VOL. 1. PRI.VTEb AND' PUBLISHF-D, BY BF.NJ IL 111 IN U&NNAN. Sin 31iLligniMittire TaaRR D.)1.1.AR.4 AVD Ftrrr GICNTS per annum. anyahle seini-tnanally in adritnec.: .11r ant ptid with .n the yew. lit will tre 'oft-lige', to nil-those who re ceive the paper free of pottage. To mxd subscribers 33 ier anim n If not paid within the year, 50 cents toll be aided to the price ol witiscnpt ion: WEEK-I.Y, T., , ) Doi.wt.% per anamaii, payable semi.annuall ni a Iviace, if not paid within the year.s2 5O waFi be charged A Iverti.e-nents not iii+ceVing twelve lines will be it tort hree instions—and rU CeOIR for one ,nsertmit. Lorger ones in iiroivwtionl I.terttse:neots will be inserted until ordere out. n tte+a the tone f•rir wh :h they are to be continue .senecise,l ,and will he charged accordingly. Ye trly Au , ert Isere will he charged $l2 per annum; lub.tcription to the gaper—wit h t he !smoke* like, not 4 . le tilvertisement ant exceeding ?, squares 31.131111 ring the rear. an.' the insertion ore mull ooe to tg telt 1 rr r for three soccessire ll letters a I.l.r,viied to the editor nolo be post paid otherwise no attention will he paid to them. ‘il notreea for ni.tetings. Atc and other notices which hive heretocire been - inserted)gwitis. will be cittrzca cenits etch. except Marriages and Death.a. A CARD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT JOUN NII,VER • • rv.%ICF.S pleasure in inlorming his mends and the A. public. that, he continues his lir./ECTORY under the "Penneylvahia Haq." in P.trsville. Ile hopes his past reputation for "keeping a respectable Estab lishment: acquired during the experience of:. years in the s.ime tine of business. and a desirt. to please. -may meat a continuance of their labors and isat:ln qt.°. JOHN SILVER has made arrangements with Mr. Robert Harmer. of the ot:ornuco me, - N 0.44, Non h Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the delicacies which the Philadeiphia. market can afford daring the Summer season. Bill of Fare. Roast Reef. cold, Corned do d•, Fried Hem S Etrgs, Grren Turtle Soup, Lobsters, Ci rdinPft, • , Fresh P.ekled Salmon Spice .o)stets, Old Madeira %Vine. per bottle.. . 150 -Old Pale Sherry.‘Vone.' do 1 50 Old lirosn-u. • • do do I 50 Old l'.,rt do do -1 50 041 I...aban do —do -1 00 Chtm...allne. (Paimettes,) Vio . 200 London Benwo Stout. ~. +do 3:; i . . __ . . Pepper's.S .tr. Seeherit.-XX Pale Ale Apartments are always in readiness for Supper Parters,&c and those who call mar expect to receive every attentton. Pottsville. May 11. 1838. • 1' . .. ~, ' -- ,fri • ' -,,,, rj - . -- it --,_#. l - i .4 , 4. p- , c i.' , F...—. P,;_z7 , -,„ : _..... - 7 • • . .;,. ;...... ' , 1 -71 0ev• - *-=. 9 1 , :, : i , -r— -.r. .. - •,. •.... .3 A V ' i ''. ...I iii .. s g ` .• ''''' ~t, •• I i k ',,C; ;........ 11 7- -. .•,.- ". , --1 . 4.,•-•:0 - _ ."' ‘-... —. _•- ". c__,• ,- 1_ - - -_,.. .„, .....--. -- %.••• II A BEAUTIFUL HEIR OF HAIR I . the grandest orna.peni na to the human frairte. How sarang • the loss rd it changes the coui.te•ianee rind prematurely litat,gs 011 the At I ear atice a! old n - hit h Caine,/ many n, ieroil at being - uticovered ands iirte'ones r.en 1., Si/rlll m,elrty to .1.• rad the jeirs tad .users nt her arq/saintance: the re my nder of the r hip. ire co.t s/tali. ittls spent in re retne.t. In start dot es en the liiss of property fills the gene...nos 'hulking ainith .nth that heavy. sinking gloona3S dives the torts of hie. hair To avert alt these unnieasint ClMUMP , ances R A 1.31 tiF Alai A. sin is the her h. .alt ete off on the first - aptiltsation aunt a lea Imott.e. restores d ay.'s. It likewise prodttees eyel s and in his/Ice's preys-nu the hut from turn•ng res. mites it Carl beautefu -y. and trees it from scurf unser or' he Brat respeetabillty in en iteart of the sonic of Oidr t3;e's B a l m . are s hown In the iiroprteiors • • .7-• Read tie .a ROBERT Wll RltIN. Esq late Nla,or n nma.c_ de , ehia. has certifiasi as niv tie seen isiliter, to the high ef sr s_ter the f/alonang gentlimen the tin hereby cer.fv ,r e h • s•enated tie Sam 0./Cialuculostlnishinvertsl Ay J and have founJ sersicasaahle ...only as a lines:en tire against.the faking ..tlpf tie. not tlsa a certain re storative., %V 1. Tti wti ER, senior, Aiethodtst Minister in Si t_;,..ea. charge. No Sti North r ifthsistreet. P INGLF-S. 331 Arch ioiert: JJR N D. P. 1014 %S. Si 0 1 3 Race si. Jt) IN S FT.RKY. lot Spruce sr. ‘ll Mc 'CROY. 243 =. 