__...—nosanirteltie itar— „ s__ R. .. 5;1.9. - D 'W AL 'E V ASV • , .2 4 - 1 , ..: aeshrieA M ND EC r. —la% e 0 • 4 11 , ect 1 41.4lesethisr4meedyercUselasetbasift logiatel vralosalrYlAii pablialaistoMing bleareva r ecce , eng it,iescansely in the pewee Male* id ileleirlatettoktrensevice deny deign. cliteenitaletwachieved an ascendant career of um • Moms wlitar, OtMattr-cs the competition f mere Ni besStfill Itretinision, and has mewed a . a talloiCitrititilienutl fatter,* ,itittiptsic .elan ityttgepritem may point, opithn eaosevori ” 4 . 4 rtityr.williMit eqattarg tbe, outgo= orinyub.us onset in insamitingtfacommtrliolt.'" • t'l 111;0-,CAMOS111.41 ..,. PA tiILY • Altilign 641L144,ma44factured by Dr. William Eeallet et it/- ' COA th aae e;trptit. damta require his, expleauttielyht !chef . % anitimarledged efficapy— ter the niciip eminent ifiritliainellteatcyllota"the United Stales , will freely. i itappialed tailgate the reagents which hash induced i diem .te recommend them so extensively unfit waseiJa i ' hie tfiliorQw .AO ethos, reasons me. that iticiejildi se mismiadici ies 4 neverinjere 'even , the mekt'rlelicate coolastitetniesolse have, in 'haw every ' divedual -else ftWitripabilliey arepresenbed, it m An evil I ?dem, a truly barmy and permanenteffiuie %yeti Chum mmenvernsee that they taseitiet ey ed! raid Mak -pirlarevocrtrany 'quack theory of purifying she blood. en the atter degmcurin of tbs.-sten:rich aid bowels. tParify the blood froin all diseased hinnori.thL7 bildel immitiyater; bat not ify tdestroying.those trim-era tg .which alone the blood can twripostanieL 1 they are 'compounded upon. theory which suppose" akitmnanii gobea.sespesitenalsl agent to health :WWI food, welt .111'gested.ui be a valuableirtend marsh and blood.--, "tT'hrtY ido ant purry men to telietta„and make them Omr - like beings too refined to reernie' kmg in this world; but they make them as 'human as possible, and fit to encoeiuier Median: Lanes, and fulfil the °crops; rtinnainFirt sulthrnary life. Thdy do not "eke a no dent petpterrer-eiln. life, to prepare then the faster I for. ai.oti. Piny proceed u. on themipppotion that ' ;, , the blood. rii-twin,., nerved. orgnes.frterettary •and - se-. •-eventry „eland. mucuous mid tedumentary membranes. • (tunes .and earitarii” of every 'human being require td the supplitO %%nib mierishatent from as bet thful a stn- . mach as can be male and kept; and upon , t,tee dnetrimi i that unless the morn tch and bowels are in Fr, id order, stiatelloteLand every other pure of the system wall be in .dinsolts. . Antlivre hitt Ittirectridthit 'rimy-will secure heal* , ao'sheontenath and bowels? Why by enabling the omps tto d igest . fudd , aced the other. to carry off what II bg -alter the ndtrtment is extracind. to conneeuon 'WO ithenueptus of bile, an the foul hungers &the blikirt, I isnomMs ritemhraceaand stomach. Ang t atey.accont. :taiith thettagrnat feats of medicine in est simple may imaginable The A PP:RIF:N TI , A tilllri PILLS. attic stomach be affected .with wind. tedn. or rowed • collections, etc i r it out. by a natura I but , • moet_an iiionstble solvent action, and cleanse, .the whole all ,antintentreesedlowithinit grimug.dentl learvieg.tt•as free -without *debility, as nature ever liesigned it to be.— fritcy do nnt take the skin °tribe stornaohnudienwela SEM and,/aave them like a piece of red velverpas alt phy s Inc' rarrmat the strong draatic pills dn. but they • tak nature kindly by the hand without qtushing her. i -fin r era. They cleanse every thing. withdut impanng •er injuring arty thing. . ' When thut, is effeettiii ,we It Ittenify iii tit; the use ofo t few of the 14 tiILY APERIENT PI /,L". theirenme the celebrated CAMOMILE. or TONIC PILLS. to • a rongt hen 4 annttich and .bowels „whiehilefore. per .hapa. wed: ntui foul het:vise they went weak.oskl -endows Them with streng th rope Weir tallier': ' taut functions, withn tt the aid of physici t The VA- .MOMILE FLA) VER. when its valuable princtples' l etyl theiturSkuittistncred. ta auktinodelged tor all. pier aimans,.m every sme..vo be bile belt swtedifilti tonic IC110•141itt the sentence of niedicum —rber,e a nothing t.lc own iir the vegetable kingdom of nay Ire to equal it; i • nothinglhat is at cnce an harmless and en vigerousl. healthful. and in potof of this the proterjetor of thy .rer.osasold pilisthatare madetrom Re purest parneles. might quote Minuet innumerable suffitirs.lmth ancient and modern. if his own pmctice had not proved it to tens of thousands. . ^ ~ Thee/feels al these pilki ive not only itierr*ivell in an increase of anmtite and geineeal steepgth, but in restoration of ihe baby to that imieersylsigar •idl iii functioins m4in-At indicates the retard to perfectly -sound hellik—Tue ince, and general Icomplexion, -speak voluinea in their favor, end thouOluds of fe- • miles am teat& bow much they bare mituributed• to their com Tars - timir complexion, and their -strength. when every other remedy had moved worse than use leas la iiiirsaus disesses, of ill kinds, they .are t1;•w • acknowlisiAmi fa' presinment ; gradu 'till) , restoring • firmness Of body and inind, without those annoyance and changes wash altar oesvoistresimalhes.seensine: `Happy waski st ihsve btu Tor reitiryiyheng permitter of both sexes Orin) aril cost is she. asleaqcsive. ifietex had learned to Ch mk the moffiiii*tenaeocies Af that -stomach and boWels by these pure tonics and aperi isats, without resorting to quack remedies. the n ames -of which are : Cancelled, and of which thee know .nothing. 