The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 10, 1838, Image 2

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    I' -TO Tito PUBLIP.
A handbill has-been issuSfA#tiirg: o titrit.
WEDNESDAY MORNISIG, OC FAO tIB3B. I last 85 . bylettingthat Russel* Bannari
Bah of lad' far. vii , uiti testa, to their Repi.rt. Thry did
mot ifairif every —deig. neatly printed .• r Jr stify to the thhOle Report; and the asser-
Jas Office at the &new exuta prices. • that I .lust the money is absolutely
.Let the People . 'lteniesiber
- voted in the Senate last Win
ter to instruct our Senators
and Represtfertalives in 42on
gress to vote favour of the
• oftious land infamous Sub
' Treasury
fgt Let the People reMem
beithat if David. R. Porter
AIR eleete4Governor, and the
Sub Treasury Bill should
pass, the Government war a
gainst the Banks will be rtin
tinned, and they will again
'be compelled to suspend
cie Payments:- and the cOun-
Itry will again be flooded + ith
'Shin Plasters..
07 We have ' wupd our Paper Ibis
morning, instead oG the Jsua I moroh g.
Wednesday. •
Vole Earl)•.
I.rt those Ntlin wrah townie o, , tii•etr, and
ovoid the crowd wiiivlitt ill a=seti ble rout•!
the p ',Hein the later part of the day, voti.
early ! .
order at the Polls.
-:1)::r We are ,pleti.ied to learn 111.1 t our
4C B irgefs 'has appoii.ted sufficient spe
cial Police, toTreserve order during the
.day, and to keep the grills open. • This is
Tight, give Grir play to all.
Push on Keep moving !
NVot k today, my lads and Juyt•ph Kil
mer is Hall our Governor ! Keep moving
--vote yourselves, and do not let a friend
to our c•"u4e be inactive !
One more Pull
.; "6k.
Fur the itottur of our State,
one can 1i-
Aloes, and True Piinciples; a lortg
a strong pull ! and a pull altogether !
Look out for Tricks.
When you once get your correct ticket
.'rpm you vigilance convoi.tee ; doo't Ict
Triy loco loco touch or 1. , 0k at it. The
Magici is ha= learned them some tricks a
twirl changing rates, that bas !weft ['rite.
tispd before to day ! Remetnber,i'lls our
Jail . warning.
Mechanics and Labopers. .
Do not forget this day, that inn e
which is the organ of Van Bureri,und tto
supporter of Porter, denounced yUu rift in
words ,
_•Perjuty: Perjury! Perjury!.
Two or. three persons perjured them
Selves, and one dead man voted aF the fn
erector': , election ! I hPy a•e kijovi
thew be on their guard, for tl t atteorp
the like this day, they will be arretrted, an
the heaviest penalty of the la x• (Iva
. them !
Beware of Handbills
r Coming from the enemy .! the country
fronded with them, and .Ae have in, tone al
this bite hour to prove their 1.14011041(1s to
our fi:iends. Let all retrii.mber that if any
truth could be spoken against
tier, the oppofition would have , e , lpql ui on
k months ago, therefore re-j•rts. all you
hear, and el you see; as infannitia fal e
More Exposure,
. The Locos, are triing t r iinpret the vo
ters of Schuylkill rowdy with the hi hef
that the Whig party, are in favor: of Con'
CompaOies. Our great leader, flovverrior
Rimer has tito , often shown tit poniii•wi
for you to he deceived. BaC lo,ik at
Messrs,', Frailey and Krebs, the iipprovors
of Porter, they are the advocates lot'
porations which will cripple allihe ener•
tee of bur county, nod are now a•
. hOet the county, telling the peOple H int
Gov. Ritner and •Dr. Eckert will press
coal companies upon out . stare ! We
know better--do not be deceivi 4
Look out for Forgcd
We have every reason to believe that
the most piss and flagrant attempts a. ill
be male to palm false naturult4ation pa
pers on our inspectoo.
Amiertiotts of the LOcom,
Theducti I,cos are dmpernie, diey es•ert
that they •ivili now say and do ad, thing,'
Won od hut, correct or not, to Secure the
election of their infamous candi•late. We
believe, they are edithd to 1 heir di ternina
Brits, Ifor they have shown evideme V
womb Cf'their sinCeroy. • i.