4 oiith id st. • 3011 \ G 1110, Jr. 123 Arch at. "The aged ; aa,d Hia tt who persist in wearing wigs. may not a I WA ,5 ienct its resioratire quahties: vet it win cer.aiiity raise its s - ittues in the estimation ofthe public, when it is known that three of The abovesign ers are more Chap 50 years of age, and the omens not leas than 30. ' [From the NI y r CoxiXON IN CA I.TH 0 • Ng% ssirt.vastia. City I. RORE,RT AVE ART. /N ht.iyor of said city of ribladeipbm.tki hereby certif that lam well acquaint evil with Messrs : J. P John S.l nrey.mnd Hugh hlcCurdy. whose names are signed to tie shove certi ficate. that they are gentlemen of Character sod aWtalolllC. and as much Cull credit should be given to the said certificate- In witness whereof. I harts hereunto act in, hand, and caused the sealer the city to be affixed this 71.. S.] math day of December. kg. ROBERT WHARTON. Mayor. Cal Man. —None genuine without a splendid tarsi ezmted wrapper of Falla of Niagra, with agents names Ate. wb..!esale and mail by Coarktock.andCa. 2 Fletch er Street New Yo:k aid retailed by W. T. EATING. 57—ly Potts - vale, Joli 25, 183 a Blankets. 10fb PAIR of Blanket, of various quaply's sad prices. joist opened-and for sale by MILLER & MAGG ERTY • P;ltavilliv. Sept. 46.• 183111. I WILL TZACH YOU TO ma . Corner of Centre s . add NotaltrioSirekto Pottsville flpfl4 subscribers .respectfully announce friends! and the public Eel:wittily, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by Jacob Bull & Co.. corner of Centre end Market -treetii, where they are now ptovided witha choice. ansortment of , I DrS' 'floods; • Groceries, • • • • Liquors, which they are detertnined t swell at the very low. est prices. HAZZARD & STRAHCH. N. 8.. All kiitds of Country Produce taken at the-highest market prices. April 1 ' 2-6 ~~~ ~~; per plate, 4 P do do 38-If ;LI -n e..... MI rs • 1"" C.: lilEl - ------7- --7•— . , - • ' 7-- --- . 7 •7 77- -t-- - r-... - r - . - 1-_-.!.."7 7 ,„ , ...,... _ I -7 777=7 -., ..- ' 4 7 - ''' ' i1,.,'1 , 7 4,7- 71 7 ;1 ~f.. --" " -- r `I 'T - 41 - 5 -.- ! 4l ' . . • - •- • - - •, --.• . , .• -• . - • • .w. '' -,,, -.. :. ''' -*• ._ 1- 1 - . .;.; '' .:, , !1... - , ..:._.. r .„1 . !:- 1..., .:, _ - , - 7 ' ... - ..... :-' , . c...! - --k 1 5..• ,-';'-'- , - . - - . --- :" . .. 1.,--7 ---' ''' "71 - _ --, _ ~ T. . ~..... . ~......- • ....:•,_ , , . . ;,. • ~. . .; _; . t I • •:.. .11. ND POTTWITILLEVENER. _ AL,Aii VE TISEIt - . . xr, iras DOWZLAI 0/ ;Tat LAILTHAND BIING 00T710111 TWIC 0•0110/011 OF Tlil 1110UNTth01; ItZTALS NEIGH WILLOVISTSFAIniI OUR RUM AND Etailter iLI, 4)011t CALL AT THE New Lstablishment, Musical InstrumeniL ►vtlE Pubscribier has jhat received and offers - 1 •• Mr sale • 4 keyed German Flutes, plain, • Octave Flutes', Clarimiets, Flageolets, V ad•ns, Fifes, - V olin kir,iage.t. - Fihs, Strings and Boar-bair. Clarionet Reeds, Guitar Slnngt, Violin Rows-4xtra finish. • He respectfully invites the .publie•to call alai examine his static. JOHN S. C. MARTIN 34- may 5, I ELV Wetherill & Brother, uLD STAND No. 8.5”, NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST•SID,E, TIMER DOORS *ROIII THr CA3k1417:1 or ARCH ST Pill LADELPMA, A NIT PACTU It ERS OF %%lute Lead dry and t Calomel. • gioand in CU. S Red .Precipt, Red Lead, White do Ltl barge. Vitriol Mb Chronic Yellow, Sulp. Quinine do Green Tart. Emetic do Red Ether Sultih. Patent Yellow do 1\ arm Sllf2r Lead do Acetic 'opperas Lunar Caustic ' 01. Vitriol Corn. do Aq. For is Acct. blofpltia %lunatic Acid . Sulph do Epsom Salts . Lac. Sulphur rt Acid Opt. de I\ areot. Sup Carb Soda Rerrola Mineral Corms. Sub. Mere. Ethions do. Refiners 0 fChimotior. Sal Nure,Brimssone.Roral. &C. Offer for site the above mentioned art.cles. to gether with a general assortment of Paints. Drugs and Dye Stuffs. and every other article in the Cheri* cal and Medicinal line.