The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 29, 1838, Image 4

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    . Important to .the .- Sicik.'
• ,; -DR. WM: EVANSij
•••,.C.AII-0111ILE PILLS.. •
.t•ttAtiSEADIDEFFECT.--:-Wlteten Bonn and ad
"IL. , entifie remedy of-diseases - has long le gam,.
al use b y the Poblic:bestowing blessings a . trees ,
ing - praiSe, iris scarcely in the power of see ticism to'
doubtaiter,iiremi.or.ofenvy to deny them ; • '
'When it hae,achieved an ascendant career.ef use
Nacos whielt•distaneei-the competition of mere
beastfal . pretension, and has seemed I column:men
station art, imiyetsal favor, by tntrineic worth along 1
its prepriefor may point 'omits*. causes of; superp i
nay, without incurring tbe trtispieinti pf *aloes.,
nefis,intestittg the mina parison. 1
PlLLS.minnfaintred.tty Dr. Willism Elan': at WO
Chotharrustreet,oo mu require his euPlituariun °. 4.
thetr,acknowledged. , efficater-for the mart eminent
pnyamians throughout the United States - ill freely,
-if appeae.d.,:tiltilltete the r rentioo. which hat induced
rthem le reetimmenittliem xi etenirlyely , wain . !)
as they - Za." - Plittid theatre - reasons ereethat Itterge iudl 7 : -
eionittintlitittelytneini injure even the moot dettealle
• enostitglii:WiaWkiiiye,..iteilniost „eirrylltniniitinth.
c aserfritariltiAo4;Arepirefe..hbed; mptarked, an i ee t tH
!dea4-rktrißetappylind,perteontent..eflin i•Alir
ir l i4
entas.-toctio itivatnathatfthey nee net a resa..tei tr,
, p u fdle:Oon any quecktheory ,oTpurifyingl e..b1054.
to the utter dearridtisin of the•sternuch dikter*
, ParifyibdticoilTiom all diseased humors., hey Made.'
at aily do; but not by , destroying those. Sincere. by
which alone the Wood can beauttained."q They are
co npreanded dpde a theory which simposeirstomach
to be a very essential agent to health; and! feed, well
digesttilito be a valuable friend to Heidi and bleod. -4-
They do not Setri!'y men to ghosts, and Make arm
look ttke billings too refined to remain long in this',
world; bpi they mutt theta as human as "piltissible, and'
' fit to 6v:tallier the hardshj M
ps, awl fulfil the orrilea
• con iff s h. sublunary tile. They an not .-die aam
i-nt purgatory of. this Isfe, to prepare men the fa ter
for another., They proceed mon the /ITO:minim bat;
ry ail se
th. blood . muscles, nerves. organs, exeretb
, • cretory eland, Tournions and tegumentary Membr. es
bones and brains.•or every human : being require to
- be sm.ploid with nourish.neut from as healthful am&
1111 , :k as-can he mule ned kept; and upon ice doc(rme
th it unless the stomach and bowels are in good order.
the- blood and every other part of the a/stein-mil
t win
shvoreler. i
And how brit expected.that arty will secure Wealth
?to the stomach and beivelsf. Why by enatllwg tint one
to digest food, and the ether to carry off what ii le4)
• al ier the nutriment is eilfa,Clatt..l3 C6llll,3Ctillia ; With
. the surplus of bile , and th e foul humors efthe bleed.
manes membrane., and stomach.' And they acham
plish,these great feats of medicine intheinost simple
.iv iy . intagin ibte. The AP E. RI l'f*NT P . A SILLY PILLS.
. if ibe sibmarh he affected with wind. Mile, or mimed
collections, die ir it oat. by a natural but a moat in
. sensible solvent action, and cleani4r. the wholeolb
in mtaryscatral, without 3 rang;. and leaving it as free
without .debiloy, as nature ever designed it to lie—,
l- 'They denot take the skin off ihe Stomach and bowels„
and leave them like a piece of red velvet., as all ph},
si„;rans know the stroiht .fir3RiC pins Of.. hut .I.hey
= tail nattire kindly by the hand without crushing her
fi leers. They cle lase every thug, witlainat itopqring
~or injuring any thi 00,
When this is effected, as it trairafy ishy the nee of a
' . few of the F % \LILY A P .:11l P. VT PILLS. then come
the celeltruted Cu MOMILE or To \ 1: 4 PI L LS. to
n• rungilien a stomach and bowels which infarct. per
• .
Laps. weak and I:oil becanse they were weak. sun
en I two than with .trength to perform their omen ,
Cant functions, 'without time aid of physie. l'lmt'A-'
MONIILF. Flat) , A . Elt, when its valuaffle prineiples
• arc chemically estracted: is acknowledged by all .phy
- s•riany, in every age, to be the . 10<it vegetable tonic
.40 iwo iu the science nif medicine —There is nething
k..ow .1 in the vegetable Ittrigdoui of nature to equal it;
not Ipog thatin et.Gncems. harnalesa:,andhso vtgorousl ,
Intalthfil, and in proof , of. this the, prd,pilietur of thy
rernoned pillitlial are made from ita Purest particle.,
might twee oiliest innumerable authors..both ancient
and mUderit,' if hi own poetise had/3k proved it to
"tens of thousands. ' •I.
'rice effiaettorthiseppla are one 4.perceied in.
en increase:ofyinmetne aila genera l -strengths, but In
a restoration'tifihe lendy to that naive-Oat ingocin ill
its functions,,sotich indicates the return teperfectly
' sound health.—The face: and general .00mPlezions
ape , A volumes - in their favbe s and thcirisatids.of re.
' in des can teetifyhow much they have contributed to
their contfort, their complexion, arid .their sitAilgtb.
