sT• *145110#6844.1t. . arm' - NJ itto,o4lm . ^. fr • 1. , e,-INIE4 4 : ei•V• >•ei : : • • S • • •• i • nt: ), „ • '•-_•• 1101.4411/ VOL. J. •# , • FRINTEb AND:P . 0111141M; BYBE N'S stA witik tr. r sitima' warns . Toltec DoLut-ini ah - or.Firrir Cithire pet 'anon% p a yabie semiranenally in. advance. Went paidwith * in the year, 81 will be chargel ,teallitiosn who re) eeivg the pitpetfree isostap. mail subscriber, •$3 ger annum. ifnot- paid within; the leer/50 0 0s ta will he addled todhti price ofeubscriptiom , w*E.IMY. . . Two DoLt.aits per annum. payable semi-vmuall in advance. if not paid Within the year. $2 60 will be charged • Advertisemen moo t e.ideeding twelve lthea ^ wil b4 charged $1 for three insertidni--and 50 Ceti - tires. one insertion. Larger Ones in proportion. ' AU advertisements will be inserted until ordere out. unless the time Fir whi theyare to be continue is specified Add will be charged atcordingiy: Yearly-aavenbiets Will be charged $l2 per annum;. including subscription to the paper 7 —with the privileger of keeping die advertiseinent not exceeding 2 - squares standing during the year. and the idiertion of &small er- 'mein .eath paper for three successive times. All letters addressed to,the 'editor must be !Yost paid, otherwiseno attendee *ill be paid to them. - All notices for meetings, &c. and other smiled, which have heretofore been inserted, *ll be' charged 25 cents each, except Marridtes and Deaths. , Stsgars. . • 10 HOPS. Porto Rico, • 5 do St. Croix, 20 able. do. do. • 50 Bozos Brown Soap, 50 do , "feltucv do: 7 Theliale by MILLER & HAGGERTY. Poliavillo, Sept. 26, 1838. • 757. Way Cow. Qtrayed from the subscriber a week. since, n , LACK MULFN COW with a white face, the . 'black .covering both eyes, on her. left- eye there is a Outlet defect_ Whoeverwill return Cow to the subscriber, will be suitably rewarded, sod receive the thankspuf the owner. BRIAN mtrLtigii, of Irish Town, addition to Port Garbutt. ' • Sept. 22 74 3 R EAhhl V NAIL AND IRON WORKS, 'AVE on hand 'BOILER IRON, SHEET do. , ROUND * SQUARE IRON, COAL SCREEN R4JL ROAD Bar Iron of any size drawn Lb order. Nails and spikes of all sizes, for sale at the lowest City feces.' KEIMS, WIIITAVICER4 CO. Rending, May 22,-1838. • , 40-6 mo 11=1:51:11=1 By virtue of a writ of VenditianiExponns, 41- sued out of the court of Common Pleat) of Sclorylkili County, and to me nirected, wtll be expo.ed to public Sale On Monday the 15th day of °eta-. 'her next, at the house of John Snyder, Fail. in the town of Friedensburg, 'at 3 o'clock P. Nl. ;All that certain messoage, tenement and tract of land, situate in - Wayne township, county of Schuylkill, bounded by lands of Jacob Sauser, John Lengel, 'Bdtnhards land, and • ss land of Hehry Fahr and others, con. a n s taining 230 acres, More or leas, with Is I • the appurtenances, consisting Oa one, story lug dwelling house, swifter barn. and one story log dwelling house and stable—late the es 'tate of Benjamin Batdorf. ' On Monday the 1 - 9th of Oct. next at Are house of Peter Filbert ,innkeeper in the borough . 'of Pinegrove, at 10 o'clock, A. M. All that •C*. ' • thin lot of ground situate in the bor- VISO ough of Pinegrove, bounded liss fol.' •is • lows, to wit: on the *est fronting on Tulpebockcn itreet 60 feet; on the north engine kit 180 feet, on the east -a 20 feet alley 60,Feet, and on the south lot of 'lsaac Har vey 180 feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of a one On log dwelling house With a frame 'kitchen thereto attached, and a frame stable—late 'the estate of Jacob &atm ' the same time and pttte,e, .a// 'Unit one eqiial undivided eighth 'part, the whole to be into eight parts, .ptirt#.4lmd divided of all 'that certain tract or piitcel of coif land, situate in .Pinegrove townshiri;'ecounty aforesaid, adjoining 'on the east, land of William Graeff, on the north •and west the Swatara 'Coal Company, and on the 'south the Swatara ever containing 112 acres and 'lOB perches, with the appurtimancos—late the •estateof Henry W. Co'nrad. at the same time and priice, alt that certain lot or piece- of ground, situate in the borough of Pinegrove, .. county aforesaid, bounded by the Road•on the east, by Oritagtiliurg road on the Louth, by Tulpchocken toad on the' west, and ma fifteen- feet alley on the north, con taining one acre more or less, with the appurte nances, consisting of a large ttvo story dwelling Souse and kitchen, spring house, office, and ■ frame stable4J the. House 4* bow occupied as a tavern—late the estate of Henry W. Conrad, Ea& Jut the s me time -and ; • • that ertain undivided half 'of a cer ilss• lain 1 of ground, situate 'in tile bo- II! • zoo of Pinegrave, Schuilkilirpoun. ty, oded by Tulpehocken street °Vie west, by 'a public street on the north; by an alley 'an thecae, by land bf Eldridge & on the south, with the appurtenances, 'consisting of a tso nary frame dwelling house and kitchen,. 