The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 10, 1838, Image 3

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    BEST Cucumber Pickles, just
129000 received and fur sale at thu
rconsylvania hall llcfe.itory by
Pottsville, Oct. 6, 1838
Stoves. Stoves!!
VALI. and examine for yourselves, the tinder..
signed wootd, respectfully inform his friends
and the public in general, that he has constantly
on' hand a general assortment of the latest rind
most approved kinds of Coal sod Wood Stoves,
that an. to he had in the pl ice, together with a
:.rze quantity alStove Pipe, Sheettron ware, Cop
i K3 arid Tin ware, as gravid ar.d as el•eap as can
Le bought any where el.e.
Jr All kinds of work. in his line dune to or.
r at the shortest
Pottgville, Sept. 29:, 1638.
OR , 'CLA M ATlON.—Whereos . the honorable
CALVIN BLYTVF:, Esquire, Pre,ident of the
vela! Courts of Common Pleas•i..ll he eniiiiiks
Da i'phin, Lebanon,' and Schuylkill, in l",n11-
,\ Irvoati, and justice of the several Courts of Oyer
antATerrniner and Gent ral Jail Delivery, in
roun'irs, and George Roush arid Daniel Yost
E.:quires, judges rrl - the court of Ojer and Ter
miser and Getietal Jail Delivery, for the trial of
all capital and other offenders, in the said county
ut their precepts to me directed,
ir,tcd Orlaigshorg, tho63oth day, of September
1- , 3z4, have _Ordered the Court o:_pyer arid Tu.
Timer and Genral ..1141 Delivery, to be holden at
th,igsburg,j on the Fat Mundav, of October next,
:wing the , 1 29th of said month,) to continue one
%,oh. I f .
Notice 119: fhereP,relicreby given, to the coroner
to d justiee.of the peace, and ronstabli s of the
r•atil emnity of Seto," that they are by the
said precept commanded to be then and there at
tin o'clock in the fotnoon of said day, with their
ri Cords, inquisMinns, ex:lmola:tons, awl all
other i'ememberanctetil, to do these things, v, loch to
their stucco appertilm to lie done, and all those
that arc bound by recognizarices, to prmectite
against the prisoners- that are or then shall be
in the Jail of said county of Sehuvlkill, are to be
their and there to pros. cote them as Shall be jitiat.
Sheriffs Office, Orwig , burg,
a September, 29, 1b35.
131ROCLAMAtION:—Notiec is hereby RIVCP
That a Cturt 'of Common reaA, for the trdil of
c.pon.s• at issue, in and for the cou; ty of S. hnyll.ill
he. held at Orwlgsburn, in the county aforsdul,on
Mondayihe of October next, at 10 o'clock to
the forenoon:
'cl ier efore on persons having suns pendong, and al;
persons whok , duty q shall he to appear at nand Court
-n,;l take not.ce and govern theniselt es areorthrelv
PrrElt I' LI 1M IG,Shrdf.
. 1 / 4 kerif s Office. Orrigsburg
Sept 22, 1838. 73-
Punduat attendance is dema tded of the Jurors
and Witnesses summoned to attend llos Court.
\MO LI! ENT DEBTORS.-TIIE subscribers
A have applied to' the Judges„of the I 'mut of -Corn
tmoi Pleas of Schuylittll county. tor the benefit of the
rverel Ameof Assemblv passed for the fetter of In
e.:verit Debtors. & that the said Judzes have appointed
!tlonday the 29th day of Oa. next, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, at the Court I louse. io Qrwinslinr , :. - for the
ring of us and ow creditors. sr hen and M here they
may attend if they think proper
.1011 N ROW E'
.1011 N lIENRI(•KS.
• Sept 22 -. fib
A mos LEWIS, Re.peetfiltly informs his
1- ‘• friends and the public fferp - rally, tint he has
Jost rtTeiyed a general it,suriment of FA and
Winter Goods, among m.hieli are
Stperfine Clo'hs and SattinclQa, Gro de Nip-
M. rino, E , tglish and French do. Imoring
dr Swi.s, Puult de Sol, Gro fit Nap and Sent-hew
Silks. Foieign and Domestic print., Mark !tom
zim., PU1,211111 , 1. Merin,, Shams !t , & Mick fs. Th I
!,•••, arid Colton llndkfs. l'arnhric•
irred Muslin. Bo lli.hop Lawn, Book Mil.-
lin, Swiss ar.d India Milli Edging.. Inserling.„
Q oßingv Si.e. Hoskin Kid, Silk, Cotlo9, Wool. n,
liticks.i in and Berl,in Glover, Mohair., Siik, f a mini
wool, Worsted, Cumin' and %Void( n Stockings
S,lk and Cotton_ Velvet. Vest inis, !f r y e r.
tr•rn, Vuritian,. Genoa Curd, ‘Vashingtrin Jean,
un and Blached Muslin., [Arlen and Cottun
I) Ming., Bird Eye, Linr•rrend ('on on plaperS.