" t when every-other remedy had Droved - Worse thin use- .
less. Inmervues diseases. of all kinds, they are tow •
acknowtesliel to, be pre.ininent; oat/ally 'restoring
fireiness often:ly and mind, without those antleya - nce
and - changes which after neurons rent'edies oqrrelion
11141 woultrit ' hive been for many;yoUng persons
of tioth serer who are now in the silept . gravit ifthey ,
but learned to ch mk the morbid tendencies htlatheir7
s outch and bowels by these pure 13033 and aperaq,
e its, without reaarriug to quack remedies, tht.4. nitrites
i,' winch are -ranee-fled and of which the know
nothing. 'that dreadful scourge CONSChlirriox ,
in gm have been checked in •ts cornridlincemen: and
' d.s ',mooned of its prey, all over the land, if 't ie first'
si m . o.° e of nervous debility had bedn eminthracted
by...CA:I4I I IVIILE chemically prepared; and those
bii•vel complAtlita which lead to a host of fatal cll3lll
- Might have burn obviated by than fine nicotine
• eat. - act of rhi barb; which is a leading, ingredient in
the Jil'Eltlbt NT I , A MLLY PILLS. - Ceforefiutb of 1
' them medicines, which ate adapted to a majority of I
. ' the prirposes for which a hollered others are uttneces-',
curdy used, roves, agues, b lions disorders, headaches:
female debility, male decline, indigestion, mid liver
com Plaint• would have entirely disappearedl white
at iuy of them have proved fatal:
" II it he it disilmetly nnderetuod that these medicines.]
are nit olferisl instead of these natull organs of the 1
Maly is inch other medicines dispense with. (n (very '
summary tellleer. They are founned Mace ynedical
kiiiiivletlge. anti not quackery. and do not take all the
red particles not of !Wit - human blond under the pre- 1
.. • trice .1 . 10114y111g it. it protifof which dlfferenee of
effect. lot the faces and terms• of patients bear testi--
' m my. They consunite a useful. effectual. one gene
rally ariplicable class of mealtimes fer every faintly.
and being both ionic anti 4Perieut.• - and of the best
preparations known, no person or fatnits should be
' withoutthear. i They can be obtained w holera le and
:fetad of the proprietor, Dr. W M EY ANS, New York,
and of his Agents in town and country. with throe
'- , lions for use—They are rapidly inipereedarg ill other 1
- . 0 . yemedies advertised in the pup° . pante, because they ,
are rested to belong to a 13317.33017P00r CFOS of popular
• • medicine. A single trial nittiallyyffireathein high in pre
vato estimation, ; known to •be in public ]
preference; and in dirripintetideSicians. l
- f Dr. WA, .E.Y...44'iS' :Orlile . Nal o lt `PET!'
F.1 , 11 - li t errin.i. UADP.I.I.IIIIA . , ie.:Vet:Obis - - ithi - el
may bit htidsia ,Evartar Otritee. , loli Milani,
strept. New Illi**"bitriittlie - DOetiir l tnaybreinithilledi
" I
1i IIY lt
, D:_iltiilig-R,OCIIitt:II6RI SM.-
. • air fateresting• i5...,--Mr;Wilharti,Salmon t een at .
above Third et-, Plaridifthia:olilicird'
... 'leveret
• - yenrs wail' thefullyinftittettidisi._ ng l- 01i•ifetqai Sick
n oss at the atri-Atialigadyiebst, Ridpitations
of the i fteart, tp1i1iti#4.744444.00. liitrits.,l'TPreld 'and
eulker-seut eredeensSk:eoldiiiillift 4, - , is'ef the
~, turbed
rest. a sense of pressiire ate dthreWil at, - ach
• after eatutz. nightmare. grelepacintal delpnderiey.
- severe living, pains in theeinsacitend sidesi.errative
nese. a it: slike for society, or ciefiri4ii„ imp. id voluntary
sighing sal weeping languor and Insieadelitpon the
least exercise.
' Air.. Salmon had applied to the nipat enainPntpbYsi - .
" -clan. who eorisider iat it beyond the pastel plated&
clue id relent° him to health ; how - ever. aithiS alldie
ions hid:pat/mad him - to a very deplorableinonditiod.
and having been renOmmestded by weetateesa of his ter
in ilietrialtif,•:Dr.AYsa. EVANS' Idea:eine, he with.
4 , filtilty repainadto I blhotfice and procured* T ineir*g•*,.4
so which. beam, lie j indebted for his reiteration to '
lire. Iniilith and Mends, tie in neer,enjnYing &lithe,
148.-Faintio 'of peXect health, Perimes derirotis of
• further infiwirotion,ivill bejal4olWith elitiri Parti
culafitnitPlittottiAitlira bite meth% Wa., - Evtres Medi.=
cal O ffi ces, lee Clinthsm It- i -Uheys • Neithg• - * din Phil:-•
:idelphia. N0...L9-NOWPII EIGIr PH - St. i • , • : '
- .
- SoldAy„ ... -, . .. .101 , 1„N T. ViE L EADT. Ell.. : -:
. a. -- Sole Agentfor SthuylKiliCiellil•
. .
riettettlle, Nor. '25 ; • ---"- I-II ,
14 VII Rill supply. jest reet l ised E'er sale,
by 11; 0.11,i14 AN.
Auvest 11, 103: • , 42
'' . ' 1111 ,' i-, . • '''- • . ::.4.. --e-:
1 - brvEtritiii4aiiirthi444 , . .reijai;iid " - iii
-- I r. 1 5 egff Sorea.Volltvd. 3 dean; ' /dirket
streeLa' • ristasovulaentof fresh Grocert 4.01: 0 10 111 . -
:tug of . - irc i .
JavAitio. Lagitho.
/ St. , Ditrainrat andbrowned i Coffee
NNemo, St. Croil..brown and! s
'wbitiallavaine.litifatid lamp $
' fitrol,lOrlesins, West Mitlasses
habildind sugar tow, i
Imp lel. Gun Plosder, - ffoung
2.1 tt,'PenchoogOrangefeo - }l l et
Co.. D
y i
ebella andßobes . '...
Bak ' Chases,,P,OnAoh.Schinis z 41
' & Libggs, and room spiced
?relived Cocos:Cocoa shells
.- ~ Redin.Carice,,Harvey, •
Jo Bulls, Lobster. Anchovy. Sat
Cables soy and Currie .
' . Gbc*, n, Tomato . pepper.l -
trlitled,Onion. Mangos, • ).,Picldet
Lett matid French - J
Oltees, capresjAncho.vies
Calthase pepper. allspice and Gimp
. clam , — Mace, }Nutmegs and cassia
---- — Riblilhiiir el rice. starch"
Cunianti,Figs, Raisins, PRIM.
Seise and bitter almonds, citron
Olite Oil. ivinebittem,leinon syr(il
f=ed g mi ir,Lheese. &AM
W 6.1t0 and colored wan. sperm t c. :: _
momed, A nd dipuallow - $ i
Perm, varte4aied brown and yello soap
" • Old Madeira. Old part, claret
- Brawn and pale abetry,champaigne Wines :.
