POTTEIVILLM. ru7q7ml•nr -, 1;717 - 79 iEr • • . • ah_ # file and flenradla enarysponst". Fruit/Jar 4kas Office at thaloweisteli swiceTht. 'Whig Dancenstie Alreettioir. liteitiii* or the iiPiends 'Joseph Miner is - requested at • brs a r /Eventitir, OCR. Std. A. punCtual attentanee nii cessarylii).allopt measures to carry out the triumph alrea dy so glokibuidy commenced throughout the State. pt' We particularly invite the 'atten tion of our s 'readers to the' Report of the committee that visited Huntingdon, which will be found in to•day's paper. Our Prospect*, During the recent visit of the Editor of this Journal to Huntingdon, all doubts were quieted as to tit? result of Or ap proaching election. *hit We had hoped and deduced from calculation, is 'now ren dered matter of certainty. Never were there such cheering prospects, 'aiseh 'confi dence-of success, such unanimity of opin ion as now every wheie prevails. The friends of Joseph Ritner are a mbying, con. eiliated mass, strong in nurritiehs, strong in principles, strong in their purity of in tention. In Huntingdon county, the Om jority for our Democratic Gtiverniar Will be at the least 1300, that can be claimedfor from the perbianent residents bribe-coun ty. Our friends tell ui that political feel big on the line of canal is very nearly di vided, there are nearly as many Porter as Ritner men, and they do not claim any ad vantage, resulting frqm the influence of the 'government works. In the other counties through which Jive passed, the right feelingly a Wake. The friends of democracy kre, sensibly alive to the importance of the °Oldest, and are de lerrnined to go evSely honhs't lenkth to se cure the re-election of Joseph Ritner.— It requires nothing more that a common share of pridence, caution and perseve rance to effect this-dent-able end, by &large and overwhelming majority. As it has been asserted that the edittir of this paper when at%Huntingdon as one of the_ CoTnmittee to investigate the char ges against David R. Porter, made an ad mission that they Itad failed to estab lish their proof in the Chat of the C 011). monwealth vs. Campbea, he wirold caN attention to the following correspondence. He would likeWitie aytte that this same as 'sertigin was embodied in a min wfiitsh pas sed between the endpiittee while in Hun tingdori, wasrobjected to as groundless, and 'stricken out by one of that, committe friendly to Mr. Porter. How far it may be honorable, gentlemanly er correct to 'revive the assertion in their subsequent 'report, it is not forshim to'judge, thcte . '" 'appears a. wide discrepancy beittreen the moral code of those gentlemen and him :self. . In our report and in all private contme- Mention in Yelstion to our mission,. we 'have endeavored to act with the jots e of gentlemen, and the candor which should 'characterize those seeking for- the truth; but we regret to say those efforts have been -met by. imdictive personalities, low abuse. 'and discourteous -accusations. We haze however performed our duty to the public, hndere-uowilling to demean, ourselves to a parity - with those who have perverted argument by abuse, end substituted pre lraricating assertions for the broad, unim peachable truths, which it was in their power to obtain, but to arrive at which they never made even modernte-exertions. It is hoped the following letter and reply will settle the question at ;lime, and convince our Mends that the littlenr ;11' our opponents in using a doribtful or diotat ted remark, and the tenacity .witlt - wSich they cling to straws to support their sink ing cause, is a sure evidence of their want or proof to substentistri the paltry subter fuge they have eaNd their. Report. . .. - A„ Room. Ran. ! J Dear Rir—As ton were preeint in the Deamdees Mice in • FlUntinEdon. at the time it iialledired that 