Apron and Furniture Cheek 1. 94,1U4, 11 4,
af,tl 12 4, Rose Wankel., Silk Flag and Pongee
Black Italian Cravat., Satin and Blin-t
-./ nr 5.0 , 2 Collars, IkenUns, Gum Elastic.
orsied and Cotton Suspenders, Silk and Conon
Su.pender, Silk arid Colton Umbrellas; Lambs
tr n! Shirts, &c. &c. All of which will be sold
at the lowest prirea.
l'oltsville, Sept.. 29, TB3B
T HE Register of Schtt 'kill County having
Granted letters of acliniiii,,tration of the estrce
Gfo,ge Lyons, late of Port Carbon, deceased,
t, tile Subscribers, they hereby notify all per•
sons indebted. to the said estate to inali f e payment,
arid all persons having claims against the carne
in' present them, duly authenticated to the sub.
scribers for settlement, without delay.
AN" I,Y( r.Kiz,
111.1.1 11
Bn h residing in Port Cat bon, Schuylkill cutlery.
Srpt. 26, 1838, 15-6 t•
In the Co urt of Common Plena of .Schu+tl
kill Counim.
In the matter of the , Estate of Caries Etailey, Eaq
" - WHEREAS John Schell. assignee
.r of Charlet; Frailey, .Esq. did on the
3d day of August, One Thou4and
Eight 11w:tired and Thirty.E'kht,
as . file in the °thee & the Prothonotary
the Court n 1 Common Picas for the i'vuoty of
tirtinyOtilli a statement of all concerns of the said
NOTICE is hereby given in the ,creditors of
1..,• said Charles I'mley, Erg and atl others in•
teri.iited in the, said Ei.tate, that the Iloniirabre
it,i• Judges of the Cour: of Com Mon Pleas afore
t-od, have appointed Monday the 22d day of Oc.
t.,ber, 1838, at 10 o'clock, A. M. •at the Court
house in the Borough of Orwigsburg, for the
lag of the same, and for shewing cause v.I y
rid account ought not to be allowed, and'
lo !101l thereof, the same will be confirmed.
Witness the Honotable Calvin Blythe, Presi.
nt ut our 'said Court at Orwigsburg, the 12th
tar of September,. A. ID. 1838.
_ _ _
Orwizetiurg, Sept. 15
Wanted tolltire. f.
4. SMALL.Tenentent, or the part of a House
suitable for a ' , mall 1 . mtly in a central situ
Apply at thee offiiee.
l'uttsvillc, September, 8 1838.
& hard are Store. „.
THE subscribers would respectfully annopnee
to the public, that hd:has added to his formes
Stock, Iron and IfardwAT, emisisting in part or
American and English. Bar Iron:Hoops and Band
Iron, Round Iron, assoryed sizes; Cast, ("rawly,
Shear, German and English Blister %Rd A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouse hole. anvils. Smith's Bellows,.
emit Steel hand„ chopirg and Broad axes, nails
and spikes, togethez wm h a general assortmen
of Iron Mongery, all of Which will be sold at re
duced prices, by i. JOHN CLAYTON.
A oril , • t 2
4 w:EL.I.'S Scrics df School Booksjust rd.
ctived and tor galethy
New iG 40d s.
wv E hare just recc4ed, at -,d are now omning
a large and genler,ll assortment. or frea,
and seasonable goods-6100i . will be sold at very
reduced prices fur cash. I
JosEpill,W HITE & SON.
Monnt Carbon, Augi st 11,1838. 62
To Miners land Colliers.
IWROU63IT Iron; Tubes with Screws and
v Sockets, from 4nf an inch, to '2 inches
internal, ,tianwter Slii , ahle for Pumps for sale by.
30. and Walnut St Phila.
5.14..12 R • 7 l—tf
-- 4
4 Septemh. r 1338- I 4
Boarding. and Day-School. for Young Ladies
erotic St. 3d door above Notwegtan St.
rorris vILL E.
Tr!! E course of insttuetion under the superin
tendence of competent teachers, will embrace
thograpti r, Reading, ‘Vriiing, Arithmetic,
Grammar, G.-nil:why, Map Drawing, History,
C 10fi, Philosophy, Astronomy, Drawing &
Pdinting,, Music, Plain and Omani( Mal NeedH9
Work, &e. &c. The .etniitary will open on the
20th inst. Terms made kncwn on application.
Pottsv;lle, August 11, 1838. 62-3 mo
_ -
lie Patent
,1 1 HI E so b.eri her would respectfully announce
IL 1.) "..t he public tkat he ha. completed his
orranzentents fitr proOring castings, and that he
ha, now on hand twill sizes of his superior
which he v. ill he It.H•rto disposcorat the lowest
prices for rash. fle Bviiinfd wish persons to call
and examine for thei ..elves, as these Stoves pos.
