The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 29, 1838, Image 2

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ING SEPT. 29. 12.19.1
{mssAPOado. Checks. Cards . Bills - of Liuirike,
destriptrie, away pruttec(a,B
Committe./gCorrevo ler the 13Qroith
. .
'r -_ . --,Geefite Heisler,-Esti: .
Btniaman Barmen,
a~i .
n 'Henry Stager:gm.; .1
ger, Andrew B. White,
Sanee! Henn.
?top - le' Remember
• ;VU 7 4.' that
tiblir" R. FORTES;
„,,....... _
4. )
41te 1 . rms.” e Sen ate, iiitiltin7
41 ith our senators
--,-Atanstrnet -- i n on
' cuisines
II ll ' . *vote , in Akron, . r °--
' 3 ' 'a nd' laramoris- 4 111u " -
; i.... - z:-,-;---k:.[7,-,.7ei Roo
05 „,, e . i ., , 66.
'” , '-*i AVDOWIL.;Parfer
- _ ,-3--- r - iWGiii-eiriiiini, slid the
:ub Treasury Bill should
is -I @.lS : theVevernment war a
• Inst.the Banks will be eon-
Waled, and they will again
h6voinpelled to snspendApe-
Oie-ruYtnents -and the coda
) i • , :will again bellooded with
0 ii Plasters. .
- r
Demeeray, ?Gold and ls'ilver.
County Meeting.
. - ' , lngintimance of the recommendation of the
-Young Mena Meeting,,held in the Borough of
Pottinrille, on Saturday evening the lot of Sept,
snobs?, • General County Meeting of all the
Dettiocratic Replublicans. of Schuylkill county, re eleCtion of our present worthy
Chief Stajestrate JOSEPH RITNER, whose
Proclamation required the Bunko to resume ape
, etc-payments, and consequently banished 611 the
shin , Plasters from the &ate except the 20,000;-
000 irredeemable Shin Plasters huMed by Van
Beretililtdministration, and exmsed to the elec
Lion ofthe , Shin Plaster Locofoco Sub Treasury
itanelidate, Devid R Porter, are requested to meet
at the House qf Henry Stager, in the Borough of
Pattierille, 'on Saturday afternoon. the 29th inst.
at 2 'Mock P. IC, to - consult togethet, and a.
dopt yacl wolves as may be deemed necessary
fort hili- Omni; *attest.
(Er The meeting:will beaddreisted by iVer.rea
C. Lrvisasters.asd Dr. Gicintoz N. EctrenT, and
severit!9.44" , , :ri- bp tniitation— , -and the committee
also • invite the Candidate" of the
Sub 4 . : 'riche:to come forward and •pro
clit i.`' s riewit.tan the leading measures of the
day : ! it*itiodcm. • ,
• • ' ending Committee.
• - - WILLIAM ' *
, --CHARLES DENgl f i ER, esq.
- Ar" . 'DANIEL
'; e . • a LEONARD SHOLL, .
~Democratic alleeting
reting of the friends of,
;Phritiiiner is requested at
;erg on -
tnesday Evening, flat 2.
'actual attendance is ne
e .y-lo adopt measures to
carry , out the triumph alrea-
Olijr gloriOnsly 'commenced
jighout the State.
-County Meeting.
I).itt.iday the County Meeting of the
Aittinteieratic friends of Joseph Ritner cakes
place,— We intend to show our opponents
lait.of our strength. Let 'eYery . voter'
`th tsSrough assemble and ,meet 'their
(r. 44.4144. ...Those who want infotmatinn on
any subject, will doubtless retve it, as
utany speeches are expected from our
cifiirtdites and others- : —Du not forget
•li!tie on an American Cit
giwpia/zraessinger sent by his father to
congratulate Queen Victoria on her ear
..*onation: • •
ltifirt'the great struggle for truth, no man
hiArbedit,niorepronsinent., •ne one more
rciPgs . .and unflinching thank James W.
Webb, . the,editor of the =N. 'Y. Courier
•tiodtEbieiter; r This of course has raised
1,03'1140y,, animosity of M.Wriiri - Van Bu
sai;glatilltirs eorukrurenderOci, the petty
ealt44•ltersuading: his on 4:0 prosecute
him wiieir:theyfinfeTe in England together I
Ptfnd&JriiiiFitVeitilitog to arrest turn, an
initifffii% Cid*, for an 4+erican debt.
o.l l .444filkilltnitueil , and. jest' arr.: he was a.
haut4o - OS•••erabativfOr borne,' .The arrest
Pa - -Oil ' 1..1 d where Mr.
was Do tte . pipt in nnn where
I . 4 ) l44:l:*Xers:of intro duCtion and nu
roottur,gieri&, but with ! : especial maligni.
upwas 41elayeciantti his arrival in Bristol.