„ Rein. mannfactiirers oral! . the articles enumerated under the-above head: they pledge themselves to slip ply their friends and the public on the most reaseint ble terms. ‘Vindow and Picture Glass. from 6 8, to 24'30. Oct 21.1837 Resumption of Business. NEIAT'IIROG STORE. 7. • H E Sotrsci:iber returns his grateful acknow I edgenients to the citizens of Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to his assistance •f. ter the Inas of liis property by fire iii December last, and - would also acquaint them and the pub lic generally, that be has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by Charles W. Clem - cos, in , Ceetre Street,. to the borough nt"Pottsville, where may always be had a general assortment of Ornp. - ,s, Paints, G lass, And every other article in the above line, which he to duveneed , to sell on very low. and it.0061:110. daiinn tettnnt. T N.. B. 33 - Ph . icians prescriptions carefully put up at-the silo est notice. WM.. T. EPTPG. P"it.vtile. Mac 30.1818. RAILWAY IR3N-A ND IRON FOR. COAL Sc REE YS. • . 21 by S-8 indhe Railway Flatliay Iran 2 hr • do do do do do Se do Suitatile for Screening Coal. All the [eon has rotintersrunk hole:, and is ea at an atyle nt 45 degree's at the ends. Split's' Plates and Spikes to son the shore. A. Ar., G. :ft A t.s.r(tv & CO No. 4 South Front Street. Philadelphia. Slafeh LS. 1 , 536.. 21— f GRL.IT 0.1RG.11.111.5t! Valuable Real Property• in Pottsville, FO IL S ALE T HE undertigiirti oti. , rs ;for sale all . that well known thtre story BRICK STORE ARP DWELLING HOUSE ant the appurtenances ..itiiate in Centre street. Pottsville, the property 01 the undermined. together "with nine other tenements in the rear of said hulloing, and the; Int of eroond' whereon the whole. stands. Th. ~ r,ck build:hog aforiaid. miniains thirty feet in frunt-6nistied from the basement story to the garret in the best st)le of Workuninship.and both as a hosinessatand and a residence, ja mot fa• voorably situated. The foregoing property lain be million lots and accommodating terms. Pam of the purchase money May remain on the prop erty for a fesa years, it desired. Title indispott and possession can be.given Immediately , — apply to - G. M. JENNINGS. • BOOK-BINDERY. BAIO , IAN has cerfitrien4 1 a Book Bind- Da" "cry to Vioneection With Ibis Book Store, where all hitt& or Books , will be bound at the shortest moti4 at low rates,' Blank 110oyisaci4.,' of every desUription inadetto order it the lowest rates—and tbe trade suppled sboleUle at Phila delphia pricia. • April It • 27 Notice To the Subscribers of jt a Ton Hall of Pottsaf ire. • 4-SECOND Instalment ef Two rionars and a ty erste on each share of stnet, is required to be paid to the aubrieriber. on or before the first Monday in October next. By order of ilie Board. JOHN T. HAZZARD. Truer 74 tf Sept 21 . Fro* the Nir t leek Eveaiog att. A WY AIN FOR COII3IUNION. BY SAMIL. WOODWORTA, FAQ. Wine which ateeretA God and rman,'—Judges ix. 13 Our pure affections and desires The vintege,of a grateful heart. • Is all the worship God 'requires. And all that sinners can impart. This is the wine that elieera e'en iftm ! The Fountain and the source of Love ! For when affection's flame is dim. inter pervades the realigns above. FLOW UN, THOU SEA. Flow on, thou Seal. Unchanged by all destriying times' Alike in every age and chine, Vast iiiirroi 01 eternity Vainly man 16 1. thy tury,to withstand, Thou tossest hiss, in sport upon toy waves; Mocks to scorn the fabric of havhand, And Sliest with his spoil thy ocean caves. Tho%:st born upon thy bteist TU. mightiest of men : • Long have Vey been at rest, • ~ ,7 coa art as thou wash then The tattiest and the humblest, 4 1Deeitii ! Within thy graves, • -. Sleep, e'en when th' bow ling tempest, Above their dark bed rave;! But, oh! bast thou never abused-thy power Alas !thou host once" thy rage Destroyed as fair and beauteous a flower As ever graced-chivalry's page— Thud host torn the fond girl from her kgvers's em brace, • Moek'd the paferit's endeavors to'sare . flail darling, his child—thou, relentless, all trace /3wallo.