The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 29, 1838, Image 1

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az nicuurßE
payable semi-anntially in advance.
in the year. $1 will be
.charged to
ceivelhe paper free of postage., .T.l
$3 per annum. If ent paid within
will be added tp the price armband'
Two Dom:ato per annum, pa
in advance, If pot paid within to
be iharged .
. Advertisements nofesettedirig t • ,
harged f t for three imiertitrits—an
insertion: Larger ones in propoyti l
All advertuo3ments will be [nee
out, anlean the time for whi 31:1 they [noel
specified ,and will be charged ac
Yearly advertisers will be charg
including subscription to the paper
of keeping ope advertisement not es
standing during the year, and the i
er onein each lint(' r for three suet
All letter addressed to the editor
otherwise no atteotion will be paid
All notices for meetings, fate. a
which have heretofore been insert',
charged 25 chats each. except Mar
.. • • - SigEoiiii.
.1 . l i ni o s lr o ninto Rico, `
2 Bbls , do. do.
sBoxes Brown Soap,
:543 do Yellow -do—for sale
Pottsville, Sept. 26,!1838.
• . Stray Co •
Strayed from The subscriber
black covering both eyes, on he'.
a partial defect. Whoeverwill
to the subscriber; will be suitabl
receive the thanks of the owner
of Irish Town. a
Sept. 22 , '
.W. T•EA
(from 1- ki
saminir Dan
R EspEarFulAx
p-e, the Ladies•Of`Pottsl
hopes by the fleetness of
patch, and moderate chic
their patronage.
Her residence is at lit
the Ore of Messrs. Ni
.June 2
Brvirtite of a writ of Vendi
sued out of' the court of
Schuylkill County, and to me
• exposed to public Sale
On - Monday the 15th'
ber next, at the hotise of )ohn
the town of Friedensburg, at 3
All that certain messaage, tenet ,
land, situate in Wayne tow
Schuylkill, bounded by lands
. ' Sohn Lengel, Be
EMS 4 laud-oftlenry - Fabr
92 $
tailing 230 acres,
• the appartemandis,
story log dwelling hoase,switze
story log dwelling house find a
tate of Benjamin Baldorf.
On Monday the Vatheo
the house of Peter Filbert,„innk
of Pinegrove, at 10 o'clock, A:
• fain lot of gEoond
sough of Pinegrove,
' a I low., to wit: on the
" Trilpehocken siriet
north• engine lot 180 feet, on
alley 60 feet; and on - the southl
vey.lBo feet, with the animate°,
of a one story log dwelling ho
kitchen thereto attaihed, and a
the estate of Jacob /Order.
.at the Elaine time a'
that one equal undivided eight
to be into eight parts, parted /
that pertain tract or parcel of •
Pinegrom township; county sr./
„on the east, land'ol William G+
and west the Swatara Coal Co
south the Swatara river control
108 perches, with the appor .
estate of Honi'y W, Conrad.
sat the same time
thdt certain lot or
situate in the boro.
WI county aforesaid, I
." Rail Road on the
'road . ou the south, by Tulpehl
west, and a fifteen feet alley 1'
taining one acre more or less,
Dances, consisting of a large !
boom and kitchen, spring
frau* stable; (he House is
tavern-- I late the estate of/Ede
oat :the same timei
• - that certain iindiv - 1
),aiti lot of ground, /
- ee tt:of.P t ionirtiv
I. I Z . % . boun d e d '. by -
on the wet r 4.o7 Aajonouvdren,_
an 'alley Oili•the east; hyland .
on the south, With the appur -
of a tao story framo donating;
and frame stable. Also, s.•
,in Pinegrove township,:u i rt
ed by lands oflarxti c Zeigit F
.otners, contain - kg one 11l
less, With the appurtenenata,
story log dwelling . house it .1
estate Of.toka Huber.
On Tuesday the i 6
next, atlhe house of Wm. M.
ought of Pottsville; at 10 o'c
-.lnd, situate . 1
trough of I),'
fed and des!
a corner
tger's alley,
sees, west 1
legrees east
legrees, awn
urea; then •
, west 60 fee.
,a jot .o
t in depth,
tea tied nu
tura .tbel
dvieignii id
ether buildin
. -
ILL TOO TO ;macs twit O jtL opftai*uni;iix.iiiiagNo
NTS p . r annum,
If not aid with.
I tho who re+
mail a ribera
e Yea 50 cents,
le aeolianoitall
year, $2lO will
Ivo lines will be
50 bet is for one
ed un,il ordere
re to b continue
!. rding It •
t ,
, $l2 per annum;
' with the priii, lege
leeding 2 imitates
.. ertion of a small
1., dive t mes.
Oat bd postpaid
to tbet
d oth
is, will be
d Deaths.
AG4gER 4 .