. Old hock, Lotion; dry cularat .-, - 1 in wood!
Sweet mataga'. muscatel I • & bottlei
Malmsey, marsei Ilea di-Sicily Mediu.
Setitch. I rish, toonongahela & corn whiskey
A tiniaeue. anniaced & peppermint pordials,
CciJ.mic.chtmmtmne. Bpanish it; arm iiraady :
- Hdlland & co,Gin; N. E' Hunt i
Jornaica spirits •
, „.. .
Extra sup.epaii, inferibr' do • '''' I . , •
Ilidif Spanish and common` cigarsi •
. cat AL plain and inouldedVass i' re
' '.2 WW2 and crOckery
0; ALSO -
agenerai assortinem of Dry Goode.-drAtc. all cif
which they are daspucedlo sell on the most redatina;
hie ierini. Heads -ofFamities and 'Tavern Keeper"
iartieularly invited to call. ~• I* , •
THE Coll Scholes and Landidtl belongiiir
to the Danville & Pottsville Mail Road Coln.
pany. at Mount' Carbon. The snme t heing in ev
cry te,qnxt welt calculated for the *hipping of
coal. The same may be reeled with or lithodt
twenty • Coal Cars. s llirogood order:—Aso, the
large warehouse and wharf.
Etorirtire of TAO'S frIIIARP.
t Curbnr., Jul
--. --r
-ev ti le, I] subscriber has now on hand at his Slots
at and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Role
streets, a roll assortment of (foods', stlitablc for the
coal region viz.: .. .
. . .
Rarr Iron of assorted Macs, . .
Band and Hoop do do ,• _
Nails arid' pike Rods do do
. Steel, Roo nd & Square do do
Nsils and Spikes do do
goal Shovels do do
hardware, a general evuisortmimi. ..
411 a which h, is aellmg at reduced - prices ,
1 linil2 ' 2 - . i CLAYTONIi
k.:acoliruge Home Mu nufciptureu.
Confectionary Man tiro ctory.
t 1 11 ILE subscriber respectfully announcesio the,
poplin that he has commenced the Mannlitc.
tore or Confectionary in all its -.various branches,
at his Store in Centre•Street, neary opposite the
Pottattille House, where Confectio ners and idb.,
ere c.* always be supplied wholesale and retail;
et the lowest Philadelphia :Cash prices.
Coitotry Merchants are -respectfully solicited
to call and examine his. stock before purchaaing
I , not! A 5f1.-tf
, 1/110FFATI':-‘. •', .
•Ve t tetable Life Pills. tad 'rhea
. i nix Bitterti • .
•- - CO NTRA sT.—A ll natiousi. lion the ring° ,
resta g e.,
. hare had ships, but Colunibus only found
out d ie way to America. Before the time of the
great Spanish davigator, people werenlyenabled to
paddlh about the shores. Just so wi tsthe Life *eti ;
ICU2CIO. 41. is but two short years n da I first van
mired iipon le-unknown oceanNtidl have discovered,
the precious object I was in seatith nl-41EALT11.1.‘
' Vegetable modicums were indeed knouiperhen I com
menced my search, but their use was nor. eßy the
use olthern, I nave not only passed froni the dejected
• invaltill,ns the bale hearty sad .11CAJTC'O.nof business,
but, eirenpa ratirely speaking. I have renewed my r
youttf, d can thus, with confidence ill my own extle
rienon, advise with my fellow citizens Does the
reader Want ruonftlist theV META ELF. LI FE M ED-.
ICI NES are suitable to his own 'easel I base o n-file
at myj office. 546 Broadway, 'hundred* of letters.froirr'
i sonni f the most respectable citizene 'of chi smy na
tive hind, voluntarily offered in testinemy oldie vir
Petitions whose constitutions have been nearly, nn
ined y the--all infallible" minerallpreparation4 or,
the di y. will hear me witness, thatthe Life Medi
runes; and such only. are the true cad se to permanent
goodhealth. • - - JOHN MOFFAT..
-.• I
Thine medicines have long been known and pppre ,
ciatiaa, for their extraordinary and ivainediate 'Vowels
of flittering perfect health. to persorinituffering under,
nearly every kind of Mileage, to which the human
frail* is liable..
Inituany hundreds of certificated instances. they
have eve rescued sufferers from the very verge of an
untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of
the flay had utterly failed; and to many thousands they
havt penile uently secured that oniftirm enjoyment ot , .
:health, wnhout which life itselfis bet a partial b ases-''
• -ing• ; So great, 'need. has their efficacy invariably
' - and:infallibly proved, that it has appeared rudarcely
;Ptak:than miraculous to those who were unacquainted
with the beautiful philosophical 'principles upon
. which they are compounded.and upon-which 'they
conacquently att. It was-to their 'dandiest and sense
. ble,laction in purifying the sprit:4o and channels of
lifer id endiiing them with renewed tone and vigor,
that; they were indebted for their nhine, which was
borelowed upon them at the spontaneous feminist saf
sevhral individuals whose lists they had obviously
eavlid- r I
The proprietorssejoice in the ophonunity afforded
by the universal diffusion of thedailly_press, fdr niac
in. his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the
ku,, . ledge and reach of every indifidual in the com
m ity. ;finlike the boat of pern,yeious qua4keries ,
w oh boast of vegetable ingreditins, - the Life Pills
Tar purely and esorriint. . and contain nei
th Mercury, *minim, A rsen nor any other
- mieral.. in any farm whatever. fibey arWentirely .
co posed ofestractar:from rare anti poweaful plants.
theisirtues of whit. lb though long known to several
-Indian tribes. and recently to s eminent pharma
celitical chemists, arealtogetherunlmmarn to the Limo
, rays pretenders tar medical science; and 'Orem 'never
b :AOC administetudin so happily efficatißstei.cont
bination. j
Irh • eir first operation is toioosed front theenanicif I
the; stomach arid bowels, the various impurities 'lnd
claditiesconstantly netting around data
fames _which - D*l*a in ;thereon,
vdlutions of,the small -intestines. ...thher,..Medicinee
°idly partAy cleanse these.stod 114110410CWIected j
D iodes behind,. as t a produce habitual At, llsnetta•
4 , ,,th all Its train of eirils,Or iuddeo diarrheda, with ill
rinmmetit -dangers. This fact is igell &kite 'than
:arm' anatomists. Who ermine )the Innitait , bowels
`;-x • er death: and hence the piejnenterotthese tireltht;
fifFmedtneilligainsttlie , qoack 4 6 edicinei ittheage.