.ess advantages whi h belong to none Others
hetinfore man.ifactur d.
He would also info n his friends that he con
tinues to keep a gene al assortment of
Stores, I
Cop prr •11- are , l'ipe.;, 4-c. 4-c.,
All of which will be of cheap for cash.
(..iE )12(ilE 11. STICIITER,
Pottsville, Scpi. 23, ISM. 71-6;no
10 Irm.. Porto
5 d. St• Croix,
20 Ind.. do. do.
5() Box., Brown So
i p.•
50 du Yullow dw—for Pale by
Pottt.rille, Sept 26. 11 ?)3M,
VE.on hand.
'SHEET do.„
Bar Iron of any sizn drawn to order. Nails
and spikes of all sizes;'for sale at the ldwest City
Reading. May 21, 18.38. 4.0-6tnn
'YOUNG man t
who 'speaks tier r
so a Boy 12 to 11 yea
. _ Jos
Mount Clirbon, Sep'
1. 15, ' 72
IF4* Sale,
A_ valattable tract of Coal Land,
YING and bein ' in the township of Norwe
weeinn, on the A est Branch near the West
Branch Rail Road,-a I tour miles tram Schisyl.
kill Haven—there i me or more coal Veins
passing through this .and. For information ap:
at Pottsville,
at Reading.
March 25 34
itlooring Boards.
CATiGLINA worked flooring boards, filough
rd, tongued and grooved ready for laying, I,
14 and la inches of diffa-ent quality and prices,
constantly on hand, and for *ale to lots to suit
purchasers, upon aPplication by letter to
Planing Machine Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co.
april 2i 31—tf Pottsville.
rascal Iron Works Ware-
No 77 South Third Street. S. E. corner Walr.o
.11orris, Tasker Jr Morris,
IRON Founders; 'and Manufacturers or Coal
Grates, Furnaces, Kitchen Ranged ; Bath Boil.
ers, Perpetual Ovens, &c. Welded Wrought
Iron Tubes, for St.tam, Gas, Hot Water, &c.
Davy's Safety Lamps'
of the best Construction.
Patteins for the Foundry received, and casting*
detive'red at the Ware Mimic, Third & Walnut St.
September 26,
111 ti
itt.QN Woa KS4
elk nd in the Store, ono
an would be prefercd.—Al
aof ay.. Apply to
. VEY :virtue dl a writ of YeediNnti"..xpeass.
sued out of the court of Common fleas of
Schuylkill• County, and to me directed. will be.
exposed to public Sale
'On Monday the 15th day of -Octo
ber next, at the house of John Snyder, Esq. in
the town of Friefiensburg, et 3 o'clock P. M.—
All that certain messnage, tenement and tract ul
land, situate' in Wayne township, county of
Schuylkill, bounded by • lands of Jacob Sauter,
John:;.Leil'oel Bernhard, land, and
•161111 hind of 114tiry Fahr and others, con.
Hai . 'a ining 230 acres, mere or less, with
"- 11 'he appurtenances, consisting of a one
story log uwelling house, switzer barn, and one
srory log dwelling house and stable—late the es
tate of Br.jumin Qatdu f•
L.4la nday the 19th of Oct. next al
thouset,.?Peter Filbert ,innkeeper in the hotough
of liiinegrove, at . 10 o'clock, A. M. All that ccr
lain lot of ground situate in the bor
."-, 9Ugh of Pinegrove, boun d ed as fol
sissy r . lows, to wit: on the west fronting on
2 " • Pulpebocken street 60 feet,,on the
north engine lot lEiO feel, on the east a 20 feel
alloy 611 feet, and or, the south lot o! Isaac Bar
soy 1140 feet, with the appurtenances, consisting
of q one story ldg dwelling house with a framd
kitchen thereto attached, and afro= stable—lat -
the estate of Jacob Krater.
. . . .. •
AI the sa m e time and place,
that une equal undivided eighth part, the who••
to be Into eight parts, parted and divided of
that certain tract or parcel of coal •land, situate
Pinegrove township; county aforesaid, adjoining
on the east, bind of William Graeff, on the north
and west-the Swutara Coal Company, arid on the
south the Swatara river containing 112 acres and
108 perches, with the apportenarces-- , late tie
estate of Henry W. Conrad.