'and frame stable. Also, i tract of fetid, %Watt in Pinegrove township, county albrehaid, bound ed by lauds of Jacob Zerbe, Frederick Mfat h and others, contitinir.g one hundred acres more or less, with the appurtenances; : coneinlierof KW° story log dwelling house l estiek tare—late the estate of John Haber. . ' (hi Tuesday t .1 1 6th hrOdurer neat, el the house of V 1,7 l'elterritner.; tty i t hew ough of Pottsville, at 10 o'clock A. MI 'A .that . certain lot of ground, situate on IF forty feet wide street. in tile >borough of `Ptittsvilie,; county a Schuylkill, bcinnded. and described,as &Rows, wit: beginning at a corner of said 40 reti, wide street and Seitzinger's al ey, titmice along mad' alley trotithltrt'Agthy,riLirk4M,LW , „.tti y.sprner; thane, sairfikjeiiiirenawt'6o 4 reetib'. It Corner; hence anoth-60 degree!, east.l9B feet to the skid f or ty f ee t wog,ono; ,thence, along I said ,street north 30 degreeromit_Weet to the s3f ginning, contiinlig 'i ,ground Ult./eel in front and'l9B tent - ite l dePth, and 'beteg-half the which Is marked and numbered-in the gener al 04401:AO raid,botenglinf,tetiat 4 vale with NO., 9; ,1z , ..„10, the IPPerie , Ili minces, consisting Of two t hree story Frantic duellidg' Names; ageiliee with beds. barn add otiter'tiliddingsliii' the bate + of Nathaniel J, Mills. - ~.. : •1. MER=IMI COM=I2IME)2 .At. tite _ di , . r :11 1 0: - : , , , AI . 64 Iter oilti o lkt • A' I,a, ~,Ato 1' rest o, to at), i 0 ..11,, , ,A cotike.sirm. ~ .ie,, lari me n - tba 'l4titt irroodAiritusite: wo fts . 1 4- tely it AtetiistAtt4ititatvotoult ro(Patetillveuttli fire gottlidrsdiersoirstillso iun.a.3cPtirjuti rliVAde4l* I .J.,..Tstotrix A :‘ , lot„ori , 401. 0 .4 ic mid beei klig, 11 1 , (4 - .410)4 fume jr• .ne,"thethishoti4s.6o l diveig.iist %V' ies • ton tdeoce noith 30 divistAwtisittO Vet* • .! t i l thence south z degOelts west 50 feet:the" - .: tit ita;dagrecA : ,, 1.4.12 *I to ^ap3it; then ..Uih 60 4 degrOs kr A :. feet fo a paa4 410. ae . utl, 30 itexieeil s i '5B feet Jo Ibis Aloe of be. innitieleontain) offokkin *Silo* '' . ttiO in .the reef liet,''sod-in 401 1 - tbthetimput.teres. efwonstilutivra4Wer, . ti, brick stidl rgretone,dwegittit.. ~.,. "two sto4 , ,irale, ifettetriffr rata .atteehtat , Aso. one 'Wry Mimi jgriplig 'fiiiose*itii it` !rikilie When I .therefiiiilitif efel Sititi* Aiii• • Cluistisa. f tgi.tii . 7 eil ,';,tt; !f • '," Li . All se*slAstkOti br-Mizigh•bignitMaitigaitibY PETER rip#p4.wimp .I...erifill co v o rigt_.. _ gnig, Sept. d_lll—s Sines BY Virtue of a*rit cif Li es vi Adis. irmtneri ontiof the Cn Or tnfOnnmon PleannfScbuyl f tkinuty,...4trit *VD, directed, :rat las .sqldiby Public Sale, on filonday the Stb day_ of Ontober next, at the inn qr !Olin Hdespealantel Boyer: in Orwigeburg. (on tbetreifilsi) `etll3 #l,4lcibt, tat l'airtem menmegrVannensenti Tavern House ,andlot.of ground„ shouted its the Borough of Orwaaburg, in Schuylkill County; bounded in front bildarket street, in,the retriby a public any, iliiithitiriesCliylthiWesteral,:aiirt of lot number sistimohd alTitetAT ken Nttreet; 'Contusliiqg 'in air;nt i r.fliet. kith in!, depth 9 perches,i being, the major partirf lot marked in the general . plan of OrwigsbUrs,No. 16 and the same which Christian Schwartz " and Margaret his wife- by deed dated , the 3d April 1830, granted mad 1 / 4 sonyeved toAsorge Grim, - Consisting of a twin Siory Stone nitd„.1 11 . !! ,0 3 (99" Brick Up* with 'ilitchen"iberete, exult:use Stables And Shedift4TratimeAftbmpordniteT Misr. the 'Kitchen andj the*Ellforcptimp. befurerthe houie—late the eatatebFfietrrge gales. # :4, . • Seized, taken in nxeention and unlit" sold by. PATER F. LUDWIG;Shilift Sheriff's49ll6Ce, ,Orwiltst , 1 1 1 3 w burg, Sept. 19, 1838. ( alestisum 4111tc.- j FRENCH and English Menu* /WA , Figured Madam:lino-de Laine-togelier with a grind assortmer4 of fall , prints, received 80 Tor . sale by - . 