'rant tireallful scourge Cr)'9 L'IIIPTION, ..might have been checked in. •ts comMenccrien: and • ducippeintod.of its prey. all over the. land, if the first , Ave:toms of nervous debility had beeni•cpunteracted C ValaILK chemic a ll y prepared; and ahem 'bowel Comilainta which lead to a host Sof Neal anabil -dies, might have been obviated by tali fuse sideliner ye.ttanct s.f rhilartc which is a leading ingredient in 'the APF..IICaLI` VAMILY PILLS. ae fore both of 'these Medicines. which are adapted to Pa majority of ittie purposes for which a hundred otheraare lannecee iasatily.ustidasnrem.agues.bilieus kitsmidejs, heatlachMt. gear* 'aehilitya. male decline. ittifigestam, end liv .ens plaint, wohld have entirely disappeared, wit sundry oftbewi have proved B gam tt disdi-mtly understood that theirs, meanies! 'are not °Waned instead of these emend news Of.the !tootle Which ether medicines dierpen. ite +i h. issrvery ysuitheary inanity= They are foundedamon medicsl iltnowledge.aaci apt aker,. mid dolgot take all the wed particles nut of the human blood under the pre stence ofpurifying it. In proof of which difference of -elect. let the faces and forms of patient, hear testi -mon,. They constitute a meal, effects 1. and gene vallyamoltmillleCleim oT MlEWlltillft• far ' anti being both tonic ano aperient, mid' of the best known. no person .or faiSidv should be • without them... They can be obtained .Whiserialeand • remilofthe proprietor. Dr. W3l IN A 119.1gew Yolk, • aid of his agents in town and country. With dues,. -baits fervas.--This are rapidly snpercedmgall other srernetlitki sBvertlse4l irithe public. pond: because they sire found to belong to a very superinr siva of poputar !medicine; A single trial usually places these high in pri vate esom.ation, as they are known tO he in public' • prefersues.end Mare opinion of physilataiiii. 'Dr. WM. E9llN6' OFFICE.. Nid, 19 NORTH: ..IAJOIIT gr. PHIL nts,rsii A. where.his medwine. • may be had. Dr. Win Evans!. 4fice,.loo Chatham a l jtveoe, New York,ittherethe Doctor may be coosalied Ameamsolit. ' ; VSPEpSfd imd If YP...loki.rillalSrACMl . M. 1 • . • N g flint. William Sehtton.Grorm/ii mbeitarlhiid st., Philadelphia. afflictbd for nemind . .yeani with the following dintrensing volplane i Sick ben* et theatomach:beadache, din:Meat, .pOpitationa mfithe heart. impaired appetite, sometimes,hcid and marcesent dructai ions, &aphis and vutleknee (Wilier wahmettonen, emaciation andgennral debdityatisturtied .. 4,, mast. A senator praline:4r and !might 'dm mornhclt. 'after count.' ailigktinare:great men ' devnitglaii. -lieeeinellyingeelas in thechent. back *idea.~t-i me" *dislike rerOkielety. or con wino lion, , 111 vulva tio Arnidnag an I weeping 'l anguor land laditisile upon' tpo ta r tei. 4 ...:, ..,•., . ~,, :, .. ~ ': r• Silmin hid ' lWleedlo - tiie iii ' t Inell4*.t-'lit ~ciang,who ciihid,deror It biaphiritie: . wet.' orMadP eine Furianini iil,biinillir; .heyreh ..aa hilt.. indirlfiriedd 'liiretn4 4iserdeplii (mei( •• . antPfriting hie& iiicottnimiletl by a Og ' - itinillife4 leooll4lrDit - Vik. itVANS' ktediehoi, 'it Willi dhkili,lfficretin.*ftiarld , ipi rnid 6lelaseit rhjdleei eO: r tHiei lneeairrmiivorn trivia tOiilki.leiiOndehe to for ltie reate i p ie* e ith Per .enyn rgeennblCleia,v g , b . riiiiiWifitiftetikio - illlbird:likedO e l eaefy parr caw ofhia astoniahinigkitillik , Do'4lk?aiisfiriadr-; ' oclOfficer. 100 Cjilz"Orn:l4:oV4SW*o ' j and in Phil adelphia. No. draleS111,1;1611111i.. li._ Sold by - '-• • ••••‘4011$..7. trISR.. ,„SolnAgeiiifer:Vde ' ICOuniy. • petenae, Nov4s - -, i•- - • , i - , I -ti • • LEI rgegeblega IghtoCriltr: -ra FRESU supply.just recelteil4nd ''or or aby ~` t- r tetsaille. AugasritAlat' St ;-•-fo ni oo , =-4 1 0 -----.-- at nn • VionitAinere,„...— streetra prime insijormuloffteltbalia.-- . iug ef , ..,...-,.; 40 /:•, , ! 4111 ° 11 4 1( 14 1...,4:, :4" ~ , ,, • -:, l .A.'t - . '4- 1!, ...LAI— v.' —...) 44 --,..--"- .2V- I '''' 'AV: = 7 - I :CT , "tells, bits' ' ."- - i r • t whiyali4sisii;loatfaid ~. p: , 2 ,' - q uiet hr*GOODLAilima 1 „.* ;,_.:2_ . • 1 A. t : ; India *tad imp, bonsai "" 41 '`` :imperial. un Powder, Young ri ii ; „ it' ' , 1 ~ ~ikiyalsw Ntigplatalilt 4rec 4l - : "4 .4 ' (re„iiicne tand-B6hes •,. .4' . %vie% P neti.§gildb 4 4 ' - ' -tt---- iWelfge:siailarearifpl - M CllPthtbfgr , ..- Pupated Gocoa.Cocoarbells • : Iteatfing.Gesice. Milan o , „ ~,., Di .;i . 4 ,l4,4rAloihr,ftilltsiter.4.l,bstri...,l t . ilinisere .1 7ttiot011 . andesiiiie : 1 — - • I . = MOOD, unnuo. -pepper.. - • • - 40 1411 i** —n• Niltiftc*. i: ',Knklent+ Si - I , *" teumit aii#F ranch 4 • ~ 'Olivia. 4:awes:Anchovies • Uaratnepepperiallspicemdd Ginger - Clove,. tinee. Nutmegs and cantata '- • ' i. Rice:Aber 01. rice.:ntaroh . . • I Canantai rip:Hannan' , rialnen , ' •' 1 41weetined.lOterkimonds, citron. i '' • Olive Oily wine bitten, lemon syrup , • . Preset and ginger, cheese, codfish . . Herring. , mackerel.- madman Mileite-sdifootered was, a .• 3 innided. land dipt tallo,vv Imin tlilitie . • • -1 Palm, va ri egated browwsr ldye •luoip . , Old Madeira. old pattoolatet , Brown and pale ahem -. thampairie Wines ~ Old hock. Linhon.dry mabaga .41 wood Sweemnalaga. muscatel i ilk bottle, 'Whiney, marseilles &Sicily' Madei) J , Scotch. mob, Thonongahela ik cam whiikey Anniaeue, anniaved i fte peppermintconinds • • Covoltp.,, ithssapagne, panish 4 , nom brandy 'Holland:et com.tho.sti.'