1 alionlii have acimowleared that the charge (Commonwealth ini. R. Ca motel!) had 4 not.. sustained , will you therefore be *a* ed to" te whether yoti heard me make boat ■n !elk ledirment. - or whether any inch sawmi ll= made in your presenee. Restieetfulle yours. Ace. DErSJAMIN DANN AN. D., lissome. Eat; Dear Sir—l havoltitt received your cote of this date, in which yoo ash me to state whetb hy yen schnowledeed that the Charger rehttinsr to the Commonwealth es. lioheri Campbell had not Wen sustained. I state, positively that !Ad not hear you make any such welmerirleageumt• nor to 11 believe you mould have made such tamed. idgusent`withoot my berating it. I am very respeetiollv yours &e. • • - OUR COUNTY ELECTIONEL The election for Inspectors was not gen erally made a test questionin our several districts, but every where iwtion it was so made, the vomit has exceeded our meet angoine expectations. If the friends of Winer will but eerie forward on the day of election in their strength, and be careful not to be deceived by the . arti and chicanery Of the Porter party, their majorityin our county wilrbe so reduced, as to give most deuvincing proof of the changes in favOr Moor Farmer Goserao: r 14. : • dad thoudefence tip ootirea4 TILL /own Rtistni t ja le, tothdithafjer Governor:. a man who having Wen tkieq• has been 6aundu Error ind antx,ProngiliNg friend of his native whop tutu held the office of Slimier io our..Hcaket of . Regmentatives-..0n0 who on otpny 4 acca' sion.i has reAnttitl bits and intriifu.WiT motions for the good of Biate! ! -rohis who has an understinding capnble of en largesitiewit, honesty not Id Perirert them. and speech to' proclaim then' to the World —one who having passedthe intermediate grades of Legislator. and BRettker, has graduillyhttained the reivaid of tbelphe\r natorial Chiir, not .. for his subserviency to party, but as the tribute to bin worth and talent—One who having attained that em inence has broken the ofsubeer,vien cy by which our Slate kits been fetterid to the General Goveridnent, and diseii throned it from the more *bap despotic yoke of Van Buren: and one who if re elected, Win continue as beide begiiii,*the friend of ST•TE Rtinrrs,BTals litrasivw- KENTS and a CORitliCr CuttitencYl Laaa David R. Porter is the person we have to contend with: a man who haviq been tried his been totiml die tool 'air d'Clieittare of the Executive Government; one wkici, has never madv_ a speech in the halls of our State Legudaturep who has never re , ceiv from hid associates in *office any publ cproof of Confidence or esteem; who has never advanced a motion for the in terest's bfrennsylvamiti; one 'chair he his kay littarietitent as, yet undeveloped, has not the moral firmness to keep it unpollu. ted, or that integrity of mind which should be the politicians proudest boast; ode who has been the hanger on of a party for years, fed from its boupt,y, and pampered with its smiles, looked open ai a teal and 'conveniently kept till wanted, had when Martin Van Buren wants to try his last desirategarlie, to:regain iirimebsion of our State, is singled out as a man equally des perate to be palmed upon our .State as its 1 Governor. The unknown, the unheard ' of, unthought of David B. Porter, is nom inated by Martin Vao Buren as your Gay ernorl He isle limn, who ffelectird, will In one particular be most eminently dis lingtifatied, as a Cringing, servile, polluted 'toot at tie Government; one who will sell the birth right of his native State . for the mess of ,pottage which Van Buren *ill offer for his acceptance. /n Anti, he Is one who if elected, will prime himself an ene my to Pennsylvania, the friend of a CON SOLIDATED GOVERNMENT, of INCREASED EEECIITIVE PATRONAGE, and of the INPA- Mous Su B-TREASCRIC Bill. Pirtavirle, Oct.2d, IEI3B. Patine Oet. Ink