141 1 LIA3I & §ept.,2.6, 148 • " • Vor Sale,. • A 'it/et:mile Tract of Coal I r an LYING and bCingin'the toWhelip of N.orwc, wegian, on the Weld Bratich near tbid West Branch Rail Road. about roar elites *Wm 4huylA, kill BaTetiz—lhere it Jee or more Coal . fiteina passing through this .aud. For inforptatiwn ap. ly to ; • JACQB IeEEO, • • • . ur Mr. titlFFM4ilft'; • March 2!. -at Beading .4 Flooring. Boards. ; CAROLINA Worked &goring boards. plbtigir ed, tongued and gynoved ready forlitAlig, 1, 11 and hictOicif different quality and constantly op hand, and ifir sale to Wile snit purchasers, upon application try Ipter to JAMES34I ATTE?! Planing iline . Wharf, N. L. ' Or 1 TLLEg, acHAGGETITt, april 2,5 31 4'otatefile. PRO LANATIONii- DIIRSUANTS ap 'set of the German''Liman bly of the ftnmonweelth uf_Peonylea A nie. padired the 15th lily of Februsty; raw F. 'Ludwig,tlightl, hirtifforitiecounfy of/3041 kik do'hereby giire this patine notice to the dre ier-4i of the counts of Schuylkill afinteeid.ithat General Electioo will he held in tditety oo the second Tuejiday in'OctObtreivitt, which will be the 9th, &yid,* 'month, for the p u rpose. orchooshiehyloallot For Governor pt Pennsilvanin• 1 • • i : One Persoit , . 1..... 'For to represeqt t.,thigh and Sehitylkill coon; ties, in the *Conk,ress of thellnitad, Siete.. ' 1 • Ofit Peissin • i To represent Schuylkill county in the Nesse of Rep:rotative* ofthis State. I ' 1,- • T cy Persons • 1 - • • For Coronors of Schuylkill quint,. , . i. :::- : grifro Persons • ,i , For county Co estssioners, one to serval yefis and the oth twit, to supply a vi'canc O' e Peon For Director of the FiitiFoind House of E A) went i?f Schuylkill vaulty. : - • ,A.' Tiiro Peitbits ,• •• ,-. For Auditors cif Schoythill.coludy. • ' I . T*re Wermoniv - , _ -,-, , • For Trustees /if the Orwigsburg:Acadeny.. • And. that the Electors of thult-Oditiefof 13cituyl: kill aforesaid. ain to asseirible for the iiitrpise,bf , choosing by bigot the officers albresaid Willis second 7roesdayroOotobet 'welt s al, theWitvarei districts and places col= totittilta*llliq, boroughs, townships an - eis,4 o imit.4 The.nletdorinf the:tomtit' afthitagthitir*U - hold , Abeir.A4o37it 4bei Court 0 1 1 !ikija4m boroughl 'Cliivi Org.,. _, . . ; } i The eldntoln, Wilt BruitsaricittairitAlio Will held their' ðic( at the6Dourt Hodsom thii. i boiongh of 'Orli bUrglo ,, , , Al. -r , ; '..,, t tr?.3/ , - . i- The.clecipir fAutßr!!!lrlicli kirtP-1 1 9. hold .Ih,ai, elseil. . lk.lfOlfise,,ttf ,*;:nt7 • yipi k the anti' of Aii iii Anti. '' . ' • : I ° ' - ..„..,_"' Al Mir etieuirs ' Tinippiteicivnistilfl44ll , lllA thew t ivitlinswtliwgioossof Vie lato AA* Our, I li t bow: Wag.004;i41,40 1 40Pt.4- - ' A i't :l The qll:+r .L PZl.g * rr;.•.; tek ..PVL , election at the !tonsil° • `...1 . y ......., .6 11 rf in the town 'orriletitilitife' '' l l-) ' ,l , t"•P• ci t ' The electors- pper,4l‘thattlitigiv tilisthdtip will hold their iert llittthte.*Pco l leptiel ild o 9Srs'inFli4 . #4*Latiat f r p t - 4-initg:, . The electors Ite rry town:imp, ,cn az • liaise. laity ' ''pred Wilitialiet'' 'I. ' 4 Aft.-Raiii4'itill'itoldthiWidetlictikitiPi . , ' Henry .Bolfi'll tit ywidiewinthips' IVit i r 21.;.. l'he • electors Loweillikinliuto iorship, i - JIM MINg r , - AD 3 IF - 1115§Mr . „it-4a 41- i*"044%3L1 CtinSln ' , 3- 10 . 1 .-tti'iA - 0.0 , -*:' slo- Vr 11 17/ ' = oiorisleiik okras um* watiiiiernezeta io ome NUMB ma t svastcr trwr • - -- , '• - VOTT. .1( tir, . 1:473•1411,11/ .r.f . tteSclini with ttie described bounds. which *inns a ne,ikekiiiiia district, collet!' nes •-Valley," to wit: Be l. ginomg at the cadibilerity line, 'including firtind • MOuntain , now occupied W t ism, il.g,,th!qx, stook tlitiPiiiiiMinfiniinslnpllgtolekreliiii Jleriecto.thaF•Lowtir leading in a.iliVectlim to Gratstown, and thence glong t the..r.ifgkof.Me s antblehilk .cpmgy:LinerMo plactrif begin ning, lihalrherearliir halt their eleetion at the, house of Jacob Ileberlinf,•Jr. nowtr 'late it Mei' occumicy,of Samuel Kimmel. The electors allot I.iikrig, : eisf ?Alter Mahantongo uninsbip will -kat, gattairil e lection at thelouse of ". n, in said, :'The electors:Of oWeet Perm taiiiiebip will hold theirnlection:stAlm.liiitme noWAneopiadloyiliorits i . forrel44,oonaid kiiipplp. y. The elector" nlittikm therriship Will bold their general efeeilon latEibeehewer in said township. - - The electors of Rosh towns* 'wilt told their genellit eleetbni st