At the same-time and place, all
that certain. lot or piece of ground,
situate in the borough of Pinegrove,
!ems county aforesaid, bounded by the
. 1 1 _ 11 -7 Rail Road on the east, by Orwigsburg
road on the south, by Tulpebocken road on 'the
west, and a fifteen feet alley on the north, con
taining one acre more or 'less, with the appurte-
nances, consisting ats large two story distßing
house and kitchen, spring house:office, and a
frame stable; the House is now occupied a
tavern—late the estate of Henry W. Conrad. tab.
at the same time and place, 411
• that es-rain undivided half of a cer
se 1 ,
• lain lot of ground. situate in the. bo.
sir. •
rough of Pinegrove, Schuylkill Glop
ty, bounded by Tulpehockcn street
on the west, by a piablie_street on the north,,by
an alley on the east, by - land of Eldridge 4 Co.
on the south, with the appurtenances, consisting
of at two story frame dwelling house and kitchen,
and frame stable. Also, a tract-of land, situate
in Pinegrove township, county aforesaid. bound
id by lands or Jacob Zerbe, Frederick Math and
ot,iers, containir.g one hundred acres more or
less, with the appurtenances, consisting of . a two
story log dwelling house and log barn—late tbe
estate of John Huber. •
*On Tuesday the 16th of October
next, at the house of Wm. Mortimer, in the bor
ough of Pottsville, at 10 o'clock A. M. All that
certain lot of ground, situate on a f.rty feet wide
street in the borough of
. Pottsville, county of
Schuylkill, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: beginning at a corner of said 40 feet wide
street and Seitzinger's alley, thence along said
alley smith 60 degrees, west 198 feet to a corner;
thence south 30- degrees east 60 feet to a corder;
thence north GO degrees, east 198 feet to the said
forty feet wide streeti thence along said street
north 30 degrees, west 60 feet to the place of be
girning, containing a lut of ground -60 test in
front and 198 feet in depth, and being half the
lot which is marked and numbered in the gener
; • al plan of the said borough of Potts.
imp sill° with' No. 92, with the appurte
la" • nances, consisting of two three story
is a •
frame dwelling houses, together with
h.d earn and other buildings—late the estate
of tinthapiel J. Mills.
.11 the same time and ?dee, all
. I that certain moietf or undivided h , If
part, portion or interest of, in and to
sass:',, all that certain messuage, tenemen
II s`_ '
and lot of ground, situate on the
nroth westerly side of Market Street in theboroog h
of Pottsiille, marked in Pott Patterson's add'
lion to Pottsville, with the Nq. 15; bounded on the
southwesterly_side by lot of property of Daniel
Levy, and beginning at the south corner at a
atone, thence rorth 60 degrees, east 52 feet to a
RiMIC; tdence north 30 degrees west 190 feet to a
post; thence south 60 degrees west 50 feel; thence
south 90 degrees, east 132 feet to a post), thence
south 6Q degrees west 2 feet to a post; thence
south :30 degrees east 5S feet to the place of be,
ginning, containing in front on Market street 52
feet, in the rear 50 feet, and in depth 190 feet,
with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story
partly brick and partly stone dwelling house, and
a two story stone kitchen thereto attached; also,
a one story frame dwelling house with a frame
kitchen thereto attached—late the estate of Dan
iel Christian.
All seized, taken in execution, and to be sold by
Pr. CFA F. LUDWIG, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Orwigii.
burr, Sept. 92. 1838.
Public Notice.
As it appears, that because M r. Crane obtained
no patent (or smeltir.g Iron Ore with An.
thracite Coal in this country, many suppose that
they arc now at liberty to adopt the mrthod et
smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of
a heated air blast; although I gave notice last
year filet I had a patent fdr smelting Iron Ore
with Anthracite Coal, both by the use of a cold
atmospheric and a heated air blast, I would now
inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan=
nary, 1838, I received a letter from the Commis.
sinner of Patents/ at Washington, stating: "Sir,
opon examining the case of Mr. Crane's applies:-
tionsfor a patent for Smelting Iron by warts of
Anthracite, I have viewed his claim is interfering
with your patent of Dec, 1833,,' and • have given
notice to his attorney of this decision." Every'
attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the
: use of a heated,air blast, is an infringement upon
my patent, against which I caution andovarn
all men; as 1 shall prosecute every one fnft raging
upon my righta i according to law. And I fur
ther offer to dispose of patent rights for the erect
ing of fornacea, according to my' patent, upon
very moderate terms. '—
New York, May 16,1838. 3T—ly
Reading Nail dl; Iron Works,
HAVE on hand boiler Iron, ;heel of various
sizes du. and also, all the different-sizes hair
iron; also, round, and square -iron frilrn up to 3
inch Railroad iron-a the various sizes,' punched ,
and countersunk, andcut to the anglesieady for
use; and band iron. Allsizes nails and spikes—
eon iron of superior quality. AU of which
are offered for sale. at the luivest City prices.
Reading, lone 25, 1838. 513-11
- Caption... • .
undersigned•• i• .
Tr HE cautions the p b lelgams
. 11 - . purchasing or leasing the tract o land caUtd
Clinton Tract, on the East Narwegi is. rail road
from Elliabeth Scot.
to or -Henry Morrie- tor her
as he the undaniigned claims title thereto, and
will instit2ifc a suit Against any peraon attempt.
ing to take the possession thereof: . .
