. He wishes to say his.:mOtivskic
this declaration lA. dist those affiiet4.lritli. the
same or any symptoms I.l milascp4 ll4 ilte..TF o s l3
which he is happily (entered,. may lihetvitstvecehis
the same inestimable ben. fit. ' 9-4
Amos Hrenhiser, &Miler of Second street itid
Germantown Road,!Philadallihla, affected further.
last six rears with: the Liver Complaint. was
complAelv restored ,to health hX Dr. WM. v .r.;
vANwscarootionb',Tontt and Family Aperient
Pills. Her symptorita were habithal tunitivenessi
excruciating pain in the stomach, depression
.spirits, languor, extreme dehility.disturbeditleert
great pain in her side, could not he on her left
side without an aggravation of pam, ditsitOWT,ltt
the bead, dimness Of sight, with other amnion*
indicating great derangement in the fonetiottilif •
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser has made, trial itlfirs
nous medicines noir before the public, but re ,
ceived no relief until she was advised to • Tithe
trial of Dr Evaos'4l Pills, of which she is happy
. to state that they effectually relieved her a the
above distressing symptom., with others, Willer
are not essential to intimate. ,
Mr. Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mrs
Breathier, had Mien two yeirs kaflicted with t
distressed state pa h
ts and Costiveness, 'of Wlffe
he was effectually i cured.
• -
A perfect curt l ectkd Lhe treatment of pi.
William Earns.
Mr. Julio Gibvdh, of N.4th Street, WiMaims
burg, atllictCd wiih the above complaint for three
years and nine miniths, during which tints he
had lunge crntebils. His chid symptoms .ittver•
excruciating pain4n all his joints, but ,espceially
in the hips, shosil4er. knees and ankles.' eh' lig
resat ion of (fie pink towards night; lititttittlus
most part alttim4 from extetnalbisati ,
nos thickening ofAhe fascia and ligaments, ,nilth'
a complete loss oitintisculei power .'; Fur the-ben
efit of those aglieted in 'a similar inanner;•Mr.
Gibson conceives; it Meet to say that the pains
have entirely celsed, and that his joints -have
coaapletely tecovired their natunki tome, sis ha
feels able to resthue his ordinary liolineet. I,
Mr. Charles ffiMart. No. 122 OtonStiliirre"
Y. siflimed for five years with Mancini iial
Asthma, applieest tbeoffice 100 Cbatlairiittiee'' t
on the 401 of Odober, litborinentidev the follow=
ing syniptoms. itA sense of tightness acrostr4l4 .
chest. with the greatest difficulty of ; ,,breathfpg,
distressing coug,
.genetally coding withlticitapur
expectoration o meld phlegm. clistitilied 4 mt.
the face turbid nd of a livid haitrimuliFtiotihe
in a horitontal itian without , the'vevisatlest Of
immediatir sufrafation, languor. drowshisne, .stnd •
dizziness in the Lead, and loss of appetite. ' I
Mr. H. applied to the most emt ooo t.,l 4 o# 3ll no •
'in This city, lik n iwtse well severia othr remedies
without. obtain' g any permanent , tbeneffil unlit
hiacrfends-perstisded him to plambionsiftPlooet i
DrcWill;a7) Enne trealmeal., - Pitle
lieved 0f .. 1# OF/plaint, sod calteka i Mike
y eik t e rdan a r:Mtnif. that he` iscCir etlaWiix
press his gAtitude for the. bifiefithillittriediv
ed. October 'Z!; 183 i. • - 41 1 ,* , nl
W e do hereby anbscrifie °Or sigmitnres;l9oB
troth of the ab4s cures, that the. stolen) t:I. or
every respect tit?. SAUD' DREMEDS •
1:- JOHN STElFeita ail
No. 11 berth Eiffhibstreet.Mbila*-1
• Pstiladelphb. Ant. 2}if. teati. t..- 4 -,,
Dr. WW. EVANS'S Medkeist o;l4k-fire •
sale of his exeoent sl l dioinias 4 0 ; c"trik`•
Eeighth street. Philadelp hia;
Sold by , LtAttiPAßlV'''fA -*
A '- SI& Arrat jar litchttyAvatCtooßtth.