-E, :Rain 1' .Jamaicavpirits Kxtra sup. Spam, inferior do , null Spnnith and common cigars: • Cnt di. plaurand moulded glail ware China and crockery, 'A 0110 : 1 ! A geoeril assolinsent of Dry Goods. Ire. dic. all or, wbleh dory are deposed to melon the most reasorw ble taimi. Roads at Families qmd , Taitern 4Ceeperi :ace perticalarly imitrd tarciill. o Regd. TrUE Coil fteinites and Landings belongipA to the Dlnville* Pottsville Rail RoamilVaisn: pany.iii . Mount Carbon. The I. • me . tasing ery • regeeet 4v*.11 calculsted for the - shipping of coal. The-shine may he-reP!tid wfth or withal's! I irel" !i Cu.. aII in grind order: - &so, the large warehouse and wha ti: TITO'S ftll ATM. •fstperititerident. M. mint r.a Ilion, July Si• 48-3 rieHIR stibAcriber has now on hand at his•Stort and Storehouse on Centve end Rail 'Boat' -streets, a Rill.nesortment of Goody, soitithlcifife thin wail region au: • - Barr Iron of assorted alias; ••'" Band and Hoof) do do • Nail. anti 'Pike Rods do do Steel, Roonftlifiquare do do • -• 'Nails and Spikes do do • Coal Sammie do • do ' Hardware, a general asrsottmluS. . All ,if whioh'hb w selling at reduced prices. 1-In li 2 JCL AYTO I .q. • .encutirage Home Maaßfaeitir . es. CnorectionOry nantiractory. li F. subscriber tespectfully anoounpea to the :0614 that..tie hascommenced thellanntac torttof Confectionary instil its 'Brion, branches ) aim Store sill: Centretitreet, neatly opposite the! Poassilie Muse. Antere Confettioners and oth craven alwalys be supplied whcdesale arid retail itt.the'lowest Philadelphia cash prices. Country Merchants are 'respectfully solicited to call and eiernine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ...10161 S. t: llfAktrie. I . .Z4ll-0 CM - MOFFAT% l'epnsthie Life Pills and Pbe- mix dWaws. -Oa' VaPiltlLlBl--All nations. ' &cm the rerun-, restates, have had shipa,but Columbusonly foupdi, out the way.to America. Before the time of the` great Synimsh navimitur.pdople were.ontleasbled , I Paddle abodar th eshonirs. 4ustorewith Life Med. I win c e :LE*l but . two .aliort:•yesis loners first vie.. hired upon all onimetirn ocean, and I have discovered the precouv; objeet 'I iias in search Of-41EA LTH: Vegetable medicines were iodived keowo when I corn. menced my search. bet Melvin,* was not. By the use of them,f havenot only passed from the dejected ebb hale hearty and active mtet itfon.Memet, but. - comparatively . spisakidgi -I .hale -renewed my ilfinth. I can thusewithimaideechinietrpernm erne-. nano% adviie .with my iellowreitisens Does the rernicrw..ut prodf that thdVEVETABLE LIFE Al b.:D. WY.lNESarn,aultableto'hisown corset I here on fi le at my cdfice.s46 Broadway. hundreds of letters, from. — a eft' most resnectabliuritiaene of Idiom, ne4 -rat *Arrow in testimony •oftbe air- •F.l ABLE MEDICINE. 'Mss have been teniLl, ro• inerel prepar e cir„,pf. tees, the', the. 'Li Medi . - triterismieto permanent .1.10113. l MOKFA.T-: ificated instances. they tin the very verge el an deceptive °martens of tomanythousasidahey I uniform enjoyme ntsf Ifiwbut a ponied blase , Mak. ...„ .oeir efficacy .iiivanahlv and infallibly proved , that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those Who were unacquainted with 'ffin hiemtikil, philosophical principles nail which.they are, cornpoundedrend uponverhich consequently , act. It wart°. their manifest undsens .. 44 ". "'On au notifying .theaptinge unitehannehrot life i id radian& them viiitterenewed tone sad vigor, Alia( On , wore itidTpted for t the* name., which was beetneettlinon.themitt she spoiteneent miner of - seeernlietheichnih edema lives thqpihadtrobiriepaly, m. 41 l' , , 4 , 1 tkitderi • The piotohthirs teletext, jA - Ilte oPriftept 1 by the universal d'iffusionfifeti.darify preamffif4dt ing 'his ,yp:GETABI.P. LIFE PILLS ; 'within ,', i . furitylc Iginitere4o Ofeveio , ititheidplif in thriller* muntm. .13Mykie the7buir% Ofperct.cioce_iioiCikenee§, ( 1. i itrir. 464 ricNbisaitlirAikiilite,tegreareu ? 4. ar o iih, iere purely and souti.v.tear.z. 4 4 .2 1 ,tttaki nek: -their , , Mercury. AntikrOti— tAmpAa. N , frat. 4 MinvciLin any •rmAciar 'fast,. .... a...nny /Wee! 1 composedofratracys ftB . ' afe&-ixrtreri:elphtime. 0 ihe.iikiiVilifiehittrif 9 .404 , 3 , ry 'o 4= Indian tribes. and motif y, t. le, Orgt t ipixr.no- .. . ... 1 iseutical chemists. tail AttFulillleSltt,R . IFlct min pretender! tolp oat! *ism* ~,, r ....-,."..,,- ..„..................• ..• :.„..„,.......,..._,,.,,. Their first nia46441 - i i - K•iietkAnlAienati‘c l i the sumach 401 fia:l4s.. veltets 'twit:loes pipli eptiitits 400 Kik,ll,tty fretting! atoufWilmin:_ aniLin re, imbitiondiesh umm er jp : 44 0214 4 . la w& • a •alY'Partioll,A I nv i litaie igustb7,l,. ' . tad misieribtiond,,is w . 4pdijtjpf. .wjtlit gillits, iriiim - 121iirt. at itsreil-ixopol iiialdr lamosia.wbo ips AwfailmsOotri, ;I . 6 4 . . mea dtt l it;= : t w e:the" rie 111 1e.. . kci fof Thi ‘ ble e ldi:4ll- ' • TAX I - I 7, 1 4-, I - Jr 441 r= klsll 7e " tidia ll ii , ime vbatinw did #Min of which rairablSdePlaltrupon theregullittly therarieary itim.7Tlatabloots. which, to me •inateft fl-ti: iteWhgeitcrif the Mei hid 'that linage ' itamosolaido Olillalitjmilil distisasiAlallbT bias eievetarrished try food colons from a clealt 'Ainteirei - Teseff Heigh AIM gews veins. • Viaktirthit *suite mid thenytaindymomete die t,ick re rnnagr.A l o 4 o iilthe,biollltlialt - Fhtrik- ~-. ,: ",..1 -The fortobing ire aniling thmdatiosahtirektiellet human dightshoo vittilleh thelVerible Life - Plas alalteilknowmtoltrinfiffillfit - • • I rl/VSPEPSlAeliy . thriighly cleansing Melvin-tea second Clarinetist, alidlteating a fiber of OM; heafthy ibliratiatiadliTtheitalin kill acrid kind i..