the house 010 pules; inn .; keeper, iplAitstfilkighig ; 4 X 4 All that port of'N'Orwegian tdimislitp, in the county oi'Sehuilkill, !ring west owprolellig• line, to wit: Beginning at the point ofiniersection. of the West Branch of the river 'Schuylkill rind. "filaßbeim township--thence • np, hoseaat fide o f 'the West Of the Salta intersec lion with Barry bierriihip„tvhalfbe•iiietirrete e ( - lestion district, avid the electors tbersoraholl hold: their general eke-Mins at the house of Joseph! Mills, in the borotigh of StMereville,, in said ni‘en. ship. The electors of achoylkill foiitisbip, (aiding east of point from the township line ,of Mas. , beim, in a - stritght line with the. Old Forge In cluding the same, from thence to the house'tow occupied byledob WommOiticludig i gie Imam and cotillion* Ernie triendblin kit thniittd; pVi the Rush townshiniksßilil istW gaiihral election:at the houpe of Frederick Bensinger. jr. in the township of Schuylkill, in the said county: The AciiktMed Polars residing in the to:rnshipti of Norwegian and Schuylkill, in 'the -county of Schuylkill, within thofidlowing.AitscribetibMinde; shall•herttafter bee separate election district, viz- Beginning on the line between the townships of Nortwegian and Manbeinir from thence a straight' hoe to the house Ittita IPraiisikat o l including the saniot-Ifit% dtehca Wtheltilliwo gien church.—and front thende:to the carnehouse • of F. B. Nicholas, including the same—and fromtheicia stialight linOte the line betiween the townships of Norwegian ind'llarry--ismt from. thence following the township lines of Barry and! Rush eastward to . a point—from thence in a straight line southward to ot the ttlld'Porge nitchid irtrite‘the r firbi l lifti#"Pie t lace r, excleaini he nine. aq Mende rietraiklit lineto the plaeotirbegirming, *icluding the town orNew•Castle, and that the qualified electors residing within the before des • cribed bounds shall hold tbeirtslostikessatbe-Port- Carbon House, in the towh•ed"Port Carbon. • The elector; of the bofti o g h' of Pottirvlliiend lbw remaining part Of Norwegitn.ctittirombk;Aneof that part of Menheim township lying bet Ween the elver 'Schuylkill trod the West itranarthercof, (not included. in the SchpYlkill," Haven .district,) will.hold their eleetionit the house now occupied, by Hehry Stager, in the borroiih OrPottvitle ?lie eleblicrorthe tawbup af Teinaqoa will hold their ea-WM:it the 'ebbel hikes to said borough. .. L. - That thirelectors of that part bf *Galicia tomuship,lging ftetheftfilf the filllotiiog limn— commenerng ellie towhship line rirjvayne and Mantielui foliisibip on the Somber - Hill, - dience along the Summer Hill end Orldltstiaig'reed, to the hopes orlYirailow Sweicker,liiiirthe house or John Dewdlt; e'sloiling the same, theibe to the house of Philip DricribeilerOtilinmaitthelouse. of John Deibert. m the imiluelbrisilikeOthence to; the house of John, BatgAb ,tbelituise4 Philip Rock; theetftfx . Gli of SeitaSh Jr. including hill fdimex the - hiwnitii ''i line of said Maii4im and lithoylkill townships,: 'shall bereager - hoW thelPiveneral elections at the Court Hosisemi thalanurgh of Orwigiborg. The eleetris of the ftmaing part of Allenhelin township *nil hoW their eketiotiat the house or Philip Ilioier, -inailteeper, in the'toirn orSchnil kill Haven. - ~ , , It is directed-bf an act of the General Ammo. bly of this Commonwealth. pawed the 17th of March. 4:1306, thit, the inspectors of the general electioeshall be chosen by ballot on the Friday. next preading thirTint Ticartlity in October. be- 1 ing the 2Elth ofteptemberl, and the electihhe for innaxtors shall be holden in such places in each town, township, ward, or duet etrimiceppointed I by_ the laws for that purpose, by the respectivis constables, who are uired to give at leasX,one; week's notice of z bilked SYftwo,„ (loaned citizens carmen r by smietiiiafts cialit ed to tote. art almilbe.thier 4 fresent: ,-And it is further required .. bs, the, eat 61 assemifieregula-, ting elections in this oimmonwealth, thit Oie ln. l 'peewit lie' at traPplaCeireetheir reppebdve ilia trim - , towne,ftwfiglipe;ittfil werds,ht the day or the, general alectilahmt Wise (Polemic ft the. fore. 1300100 Pilyforal th4.ligik4Faluired•ot and en .lo led-PR t h i11 ., 0 14 1bt1 4 ,-"Tfit icii,ckl , •Wealbil.. aroreinitd. , TIM More IliailDS Li& fitipealfil ,diritrtils; towns, townships, or waranfallitilitllOThW required to meet at the Coon. [lonia, in the borough or ONomskyl, ittißsidappat w afraiii 2d Tuesday ri te iiiittAshictlievitikk a Y \ 4:r the znrAfilt it atiolio rt ' teptitenant Oka aittortimrigineral'ii ' . Sty' a this emotaciaimildri *Mil &ad d ay of LOW , pOPplogirinkti=in Itri 10 - re irlMiJe . r on, , i , t c sik l a Iv thinthisoomppluirfiggitr every gthwo'n Who Ail? tibia any:Whew ipPoint: tiamt , tiffitellt eirtitiit ratiliri the Odeirnment if the United States, iwtqltbdrieboihndesioned erica Of OthefifiM, a antordinitroitobe is or stall belanisloyed ands ilieleiviiihitive. 