314nheim, April 28, 1838
THE Subscribers having taken the large and
comniodi wharf on Callowhill street (or
eornor of Callowhill arid William )street,` on
the Schuylkill. near Fair MoUnt, Philadelphia; are
prepared to receive any quantity of C,O al, Lumber
Scc. on MI harhigo.or storage. on the open wharf or.
untLy cover, on the most reasonable terrna• Every
attention paid . to coal consigned to them.
Refereners—Mr. George Bast, Fi;huylkill Ha.
yen; Mr. Philip lir ffa, Pottsville. .
rhiladelphia, July 1 I. 1938. 53-3
7VOTIC E - is hereby, giyen,, that thc,Sithcriher
appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of
Schuylkill Coonty, to di.tributo the aiotelie or
proceeds, arising from the Sheriff's Sales of the
real estate of George Rahn, will attend for that
purpose It his office in the Borough of Orwigs
burg, on Monday the 15th day of October next.
• Orwiashorp.Sept. 29, 76-3
FE flit:RS of superior quality received and
fur sale by
liept 1, .
. 'Merinos Ife. •
pRENCH and English Merinos,
A- Plain Vimmina,
Figtired. Mousseline de Leine—toret hp. with
a said assortment of fall prints, received and for
sale by
Pot'seine, Sept. 26, 1838. • 75
IS hereby given the the follniaring named
A- Executors and Administrators, have filed the ir
accounts in the Office of the Register of Schuyl.
kill county, and that the said accouta will be pre•
sent 1.1 the 0. phone.' Court of Schuylkill county,
to be held at Orwigsb-rg, in and for said county,
on Nlonday the 22d day of Oetober 1838, for eon
1. The Account of Philip Bausum Adminis
trator of the Estate of ramrod hausiatu late of
Manheim Township. deceased.
2. The Accusint, of Abraham Bettolet, Admin
istrator of the Estate of borothy Bartolet late of
Manheim Township, deceased.
3.• The Second Account of George Kimmel
Executor of the last Will and Testament of
George Kimmel late of Brunswick Township,
4. The Account of Abraham Albright Adniiii
istrator of the Estate of Daniel Albright late of
West Brunswick Township, deceased.
Orwigsburg, Sept. 29, 183 P. 76--ic
No Fit-rms.—This extraordinary ohcmica
composition, the result of science and the raven
lion of a cek brited medical man, the introduction
of which to the public was invested with the so.
lemnity of a deeth bed bequest, has since gained a'
reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the cor
rectness of the lamented Dr. Gtidley's last con•
fession, that " he dared not die without giving to
posterity the benefit ofhis knowledge on this sob
ject,r and he therefore bequeathed to his friend t
attendant Solomon Have, the secret of his discove
It is now used in the principal hospitals, and"
the private practice in our country, first and
moat certainly for the cures of the Piles, and also
so extensively and effectually as to baffle creduli
ty, unless where its effects are witnessed. Exter
nally in the following complaints.
For Dropsy.—Creating extraordinary absorp
tion at once.
AU &ultimo —Reducing them in a few hours.
Rheumatism.—Acute or ChroniE, giving quick
Sore Throat.—By cancers, ulcers, or colds.
Croup,and Whooping Cough.—Externally, and
over the chest.
AU Bruises, Sprains and Bann, cured in a
few hours.
Sores and Ulcers —Whether fresh or long stand
ing and fever votes.
Its operations upon adults and children tn re.
ducing rheumatic swellings. & loosening coughs
and tightness of the chest by relaxation of the
parts, has been surprising beyond conception.—
The common remark of those who have used it
in the Piles. is "It acts like a charm."
THE,PILES.—The price $1 is refunded litany
person who will use a bottle of Hay's Liniment
for the PtIA, and return the empty bottle without
being cured. These are the positive orders of the
proprietor to the Agents; and out of litany thou
sands sold; not-one has been unsuccessful.
We might insert certificates toeny length, but
prefer that those . who sell the article, should ex
hibit the original to plitchaewrs-
CAUTION.—NoIe can he genuine without a
splendid engraved wtapper, on, which is my
name, and also that of the Agents.
Sold wholesale and retail by CO , .11STOCK &
CO., Sole Agents,. 2`F4enther street, New. York,
and retail by W. T. EPTING, Centre at. Potts
ville, Pa.
Pziper Hangi gm.
A NEW-Aisortment; consistr♦g of a variety o
New Patterns, for Rooms and Entries, to
gather with choice Borders, just neceived -end for
sale by BANNA N.
August 25. 66
A Few engraved, full le.ngth plots. of the late
BISHOP WHITE, anitable i for frames, just
reecived and for sale by the subscriber. Price
75 cents.
Sue. lan
To Coal Dealeri.
Bishop Whil
ram;& co.:
• i
@garters P . Tailors, ..