-}lirodesery, p*iiii Ids Heat, Ives Appetite, Heartier* amtlraseamnam,Restiersviem Milumwa.../Ltesigtwioute .andallefehdoli.aittildritrethirgeneralaytalamas F • - pnilt Vatnalkasticiataritconiatitheate Of *rata. teatierailessiby cleansing the whole length int the intestines with% solvent process, and without i4°lmm:et all aiolettupstileive , the bowels-costive Iri hen two,days, i Dierrialad Ciders, by,remover Mg theithargi !meld duidi by •which these complaints are odayibitenti,•and - lry'pretoteins 'the'lltMieWve - ion onhemiKwaestibease& 'F•rasofraliiinda. lef reatoring the bkeektoraregaler himul Mon, through the preeeMmortztatitarth if . almteigairee. , Ahd the. 1 hrodgh soltifibn ilitialthal tibetrottioos in others. (She ur 14 PftLtriave'beentiknown to sure lliten hatitaspermatteraiy:its three' weeks, and Grad in half that time, by gemovinelettal inflatnmation from the wicleyand liturierite ottlenitruns. Propries,ll4, bait:lo l lllmeg 'slid strengthening thrs•kidirept add In crekt ost er d:lgh adh tflly ; oirsasiathesevaeir ingabban7seedind:vh"en:ohpelnithrime:rre. e ra beesfeeridai certain rite. dy forethe- worst yam of &ma Also• Worm s, by dedodgirig from theYerniaigebf the bowels-the slimy LCassinaptien. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs from the mucas,vrhich even alight colds rifest remov ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadlhl ....is 'matey Scurvy. tflamrasel'lseeterree'Sores, by the perfect purity which' these Life Pills give to the blodd and all humors; Seorbortic Ertptiimu. and Bad Com plement& by their attentive effect upon thedoldathat 4nekbra•state ofeakich oetasiopa AU ..Eraphine imaa plaixim,:harriet 0/m4y. and osier disegreeralleCom pfeenies Theme id - them rille fora very 'Mamma will effect an entire core Erailtlieern e Erysipetris and a striking bereavement in the' aeroftesrazf the skier • Cfrpigral ` oWdcaled Influenza, will always be a mid bynneldoseter by two dlVertill the worst cases. Pile,--as a retnedy.for thistemadistressing and ob stinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a distinct-and••emphatic recearaneedation. It is well hewern titiorkfrida in this city. that the , Proprietor of these invaluable Pills, was himself inflicted with this complaint for upwaids oftiirty flue yenta, and that he tried in min every remedy prescribed within the whole 4,-4:103p11111 of the Materna Medici. tlielthowtver, at length, tried the eminne which. helium offers 'to the public, and he was ratted in •a - very -short time after , his recovery bad been pronounced not only improbable. but absolutely impossible, !army Inman means. t. • DIRECTIONIS • Mif USE.aZthe proprietors ofthe Vitarrallics tare Pius doesnot follow the base and mercenary practice of the quacks of theday. in 'deb. lurpersonstortakerber Pills in large quantities. No goodirailtrave rain possibly be so rearmed. These Mirare to be taken at bed time' every nigitt:for a week or fortnight, accordrng to the obstinacy of the disease. The usual dose is from 2 to.s.accordtog to the eareelestion 'girdle person. Very delicate persons itentittunprewitth'baramiroAral increase as the nature of the case may reentry those inorrarobust.or of very costive hatetiermy begin with 3. and increase toiatina even STillseastd•theywillveffeet a sufficieedythappy change, to guide the patient in their feather use. These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and grocery ne, thoughtverrserdom, unless the-stomach is vele Ad;• this, ' however, may he considered a 'favorabe syraptom. as the patent will fold himself at once re. heved, and by pamentrancealibsomtreeoner. They usimUy opsmitrawithinilflertiffirrours, and Iberter.Oart pale: eaten die boweleare very meet encuithered. They may be taken by the most delicate females us. der any circomatances.—At is however, recommend ed. that dente in later periods of pregnancy should take but one ivettirte,-alitittnisContirmettilteep the bowels open: istideven two may betaken where the patient is vearymostive. One pill in a •solution rif two table spoinotfillief wirer, may be giver, to an intim in the •foltowingdosei—area spoon full every two'houn tilf it operate, for a chliki. fromona to ° five years of age. half, pill—sod frombve to ten, one pilL THE PIiCENIX EITTERS, are so called ,because they primers the power of restoring the expiring ran i bera of health, to a glowing 'star tOmlthatititbei constitution. es the Phsotaimresnd•to hertmoirediq lifefrotolineallihreifimowoUissittation. ' Thathte nix Bitters are eantrelreeigetible, composed of root found only in certain parts of the western enemy which will intallitily cure FEVERS AND AGUES of all kinds,; will never fail to eradicake . entirely elf theTelreenstifitercurr.intrawilentinerthan the most powerful pieparaboss of Sareapartlia: and will mime• dtately cure the detertninmiz;ng3LOOD TO THE HARD; never fail in the ancidest to yousg: females; and will'be found a certain remedy in air writhe of genesis debility and saniams of uttermost Om paired constitutions eli.is a remedy for Ckremic mid i , Inficup‘Rhefantftessa. the efficacy or the Plxeoix mini t Bibe'derisithatratedlWlhe Ike ers - single bottle. esuarldeseoftheM bitters is half a vette 'glans fill, in water or wine, and this quantitymay be taken two or.tinve•tnrisietiiiily. about rhalf an hour 'brifore-el'eils. or a less quanuty may 'bectilienaitidi times. To those who are afflicted with indigration after meals, these Bitters 'will prove invaluable, is 'they very greatly inmate them:lion of the principal viscera. help them to perfothethelrfunctions, and intri able the stomach to discharge into the bowel. •what 'ever is rolferisive. Thus indigestion is easily and spendly 'removed. appetite restored, and the mouths of the Absorbent vessels beit l2 ta ie ssed. 