The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 26, 1838, Image 3

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    Nett , Pate
T HE subscriber would leap •
to the public that ha
arrangements for procuring cas
has now on hand two sizes of h
which, he will be happy to dispo'
prices for cash. He would wit
and examine for themselves, as
sets advantages which belon
her tokire . manufactured.
He would also inform his fri:
tinues to keep a general assortr,
COpper•ware, I .
All of which disposed o
Pottsville, Sept. 22, 18118. •
10 HUDR, Porto Rico,
5 do. St. Croix',
20 Ws. do. do. -
50 Boxes Brown Soap,
.50 do' Yellow do—.-for sal
Pottsville, Sept. 26, Id:ili.
Stray Co
stray,ed from 'the subscriber
black covering both eyes, on h
a partial defect. W verwil
to the subscriber, • be suita.
receive the thanks or the owne l
_ . Bill
'of Irish Town, addition
• Sept. 22. •
Y virtue of a writ of Vend,
Si 1 B
sued out of the, court of
Schoylkili Cyunty, and to me
expo.ed to public Sale
On Monday the 151';
ber next, at the house of John
the town of Friedensburg, at
All that certain utessuage, ten
land, situate in Wayne to•
Schuylkill, boundee by lands
t • John. Lengel, Be
... r e land of Henry Fah
"VI taining 230 acres,
:he appurtenances,
story log dwelling bowie, awn ,
story log dwelling house and
tate of Benjamin Batdorf.
On Monday the 19th
the house of Pelee Fit hert ,innk
of Pinegrove, at 10 o'dToek,
lain hat of ground
•- ; °ugh 'of Pinegrov.l
• nn lowa, jtl svii: on th
Putpehneken We l
norti..veigme lot 180 feet, on
alley 60 feet. and oh Ahe soot
vey ISO feet, wuh theixa.ppurte
of a one awry log dwelling hl
kitchen therein winch. ti, and .
the- eatate of Jetcob Krater.
.111 the same time
that one equal undivided eigf
to be into eight parts, parte.
that certain tract or oared of
Pinegrovelowilsittp; eminty a
on the east, land of
and west the Swatara Coal f:
south the Swatara river con
408 perches, with the alum
estate of Henry W. Conrad.
At the same time
that certain lot
situate in the bor . '
v a ioresa id
• "IS lined on the .1
road n.. LOC south, by - -Tulin.
west, andm fifteen teat alley
taining one acre more or les
minces, consisting of • larg.
house and kitchen. spring
frame stable; the House is
tavern—late the estate ot Hr
..At the same time .
that certain midi
1.404 tam lot of eritundl
Ile , • rough of Plnegro,
s •
_ _1 ty, bounded by
on the west, by a public sir,'
en alley on the cast, by lan.'
on the south, with the appur,
of a two story frame dwellin'
and frame stable. Also, a t;
in Pinegrove townllnp, con
ed by lands 0f Jacob Zerbe, I
otoars, containing one hun,
Jess,%itb the appurtenances'
story log dwelling house al
estate of Jahn 'Huber..
On Tuesday the
- next, at the house of Wm.
ough of 10 o'et
certain lot of ground, situate'
street is the borough—of
Schuylkill, bounded and de'
beginning at a corner
Street and Seitzinger's elle
alley south 60 degrees, west
thence south 30 degree-seas
thence north 60 degrees, eas,
forty feel wide street; thee
north 30 degrees, west 60 fel
liming, containing a lot"
front and 108 feet in depth
lot Which is marked and n
• al plan of the a
11•11111' villa with No. '
• IMP minces, consisti
e -.
frame dwelling
sheds, naxn and other build
of Nat/wind J. Mill..
.At the -same time and Olace, all
• • . that certkin mo• ty. or undivided half
. _part, portion or ntereat Of; in land to
1 111 all that certain messuage, .tenement.
and lot of gr. .nd, site pn .the
moth westerly aide of Marke Street the.borough
of Pottsville, marked in Pot & PattersonN addi
tion io.rpttsvilic, with the o. 15, holiedett on the
southwesterly side by lot of psdpecty tlf Daniel
Levy, and beginning at the south corner at a
stone; thence earth 613 degrees, cad 52 feet to
stone; tdence north:3o 'degrees West 190 feet to
post; thence south 60 degrees west-60
south 30 degiees, east 4132, feetto a post; thence
south 60 degrees west 2 feet lb a post; thence]
south 30 degrees east 58 feet to the , place of bc.i
ginning, containing in front on Market street 5 2
feet, in the rear 50 feet, and in depth •190 feet„ ;
with the appurtenanCes, consisting of a two story:
partly brick and partly stone dwelling house, and
a two story stone kitchen thereto attached; also.i
la one Story frame dwelling house with a frame
iichin thereto attached-4sta the venial of Dan-,
All gazed, taken. in gxecntinn,andin be sold by'
PETN:I2 F. LUDWIG, Sheriff.
Slierifre Office,
burg, Supt. W 2, 1838.
re v Virtue of a writ of Leoori Faders, issued
out of the Court ofComtnon Pleashf Schuyi..
hill County, and to me directed, will tm sold by
Public Sale, on Monday the Bth day of October
next, at the inn or Public House-cot - Daniel Boyer
in Orwigsburg, (on tne premises) at 10 o'clock;
A: M.—All that certain messuage, Menement,
Tavern House and lot of ground, situated is the,
Borough of Orwtg.burg, in Schuylkill County
bounded in front by Market street, in the year by
a pnbilc alley, on the West by the Western part'
of lot number sixteen, and on the East by War:
ren street, containing in. front 62 feet, and it
depth 9 perches, being the major part of lot
marked in the general plea of Ortritgaburg, Na
16 and the spine which Christian 'Schwartz and
Margaret his wife by deed 'dated the Id April
1830, granted and conveyed to George Grim,
Consisting of a two Story Stone and a two Story.
Brick Hausa with Kitchen thereto, extensive
Stables and Sheds of fr ame, a pumpor water near
the Kitchen and the -hear of a purnp.'before the
house—late the estate of George Grim.
I Vg •
tfuNy annunce
completed his
cgs, end that he
e of ay the lowest
persons to call
hese Stoves pow
to none kothers
de that hi con
ent o f d -1
I, nware
pe, 4.c. r itct
cheap to cash
4-6 nm
Seized, taken in execution and will be sold bp.
Sheriffs Office, Orwiga t
burg, Sept. 12, 1838.
CAROLINA worked flooring boards, plough
ed, tongueif and grooved ready for laying, L
14 and l inches of different quality and prices,
constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to snit
purchasers, upon appiication by letter to
' Planing Machine Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co.
- 'or .11ILLER & HAGGERTY,
april 2:i 31—tf • Pottsville.
week since, a
h a white face, the
r left tye there is
return said Cow
Ly rewarded, and
. •
to Poet Ca bon.
174 3
.Emporium of Fashion. •
Third.Dpor above the Pennsylvania Hail, Centro.
tioni lksponas, is.
moron P leis of
airecied, will be
Wm. a. SUMER begs leave to return hl:
sincere thanks {o his friends and a genet
ens public, ter their patronage heretofore soliber
ally bestowed on bim; and that he will be happy
to see his patrons and friends, as he hopes by on
remitting exertions to give satisfaction to all.
Hair cutting done in the latset Parisian style.
Pottsville, 7August 4th 1838- 60-3rno
day of Octo.-
Snydcr, *aq. ni
-1 o'clock P. mt.- 1
talent and tract of
natty; county .of
of JaCob Sauaer,
nhardi d, and
cords lani-,
end inhere, con.
more more or less, with
consisting of a one
er barn, and one
tabie-÷late the es
, ...
For Sale,
A valauable Tract of Coal Lend-, .
L YING and being In the township of Norwe
weglan, on the West Branch near the West
Branch Rail Road, about iiAlf miles from
kill Haven—there to Wm or more Coal , Veina
plowing through this .and. -For information ap.
ly to, JACOB REED,-
at Pottav ille,
ur. r*. HOVEN' AN,
at Reading.
Oct. next
eperiti,the bcoobgh
M. An that cer
situate in the bor
bomtded as I'ol
west *owing on,
t be 'feet, on the
the eabt a :20 feci
mul of leaac Har•
a ncesi consisting
.With a frame
March 2.` 34
f !f f l [. I y i ~
kill County. •
In the matter of Me Estate of Charles Pi &q.
WHEREAS John Scholl. aasignoe
of Charles Frailey, Esq. did on the
3d day of August, One Thousand
Eight Hur.dred and Thirty.E'iyht,
to a file in the:office of the Pmthonotary
of the Court of Common Pleas for the County al
Selma/kill., a statement of all concerns of the said
nd place, all
th 1 :, the whole
and dlvided of all
Inal land, ailuate in
Alrewaid, adjoining
NoTiCE" is hereby riven to the creditors of
the raid Charles IF/alley. E-q and ail others in
'crested in the said Estate. that the Honorable
the Judges of the .oouri - of Com:non Pleas afore
said, have appointed Monday the 224 day ofoe
trwr, 1r135, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the Court
House to the Berourh of Orwizaburr, for the
hearing of the same, arid for chewing cause
the said account ought not to he allowed, and
in default thereof, the same will be confirmed.
Witness the florturahle Calvin Blythe, Presi.
dent of our raid Cunt at Orwirstrurg, the Mb
day of September, A. O. Id3B.
'f-at , ff, On the north
!tmpanf, and on thu
I nine 2 acres and
tenant*s--tate the
I, nit
. place, all
piece ul oround,
, ugh of rtnegrove,
boon)ded by, the
.nsl, by Or %sngsburg
tocken . rund on the
on Iha noriin, con
, with !the a pporte
t an siory 'lnn !ling
!those, orlicei and a
naa , oacnnird as a
ry W. ronrod, Lab.
_. _
Or wlywhiirg. Sept. - 15
PURSUANT to an set of the General Assem
bly 'of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
passed the 15th dap of February, 1799, 1, Peter
F l Ludwig, [lig h Sherr ie.,. the cotinty of Schuyl
kill, do hereby give this public notice to the eke
tore 91 the county of Schuylkill aforesaid, that a
General .Election wall be held in said county on
the second Tuesday in October "elt, which will
be the 9th day of the - said month s for the purpose
of choosing by ballot.
/id liduce, all
ided of a c. r
sittatieo in the ho
e, Seht;tytkill Coun
ulpehiocken street
on the north, by
of Eldridge & Co:
ene netts, corusild tug
hommi and P lichen,
act of Ilaiiruaie
ty a foriini • and-
Frederik% I% olli and
red 'mires more or
comositing of a two
.d log burn-late the
For Governor of Penn. , . ivenis
One Person
For to represent Lehigh end Schuylkill coun
ties in the Guntrese of the Unitpd Steen.
To represent Schuylkill county in the 'noose
of Representatives of this State.
Two Persons
For Coronore of Sehnylkill county.
Two Persons
.01 of October
4timer,, in the bor
. , M. All that
on a forty feet wide,
'ottsvilla, county of
cribed 4s follows, to
f said 40 feet wide
For county Comm issionere, one to serve 3 years
end the other two, to bopply a vacancy.
One. Person
thence. along said
198 feet !to a corner;
60 feet to a corner;
198 feet to the said
e. alopg said atireet
4t to. the 'place of be•
For Director of the Poor. and Huuse of Employ
ment of Schuylkill county.
Two Persons
For 'Auditors of SchayiLill county.
, Two Wersons
For Trustees of the Orwigsburg Academy.
And that the Electors of the county of Schuyl
. • id, are to assemble for the purpose of ,
. • ballot the officers aforesaid on the'
' October next, at the several
' .mposed of the several
Ms, to wit—
' v bulg trill
T. In the
Ilf ground 60 I in
land being half t
.mbered in the goner.
I.ld borot*h of eras.
!2, with the appurte
. g of twd three story
, ousel, together with
ngs—jato the 'estate
choosing _
second Tuesdri
diefricts end places
boroughs, townships *sq.
. The electors of the borough of - Or.,
hold their election at the Court Hi._
borough of Orwigsburg.
The electors of West ilronswick township will
hold their election at- the Court House, in the
bdrough of Orwigsburg. • •
The electors of East Brunswick township will
hold their election at the Wm* of Henry Lau, in
the town.of Iti`Kearisburg.-
The electors of Plower' township will bald
Sherlirio Sale.
Flooring Hearth.
Street, Pottsville
One Person
One Person
lhei;_elittithaititt the imam* theists Julie eniPe now Win. Hoek of iiMd ton •• hip.
, The 4lectora of Wane tow hip w il l bad didit
electiom at alehouse of 'Wooed Moll, innkeeper,
in the town of Fritdeiiburgo.
The electors of Upper Mehantange township
will hold their' election &CUM house of Samuel
Moyer o in said township.
The electors of Barry township, including the
house lately! occupied by Michael Bolig,'nenti,
Mr. Raw% will hold Sick elentide at the house of
Henry Bolig • in said township. r •
The electors of Lower Mahantango township
in Schuylkill county, residing with the , following
described, bounds. which forms a new dentine
district, celled "William's Valley," to wit: Be
ginning at the
,Dauphin and Schuylkill totteryline,
line, icieludingthe Tartu° annum on the Mad
Mountain: now occupied by William Hall. thecce
along the Pinegrove.townahip hoe to where it in
tersects the Lower aMabantarigh township hue ,
leading in a direction to Gratztown, and thence
along the ridge of the Mountain to the Dauphin
and Schuylkill county Rotolo the pl,ee of begin.
ning, shalt- hereafter hold their election at the
house.ol Jam& Ileberling, Jr. now or late in the
occupancy of Samuel Kimmel.
The electors of the remaining part of Lower
3llshantongo township 'will hold their general e
lection at the house of Philip Osman, in said
The electors of West 'Penn township will hold'
their election at the house now occupied by Morns
Forreider, in said tominsnip.
The electors of Union township will hold their
general election at the house of John BiSenhower,
in said township.
The electors of Rush ioweithip will hold their,
general election at the house ofJohn Brans, inn
keeper, in said towniihip.
All that .part of Norwegian township, in the
county of Schiylkill,lying west on the following
line, to wit: Beginning at the point of intersection
of the Weat Branch of the river Schuylkill and
Manheini township—thence op the-east side' o
the West Branch of the Schaylk ill to its intersec
lion *Oh Berry township:Shall be seperate e
lection district, and the electors thertrof shall hold
their', general elections at the house of Joseph
Millie. in the borough of Minersville, in said town
The electors of Schuylkill township, residing
east bf a point froxi the tolsnship line of Man-
helm!. in a straight line with the Old 'Forge in
chiding the same, from thence to the house now
occupied by Jacob Wommer including the same,
and Ontiouing from thence in a straight hoe 'to
the Flush township Line, shall hold their general
election at the house o f Frederick Bensinger. jr.
in tha township of Schuylkill, in the said county.
'fbe lualified yaws residing in the townships
of - Norwegian and Schoylkilt, in the county of
Schuylkill, within the followinirdeitcribed bounds,
shaill heteafler be a separate election district, viw
&gibe:ring on the line between .the townships rof
NorWegian and Manheimt from thence a straight
line the house now occupied by John Penman,
inclitding the same—from thence to the Norwc
gianrchorch—and from thence to the farm house
of F. B. Nicholas, Esq. inClading the same—and
fromithence a straight lineoo the line between the
towbehips of Norwegian and Barry—and
. histn
theobe following the towhahip tines of Barry s and
Rusli eastward to a point—from thence in a
straight line southward to the - Old Forge eiclod.
ind the same; thence to the house now occupied
by leech Womener, excluding the nine, and
then e in a straight hue to the place of begiutlint,
exclioling the town ,of New Castle, and that the
qualified electors residing within the before des
eribed bounds shall hold their election at the Port
arhott House, In the town of Port Carbon.
Tie Hectors of the borough of Pottsvdle and the
remaining part of Norwegian township, and of
ihsit part of Manheim township lying between
the river Schuylkill end. the West branch thereof.
(nut included in the Schuylkill Haven district,)
will lhold their election at the house now occupied
by Henry Stager, * the bormugh of Potty:lla
The eledtertrot the tiorriogh of Tamataa Will
hold their election Ist the school house in said
bur ugh.
at the 'electors of that part of Manheim
toteUship 'View tirouttreast of the fallowing . line:—
commencing at the rowinuhip line of Warne mid
lianheiin township on the Sommer MIL thenUe
along the Summer Dill and Orssigsbiirg road, to
the house of Widow Sweicker, and the house of
John Dewslt, exeluding ihe same, thence to the
muse of Philip Drumheller, thence to the house
ul JOhn Delbert, &Abe centre turnpike; thence to
the house of John Bat>^ thence to the house of
Philip Rock; thence to the house of John Shane,
Jr. inclirdnyg the same: thence to the township
linemf sa d id Manheint and ttnieuylkill townships.
chatl hereafter hold their general elections at the
Conti tlitu-e, in the borimgli of Orwigsburg.
*he electors of the realising part of Monheim
.ownship will hold their election at the house of
Philip Buyer, innkeeper s in the town of Schnst
kill !Haven.
II is directed by an set of the General Asscm,
hly :of this Commonwealth, passed the 17th of
March. 1806, that the inspector.. of the general
eleetion shelf be chosen by ballot on the Friday
next pr rug the first Tuesday in October, be
inglthe 28th of September, and the elections for
insPLetors . ahallbo holden in such places in each
tnwh, township, ward, -or district, as - is appointed
by the !awe fur that purpose, by the respective
coninables, who are required to give at least one
week's notice of such election, assisted by two
qoalified citizens chosen by such citizens qualifi
ed vote as shall be there present. And it is
further required by the act of assembly regale.
linfi elections in this commonwealth, that the in.
speetore be at the places of their respective diw
tricits, towns , tout.ahips, and wards, or. the day of
the, general election, at nine o'clock in the fore
nocin, to perform the duties required of, and en
joieed on them by the several acts of assembly,
The return judges of the respective districts,
tovfos, lewovhies, or wurds aforesaid, are hereby
reqi , red to, meet at the Court House, in the
borough of Orwigsburg, on Friday next, a ft er the
2d uesday in October next, being the 12th day
of the month, then and there fo perform those
things required of them by law.
In pursuant of an act of the general assembly
of this commonwealth, passed the 2d day of April,
• further supplement to an act to regulate the.
general election within this Commonwealth," that
every person who shall bold any office appaird.
meht of profit or trust . Under the Golternmentif
the United States, whether a4ommissioned °fritter
or Otherwise, subordinate liffieer or agent, who
Is or shall be employed andei the legislative, ex
emitive, or, judiciary department of the United
States, and alio that every member of toupees is
bylaw incapable of holding or elereising at the
same time the office or appointtneut of judge, in
spector, or clerk, at any election in this state.
pursuance of an set of the General Assem
bly,, passed April 16111'1838, it is provided that
oetnapectore e dy. or' other atter shall be eligi
vied upbn
to the people k,
tficlittoo or reje
an ls of the
by n act of
29 day of
gi*On bp tai
i Notice-
Thit an demi
ships, wards
Schnyikill, on
be! Emit (lei.
eleC'tions of _ ___„_
ties br rejection of the said- Ameindmerits. bribe
Constittition„ The Judges and inspectors tof
said election are acturred to receire tickets eithiir
printed or written from Mittensualtfiedlo rote *
and to deposit them in a box or ', to iie - for
that purpose provided by the, proper
which tickets shall be labelled “ .o r ?the odtside
il sres
•saMestbsents,” and those whet Orb fliinsurable to
the athendments may - express IthCir desire by
voting each a printed or written !meet; . er ballot
containing the words, "For thel aniesidittenie'
and those who are opposed to susils imdudineists
iv express their opposition, bvi voting each a
tinted or written ticket or ball 4 containing the
*rods "Against the , Mriendmentb.” -
ekivt.n under my hand and'ae4at Qrwlgs' burg;
the 15th day of Siptember, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred .and thirty
'eight, arid the sixty second year td the independ
mac 10, the United , Spites of Arintriea.
Sheriff's Office, Orwigs- i
burg, Sept. 8, 1838. ( • ; • I°
To Old Countryinenk_
Agency for Line of Pocke4 front Liter
pool to Phelailelpia.
TflE SUBSCR I BER hail • - q • - eppointea A- •
gent for the Messrs. trope tine rif Liver
pool Packets, between Liverpool mind Philadelphia,
and will reitdive the passage muney from those
who wish to send for their frends Ike - at
country. and also, wBll procure B i ll s for thOw per,
Mill Who tray sleigh to . transmit money to their
tricot% abroad.
the Packets belonging to this; Line are fitted
tip in a superior manner, and ark commanded by
persona who pay great attention to the comfort
and convenience of passengers-4ar.d have given
great satisfaction to passengers generally. Emi
grants who intend residing in this region, will
find it to their advantage to englge their passage
in this Line, and land at Philadelphia; they will,
by so doing. mere the tare and Opense from New
Ye - irk to. Philadelphia, which 'lei four or five dol
lar* for each individual.
The rates of fare will be made; known by apply
ing at the &rime of the Miners' 4otirnaL
June 20 BANNAN.
hi the Matter of the Estcre of William
• ReevelN".
In the Court of Common Pit in and for the
County of Schuy
David & Samuel Frank 1 of 3uly Term A. D
trading under the firm - 1838.
of D. & S. Prank. Mi. 136.
vs. Domestic Attach.
William Reevely.. ment.
N o ricE pp hereby given: Whereas Andrew
Russel, Robert Woodside and Martin Wea
ver, the subveribors, have oecw appointed
tees,. of - the Eitaiii of William Reevely, the deem.
taut aforesaid, by the Court of ternunon Pleas m
and for the County of Schuylkill, ail persons in.
debted to the said William Reevely. or holding
property belonging to him, era hereby required
to,pay and deliver all such Ruins of money and
property due and belonging toithe said William
lteevely, to the wild Trustees, Lod also all credi.
tors of the said William Reevety,- are hereby de
sired to present their respecti vk accounts or de
minds to the said Trnoers
AU residing in the Borough of Pottsville.
September .1.2„ 183& • 72-6tw
uudereigned haying Oceasion, to visit
Europe, from whence he Will return by the
twenty second of October nest, all knell, address
ed to him, and professional butane's entrusted to
hie care &ding his absence, will be promptly
attended to, by . Cherlee Witmer', E.ll
Orwirehurg, august 22, 1838.
For Salo.
.IIF. New Castle and French Town Rail Road
Company, will dispose of part of tite Iron
taken from the fiat track), The bars are in
gird condition, 2} by f A sample may be seen
at the Company's office, Chesnut street wharf,
Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1838.. 72-2 mo
. 1
li t 7R 0, CO. .'
erc s ir Triflers,
I NFO M their iends and !the public in gen
eial, that they 'a ve removed to, their former
s nd in Centre Street, (opposir" to Miller & flag.
rty's Store,) where they liaise on hand, a gen
e I assortment of superfine Broad Cloths and
assimeres of the most fashirinable_colors, with
an elegant assortment of Sumimer Cloths, Satin,
Silk, Valenta', Marseilles and Velvet Vesting",
Linen, Cotton and Chintz Shirts, Satin, Silk and
Bornbaseen Stocks, Linen and Chintz Bosoms and
Collars, also Linen and Chintz Bosoms with ou t
Collars. Silk. Cotton, Thread, (leaver and Hoskin
Gloves. Linen and, Cotton •Hcire and Half Hose,
Fancy Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and Ginn-
Elastic Suspenders. They also have on hand an
elegant stock sf Gentlemen's and Bny's wearing
apparel, such as Frock and Dress Coats. Rounda
bouts, Vests and Pinatas:is. made after the latest
ftraluon and the best, wormanship, which they tn.
tend to sell at reasonable price,.
TuP.S. Wanted two er three good Journeymen
tors. to whom constant work will be given
throughout the season.
Pottsville. Sept. 15, BM&
Port Clinton !Foundry
UILLobe add at private Sale, the Foundry
pleasantly situated at Port Clinton. Eichuyl.-
kill county, on very reaw4ble terms. Thor
pelirandry is at the cornmetent of die WIC
uyikill and Ektsquehannir Rai ikoad, noir
Molding. and trill Jeri abort !tinsiti be ,one of the
bbraatt situations in.the eountryi to do a largebuti•
Ines, For teruis,ko. appli t i t
4 Iron foundoirs.Phthutelpbia. •
. of 18,1 C - blIYEII8;
- --: • roO'Crtotes.
• • E-43t •
a litblic eUcr4.
4'm itittfeirs:thrit- tuieMr.Ciane
no pauiilt for etheqtrg Iron Ore lisith , 1 1%.
thracibs Coal fi'ipts safroie that
they are.nowlat liberty to. lithipt the method et
smelting iroopore with Anthraciteliy the Itie of
a heated air blast; miltbough,l give notiee'
your. bet l bid. Judept-kir Smelting Iron' re
vht' hA,nthracite Coal. both•try the mie of a cold
atiiiiiatilleiriC and a.heited.air' blast, I 'wonld :now
pnhlic again, that on the 14th Of.lan-
Mtry,4B3B,li, received a letter fans the Commis
sioner of Putaniii at Washington, &tilting: "Sir,
upon eranittileg the case of Mr : Crane's appliCa.
lion fora 'patent for Sinking Iron - by means -of
A ntbrritc,l have vie l z; tria'tOtaim as interfering
with youi patent of 18.11,1 ind have given
nolicelo fits . 4tiordey.,4 Every,
attempt to smelt iron ore with anthritthelly the
use cif-a heated sir bleat, is an itifringetitettriapon
my pate n t. s t whieti:l . eautibe 'and Sitio.
all memo's I shill prosieute every one Wangling
upon my nets, acebrding le And , ' fur.
they offer to dispose pf patent rights for.tha arca
ingot furnaces, according to my patent, upon
'very Moderate terms.
Nets York,; May 16,1838.
,ijk of
C ) .13 -
'PEE 40 Rags strong Rio Coffee.
; bti fur9+ale by,
Rept3.:14414 6B-
AFew engraeed. felliength prints. ofThe late
BISHOP WHITE, suitable for fratiles,lnst
remised:Jr/1A for sale by the subscrßWr. Mice
73 cents. - B. BANNAN.
tug. 211, 108.
Dry Goodt,Groe ery,Wine 4' Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.)
TlFlEiß s eoion with a house in Philadelphia
enables therrr?teliceP tin hand a very eaten.
pritte.aissOitenelit 'of goods. whiCh diey will viell at
Store and Tiverli keepers
and private &mites, woolcLdo well to call and
.jedire or themselves.
april 19 31
- Paper Hangings.
A NEW .Aslortment, ccingis‘'ng variety o
- New Psiterns. for RoninC and Entries, to
Other with choice Borders, justireceived and for
sale by , B. BANNAN.
August 25, 66
The extraordinary reputtitath that Dr. Spohn's
remedy for this distressing cothrilarst ti every day
gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment
Tbatao much suffering Should hive existed for ages
wi• bout any discovery 'Of JlO effectual thoventive, or
cure is truly 4 subject of moat tegret. but Dr. S. how
sutures' the public. tbat such a remedy has been In
vented as will convince the most credulothi. The
principles upon which it acts are simple eau plain.—
It is an admitteo fact that this complaint, whether
called sick' Headache, or Nervous Headache. arises
pninartly froth the litonach—dthe who think they
have the Nervous Hearth he may test ethiure, that
this organ, the stomach. is the first triune. that the
system has become vitiated or delashated. drrougb the
stomach, and that only through the same channel
must they expect a restoration of the nAtural and
healthy functions of the system. This object. Dr.
Spobn's remedy is eminently calculated to attain—
The truth of the position cannot be controverted, and
the sooner sufferers with the headache become qon
aimed it. bye sooner will their sufferings end in
restoration to. health. Dr. Spohn pledges - his profse
atonal reputation on this fact. The remedy may be
had of apothecaries.
Whoiessle and Retail by Comvtock & Co. No.l
Fletcher Nt. New York, and Retailby
Pottsville. July 21.1838. 26—ly
FETHERS of superior quality received and
for sale by
Sept 1.
VPlrrtsted; -
A YOUNG man to attend in the Store , one
who speaks Getman would be prefered.—Al
so • Hoy 14. to 14 yearsm . age. Apply to • .
Meant Carbon, Sept. 15, 42-;•
T AT valuable tract of Land called the 4 Clin.
ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
situate on - the west Norwegian Rail Roast, neat
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is
offered for %ale onactommodating terms; or the
Coat Mine% will be Jested tieierally or together
to'an ippn6ired tenant. Apply to
3d Sr. ViraNnt Stteet, Phttatiblythit.
•pril II
THE undersigned cautions the public 'gains
purchasing or leasing the tract of land called
Clinton Tract, am the East Norwegian rail road
from Elizabeth Spoho, or Henry Morris for her
es he the undersigned claimilide thereto, and
will institute a suit ageism! any person attempt.
log to take the possession theteof.
Menheim, April 28. 1838
To Coal Dealers. •
T HE Subscribers laving taken the large and
commodious wharf on Callowhill street (Str
eornor of Callowhill and William striates" li)t
the &buy I kill. near Fair Mount, Philadelphia; are
prepared to receive tiny quantity of Coal, Lumber
&e. on whartage or storage, on the open wharfpr
under cover, on the moat reasonable teems. Every
attention paid to coal consigned to them.
Re/brewers—Mr. George Bast. Schuylkill' Ha
ven; Mr. Philip MIN, Pottsville.
Philadelphia, July tI. 1838. . 53-31 no.
"NAVE ho hand •
SHEET do. •
Bar hop of any 1420 drawn to order. Hide
and spikes of all sizes. for sale at the lowest City
prices. REIMS. WHITAKER 4. CO.
• Roadittp Hay 9%1838. 40-6nto '-.
Reading Nail &area Wort*
H Avr t on band boiler iron . sheet of various
usher'. du. and Alen, all the- different sines 'bar
iron; Op. round and square iron fironi i 8
inchltail d iron of the variant sizes, punched
and coon mink, and cut to the angles ready for
ifse. and nd iron. 'Aisle.. nails and.spikes—
also. gu *on of superior quality: All of which
are for salt at the lowest city price&
, HELMS. WHITAKta it Cu.
Res •4, loneBs. 18* - • 60-0.
Bishop White.
For *dr, of. to 8e Itented.
32 ,
Vilitithk (ran ifs* 14 - 4ws:
. frelets.ippply
LEWIS RED Asti CO' eoi
at lila wharf, Pine wrest, SiiiiiAlcilt-;
(lidera left at the office, Nu. St Diiiii's4lo4
Itelhh *Ur& Will be -promptly attetieleittia;,t.-
in 6 NA, CNOLS; , ;:
THE: Original Ifygelin'lletvinial- qpta 6 li_
Medicines prepared . W.-11114 M . ' 11 4 4- • • • • 7
Member of the Itnyi4Vtillege efliorgeovii.;l4ollllL •
oats of Aptrtherekrles , Co.npany. Felker , of :801.
CaurtViCiety,Stirgeon to the. Royal LIAM Pols
lion AeseCiltloo, Pitkeestei Phett;' , ' 4 l , ol
Bridg%.knd Perpetual Pupil of Gua ,
There pile hatring,gaiged i4 WA.
leleutinevesyliiiCtidalof Vie Üblerare-alitir*:-
sideretfrbytttltlr,se %irliOaltie good bealthriillies
pensable as a fainily ,
numerous body Of tbe,•niiiitleirchient Phiriciand - •
beer inthii count kid in"Bitiooe,=-'3l_,)efik" =-
it is presumed , to stamp their charaetiiiiiii:'
duration of every thanking man, and - it - W i liopett.
• far better recoMmendation t han the coyme're•
sorted to by,ignorantand unpnncipled pretOnderr. '
who Irsinislead and deceive the piibliePpireliidi '
eliat their call practical proofs and eertifitates of
Cares, that exceed all bounds of rational, ciedibit.
it,, and moat of irhich, if not all, are eitheirgrt* . l
fabrications, or procuredtry 'fraud and eorntivinimr. •
The editor of the Long bland Fartner;*4V4 '
"This medicinehas obtained an tunmered ,
degree of well preserved popularity. Hi tak2
en these pills ourselves to advantage iiiit*itirerili
ed their beneficial effects sonata.* *a have me'
hesitation is recommending them to the ptifiltclii
a safe, salutary and useful family medicine.'"-.'
- 5 None are genuine without the signaure of
the General Agent on the label, by whoml , ll4 - 0
lxive Medicine is imported into this country- 4
JR& HOLBEIN.I29. Waverly. '
Gen'l Agent'for U.S:
A supply oftbe above Medicine just titan&
and for sale by B. BANNAirWt;
Sole Agent for Schnylkill`connt' y's , • t .
July 16
„_ . . •
No Ficivorr.--This extraordinary I_
composition, the result of science and thelfivieri
tion of a celebrated medical man, the intriOiiiitiod 4
of which to the public wao invested isitlol44ol
- of a death bed bequest. hair since, rairie d: it
repritation unparalleled. fully suatainintAkicOrk
reetness of the lamented Dr. GridliPs 1 - '.-',CI:O-'
cession, that ”he dared not die Withodf ibir to ,
posterity the 'benefit of his knotaltdgentv iiiiiiifi:
ject i " and he therefore. bequeathed to.fititHOn' if 4'
attendant Solomon Hays: thb secret of uooa es
. ~
It is now \We'd' in ttib Orinelfial hosPitelquittilt
the pii'vate practice in our country, Slit add'
most certainly fat the enrol of the Pike; intuited"
so extensively and effectually as to baffialcrediffkr
ty, nnlepe where its effectaate witmiiiiie - Va • Esitie.:
nolly in the following complaint": :
gar Dripiy.—Creating
tion at °het.
AU tiselliirgs.—Redoeing them In tiltlfaerin ,
Rheumatism.—Acute or award;'OA*
ease. .
Sore Throik.-8v isoreir. oTisetejtv-WW.,'.
Croup, and Whoppingpoitglaittiai ll y.artill
over the chest. _ _ _
AU Bruises, Sprains lied Bum,: -gem
. 11ei. •
few hours. • . _ . ~t
Soles and Ulcers.—W hether fresh oriciritigan&
. ,_. ..
ing and fever sores.
Iu „
operations upon adult's and children in risl•
during rheumatic swellings, &locateni9g,croisght
and tightness of the cheat by reliiitei i tg li ottbri:',„
parts, has been surpriming bcyonitcoii
The common remark of those who.haisi(Asedife
in the Piles. is "It acts like a charm. " ;
THE Pits/U.—The piicelll refirodisittonny:
person who will bag a bottle of Elay'SVAinene
for the Piles; and rattan the empty bonlewitlitiat
being cured. These are the positive-cede - fief din:-
proprietor to the Agents; and out of mink Ihst*.:
sands sold, not one has been iinsuccessfnk.--.',.÷-,.
We might insert certificates to any- MIK;
prefer that those who the arliblerithinaK . 7 : -
hi - lathe original to purebaserir.'
CAUTION.—None can be gtiddirtb iii
splendid engtaired iv-tappet., on: whi*fisisir
name; add also Usti 411, lie Agtits. -
Sold wholesale and . Win
CO.. Sole Agentlt SlFletcher alikti; . ll iniTerk,e
and retail ky W.T. P.PTES43,l3tilirB'w:roop..c.
ville, Pt.
M% IrSubicribets vespectlolly
the Cititens of thie Borough and Eiverai.iwitf '
their Mends in general, that they arepwep*red
manufieture to order, 'Mid Will ectatadtltiliMig,.,, _
on hand, at the cornet of Coal and ldhosegigii: . ,
streets, in the Borough of
of the very best materials, siiditthejavOst . .
AU work entrusted to- their eari;Viiifiiiitia r ,
nut to be nianeractured !qual to iiiiyjn the:-
moot, or elsewhere, both in.
anedurabildy, They hope-that the'Ptiblie *Rost_
purchasing elsewhere, will call, aaatninti , folll -
judge for themselves. ..'
AU kindlier Vehisilsa repaired atth •
nonce, and on the ulna accommodati:p..
Polbsille,Anguat RS.
. -
(frees Pfralede4*.r . i -
ADDESPECITFULLY: .tendeiw. iervieee , td •
siktbe Ladies' of rottniiile end thetfebaitlyasal , - the neatness-of - her stork - ,
pateboind seoderatet4rges, to sheie4— .
their patronage, •
Her residence Wet Mrs. B.
tbe store of Messrs. NathatK - 4111(
.2 - „ t2+
, r.... ,