`A up in thy watery grave. Sul, Ocean, with all thy power, . Not uncontrolled thy will; Ora, e'en in thilvildest hobr, \ Can say to their waves, "Be A)id oh! when time-shall be no mitre, What wonders will thy depths disclose, • Then shall the saves' affrighted roar thy dead ones lion their last repose, Then shall they sleet who never met:before, Kings, princes, heroes, beggars, friends, and toes! Roll on, thou sea ! Mike in every age and clime, • Unchanged, until decaying time, 4 Sleeps In eternity. The Turk and die Eng/is/men —A Mr. Urquhart, who has travelled exten sively and resided , for Many years in East. stn countries. his lately publi-hed a•book ,of his adventtires and obServaticies, in which we find the subjoin. d curious anti themel portraiture of Turks and English men. Medicines, Oils, Dye Stutal "turnpeitas dommernvivirte•.thi3 laving of the 6 , utid .tivin•stUne Ticks celebrate tl cover me iti- of the ma. Among the Turks, a f.eardvs the mark' of dignity; willi ng. of nealweae. SliavOrg the head is 'with them, a cmtrivn ; with 11 4 a I '-h Wetake . .•ff Mr 011 if 4 beflfe our covereign; they cover alert hatrils with their sleeves. - We. enter an Apartrrient ir Ph urn brad ime"vered ; theli enter an apartment with the feet *uncovered: With . :them the amen have their necks and theii : arms naked ; with us the women have their arms and necks naked. With u. the women parade in gay colours, and the men in sombre; with them, in both cases. it the reverse. With uv, the men ogle the women; in Turkey, the women ogle the men. With us, the lady looks shy and hashfnl ; in Turkey it is the gentleman.— In Europe, a lady wowing si.it a ,reritlernan,' in Turkey, she can. In Turkey. a gentle. man cannot visit a lady; in Europe he can. There the ladies always wear trimmers, and the gentlemen sometimes wear petti coats. With us. the fed cap is the symbol of license ; with them, it is the hat. To our rooms the roof is white and the wall is coloured; with them, wall is white and the roof is coloured. In Turkey, there are gradations of so. cial rank withmit privileges; in England, I there are privileges without corresponding saetat With us, socialforma and etiquette super Cede domestic tits; With them, the etiquette of relationship au percedes that' of 'society. With us the schoolmaster appeala to the,authority of the parent; with them,ibe parent has to ap peal to the superior authority. and respon whility of the schoolmaster. With, us, a studetit is punished by being t"confined to chapel;" with them, a scholar is punished• by being excluded the mosque. Their children have Ithe manners of men; our men the initraiers of children. A rnonges, masters require characters-with their servants; in Turkey. servants inquire into the characters lof masters. We coo. eider dancing a polite recreation; they con. eider it a disgraceful avocation. 0 POTTSV I LLE, PA. WEIJ ES DA Y stir Our blessed &Oboe blesed the cap, With aceenteend with lips - dicnee Oo the last night he deige.'d to sup And quaff the juice of J udea's vine, And promised each believer then To drtnk new wine with hint anon, In his own Father's kingdom when - - _Elia work was done, and 'he wee gone - Lord, I accept the maitatimli Given so solemnly to all, Who will partake of thy salvation; - And humbly at thy fciolstool The figure is divinely trate, For Scripture language is divine; And Cana 's marriage guests could view, That wine is love, thist love is-wine! • In Turkey, religion restrai a the impost lion of political taxes; in En. and, therm eminent imposes taxes fur, - In Englud, ;Ole ,refigism „or th state elects , Nristributionfrom sectarians; in Turkey, the religion of the state protect* the property . of sectarians against governntent taxes.— An Englishmen will be astonished at what lie calls the absence of public kredit in turk ey; the Turk will be amazed at emir national debt. The first will desp4se the Turks for having no organization in facilitate ex change;. the Turk will be nstounded to perceive, in England, la walk, impede the circulation of commerce. The Tusk will wonder how' government ein be carried on with divided .opiniuns; ti e englishinen will not believe that with°t opposition, inky odence can exist.; In l'urkey, cnin motion may exist without disaffection; in England, dts . :lfection exist;withi.ut com motion. A Europe.in, in Turkey, will , consider the aratrinistiation of justice de fective; a Turk, isiturope, will consider . the principles of law unjust. 