'ethnical is facilitated, and stretigth•of anitenergyotmlnd are the hither medley /For • r particular. on MOFFAT'S LIFE .RILL. end PHIENIE BIT , TE RS. apply atlitr. litrafai's office,No.346•Broßway,l New Vnrk. where the Pills ean -he obtained far IV cents. 50 cents, or =i per box; and the Bitters for 1111 or 12 per ibottle. 117 Numerous •certifientes of the wonderful efficacy ofhoth, mry'he ihere inspected. In some obstinate and compUmted cases of chronic and inflammatory Rheumatism. ,Liver Complaints. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy, Piles,- injuryfrom ',he .ate of tnerotry. quarnat, renttobler triserwri often , remading,irmay Se neiressaryle take both the Life. Pills and the Phoutia.Seters„ in the dose beforem. , commended. i . be I~ ::LATINT. MpF MI/END( BITTERS. 'been known.and appre and immediate powers lemons guttering onn er to nanob the ..bunxin N. B —These Pill, and the Kitten, will get. the mercury out onto. apteiminfinitely Mater than the beta preparations ofSantaparilla. and a certain remedy.for, the ?nehthe tko blood to the &ea. er all iriettritiima, oeftemicacniteureux.ldeet—All persomnalho are preaks.: piaaed to ttponle.ry.pary. nevenbe without; the Life Pills or the Batters. roi one dose in time tap lave life. Therpnini4theeirentanotitifthe Wood; draw alLpreasure from the.imadi pirezpinuion, and throw olT•every impinity , by the pores of the skin. For sale by MILLER & TTAGGEftirlf ' Agentafor the Preptietier. ; ikst y • 4111,1k4StAirtigigia.VrOlthl r ;, .t • a 21' ' fall area rtment of Iron; comprising lama and Square Iron fromt3.-.161V4p to 6 inehea ametec; flatgreppleililinlia;Ati",:j!PßlGE, uP 10 1 11 I tgeet Iron of best and 2tl quality . ; anitailleltielining car . bodies eir' u r im ulllitdisi • titOrtiAr•tt It Li? and by .1,0r0,100 prepared to receive R orders iteoim,portiisii•Rnadpon:uoniheoneitt. nittearnageo-Alrrg triad ear axles. JeatteMlT rit , delitltAi4kdr " • - 'ictugurral %.:,3•:•;7-11:1 • s. W. earner ke Ira* rty t emit St. PhiladelPhist.Junettnliff&K ' • 19-Stan RIME SeTe4I I AW - rXklailikat4 Atigrel4 g erter at ' asaitamystogt,434te. Slack. Broom bWee-. Mir!, Black rat interim F tehieb «in be tk t • . . WIRTZ. iktrlnt 113 SIT' lIMENMN '); 4 0..;',.4_ 1, ±:rirtJP4 1 .4 1 4 0 li i ;P. - : 1-- : SIMI* iniliiC ' 4l* Ptl4 ', 4 *.' ll i s -.0 11 :/ l e/ P _Old 4 =-* Map geaty - day , lbets it' 161 , 9 -at 000 1 : 0 € 1 4,s 1 04Deposilifoi UMI ' AIIkA ifeetivine*P94o 10 liar , o #l oll l% - ,IPAMI - 1 itloktlea - sty bitepertion, "wpm 'Wit terestwrit liar bairarllt'beileid* Oaf's - 6,14 in imierim:llll , liel'alliwatdate Fl l .OO/44 Pit, , . pc lish.-_Thcow t holik. of any nay .be; fh!wel• oat "IttiFgiirtom two ea r . ' sto for iWeathir; it ititeo"iiit icaitais: The heatiterat the Society istilt 'be'tatireetedbY the wik rs taid %ledgers. until the that iti y: ay rest,., • . -•- '' .1? aldent-QUILA BOLTON. 4 , ~..__ .......,.,.. 'J ' Carr& • • "SaitiairJ.'Potta Ed anr Reeser • • 1 1114. 1 Witine• ' - ' Jaet;B4ll ~ -,x • ...lease glamor • L. Whitacy, smrettry . tuttill a asurer. . : y tilde 3d of the Charter,. 410 emolument i l tearer-shill be *rigeelsed bY ilia' Fronde:it' or antigen for their .serviceovn'or ithill inY Matie•- - -keens ra,atetrower her& thetutifits. "ixtt 3, - 1 4 6 1 , • Ei E IPId 'Mkt tkepr reTaTica --- tu: frnsglis,Cohla4 , 8 trinsipti oni, ;tusk of , efil Dilefiei •Ilf the . treatteirtibisgrAlupre. red by 'br.(ILARKMI#I ERatillc of the 4 City Zasediter; • ' • DllitliVllllN o. _ ...lane of the'SpeCifick, 1 poi . na...g• ih.. _ All conspicuous manner. ~all th e sysoptomoin the different stages of !these distres. a z al ' ithowsers—itlio Particula r• illreidina el respect lin diet red Perim:moiled *Oils patients ate to re deict through, every Stows - until bealibla , ro. d—for vain and•useleas would be the re I scriptions of thenhiest physicians, !accompanied with thowiciet poirerful and useful Ynedicines;*if thS directions arcrtsot faithfullywdliered tn. • Who poildienre inibrined that thedepneitions of 287 persona 'have been liken • betnie proper an- , thbritie& in' tho eity °Man baiter, all completely et cd in thee mait'desperate cases 'of consump tiths.-soase ofahich are detailed in-the , hitla itc• oWnpanling each bottle.- - i Mae A supply of the above iSpeeitCiihu' been' received and_ is for-saleatlthis @Mei. - • March 12 ' 418 Swaiimls Panacea. • S the intemperance and luxury of the age are hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints 1d node*/ the blood more impure; - sold -as thou s/1. winds have destroyed their eenstitutioneby r!agieciing or apply the proper remediiie—er sock Swaim's Pee 4-ft., must be, and has been. More than doubly valua ble as a certain and erectus'eatur of restoring them tri pe-rfeer health i and er. Pew families are whol ly exempt Ebel&scorbutic4llbctions, which exhibit va rious troptoms, as eruptions, Ulcerations, debility, I ofappetite and dejection , all aritung from. impure oat and if net properly attended to, .proditte the atest injery to the conoinitettem, lid may:be im pined to their Offspring. Swaim's . -Panattais *retool enderl'at Ibis season of the year, as a oduable o tert fa area the system. thereby invigorating the constitu imid enlisting- it to bear the debilitating effects of 4 e a eoid snmm: and tormets, rsee riwn. •It is ih m ei rio r.tledasey te7ed e fi to th si e clirtcuheolae 'd geese.' Wirth eriginaie in..vitiated 'binevi/ditealted lier, depraved appetite.or greillsposhoti trivilffe&tiona F /ti o the lungs. dtc. No one, however, isiadvised to one ill without convincing