The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 22, 1838, Image 4

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14 ,1 1 btP*''
ien'iCiali4ol 11)04
l a 164 b.,liiloo)
lefOightoii,. ail!difietiti
'040114F -• ;; • iltOitto
deiftlieti. ~....- -..,
"teeedant lantteferture
eorapetiittor„of 9 . _
A siNiiiled
~a, eons
by ' iflivolviC iv -: -1 - ;
, the an te rior - • .
'#uitptetoit fir; ; • '
'mei . ; ; -.-;
'AM & ..ArEprorr-
WittienifEttta, at lOU
.eivß)tiV ficOs "
aniiihiat.hare induced
avallaively atad, wired) ,
et =
tgdnne,,that th iod
/ area the_tap#
elattit ireiittedi ' ' *
ttibed, a naarietigaikriV
amentleffit.aey. ‘ Phyla
, arenot orate& to the 1
ofpor ‘ sfying the bleed.;
a stomach and bowebal
ied rIUMOTIgithe, undel
ring Vito'te"rriacera byp
onekitittd: They are
ich Odfifiosewastoorrich
health ;and food, wel4.
.nd to flesh and blood.—
. ghoats. andltnebe them
Jed to reataia "fottgla this
mai liquifier posatble:a ad
whips. and foleithe Ocintpa.
Aim fife: They do dot choke a am.
of thia.itte, to prepare tottn the faster
hey preened a; on the sappostdoit that
elm neryworgans. - eterntory aad 1141-
tnueapinvand tagaraentaty metobritnes.
Mitu:;'ar every harm being 'i to
th nounainneni front an healthlid-avor
a nude and kept; and upon the doetnof
'stomach and boarela are, in good °WIC
oiery ether iian of the system yral bp iii,
irk' tin
hod ii!v
.jd i
, sal du
w -t er.
it expected that they will metre heals
i and bowels? Why by enabling the one
titu'lieoff what the. other to carry o what it left
tusentts t eztvacted.M connection with
;bile. and ,the 4foid Istiniors oldie biotin.
*Mal!lld sloLetCh. • And they accotii-
Crania ;lir Medidinein the Most simple
tie kirceled with wind, bile, or coated
ear it out, by.a natural but a moat in;
' nt,action t ,and cleanse, the , whole ali
ierltithit.griping.rand leilvis& it as fiee
yols nature ever designed Ave be.—
akelhe skittelrthe stomach andhowela.
tike.a.ptece of red retro..., M all phy.
to .strong draggle pills dv." but they
ly by t h e hand. without crushing her
leanse every thing. withoutimparing
bing. . ' ~
%coal. its it tisual'y is try the use ora
CA' APERIENT Pt LLS. then come
tAllekstlLE or TONIC Ih/LLS..-tei
th and bowels which,tiefore: per
eat fend
ibe. se
111 7 : 11 i .
perigee, c'
L .nrarY 0111
• them debit
Cl'de Fintr
a lead
a . Lem IM
a .1
nt IL.
foul because, they were weak:and
'ith strength to perform their !moor
iithout the aid of physic. The CA--'
NEB. rhea its valuable
dracted, is acknowledged by ail pby
age, to be the best vegetable tonic,
mce of otedicins --There is nothing-,
rtahle kingdom at eatare to equal it;
,t,nce ss harmless add so vigorous)
a' proof of this - the proprietor of thy,
hr are made fromits Purest panieleal
ion innumerable atitbord, both ancient
its own.piictiteliad apt preved'it,te
Z i ttl
, . .
_these pillivare set only perceived its
appetite and general strength, but in
:the body to that universal vugur re all
rhich indicates The return to perfeetls
=The fate, said general coniplekies,
is iheinfaver, and thousands of fn.-
/ bed'-mach they hive contributed to`pleation, and their strength.
ter reiuledv bad-oroved 'worse than ;Ise
iwtlisevaor, oC•111 kinds...they ate tirs
to ) be, i ncontinent; gaidualtricstormy,
tY arid mind, anthem . those-annoyanoe
•whiefeattar-nerinus reinedia,uceasion.
.Ti' have been (1?I' many-young perilous
-ho are now us die - silent grave. ifthey
ilv - icit.the mosbid.teridencies of their
welt 'by 'these pure lbnici 'mid aperi
lartidg to quack remedies. tbk nettles
•eirseenhad, and of which thew ken*
dreadful megrim CO.NISUMPTION.
xi checked .s is consnien6ernen:vidd
f its pres, all aver the lawd.i rthinfirit
ervittei debility - had bide counterneted
LP: Chemically prat:aired; end dune
ma ay Inch livid in s host offmal teals
, been obviated by that doe eicaline
in which is a. leading ingredient in
~' k )4ILY PILLS. , Before both of
tea., which ate adapted , to a majority , of
for which a hundred/idiots are urineces
rem agues. talicnii diseniers, headaches.
r; scale de:elide. indigestion ; and liver
lid 'have entirely disappeared, where
save preyed fatal.
Ratty understood that these natylie,ines
instead. of these natural organs of she
ter medicines dispense with, is a very
let. They are founded upon medical
A net ifinickery, and deem take all the
oat arf tbe human blood tinder the pre
rifling it. ha proof of whichrilffenonte of
ths:laces mid {sans of radiant* bear testi
er constitute a useful. etectuaL and gene
eal:trietatonaLoafnme4a a 3ejael a[t r6r entl ea c e ne .aal ' ily.
ns known, an person of 'family riliosild be
eta. They can be obtained wholesale and
e proprietor. Dr. WM EVANS, New Vprk,
assess* in town anirsot:ustryy.with di.
sa—The7 are rapidly.superceibig m WI other
tidtrettised.itl the Public Priam beCause they
.to belong, to a sery superior class of popetar
,A id : nee-mai usually places theta high in pm.
' known to be in ..public
JO of physicians.
91CA, where his medicine
is! Cdflce.loo Chatham
Doctor may beconsulted
iefis' • ,
and Ehtii
or both f
11 Bu
dosap o rn
wititogt t,
retail of
, 04-1
kyond the power of toed
ih'; toweverAteWeini,
.depl Wahl,' ofilditioti.