'I be first would esteem property, in Turkpy, inse cure,. agamst violence; the tiecqd would, consider proper y in Euglaiid, insecure a gainst law. first wuul4 marvel how, without lawyer*, law can be ,administered; the second -would marvel how, with la.v yere, justice could be obtained. The .first would be startled at die wait of a check upon the central gutiernment; the second would be amazed at absence of. controul over die local aiviinisteation.— We cannot conceive itutnutabi ity in the principles -of the state, conipatible with wrll.being; they cannot ciniccit,e that what is good arid just is capable , or chrioge. The Englishman will esteem the Turk uuhsppy because he has no public amuse meat-; the Turk will reckon die man mit e/Ole N hi, lacks amusements at .h The Englishman will lull t.:O therruik destitute of taste, because he ha* nn pic tures; the Turk a ill coosideS the English 'man sleziitute °fleeting: friin disregard to nature. The Turk wit, he bin-rifled at pros !itutrun and ba-mile; the Englishman •at polygamy. Ihe fist a ill be di.gusted at our I atighly treatment co iiferiors; the sneorol a 111 revolt at the pur are of slaves., They will reciprocally call e,ch other .fan atic in religion—dissolute i morals—un: cleanly in liabits—Liinhappy in „the devel opecnect or their sympathies . nd their tastes —de-tiitite severally of polit cal freedom— each will conwder the tithe unfit for good society. ' The. European • ill term the Tutk pompous and +-Wien; the Turk will 'Call the, European flippant It may therefiue he imagined how inter esting, friendly, and harmonious must be the intercourse between the two." From tee New urleans !impure. THE EXECUTION. Yesterday O'Neil and Welsh, two of the wretches th at murdered the Spaniard 'Bar ha, some time since in the parish of Si. Bernard expiated their crime akithe scaf fold. The spot chosen for the execution was near the margin of the river, from 1 to, fifteen miles below the. city, where the Terre au Bceuf road conies; in. ` ~. There .was ar. immense erineou:SE''Of spectators. Besides . the ' numbers• oho went in carriages, oa horseback -and ow' Gout, there were four steamboat loads. The St. Leon; the Porichartfein, the Liv togston, and the Memphis Started at niter. ruts during the forewarn, (in the some or der as we have darned theml the Mem phis having first called at Lafayette where she-4mA in fifiy passengers. At a quarter before one 'o'clock, the culprits asseridi d the scaffold. When they dismounted from the car Welsh was teen to smile—his countenance was light ed up with cheerfulness, end he seemed determined to meet his fate with boldness; but on ascending the scsfhild and where the rope and cofria -met his view, there was en instathaneaus change irwhis tea tufete; and his whole demeanor became that of a sincere peuiterit.',. • . - O'Neil displayed nothing of careless- yrs; from the first he wasiitidehtly great - ly affected; a deep and sett ed remorse-v/4,s depicted iu his every feature. Videetlithe spectator could detect nothing of.a_vicious ditositian-in the face ofleither.7„ They. glued for a few niumeNt4 placidly - opt!. the multitude around thestis if to auhcit •• their spigiathy. t•T .. ; ~ • They were attended fit' a middle aged. clergyman of-the Catholic Cluitli,, Who, did all he could to cheer rtid Comfort them in view of their -sudden dissolution. Ha mouthed thinedruid with theta, and was looked upon by both as their best earthly friend. „They seemed IMXicrusito listen, to his conversation. They rasped him ter.. sadly by the handipd were eyideqtly loth to pert with him ar:tbe 4nal numient tip-, .pnieched. They Were nested each. on IA 'chair for about aquarter plan limit after . 