Be On your guard there fore frOntl4: des.
peratinn will suggest many plincldile filse
hoods—shun them as you wonld the lep
rosy, un them as you would • a ( s tdiaratter
itke I), t
vtd It Porter's 11 - i . ~
To don rescue! set your mills going, afid
eufdi Into lot:is-tit aid P,lrtertmn, the)
art. nutting Lut du bs ma of lake use.
th e n plank tut) attayott
filtd , your ruer a doe, a, 6/ ku
und -posairely false. li , won the mot.ey—
but finding that the Porter men .were de
ierniiiird that liunttinger should r.ot give
it up without a quarrel. I told them rather
than have any further difficulty about it,
Him/zinger -might take the 'untie% and
keep it—aud lit was mean eon ngb to doso.
I, Moses Reed, beinz the Stakehottlei
i of the above.inent toned $5, do here certify
that Edward Boyd did not give up the ma
ne) as LOST, but holds out that liit. the
winner et the money, and gave iip twee) 'I.,
as Boyd tient, be would lit.e to La nut of r.
quail el. MOSES REED.
Sehuytkill Haven, (Jet 8, 1633.
Naturalized Citizens.
• -
Plat no i.l h iu these Aho seek'to ine me
your passions, and excitc ) our feelings a
gainst Gov. Ruiner and his supporters!
Their assertions rind their promises are
alike deceptive, and when they have used
) ou for iheir infamous purposes. they will
cafe nothing more fur you, and they writ
forget all their 4111 d words, and make ) ou
hewers of wood and drat% ers of water.!—
Beware of Wen.!
I risil me n,
in spite of all the calumnies %loch have
teen heard on individuals by the reckless
loco lOcot; let us ask who have been. your
true friens here? Did not :Mr. John_ Volt,
the father of Mr. BENJAMIN POTT,,
good...and true Rimer man, give the lot on
vonieit your Cathedral stands lo the Cat4l
- Church of our Region, and when the
work ; stopped for want of funds, did nut
1 Mr. Bcjamin Putt advance $lOOO for
1 1 you to go un with? This is true! what
cause then will )ou support, that of ) our
friends and Ruttier; ur Porter and the shin
plasz s er pitt?
Loco County Meeting.
Saturday last, the I icos, alter ma•
king Several day's exertion, be.d their
County Meeting. This tremendous gath
env, was to have sealed the-fate of Rit
ner—was to have crushed the hopes of
his party, and to have scattered dismay
and consternation ever the country. The
*w ul day dawned,t here was no hew er!ipse!
the hour of meeting came, se heard nu
rumbling of an earthwrike! Our streets
were still and quiet, unusually so; perhaps
it was the dread silence which usually pre.
sages a temp a': we trembled in our shoes!
At last 3 o'clock came, and the meeting
asseinhled--;there it was in all the impo
sing grandeur of some seemly strong! not
40 many as came in from the couiltry to
the Railer County Meeting! Such men;
_ so wan, an woe begone
Drew Prinin's curtain in the: dead of night, told him Troy was
Oar rulotation is alm•it a. incorrect, ag Their
inn wa. bi,t nn inat , er, n e
‘i ill li-0e,14-d. Their fiees e ire a-10112 '
their hop s are short, Cleft! was
much li.e in the [netting a. could le. J. tvid
at the bottom of the rain(, and the 14)01 .
.pi °kers ) hi, 111, it to thake a huge impre,-
IVOIrI, COU d not tat-e the steam! every thin_ ,
was Mid, II ,t, -.tale and unproloalde. At
la., one of the loco or itots more celebra
ted for the quantity Oran the tin dity of his
prolluviimi , , one %Ito if the road to.trutli
s as but a tiu trier of a would go :round
t• it rn ly for the ph asute of eh iking hands
I .rich a he; determined to break the rpell !
up he rose! he [myna his torrent id elo
quetiee—,woie ever) t u or three seu en
yes hY his creator! aid broke oil into such
l a tor. eid of f aild aLPI6P, that all
I the well ill-p..sed of the " u ort..n. seven•
I y became enraged. and de,!la ed that lie
hurl faster than a h :rNe e-,t tad
might h , s•til run', and 1,41 the meeting
d. el owl( th-y enuld not rt tpd
It. V 5 P are 1,114111. e s titiv orat.,r lis ide
spirited -pecorli MitierNvit.e the same
Thu -s end. d ths great cirrinty tneeti- g,
the speaLcrs could riine no ap:ilapic, and
their auditors cool [slit r their spirits.