themselves oftbe troth of what ircre stated. This medicine issow used with amens, in all plots therweig, anti Is fahaing4grettrreptitation in :... llinid. .A trek, supidy df' Ilia 'Medicine itert;recelted and for sale by EL EIANNAN. ' Sole Agentiortcheylkilleounty. , 1 Whocan supply the above' medicine twholesidelo them vilto wish to sill again, at Philadelphia s ten May ayl4 ' ' 1 DE LAWitirE 4 COIINITY Assurance Cam. CARTA& AUTSTIRMED ERIO,OOO. . riIARTER PERPETUAL. MAKE both limited and. .perpetnal lemorancer ;LTA on Brick. Stone or Frame anildiagaZetnren. Hoteht. Mink-Baum. lilerdhaodlae, hPurm, loreAnd.Propettrotevery tiimatription,araintt •loss orthimage by-FIRE- IHARZNE A AL/JP/G&W? INSURANCE. l'he •Delaware County linturance company ',lt alia immure against lowa on all kinditAtf marine rieka trid againatthe danntge or loss upon.the tfausporta. inn of gooda.-warera.nnd mereandirehy water, or'by . Fait way, upon lemons favouniliie nattily other in' timiion. For any further infonnation•on the; *object !ate. !nuance. either against Fire. marine •qr bland risks. eitiply•to 111P.NRY G. ROSINSHN, Aeint. 1 Jaly.l6 4 / 4 .4.f 'kt Schuylkill Haven. or WILLIAM a 'Pam. i • • . X Oreignlnirg. SPRI*G , Fire Insurance COilapstikir.. AKE both limited mid miutall-iniammces Brick, Stone or Frame Belidingilitores/litteli Sues. Suibles, ilierchandise.4'ursourstastl.. of eveqdemoription,againia9ocurord l mit gq The subscriber has bees appoisted±Ameterleiller l a l it s " a l l itc l ,2 ia-ow l7r . rpety ld the lowest rates. Eir.mykilli. 7 7 phltirart: • . 'F°!!!‘i i Kre.F. 2 7;n l34 * .; t.f1.4 ' 4' • "inittit 0 • • • OM/if - 1i wAttoig. ncoufgArtc,ir,', F011111 6 .43,-;• CAPITAL' AIIIAIORISZTriPIOtkOiiiri efigittkit'PEOV: litl44ltitifi a.NW. AmetfkoitAiiiTramitafilitiiisPEteres:ll6teli," Stables4dardmadkoidt6nintitant: and g ate rPt a dVill 4 -0, Pniagang lipteMl6 o Atiar dbave mentioned lamb:Mon and it ittatf l Ai r i t . make Immanaunampott diniiMitmft,..... Int - tv•.: ti ir# "I 'Pr &Waite* • ' '- rirtigSpimicittent *l4O 66' liti6osiiirwiset6rWiiVat DoiniNClbe onevecapitit by,44166a are. .WCP 4 i x 44 l- 40 11 1MCI's4L I #l4F:riT tfilefole equpsoidt6i,i, P6rWitte6cr the easitl446, aigiTtlittiesi. 14 Inti-; lixerriNe. MARK & Jane 20 r;7l . 4. I . . . 7 • , , , i, i ;. ' i t t. A ' ' 7- rill " 1: A f4ls - . 1. 1 . .. t Ar i r i we : 10: .....,.t.... i a zi v, it z, ; ,,, t .. 00c i r ''' 4ift4lo4flAPYinZr44;;;74. - 7 4 i 1,,• ~..,,!.. <.,-, .Iviiimoiwite iamipmdriew. I', • - • LATE CURES 10. Effintilid,andArayi - Inikn • inthpir thkprat , *WO , - -- ,- SKANTlffikin Vijionitieick„, .._ {,.,1, bead. " * .'libutkilliipsok; - "cored otibilent pace + n 1 bef, bend. sad isidnieldtbosockgiddisioss'ldGalbik - 144 itnn matilikt torgri „pink, a 'i.l. :,. Itil a, , . rI ,: .4.. t 4 ‘ Jobn'ilk kr, relied from Inbituktimaiiinit4 iiiewint braptinOtn, kkith'oilbeiltvii breath did bkd tuft. t__.,- -- z ,; ). ,: ..,;;;, t ,i, .v.: -. s i . . 4:1 ~.0 v..... - JosephiliallOw,gtwed ass *crated Jegaritafin• Isitte/lOtiesi cantif4Pa'bioaki,az out oTtx hid - . • • bniah Amami, Cared,orpitinititer_breists sonioldes net-hesdache end +knelt often:eating. Wt ltittn Ithetimattirds: and owefti-of kiolliga tAnbing been unable to walk any . dnitancefeftz" , months past, , 'Michael J. lloilkins: eared or sweltiriz tinder his aims hid on biireetk,"with iiinisidefitilts • breaking out on his body: / , i• ElhobothOlootos, - oured of swelled broke*. pain' in heranle, cotislattediagniit to ford, 511011 . 06 sick -ness.at her stomach. • . 4 • Jeffery Cline , onnidtfthinniatieleitts inthowilled joints. .. • , litonniOn dltltiward. curedlif a better aisLeash. a met over his body; With some ninhing soma II CURED, IMO -SPECIFIC Rev, A.,,,Gmlsy, cured of an affection of hiathroat. of and ulceration, which. previously affected his " Tl e se following areeonvelisidy of ihe Mtge mambo of 4: ayes effected in Salts 'Montgomery, Schoylkill. Lattetater, 'slid Nonhampton counties,, during the pair three Months: longs Green, Esq., eared of Fa scorbutic. , doe. ulcerated leg. swelled4oints and thematic pa . a Adam' C. Carpenfor, cured 'of violent paid" in • his rides, meekcosturemess, bad appetite aid a ibtirbetim of Moab., .. • Rachel idYild•treirid - of a 'iliirtinTty lit lilting, habitualitesturettelosPuttdviolebt painsiii-her •blichael„Joaes,ltil kworlaiighters and yowl t aco, tured breaking out of dry .sod sometime Lamm pimples over thefrjahole bediM- ~ a ttended h gkem' i !flung, frequent Implement ,feelings 'in theta, bear* netaat theatitituteitilid pains over Om htitrat, Thu famlymak 'Sided' for years; and , never found relief from any medical treennetit, or from any medi4 cinerkuntil using Dr: Leiden illood•Pillaandiamash directed lay _ - Dr...Leidy. Mush 'damask mated Of violent palmate her back Mid Mink diettramists, smelled jittintstitc. '• Yindaaw.Green;, mote of griping pains, ()rap petite, dhrgest for food, and habitual ckstivencits- Adamß. Ginnie, cured of scaly eruptions and Meek isenut.-ttereness aid pito through hie banes. Dinah Crowley, curedeNtingwomestrod Mater. • Henry 'C. Rin.nn, Vaat.luited Of•inward fevers. soreness (Ifins mewl, throat and nose r giatidular *web e 08 1 457 4.th..