ANDREW RITBSE'L. IZE=IM== f Wxt.iist C. LikiiSiksivik is our candi date for Congress; a man whine and private character may be proudly proclaimed without reproach or blemish; or a family whose signature is attached to our, Declaration • of Independence; of, the snake blood*. Chancellor and Edward Liv. intsto4iii4d one Wilda olteee hip never been 'found btit as the Unwavering friend of his country, and the promoter of its prosperity; one who knows intimately the counties of Lehigh and Schuylkill; • who. has the talent to advance their interests, , the moral firmness not to. be seduced rrom his duty by the specious flatterers of pow. er, or the deceitful blandishments of Van Burenism: one who is opposed immorea bly and honestly - to the Sub.treasury Bill; who Understands it, who will resist it, and, One whose talents will add. to the-reptita lion of our country in the Cantrell of the United State*: Peter Newhard is his opponent; arrant who was publicly backed out of his party last year, but taken up again at the present election to the surprise of all, and -by means mysteriously doubtful; means Which all condemp eteept thel villa party who hope to make him. their dialing tooli one whe has ever proved binaidt ignorant in the eitredie of tine interests of Schuylkill Caunty„and who has neither talents, elo queries or firmness to recommend him— one who stands pledged in writing to sup. port - tbe , Sub.'treasury Bill; a political friend of Vac Buren, end pee who it on fortiiiiitdy elected, Cad add nothing to the dignity of our §tate and tete welfare of our country: Dr. (Manuals N. Emitter if our ea -. date for the Legislature; d. titan of' 'tooth:Lai integrity; wham political and statiatiad knowledge of our county eminently qtiali fiestim ai our representative; whose tal• ents; industry and eloquence can give Schuylkill a speaking inifseace in oar State Councils; and one whose .election wilt secure to' the Coal region a firm, tal ented and perlevertrig advocate. William *rawer is his opponent, a geintan ff,lit,iwtiiT i lur county, rei fied . 'ind,NlWentitakbt ; iitd of strict integrity andilbaimaT.7i.listiixmi,,_who em;„ neatly unqila it'd} both •by iodination and ,habita i ta.tekestait par !minty—one who' while: be may b respeded in private life, cannot, as hut friendtalt admit, add either dirty , er infhienee-to.!Schuylkill County in her representative ire proud of hi* as at litiaear, spa shouldaditret a part / from 'political fitelimpi to m eek _him transferred to a; sphere ashore** u tility . will be pandined, wher e fie; hiaiself must fiat hectiado**o4' . Of our other insitatritei that . . oppo. nents we mithtdiiiiedfifilltietamlitilit,z_l f in every install/is ahovilibeinsperiori oueticket: Many on the who inch ticket are brewling soulless , who .60 Detb beak* the country et th‘.eleetkie,-et. . 1 • Mlit . " ...., . . MB 'AM Pt It Up.llopdli,-the mem of Wit oWe Totitereeted e1e.14.4; Cataly - diepriOnetely we iappori the Porterlieket—okthp icor& 9/ ton -. of integritY, 'stow to OUT State, end welfare Its tin cotinty Can we go to** Rolls and iOte fur Totter., Newhard, tllstil Not hot Bid t ime the, other, x hiO: leinit,ht the tioket .t heededhy Ribia'4llo7 *jell Aleegaelieeet integrity, patriodinp tied ela hence com bine to form a galaxy of talent which we unhesitatingly pronounce toles the, bright est ever offered •for our, Support. .