The adj , iiirriniunt took pi see, and litid it
not bleu Inc the ittormitial4is of their n
party, and the laugh sit th. se who witness.
Pd the signal failure, vest 1 w uould' 'have
known that the Locos had a County meet
tug iu thts liorisvgh.
West Branch Meeting.
The friends of Rime in Minersville '
and its vicinity, held a meeting un Friday
evening last. It was a "ruu,.er and no
mistake!" 200 people at Om least were
assembled! Sarni. tleillier Esq presided
over the meeting. assisted by several Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. r. L. Cusp
maitheingcalled on, addressed the meeting
in his usual happy manner, which was
rapiarmisly received. Vigilance Com
mittees were appmuted, and other evil--
' lions made, which we, trust will result in
..the ovei throw of Van purenism atm 'lie
Sirti Treasury in that District. We know
hint this day the Whigs of Mineisvitle
will du their dim!
- The , above nr-ettur tit iiiittersv lie .ma 9
r Riled ni the house of Mr, '31.0. preyog , ..
I irge and enthuaturtic w the guilt.
ernig, that il t ey. were CORipq lied in arljnurt.
1.1 the' tichonh Ifnwe, t e fueh waa w an ,
...ell to eithlinwm,.;. They dr. ihtng,i w.,11
iu Mtnersillfe.
A Good Sigh.
To Miners and rig 'opponents of
Coal licicorporations.
Charles Frailey, Esq. was in the MI.
hatitangb Districts la 4 weeit„electioneer
ing for Porter and Coal . toinpanies. We
learn that he has promiseirthem, II Porter
-be elected Caiverwir, a large'inCorporated
company will be located in the Pinegrove
Dist net; a large town.,,he built, and a , mar
ket afforded them. - Mr. 'Prailey is the a
gent if a large tractof coal land in tha(
'aegion, and there is no doubt, but tha( if
Porter be elected, Mr. Frailey, our-Sea,
tor, will apply for them !for an Iwo-pore
!ion! Put it down Miners and Collrer
vote for Rltner and Eckert who ire oppo
sed to them. If one or two more incorpo•
rations be admitted among oi, • the busyness
of our region will be lust to individual en
terprize—individua;s will be dri-ven from
our region, and the spirit of monopoly Stale'
over our lands, where we are stiiiring
to gain an nonest livelihood! too,
is the same ( Iriarles Frailei, who . last wiu
i.ter betrayed his constituents of Sally lkill
County, and who is now going abotti ma•
iking - speeches and electioneerin for Da
1-vid R. Porter—and this is the same Cha's.
!Frailey whom the Porter party are sup.
Town Hall.—The cur nt• r stone of i-he
Tim ti hall a tEi he htio on 1 hio.o,ay nexi,
he t`ie members of the Pu'ivikt Lodge,
with Nla 4onie. 4tottor9.
Another Trick !
The loeus ure secretly circulating peti
tions purporting to be signed by Whip.
threctejl t.i.CoorresA, End praying that all
fur( igners shati lie corn-pelt. d to reside to
tile c , untry twenty one .N NUS before they
cab become ctliz.n9, and alit int natural'.
zati'ist ! luuk out fur 11, adupted country
men it is
A not her- onter Falsehood.
1 ie are the Sa'wt party, e liu for
ty years ago tried to brim/ this before eon
grtrs, and who then passed an alien law,
obnosn us to a'l gno I tkitrinerats, and
eai ,out down by t itiLLowe as
%\iw PARTY
A Great Aistake.
The Locos -ue Warn have issued a
handbill stating that the Whig party signed
a petition to have the naturalization laws
repealed. This twist be the same peti
tion got up hist winter by ihe. Vainuren
iies'vt hick caused all the Irish sopporters
that party to uittidiaw from the rt. ction
and stand al of !