1 1 being on the scaffold, wit Athe eimelrawn • over their faces, 'tiring h.ch time their , 71 slices pitd, geilOtes . '4 „theni to be' • praying. Welch vai n rtlitiiiiy 'The' God °Meant' heie Me ,y on my . soulf" He Wad i begged of the P est to,prity 'fur bite.. Just before the ea was drawn over kit ate, he was Preseni, by the Priest . CTOBER' 16, IS3S, with the crucifix which he kissed most eagerly.., ; 4.. t one o'clock precisely the order was giteh to remove the. prop that supported t:te sealfdd.l They fell, and in a fitly moments' life was extinct. O'Neill died to abiJut four miautes, while• the dying struggles oil Welch, lasted about eight. Thus ended itte career of two unfortunate individuals,' Ow from the ac c ursed thipti of money ,"xfied the innocent blo;sI olitheit fellow being!; In view oiled the circumstances attend ing the occasiotr. we cannot but reiterate Whit is `so: often said abut specta cles of the kind. The tendency of these public executions is obi/lowly 'injurious. l'hey blunt the feelings, and render the spectator worse tether than better. The only light inwhich the Most of the attend ants viewed the scene yesterday seemed to be, that of• a rare chance fur a pleasure excuision. Not a few on the boats were indulging in . the utmo•t.dr gree ofjollidca, item. Far better in our opinion, would . it be to have despatched the culprits 'in the solitude of their prisons. Arobk Liberality.—lt will be reeollect ed that we published, a few weeks since,- the fact, that a farmer in Belcherto - wn cleared nearly 85,000 on the product of three-fourths of an acre of mulberries. We have since accidentally learned ano ther fact NO relation, to this individual, which we cannot refrain giving to the pub lic. The gintleman alluded to makes it a practice to give one fifth of all his anti al income tai charitabte objects; and this year, .having been highly prospered, his contribution:in this way, will not be less than two thousand dollars. Iv there a nother case in the Commonwealth of equal liberalito We have withheld the name of this berrevOlent man, because R•e sup pose his humility and unobtrusiveness would not covet the vain honor of having his name trumpe•ed abroad, in connection with his noble liberality, which we have made known to the, public without his knowledge.-.-Hampshire (Mass.) Gaz. From the, New York Courier of October sth. The - Gi2gAT WESTERN left her inpor, logs in the dock at the foot of Pike street, precisely at : half past three o'clock yester day afternoon, and proceeded to see She has on board one hundred and twenty-five passengers,teing all she could 'with any convenience aecommodate. For some days past her agents have been compelled tdrefuse an'y more pammgers, though tid menus applications were made to them, and a premium pffired on the established 'price of the passage ; She hasalso all the' merchapdize on frcilit she can carry, and we are 6formed a larger number of letters chap she ever carried before. Be sides the freight and passengers, she takes out 50,0D0 sovereigns, remitted; no doubt, on account of the advanced state of et . - chanke. In a ahem time it will become as fash ionable aininig the English nobilitylotiav di in the United States, as it now is on the Continent. The Countess of Witmore 'and,. with a lovely niece, six. servants, a travel nig caeriaze, and a medical cal attendant . , embark to day in the pack . et ship Pik-ident. fir New York. She has engaged :thewbo e of the la , l)'s cal? n Mr her oVvo use. her purpose is to trav el fur two or three years in the United Statist. She has some property in Prince Edward's Island, winch she will also visit. She also v nuts 'Ca nada the Falls of Niag ata—ana spends oventter in the south.-s- I should not be. surprised 'to see "ate Duke of WellingtriN and half - the Nobility, visit the United States in two or three years.— . We are mil -the eve of a great changes.— Lettitlon A Good capital anecdote was related to ua yesterday. else of our Cin cinnati belles, a heauty of the first 'water; wee recently at Sar.itoga. and attracted much at teht inag 'A mong 'grange/pi there . was coitsideralie. speculation ebony he fair lady's identity, &c. A new -coiner, one obsentinitha numberof dandy. clan alma her, and Off her wake, inquire'd Naha. slid was. 6 7h4 is the dreg: . IVestOrn.l; , leid I - preitissited as much, from the Munber of feats she bai in tote:. sin. 411442. • • Mexico and Texps.