02. eiotive, or judiciary departmekl, or IkeVinitek &atm and olact thnt aubliniiinkr 0146.4....4 by la* iiiftiviiSle 'Of Boldlbir 4. f ze refsfneat W,R e filir",E the e .., t 4 l n C ei? r t APPPIPU n F, Di t. Vw 1 .41 0 ) ki‘; spector i er alma, ei'any *Mon in al b state.- t Anleteakislii orals 'lli arthriGeitirerAlilitn= bly. pained ,Aprill 16th 113* it is provided that Ie aspelfbrjudgi or other - b'le to inyoffice at each ellectitt nor shill any person boldloAto amain General or Stain Gore.glia er &leer, 6fatif sfileTs e 'on. - 7 T.:,„ 44 06,44,0...4 tAkf . 1 ,44 A aip - I , i Idler,' iii Vie" yur o 4,, not, Ifinnibii - Ai fidirdieeindThik egtl , ,,fetk. Z 1 *I TER, QC' LAID B:l4lAfatitP Gad min the Coanicahuseitk. Sell. 8,183& , I= IS= TE ' 14 ItIORBTING BERAIFPII3 3 / 1 9 6T ° 4, .111,-trt , TtriX Orit3V..; it:ft 'lt 1 Itftu . _ • .VMV;I vz IPIOoLJUKAZWINV , .— WIEREAS the= -to promos .As -4 °4l l 4 l .nlii:Withisr Cop, totion, have a. .o•Snigidl4{ll to beirobnittted. to the pdOloofVhis-Ocimmoniiiiith,h for' their W I . aScatiornerejectiSid -pews; thbretiiiii;fri t ioisillz.• ,aiMitat.thii peovisioar irequidi .igilitgadeili find by mulct ,of -• thePyinerwk. A blyi:pgaredi.the 2 ,?1, 1 . 0 1 9i9f-M1ifek~4‘...r,#.1. t gireiThysoldleidlientiOn: . _ - pUce ere en,. -. r That an election will be he' d-lathe-several town shiiii, wards, and:districts Of die 'said County of **IBA idletbelild`siiionq l'nesday of Oita • ,- -haralextlbothetire itiy f or the General' electioas,,ol the .comigioni ) far diir ratidevi don or rejecdontifAlri dab! :I:admen:a- to die- Coralitbuori. The ' Ju dges a 4 inspectors .of sild - eleetion are acquired to hie tickets either prated or• wrhtetifromeatigenc quatilied twvtge t and- fp deposit them in,e hoz vir-bdoew, to. be for Ait purpose .provided by Om -proper' _qty, widelf ticket; shill liglebelled f ilin the outside "ciliegilments." mkd dime grEcilire favotwabb to. 411ii l elvidsicanritiayi tigwest oiger d e lir e by - :ibi64 each it nrinicd ort +Ate tie et ballot Onctinaiog the wordy', 4'or der amendments," aid. thisserwho sre opposieid to each amendments may egpreas their oppoililion' by voting each a' printed orbiritten ticket ,or balk* captaining the woida!"Against the Amendments." MAI under my hand And relit Otwigsbotz ; Abe nth - day of September, iii the year - tif our Lord, one thousiind eight baidred 'gild thirty -eight, and the iiiiifiliecondyear of the independ ence of their:failed its of .mild". PETER P. Lubiria, • 1 - , I ' Sherik SherllN'ilffice, Oriels: / 1 ' ' 70 borg,-Sept. 8, 1838. ( i t Tio Cousimptem cr . Agenckfa• of.rdA r l!tfrois Ziver --pootto - %WE SUBSCRIBER has kw..n: appointed A , IL gent en. the Astesenp. t Cop i% Line of liver. Paelants;betweenCiVirpoutanalthilaira.„ l and wall Avireirre - thelialikige abut* Van those' who wish to send forte their iends in the old nountVernd Wan will ;immure ills for those per- Wins whoanayt. Wish to - . it money to their triands Abroad. Illietarcketi bekrngtarg to this Liere'attrfitted pp, in wsuperibrananner, and ore-edinibanded by persona arhoTaay gmast., 'the , comfort and ainvereenße ofpassengenb—and have. given great 'iatisfaeafon to generally. Ewa graiits who intend residing in this re . gion„will ,find, it to *si r edritntage lo:engagelacTmkir r ie No ant, endtlatAt Jai ?hill s haltolust; they 1,7 by sn'doing. sivellte 'knit A l pines from - New York to Philadelphia, which four or .five dol lars for each individual. .! The rates or fare will be matte known by apply office orthe MinereJournaL june 30, - B.;.,BANNAN. In the it of Mi. Igetg leaf 'William' - - . Reevelk. , *•- .In lie eeiirt of Con:moils Pioir in .'itiiii far the - Cosisity of SchetilkiU. riiiid & Santee! Frank of` July Teici A. , D trading under the firm lan of AA'S. FrapL , F t u ret. i ' 'vs. •. . • i . mile Attach- Williain Ilisevily. z ' ' '''nt. • OTICE is' heriily 'givia:Mbereas Andrew Russel; Robert-Wootiside 1 and Miran Wee :err, 'the 'subscribers, &intro.