• •
INFOR.M their friends anti the public in gen
2 tdrah-that they 'arise removed to their homer
stand in Centre Street, iopposite io Miller & Hag
gerty'a Shine,) wherti they, have on hand, a gen
eral assortment of supeefine Broitd Cloths and
Cassienerea of theost fashionable colors, with
ni e
an elegant as-oriole t of Sommer Cloths , Satin,
Silk, Valencia, Mar Wes and Velvet Vastings,
Linen, Colton and Chintz Shirts, Satin,Silk and
Sontbszeen Stocks; Linn and Chintz Bosoms autd
Collars, also Linen pad Chintz n 0 ,,,,, 0 ,, wi th ol ii
Collars, Siik, Cotton: Throaii, Beaver and Floskin
Gloves, Linen and Cotton' Iluse and Half Hose, Linen and Silk Hari:dacrialiset; and Gino
Elastic Suspenders. . Tines tiku have on hand
elegant stock of GeOloniciisr and Boy's wearing
apparel. such as Frock and Drees Coals, Rounds
halos, Veais and Pataloons, made after the latest
fashion and the best worsuanship, which they in
tend to sell at terqonable prices..
1 P. S. iVanred two or three good iintrnextn.eti
Tailors, to whom constant work with be given
throu.hout the seaann.
NOW/111e, Sepi. IS, l 8:1 8. 72
For Sate.
TILE New Castle French Town Rail Road
Company, will .dispose of apart of the Iron
taken from the flat ear track. , The bars are in
good dindition, '24 b% a A sample miry be seen
at the Company's (Alice, Chesnut strt et wharf;
Philo6ll,llin, Sept. 15, 1838
ilnr The extraordinary re;unai ion that Dr. Spohn's
remedy for this &stressing complaua is every day
Finning ty certainly 4 twitter of much astonishment
That so much siiffermg Id have existed for ages
wi hold any &scorer) of an effectual preventive, or
cure is truly a suhieti olunieh !egret. but Dr S: now
assures the public that such a remedy has been in- I
vented as will convince the most credulous. The=
i,rinciples upon which it acts are simple. tirmislain.—
It is an admittea het that this complaint. whether
called sick- Headache, or Nervous headache. arises
primarily from the stomach—those who think they
have the Nervous Itpada lie , may rest-assured that
this organ. the stomach. is the first clurc.that the
system has beCome vitiated or debiliated, through the
stomach, and that only fltroogh the snow channel
must they expect a' restoration (Abe natural and
healthy functions of the system. This object, Dr.
Spohu's remedy is eptinentlpealcututed to attain—
The truth M. this posh - lion cannot be controverted, and
the sooner sufferers with the headache become con
vinced of it. the sooner will their sufferings end in
restoration to health. Dr. Spohn pledgee his profse
aional reputation on this fact. The iesuedy may be
had of apothecaries.
Wholesale and Retail by Comstock & Cu. No. 2
Fletcher St. New York. and Retail by
. _ _
Pottsville July 21..1938
Stibscribers respectfully annonnces t
the Citizens of this Borough and Region, and
their friends in gencrai, that they are prepared to
manufacture to o. der, and will 'constantly keep
on hand, at the corner of Coal and Norwegian
Streets. in• to Porough of Pottsville, CAR--,
of the very best materials, and at the lowest rates.
All work entrusted to their care, they will war
rant to be manufactured equal to any in the
county or elsewhere, both in point of neatre
and durability. They hope that the public befcire
purchasing elsewhere, will call, examine and
judge for themselves.
All kinds of Vehicles repaired at the shortest
notice, and on the most accommodating terms.
. Pottsville,Angust 25. 166-3po •
Minter it; Haggerty,
Dry Good,x,Grocery,Wine 4. Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortimer's MALI.)
T HE ( connexion with aqiouse in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hand a wiry eaten.
sive assortment of goods. which they will sell at
Philadelphia Orices. Store and Tavern keepers
and private families, would do well to call and
judge for themselves.
april 19 31
Read the Following.
Interesting and Astonishing Facts
116,10i2E conclusive proofs of the extraordinary
11-711 letter of DR. %V5l. EVAN'S es - kb:med.
Camomile and Aperient Airtibilious rills in at.
leviating aficted.mankird. .
To James Dickson, 36, Cornhill, Roston, Agent
foi the sale of Di. Wm. Evans's Camomile Pills.
LOWELL, Nov. 15, 11:136.
Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every
reference that the afflicted receive of the beneft;
et d results of medieinee. I cheerfully otter roirie
to the public in behalf of DR. %VAL EVANS'S
CAMONI I Le. I'ILLS. 1 have been afflicted for
the last ten :mats with distress in.the head and
chest: often an bed as to deprive the of sleep for
three or four nights in succession, but have never
found relief by any of my friends' preseriptioris,
until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper,
when she persuaded me to 'send for'some, which
I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, which
resulted in almost compli tely rctoring me to
health, although 4 have not yet entirely, finished
them. Should yell consider this any benefit to
yourself, or the public, you have my...cheerful per-
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully,
THOS., K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
1, Evans's Camomile Tonic and Fami(y - Aperi
set Pills —Mr. BEM' AM IN 'BOW'S, corner of
Shipped and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by
which he was net able to write h;s name—his
symptoms were,cruscation, daily spasmodic pains
in the bead, lasi of appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of engaging . in any thing that demanded
vigor or courage, sickness and weaknetis ex
teme debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure
and weight at 04 stomach aflei eating, great
mental despondency, severe flying - pains in the
chest back .antfiaMe, costiveness, a dislike for
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of varions medic nee now before the publin, but
to no effect, until, observing in a public 'paper
some cores performed by Dr. William Evans's
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he
was iminced to glye them a trial, of which ho is
at any time ,happy to state that they effectually
cured him of the above distressing disease. •
113 Persons who doubt the abovecute, arc nioat
respectfully direCted to the above mentioned per.
son at the coati west, corner of,Shippen and
Georges streets. fIENJAMIN,BOWN.
Philadelphia October-264537. •
. .
ING. •
Mn.. flanOtt Ercenr, wife of Joscpb Browne,
. .
N. siti.artfiti hesr•Senatai‘ 'inilinulbullkliAti.o • ...,• •
ed for the last ten years wit • thetiver'ettippkolik' ".
completely restored to heal .' ttet#iiittahOtt*P2..
merit nt Dr. Wm.. grant- imP101 13 ,1: 4 11 11 4 1 4 - 1:..:11
constipation or the bowele,!,otil lots titt,;ir :tk :. .. , •
excruciating pairrllimeni
.atria region;
deprmision.tif spiti lange enti..catict;.lo:Ail,*4.-'..
Ofoitreitie f debiltlt[iliatiir, '''''''sleilt, inOrmit 4 .,
'flow of the menses, itin in •the Tight 5iiii.; , ".."4414t .
not lie on bet lea eelt .:e.4 - • !.. iri - feieVaPit" . . - 1 ..
Cif the paitioninit high:colo ed,,,witit tithi!e*ftiet- , :;)
loins indicating. great deril gctm tit
- /p . theftnief , i'---`.• ,
tiorkii of the lifter. •
Mrs. Browne li'no intend 1 iitt litieti - O'tit. ' ll 2 b + '' . . e
. .
- r r ie . " iliii
physicians, hilt received bu 10.04 re t o im s .. ,
medicine, till Mr. Browne • me ' ihrd ao- , irriUftie.":-:•1
Wen. tvaint's. invaluable .pa• le leMs , .telalFA.42:',, ...
renant , relieved her of llte ohive dialteistito:'
symptoms,with tetlicra„wl eh it is iv t, essentitif..
1•to intimate.' . RitiEPII 11R0,10111E,..
City end Veinal , of New Ykrk, as. • "-: ,•''''';i - '" ...- 1*••: ,'", .',
• '. Joseph Browne, of Willikmehurg. Loitgieltintk.:„.:'
bein2 duly sworn, did depts.: and say. thatAlitt i ..
fac , yee.erl forth in elle tiettqta statement., ticei11:04.„,..,
Ih e his suhseribed.lits•name, are kid and tynti . 4.,.. ; '
Jit:it:PM DROWN P1,"3.9" -:c
Mushand of th i et• e tl Hau nc h HuilithiVii - ,..:
Sworn before me.this 4th ay of .1 1 .0.,,i7.4g137.1:,, , ;., ,
' PETER PINK EY, Coat. intdeedlrr.?:*•&, -
INTERESTING CAS et Terbeenlat .Core? • ,
• so mprise.- , -M r. John R'r,ne el a pplied orythei.444 ~,
day of September at the , / office 100 Clitliaip„
street, laboring under the Ihllowing itympiumir.:.4 .
A slight spitting of biota:l.:distressing cough,liti
tended with an expeetorati in of purulent Matiery. - • . ,
night bwrats, general en aciaeipn, ditficilltrot,
breathing on exertion, wit 4 i a well 'Milked hettiet" .
flash on the cheek. On etamination, the chest ..
was found to sound w. 41 rery where except 4;14;
dtr the len clavicle, and n the arm pirof the
same side... - ' -' '...' •
• Treatment—Directed tit take '• the reStorativO •
Ca le Pills, with tqi expectorating coin. ''
pnynd at the same time , S' injunction, to call in
lour days; when the night jweata had ceased, the
rapertoration slightly Gintinished, a alight fi t of .
roughing:A:fill =inclining lin toe maiming.: Dr; „
dercd as usual to centime' the medicine, and to
Catlin the courie of a w ' k—when his heal th
-continued rapidly increas ng, without thd least
cough. -Called at the ME 'ee on the , Itli of this
month. quite mu Iva leseent 'returning hilt sincere -
thanks for the benefit hehlid obtained. '1 - '
' The above patient elite ly used milk:regimen; , •
ud ritg his treatment. - 1
1 • "
Mr. Ro s
~, soiree, Sconylkill ; afflicted . with
the shrive ,5,„ , - - '4sg timidty. Symptoms—great.
i s
languor. flan nefy, distutised rest, n versus head.:
ache, difficulty of breathing, tightn s and attics
tore across the breast, di4iness, n vous -irri!as.
hility and restlessness, 4uld not to its a ha:l.'