%im cared Oa memorial affectiot and. violent rheuma tic pains o'his bead and eimeal lcitutthan Anita. taislitif.,olutart bed 3dhn G. 1,; Thom. rent cured:olloiriessmaletions of vie Itati4,Fecorive-k oess. sour hreetations,.. sickness at the stomaci,Ac. garib•lenkioi. Alliedium Tracy Jenkins, eared of atisctioea ofthe skin out, pains their mbs,.; Nommen& other instances might be pubhahed. but to Mail the het wo r id unnecesssOly increase the ex pense of publishing Win. haunt be mainly Aeen . fromlthe fore,,oingi , that the Blood Niger/. en excellent corrective for a disordered stomach. the cause ordssestatis'lo which th henian systemis liable:togetheemiblike impurity of alood. f i •etr Web Canna in all diseases , and in conjunct on with a disorderedisomach, very rapidly prostrates the hu man body. tt These pills den& purged powerfully as 'do 'moat pil le of the present day, beitia roduce' as mirch 'vtir-f . oliefuadid ever ,or thentinerais,by weiltenitigi theirystemidestroying t etoneend vigor of die "body and rendering it prey to.etinitnt _and universal dig; ease; discreet& Whodit.l eldreTing/ Ind ore odd and saildaindgentle in their &penal: and gray iocrsersingz She Ward discharges es to =ln of il*Pon - ' fiesta therwre by their use, not rir liddcrinit. nereasatratestraint hid) occupation or hestaess.l clisngeof li,lngnr diet: Or even a liability-of taking cold Boa their inse... . I i The process for extractin g the 'Timm of the Sa' rsapa `,' rills without atiatoying its efficacOa known only to the proprietor. Witiatiiiaila ' eau'a.- , Poepired mit, 'an • retilLizivDr. Ati 'LeiSYVlleakh Emperhtend'St beloir Vide,ll6-1 191.--Also Sold by - fi'lli. •BANISihN. ' • ...luting 44 . , Pottsville. • ~ • Wonder - fa r arcs. Throe lieen pnferated is-this city, unit arinkelaitif . . • • the soNstrv. • . I ' - __ . 4411. LEIDY'S ,' ••: • 41114DATISIE1 ;SA ktilitißelin ILLAk. ,-,. i MING a •concOntramillituid itithlCt of Sariaphrlil la ` • 'other vegetable eixtractr, w ' h rth dem ifnermecheine of grillirdtility in-the c' ' ' 'of all awns* * arising fro* imptinties of the; blood , romits-, prodences in life. anicConatitOtiOnal 'cl . ' Wined . or produced by ibe iOjudicious tile of thercdiy, arse rultvhatk.wripdabie. • •lit shOrt,lt is iusinialimblo flan- Aid .fl u t , e • -• • • Ateition,`Olmetil "Debility. Memos Sores, white Swellings Diseases of the &Liver and. skikylceratell Sims Throat, Ulcers of OE3 ,Nose;es es. sr diseases of lhe Bonsai; Scrofehteor. ifiinieo=E- 1 4414Eryiiperaa:nr 'St, Atilbonfi Fife. and , Wimples- , -giant and dangerons . liffeitibut consequent torvphilis, Venereal. die. di e . ' ' • So &mutat`has this medicine 'beenin ti t Ellie be raricuurdiseasat for iiblebit ii recorn Awl it is far supemediagallattberpre'parshiminilf ' pull. 4a. Panaecatidic., ~ • as , - , ' L'! -'i! - T 'lt ii•ndWillypi bP.ltiniercibii.„Sphtillans. 'Asa hai 'been ' introduced by tliCoinco many ; span* hi , ripe, AketbWitqlhout the United State 4 • kis a prenanition of grealir strength (constiquentl y of greater Oliitzley) . diii any rither ixtmet now in e, is alai tooth cluniper; heing'bomiedollar Pi? Willi. which is inObeient.to %vibe inter•gallon . of!Syrdp; EX' 'Sarsaparilla, and. irboagbilry •iiikerent drOggigs for' that purpose. . • . J . Numerous .certificstokliare. been receiredt'ond pub- Salmi from time to tirim,,,tiot in nonsesimnktt of th e great expenne attending tiewp/porptiblicatrin'brifii.m the wino ineradulknuitan bPdlinvineed'of theta lionor •ellleneyVtif iDfili :1146ditsued4 Safi rililiVhy • , cilling It lir, Leidy's Ilealiti:Emporidm i:Altni 101,• iiorthloccind speauthkiwir sign oc,, mf,l4 Guidon, i r e Eagle and Serpents; warecenlficateaandtelitimccat cautrr len 'th busiredsofinst l oices °Dim moirre- I parkab cu : i ie re tll r,p o itrhw•i.u n 1 d ,!. man ft ym . . , e ,.. d ,.. i 05., ne. ; 7 ' agnal. Sold 44. ;lANSllol,lNtotik. . . . _ _. - • - 1 ' . ..1 • rA, ~ .1. 1 ' , . 4• , _ ,1 AL,l4,6lo,B4lfOtite A L 4fr.14 11 1 .4 9414 it " .... " ° "4, ll o:4°.cfAYStit-latiog,i fY7 - 700011X1, - . 'f' • • --.' ; ...- .0J r r laratileirite l 'i: , ., V : i -ten. '-, ac:.; i..,..... , ~ .• • 4-11ri t .M 5 , '•,.. 1 ~it - $::,:. ). , 6 , t8 !.,:, Wirl.M. • , n . . • , ere j i - r t r•... i,, f.‘ f 4: • , t.,(.. ", ivvr t .ihick - will,be filiiitliii*746t. tailb: 7 4:l l 4 ifriettpliktilialtriiidliiiiiill"46lo6 e t a .". c-. 114: 4 . 17 rG . W , + , 408EP-1304 1 13117g4 SON. "'-t .. • . s _ ieinety ! ' ..!' -! '' .1. t!..'!: . s* * VALL;I4-.-AmikiliElill . . , , ....., . MUST sEtEwv.m..jiplendidfissisitniEdt!* IP . S f a rkw - volleormer - 400ds;,1601fsr ,a . oirifyit zt 4ri, ,5f1. , i , q 4,,t,:; ,, 11 - ±, e.-1 k r. !FIFOC • -L . ...1 "lag...bi l l!" ia l'ik.s, -i..,":44•..t...1` : •ileir a I it.l 7 "-'3 ,:• : , : t;,';, ! l;2„ th ,, Ik !,, ' lO, ......lrl. , :' •e3-!.°4;ii"ii.' - *0r 4 55.. _ 4" "'-- 1 „" ;:: , f , :i.z.ll',' i , til-!....... , _ rlllhilltir,,,o-c t!t 4, .4.,:.- - 4:* 2=ll. i hitft.l4ll “prpimiPSiiritipiielitlisnr* ver (Oared inAhli-warifet4464B,ls*-in*aelanigi gege i l ga le h kiii*lli th rhigailitlijl4*pia l ., .W ` - •q,„ --'"4*-1.4.144'4447iW15MN13s MIRP it taiiokh unri,Nit.„ e er p s_e •o I po r . t ileWle T r .. .as i tail yw tyecionfAc/;,48 .I:l2Aittnir4unitrodixecitered's Methodlabettliritie virtaeof the stir*ltParillale,obtaitted,ia a highly con cenirated farm, and in seete.:tatintieras o make pills theriftetilAinitnif 7 deitiogig in fiteii its Tsai* ,Tbit9,4ll9t; 1 , 0 41orie . .I•Yway ether ' rt.- thevre tens i papq t r t m emly t:n.Dr. Leidy. a n d is d isco era of his earn, - ' ' • • - - , . . .. . [ These Palimeelidrered to the pu blic b the Milne of ' 801944.PAhtil.LA: OR :11.Loott'iiiLlt, . ;compounded :pripcipalli_ pl' ~Farmarill4 : and with wldeli la esiintfmed Ingredients (frientilt . o the e cm.ti te Witop.lehdeling View mere 'tiffeetut tieing itrafty laxative in their erects. thug carrying o conupt hu mors him thellloM retry greduadly,ar. ,arithens Tern lfiiiikg debifily orany Ineatirehletace. ' ilea in ref &kilt tjuitntity:howerer. they will pn e freely. rind mayboerePloypd,o l tftetr , to : the.mbs : delicate, and etieti Id infanta. hang. a safe . and tra .eationnyyr. . . . otirev r no restraint fruit dot or "elertaticn five,. _ ..Aebikorfrean , erevyatien any iird. • . . 