‘ $404 - 1 1 nEt 4 'Trireme/mat Gathenbie of the Peeper. Oa Saturday last our Borough was witness to one of the most cheerlig scenes it has been our happiness 1p behold: Not withatanding,Abc,reiti RA in toiefts ill the morning, hrid held up only aboutitoonolle frienda'of ',thirst and DEMOCRACY came pouring into the mce 'ng. Several four horse teams, and otb vehicles bearing approprukte banners, and crammed with oar holiest, inirdifit era dices into town, and from the cone rei amemblit4, there is no doubt, that had the weather proved favorable, theie wouhl - ba'aie beiln,npriards ofil000„on the groittid. ' keit:wait, nearly 600 perfume met to join the general shout of Riesmia, DEMOCRACY AND No Sum. TRRASIIRYI The meeting was addressed by our candidate for Congress, COL. WAL TER C. lavtriesTou in a-strain of eloqtteot truth, whieh encheoted heatiirs, and gave promise of what we might expect from him in the Halls of Congress. Col. L. modestly stated his sentiments on the all engrossing politieal topics- of the day, and promised us in the event of bu election an honest representatioa °Tour thtersts. William Audenreid Esq. the chairman of the meeting, delivered addresses both in the English and German langhages, G. W. Farquhar mostlecid and tal ented inainei,gave an exposition of the' 'sub-treasury sc hema—and the niter want of political honesty which characterises the government of Martin V-an Buren. The Report of Mr. Reuel from the commkte l ir sent tb Huiitfitidon to investigate the truth, of the valious . aarges agaig l it David R. Porter, was of suck a chrieter as to carry conviction to any Montt man„ and no one who heard the' details therein ex hibitediCan doubt their troth, unless they' ire wilf4lly deaf to the voice of candid in quirY ind laborious investigition, Mr. Chapman and miler gentlemen ad dressed the meeting with great e ff ect, and the resolutions repottdd 1. W. Cum. ming • Esq. did great credit to thebead and heart of thatgentleman. Alter the addresses were over', which occqpied all the aiiernoon until silo down, some of tholie who remained on the ground until that lite hour, formed a procession through the streets of our Boroogh; preceded by a Band Musii, , and beerint aloft. i .the proid Baener Ltentostoz, Ectasajr and flasiocaaci. , The utmost enthusiasm prevailed through our Borough ; the numbers, the respecta bility and the spirit of the meeting, struck terror and dismay to the officeholders and 'loco focos of pur Borough! Tbeir t faces were pale With apprehension; attbotigh they tried to look unllisturbeil ao!l_calm. Joseph Roger Aim hpiJ Vie liqinor of the largestOath:at steeling ever held in Schuylkill county ; a meeting not of inter ested political pertinent,. stivaiming him for their private-aggrandizement, but of those who with feelings of patriots, of democrats and of men are determine() to exalt Went, in prelerenento iiiitiecility ohnind, virtue before detected vice, and the best interests of our eountry,,liefore the politi cal panders of a balm, detadel and cot rupt execntive t One wenk [otitis; add the Voice of Schuyikil will have spoken In tope,. io loud, that the guilty • faction of Which David R. • Porter is the "toot, will , shrink agpslll4 and Toted. The base minions of M imi t tan Aurae will find, that as honest men, we can form honest °pin, ions, and as freemen, support those opin ions at the ballot boxes. &rev/Fell to Porterishil ' I'u LAST !HELL Hag =So --'"-?'• The People kape risen in their iiinjetty , —our Swells Free front Van Borodino,* and Joseph Rimer Re-elected Governor. The Democratic Whigs, ivive gained miff tOwnshift they claimed. ell they con sidered doubtful, end dozens upon dozens that they never dreimed of ! Huntingdon Boiough hie disowned her worthless ion, Philadelphia County is with us, and from every part ofthe state ;be rill peen i of Victory ezchiinui Rejoice i epics ! f Re: joice l t t Nether Providence , and Chester town ships in Delaware county lave given the Ogg hildirlslo lalliotilful !either bowie" ever been eluvial before in a amanita!' r electiOn. Geirnaotowo pie 1411 totiority for this Whigs.. ' .. • , - Oxford ' . :41 do I' Blockiet , y --,30 -i, ao - - • 'fork sto Blitougla • bailteint. At' ent s9.l iti **tit helot* ikierik,by the lisittlisiottr losjori of 47 '' • • . Out of innate= ilisfriai Daaphia we had carried "idle°, In Stlegeehab• DO, th4*es tinkled 'a inejority: lifty, and:Op to the hour of election offired'te,bett anbnnut on tsitiTY ingtheirlatiotteteny the party bed - majority:OW itd . eaniive 30 mote at the Idft.. In' berg tAtArtiohip the Itit4 tiia isiiiitor bad 107 etaktritN •:~; K. ~-..,-.. - ".11(e bastento inkorna yt rata bait *4,l*)&llsl,= ens of their awing they would al. low the laws to prevail. The nig of lie fence to prevent an 41leetiimplis .a.dmniry evidence of their - wean:min.& We are low certain of envying ourpoudtt Ta C414154#04 sod rerg;, Cando' far as beird from all is right,for the whip In Cumberland co. East Peonsboroug ' and New Cu mberland have given band . some Rimer nipritiea. . s lnlberry co. New burgle electe4 their" Roner lospecto . r. . In Juniata Co. Lewiston winch last: year gave a loco majority of near 60, haw N I T year elected a Ititrier iteressor by a , majority of 12 i The Porterites were sot certain of cirryinr this district by illegal rota, thatibey bad prepared a trimparen= ov! Poor souls they could 'opt tom it. Iota( out for the Diskosest trials of The Porterites have taken a lesson from their . , teitiwr, and will Mitt at nothing to deceive people. They are biassing as much its if they were certain of victory when already they have given every thing tiP (sir Jost end s are gely putting a good face on th.emrtiur till the last to please /I . (artinYaii,,Buten Rad kis satellites, who here sent their thousands among us to ha, bet Qthe election. If one tenth of the neyAbet by the Loco focus in our Borough belonged to themsell;es, their faces would look all long, and no wide, , and we should see nothing of that con- Virainia grin, undvr , which Alley . try . to conceal their mortification, route and de. feat. lren eiteadid Wed fins tectiesl—Gen. G. M Kelm as we learn said last Thursday evening at p political meeting,in Reading that Martin Van Buren and the Ge;yernment at Washington "would compel this,State to annul the charter of Vie United Amine Bank of Pennsylvania, and to pay back the banns received trom it, end Atilt,' they did not, the mime power wolild be resorted to, as in the Revolutionary war s the point of the AssAneti Think of this voters of the Kul Stone State bear bow the prom.of the most curropt administration diet every ;Berated the alma of Contry, dem speak of freemen in the preientil of Beanies! Bat how is this blustering to be avoidern by a supple remedy, SOW*, citizens, opposing your vita to their threats! .When Jo keph Ritner is reelected, when Martin Van Buren is sent into prig*. life *gain, despised and boots ed at, when a good and righteous successor shall have the Sub Trnasnry i ender his heel, then end not till then can en honest freeman, dare to ex. press an honest sentiment, without making him self the mark of vituperation, the target for ev ; ery sheik of ealuiney, and the hunted down en -1• em o f the thrice accursed executive Will not the loco face party publish dome of Peter Negating's yea and nay:speechest , . They will show his deep penetration Istid oratorical ac umen. 9r give us the resoll of the celebrated bill whielt.he advocated, by his silence, the elect of which was to carry the waters of the Lehigh into the Delaware! Amendment s is the k n ee heretotore refrained from noticing dm amend. onents to our Constitution, end we do wet now re. vent to them for the purpose of expressing anj opinion on them. They have by the provisions of the law been so extensively circulated through out the state, that it would be dictating to deb good senses& sew citizens were we to express so opinion on iliar merits or demerits. It is cred itable to the • prew end oar voters that fltbough