The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 26, 1838, Image 4

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RED Lao rpnrrr-ovimo-...411..?.
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` fd• ' 1 "1 =rll3l4l4lsl"Peirgl—'
' iltiob 3 " ia gr
legislative power a this C0mm0n
...7400%1 ss. Gerierol Assembly.
t Itartetiato anOL - ome of Repre:
1; s.- , - - •
Its Go
lee •
40teal +.
.1 3 '1*
AV repreSentativet Shall be chosen
titisemnef of Philadelphia
ty respectively on GIP second 'ruel
-4 g ; ,.: ,.... „ • ~:p. ! &:2_lsll, th e a eepresentatkee
r.4l.....rt'r".lr.kuse .akre of twenty-one
iiyi - • i s. cititenAndvatiatitant of•the.
i *- 7 * Alicr eding-itigelectiorriantLthe
. ei: s " 1131' ' bletett-ortheilistrict in'aitd .
*itill 34. ' it repteseatative;lialess
1 1 644
rtiii • en nt an the public business of
•ad Gni or of this State.
on IV. " hitin three 'years alter the first
,Ofithe enersl 'Assembly, and within every
;Istentjte.. Of•seven years, an enumeration of
iikinh .ffants-shall be made in such
: "Il • 'directed by law. The number of
• Wasik shall, at - the siveralpetiods of mate
;e, ... rittion,'he fixed 'by the 'LegiGature,
i .eti mining the city of Phil •delphia and
end; ..• Wks, according: to the:number of
ierinhalti Is•iu eachi,and shall never be less
. Ixtun greater than one hundred. Each
. .sfiall eat least one representative, but no
• . 'llereaft r erected Shall btentitled . to a sepa
'Prole& lint•stitt il a suffieient number of rax
iikhlritli•ti .shill be contained within it, to
:then, ' one representative agreeably to the
. ' bah II then be established.
lion V. senators shall he chosen for three
; by the.. jeigens of Philadelphia and of the.
• count: at the same time,:in the same man
•d,,sit.t aline ,places where they shall vote
prienta ives.•
(soli VI. The number of Senators shall, at the
• 1 ' 'of making the enumeration before
• onett,.bel fixed . hytthe Legislature and awn
-. among; the distrieti funned as hereinafter
.tat,, ace ding to the of taxable inttabi=
in seae•i. and shall never he less than one
. • over g. ater than one-third, of the number of
non Vt '.. Thris i enaters shall be chosen in di
, to beef fineVes the Legislature i but no dis
• -shiln"he fo*tned as to en , itle it to elect more
'two it ors, unless the , numb/c if to.: able in-.
.ants in as l ei,Jy or . cairn y shall, at any time,
r • hds t . true it to alert mare than tiro, but no
or cd -. Vial 'be entitled to elect snore than
send(' irriretien a district shatilie. Composed
wo of : y ore counties, they shell ...Ilk adjoining i
her the tLy - of Philadelphil nor any county-A-it
ividedi. lorming a district.
"aultaiN 11. go person *esti be a senator, who
• I not ha e attained the age a c twenty-live yenta,
hatti4 , a Citizen or the State
• years ti , t bnfort his elecileln, and the lest year
• esf anithabiont of the district for which he,
. I be e - en, Milers he shall have been absent on
public h sinew of the 'United States or of this
•e ; asset a person eler.ed as aforeta; , l, shall hold
• . qh, e •
... era tdiall„habe restored from such dis
t. - .. 10
ec.ion .-- '
*miters selio.ninglts' dec?.o l nt
first gii ilection after the adoption of the
,altatntsliithe cOnstitaitlan,:shall be divided by
trite t &gin. The Effe4 of the %whew of
first; • sah - be stunted at the expiration of
• first y ' 7-o the slaving data at the e.rpira'imi
her ea -rand , oPthe third anis at Itte-es- -
attan lhe,third year; so that thereafter amt.
rd of the WhOit number of senator's nary be chosen
y yea 4 -Dag strut:rots elected before the amend
at a to t, sons/I:utter' shall be adopted. shalt hold
,offiees 'dirrjng the, terms for wicia they shall
pectivs? hare teen elected.
tic* • The - General Assembly sfrall meet on
first . day'el January, in every year , unless
. nee con- enefity the Governor.
Section 'I. Each house shall choose its Se-aker
d other dicers; "rid the Senale 4141 also eluerse
Zpe.,,kerpro tempore, when the Speaker iilAii eS
ise the ffice of Governor.
Section „T - 1 Each house shall joarte of the quail
• tioni il fits Members.' Contested clectians shall
detenri ed by a:committee to be setected,loimed
d regale in such manner ss-thail be direeled by
w. -d fit aioritypf each boose shall constitute a
ram Iu du business ; but a smaller niimlsei may
• lours -day to day, and may be au•herised by
wto pet the attendance of absent members, us
er and tinder such petrilties as may be
:and of
;day of
- who
tr tc
th ,
be a
1...-h inants..
beetion pal!. flach house' m q dote, nine the
les of•ils prnetedingc,' put -4. it.; metro els for
1 sorderl behavium, mod ,it. thr• e-,lo_urrenee a
Itbi ,Texpel a member, bet not a 44.C67111 lithe
, r th eta e cause t and shsli h', VP oil "her powers
iece - fo,en trench of the leg.atature of a free
i i
~,,et i o ' XIV. The irgigialure shall not Alive power
ennct ter np.nldttne, the Eo.a,.act of marriagi in
in y retze.irNerP, fv - TsT,. !h. - ror: ef. of /Lis tpprrnere...
I valth i 0 limy inifeafter be enipn•terea pt decree
. dirtYf ' ' •• •
Seel - XV)Torli -hones . 0,,,, k e i p a j, l
o t
li V e
proc it , ..7t, and pohlith them veeekh , , kteept
lush Fa -asltway remi:ire sTreeys and the yieas
,nd nny of tile inembe!. on any question . .ha9, at
he West of any two of them, be mitered 'ou the
01111 TI
~, ~, ~....
sect, ,XV The tionrii 1,1 earn house and of
„ommiii; es o the wh.ile sh.lll be open, unless,
. hetigh ' hus kiest shall be such as ought to be kept
ecret- ' I
Se : - li. f..- Neither 'house shall, without the
,niettt t' tht i other, adjourn fur more than three
ays,n . to a r other'place than that in whioh the
wo ho, hpll be-sitting.
Sect° XVIII. The Senators and representatives
hill iee A-competeerthin (or their servieei to be
, h,-",liw.,,and paid out of the tn.:it:l/gni.
he Cifill
.. violas., They shall in alieases, ex
- pt n,rfelony' and breach or surety of the
, ' e: - ..• ' luivileged from arrest during their at
endan ' at the session of their respective houses ,
d' rim '
friginanfliOtiriting from the atone. And
;peed% cii (rebate-tin' either house, they shall
tiOped in any other place. •
ti XIX. No Senator of representative shall,
e tiMe-ThrMhschle shall . have been elect
tainled to any civil o ffi ce under th is Corn-
Ith *bleb fbrlti h-tveleen created, er the
! att"Of which shall <have been increased
uch' time.: end no member of Congress or
'nthei holdine my office (except of attorney
pdAtr.- , the militia) under the United •States
manwealth, shall be a member of either
ad L.
for any
not be
urtng t
, bi a
during ,
at law
or th
house . ;. Wing' his continuance in Congress or_-in
See • o CL When yacancies happen in either •
hotise; - ...e'Speattir 'Mail issue writs of election to
sue .
Secti•:. 'XICT: Alt bills for raishic reveries. slisll
origifiat . in the house uf reprecentlitiVes.; but the
Sena Argropase'andendments a* in other bide.
Spr.. money shall be . drawn Irmo
the t cOnsefloonee of appropriau.tis•
made h r
tiecti n. Xittit Every trill vflikb • ablil bare,
_shalt be pmentet
ovho e appmcil hi ihall i piin it..tfut. if he
shall n t iptore it with ttli'oltjec
'Aims t il. nge in which Will-hate:4 "ginaltc4l,
who sh 11 mktft~ksniienh•strirXer. !? •
punt ....sts+-vroors&to
such .• , canuntaso..thiftis of . titit
agree, • • it shall -hewed! With. theiod4
is(aipltd 10 luai'e ' .' '.:- '.
4. A4(.4 TefteMo4llt, -i;r Alm part - or,' ilateic
i itibil for a, ems 3 firmily an 2* . iiii: . I, .
lalinp tfiigir 111 !tip iiiTlici.P.. :
....., . ~.,.
,PoPtiiiitc; Stpliimbir 8. 1838. . ;441
• -- , -
retions to.. 1087! 1 .. -3- . -..- ..:0- '1". • t ,!, -' s ' '" ' ' ''—*-" -- . 1 e tiKtmest,
shall be. . reStunal et -,
la . 1 1f arbito.v - ' .41Y <tafhi.' - •"- 1 •,- ~ - ,g .cr .likinetit gima i nitio'.l**:_
41Irdiiiffrthiffiniiii: itith beltqa art - ilhitaltsitle" ;. A - 4ri.?. - 14' , 4 .1.4i-,. , .....-- - -- -- , ~-,-. - , • . f. , 4
. eaS" l i fe ' 64*4 4 'b°llrllo9-3e101621. ile•idetenignt i d ... ''M' t 'aki , :t . .i' 0 ~..--_ W•CF . X.- .1 A' ,"N".2 , , , , , ,. •..' -. 4.!
by yeas and. anal theliamero , rsonOciatbik ~ ~ •., ~;.,...xbelodio4l4KniN ~oflbit CoMmoroi '
for or against the biarrhall be - on-the. jolts- Arilf ..':•••blInte bn.'"'aPrell:le• Court, iii
nal/ of each bonne reniectively., - . aarbillnshall i Foll
~ '"Of,;9yer• and . , Termittet . al s qerieral 341 pe. , ..
On si - Conrt ilfCotriinbn 111 311iphalte Conit,,
1, not tic returned hy the-Governor ithiti :ten.,daya i.. - re
(Sundays. excepted) after it shall ye' Vecl . pre-
. :ille • Sines - Conti, era a 'Court 0 13 r narter Session's
k• seined tottlidrirldrall - be a law roil ker'nikiiiier atilt ' 'of the Pesee;lfog'seseit eitenty g in latices of the'
-the •had iiktried it, ituless the Gene - 1 Assembly,ty .'Peace, and-in truth other Courts as the legislature
their adjuurnment.prevent its teto ,' in which case.'aimtyi from time to time establis •:, • .
-it shall be a law, - unless -serif bek within three Section 11. Thajwiggiff,..qte r ti. t ednirt , of
days alter. their pent. meerino
~ . . •,, , ~. -i , .the SeVerar tottirte Of Centavos" ens; •of such
Section XXIV . % Ev_elT.e.osr, s olution or Toter other. COltriCOf net - Ord di are or Jibe established
-to which the - concurrence of but houses may be , !qt. Ann, shatt beiumairsated by' tistrentor, andallty
-necessary (except on a question , f adjautomentl ' anclicith the consent of the. Senate appointed and ,
shall tie presented to the CO:WeIll r, and before •it .cernmiS.rinsteit by him . . The:Judges of the Supreine,
* -1. • ri
shall itke elfeCklie. approved by hit, or nitro is= Court sluel . hold their offices for the, term of fifteen .
approved; sliall -- leti,e repassed by t o-thitals of both years, irttiey Shall so long beh te themselves trill.
house's' according to the roles and limitations pre. Thelpresident judgee of the sever Courts of Ccmuno n
Scribed in-case olf a'bill. - . ••-, - McMaster! of 'UM other Courts. RecOrd as are or -
*Section XXV. tlito corporate hid shall be hereafter shall to established' bylaw, and it other judges re
ereore4renewed. or . we e w ured, wit t z paing o r ,dis r ., indeed to be learned -in the law, shaU hold their o ffi ces
Counting privileges, without six
a l it prarioui . flot'the.term of ten years -If they'shall so long behave
?;public.notice. of the intatided a ' item for the thernsetra mill . The Associate ' of the Courts
.same in such mintier as shall •be mciiiwd by rale. -of Comnion Pleas shall hold thei Rfficesfor the term
.-Nor shall any charter for. he purr opt aforesaid, he office gears if They shalt so ion hehare themsefees -
,-granted for ii period than ph i s , years, and weld. But. for anyxratrorualde e e which shrill not
every such charter shall contain ilause reserving be sufficient ground of impeachment, the Governor
to,the legislature p ower t o o il „ rer a n , o r annul may remove any of them on the address of tiro - thirds
the same wheitetwr in their Vint 'it maybe injia. 'illeft branch 4 the legislature. The judges of the
How; to tie citizens of the comm trivia, in surli Supreme Court and the president's of the several,
manner - however that no injustice , i berdone 1011.0 Courts of Common Pleas shall at stated times receive
corporator:. No late hereafter en a cted, shall mode, for , their services an adequate! compensation to tie
renew or ex t en d th e c h ar t er:fi e wo r e than on e coup_ fund byrtair, Which- shall nut h diminished during
ration. . - their continuance in Office, but t hey shall receive no
fees or perquisites of office, nolhoid any oilier o ffi ce
, 1 profit under this Comn tr umh.
Sectinti'll I. 'Until otherwiselitireeted by tzar, the'
Cones of Coinmon Pleas shall dmitintie as at present
rstthl, -died. Not more than free counties shall at any
lane be included (none judicial district organized
for mid Courts.
Section IV. The jot isilictiim of the Supreme
Court shall extend over the State i -end the judges
thereot, shall uy virtue of their offices, be justices
s-f Oyer and Tei miner mid p c pL i alJaail Pelivewin
the several ecnbitielt ' - '
Smarm 1 , . The judgil.s of the Court of Common
Pleas, 111 each county, shall. by virtue of their
kriCPS, be.justices of Oyer andj Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of enOttl and other
- offenders therein ; any two of the said judges, the
priMilent bring one, shall be o:4monirb : but they
_shall nut hold a court of oyeriand terminer, or jail
.lelivery, in any County, when the judges of the
Skjer.,4lw Conti, or any of theft', shall be satin, in
the claw cooly. The part..J accused, as well as
the U.mreoniverlth, ni-iy, under such regulations as
shall he toescrfl ed- by tow, re w ove the in.:xi:tient
and procet, or a transc ript thereof, into the
-Nitirerne Court.
Seetion N I. The Supreme Chort, and the several
courts ui CC111311111.11 pleas, shall, beside the powers
hr.t.tofure usually exeicised; by them, the
power of a court of Chancery. so far as relates to
the perpetuating of testimony, the obtaining of
e% Orrice hum places not wilhnt the. State, and the
coin of the persons and estates of [hieeme who are
non rompotes mends. And: the .lerlature shall
- vest in the said courts such tither powers ,to grant
, relief in equity, as shall be found necessary: and
• may.-from time to time, enlarge or diminish those
rser. or vest tb,-m,in such other cones as they shall:
jdge proper, fur the due administration of justice. '
Set tion V 11. The judges of the court of common
pleas of each county, any tufo of whet shall be a
quorum, shall compose the court .of Quarter -Ses
sions of the peace, and orphans' court thereof i and
the register of wills, togethei with the mid judges,
or any two of •them, shall 4 ompose the register's
court of each county. ;
Section VIII. The judges at the courts of common
pleas shall, within their respective counties, have
-the like powers with the judges of the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of certiltraii to the justices of
!the peace and to cause thir proceedings to be
brought before them, and th elake tight and justice
to be done.
Section IL The president of the court in each
circuit within such circuit, , and the judges of the
'court of .ronorion pleas within their respective
couoties, *bill he justices of the peace, so far as
. relates to ct iinin it matters.
ere-•ion X. A register's office, for the probate of
wilts and granting letters oil administration, and an
' office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept in
each county.
, Section XI. The- style a all process shall be
,•• The Cs.mmonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prse
ru iiont shall be carried omin the name and by the
au purity of the Commumnealtn of Pennsylvania,
rod crticlude .• agaisist the peace and &gutty of the
Section I. The Supreme Executive power of this
Commonwealth shall be. vested in ri Governor.
Section 11. The Governor shall - be (Moven on the
second Tuesday of October, by the -citizens of the
Commonwealth, at the places where they shall re
spectiiely-r vote fur representatiti es. The returns
'of every election for Governor Shall be sealed up
-and transmitted to the seat of government, directed
to the Speaker of the Senate, who shill Open and
publish them in the pretence a the -members of
both honses of the legislature. The person, having
the highest number of • votes suig 'be Governor.
• - two or more shall be equal and highett in
votes, %me of them 01..11 be chosen Governor by the
joint Vote of :the members hf both houses. Con
tested elections shall' be determi ed-- by a Committee
•to be selected , from both bout of the legislature,
and formed and, regulated in s manner as -shrill
- directed by law. •
Section 111. The Governor sliall hold . his o ffi ce
dining three years from the thi.d Tuesday of Janu
ary next ensuing his election,, and shill not be
capable of holding it longer thah air in any term
of nine years.
Secti.o. IV. He shall be at le lost thirty years of
axe,- and hove. heen . a citizen ant as inhal itant of
this State seven years next biefore his election ;
unless he shall have been ab i ient on the public
business of the United qtates.o of this-State.
• •
Srction V. Islo mem.,er of cot:less or perm
holdinz any office ute'er the Lettted States or this
State shall exercise the office oil Govvi nor.
Section VI, The, Governor t4all at stated times
receive for his services P contnehsation. whieh.shall
be neither increased - nor dinitoishe4 during the
petied for which be shall hose ~}ten elected.
Se‘..ri.m VII. lie sb. 11 be conlaninder-in-chief of '
-the :Trifle MA navy. of this emiSni , mwealth, and of
the militia, except when ?they be •called into
the aettut serric- of the tufted ;tales.
Section Vitt. He shall .appoilt a tierrrfory of the
rommorprool h daritkt pleasure, and he Shall mini
- nate dad 6y bra snail the ark. aid the .
Scows appoint all. judicial .4fa ere qf elf
.rerm wher , rise prorid. r f . r in th;s.ront'i-
, uNoa . . Ile 'ehill hire lower 4') fi:l oil rocancio
,t, I I wry htypcn in sach judicial Itaios daring the
.-r , ekt or ,h 'en i' e, by grant ;nig- t oramis.i.'.orts which
.‘.hiu .. 7 p,r, al the eaii of their 8 8.4 , .+ a : Pro
% 0,1, MO iit acting on exec?i t. namhu rioas the
Senate Shr/f sit uti l oyes doo r . and its rulfirtniag
or reje , tteti the nmuln-rt7ons ' the t:Jcernor, the
t ate shill be MA - en by yell an d says.
section IX. tle'shall hate .ri.wer M remit fines
n cvl f acitures, awl grant re;frieves and pattious,
excel'? in en.. , e% of ir,per,1,71,,1 t.
Semimt X. lie soy req ti , e it firm 'lion in srriting :
from the officer. it. t:re'execot re meat norm( o l .int )
any 5...1.j-et
,iel.iling to the digits of limit teapec-
I lave ',..,,: .
. .
• Set.tim NI. He 4.'11, 1• m vile to time, give to I
the .1 , -,m' ly 1, fun 1
that of the sort° of
the Comm thwe..dh, and tee I -ne.•.l bi their coo- ion stieh measm es a.i hr 1 trall pi Va. expedient..
Section XTI.. lie may, On ex I r ..n din I; y ',cc v,ions,
Pl7lllreilt! the Geoera Assent/4.i srot in case of
digagreement.l.etweei, the twotioi.e...i, to .;It respect
•to the time of nljau time:a, Ojourts them' to surh
time as he shall (hick proper; nut exceeding. four
months. '
Seetitm XTTI. He shall takS,cane that the laws
be faithfully.executed.
e•,.tire, day, In e...- nt thr4,le-rth nr ry4matinn .
of -the Governor, or of his reinoral from office, the
• .S . Reaker of the Senate shall ietemise the office of
'Governor, until another •'Governor shall he duly
qualified ; hut in such coot , qtio'her Governor steal.
be rhosen at the next aruseal election of representa
tives, unless such death, retrigmation or removal,
shall occur tcfaiin three calendar months ismnedi
ately precedime ouch next annual election, in which
case a Governor shall be choSen at the sercmd suq-
ceeding annual election of O•epreseirtatirm And
if the trial of a contested eflection shall continue
longer than until the third litanday •ef January
, next ensuing the election of overnor, the Governor
i of the last year or the S er of the Senate who
I may be in the exercise of th executive authority,
I shall continue therein until the determination of
1 such &nitrated election, and until a Governor shall
i be duly qualifiedaforesaid.
Section XV. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
shall keep a-fair register of. all the offictil acts and
1 proceedings of the Governor '
and shall, when re
i' spired, lay the sane and all papers, minutes and
I vouchers relative thereto, .biefore either branch of
; the legislature, and shall perturm such other duties.
as sh.ail be enjohied him by law.
Section 1. /is erections by She citizens es/erg white
freeman of the aree of twenty-one years, haying re
sided in 'his state one yrar,,arstl hi the election dis
'trirt Where de offers to cord, ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years paid'
a State or County tax, whit* shall hare been as
sessed at least ten. days bgt'or# the election, shall enjoy
She rights of 071. elector. B . a citizen of the United
States who had preciously a owl tfied rater of ,
this State, and remored they rim and returned, and
who shall liacOresided in t e election district, and'
paid taxes as aforesaid, sh he entitled to rote, after
residing in the Vats six hs.. Provided, that white
freemen, citizens of the ited States, between- the
. ages of twenty-one and I g-two years, and hay
ing resided in the Slate one yezr, and lathe election,
district ten days as: aforesaid, shall be entitled. te.
tote, although they shall n have paid taxes.
Section 11. 411 elections shall be by ballot, ex-'
cept those by persons In th it representative capa- , :
cities, who shall vote viva oee.
Section 111. Electors s II in all cases, except
treason, reluny, and Urea& VS surety of the pence,
be privileged from arrest,during their . attendance
on elections, 'and in going to and returning from 1
thf.m. i .
Se4tion L The Nouse ßepresentatives shall
lace the 'lo l e power of im eaching.
Section 11. Ail ments shill be tried bye
the Senate; when sitting for that purpose; the
Senoteni shall be Upon oath or affirmation. No per- 1
eon shall be convicted will the concuttence of
bto,t/ir6s of the members nt
Section - 14. The Goveywor,•and 311 ottiei
-officers under this Coo 4 u4ialth, shall be liable to
impeactiment,foi tiny, ; • meenoor officei bArit
Audgnientlii such cases, • 4,1 i pot exteod further&
than: 16 rettOval frrinti. ofßota,,and' disqualificithm to,
lad; attS , office of honour, tiOlat or' profit, under thili;
dex",miliiwiWpaillii • rke rrioy;'whither megkeit at,
L.kilki li 'm IL ' ' it, l ie.! ' i
L. --,_ ItioOd 'Pills. -,
A FREER supply; just lecciyeit •4 nit ftitialti
: by- - ---- • - ~ B , IRAN:NAN: u
. 'E'attnyillo,‘Auglitti'Hille3 •:- ' - -. , 62- :
„ ars
: I
Section .1. Sheriff's an , Ln-csironers shall, at the
times and places of election of representatives, be
chosen by the citizens of eacheuunty. One person
shall be chosen fur each office, who shall be rominis
stoned by the .Goveniot. ; They shall hold their
offices for three ye,rs, if they shall so lung behave
themselves well, and until a successor be duly
qu tithed ; but no person Shall be twice chosen or
appunte , l sheriff, in any lean of Fit years. Vacan
cies in either of the said offices shall be tilled - by
an appointment, to be mode by the Governor, to
continue until the next general election, and until
A successor shall be chosen and qu.ilified as afore
sni,l. . ,
Section 11. The fneemeti of this commonwealth
.hall he armei, org intzed and disciplined for its .
defence, trhen and in slob manner as may he directed
by law. -rh,*e who conscientiously sci nide to bear
a, shall not be &impelled to do so, but shall pay
an °univalent for personal 'service.
Suction 111. Profhon aries of the S.ipremc
Court shrill be appointee by the said Court Joe
the term 'of three years; if they so hog bcbare
themselves well. •Prothobutaries wad clifk.., of the
several other courts, &Orders of deeds. and Re.
girders of wills, Shrill al ,the limes and places of
efitt ~,,, ...1 re pri,acn4ndives . , be elected by the quali
fied electors of flab county, or the (63h-ids over
which the jurisdiction of stud courts extends, and
shall lie cola taissiorad r ay the Corernor.
dudl hold their offices fini !lute years if they47 l l3
TO io.i
. r, behave theinsefrirterit, `acrd until ?heir shall be dulyiqualifird. The icgiain
ture shall provide by lag, the number of persons
in each (vitrify Whoa ha ll hold said o ffi ces, and
how many and which of said offices shall be Add
by one
... person. ratan in any if the said of
-4,,e, shall be fi lled by pointmenla to be made.
the Meer nor, town( nue until the next gene
ral election, and - until aces:tors shall he elected
and qualified as afores d.
• Section IV. Prothyno ies, clerks of the peace
and orphans' courts, rec d eta of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriffs, 'shall' keep their offices in the
county •town of the .coubty in which - they, respee
tively„shalrbe officers, anless when the Goverraw
shall, for special reaionis, dispense therewith, for
any term not exceeding five years after the county
shall have been erected.' '
Section V. All eumm' stens shall be in the name
and by jbe authority of e Commonwealtffiof Penn
sylvania,and be sealed ith the State veal, and sign
ed by the Governor. I ,_
Section VI. A State Treasurer shall be elected
''.annually, by joint vote df both branches of lire fros
- tatrre. -
- Section VII. itegiemi of the peace or aldermen
shall be elected in thc, several wards. torangtm,
and townships at the time of Me electron of tan
stables by the qualified -raters. thereof, in Ruch
number as ~ ‘ reinded b ktemi and .shalt be
eommisrioned by the Governor for a term of flee
years ; :but no 101.073114, Ward am borough shall
, elect m&e than two:polices i f
,the peace °Adder
men without the epaseizt e a majority of the qua
ed. &dom.:a/Ain 'sad township, ward or Po
t lionWit' All veers whaso ekdion or ap
'ointent fs of 'Praaideltfoi in this coma:Wilma,
shall 'be eketed or - tip}icifater; shall bE direded
i~VOO trAijoiro,, t reeet •
vealand &
' ,t441,11?1,13-kirWlsierilit-r. •
/me J. C. KERN.
: _
A.TtlicLk VI.
.bg.LeemiN, - , - frviehitteidtsietap*e, , _ ! .., zi+iirttht,...
o.withi anvil:aftl - Adak eissaftetot - ,:: .becii-fr? , ' , , tsiisnhabittratlk.• -'"" , .'. sioai,lactft '..:
befurea appbintinextt f •spre wanly • , have
`•••betstso 1, sag &tried ; but if it shall I , have been
0: - king , - ated, , titessJimihia de bGm is of the ,
*iliiiiityl:cousities out-of whieb itsliel have been '
:Yu/tn. 'a mimber of Congresss fro:sit/us slate.'
or any pprzwi holdinror atercuing any-ogee or
oppoiu tolVd•of tmuct •or pri t flr. undo'. the United . I
Stakopshatt at the same lime !radar a ercise wry
office in 's state, to labials a salary isi °rife: - or
es a
are by law; is:mixed; and the /Tisk
lure ma' by kw deetare•what Slate al au are iti
eompati ie. Tie member bf the -Senate or of the
house CI representatives shall be appointed by the
Gorernor to any office during the term for which
he shin!! Pi ave
ff,.., nce been eketed.
Sect: ' All altars. fora tern! of years
shalt kr Mob. offices far the *terms eeriedirdy
specified, only on-the condition that they so long
behave theinselveswell ; and shall be liemnred on
convidian of Misbehaviour in office orlof troy -in
perms ;csime4 1 -
Section X.? Any persein who BUM after the
adoptibn , of the amendmentspropo ky this
CouvrWou to the Canctitu os
tion, fight a duel or
send crekbilenge for that purpose,-or be cider or
abetter i'n, : fig3iiting a duel, shalltedeprived of the
8 , 401 of hOlditio,• any ofte of honour pr profit in
Side„ and shod be punished a/het i -re in such
maniteri as is; or May lee prescribed law., but
the neeeative may remit the said off tee and an
its diagivabfications. ' ! .
Seetitn I. The legislature shall, as soon as con-:'
veuient r may be,.movide by law, for the establish
ment 4, schools throughout the State, in melt
manner; that the poor may be taught gratis.
Sec.ion it. The arts and sciences shall be pro
men,l Ca °iv: tn. mute seminaries of 'earplug..
Serthm 111. The rights, privileges, , /
and esthtes of religions societies and ciorporate bo
dies:shalt rennin as If the constituthin.of this State.
had mit been altered or amended.
Stn IV.. The kg/right-re iha7/ nct invest crn:y
. f!
body or individual Utah tie pritniegr
of Ink sig. prim/E. properly for public lase, tr./lb:out
i )
regale ng Farb corporation or indiri zeal to make
tompasouttion to Me nurture of said ruptrly. or ortolan:le ereurity IleercAr, befu c
,suck pro
perty dual be taken. .
:tient-tent of the General A , eirembly; and .all-nffi
cets. executive and judicial, Fttail Lo hound 11 , oath
or, to support the coltatt4ltioll of thi4
' It as to rei form the dukes of their
respective offices with fidelity.
ThWt the general, and essential principles of
liberty and free government may be recognised and.
unalterably established, WE DECLARE, THAT
Section 1. All men are born equally free and in
dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
among which are those of enjoying-and de
fending life and liberty, of acquit icg, -possessing
and protecting property and reputation, and of
suing their own happiness.
Section 11. All power is inherent in the people,
and ail•free governments - are founded' on their au
thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness ; I`or the advancement of these setts, they
have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible
tight to alter s reform or a bolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper.
:Section Ili. All men have a natural and indefea
sible right to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their own consciences no Man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent ; no human authority can, in any
case WlLitever, control or interfere with the rights
of conscience ; and no pi cference shall ever he
given, by late, to any religious establishments or
motley of worship.
Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be-
lug of a God and a future 'tate of rewards-and pu-
nishments, shall on account of his religions. senti
ments be disqualified to hold aby offiCe or place of
tru.d or profit under this Commonwealth.
Section V. Elections shall be free and equal.
SPetioll VI. Trial by jury nhall be as heretofore,
and the right thereof remain inviAilate.
Section VII.' The printing presses shall be free to
everr person who undertakes to examine dr: pro
ceedtngs of the rgi-datu, or any branch of go
ceroment : And : law shall ever he made to re
strain the right ereof. The free communication
Of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable
rights of man ; and every citizen may freely speak,
write and print on any subject, being responsible
for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions for
the publication of papers -investigating . the official
conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or
where the matter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi
denae i And in all indictments for libels the jury
shall have a right to determine the law and the facts,
under the direction :if the court, as in other cases.
Section VIII. The people shall be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea
sonable searches and seizures: Arid no warrant to
search any place, or to seize-any person or thinks,
shall issue, without describing them as nearly as
may be, nor without probable oar:Se supported by
oath or affirmation. . ,
. Sectwu Iw. ut all criminal prosecutions, tne
cased ha:b a right to be he-ad t•y himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature and . c,use of Inc ac
cusation against him, to meet the NV itriv , ses face to
face;;to have compulsory procesit CO- obtaining svit- t
nesses in his favour,-and, in prosecutions by indict
ment or infornr‘tion, a speedy plight trial, by an
impartial jury of the Nicinner hc..Cannot be com
pelled to give evidence against hiniselt nor-can he
be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless
by the judgment or his peers or ;the law of the
. . .
Section X. No person shall, far, any indictable
oflhnee, be proceeded ngainst criminally by inform
tirm,.exeept In cases arising in the land or naval
foices, or in the militia when in actual service in
time of war or public danger, or - by leave of the
Court, for oppression and misdemeanour in office. No
person shall, for the same otrouce,he twice put in
jeopaidy of life or limb; nor shall any man's pro
0-iny be inked or applied to public bse, without the
consent of his representatives, and without just
cqmpensation being made. .
',Section Al. All courts Shall be (11(1), and every
man for an injury done him in his ISM*, goods, per-
Son or reputation, shall 'have remedy by the due
cdurse of law, and right and justice administered,
Without sale, denial or delay . . Suitt may be brought
against the Commonwealth an suchimanner, in such
cOurts, and hi such cases as the legislature may by
law direct. ' . . ,
Section Xl.l. No power of cuspetiffing tame shall:
be exercised, unless by the legislature, or its au
Secuen XIII. cExcessive bail OA not be re
epircd, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pu
nishments inflicted. ,' - , _ - • -
Section XIV. All prisoners itha • be. bailable by
sufficient sureties, unless for capit I offences, when,
the proof 19 evident or presumption great; apd the
priVilege of the writ of babewt co UII shall not he
isuspcmded,unless -when, in cases rebellion or in- .
o r
vasion..the public Safety may term re it.
Section XV. No-commission of Uiver and Tenniner
dr jail delivery shalt be issuedi - ; • - .
' Section XVI. The pereoeraf ja debtor, where
there is not strong presumption Of fraud, shall nor
be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate
for the benefit-of, his creditors, in,.. such .rnFoler. As
}nail be presclibetl by law. 1
• ' eorticin x yn. Nit) or Past/kW
,',. s 4 law; fine any law •
mPairing - coetracts shall be triade.i . - . ' •
SectiOn XVIII. ND penciorshail be attainted of
treason or felony by. the leedature. •
Section I4X, No attainder abswork=eorrtiption.
of blood, npr , except during he. e ofrhe offender,
forfeiture of estate to the evrealtb 4 -the es. ,
tales of such persons as ,sla stroy: thei; . aw,e,,,
r time; shrill dietiiicif 'oi V'estl*as n cacti o r „ tur o i
BACONS ,15.1:110t, eietptleta i in, prime Atiipt,
for lekleAv. 7- .; - • • . L e - e
- 1ite14%.1 4 ' OgERTY;
Sept 4 2,. 4111....
4 •
estkil'isrl' , lfyinT•33 o o 2 9., A - 400MA* 'Med
.puittpy, - *re, 844, no.',fcirfeiture 'by reason,
50 ( .04 ~.T he have l? a Peace
-41016 tntniter,4 o stolisable . bigethe4 fOr n the canon
'good; lid to 4110 . torthosCiniesteirwiththeligiwera •
of government `for redress or grievances, or' other
propergialrposeS,.. by • petition, address or remoo
•streaca. -
Section XXI. The' right of citizens to bear arms,
in delence of themselves and the State, shall not be
Section XXII; No standing *tiny Shall, hi time
UT peace, be 'kept up without the - consent untie Le
• gislature ; and the military Shall; hi all cases, and
at an times, be in strict ‘sublirdinatioa to thecivil
power..- -
Section XXIII. No soldiershall, in time of peace
be quarteredln any house without the consent of the
owner, nor in time-of war, but in- a manner to: be.
prescribed by law.
Section XXIV. The-legislature shall not grant
any title of nobility or hereditary. distinction,. nor ,
rcreate mai office the apPointinint to which shall bi
I , for alonger term llAstelusing gootrbehaviour.
Section XXV. Emigration from- the State shalt -
'not be prighibited. • ' •
Section XXVI. To guard against transgressions
of the high-powers which we, bare delegated ? WE
DECLAIM, that. every thing hi this article is ex
- cepted out of the general powers of government, aid
shall for ever remain. in Violate. .
* pm ' filtrldEr .
Any amen tor amendments to thl ttp
s consti.
lion maybe ed in , the Senate or Rouse of Re
presentativm.and if tlu same-shall be agreed to by
a majority of the'sniMbbers elected to filch House, such
itroposed =sent/meat or ansentiments shall be entered
.at 'their journals, with the -yeas arid nays taken
_leereon,and fhe.Sectstary itthe Commonwealth shall
tgass .the same tube publithed three months before the
^nett election, in at least one newspaper in every
Torn' y in which a newspaper shall be piblishal ; and'
if it the legislature next afterwards chosen such Pre-.
posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to
by a majority of the onwnibers elected to each how
'the Secretary trthe Cornmosstrealth shall cause the
same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and
such proposed amendment or amendments shalt be
submitted to the people in fuck manner and at such
time, at least three nukahi, after being so agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe ;
and if the people shall approve and _ratify such
amendment 'or amendments by a majority of the qua
lified voters of this Stale voting thereon, such amend
ment or amendments shall become a part of the con
stitution ; but no amendment or amendments shall
be submitted to the people oftener than once in five
years ; Provided, , that if more than one amendment
bet submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner
and form, that the people may rote for or against
each amendment separately and distinctly.
. SelitnuLE. .
That no inconvenience may arise from the altera
tions and amendments •-in the Constitution of this
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain.--
ed, That,
Section Z All laws of thfs Commonwealth in force
- st the time when the said alterations and amend.
ments in the-said Constitution. shall take effeeti.and
not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions,
prosecutions, claims, land contracts as well of indi
viduals as of bodies corporate, ihall continue as
the said-alterations and amendments had *not been
Oection 11. The alterations and amendments in the
said, Constitution shall take ellect•from the lust day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Section The 'clauses, sections, WI articles of
the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall_
continue to be construed and have effect as if the
said Constitution had not been amended.
r.t•cawu Is. The General Assembly winch antra
cony-etre in December, eighteen hundred and thirty.
eight, shall isantinue its session, as heretofure,:not
withstanding the .proviition in the eleventh - section
• of the first article, and shall at all times be reOtded
as the first General Assembly ender the amended
Section V. The Governor who shall be elected in
Detobru.„ eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be
lnaugurated on the. third Tuesday in January,
eighteen hundred and thilly-nine, to -which tune ,
te present exeentive term is hereby extended: •
Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the
'Supreme Court, who may be in office on the first day
of January next, shall expire in the followiug man
ner Thescommission which bears-the earliest date -
shall expire on -the first .day of. January, Anno Do,
mini sue thousand eight hundred and forty-two; the
c. mmission next dated shall expire on the :firSt day
f January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-five; the commission next dateirshall
expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundied and forty-eight; the
commission next dated Shall expire on the first day
of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight.'lll3lT
dred and fifty-onel find the Commission last dated
•sh .11 expire on the . firSt day of January, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. ,
Section VII. The commissions of the President
judges of the several judicial districts and of the
associate law judges Vf the first judicial
expire as follows : The comutissions - of one-half of
those who shall have held their offices ten years a
more at the adoption of- the amendments to the consti
tution,shall expire on the twenty seventh day of Fe
bruary, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine;
the commissions of the other half or those Who shall
have. held their offices ten years more at fhe adop
tion of the timeirdmsints 'to the constitution, shall
expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hundred and forty two; the first 11-.lf
to embrace those whose commissions-shall bear the
oldest date. The commissions of all the remaining
judges who Shall not have held their offices fur ten
years at the adoption Of the amendments to the con
stimtion shalt expire-utethe tiventy-seventh day of
February next after the end of ton years from th e.
date of their commiifions,
Section VIII. The Recorders of the several May
ors' Courts, and other criminal -courts in this Com
monwealth, shall be - appointed fur the some time.
and in the same manner, as the president judges
of the several judicial districts - 1 of those now in
office, the commission oldest in date shall expire. on
the twenty-seventh day of _February, one thousand .
eight hundred and :forty-one, and the others every
two years thereafter according to their redpective
dates. Those oldest in date expiring first.
Section IX. Thetroislatograt ids , first session un
der the amended-constitution, shall divide the other
associate judges of 'the State into four:classes. The
commissions of thole `orthe'first +elms 'Shall expire,
on the twenty-seventh day of February, vighteen
hundred and forty; of thinse-of the second class on
the twenty-seventh daypfrFebrunry,eighteen bun=
dred ,and forty-one; o; thOse of, the thud tines, on
the twenty-seventh day . of Februiri, eighteen.bun
dred and forty-two; 'and Of thOkeh the fouith class
on the twenty-sesefittiAdrkittfebritarY, tithteen
hundred and forty-three.. gins said•clasees - from the
first to the fourth strailAiestrranged action:lin% to the
seniority of the coinutflifinis 'of the seirei:aljudges.
Section X. Prtitfunicitaries; clerks of the several
courts .(except of the Supreme _ Cohrtirecrirder of
deeds and registers nder
=the 'amendetKonalittitir,at tbo/-election Of erPee*
sentatives in yeaxfsiglateen.:ftundred,arnil-thirty
-nine, in such mannprthe prescribed bylaw.
Section Xh Thell t ing power shall remain as
heretofore, and•albiS cers , the 4poiptment of the
executive departmentaktailindinue tiVthe exercise
of the ilttClba of thicr4espective„oißces- until the
letislatiire shall pass such laws tis may be required
ty the eighth seetiOtiorr - 4 Mails article of the
amended , coostituthnilind until .appointments shall
be made under such taws; xmless - theircommissiona
shalt be .superseitadjisneavappointmentg, or sha t
,sooner expire, try theic,own itimitations, or the said
Shall become vacant by death or resignation,
Oct. such laws shall te.,:etia.cted la, the first legisla-
Nu ifilderthentmetidea4tatalon• • •
Seetionill,44 firstiilecticin for aldermen and
Justices of held in the year eight . .
eeh huodred„andArtfa PC** '
me fixed for the
riection' tIY -itiiiiitallkes„, The leiiislaturt at;, its. first
,1 .OAF SUGAR.--s)oo.lbs.*ttiisoft,Loaf Su=
1 17# gar,,pOrchased erprinta4 Ir . ogl'aveni • Iceely =
ere.usek tot .Lyle at. itoredoeVritibyl
Jaw ; • „
session under tntretrientof ilinitthitigt shat . 79.
vide for the said election an r subsequent s ai
.elections. Thenldermen a ' , r. , slices of the I ' -
nowr in commission , or wh o. 4n the interim he
appointed, shall trit:, •.- :a, - e the duLetief
their respective - . ~..441.10ft' days INT the
day which shall ' ""
,by,.#cyiveitte issuing of
new comninisio ' 'Aiii-OtAtifit,.6t r iahi ,tttne,
their onintliV, : " [Oral' -.l*-prre.,!..y;44 , ,, ‘2. 1 ,,,.,
la &S Chnuifi ikailhe lirigekite4 l 1 , 1. -..
codititution rut*, *tPs t s*:i t g----. - 1
cett'ventlUi , e:titeeMeensYsi'*!-14, 1 00 1 , th l9
. COnfiaW*ie,hofijit*Ai r titit tlikisa a t
PhifilAeViiirlpet*,,44 - ...idAkykor - ebrq-
Dia a
ary,Anno lelig'otikiliottaiil4lgt.p, ' '
and thirty-4 glit, SPC:o.O4 - Aidipt•A " of
' -the IlniteirS pire,Ateerrcri•the;algty ' cond •
-, A.:. II!: /Htr., I SERCEAIi T, Pres int
• , ~..,-,
....,..4 , - ~ .
Daniel Aguitar," - 14-: ' 6 . -eta &V - Haylmr(ti,
Wm-141304 - ~ .
,'"i•0 61 *. 11- 0 $ ; l l ..
M. W. Baldwin,,';l t lattn.JitiltDmateiti, ,
Ephraim Bankso . ; V..114 - fiderson, .
John '.l*: Smiley; - ' ' WlR.,tHeridenuin,_ t
Jacob BarndolaN Wrii.llrest , es, i- ~
,:- - •.
Chas. A. Ifatnit4 - • Wiilisrni - irgh , ,' '
Andrew -Bedford,: . •Jes. HoiAtioson,
Thos. S. Bell, ..-• .. John Houpt,
James Cornell Biddle,. Jabez Hyde,
Lebbeus L. Arlo* ' Charles Jared in • th, . •
Saml. C. Bcinhaill,' ,- * ' ' - Phu Jen ks,
'Chas. Brown, . 1' 1 ` -' George•AlAKeine, ' • '
'Jeremiah Browni -, .- .Janies KenitedY,
William BrOwnJ . ''. • Aaron Kerr, •
Pierce Butle r
,;. .1.- , ..• Jos. Konigraache4 •
Samuel Caney, ~1 , Jaeoti•Krebs, 4 -
John Cummin,• •it • . .. H:GAtiog,
Thomas S. Connuighatn, David Lyons, . •
William Cur ti;. 1 ' Alete. Magee, '
• •
•• - loel ,
Wm. Darlington, IC. Mann,
George Charabete; , 7 Wi M. Meredith, •
John Ohm:idler, ~I, , . , Jwes.Merrill, •
Jus. IL Chandler, Uvi. Merkel, - ii .
Ch. Chauncey, - .1- .• Wm. 1.. Miller, I , . -
Nathaniel Clapi,: . •-, lames Montiontery
James Clarke, . '-.• , :Christian Meyers,' .
John Clarke, ' .11. . D. Nevin; . • ~, f •
William Clark, -1 . 'AVM.' Dverfiekt, 1 '.. • •
A. J. Cline, '. • Hiram Payne, g'
Lindley Coates,' . Matthias Pennyp.3ker.
R. E. Cochran,,; , James Porter, 4
Thos. P. Cope, tunes Madison Porter.
Joshua F. Cuz,i ' Saha. A. PUrvilikee
Walter CraigiA - 11. C. Reigart,' N' . •
' Richd. M. Crain, • A. H. Read,- 1
Geo. T. Crawieril, Geo. W. Riter, i • •
Cornelius.Crind, Jo°. Rittery 1 '
Benjn. Martin4' •' . , IL - Gold Regers,i
John L.llPCatteu, .' Samuel Royer, I •
E. T. McDoWel), ‘: , •James-M. Russell,
James M.Sherry, ;• ; Daniel Saeger, 1 . •
Mark •Darrah, , . . 7 John Morin Scott,
Harmer Denny, - Tobias Sellers
'John Dickey, - '4. Selticer,r• 'l .
Joshua Dicktririn, Geo. Serrill, , .
Jacob Dillihget ' eery Scheetzi
Jas. Donagan,l. , 'George Shilleto,p •
J. R. Donnell,:, :' Thomas H. Sill; ,
Joseph M. Milan; - Geo. Smith, ',
James Thinlori .- ' . Wm. Smyth;
Thomas Earle„ • Joseph Snivelyi
D. M.' Farrel l, ' Jno. B. Sterigere, - -
Robt. Fleeing, . Jacob Stickel, V
Walter Forward,
-. Ebenezer vq. ggirdevallt -
John 1. - pull, • Thomas Take' , -
Joseph Fr y, J' . Morgan J. %lous,
John Fuller, i ~ • - James Todd, 4'
John A:Garott e, • Thong's Weliv.ey. .
m i l
William Gear art, J W
'Jacob R. eidMan,
'David Gilm , Its G. White A . , •
Virgil Grenell, -Geo. W. W4l*ard,
William -L. Harris, , R. Young. ' 1' •.
Thomas I-facilites, - . 1
(Attest,) S. Shocni,Secretery. • . I.: .
_ _ •
G. L. FAITS , Assistant Scriitaiimi. .
J. Wuxi-sins, , •
m ‘
• liaminntrio, F 6.111117 Any #B, 1838.5
I certify, that the foregoing is an exact and literal
copy of" thalConstitution of thc'Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania as amended by the Convention of one
thousand eight hmidred and thirty-seVen-thirty
eight," deposited in this °thee en the /6th day of
February, 151.181 the amendritents being in itaac,
and the retained ,portions of the present Constitu
tion in roman letter. . s . ;.!
Sec'v of the Cutr?lminsoktle h.
STRAYEX•awny,frnm the Subset. Bier, on the
lllb of /Urinal teat, a RED COW, with a
white spot oh each hind, foor, itudebl the hoofs,
f about thti etze - ora Adler—about . or 8 years
old. Whoe rmation w re aim can be 'had, ah er will return said cowOor give in
foald 'receive a
reward ofs and thetthankt of the roainer. . -
Port Carbtin, - Sept;44% ' 4 -72-3'
ga BAPiISAN has commenced a ,:ook Bind-
L 7• ery in eundegtion with hts took Store,
where all kinds of Hooks will be Ittiund et the
shortest noble ht low rates.
Blank Books
of every desbription made to order et the losteg
rate.—and the trade supplied ° Wholesale at Plitt
delphia prices
April 11
MRS - . 4., A. C. WYN - ItoOP 7 S.
Boarding and Day-Behool far Yoring Ladies;
•CentrelSr. 3d dour above Norwegian St.
- pir - rrsvi.LLE.
frtna -coarse of inaireetion under he anksicr
-1 tendeno of competent ea chors,Vill 'embrace
Orthography, Reading:, Writing,!Arithmetic.
Grammar,- Perigrapby, Map Drawidg,
Compoaltiod, Philosophy, Astrononiy!Drawing &
Painting„ lla ewe, Plain itutd Ornarnental Needle
I , vorit, , dte;+dem. - The Seminary wilf Open mitts
20th inst.. ,Treilna made known orr'a .plieaticm.
Potrefdle, -August , 624m0 -
IS. Ara . f ow.
on hand a
erihora haVe constantly,
-■- f o lLaisortmentof iron, comp sing Round
and 3quartg;ron from-3-16th .rip top inches di
ameter; flit Iron 3-16th by W. Gi L rip to
6 in„by : botior,Seq and sheet'. iron ‘of hest
an d 2d glitilitti, euitdbla fotllrtinv bixltei or
imitates:lin road by la by by i f;
and 414 I. They are also*mood tir-r7eiira
orders to-iniport Rail Read' - Iro n thtrmost
advantagedurr terms irAlarge quanti ittsrArlaiqall
. trf .
A Tußariaortmerit of Steeiotoirtyr, T lig'dsst and
shear entiet,i6C , Adtericatit anttEnklia tifititlriSteel-
Germanjanil . spring -sieel v 4ir d %roil •and
octagonat4teel for drills:,;
S. W. com r er. Market
.Philadelphia, one • ?.1.7,
!•-•''' I
WE- 41 1. 1 )RK ?vet • • -;
and t4.14t: .
-his 1. 1
*.,,.l'leititit i lissertmeat of
Green, d
A104 : 81411413Ine, drib
•whiekrerill'lnrdold:very Ch
tcktui.4otily 14, 1838.
' 0 ONES;
.% ,
,Seventh St
-49-6 mo
?tr9 now opeoint
ttiti)t en sp t ld o a f t r v r :r
Witt 1 & - 60 N.
.J:IL; • 62 -
a• l arge au—
Blue, Blpck, Brown
and mitt Cloths—
!ad- niiiit Casslmeiea
aP •