-eVANS 4 1 :01 1 0 8 4 . 4.4,yrith
Eike Juist i procarcd4ll l l4l*
sPetiiteti,V• . aorow ef ,
,ElGHTll sat. 1
IVgii&t.lift, •
, -xi.i ai . : ..:.
___,„- - •
ITER Sir sale tit iligklalailaitaa and ''`!".` ' ram
! . A , crtween= st - reettelkr.
wross. , ..„ a pride ' stork dram
IT'f * •- . - ; .!'''..4•-•. -- -..: t•
..E- -;., 1 3 1/ it tli t*gra eoi,‘ , 4td . s p o t s.t. . 4. 4 , AL --,
Ir': l'' -141.913ean5,* , CYO*, awl% ind Is ut iars •
it white Illatanaa.loitaiidintift, 1
•t- -r. ikleiithi~l4o(l. I brid as la.loii --0
'i'• 1. India anduogar.honscrk -t, „.. - -
' i - ire i yial.Gruil,Si*deiiyenag- • .
s - • lbson t ffia.oo4.oAndoePea. 111,Rticil% It .
J-• . i. ..c9.-Sal Bekaa -1,;.-,r,, ,s ~ s . 1 , ; .,,, a ,,..
, !
.Ralters. Clikaa 4 SPialatMelfinlOmeolate
' & Liagtga.aaalneasiaciid • •
f ' Prepared Coco - a.Ciieost ikeßs i
'• ; • /Wading. eggi*Siitie . _ yirl ,—3 :.
t. • John Bulls. Lobito,. ..- ,Alacitoyy. Sauce!
-Cantons, Ind Ciiinti-W ''.. • ~.:
j Gherkin. --yinpjacit i ,,,..„ 1 , 1
~ ' 114iind.Ottlin4 Pn• l Mell 7'
i timaire
' LeisionaadVireiieli ;1., 411,,ritz-tk 4•., _ 'it r...
r .t Olives, CaPiCS. Ape - burl
I : ' " , Cayenne pepper. allspiceind Gingers -
- : Closes.liWeib,inleafOedoX4 l :i . s.
; . ' Rico, Boar rot =yr i. ~. 1 '4.-!: , -
- Ciusants,r4e, Mods
Swerr:and Ifni! idsiondlit,,Crtron
- °lived*:Ri:s b'
l lw
Prase, Veit i
n t
Herring. Citerer . aablian . i '
, t WiliteindlOdanat wa-141M.7 1 'dandle }'
Moulded and dips - tab - 0*
him, variegated brawn nnsfiel ovi soap'
-- nOld Madeira. ofd port, clines '
' -' fdliewn and pale sherry, Oa:insigne Winos
11611 d beck. Lishon.dry cialaga in wood
' Sweet Guinn. muscatel . & bottle
• Mal msey,ma media; & Sicily Made*.
entch.lzWi.npinongsfiela & coin whiskel
A onkette. anhisCcd & peppermint coldish
' Cognse:chanapatne,SAntsh if coas brandy
idoltatul & com. Gin, PE E. Rusk ' •
. Sainaicaspirita - • , -
, F.xtra t zt r lan. infiarialr do
' ->-}=bluff ' end-__Vonanon- cigars , . . • - •
• Cut & pi a n and nionldid glass i ..„,..... .
. tit* :cad crockery • : $ "'"'.
'general assniintesir of Dry,Goods. &c. &c...-aR dr
Which they are , disposed to *ell on the moat menthe
; I* terms. lieds off Fandlies...and Tavern Keepers
are particularly iniited recall: , -'• -- - r . 1 ? . '' •
To Rent,
011111 E Ccal . Schema and' 'Landings belonging
to the DanvilleliTutraville Rail Road Com.
pang, at Meant Carbon. The same being in ev
ery respect well calculated for the shipping of
coal. The same may be rented with or althout
'twenty Coal Cars. all in good Order..--A.sp„ the
large warehmise and wharf.
Enquire of ; THOS MART%
• Superintendent.
Mount Carbon, July eih, 48-3
3krilruiti Salmon, Green at
iptiia,!,oicied. fur sellers'
fiaiiessidtirriiptons: gict
iehers. palpitations
ji le;ainietiou.s . acid ind
- 40, - AreakriisirOTThe
-- ifiratitAlity,diattsrbed
great: mental den:Jadeite*.
leat.ktank and 04.4u.nniiiiin. ,
. -MilTeti/OPEIP/int4Unt!ill
u and latitude updijkup
; 1 0- 0 1"44 ,6 Am",•
a; RAW/
rri HE subscriber his now on hand it his Store
1 1, and Storehottse on Centre and Rail Roar'
streets, a full assortment of Goolds, Suitable for the
coal region viz :-
Rarr Iron of assorted sites,
Rana and Hoop do • do
Naile.and 'pike Rods t do do
Steel, Round & Square do do
Nails. and Spikes do • • do
Coal Shovels do do
Hardware, a general &assortment.
Ail of which lie is selling at reduced prices.
Jan 13 • * .1 CLAYTON.
Encourage florae M nufactures.
Confectioitkary ITI. nufactory.
rrld E subscriber respectful T announces t ir e
A. public that he has comm ced Abiouflic ,
titre of Confectionary in all its - various branches,
at his Store •in centre Street, arly opposite the
Pottevitle Moose. wkete ConAntioneis and vitt:
eta eau always be supplied wholesale and -fetid,
at the lowest Phdadelphia calif' prices,'
. . ..
Capotry Merchants ate respectfully .attittil
to .41 cud evil:nine his mock before pure saw
elsewhere. . .
no' 4
Vegetable Life Pint and Pike-
nit Bitters. •
"A CONTfINBT.—AII nations, fitin the ream.
test ages. hare had "hips, but Columbus only found
oat the .wayv to America. Before the time 01 the
greitSpandth' navigator, people were only enalded to
paddle about threatens*, Just an with thitifieNed.
mints It a but netrehort yea's Mum I 'first 'nil
Lured open an tanknown eceanotod thsve discovved
the prectom object I was in search uf--lIE.ALTIL
Vegetable med.cutes were indeed known when I com
menced my search. bait use was riot; By the
use eltbent,l have not ciely passed from the dejected
inaalidort khc hale hearty and attire min of business,
..n.4comparatorela speaking, I have renewed my
Y cu # L,.. ,1 44-t hoftr a de nc tia - ...}M 4 W 4 eNut.
rietice. attic — Cir. In terknif musses Wm - a
reader wintnionftltat itVEGEVABLF:nvk ea
ICI IVES are-amtable tOrin own easel / have on tle
at my office,s+l6 Broaderay, hundreds of eness. from
some oldie mostlespectaUeciuzens. of this my na
tive land..volutAanly offered in testimony ofthe vir
_ - - - - - -
Perla:id w holm eninititiltiona have been nearry re•
rued by the -all infallible" mineral preparation* n(
the day, Oa bear. me wnnesa , that the Life Medi
eines. and such onlji.ele the out 'Cause to permanent
good kedltit- . iIpH.DI MOFFAT •
These medicines have long been known and appre
Mated. lbt their est ratirdinary -and immediate (amen'
of restoring perfect health. to persons sulferingvniter
needy every kind or unease, to which the human
frame is liable..
In many hundreds' of certificated instance, they
have eve reimied Sufferers from the very verge of an
untimely grave-ogled all the deceptive nostrums of
the day had utterly failad;and to many thotruulathey
lame peiManentlyneemed that under= enjoyment of
health, withoutsol4l IA itself,' bet a partial blew
big. 'Go great, itioed, Iran their etricacrinvanablV
and infal(ibli provedi that it Mrs appeared- scarcely
less titan tairaculooato those who were unacquainted
with 0115 beautiful ;philosophical .princip' lea.,upon
which stuu are compounded,and upon which they
emisequently act. It was to their manifest and sensi
ble, %Won .in purify)ng the *pimp and channels of
life void endoint them with mewed tone and vigor.
thallhaft Xllle _Ailed iiiiiiir nausarellt
besureed u-knap he r *
de aptioutneou, „request 'of
several hails*, " ' , **like theiliad` obviously
r ie
advelt: - - - ' ' i - - - - -
The proprietersi m etee bit the timuniti aforded
by thewitiversaf Id on orthe di press. for plac
ing hiii..VEGET LE LIFE PI .odthin the
knowledgt and rent;lever" individual inAteerat
7 ' lo
is Lastnot-me.'^ta4AMTLZhneidirnit
tire Ayltal kow.v rimer/Va. and contain net
that ' lets*, Ard/Oon'y. Arsenic, nee any iithet
'pineal: in huty forth. whatever. They ate 'dntirell
atemp.... %Centre* ifrom rain. and powerfeiTplant*
the v - ies.of whit* though long known to cetera]
.hadieantbin.and_ritceutty to some eminent pharma-
I Chemist a altoM mitv_ takteen
, .
'before 'denial . . ks i r I rv * 06caCions a com
.a,Tltair Ilrnitiondfon la attioneku • (ream Abactuttrytii
eitasiontichsaditthweWW. various impetidek.giod
ttruditiee otetemn4Aettintiaroundqbeln; Mid Aw te r. WWATI *OW .. ,409.t0w AskichAtOecto-,, Awht
PIPMPCIA° .. tbeit P":; , ..... ~. PSI
.I . 6serri n .Y,l ehi l i t ni ta
.711 tvutzi
VniatAoltiltratii '.4V;i3i -- lindlittitl d , M•l., 'Whim*
imnunent dal ers This fact is well :Wina'.lrit iiridi
regal Oa - idelituatine:Aba human bowels
a fb eF AS lOW PhAitelitbaof these well in.
real Oa
men.again the quack medicine, of theme.
The .second effect of the VEGETABLEA2FE
' • • ' •4:
,yean a er,sial
lalesjettene,thetliya!Miditbefuite, die healibfid
, orwhkheithreb-ileplakda upon the rhrhy
of tuinarrorgua Thethloed.4Whialt .Wom
redcolor from thegreency orthe liver Ikaa the lunge
belkerejt pales into tlielietit; being: thin - VidirwilEy
than am& fo ss aio -ere e - •
enuttleii4l-wiy. through Aimneins. terms':
trenrylart oftbernyttemnsidtriempitandy.snournethn
boultetort624lrinlbeltniioes Peek.
The follows% ale:Omit the duitiOnithig *aridly . 0 1
hhumanruLeniell,,W*lnCh . thelriigel able .
* * Well katreentoltenifalliblel+-;'
DyspartgLityilr cleandnutliellrat end
'XithithdidennialiCiandtrentingelow of pure healthy.
ljlei-htstesdadthestale end acrid hied ?---ftere/trao,
fill"2Bo4lita titetlarWuni
a rarr pd j 1 6 0 4 thelleiera. ll lPlal,gas
taniih,'aiti - mitara) tionleguence 6f
iescuris. cleansing the whole length
tiotettleekhrOktarnifrMtetrodYfiltrc. , ut
' •
teems; ald violent , se nse the Dowels costive
• • two days; - and Wein, by remove.
leg the Tharp Rend flues bi which these compiainti
are °Codoned, :end :by_proutoting the lubncitive
necredoirefthemuctriatnembrane. Emersofallkinlis,
by,restoring the blood to a regale, eiroadatiost,through
the , Orrice*, .of palipisetion Matisse mom and the
throogbaelatinnefallimestioal obstructioneinothem
The LIES. VILLA -ham been inflow to cure Rhem.
inatientpermenently in three weeks, and Goid in half
that time,.4 removing local iiißainmation , from the
muscles and ligaments of the joints. &Vries of all
krnds by freeing acrd strengthening tie kidoeysaind
bladder they , operate most delightfblly on these or
gans.aird bencehaverever been found a certain mane
dy Coy theftworst cases-of Grind., Also Veering.*
dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy
matter to which these creatures adhere.; 4tithma a n d
Consumption, by relieving the air vessels of the lees,
from the mucus, which even gig/Wind& Irma remov
ed becomes bardened,and pweincein these dreadful
prem. Scurvy, Ulcers and freeterale awes, by the
• ect pointy which these Lifts Pills give toahe blond
and all hamonrogcorbutic Erl9o6olllr St and Bad Cow
*worm by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
morbid state of which et-easier* all. Eruptive cow
phrints, Sallow. Cloudy, and oilier disagreeable Con
ptenons The use of these Pills for a very shorttime.
will erect an-entire cure of Salt rheum, Erysipelas
and a striking improvement in the Mamma of the
tahn Centwon • Cads. end friftnensa, will always be
Cured by one dose, or by two even in the worn caeca
'Pita,—es a re.rnedy for this most distressing and ob
. winate malady. the Vegetable Life Pills deskirrea a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It la well
known to hundreds in thin city, that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Islla, was himself afflicted with
this complaint for upwards oftairtOveyearm and that
he tried di- vain every remedy prescribed mitthin the
- Whole.aampams eftbe 14ateria Medrac hie however,
atlength, tried the machine which he now offer' to
Abe public, and he was cured in a. very s ishort time
alter his recovery had been pronounced not only
Jimpriabable.lxn absolutely impossible. by any human
. _
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The proprietors ofthe I
Vsocrannt Lira Pitaadoessioctothiw the base and
mercenary practice of the quacks of the day. in advis•
ing persons te take his Pills in large quantities. No
good mcdteine„can possibly be so required. These
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night, for a
weep or fortnight. iiecordiere to the obstinacy of the
disease. The Irma deals (tom 2to 5, according to
the coagulati o n of the person. Verydelicate persons
should begin with but two, and increase as the entire
of the casemay require those more rebuid.or of very
costive habit; may begin with. 3, and Increase to 4, or
even ,5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently -happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes tfecasien tidiness and vome
ng, though very seldom; unless the stomach it vele
ford; this, however, may be considered a favorabe
symptom, as the patient will end himself at Ones rit
lieved,and by perseverance will soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12. hours,and never give
Pala. name the bovii . ela ate very much encumbered.
,They may o he taken by the moat delicate females on.
der any circumstances.—lt 11, howeier, reirommend
ed, that those ill later periods of pregnancy should take
but °riot addle, imdtheit continue to keep the bowels
?pen: and even lino may be taken where tile patient
is very eastll/11. 0111 pill in a ablution of two table
speenefull of water, may be given to an infant in the.
followingdoses-ra te&aptien ipll every two bourn till
opmeter,forp - eltlkl from one to fire years of age,
hairs pin -;--and. frontfive to fee , one pill.
THE PHCNIX - B ITTERS, are so called :becalm
they possess the power of restoring the expiring ein
bete of health, to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Pbceniz is said to be restored to
lifefrbm the ashesof its orrndissordion. The Phut
nix Bittereare vegetable. composed of root
Found only in certain parts of the western country
Which will infallibly rape FEVERS AND AGUES
of all kinds; never fail to 'entificate entirely all
the effects ofMercary.infinitely sewer than the most
powerfill preparstioas of Sarsaparilla. and writ imme
diatelyr-cureitkiesleterseinatiou-of BLOOD TO THE
HAIM; never Call in the. siobtem incident to young
kudos ; and will be found a certain remedy in all
cues of eeriness (Wily and meaknas of thereon ha
paired eonstionions. As is a remedy for Canonic and
taikunenory Rliatastatisas, the efficacy of the Photnix
Bitters 'win be demonstrated by the use of a single
bottle: The usual dove oftbese bitters is half a wine
glass fie, ii water or wine, and this quantity may be
taken two or 'three times a day. about half an hour
before meals, or a lets quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
idler meals, these Thuentwill prove invaluable, as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera, heliffhettrttrphifornytheir &actions, and en,
aide the amnia to-discharge- into the bowels-'what
ever is offensive. Thiel indigestion is easily and
apeedly Tethered, appetite restore& and the mouths
of the atsorbent vessels being
_cleansed. nutrition is
facilitated, and strength of hody- and energy ormind
are the '-hatapj4...tit. For farther particulam of
TERS. apply et Mi. Moffa estate*, No. 546 Boxlway,
New York. where - the Pills can be obtained for 25
cents. 50 Mat. or $1 per box ; and the Bitters for $1
or $2 per bottle. BIT Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected.
In some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic
and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaint s ,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy. Prier.'injuryfram
eile use of mercury, gamine, and other diseases of long
standing. it may be necessary; to take both the Life
Pills and the Mettle Bitters, in she dose before re
13,Theam Pills and the Bitters, will get the
mercury out of the system ingeitel) faster t ban the beat
preparations ofSarvaparilla. and a certain remedy for
the residue of the Mood to the head, or all violent head
aches. tievfouleitieus; *Mona who are predia.
pored to apoplextbpilay, &v., should never be without
the Life its or the Bitters, fev. °nodose in time will
save life. They equalise thVeintiMlation of the biped.
draw all pressure
.from.the head, prespiration,,and
throw off every impurity byobeires of the skin.
For sale by MlLLEtedt HAGGERTY..
Agents for the Proprietor.
Pottsville, 26 40-IY
Old Grape lateeP
t r Wine, ite.- epe.
VJ?RY pjhiefe Port Wine.
`'db • 'dip' Old company do do
do du bottled' do do
Very'vaperito do Emit India Madeira, in wood
inaerniperrim:--ind M. Lebecarta
Puff Gordon i f do.licytyoifines, rico Madeira .
11.1freigi4its, old. ate /A. 13 ° 4 :.
dry and i'iweeet alagn . nrinni,:ain. fovsilebY
I_l4,urp2t. HAGG,E,ItTY
't Orr 9,20' • - ' - • 32i.-
litellagious v Wo . , .. •
BANNAN bas loit teeefaUd thefollquitir
B•raitgitsp *vb ,r-Lenidloq/aitti America ed
itioteclihrehr tie.ureil fOiuiU'efteap.
' Orteual ramtly_Ret 9us, 5. vols.
• Massilloue.Sertn
~ .11.41aotralle9C Of tatted 'iri' riters,
o4; ', Sii, l lfiNit.'s:P :''' kti,ii,oltipas), os oli, .--
t,4 7
~,: Welt y% iUel: itt#, -
N tereirdn d ir ' • - • - ' .
4 . •,,,...2 14 , 1143 - • ... —... 4. ;• , c. ,Z , ,
Bri "ii sl
.tai ll i P *l3 l " '
Abe oVitin,aciiri.
1 wriutta ii. ifirjipia, .
y jid 'Retlizioutt DlsitE9 4 ,ilmn•
i i % ittirittfottit'" ""''
'lRotbsea Request, &elm.
) 1' ;PORT cAgitelf.:-
•• • -Saving fluid fie4lely.,
pip. Pori iltriitin &whir rad
.t# l . sole. 'Open every day from itaiock at
the (MCC et.Diaoottat .and Depo (arum -pur
pose of weiceiting deposits awy
seeding $5OO, from anyone imrsoft; epos which
lb interest oft per cent Willi* paid
and Wpwardijnat attinterhst will b9.lor4Ved 011 ,
any frasiticmar faith of $5. The lebdir or any'
H eart olytwit Out angivir.g itotiimfrom two
!rocks to ft i tr,duniths i atihe Mficel Allondays.
The_ busmen 41 the - Societiiiin fib botothicleit
the follo4Toginificari and Manager's, untfl the first
Monday to Kay next. • '
Pressdent—AQPlLA BOLTON.
- • .I.*frnii/Ters• •
Joseph 'Car Sam‘el J. P
Edwar :Hug
,es E. S. Wirnft a •
Jacotißull - Jesse Turner,
• Li Whitirey, Secretary and Tr , re v.
Artarie,3d. of the Charter. ',N o n e utnent
whatsoever shall he received by the Presider
-13 r Mao eLe*rs for their setiiceap nor 'Shan it 4
Manager become a tiormirt . ti e
I tion. oct 46tf
...,, Etr the preveation
134- W• ' of Ceughs,,Coidit,As=
C4CI Ceasumptiorts,!Spitting et
f ar % „ Blood, Diseoire of the
r Breast and Lurge,4e.pre.
. ii,„; .• ' pored by. , r.OtARKSOI 4 I
—,'L e " , .FR REIfIIN, of the City
of Lancaster.
- Ac :oriteitititiale each bottle 'f the SpecifiCh,
point] li`g -Mit iii
henspietiona Imanner; al), the
sphittorris in thelifferent stage* of these distreis
sing dise.asetf- . -also particular 'directions respect =
ling diet and regiinen, and tryst patients are to
condoct through j every stage until health is re
stored—for Vain and usel ' e'ss would be the pre
seriilions of the iblest physicians e‘rAmtpanitxl
with he most powerful and useful ' itedientet, if
the directions are not faithfully adhdred to.
The public are informed that theciepositians of
287 yersons have been taken before proper au
thorities In the city of Lancaster, all -completely
cored the moat desperate cases of consump•
ticm, some of wbich are detaildd in the bills eta
cornranying each bottle.
'id A supply of the above Speeillek has been
received and is Air sate at thisoirme.-
areli It 18
• swaimoti Paziaciea.
S the intemperance *I luxury Of the age are
..m.!..hastening the ravages of sttorbnOic complaints
and rendering the blood. more, iMporti and as thou
sands haredestroyed their constiletionsiby neglecting
to apply, the prom remedies--towuch!Suraim's Pan
acea mint be, and. has been, more than doubly value
ble as a certain and effectual means ofrestormg.them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va
rioUs symptoms, as eruptions, tilcetations. debit*.
lowi of appetite and dejection , all arizrngfrom impure
=arid if not properly attended to produce the.,
injuricto the constitntutfbn, and may be ha
parted to theiroffspring- Bwaim's Panacea is mom
mended at this season of the )nesit,mtti ttaluable
retire of the system: thereby invigorating the constitu
tion. and enabling it to bear, the debilitating effects of
thesomner season. It is conveyed by the circula
ring fluids. and rects their tendency •to all those
diseases . w o ginate in vitiated 'Wood, diseased
fiver. depraved a petite. or fatedivositim toaffectione
of - die lungs,Atc. - No one, howeier, isiadvised to use
it *idol& convincing themselves (Wale truth of whit
is here stated. .
'Phisetedicineiseow pied with success in all. pir
of the world, anilis gaining great repotitiim in'E .ts
, freiheopply: of the Medicine just received and
fcnisah7fby • _ B:4A.NNAN:
- Sole Agent lot &WOW/comity:l
Witness amply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell spilt, at Philadelphia,pic
May 14
. ..
Tin ID g LAWAjiEV 0 UN ir Y
Insurance. Coarsiaasay..
1/111AKE both limited' and perpetnitl Insurances
1. on Brick: Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores,
Hotels, Mills. Barna, Stables, Merchandise. Fume
mre,and Property of every ; description, against loss
ordiihiage by FIRE.- . i • , - ,
, Thp Delaware County 4 1Itionnee company oil.
alai insure against loss on •all kind's of marine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the transporta
tion ofgoods.wanes.etod merea rid ise by water, Drily
mil wny. open terms as favourable as any other in
annum& •
For an') , further information on the subject din
tiurance,, either against Fire. mana , or inland risks.
?1. ,epty to HENRY ROSH . SON, 'Mm
i july 15 ' 34-ti ' It Se trylkill Haven.
' .
' • A t Orwigalarrt.
, i
Fire Ingunuice . :irei -
AM' A KF. both limited atid perpetual inaurarseea on
TA Brick; Staab or Frame. Etni i ininga.StoreicHoteJa
&Otos. *Ohm. Marebandlim Farottur4nd,
Progwof oFery deseriptionagaittatioaa or dallt age
Aeinibieriber bas bei.ti appointed Atatitrfoiltii
latiireh inefrtiorted Inatittnida rind sow aced to
!toil& 604 heft aiefei*ergrettkiftVei
•at die4oweir rates. • Apeatr:BAN
Phdarilleaab.sl7. it 336. Jib
, • I
1 Litiaiii 0 'N'AiriG:A. A
ir7o4 tratrithe,.
corir.vit• '. I'• - -
_. _
--- •''' 'CIIA.RTER PERP YE iii., . -,_, - I
lit Al t bath limiteitillidiit * al taiia t ih a - e i. on
=trt 14Stpae:iiitrtatelBtp - "gelitareir. Rotel*
Aka; &At*. Sable* PA4Vot . 4*Airltitterek. oil ,
Propert *of every deacriOtion, ' . lt i a aor d a t isage
T N , mykplen I /ad AGIEIyT fIDT As
to4veit,i tiiileistatatiot! an itcniqw prepited to
inwi.rx* 791 9 Ftjelte r r ron %re*
at tba 164 i t ialitv., "At 44M1 BA
Pottrtille . :Feto 515183 h '. l -' 1 ''''' ''' .l %.' l :4lfw - -
VI/1.7 AIWA" - •
iitorezetiltail Road;
t t !? oneocedlilitti
...2,pu'epltTed to receive , Luttigi o et;•& e L
4ass, and commis/to tt;•- Rii. Itirtreartheaubt
itrotis 14 the premises. or a 28 Booth Wharves.,
• •
•16 11 .440 • • . -.417,143;
3 4 1 gti
t ied
in is nt
101 4 .
a '
DR. L-Ell'DYilS , !
';Sarsaparilla' Blood Pais
Are the aostlffeetual ptirifiereftke - Blood
itnii Anititai Pintas-lhat Mee ever .
• • . beet ' • - .
. The hollowing trio some iss4ofib
LATE cillms., : . '
Effected and Amid Troll' citaifse ill io' ' '' TWO
pi :
• • • MONMS, fit =R, kite '- , - "T . '
' Lonna fisration, eared of ,violem.pain in he:head
and aidear -Ink ma giddiness 4 ? 114akiika iris
suhjectfa three jeton. - . . -- •
John Stocker, relieved Ikea taluinalcciatineeismi
and want otappinies, with,offiwsere brentk.And .
4ferreph Madera' Cared ‘finiffleitatodleglind ann.
'fired loans, volod. - of a hrindribig Ont. ad ones •
whole body.
Sarah/ones, until of pain in her hiding in:Rides
much headache and sickness after eating.. " ..
William Mosobrayourred : of iteftheomatismr,elid
swelling of hin" legs add 'feet; haviod been unable to
walk any Militant* for six Months:Vast.
Michael J. Rookies . mired. Of swell ' cinder bin
raid o n
his r , jig.• neck "la ,conaideraap breaking
.. , -
Elisabeth ersameik cured; tit' Swe ll ed brea sts. pain
i nem at her n her sideyw oorac earratantllistustm food, apitinuch sick.
li..- . ',. ~ i '. • • '
Jclhsy Clam Oared either - snide prams and*Welled ,
joints. -
Salome G:Floward, C ured , of a miter and ,ciali, a
breaking out over bin body, with aurae running sores
and ulcers. • • _ ;
Rev. A. Canty, cored of,an. tight:o6n orliestbreat.
soreness and ulceration. which'previnusly agente - d hi s
speech. •
The folloaring awesome only of, thelatgenamberAf '
cures effected in Bork'. Alltintgotnitry:ScbafikAll. .. 1 ... 0 "
high, Lancaster, and, Nortbpapinti counties , dam;
the pan three mentlitev“" •
Jonas Green. Ran, itniedrof - a scorbutic 'affettion,
ulcerated,elledjointa mad rheumatic-pains.
Adam- C. Carpentbr, !Mired of violent 'pain in his
aides. =kb costivionmarbad'appetite aid a thinniess ,
lof breath. • ' '
'Rachel Snidut, cured of ,a difficulty in Intithing,
habitual costiveness and vio lent penmen; her herd.
Michael Jones, histwo daughters and youngest la n.-
cured of a beeaking.tnitofAry and sometimes watery
pimples overlheir whole WM*, attended with great
itching, frequent onpleassuzi feelings in their bends,
sickness at the „stomach. a nit pains over the bean. &c.
This family was, afflicted for years, and :never found
relief from any Medical treatment. or from rinetnedi
cines, until using Dr-Leidel Blood Pills and a. Wash
directed by Dr, Leidy. - •
Sarah Mclntosh: cured orviolent penult' Inn back
and loins, rheumatism, swelled joints; &c. ,
Andrew Gieen,'clured of griping pains, loss of ap
petite, disspost.fin food. and habitual costiveness.
Adam& Ginitiamernaofsosky maptions,m4hrenk-
lug out, serenest abirpain tfil'ougialtirbones: •
Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and setter. '
Henry C,- Rooney; Ewe. cured of inward Fever".
morales, of his mouth, throat and nose; glandular mei ,
. lings, dm.,.. -
George Layman, cured ofit mercurial affection and
violeetrheumatic p ains orbit head' aid oases.
Jonathan Stroud , limactohnan and John G. Thom
son,.enred of various affection* of the head, costive.
ness. sour eructations, sickness at the stomach, &c.
Sarah Jenkins. Alfred - and Tracy Jenkins, cured of
affections of the akin, breaking out, pains in their limbs,
&c. .
Numerous Other instances might be published, but
to swell the list wo Jd unneceetanly increase:the . ex
pense of publishing . theth.
It must be plainly seen from the fbre,Tobig, that the
Blood Pills are an exetdlent corrective for a disiorde:ned
stomach, the cause of diseases 'to which the human
system is liible.togetheruith rAeimpOrify of the Wad.
which tvcistil in all diseases, and in conjunction with
a disordered stomach, 'very rapidly prostrates the le
mon body.
Tbeeg &bet purge stipoWegiblly as do meld
pills of the preeetitday. ftdeldfreedure Mr muck Sao•
chief sordid tier stermeryortke mrsersts:by weakening
Abe isystetn t tlestroyhiglibe WOO vigor Of the -
aild rendering ifs comicial and, universal dis,
ease.. distressed end betlily stud ring) 6tavire,rnild, anit
nadneurrtharate-utdisii eekw
in : 1 7:4 1
ties egtiwy fire dm: het rendering
n restraint" from °impetigo vie business,
chnse of livingoriftetur even w hahilityof taking
cold front their usii. = • '
The process for enzap . ting.the virtue of the Sarsapa
rilla wit out nestroying its efficsee.le knoveu only to
the proprietor.;
Prepared only,and sold: wholesale and retail, at Dr.
Leidy o Health EntiMeitn, Red-Bt below Vine, No.
19k—Also Sold by • B. 13A NN AN, .
Juse 9 " -44 ' Pottsville;
Have linen performed in, Skis 'city, and threughaat
thecointrv." -
• L: :tell-VDTS
BRING a cencentlated Suid :extract of Sataaparilla,
combined with other vegetable extracts, which ren
ders dam a medicine of great utility in the cure ofell
diseases arising from ifnpurities ofthe blood. from iniZ
prudences in life. and constitutional disease' formed
or priidsced by . the injudicious, use of mercury, erte
n' .IclWrit: or quinine. In ehtirt, It is an inialuable *m
eg feral(.
Rheumatic Affection. General Debility, Ulcerous
Sores. white Swellings. Diseases of the LIMY and
'On...Ulcerated Sore Throat, Ulcers of the NiustXa,
ries. orAises'es pfthe Boner Scrofula, or. Ring's E
villErysipelas. or St. Anthony's Fire, and all unplea
sant and &nem" affections consequent to syphilis,
Luca Venereal, .
So effectual hasthis ttrklichnt been in the cure of
various diseases for which it is recommended, that it
is far supereeding all other preparations offSannparit
la. Panacea: &c.
It is now. employed by eumerons physicians, and
has been introduced by the ti into many iniapitals, itr:
firmaries, dtc..tbroughtiut the United States.. •
It is,a preparation of greater strength (consequently'l
ofgreater efficacy) than any other extinct now made,
is also much cheaper, being but one dollar per bottle,
which is &efficient to make pee gallon of Syrup of
Sersaparille,;atel if bough t by different druggiate.for
that purpoen.. •
Numerous certificates have beett'received and pubs
listed from time to time; but in consequence oT the
great expense attending newspaper Publicatien oftheni
the most incredulous ctis• be etitivinced Of tbenupetiq
efficacy of Dr Leidy's Medicated SarsaparilU, by
calling at Dr. leitly's Health Emporium, " No. 101
north Second street. below Vine. sign pf the . Grildeti
Eagle:And Serpents." inhere certificates and referencia
. cot be' given to forndrednorMstances ofthe most rii•
, Inarkable cores ever perltinned tin, medicine. - '
Sell,;by t 7, l 3:llANNANOPtottiiill.
Ni t s ." •
afeWAROIRISI • • ';'
_whotAltieetUff Mesh indictment&
+. 4 . 4 orttriitin,f:reeirtnetl--Teitosiiting vartot
GOods, - •
neensware l
!1401t;:r PlaSteP , 41lic.
',which snit be sOld. - Idnrior veeh: The highest
litteepaidin dab for an kinds ofehontry prodone.
,_.'" - .IOSEPH WHITE: do SUN.
ifilciont Irierinin% Den 2 '
34j Alth ,
4 jUST RECEIVED 7 A 'apienitid
; • Spring and Saigxr 'Goods,'; iwpiiiie 70
.part af. . "
G oodor - ff - „F2:it
ißrrecerigy _ • -
f; Wieeno . llllre az/
ZIC ".
aftilrhl PrOited'itraelkebettptr than etapr
Inifenirl in 'this i tnarkei
country 4 producelitilieVirlitakintirlia4iii s
I.eidystikon it g tir .
sold in ir
Who floes
P.mrsrtPr .
E 141Y:4
oet itre.Patt
:sot Officity ot
it the •Itlg
be.tim.44.... , r
it so mar:lW
• nose iirthe Ss* .
ceiitrated ft-
This *pros,
..;TheSis rag'
tAiump . ,
which le - Mita
V rillvaqe,lligy
more troth t
may be aunt
Eisen te heft,
iv Or lailisvervkiatildkdi kiwi.
1 4Af , .
This& pills haVelmenpivb , elemeetlYsiketeastul,ati'd
Irma ilieiroonehileielfolte.erisit.boonertir 'Oak*
the pliodkf--0 1 ,01e,AdiereAleldParaliolle analdtle•
ilk ;
rilla, each as Byrom DiteorempS, torsos 1 24*a
'Or etattatial filibeffes,liabliVo *NSW -si, 40 4 1/i.
sonversiesdfor telial i g or Seiegroseiried * • • 1 •-
,' Theee..*lLllaVeAdolg to r e luau -fi 4 'Peen.
reply tested v apaper adstrusing i v so rem.
eznendedi'lleiße tet: itinxiiiklifitia mime ettyllisa
visits:and osholvevetcomOSayitholirectio t ~ .1- tr.t.-i
They are p} arty tecommWediu ' . 7
.. I .
Rhe;MiltiC ' al*Plii2 , pry 41)
.4 "'tr. p' lea
'General Gebilisf,'"' -'
_' r ' ' , bedpans) of the face
Ulcerate . - Omit , or. ' .and body,- 1i • •
,- Beal!, est:10o s..4ndblot.
biasairedof tillt .t . .iSer, elms of lie in,
Skiwendlfolds, -,'' , • v afar. - - may:. -
-p a inesee th e titian of t , rant, ErySlpelas:'
heart. .hre.ast, and it aendi e;lleariNtre.
midi, •-• ,•, vv "- ' . ' Sitite it 'lf' Col i tir, Liver
raid , of 'the tritese.• al ong r coo . faints; tn er b ru h,
. „-• the-back and spine. . . pr e ctatioas, midfield-
Biwa_ ,td ferenkibul Wreath Welt" r the *mach,.
a IMO talteiithenioiels Ohba lir itetinett, as
Flatallaqrooreast of ap . swe *ng• arid hardening
drCectstisttesii.erataps oft , glendi ti ofthe neck,
of the Strinlaelt. and - ,' 'in t 1: , gri t -.
_under the
..., *mien. , •' ' • v • 3 illtll , 4114 thaw the
_'.v. -•
~..! . v IV ,
he _ east. Sc.-
arst,tke whote train ortlineasea spitinVatn trepu
titter the blood, as tasiverhistitti tonal teases pro
duced by the use of flarisAti • , Arse' ic.llSercury
or other hliwerals.alio in impend -., cjes is life, Syphi
lis, A.ues, Venereal. &c. 4c.
• I Price . 25Cente Bo W: P ,
PremH red OttWandeoldv W 4 etail at Dr.
'Leidys Health Empori•urn , 2ed s belo ; Vine, iVo.
811 l
•-V ComixttinOt on. ,• -
REAGER.. if yoe have a boo , , • dr_ 4411:14atware of
their, coesewsenees. Cold generSlly , progress
imperceptibly end insinuate th melees thrbugliont
the human systenittntdly eattlin upon thclangs and
ending in coma..pode!.
.i ?, .:,
. . . A WGBD TO AR
How ofteti" i S'eattlettit-d n when r , e'lpected
by the tonsumptiott.• Red follimed to "r gime by
patents what're
* a tneturtmthe cause of theirprem•
mare deathlinitegiicting torstnedy &Ida when exist•
ing jri chtldhoodj looking .hpoin' them islitridifig Oka
dons, and sot attmeting thsprpotice ourilikeder
has dommeicerta work - -andrnadenweeritsyntem•
This is not a fanciful represented - mad, , tilylikner
ads Maui:aces occeristhickprkivedta: 1 - .i. ,l, .
In tnanh,otekcpid=tlthe • - . ,' but dm
not progresa ao-rie `ii, ri,' thf the '''';! 4 how
ever, in both lath` " v he el -11Iertded•to,'
and not regandad e spuiding Idrectiotte l rilf.,is a delw- 1
siie ideathitt bei no doubt shortened tii Itsfs adieu-
Sand& ..
' • -• •• •W '• • •
_....._._' • ' ' . ll 'j
-Mid: 111FaarCERIS,Ai ..• •
. kr!jusigNi...R.,Y irIikSERVA YE,.
• • : APrice SO Cents per bottli
Tian invalaibleteparation; discovered b. a regula r
1 1Pd celebrated metaleOysiSiartv, whoidtas eropfo3ed •
it upwards of fifty years.m his own pfuctice #) Ger-
Many, throtighour whicireitontry it be bneti dining
that Mee dem extensively. andsoccessfully employed .
In Coug.hs; Calda..leflee , Ncatarrhaaliathmas . Spit
eng of Shoo& . I . Coogfia„,fribluef the Breast
4nd Sides...all sireektenaofthe Breaidst
v d.v!.. e ongs, and
arrest amgo:tacking ponikiiiptioli. ... .
I Much Imp' hollrh) praise 'of the above medicin e,
tun newspaper advertising being•trid espensise, every
satisfactory ev i dence itid• Id folifid in all effects
Upon rriat'at'well as numerals i•eeciiraiketbillotialic-
V bompirtylOg,,thedirectioes. t tlywardsedlWbottles
weresoltt is. Philadelphia Alone daring the past win
; ter. edtlefrit mink Proof of 'Biotite:ley; °r' lergsa quan
tity would •nerer . have :hies sold Therabove medi
rcirawarp.pippared and iqd only at i. _,-
• •- - Be4nd
~ ow Yitte at.
. . rnEtiostw*** : 1 1. 7.1 ... ,
AN,D ntebieWot mpg • ~ ATIOX
Rr.„li Er, diti•,you ever it pa eonHcfned riAapeptic
an bran illtrielTeringd, wilt.. roue* t - o sal'
he.ia a; pia% thin and" glundlyllokingiblgUil. Jib life
apparlentlz hanging,-by a thread; . lie4uti
,acmi,kle, and
untie:lo.lm! intbanuga indescribable. • ' -
Arevailimcb troubled viiih Mato - . CAstivitem,
Sour mete:tine" arisingfronlyenrstneauch,tinal ,
want...of., appetite.Watetigaak a b 4
,nicutin . your
mouth.urfoul bitaih;•pain Oil hitivittesi ifyiine cm .
macheHiqueer aftermuingaeada, chiagDiagtiartoyour,
once favnive-kiillhi* &e, If oteAtrof !mob troubled :
with anYoftbelkiiegoing, gni i intik I before you
:the'fictuitite - theODyspeptic.t - ntilliev ' reieived to
*Mull o(6,:e.oltsequescalt. int -; is procure
o p .
- • v- ' • - CORD L • _
-A never failing and 4,. clone remedy for"
-.OY.HrkFIWA .OR D 7007 /ON.
Anii•tbeLicholeltrain- of affec one reaultinglimutfioi,
easel Othe r :Deer: atom cli imcjiniestMea.
The utioiehnediehtetil vra • ;'ted 4 ree limb giercui
• - ry or otbniAineral grep(jrati • sit la cow geed. ed.;
.ttrelyoflegetallayiafe and y to i rke i g, verY,
pleactuttto-Cht ate: 'limey a safe) ,adMlbiatered to
rung mairold) re:Woking:hut ; ; oderaturacbtiona irt
-diet - anti:, _ • -., ,*
' Ilitunertaiiteiiis6 okiialalsav • been
published; itibeputittioit kw H 1 " ' • Fa rt h er corm
'nir.nt upon ite fortutu(di . -' - ry mime it to say
-Zr BASNISTEILAKULVtA 8 Lig% ll,stutcr.... Fur 4
.ther recommendaki . itegoo puny 'e 'Wee:Lions as
world each' bottle :tits 11, • ~- , 1
• 7)T erkli l3ol lb o l44Tbr : ttle. .• ~• i
Sold ut r hikitfelpliii it. • •
Dr. NiK;liddrilltiiiltk porfiC •;Seceind ,belo*
Viwn•Sktitrat Itf.r.„ MP: .7$ ' aNN'lti, Pottsville
't .. • '34-1
. 4711 ' 403t% ' t •
RiritritY . Ml
4Vitig -
23 - Sci•f : tingh, 1111114iii*ra Flatillar Iron.
qe•bY 40,1 „;do do jdo do
bt-1;? - • c
• for Sreening Coal.
e'rtist lank holes, and ni cat
Fatyan air lc dt-45-degrois at the ends. pplicine
Plates+aodSjukO tie suit a above. • ,V
p.,r). 4 1 rtln
,Inuin t Street; Philadelphia. i
Ariati l ISM, 21-if
bs./A d 'eft Leaf Scot
sly fort Tavern Keep
prix. bY• ' 1
,f 48