plrly,rirulence ten biiih it its height'kuring the present election, kill - the Constitution Iles been'uo way mixed op with polititel discussion. There is sota *isms In our state *ho has net read the proposed amendments, and every one mast Rein his own opinion and give his vote accordingly- It is a subject of numb moment: the seared had; taints of our country should lfe Oluebed With del icsay.. They ire the term- ofobr fathers and as such should be venerated and respected. It is true that time and chimney call for anted• wents and , alteration, but tat us be careful that we do not alter Without amending. and that in attempting to improve the architecture of the 10.0 0 w e de,Pot 44strioy its harinony of proplir ti*sitd minas of appearance.' Coots up to the hark Porter ites, You who boast ocamting from IWO to IWO majordj in Schuylkill county. . areautriped to offer the following Bet : • . I. That 'Porter wilt not tOO majority in Schuylkill county. , That be will ten have2oo. gal 1 'that be will not haae3oo. tas• . That be will not limo tam Tbat SIMS b e will ag e riaw• abo: That be sill sot-Uwe 666: 91. W That ha will `not haws 700. :Vow aa will not beeellClO., tot be*velelkeit -411010,. . - ' Ttiat blase witr bive s mitwiti at 941711ti1l ocattl‘ 1110.11101,11 to ttf tat 1101111116.1 kt. IN:honest Candidate Party, nekit. For: Oesernor:—David -R. Porter. For Cortgresr.Peter -Newhard._ For Amotbly:—Williani Mortimer. - For Coroaer:—Nathaniel J. Mille, Jno. Snyder. For Comorissiosero.--Edward Connor, for 3 years. Benjamin Lantru, for I year.. Director of the poorr—Daniel Bartolet. For• Anditors:,-Peter Kota, for 3 years. Ed ward Bontringer. 2 years. For Traatee&—John M. Bickle, Joseph Woolisos. REVIEW OF ,T.ttf. MARKET. • •• ' . Pottsville Or taller 3. ISM WHEAT FLOUR. by the load was worth on Fri. diVia2S. . - HEAT lis per pusheli demand..l Mali FLOUR 250 per cwt. in demand. • • . BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 2 50 per cwt r in demand RYE. by the load '95 cents by the bushel—ready sale. RYE - CHOP 115-nents per bushel In demand. OATS 52 cents-eready sale. • . .• POTATOES slllle • cents per bushel in deatand. CORN-90 cents per bushel in demand. CLOVER SEED-419 DO per bushel. TIMOTHY SEED-42 50 ter buithel. . VLAXSLED-11140 per bushel in demand. WHISKEY-43 cents per sauna. . BUTTER—ID cents pert pound—in Kegs 17 cents EGGS-13 cents per dozen. LA RO-.-11 csarts per pound. TALLOW— lOcents per pound. HAMS LSI cents per Rotted. • . • CQRN CHOP 85 cents per bushe l Ind emend. lACON-13 cents per pound. • EESWA X-20 cents per pound. FE ATITERS-62 cents per pound. ' COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound , MACKEREL. by.the bbl. No 1.11900 No 2,111 SALT-3 50 per bb1475 per bushel PLASTER .11 wortb.7 00 per ton. HAY 11,1,2 . per ton:, >.k„, no the I/thof S e • b e t ween p ats . villa and New. Castle, at Bull' hies, I Sad dle with 2 different stirrups. person who roil return the earns at Mr. • e Dougherty, Port Girton, or at Mr. Win. Mortii..er's Potts ville, will receive a reasonable reward. JAMES PALMER, Tosearoryt. Oct. 3,1838. - 77-3• Notice. Cont‘litiirs. WIROPORALS will be received at the Office of John Franklin, Req. tn: Tamaqua ; by the Subscribers. until Wednesday the 10th of October next, at 12 o'clock, M. for the grading and Masonry.pf about half a mile,ef Rail RoatFin the BorougherTamatioa. Specifications and Profiles of the work may be seen atothe paid otpar miler Wednesday nest. the 3d of October. Also at the same time, Proposals will be received for laying the Rail. and Repairing or Relmiltling the bridge acmes the. tiUle Schuylkill. over *bleb the Road Will pas. SAMUEL LAIRD & ,co. Tanisqle. Oct. 3. 77-3. kot6. WOMB is hereby given, that the Butwerifier, 411 appointed by the Court of Camiguin) fleas of Schuylkill County, to distriliotelthis. wisetraior PrVellgia. ariaisag..frein this SilitriMa Bales of the real estate of George Rahn. wilt attend for that porpoise at his Ace. in the Borough of Cruise: barg.on Monday, the-15th day of October ner.L. CHARLES WLTM AN. • lirwigebirg,Sept.l9, 76-41 NOTICE is herebyirieern that the partnerehiti heretofore existing-between tbeffilubietibera, adder the firm of Prior & Griffiths, was tfieWilveof on the 27th of September 1838, by mritual:ede6 sent. NEJIRt PRIOR. )- 4 9 • tiVillp CSIFF,ITFE. Minersvifie, Sept. 29, 76.-311 siOtia VIVr 11E2p/A 'Stray Cow earns to Iry enclo. v tire" in Job, last. being a Chesnut Biwa iniddling-eWee„ front to 10 . yesesmiage, int,* same.kaving broad* advertised and no owner embalm ?untie notice IN . hereby gine: that 1 shall sell said cow at pantie locums orrtlatorda* October 12th 111139, - fiir the hetielkOf erhouritinay concern. viAcos virOSitit. townaltili;ll4t. 29, . 74r 1 stOves, Ott/At .ailim 6 B air youtvehm.tbsander: • solid respectfully Worm Inkfraside and trot plias is sit that Wilms embodied* tali hirßd s =esaial asiortsuist of the latest is 4 most approved Fob& of Coal at* Wood, dist me to bolo' tho Plitailopthiifialtil a laiga ttaunitl bo l o' 1 4 ifs,SisistiOas waif. CaP• gpie tui. Tta moo; is good aid as olmap as au be boughtvay orissio . do. • All Maio of, worli Mellor boor to wt. -tor stlitselsidiod bake:" BYRON. P,IIPMIL I Fii." - si - - • - r2=li .' A Miurii:miti t_riiii.-u;magallotet., a -.s"ltihsmika.wint•sisboilikw ,-- Vb. raw pa beasiit the Pasessyliatialiall. Appirto • ' - LAMER, Watch Wan 4 as, IL ilr; IVloss she for Age In Asii * Pilo ' :dillies itsts IliumOrdi • . 1110.111:011V - ' ' 7.5.."41. EMOS] • !; •-•\": - • • , '" - ,',.t' . :: ..;"".'1" - .."?' ........ I **lpilibe' ' - -- - .;! ,> "" -4 .f":'''' ' :•= -- -iffT 4 i . " 1. " . l ' ' IS hefitly" "given .thatqlie . ", mood -- 1 : - ^Etecatorftari Adziligetnitors•bars.,.. . Iliedi 4 , -M , . secoeUe tier:* ottlialisalit, e" 44 ' lidlowls o IdeLlPied7:l l dOEthitthensioll&eitti leiiynt. ' • saute" theOrphana' Coartof 'Schuylkill lweist)fol:i . '- : to be:'heitirrOrwigstionri m and for said CNN* 4' - ea Mondeftlie led day off/mobs, LB3Bi far it*"..,;P firiiiatitin.'" ..^ • • , '.. ',„:- . .)', - . 4, --' 1 ,1',.. -. I..Tb• Acciount "if flap Biosaii,lAdinkalY'''. ,tratar.of, the Estate of Coand Bateetumlitivet 1." I ManheintVirerwiliiY.deceauteeL _ , . .-, ~,-;,:,:: ; -1-;;; , - ; ,, : - . fh, -The Accouter Attletlea 5101 • 1441111141111 ''' -- h aslet mite, Estate of DoirethY Hartahl 1 #0 . .1- - ';' - : - bianbeim`TowitskiP. defeated.. • - "-' -- - „ t' . • - "' 3. The &Mod- , Acceeint . 44 .- 10limer ,4 Y•s: Executor of the Nat t Will s idid""Testillf.i.• -' Gorge Enamel late of Ermultjek s 4 .Teusklip. , „ deosued. t , - '.. _„_.- ' .' 4= ';.. , ';T.: -- -;'". 4. The AcoMmtuf AbrabassoMblifflA s itirallf-• istnitor of the Estate of Daniel AlbriallAilds4 • Weil 'Brunswick Townaltin l ideestankt -1-r*:„; , ..i.,. JACOB '11410111114,',Cr.i" - - • '-' • - •"-%, 1-. '''',„l , " " `•;,l 4 risiliasi.".' .- -Orwlylc4. Sept.th 183 k. 7 . -',;,... , ` , 171 - 714 4 1 - In,. • 000108;:?•,.:10.* , 4 MOS LEWIS, Besperdfullp ftien&ind the public generally. &it he kenc • received - A general ansorunent Winter Goodkamong Which. are• ' . Superfine Cloths and Sattinetts.