—infciratit tion bas bees received in this place, which 'justifies us iothee efthat • Meiito will soon roc; ognize the Independence - of Tezas., • -Every interest in the former wo uld leatt every oak knowing the relatiie getympiti °Abe 1.4 countries thatit 'lOll soon be apeomphshelf,nnd theref4e!pice Texas it an indenodematinilatOonfthe I .toPohlict of North :(inetici.44+4 0. - 4- smerictut.r • . TL Pnirt Isetviit Steams ittoilent.•—! After eleatituti , the‘itottipOrtbsilial' r and tit* they ate elided kith a iniastiti'vainlesett. et IS moods caramelised seet.andAleand• ot: pow Mick kad: The advautakes-ad this application, have bees Viso tessed'by experience - that .the Lords of the Admiralty halo yeattlietlthatidllbe Govetatoelot ateamenudotll bib/twit ' with the aleve ingredante=' • - NM , . 'l4-s , , : • • lEEE • ';,...,:. -.,,- -4 - 1W1,:; - - :.0 7 1; 4....1, -'•-:, -. 3 i•A•4 .- Vgia4,W' _••-',::t.- ..,..;...„..---,....,• .o,c.tviii ,- . ... i1' i l i •-•:,- •-', -t-• '-' ,4 0. :•:f• .•:•..ca ..•• • •,•••• -- -& - .0. - .., . * ' ~:"‘- ."1 , ,. ._., , .. •:;'; '7:-•::_t4OP-4 ' ._'' ~ , ;;;t: ....„..- . ~.,,,,,,,.......0.. 0. ,4400immert,— ..-, •- • . -.••.;.-, i - - - v -,' ''''''''....•,4 g t.,...L. .- - ..r• 'A t .i.,. : 7 4 -!•1.T.4 ,-7,-;. ~ - - "kit*, -,--A t.rvi ' , - - c••'§ • •li.it.' ,-- -_,..' - ' ' -fi'ti - - MEM t o . . . ~ 1- - .'•• - r•hFri - 4 , --_-.7, ....... • 1 „- - t- i.. 5..- 1- ' ' ,-- . ` 1 ( - .. r:‘• , r >. - 1., , e-Irr . . - -, I ~_-!1".#1" • Y -'. PAIIII*IOI44gOI/1* 1 / 0 0/LE i i i#ltpkitAa*Z's In Waylaioi, on 1 elcipt;tdi.irurarporOnta Ts murders° pile .., and PerhatoneNtpt.lo44 I ti - tiatVaie - parall el ` 4,,. the aßamilCiOilisi. ,it was cempihted Inf - f person te hitsy,Appillistillt. eernparativeli a .stratigierilliiiliteet, I had resided hear few elintoUldlatieline• frt;elSunbereiPts • jiaritrig c leerp. 4 ,ldlttitsibow. iion'ta" ler tops:, t R.ShidlAtt; ". 14 : 31 iii., ete-A,l#Or father; who had bee ":lnpilit:Nti.4 ll , Irll4"Pir• ance. 'On theitll ' - of that-'29theltdipiiiiiii. seneck tbat4ens ,ihmtAhlUff'shiiiiiti.:llA4lB of the diceaoed. lier; - na& alratiThidekiEflie notice of a femalei pawing; rum-ii&the_. ~- f ltintatnt ii , having been fuel, "ri in.,. She ittliiir:FueoPla heard groans from: wilidn. -- The tltaisi(tifeetlat a coneiderable distnee fiurit . any iithel-741 4 ildba. lion, where there I 'but hole pacsing,•=*?-x.' • The female toying thus alarmel.mnariediatelp roused the mighbort, whn reuairp d tn , d gas.bonsu and toned Neflisn '...mith lying on,iftetloetriao its J Jos wife atteache a. 4 , btt bed, deed 'Welter, ing in her blood ; 41r. Win. Heard, 24 . 111. Cotonou., was called ,in,a nd found that theAseem ed had received twiJ i t stabs tn. the.lefiiiiiestr her peck, one tworarda be back , part. sui , d..ahia,.aiher having severed the fliztiler' vein, thre p ,or r .rimpre inches in depth, fht y sufficient to have pi:Waned immediate death, ,and the husband tiiitti".fils own thrust cut.i . . , • When the neighbors found thi , deceased.; her .breast was bare, arid h.r iciungestwonitilioot five years old, lying, "Alt epl upon it. ::Tfints:;seet was the only penmn who 'resided in'thi t 'houss . - with his mother.. rrhe Whet living in Stiniitry s sometimes supported by that town; and' onwi6 times sustained himself by breishor„ neiterltrait• ed.his wit; t viept for portions of vit , the hostand, we.; arrested and buatigfeby tho officer betore thelitagtstrate, before whom fo upon the reading of the,complaint; the &joiner made full. disclosure Of all the circumstance*: 'aid he came from!' Sunbury In the night-of-tho murder, no: s tall deteuised by liquor...piat her ' left the midde of that town about ten'o clock fta the evening, ant' ;, went directly ~ In the bongo occupied by his wife. About foui, t . tea rods front. house he. left his bOotilliairing co t stick • about two feet lung previously. be•wriproatehed the house, and •as be knew the doors would be fastened, Stoke in the w:udory and immediately entered. The wife being aroused, began to dresaherarlf. and made motion ; salt desirous' of iintapirqg from her divellieg; as was tier custom.