1 hPfey 1 1 4 1 11.1111,v,e been,pte emmenth ,ticcetslul and fiom theifi'oet paint form. tfinst.soon IT or. lai fr. lake thePilittiallitibeafritelfft rtepitatio it of tFarrapa rifle, such as Syrups.' Dee-coition": Earr its. die. wiled are conicrimeni in bath*. liable to,4* br . and are in, antriiiitirYdriiain . gbe 6i4tiecrirrtsd a t. ilneettipilitadmeet during 'the past t o years. been amply meted- • Newspaper Sdtertis; i.being_so very expensive, ample testimonials from. a eratui Oyer • chute-and othersacconr* Obit direck Otis.. 1- ' Theytuepartieularky.reeommended - • .: • itheiveAliffeetionsi , ,: : 'Dry and tem pidtplea 't Genera obetdlit,y.' • and post es ofAlleTace 'l7lt anus 4- saitiee•ii • ' antibody' • ' --. throat, nose and • . - '. ly eruptions . . and blot- Pinnate of the•Lirr, - 116,0 1 (ea --. qf ,''. - kin: '• Skiii WM Botta: Ana; -----.... !Pain tater the region of quiets, beatt., breast, and ; 1 them • Mach; '• 4 , . ,gbs, Liver Pain'tir hie en ne. all waterbrarh, the.baek Ind spine, solid acid. Inward fem., font bet amsch, W bad, taste in the en't .!etiona, • as Flatulency: want of at bit ridening tite.eceitistetreitcetz vitherleck, of thee illitimehi alti• , tireipT tbie , 'liiielaldn, ' ' along the -• , • ,_ east:, 41e. and the, whple rodeo/ Irma lerq u rity of die blood, as ph roarer rf , - dcreedtiy the Vise - 44 , 131a 1414etenti -or other blinersdaj shoji life; ill it lis,iLnesoVenereal:Ae. , `Prepared onlyandac 19 LeidyVnealtfrp.zapoi 1 • -- I= Curl 81 DFADER. if fon' fu their ~ cottacquenm imperceptibly, and int the hainan try Mein. final endingin contra:option: . . . . A MOH: ffevi oftin is touch est down' whe least expeiltd by th nt ecenstinititidn: and folltivred'i (their ?nave r by di pares whoa re in atm mt sure the le of their prem ature death:fir nee 'Acting to „rr mad"'reds when exist ing in childhood . lo4king upon 'him s triflirg off , c tiona'and ant antacthag thefr not ire'rdtil thedeetro3 r r has nornmeneed•its 'work and-made sine elite 'victim. This is net 4 tatteiful representation.. for daily Burner bus instances occur which Troveihe hiet. In' marilmed colds terminate Meth. itarne way, bit do IllitiPrOaeillll6,ti . lpialy. AS inyßuitg t y,Atould lie i i - ever, in ' both you th, and Manhood be rly attended to. and norsegarded alt trifling . alrectio ' far it is a eelo sive idea that has rfadosibt shortened haute thotr ' " ' ,- li•R.7l3Ecirrnil I PiltmOrrAity . rizE . El i . ovriA E. ' -' ': (Priee ' kited's. rdi kittk) ' Is an invaluable prepaiatidn,'diietivered I y a regular and celebrated germs 0 PkYticiAn. :,,l 46.has eurPit i r d ii »petard' of 6fly years in hie own ipractice in Gt r many; thrpughent which cotintri it has been Mail g that time most extensively ard anceessfully canrinytil ia Coughs, Cohls. 1 rtfluenras. CataarNt. A *OP Og -El n th:lg Or titood.:WholijOi Toiiits. 1' to - of the Brenit and Sides: all iffeetions of the Mai* aid Lenin, in 4 arrest orapproathhig consumptien, `.l :.. ...: , / ' , Macil'4 ,l 9ibelod in Pr a ife ' 4 7 4 1 b StYcLil Oie. i e t bat newspapet:sdiertialmeheing - tii'd spimaire, every; satisfactory evidence with be' Retie in alliteellems upoattrhgria. well aanernerrincrece endationa se eompin, Emilie...directions. , 13Svrairla of Iflfleities were told in Philadelphia . alone•durit4rsgra Ors ''ryin tet.a tonvineing peooP of illtielleetl. OT 110 iarge a assn. thy rouid..errer litite - becn.sold.. The above meat 'aimed are prepiretidadsoldOitly of l' -, - • In- .finowsiiivilirmAr e rnilrag; .., . ..,Second ow.Vinem. AR* AWD 11/PORTA/4 MI WlEAD'hit, did youTeie 111 11jritgr i vies ktja.aufferlit be ,m,d i paist,birt ayd, glianip s atteroll- banging . by a tfireach un !meetings :Mqvfgaita • AreS,Puranurhiq'74. - .40 FilaP StitsPertte add s'arYing ernniYaur tiiii s tir faffe..liczainitrasti. - ` mouth. or wild breatirepaim macl. Sicheartatinreating,— ince faa.dri' 6 • 4 ohefOir Jrxoi 'With 163 . '5011E . foregoiiig the ilidattair tbe:Dyareptie. and ren.4 LOC: F*PWlTencel) iquneo DEL !.41Ltr$ noirte Arlo.? ptIORtf . A.. t ‘ er 4teVerPiiiit . t s p4d :44 , 0/rt./Nu 4i4oOk f fholly min )I ' . fatilCOßti• a ewe orthe Liver. Sionuteli* ea of iMaf ail lardtPOT l l...4oolNnik .1c# ,(11 ,1• metaafe. 'it may be yottationi,tig requiring but nu --•,•••• •Plinnereitla tesunnonialslimiv Ikblililiital>ltialh ism' 1 0,t0 1 P 4 4k.itIVIrRell is madvtairsa, Mitt so to modaviniekhoulee 1 . 1,4 tatur PneN4lllo9' iladelain ii,. •-••'" • 7 ICldePLWLeilifillMil ' lllll-Y-5 `." 1 '-itertVUllitint it r 4 4 -4147-40 F l ea,S9 . vr .-imd fri,.. ~, siNitty; 'on - •iisky ritindefi. qi e thii"tdi i EMiquillttlitrd 4. 4%5it0 autiliest t auk% 'wilt *win pittllliPll , 4 B l,4„ eAlrminAl 4. or,,teraxiON n ap . - ...0 - k?...i. r-Sl2-1- ;-- - mel-T•",...trzirlq. - .7 - 171 Try," - '', , tiiis , - , 4* 1 1-A •'1- 4 ' * a Ii II sail at Dr ine, No. beware - of prom 8 tbreti 1.4 to • lungs ar.d Ts `'710.71r. • J Dysr er tic Atoll to try lit*,t,,bio hie ididaiible and ,Vostivs nes!. ;11,OFcssit,sul his* in 3 rtfr stratliyoot sto litgnst to 3. or '4lch .11o0 , 1cd 'befot e Ku resolvti to irpcuto ASTEPTIC iticfrcm dit- W,Pcs• rottr'mercu ogc!sta er beßig very i s at to way CIL For ^trona a- 4 beloW pqrsvoile. footer «14 >. ay. T MEM oad, now mi °hie -.large buil— tifEßS. . I= E-63t .". "