11 1 week since, a
a white face, the
left eye there is
°Mt said Cow
• .keweiderl; and
ioni EScponas,
. tome° News of
I. erected, will be
ay - of Octo
- nyder; Esq. it
o'clock P. M.—.
ent and tract of
ship, county of
L i . f Jacob .S.aueer,
V, rds land, and
/and otbera, con.
ore or leraywitli
. slating ofaone
barn, and one
,:.le—late the ea
Oct. ..text at
riwthe borough
All that cur
itoate in the bor
bounded' as fol.
west fronting on
GO feet, on the
he east a 20 feet
lot of Isaac Bar
, cell, consisting
se wtth a frame
rame stable—late
, place, al
part, the whole
nd divided of all
lind, situate in
'resold, adjoining
aefr, on the north
pany, and on the
ing 112 acres and
.nowees•—late. Abe
d place, all
piece of ground,
.gh of Pinegrove,
bounded by the
by Dewigebuig
.Iken road on the
a the north, con
wieth. the ry
rr iplt ti rz
nee, office, and a
w occupied as a
W. Conrad, Esk•
nd, place, all
etl half of a cer
situate in the bo
, Schuylkill Court.
ulpehocken street
on the north, by
f Eldridge & Co.
owes, •consisting
onset and kitchen,
lof lands situste
&Aar ',lath avid
l ed acres
g l more or
1 . , • atwo
log lkintrieth the
h clober
; Tamer,. i the bor
kA. M. All that
a fury eet wide
; titivate, wily of
; AU* as. llows,-to
said 40 wide
thence og said
et feet to a corner;
feet to 4 corner;
198 feet th the said
along said stow
to the place of be.
ground 60 feet. in,
and being half the
bered in The getter.
r. borough of Potts:
with.the apputte-
Of two, three story
rotes; logbther with
—late the estate
_ .
4t the same . Time `'and place, al/
that certain.moiety or undivided half
part, portion, or interest of, in and to„
all that certain messpage,. tenement'' ,
1111 end. .lot of ground, situate on the
nroth westerly side of Market Street in the,boreedgb
of Pottsville, marked in Poit & Patterson's addi.
thin toTottisville i with thErNo. 15, bounded on the
southwesterly. aide'lly hot olittoperty of Daniel ;
Levy, and beginning at the south corner at a
stone, thence torth 60 'degrees, east 52 feet to a
stone; tdenect north 30 degrees west 190 feet to a
post; thence south 60 degrees west 50 feet; thence
moth 30 degrees, east 132 feet to a post; thence ,
southlB . 4egrees west 2 feet to wpose, thence
south 30 degrees east 58 feet to.the place of bc.
ginning, containing in front on Market street 52
feet, in the rear 50 feet; and in depth 190 feet,
with thirepporteatnees, consisting ofd two story
partly brick and pertly, Sone dwelling house, atid - ;
a two story stone kitchen thereto attached; also,
a one story fame dwelling house with a frame
kitchen thereto attached Hate the Aistate of Dan
iel Christian. •
• All seized, taken in execution, and to be sold by
.PETER r. LUDWIG, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Orwigs.
burg, Sept. 22, 1838.
SherllV s Sale.
wirY Virtue of a writ of Levari Faeics, issued
/U P
out of the Court ofeemfoon Pleats of &tiny!.
k a/County,- and to mo directed, will be sold by
Public Sale, on Monday the Bth day of October
next, at the inn or Public HAIM ot Daniel Boyer.
in Orwigsburg. (on lheipremisen) at o'clock,.
A. M.—All that Carta messuage, tenement,
Tavern House and lot'of ground, situated in the
Borough of OrWigsburg, is Schuylkill County;.
bounded in front by Market street, in the rear bf
a public alley,en the West by the 'Western fait
of lot number sixteen; and on the East by War
ren street, containing in front ta feet, and in
depth 9 perches, being the major part- °riot
marked in the general plan of Orwigsburg,-No.
16 arid the same which Christian Schwartz and
Margaret his wife by deed dated the 3d April
/830; granted and •conveyed to George Grim.
Consisting. of a two Story Stone and a two Story
Brick' House with Kitchen thereto, extensive
Stables and Sheds of flame, a pump of water near
the Kitchen and the half of a pump before the
house—late the estate of George Grua.
Seized, taken in execirtion and will be sold by.
PETER. F. LUDWIG, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offlee, Orwige
burg, Sept..l2, 1838. • f
rill HE undersigned having occasion hi • visit
J. ' Europe, from whence be Will return by the
twenty second of October next,Vl letters address.•
ed to him, and professional linsinent•entrusted to
his care during fits tibsente. will be proatptly
attended to, by Cherie, Witman, Esq.
Orwigsburg, augdstl , 22,lB3B. • 65-tf
For Sale,
A ocriattabte Tract of Coat Land,
LYING and being In the township of Norwe
s-a wegian, on the West Branch near the West
Branch Rail Rmid;atidut knit; miles !rpm Scia,uyl ,
kilt Haven—there is I me or more Coal Veins
passing through this hind. For information ap.
ly to - JACOB REED,,
• at Pottsville. •
March 23 34 • at Reading..
Flooribag Boards. . ,
CAROLINA worked flooring boards, plongtl-
ed, tangoed and grooved ready for laYinc, 1,
13'. and 1 inches of different quality and limes,
constantly on hand,tind for sale to lotis.ito suit
purchasers, upon appliclition by letter to ' • '
Plgping MachinO Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co.
april 25 31—tf Pottsville.
, - PRO ► - TION. '
PURSUANT to an act Of the-General Assent
bly of the- Onnotouwealth of Pennsylvania,
passed the 15th day of February, 17994'1, Peter
F. Ludwig, HighSheiTiff albs monoty of Schoyt
kill, do hereby-give this . pablic notice CO' the elec
tors of the county of Schuylkill aforesaid, that a
General Election will be bald in Mid county on
the second Toeiday in October reit, Which -will
the 9M day •of Me said month, for the.purpose
o choosing by ballot
One Person
For Governur of Pennsylvania.
One Person
For to represent Lehigh and Schuylkill coon.;
ea, in the Congress 011ie United States.
One Pearson.
To represent Schuylkill county in The House
• of Represenfatives of this State.
Two'. Persons
For Coroners of Schuylkill County.
Two Persons
For county Commiesloners, one to serve 3 years
and the other twc,,, to supply a Tenancy.
One . Person . ,
For Directorefthe Poor. mid Bungee& Employ
ment of SchVylkill
Two Persons
For Auditors of,srdikuylMll manly.
Two .eroons
For Trustees if the Orwigsburg Academy.
Aid that the Elector, otitis county orScheyl
kill aforesaid, are to assemble irr the iiiirparie of
choosing by ballot the officers aforesaid on the
second Tuesday in October 'next, aethe several
districts and piece, composed of the several
boroughs, townshipiiiind district", to,wit—
The electors of the borough of Orwrgaburg will
hold their election at the Court House in the'
borough of Orwigsburg.
The electors'of West Bmnitiviat township will
hold their 'election at the Court Hotter, in the
borough of Orwigsburg. •
The electors efEeirt Brunswick, township,
hold,their election at the house orfleury Lutes,*
the town of MilliatiAlairg. '
The electors of Pinegrove-toWnship Will hold
their election at - the house of the late John Barri
now Win.flocb, of lotklownwhip. •
The electereWAYpe towdshitrwill lurid their.
election at the Wise oti—imard 84014 i tt nherlieri
in the town of Friedinitheii,,'
The electors of Upper.OlthalauliD,linitumiP
will bold their ektetscm, aegis boon of ; Samuel Moyer, in said tovritiihig''
-The electors ot•liinikiairostap; Miming*
ouso lately occupied bp, litichaelAMligollo*
Mr. Hawn, will holdtheir election at r thelque , tof
Henry Bolig, in mid towitiliTig —.
The electors of Lower Mahantengo township,
crrriom ilathAviaini l or Tux morirtuna. lieu= waRGEI iculd. Ala. 1Y
P F D TTSVILT,E, MORNI Gi sEtifielkistu, 29,18
to Selftilkillteeirity 4
described - bounds, which- fermi - a new election
district, called Valleyto w it: Be=
ginning , at the Dolphin tad - Sehuylkill county
hoe, including the Tavern 'lloi4e wan Brood
Modntain, now occupied bb William Halt theca,
along the Pinegrove township line to where it in
tersects the Lower - Mibantango township line,
leading„ in a direction'to Gratztoivo, and Olinda
along the ridge ef the Mountain bintheljauphin,
and Schuylkill county to the Place of begin
ning, shall hereafter hold their election, at the
house of Jacob Heberling, Jr. now or jab In the
occupancy of Samdel Emma
The electors of the "remaining part of Lower
Iktihantongo township will held. their general e
lection at tie house 'of "Philip Osman, in said.
The - electors of West Penn township will hold
their election atthe house-now occupied by, Moritz
Forreider, in said lownanip l •
The electors of Union "totenship will hold . lbeir
general election at the house of John Eisenhower,,
ib said township.
The electors of •Bosh township will hold their
geineral h election at the- house - of John Braila, inn
keeper, in said
P ill that part of 3 1 4 ,Torweigiad" toiraship, in the
county pf§cbuylkilt, lying went by the following
line, to wit: Beginning at the point of intersection
of the West Branch of the river Schuylkill and
Mataheim township—thence up the east side of
the West Branch of the Schuylkill to its internee
tion with Barry township, shall be a separate e
lection district, and the electors thereof shall hold,
their general elections at 11:19 house of Joseph.
Mills, in the borough of Minenrrille, in said town
The etcetera of Schuylkill township, residing
east of a point fro.ii the toWnship line of Man,-
heini, in a straight line With the Old Forge in.
eluding the same, from thence to the house now
occupied by Jacob Wommer including the same,
and continuing from ihencein estraight line to
the Rush township Line , shalt hold their general
election at. thelioused krederick Bensinger, jr.
in the township of Sehisylkill, in the said county.
The qualified voterevesiding in the townships
of Norwegian ard .Sehnylkill. in the county of-
Schuylkill, wstbin the Valk:wing described bounds,'
shall hereafter be a separate election district, vim
Beginning on the line betbeen the townships of
Nurwegiin and Manheinis frein diem* a straight
line to the house now occupied by John Penman,
including the same—from' thence to the Norwe.
gian church—and from thence to the fitrin'himse
of F. B. Nicholas, Esq. including the same—and
from thence a straight line to the line between the
townships of Norwegian and Barry—and from
thence' following' thetowhabip lines of Barry and
Rush eastward to a ponit—from thence in a
straight line southward to the Old Forge exclud
ind the sime, thence-to the house now occupied
by Jacob Wommer, excluding. the same, and
theneein a straight line tothe place of s beginning,
excluding the-town of New castle. and 'that the
qualified electors residing within the before des
cribed bounds shall hold their election at the Port
Carbon House, in the town of Platt Carbon.
4i-electorsl:if thebor,olfirb of Pottsville and the
remainr rt of Notwerah ,township, and of,
that part o unbind) 'township. tying bet Ween
the river &hot aniftheiVest braheb thereof.
(not included gylkill Haven district,)
will hold their election at a home noWoccupied
by HenpiStager, in the bo b of Pottville
• The electors of the borough of Tamaqua will.
bold their election it 'die' School - hoisse. in said
That the 'electors of that part of Manheim
township lying southeast Of the folloying
commencing at the township line arWaytie and
Manheim township on the Summer thence'
along 'the Summer Hill and Orwigsburg road,-' s
the house of Wtdow.Sweleter, and the house or
John Mewalt, eictudingdie same, thence to the
house of Philip Drumheller, thence to the house
of John Delbert, at the centfeturopilt% thence to
the house Of John Betz theitee to the house of
'Philip Rock; thence to the house of 'John Shane, i
Jr. including the same : thence to die township•
line of said Manheim and Schuylkill townsbim
shall herisafterlojd their general sleet:ems at thet
Court House,'in the berth:lib ofbnvigsburg.
The electors of the rethaing part of Manheim
township will hold their election at the house of
Philip Boyer, i kee r, in the town . of Selmyl
kill Haven.
It is directed b anwebtif theGesieral
hiy of this Commonweilth, pisdeti the 'l7th of
March, 1806, that the irsepectots of the teniral
election shall be chosen by ballot on •the,FridaV
next preceding the Snit Tneiday in October, be
ing the 28th of IlepteMber, and •the elections for ,
inppectors shall be holden in such Ogees in each •
town, township, ward, or district, as is appointed
by the laws for that purpose, by the respective
constables, who are required to give at lout one
week's nodes of such election.- assisted by two
qualified oitisens chosen by inch citizens qnafrfi.
ed tovote_as' shall be there. present. And it is'
flutter required by 'the tat of mum* regale:
r s
ting elections in tins cons wealth . that in
spectors be at the plaessi their respective die
tncts. towns .kml6 y
1 d wards, or. the diy of
the general election, t nitre o'clock in the' fore.
noon. to perform the antics I'qt:tired of, and en•
joined on them by the *moral acts of assembly.
aforesaid. • .
The return 'judges of the respective districts,
towns, townships, or wards .afonssaid, are - hereby
`required to meet" at the' Court noose, in .the
.borough of Orwigabutg, on Friday next, after the
tt 4
2d Tuesday in October est, being the 12th day
of the month, thint"aud ere to purloin' • those •
things required ennui law.
In , pursuant of an act Of
the general 'seem*
of this commonwealth, miltedlld day of April
• further supplement to act to regulate the.
gener a l election within th . commonwealSO that:
every -person irthe aimill bo any 'Agee qr appoint.
ment of profit or trust OW the (Internment of
the United States, whether a commissioned teem
or otherwise, a subordinate COM ,01" agen t, who
is or th an be employed.under th e lett atim. ex
- ecutitte; or judiciary de rtmeot edit United.
SitteCniiiiihio Olt Of thember areatigress is
by law incapable of • or d iii gat the
le t
samei;tinse the o ffi ce or a poilitmentofjudge; in.
apeeteror clerk , at any on itt-thrs state, 1
- lo 4orsuance of an ' a of the'ClenerelAilieffl
bly t owed April' 16 th 1 -, ifie.provideiLthat,
,no nippimtor jiedgkor other. ,offica.:shalthe Ali,
- ble,th any tithes ,at sock Ulectioar.!nor ) shall any
. . ~.i ng alt
' 14 9 1111 ofriceliaadar the. Gewural or
StateGili#purientt feAut inspecaorandgeierioth.
er officer. pfany such elecuott.. -.. _ •
'Given under ; spy kitui:ltl Urerigsbunkthiiitd;
. 'day. Of Seitember, in the Jeer of essr Lopt ic ooe
'tbutleeno Mglitinuldred• tied thirti.serntri. l q
. } 'PETER *I;,,LIIPWIPMetriii.
. • Oa seiigttle-Ceritigise itishlt:
Sept. 8,1838.'
VITIE„IEREAS the _Giiiiiiresithip to: pr_apowi A.: '
' T v 'niendmeate !b a the Constitntion; hails a.
g Niue sund ry
,ii indrneat4 to be submitted
the people of tidiCiinmonwealth for *l'• na
tion or !ejection. , Nay, thisiefirw in purse.
ce of the proviskinti is, suclikiaie. end
b an act of theObnerat Astietotd.r.Swed the
th day of March: - A. D. 11.018, and authority_
'Oren by)laid ixniveritibiti , ".„
1 Notice - 414terebx Given •
net aw ideetist' n will beffilddiritheseveral town
ships, wards and districts of the 'skid county of
Siihoylkill on ibe said second Ttiesday of Oct*.
licit next(being theilaY for holding the Gateral
cleated* of the cothilionsvealthl flit the ratifies
lien or rejection of the said Arneudiiienta to the
Constitution. The - ilidgee and Inspectora of
said election are itiegniiiid to receive tickets either
printed or written frail - citizens fquatified to vote,
add to deport them in II box or boxes, to be far
that purpose provided 'by the: proper office*
••tilvit ticket" shall ,he labelled on the outside
eiendaseids," and those whos
,ifi±fav oTTable to
the amcnftente rainy . el'preil their - desire by
each to "p
vdting rinted kir writte 4 ticket, or billot
' cortaining the words; wirer die anion4meilia."
and those Who aribppesed 'to iiiiati 'amendments
may express their opposition by voting each a,
printed or written ticket or ballot .containing the
welds "Against the Amendments."-,
;Given under my heed and seefat Orwigaborg.
the 15th day of September, 'in; the year of our
Lbrd, one thousand eight hulilnid and thirty
eight. and the sixty second year of the independ
ence of the United Stites of America.
rpm F,', LUDWIG,
Sheriff's Offece, ()swig* : i 1 70
, :burg, Sept. 8, 1838.1 i '
ro Old timustiNneen.
Agency for Line of Pack* from Liver.
pool to Philadelphia:
THE SUBSCRiBER *his igen istipliinled A.
Rent nor the Messrs. Cope's Line of ,Liver.
!I Packets, between Liverpool and Philadelphia,
Ltd will, reoeive the passage one y from those
410 with to send fir their 'ends in the old
(gentry. and also, will procure firs fbr ages per
wink who May Wish tiitie' iii . t money to their
Ovule Abroad. •
, The Packets belonging to th Line are fitted
up in a eaperior manner, and are commanded by
pervious Who pay . greet attention to the comfort
and •convenferge of potssenge * cd have given
great. satilifeetion to pessenge . re generally .' &n
-ein-Is who intend residing to Ibis *region, win
find it to their a dvantage tio en their passage
iri thii Line, and land at P.hila ' phis; they w il l,
by so doing . save the late and perms from New
Yorli to Philadelphia , which four or As dol
lars for midi individual. *1 .
The roles ofjare will be .made kticurn by apply.
1 4 at the office of thtt Miner.' oarsial.
.- 80 . ,B. BANNAN.
in the:, matter of the of William
- •
Reerely. !• •
in Ike Court of Comateru Flees in sad for eke
County of &he
David & Stennel Frank o elk Term A. D
tiading anger the 'firm I
of D. &IS. Frank. o.
estie Attaeh-•
*Wiens Reevely. - th
NOTICE is hereby given: hereas Andrew
Rnmel, Robert Woodside sad Martin Wee
visr, -the subscribe, 'have wen appointed True.
ice" of the Estate of William Reevely, the defin
ding afinesaid, by thd Court of Common Pleas in
and for the, County or fiche* I!, *II debtediii
to the said William R-Wvety, or bidding
Property belonging to him, are hereby nut . aired
4: pay and deliver a such NaOs of money and
Property due and belonging the said William
Reevely, to the imid Trustees, also all credi.
tiffs of the suid William Reeve,. are hereby de.
eyed to, prpsent their respective accounts or de
minas to the said Trustees.
' All retiotidlib the Borough of 'Pottsville.
September 12. 1838. i 12.ttw
For. Side..
itHE New Castle and Frencii Town Rail Road
Company,•will dispose oft* part of the Iron
taken from the flat car *tick. The bars are in
toad condition, 24 by 11. A inteioe reap be seen
the Compiny's office, Chadtit 'street 'Aug'
Philadelphia. ' •
• N. - DAVIDSON; •
- Agent-
Phiiadelphia, Sept:ls,lB3a 12.-.2ato
IPALIRXML_ ift, , CO. ,
Mercer* 41 1 : ass, -
INFORM their friends' midi the fleblic in Om:
-aril that they :nive Medved (6 their former. -
team( in Cearettzeeklopposite to Miller & 'Hag. ,
rty4 Store.) where theyfin have on hartalosgen..i
ral alsortmont• of supeee Broad 'CUM!, and
tw,mares of the mast hishipnahle . crilothOsith l
lin elegant assortment of Boger tkithiseillitin..:
Palk, Valencia. Maiseilles aid velvet IfeseAgs,.
' Pries, Cotton and Chintz Shirts, Sala, Bilk and
&wheaten Stocks. Linen awl chines Senores and,
toile* also Linen and Chintz &warns *Jihad :
pollani; Palk, cotton' Thread, 'leaver and Hoskin
Gloves, paws and i' ton Hese sod Hag Hose.
fancy Linen and Si) Han dkerchiefs 11011 Gum.
Matra Sespi3ndera• 1 6 7 allo hare: on 4,,klui
'elegant stock of Geoid is and /Ws wearing
pperid. such Permit them Coats. Round&
ts. Vests a Pi made sfkg the &lest
' &shoos and the ' manshiN *blab theY-sn•
theell et r able pricas. - r
P. B. Wanted t or three good Journeymen.
lors, to whom ,coostant *ark . will be given
luoathoot the seassin..___
Pollsiinve SePt , 140838'.
se _ •
ninti?fi r r libore the Pei* ... i r Cenht
WitH. AVNER bap lent- to rotor* hit
neten thinhirtolis-Onnie and * genes
iikiig.,ghstrtpitronsge berstokinkla OM' '
illylninownd tin hW; and hepp?
sitd 160,14 -
*slitting ezeitions - to give satisfatnietv:te•talV--
-; Hair cutting done in the (lest Einalin stglig
, Pottsville. August 4th 18. .44:1=31ne
--,- •
p" ti , litalfotici. .
, . .
AB,it ap - , beim" Uri Crine °blahs*,
-cm. no patent . emelticg 'lion 90. *ith Any'
thracite goal in . ' country,iiiiny tuppositbat'
they are now at liberty to, eihnit - theiiiilied rit,
smelting Dyes orn with.AntliiiacitehOle-nie at
1 , 24
a heateditir. _ - although I r is . miles ,lasq
year that l' _ gete t i K ilt nr linicl#4 - Iron Ore,
withAnthradite I, Iy.1 y . the n se eif il nnlii-i
atmospheric, and a 4 heateid air blait, - I would now'
inform the rib ' "phi, theioo the 14thisfilan.
I ke
tf ir
w,y, 1838, Ire ised a letter from the Cononis.l
slBber Of 'Pa Is t IVai t iiingtoNntatingt .. !fir, i
upon overrun og "ease of 3ly'.jarinifeAipplica- I
Lion for apa r'Elmilting Iwo:1St rrieitti of
Anthracite,; ha viewed his Claim is interfriring '
with yam pa de! of Dee, 1833,-iiixi: have given
notice to his iittilyiey,of this &claim.'" Every
attempt to smelt rollers with anthreeite;by the
use of a heated a r blast, is an infringement upon
i n,
my patent, sgai at whi c h q Caution and warn
all meo; as lOa prosecntenvery-one in fr inging
upon my rig ts, according to law. Midi fur
ther offer to is . of patent rights for the erect..
ing 'or . raffia according to my patent, ' upon
very Mode e s. .... .
New York, y 16,1838. 37—ly
lOFFEE 50 ita g . strong Rio Coffee.
30 ido. reen Legoira do. for rale by
.tept . l.l/1"18 • 68—
, _ * 'shop White.
A. 11 4 en red, kill length prints. of late
BIBB° WHITE, suitable for frames, just
received an Ast. sale by the subscriber. Price
75 cents. , I B. BABBAN.'
aug. 22, 18d8.1 . - 65
I 41- Haggerty,
Dry Goodti,Gocery,Wint: LiiyorStors
(Nett door to Mortimer's Boit].)
THEIR Connexion with a Must in Ph/lade:lphi.
enables them to keep on hand a very ezien.
siveassortmdat of goods, which they will sell at
Philadelphia' prices. Store and Tavern keepers
and private comae', would do well to call and
judge fOr theWwelves.
aptil /9 31
IPlaper Hangings. , 1
: i
'A NEW i Assortment, cuisistneara variety o
New Patterns, for Rooms and Entries '
to 1
paler with Choice Borders, just received and tor 1
sale by
Anglia 2.1 -; • - '66
i r
- ADACHE, .;
• sat Or. Lit . NERVOUS.
frr Iv Wizen reputation . _that Dr.Spohn'a •
reirte4 .1 0 T li aigirviing Itodtplaint a every day
gaining is oeitiiinly a matter of much astoniannent" -
That so Much Rafting timid have existed for-ages
without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or
cure is truly a attuect °Fume& reset hip Dr.,B, now
assures theptiblic that such al - remedy inaelmen In
vented as will convince the molt credultius.. The
principles uOn which it acts are simple anti plain:—
it is an adtted fact that this complaint, *beefier
called sick Headache, or Nervous Headache. arises
=from the stomach—those who think they
Neuhaus Headache limy pest assured that
-this organ, the stomach, is the drat cause, that the
system has become vitiated-or delimitated. through the
. stomach, and that only through the same channel
ju ic ers
must they t a restoration of the natural and
heathy ono of •the system. This object,` Dr:
Spcdra's T is ensinentkr. calculated to attain—
The truth of is position cannot tiontroverted,ana
the sooner with the headache betrome con
vinced of it,' thisooner will their sufferings end in.
restoration h ealth. Dr. Raohn pledges his probe ! .
Mona). do . Oh this faet. The timed, 'May be
had of apo rtes. . ..
Wholesale and Retail by c•Ctiiiiaek ille Co. die :I
Fletcher St. New York, and Retail by ,
- .
wad. T. 'limner.
Pottffon.. Itily.9lt. UM • . 456-ly •
LIETHE of 'superior iris* reefs:Ted and
m: for sale by , .
Sept i, 68—
A YOUNG man to attend in the Store, riot
who speaks German, would be prefered. r - 'Al
so a Boy ig to H years Of age. AAA, to
Motmt Carbon, Sept. 15,, .
i'qr Sale, or to be _Rented.
rr HAT valuable tract oflanti called -
JIIL too 'Tiled." bdlongincto Elisabeth Span s
eituatatOn the *eel Norwegian -llsit R~aL rabic
north of, at!d adjoining the Peach Monituln,ie
offered for !ale on iccommodaiing tams; Or
Coal Mittel frill be leased easefu ll y or together
to an apprifved tenant...6iNfly to : • - •• .
HEMY hicniera.
Sdlc Sfraat,'Phflidelpfda.
aprillt • •• • 207 Air
Catitiiiii. - . .•:- • ,
r i tle
PRE a &reigned audition tie Iniblier igiAtill
Clinton••• pant' singmr leasing the tractoilaiid maid -
Cl T et, on th e East Nnrwegian ,rad roall - . .
from El ihSpobn, of ilesq.Xorriit kir lien
se PA thn a reigned VMSi title lidditn; raid
win instills e a snit agithist any pirreonsitein — pf,'
Mg to take the possessioa thereof., -- - _ ~. • -
3,012 N fvr, __
tolii Deal .:*"
„ t o ?
,likiribe m hating-taiten the largie and' ,
nom iona lirf 'nil CalloTh il l:etrt.tet<or,
corner, o f olibi *Yid Williitta ,ntreett:l.94
thine/16y ;heir air 'Monet, Philadelphil; are
prepared to remise inyiiitaotityof Coal, Ltimber
&c. on w htge dr storage;'nn tlienpen !hair*
.onder-oo _
rni On.thainost 'Maize& ftnzrEiiri.
atteedior en i ti eto deal analipted to !then. - • :
- Rif " : Mr. George Best; !ifell'aYthik ffn:
- ;enfMr. thi!ip floffa, Pottsville:. ,--... ,' •''
Tbiladelphia...lrdy 11. 038. -, • • 33-3oni:•T'
41,e Iron Wii, 1 1*-1
,n . AVkt fivied;boter* lion.
r• and iitso;all the diffieent- rani 'Ur'
• f
•iron; Omni d andsquare iron -Null up4U,3`
Apo Reilly: . iron of ,thelariooceleml f
and lit "glee 11 1 14i:fili
:9 8 5* 1/ NO ir°i* Rail• ImaisPagew
nhin'orn irsoptrior of
ire ' Seieekiiitheloweireiti prlecoVV ,
ReediugiJane2.s. 1838. • SO -at
; --,
- I- • Pit.f7--
t -
z - -
TO OW= 4 411 ;
, 7 , ;4 it*V - w ;
t• ' -
- . -
T ---. mt. . ~, - -':* 111 " 4
ddered by au V a sselwho value goodilealth Mae
peasable as a ily medicine=pateoeiisdfaxo t
numerous body o f he most eminent Phjaiekaim_
both hitt& codrkt - aid in lEurope.—iiiidieht4
it is presumed, - stamp their chersiierlii Aliet*.
timation of eye thinking man, and kali bope‘
a far better._
re mmeodation than ilitimitirsia re.
sorted to byignorant and uniriircildedfiretesider4
who to mislead-and ' deceive the - public. LlziHit
what they call practical, proofs end. tiertifiestaiiit
Cures. that exceed bounds Oftadoital-eilithibilp
ity,.moat. °Orb ch. if not alUireiitlidtr
fabrications, or pro curedby freed and camMOMitsi.
Thimlitor of the Long Island FaiMer,:ttayak
"Thie medicine has obtained" an ' iiiirwilmilk
4erve of well preserved popularity .. vli*.tehr,
en these pill's ourselves to, advantage l itill
edtheir.beneOeial effects on otbersilviikUilleerirt
hesital ion. la recommending them to the iiiiiitilter
a etifii,„iiiliiiiiii and wistaria:lily medieues., - ,pit'
b.,-*None era geniiine without thet-iiigimiterdir.
the General A r t on the label. by, yrhisiaidboll. l ies•
bove medicine . *ported into thiseoustrtyt-.0
• )$O. L/lEIN. 129 ,Waver i ly LIMO '
Gael Artitfse. Wt . :44.
A supply of the above Mediime; jiltf."
and for sale by " IL-BANNO,:i.c,
Sole Agent for liciluilkillpelitly. -:.
. ,;; ~ I 1%!,': ...,
Soly 16
NO CURE NO 11,A1G7,1
No FicTion.-=Tbis extraerdinar
=apposition. the molt of science-and_thti ski tion era celebrated medical titan, the iiitthow
of which to thilablie was • iswestaiWithlifii",i4
leopity ofa deathbed bequest. bee siiieelifalasdif
rePutation WaSsalilleleds- fully 4 l
Irettiteii at the liniented •Dr. i* 1
fission, -that " he dared not die
posterity the &misfit orhil knowledgeesto...
ject. , _'andtherefoie beqnsatbedioldifiiiiaTat
attendant Solomon Hays, the secretaChis iiiikurr., •
It is now seed in the prinethakbespitabo; Oat:
the private practice in our countryivirstlitis. •
mostcerteinly, kw,the cures of the Mac sad ea,
so i~zteusively end effectually as to i tiallteketedu
ty, =leas where hi effeets are witi m ,esea Eater;
rill in the follow! r
'Eardisy.—Creading extretwarmiry„ abuse
lion at once. - .
All aSigelliteducing theinia a,fgw Wang
Rkeuaudfsiik—Acute or Chtonica,o,ll.lllo#4
`Bol* Tkrest .- 13 ,cant era '
over the chest. • 1
,dIl iftraiewi,Aintide aid Firm, atureC
. .
few hours, •
Meti.—Whetbbi 1,2`
ingandleversideli. •
Its operations Upon adults and child W 1
dnehqr rbeimiaticawelhn fie. kloossaingeet%
indlightneid :of the chest b 7 2 toilet:M*4r
imos,lias been anikprismg bey,ond'tiooleitir
-Tlie=mown; reniark•orthoseirliolitifieol* -
;in the Piles, is "It acts a. -- ebertMt.a.:;4:Prs- P
P/4t—ThePkitell CsTol4l4ll_
'POKE 1 4 4 1 1 i1r 41 .- 1 0attle : 0 1 . ..1 1 . 1 :00 , 0 11 0 1 dig.
being bare& I - ThaWa ire the
- proprietim4 OttiAguntst, their 01111
window:id, iiiiKocaa bad bap iansnoisisefi
~ I.zL• ;4-
e t cettifiettel:kiant 1 110febilt
inifei that. these ho sell ihe arts
liititthe`original o purclieseW':, ;sj, ;!-,
one can beisistiVarf
'splendid .anea _snapper; tin - -„irhilkibiamif . `
name, and Arwits,„ =l,- ) 4 ,1
• • 'i. S6L9MOICHATIZ I vei:;.
Bold wholiarale and WIWI bieCINVVOCIt •
PO.; Sole 4,kep 2 Ftetaer
'and- coati W. T. ETTlNG;lNatimiLiftit2o 4
. vghtits. : T.,51
,_. ' VOA lit WiMairinTOCV c . '''''
WEIN -13abscMaita , c MatnettHdl.* , aiiiin**, t;1
a .the Coinenit of thiallorourgb and , : a
their ftliOlifikelloroLthit they vs ~.1*r..
inifinWatura w i rer,. and wilt asisftadi,. Nogai,
on hinitattlm ' Air of-Coorind ',lfirmorime
Etriato:' in ll* Bar Muth "Of ' P J MOCJIIV.:
. '...,_ • - :
of tlip -, iert best nisto.!:*4 tad 4 tlmksimai _ , . ::,..,
. 2
ADr work s enlinstedTo-tbstr mra,fimmetik , . 1
rant t o. be Osin . nfaiiniest ininik to; fn ~ ..i.
county Or . rliktwaefo..aktkin 1 11 41;‘ .
and dnrabihfr. thei . hopathafilia -, ' , ::,:
ISming•"*here'-'lll/1 -eollitt-4.
1 vat :-, -.,.,,. 4.A4...5'-;,..4A t 14, - ;i t.
, i.., .. kinds,of- abtahM . rapair**,
Ooties,:ad on; most icaoti . • _ -,
j.,, I ' irENEW MIX'. :1 i P
~ . - }Z:- ,
; . WILLIAM pm, . . ~,,, * .;.
Pottavills,A l4: ,'' - - C.4. ''' .l .- , "
4 ,
• ',.•312,
. ~.i.
,N , ,.-.
: -
.t. -