- She prayed for hie; he ; replied, with. •strouthOlronr life is in .my power, and I Will have Ho seized her, followed lor up. and taking:Out sharp pointed jackknife from his Prieltet;itiuck at her, intending to strike her neck.-'Be ed but purpose, and' inflicted the ntwo• wounds shove mentioned.; The deceased sunk hack *- upon the bed with extended arum fuettinith leaped out orthii window, went back into a field near the !ionic and cut Its own throatcWith the same knife, hitceding, ate the now - iiiis;tia put en end to hit' own life. He bled till . fainted, and lay probably several hours 4ml/to ' situation. Wherq he became ettoacimisilt his situation, which was sometime after day breek, being cod and thirsty, he crawled, to the house and entered again tuthe same window. lay, down upon the floor and:covered hi.nself wlth pltin a, in'whieb situation ; be was found bi-the offider. In his confessicin he maid he was conscialet, when he returned to the biome, that his. widelowa dead; as she did not move nor speak. tier , Only regrets that he.chd not find one of his eldeesOns at home to have inflicted the same OenaltelOpoit him; he admitted he cut with his knifiathelireh • stick for the parpOse of violence .on his suns, if Its found them with their, mother. Omgoing tie the prison. be paned In Senb g liry ilisliquskirgwhick Is ere the 110111lifilli ; of wife. being the _same Souse in which 'they were married—Oruillf rat; marked with perfect calmness.' •I have reterraed bet to the house from stitch I took her. and if I bad done it within a year after aria werOttnat. tied it would base been better for The motives that impelled this betifgiadore. mit Ibis, ontrage.: : were, that she; had' braserly complained to a mania sill for suretiesfrot that peace against his trudence;ind that she bad taken the Wipe of her children, undoubtedly . for . their better support; an that the man for whom 'he had labored, wopid, not 'pay him his luattUir. but threapeed. if Smith resorted to the law to waver wage; he would revive the old cosmilelr t. in stituted by Smith's wife against him. , Vhskabctle. with many othegfachs. appeared frotrelbevolun• tare confession of the. priNoner. • . ilitryllindr • '&1.4 29, 1838. • The Sub-Treasury.. , , Notwithgtainin% the v to:t.gce with ...which • the Loco Focos szkiatl the baraltSiiiltiiie. tit‘ the wretched - sob treaseryt,othaWk ' there waS a tinge when they flondjt Cee_,,lie elent to bold , a deirent , doctrine :}. 'pie fact is they batten° filed prineiple,mseit!pt ! , , ling the destru4ive principle, and thfy4,,tis . „ ..,-, they advocate . ir_uhforr.e what theyry,t,stie 4 i dardennuncta with bitterness. - 2 111. :See.` 4 ,l: - rectify. Wimx.thelj- held the SaktWisi . iini.:°:ll gliage,in hitirs'ixort of Deceridialt,;:t.*:l4S ' .-It is gratifying to reflect thatthikertt. .. dit gisen by the Government * , whiii:l44ll. ' a r t bank paper or`.- bank ogenti t *, _ .4 ' companiedllk smaller losses in : *ie.; ' .rienett under the system of State ; rfii 4his pciantry tt i t their' Worse %T . :7: r: 4 - 0 under their eelierest:eibth*VWli.'eni ~ other kiini•eareifit ihe.ikkiviiiiiini t hr k g ever liven , ii , feted* hi. , ite- 'railer pedsactione. i'p Howe, unless 68 4 &etes- and -Uniteir States, . should - iiiiWdetnii. :it proper inninally, and in tbeenaletkimi Iy, loc:thspenie , with the pefitr . ; ;Wpitetn;! , And which ein .i nt is not anticipiiind;Xthis Government cannot eseePeiseTliimi.d . , ..,.,_ ins. seefrom thet,lquarter; f aelkcewneWirotle ,teAkicape elltossee.frem s .1"00--..altib a li i ,;: . sgenth elcoPtlblr, *f;ealftiorlt i;*.ibeii , ,,, - . pl.:tint otheii..,apdinirvi t io* 4444'iihil - ' will probably, Isp . fmn, :- . ldialilei safe, ,convenient are! eceeo' . 4l 4 *-411. 16 - - . -- -Tbi' ue Govowmat4 . ol4:ap, pOited ; NowtOdiei Tagi,,,A*4l,4 9 1 sto generalth**4 6 7 l '.'ff 101A11)44e, . „ • Jau or EqAmituiii - Ingrnwafew her. his in inte`ie4jog pmt Woo Wks to the is sloramratlid theory or • - lo : 4cootognasy amour diiAitiat ,moatookati6O readior EN El 121 MS 4 , i i [
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers