NM ELI N -TO THE PUOLIG, 1 `" nut n , ligned, a Committee appoint od-tcito Huntingdon with Me m,. ' Hughes and4ngram,wtommitteeeppOipi. ,•adorn , behalf of 4he -friends of David - K. 'Perteci icriurestigate the charges made .14Iikilb4104.'by Mr. Barman, through the ;mediums (lPthe Miners' Journal, respect trullTstibmitthe following brief stateinentf. ..4ifiitts •to the public, as their report of *-Wliatotcurred in the discharge of the dn: ties assigned to them by their fel:soli-416. tutu. - - ,'WourCorontittett arrived at 'Huntingdon late on Sunday evening, antkearly on NMI; Orisorning called on Messrs. ilughes - :4 1 k. intim for be purpose of proceeding liiifi 7 •4llWinvestigation% these gentlemen tthey - , Wctuld•norbeweady Ate%re ten Tequestedhibetn to hand -istalist of the charges they required is to “Irrotv, they replied• that they would' not •do - 10tV until they were ready to begin the inieS iligation. We would heee , vemark"that we ,ituggestelitolimm isnthe way to Hooting ,don the propriety of their submitting tit u. "the charges they. expected or tequesteil us -to'prove, which they refused to do until we Auviied at Huntingdon. Between 10 and 11 o'clock, we proceed. , ted-to•the Prothonotary's office with them, ,and they that handed its a note-as follows: I/eating/ion, Sept. 2t1,1 . 838. Messrs. Bastian AND Ream.: t In the "Miners' Journal" of the 29th of August: last, we find the following allegationi tIQ the suit of David R. Foam, vs. Robert 'Campbell:the plaintiff dare not stand a trial, got itp for political effect: a letter is conveniently mislaid; not ready" is the plea. The undersigned consider the above as the fravenren, of all the charges alle.lgqi against 4Geo, p o nces .eherecter, the stilt having been in -itituted 'against ow in whose vosseasion were all 'the documentary evidences to support the allege. twos, and as of primary importance we urgently solicit your proofs in support of the above quoted stharze. Respectfully &c. JOHN S. INGRAM, F. W. HUGHES; • To this your comrnitteevethied, that Mr. Campbell was ready for trial at the August court. The cult was put off at the instance of David R. Porter alleging the letter could not be ftiund, and we offered to qucsion, Campbell 89 to the facts, which was objected to by Messrs.: Hughes and In gram, but they were willing to examine J. G.,Miles Esq. the auorney of Mr. Camp bell, but objected to the examination being wade in the ProthOnotary's office, and proposed &loaning to a Thwero. Mr. Mites did not wi-h to be running over town, be ka en sent fur to the Ace, and did not even - hto ,be ex amined, astd objected to .go iffo Tav ern, Mr. Rued the Register nd Record ei.:therr very kindly offered us the• use of his office, which we accepted, and, to which we went—and where-Mr. Mlles etat ed es-foUnws: 4 -4 was the counselof Mr. Camptiell in that Indictment, - Common weelth vs. Robert Campbell. The pros ecution was founded upon a letter which was alleged Mr. Campbell had written to Mr"Middleswarth of Union County. Mr. Campbell under my instructions was sent to Beaver the week previous to the trial to procure doctiments necessary to , his defenee,—he obtained sundry dorm.. wants from the records which are here— the court came oo—no indictment was tent up to the grand jury—either Tuesday or Wednesday morning of the court Mr. Potter as the counsel of Me. Porter moved fur a continuance of the case, and asked that- Mr. Campbell should he bound over to appear at the next sessions, and pro. I duced Ner Middleswarth asa witness, who on his examination stated that he had 1 1 been called on by Mr. Anderson for the o riginal letter. I took no .notes of whet Mr. Middleswarth said, I speak from rec-' ollection. Young Mr. Anderson served a subpoena Daces Teams on Middleswarth the week before the Court, to produce the e, letter—he informed Mr. Anderson he had not possession of the letter then—that he I lied _delivered it to some person in New Berlin; • that there were several persona -"prepent, and 'he could not recollect into whose possession be had delivered ii; that] after Mr. Anderson was with him, he had I recollected he had delivered it to Robert P. McClay, and that he afterwards wrote - to Robert P. McClay, stating that he was < • subpoenaed to produce it; he produced al latter from R. P. McClay, stating th at the jailer bad passed out of his hands, and he conld not recollect to whom he had given nor did he know where it was; on laying that ground. they moved that Mr. Camp. bell thoialdle bound over to next sessions _ On the pait - of Kr. Campbell I objected do his being bound over, stating that due gene. bad not been used by Mr. Poiter tp ; ()IWO° the letter, and that Ml. Campbell .4 hadputtimself to considerable' inccmvenl ! ..„„ vice to prepare himself, and was preliarek tor trial. Mr. Campbell bad - several wit .' neis4s - subpOeried, amongst gibers John lilienebtaker, on those grounds' the' trial _ was put off by Judge Burnside. Mr.llit4s; • admits do bill could be framed without the' • ' letter or a copy, °fit. • • Quatiott by Mt. ingrain.•--did nor Mr.l „Patter MAW ta* Ilse - printed tatter and; , „ frame an indictment, and send it to the • Grand Jury?• Mr.•Plitleianswered No.l4 " Ingram lemitikeisi •we have or j . ; ,bite an affidavit to prove it. 41,0stioa by Mr. flughfs--Wate the questristvpropott nded to Nes iluidltfwarth • wbether the printed letter wax a lopy .or the original? 'Sr. Miles replied 'E 'have: no 41o:inaction ,of-any thing being aid in, Cctuit about the printed copy. • The examination closed hate, anti "..."-"*"4 7.°7 -!'" 7, SW Meal '' ilii"; SID - ra m -Ir ug .nd . ram , , Geo. 1 Pi Wilson. the reletis* -O CDavO R. Poicer,wbo stated as folios* „-. ~. i • L Was in Court --when the Unto( the COMMonwealilisiaisbert Cathpbell mune r 0... uptnni Tuesday morning of . -Augaet Sessi#ni t h ink. Mr. !otter, turmwnwsd For the CoutnionwearWsp - 'l, in tedAit theta irlistuth amise.:Contmost. weft* vs. Rohert Campbedt, that upon the part of the Commonwealth a subpoena Due* Vacua -has been 'erred on Wet Middleswarth °t4 own Canty . , requiring him An produce a certain , letter.frUm the defendant which wee the basis of the pprge ecution, or something to that eifect:.l Akita' he=aleo stated that notice had been served oo'3le. klukileawarth to take a -eery of thri letter--fie further said, 4 think, that Sr. Miidlesirarth thisatitmetrasin'tma, mei had not the letter, or could not pro- Once :it. Mr. Potter etatedltlitt , the4etter being the foundation of the pr.oaecntion, no indictment could 'be framed fir the Grand lury without the letter. t thwit Middleswtirth was then called And sworn: Mr. Middieswarth stated, f Mink it thrs kin stated it, that a subpoena had been se-ved 'on him to produce a letter from Robert - Catimbellpf tkisde he also stated that a notice had been shown to him for leave to copy the leiter—he then aimed chat heliad received each a ;ester from Robert Canapbon, previops to Mr. A 04k/r- eun'snallnig on him, but stated that he had not the 4etterin• his possession when Mr., Andersen called on him, and stated that he bad told '4r. Antlemon that he had parted with the letter end did net ittrow where it was-ho stated that •at-the.firne :he thus •inforrnel Mr. Anderson, lte was ender the impression that_ he had given the letter to two or three gentlemen toge- ther—he thee stated he reeatfleiled after wards ODA' he bad given it to Rorer} P. McClay, of New Berlin, and maimd that he had written to Robert Keeley to return higt the letter sr Mn Campbell, and pro- dosed what be said was the answer oft. Mc,EUsy, wlricb, Wray recollecTion is cor- rect, he says, "The letter passed out of my hands last June, and lr do not know to whom; tam sorry cannot give a better account of it." I think the letter &home. ted that Mailer charges had also been Made in several newspapers. Mr. Middle. swarth wa3 then prohlably asked if he knew where the letter was—lse said he did not know where it wait that 'ha had never peen it since be had handed* to Robert P. Mcelay. He was asked by some one 4 think - , whether the printed, copy of the letter differed fanteili* film the original—don\ know trkethis the question was put by Mr. Potter or by who, (there was a good deal of side bar coiner. 'sation,) I think it wait by Mr, Potter, and he replied that it did difer materisitly.•.. John P. Anderson was thee called and sworn, he stated' that he bad served's gab poena Duces Tecem to produce the letter, and notice fiw leave to take a copy. I may be mistaken in that, but I understood, it ea; I did not see either subpoena or no. tice—he .stated that Mr. Middlessrerth told him he had not the letter,,had parted With it and knew not where it weser *hose hands it was in; he stated that be request. ed Mr. Middieswarth to tell him in , whose hands it was, that he might subpoena him to attend the Court, but Mr. Middlaswarth informed him he did not know where it was. Quietion by A. Russelt Hid the counsel for the prosecution offer to take a printed copy of the