I'Dhe sec.end effect of ; the , V ''ETABL'' Lall4.
.. f±::~T.:.
4 . feasey*Beetheltitie r aint/dsi bladder r and
Clung% ahe healtNfiil
• : • , of which , entirely depeadtVopee th e regularity
theolliellY4- 12 1 00- de.edliCh takei; its
fried color from:theWoe,' Of the liver and the lungs
;before it into tee heart; being] dine purified by
',them and nourished -by food coming from a clean
.ainnack amine re , * * O 4O the reins. renews ,
Levelly part of the amitemand diumpt#wecittnesthe
bannereiThealth to blootning the*.
The follewingarentatometbe distressing matictr
l m= disease", to which the Vegetable Life fi ll s
well known to be infallible - • ,
DYSPEPSIA, by threughly clemaling the first end
itecond teemed's, and creating.* Bow Of pure•hetilthy
!bile. instead oftbettale lied amid Mod ;---F/addeney..
P*itaham" , tral lie Vas of Appittle,Liartbarn
, =J llecalacfie• Restkaategg• Is-wa....A.litiety, Las- I
guor.dautAkiaatholy which are the general symptoms
of Dystiepsatwill vanisteuse nkerraboommquenoe of I
tts Me. Costiveness, by-cleansing the whisle length
of the intestines with a solyentitmentot k and Without l i
violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive'
within two days. Due/than led Choleritty rentove
ing the sharp acrid fluids by whietediese complaint"
are- occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative
secretion of the me= membrane. .Fetersejal2 kinds,
by restoring the bleed toe regular eineuhtion, through
the process of perspiration • In BOOM cases, and the
through 'elation of all intestinal tions in ethos.
The LIFE PILLS have been knot= to cure Rhea.
leaden permanently in three weeks, and Gent in btu
that time, by removing local 14flamtnation from the
muscles and ligaments ol the joints. ,Popsies of all
kinds. by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
tdidder; they operate moat delightfully on these or
gans,and hence have ever been found a certain reme
dy for the worst cases cir,Grooel. Also Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy
matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
c oosu repties4byeelievingsbe air vessels of the lungs
from the Miens, which evenelight colds ifnot remov
ed becomes hardened, and . produces those- dreadful
"diseases. Scurey.Prere and beetemte - s sores, by the
Perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood
and all humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and Bad COM
pie2lo7lA, by their alterative effect apex the Saida that
morbid state of which occasions all Ereptint cans
plaints. &Nom arrialn, and taker disagreeable Cam :
plutons The useof Obese Pills for a very short time.
wi effect an =tire come of halt rheum, Erysipelas
and a striking improvement in the Clan-nem of the
eta Common Colds, and hiffitemoa..wdl always be
cured by one dose,or by two even in the worst cases.
piles,—as a remedy for this most dietrossing and ob
stinate, malady., the Vegetable Life Pahl deserves a
. i
distinct and emphatic recommendatio , It
e i well
khown to hundreda in this fifty, that the Pro rietoy
of these invaluable Pith. Wall himself afflict with
this complaint for pward sof thirty five years, and that
he tried in vain every remedy prekcribed within the
whole compass of the Materia Mediae. Be however,
stlength tried the mediine Which be now'offers en
the public, and tie was cured ih a very abort time ,
after his recovery had been pronounced not only
=probable. but absolutely impossible, by any hum=
DI RECTIONS FOR USE.—Thefieoprietors of the
VEGETA BLE LIVE PILLS does not follow the base and
mercenary practiceofthe quacks olthedag, in advis
persons to take his Pills in large quantities. No
good medicine can possibly be an required. These
Pills are in be taken at bed time every night. for a
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the,
disease. The usual dose's [rpm-! to 5, according to
theconstitution of the person. Very delicate persons
should begin with buttwo, and increase as tbe nature
of the easemay require: those more robustor of very
costive habit, may begin with 3, end increase to 4, or
even 5 Tills, and they Will effect a sufficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further. use.
These PM,' sometimes occasion sickness and vomry
though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele '
fouli this, however. may be considered a favotabe. the patient will find himself at once ra
beved. and by persevemnice will soon recover. They
usually operate within /4 or 12 boors. and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.
They may be taken by the ntostitelicate females ea.
der any circumstances—lt le, however, recommend.
ed, that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one at a time, and thus continueto keep theheavere
open: and even two may be taken -whese the patieht
-1111 very costive. One pill In a solution of two table ;
spoons full of water, may be given to an infant in dial
followingdoses—a tee spoonit4hlll every two hours fill
it operates; for a child from oueto Eve yeas of age,
half a pill—and from five to ten, one pill.
THE PH(ENIX BITTERS. are so called,because I
they possess the power of restoring the expiring em.,
hers or health, to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution, as the Phoenix re said to be teetered to
life from the ashes ofits owed issolution. The Pl=
nix Bitten are etairelY -vegetable. composed of root
found only in certain Harts of the western cenntry
which will infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely all
the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner than the most
powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. and will imme
diately cure the determinatiou of BLOOD TO THE
lIA ED; never fail in 4 the sickness incident to
females; and will be- fon= a Certain remedy young
cases of stemmas Mistily and tombless of themost im
paired cementations. As is a remedy-for Chrenicand
mfrunatory Rkeumatiirm, the efficacy
,of the Pharois
Bitters will be demonstrated by the use of a single
bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters is half a wine
glass full, in water or wine, and this-quantity may be
taken two or three times a day, about half an hour
before meals, or a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To -those who are afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable, as,
they very greatly increase the action -of the principal
viscera, help them to perform their functions,and en
able the stomach to discharge into the bowels what
ever is offensive. Thee indigestion is easily and
speedly removed, appetite restored, and the nvouthal
of the atsorbent vessels being cleansed, nutrition is
facilitated, and strength of aody and energy of mind
are the haapy results- For farther particulars of
TERS, apply at Mr. Moffat's office. No- 546 prodway,
New York, where the Pala can be obtained for 'tS
cents. 50 cents, or SI 'per box ; arid the Bitters for St!
or fell per bottle. Borr Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected.