-web appointed Tins. tees Orthe Estate of •Wtnians Iteevely. the &sten dankifores.aid, by the Court ofTCohitthm;PielM in arid forthi County o f Schuylkill, it peilibps M. debted to the 'said William Rievely, or holding ProPehr• bablemi to him, are'hereby required to pay and 'del er all such stints of money 'and propsit daubed beliilligi ncto fhb — said William atio.lll ltlrle . 0 naltediOamil alio alVeredi this Of th e 'sal Williatnteivily. are herehy de. sired to present their respective. - aceorints , orile. matitis to the saulTrustees DßEW, t i AN !EIISSEL. „ • .- ' ' - Warr WOODSIP E. • - MARTIN WEAVER, I ' Thisteiit. , All, residing in the ,Borougle of Pottsville,. 13epteniber12, .1 . 838.. - 72-6tw, • ROAD; IRON Sisk. , • • rift New'Castle and Frelmb Town Rail Road CoMpany. YOU diiipdbrkWallart Of the Iron -iaiterrafronythe - Rat car tridk. 'The bars are to good condition, 21 by fl. klrit tl ide may be seen at the - ,,C'ompa . y's c ice • ut street wharf, PhiladostiMine N. DAVIDSON,. - ' •-- I • •Agerit. thliadAlhis,,fiL ls , - ** • 'n•-•2.our • • . C O.VARICZOt • C - - - dffereerv. :NFORM itheir , friewdaarti•tberroblitriwgitt Feral, that they •Save remoter! to: tbeir.tormer "Ft iltOtl t gittileta o lo**AtilS il isx..kuq; gertyNt Afo re,where they hive on hand, a gen era litien • liritiperfine !Broad -Cloths and Cassimitres of most fiattidtwitileirirbra. with Ainege* aleerpg e nt i p(Seorargi abths, Satin, Silk"ilenerat.llirsesOWFlALWeßt Vesting., Men, Cotton itnd Chintz Shirts, Satig,43llkAnd - igentigkeen Stocks, lLinett land Phitikitkiehnitig and. :Collarapalitetinea' intthidta tlitieihis'ivithea — i CAllari4Pkgbotitipt Braver and naikin I .%Nei, Ltnett„and moon 49. •nd t palcsosei 1 0 anm., - tipen and Silk grirtilkniehlefelkad Gam; Thuittei Saipandera. ' Tin 4: hind ekganVatiick olli'entlenten'afiktid apparel, such as FrochaniiiikreirVoati,,Aroandai .hootaaesta.and.P.atalooea, made after the latest TishicifeniftleilWetTwortpan4lip, which they in tend to lellastattes. P,4IV ' t ttirt rev good Journeymen Vailak-th, swi work will be given g irm m b°llol a o , 34 V s kr rottiiW , i.SI vrt i. qu, ' *•' igidWirlifin . 9l Vailli t kini."'-' Wine," . - siaWit"emitioaa6l =Ha t cam . hitieViittr j a ve gliri t vggEttilfi torn tin elrthiakits hie ' hdi" ode igen - Ittl ist , Mkt-44 4 4 ql4fAtillfs r - 1 4114 re aria: 04 : at . It P AIM fftrittirkl*, lel!, Of 'teltvit Is t ; - It.' _ Haiti netthee dee, if the title Itiruiten .0 etylei feetseilli. Medi 4th 48,Er. :: t-0-.1 70 Biilr~~ ~..# - . . Ir , 4 ' t's•.: ~ .- -r - . 4 # I - ~ . ,r , , , 1 i i. .. , , • t-y-4.-„, 1T . ..! DOW II iil - lif ClatAt i S t tuitim ~ f ...1 1 -U , .u v - o .. i' . . 4r . ~',..,,, - ,4 -: t-t. 7 .• st ~- garvirt4iikamic.—sielA s, ..., , ,,A,rt.: .5",-" , ,,:-.0,4i, ,,, , , ,, r: •,- MEI 17. z,`.llPl - ?:;if rt-t"':7 A•L'V,l.,,;•:.z ,rn er", tart neaknestA,lirX*ne Waed ' laVii mi eten%"-fin-iiinilfiii *.rfiiVen ''n.svith An ilinieles.„ . ie I iss 4. tini - UnaltpAnsini*OPcnalbe bVier 9 i '9 , '4' 9 4319 44 9$ 09 1 ?art* 9' line nag on ii , e iiiils Mulihoituirttlie use ot- I Oiii.d a' Vaeilthcfnuittit s ide Autfel ' Taet" .yeenthas - 1 WI afriatelne •Weineftiner lien Die t.,.1 . 49-19 91 96 9 .59 11) 1 0 410460 , ' - ed iiitiaajxraiiie:noT tkbafoli ilietifiriorAn• meter binpit4cominut: uhjngtot*. stating:, "Sir. akmnis ipeofAt. Ignmeoapplicot. i4eftfifilron'tki . ~.mir"lrtiniby Weans riibehhr'claiin infer - 05Rn* pee.,!.lB3kand. Imre given Fiery, ire vrith anthracite by the 'l;iorgnirifri . nitienvent upon deb l'pautiork and,warn indingutir, ' , i',dingqo law. And 1. Cur /parent rights kr the einc.r.*, tidieg to my • patent, ippon H tfiet Jar reei dgrgSElcitAlNEß. It& Atrooir- Itio 7. Cofree. . I Laguira do. tor salebyr :•LER . & HAGGERTY. • 60- sitiller J4 . lllaggerty .r. / -, • < wawsata-AitTO RETAIL . 'Dry Goolds,tiliicery,Whitk Liqueolkoh. i.. . • (Hasedoor to Mortimer's Hotel.) '. ' THEI Fticomiesion with& house in 'Philstlelplsiii • On*ltem tot wii CIO head 4. very,ezten+ 16i:wok eat of s. which they will ail! It •Illididelp i pikes. 