loner and frame an indictment, and go on with the trial? Gen. Wilson answered, I cannot say that the Counsel for the prosecution offered to take a printed copy of the• letter and frame an indictment, and go on with the triat Here the examination of Gen. Wilson closed, and the Committee ad journed to meet at the same place at 2 o 'clock P. M. When we met in the afternoon, Meyers. Hughes. and Ingram asked us if we had , any more testimony to offer in proof of the charge, we told them we considered *hit We had offered bad fully sustained the chUrge, to which they objected, and offered us a pa per of which the following is a Copy, re questing us to sign it air e the joint report the, Committee; „ .. 4 iieettsigion t Sept. 24, 1838 We thiundersigned mutually agree that in the case of the crimmonwealth vIL Robertfasniphell. we ire satisfied that the lotto of the defiiiidens wee , conTeniently diarTielty the friends of campbell, and that, on this account the Counsel for Cotoinon. weelth could not proceed with the-ft 1.. ' because no Indictment could be sent up to thi . read .iury withal's/sit letter. , . . This your Committee refu to e sign, alleging that such was not proven ' to be 1.111 fitst.ami offered a paper ilf Which the following owing is a copy, to bo signed ‘ as the ~ 'joint report on the first, cltargel We thi uidersigned . igutoilli agrew that in thittassioftberonttnonweelth to -Rashert Now bell s the trial was .put (Sat the InstantbeerDavui I R.4Poefirohe difeatlant Robert Ce*pbelf being reellrfoe , tsial, ' • ~. • - -1 • . 'This Messrs. and 11 hep a . .., , . . .. :greed, to ingti, pt.oviimit we WOW also in - etude and .sign what . they: ha offered, rwltiCh we reform . .1 twdotallessones farther i debate they avited to *girlie mat Abe ,word 44 itratirtiterste if "Would sign it, ,bni we Setif refutied o n the iiitirtethitifa . amid j achou tibtannetanothat - 'onfrrtstAtitfieta. •• c We, thee ha them a not tmarked . R.)!bleb thettfoling iit a pyt I. G, -. • freatiertertillept. ' 18* 11 . ! "it; astemiresibitnters. -_, • • ',;----, - • -.. • Oentleinen-i as ire isseet — etiekee to the °gibe Ilnitlibere, Wii iiiipiliet tikseb.- it 4 4 1. 1 041 mayhems 'People reituntyi 4.,. • dr*Otii kilns fi , ntielositicp.ekr 'eleur teed, i' i be'priemotiblirielliiete the - mega lig drew& ''-`44NDREBIY, IMML. DENJAhIri 01aNNA111. -Y --• .... V ' ZEM WWI L'- ~ vY . LMS** , lo "NO ;#ey htoded'Ul • Writ's a ixisifr`ti:-'4, . - - RilligaiikaelkS-244,33a i• Mom& Damian sßiskin. : ' " 'fa rcpt `to fiat notrositired B. tie l letralo merely state that we are no +satisfied. that you Will not teknowlelige the renitition ofttiefehafgei unaged twhostD. -. Wirer* io conformity with your cha&mge, ania•rati • Iltitinfee orthesCOM monmeeklmejtolmitt...mOulL gok.must. tiyi dead, and beyOtt'i - 111 leak Moe OM mebifilisli:-. ed thireit foe triißiselb-Wltifeh your sixes titres to en eeksowledgesent of the rdeL-z—witli tliiirview if the mievOn *pus which wallas been mot s we ere confident that so mutual report- can be agreed upon by the party sod we respectfully I *cline my nutherijohit Udine in thciumnitiga-t ties nflisrehargeo, i • • 1 111 Th. SANORASIL. .. - . 1 Fi.-W.III3GBEL ire yid& we replied Is folloerc - • '- ilekiikrieeSepti tii i ON. Messrs. Ifoodevaier Irisa,tlr. •• • 'gentlemen—We have your miteln-teply, to Ott note toeikeeßL . end moire'sery 'softy to God that yen reformatory &rtber joint inirestiga pee efthrehargerairirdirD. *Renee: We eaum here for tbei purpose °freaking a full invesugi• Ken nadir possible to arrhe tithe trail% Ire mi. eider that in the eine of the eammonweraftb tirs. Robert Campbell we ilormet evidently end bejon an doubt" 'bite emiblished, the ante wade, as published in the Nalioeni 'Journal*, but if we 'Minot erne its tir * proper conclusion we might M ctionieete,' we'repewt it ire 'trill ettliolll the temnuteay.elielted to 'the pcoille 'of &Amyl-- kill'County and let them judge for themselves, il awn time on you Mr desire to goon and inves-1 1 tigate• the remaining charges, and if we cannot agreein opinion auto the remit, we min also 'very cbeertbily submit 'the whale matter to the people mid hit them judge between us. ' ANDREW RIM EL, BEN YAWN BANNAN. The Awe nose was handed to Mr. 40- 1 gram at their lodgings. Ater we had. re turned to ears, and , had tommunitated to; i our friends the resnit of our labors, they, urged us to send *mother mite 'to Messrs. Hughes and Ingrate, and inshlt on aa portanity of ettitbiting tit least a part of tbe.prools that we had procured fur their . Inspection; in consequence cif which we; wrote a unte of which the Mowing is a' copyc amliaggloo. Sept. 24,.1838. Itesers. %NM Web haszas. Gentiernou—sitios writing oar tot Dote. ] to yes we have been impressed with the impot. taneeof a* investigation of the charges made. 