'touts' position, without the sensat'on of impend
ing suffocation, palpitati4 of the heart, distress.
ing cough, costiveness, palis of the stomach; drow
siness, great debility and lkleficiency. of the nerve,. energy. Mr. IL itAenroe gave up every
thou : l.kt of recovery and dire despair sat on' 11-0 •
countenance of every person inttresied in his
existence or happiness, till by accident he noticed
in a public paper some macs effiseted by Dr. Wm:
Evans's medicine, in his homplamt, which indu,
ccd him to purchase a patikage of the Pills, which .
resulted in w.mrhtvly reib•ming every symptom.
05 his disease. Ile w.alisse to say his motive of
this declaration is, that ihese afflicted with 'the
same or any svirilltrassi similar to those front
which he is happily ressored, nay likewise receive'
the same inestimable bent fit.
56-1 y
MRS. ,SARAH BRENHISER, wife of Mr s ,
Arnms Wen hiser, corner of Second ,street and
Germantown Road, Philadelphia, affected for the
last six veers with the - Liver Complaint. was
eomplately restored to health by Dr. •WM. E.
VA Tonic and Family Aperient
ller sy /II moms were habitual costiveness,
excruciating pain ',in the IslomaCh, de l irtssion.of
spirits, extreme debility, disturbed sleep
great p in i i her side, could not he on her left'.
sure without an aggravation of ns Sdizz:nese in
the hear!, dimness of sight, with other symptoms'
indicating great derangerrient in the functions of'
the Liver. Mrs. firenhisir has made trial art-.
rious medicines now befoie the public, but re ,
ceived no r'-lief until she was advised to make
trial of Dr Evan's Ptlls s .of which she is haeltf
to state that they effectually relieved her of the
above distressing rrymptoms, with others, which
are not essential to intimate. •
Mr. Werth6er. (hue - bind of the above Mrs
Brenhiser; had been two xears t aflicted with a t
di.dreced state pike and Costiveness, ,or which
he was effectually cured,
A perfect cure effected by the treatiflent of pr
. •
William Event!.
• .
Mr; John Gibson, of N. 4th F.trert, Wi lams- . ',,,
berg, afflicted with the aline complaint r three.•
years and nine months, during which time he-.
had to use crutches. i llis chief symptoms mutt: .
exernciating pain in all his joint., but especial!
in the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles, an -
gravatlon of.the pains towards night; and fo hq t
most part all times from external heat, an ohm.,
ous thickening of faseia and ligamcnts„,
a complete loss ofmuscular power. Fur ti ben
efit of those athlete& in ti similar, •Manner,` , Mit.:.
Gibson conceives it meet. to any that the pains ,
have entirely ceased, and that his jointit• havot
completely recovered their - natural tone, an no
,eels able to resume his ordinary business. '
Mr. Chirles.fluletrt, No. 122 Orange stree_4N: -
V. afflicted for five-yeara with humeral -habitual
Asthma. applied at the office 100 Chatham street.
on the 4t% of October. laboring under the follow-.
ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the:
Chest. with the greatest difficulty of breathing„`
distressing cough, generally ending with copiotust.: •
expectiwation of viscid phlegm. disturbed,,,
the face turbid and of a livid hum-could not; te:
in a horizontal position without the seseation - OF - .
immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness,' and .•
dizziness in the head, and loss.tif appetite. . •
Mr. 11. applied to the Most eminent physicians',
in this city, likewise used several other remtidiesE‘,
without obtaining any permanent benefitoiritil;:.
his friends,persuaded him to place himaelf,under,..
l!tr.;.Williant Evans' treatment.' fro is now r -- e- ; . • "
`fieved of his complaint. and called at the office
yeiiterday, avowing that be had not -words tojii..
press his gratitude. for the benefit he bacrirecera
ed. -October 21, 107.
'We do befit's imbacribe oar sigriatirestO4o,
truth orthe 11vive cure', ;that the ettitementia to,
every respect' true. SARAH fiRENINSERL:.
JOHN STEIFii-Bairei;f: , :: ,
No. l i north Eiglithatreeti
Philadelphia. Oct. 21st., 1837.
Th. %Val. EVANS'S lifedical OfROX:
sale of his excellent Medicine, is at icri. l )3ti, „ 'W
,:reighth.street; Philadelphia.
Sold by WERPO'gr*,
. • . , Sole Agent ,r Schttglkilf •
~ ; .ri
, .
COFFEE, 50 Rags strong
30 dd. Green Laguira do. Cur oslet*.::s-E-.!
MI LIAM & lilt Milt.
terto I, IP3B
~~ ~.w