4 15tdre.thtersverti keeperi , blop y and prise fatalities, would ;h. -3 , 1411-11i'Vall• tad judge for themselves. april 1.9" ti " - • ..0 per Hangings. • NEW Assortiiiriit, eilnaistag of a variety q. iPatierns. for Roomi and 'Entriert, tc! &trier With - choice Borders: plat received and tor sale by - • B. BANNAN. Auguett2s,- - ' • 66 ti EARACHE, , SIICK. OR NERVOUS. Dr The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohtia remedy fo t his sliateemanc. camphorate every day Earning is • ',laity' a Matter of much 2, astonishment illtateo WMing,ldlould bare er for igla iits wi bout j discovery of an effemaal vendee ! lerr cure is tiu a liuldrict ormacti regret ; ' tHr. S. now isisnrea the public that .with a remedy) +Mr' been tri reme:l as Will convince the moat . credithrus. The principles Which it acts eMaiihplip. and plain.— lt is an. a itted: feet that Ibis complaint. whether called sicki Headache, or ,Nervous Headache, arises primarily film the stomach—those who think they bare the 14 eivous Headache may restaranred 'that this-organ. the *aimed'. la the first cause, that the' sytt4rm bar become vitirdgd or debilutted. through the stmeatet„- tell that ltitly• iiirough the same channel - must tbey 'efpect .11-4estniation of the intent and healthy futtcamm of the spitelb. This object. pr e Spain'. ren .Wy is misitiently calm'tlatsetlp •ausin.:- , '• The truth of thispeeition cannot be amitroverted.and theamitersuffererawith the headache become cos..; rimed of it, the spotter - will their' - gai =din' restoratioft to Waith; . r . Spoha es his profes sional treOration ott th fact. T edy maybe ber 6f apothecaries, inbiteht,le: Ited”RbtaltibyCoseatoekAlt Co. No .2; Maier St. New Y:MiCand RetadbY . • . I - , WM. T. EPTINH, I ' • • for • ' 'Jab 10.,014 ,:, : -- 'R• M.iy ..i ETHERS - biziiirmeibeitoility naked and by •;, • • - Cc i *mita.Eß & HAGGERTY. 68- EMI A yyt xmG ouo ,toaal,tfett. to the Stem.: ego fhb Afe tine Oitoiao - woold be piese4l.l ! wa tay 12 . t0 14 4 yeaka of age. `Apply' to I . .10i iitra.111(111-TEW SON. Mount lOarbon, Sept. 15., tCIAiL • . For Sale, ortio be Rated: , fir 11 Vt valuehfe tract oPlAnd 41144 the ~ton Tract,", belongieibe Elizabeth 'Elpollit; - I;iiiiite an the red troierecian • Reit R 42,4,. earth . of; 'and actioiritit ihe 'Teich . .iltaintat i . offered' Ri oiiiße-on beitnafof. the Coal Mites will'be leased- seierallie ottigettier to ao approved tenant, A907,10..4, : BERRY M ORR IS, • • • I id it lib i ii.alitS"tieek-Phibidelolda. fairdl • I • 27'41 4 ••' • - • i: ; 'll4 T _,:g Orfirea!,. 4 o oeil 1114 (Publie•igthre , 4'ul: 4rgotieltilinCtlretr,netorlantesikd, eligtaiir recto:di th elHast NZawiriiiiin Adjictie from betbl3pobo. or Henry Morris loe her es he the undersigned 'claims title therzto , and will i nstitute • suit atairMildri - Twelkieriktheillie leg to tate the possession thereof. ~...„.. ~,..- f Jott Litymit , , iiiiidie r t...Apriutioow et-4 ,l-321 .. . t TO,VOSI ikaiejik. ' liaciiiiirilisikoi iliciitie 'firte mail' . odious, irliart...cia. allow ill strut (or' I talloirbill *ad William streetaX on, r iltill,near Fair Mount, Philadelphia; are • t 6 rriceive any Tardily of Coal, Lumber I. iirtilm or itorage. oal the 41Kriblifft: ' ,ea th e moat reasoimblickftheEvery paid to coal consigned to. them. Itel:Grivk , #altriSfiltlYikill lia , l Pliilifb- silk PottArila,., a . . 2*31. ' UCH Or HAVER 'riCle. I 6 1010E4 11. 183fi , _.I SS-3mo. the &he prepared da. on cedar atientiael 7 Ala tea hitatallari KV! - 9n hntitinii' do. snit also, Ones ler rouod niet OthOk itniFect to , thkAinefoiiiatti roolirinititiorsogi4 - ...Atrof • grikiVitThielriiiiiitoity vireo WHITAKER *Co. 50-tf Bea , 'NAV WA si - amp; a r inehlta ist an~.u~' # 9 .11 are e , ,11901104„ _ _ -44i4 7 1 re• 1. • - 4. W. 61:4 _ EEO - A' , , .0 ineepeaticowas mr.w......,-......_._ leconny of a death bedbequeet, bant4oeit;-gainielli reputation nnparalleled s Jolly !Rioiiialitirlbecvz "metric's of the lamented Dr. 'Gridliiii"lailiZotx ) 'firasioni that ". he:dared oaliiiiiirithttiattkiii jitsterity the behitt,or _ hii,ilnniie#S ,tsl' I ~.V41 4 *Wand : lie therefore ,betpeallted in i tuntrWenfir attendinfSolomoti fliyi t thitiecteitifhiir dierfoic; ry: - • . _ - -_.>7.44.•,!ki-,•)• , .::f 4 riV-1,,, ,,- ." It is now used in..thie,,Pritiefigloperphalsi i s tiro private pre -Wreltt,•Altiltil -• - ".1 1 i41-ar4 most certainly Sri the - etfeleatiw irtiCalso io extensively . andtdDeloillailil. .el del i . iit typlnbinfiliere its effeetiiiiirgil**o3 , •Iti. vaulty in the following'complaint/t0:,„,..444:14ra . /kr Drsisy.