'Oat tb L Portal, that debas doe by Pariah . and Porter previous to his insolvency lull tamale unpaid, we therefere molest yea to meet es at the. Prothonotary), elks in tins pivot to morrow .mauling at 9 o'clock, tad be will exhibit as you the drrideace-oldebt, ie tfle hand writing of D. R. Porter, and alas ether documentary evidence while trishaw' nodoubt will fully eatiefy you pf the truth of the abieratiliargn. We Will also thew yod that D. R.POrter pry:noes to his tristitve, riOy atsigaed property to. John Stousiwakeh and atter• wards received a part of the proceeds of sip property from him, the original trans*r and ye cog* being to the biedwriving al D. R. Porter. very respectfully ANDREW RUSSEL. DENJAM4N BANN" We tarried thit &Ain to tiro Messrs. laughs, and tome% and met Onto at the door, wheh They handed us a n in reply to our nine No. 2 . After raid ing the note which we tonsidered aorta tlemanly and discourteous in tertot, Ore told them that we could take no notice / of it; bet as we Were Unwilling to let our pri. vats feelings interfire with our pablie AU. ties, we uttered them the note above mOn tioned, in which weproposed to meet them the nett morning at 9 d'clock to go on with the investigation; • they however ire. fined to recent it. The 4dlowiag is a copy of theft jail note; • itturtiagdest, Sept. 21. IMO. Stews. Rutile ail Emma. Gentlemen your note in answer Winer reply hi post letter marked B. only Isom tondo= bkrelY osaTlncel the undersigned, that.it *timid constitute a procceifing ridiculous and contempt ible, should /sally lenge/ act with you in the capacity era mutual Committee to investigate the charges in the "Miners Journal." io conformity with the challenge signed B. Hannan. We *egret too' that this note compels as to rtiteritir that Mr. Bennis dist wart thrt tie Mame, lid stet tete the able tit di rise of the Cesiiiteneweiti M. Robert Gemptgl i i est however anxious yob autywppeer in urvng.the investigation. we am snared fromiyour course in that Mies as wells* from extraneous circumstances. that you neither will nor ,dare mate an impartial report; re prejudice* Mad itittimhlitilittpelling you to report against Porter even were every doubt re moved as tett* Many of the charges, which have been promulgated through the Whig and Anti. masonic burnalaffirough the present Campaign for Governor. yours respistr7 • • w. anES. JOUR - S. INGRAM. Thrtaintidedourinint , investigstiog; we ,in all oetaiiions;tititb verbally tied bY letter, "Oita tithes.' gentlemen to iturestigate the remaining charges, and giire us an op portunitrof producing the evidence to sus tain them i which they refined, -not even silting us to proves single- other charge than the one above mentioned, and' one that we considered of far less importance than many others of a mere serious nature.-- We would here remark by way ofillustrat, big the great ctersion these gentlemen (• paiticuhuly, : nne ,orthent) had, to e,_sam• - ining the documentary eriaence in pie of: I Seem nuntinjedirn, that when they handed us tbeil reply marked 11. - Mr. 'lngram vs up in a' g'reit -Wiry_ to leave the 'olive.— We requested kileto .w, it until we penned an answer, he said he bad some business to atteni to, arodt dwdred us to send our reply IC:their trlihigik; which we scented tit ,doh. and aw-Itentz.,l,t‘ leaving _ l4 ;' It uglieS.Witti `We then ;lit:Oinked to Mr. tfughei:thilii lite - *ere not iikety ; to do any . thirtglaitre4Orlyoro d i abed him to ittfetiteo6eklii*dlig tirothontifdtee of. gees:gad* i t ititilAile e*hitiiti# 44 the recordiandiLeumerca,,w 'hicti We hough teciold-satisfy_itint orthe trot chirp. es. Hughes c" assented , atonce and. , piceseded, ,to ifiqi;Prettion4 's of fice, sad had just got 'down the et RSV NNW 2:4 - OZlt, IgM=l W.t i mp. ' 4'iiet kiiilititiM'auliiniltiorn;iitine":". E efaism.l!Ktlim door canes! r. ugtais out ' t hey milked o together' t fr. - Hugheslitt oeteturd; we tined ;this ri . due the bahume ith of iheernuon, ithout eithhr °ribose gentlemen malting r sppealsticee thus ended tbe leper t iginseitigatino ! :.'