The Holy alliance of the 'Democratic
Whigs «ill this day give the loco fircris a
Waterloo D,feat, and banish their leader
Porter to private life. Let each remem
ber Ito is
“E PlUribus UnUnt”
every -vote is a cartridge to send the locos
a broaklside; and route them horse foot
and ilrsuoons! Forward march then to
the poi!, !
!=,peed Returns.
The Imeo. h3v . e n'l their hets taken aq
sow' as they dare offer. which is hut sel
d.un now. They have a few hundred. lef ,
to Lnna around the ro'ls this day. Ifyort
take them up, you ally expcet speedy re- . .
turns. ns the worknny men cannot aff,,rd
to Idy !wig out of their money.
Whe.e 111. the :111Ctlei all the. North
nmpt.ll) money from nhirh they 'used t,
ilci ? I.i ritd there a brother of David R
Pk.rter ret.itfing ltwreabolit ?
Conservatives! Look Here!
Thw, Conservatives of have
%Oil a meetiror nt which Col. JOSEPH S.
RE! art-d as Chairman, and T. B.
L.. FREEMAN, ns Secretary. They
resolve.d tb eupport Jais'eph Boner, because
is the opponent of the Sub-Treasury
NoTtyNG. _
give you my hnnor, that shat I say
is true," exclainei a niyurinus liar.
"llnw kind 13 giVe, what nobody u
take." was . Sheridan 4 s- rrply.
"We slake our verocity"-,exclaim4 ono
of thf• locos.
4 Give us somethipg of value for a stake
s out- rej finder. R
' • 142 not a ynar ortrro'shows us a Man."
I the fact that a respeetab!e gentleman
has known nothing agsinst Portet's char.
det..r, evldence of his innocence from the
c barges. alleged a viinst him ? Could we
mit et guilL by dai'y Intercourse it a ou'd
he a limyy thing fur society, but a ho does
not know (!,at secret—shuns put,.
lteity, and that justice though slotk is al.
ways sure. No one can be suspected un
til detected, Mid providence is always sure
to expose the criminal
We have carried both flouseit of the
A.,:tenibly by bandsante majoi Wes, alth:o'
it is probable we hate lost our Governor
bx Thi s
. was °oink.. to
their being no oppositimr •
• Alte Whig As
senility lietiet in - So " d St. Maiy
Counties, and °pi theof renog
lemed to tarn onf, annti sail it:ip Guberna
torial ticket. 'Overt if
.aritson`.be elected;
however; the slitiit*'lif his Van Buren in
fl mace can be lire j kliiiiitqd - with a major
ity of bnih
Thia ie the first lime the Governor of
ilaryland has biicit elected by the people,
the char& f)rmerly devolved on
. . .
'he 'Assembly: `ln the City of Bat irtiore;
,white of the Whig Ticket forgrovetti:.
. :
or and Aasembly,- was glOioiisly Itrium
pttant, being the first victory
,tietrieved .
since the induction of Jackson intolpoWar,
with the excep ti on of the special eh'etion,
which resulted in the choice of - 114.. Ke
nnedy to o ffi ce. Tho following letter-will,
shqw the desperation of . -- the Van. Bure
party; and the firro.resi in
sstagcnadd ir
by the
Whi'l• ' I .- - . '`
, i i.:. - ,
Whigs a tare of vont.
take r
•- • •.: • selves. .
We - learn wiih deep pdin that such seas'
the tttrageons conditet or the Van Buren
Bien in BaltinioN, on tbed iy and aveninF,
of the election, that the vCityl. - -Ltard Was
oideted - ..ptit ; bnt not, as We' undOteand i
usnlif sevei - allieratins,had sxlTered v42lence
by the Motors. , _ . - 1 , -
We subjoin the - follifwing . i -
' Fxiciict:nf-a letter Ati a gill:Littman - of - this
.-• ..
city -dated . . ' - , .
• „ , . -:-
. Ba-mixotia, Oct. 511?, 4838,• .
. .
Dear•SiiL - -1 have but it moment before
the closing of the mail. %%re .Ivive, after
a very hard battle, elected-our entire
n lick
et. -We,hase hid every, titia., t o • e r a it en4 l
t' with. The whole power of : the. General
Government, and city officers, and in the
r - Viin s Ouren wards, wutob had poSEession o•
the polls, so that many of our old and in
firm men loft their votes. About 1 o'clock
this Morning, when it was ascertained the
(Vilji.Ts htni carrie4 thei•City; the Van Bu.
ren Rare) , marched up' from
~ the Republi
can office to pull doWn the Chronicle office;
they were driven bick by the Whigs,—
Gay street, front the ChrOnicle office to
the Repuhl;can nffi6e, is literally covered
with brick bills. Thif City Guard were
Ordered out at 2 o'clock, and .remained
tinder arms until day light. Whpri every
thing is Wien m vie.v, we., have done won
ders, achieved a !noel splended victory.
Fern the Wllksharre Advoca;te
A song fir all true Peintsyl.
Atit—'The Old Oaken 'Bucket."
Come on to the contest—the call" is loud ringing ;
Each son ut the Keystone, the call is to you
The foe all his forces to action is bringing ;
Then say, are you ready, and watt toireceive it,
The shock which the Freemen must shortly re-'
Right onward! yea aid! every true at will give
Anti rote far the Fanner that's :worked Uri
Farm Well.
The hard-fisted Earner;
• The honest Old Farmer . !
Ve go fur the Farmer that's worked the Farm
We want r.o new workman—no experimenting
Oii the blood fiallowed soil where vur tore-fath
ers fought:
Well 'keep the old path, and there'll * no repent ; .
And evbr reMem her good lessons when taught!
Theii away in your pridelor the framer presid
tel the note of approval in loud concert - swell.
And his foes still in vain may presist in deriding;
%ote for the Farmer that's worked the
Farm well.
The hard-fisted Farmer'.
The honest Old Farmer!
We, go for the Farmer that's worked the Farm
well. ,
Can Iliten and Porter in vairk with their legions
Would vanquish the free in the claim of their
And they'll hear in.deep thunder that -these are
the regions
Where no tribute is paid save.the tribute to
That tribute is doe, and we're hast'nin g to pay
And" soon they shall hear the 4riumpli•tone
On the ninth of October! ; .'..So longer delay it,
Figt troie for the Farmer that's 'worked the
Farm well.
The hard.fimed Farmer!
The honest Old Farmer!
We'll vote for the Farmer that's worked the
Farm well.
Deep plans are la , rl-'—fonl games are played
It To aerzc the Nation's treasures;
Whilst voters pay; and Rulers play . .
Awl not 'in lbw pleasprea.
''The Globe cries out "Come run about
. . .
Ye underlings so pampered,
Prepare your nuts to reap the spoils,
And get the people hampered." ,
The Nation yet is deep• in debt,
And we're without a shilling—••
Our troops want cash, sonic get the lash,
And almost hate a drilling."
With trcaaury nose., we biry up totes,
And heal our own disasters, .
And let the Lind in ruin stand
Or load it with "Shin Plasters."
The people all, by ,sudden "
Have got to be vile hobblers—'
Our Naval men, of rogues, a ded, -
Or "tinkere" and low "cobblers."
Ye voters hear, with borniorear
These scandalous coh fessions—r
You.once were told', that wealth-and gold
• Would follow their professions..
Come Whigs! come all, obey therealli
With patriotic action.
By one brave fight set wrong things rtght,
And-rout the reigning faction.
'Catmint PERILII, on being called an "aristo.
Mat." and one of the privileged classes, replied,
only aristocracy is the suprioraty which
industry, flogslity, persever ants , 'red intelligence
Will always assure to every man in' a free stirteof
society. f belong only to those privileged classes
to which you may all belong in„your turn. They
are not privileges created for us, but by us: Our
wealrh is our own, we have tirade it. Our ease
it our own; we have gained it by the sweat Of
our brows, or by the labor of out minds. our
position in society is not confcrrecli upon my btu'
Purchased by ourselves—with our own intellect,
plication, seat, patience and induStry. If you
r • niaiii inferior-to us, it is because you have not
t e intellect or the industry, the seal or the eet
• riety, the patience or the applicatr,"neeesiary
t , your advancement. This is not, ur fatd4 but
• our own. You wish to become qc/i, as some: .
cnAfo :o become- wise; tat there broarroy al road
Ita wealth any dare than th a re is tei knowledge
You sigh for the ease jig 'repose newealth
you are not willing to do - tlnit 4 vvhiehlenecessa'ry
te,procure them, The hosbandmin who will riot
I till-his ground shall reap nothinglut thistles aid
briers. Yeti thinlythe commodities in 'human
society, ate useless and misdirected if you do rot
become wealthy and powerful by the 'eltahgcr;
but what right have you to expect, you tillers and
drool:is:lb the hive, fnp shall always tie fed on the
hymey and• sweets ollifet What right have y9u,
whir do nothing for yourselves, your families, yin
communes, your arrondisse.aents, departmun
yourcountry or your kind, to itnagine that 4 s i;
will be-selected by them fur their laver, their
confidence, and their rewards
I am not an aristocrat ha that-sense et ine term
in which it may heapplie.4 in absolute govern.
meats or t-nder imperial rule; but if, by an arra.
toerat:you mean a man that has earned his pro.
mi.h.ien - by - his labor, his honors by his toils, and
his wealth by his industry-oh, then. I am an
aristocrut = a nit pleue God,
,I may al way s . re
main so.. The . distincti o ns ihhuman society 'dis
please you, becatute you hive not the talent or
the industry to amend y,our s own potation. you
ale too idle, o labin; and to proud to beg, but 1
will endeavor to tr,ke care that you shall not tbb
me. I throw badk, then, -with indignation it'd
resentment, the charge which is made. I beldng
,to the middle classes of society. These classes
must take their psi t in the government of society.
I have been selected by my fellow citizens, and
by my king, as one of their representatives, and
by the blessing of Gud, I *ill represent theui. 4 —
Intemperance and its• Fruits. —Governor .gisg.
ley of Alabama is, we . rejoite to perceive, exert-,
ing himself to the utmost in the benevolent cause
of Temperance. lle recently delivered an ad
dress before the Temperance Society Of Twits.
Isxma, in which he furnished a striking illiistra.
emu of the connexion between intemperance itni
crime, lie stated that, in the Course of his ;life
he had been employed in some .50 or 60 capital
cases; every one of which, as well asheithen rdbol
lected o was connected with intemperance.--We
think the ,Governor, (observes a Mobile pappt.)
deserves great credit for giving his InflueneO to
the temperance cause; fdr it is the cause of Pub
lic virtue, ut national prosperity, and of indield...
al and domestic happiness.
Our gibbets, our jails, and penitentiartes;hnr
poor houses., our lunatic asylumst, and our dotiies•
tic circles all atteNhe awful ravages of intemper.
once among us, ier i brutalizing the whole man, in
'paralyzing the 'head, the heart, the arm,' in de
stroying every thing 'amiable, lovely and of good
report, and is ffiling,the land with vicious. Natty
some, bloated, blasted drunkards; ruined for time
and ruined for eternity. 7 Philad. Inq. •
A Good Hit—LA capital anecdote was
related to us yesterday. One of our Cin
cinnati belles; a beauty of the first water,
was recently at Saratoga, and attracted
much attention. Among strangers there
was considerable speculation shout the; fair
lady's idetitity, dic. A new comer, one
day, observing the kulimber of dandys dan
gling about her, and full Owed on, her wSke,
inquired who she_vyas. That is the Givat
Western.''ls itt I presumed as much,
from tilenumber of ilats s iihe has in tow.'
Cin. Neves,. - -
Ad 111ineral point, Wisconsin TeritOry,
Sept: 12th Mr. Wit,m9r.Tax,Loa fortner
ly of this BorOgh, in the 39th year of his
•age; Ile has left a wife and 2 children 'to
deplore his los% • 4
Come up to the Illarh Porter
• • , ites,
You who boast ofTeltirig from 1600
to 120 u majority in Schuylkill county'. •
• We are authorized to offer the folltriving
Bet :
That Putter will not 100 majoriti in
Schuylkill county. . • ,
. $5O. .
• That he will.not have 200;
That he' will nut have 300.
•. $5O ,
That lie will not have 400.
That he will m.t have 500.
• $2OO
That he w ill not have 600.
That lie will not have 700. '
$2OO- ••
• That be will not have 660;
. $2OO .
That - he will not have 900, and •
That- Ritner will haVe majuriCy in
Schuylkill county.
• The above to be taken collectively
•listi-Sub Treasury Tie&et
Walter C. Livingotont
George , N. Eckert:
Abraham G. Boughnei, e.
Daniel shollenberger, 3 ,ea
Director of the Poor
George Mo , fer.
George J. Hunizinger, 3 Ilea
Charles DenglV _years.
Sub-Treassi ry Ticket
For Governott—David' R. Porter. .
Jre Cangreste—Peter . Newhard. . " - •
Fbr Assembfr—William . .Mortimer. ' I,
For Goroner:--Natbaniel J. Milliano. Shydo
• Par Continfainners::—Edward Connor,l for
years. Benjamin Lantzenfin I ye a r, , 1
Direr/ilk of the poor:—Da,niel Bartok*
Par.-Auditorc—Peter Hut; f o r 3 ' can t
ward Huntringer, 2 year it.
For Trustres:—John M. • Biekle, 4oattith
Wooli'on. , - !
Aniernm ,
. 'Congress
Charles Wilmall l
Michael Gray
&Aci, Reed, Esq.
# Etr
in de
per L
the • • eh!
tel • del
"' i'ollsar3le • 9.--tEd•
WHEAT FLOUlL'hylhe loid • nib bn
• 1
day td 25•
WHEAT 1 75 per pushed, is de
RYE FLOUR 2AO per cwt. in id.
BUCKWHEAT- FLOUR 2'50 pe itid mend
RYE, by the load 95 cent.' by u sel—readi
sale.. • I •
RYE CHOP EILS ' cents per bush,. _mak& .
OATS 53 cents—readj sale. • ;
POTATOES $1124 - .cents per bustel indepiatt&
TARN-90 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER.StX.D4-$9, 00 per bush 1 .
TIMOTHY SE,ED—S2 50 per bu shel. .
FLAXSEED74I4O per bushel in demand.
IYIIISKEY.-745 cents per gallon.
BUTTER-20 cents per pound—in Keg* ):7 cents
EGGS-13 'cents per.dozen.
LARD—IIi cents perpound. - • I
TA LIAIIW• lOcents per pound.
HA MS 131 cents per pound. • . •
CORN 'CHOP, 85 cents per bushel ind errand.
BACON-13 cents per pound.
- BEESWAX-20 cents per pound.
FE ATIIERS-62 cents per pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound
MACKERRL.ty the bbl. Nn I, 812 00 ISto 2. $ll
SALT-2 50 per bbl ;75 per bushel . •
PI.ASTER ,is worth 7.00 per ton.
HAY $lB per tort.. •
Town. Hall, Pottsville.
rip HURSDAY the I I th. inst.; being the:day ap-
IL pointed for- laytng the Cot : , (er Stone of the
Town Hall; Citizens and Visitors wild suP togeth.
er on that evening at the National Mill.' Sup
per to be oh the table at hail past 7 o'clock.,
Tickets to be had,at the Bar
Pottsville, -Ort. 3 11338,
LP ST on the ith ofSeptember
ville and New Ca . stle, at Bull'
die with 2 different- stirrup, A
will return the same at Mr. Geo
Port Carbon, or at Mr. Win.
vale, will receive a reasontble re •
Oet. 3, 1838. -
.1 a/Master Mil
A PERSOINI w , hi, nridersta - nds
Leg and the various' model
Iron Nitric, may obtain a good stt , i
iny, to the subscribers.
Mlargaretta Furnace, Yor
October 6, 1838 1
Put Enka Lo
THE members of Pulaski L.
requested to meet at thei
(National Hotel,) on Thursday n
at 2 o'clock, fur the purpose of I:
Stone of the Town Hall. • Visit
the region arc t'espectfully.invit:
• . CHAS. H. RIC
. Committee o
Pottsville, Oct. 6, 1638.
Stray Ctn
CAME to the stable of the sut
in Port Carbon, on ' Wedges
COW, with a white face. The
ed to come forward, prove profs
and take her away-, otherwise, st
cording to law
Purt Carbon, Oct. 6, 11,38.
WILL be Sold at Pnvatel
tract of well-timbered
- toal Lau,
Containing about 400 acres, sit;
Valley, near the Danville & P.
adjoining land . Of Leonard M
Several excellent veins of Coal
iract,• eine of which has been
tinily will de sold on accom
For further information, and
ply to
Agent for %,
At Dri
Pottsville, Oct. 8, 1838.
Flour mid "Fe
riIHE Subscribers have , c) ,
La- and Feed Store, in Mar
Rail Road forkp, adjoining St
where will always tisie on ha
Fluor, Corn, Oats and Proets!
attention of the public.
Pottsville, Oct. 6, 1838.. •
Notice to Con
PROPOSALS will be recei ed at ihe Office of
Jobn.Franklirt, Fsq. in Tamaqua; by the
Subscribers, until Wednesday the 1041 of October
next, at 12 o'clock ; I. for the grading and
Masonry of about Italia mile f Rail r ßoad in the
Borough OfTaintopia. Spee ationsland Profiles
of the work may be seen at e said office after
Wednesday nexttho 3d of 0 tuber. Also at the
same time, Proposals will be received for laying
the Rail, and Repairing or The-building the bridge
across the Little Schuylkill, over which the Road
will pas's,
Tamaqua,- 9cl
t. 3,.. - •
biotic' I
1111j0TiCB is hereby given,
I." apputnted . by the Orpha I
kill county, to settle and app
the bands - of Goo. Hill, admi
state ofJohnAliller late-ofe ,
in * Schuylkill county, &atee.
such ailaro entitled thwel.
will meet for that purpose on,
day of October next, at One
noon,- at\he house of Mau , '
in the Borough of Orwiff.i)or
1 ; JACO :
Orwigstiurgc Sept. 24; 183
DisSohn:ion of
NOTICE ; h ereby given;
heretofore existing betw
ander the firm' of Pridr & Gr
on the 27th o 1 Septediber 1.,
stet. • ' •
4tipe,4414 Sept. 29,
A otic
NvitEß t r As A Stray Co
sores in .1 Oil last, bci
middling. site.. from 9 1,6 1 C!
anme'having:becn . duly - adv:
appeanng, phbric notice is
'Nasal! said cow at public
October 12th 1833, for the he
•concern. ‘
Seimylkill , Townshir, Sc
et Wean -Volta.
I Sad-
y pei!mn who
ge DIA/gb , .rty,
ti...eir4s Nita
Tusqn rora
rifting,' unnel.
of working an
ation by apply.
R, Ai: CO.
Comity. Pa,
.ge N. 216 are
L'od'ge Room,
at,Ocober 11th
'vidg the Corner
ng. B ethern in
:d hie tend.
i LOR-,
; rrangemont.
1 784
riber, residing
ay last, a RED
.woeri is req uest
rty, pity charges
o will: be sold
Sale, Valuable
ated ijt Mahanoy
ovine:Rail Road,
'rer add others: 7 -
'nm through said
I penhd.: Said pm
I odating trrma.—
i he terms, &c.
m. Hiller,
kt More.
1 1 ned at new' Flour
irsuget. near the
m Kranter's Store,
, t 1 a gopd aopply of
one, and invite the
I • 178-3 s
" 77-3
that - the subset ihers
'a 601 of Sehuyl;
Ilion Ito assetts in
nietra rof the es
est Pebo township
Ised, to! OW among
accoqing to law,
Monday the 15th
. i'clock I in Meaner- .
1 Grae , Innkeeper
P. El; BART,
• BR 'OW
x I 76-
_ „
tttat'th e partnership
n Iti Subscribers,
ffiths, tia dissolved
;KB, by mutual con-
' • -,. I 7-3"
1.,.. 1-coacnihe'
c o a c ni h e' .. to
u m t y ßa en y c . l o o
g f
ars o , age, and the
ttiaetf aind no owner
arab, ',given, that I
anitioei on Satiirday
fit of !whom it may
t. 29, 1 - 76-,3"