*Gnidellip.: Merino, Eaglieh and French do. Imitrisig Gm. de Swills. Fault de Soi. Oro de Nap and Seeekete Silks, Foreign and Domestic prints, Black Bane. basine,Topirline, Menai, Shawl. &11bkkfi;Tlif. - bet, Salt and Caton. flhdkfa. Jaocinet; Carotid*: Barred Muslin. Botiiiiet,Bisbnp Lawn, lin. Swiss and India Mull Edgings. Itisittingni. Quilling, &c. Makin Kid, Silk, Catton.'Woolen. Buckskin and Berlin Gloves, Mohair. Silk, Lambs Wurated,.Cotton and Woolen Stockine, - Silk hid Coltixt Velvet. Veltinga, Flanehi; Belch _ teen..Enstimin; GenciA. Cord, Washington Jour. Brown and Blached Muslin.. Linen ' and Grail: Drillings, Bird Eye, Linen and Cotton DiaPere,.. Apron and Furniture Check 10.4;41:41. -and 12.4, Road Blankets. Silk Flag , and. Pongee , flhdkfs. Black Italian:Cra t t, Satin iind BiMbit• tine Stocks; Collars, um, - Gum - Ehistils; Worsted and Cotton Suspenders, Silk and Catlett ' SoiMender, Silk -iind Cotton 'Umbrellas,. Lentil woo) Shirts, Pic. &n. All of which )01 . - at the lowest prices. • Pottsville, Sept. 29,1838. /FRE Register of Schuylkill': County beiiiii m.'•grantekintters of administration of the estate p l of George Lions, late of Pe* Carbon. &Oa . to the Subscribes, they' hereby PP ti fit.o '-4 ems indebted to the said rotate to mike. paymee met all nemesia hating damns against the to prevent them, duly suthentietted, at-Ikea* scribers for Statement, without delay. .-- --,, ..:(.• , • 'ARE LYON * * ..... . • RUGH KuisLlM': l .;. Roth ireskihig in Port Carbon, Schttylkilitaideti, 1 Sept. 26,1838, 75-4 t• • f= •t• arrangnn..„ Ag rigs. , has now on hand,two:siaesnf his superior , 4 COOKING—STOVES, • Which be w Mho happy to dispose of at the . ' prices for sash. lie would wish persona to _call and examine for themselves, is these Stoves pos. ' saws advantages which belong JAMS - WWI= imitator' manufactured. . e•-• Hs would air inform his friends thsi ltii con. • lining to lehp t general assortment of. ` = - Stoiiee Tinware. ' Copper-ware, I pie; 4.e. - 4vr • All of which will be disposed of chap toi..`eisb. • . SEORGE H. STICHTER. • ! • rottaville,iept, 18:;*1. 74-two • hilt; Court of Common Pkas kill Countg. ..- r ....' • . . . 'E, altimeter of Lis Estate of Chagas Frei/4414 _ - . _WHEREAS John Iliebelk: 'magma of Marko greasy. Eiii; : .4101,14 , 4he N - 3d :slay 'of August, One A'holmand. . -.---... . , Eight Hutdred and Thirty-Eight; „. , ~ .. Ale in , the office Of the rrokluimitur of 'the Court - of Common Pleas for the - COnity of Sehnylkill, a statement of all concerns Glib. saki - Estate. - .i NOTICE as hereby given to the. credittsta4 - . the said Charles Frailey, Esq. and all othemin..' '- s tirested in the said Estate, that - the Ifor4raide tbe,Jodges of theCotirt l ef.CommonlienenGe, t sAid, have,appointed Mondaythe92Cdaf iefOot. tuber; 1838. at 10 o'clock, A'. M. at the, : Court Boom in the Borough of Prwigshorg.:l6r the [ hearing of the same, and forshewmg canes[ wlot the ield *cermet ought not to be allowed, -fM In- default thereof, the samet ill be. eonfireied. - " , VWittiesi the littnoreble • win imiik4..l*.t. c . sotit or our said .Court .a Oreriviherg, tlidilltis iid :day efficramber, A.. D. 8319. i , . ..- .- 1 , LEWIS AITDENRICL- „ ‘Protkogiatidr; .•' -brulgaborg. fleet, 13. . . , ,I' ~TA. • , . - ,-,...,_ 'iirsoLvEzer DEirroas.-111 Ahaireapplied to the Jodgas . oftheCositeifCelel lienytessef Schuylkill toasty .for thebleellitetthe Several Acted AsseeMy ,passod Blithe relief ef laJ i k geger tistabit.& thattbillaid hips hava d zetined Monday tkallildt day efOeteriltuat 10 V in tbe Ihressownt the Coot Houis..inOteriapehavg. Orr Asti lisirieg - efes eed our creditors. whoa amitidiste OW M testeneetifrsk manor. - -- ,- • - WEICTL" -.- In ':"-- •WLLLIAM PHILLIPB.•.. '''.• ~:. • ."---. JOHN. THOMAS.* - : -.4. '-'7 l , • 41311. N BOWE! Ps t , '•.- -).",,:_.; ..'.. ..:,.. ---.-AsitAHAM LEVA3I,•.:'.. - .;.i::..., : :;p i l - 2 '30111N BENRICKII. - -..= ~;5 ,4 . 1 wILLIAM:GORICIAII,' , 4* . r. ,- i . - - -GEORGE LlEFlNEkati4if",..:_ ' - . ' PIMA DIIPAIW:..a.c-t;.;i:- .:- • -ROEEET.caawft -- N7,o!‘-‘-.L:::-4 , . MWA14:11771*044 1 ' , ...-,.%-..- - .301111 - JEUICUM- - - . ET.O New;Patent CM 12121 • 11114111811. : /00 °Tit 1419141".* . El t-' , E . -="~:. ME M ES II ,- -'74‘ . M 76-; FE