• Your: hounaittee was 1 a the I,lU;ithonsado‘olleirotatt day . until ' rfeidarillielloiniritnili tbpyidirdoeti ts,, iittrng *lt'Wh time Ueithei of those gipitlemeniiiiteillbe offme t We returned o the °Mei' Shout 4 P. M and found Mr. Hughes „thew, lie mere Infurmedifter. ward's t44eletethin thenifterthet he 'hid beep th ef t , tiliiiit ei built. dad a half, I asking for•Om judgment docket', antiopy. ling therefrom during% the time, without lashing forj any other documents. We farlher -state that Messrs. Hughe* laid %rata!' 'dtt *no odtdaion Butitat our mission. offered us any testimony of any kind to contradict the many charges against the character of David R.- Porter s except what we *Eve .heretofore L stated, lb the • calm of the, tommoefeecilfh 'vs. lobed , • Campbali, Ifeur committee werwbusily ennticiyed!during the remainder of the two days they ;were at Huntingdon, in eiramin. ing and copying documents relative ;to the case. .We examidell WO have *ought with us, certified copies of the. following, which we are ready to exhibit to our fellow citizens. • let. The proceedings lin the court at Januaryairm 1818.,on'tiltrpetition of David R. Port*, praying fur the benefit of the act, made for the relief oflesolvent debtors b i) 2nd. The discharge of avid It. Porter by the court, February 1 , 1819. 3d. Certificate of R o rt Campbell of search for his schedtfle iina list of creditors. 4th. Certificate of procieedings in Court of common pleas, in the cese of David Mc • Minnie vs. Edward B. pluton aneDavid R. Porte% lately trading ender the firm' of Patton* Porten. ,_.l sth. Copy rgeole of Felton snit Porter to David' Mehlurtrie for $956,39, in the handwriting of David R. Porter. 6 th. Copy of note of flatten and Porter 4 1 to lames Reed in hand w 'nag of David R. Porter—part of this no was paid, and balance wurtgoea by J ea Reed to Da vid Michluettus. i 7th. Certificate of preFeeetnts to Court of Common Pleas, in %sae ot Henry Crain and Atitaliata Crain administrators of E van. Crain deceased vs. David R. Porter, F , surviving partaer of ward D. Patton, tradingender the firm ofl atton and Porter. Bth. 'Copy o'f'settlem tit and due bill in favor oftran Crain for 'balance $305,15, in hand writing ofDavid R. Porter. 9th. Certificate of proceedings 5n Court in the case Of Samuel Sturgeon, is. Ed ward B. PatOn and Da id R. Porter, late ly trading wader the firm of Pauoe and Porten .1 10th. Copy Of proceedings in Court in August 1819 on petition of Samuel Star. geon fur the Benefit oflthe insolvent laws, schedule of his property, and debts due, with: list of his creditors. Ildt. Copy of Bondi James Kiddo and Alexander Russel to David R. Porter fur $343, dated December ith 1818, with as. sigrettOt on back of it in the handwriting or David R. Porter to ;oho Stonebraker, dated 'Ammar, 9th, 18 tp, and assigned by John"Stonebraker to George •Davy May 1, 1823. , 12th..A Copy of the Receipt of David R. Porter for part of this bond, viz t $125 front George Davis, whith receipt was found tsliongst the papers of George Davis. We exhibited the original Receipt to . Da vid R. Porter's ittorrasy. who admitted it was his ( Porter's) handwriting. 18th. , ,Ektraet from deed from David R. Porter to George B. Porter dated Decent., her 1 tth, 1818, for 500 acres of Land in, Beaver County, for the consideration of $3OOO, subject to the payment of a mort: gage' fur 112000 to the Huntingdon Bank —.reeorded sate° de in beaver county. In December 11119 the Bank put the mortgage in suit, and Mn March Mil Mr. Orbison purchased the property for • the Bank. fur the sum or, ptso, amount tif mortgage and interest. id 'at, D. k. Porter redeemed this land from the Hunt. 0 ingdon Bank for se , debt, interest and costs, , ,and on the -191 ' day or September 183$, David R. Port r, not George 11. Porter, makes* deed to John it. Shannon for this tract of Land for *Mob 'lh,id It. Porker, not George B , r _Porter, received the the Odin (413100. Query, vvhat did Da. via, a. Porter do with th e 04 he se. knowkidged to have received oni.Georggi 4- B. Perter December 1 8, for this land a short time before he melt, the bent; fit of the act for tats " relief 'Cif' insolvent deaerst - 14th. dopy of transcri p t of d oc kett of Samuel Ityle, Es' q• in the ease of-Michael 'Wallate, vs. Patton! & Porter, plit., 9 $ 1811; judgmeokll9Bl2o. i 14th: Transcript from docket of David Sava, Sort, 4o rcrrir judgment is the a boaktiatia, Aug. as; 1888: William Or. bistM;Vtitt. Appestatforplaintiff, and Geo'? Taylor, Esq. fist deOndatit..iy aireerttent ofpartialiaaacontiooad tilt Sept. thlB6B, atli o'clock: 113.0. - 111,'Wro. Ortutkijr.: 4,l4,lppes . 'o.f,cir plaintiff, defendant niakea ataultrludgmeat ;finer: at ,plaiotit `tat' 1 ' Mir; 03fry otclooptaint. login - &qv VantoP l l‘ l 4 ll4 tilimew .l 4. Owe 71 t; for 1 1'1 1 11 4 11 it_ I - tffiPtrre)t,o (4 ** ciaik'ot Pat rick, mcv..ay. , . gicogray .. uica or T. M. M. throaac,:trito is W 41 1 41 141000, , ~ and Da' rid Wel in for taillPPeanutee at r ~, court to answer the cholla: - Wltiitr it* - • 21 . " .IrA tet__ ' ;:rt cainikietliitrittilieViifirai mis. 'intend his recognikance forfeited, ti . nd'it is positively Attateittell Thordas M. ittweris gave McVaritsuit - orclothea to leave the County. god not coMe:forward to gross- Cute. i f abe'Cimotitiee sit* the corn - 1 &it moody iiethetrotheadtiq's office. 1 1 4 7th. List of Judgments,lkci as they sptiario 'the &locket,' itt the Prothunota. - 18th. Certificate44lool44 #304. tßecorder of Iluntitirkm- County, of:tie litoool4 of real estate sppatorias att,record Il 'in ultingdeti county in ..the natatt_of D. 11.1'brter, from lirtildkft_ .a. vikeirii 'taking thaeoulideria 4 f-filis4 - erilialrN iert 2 k 'chit it only emountsto the slim. Dalt . 'althohilt klirkiendetilledge he is worth . s4o,ooo;,anifthe 'Ora 'deed in his name from- t e time of his insatvescris rec&ncl'A felon ry 29,181.4, , 19 . Certi fi cate of John . Reek 'Ellii. Register and , Clerk .of Orphans' Court, rrelative to eta:looM Dm charged by D,. R. fcißer. .., , . . bOth. Certified eitritct "from testimony of 'William Patton, showing that tlavid R. Porter did not pay one cent of the purchase money of Sligo Forge. *ben yotir Committee arrived at "Ofttn tingdoe, they • were informed by their friends, -that Nonitx Wu.t.ramsoh, Esq. whom it is known to you ail, the Porter I ts *petit print aced to be i gentleman of high standing in Rtintingdcin County; a I meittber of the ethodist Episcopal church, one ith *hese sttitemeatethe most implicit reliance ctifildbe placed; and against whose testimony the thindere oT Porter's **- nen% fall harmless to the ground, had a bandoned the support of D. R. Porter, and being anxious To know what Mr. William. soda reasons weti for ho doing, knoiving that Trout hid character and standing in -society, great weight would be attacked to hiallpinions, „we addressed a letter to him as (Mom* . • tfunfingdis, Sept. 24, 113103. To Jose Wlilmassoir. Esq. Mack importance and credit bat been 'Attached to your statements, and your lodation in the pre sent contest. • the undenrighed. knowing you from tbe.Peirtiittoi cheresimd by the friends of David Writ*. all a thaw tifloriftsr,.atid know.; let ffirithit yOu have heretofore Web in ettpo neat of the present. and late administration of the National Government, hare been induced to propoind tb yob the following gamic., and ask, of youli Waridid and definite answer to each. let Wasyou at olio time an advocate of the election of etivid IL ?tiller to 'the Gubernatorial , chair t If aye, why I . 2nd. Are yok'new en Advocate *lns election? h is said brains you are not—if 'so, what has changed your views? - .1 3d• Are you acquainted with John Btonebrakel er. and his son lobo H. flionebraker? If aye. , Whitt hi their thlaihkei At men of Veracity iindl integritYl 4th. Have their statements an the ease of, or.; ten's assignment of carte% bonds to the Elder Siedebratier, had any wiliest in changing. your opinions if the ifiregffty Of Mr. Porter's &edam? Mb. We Willie seen your name ittirthed to cer. lain certificates, published to *daily the chine ter of Mr.. Porter, as an upright and Ye* midi— . tlid you sign those certificates t if aye—do you still sdhere to the opinions therein expressed? &h. Is the Elder Sonebraker s Member of the MiatiodAt Epilbrimfal 'March in good, standing— was be ever expelled therefrom; and is he gentle , "ally dinsideled a Man Of **And ABM Anirdis. main, nreMory St` 4th. Have you ever dein anything Which-gen winced yon that the Generl Government was using -its inflame* to snore the election of David IL Porter? If aye —what is it ? Bth. Are.yon acquainted wit the characters* Michael Wallace. M. Kinks" /A other signers certificates of the Stough ers? If aybz—what is their - *begetter-and sta td sokiety ? . ' A definite alisirer i requesliat to these • queetidost bedsit*, ere doubt t the candid sup. pottels of-D. -R Porter will accord honesty of purpose to you, as they always haveron all occa sions avowed their belief in your statements. Vary; reapeeifelly your ihm4 " ANDREW ' RifiSßEls. . . BENJ. BANNAN. . To which We received the following re- PlYt itintbitan, Sept. 24g. dsettethilitaajciiir Mae has just been seed is my hands. containing several definite ions, and askinierallidifinite-answeis. I m ready to answer openly- my , sentiment. upon 'any. subject, yet-, on the present- occasion *hell the "unity of @Mgr Minds may ,charge tab *kb bii= log uniettlid. and wavering caterer fir pub. ho &emirs. Tell , -?! 1 1.4 6 the alefildiee.l° It. I d• id niiiretbrehtt Were of injury main upon the Oldie thrwgh a distill tb place myself coosticuously before that public. I shall then answer.joir enqiiirles as briefly antfildehnito. - Vail possible. Conscious of the rectitude of my own course, with* the sneers of the envious. net' the hwlingfiremen,' themalignalit shall delitr rob. . To Coup firetwieloiry I miser* I wee sup. porteiefMrs tones, becalms I had been for years inuaiatilytequatnied with him; he was my neigh. bum. and That believed him bone*, upright and conecientiObsie bit dasher/4,mM be . professedly was the oppmenf, or at leist noitbefriend of the Sittitreasiirifichesee. a measure width I then and stiU lihdt . ifiihfht With infibh Injury : to the potpie if ea gralted upon th e tasiltiatisoe if the ifikitiy; I Kamer 'ylier hettleleiry by sayier.ll elk bete ad Edna% liesepporter o! Mr Pothii retie I Wad . the' tatty tb whibh Mr. Porter attached, distinctly deatriee theft determination. to make his hod the test of the people upon the Sub Tress ivy ' Il alai' had becalm other retain I iraigicid Whir* his ,support then, for I never could gire - iny'sanetiotothil lily vote, to paralise, easy egaigv ittifiy - legtvivrige ofidty lidiuttry; and dd 'Able! poster equalled only to that "of. Autocrat of li pistil: chill cone? 'fieralY:role for Mid' Aimport Joseph Rioter. be. ditithbailt the ftie'nd of Pennsylventi add oppo sodd to the' above .. '1%466 tbirdribisly,t am and hive been loisk mg:rid tiuietely tainted with both the Megiit.' Stonetweaketel thew' ghat/tater fbr truth . rinitlty." 4014 Id Mitellifilitlied.and I believe uninsedielW thhthaveibila free from even the idepteltiCof want of homislAy, Mr UMW their atitertiehle sitrilidleinftstetidtinsi 111 goad si their` oath', add dike id flat matilehoiegiivli his own *Wit. Wiegit'sey that - their tiatWilietivilast`eati: I ereiliV4Pgr ltitive they have lived Allows thej;„itew'r dtht,their characure To YotirTragkiik..6oo6, - - met oksowlidre fit ' kalita,initiresir Tint '.e, - . ._„ . . . greet itatiliat;Ot : toistiamoy w , .. has We t brought-- tar;liaa'!sitod with -: ~ ritir.ulg wei g h t 'Upon the iefitictiti *la* .. '. Ini i lniqi 'vadat' it.difteull'Aii* ,tuiy -one....Vlid 'a partienhi t effecl. •il lit* whole, Doi • atititOtitilitell, at verginitbthe.:llibe..tiets:W • ich ciinvinoes snit ' ititistritYair all liiiidid en • o it laud of a sitiai!ol• moil Scotia& is t he' . 011 r . 0( lit, Totter. - 1 am Ilea . lb"idtnit • l'./ .. ve' every irorilattered bythein thifilto • . ..,,*".lii true, and bed ' I doubt e. them, • y eel. di** produmitfidly sustain. •' • , ',Oth ers who i l ar kilo 4i:emitted:ea Ihave wi ,e l , 'akdo j ob . lice to 'Mr. 4 rOrteir,yet free f • . m! pt NYC" tonal becOneliciti.kr. hire Beet; • fits diedka llma theritifittif ifttiiii.` . i . -' . • S. •-• Ttirthelllth..4 my 1 ester iign .. lehhee.illifi 'lantlkorlsemy tame to to * ned tow 'certificate Silted VIM. eitisens of th . cOunth .eying till thothirgia inillwrielebrated i Mori countrket ee were Via T6l sigh a! - - - fidalefibet Mr; Pot lir Wit noiattfaapheitet; ' . did -- tothelices he' was a blasphemer. for 1.....• Misr ftlesphemy the highest grade apiripious p : *Mtn I did certify L that th er e wr t .l4l:. h n e ht tit, t re m he ont dork h y , 4 1 I re hl itiftti l la . iti r ding " :' 1114 in w: y w not agairst him: I did , doi.derti,that..t. y had, been paid.. ' To sour sixth iiiiiirogati• . '.I 'Must say that I regretlhat the. rat clause is introduced it is with :feelings of min ded sort:owe. II surpriee that I saw the 'tame of thy clifiatilin • ct-Itioduced into -ady.olitiend diictismidm. e a re of the pr o . fi 'lestid'kitirehiliPer.. 41 ling . f. rin. around the al. i be 'tar ;Si sanctuary of his:Ootl; • kitr4he must render Its .decbunt, felt the deeds - • tie iii the body. and whether a matt . is attached . 1.'4 sect, is a mat ter o f mall moment:if he'. • a *item and wor: thy_. Member; he *ill Inert . it milliard. --Ilock eta *judge no t." 