In same obstinate apd complicated cases of -chrome
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaints;
Fever and Agae. Dysteeasia, Palsy, Pi/es, injury from'
the use of mercury, quinine, and oiler diseases of !map
asseuirme. It may be necessary to take both the Life
Pills and the Therm Bitters, in the dose before
N. ll—These Pills and the Bitters, will get
mercury out ofthe system infinitely faster than the
preparations °Manumit-lc nod a certain veined f
the reskene of Vie blood to the head, or a/Evident -
acheede dou/eureux, &c.—A II persons who are pred
posed tbapeplesy palsy. &c., should never be withont
theoLifeMa or the Bitters, for one dose on time will
save life. They equalize theeireulation of thebloefi.
draw all pregame from the head, presphation, and
throw off every impurity by the pores of the skin. '
For sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY.
Agents for the Proprietor. '
vale, 26
subscribers bave.eonstantly on hand
-a- full: assortment of Iron. oompriasug Rourid
and Square Iron from 3-16th up t 0.6 inches 4-
ameter; flat Iron 3 816th by No. 4. W.-G. op to
6 in. b 7.14 In 4 boiler, Sue and sheet iron of beat
'and 2d quality, suitable:for lining car bodies br
lehatesc rail road iron 14 by j, 14 by 4,2 by .4,
and.2l by Tbry.are also prepared to rewire
orders to import Rail Read Iron epon the. most
advantageous terms, in large quantities; also rail
road oar sacks.
" AII assortment of Stedl i esimprising.eastafid
shear steel--Americatt-and English blister Stela'
German and.spritsivalasek, awl round - Ilea 10
octagonal steel Grr
S.W. corner , **let Add&huylkil Sairentba.
Philadelphia, knit' 21.1833. 4 . 494 +. 110 •
- • Cloths and Cassimeres.l
THE Subscriber bas in - Store a lazge , ittlit
general assort:neat - 10i Igoe; Wets -
Greon, Invisible;freentakab and mixt Clotho,
Also, Blank,;lBlne, drab and mixt Cassim ray
tsbich watoirsold very - Cheap.
SottayilhOulY 14 i 1838. • 54L •
••*. • - ;•i'''. - •:t 7 I - VO lar-4410 3 9 1 Ygr 7 ,. , ,:"..Z - :•.•, , ,
-,----,viggicTsgiagV f„.---,... • . ,
IlitlrepottCalbowliaving FuntStraietji is -
JR: liiir opstrevetry rial-ftinns to - o'dOejt -it
the Office ot,Disetwmt aud-Wpositiffor the per." ,
pose of receiving . et - wails 10 spy awfouninst es:
ceeding $5OO, any one pewn 2 ' updo Which
an intennt of 4 cent will be mud on every $5
and iipwards,but no interest will bd allowed 'on
any timid , ur $5. She:Whole or any
part -- y tordralsostonetir.gvetice. front two
wee to fonr m tits, at : e office en Mondays.,
The - it:limes - net i Society wilt beltinutueted by
4;1 3
the followtogloft . rs and managers, until the fi rst,.
Monday in May est. . . •
Prident- 7 2. 131..A. 1;1011 . 014 .. . •
Jmek•Ca Carrell 1 M a nagers.
alii 4 jPablH 1
P.drd Illigheri IL S. W ' ne ,
Jaccib "Bull I
ei Jesse Torbert --•
- ;la Whittle - Secretary and'Preasuror..
Attlee 3d " ' ihe Charter. "No emolument
whatsoever sh be • received by the President
or Managers • i their services, nor shall 'ant.
'Manager beeoiie a borrower from the'matitu.
low. -I (rev 3 ' 46tf
- --- -'FraiPTION MUM.
pi t
. For the pr 'vention 4-eure
--7 = - 4" of conga a. - /de ,„.4 st,4 mos,
r ,ai ..... , ( 1 ,,
_COnsumpti no, Spi . t o t
f ing i ll e
r‘kM 1 ) °lvaillitl : fl e ng"""-
. 4.. . .
_. :, . . pared
R E b n i r
. L o f
i lli e V i r s,
of Lanes r.
Accompanying each bottle o the Specifick,
pointing out is a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stager ofthese distres
apt diseas un es— , a
r also p u ar , ti an en d la b c w dir p ec atien tion ts s rearm:dim
ce duct .throu every' stage until health is re.
sto —for v n and useless wOuld be the fire
scriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied
with the most powerful and useful niridicines, it
the directions arc not faithfully adhered to. i
The public are informed that theilepnsitions of
. 287 persons have been taken before proper an:
dimities in the city of Lancaster, all completely
cored in the most desperate capes of consump
tion, some of which are detailed iti the bills as
compauying each bottle.
* a * A supply of the above Specifies bas been .
- received and is for sale at this Office.
March 12 18
Swaim's Panacea*
AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou
sands have destroyed their constiMtionaby negtledting
to apply the rrriiper remedies—to 11Dch. Swann • Pan
atea most be, and has been, toorekhan doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means of restoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few ;families are whol
ly, exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va
rious symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations, debility..
toes of appetite and dejection, all analog from imPure
blood, and if not properly attended to. produce the-
greatest injury to the constitutution, and may be ire
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable resto
rative of the system, thereby invigorating thetionatine
lion, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. it is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to - all that°
diseases - which originate in vitia*d blood, diseashd
liver, depraved appetite.or predispositon to affections
of the longs. &c. No one; however, briadvised to me
it without convincing therrareivia ofthe truth Orwhat
is here stated.
This medicine is now used with success in all paffs
or the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng
S A fresh sappy' of the Medicine just received and
I for sale by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
IWho can supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia prices.
I May 14 . 26
- assitrastx Company—
M AKE both 'limited and perpetual Insurances
-on •Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores.
tibtels, Rlil4l, Earns, Stables; Merchandise, -Furni
ture 3ad Property of every .denciription; against 1 01 4 1
l i -or damage by` WM.
The Delaware County Insurance company wit
also insure against loss-on all kinds °lmams/Wm
attti against.fte. damage of, lossopon the transporta..
tion otgoodaosisares.and ;mercandideity wateconnby
rail way, upOn termsas fasounable as .arty *direr in
For anyltniterlairtn — tti 34e - n . the siibleet prin.
surence, either etrainot Fire.rearirre or inland risks.
Apply to HENRY G. R9BINSON. Apent.
July 15 , 34-ti ' Schuylkill Haven.
• • .or WILLIAM B. POT'Prs.
Fire insurance Company.
11L~ICARE.both limited and perpetual Insurance' on
/NM Iltriek.lStorre er Frame Building-s,Stores,Hotible
Mills. Barna. Stables.. Meenkantlize,- Furinttire.aid,
Property ollevery deseriptionla gainst I wont datriage
by FIRE.
l'besubsoriber bas been appointed AGHST *vibe
above. men6oned Institution liquor prepared so
make INSUAANCER apon everydesenption of property
at the low* rates. SRN/MUM AA121 4 1. , 112.
.Potlaville, Feb. 27,1836. 1 • Is.
The Philadelphia Fire
CiPITAIi AUTHORISED BY .1 . ..851iV,..500i000.
pis ) =l
ilig AKE bothrited and Insurances on
.LUIL Brick, Sto or Frame ' ' .Storesalotels,
Mills, tatia„ Stables, Nu nage, Furniture. and.'
Property tifesnridetiori against lois or datttlite.
by'lllll3. . '
The aulatortitertrislieenaitiell Raprifor the,
oboe bred Inatitittion and is now prepared to
ossitetinsuwastcts oponevesydetcription ofpnapesty
at-the lowest. rases. , W,IAJIIIN HANNAN,
Pottsville:Feb.2s 1837
.... ~.. 15-' . ~,
" SUOMI/Om .
!TIME spubscrdanitertng ienteCibeitrikirf on
4.4 1 1- Feirinount dam:Writ W Mow
joiaiog file one occupied -A. J. RoltonAt.:Co.
ore, prepOred •receive Coal. Lumber;, oni
whirler, end coremissiot. Enquire °Abe sob.
erolberi iro ' th e premises. rat 28,8outh Whines.
4 •
jaw 21) :. . . .• - • 41.7-1,- • •
• '..••••• - ; ' '
mow -,z_..uNDEnunaleAcire4 r ...
.v.- - 1 , ,,, -, F ,- .4 -- L ,,„,,
"I: - DR. GlClDittlil. •.,
SarsaparinarßloOd Pills
-tire the sort effedom /*purifier oftlie Blood
and Anima/ nails that have van: •
:, • been, disecivered. • ••! 1
• ,
The following ani some only °idle
. ..LATE CURES ' 1
EjTettell and heard fro* tiering the pest TWO
MONTHS, in flitillisfeipkis.
Louisa Sinqpion, Cured of *Went pain in hOr heal
end sides.-with much Oddities' tp win& 4int was.
1 subject for three years. . ;
=John Stocker, relieved" Ikon habitual .6catirellest
sod want of appetite, with offensive brettk int 1441
.leseph-Marlow, cured of ulcerated leg sad inn.
i , Israel Jones, carol et a breaking out all o*hill
. . ,
whole body. . • t „ • ,
Sarib'Soites, Mimi Of Pain in tier breasts so aides
.sow tembche and 'kitties' eller eating.
William Mowbny. cured-of a . Rbemmalklin, and
swelling of his legs and feet, bseireg been unable to
walk any distance for six' months past. '
' Michael J. Raskin', aired of swelling nude/ his
arms and on his neck, with considerable tireakieg
out on his body' •
• Eli:abed' Cranmes, eared of swelled drew*. rail
in her side, constant disgust-to food, and mulch .stck
nem at ber stomach. .
Jeffery Cline, cured of rheumatic pain" mi l swelled
Samson G. Howard, cured of a fetter and rash, a
loathing oat over his body, with some running sores
and nicer&
Rev. A. Canby;enrel of an *Section's& * throat.
soreness and ulceration, which, previouslya...ted his
The following *resume only of the large number of
cores effected in Berke. Montgomery, Schuylkill, Le
high, Lancaster, and Northatopton counties, during
the past three months:
Jonas Green, Esq., 'cured of a scorbutic erection,
ulcerated leg, swelled joints and rheumatic ttins- •
Adam C, 'Carpenter. cured of violent pert in hilt
sides. muchicommeness,bed simMieggpd a shortness
of breath.
Rachel Snyder, cured of a difficulty in breithing.
habitual costiveness and Violent pains in bet herd.
Michael Jones; his two daughters and youngest sea,
cured of a breaking out of dry and sometimes watery
pimples over their whole bodies, attended with great
itching, frequent unpleasant feelings in their heads,
sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart, die.
This family was afflicted for years, and never found
reflation' any medical treatment, or from any medi
nines, until using Dr. Leidy% Mood Pills and a wash
directed by Dr. Leidy.
Sarah Mclntesh„cared of violent pains ki her hack
and loins, rheumatism, swelled joints, Sae.
Andrew Green, cured of griping pains, :loss of apz
petite, disgust for food, and habitual costiveness. • -
Adam R. Ginn is, cured of 9r-81y - eruptions and break
ing out. soreness and pain through his bones.
. Dinahermaley, cured of ringworms and fetter.
Henry C. Rooney, Esq. cured of. hiwird fevers,
nc leis of his mouth, throat and Dose, glandulu ma
ll -
George Layman, cured oft mercurial erection turd
violentthemnatic ins of bead and boles. - '
Jonathan Stroud. famicco:ilman andJohil G. Thom
son, cured of various' affections of the „heed. costive.
nese:aour eructations, sickness at the stomach, hic.
Sarah Jenkins. Alfred ant Tracy Jenkinti, cured of
affections of the skin, breaking out, pains in their limbs,
Numerous other instances might be publiahrd,bot
to swell - the list wo ,Id unnecessarily inc se the- es
pense of publishing diem: •
- Immo be plainly seen itom the flareimilig, that the
Wood Pills are an excellent corrective for a disordered
stomach, the cause of diseases to which the human
system is liable, together kith the impurity oldie blood.
which ludas in all diseases, and in conjunction with
a disordered sthroach, very rapidly prostrates the Ml
man body. •
These pills do not purges's powetfiah do most
pills of the pnmentday , ( lohiCkprixtu mud Mis
chid' as did everwercurg .or die saincrala, by weaken) ing
the system,destroYing the tone and vigor or the body:
and rendering its prey to constant mid universal oils.
ease. distressedami barely suffering) fsm are mild and
mild and gen* in their operotion, and may itteteesing
the natural diicletriestaently to wl of impure
rho es they are arrec erl fy WO ass. not rendering
necessary any . restraint from occupation ;or business,
change of living or diet, or even a liability of taking
cold from their use:
The process kir eatneting the virtue of the Sarsapa
rilla without Gemming its of ,is known only to
die proprietor.
P.lipaired ooh and sold wholesale an at
Leidy 's Health Eamioriimi; Ind St below Vine, No.
191.—Also Sold by . • B. HANNAN,
June 9 44 Pottsville..
• Wonderfatexures.
Mee been perforated in this citt r and thrunghoto
the country. •
BEING a.concentrated fluid estrum of Sarsaparilla
combined with other vegetable extract s.W•hieh raw.
der* it as a medicine of great utility in the tame %fall
diseasesariaing from impurities of the blood. from im
prudences in life. and constitutional 'd is in formed
er produced by the injudicious use of mercury, arm. •
nic.bark,orquanine. -/a short, it is an invaluable rein-,
ed=2ll; I
tie AffectiOn. General Debility,' Ulcerous
Sores. white 'Swellioge. Diseases of the Liver and
idiin,,lllcerated Sore Throat, Mona of the- •
ries. or diseases of the Bones; Scrofula, or RiOg's E
vile.r.yripelas. or St. Anthony's Firn,:- and all - unplea
sant and dangeronsAfeCtions consequent to Syphilis, •
Lucs Venereal, &c. &e.
So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of
various diseases for which it is rocommended, that it
is farwpercedingall other preparations OfSarsapatil-
la. Panacea: &c.
It is now empl'yed by nomereue:Thyaleisna. tad'
Jim 'been introdueedby then into many hospitals,
'armories, &c. throughoot the United-States. - •
h is a preparation of greeter strengtlf(Conrequently
ofgreater effichcOthan any other mitniet now made.
is alsamuch cheaper, tieing but one dollar per bottle,
which is -sufficient to.make one olleri. of Syrup of
-Sarstranilla, and isibought by different druggtats for
that purpose. - • ,
Numereuesertificateithave been receitred and pub
lished from timeao time, but in minseqbenim of the
wrest expense atieudingliewspaPer publication oftbem
the moat incredidaus can be convineelciftbe superior
efficaer of - Dr Leidy'S Medicated Sarsaparilla. by
calling at Dr. Leidy'sllealth No. 1 0 t
north Second street. below Vine. mart mf,the Golden,
Eagle and Serpents." whereteritficanwitidrefereamai
cantle givenao bandrede of instances oftheanont re
cureeever performed by anreatilicine., •
• Scitd l V SANNATL,Pottaville. •
innet9 •
• .
New :.Goo4ls.
• general :
xis. Goodi. jiastiFteived--eoni!tatutgalkl"rt of
ater'S •-• '
iGhttietti*, H
Queen lllckei.o 3
which-win be' lit . 6ush:
,pries tn . *ilk. linds presto:4Y •Oroducei
mon" 4-1/ . 111TE,A . . SOl..
Spring and Beaune: .Goods ; consisting ire
• . Airy. Goods,.
•• Groceries - •
queguswiure t
'Liquors, are. , • 1
which I am prepared, :to seil - tbviiper, tban "Peri
offered in this nutsliethir casliv*.isr exchange ,
o r oissitrylitta,bighsistinarlet r.rice
.7. C. WOK
1- 4_,..
ter__; , .l r ._
:' - - ~- •,-.^-‘, I - '''
, '.' '?
77. * .t. .
' ''''
..Upyisi-ral 444 f 7.40'000 Boieili t,
Leidrollitiparill.a . ,"or ,
. ..
• sold i# - . 11 . ! alslph!*A , !doe. c .1 a.
`.41,:-.4I,:QUESTIOair.-t ,
-i . i
- Whorlom•Mit kiciestbeinr . tites, efaMeginnt oda
ProPiNties V9iii#gegNsiftlig r . -•' H ..- I :
de VERT-nue,,woutwasd child thaflal ;-,can
..W-d saltier thisebove,as every aninipapirt .
out the Unite &States cotitilieseconeli of ' ininir.
aid Awl efAtirsaparills; In patrifeniii dn.' awl
the rs.
ervienstawirfrom thekttmou erten" atti n * -
__,.. _
a Askney_retiestahlteifthwumen the ago 4:ll'ada
l e dienidit tfavactefttl , *(l4* ti,ths ii, - clatterer
will be, Stothrasim.a. ; li ' -....‹,...,. .
Suffice it to saythen, if all, pthysicithis 'lrieriel.
It so univerlelft.acklit -*let macaw ibli' • Via
. Thictell..
t I discovered a. methed '' lisiebytheki.• , '
virulent thea7Bareleerllle is Ohtelied in ' Mica* ,
ua t i
ceineatedihra4med in suelvinirmeris -241Erplills
t hereyeom,weisoil 4estroyipg is - tits : efcasy:
.This cannot he done, by, any o th er Pe ti , be pro
cess is ,knorti enly"lti'br. Leidy, aid Maid' dreg of
his one. , '' , '-?.3 -
~" - ' •
These Pills are - offered to pill same of
• ' R. 11., :LEI-DY ~ j . I r.
ithltiSAPAlifil.i. OR BLOO 11.4, .
'Sires ril s and with
compoun dgd, e irincipelly IR •-e-- fi r d l i i i s •
which is cinxibitted ingredienfit (fr" j
_e crust'.
union). render/it them more ellet usl.theuag gently
laxativelather effect', thus ca id off cort hu
meri from the eystem Teo , gradual eed wi ' ut pro.
demidg dehilityfew itny.*convenien ", ''itkeli in suf
igar tel
ficienittpaatiO:tisweltry., they Prill lasigeir y. and
maybe ens toyed - or given - to the sir 2.0 fate, and -
even to infants, being a safe cad trete etas pre..
Witt. rellarrng Ort .restraint frail Airei arideriatics •
from rignieebabits pr fain sceviaten.jtaric kind.
These pills hat/been pre comer 'lace fat and
from their Convenient : km, mostotoon or ter, take
the place of all the different pt eparatio ,s of Sarsapa
rilla. such ea Syrups. Decoctionts, 4-n. to, c . which
are contained in 'bottles, liable to -te'W . ob . - d are fit,
concenientfor faking or being carried a ‘
T a
'These pills have.during th e past t y rigs be
amply tested. Newspaper advertieitig bet gso re
expensive. ample testimonials frota n physt
clans and others accompat y. the direettons.l- - , .
They are particularly recommended th. 1
Rheumatic affections, • C sa d . water y pimples
General Debility, . end puser:les 4?f e fkce
Ulcerous _ notes "of t ard Owlyj 1 .
throat. nose and bOdy. ", sly e' options( and blo t-
Diseases of the Liver, . cites fire sin,
Skirled Bones. suer IV w 4 ass. ,
Pain over the regionofthe T ofu , rysi elan,
heart, breast, end fito- Jaundi e. Best burn.
Mach. t . - ....tonmel Cots Its, Liver
Par* „of the aides, along cemPlaidta, sterbrath.
the back and spine. Sae enicultil aadocid-
Inward revere., foul breath. itiesbf the s mach,
a .bsd taste in the mile , Gla ndidar affections, as
Flarulency; . went of apps , &ell* .00 hardening
the. cicativeness,:eramps of tke prd&cf the neck,
of the stomach, and in in the spiels,' under the
aigestion, • , tome, arid 'along' the.
~.. • spine, the lir sf, 45 - c-'
"lard fire whole train of diseases reimltleg om impu
nity of the blotilf as also eonstitudonal d ease, pro
duced-by the oj Barks, Quioine, A' n c:Merca ry
Or other Mi n erals, also in impendenc ea M life, Snail
I se
lis, Lues, Venereal, ac. de. , 1
' :• ii" 'Price 25f - cede a . ' ' •
Prepared .only and sold Wholesalet nd etail at Dr
Leidy 's Health Emporium, 2nd at. lo Vine, No:
lttl . ~,
. •
- • COillreMPttliv 1, ..
113 EADEIL if you have a coug or col , beware Of
AB their consequences. Colds i • ge orally. mopes,
imperceptibly , and insinuate them eas throughout.
a n
the hinntuflyatem, finally, eel:dime u t he longs and
ending in. ciinsueiption. • . , l l
Flow often is smith cut down when last expected
by thenommitelimp - and followed titi their rives by.
parents who are in u nicaunee the cone of their prem
ature death; in neglecting oh teMeily bold when exist
in childhood,. looking %won't Isla • ing,affec-.
dons, and not attracting their notice fit be destroyer
has commented is work bed ?elide ' r ail. victim.
This is not a fanciful represenuition4 far ailylnuincr
ous instances occur which !role thO fact
In manhOoff colds terminate Inthekinii way,but do
not program 110 rapidlfas in youile - -they Magid how
ever, in both youth and manhood belearl" , attended to;
aad-not regarded eat/Ming affect'kr it is a delu
sivel ideathat Mono dlobrehritten theih u
resof tffo
sam w , 4
(Price NI Cents pew . le..
Tian invaluable prepaiitien, discovered thy a regular
and celebrated Getman physiciast,.Whe los employed
it noised, of fifty yeas, in hie Own
.pojetice in Ge
lman: throughout whit* country it hail been during
that time most extensively and succiessf(dly employed
in Cobghs,Colds. Intluerths. Catarrhs,athmas . Spit-
Ong of illtiod:Whooping .Cougha, Pain of the Breast
1 1
end Sides, all affections of the -Breast a Lungs, aid
' Much troy be said' in praise of the *bathe meficese,
but newspaper advertising being toil entlenathe. every
satisfactory evidence will be found inl all its effects
tipon, trial, tureen es numerous recommendations at
coinpsti• big tbedireetiens. lb-Wards cif "iOCO bottles
weresold m Philadelphia abine doting the pan win
ter, p corminaintriroofol hstiSeity;orse large a genii
tity would elver have been sold. Mid Above medi
cures axe prepared and sold-cob' at. . •
DR. LEIDTA BEALTR. , ' 11.1 f,
° Second be l ow Vine it: •
---- •
. .
- - AND IMPORTANT INFOrtili_77o • N.
MbRADER, did you eversee a comer , * Dyspeptic
aild•learn his wiferingst /rude, ' bee it to say
' id is* -pale.thintled gbastlY loolqng Next. his. We
apparentlY hanging by.. thread: fie,,. as mimed, and
ainc i t,
unhappy. his sufleri *i gs indescribable. - ~
much troubled-iwith Flat . Cosn'veettas,
Sour : .aaie•mtions arisingfrom your #stit.Ocessfesal
want of . appetite. Ml aterbraah. ea La taste in )'OIIT
mouth or Rini breath,-pi iii or ahe vi n .at year' ate
mauls`-Sickness aftereatingaleadaehe, • toYerir
once fayeriee dishes, drc t Ifyou fare. u ph,ne u kied
witli.tinjef die foregoing symptonle, ' - before yes!
e igust
the rnetureciftheDyspie and lii ' 'resolved to
remedy the conaequeneragenemer . 1 . !,ocure
,Aneiei railing aid efficacions remedy for
:And pe N vhnkt trairsofti ff eetiom4 resetting from die
eases °filth Liver,Stoartheh ned intestines.
The above meditines warranted free from mesca
l" or-other mineral 'pre tie:ma-an lel composed en
tuelyof vegetables, saf and earl to take, being very
pleasseitte.the mate. r F autybe sgfelyndministered to':
, • ountendoll - , reilairing•but moderate -restriction in
ediet:thaly-:, •, t •• 1 i -•" ' ,
.- -Nowelnuel testinionials have been Rim time to time
'petiblialiedt its reptimtieM is so wenoWn. furthei corn
.Meatnoon he virtu's:els Onmeesy,nefilete it to say
= waslievim -ran ED DI A fUSGIF NTAICCIF. For
ther,reCo imnendations accompa y t it directions a
neuetVeaeli bottle.'
• 337t"Price One Dollar Per hole. -,. -
So Iltiladelphia aer• . , !
Dr, N.E. Liddy's Belida Esinpe r nom, econd below
VhthSt:.-and by - • . 4 , 13A14,14i1aq-, Pottsville.
May .5 ' 1 • 34-1
'. APOrt'Vion - , 'I, dry
"- L `FOR sl.t. •E
. ..
WILL he aold at plicate •• in the Foundry
7 . 7" .. iietitiititly pitiitedit ''. rt Clinton, &buy! ,
h V iitt uhttyien cie.i - - reason tde ,terms. This
Pepoiley,nl it the conical:6 :pent. of the Little
STIP:9I*U •and Suatruchann kV Road, new
iiiking,: and 4ill in a shin. . tinif be one of the
slistAtiiniainne 'in the cokntr to do a large bog.
heel''War terms, &.e. ittiply
li ,
-' ' • -- ,r.'„ TIERS.
Iron.Poun ni. tilladelPhia•
:or ISAAC Kif MS.
I part Clinton ,