.a . provincial town; where it *as supPused
be,crm,„ , 1 , gt,As., , ,n A trtioga., fili t taiitbaii from
. il l fo • , I 4 pp , . But their , bows were Waa
-1 • Askitible injusticeorPrince lieint .
eiatnkrobiained Mr: Webb plenty' of friert6
- Awe' iiiikient.tiefrit incarterated in a
40 1
. oi 4 hi country,-
tylle . trbitties of. 11. Democratic
~ gig, , ,A o lnaliat In ;IM AM : Martin Van
Bennsreett - eliviiii 'sat; e nd bunibling the,
ffei t iiritir4ktaii sp i n 'add tiiii ! .
•,:i•-• . The Bell u the Catholic
, 'lf „ ifligeoatuspetOed -anti we.,reee
ttun.4,vbeeauee it ought ip jam tor-€ 1; -, We
..tiet-iiilioaltelp,k tiiii., , eittiLbalts
_ 3 , 01 ,:.;-.11.: , ::,1• . •
. . •
. ,
• •
, 7-141-
. ,•
NA - .
- ,
w 0.41 •
0 11 v-- 1 01.Wre strictr. l9 • '
report` bad iis:orlgin smog Ilya
loco face party,- that. e. I f oeser,ll4,wis
opposed to the re4ciection of Joseph 'tit
net, was untrue. We have now thesatis.,
faetion_of - laying before our readers the'
'followipg correspondence " between. that
gendemaa,and several of tbe former sup.
porters of Wolf, who are new. all air ihti
side of deshocracy and thefarster.
' Potititalle, Sept. 27, 1838.
• -Peemil us to congratulate
you on your 'speedy return, anetwapelo
gise•for intruding oa your. first moments,
whialt abbuld be devoted to The pleasures
of home,with any subject of a public • na
During your abseace, it having been
industriously circulated by many with evil
dsign, that Iv are opposed to the re•
election cf Joseph Ritner, 'our present
incumbent Governor, will you do us the
favor to give such ptiblicityikto. your views
as may disavow the imputation; and add
the weight of your opinion in favorof one
who having been tried, has been found a
firm and unwavering friend of his country,
and the guarclian'ot the State of Pennsyl
With every sentiment of esteem 'we
remain, sir, your obedient servants,
Wm. C. Lem,
SAcirvet.- MORRIS,
• . 4 ., ,SA.MUNI, HARTZ,.
To this rote the f.,llowing answer was
promptly returned:
0 rwigsbur g , Sept. 27, 1838.
• I have just received your
letter-of to-day, in which you mention
that during my short absence from Amer
ica, it has beenasserted by many with an
evil design, that I am opposed to the re
election of Joseph Ritner as Governor,
and requesting me to inform you how that
'fact 'is; I do not know what could .be the
object of any person in making such state
ments, nor can I perceive that it can be of
the least importance for which candidate
I intend to vote, except as a single' vote
may operate for or against him. I am
not aware of having used any expression
which could justify. any person in thinking
that I was opposed to the re-election of
Governor Ritner, or that I desired .the
election of David R. Porter. 1 supported
and voted for Gov. Wolf,- both when he
was elected, mutat the election when he
was defeated' and Gov. Ritner elected; and
at tEe approaching election I intend to vote
for Joseph Ritner.
' With much respect
you: obedient servant,
. .
To Messrs. Wm. C. Leib and others.
Porter voted for foal Incor
porations. . -
By reference to the :follottPing state.
meats extracted from the Senate Journal.,
it will be seen that David R. Porter voted
fo: all the Incorporations for which odium
is attempted to be thrown on Gov. Ritner.
David It. Porter voted for the rollowing
Coal Companies last winter, to wit:
• The Hanover Coal Company, in Senate
Journal 41838, vol. 1, page 552. Staf
ford Coal Company, page 271;Bu ; gar Lodi
Coal Company, page 460; • Washington
Coal Company,- 430 ; Wyoming Coal Com
pany, 373.
On the following companies he dodged,
which is equal, to a vote in favor - of them,
vi-z:-Arbon Coal 630) Ply
mouth Coal Company, 564; Rock. Rdn
Coal Company, 631; ; Westero - Pennsylva
nia Coal Company. 631, E and Offerman
Mining Company, 234.
Government .Interferenee
Ix Tna.,i'vnNsvt.v.sxLs ELECTIONS.
We should have been surprised, could
any mean and•despicable act of Van Hu
rea's minions, any longer eteate such a
teeliag, at the announcement which we are
now eJmpellal io- make.
Samuel W: Stonebraker, the son of
John, has been arrested by a writ from
the President of the_United States!, on thu
14th ofthis month. It appears lie was a
Post Master in Huntingdon Codnty a year
or two ago, but was removed -for daring
to oppose the Measures of the adininistra-,
tion. At that time the balance due the
department was 863. He holds reeeipts
for 852 of this , amount, and a 'Aran was
drawn on him for 825, of which he paid
$l5, and endorsed it on the heel to his
credit. The holder of this, sub-trees:weer
like, ran away, and left Samuel W. with
out any receipt of the draft itself to
sham thus credit; and now Martin Van
Bonn attempts to break down the charac
ter of an honest yeomant our ;..
State, be
cause his father -and br other have -been
brild:enisugh to speak the truth .'ef Ont‘cif
his minions. Ia ..not.,this inteilbnamin
'ont elbdtiota is it dorii fo;;ikti„ Or was,
obtaining the ;airing balance. pt. eh:*
doltais, or is it to have Ir imiliii4l inatencel
' The announcement has been, aini-liiillott;
tiuue to be_' . .tneit . with lend and btifinit:iii:.
digriOlk : fiA,...iribtOlii -, . ...he4lvelit s wil p uce
Lan opposite effect -WaSrwati in n- , t..
-1,,, -.t . I t 1 'ri • ' 1 V- 4 ' .
A . , . c .':l . -- 1 - • ::' -''
,9 , .-' , -st'-' 7 '„„
f l oc°
-tit: 4 4ffltid i kroc t riiirecal7 de.'
tat fib* n it-41f r . -V , - tat '8 ever
voted for an appreitiation-to the - Gettysburg . Rail
Road, and gut troop of expectants, who are Shout. for their mint advancement are
horrified at the bare mention-of' the monstrous
tape-mein. Mr. Frailty among the rest has de
nounced itainpcorters m iend'beenloud inilentincia
finis igalail"..Governoritiersire 'Vie giving it the
countenance of his 'Amoral tinder any dream.'
vitaneel: -, Neertoeho* ihirtrna of the ankirtion
that DT , ilirijitiortitrineygriOlell - for any.itPPrcl
priation to tKii 'lleiliK . end likewise to place in
bbldreliet the coil - Mr. Frailey, and the
el m
perversions 'which' - e !woo
.'are compelled to
make in support of it rotten cause, we will
publish verbatim, pikrof the Preceedings, of the 2d
of April last, iiithe &nate. The extract will be
found In the Seriate-s;Ountal Session 1837-38 voL
1 'page 673. ' "Oa the ventionilwill the Senate .4
grey to amend thelitriettdtrient, viz An appro.
1 pnation le-the Gettysburg Extension of the Penn
i sylvania Railtriz, - tiktt Winifred and fifty thousand
dollars to be applied; to the work. already under
contract," ihe,following were the
YEAS. —Meas. 14 Iflarday, lkirden, Case, Cas.
sat, Darragh, reamer, (Se.buylkill) Fraley. (City)
Darner. Irvin, James. Kingburry, Leel, Miebler,
51"Cotikev, ,Miller, (City)' Miller, (Berk') Paul,
Peason, PORTER, Pursiaoce, Rogers, Sangster',
Sterrell, Strohm. . •
N AN S.—Mesars. Caldwell, Carpenter, Puller..
ton, Kelly, Myers, Slenher, g. nyder, Penrose.
So it was decided in the affirmative,. DAVID
R. PORTER, and Casatas FRAIL= voting for
the. appropriation, ! ! - :
a:r Why do not the Porter papers give the peo
ple some arguments in favor of the Sub-Treasury,
they would gain ten thousand votes by one single
proof of its efficacy. come gentlemen, nib your
pens, scratch your foreheads, end : write away—it
will do year cause.a deal of good, and we want to
assist you. We feel as Deaf Burke did on the
occasion of pugilistic eptouuter with a dear
friend; !'mind' your guards my boy, but put out
more-4 wont hit'you very he'rd,"-Was his con
siderate advice, and we repeat put out more.
Shin Plasters.—Moyame.sing and Southwark,
the two Loco districts of Philadelphia, - and the
Borough of Reading in the great Limo Brag
County of Berks, are the only. places where their
Shinplasters are not redeemed. They are waiting
the result of the bleetion, foi, in ease David R.
Porter is elected there will beim necessity of re
deeming them, as they must be issued again im
mediately under the Sub-Treasury Plan.
Fighting Shy.—The Telegraph at Harrisburg
has for some time offered it Bet to prove Porter's
dishonesty to en amicable suit, to come on in
September Court. It was never accepted S but
lo and behold, as soon as the Court adjourns, the
Keystone comes out manfully, holding up its bead
like a hen drinking water, and accepts the bet or
rather offers* new eye to prove the charges false.
on condition that the cause come on at the earli
eat possible day in. the -Court of Nisi Prins.—
They dare not try it before the election, but refer
it to a Court which meets at Philadelphia only
once a yeae,*and its next iseseion will be in the
spring. Bravo! bravissimo! fur• the Porterites !!
Loco 10-actioh.—Since the election, sue iiitteirs
have IA the Canals neat Chicago. They arc
going to Michigan tdre react there.
Illinois 4 Re-action!—The Whig Candidate
Stuart, is elected by 77 majority, Last year on
administration swept over the state with a ma
jority 604,000, but now the good cause has two
or three members of Congress, and triumphant
majorities' in both branches of the Legislature..
This is re-action with a vengeance—where are
the loco cannon apd shoats and bumast
Awkward Queslian.—The N. Y. Era has been
abusing some of their brother editing on the old
score of L. S. Bank loans—Major Noah thereforh
asks what has become of ilte $40,000 out of which
one of its editors shaved Uncle Sam, when clerk
of the U. S. district court. Let up Major. S..eft
reflections are too bad, they are 'lure perennits.:
• Tory /versa/ recommends She loco Cocos if
Philadelphia to oppose force of alma to the whig
votes! Hear the recreant traitor, he who glories
in the assertion that had he lived in the Revoln.
Lion would have .bcen,:the• foe' of George Wash
ington! Against peWder and ball, we would ad
vise the whigs 'to use 'tar and feathers. Good
lead would be wasted on each a miscreant!
- rrit is a fOrtunate thing for the Loccis that
they head their papers k'David'R Porter for Cop
ernar." for every official document and every
private statement which is published in tht.
cniumns, stamps .his character in so black a dye
that we , want such inteligenee to persuade us
they are friendly prints,
Derivation of Loco Para.—Loco taco or foe*
focus from hocus paces . , the presto change woid
of the magician leader at haul quarters. •
No Material Chonge!—At a recent borough elec
tion in Bristol, which was eliminated on paity
principles, the leco ticket Was routed and the
whig candidates elected by an average majorty
•of Eighteen.- The shin plaster party were in
irt'office last year and brought the Borough nil us
$lO,OOO. No material change! that's the, blest
thing we have heard to some time. -II
Mask of Napoleon.—The mould, executed by
Antotn.marehi one of the medical attendants
'bedded' bcd,of ihe.gmperor, taken after de
it e'ibtbiting jn N: York.
Lose optics. The l'ennsyintinian having taken
a trip through severalof the interior , untie " of
our state, say" the n!pihimity prevailing in tavor,
of David R. Porter is well calculated to surpiise'
even those bent Warmly in hisllvor, and ivho
erelong satisfied as to his success! You ar too
easily sorpriied! in bar borough alone we
will about 300 votes for Ritner, and we do no vet
despair of sdrprising you by reducing the
majority in dur county to less than 300. I the
Changes which are taking place daily in public
opinion and.)n favour of Joseph Rimer should
continue, we. should not be slim - bed if Porter,
were left in a minority. We bavo a few an,
Unwire sheikh's to "how our. opponents le Octu,
her, which Will surprise their egutaiwity - and
'how our tnioniii4ty; There is s fault in pooh
j/oweryfield of specutationt
ADVANO*I aacicataansi—The Richmond , En:
quirer. with a deal , of selfwatisfiiction nye.; ii .
thatis manic& to Omelet., the re action add to
enaure„the Electioa. of Martin Van Boren ter si
secondie a poniplete re-smion in thi: old
Dom nioh- I We have looked' into-thediet: l o;6i
for the meaning of the word aiacrio.m. a 604
it in.
.eamk.Atidvenci i qg The; lacoa
sccording to - We, re...acted_
Noith eltaina. LOValaria, Rentothv. Miawt
lihnoia;Veirnont, - iind thdde Wind. Borne ii
000.Min.plain unpactical Ist' cage , the whi
.hace n gaineAlwidejibitiSnmbet. - 'Me 4-.1
Akira:4(42in; hut arew Months ago - tEr
•poltticillyed.itood Loco' ,Foe° "
ciwiahMhtidee ars tnivied.mthitlB.andla
W-' - - c
- '"":sei=' .5 , - - I, :' • _ k'''"- ^ z , 'r ll. ' '
711 : tariaiAT . rititlFeiL•., #4 ,_. : ' ! - B,P II A .. 1
*lro..4l , trtilfit. - litA 01),!** ,
quitaling . itialii iaincivlig li in coututoni.
iapkte liins - the . ieilaft el4ble: - ,:pilrUalf Ur
eouiPtitu.. Weliiiieto bile lb? Pllliiiiirtitifoldill•
ingpur tonultur, by sending bun 14 return of the
eoutplete defeat of the ticket be is *mil to. lent
thai. generous? : .
bleats of iliiiii:—A loco fOOO ! lately put his
vot it his month and his tobacco - in the • Ballot
b°4 i - ' ; ' ' -
th Eguirtos.—The sup has '4.
citiml the line,
and the dayinrulteCo' Irani abo .so - are Divid
fi. Puttees political days.
,No Paosdairviord—A penny paid man in IN. Y.
was called-oOthr five dollars to-support the eleU
tiod of the loco. candidates. •Thekresult of his
daring refusal was a prompt di arge. This
Mack mail is hot contracted• for undei the Post
office tegulattonthis it Mr. Kendal?
;ma kilo - Ms' Harr .— Souse ti.i " the Philadd
p a Fire Companies have bad re
gard the mode of escorting the Baltimore depata
' tion of the Fire department. The mighty engine
of the press has been set to work, and several
leaders have been written on both sides. They
play on each other in fine • style, deserting the
goose :reek far the 'goose quill they pour out their
wrath upon them like water,. as /knee -says in
the tenth section of his fifth Chapter, but we beg
them not to play . upon us, for oar play upon words.
• Skuntalaue—The factory in- Tolland Conn.
known by this anti-offerifmous name - has been
burnt down. We trust. the name has been puri
fied by the fire.
New Grand .Era:— Let is in future date our
chronicles. not A. D.-or the year ol independence,
but the 10th year of Ruin. • • • .
Jamaica W. L.—Since the Emancipation of
the elates in this island, the neghoes have done no
work—they think freedom aid no work to be
gyeonomene. The crops are all rotted for want
of gathering, and every excess is committed by
the senseless fools. The influence of the dark
ages is upon them, and they expect to expcirt
their own wool'—rum place that Jamaica: •
The last cocked' /la . —Gen. Wm.- Courax, the
last surviving Commander of Washingtons gourd,
died on Friday week at his residence in New
Jesse • .
SarrEwsita.—This month has been a glorious
one in the annals of our Country. The anniver
saries of several of our most distinguished 'battler,
both naval and„milatary transpire during its con
tinuance. The 10th. Sept. 1813, Ferry gained
his battle on Lake Erie, with a force of 5 4
. guns,
when opposed by Capt. Barclay with a force of
63 guns. His report ol' this engagement, "we
have met the enemy and they are burs" will be
for ever remembered. On We 11th Sept. 1813
the American forec4f 88 guns under Commodore
McDonough, defeated the British force of 90 guns
on lake Champlain. September 12th 1814 the
English under Gen. Roes amounting to 5000, as
instedgby a fleet, were repulsed in their attack on
Fort McHenry. in the Harbor of Baltimore.
On Sept_ 21st 1814 Gen. Macomb with 1500 reg
ulars and 300 militia, repiiised Sir George Prevost
in an assault upon Plattsburg: ore of 'the most
a.;rited actions of the last war. •
Correspondence of the Miners' Jotir na
New Berlin, Sept. 24 1838.
Every thing looks so flattering for
the good cause here, that I cannot forego
the pleasure of communicating the news
to you. The Ritner party had the largest'
meeting here on Wednesday• ever held in
this County ; they are quite sanguine of
carrying their whole ticket 113 , at least 1000
majority. A Ritner man of this Borough
made a bet with one of your neighbors on
Union co. and gave him, 1000 majorityl
They are sure of carrying both senators
and members of assembly, rand will send
Merril' .ycom
ing wi
Hit is any
her hi at N.
York. _. 'world
hard with her pretty looks, land he double
ed them up with shouts of laughter.
Dear Sir—
Rectipts.—A pound uflsalt petre to a
barrel of cider will presrve it -
eliarste, but salt petre cant a itave Porter
The ;Saturday Neles 7 —Thispopular pa.
per has a prodigious circulation, although
not more than commensurate with its mer-
its. It embraces every departmenf.ofliter
attire ; and the distinguished names of its
editors are sufficient guarantee fur the
quality of its articles. In addition to the
mass of good things which we may antici
pate, from the pens of hlessrs.llcMichael
and Neat, we are pro9lised the following
annuals in succession :
Friendships Offcring, Forget me not,
Keepsake, Boa of Beality„ Flowers of
Loveliness, Literary Souvenir, Gems of
Beauty,Finden's Tableau & others as they
are published, also Eitaitik's Gurney papers,
Maryiat's Phantom'Ship, Dicken's Oliv.
er Twist, Pickwick, the new ftionthly end
Metrorlitan Magazine, and Bendy's Mis
cellany ; all this for • 2 a year. Why at
thiarate ten dollars fo five years subscrip.
-tion will be a family li
But the best part •
Co's. "terms" are y
son sending five a
needful ten dollars,
Premium to a copy
or D. Israeli ample
Scott or Button's
they may chime.
can read, will neglec
of deriving informa
offer we
IStoves !
CLVand, examine : f
signed wcinfd•respet
am) tholublie hrgeltini
on !hind e general' teem
lnoet approved *hole of
that are to be had in lb
large qaainitf ofliorel!
"per **Mit *ince, g
be %eight any. arheniel
.41? All hinds ol'anol
! der at the shortest sotto
o totting - 1bl; f*Vivil
.. -~:
444(na ta,itsiatlrildr , 44 . ./3enni, anct
-. Nertltuntberlaii 4' , 1 -apte de nee Butler to
"the iiroof !-' --- ':- ,'"' - 1 -
It would, seem Reif 'Very paPer . vie take
up, : wasOsticulated to . .givo us moil, and
more astounding proof that Providence
itself is determined to unmask the infamous'
conduct of David R. Porter,in - relation to
his fraudulent iciaolvency,i , Ve have epo
'ken-plain troth - Of st blackenitie . Chnincter s
solong, that it is almost-Sickening to read
it, but still our diny to the demo , 7 'of
Pennsylvania demands that wet' s euld a
. a . -
,gain revert to the_private affairs ot_thin.
would be Governor : The folio jog ex
quits• from, the - antler Intelligemer• will
conciciabiely allow that' David It.j Porter
became possessed ore tract oflandin Mud
dy Creek township„ by the wiled his fa
-tiler,. that about a fortnight befese s he made'
_his application for the Beriefft of the In
solvent Law,- he conveyed theland to John
Stonebraker; and that after he had taken
the Insolvent oath, it woe 4isposed of to
John McDermott; and .6) avoid present
suspicion the bonds were Made out in
3tonebraker's name, and by s hini assigned
to the fraudulent bankrupt, David R. Por
ter!. Read and learnt ' ,
'I, John Welsh, Recorder of Deeds,
--- AL &c., in and for -snit! county, in an.
, swer to the call of the Committee of
Vigilance, do hereby certify, that
x ..„...
there is on record in my office, in
Book D, page 588 and L 69. a deed of cooveyance l
dated the 19th of August 1820, from John Stones
braker'and wife, of Franklin township Hunting
don county, to John McDermott, for a tract of
land, No. 149, In thelst district, Donation land,
(being in Muddy creek township,) being the
same tract of land •pattented by the Common
wealth to E. Beatty; dated 28th June 1790 who
conveyed to Andrew Porter by his last will;betr
ing date. 15th September 1806 devised the same
to David R. Porter, who by deed dated 19th Dec.
1818, conveyed the same to the said John Stone
braker. .
Given under my bane, end seal of said office,
this 7th day of September 1838.
JOHN WELSH, Recorder,
It now appears that McDermott after
wards-failed to -pay otie of the bonds for' '
this tract, whereupon David R. Porter as
assignee 'of John Stonebraker entered
suit for t it, and-it was sold at Sheriffs Sale_
and bought in for David R. Porter by his
attorney John Gillinore for $460; which
was belciw the original amount of sale,
and being a forced sale was afterwarg re
sold by the honorable candidate at a large
BUTLER couxTr, 88.
David R.Torter assignee In the Court of
of John Stonebraker, , Common Pleas of
vs. slid county, Nos.
John McDermott. 20, 21, Ti., 23, 24.
25. 26, 27, of April Term 1821, each for the sum
of seventy-five dollars with costs., Entered 19th
April, 1821, by John Gilmore. Esq., by warrant
of Attorney. Also Nos. 38 and 39 of April term
1822, entered by same Attorney . for David R.
Porter,. the one on the 4th May. 1822 r and the
other on the Bth May, 1822. On , N 0.39, &vett
tide No. 19 October term, 1823, levied on 200
acres of land in Muddy creek township, about 70
acres cleared, cabin house and barn thereon erec
ted. Venditioni Exprinas, No. 83, January term
1824, on which levy sold to plaintiff's Attorney
John Gilmore Esq , for $460. Date of the bonds
on which the above judgements are entered, 19th
August, 1820. Date of assignments on the same
from John Stonebraker to David R. Porter, is
28th August 1820.
,S -- • ottry in and for - !did county, do in
\'' - pursuanceof the call of the Commit
tee of Vigilance, certify the the fore-
, s
n , going'is correctly taken from the Re
cords of said Court,
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of said Conti. this 7th
day of September, A. D 1838. ' '
JOHN SULLlVAN;irroth'y.
Variety—somethings not Po-
We have just popped up , our heads, from
the troubled waters of politics, 11.1 r a few
minutes, to take a peep at the world, and
recover our breath for another dive into
the sea of controversy, fl-oin which we
shall not emerge until after the election.
We-find that many things have transpired
curious and entertaining, but we look up
on them with almost as much wonder as
Rip Van Winkle did at the sign - of George
Washington tiger his long sleep. • The
following are some of the scraps of intelli
gence we have peeped at.
Correct--,-Greni. Macomb has directed
the recruiting &mem of Moe army not to
-enrol deserters from other 'services, espe
cially the British army in Canada. This
is right, for the Soldier, who would desert
one service, is not worthy. if trusein anoth
The Big Ship--The Pennsylvemia Air)
of the line dragged her ambers (form her
knoorings at Norfolk, and was driven high
and dry on 'Shore. She hes %la fortunate
tide of uncommon 'height been floated off
again. Old Neptune seems to prottitat this
noble vessel, Which2is destined - to be '6%7,
of his greatekt ornaments.
.raty for any person:
r Messrs. Godey &
• tottetold. Any per
bscribers, with the
11 be entitled as a
.1 Maryatt, Bulwer,
• ; Lock-art's Life of
terary Souvenir, as
Surely no one who
such au opportunity
n; it is the most lib.
ember, totave Mord.
- youisidtes, the *oder.
tfollylnforin los ihottdo
.fikothe has Oonitandr
Went of ttie latest. end
Goal and Wood Btoie
e plioe. together WII Wit
oe, ShtetirOliiyoi Fop;
ill hitruie'dolie tobr-
BYROtir -IP&
Se!iere, Gale.- Chu Ole eastern coast
is strewed A;ith.tareelta.frtlai the late gale;
An irnmense . l94.-nt life - and property is
anticipated:.. Fourteen vosele were wreck.
eirat Ocracoke.. - .
Wkei4 ite'Shoe - PfncSei.—Tbe Stock
liolderit of tbe,,Misaisaippi -ateamboata are
complaining =of-the 'recent - law of ',Con ,
grew for the 'protection of passengers;- 7 :
:CheY vrimidlathet,ltill. it hundred or twat perionetbaii decent boat.
five, dollars toi,berinapedtion and registry . ;
firma .Dierimese.-A., negro
*named.: •ttOlif -Billy"-
I. You Tommy :l * . Witaliingterh tact
setting firdie
ReliemetheMarkef.--.--.llo 7 ,dainatid for . '.
flannels iirisirrnt:-.:bristles.sare rtizing—so .
are breadstuirs--copper beasir—t-ork light
=carivasS:.tin . any sate made-oilof vim
of adrug ;t4ogistood.varied ; riesafeetida ncr
takers4.leltat,bings =heavy ; eh°, as per
last ; rage.iio: buyers ;',chemPegile brisk ;
candles taiti4/igkt. saki ; co4lliol pack;
fall stiles- 4lcit. drawing... t4-alie.loiss!; her:.
ring --imstrlinackerel ge off itviitamingly ;;; ,
indigo-1 - o May tiPectibtlisrs; tiatifsi ets kink
. blite ;.nitVgrees- ' with our (min rctunta.
tiring ; inuitard sharp ; ; UssenoC, l .' irgairot,
no easeriliitat, : changet. . Rides - lid; ikitur
lield'fast by, the Owners ; Tobac+ holders .
`Jr giii A make cmes ake ready •k ; 'esthetic . '
stochvietillight ; - feathersditto ; trill stale
fine quality very light also . , ' ..! ,
Metallic. -4 laver Mine basi, been ditig
covered bear the mouth oftbe Mahoning. '
A.Snotty Point.—One ,p a po i says t h e .
drought 'cif 1825 was of ,longet continue •
ance - then this year, and anothei says we .
hays . been longer..without rain this season
than In 1825, which. is right ? !- . _ -
4, • ' -' I
Odd Taste.— 'A . youngster, has been
!enchain •Mohile for running away with
his step inother. it was a rash step, and
he run himself into-troubleifl, he had lost
a /inch pin at starting, he wotfld. not have'
been lynched at his journey's end.'
Shoot Folly,
.4.c.—The gentlemen of
the long Obw in Philadelphia held their an
niversary on Wednesday., •• The grown - up .
cupids despatched ,their sbafts in Style, and
prizes were awarded. • , i 7.4 '
Private Life.—Mr. : Vanl BOren hai
-1 purchased the mansion and kip atheism
Judge Van Nees at Binderhosik. May he
live there' long and before tong I \
,Peace Ilfaker.—MM. , Mari P. Leduc of
St. Louis is a candidate" for •Jirstice of the
Peace. Well, justice is always represent.
ed as a woman with a pair, of • grocer's
scales, and her eyes ready tined winked - for
u game Of blind-rnawi buff,-Hwhy. not re.
duce the allegory to matter ofact !
._Beating a School boy--P, ‘ ija h. Whack•
emu?: was tried for severely( whacking a
boy, one of his pupils iii New York.
.tifournful., 7 -The grasshoppers in Mary'
landere said to be sitting on A rail with
tears in their eyes at having nothing more'
to eat. Quite Alexandrian, weeping that
they have no more worlds to'conquer !
A Sub-trea,surergone /—:,We learn that
...but stop! there are to be '-no ...politics. in
this column, so look some Where's else fur
a good story about a walking treasury.
Yankee Reasoning..—Mlß ill' the head
of creation, and woman being the next,
the next must be the Reek, the neck turns
the head, and the woman tqatatithe; men's
heads.—Q. E. DI I
. .
Cui Bono 7—The Governor of Georgia
has issued orders for raising eight Compa- •
nies to drive -the Indians from Okefinoltee -.
swamp! What the d----11does the Gov ,
ernor want with the *svvam, unless for 4—'
musquito nursery ? - f '
Symptoms of &Row.— .I'ne !Smith and
his Mormonjtes are: arming themielves to
fight all natur ! "
Queen. - N it British Queen!.—Nlt Victoria, but
a new Steam ship will ertrisie at New. York.
in December. r
A' • • '
Raked •Pears.—The•Adabama papers
say it has been so hot: thera, that the pears . 4
have: all on the treetrt
1 S"
Canada.—lt is rurnoredthet
,ir George
Arthur has already resigned the Lietten
ant Governorship df the Pievinces. -.
The Cherokeea..,---Johnitidge the chief
of this nation; has; tirotesied: against the
proceedings of Gen!. Gantes in attending
their, council, which tie asslart's' to be only
forthe purpose of getting itchuainted with
their neighbors. Snme hava, been rather
i harsh on - what they clan the General's pre.
cipitaney; but we 4 tfrink he' I's right—" an
ounce of preventicin" , ---,th p . ,overb's mus
. . t•. ar,
Comfortable , Tranelli .i—ln` two or
three weeks there will e'a _continuous
rail road rout from rhiladlehitt:to Wash
iegton. Quite conveniel for the Whig
members this winter ; •iu home. one day
—kissivives, dandle chddienoind back a
gairko-join the ciforitelaret*eon the Sub.
, -- ...
treasury, on the next.
. ; 1 1
. Bride- cif lke GtrattehMiss, Norton
of Edgartowri - , N. J. - inti,fet standing at a
mirror fitting on her ; we ding dress, fell
deed, oe the ' floor. .., ,
The '.chaplet of flowers in br ' ' ati bloom, -
Were wreaoMl with the el rees upoti her tomb.
4, • !
- ,
Accident. —At roils th, N.. A., as
the. adMinistration were . r ing .cannon for
thei r success in Mame, - Mr. , Muchmore
:bit - s1 his arm - muck More- t *near than was
com . fortable. , F .1 "l '
CironologicaL + - US i• Petite ' Augusta
was ushered into thew d( at New York
Marth *, ll3 1 ?5. -
„l'hett „ lumped up to a
fine gill,_aint,,if *bail '1 'as light as her
heels:: ithe.wili never k ,n ay sorrow. •
' r7k-Pliintt:•=----"7liel taiobscuraiion of
the.eaa, z _was obseried 1 OM. the Capitol at
Atehinglon;by.Rhbert' Ticat Paine, E,a(l-
'irriiiitronoryttle oftosto '.. l We had a Cap
•_sf .. ter,_,;',;Visfit and- • a great ' `ht ourselves.—
Ihti,he*A she bo l eti b aVed themselves
,- ,•*lll,lt;pirliat proprety, uTog the cement:l
- after the ring . on, both went
'ta . .tilei together:o was v ' y natural, and
Oeit.,sprjtig.ivir mtkexp a young Malt
41.10-,p,. ...., ,• ,