'yiolatis the pritleptslf him ha s Pooh bhlyktritikt Mr. S • • ehta er has been for many yeamond is how a •• emboli of the church you riktim. - ancl his conthin neeere is evidence of his Madding, and 'tees . - head of hit having li been expelled therefrom. Ina saver to the last - clause, 'Limy his Mind is • and Ind as eapahle 'Of 'tecoßecting and Fele lig htesactioni no* is iii his more yliundillvf. or.' . .. .' .. _ To answer your 7th i t . . ,1 ce briefly say thal since the Mesers.Stonebra eta have given their testinihnv to the Public: .0 min hail of the ti. S. has setatittiVatit •aptitt = risuellfitonebraker, the 'ton and Ilrother"ortliti•in • • ik, fir an. alleged de.• &nicotinic:of dine-dbibirs.• , d tha too without pre: vitiesilfehatitig any 'call 0 , him . The emcntion of which process must - IWO coats ,to the amount of Shy dollars. on a poor, ming / humid, coirect man, who ; • et anyme to adjust Pia claim open the govern . • eat 'iieifit,l W o which he es' --. titled ' 1 consider this 1 1 ; an insult aMd fliiry li :In . e' people, when hundred' , who 'Awe the , sand ',of dollars roam unmolested, Fed merely ; 'cam* they belong in the dominant party. to teimilteeto.yettr list jiiiiqui I say lem se:: imiurfied trifiv neatly aI o f . e signers to tie certificates firithe Stonebrakeir ..1 " lid know theta to be men of r4kractir Cod cm 'eel habits. Many. of them ate keeting-the est - d best citizens of th e empty. I TIM, ii yoto ave lit:lei:led Mr. Wid. lace and Embead, I mu t addllmy ,testominy !hi their 'eharaCter somethi I mare II large. Mr. Walliati berjed 'in the ate lief due State and - was elected from this *trio ~ and he has ever been rear* and h ored . liby his t p 74kleirs, , l ii • Mr, rink* has been To man y ears a Mint der 'CIA's Old bemor ratio rty, anti_husti i find-. ttayieoiog enppirter of egersonian Deino. I n crecy.' and appointed Pos : master at Yellim Springs byrresident Madiikin , and has. hild ras A that appotd meat ever ilium' litit he was minim bd.SY Mit. 1E enell. ! 'Thai I have answers as• efly and u can. ,didly.as potsible rho. : quit you are at Idler: ty unmake what use of d you deem prtident. ! ~re With ekpssionk of re 'rd.. • . - . -• lam reimectf Ily veins i . . , .ItIHN U.LIAMSOM. ' Ti at sibiatiet, and Ba an, Elva. I Your' coninlittito g i .' ve to say, (real the doeuiwen ty etd they have ix. airlineri, end' torn at the nformation die/ ..... 2 could ge :m, he most • respectable citi 'kens Of tlontittg On •b ' i that -the chit.- gearldiahed in th Iffikiers' Journal! a• garnet ..Daridit. P reer„ltre substantially true; and: wo bake o heittation in ia+ii chit no, kslldt abet hen , t man can gat 4tittlingdnn - wria mike thei same examini Om We did; and tee andhear .the same mount Of testitnortY . tr ' did, can Or toany of let- concluttititi:. Iwe saw nothi to fielliit it .or dontradicti: - the charge* there coOld be any thing[ prOdUced by Mende. the !Stilt Was thetra—'--they did . offlir.tie any thing; We • then fore -take= granted they had nOthingro offer. in. blusioni :WE, would merely, state, that/Keine; Ittrgbas lin4 Ingham did not , examine l ast of ,e Bonds ; the assignments, of property, the evitten&st 'of debt in Porter's pave :handwriting-, end in feet all the prin Tel „evidence on Which the charges ate - - -ed; : nor dui =the y wipretta at* deliri*,o to sef titetd - alter their arrival in Huron on. ' - Thotfi 'efts greatmanyotheriliala , hick came to obi. knowledge • after our = , 1 • rival . in ,lulingdon, :which . might be em died iii thie Opoit. but its, great letigtb, an' the .conetriept, belief Abet via, has already been ', Ma-10 c la ettlifinienkm toitinea. any- ndid - a o u 4 4l l.„milip ti , 7a , ei n t .. 7 :4 deg:WV of.corieT ' for ; ~ • •..... mattorE oftliettuttudf the thug* have '.rell,a . hied . Britistocitesiht the length o this; ,-..--..., . 1 . - - ' ANDREW . 1038$ .., 0 t,...-r ? .1, - BENJAMIN WAN - . . 1, --,PoOartile -Sept 29th , 1838. 1 ~ . -, - 1' Notice-, • kuheriberi of *Mini 'll SELOND Instalment ef-Twe dollars tii peas on each share efaork, is !I * 7 W11 14 : 1 . 1 e4a6eilisir. pa a bertha ; meisAtay in oda* viiiit; IMISARD, 71 tl f r - bigieen, that the so mils" . thellphan's Court of EU apportion the .a uid Isindi'Of am,- administrator o the W rite of West Pens 1 *SAO essenty, -deceased. to and roan( elstltted thereto, aeeordieg few Meet' f o r that purpose on Monday t ISt tiy'of ilex". at ene.o•eloek in t e eft.' iiftn; at the hisose . of Waist Greet In know thillorough of Orwlviburg. CMARLES WITMAX MOHNeP. ROBAIFT. .• JAILCOS BROOM{ Auditor": Or*igsbarr, - SePt. 514? . 76— ME hie not fot on- RI 1