-Creating extraordinaxx a Don at once. is ti AU SiveUivs--Rioit4 gtfietnii i • . ~....- Rheassaiias -Aiuti or Chrome; giving ease. „ _ , . ~.-,”. ", ,41".,-,v,g1,, Sore' t rArdel.-Syesneera, Incers„or ands. Cioep,end Wheopiag.Citugh4tEittititiAliid ewer the chest. r ‘•—• • •• • ,•• a °I . Ttgii .-- 14:0 7 - v , All fir?ri•M .4 1 nrill " 4 gllrri4riP4,ll4 I. tore'h..i.. • - - , ..--:•-•-% ~,., Sees inidrfiliers.-;;Wlictlidefreilicift . ,mg end : fewer sores.' „ - ' 1,:'9.1 - :•. - ; . „3.f„ - •,,,...5" , :•• ~slkt 1 Its operatiorpHitieWitlkiiioo, - ,# ..• •- ' --ft ducing rheumatic inelltriger&ilobwnfog..• . :,•i,t end of the chest by relaxation-` _ - .'",-.! Tarts, has been surprising beyond caniccierkint4:::Jl The common remark of those who' have Orietit• -in the Patir , is "Dude like cc chef #47 4 •:` - ? . ,'1 ' •ME PLEJSX-The priesells fir -' y 1 person who 'will use alottle of Hies L..iinuietCt -• for the paw., andireturn the empty : bottle Without tkie g cour e rt, - Tfittriff s *ethipositivf orders if the. prOprielor iii!the Agents; end,linitly ,riou- ' sands - C*old, Cot one - rt . ia been unsuceeseful t , ' ::We might insert certificates to inirjewitke, but Piefir that those who sOI the artieleTtAtould "en , hibit the nrikinil to put - chi-Perri: "- 1, - ;- - • - . r, , CAUTION:-Istine can bigetitibiroOttiiift It splendid engraved: WrapPer,..„.cniAl4./t4iiunly name, and also ikikofiAe Ageate.;•••• ' • ' , •• = -. = .130L0N10N 1 _141 e ." . • , - Sold wholoreinandribiilliy-CO_ , I fib CO., Sole Agents, 2 Fletcher; atiireyf NeWri • ockl.. and retail by W. T. PrIPTING,OIOe - •"11 ON , . .• _, ;• q z - f • ..},..y.?,:,,,,-lcu. ville. Pa. - • - ' ...••- ... - ,-,•,---:". • ' -- '11:::. :. '.. - : caitiff wriaiziM4 - . :, .... THU, SubaurAlitim ferpectiukly ; . appetlpiri f A the Citreens"of this Psiough"aidAritOrielma :theirtiends in general,tbat they are joaliiiierttir manufacture- to order,. end will •ConstentlyS 4 beferk on hand, at the corner, of-Ceel reed. , :lfee -vreiens Streets, in 'the Florirtieh of Patiiiille,Alt- • • RiAGIES..DAROUCHM POAIELTO,NKIMEGIE. GIES. : SULKI ES„ • DEARAOSNEVIGIetikiker of the, ery beat miterials, and at the leeiiik-ottelk All work entrusted to their care, IbileiWir 1:,• rant -to be' manufactured Windt' trivfitie - 1/4, reef! dr Allealllttra, both jit,potis,f. - 70fTill . and durabilt4. - , Tliey boos thattirepit*: ' .0 6 e 61 ,,... 11 *, 1 iii E erwil cai'..:e . ii... ,%. :1 13°r tnem°Polt.e: - : : .-, r :it i.t'rTh'',_;! All' kinds of Vehicles repaireCatilire ibefreirl nonce, and on the most acconunodseineter t id,, .. . - . DEN'EWILLIK:" MUMS q" 'IV It:LIAM .I)EIBERr r::: - , -Potoiville;ingust es.•• - ' ..w.,.•'''! rascal Ira 'lilPorkii • .110kiitt. , . ~ • . ' Third , . ..:11 '„( 51.4.`1141 1..r-seum Third - piniApit.i.;._: -. • . •-. ~,, ... .. , -... ~...;;;_-, , , „r„.., -ii•l%trAil lartneris Masker P:4lrtipitii? ) 11110 N Founders, 'lied '3lireilfieiii i r iik ^,arlitirei.forioepee.,3Eitebenlienitescßitli' *reit Partite! ,Ovenii..:B7l....:creklea,,Wre bid . .T . B(eiim, Gel, fret Witer„ 4 4lla: • , n-• fira . 1.;'7 7 . Dits-Vg Safety , , 2 of the Cfiniiri, 7,,,,__ , Pakcerpe for theFuundrj ready 'fel, iurriered,lttlioi Wirelkones i lid it ilc. Val k PSllatelpliii. ) - ';.- = : 1,..: ; . k ` F' . 4 VR , Septeisber26. 1838. r.,•-1: ~, 'oxkq447,ST , ... t • r• r"if Ct. Trl " ;,' I : T It k gle°- iniigr 4' 117 14 1 ,Micktil ou to In lamir i tiichtn An R kod ihnitois; ilsolkiion of IfinAligiiteitiotAirsiglt` -.kill :county. aid-thit the Paid ijeconti6l4ll*, 100 sent b the Orphans' Court of Schuflitilt count.r.; -bilteldwirg. in atilt for said cointy; iii Monday, the SW day of October 1838, rot limp finnatioa. •• a - 7-7 ,of tir Estate oMonrad Biolowillito ' bfaniteirn Townshitt. decespet. .111 -, . , Tion , Acinamttespira i hretiSdhia , istotovidtibs - Vwhiiallgikas 4 : ll /14, 1 **00144 T;iiszzi - •1 4 .45,P Vet amft• d Acioaki. hiinliei owjieh p, do 6ituiret, tm -the hist...lkilt-lutd ~.Tostsunsit; a r " rata of:Brunswick Tow • ip„ 4. The Account tt Abraham'Aileight die_of )34001 . 4.1V004. eat' .r., , aa ccogogkigt ; • . 7.1 . . Orwipborg. Sep". 29. 1838.. .i e .l 9 1 4 4 1 11 NOTICE le hereby 4 ,7 •T'!ltetkb344 gen 0 :11 eL"Mt piaceede.iiniiiiejtereib reetestate f6l b perpoisittsbititaberliEt barmenlikeiday the o . rwiitsburg, &ILO. la r in dA 111 + 1 .:41 i.: ft. I .rta , 1 1 , 41, FM ~~ ~: El' IR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers